[VOL-1349] EPON OLT adapter (package B)

Change-Id: I634ef62c53813dcf4456f54948f13e06358e263c
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/4QueueHybridProfileMap1.json b/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/4QueueHybridProfileMap1.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d11f8e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/4QueueHybridProfileMap1.json
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+ {
+  "name": "4QueueHybridProfileMap1",
+  "profile_type": "XPON",
+  "version": 1,
+  "num_gem_ports": 4,
+  "instance_control": {
+    "onu": "multi-instance",
+    "uni": "single-instance",
+    "max_gem_payload_size": "auto"
+  },
+  "us_scheduler": {
+    "additional_bw": "AdditionalBW_Auto",
+    "direction": "UPSTREAM",
+    "priority": 0,
+    "weight": 0,
+    "q_sched_policy": "Hybrid"
+  },
+  "ds_scheduler": {
+    "additional_bw": "AdditionalBW_Auto",
+    "direction": "DOWNSTREAM",
+    "priority": 0,
+    "weight": 0,
+    "q_sched_policy": "Hybrid"
+  },
+  "upstream_gem_port_attribute_list": [
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b00000101",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "WRR",
+      "priority_q": 4,
+      "weight": 25,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b00011010",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "WRR",
+      "priority_q": 3,
+      "weight": 75,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b00100000",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "StrictPriority",
+      "priority_q": 2,
+      "weight": 0,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b11000000",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "StrictPriority",
+      "priority_q": 1,
+      "weight": 25,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    }
+  ],
+  "downstream_gem_port_attribute_list": [
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b00000101",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "WRR",
+      "priority_q": 4,
+      "weight": 10,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b00011010",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "WRR",
+      "priority_q": 3,
+      "weight": 90,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b00100000",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "StrictPriority",
+      "priority_q": 2,
+      "weight": 0,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b11000000",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "StrictPriority",
+      "priority_q": 1,
+      "weight": 25,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    }
+  ]
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/README.md b/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88d6564
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+Technology Profile Management
+Technology profiles that are utilized by VOLTHA are stored in a prescribed structure in VOLTHA's key/value store, which is currently etcd. The key structure used to access technology profiles is /voltha/technology_profiles//; where TID is the numeric ID of the technology profile and TECHNOLOGY specifies the technology being utilized by the adapter, e.g. xgspon. While the TID key is a directory, the TECHNOLOGY key should be set to the JSON data that represents the technology profile values.
+NOTE: The content of a technology profile represents a contract between the technology profile definition and all adapters that consume that technology profile. The structure and content of the profiles are outside the scope of Technology Profile Management. Technology profile management only specifies the key/value structure in which profiles are stored.
+Example JSON :
+  "name": "4QueueHybridProfileMap1",
+  "profile_type": "XPON",
+  "version": 1,
+  "num_gem_ports": 4,
+  "instance_control": {
+    "onu": "multi-instance",
+    "uni": "single-instance",
+    "max_gem_payload_size": "auto"
+  },
+  "us_scheduler": {
+    "additional_bw": "auto",
+    "direction": "UPSTREAM",
+    "priority": 0,
+    "weight": 0,
+    "q_sched_policy": "hybrid"
+  },
+  "ds_scheduler": {
+    "additional_bw": "auto",
+    "direction": "DOWNSTREAM",
+    "priority": 0,
+    "weight": 0,
+    "q_sched_policy": "hybrid"
+  },
+  "upstream_gem_port_attribute_list": [
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b00000101",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "WRR",
+      "priority_q": 4,
+      "weight": 25,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b00011010",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "WRR",
+      "priority_q": 3,
+      "weight": 75,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b00100000",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "StrictPriority",
+      "priority_q": 2,
+      "weight": 0,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b11000000",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "StrictPriority",
+      "priority_q": 1,
+      "weight": 25,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    }
+  ],
+  "downstream_gem_port_attribute_list": [
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b00000101",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "WRR",
+      "priority_q": 4,
+      "weight": 10,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b00011010",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "WRR",
+      "priority_q": 3,
+      "weight": 90,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b00100000",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "StrictPriority",
+      "priority_q": 2,
+      "weight": 0,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b11000000",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "StrictPriority",
+      "priority_q": 1,
+      "weight": 25,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    }
+  ]
+Creating Technology Profiles
+Technology profiles are a simple JSON object. This JSON object can be created using a variety of tools such as Vim, Emacs, or various IDEs. JQ can be a useful tool for validating a JSON object. Once a file is created with the JSON object it can be stored in VOLTHA key/value store using the standard etcd command line tool etcdctl or using an HTTP POST operation using Curl.
+Assuming you are in a standard VOLTHA deployment within a Kubernetes cluster you can access the etcd key/value store using kubectl via the PODs named etcd-cluster-0000, etcd-cluster-0001, or etcd-cluster-0002. For the examples in this document etcd-cluster-0000 will be used, but it really shouldn't matter which is used.
+ETCD version 3 is being used in techprofile module : Export this variable before using curl operation , export ETCDCTL_API=3 
+Assuming the Technology template is stored in a local file 4QueueHybridProfileMap1.json the following commands could be used to store or update the technical template into the proper location in the etcd key/value store:
+# Store a Technology template using etcdctl
+jq -c . 4QueueHybridProfileMap1.json | kubectl exec -i etcd-cluster-0000 -- etcdctl set service/voltha/technology_profiles/XGS-PON/64
+jq -c . 4QueueHybridProfileMap1.json |  etcdctl --endpoints=<ETCDIP>:2379 put service/voltha/technology_profiles/XGS-PON/64
+# Store a Technology template using curl
+curl -sSL -XPUT -d value="$(jq -c . 4QueueHybridProfileMap1.json)"
+In the examples above, the command jq is used. This command can be installed using standard package management tools on most Linux systems. In the examples the "-c" option is used to compress the JSON. Using this tool is not necessary, and if you choose not to use the tool, you can replace "jq -c ," in the above examples with the "cat" command. More on jq can be found at https://stedolan.github.io/jq/.
+Listing Technical Profiles for a given Technology
+While both curl and etcdctl (via kubectl) can be used to list or view the available Technology profiles, etcdctl is easier, and thus will be used in the examples. For listing Technology profiles etcdctl ls is used. In can be used in conjunction with the -r option to recursively list profiles.
+#List Tech profile 
+etcdctl --endpoints=<EtcdIPAddres>:2379 get  service/voltha/technology_profiles/XGS-PON/64
+# Example output
+A specified Technology profile can be viewed with the etcdctl get command. (Again, jq is used for presentation purposes, and is not required)
+# Display a specified Technology profile, using jq to pretty print
+kubectl exec -i etcd-cluster-0000 -- etcdctl get service/voltha/technology_profiles/XGS-PON/64 | jq .
+etcdctl --endpoints=<ETCDIP>:2379 get  service/voltha/technology_profiles/XGS-PON/64
+# Example outpout
+  "name": "4QueueHybridProfileMap1",
+  "profile_type": "XPON",
+  "version": 1,
+  "num_gem_ports": 4,
+  "instance_control": {
+    "onu": "multi-instance",
+    "uni": "single-instance",
+    "max_gem_payload_size": "auto"
+  },
+  "us_scheduler": {
+    "additional_bw": "auto",
+    "direction": "UPSTREAM",
+    "priority": 0,
+    "weight": 0,
+    "q_sched_policy": "hybrid"
+  },
+  "ds_scheduler": {
+    "additional_bw": "auto",
+    "direction": "DOWNSTREAM",
+    "priority": 0,
+    "weight": 0,
+    "q_sched_policy": "hybrid"
+  },
+  "upstream_gem_port_attribute_list": [
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b00000101",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "WRR",
+      "priority_q": 4,
+      "weight": 25,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b00011010",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "WRR",
+      "priority_q": 3,
+      "weight": 75,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b00100000",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "StrictPriority",
+      "priority_q": 2,
+      "weight": 0,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b11000000",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "StrictPriority",
+      "priority_q": 1,
+      "weight": 25,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    }
+  ],
+  "downstream_gem_port_attribute_list": [
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b00000101",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "WRR",
+      "priority_q": 4,
+      "weight": 10,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b00011010",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "WRR",
+      "priority_q": 3,
+      "weight": 90,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b00100000",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "StrictPriority",
+      "priority_q": 2,
+      "weight": 0,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "pbit_map": "0b11000000",
+      "aes_encryption": "True",
+      "scheduling_policy": "StrictPriority",
+      "priority_q": 1,
+      "weight": 25,
+      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
+      "max_q_size": "auto",
+      "discard_config": {
+        "min_threshold": 0,
+        "max_threshold": 0,
+        "max_probability": 0
+      }
+    }
+  ]
+# Display a specified Technology profile instance, using jq to pretty print
+kubectl exec -i etcd-cluster-0000 -- etcdctl get service/voltha/technology_profiles/XGS-PON/64/pon-{0}/onu-{1}/uni-{0} | jq .
+etcdctl --endpoints=<ETCDIP>:2379 get  service/voltha/technology_profiles/XGS-PON/64/pon-{0}/onu-{1}/uni-{0}
+# Example outpout
+# Deleting Technology Profiles
+A technology profile or a technology profile tree can be removed using etcdctl rm.
+# Remove a specific technology profile
+kubectl exec -i etcd-cluster-0000 -- etcdctl rm /XGS-PON/64
+# Remove all technology profiles associated with Technology xgspon and ID 64(including the profile ID key)
+kubectl exec -i etcd-cluster-0000 -- etcdctl rm --dir -r /XGS-PON/64
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/SingleQueueEponProfile.json b/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/SingleQueueEponProfile.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..738ef8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/SingleQueueEponProfile.json
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@

+    "name": "SingleQueueEponProfile",

+    "profile_type": "EPON",

+    "version": 1,

+    "num_gem_ports": 1,

+    "instance_control": {

+      "onu": "multi-instance",

+      "uni": "single-instance",

+      "max_gem_payload_size": "auto"

+    },

+    "epon_attribute": {

+        "package_type": "A"

+    },

+    "upstream_queue_attribute_list": [

+      {

+        "pbit_map": "0b11111111",

+        "aes_encryption": "False",

+        "traffic_type": "BE",

+        "unsolicited_grant_size": 0,

+        "nominal_interval": 0,

+        "tolerated_poll_jitter": 0,

+        "request_transmission_policy": 0,

+        "num_q_sets": 2,

+        "q_thresholds": {

+          "q_threshold1":5500,

+          "q_threshold2":0,

+          "q_threshold3":0,

+          "q_threshold4":0,

+          "q_threshold5":0,

+          "q_threshold6":0,

+          "q_threshold7":0

+        },

+        "scheduling_policy": "StrictPriority",

+        "priority_q": 4,

+        "weight": 0,

+        "discard_policy": "TailDrop",

+        "max_q_size": "auto",

+        "discard_config": {

+          "min_threshold": 0,

+          "max_threshold": 0,

+          "max_probability": 0

+        }

+      }

+    ],

+    "downstream_queue_attribute_list": [

+      {

+        "pbit_map": "0b11111111",

+        "aes_encryption": "True",

+        "scheduling_policy": "StrictPriority",

+        "priority_q": 4,

+        "weight": 0,

+        "discard_policy": "TailDrop",

+        "max_q_size": "auto",

+        "discard_config": {

+          "min_threshold": 0,

+          "max_threshold": 0,

+          "max_probability": 0

+        }

+      }

+    ]


diff --git a/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/common.go b/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/common.go
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index 0000000..fe99fcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/common.go
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package techprofile
+import (
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/log"
+var logger log.CLogger
+func init() {
+	// Setup this package so that it's log level can be modified at run time
+	var err error
+	logger, err = log.RegisterPackage(log.JSON, log.ErrorLevel, log.Fields{})
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/config.go b/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/config.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa2a6de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/config.go
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ * Copyright 2019-present Open Networking Foundation
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package techprofile
+import (
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/db"
+	"time"
+// tech profile default constants
+const (
+	defaultTechProfileName        = "Default_1tcont_1gem_Profile"
+	defaultVersion                = 1.0
+	defaultLogLevel               = 0
+	defaultGemportsCount          = 1
+	defaultPbits                  = "0b11111111"
+	defaultKVStoreTimeout = 5 * time.Second //in seconds
+	// Tech profile path prefix in kv store
+	defaultKVPathPrefix = "service/voltha/technology_profiles"
+	// Tech profile path in kv store
+	defaultTechProfileKVPath = "%s/%d" // <technology>/<tech_profile_tableID>
+	// Tech profile instance path in kv store
+	// Format: <technology>/<tech_profile_tableID>/<uni_port_name>
+	defaultTPInstanceKVPath = "%s/%d/%s"
+//Tech-Profile JSON String Keys
+// NOTE: Tech profile templeate JSON file should comply with below keys
+const (
+	NAME                               = "name"
+	PROFILE_TYPE                       = "profile_type"
+	VERSION                            = "version"
+	NUM_GEM_PORTS                      = "num_gem_ports"
+	INSTANCE_CONTROL                   = "instance_control"
+	US_SCHEDULER                       = "us_scheduler"
+	DS_SCHEDULER                       = "ds_scheduler"
+	UPSTREAM_GEM_PORT_ATTRIBUTE_LIST   = "upstream_gem_port_attribute_list"
+	DOWNSTREAM_GEM_PORT_ATTRIBUTE_LIST = "downstream_gem_port_attribute_list"
+	ONU                                = "onu"
+	UNI                                = "uni"
+	MAX_GEM_PAYLOAD_SIZE               = "max_gem_payload_size"
+	DIRECTION                          = "direction"
+	ADDITIONAL_BW                      = "additional_bw"
+	PRIORITY                           = "priority"
+	Q_SCHED_POLICY                     = "q_sched_policy"
+	WEIGHT                             = "weight"
+	PBIT_MAP                           = "pbit_map"
+	DISCARD_CONFIG                     = "discard_config"
+	MAX_THRESHOLD                      = "max_threshold"
+	MIN_THRESHOLD                      = "min_threshold"
+	MAX_PROBABILITY                    = "max_probability"
+	DISCARD_POLICY                     = "discard_policy"
+	PRIORITY_Q                         = "priority_q"
+	SCHEDULING_POLICY                  = "scheduling_policy"
+	MAX_Q_SIZE                         = "max_q_size"
+	AES_ENCRYPTION                     = "aes_encryption"
+	// String Keys for EPON
+	EPON_ATTRIBUTE              = "epon_attribute"
+	PACKAGE_TYPE                = "package_type"
+	TRAFFIC_TYPE                = "traffic type"
+	UNSOLICITED_GRANT_SIZE      = "unsolicited_grant_size"
+	NOMINAL_INTERVAL            = "nominal_interval"
+	TOLERATED_POLL_JITTER       = "tolerated_poll_jitter"
+	REQUEST_TRANSMISSION_POLICY = "request_transmission_policy"
+	NUM_Q_SETS                  = "num_q_sets"
+	Q_THRESHOLDS                = "q_thresholds"
+	Q_THRESHOLD1                = "q_threshold1"
+	Q_THRESHOLD2                = "q_threshold2"
+	Q_THRESHOLD3                = "q_threshold3"
+	Q_THRESHOLD4                = "q_threshold4"
+	Q_THRESHOLD5                = "q_threshold5"
+	Q_THRESHOLD6                = "q_threshold6"
+	Q_THRESHOLD7                = "q_threshold7"
+// TechprofileFlags represents the set of configurations used
+type TechProfileFlags struct {
+	KVStoreAddress       string
+	KVStoreType          string
+	KVStoreTimeout       time.Duration
+	KVBackend            *db.Backend
+	TPKVPathPrefix       string
+	TPFileKVPath         string
+	TPInstanceKVPath     string
+	DefaultTPName        string
+	TPVersion            int
+	NumGemPorts          uint32
+	DefaultPbits         []string
+	LogLevel             int
+	DefaultTechProfileID uint32
+	DefaultNumGemPorts   uint32
+func NewTechProfileFlags(KVStoreType string, KVStoreAddress string) *TechProfileFlags {
+	// initialize with default values
+	var techProfileFlags = TechProfileFlags{
+		KVBackend:            nil,
+		KVStoreAddress:       KVStoreAddress,
+		KVStoreType:          KVStoreType,
+		KVStoreTimeout:       defaultKVStoreTimeout,
+		DefaultTPName:        defaultTechProfileName,
+		TPKVPathPrefix:       defaultKVPathPrefix,
+		TPVersion:            defaultVersion,
+		TPFileKVPath:         defaultTechProfileKVPath,
+		TPInstanceKVPath:     defaultTPInstanceKVPath,
+		DefaultNumGemPorts:   defaultGemportsCount,
+		DefaultPbits:         []string{defaultPbits},
+		LogLevel:             defaultLogLevel,
+	}
+	return &techProfileFlags
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/tech_profile.go b/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/tech_profile.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13cd081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/tech_profile.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1397 @@
+ * Copyright 2019-present Open Networking Foundation
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package techprofile
+import (
+	"context"
+	"encoding/json"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"regexp"
+	"strconv"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/db"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/db/kvstore"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/log"
+	tp_pb "github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v3/go/tech_profile"
+// Interface to pon resource manager APIs
+type iPonResourceMgr interface {
+	GetResourceID(ctx context.Context, IntfID uint32, ResourceType string, NumIDs uint32) ([]uint32, error)
+	GetResourceTypeAllocID() string
+	GetResourceTypeGemPortID() string
+	GetTechnology() string
+type Direction int32
+const (
+	Direction_UPSTREAM      Direction = 0
+	Direction_DOWNSTREAM    Direction = 1
+	Direction_BIDIRECTIONAL Direction = 2
+var Direction_name = map[Direction]string{
+	0: "UPSTREAM",
+type SchedulingPolicy int32
+const (
+	SchedulingPolicy_WRR            SchedulingPolicy = 0
+	SchedulingPolicy_StrictPriority SchedulingPolicy = 1
+	SchedulingPolicy_Hybrid         SchedulingPolicy = 2
+var SchedulingPolicy_name = map[SchedulingPolicy]string{
+	0: "WRR",
+	1: "StrictPriority",
+	2: "Hybrid",
+type AdditionalBW int32
+const (
+	AdditionalBW_AdditionalBW_None       AdditionalBW = 0
+	AdditionalBW_AdditionalBW_NA         AdditionalBW = 1
+	AdditionalBW_AdditionalBW_BestEffort AdditionalBW = 2
+	AdditionalBW_AdditionalBW_Auto       AdditionalBW = 3
+var AdditionalBW_name = map[AdditionalBW]string{
+	0: "AdditionalBW_None",
+	1: "AdditionalBW_NA",
+	2: "AdditionalBW_BestEffort",
+	3: "AdditionalBW_Auto",
+type DiscardPolicy int32
+const (
+	DiscardPolicy_TailDrop  DiscardPolicy = 0
+	DiscardPolicy_WTailDrop DiscardPolicy = 1
+	DiscardPolicy_Red       DiscardPolicy = 2
+	DiscardPolicy_WRed      DiscardPolicy = 3
+var DiscardPolicy_name = map[DiscardPolicy]string{
+	0: "TailDrop",
+	1: "WTailDrop",
+	2: "Red",
+	3: "WRed",
+// Required uniPortName format
+var uniPortNameFormat = regexp.MustCompile(`^olt-{[a-z0-9\-]+}/pon-{[0-9]+}/onu-{[0-9]+}/uni-{[0-9]+}$`)
+  type InferredAdditionBWIndication int32
+  const (
+	  InferredAdditionBWIndication_InferredAdditionBWIndication_None       InferredAdditionBWIndication = 0
+	  InferredAdditionBWIndication_InferredAdditionBWIndication_Assured    InferredAdditionBWIndication = 1
+	  InferredAdditionBWIndication_InferredAdditionBWIndication_BestEffort InferredAdditionBWIndication = 2
+  )
+  var InferredAdditionBWIndication_name = map[int32]string{
+	  0: "InferredAdditionBWIndication_None",
+	  1: "InferredAdditionBWIndication_Assured",
+	  2: "InferredAdditionBWIndication_BestEffort",
+  }
+// instance control defaults
+const (
+	defaultOnuInstance    = "multi-instance"
+	defaultUniInstance    = "single-instance"
+	defaultGemPayloadSize = "auto"
+const MAX_GEM_PAYLOAD = "max_gem_payload_size"
+type InstanceControl struct {
+	Onu               string `json:"ONU"`
+	Uni               string `json:"uni"`
+	MaxGemPayloadSize string `json:"max_gem_payload_size"`
+// default discard config constants
+const (
+	defaultMinThreshold   = 0
+	defaultMaxThreshold   = 0
+	defaultMaxProbability = 0
+type DiscardConfig struct {
+	MinThreshold   int `json:"min_threshold"`
+	MaxThreshold   int `json:"max_threshold"`
+	MaxProbability int `json:"max_probability"`
+// default scheduler contants
+const (
+	defaultAdditionalBw     = AdditionalBW_AdditionalBW_BestEffort
+	defaultPriority         = 0
+	defaultWeight           = 0
+	defaultQueueSchedPolicy = SchedulingPolicy_Hybrid
+type Scheduler struct {
+	Direction    string `json:"direction"`
+	AdditionalBw string `json:"additional_bw"`
+	Priority     uint32 `json:"priority"`
+	Weight       uint32 `json:"weight"`
+	QSchedPolicy string `json:"q_sched_policy"`
+// default GEM attribute constants
+const (
+	defaultAESEncryption     = "True"
+	defaultPriorityQueue     = 0
+	defaultQueueWeight       = 0
+	defaultMaxQueueSize      = "auto"
+	defaultdropPolicy        = DiscardPolicy_TailDrop
+	defaultSchedulePolicy    = SchedulingPolicy_WRR
+	defaultIsMulticast       = "False"
+	defaultAccessControlList = ""
+	defaultMcastGemID        = 4069
+type GemPortAttribute struct {
+	MaxQueueSize     string        `json:"max_q_size"`
+	PbitMap          string        `json:"pbit_map"`
+	AesEncryption    string        `json:"aes_encryption"`
+	SchedulingPolicy string        `json:"scheduling_policy"`
+	PriorityQueue    uint32        `json:"priority_q"`
+	Weight           uint32        `json:"weight"`
+	DiscardPolicy    string        `json:"discard_policy"`
+	DiscardConfig    DiscardConfig `json:"discard_config"`
+	IsMulticast      string        `json:"is_multicast"`
+	DControlList     string        `json:"dynamic_access_control_list"`
+	SControlList     string        `json:"static_access_control_list"`
+	McastGemID       uint32        `json:"multicast_gem_id"`
+type iScheduler struct {
+	AllocID      uint32 `json:"alloc_id"`
+	Direction    string `json:"direction"`
+	AdditionalBw string `json:"additional_bw"`
+	Priority     uint32 `json:"priority"`
+	Weight       uint32 `json:"weight"`
+	QSchedPolicy string `json:"q_sched_policy"`
+type iGemPortAttribute struct {
+	GemportID        uint32        `json:"gemport_id"`
+	MaxQueueSize     string        `json:"max_q_size"`
+	PbitMap          string        `json:"pbit_map"`
+	AesEncryption    string        `json:"aes_encryption"`
+	SchedulingPolicy string        `json:"scheduling_policy"`
+	PriorityQueue    uint32        `json:"priority_q"`
+	Weight           uint32        `json:"weight"`
+	DiscardPolicy    string        `json:"discard_policy"`
+	DiscardConfig    DiscardConfig `json:"discard_config"`
+	IsMulticast      string        `json:"is_multicast"`
+	DControlList     string        `json:"dynamic_access_control_list"`
+	SControlList     string        `json:"static_access_control_list"`
+	McastGemID       uint32        `json:"multicast_gem_id"`
+type TechProfileMgr struct {
+	config            *TechProfileFlags
+	resourceMgr       iPonResourceMgr
+	GemPortIDMgmtLock sync.RWMutex
+	AllocIDMgmtLock   sync.RWMutex
+type DefaultTechProfile struct {
+	Name                           string             `json:"name"`
+	ProfileType                    string             `json:"profile_type"`
+	Version                        int                `json:"version"`
+	NumGemPorts                    uint32             `json:"num_gem_ports"`
+	InstanceCtrl                   InstanceControl    `json:"instance_control"`
+	UsScheduler                    Scheduler          `json:"us_scheduler"`
+	DsScheduler                    Scheduler          `json:"ds_scheduler"`
+	UpstreamGemPortAttributeList   []GemPortAttribute `json:"upstream_gem_port_attribute_list"`
+	DownstreamGemPortAttributeList []GemPortAttribute `json:"downstream_gem_port_attribute_list"`
+type TechProfile struct {
+	Name                           string              `json:"name"`
+	SubscriberIdentifier           string              `json:"subscriber_identifier"`
+	ProfileType                    string              `json:"profile_type"`
+	Version                        int                 `json:"version"`
+	NumGemPorts                    uint32              `json:"num_gem_ports"`
+	InstanceCtrl                   InstanceControl     `json:"instance_control"`
+	UsScheduler                    iScheduler          `json:"us_scheduler"`
+	DsScheduler                    iScheduler          `json:"ds_scheduler"`
+	UpstreamGemPortAttributeList   []iGemPortAttribute `json:"upstream_gem_port_attribute_list"`
+	DownstreamGemPortAttributeList []iGemPortAttribute `json:"downstream_gem_port_attribute_list"`
+// QThresholds struct for EPON
+type QThresholds struct {
+	QThreshold1 uint32 `json:"q_threshold1"`
+	QThreshold2 uint32 `json:"q_threshold2"`
+	QThreshold3 uint32 `json:"q_threshold3"`
+	QThreshold4 uint32 `json:"q_threshold4"`
+	QThreshold5 uint32 `json:"q_threshold5"`
+	QThreshold6 uint32 `json:"q_threshold6"`
+	QThreshold7 uint32 `json:"q_threshold7"`
+// UpstreamQueueAttribute struct for EPON
+type UpstreamQueueAttribute struct {
+	MaxQueueSize              string        `json:"max_q_size"`
+	PbitMap                   string        `json:"pbit_map"`
+	AesEncryption             string        `json:"aes_encryption"`
+	TrafficType               string        `json:"traffic_type"`
+	UnsolicitedGrantSize      uint32        `json:"unsolicited_grant_size"`
+	NominalInterval           uint32        `json:"nominal_interval"`
+	ToleratedPollJitter       uint32        `json:"tolerated_poll_jitter"`
+	RequestTransmissionPolicy uint32        `json:"request_transmission_policy"`
+	NumQueueSet               uint32        `json:"num_q_sets"`
+	QThresholds               QThresholds   `json:"q_thresholds"`
+	SchedulingPolicy          string        `json:"scheduling_policy"`
+	PriorityQueue             uint32        `json:"priority_q"`
+	Weight                    uint32        `json:"weight"`
+	DiscardPolicy             string        `json:"discard_policy"`
+	DiscardConfig             DiscardConfig `json:"discard_config"`
+// Default EPON constants
+const (
+	defaultPakageType = "B"
+const (
+	defaultTrafficType               = "BE"
+	defaultUnsolicitedGrantSize      = 0
+	defaultNominalInterval           = 0
+	defaultToleratedPollJitter       = 0
+	defaultRequestTransmissionPolicy = 0
+	defaultNumQueueSet               = 2
+const (
+	defaultQThreshold1 = 5500
+	defaultQThreshold2 = 0
+	defaultQThreshold3 = 0
+	defaultQThreshold4 = 0
+	defaultQThreshold5 = 0
+	defaultQThreshold6 = 0
+	defaultQThreshold7 = 0
+// DownstreamQueueAttribute struct for EPON
+type DownstreamQueueAttribute struct {
+	MaxQueueSize     string        `json:"max_q_size"`
+	PbitMap          string        `json:"pbit_map"`
+	AesEncryption    string        `json:"aes_encryption"`
+	SchedulingPolicy string        `json:"scheduling_policy"`
+	PriorityQueue    uint32        `json:"priority_q"`
+	Weight           uint32        `json:"weight"`
+	DiscardPolicy    string        `json:"discard_policy"`
+	DiscardConfig    DiscardConfig `json:"discard_config"`
+// iUpstreamQueueAttribute struct for EPON
+type iUpstreamQueueAttribute struct {
+	GemportID                 uint32        `json:"q_id"`
+	MaxQueueSize              string        `json:"max_q_size"`
+	PbitMap                   string        `json:"pbit_map"`
+	AesEncryption             string        `json:"aes_encryption"`
+	TrafficType               string        `json:"traffic_type"`
+	UnsolicitedGrantSize      uint32        `json:"unsolicited_grant_size"`
+	NominalInterval           uint32        `json:"nominal_interval"`
+	ToleratedPollJitter       uint32        `json:"tolerated_poll_jitter"`
+	RequestTransmissionPolicy uint32        `json:"request_transmission_policy"`
+	NumQueueSet               uint32        `json:"num_q_sets"`
+	QThresholds               QThresholds   `json:"q_thresholds"`
+	SchedulingPolicy          string        `json:"scheduling_policy"`
+	PriorityQueue             uint32        `json:"priority_q"`
+	Weight                    uint32        `json:"weight"`
+	DiscardPolicy             string        `json:"discard_policy"`
+	DiscardConfig             DiscardConfig `json:"discard_config"`
+// iDownstreamQueueAttribute struct for EPON
+type iDownstreamQueueAttribute struct {
+	GemportID        uint32        `json:"q_id"`
+	MaxQueueSize     string        `json:"max_q_size"`
+	PbitMap          string        `json:"pbit_map"`
+	AesEncryption    string        `json:"aes_encryption"`
+	SchedulingPolicy string        `json:"scheduling_policy"`
+	PriorityQueue    uint32        `json:"priority_q"`
+	Weight           uint32        `json:"weight"`
+	DiscardPolicy    string        `json:"discard_policy"`
+	DiscardConfig    DiscardConfig `json:"discard_config"`
+// EponAttribute struct for EPON
+type EponAttribute struct {
+	PackageType string `json:"pakage_type"`
+// DefaultTechProfile struct for EPON
+type DefaultEponProfile struct {
+	Name                         string                     `json:"name"`
+	ProfileType                  string                     `json:"profile_type"`
+	Version                      int                        `json:"version"`
+	NumGemPorts                  uint32                     `json:"num_gem_ports"`
+	InstanceCtrl                 InstanceControl            `json:"instance_control"`
+	EponAttribute                EponAttribute              `json:"epon_attribute"`
+	UpstreamQueueAttributeList   []UpstreamQueueAttribute   `json:"upstream_queue_attribute_list"`
+	DownstreamQueueAttributeList []DownstreamQueueAttribute `json:"downstream_queue_attribute_list"`
+// TechProfile struct for EPON
+type EponProfile struct {
+	Name                         string                      `json:"name"`
+	SubscriberIdentifier         string                      `json:"subscriber_identifier"`
+	ProfileType                  string                      `json:"profile_type"`
+	Version                      int                         `json:"version"`
+	NumGemPorts                  uint32                      `json:"num_gem_ports"`
+	InstanceCtrl                 InstanceControl             `json:"instance_control"`
+	EponAttribute                EponAttribute               `json:"epon_attribute"`
+	AllocID                      uint32                      `json:"llid"`
+	UpstreamQueueAttributeList   []iUpstreamQueueAttribute   `json:"upstream_queue_attribute_list"`
+	DownstreamQueueAttributeList []iDownstreamQueueAttribute `json:"downstream_queue_attribute_list"`
+const (
+	xgspon = "XGS-PON"
+	gpon   = "GPON"
+	epon   = "EPON"
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) SetKVClient(ctx context.Context) *db.Backend {
+	kvClient, err := newKVClient(ctx, t.config.KVStoreType, t.config.KVStoreAddress, t.config.KVStoreTimeout)
+	if err != nil {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "failed-to-create-kv-client",
+			log.Fields{
+				"type": t.config.KVStoreType, "address": t.config.KVStoreAddress,
+				"timeout": t.config.KVStoreTimeout, "prefix": t.config.TPKVPathPrefix,
+				"error": err.Error(),
+			})
+		return nil
+	}
+	return &db.Backend{
+		Client:     kvClient,
+		StoreType:  t.config.KVStoreType,
+		Address:    t.config.KVStoreAddress,
+		Timeout:    t.config.KVStoreTimeout,
+		PathPrefix: t.config.TPKVPathPrefix}
+	/* TODO : Make sure direct call to NewBackend is working fine with backend , currently there is some
+		  issue between kv store and backend , core is not calling NewBackend directly
+	 kv := model.NewBackend(t.config.KVStoreType, t.config.KVStoreHost, t.config.KVStorePort,
+								  t.config.KVStoreTimeout,  kvStoreTechProfilePathPrefix)
+	*/
+func newKVClient(ctx context.Context, storeType string, address string, timeout time.Duration) (kvstore.Client, error) {
+	logger.Infow(ctx, "kv-store", log.Fields{"storeType": storeType, "address": address})
+	switch storeType {
+	case "consul":
+		return kvstore.NewConsulClient(ctx, address, timeout)
+	case "etcd":
+		return kvstore.NewEtcdClient(ctx, address, timeout, log.WarnLevel)
+	}
+	return nil, errors.New("unsupported-kv-store")
+func NewTechProfile(ctx context.Context, resourceMgr iPonResourceMgr, KVStoreType string, KVStoreAddress string) (*TechProfileMgr, error) {
+	var techprofileObj TechProfileMgr
+	logger.Debug(ctx, "Initializing techprofile Manager")
+	techprofileObj.config = NewTechProfileFlags(KVStoreType, KVStoreAddress)
+	techprofileObj.config.KVBackend = techprofileObj.SetKVClient(ctx)
+	if techprofileObj.config.KVBackend == nil {
+		logger.Error(ctx, "Failed to initialize KV backend\n")
+		return nil, errors.New("KV backend init failed")
+	}
+	techprofileObj.resourceMgr = resourceMgr
+	logger.Debug(ctx, "Initializing techprofile object instance success")
+	return &techprofileObj, nil
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) GetTechProfileInstanceKVPath(ctx context.Context, techProfiletblID uint32, uniPortName string) string {
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "get-tp-instance-kv-path", log.Fields{
+		"uniPortName": uniPortName,
+		"tpId":        techProfiletblID,
+	})
+	return fmt.Sprintf(t.config.TPInstanceKVPath, t.resourceMgr.GetTechnology(), techProfiletblID, uniPortName)
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) GetTPInstanceFromKVStore(ctx context.Context, techProfiletblID uint32, path string) (interface{}, error) {
+	var err error
+	var kvResult *kvstore.KVPair
+	var KvTpIns TechProfile
+	var KvEponIns EponProfile
+	var resPtr interface{}
+	// For example:
+	// tpInstPath like "XGS-PON/64/uni_port_name"
+	// is broken into ["XGS-PON" "64" ...]
+	pathSlice := regexp.MustCompile(`/`).Split(path, -1)
+	switch pathSlice[0] {
+	case xgspon, gpon:
+		resPtr = &KvTpIns
+	case epon:
+		resPtr = &KvEponIns
+	default:
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "unknown-tech", log.Fields{"tech": pathSlice[0]})
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown-tech-%s", pathSlice[0])
+	}
+	kvResult, _ = t.config.KVBackend.Get(ctx, path)
+	if kvResult == nil {
+		logger.Infow(ctx, "tp-instance-not-found-on-kv", log.Fields{"key": path})
+		return nil, nil
+	} else {
+		if value, err := kvstore.ToByte(kvResult.Value); err == nil {
+			if err = json.Unmarshal(value, resPtr); err != nil {
+				logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-unmarshal-kv-result", log.Fields{"key": path, "value": value})
+				return nil, errors.New("error-unmarshal-kv-result")
+			} else {
+				return resPtr, nil
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return nil, err
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) addTechProfInstanceToKVStore(ctx context.Context, techProfiletblID uint32, uniPortName string, tpInstance *TechProfile) error {
+	path := t.GetTechProfileInstanceKVPath(ctx, techProfiletblID, uniPortName)
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "Adding techprof instance to kvstore", log.Fields{"key": path, "tpinstance": tpInstance})
+	tpInstanceJson, err := json.Marshal(*tpInstance)
+	if err == nil {
+		// Backend will convert JSON byte array into string format
+		logger.Debugw(ctx, "Storing tech profile instance to KV Store", log.Fields{"key": path, "val": tpInstanceJson})
+		err = t.config.KVBackend.Put(ctx, path, tpInstanceJson)
+	} else {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error in marshaling into Json format", log.Fields{"key": path, "tpinstance": tpInstance})
+	}
+	return err
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) addEponProfInstanceToKVStore(ctx context.Context, techProfiletblID uint32, uniPortName string, tpInstance *EponProfile) error {
+	path := t.GetTechProfileInstanceKVPath(ctx, techProfiletblID, uniPortName)
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "Adding techprof instance to kvstore", log.Fields{"key": path, "tpinstance": tpInstance})
+	tpInstanceJson, err := json.Marshal(*tpInstance)
+	if err == nil {
+		// Backend will convert JSON byte array into string format
+		logger.Debugw(ctx, "Storing tech profile instance to KV Store", log.Fields{"key": path, "val": tpInstanceJson})
+		err = t.config.KVBackend.Put(ctx, path, tpInstanceJson)
+	} else {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error in marshaling into Json format", log.Fields{"key": path, "tpinstance": tpInstance})
+	}
+	return err
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) getTPFromKVStore(ctx context.Context, techProfiletblID uint32) *DefaultTechProfile {
+	var kvtechprofile DefaultTechProfile
+	key := fmt.Sprintf(t.config.TPFileKVPath, t.resourceMgr.GetTechnology(), techProfiletblID)
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "Getting techprofile from KV store", log.Fields{"techProfiletblID": techProfiletblID, "Key": key})
+	kvresult, err := t.config.KVBackend.Get(ctx, key)
+	if err != nil {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error while fetching value from KV store", log.Fields{"key": key})
+		return nil
+	}
+	if kvresult != nil {
+		/* Backend will return Value in string format,needs to be converted to []byte before unmarshal*/
+		if value, err := kvstore.ToByte(kvresult.Value); err == nil {
+			if err = json.Unmarshal(value, &kvtechprofile); err != nil {
+				logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error unmarshaling techprofile fetched from KV store", log.Fields{"techProfiletblID": techProfiletblID, "error": err, "techprofile_json": value})
+				return nil
+			}
+			logger.Debugw(ctx, "Success fetched techprofile from KV store", log.Fields{"techProfiletblID": techProfiletblID, "value": kvtechprofile})
+			return &kvtechprofile
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) getEponTPFromKVStore(ctx context.Context, techProfiletblID uint32) *DefaultEponProfile {
+	var kvtechprofile DefaultEponProfile
+	key := fmt.Sprintf(t.config.TPFileKVPath, t.resourceMgr.GetTechnology(), techProfiletblID)
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "Getting techprofile from KV store", log.Fields{"techProfiletblID": techProfiletblID, "Key": key})
+	kvresult, err := t.config.KVBackend.Get(ctx, key)
+	if err != nil {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error while fetching value from KV store", log.Fields{"key": key})
+		return nil
+	}
+	if kvresult != nil {
+		/* Backend will return Value in string format,needs to be converted to []byte before unmarshal*/
+		if value, err := kvstore.ToByte(kvresult.Value); err == nil {
+			if err = json.Unmarshal(value, &kvtechprofile); err != nil {
+				logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error unmarshaling techprofile fetched from KV store", log.Fields{"techProfiletblID": techProfiletblID, "error": err, "techprofile_json": value})
+				return nil
+			}
+			logger.Debugw(ctx, "Success fetched techprofile from KV store", log.Fields{"techProfiletblID": techProfiletblID, "value": kvtechprofile})
+			return &kvtechprofile
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) CreateTechProfInstance(ctx context.Context, techProfiletblID uint32, uniPortName string, intfId uint32) (interface{}, error) {
+	var tpInstance *TechProfile
+	var tpEponInstance *EponProfile
+	logger.Infow(ctx, "creating-tp-instance", log.Fields{"tableid": techProfiletblID, "uni": uniPortName, "intId": intfId})
+	// Make sure the uniPortName is as per format pon-{[0-9]+}/onu-{[0-9]+}/uni-{[0-9]+}
+	if !uniPortNameFormat.Match([]byte(uniPortName)) {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "uni-port-name-not-confirming-to-format", log.Fields{"uniPortName": uniPortName})
+		return nil, errors.New("uni-port-name-not-confirming-to-format")
+	}
+	tpInstancePath := t.GetTechProfileInstanceKVPath(ctx, techProfiletblID, uniPortName)
+	// For example:
+	// tpInstPath like "XGS-PON/64/uni_port_name"
+	// is broken into ["XGS-PON" "64" ...]
+	pathSlice := regexp.MustCompile(`/`).Split(tpInstancePath, -1)
+	if pathSlice[0] == epon {
+		tp := t.getEponTPFromKVStore(ctx, techProfiletblID)
+		if tp != nil {
+			if err := t.validateInstanceControlAttr(ctx, tp.InstanceCtrl); err != nil {
+				logger.Error(ctx, "invalid-instance-ctrl-attr--using-default-tp")
+				tp = t.getDefaultEponProfile(ctx)
+			} else {
+				logger.Infow(ctx, "using-specified-tp-from-kv-store", log.Fields{"tpid": techProfiletblID})
+			}
+		} else {
+			logger.Info(ctx, "tp-not-found-on-kv--creating-default-tp")
+			tp = t.getDefaultEponProfile(ctx)
+		}
+		if tpEponInstance = t.allocateEponTPInstance(ctx, uniPortName, tp, intfId, tpInstancePath); tpEponInstance == nil {
+			logger.Error(ctx, "tp-intance-allocation-failed")
+			return nil, errors.New("tp-intance-allocation-failed")
+		}
+		if err := t.addEponProfInstanceToKVStore(ctx, techProfiletblID, uniPortName, tpEponInstance); err != nil {
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-adding-tp-to-kv-store", log.Fields{"tableid": techProfiletblID, "uni": uniPortName})
+			return nil, errors.New("error-adding-tp-to-kv-store")
+		}
+		logger.Infow(ctx, "tp-added-to-kv-store-successfully",
+			log.Fields{"tpid": techProfiletblID, "uni": uniPortName, "intfId": intfId})
+		return tpEponInstance, nil
+	} else {
+		tp := t.getTPFromKVStore(ctx, techProfiletblID)
+		if tp != nil {
+			if err := t.validateInstanceControlAttr(ctx, tp.InstanceCtrl); err != nil {
+				logger.Error(ctx, "invalid-instance-ctrl-attr--using-default-tp")
+				tp = t.getDefaultTechProfile(ctx)
+			} else {
+				logger.Infow(ctx, "using-specified-tp-from-kv-store", log.Fields{"tpid": techProfiletblID})
+			}
+		} else {
+			logger.Info(ctx, "tp-not-found-on-kv--creating-default-tp")
+			tp = t.getDefaultTechProfile(ctx)
+		}
+		if tpInstance = t.allocateTPInstance(ctx, uniPortName, tp, intfId, tpInstancePath); tpInstance == nil {
+			logger.Error(ctx, "tp-intance-allocation-failed")
+			return nil, errors.New("tp-intance-allocation-failed")
+		}
+		if err := t.addTechProfInstanceToKVStore(ctx, techProfiletblID, uniPortName, tpInstance); err != nil {
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-adding-tp-to-kv-store", log.Fields{"tableid": techProfiletblID, "uni": uniPortName})
+			return nil, errors.New("error-adding-tp-to-kv-store")
+		}
+		logger.Infow(ctx, "tp-added-to-kv-store-successfully",
+			log.Fields{"tpid": techProfiletblID, "uni": uniPortName, "intfId": intfId})
+		return tpInstance, nil
+	}
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) DeleteTechProfileInstance(ctx context.Context, techProfiletblID uint32, uniPortName string) error {
+	path := t.GetTechProfileInstanceKVPath(ctx, techProfiletblID, uniPortName)
+	return t.config.KVBackend.Delete(ctx, path)
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) validateInstanceControlAttr(ctx context.Context, instCtl InstanceControl) error {
+	if instCtl.Onu != "single-instance" && instCtl.Onu != "multi-instance" {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "invalid-onu-instance-control-attribute", log.Fields{"onu-inst": instCtl.Onu})
+		return errors.New("invalid-onu-instance-ctl-attr")
+	}
+	if instCtl.Uni != "single-instance" && instCtl.Uni != "multi-instance" {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "invalid-uni-instance-control-attribute", log.Fields{"uni-inst": instCtl.Uni})
+		return errors.New("invalid-uni-instance-ctl-attr")
+	}
+	if instCtl.Uni == "multi-instance" {
+		logger.Error(ctx, "uni-multi-instance-tp-not-supported")
+		return errors.New("uni-multi-instance-tp-not-supported")
+	}
+	return nil
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) allocateTPInstance(ctx context.Context, uniPortName string, tp *DefaultTechProfile, intfId uint32, tpInstPath string) *TechProfile {
+	var usGemPortAttributeList []iGemPortAttribute
+	var dsGemPortAttributeList []iGemPortAttribute
+	var dsMulticastGemAttributeList []iGemPortAttribute
+	var dsUnicastGemAttributeList []iGemPortAttribute
+	var tcontIDs []uint32
+	var gemPorts []uint32
+	var err error
+	logger.Infow(ctx, "Allocating TechProfileMgr instance from techprofile template", log.Fields{"uniPortName": uniPortName, "intfId": intfId, "numGem": tp.NumGemPorts})
+	if tp.InstanceCtrl.Onu == "multi-instance" {
+		t.AllocIDMgmtLock.Lock()
+		tcontIDs, err = t.resourceMgr.GetResourceID(ctx, intfId, t.resourceMgr.GetResourceTypeAllocID(), 1)
+		t.AllocIDMgmtLock.Unlock()
+		if err != nil {
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error getting alloc id from rsrcrMgr", log.Fields{"intfId": intfId})
+			return nil
+		}
+	} else { // "single-instance"
+		if tpInst, err := t.getSingleInstanceTp(ctx, tpInstPath); err != nil {
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error getting alloc id from rsrcrMgr", log.Fields{"intfId": intfId})
+			return nil
+		} else if tpInst == nil {
+			// No "single-instance" tp found on one any uni port for the given TP ID
+			// Allocate a new TcontID or AllocID
+			t.AllocIDMgmtLock.Lock()
+			tcontIDs, err = t.resourceMgr.GetResourceID(ctx, intfId, t.resourceMgr.GetResourceTypeAllocID(), 1)
+			t.AllocIDMgmtLock.Unlock()
+			if err != nil {
+				logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error getting alloc id from rsrcrMgr", log.Fields{"intfId": intfId})
+				return nil
+			}
+		} else {
+			// Use the alloc-id from the existing TpInstance
+			tcontIDs = append(tcontIDs, tpInst.UsScheduler.AllocID)
+		}
+	}
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "Num GEM ports in TP:", log.Fields{"NumGemPorts": tp.NumGemPorts})
+	t.GemPortIDMgmtLock.Lock()
+	gemPorts, err = t.resourceMgr.GetResourceID(ctx, intfId, t.resourceMgr.GetResourceTypeGemPortID(), tp.NumGemPorts)
+	t.GemPortIDMgmtLock.Unlock()
+	if err != nil {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error getting gemport ids from rsrcrMgr", log.Fields{"intfId": intfId, "numGemports": tp.NumGemPorts})
+		return nil
+	}
+	logger.Infow(ctx, "Allocated tconts and GEM ports successfully", log.Fields{"tconts": tcontIDs, "gemports": gemPorts})
+	for index := 0; index < int(tp.NumGemPorts); index++ {
+		usGemPortAttributeList = append(usGemPortAttributeList,
+			iGemPortAttribute{GemportID: gemPorts[index],
+				MaxQueueSize:     tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].MaxQueueSize,
+				PbitMap:          tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].PbitMap,
+				AesEncryption:    tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].AesEncryption,
+				SchedulingPolicy: tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].SchedulingPolicy,
+				PriorityQueue:    tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].PriorityQueue,
+				Weight:           tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].Weight,
+				DiscardPolicy:    tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].DiscardPolicy,
+				DiscardConfig:    tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].DiscardConfig})
+	}
+	logger.Info(ctx, "length of DownstreamGemPortAttributeList", len(tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList))
+	//put multicast and unicast downstream GEM port attributes in different lists first
+	for index := 0; index < int(len(tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList)); index++ {
+		if isMulticastGem(tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].IsMulticast) {
+			dsMulticastGemAttributeList = append(dsMulticastGemAttributeList,
+				iGemPortAttribute{
+					McastGemID:       tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].McastGemID,
+					MaxQueueSize:     tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].MaxQueueSize,
+					PbitMap:          tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].PbitMap,
+					AesEncryption:    tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].AesEncryption,
+					SchedulingPolicy: tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].SchedulingPolicy,
+					PriorityQueue:    tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].PriorityQueue,
+					Weight:           tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].Weight,
+					DiscardPolicy:    tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].DiscardPolicy,
+					DiscardConfig:    tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].DiscardConfig,
+					IsMulticast:      tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].IsMulticast,
+					DControlList:     tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].DControlList,
+					SControlList:     tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].SControlList})
+		} else {
+			dsUnicastGemAttributeList = append(dsUnicastGemAttributeList,
+				iGemPortAttribute{
+					MaxQueueSize:     tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].MaxQueueSize,
+					PbitMap:          tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].PbitMap,
+					AesEncryption:    tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].AesEncryption,
+					SchedulingPolicy: tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].SchedulingPolicy,
+					PriorityQueue:    tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].PriorityQueue,
+					Weight:           tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].Weight,
+					DiscardPolicy:    tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].DiscardPolicy,
+					DiscardConfig:    tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[index].DiscardConfig})
+		}
+	}
+	//add unicast downstream GEM ports to dsGemPortAttributeList
+	for index := 0; index < int(tp.NumGemPorts); index++ {
+		dsGemPortAttributeList = append(dsGemPortAttributeList,
+			iGemPortAttribute{GemportID: gemPorts[index],
+				MaxQueueSize:     dsUnicastGemAttributeList[index].MaxQueueSize,
+				PbitMap:          dsUnicastGemAttributeList[index].PbitMap,
+				AesEncryption:    dsUnicastGemAttributeList[index].AesEncryption,
+				SchedulingPolicy: dsUnicastGemAttributeList[index].SchedulingPolicy,
+				PriorityQueue:    dsUnicastGemAttributeList[index].PriorityQueue,
+				Weight:           dsUnicastGemAttributeList[index].Weight,
+				DiscardPolicy:    dsUnicastGemAttributeList[index].DiscardPolicy,
+				DiscardConfig:    dsUnicastGemAttributeList[index].DiscardConfig})
+	}
+	//add multicast GEM ports to dsGemPortAttributeList afterwards
+	for k := range dsMulticastGemAttributeList {
+		dsGemPortAttributeList = append(dsGemPortAttributeList, dsMulticastGemAttributeList[k])
+	}
+	return &TechProfile{
+		SubscriberIdentifier: uniPortName,
+		Name:                 tp.Name,
+		ProfileType:          tp.ProfileType,
+		Version:              tp.Version,
+		NumGemPorts:          tp.NumGemPorts,
+		InstanceCtrl:         tp.InstanceCtrl,
+		UsScheduler: iScheduler{
+			AllocID:      tcontIDs[0],
+			Direction:    tp.UsScheduler.Direction,
+			AdditionalBw: tp.UsScheduler.AdditionalBw,
+			Priority:     tp.UsScheduler.Priority,
+			Weight:       tp.UsScheduler.Weight,
+			QSchedPolicy: tp.UsScheduler.QSchedPolicy},
+		DsScheduler: iScheduler{
+			AllocID:      tcontIDs[0],
+			Direction:    tp.DsScheduler.Direction,
+			AdditionalBw: tp.DsScheduler.AdditionalBw,
+			Priority:     tp.DsScheduler.Priority,
+			Weight:       tp.DsScheduler.Weight,
+			QSchedPolicy: tp.DsScheduler.QSchedPolicy},
+		UpstreamGemPortAttributeList:   usGemPortAttributeList,
+		DownstreamGemPortAttributeList: dsGemPortAttributeList}
+// allocateTPInstance function for EPON
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) allocateEponTPInstance(ctx context.Context, uniPortName string, tp *DefaultEponProfile, intfId uint32, tpInstPath string) *EponProfile {
+	var usQueueAttributeList []iUpstreamQueueAttribute
+	var dsQueueAttributeList []iDownstreamQueueAttribute
+	var tcontIDs []uint32
+	var gemPorts []uint32
+	var err error
+	logger.Infow(ctx, "Allocating TechProfileMgr instance from techprofile template", log.Fields{"uniPortName": uniPortName, "intfId": intfId, "numGem": tp.NumGemPorts})
+	if tp.InstanceCtrl.Onu == "multi-instance" {
+		if tcontIDs, err = t.resourceMgr.GetResourceID(ctx, intfId, t.resourceMgr.GetResourceTypeAllocID(), 1); err != nil {
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error getting alloc id from rsrcrMgr", log.Fields{"intfId": intfId})
+			return nil
+		}
+	} else { // "single-instance"
+		if tpInst, err := t.getSingleInstanceEponTp(ctx, tpInstPath); err != nil {
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error getting alloc id from rsrcrMgr", log.Fields{"intfId": intfId})
+			return nil
+		} else if tpInst == nil {
+			// No "single-instance" tp found on one any uni port for the given TP ID
+			// Allocate a new TcontID or AllocID
+			if tcontIDs, err = t.resourceMgr.GetResourceID(ctx, intfId, t.resourceMgr.GetResourceTypeAllocID(), 1); err != nil {
+				logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error getting alloc id from rsrcrMgr", log.Fields{"intfId": intfId})
+				return nil
+			}
+		} else {
+			// Use the alloc-id from the existing TpInstance
+			tcontIDs = append(tcontIDs, tpInst.AllocID)
+		}
+	}
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "Num GEM ports in TP:", log.Fields{"NumGemPorts": tp.NumGemPorts})
+	if gemPorts, err = t.resourceMgr.GetResourceID(ctx, intfId, t.resourceMgr.GetResourceTypeGemPortID(), tp.NumGemPorts); err != nil {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error getting gemport ids from rsrcrMgr", log.Fields{"intfId": intfId, "numGemports": tp.NumGemPorts})
+		return nil
+	}
+	logger.Infow(ctx, "Allocated tconts and GEM ports successfully", log.Fields{"tconts": tcontIDs, "gemports": gemPorts})
+	for index := 0; index < int(tp.NumGemPorts); index++ {
+		usQueueAttributeList = append(usQueueAttributeList,
+			iUpstreamQueueAttribute{GemportID: gemPorts[index],
+				MaxQueueSize:              tp.UpstreamQueueAttributeList[index].MaxQueueSize,
+				PbitMap:                   tp.UpstreamQueueAttributeList[index].PbitMap,
+				AesEncryption:             tp.UpstreamQueueAttributeList[index].AesEncryption,
+				TrafficType:               tp.UpstreamQueueAttributeList[index].TrafficType,
+				UnsolicitedGrantSize:      tp.UpstreamQueueAttributeList[index].UnsolicitedGrantSize,
+				NominalInterval:           tp.UpstreamQueueAttributeList[index].NominalInterval,
+				ToleratedPollJitter:       tp.UpstreamQueueAttributeList[index].ToleratedPollJitter,
+				RequestTransmissionPolicy: tp.UpstreamQueueAttributeList[index].RequestTransmissionPolicy,
+				NumQueueSet:               tp.UpstreamQueueAttributeList[index].NumQueueSet,
+				QThresholds:               tp.UpstreamQueueAttributeList[index].QThresholds,
+				SchedulingPolicy:          tp.UpstreamQueueAttributeList[index].SchedulingPolicy,
+				PriorityQueue:             tp.UpstreamQueueAttributeList[index].PriorityQueue,
+				Weight:                    tp.UpstreamQueueAttributeList[index].Weight,
+				DiscardPolicy:             tp.UpstreamQueueAttributeList[index].DiscardPolicy,
+				DiscardConfig:             tp.UpstreamQueueAttributeList[index].DiscardConfig})
+	}
+	logger.Info(ctx, "length of DownstreamGemPortAttributeList", len(tp.DownstreamQueueAttributeList))
+	for index := 0; index < int(tp.NumGemPorts); index++ {
+		dsQueueAttributeList = append(dsQueueAttributeList,
+			iDownstreamQueueAttribute{GemportID: gemPorts[index],
+				MaxQueueSize:     tp.DownstreamQueueAttributeList[index].MaxQueueSize,
+				PbitMap:          tp.DownstreamQueueAttributeList[index].PbitMap,
+				AesEncryption:    tp.DownstreamQueueAttributeList[index].AesEncryption,
+				SchedulingPolicy: tp.DownstreamQueueAttributeList[index].SchedulingPolicy,
+				PriorityQueue:    tp.DownstreamQueueAttributeList[index].PriorityQueue,
+				Weight:           tp.DownstreamQueueAttributeList[index].Weight,
+				DiscardPolicy:    tp.DownstreamQueueAttributeList[index].DiscardPolicy,
+				DiscardConfig:    tp.DownstreamQueueAttributeList[index].DiscardConfig})
+	}
+	return &EponProfile{
+		SubscriberIdentifier:         uniPortName,
+		Name:                         tp.Name,
+		ProfileType:                  tp.ProfileType,
+		Version:                      tp.Version,
+		NumGemPorts:                  tp.NumGemPorts,
+		InstanceCtrl:                 tp.InstanceCtrl,
+		EponAttribute:                tp.EponAttribute,
+		AllocID:                      tcontIDs[0],
+		UpstreamQueueAttributeList:   usQueueAttributeList,
+		DownstreamQueueAttributeList: dsQueueAttributeList}
+// getSingleInstanceTp returns another TpInstance for an ONU on a different
+// uni port for the same TP ID, if it finds one, else nil.
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) getSingleInstanceTp(ctx context.Context, tpPath string) (*TechProfile, error) {
+	var tpInst TechProfile
+	// For example:
+	// tpPath like "service/voltha/technology_profiles/xgspon/64/pon-{0}/onu-{1}/uni-{1}"
+	// is broken into ["service/voltha/technology_profiles/xgspon/64/pon-{0}/onu-{1}" ""]
+	uniPathSlice := regexp.MustCompile(`/uni-{[0-9]+}$`).Split(tpPath, 2)
+	kvPairs, _ := t.config.KVBackend.List(ctx, uniPathSlice[0])
+	// Find a valid TP Instance among all the UNIs of that ONU for the given TP ID
+	for keyPath, kvPair := range kvPairs {
+		if value, err := kvstore.ToByte(kvPair.Value); err == nil {
+			if err = json.Unmarshal(value, &tpInst); err != nil {
+				logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-unmarshal-kv-pair", log.Fields{"keyPath": keyPath, "value": value})
+				return nil, errors.New("error-unmarshal-kv-pair")
+			} else {
+				logger.Debugw(ctx, "found-valid-tp-instance-on-another-uni", log.Fields{"keyPath": keyPath})
+				return &tpInst, nil
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return nil, nil
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) getSingleInstanceEponTp(ctx context.Context, tpPath string) (*EponProfile, error) {
+	var tpInst EponProfile
+	// For example:
+	// tpPath like "service/voltha/technology_profiles/xgspon/64/pon-{0}/onu-{1}/uni-{1}"
+	// is broken into ["service/voltha/technology_profiles/xgspon/64/pon-{0}/onu-{1}" ""]
+	uniPathSlice := regexp.MustCompile(`/uni-{[0-9]+}$`).Split(tpPath, 2)
+	kvPairs, _ := t.config.KVBackend.List(ctx, uniPathSlice[0])
+	// Find a valid TP Instance among all the UNIs of that ONU for the given TP ID
+	for keyPath, kvPair := range kvPairs {
+		if value, err := kvstore.ToByte(kvPair.Value); err == nil {
+			if err = json.Unmarshal(value, &tpInst); err != nil {
+				logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-unmarshal-kv-pair", log.Fields{"keyPath": keyPath, "value": value})
+				return nil, errors.New("error-unmarshal-kv-pair")
+			} else {
+				logger.Debugw(ctx, "found-valid-tp-instance-on-another-uni", log.Fields{"keyPath": keyPath})
+				return &tpInst, nil
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return nil, nil
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) getDefaultTechProfile(ctx context.Context) *DefaultTechProfile {
+	var usGemPortAttributeList []GemPortAttribute
+	var dsGemPortAttributeList []GemPortAttribute
+	for _, pbit := range t.config.DefaultPbits {
+		logger.Debugw(ctx, "Creating GEM port", log.Fields{"pbit": pbit})
+		usGemPortAttributeList = append(usGemPortAttributeList,
+			GemPortAttribute{
+				MaxQueueSize:     defaultMaxQueueSize,
+				PbitMap:          pbit,
+				AesEncryption:    defaultAESEncryption,
+				SchedulingPolicy: SchedulingPolicy_name[defaultSchedulePolicy],
+				PriorityQueue:    defaultPriorityQueue,
+				Weight:           defaultQueueWeight,
+				DiscardPolicy:    DiscardPolicy_name[defaultdropPolicy],
+				DiscardConfig: DiscardConfig{
+					MinThreshold:   defaultMinThreshold,
+					MaxThreshold:   defaultMaxThreshold,
+					MaxProbability: defaultMaxProbability}})
+		dsGemPortAttributeList = append(dsGemPortAttributeList,
+			GemPortAttribute{
+				MaxQueueSize:     defaultMaxQueueSize,
+				PbitMap:          pbit,
+				AesEncryption:    defaultAESEncryption,
+				SchedulingPolicy: SchedulingPolicy_name[defaultSchedulePolicy],
+				PriorityQueue:    defaultPriorityQueue,
+				Weight:           defaultQueueWeight,
+				DiscardPolicy:    DiscardPolicy_name[defaultdropPolicy],
+				DiscardConfig: DiscardConfig{
+					MinThreshold:   defaultMinThreshold,
+					MaxThreshold:   defaultMaxThreshold,
+					MaxProbability: defaultMaxProbability},
+				IsMulticast:  defaultIsMulticast,
+				DControlList: defaultAccessControlList,
+				SControlList: defaultAccessControlList,
+				McastGemID:   defaultMcastGemID})
+	}
+	return &DefaultTechProfile{
+		Name:        t.config.DefaultTPName,
+		ProfileType: t.resourceMgr.GetTechnology(),
+		Version:     t.config.TPVersion,
+		NumGemPorts: uint32(len(usGemPortAttributeList)),
+		InstanceCtrl: InstanceControl{
+			Onu:               defaultOnuInstance,
+			Uni:               defaultUniInstance,
+			MaxGemPayloadSize: defaultGemPayloadSize},
+		UsScheduler: Scheduler{
+			Direction:    Direction_name[Direction_UPSTREAM],
+			AdditionalBw: AdditionalBW_name[defaultAdditionalBw],
+			Priority:     defaultPriority,
+			Weight:       defaultWeight,
+			QSchedPolicy: SchedulingPolicy_name[defaultQueueSchedPolicy]},
+		DsScheduler: Scheduler{
+			Direction:    Direction_name[Direction_DOWNSTREAM],
+			AdditionalBw: AdditionalBW_name[defaultAdditionalBw],
+			Priority:     defaultPriority,
+			Weight:       defaultWeight,
+			QSchedPolicy: SchedulingPolicy_name[defaultQueueSchedPolicy]},
+		UpstreamGemPortAttributeList:   usGemPortAttributeList,
+		DownstreamGemPortAttributeList: dsGemPortAttributeList}
+// getDefaultTechProfile function for EPON
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) getDefaultEponProfile(ctx context.Context) *DefaultEponProfile {
+	var usQueueAttributeList []UpstreamQueueAttribute
+	var dsQueueAttributeList []DownstreamQueueAttribute
+	for _, pbit := range t.config.DefaultPbits {
+		logger.Debugw(ctx, "Creating Queue", log.Fields{"pbit": pbit})
+		usQueueAttributeList = append(usQueueAttributeList,
+			UpstreamQueueAttribute{
+				MaxQueueSize:              defaultMaxQueueSize,
+				PbitMap:                   pbit,
+				AesEncryption:             defaultAESEncryption,
+				TrafficType:               defaultTrafficType,
+				UnsolicitedGrantSize:      defaultUnsolicitedGrantSize,
+				NominalInterval:           defaultNominalInterval,
+				ToleratedPollJitter:       defaultToleratedPollJitter,
+				RequestTransmissionPolicy: defaultRequestTransmissionPolicy,
+				NumQueueSet:               defaultNumQueueSet,
+				QThresholds: QThresholds{
+					QThreshold1: defaultQThreshold1,
+					QThreshold2: defaultQThreshold2,
+					QThreshold3: defaultQThreshold3,
+					QThreshold4: defaultQThreshold4,
+					QThreshold5: defaultQThreshold5,
+					QThreshold6: defaultQThreshold6,
+					QThreshold7: defaultQThreshold7},
+				SchedulingPolicy: SchedulingPolicy_name[defaultSchedulePolicy],
+				PriorityQueue:    defaultPriorityQueue,
+				Weight:           defaultQueueWeight,
+				DiscardPolicy:    DiscardPolicy_name[defaultdropPolicy],
+				DiscardConfig: DiscardConfig{
+					MinThreshold:   defaultMinThreshold,
+					MaxThreshold:   defaultMaxThreshold,
+					MaxProbability: defaultMaxProbability}})
+		dsQueueAttributeList = append(dsQueueAttributeList,
+			DownstreamQueueAttribute{
+				MaxQueueSize:     defaultMaxQueueSize,
+				PbitMap:          pbit,
+				AesEncryption:    defaultAESEncryption,
+				SchedulingPolicy: SchedulingPolicy_name[defaultSchedulePolicy],
+				PriorityQueue:    defaultPriorityQueue,
+				Weight:           defaultQueueWeight,
+				DiscardPolicy:    DiscardPolicy_name[defaultdropPolicy],
+				DiscardConfig: DiscardConfig{
+					MinThreshold:   defaultMinThreshold,
+					MaxThreshold:   defaultMaxThreshold,
+					MaxProbability: defaultMaxProbability}})
+	}
+	return &DefaultEponProfile{
+		Name:        t.config.DefaultTPName,
+		ProfileType: t.resourceMgr.GetTechnology(),
+		Version:     t.config.TPVersion,
+		NumGemPorts: uint32(len(usQueueAttributeList)),
+		InstanceCtrl: InstanceControl{
+			Onu:               defaultOnuInstance,
+			Uni:               defaultUniInstance,
+			MaxGemPayloadSize: defaultGemPayloadSize},
+		EponAttribute: EponAttribute{
+			PackageType: defaultPakageType},
+		UpstreamQueueAttributeList:   usQueueAttributeList,
+		DownstreamQueueAttributeList: dsQueueAttributeList}
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) GetprotoBufParamValue(ctx context.Context, paramType string, paramKey string) int32 {
+	var result int32 = -1
+	if paramType == "direction" {
+		for key, val := range tp_pb.Direction_value {
+			if key == paramKey {
+				result = val
+			}
+		}
+	} else if paramType == "discard_policy" {
+		for key, val := range tp_pb.DiscardPolicy_value {
+			if key == paramKey {
+				result = val
+			}
+		}
+	} else if paramType == "sched_policy" {
+		for key, val := range tp_pb.SchedulingPolicy_value {
+			if key == paramKey {
+				logger.Debugw(ctx, "Got value in proto", log.Fields{"key": key, "value": val})
+				result = val
+			}
+		}
+	} else if paramType == "additional_bw" {
+		for key, val := range tp_pb.AdditionalBW_value {
+			if key == paramKey {
+				result = val
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		logger.Error(ctx, "Could not find proto parameter", log.Fields{"paramType": paramType, "key": paramKey})
+		return -1
+	}
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "Got value in proto", log.Fields{"key": paramKey, "value": result})
+	return result
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) GetUsScheduler(ctx context.Context, tpInstance *TechProfile) (*tp_pb.SchedulerConfig, error) {
+	dir := tp_pb.Direction(t.GetprotoBufParamValue(ctx, "direction", tpInstance.UsScheduler.Direction))
+	if dir == -1 {
+		logger.Errorf(ctx, "Error in getting proto id for direction %s for upstream scheduler", tpInstance.UsScheduler.Direction)
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get proto id for direction %s for upstream scheduler", tpInstance.UsScheduler.Direction)
+	}
+	bw := tp_pb.AdditionalBW(t.GetprotoBufParamValue(ctx, "additional_bw", tpInstance.UsScheduler.AdditionalBw))
+	if bw == -1 {
+		logger.Errorf(ctx, "Error in getting proto id for bandwidth %s for upstream scheduler", tpInstance.UsScheduler.AdditionalBw)
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get proto id for bandwidth %s for upstream scheduler", tpInstance.UsScheduler.AdditionalBw)
+	}
+	policy := tp_pb.SchedulingPolicy(t.GetprotoBufParamValue(ctx, "sched_policy", tpInstance.UsScheduler.QSchedPolicy))
+	if policy == -1 {
+		logger.Errorf(ctx, "Error in getting proto id for scheduling policy %s for upstream scheduler", tpInstance.UsScheduler.QSchedPolicy)
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get proto id for scheduling policy %s for upstream scheduler", tpInstance.UsScheduler.QSchedPolicy)
+	}
+	return &tp_pb.SchedulerConfig{
+		Direction:    dir,
+		AdditionalBw: bw,
+		Priority:     tpInstance.UsScheduler.Priority,
+		Weight:       tpInstance.UsScheduler.Weight,
+		SchedPolicy:  policy}, nil
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) GetDsScheduler(ctx context.Context, tpInstance *TechProfile) (*tp_pb.SchedulerConfig, error) {
+	dir := tp_pb.Direction(t.GetprotoBufParamValue(ctx, "direction", tpInstance.DsScheduler.Direction))
+	if dir == -1 {
+		logger.Errorf(ctx, "Error in getting proto id for direction %s for downstream scheduler", tpInstance.DsScheduler.Direction)
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get proto id for direction %s for downstream scheduler", tpInstance.DsScheduler.Direction)
+	}
+	bw := tp_pb.AdditionalBW(t.GetprotoBufParamValue(ctx, "additional_bw", tpInstance.DsScheduler.AdditionalBw))
+	if bw == -1 {
+		logger.Errorf(ctx, "Error in getting proto id for bandwidth %s for downstream scheduler", tpInstance.DsScheduler.AdditionalBw)
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get proto id for bandwidth %s for downstream scheduler", tpInstance.DsScheduler.AdditionalBw)
+	}
+	policy := tp_pb.SchedulingPolicy(t.GetprotoBufParamValue(ctx, "sched_policy", tpInstance.DsScheduler.QSchedPolicy))
+	if policy == -1 {
+		logger.Errorf(ctx, "Error in getting proto id for scheduling policy %s for downstream scheduler", tpInstance.DsScheduler.QSchedPolicy)
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get proto id for scheduling policy %s for downstream scheduler", tpInstance.DsScheduler.QSchedPolicy)
+	}
+	return &tp_pb.SchedulerConfig{
+		Direction:    dir,
+		AdditionalBw: bw,
+		Priority:     tpInstance.DsScheduler.Priority,
+		Weight:       tpInstance.DsScheduler.Weight,
+		SchedPolicy:  policy}, nil
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) GetTrafficScheduler(tpInstance *TechProfile, SchedCfg *tp_pb.SchedulerConfig,
+	ShapingCfg *tp_pb.TrafficShapingInfo) *tp_pb.TrafficScheduler {
+	tSched := &tp_pb.TrafficScheduler{
+		Direction:          SchedCfg.Direction,
+		AllocId:            tpInstance.UsScheduler.AllocID,
+		TrafficShapingInfo: ShapingCfg,
+		Scheduler:          SchedCfg}
+	return tSched
+func (tpm *TechProfileMgr) GetTrafficQueues(ctx context.Context, tp *TechProfile, Dir tp_pb.Direction) ([]*tp_pb.TrafficQueue, error) {
+	var encryp bool
+	if Dir == tp_pb.Direction_UPSTREAM {
+		// upstream GEM ports
+		NumGemPorts := len(tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList)
+		GemPorts := make([]*tp_pb.TrafficQueue, 0)
+		for Count := 0; Count < NumGemPorts; Count++ {
+			if tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].AesEncryption == "True" {
+				encryp = true
+			} else {
+				encryp = false
+			}
+			schedPolicy := tpm.GetprotoBufParamValue(ctx, "sched_policy", tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].SchedulingPolicy)
+			if schedPolicy == -1 {
+				logger.Errorf(ctx, "Error in getting Proto Id for scheduling policy %s for Upstream Gem Port %d", tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].SchedulingPolicy, Count)
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("upstream gem port traffic queue creation failed due to unrecognized scheduling policy %s", tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].SchedulingPolicy)
+			}
+			discardPolicy := tpm.GetprotoBufParamValue(ctx, "discard_policy", tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].DiscardPolicy)
+			if discardPolicy == -1 {
+				logger.Errorf(ctx, "Error in getting Proto Id for discard policy %s for Upstream Gem Port %d", tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].DiscardPolicy, Count)
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("upstream gem port traffic queue creation failed due to unrecognized discard policy %s", tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].DiscardPolicy)
+			}
+			GemPorts = append(GemPorts, &tp_pb.TrafficQueue{
+				Direction:     tp_pb.Direction(tpm.GetprotoBufParamValue(ctx, "direction", tp.UsScheduler.Direction)),
+				GemportId:     tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].GemportID,
+				PbitMap:       tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].PbitMap,
+				AesEncryption: encryp,
+				SchedPolicy:   tp_pb.SchedulingPolicy(schedPolicy),
+				Priority:      tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].PriorityQueue,
+				Weight:        tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].Weight,
+				DiscardPolicy: tp_pb.DiscardPolicy(discardPolicy),
+			})
+		}
+		logger.Debugw(ctx, "Upstream Traffic queue list ", log.Fields{"queuelist": GemPorts})
+		return GemPorts, nil
+	} else if Dir == tp_pb.Direction_DOWNSTREAM {
+		//downstream GEM ports
+		NumGemPorts := len(tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList)
+		GemPorts := make([]*tp_pb.TrafficQueue, 0)
+		for Count := 0; Count < NumGemPorts; Count++ {
+			if isMulticastGem(tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].IsMulticast) {
+				//do not take multicast GEM ports. They are handled separately.
+				continue
+			}
+			if tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].AesEncryption == "True" {
+				encryp = true
+			} else {
+				encryp = false
+			}
+			schedPolicy := tpm.GetprotoBufParamValue(ctx, "sched_policy", tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].SchedulingPolicy)
+			if schedPolicy == -1 {
+				logger.Errorf(ctx, "Error in getting Proto Id for scheduling policy %s for Downstream Gem Port %d", tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].SchedulingPolicy, Count)
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("downstream gem port traffic queue creation failed due to unrecognized scheduling policy %s", tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].SchedulingPolicy)
+			}
+			discardPolicy := tpm.GetprotoBufParamValue(ctx, "discard_policy", tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].DiscardPolicy)
+			if discardPolicy == -1 {
+				logger.Errorf(ctx, "Error in getting Proto Id for discard policy %s for Downstream Gem Port %d", tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].DiscardPolicy, Count)
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("downstream gem port traffic queue creation failed due to unrecognized discard policy %s", tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].DiscardPolicy)
+			}
+			GemPorts = append(GemPorts, &tp_pb.TrafficQueue{
+				Direction:     tp_pb.Direction(tpm.GetprotoBufParamValue(ctx, "direction", tp.DsScheduler.Direction)),
+				GemportId:     tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].GemportID,
+				PbitMap:       tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].PbitMap,
+				AesEncryption: encryp,
+				SchedPolicy:   tp_pb.SchedulingPolicy(schedPolicy),
+				Priority:      tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].PriorityQueue,
+				Weight:        tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].Weight,
+				DiscardPolicy: tp_pb.DiscardPolicy(discardPolicy),
+			})
+		}
+		logger.Debugw(ctx, "Downstream Traffic queue list ", log.Fields{"queuelist": GemPorts})
+		return GemPorts, nil
+	}
+	logger.Errorf(ctx, "Unsupported direction %s used for generating Traffic Queue list", Dir)
+	return nil, fmt.Errorf("downstream gem port traffic queue creation failed due to unsupported direction %s", Dir)
+//isMulticastGem returns true if isMulticast attribute value of a GEM port is true; false otherwise
+func isMulticastGem(isMulticastAttrValue string) bool {
+	return isMulticastAttrValue != "" &&
+		(isMulticastAttrValue == "True" || isMulticastAttrValue == "true" || isMulticastAttrValue == "TRUE")
+func (tpm *TechProfileMgr) GetMulticastTrafficQueues(ctx context.Context, tp *TechProfile) []*tp_pb.TrafficQueue {
+	var encryp bool
+	NumGemPorts := len(tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList)
+	mcastTrafficQueues := make([]*tp_pb.TrafficQueue, 0)
+	for Count := 0; Count < NumGemPorts; Count++ {
+		if !isMulticastGem(tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].IsMulticast) {
+			continue
+		}
+		if tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].AesEncryption == "True" {
+			encryp = true
+		} else {
+			encryp = false
+		}
+		mcastTrafficQueues = append(mcastTrafficQueues, &tp_pb.TrafficQueue{
+			Direction:     tp_pb.Direction(tpm.GetprotoBufParamValue(ctx, "direction", tp.DsScheduler.Direction)),
+			GemportId:     tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].McastGemID,
+			PbitMap:       tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].PbitMap,
+			AesEncryption: encryp,
+			SchedPolicy:   tp_pb.SchedulingPolicy(tpm.GetprotoBufParamValue(ctx, "sched_policy", tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].SchedulingPolicy)),
+			Priority:      tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].PriorityQueue,
+			Weight:        tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].Weight,
+			DiscardPolicy: tp_pb.DiscardPolicy(tpm.GetprotoBufParamValue(ctx, "discard_policy", tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[Count].DiscardPolicy)),
+		})
+	}
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "Downstream Multicast Traffic queue list ", log.Fields{"queuelist": mcastTrafficQueues})
+	return mcastTrafficQueues
+func (tpm *TechProfileMgr) GetUsTrafficScheduler(ctx context.Context, tp *TechProfile) *tp_pb.TrafficScheduler {
+	UsScheduler, _ := tpm.GetUsScheduler(ctx, tp)
+	return &tp_pb.TrafficScheduler{Direction: UsScheduler.Direction,
+		AllocId:   tp.UsScheduler.AllocID,
+		Scheduler: UsScheduler}
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) GetGemportIDForPbit(ctx context.Context, tp interface{}, dir tp_pb.Direction, pbit uint32) uint32 {
+	/*
+	  Function to get the Gemport ID mapped to a pbit.
+	*/
+	switch tp := tp.(type) {
+	case *TechProfile:
+		if dir == tp_pb.Direction_UPSTREAM {
+			// upstream GEM ports
+			numGemPorts := len(tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList)
+			for gemCnt := 0; gemCnt < numGemPorts; gemCnt++ {
+				lenOfPbitMap := len(tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[gemCnt].PbitMap)
+				for pbitMapIdx := 2; pbitMapIdx < lenOfPbitMap; pbitMapIdx++ {
+					// Given a sample pbit map string "0b00000001", lenOfPbitMap is 10
+					// "lenOfPbitMap - pbitMapIdx + 1" will give pbit-i th value from LSB position in the pbit map string
+					if p, err := strconv.Atoi(string(tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[gemCnt].PbitMap[lenOfPbitMap-pbitMapIdx+1])); err == nil {
+						if uint32(pbitMapIdx-2) == pbit && p == 1 { // Check this p-bit is set
+							logger.Debugw(ctx, "Found-US-GEMport-for-Pcp", log.Fields{"pbit": pbit, "GEMport": tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[gemCnt].GemportID})
+							return tp.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList[gemCnt].GemportID
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		} else if dir == tp_pb.Direction_DOWNSTREAM {
+			//downstream GEM ports
+			numGemPorts := len(tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList)
+			for gemCnt := 0; gemCnt < numGemPorts; gemCnt++ {
+				lenOfPbitMap := len(tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[gemCnt].PbitMap)
+				for pbitMapIdx := 2; pbitMapIdx < lenOfPbitMap; pbitMapIdx++ {
+					// Given a sample pbit map string "0b00000001", lenOfPbitMap is 10
+					// "lenOfPbitMap - pbitMapIdx + 1" will give pbit-i th value from LSB position in the pbit map string
+					if p, err := strconv.Atoi(string(tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[gemCnt].PbitMap[lenOfPbitMap-pbitMapIdx+1])); err == nil {
+						if uint32(pbitMapIdx-2) == pbit && p == 1 { // Check this p-bit is set
+							logger.Debugw(ctx, "Found-DS-GEMport-for-Pcp", log.Fields{"pbit": pbit, "GEMport": tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[gemCnt].GemportID})
+							return tp.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList[gemCnt].GemportID
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "No-GemportId-Found-For-Pcp", log.Fields{"pcpVlan": pbit})
+	case *EponProfile:
+		if dir == tp_pb.Direction_UPSTREAM {
+			// upstream GEM ports
+			numGemPorts := len(tp.UpstreamQueueAttributeList)
+			for gemCnt := 0; gemCnt < numGemPorts; gemCnt++ {
+				lenOfPbitMap := len(tp.UpstreamQueueAttributeList[gemCnt].PbitMap)
+				for pbitMapIdx := 2; pbitMapIdx < lenOfPbitMap; pbitMapIdx++ {
+					// Given a sample pbit map string "0b00000001", lenOfPbitMap is 10
+					// "lenOfPbitMap - pbitMapIdx + 1" will give pbit-i th value from LSB position in the pbit map string
+					if p, err := strconv.Atoi(string(tp.UpstreamQueueAttributeList[gemCnt].PbitMap[lenOfPbitMap-pbitMapIdx+1])); err == nil {
+						if uint32(pbitMapIdx-2) == pbit && p == 1 { // Check this p-bit is set
+							logger.Debugw(ctx, "Found-US-Queue-for-Pcp", log.Fields{"pbit": pbit, "Queue": tp.UpstreamQueueAttributeList[gemCnt].GemportID})
+							return tp.UpstreamQueueAttributeList[gemCnt].GemportID
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		} else if dir == tp_pb.Direction_DOWNSTREAM {
+			//downstream GEM ports
+			numGemPorts := len(tp.DownstreamQueueAttributeList)
+			for gemCnt := 0; gemCnt < numGemPorts; gemCnt++ {
+				lenOfPbitMap := len(tp.DownstreamQueueAttributeList[gemCnt].PbitMap)
+				for pbitMapIdx := 2; pbitMapIdx < lenOfPbitMap; pbitMapIdx++ {
+					// Given a sample pbit map string "0b00000001", lenOfPbitMap is 10
+					// "lenOfPbitMap - pbitMapIdx + 1" will give pbit-i th value from LSB position in the pbit map string
+					if p, err := strconv.Atoi(string(tp.DownstreamQueueAttributeList[gemCnt].PbitMap[lenOfPbitMap-pbitMapIdx+1])); err == nil {
+						if uint32(pbitMapIdx-2) == pbit && p == 1 { // Check this p-bit is set
+							logger.Debugw(ctx, "Found-DS-Queue-for-Pcp", log.Fields{"pbit": pbit, "Queue": tp.DownstreamQueueAttributeList[gemCnt].GemportID})
+							return tp.DownstreamQueueAttributeList[gemCnt].GemportID
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "No-QueueId-Found-For-Pcp", log.Fields{"pcpVlan": pbit})
+	default:
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "unknown-tech", log.Fields{"tp": tp})
+	}
+	return 0
+// FindAllTpInstances returns all TechProfile instances for a given TechProfile table-id, pon interface ID and onu ID.
+func (t *TechProfileMgr) FindAllTpInstances(ctx context.Context, techProfiletblID uint32, ponIntf uint32, onuID uint32) interface{} {
+	var tpTech TechProfile
+	var tpEpon EponProfile
+	onuTpInstancePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d/pon-{%d}/onu-{%d}", t.resourceMgr.GetTechnology(), techProfiletblID, ponIntf, onuID)
+	if kvPairs, _ := t.config.KVBackend.List(ctx, onuTpInstancePath); kvPairs != nil {
+		tech := t.resourceMgr.GetTechnology()
+		tpInstancesTech := make([]TechProfile, 0, len(kvPairs))
+		tpInstancesEpon := make([]EponProfile, 0, len(kvPairs))
+		for kvPath, kvPair := range kvPairs {
+			if value, err := kvstore.ToByte(kvPair.Value); err == nil {
+				if tech == xgspon || tech == gpon {
+					if err = json.Unmarshal(value, &tpTech); err != nil {
+						logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-unmarshal-kv-pair", log.Fields{"kvPath": kvPath, "value": value})
+						continue
+					} else {
+						tpInstancesTech = append(tpInstancesTech, tpTech)
+					}
+				} else if tech == epon {
+					if err = json.Unmarshal(value, &tpEpon); err != nil {
+						logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-unmarshal-kv-pair", log.Fields{"kvPath": kvPath, "value": value})
+						continue
+					} else {
+						tpInstancesEpon = append(tpInstancesEpon, tpEpon)
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		switch tech {
+		case xgspon, gpon:
+			return tpInstancesTech
+		case epon:
+			return tpInstancesEpon
+		default:
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "unknown-technology", log.Fields{"tech": tech})
+			return nil
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/tech_profile_if.go b/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/tech_profile_if.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0af1d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/techprofile/tech_profile_if.go
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Copyright 2019-present Open Networking Foundation
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package techprofile
+import (
+	"context"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/db"
+	tp_pb "github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v3/go/tech_profile"
+type TechProfileIf interface {
+	SetKVClient(ctx context.Context) *db.Backend
+	GetTechProfileInstanceKVPath(ctx context.Context, techProfiletblID uint32, uniPortName string) string
+	GetTPInstanceFromKVStore(ctx context.Context, techProfiletblID uint32, path string) (interface{}, error)
+	CreateTechProfInstance(ctx context.Context, techProfiletblID uint32, uniPortName string, intfId uint32) (interface{}, error)
+	DeleteTechProfileInstance(ctx context.Context, techProfiletblID uint32, uniPortName string) error
+	GetprotoBufParamValue(ctx context.Context, paramType string, paramKey string) int32
+	GetUsScheduler(ctx context.Context, tpInstance *TechProfile) (*tp_pb.SchedulerConfig, error)
+	GetDsScheduler(ctx context.Context, tpInstance *TechProfile) (*tp_pb.SchedulerConfig, error)
+	GetTrafficScheduler(tpInstance *TechProfile, SchedCfg *tp_pb.SchedulerConfig,
+		ShapingCfg *tp_pb.TrafficShapingInfo) *tp_pb.TrafficScheduler
+	GetTrafficQueues(ctx context.Context, tp *TechProfile, Dir tp_pb.Direction) ([]*tp_pb.TrafficQueue, error)
+	GetMulticastTrafficQueues(ctx context.Context, tp *TechProfile) []*tp_pb.TrafficQueue
+	GetGemportIDForPbit(ctx context.Context, tp interface{}, Dir tp_pb.Direction, pbit uint32) uint32
+	FindAllTpInstances(ctx context.Context, techProfiletblID uint32, ponIntf uint32, onuID uint32) interface{}