[VOL-4754] Igmp code re-organization

Change-Id: Ib34ea7af0b445e0091593bca6882412fea220fb1
diff --git a/internal/pkg/application/igmpgroupdevice.go b/internal/pkg/application/igmpgroupdevice.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07c2f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/pkg/application/igmpgroupdevice.go
@@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
+* Copyright 2022-present Open Networking Foundation
+* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+* You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+* limitations under the License.
+package application
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"net"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+	"github.com/google/gopacket/layers"
+	cntlr "voltha-go-controller/internal/pkg/controller"
+	"voltha-go-controller/internal/pkg/of"
+	"voltha-go-controller/internal/pkg/util"
+	"voltha-go-controller/log"
+// IgmpGroupDevice : IGMP Group Device manages the IGMP group for all listerns on
+// a single OLT. It aggregates reports received on a single group
+// and performs the count. It is responsible for sending upstream
+// report when the first listener joins and is responsible for
+// sending responses to upstream queries
+type IgmpGroupDevice struct {
+        Device            string
+        SerialNo          string
+        GroupID           uint32
+        GroupName         string
+        GroupAddr         net.IP
+        RecvVersion       uint8
+        ServVersion       *uint8
+        RecvVersionExpiry time.Time
+        ServVersionExpiry time.Time
+        Mvlan             of.VlanType
+        PonVlan           of.VlanType
+        IsPonVlanPresent  bool
+        GroupInstalled    bool
+        GroupChannels     sync.Map            `json:"-"` // [ipAddr]*IgmpGroupChannel
+        PortChannelMap    sync.Map            `json:"-"` // [portName][]net.IP
+        PonPortChannelMap *util.ConcurrentMap `json:"-"` // [ponPortId]*PonPortChannels
+        proxyCfg          *IgmpProfile                   // IgmpSrcIp from IgmpProfile is not used, it is kept for backward compatibility
+        IgmpProxyIP       *net.IP             `json:"-"`
+        NextQueryTime     time.Time
+        QueryExpiryTime   time.Time
+// NewIgmpGroupDevice is constructor for a device. The default IGMP version is set to 3
+// as the protocol defines the way to manage backward compatibility
+// The implementation handles simultaneous presense of lower versioned
+// receivers
+func NewIgmpGroupDevice(name string, ig *IgmpGroup, id uint32, version uint8) *IgmpGroupDevice {
+        var igd IgmpGroupDevice
+        igd.Device = name
+        igd.GroupID = id
+        igd.GroupName = ig.GroupName
+        igd.GroupAddr = ig.GroupAddr
+        igd.Mvlan = ig.Mvlan
+        igd.PonVlan = ig.PonVlan
+        igd.IsPonVlanPresent = ig.IsPonVlanPresent
+        igd.GroupInstalled = false
+        igd.RecvVersion = version
+        igd.RecvVersionExpiry = time.Now()
+        igd.ServVersionExpiry = time.Now()
+        igd.PonPortChannelMap = util.NewConcurrentMap()
+        va := GetApplication()
+        if vd := va.GetDevice(igd.Device); vd != nil {
+                igd.SerialNo = vd.SerialNum
+        } else {
+                logger.Errorw(ctx, "Volt Device not found.  log.Fields", log.Fields{"igd.Device": igd.Device})
+                return nil
+        }
+        mvp := GetApplication().GetMvlanProfileByTag(igd.Mvlan)
+        igd.ServVersion = mvp.IgmpServVersion[igd.SerialNo]
+        var mcastCfg *McastConfig
+        igd.proxyCfg, igd.IgmpProxyIP, mcastCfg = getIgmpProxyCfgAndIP(ig.Mvlan, igd.SerialNo)
+        // mvlan profile id + olt serial number---igmp group id
+        //igmpgroup id
+        igd.NextQueryTime = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(igd.proxyCfg.KeepAliveInterval) * time.Second)
+        igd.QueryExpiryTime = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(igd.proxyCfg.KeepAliveInterval) * time.Second)
+        if mcastCfg != nil {
+                mcastCfg.IgmpGroupDevices.Store(id, &igd)
+                logger.Debugw(ctx, "Igd added to mcast config", log.Fields{"mvlan": mcastCfg.MvlanProfileID, "groupId": id})
+        }
+        return &igd
+// IgmpGroupDeviceReInit is re-initializer for a device. The default IGMP version is set to 3
+// as the protocol defines the way to manage backward compatibility
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) IgmpGroupDeviceReInit(ig *IgmpGroup) {
+        logger.Infow(ctx, "Reinitialize Igmp Group Device", log.Fields{"Device": igd.Device, "GroupID": ig.GroupID, "OldName": igd.GroupName, "Name": ig.GroupName, "OldAddr": igd.GroupAddr.String(), "GroupAddr": ig.GroupAddr.String()})
+        if (igd.GroupName != ig.GroupName) || !igd.GroupAddr.Equal(ig.GroupAddr) {
+                _ = db.DelIgmpDevice(igd.Mvlan, igd.GroupName, igd.GroupAddr, igd.Device)
+                igd.GroupName = ig.GroupName
+                igd.GroupAddr = ig.GroupAddr
+        }
+        igd.RecvVersionExpiry = time.Now()
+        igd.ServVersionExpiry = time.Now()
+        igd.PonPortChannelMap = util.NewConcurrentMap()
+        var mcastCfg *McastConfig
+        igd.proxyCfg, igd.IgmpProxyIP, mcastCfg = getIgmpProxyCfgAndIP(ig.Mvlan, igd.SerialNo)
+        igd.NextQueryTime = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(igd.proxyCfg.KeepAliveInterval) * time.Second)
+        igd.QueryExpiryTime = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(igd.proxyCfg.KeepAliveInterval) * time.Second)
+        if mcastCfg != nil {
+                mcastCfg.IgmpGroupDevices.Store(ig.GroupID, igd)
+                logger.Debugw(ctx, "Igd added to mcast config", log.Fields{"mvlan": mcastCfg.MvlanProfileID, "groupId": ig.GroupID})
+        }
+        if err := igd.WriteToDb(); err != nil {
+                logger.Errorw(ctx, "Igmp group device Write to DB failed", log.Fields{"Device": igd.Device, "GroupName": igd.GroupName, "GroupAddr": igd.GroupAddr.String()})
+        }
+func getIgmpProxyCfgAndIP(mvlan of.VlanType, serialNo string) (*IgmpProfile, *net.IP, *McastConfig) {
+        va := GetApplication()
+        mVLANProfileID := va.GetMvlanProfileByTag(mvlan).Name
+        var mcastCfg *McastConfig
+        if mcastCfg = va.GetMcastConfig(serialNo, mVLANProfileID); mcastCfg == nil || (mcastCfg != nil && mcastCfg.IgmpProfileID == "") {
+                logger.Debugw(ctx, "Default IGMP config to be used", log.Fields{"mVLANProfileID": mVLANProfileID, "OltSerialNo": serialNo})
+                igmpProf := va.getIgmpProfileMap(DefaultIgmpProfID)
+                return igmpProf, &igmpProf.IgmpSourceIP, mcastCfg
+        }
+        return va.getIgmpProfileMap(mcastCfg.IgmpProfileID), &mcastCfg.IgmpProxyIP, mcastCfg
+// updateGroupName to update the group name
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) updateGroupName(newGroupName string) {
+        oldName := igd.GroupName
+        igd.GroupName = newGroupName
+        updateGroupName := func(key, value interface{}) bool {
+                igc := value.(*IgmpGroupChannel)
+                igc.GroupName = newGroupName
+                if err := igc.WriteToDb(); err != nil {
+                        logger.Errorw(ctx, "Igmp group channel Write to DB failed", log.Fields{"mvlan": igc.Mvlan, "GroupAddr": igc.GroupAddr})
+                }
+                _ = db.DelIgmpChannel(igc.Mvlan, oldName, igc.Device, igc.GroupAddr)
+                return true
+        }
+        igd.GroupChannels.Range(updateGroupName)
+        if err := igd.WriteToDb(); err != nil {
+                logger.Errorw(ctx, "Igmp group device Write to DB failed", log.Fields{"Device": igd.Device, "GroupName": igd.GroupName, "GroupAddr": igd.GroupAddr.String()})
+        }
+        _ = db.DelIgmpDevice(igd.Mvlan, oldName, igd.GroupAddr, igd.Device)
+// NewIgmpGroupDeviceFromBytes is to create the IGMP group port from a byte slice
+func NewIgmpGroupDeviceFromBytes(b []byte) (*IgmpGroupDevice, error) {
+        var igd IgmpGroupDevice
+        if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &igd); err != nil {
+                return nil, err
+        }
+        return &igd, nil
+// GetKey to get group name as key
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) GetKey() string {
+        if !net.ParseIP("").Equal(igd.GroupAddr) {
+                return igd.GroupName + "_" + igd.GroupAddr.String()
+        }
+        return igd.GroupName
+// RestoreChannel to restore channel
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) RestoreChannel(igmpGroupChannel []byte) {
+        if igc, err := NewIgmpGroupChannelFromBytes(igmpGroupChannel); err == nil {
+                igc.ServVersion = igd.ServVersion
+                igc.IgmpProxyIP = &igd.IgmpProxyIP
+                igc.proxyCfg = &igd.proxyCfg
+                igd.GroupChannels.Store(igc.GroupAddr.String(), igc)
+                igc.RestorePorts()
+                for port, igp := range igc.NewReceivers {
+                        ipsList := []net.IP{}
+                        ipsIntf, _ := igd.PortChannelMap.Load(port)
+                        if ipsIntf != nil {
+                                ipsList = ipsIntf.([]net.IP)
+                        }
+                        ipsList = append(ipsList, igc.GroupAddr)
+                        igd.PortChannelMap.Store(port, ipsList)
+                        logger.Infow(ctx, "Group Channels Restored", log.Fields{"IGC": igc})
+                        igd.AddChannelToChannelsPerPon(port, igc.GroupAddr, igp.PonPortID)
+                }
+        } else {
+                logger.Warnw(ctx, "Failed to decode port from DB", log.Fields{"err": err})
+        }
+        logger.Info(ctx, "Group Device & Channels Restored")
+        igd.PortChannelMap.Range(printPortChannel)
+        igd.GroupChannels.Range(printChannel)
+// RestoreChannels to restore channels
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) RestoreChannels() {
+        igd.migrateIgmpChannels()
+        channels, _ := db.GetIgmpChannels(igd.Mvlan, igd.GroupName, igd.Device)
+        for _, channel := range channels {
+                b, ok := channel.Value.([]byte)
+                if !ok {
+                        logger.Warn(ctx, "The value type is not []byte")
+                        continue
+                }
+                igd.RestoreChannel(b)
+        }
+// WriteToDb is utility to write IGMP Group Device Info to the database
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) WriteToDb() error {
+        b, err := json.Marshal(igd)
+        if err != nil {
+                return err
+        }
+        if err1 := db.PutIgmpDevice(igd.Mvlan, igd.GroupName, igd.GroupAddr, igd.Device, string(b)); err1 != nil {
+                return err1
+        }
+        logger.Info(ctx, "IGD Updated")
+        return nil
+// Tick processes timing tick used to run timers within the device
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) Tick() uint8 {
+        /* Not using RecvVersionExpiry as it is not used anywhere
+        if time.Now().After(igd.RecvVersionExpiry) {
+                igd.RecvVersion = IgmpVersion3
+                return true
+        }
+        */
+        return 0
+// GetSubscriberCountForChannelAndPonPort Gets the active subscriber count
+// for the given channel for one particular PON port
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) GetSubscriberCountForChannelAndPonPort(ponPortID uint32, channelIP net.IP) uint64 {
+        if portMapIntf, ok := igd.PonPortChannelMap.Get(ponPortID); ok {
+                portChannelMap := portMapIntf.(*PonPortChannels)
+                if channel, present := portChannelMap.ChannelList.Get(channelIP.String()); present {
+                        return channel.(*UniPortList).UNIList.Length()
+                }
+        } else {
+                logger.Warnw(ctx, "PON port not found in PortChannelMap", log.Fields{"PON": ponPortID, "channel": channelIP})
+        }
+        return 0
+// AddChannelToChannelsPerPon Adds the new channel into the per Pon channel list
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) AddChannelToChannelsPerPon(uniPort string, channelIP net.IP, ponPortID uint32) bool {
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Adding channel to ActiveChannelsPerPon list", log.Fields{"PonPort": ponPortID, "channelIP": channelIP})
+        isNewChannel := bool(false)
+        isNewReceiver := false
+        if port, ok := igd.PonPortChannelMap.Get(ponPortID); !ok {
+                // PON port not exists in igd. adding it.
+                isNewReceiver = true
+                ponPortChannels := NewPonPortChannels()
+                isNewChannel = ponPortChannels.AddChannelToMap(uniPort, channelIP.String())
+                igd.PonPortChannelMap.Set(ponPortID, ponPortChannels)
+        } else {
+                // PON port exists in igd. Appending the channel list
+                // in the PON port.
+                isNewChannel = port.(*PonPortChannels).AddChannelToMap(uniPort, channelIP.String())
+                igd.PonPortChannelMap.Set(ponPortID, port)
+                count := port.(*PonPortChannels).GetActiveChannelCount()
+                logger.Debugw(ctx, "activeChannelCount", log.Fields{"count": count})
+        }
+        GetApplication().UpdateActiveChannelCountForPonPort(igd.Device, uniPort, ponPortID, true, isNewChannel, igd)
+        return isNewReceiver
+// RemoveChannelFromChannelsPerPon removes the channel from the per pon channel list.
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) RemoveChannelFromChannelsPerPon(uniPort string, channelIP net.IP, ponPortID uint32) bool {
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Removing channel from ActiveChannelsPerPon list", log.Fields{"PonPort": ponPortID, "channelIP": channelIP})
+        var deleted bool
+        ponRemoved := false
+        if port, ok := igd.PonPortChannelMap.Get(ponPortID); ok {
+                channelPortMap := port.(*PonPortChannels)
+                deleted = channelPortMap.RemoveChannelFromMap(uniPort, channelIP.String())
+                if deleted && channelPortMap.ChannelList.Length() == 0 {
+                        igd.PonPortChannelMap.Remove(ponPortID)
+                        ponRemoved = true
+                }
+                GetApplication().UpdateActiveChannelCountForPonPort(igd.Device, uniPort, ponPortID, false, deleted, igd)
+        } else {
+                logger.Warnw(ctx, "PON port doesn't exists in the igd", log.Fields{"PonPortID": ponPortID})
+        }
+        return ponRemoved
+// printChannel to print channel info
+func printChannel(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
+        logger.Infow(ctx, "ChannelMap", log.Fields{"Channel": key.(string), "Igc": value.(*IgmpGroupChannel)})
+        return true
+// printPortChannel to print port channel
+func printPortChannel(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
+        logger.Infow(ctx, "PortChannelMap", log.Fields{"Port": key.(string), "List": value.([]net.IP)})
+        return true
+// AddReceiver add the receiver to the device and perform other actions such as adding the group
+// to the physical device, add members, add flows to point the MC packets to the
+// group. Also, send a IGMP report upstream if there is a change in the group
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) AddReceiver(port string, groupAddr net.IP,
+        group *layers.IGMPv3GroupRecord, version uint8, cvlan uint16, pbit uint8, ponPortID uint32) {
+        var igc *IgmpGroupChannel
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Processing receiver for device", log.Fields{"Channel": groupAddr, "Port": port, "Device": igd.Device})
+        igcIntf, ok := igd.GroupChannels.Load(groupAddr.String())
+        if !ok {
+                igc = NewIgmpGroupChannel(igd, groupAddr, version)
+                igd.GroupChannels.Store(groupAddr.String(), igc)
+        } else {
+                igc = igcIntf.(*IgmpGroupChannel)
+        }
+        if !igd.GroupInstalled {
+                igd.AddNewReceiver(port, groupAddr, group, cvlan, pbit, ponPortID)
+                return
+        }
+        isNewReceiver := igc.AddReceiver(port, group, cvlan, pbit)
+        if isNewReceiver {
+                ipsList := []net.IP{}
+                ipsIntf, _ := igd.PortChannelMap.Load(port)
+                if ipsIntf != nil {
+                        ipsList = ipsIntf.([]net.IP)
+                }
+                ipsList = append(ipsList, groupAddr)
+                igd.PortChannelMap.Store(port, ipsList)
+                logger.Debugw(ctx, "Port Channel Updated", log.Fields{"Port": port, "AddedChannelList": ipsList, "Addr": groupAddr})
+                isNewPonReceiver := igd.AddChannelToChannelsPerPon(port, groupAddr, ponPortID)
+                //Modify group only if this is the first time the port is subscribing for the group
+                if isNewPonReceiver {
+                        igd.ModMcGroup()
+                }
+        }
+        if err := igd.WriteToDb(); err != nil {
+                logger.Errorw(ctx, "Igmp group device Write to DB failed", log.Fields{"Device": igd.Device, "GroupName": igd.GroupName, "GroupAddr": igd.GroupAddr.String()})
+        }
+// AddNewReceiver to add new receiver
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) AddNewReceiver(port string, groupAddr net.IP, group *layers.IGMPv3GroupRecord, cvlan uint16, pbit uint8, ponPortID uint32) {
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Adding New Device Receiver", log.Fields{"Channel": groupAddr, "Port": port, "Device": igd.Device})
+        igcIntf, _ := igd.GroupChannels.Load(groupAddr.String())
+        if igcIntf == nil {
+                logger.Warnw(ctx, "No Group Channel present for given channel", log.Fields{"Channel": groupAddr, "Port": port, "Device": igd.Device})
+                return
+        }
+        igc := igcIntf.(*IgmpGroupChannel)
+        ipsList := []net.IP{}
+        ipsIntf, _ := igd.PortChannelMap.Load(port)
+        if ipsIntf != nil {
+                ipsList = ipsIntf.([]net.IP)
+        }
+        ipsList = append(ipsList, groupAddr)
+        igd.PortChannelMap.Store(port, ipsList)
+        igd.AddChannelToChannelsPerPon(port, groupAddr, ponPortID)
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Port Channel Updated", log.Fields{"Port": port, "NewChannelList": ipsList, "Addr": groupAddr})
+        igd.AddMcGroup()
+        igc.AddReceiver(port, group, cvlan, pbit)
+        if err := igd.WriteToDb(); err != nil {
+                logger.Errorw(ctx, "Igmp group device Write to DB failed", log.Fields{"Device": igd.Device, "GroupName": igd.GroupName, "GroupAddr": igd.GroupAddr.String()})
+        }
+// NumReceivers to get number of receivers
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) NumReceivers() int {
+        var numReceivers int
+        len := func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
+                numReceivers++
+                return true
+        }
+        igd.PortChannelMap.Range(len)
+        return numReceivers
+// DelReceiver is called when Query expiry happened for a receiver. This removes the receiver from the
+// the group
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) DelReceiver(groupAddr net.IP, port string, group *layers.IGMPv3GroupRecord, ponPortID uint32) {
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Deleting Receiver for Device", log.Fields{"port": port, "GroupIP": groupAddr.String()})
+        var igc *IgmpGroupChannel
+        var igcIntf interface{}
+        var ok bool
+        var srcList []net.IP
+        incl := false
+        mvp := GetApplication().GetMvlanProfileByTag(igd.Mvlan)
+        if _, ok := mvp.Proxy[igd.GroupName]; ok {
+                incl = true
+        } else if group != nil {
+                srcList = group.SourceAddresses
+                incl = isIncl(group.Type)
+        }
+        if igcIntf, ok = igd.GroupChannels.Load(groupAddr.String()); !ok {
+                logger.Warnw(ctx, "Igmp Channel for group IP doesnt exist", log.Fields{"GroupAddr": groupAddr.String()})
+                return
+        }
+        igc = igcIntf.(*IgmpGroupChannel)
+        if ok := igc.DelReceiver(port, incl, srcList); !ok {
+                return
+        }
+        if igc.NumReceivers() == 0 {
+                igd.DelIgmpGroupChannel(igc)
+        }
+        igd.DelPortFromChannel(port, groupAddr)
+        isGroupModified := igd.RemoveChannelFromChannelsPerPon(port, groupAddr, ponPortID)
+        //Remove port from receiver if port has no subscription to any of the group channels
+        if isGroupModified {
+                igd.ModMcGroup()
+        }
+        if err := igd.WriteToDb(); err != nil {
+                logger.Errorw(ctx, "Igmp group device Write to DB failed", log.Fields{"Device": igd.Device, "GroupName": igd.GroupName, "GroupAddr": igd.GroupAddr.String()})
+        }
+// DelChannelReceiver is called when Query expiry happened for a receiver. This removes the receiver from the
+// the group
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) DelChannelReceiver(groupAddr net.IP) map[string]*IgmpGroupPort {
+        portsRemoved := make(map[string]*IgmpGroupPort)
+        groupModified := false
+        // ifEmpty := true
+        igcIntf, _ := igd.GroupChannels.Load(groupAddr.String())
+        if igcIntf == nil {
+                return portsRemoved
+        }
+        igc := igcIntf.(*IgmpGroupChannel)
+        for port, igp := range igc.NewReceivers {
+                _ = db.DelIgmpRcvr(igc.Mvlan, igc.GroupAddr, igc.Device, port) //TODO: Y not here
+                igd.DelPortFromChannel(port, igc.GroupAddr)
+                ponPortID := GetApplication().GetPonPortID(igd.Device, port)
+                groupModified = igd.RemoveChannelFromChannelsPerPon(port, igc.GroupAddr, ponPortID)
+                delete(igc.NewReceivers, port)
+                portsRemoved[port] = igp
+        }
+        for port, igp := range igc.CurReceivers {
+                _ = db.DelIgmpRcvr(igc.Mvlan, igc.GroupAddr, igc.Device, port)
+                igd.DelPortFromChannel(port, igc.GroupAddr)
+                ponPortID := GetApplication().GetPonPortID(igd.Device, port)
+                groupModified = igd.RemoveChannelFromChannelsPerPon(port, igc.GroupAddr, ponPortID)
+                delete(igc.CurReceivers, port)
+                portsRemoved[port] = igp
+        }
+        igc.DelMcFlow()
+        igd.DelIgmpGroupChannel(igc)
+        igc.Exclude = 0
+        igc.SendLeaveToServer()
+        if groupModified {
+                igd.ModMcGroup()
+        }
+        if err := igd.WriteToDb(); err != nil {
+                logger.Errorw(ctx, "Igmp group device Write to DB failed", log.Fields{"Device": igd.Device, "GroupName": igd.GroupName, "GroupAddr": igd.GroupAddr.String()})
+        }
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Deleted the receiver Flow", log.Fields{"Num Receivers": igc.NumReceivers()})
+        return portsRemoved
+// DelIgmpGroupChannel to delete igmp group channel
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) DelIgmpGroupChannel(igc *IgmpGroupChannel) {
+        if igc.NumReceivers() != 0 {
+                igc.DelAllReceivers()
+        }
+        _ = db.DelIgmpChannel(igc.Mvlan, igc.GroupName, igc.Device, igc.GroupAddr)
+        igd.GroupChannels.Delete(igc.GroupAddr.String())
+        logger.Infow(ctx, "Deleted the Channel from Device", log.Fields{"Channel": igc.GroupAddr.String()})
+        isLenZero := true
+        checkIfEmpty := func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
+                isLenZero = false
+                return false
+        }
+        igd.GroupChannels.Range(checkIfEmpty)
+        if isLenZero {
+                logger.Infow(ctx, "No more active channels. Deleting MC Group", log.Fields{"Device": igd.Device, "Group": igd.GroupName})
+                igd.DelMcGroup(false)
+        }
+// func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) DelIgmpChannel(igc *IgmpGroupChannel) {
+//      db.DelIgmpChannel(igc.GroupName, igc.Device, igc.GroupAddr)
+//      delete(igd.GroupChannels, igc.GroupAddr.String())
+//      logger.Debugw(ctx, "Deleted the Channel", log.Fields{"Num Receivers": igc.NumReceivers()})
+// }
+// DelPortFromChannel to delete port from channel
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) DelPortFromChannel(port string, groupAddr net.IP) bool {
+        ipsList := []net.IP{}
+        ipsListIntf, _ := igd.PortChannelMap.Load(port)
+        if ipsListIntf != nil {
+                ipsList = ipsListIntf.([]net.IP)
+        }
+        for i, addr := range ipsList {
+                if addr.Equal(groupAddr) {
+                        ipsList = append(ipsList[:i], ipsList[i+1:]...)
+                        //Remove port from receiver if port has no subscription to any of the group channels
+                        if len(ipsList) == 0 {
+                                igd.PortChannelMap.Delete(port)
+                        } else {
+                                //Update the map with modified ips list
+                                igd.PortChannelMap.Store(port, ipsList)
+                        }
+                        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Port Channel Updated", log.Fields{"Port": port, "DelChannelList": ipsList, "Addr": groupAddr.String()})
+                        return true
+                }
+        }
+        return false
+// DelAllChannels deletes all receiver for the provided igmp device
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) DelAllChannels() {
+        logger.Infow(ctx, "Deleting All Channel for Device", log.Fields{"Device": igd.Device, "Group": igd.GroupName})
+        delGroupChannels := func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
+                igc := value.(*IgmpGroupChannel)
+                igd.DelIgmpGroupChannel(igc)
+                return true
+        }
+        igd.GroupChannels.Range(delGroupChannels)
+// ProcessQuery process query received from the upstream IGMP server
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) ProcessQuery(groupAddr net.IP, ver uint8) {
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Query From Server", log.Fields{"Version": ver})
+        if ver != *igd.ServVersion {
+                igd.ServVersionExpiry = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(2*igd.proxyCfg.KeepAliveInterval) * time.Second)
+                *igd.ServVersion = ver
+                mvp := GetApplication().GetMvlanProfileByTag(igd.Mvlan)
+                if err := mvp.WriteToDb(); err != nil {
+                        logger.Errorw(ctx, "Mvlan profile write to DB failed", log.Fields{"ProfileName": mvp.Name})
+                }
+        }
+        if igc, ok := igd.GroupChannels.Load(groupAddr.String()); ok {
+                igc.(*IgmpGroupChannel).SendReport(true)
+                return
+        }
+        logger.Infow(ctx, "No Members for Channel. Dropping Igmp Query", log.Fields{"Group": igd.GroupName, "Channel": groupAddr.String()})
+// AddMcGroup add the new group on the device when a receiver joins the group
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) AddMcGroup() {
+        if !igd.GroupInstalled {
+                group := &of.Group{}
+                group.Command = of.GroupCommandAdd
+                group.GroupID = igd.GroupID
+                group.Device = igd.Device
+                group.SetVlan = igd.PonVlan
+                group.IsPonVlanPresent = igd.IsPonVlanPresent
+                addbuckets := func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
+                        port := key.(string)
+                        var portID uint32
+                        if d := GetApplication().GetDevice(group.Device); d != nil {
+                                GetApplication().portLock.Lock()
+                                p := d.GetPort(port)
+                                GetApplication().portLock.Unlock()
+                                portID = p.ID
+                        }
+                        //ponPortID := key.(uint32)
+                        if portID != 0xFF {
+                                group.Buckets = append(group.Buckets, portID)
+                        }
+                        return true
+                }
+                igd.PortChannelMap.Range(addbuckets)
+                port, _ := GetApplication().GetNniPort(igd.Device)
+                _ = cntlr.GetController().GroupUpdate(port, igd.Device, group)
+                igd.GroupInstalled = true
+        }
+// ModMcGroup updates the group on the device when either a receiver leaves
+// or joins the group
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) ModMcGroup() {
+        if igd.GroupInstalled {
+                group := &of.Group{}
+                group.Command = of.GroupCommandMod
+                group.GroupID = igd.GroupID
+                group.Device = igd.Device
+                group.SetVlan = igd.PonVlan
+                group.IsPonVlanPresent = igd.IsPonVlanPresent
+                addbuckets := func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
+                       port := key.(string)
+                       var portID uint32
+                       if d := GetApplication().GetDevice(group.Device); d != nil {
+                               GetApplication().portLock.Lock()
+                               p := d.GetPort(port)
+                               GetApplication().portLock.Unlock()
+                               portID = p.ID
+                       }
+                       //ponPortID := key.(uint32)
+                       if portID != 0xFF {
+                               group.Buckets = append(group.Buckets, portID)
+                        }
+                        return true
+                }
+                igd.PortChannelMap.Range(addbuckets)
+                port, _ := GetApplication().GetNniPort(igd.Device)
+                _ = cntlr.GetController().GroupUpdate(port, igd.Device, group)
+        } else {
+                logger.Warnw(ctx, "Update Group Failed. Group not yet created", log.Fields{"Igd": igd.Device})
+        }
+// DelMcGroup : The group is deleted when the last receiver leaves the group
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) DelMcGroup(forceDelete bool) {
+        logger.Infow(ctx, "Delete Mc Group Request", log.Fields{"Device": igd.Device, "GroupID": igd.GroupID, "ForceFlag": forceDelete, "GroupInstalled": igd.GroupInstalled})
+        /*
+        if !forceDelete && !checkIfForceGroupRemove(igd.Device) {
+                if success := AddToPendingPool(igd.Device, igd.getKey()); success {
+                        return
+                }
+        }*/
+        if igd.GroupInstalled {
+                logger.Debugw(ctx, "Deleting Group", log.Fields{"Device": igd.Device, "Id": igd.GroupID})
+                group := &of.Group{}
+                group.Command = of.GroupCommandDel
+                group.GroupID = igd.GroupID
+                group.Device = igd.Device
+                group.ForceAction = true
+                port, _ := GetApplication().GetNniPort(igd.Device)
+                _ = cntlr.GetController().GroupUpdate(port, igd.Device, group)
+                igd.GroupInstalled = false
+        }
+// QueryExpiry processes query expiry. Upon expiry, take stock of the situation
+// add either retain/release the group based on number of receivers left
+func (igd *IgmpGroupDevice) QueryExpiry() {
+        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Query Expiry", log.Fields{"Device": igd.Device})
+        // Delete the IGMP flow added for this port if port state is down or query count exceeded
+        handleQueryExp := func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
+                igc := value.(*IgmpGroupChannel)
+                for portKey, port := range igc.CurReceivers {
+                        if portKey == StaticPort {
+                                continue
+                        }
+                        logger.Warnw(ctx, "Expired Receiver Port", log.Fields{"PortKey": portKey, "IGP": port, "GroupAddr": igc.GroupAddr,
+                                "Count": port.QueryTimeoutCount})
+                        state, err := cntlr.GetController().GetPortState(igc.Device, portKey)
+                        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Expired Member Port State", log.Fields{"state": state})
+                        ponPortID := GetApplication().GetPonPortID(igd.Device, portKey)
+                        if err == nil && state == cntlr.PortStateDown {
+                                igd.DelReceiver(igc.GroupAddr, portKey, nil, ponPortID)
+                        }
+                        port.QueryTimeoutCount++
+                        logger.Debugw(ctx, "Expired Port TimeoutCount", log.Fields{"count": port.QueryTimeoutCount})
+                        if port.QueryTimeoutCount >= (*igc.proxyCfg).KeepAliveCount {
+                                logger.Errorw(ctx, "Expiry Timeout count exceeded. Trigger delete receiver", log.Fields{"PortKey": portKey,
+                                        "GroupAddr": igc.GroupAddr, "Count": port.QueryTimeoutCount})
+                                igd.DelReceiver(igc.GroupAddr, portKey, nil, ponPortID)
+                                SendQueryExpiredEventGroupSpecific(portKey, igd, igc)
+                        } else {
+                                _ = port.WriteToDb(igc.Mvlan, igc.GroupAddr, igc.Device)
+                        }
+                }
+                return true
+        }
+        igd.GroupChannels.Range(handleQueryExp)