[VOL-1349] EPON OLT adapter (package B)
Change-Id: I634ef62c53813dcf4456f54948f13e06358e263c
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics/histogram.go b/vendor/github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics/histogram.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbc837f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics/histogram.go
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+package metrics
+// Histograms calculate distribution statistics from a series of int64 values.
+type Histogram interface {
+ Clear()
+ Count() int64
+ Max() int64
+ Mean() float64
+ Min() int64
+ Percentile(float64) float64
+ Percentiles([]float64) []float64
+ Sample() Sample
+ Snapshot() Histogram
+ StdDev() float64
+ Sum() int64
+ Update(int64)
+ Variance() float64
+// GetOrRegisterHistogram returns an existing Histogram or constructs and
+// registers a new StandardHistogram.
+func GetOrRegisterHistogram(name string, r Registry, s Sample) Histogram {
+ if nil == r {
+ r = DefaultRegistry
+ }
+ return r.GetOrRegister(name, func() Histogram { return NewHistogram(s) }).(Histogram)
+// NewHistogram constructs a new StandardHistogram from a Sample.
+func NewHistogram(s Sample) Histogram {
+ if UseNilMetrics {
+ return NilHistogram{}
+ }
+ return &StandardHistogram{sample: s}
+// NewRegisteredHistogram constructs and registers a new StandardHistogram from
+// a Sample.
+func NewRegisteredHistogram(name string, r Registry, s Sample) Histogram {
+ c := NewHistogram(s)
+ if nil == r {
+ r = DefaultRegistry
+ }
+ r.Register(name, c)
+ return c
+// HistogramSnapshot is a read-only copy of another Histogram.
+type HistogramSnapshot struct {
+ sample *SampleSnapshot
+// Clear panics.
+func (*HistogramSnapshot) Clear() {
+ panic("Clear called on a HistogramSnapshot")
+// Count returns the number of samples recorded at the time the snapshot was
+// taken.
+func (h *HistogramSnapshot) Count() int64 { return h.sample.Count() }
+// Max returns the maximum value in the sample at the time the snapshot was
+// taken.
+func (h *HistogramSnapshot) Max() int64 { return h.sample.Max() }
+// Mean returns the mean of the values in the sample at the time the snapshot
+// was taken.
+func (h *HistogramSnapshot) Mean() float64 { return h.sample.Mean() }
+// Min returns the minimum value in the sample at the time the snapshot was
+// taken.
+func (h *HistogramSnapshot) Min() int64 { return h.sample.Min() }
+// Percentile returns an arbitrary percentile of values in the sample at the
+// time the snapshot was taken.
+func (h *HistogramSnapshot) Percentile(p float64) float64 {
+ return h.sample.Percentile(p)
+// Percentiles returns a slice of arbitrary percentiles of values in the sample
+// at the time the snapshot was taken.
+func (h *HistogramSnapshot) Percentiles(ps []float64) []float64 {
+ return h.sample.Percentiles(ps)
+// Sample returns the Sample underlying the histogram.
+func (h *HistogramSnapshot) Sample() Sample { return h.sample }
+// Snapshot returns the snapshot.
+func (h *HistogramSnapshot) Snapshot() Histogram { return h }
+// StdDev returns the standard deviation of the values in the sample at the
+// time the snapshot was taken.
+func (h *HistogramSnapshot) StdDev() float64 { return h.sample.StdDev() }
+// Sum returns the sum in the sample at the time the snapshot was taken.
+func (h *HistogramSnapshot) Sum() int64 { return h.sample.Sum() }
+// Update panics.
+func (*HistogramSnapshot) Update(int64) {
+ panic("Update called on a HistogramSnapshot")
+// Variance returns the variance of inputs at the time the snapshot was taken.
+func (h *HistogramSnapshot) Variance() float64 { return h.sample.Variance() }
+// NilHistogram is a no-op Histogram.
+type NilHistogram struct{}
+// Clear is a no-op.
+func (NilHistogram) Clear() {}
+// Count is a no-op.
+func (NilHistogram) Count() int64 { return 0 }
+// Max is a no-op.
+func (NilHistogram) Max() int64 { return 0 }
+// Mean is a no-op.
+func (NilHistogram) Mean() float64 { return 0.0 }
+// Min is a no-op.
+func (NilHistogram) Min() int64 { return 0 }
+// Percentile is a no-op.
+func (NilHistogram) Percentile(p float64) float64 { return 0.0 }
+// Percentiles is a no-op.
+func (NilHistogram) Percentiles(ps []float64) []float64 {
+ return make([]float64, len(ps))
+// Sample is a no-op.
+func (NilHistogram) Sample() Sample { return NilSample{} }
+// Snapshot is a no-op.
+func (NilHistogram) Snapshot() Histogram { return NilHistogram{} }
+// StdDev is a no-op.
+func (NilHistogram) StdDev() float64 { return 0.0 }
+// Sum is a no-op.
+func (NilHistogram) Sum() int64 { return 0 }
+// Update is a no-op.
+func (NilHistogram) Update(v int64) {}
+// Variance is a no-op.
+func (NilHistogram) Variance() float64 { return 0.0 }
+// StandardHistogram is the standard implementation of a Histogram and uses a
+// Sample to bound its memory use.
+type StandardHistogram struct {
+ sample Sample
+// Clear clears the histogram and its sample.
+func (h *StandardHistogram) Clear() { h.sample.Clear() }
+// Count returns the number of samples recorded since the histogram was last
+// cleared.
+func (h *StandardHistogram) Count() int64 { return h.sample.Count() }
+// Max returns the maximum value in the sample.
+func (h *StandardHistogram) Max() int64 { return h.sample.Max() }
+// Mean returns the mean of the values in the sample.
+func (h *StandardHistogram) Mean() float64 { return h.sample.Mean() }
+// Min returns the minimum value in the sample.
+func (h *StandardHistogram) Min() int64 { return h.sample.Min() }
+// Percentile returns an arbitrary percentile of the values in the sample.
+func (h *StandardHistogram) Percentile(p float64) float64 {
+ return h.sample.Percentile(p)
+// Percentiles returns a slice of arbitrary percentiles of the values in the
+// sample.
+func (h *StandardHistogram) Percentiles(ps []float64) []float64 {
+ return h.sample.Percentiles(ps)
+// Sample returns the Sample underlying the histogram.
+func (h *StandardHistogram) Sample() Sample { return h.sample }
+// Snapshot returns a read-only copy of the histogram.
+func (h *StandardHistogram) Snapshot() Histogram {
+ return &HistogramSnapshot{sample: h.sample.Snapshot().(*SampleSnapshot)}
+// StdDev returns the standard deviation of the values in the sample.
+func (h *StandardHistogram) StdDev() float64 { return h.sample.StdDev() }
+// Sum returns the sum in the sample.
+func (h *StandardHistogram) Sum() int64 { return h.sample.Sum() }
+// Update samples a new value.
+func (h *StandardHistogram) Update(v int64) { h.sample.Update(v) }
+// Variance returns the variance of the values in the sample.
+func (h *StandardHistogram) Variance() float64 { return h.sample.Variance() }