[VOL-4754] Igmp code re-organization

Change-Id: Ib34ea7af0b445e0091593bca6882412fea220fb1
diff --git a/internal/pkg/application/igmpgroupchannel.go b/internal/pkg/application/igmpgroupchannel.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed39d23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/pkg/application/igmpgroupchannel.go
@@ -0,0 +1,735 @@
+* Copyright 2022-present Open Networking Foundation
+* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+* You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+* limitations under the License.
+package application
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"net"
+	"github.com/google/gopacket/layers"
+	cntlr "voltha-go-controller/internal/pkg/controller"
+	"voltha-go-controller/internal/pkg/types"
+	"voltha-go-controller/internal/pkg/of"
+	"voltha-go-controller/log"
+// IgmpGroupChannel structure
+type IgmpGroupChannel struct {
+        Device       string
+        GroupID      uint32
+        GroupName    string
+        GroupAddr    net.IP
+        Mvlan        of.VlanType
+        Exclude      int
+        ExcludeList  []net.IP
+        IncludeList  []net.IP
+        Version      uint8
+        ServVersion  *uint8                    `json:"-"`
+        CurReceivers map[string]*IgmpGroupPort `json:"-"`
+        NewReceivers map[string]*IgmpGroupPort `json:"-"`
+        proxyCfg     **IgmpProfile
+        IgmpProxyIP  **net.IP                  `json:"-"`
+// NewIgmpGroupChannel is constructor for a channel. The default IGMP version is set to 3
+// as the protocol defines the way to manage backward compatibility
+// The implementation handles simultaneous presense of lower versioned
+// receivers
+func NewIgmpGroupChannel(igd *IgmpGroupDevice, groupAddr net.IP, version uint8) *IgmpGroupChannel {
+        var igc IgmpGroupChannel
+        igc.Device = igd.Device
+        igc.GroupID = igd.GroupID
+        igc.GroupName = igd.GroupName
+        igc.GroupAddr = groupAddr
+        igc.Mvlan = igd.Mvlan
+        igc.Version = version
+        igc.CurReceivers = make(map[string]*IgmpGroupPort)
+        igc.NewReceivers = make(map[string]*IgmpGroupPort)
+        igc.proxyCfg = &igd.proxyCfg
+        igc.IgmpProxyIP = &igd.IgmpProxyIP
+        igc.ServVersion = igd.ServVersion
+        return &igc
+// NewIgmpGroupChannelFromBytes create the IGMP group channel from a byte slice
+func NewIgmpGroupChannelFromBytes(b []byte) (*IgmpGroupChannel, error) {
+        var igc IgmpGroupChannel
+        if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &igc); err != nil {
+                return nil, err
+        }
+        igc.CurReceivers = make(map[string]*IgmpGroupPort)
+        igc.NewReceivers = make(map[string]*IgmpGroupPort)
+        return &igc, nil
+// RestorePorts to restore ports
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) RestorePorts() {
+        igc.migrateIgmpPorts()
+        ports, _ := db.GetIgmpRcvrs(igc.Mvlan, igc.GroupAddr, igc.Device)
+        for _, port := range ports {
+                b, ok := port.Value.([]byte)
+                if !ok {
+                        logger.Warn(ctx, "The value type is not []byte")
+                        continue
+                }
+                if igp, err := NewIgmpGroupPortFromBytes(b); err == nil {
+                        igc.NewReceivers[igp.Port] = igp
+                        logger.Infow(ctx, "Group Port Restored", log.Fields{"IGP": igp})
+                } else {
+                        logger.Warn(ctx, "Failed to decode port from DB")
+                }
+        }
+        if err := igc.WriteToDb(); err != nil {
+                logger.Errorw(ctx, "Igmp group channel Write to DB failed", log.Fields{"mvlan": igc.Mvlan, "GroupAddr": igc.GroupAddr})
+        }
+// WriteToDb is utility to write IGMPGroupChannel Info to database
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) WriteToDb() error {
+        b, err := json.Marshal(igc)
+        if err != nil {
+                return err
+        }
+        if err1 := db.PutIgmpChannel(igc.Mvlan, igc.GroupName, igc.Device, igc.GroupAddr, string(b)); err1 != nil {
+                return err1
+        }
+        logger.Info(ctx, "IGC Updated")
+        return nil
+// InclSourceIsIn checks if a source is in include list
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) InclSourceIsIn(src net.IP) bool {
+        return IsIPPresent(src, igc.IncludeList)
+// ExclSourceIsIn checks if a source is in exclude list
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) ExclSourceIsIn(src net.IP) bool {
+        return IsIPPresent(src, igc.ExcludeList)
+// AddInclSource adds a source is in include list
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) AddInclSource(src net.IP) {
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Adding Include Source for Channel", log.Fields{"Channel": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Device": igc.Device, "Src": src})
+        igc.IncludeList = append(igc.IncludeList, src)
+// AddExclSource adds a source is in exclude list
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) AddExclSource(src net.IP) {
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Adding Exclude Source for Channel", log.Fields{"Channel": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Device": igc.Device, "Src": src})
+        igc.ExcludeList = append(igc.ExcludeList, src)
+// UpdateExclSource update excl source list for the given channel
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) UpdateExclSource(srcList []net.IP) bool {
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Updating Exclude Source for Channel", log.Fields{"Channel": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Device": igc.Device, "Current List": igc.ExcludeList, "Incoming List": srcList})
+        if !igc.IsExclListChanged(srcList) {
+                return false
+        }
+        if igc.NumReceivers() == 1 {
+                igc.ExcludeList = srcList
+        } else {
+                igc.ExcludeList = igc.computeExclList(srcList)
+        }
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Updated Exclude Source for Channel", log.Fields{"Channel": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Device": igc.Device, "Updated Excl List": igc.ExcludeList})
+        return true
+// computeExclList computes intersection of pervious & current src list
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) computeExclList(srcList []net.IP) []net.IP {
+        updatedSrcList := []net.IP{}
+        for _, src := range srcList {
+                for _, excl := range igc.ExcludeList {
+                        if src.Equal(excl) {
+                                updatedSrcList = append(updatedSrcList, src)
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        return updatedSrcList
+// IsExclListChanged checks if excl list has been updated
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) IsExclListChanged(srcList []net.IP) bool {
+        srcPresent := false
+        if len(igc.ExcludeList) != len(srcList) {
+                return true
+        }
+        for _, src := range srcList {
+                for _, excl := range igc.ExcludeList {
+                        srcPresent = false
+                        if src.Equal(excl) {
+                                srcPresent = true
+                                break
+                        }
+                }
+                if !srcPresent {
+                        return true
+                }
+        }
+        return false
+// DelInclSource deletes a source is in include list
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) DelInclSource(src net.IP) {
+        mvp := GetApplication().GetMvlanProfileByTag(igc.Mvlan)
+        /* If the SSM proxy is configured, then we can del the src ip from igc as whatever is in proxy that is final list */
+        if _, ok := mvp.Proxy[igc.GroupName]; !ok {
+                logger.Debugw(ctx, "Deleting Include Source for Channel", log.Fields{"Channel": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Device": igc.Device, "Src": src})
+                for _, igp := range igc.CurReceivers {
+                        if igp.InclSourceIsIn(src) {
+                                logger.Infow(ctx, "Skipping deletion: Source Present for another Receiver", log.Fields{"Receiver": igp.Port})
+                                return
+                        }
+                }
+                for _, igp := range igc.NewReceivers {
+                        if igp.InclSourceIsIn(src) {
+                                logger.Infow(ctx, "Skipping deletion: Source Present for another Receiver", log.Fields{"Receiver": igp.Port})
+                                return
+                        }
+                }
+        } else {
+                logger.Debug(ctx, "Proxy configured, not Deleting Include Source for Channel")
+        }
+        for i, addr := range igc.IncludeList {
+                if addr.Equal(src) {
+                        igc.IncludeList = append(igc.IncludeList[:i], igc.IncludeList[i+1:]...)
+                        return
+                }
+        }
+// DelExclSource deletes a source is in exclude list
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) DelExclSource(src net.IP) {
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Deleting Exclude Source for Channel", log.Fields{"Channel": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Device": igc.Device, "Src": src})
+        for _, igp := range igc.CurReceivers {
+                if igp.ExclSourceIsIn(src) {
+                        logger.Infow(ctx, "Skipping deletion: Source Present for another Receiver", log.Fields{"Receiver": igp.Port})
+                        return
+                }
+        }
+        for _, igp := range igc.NewReceivers {
+                if igp.ExclSourceIsIn(src) {
+                        logger.Infow(ctx, "Skipping deletion: Source Present for another Receiver", log.Fields{"Receiver": igp.Port})
+                        return
+                }
+        }
+        for i, addr := range igc.ExcludeList {
+                if addr.Equal(src) {
+                        igc.ExcludeList = append(igc.ExcludeList[:i], igc.ExcludeList[i+1:]...)
+                        return
+                }
+        }
+// ProcessSources process the received list of either included sources or the excluded sources
+// The return value indicate sif the group is modified and needs to be informed
+// to the upstream multicast servers
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) ProcessSources(port string, ip []net.IP, incl bool) (bool, bool) {
+        groupChanged := false
+        groupExclUpdated := false
+        receiverSrcListEmpty := false
+        // If the version type is 2, there isn't anything to process here
+        if igc.Version == IgmpVersion2 && *igc.ServVersion == IgmpVersion2 {
+                return false, false
+        }
+        igp := igc.GetReceiver(port)
+        if igp == nil {
+                logger.Warnw(ctx, "Receiver not found", log.Fields{"Port": port})
+                return false, false
+        }
+        mvp := GetApplication().GetMvlanProfileByTag(igc.Mvlan)
+        if incl {
+                for _, src := range ip {
+                        if igp.ExclSourceIsIn(src) {
+                                igp.DelExclSource(src)
+                                if igc.ExclSourceIsIn(src) {
+                                        igc.DelExclSource(src)
+                                        groupChanged = true
+                                }
+                        }
+                        // If the source is not in the list of include sources for the port
+                        // add it. If so, check also if it is in list of include sources
+                        // at the device level.
+                        if !igp.InclSourceIsIn(src) {
+                                igp.AddInclSource(src)
+                                if !igc.InclSourceIsIn(src) {
+                                        igc.AddInclSource(src)
+                                        groupChanged = true
+                                }
+                        }
+                }
+                /* If any of the existing ip in the source list is removed we need to remove from the list in igp and igc */
+                if _, ok := mvp.Proxy[igc.GroupName]; ok {
+                        /* If we get leave message from any subscriber, we do not have to delete the entries in the src list
+                           Only if ther is any modification in the src list by proxy config update only then we need to update */
+                        if len(ip) != 0 && len(ip) != len(igc.IncludeList) {
+                                for i := len(igc.IncludeList) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+                                        src := igc.IncludeList[i]
+                                        if !IsIPPresent(src, ip) {
+                                                igp.DelInclSource(src)
+                                                igc.DelInclSource(src)
+                                                groupChanged = true
+                                        }
+                                }
+                        }
+                }
+        } else {
+                for _, src := range ip {
+                        if igp.InclSourceIsIn(src) {
+                                igp.DelInclSource(src)
+                                if igc.InclSourceIsIn(src) {
+                                        igc.DelInclSource(src)
+                                        groupChanged = true
+                                }
+                                if len(igp.IncludeList) == 0 {
+                                        receiverSrcListEmpty = true
+                                }
+                        }
+                        // If the source is not in the list of exclude sources for the port
+                        // add it. If so, check also if it is in list of include sources
+                        // at the device level.
+                        if !igp.ExclSourceIsIn(src) {
+                                igp.AddExclSource(src)
+                                /* If there is any update in the src list of proxy we need to update the igc */
+                                if _, ok := mvp.Proxy[igc.GroupName]; ok {
+                                        if !igc.ExclSourceIsIn(src) {
+                                                igc.AddExclSource(src)
+                                                groupChanged = true
+                                        }
+                                }
+                        }
+                }
+                /* If any of the existing ip in the source list is removed we need to remove from the list in igp and igc */
+                if _, ok := mvp.Proxy[igc.GroupName]; ok {
+                        if len(ip) != len(igc.ExcludeList) {
+                                for i := len(igc.ExcludeList) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+                                        src := igc.ExcludeList[i]
+                                        if !IsIPPresent(src, ip) {
+                                                igp.DelExclSource(src)
+                                                igc.DelExclSource(src)
+                                                groupChanged = true
+                                        }
+                                }
+                        }
+                }
+                groupExclUpdated = igc.UpdateExclSource(ip)
+        }
+        if err := igp.WriteToDb(igc.Mvlan, igc.GroupAddr, igc.Device); err != nil {
+                logger.Errorw(ctx, "Igmp group port Write to DB failed", log.Fields{"mvlan": igc.Mvlan, "GroupAddr": igc.GroupAddr})
+        }
+        return (groupChanged || groupExclUpdated), receiverSrcListEmpty
+// GetReceiver to get receiver info
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) GetReceiver(port string) *IgmpGroupPort {
+        igp := igc.NewReceivers[port]
+        if igp == nil {
+                igp = igc.CurReceivers[port]
+        }
+        return igp
+// AddReceiver add the receiver to the device and perform other actions such as adding the group
+// to the physical device, add members, add flows to point the MC packets to the
+// group. Also, send a IGMP report upstream if there is a change in the group
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) AddReceiver(port string, group *layers.IGMPv3GroupRecord, cvlan uint16, pbit uint8) bool {
+        var igp *IgmpGroupPort
+        var groupModified = false
+        var isNewReceiver = false
+        var ip []net.IP
+        incl := false
+        mvp := GetApplication().GetMvlanProfileByTag(igc.Mvlan)
+        if _, ok := mvp.Proxy[igc.GroupName]; ok {
+                if mvp.Proxy[igc.GroupName].Mode == common.Include {
+                        incl = true
+                }
+                ip = mvp.Proxy[igc.GroupName].SourceList
+        } else if group != nil {
+                incl = isIncl(group.Type)
+                ip = group.SourceAddresses
+        }
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Attempting to add receiver", log.Fields{"Version": igc.Version, "Port": port, "Incl": incl, "srcIp": ip})
+        //logger.Infow(ctx, "Receivers", log.Fields{"New": igc.NewReceivers, "Current": igc.CurReceivers})
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Receiver Group", log.Fields{"Igd GId": igc.GroupID})
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Receiver Channel", log.Fields{"Igd addr": igc.GroupAddr})
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Receiver Mvlan", log.Fields{"Igd mvlan": igc.Mvlan})
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Receiver Sources", log.Fields{"Igd addr": ip})
+        ponPortID := GetApplication().GetPonPortID(igc.Device, port)
+        // Process the IGMP receiver. If it is already in, we should only process the changes
+        // to source list.
+        var newRcvExists bool
+        igp, newRcvExists = igc.NewReceivers[port]
+        if !newRcvExists {
+                // Add the receiver to the list of receivers and make the necessary group modification
+                // if this is the first time the receiver is added
+                var curRcvExists bool
+                if igp, curRcvExists = igc.CurReceivers[port]; curRcvExists {
+                        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Existing IGMP receiver", log.Fields{"Group": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Port": port})
+                        delete(igc.CurReceivers, port)
+                        igp.QueryTimeoutCount = 0
+                        igc.NewReceivers[port] = igp
+                } else {
+                        // New receiver who wasn't part of earlier list
+                        // Need to send out IGMP group modification for this port
+                        igp = NewIgmpGroupPort(port, cvlan, pbit, igc.Version, incl, uint32(ponPortID))
+                        igc.NewReceivers[port] = igp
+                        isNewReceiver = true
+                        logger.Debugw(ctx, "New IGMP receiver", log.Fields{"Group": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Port": port})
+                        if len(igc.NewReceivers) == 1 && len(igc.CurReceivers) == 0 {
+                                groupModified = true
+                                igc.AddMcFlow()
+                                logger.Debugw(ctx, "Added New Flow", log.Fields{"Group": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Port": port})
+                        }
+                        if !incl {
+                                igc.Exclude++
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        // Process the include/exclude list which may end up modifying the group
+        if change, _ := igc.ProcessSources(port, ip, incl); change {
+                groupModified = true
+        }
+        igc.ProcessMode(port, incl)
+        // If the group is modified as this is the first receiver or due to include/exclude list modification
+        // send a report to the upstream multicast servers
+        if groupModified {
+                logger.Debug(ctx, "Group Modified and IGMP report sent to the upstream server")
+                igc.SendReport(false)
+        } else if newRcvExists {
+                return false
+        }
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Channel Receiver Added", log.Fields{"Group Channel": igc.GroupAddr, "Group Port": igp})
+        if err := igc.WriteToDb(); err != nil {
+                logger.Errorw(ctx, "Igmp group channel Write to DB failed", log.Fields{"mvlan": igc.Mvlan, "GroupAddr": igc.GroupAddr})
+        }
+        if err := igp.WriteToDb(igc.Mvlan, igc.GroupAddr, igc.Device); err != nil {
+                logger.Errorw(ctx, "Igmp group port Write to DB failed", log.Fields{"mvlan": igc.Mvlan, "GroupAddr": igc.GroupAddr})
+        }
+        return isNewReceiver
+// DelReceiver is called when Query expiry happened for a receiver. This removes the receiver from the
+// the group
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) DelReceiver(port string, incl bool, srcList []net.IP) bool {
+        // The receiver may exist either in NewReceiver list or
+        // the CurReceivers list. Find and remove it from either
+        // of the lists.
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Deleting Receiver from Channel", log.Fields{"Port": port, "SrcList": srcList, "Incl": incl})
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "New Receivers", log.Fields{"New": igc.NewReceivers})
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Current Receivers", log.Fields{"Current": igc.CurReceivers})
+        receiversUpdated := false
+        groupModified, receiverSrcListEmpty := igc.ProcessSources(port, srcList, incl)
+        if len(srcList) == 0 || len(igc.IncludeList) == 0 || receiverSrcListEmpty {
+                if igp, ok := igc.NewReceivers[port]; ok {
+                        logger.Debug(ctx, "Deleting from NewReceivers")
+                        delete(igc.NewReceivers, port)
+                        receiversUpdated = true
+                        if igp.Exclude {
+                                igc.Exclude--
+                        }
+                } else {
+                        if igp, ok1 := igc.CurReceivers[port]; ok1 {
+                                logger.Debug(ctx, "Deleting from CurReceivers")
+                                delete(igc.CurReceivers, port)
+                                receiversUpdated = true
+                                if igp.Exclude {
+                                        igc.Exclude--
+                                }
+                        } else {
+                                logger.Debug(ctx, "Receiver doesnot exist. Dropping Igmp leave")
+                                return false
+                        }
+                }
+                _ = db.DelIgmpRcvr(igc.Mvlan, igc.GroupAddr, igc.Device, port)
+        }
+        if igc.NumReceivers() == 0 {
+                igc.DelMcFlow()
+                mvp := GetApplication().GetMvlanProfileByTag(igc.Mvlan)
+                /* If proxy is configured and NumReceivers is 0, then we can reset the igc src list so that we send leave */
+                if _, ok := mvp.Proxy[igc.GroupName]; ok {
+                        igc.IncludeList = []net.IP{}
+                }
+                igc.SendLeaveToServer()
+                logger.Debugw(ctx, "Deleted the receiver Flow", log.Fields{"Num Receivers": igc.NumReceivers()})
+                return true
+        }
+        if groupModified {
+                igc.SendReport(false)
+                logger.Infow(ctx, "Updated SourceList for Channel", log.Fields{"Current": igc.CurReceivers, "New": igc.NewReceivers})
+        }
+        if err := igc.WriteToDb(); err != nil {
+                logger.Errorw(ctx, "Igmp group channel Write to DB failed", log.Fields{"mvlan": igc.Mvlan, "GroupAddr": igc.GroupAddr})
+        }
+        logger.Infow(ctx, "Updated Receiver info for Channel", log.Fields{"Current": igc.CurReceivers, "New": igc.NewReceivers})
+        return receiversUpdated
+// DelAllReceivers deletes all receiver for the provided igmp device
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) DelAllReceivers() {
+        logger.Infow(ctx, "Deleting All Receiver for Channel", log.Fields{"Device": igc.Device, "Channel": igc.GroupAddr.String()})
+        _ = db.DelAllIgmpRcvr(igc.Mvlan, igc.GroupAddr, igc.Device)
+        igc.Exclude = 0
+        igc.DelMcFlow()
+        igc.SendLeaveToServer()
+        logger.Infow(ctx, "MC Flow deleted and Leave sent", log.Fields{"Channel": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Device": igc.Device})
+// Igmpv2ReportPacket build an IGMPv2 Report for the upstream servers
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) Igmpv2ReportPacket() ([]byte, error) {
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Buidling IGMP version 2 Report", log.Fields{"Device": igc.Device})
+        return IgmpReportv2Packet(igc.GroupAddr, igc.Mvlan, (*igc.proxyCfg).IgmpCos, **igc.IgmpProxyIP)
+// Igmpv3ReportPacket build an IGMPv3 Report for the upstream servers
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) Igmpv3ReportPacket() ([]byte, error) {
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Buidling IGMP version 3 Report", log.Fields{"Device": igc.Device, "Exclude": igc.Exclude})
+        if igc.Exclude > 0 {
+                return Igmpv3ReportPacket(igc.GroupAddr, igc.Mvlan, (*igc.proxyCfg).IgmpCos, **igc.IgmpProxyIP, false, igc.ExcludeList)
+        }
+        return Igmpv3ReportPacket(igc.GroupAddr, igc.Mvlan, (*igc.proxyCfg).IgmpCos, **igc.IgmpProxyIP, true, igc.IncludeList)
+// SendReport send a consolidated report to the server
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) SendReport(isQuery bool) {
+        var report []byte
+        var err error
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Checking Version", log.Fields{"IGC Version": igc.Version, "Proxy Version": (*igc.proxyCfg).IgmpVerToServer,
+                "Result": (getVersion((*igc.proxyCfg).IgmpVerToServer) == IgmpVersion2)})
+        /**
+                                       +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+                                       |         IGMP version(towards BNG) Configured at VGC                    |
+                                       +-------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
+                                       |                  v2           |                 v3                     |
+        +===================+==========+===============================+========================================+
+        | Received From RG  | V2 Join  | Process and Send as V2 to BNG | Process, Convert to v3 and Send to BNG |
+        |                   |          |                               | Process, Send as v2, if the BNG is v2  |
+        +===================+----------+-------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
+                            | V3 Join  | Process and Send as V2 to BNG | Process, Send v3 to BNG                |
+                            |          |                               | Process, Convert, Send as v2, if the   |
+                            |          |                               | BNG is v2                              |
+        +===================+==========+===============================+========================================+
+        | Received From BNG | V2 Query | V2 response to BNG            | V2 response to BNG                     |
+        +===================+----------+-------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
+                            | V3 Query | Discard                       | V3 response to BNG                     |
+                            +==========+===============================+========================================+
+        */
+        // igc.Version:         igmp version received from RG.
+        // igc.ServVersion: igmp version received from BNG or IgmpVerToServer present in proxy igmp conf.
+        if isQuery && *igc.ServVersion == IgmpVersion3 && getVersion((*igc.proxyCfg).IgmpVerToServer) == IgmpVersion2 {
+                // This is the last scenario where we must discard the query processing.
+                logger.Debug(ctx, "Dropping query packet since the server verion is v3 but igmp proxy version is v2")
+                return
+        }
+        if *igc.ServVersion == IgmpVersion2 || getVersion((*igc.proxyCfg).IgmpVerToServer) == IgmpVersion2 {
+                report, err = igc.Igmpv2ReportPacket()
+        } else {
+                report, err = igc.Igmpv3ReportPacket()
+        }
+        if err != nil {
+                logger.Warnw(ctx, "Error Preparing Report", log.Fields{"Device": igc.Device, "Ver": igc.Version, "Reason": err.Error()})
+                return
+        }
+        nni, err := GetApplication().GetNniPort(igc.Device)
+        if err == nil {
+                _ = cntlr.GetController().PacketOutReq(igc.Device, nni, nni, report, false)
+        } else {
+                logger.Warnw(ctx, "Didn't find NNI port", log.Fields{"Device": igc.Device})
+        }
+// AddMcFlow adds flow to the device when the first receiver joins
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) AddMcFlow() {
+        flow, err := igc.BuildMcFlow()
+        if err != nil {
+                logger.Warnw(ctx, "MC Flow Build Failed", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error()})
+                return
+        }
+        port, _ := GetApplication().GetNniPort(igc.Device)
+        _ = cntlr.GetController().AddFlows(port, igc.Device, flow)
+// DelMcFlow deletes flow from the device when the last receiver leaves
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) DelMcFlow() {
+        flow, err := igc.BuildMcFlow()
+        if err != nil {
+                logger.Warnw(ctx, "MC Flow Build Failed", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error()})
+                return
+        }
+        flow.ForceAction = true
+        device := GetApplication().GetDevice(igc.Device)
+        if mvpIntf, _ := GetApplication().MvlanProfilesByTag.Load(igc.Mvlan); mvpIntf != nil {
+                mvp := mvpIntf.(*MvlanProfile)
+                err := mvp.DelFlows(device, flow)
+                if err != nil {
+                        logger.Warnw(ctx, "Delering IGMP Flow for device failed ", log.Fields{"Device": device, "err": err})
+                }
+        }
+// BuildMcFlow builds the flow using which it is added/deleted
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) BuildMcFlow() (*of.VoltFlow, error) {
+        flow := &of.VoltFlow{}
+        flow.SubFlows = make(map[uint64]*of.VoltSubFlow)
+        //va := GetApplication()
+        logger.Infow(ctx, "Building Mcast flow", log.Fields{"Mcast Group": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Mvlan": igc.Mvlan.String()})
+        uintGroupAddr := ipv4ToUint(igc.GroupAddr)
+        subFlow := of.NewVoltSubFlow()
+        subFlow.SetMatchVlan(igc.Mvlan)
+        subFlow.SetIpv4Match()
+        subFlow.SetMatchDstIpv4(igc.GroupAddr)
+        mvp := GetApplication().GetMvlanProfileByTag(igc.Mvlan)
+        //nni, err := va.GetNniPort(igc.Device)
+        //if err != nil {
+        //      return nil, err
+        //}
+        //inport, err := va.GetPortID(nni)
+        //if err != nil {
+        //      return nil, err
+        //}
+        //subFlow.SetInPort(inport)
+        subFlow.SetOutGroup(igc.GroupID)
+        cookiePort := uintGroupAddr
+        subFlow.Cookie = uint64(cookiePort)<<32 | uint64(igc.Mvlan)
+        subFlow.Priority = of.McFlowPriority
+        metadata := uint64(mvp.PonVlan)
+        subFlow.SetTableMetadata(metadata)
+        flow.SubFlows[subFlow.Cookie] = subFlow
+        logger.Infow(ctx, "Built Mcast flow", log.Fields{"cookie": subFlow.Cookie, "subflow": subFlow})
+        return flow, nil
+// IgmpLeaveToServer sends IGMP leave to server. Called when the last receiver leaves the group
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) IgmpLeaveToServer() {
+        if leave, err := IgmpLeavePacket(igc.GroupAddr, igc.Mvlan, (*igc.proxyCfg).IgmpCos, **igc.IgmpProxyIP); err == nil {
+                nni, err1 := GetApplication().GetNniPort(igc.Device)
+                if err1 == nil {
+                        _ = cntlr.GetController().PacketOutReq(igc.Device, nni, nni, leave, false)
+                }
+        }
+// SendLeaveToServer delete the group when the last receiver leaves the group
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) SendLeaveToServer() {
+        /**
+                                       +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+                                       |         IGMP version(towards BNG) Configured at VGC                     |
+                                       +-------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
+                                       |                  v2           |                 v3                      |
+        +===================+==========+===============================+=========================================+
+        | Received From RG  | V2 Leave | Process and Send as V2 to BNG | Process, Convert to V3 and Send to BNG/ |
+        |                   |          |                               | Process, Send as V2, if the BNG is V2   |
+        +===================+----------+-------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
+                            | V3 Leave | Process and Send as V2 to BNG | Process, Send V3 to BNG                 |
+                            |          |                               | Process, Convert, Send as V2, if the    |
+                            |          |                               | BNG is v2                               |
+                            +==========+===============================+=========================================+
+        */
+        // igc.Version:         igmp version received from RG.
+        // igc.ServVersion: igmp version received from BNG or IgmpVerToServer present in proxy igmp conf.
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Sending IGMP leave upstream", log.Fields{"Device": igc.Device})
+        if *igc.ServVersion == IgmpVersion2 || getVersion((*igc.proxyCfg).IgmpVerToServer) == IgmpVersion2 {
+                igc.IgmpLeaveToServer()
+        } else {
+                igc.SendReport(false)
+        }
+// NumReceivers returns total number of receivers left on the group
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) NumReceivers() uint32 {
+        return uint32(len(igc.CurReceivers) + len(igc.NewReceivers))
+// SendQuery sends query to the receivers for counting purpose
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) SendQuery() {
+        //var b []byte
+        //var err error
+        for portKey, port := range igc.NewReceivers {
+                igc.CurReceivers[portKey] = port
+        }
+        igc.NewReceivers = make(map[string]*IgmpGroupPort)
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Sending Query to receivers", log.Fields{"Receivers": igc.CurReceivers})
+        for port, groupPort := range igc.CurReceivers {
+                if port == StaticPort {
+                        continue
+                }
+                if queryPkt, err := igc.buildQuery(igc.GroupAddr, of.VlanType(groupPort.CVlan), groupPort.Pbit); err == nil {
+                        _ = cntlr.GetController().PacketOutReq(igc.Device, port, port, queryPkt, false)
+                        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Query Sent", log.Fields{"Device": igc.Device, "Port": port, "Packet": queryPkt})
+                } else {
+                        logger.Warnw(ctx, "Query Creation Failed", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error()})
+                }
+        }
+// buildQuery to build query packet
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) buildQuery(groupAddr net.IP, cVlan of.VlanType, pbit uint8) ([]byte, error) {
+        if igc.Version == IgmpVersion2 {
+                return Igmpv2QueryPacket(igc.GroupAddr, cVlan, **igc.IgmpProxyIP, pbit, (*igc.proxyCfg).MaxResp)
+        }
+        return Igmpv3QueryPacket(igc.GroupAddr, cVlan, **igc.IgmpProxyIP, pbit, (*igc.proxyCfg).MaxResp)
+// ProcessMode process the received mode and updated the igp
+func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) ProcessMode(port string, incl bool) {
+        /* Update the mode in igp if the mode has changed */
+        igp := igc.GetReceiver(port)
+        if igp.Exclude && incl {
+                igp.Exclude = !incl
+                if igc.Exclude > 0 {
+                        igc.Exclude--
+                }
+        } else if !incl && !igp.Exclude {
+                igp.Exclude = !incl
+                igc.Exclude++
+        }