vgc unit tests part 3

Change-Id: Id87302102ea05fc99083842e3fc9ebab4304e2ca
diff --git a/internal/pkg/application/meters_test.go b/internal/pkg/application/meters_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..325dd9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/pkg/application/meters_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+* Copyright 2022-present Open Networking Foundation
+* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+* You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+* limitations under the License.
+ */
+package application
+import (
+	"context"
+	"encoding/json"
+	"errors"
+	"testing"
+	cntlr "voltha-go-controller/internal/pkg/controller"
+	"voltha-go-controller/internal/test/mocks"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+var vm = &VoltMeter{
+	Name:    "test_name",
+	Version: "test_version",
+var write_to_db_error = "WriteToDb_error"
+var invalid_value = "invalid_value"
+func TestVoltApplication_DelMeterProf(t *testing.T) {
+	type args struct {
+		cntx context.Context
+		name string
+	}
+	tests := []struct {
+		name    string
+		args    args
+		wantErr bool
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "VoltApplication_DelMeterProf",
+			args: args{
+				cntx: context.Background(),
+				name: "test_name",
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "GetMeterByName_!ok",
+			args: args{
+				cntx: context.Background(),
+				name: "test_name",
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "cfg.AssociatedServices != 0",
+			args: args{
+				cntx: context.Background(),
+				name: "test_name",
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "delmeterFromDevice",
+			args: args{
+				cntx: context.Background(),
+				name: "test_name",
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	for _, tt := range tests {
+		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+			va := &VoltApplication{}
+			switch {
+			case "VoltApplication_DelMeterProf":
+				vm1 := &VoltMeter{
+					Name:    "test_name",
+					Version: "test_version",
+				}
+				dbintf := mocks.NewMockDBIntf(gomock.NewController(t))
+				db = dbintf
+				dbintf.EXPECT().DelMeter(tt.args.cntx,
+				va.MeterMgr.Meters.Store("test_name", vm1)
+				if err := va.DelMeterProf(tt.args.cntx,; (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
+					t.Errorf("VoltApplication.DelMeterProf() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
+				}
+			case "GetMeterByName_!ok":
+				vm2 := &VoltMeter{
+					Name:    "test_name",
+					Version: "test_version",
+				}
+				dbintf := mocks.NewMockDBIntf(gomock.NewController(t))
+				db = dbintf
+				va.MeterMgr.Meters.Store("test_name1", vm2)
+				err := va.DelMeterProf(tt.args.cntx,
+				assert.NotNil(t, err)
+			case "cfg.AssociatedServices != 0":
+				vm3 := &VoltMeter{
+					Name:               "test_name",
+					Version:            "test_version",
+					AssociatedServices: 1,
+				}
+				dbintf := mocks.NewMockDBIntf(gomock.NewController(t))
+				db = dbintf
+				va.MeterMgr.Meters.Store("test_name", vm3)
+				err := va.DelMeterProf(tt.args.cntx,
+				assert.NotNil(t, err)
+			case "delmeterFromDevice":
+				vd := &VoltDevice{
+					Name: test_device,
+				}
+				dbintf := mocks.NewMockDBIntf(gomock.NewController(t))
+				db = dbintf
+				_ = cntlr.NewController(context.Background(), mocks.NewMockApp(gomock.NewController(t)))
+				dbintf.EXPECT().DelMeter(tt.args.cntx,
+				va.MeterMgr.Meters.Store("test_name", vm)
+				va.DevicesDisc.Store(test_device, vd)
+				if err := va.DelMeterProf(tt.args.cntx,; (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
+					t.Errorf("VoltApplication.DelMeterProf() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
+				}
+			}
+		})
+	}
+func TestMeterMgr_GetMeterByProfID(t *testing.T) {
+	type args struct {
+		id uint32
+	}
+	tests := []struct {
+		name    string
+		args    args
+		want    *VoltMeter
+		wantErr bool
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "MeterMgr_GetMeterByProfID",
+			args: args{
+				id: uint32(1),
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	for _, tt := range tests {
+		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+			m := &MeterMgr{}
+			vm4 := &VoltMeter{
+				Name: "test_name",
+			}
+			m.MetersByID.Store(, vm4)
+			got, err := m.GetMeterByProfID(
+			if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
+				t.Errorf("MeterMgr.GetMeterByProfID() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
+				return
+			}
+			assert.NotNil(t, got)
+		})
+	}
+func TestVoltApplication_UpdateMeterProf(t *testing.T) {
+	type args struct {
+		cntx context.Context
+		cfg  VoltMeter
+	}
+	tests := []struct {
+		name string
+		args args
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "VoltApplication_UpdateMeterProf",
+			args: args{
+				cntx: context.Background(),
+				cfg: VoltMeter{
+					Name: "test_name",
+				},
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: write_to_db_error,
+			args: args{
+				cntx: context.Background(),
+				cfg: VoltMeter{
+					Name: "test_name",
+				},
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	for _, tt := range tests {
+		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+			va := &VoltApplication{}
+			switch {
+			case "VoltApplication_UpdateMeterProf":
+				va.MeterMgr.Meters.Store("test_name", vm)
+				dbintf := mocks.NewMockDBIntf(gomock.NewController(t))
+				db = dbintf
+				dbintf.EXPECT().PutMeter(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Return(nil).Times(1)
+				va.UpdateMeterProf(tt.args.cntx, tt.args.cfg)
+			case write_to_db_error:
+				va.MeterMgr.Meters.Store("test_name", vm)
+				dbintf := mocks.NewMockDBIntf(gomock.NewController(t))
+				db = dbintf
+				dbintf.EXPECT().PutMeter(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Return(errors.New("error")).Times(1)
+				va.UpdateMeterProf(tt.args.cntx, tt.args.cfg)
+			}
+		})
+	}
+func TestVoltApplication_AddMeterProf(t *testing.T) {
+	type args struct {
+		cntx context.Context
+		cfg  VoltMeter
+	}
+	tests := []struct {
+		name string
+		args args
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "VoltApplication_AddMeterProf",
+			args: args{
+				cntx: context.Background(),
+				cfg:  VoltMeter{Name: "test_name"},
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "GetMeterByName_ok",
+			args: args{
+				cntx: context.Background(),
+				cfg:  VoltMeter{Name: "test_name"},
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: write_to_db_error,
+			args: args{
+				cntx: context.Background(),
+				cfg:  VoltMeter{Name: "test_name"},
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	for _, tt := range tests {
+		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+			va := &VoltApplication{}
+			switch {
+			case "VoltApplication_AddMeterProf":
+				dbintf := mocks.NewMockDBIntf(gomock.NewController(t))
+				db = dbintf
+				dbintf.EXPECT().PutMeter(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Return(nil).Times(1)
+				va.AddMeterProf(tt.args.cntx, tt.args.cfg)
+			case "GetMeterByName_ok":
+				mm := &va.MeterMgr
+				mm.Meters.Store(tt.args.cfg.Name, vm)
+				va.AddMeterProf(tt.args.cntx, tt.args.cfg)
+			case write_to_db_error:
+				dbintf := mocks.NewMockDBIntf(gomock.NewController(t))
+				db = dbintf
+				dbintf.EXPECT().PutMeter(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Return(errors.New("error")).Times(1)
+				va.AddMeterProf(tt.args.cntx, tt.args.cfg)
+			}
+		})
+	}
+func TestMeterMgr_RestoreMetersFromDb(t *testing.T) {
+	type args struct {
+		cntx context.Context
+	}
+	tests := []struct {
+		name string
+		args args
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "MeterMgr_RestoreMetersFromDb",
+			args: args{
+				cntx: context.Background(),
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: invalid_value,
+			args: args{
+				cntx: context.Background(),
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "unmarshal_error",
+			args: args{
+				cntx: context.Background(),
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	for _, tt := range tests {
+		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+			m := &MeterMgr{}
+			switch {
+			case "MeterMgr_RestoreMetersFromDb":
+				dbintf := mocks.NewMockDBIntf(gomock.NewController(t))
+				db = dbintf
+				vm.ID = uint32(3)
+				m.LastMeterID = uint32(2)
+				b, err := json.Marshal(vm)
+				if err != nil {
+					panic(err)
+				}
+				test := map[string]*kvstore.KVPair{}
+				test["test_device_id"] = &kvstore.KVPair{
+					Key:   "test_device_id",
+					Value: b,
+				}
+				dbintf.EXPECT().GetMeters(gomock.Any()).Return(test, nil).Times(1)
+				m.RestoreMetersFromDb(tt.args.cntx)
+			case invalid_value:
+				test := map[string]*kvstore.KVPair{}
+				test["test_device_id"] = &kvstore.KVPair{
+					Key:   "test_device_id",
+					Value: "test",
+				}
+				dbintf := mocks.NewMockDBIntf(gomock.NewController(t))
+				db = dbintf
+				dbintf.EXPECT().GetMeters(gomock.Any()).Return(test, nil).Times(1)
+				m.RestoreMetersFromDb(tt.args.cntx)
+			case "unmarshal_error":
+				dbintf := mocks.NewMockDBIntf(gomock.NewController(t))
+				db = dbintf
+				vm.ID = uint32(3)
+				m.LastMeterID = uint32(2)
+				b, err := json.Marshal("test")
+				if err != nil {
+					panic(err)
+				}
+				test := map[string]*kvstore.KVPair{}
+				test["test_device_id"] = &kvstore.KVPair{
+					Key:   "test_device_id",
+					Value: b,
+				}
+				dbintf.EXPECT().GetMeters(gomock.Any()).Return(test, nil).Times(1)
+				m.RestoreMetersFromDb(tt.args.cntx)
+			}
+		})
+	}
+func TestMeterMgr_AddMeterToDevice(t *testing.T) {
+	type args struct {
+		port       string
+		device     string
+		meterID    uint32
+		aggMeterID uint32
+	}
+	tests := []struct {
+		name string
+		args args
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "MeterMgr_AddMeterToDevice",
+			args: args{
+				port:       "test_port",
+				device:     test_device,
+				meterID:    uint32(3),
+				aggMeterID: uint32(2),
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	for _, tt := range tests {
+		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+			m := &MeterMgr{}
+			m.MetersByID.Store(tt.args.meterID, vm)
+			m.AddMeterToDevice(tt.args.port, tt.args.device, tt.args.meterID, tt.args.aggMeterID)
+		})
+	}
+func TestVoltMeter_AddToDevice(t *testing.T) {
+	type args struct {
+		port   string
+		device string
+		aggVM  *VoltMeter
+	}
+	tests := []struct {
+		name string
+		args args
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "VoltMeter_AddToDevice",
+			args: args{
+				port:   "test_port",
+				device: test_device,
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "Gir == 0",
+			args: args{
+				port:   "test_port",
+				device: test_device,
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	for _, tt := range tests {
+		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+			vm1 := &VoltMeter{}
+			switch {
+			case "VoltMeter_AddToDevice":
+				vm1.Cir = uint32(1)
+				vm1.Air = uint32(1)
+				vm1.Pir = uint32(1)
+				vm1.Gir = uint32(1)
+				vm1.Pbs = uint32(1)
+				vm1.AddToDevice(tt.args.port, tt.args.device, tt.args.aggVM)
+			case "Gir == 0":
+				vm1.Cir = uint32(1)
+				vm1.Air = uint32(1)
+				vm1.Pir = uint32(1)
+				vm1.Pbs = uint32(1)
+				vm1.AddToDevice(tt.args.port, tt.args.device, tt.args.aggVM)
+			}
+		})
+	}