Fixing golang linters for VGC

Change-Id: I386d232c74ab47e24d92c18800dc144120b920da
diff --git a/internal/pkg/errorcodes/errorcodes.go b/internal/pkg/errorcodes/errorcodes.go
index 4bb0490..68aa55c 100644
--- a/internal/pkg/errorcodes/errorcodes.go
+++ b/internal/pkg/errorcodes/errorcodes.go
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 import (
@@ -26,8 +27,8 @@
 type NBErrorCode int
 const (
-        // VolthaErrorMessageFormat represents the format in which the Voltha accepts the errors.
-        VolthaErrorMessageFormat = "code = %d, desc = %s"
+	// VolthaErrorMessageFormat represents the format in which the Voltha accepts the errors.
+	VolthaErrorMessageFormat = "code = %d, desc = %s"
 // List of error messages returned to Voltha.
@@ -87,247 +88,246 @@
 const (
-        //Success is returned when there is no error - 0
-        Success NBErrorCode = iota
-        //InvalidURL is returned when the URL specified for the request is invalid - 1
-        InvalidURL
-        //MissingArgument is returned when the mandatory/conditionally mandatory argument is missing - 2
-        MissingArgument
-        //RequestTimeout is returned when the request timed out. - 3
-        RequestTimeout
-        //ResourceAlreadyExists is returned when the resource already exists and create for the same is not allowed - 4
-        ResourceAlreadyExists
-        //ResourceInImproperState is returned when the resource is in improper state to process the request. - 5
-        ResourceInImproperState
-        //DeviceUnreachable is returned when the device is not reachable - 6
-        DeviceUnreachable
-        //OperationAlreadyInProgress is returned when the requested operation is already in progress - 7
-        OperationAlreadyInProgress
-        //InvalidConfig is returned when the configuration provided is invalid - 8
-        InvalidConfig
-        //ResourceNotFound is returned when the resource is not found - 9
-        ResourceNotFound
-        //MethodNotAllowed is returned when the requested method is not allowed - 10
-        MethodNotAllowed
-        //ResourceInUse is returned when the resource is in use, the delete of the resource is not allowed when in use - 11
-        ResourceInUse
-        //JobIDNotFound is returned when the Job ID not found - 12
-        JobIDNotFound
-        //JobIDAlreadyInUse is returned when the Job ID already in use - 13
-        JobIDAlreadyInUse
-        //PeerUnreachable is returned when the peer is unreachable -14
-        PeerUnreachable
-        //InvalidPatchOperation is returned when the parameter(s) mentioned in the patch operation are invalid - 15
-        InvalidPatchOperation
-        //OLTUnreachable is returned when the OLT is not reachable - 16
-        OLTUnreachable
-        //PrerequisiteNotMet is returned when the required prerequisite is not met to execute the requested procedure - 17
-        PrerequisiteNotMet
-        //MessageEncodeFailed is returned when Message encoding failed - 18
-        MessageEncodeFailed
-        //MessageDecodeFailed is returned when Message decoding failed - 19
-        MessageDecodeFailed
-        //ONTInternalError is returned when Internal error is reported by the ONT - 20
-        ONTInternalError
-        //OLTInternalError is returned when Internal error is reported by the OLT - 21
-        OLTInternalError
-        //VolthaInternalError is returned when Internal error occurred at Voltha - 22
-        VolthaInternalError
-        //ConfigMismatch is returned when the configuration does not match - 23
-        ConfigMismatch
-        //DBOperationFailed is returned when the database operation failed for the key - 24
-        DBOperationFailed
-        //ResourceLimitExceeded is returned when the resource limit exceeded the allowed limit - 25
-        ResourceLimitExceeded
-        //UndefinedEnv is returned when the required environment variable is not defined - 26
-        UndefinedEnv
-        //InvalidArgument is returned when the argument provided is invalid - 27
-        InvalidArgument
-        //InvalidPayload is returned when the configuration payload is invalid - 28
-        InvalidPayload
-        //DuplicateKey is returned when the duplicate entry for the key - 29
-        DuplicateKey
-        //DuplicateValue is returned when the duplicate entry for the value - 30
-        DuplicateValue
-        //UnsupportedOperation is returned when the request operation is not supported - 31
-        UnsupportedOperation
-        //UserUnauthorized is returned when the user is unauthorized to perform the requested operation - 32
-        UserUnauthorized
-        //LiveKPISubscriptionExists is returned when the live KPI subscription exists already for the requested resource - 33
-        LiveKPISubscriptionExists
-        //UnsuccessfulOperation is returned when the requested operation is unsuccessful - 34
-        UnsuccessfulOperation
-        //ResourceInDisabledStateAlready is returned when the resource is in disabled state already - 35
-        ResourceInDisabledStateAlready
-        //ResourceInEnabledStateAlready is returned when the resource is in enabled state already - 36
-        ResourceInEnabledStateAlready
-        //ResourceNotDiscoveredYet is returned when the resource is not discovered yet - 37
-        ResourceNotDiscoveredYet
-        //HighDiskUtilization is returned when the disk utilization is high, consider the disk cleanup. - 38
-        HighDiskUtilization
-        //KafkaError is returned when there is a kafka error - 39
-        KafkaError
-        //ResourceBusy is returned when the component/resource is busy. - 40
-        ResourceBusy
-        // UnsupportedParameter is returned when un supported field is provided in request. -41
-        UnsupportedParameter
-        //JobIDAlreadyExists is returned when the Job ID is already there in DB. -42
-        JobIDAlreadyExists
-        //LiveKPISubscriptionNotFound is returned when the live KPI subscription not found for the requested resource. -42
-        LiveKPISubscriptionNotFound
-        // HostUnreachable is returned when failed to establish the SFTP connection. -44
-        HostUnreachable
-        // DHCPServerUnreachable is returned when dhcp server is unreachable. -45
-        DHCPServerUnreachable
-        // SessionExpired is returned when user session is expired/timeout - 46
-        SessionExpired
-        // AccessDenied is returned when user operation is forbidden - 47
-        AccessDenied
-        // PasswordUpdateRequired is returned when password for the user is about to expire - 48
-        PasswordUpdateRequired
-        // InvalidMessageHeader is returned when token in security request is invalid/nil - 49
-        InvalidMessageHeader
-        // UserAccountBlocked is returned when user account gets blocked after multiple invalid attempts - 50
-        UserAccountBlocked
-        // UserAccountExpired is returned when user account gets expired - 51
-        UserAccountExpired
-        // UserAccountDormant is returned when user account gets dormant - 52
-        UserAccountDormant
-        // InvalidCredentials is returned when credentials are invalid in login request - 53
-        InvalidCredentials
-        // ConcurrentAccessFromMultipleIPs when multiple sessions gets established from same ip - 54
-        ConcurrentAccessFromMultipleIPs
-        // KPIThresholdCrossed when KPI threshold is crossed - 55
-        KPIThresholdCrossed
-        // ONTUnreachable is returned when the ONT is not reachable - 56
-        ONTUnreachable
-        // ResourceUnreachable is returned when the resource is not reachable -57
-        ResourceUnreachable
-        // ONTProcessingError is returned when onu returns processing error for omci message - 58
-        ONTProcessingError
-        // ONTResourceBusy is returned when onu returns device busy error for omci message - 59
-        ONTResourceBusy
-        // ONTMEInstanceExists is returned when onu returns OMCI ME instance exists error for omci message - 60
-        ONTMEInstanceExists
-        // ONTUnknownMEInstance is returned when onu returns OMCI ME Unknown Instance error for omci message - 61
-        ONTUnknownMEInstance
-        // JoinUnsuccessful is returned when an IGMP Join request is unsuccessful - 62
-        JoinUnsuccessful
-        // QueryExpired is returned when there is no response to IGMP Queries from the controller - 63
-        QueryExpired
-        // AvailableBwValidationErr is returned when requested bandwidth is not available on the pon port - 64
-        AvailableBwValidationErr
+	//Success is returned when there is no error - 0
+	Success NBErrorCode = iota
+	//InvalidURL is returned when the URL specified for the request is invalid - 1
+	InvalidURL
+	//MissingArgument is returned when the mandatory/conditionally mandatory argument is missing - 2
+	MissingArgument
+	//RequestTimeout is returned when the request timed out. - 3
+	RequestTimeout
+	//ResourceAlreadyExists is returned when the resource already exists and create for the same is not allowed - 4
+	ResourceAlreadyExists
+	//ResourceInImproperState is returned when the resource is in improper state to process the request. - 5
+	ResourceInImproperState
+	//DeviceUnreachable is returned when the device is not reachable - 6
+	DeviceUnreachable
+	//OperationAlreadyInProgress is returned when the requested operation is already in progress - 7
+	OperationAlreadyInProgress
+	//InvalidConfig is returned when the configuration provided is invalid - 8
+	InvalidConfig
+	//ResourceNotFound is returned when the resource is not found - 9
+	ResourceNotFound
+	//MethodNotAllowed is returned when the requested method is not allowed - 10
+	MethodNotAllowed
+	//ResourceInUse is returned when the resource is in use, the delete of the resource is not allowed when in use - 11
+	ResourceInUse
+	//JobIDNotFound is returned when the Job ID not found - 12
+	JobIDNotFound
+	//JobIDAlreadyInUse is returned when the Job ID already in use - 13
+	JobIDAlreadyInUse
+	//PeerUnreachable is returned when the peer is unreachable -14
+	PeerUnreachable
+	//InvalidPatchOperation is returned when the parameter(s) mentioned in the patch operation are invalid - 15
+	InvalidPatchOperation
+	//OLTUnreachable is returned when the OLT is not reachable - 16
+	OLTUnreachable
+	//PrerequisiteNotMet is returned when the required prerequisite is not met to execute the requested procedure - 17
+	PrerequisiteNotMet
+	//MessageEncodeFailed is returned when Message encoding failed - 18
+	MessageEncodeFailed
+	//MessageDecodeFailed is returned when Message decoding failed - 19
+	MessageDecodeFailed
+	//ONTInternalError is returned when Internal error is reported by the ONT - 20
+	ONTInternalError
+	//OLTInternalError is returned when Internal error is reported by the OLT - 21
+	OLTInternalError
+	//VolthaInternalError is returned when Internal error occurred at Voltha - 22
+	VolthaInternalError
+	//ConfigMismatch is returned when the configuration does not match - 23
+	ConfigMismatch
+	//DBOperationFailed is returned when the database operation failed for the key - 24
+	DBOperationFailed
+	//ResourceLimitExceeded is returned when the resource limit exceeded the allowed limit - 25
+	ResourceLimitExceeded
+	//UndefinedEnv is returned when the required environment variable is not defined - 26
+	UndefinedEnv
+	//InvalidArgument is returned when the argument provided is invalid - 27
+	InvalidArgument
+	//InvalidPayload is returned when the configuration payload is invalid - 28
+	InvalidPayload
+	//DuplicateKey is returned when the duplicate entry for the key - 29
+	DuplicateKey
+	//DuplicateValue is returned when the duplicate entry for the value - 30
+	DuplicateValue
+	//UnsupportedOperation is returned when the request operation is not supported - 31
+	UnsupportedOperation
+	//UserUnauthorized is returned when the user is unauthorized to perform the requested operation - 32
+	UserUnauthorized
+	//LiveKPISubscriptionExists is returned when the live KPI subscription exists already for the requested resource - 33
+	LiveKPISubscriptionExists
+	//UnsuccessfulOperation is returned when the requested operation is unsuccessful - 34
+	UnsuccessfulOperation
+	//ResourceInDisabledStateAlready is returned when the resource is in disabled state already - 35
+	ResourceInDisabledStateAlready
+	//ResourceInEnabledStateAlready is returned when the resource is in enabled state already - 36
+	ResourceInEnabledStateAlready
+	//ResourceNotDiscoveredYet is returned when the resource is not discovered yet - 37
+	ResourceNotDiscoveredYet
+	//HighDiskUtilization is returned when the disk utilization is high, consider the disk cleanup. - 38
+	HighDiskUtilization
+	//KafkaError is returned when there is a kafka error - 39
+	KafkaError
+	//ResourceBusy is returned when the component/resource is busy. - 40
+	ResourceBusy
+	// UnsupportedParameter is returned when un supported field is provided in request. -41
+	UnsupportedParameter
+	//JobIDAlreadyExists is returned when the Job ID is already there in DB. -42
+	JobIDAlreadyExists
+	//LiveKPISubscriptionNotFound is returned when the live KPI subscription not found for the requested resource. -42
+	LiveKPISubscriptionNotFound
+	// HostUnreachable is returned when failed to establish the SFTP connection. -44
+	HostUnreachable
+	// DHCPServerUnreachable is returned when dhcp server is unreachable. -45
+	DHCPServerUnreachable
+	// SessionExpired is returned when user session is expired/timeout - 46
+	SessionExpired
+	// AccessDenied is returned when user operation is forbidden - 47
+	AccessDenied
+	// PasswordUpdateRequired is returned when password for the user is about to expire - 48
+	PasswordUpdateRequired
+	// InvalidMessageHeader is returned when token in security request is invalid/nil - 49
+	InvalidMessageHeader
+	// UserAccountBlocked is returned when user account gets blocked after multiple invalid attempts - 50
+	UserAccountBlocked
+	// UserAccountExpired is returned when user account gets expired - 51
+	UserAccountExpired
+	// UserAccountDormant is returned when user account gets dormant - 52
+	UserAccountDormant
+	// InvalidCredentials is returned when credentials are invalid in login request - 53
+	InvalidCredentials
+	// ConcurrentAccessFromMultipleIPs when multiple sessions gets established from same ip - 54
+	ConcurrentAccessFromMultipleIPs
+	// KPIThresholdCrossed when KPI threshold is crossed - 55
+	KPIThresholdCrossed
+	// ONTUnreachable is returned when the ONT is not reachable - 56
+	ONTUnreachable
+	// ResourceUnreachable is returned when the resource is not reachable -57
+	ResourceUnreachable
+	// ONTProcessingError is returned when onu returns processing error for omci message - 58
+	ONTProcessingError
+	// ONTResourceBusy is returned when onu returns device busy error for omci message - 59
+	ONTResourceBusy
+	// ONTMEInstanceExists is returned when onu returns OMCI ME instance exists error for omci message - 60
+	ONTMEInstanceExists
+	// ONTUnknownMEInstance is returned when onu returns OMCI ME Unknown Instance error for omci message - 61
+	ONTUnknownMEInstance
+	// JoinUnsuccessful is returned when an IGMP Join request is unsuccessful - 62
+	JoinUnsuccessful
+	// QueryExpired is returned when there is no response to IGMP Queries from the controller - 63
+	QueryExpired
+	// AvailableBwValidationErr is returned when requested bandwidth is not available on the pon port - 64
+	AvailableBwValidationErr
-//NBErrorCodeMap converts error code to error description string
+// NBErrorCodeMap converts error code to error description string
 var NBErrorCodeMap = map[NBErrorCode]string{
-        Success:                         "Success",
-        InvalidURL:                      "INVALID_URL",
-        RequestTimeout:                  "REQUEST_TIMEOUT",
-        MissingArgument:                 "MISSING_ARGUMENT",
-        ResourceAlreadyExists:           "RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS",
-        ResourceInImproperState:         "RESOURCE_IN_IMPROPER_STATE",
-        DeviceUnreachable:               "DEVICE_UNREACHABLE",
-        OperationAlreadyInProgress:      "OPERATION_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS",
-        InvalidConfig:                   "INVALID_CONFIG",
-        ResourceNotFound:                "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND",
-        MethodNotAllowed:                "METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED",
-        ResourceInUse:                   "RESOURCE_IN_USE",
-        JobIDNotFound:                   "JOB_ID_NOT_FOUND",
-        JobIDAlreadyInUse:               "JOB_ID_ALREADY_IN_USE",
-        PeerUnreachable:                 "PEER_UNREACHABLE",
-        InvalidPatchOperation:           "INVALID_PATCH_OPERATION",
-        OLTUnreachable:                  "OLT_UNREACHABLE",
-        PrerequisiteNotMet:              "PREREQUISITE_NOT_MET",
-        MessageEncodeFailed:             "MESSAGE_ENCODE_FAILED",
-        MessageDecodeFailed:             "MESSAGE_DECODE_FAILED",
-        ONTInternalError:                "ONT_INTERNAL_ERROR",
-        OLTInternalError:                "OLT_INTERNAL_ERROR",
-        VolthaInternalError:               "Voltha_INTERNAL_ERROR",
-        ConfigMismatch:                  "CONFIG_MISMATCH",
-        DBOperationFailed:               "DB_OPERATION_FAILED",
-        ResourceLimitExceeded:           "RESOURCE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED",
-        UndefinedEnv:                    "UNDEFINED_ENV",
-        InvalidArgument:                 "INVALID_ARGUMENT",
-        InvalidPayload:                  "INVALID_PAYLOAD",
-        DuplicateKey:                    "DUPLICATE_KEY",
-        DuplicateValue:                  "DUPLICATE_VALUE",
-        UnsupportedOperation:            "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION",
-        UserUnauthorized:                "USER_UNAUTHORIZED",
-        LiveKPISubscriptionExists:       "LIVE_KPI_SUBSCRIPTION_EXISTS",
-        UnsuccessfulOperation:           "UNSUCCESSFUL_OPERATION",
-        ResourceInDisabledStateAlready:  "RESOURCE_IN_DISABLED_STATE_ALREADY",
-        ResourceInEnabledStateAlready:   "RESOURCE_IN_ENABLED_STATE_ALREADY",
-        ResourceNotDiscoveredYet:        "RESOURCE_NOT_DISCOVERED_YET",
-        HighDiskUtilization:             "HIGH_DISK_UTILIZATION",
-        KafkaError:                      "KAFKA_ERROR",
-        LiveKPISubscriptionNotFound:     "LIVE_KPI_SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_FOUND",
-        ResourceBusy:                    "RESOURCE_BUSY",
-        UnsupportedParameter:            "UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER",
-        JobIDAlreadyExists:              "JOB_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS",
-        HostUnreachable:                 "HOST_UNREACHABLE",
-        DHCPServerUnreachable:           "DHCP_SERVER_UNREACHABLE",
-        InvalidMessageHeader:            "INVALID_MESSAGE_HEADER",
-        SessionExpired:                  "SESSION_EXPIRED",
-        AccessDenied:                    "ACCESS_DENIED",
-        PasswordUpdateRequired:          "PASSWORD_UPDATE_REQUIRED",
-        InvalidCredentials:              "INVALID_CREDENTIALS",
-        UserAccountBlocked:              "USER_ACCOUNT_BLOCKED",
-        UserAccountExpired:              "USER_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED",
-        ConcurrentAccessFromMultipleIPs: "CONCURRENT_ACCESS_FROM_MULTIPLE_IPS",
-        KPIThresholdCrossed:             "KPI_THRESHOLD_CROSSED",
-        ONTUnreachable:                  "ONT_UNREACHABLE",
-        ONTProcessingError:              "ONT_PROCESSING_ERROR",
-        ONTResourceBusy:                 "ONT_RESOURCE_BUSY",
-        ONTMEInstanceExists:             "ONT_ME_INSTANCE_ALREADY_EXISTS",
-        ONTUnknownMEInstance:            "ONT_UNKNOWN_ME_INSTANCE",
-        JoinUnsuccessful:                "JOIN_UNSUCCESSFUL",
-        QueryExpired:                    "QUERY_EXPIRED",
+	Success:                         "Success",
+	InvalidURL:                      "INVALID_URL",
+	RequestTimeout:                  "REQUEST_TIMEOUT",
+	MissingArgument:                 "MISSING_ARGUMENT",
+	ResourceAlreadyExists:           "RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS",
+	ResourceInImproperState:         "RESOURCE_IN_IMPROPER_STATE",
+	DeviceUnreachable:               "DEVICE_UNREACHABLE",
+	OperationAlreadyInProgress:      "OPERATION_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS",
+	InvalidConfig:                   "INVALID_CONFIG",
+	ResourceNotFound:                "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND",
+	MethodNotAllowed:                "METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED",
+	ResourceInUse:                   "RESOURCE_IN_USE",
+	JobIDNotFound:                   "JOB_ID_NOT_FOUND",
+	JobIDAlreadyInUse:               "JOB_ID_ALREADY_IN_USE",
+	PeerUnreachable:                 "PEER_UNREACHABLE",
+	InvalidPatchOperation:           "INVALID_PATCH_OPERATION",
+	OLTUnreachable:                  "OLT_UNREACHABLE",
+	PrerequisiteNotMet:              "PREREQUISITE_NOT_MET",
+	MessageEncodeFailed:             "MESSAGE_ENCODE_FAILED",
+	MessageDecodeFailed:             "MESSAGE_DECODE_FAILED",
+	ONTInternalError:                "ONT_INTERNAL_ERROR",
+	OLTInternalError:                "OLT_INTERNAL_ERROR",
+	VolthaInternalError:             "Voltha_INTERNAL_ERROR",
+	ConfigMismatch:                  "CONFIG_MISMATCH",
+	DBOperationFailed:               "DB_OPERATION_FAILED",
+	ResourceLimitExceeded:           "RESOURCE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED",
+	UndefinedEnv:                    "UNDEFINED_ENV",
+	InvalidArgument:                 "INVALID_ARGUMENT",
+	InvalidPayload:                  "INVALID_PAYLOAD",
+	DuplicateKey:                    "DUPLICATE_KEY",
+	DuplicateValue:                  "DUPLICATE_VALUE",
+	UnsupportedOperation:            "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION",
+	UserUnauthorized:                "USER_UNAUTHORIZED",
+	LiveKPISubscriptionExists:       "LIVE_KPI_SUBSCRIPTION_EXISTS",
+	UnsuccessfulOperation:           "UNSUCCESSFUL_OPERATION",
+	ResourceInDisabledStateAlready:  "RESOURCE_IN_DISABLED_STATE_ALREADY",
+	ResourceInEnabledStateAlready:   "RESOURCE_IN_ENABLED_STATE_ALREADY",
+	ResourceNotDiscoveredYet:        "RESOURCE_NOT_DISCOVERED_YET",
+	HighDiskUtilization:             "HIGH_DISK_UTILIZATION",
+	KafkaError:                      "KAFKA_ERROR",
+	LiveKPISubscriptionNotFound:     "LIVE_KPI_SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_FOUND",
+	ResourceBusy:                    "RESOURCE_BUSY",
+	UnsupportedParameter:            "UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER",
+	JobIDAlreadyExists:              "JOB_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS",
+	HostUnreachable:                 "HOST_UNREACHABLE",
+	DHCPServerUnreachable:           "DHCP_SERVER_UNREACHABLE",
+	InvalidMessageHeader:            "INVALID_MESSAGE_HEADER",
+	SessionExpired:                  "SESSION_EXPIRED",
+	AccessDenied:                    "ACCESS_DENIED",
+	PasswordUpdateRequired:          "PASSWORD_UPDATE_REQUIRED",
+	InvalidCredentials:              "INVALID_CREDENTIALS",
+	UserAccountBlocked:              "USER_ACCOUNT_BLOCKED",
+	UserAccountExpired:              "USER_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED",
+	KPIThresholdCrossed:             "KPI_THRESHOLD_CROSSED",
+	ONTUnreachable:                  "ONT_UNREACHABLE",
+	ONTProcessingError:              "ONT_PROCESSING_ERROR",
+	ONTResourceBusy:                 "ONT_RESOURCE_BUSY",
+	ONTMEInstanceExists:             "ONT_ME_INSTANCE_ALREADY_EXISTS",
+	ONTUnknownMEInstance:            "ONT_UNKNOWN_ME_INSTANCE",
+	JoinUnsuccessful:                "JOIN_UNSUCCESSFUL",
+	QueryExpired:                    "QUERY_EXPIRED",
 // GrpcToVolthaErrorCodeMap contains mapping of grpc error code coming from OpenOLT-Agent to Voltha error codes.
 var GrpcToVolthaErrorCodeMap = map[codes.Code]NBErrorCode{
-        codes.OK:                 Success,
-        codes.Canceled:           UnsuccessfulOperation,
-        codes.Unknown:            OLTInternalError,
-        codes.InvalidArgument:    InvalidArgument,
-        codes.DeadlineExceeded:   RequestTimeout,
-        codes.NotFound:           ResourceNotFound,
-        codes.AlreadyExists:      ResourceAlreadyExists,
-        codes.PermissionDenied:   UserUnauthorized,
-        codes.ResourceExhausted:  ResourceLimitExceeded,
-        codes.FailedPrecondition: PrerequisiteNotMet,
-        codes.Aborted:            UnsuccessfulOperation,
-        codes.OutOfRange:         InvalidArgument,
-        codes.Unimplemented:      UnsupportedOperation,
-        codes.Internal:           OLTInternalError,
-        codes.Unavailable:        ResourceBusy,
-        codes.DataLoss:           OLTInternalError,
-        codes.Unauthenticated:    UserUnauthorized,
+	codes.OK:                 Success,
+	codes.Canceled:           UnsuccessfulOperation,
+	codes.Unknown:            OLTInternalError,
+	codes.InvalidArgument:    InvalidArgument,
+	codes.DeadlineExceeded:   RequestTimeout,
+	codes.NotFound:           ResourceNotFound,
+	codes.AlreadyExists:      ResourceAlreadyExists,
+	codes.PermissionDenied:   UserUnauthorized,
+	codes.ResourceExhausted:  ResourceLimitExceeded,
+	codes.FailedPrecondition: PrerequisiteNotMet,
+	codes.Aborted:            UnsuccessfulOperation,
+	codes.OutOfRange:         InvalidArgument,
+	codes.Unimplemented:      UnsupportedOperation,
+	codes.Internal:           OLTInternalError,
+	codes.Unavailable:        ResourceBusy,
+	codes.DataLoss:           OLTInternalError,
+	codes.Unauthenticated:    UserUnauthorized,
 // HTTPStatusCodeToVolthaErrorCodeMap contains mapping of http status code coming from VGC to Voltha error codes.
 var HTTPStatusCodeToVolthaErrorCodeMap = map[int]NBErrorCode{
-        http.StatusOK:                  Success,
-        http.StatusCreated:             Success,
-        http.StatusAccepted:            Success,
-        http.StatusBadRequest:          InvalidPayload,
-        http.StatusConflict:            ResourceInImproperState,
-        http.StatusInternalServerError: VolthaInternalError,
+	http.StatusOK:                  Success,
+	http.StatusCreated:             Success,
+	http.StatusAccepted:            Success,
+	http.StatusBadRequest:          InvalidPayload,
+	http.StatusConflict:            ResourceInImproperState,
+	http.StatusInternalServerError: VolthaInternalError,
 // GetErrorInfo - parses the error details from err structure response from voltha
 // Return statusCode (uint32) - Error code [0 - Success]
-//        status Msg (string) - Error Msg
+// status Msg (string) - Error Msg
 func GetErrorInfo(err error) (uint32, string) {
-        var statusCode uint32
-        var statusMsg string
-        if status, _ := status.FromError(err); status != nil {
-                statusCode = uint32(status.Code())
-                statusMsg = status.Message()
-        } else {
-                statusCode = 0
-        }
-        return statusCode, statusMsg
+	var statusCode uint32
+	var statusMsg string
+	if status, _ := status.FromError(err); status != nil {
+		statusCode = uint32(status.Code())
+		statusMsg = status.Message()
+	} else {
+		statusCode = 0
+	}
+	return statusCode, statusMsg