VOL-1900 lint warning fixes rw_core

Change-Id: Icaa84d7ce24163da90c91ff2babcbb78ff4e9141
diff --git a/rw_core/flowdecomposition/flow_decomposer.go b/rw_core/flowdecomposition/flow_decomposer.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..330a4af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rw_core/flowdecomposition/flow_decomposer.go
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+ * Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package flowdecomposition
+import (
+	"github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-go/rw_core/coreif"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-go/rw_core/graph"
+	fu "github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v2/pkg/flows"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v2/pkg/log"
+	ofp "github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v2/go/openflow_13"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v2/go/voltha"
+func init() {
+	_, err := log.AddPackage(log.JSON, log.DebugLevel, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Errorw("unable-to-register-package-to-the-log-map", log.Fields{"error": err})
+	}
+// FlowDecomposer represent flow decomposer attribute
+type FlowDecomposer struct {
+	deviceMgr coreif.DeviceManager
+// NewFlowDecomposer creates flow decomposer instance
+func NewFlowDecomposer(deviceMgr coreif.DeviceManager) *FlowDecomposer {
+	var decomposer FlowDecomposer
+	decomposer.deviceMgr = deviceMgr
+	return &decomposer
+//DecomposeRules decomposes per-device flows and flow-groups from the flows and groups defined on a logical device
+func (fd *FlowDecomposer) DecomposeRules(agent coreif.LogicalDeviceAgent, flows ofp.Flows, groups ofp.FlowGroups) *fu.DeviceRules {
+	deviceRules := *fu.NewDeviceRules()
+	devicesToUpdate := make(map[string]string)
+	groupMap := make(map[uint32]*ofp.OfpGroupEntry)
+	for _, groupEntry := range groups.Items {
+		groupMap[groupEntry.Desc.GroupId] = groupEntry
+	}
+	var decomposedRules *fu.DeviceRules
+	for _, flow := range flows.Items {
+		decomposedRules = fd.decomposeFlow(agent, flow, groupMap)
+		for deviceID, flowAndGroups := range decomposedRules.Rules {
+			deviceRules.CreateEntryIfNotExist(deviceID)
+			deviceRules.Rules[deviceID].AddFrom(flowAndGroups)
+			devicesToUpdate[deviceID] = deviceID
+		}
+	}
+	return deviceRules.FilterRules(devicesToUpdate)
+// Handles special case of any controller-bound flow for a parent device
+func (fd *FlowDecomposer) updateOutputPortForControllerBoundFlowForParentDevide(flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats,
+	dr *fu.DeviceRules) *fu.DeviceRules {
+	EAPOL := fu.EthType(0x888e)
+	IGMP := fu.IpProto(2)
+	UDP := fu.IpProto(17)
+	newDeviceRules := dr.Copy()
+	//	Check whether we are dealing with a parent device
+	for deviceID, fg := range dr.GetRules() {
+		if root, _ := fd.deviceMgr.IsRootDevice(deviceID); root {
+			newDeviceRules.ClearFlows(deviceID)
+			for i := 0; i < fg.Flows.Len(); i++ {
+				f := fg.GetFlow(i)
+				UpdateOutPortNo := false
+				for _, field := range fu.GetOfbFields(f) {
+					UpdateOutPortNo = (field.String() == EAPOL.String())
+					UpdateOutPortNo = UpdateOutPortNo || (field.String() == IGMP.String())
+					UpdateOutPortNo = UpdateOutPortNo || (field.String() == UDP.String())
+					if UpdateOutPortNo {
+						break
+					}
+				}
+				if UpdateOutPortNo {
+					f = fu.UpdateOutputPortByActionType(f, uint32(ofp.OfpInstructionType_OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS),
+						uint32(ofp.OfpPortNo_OFPP_CONTROLLER))
+				}
+				// Update flow Id as a change in the instruction field will result in a new flow ID
+				f.Id = fu.HashFlowStats(f)
+				newDeviceRules.AddFlow(deviceID, (proto.Clone(f)).(*ofp.OfpFlowStats))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return newDeviceRules
+//processControllerBoundFlow decomposes trap flows
+func (fd *FlowDecomposer) processControllerBoundFlow(agent coreif.LogicalDeviceAgent, route []graph.RouteHop,
+	inPortNo uint32, outPortNo uint32, flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats) *fu.DeviceRules {
+	log.Debugw("trap-flow", log.Fields{"inPortNo": inPortNo, "outPortNo": outPortNo, "flow": flow})
+	deviceRules := fu.NewDeviceRules()
+	meterID := fu.GetMeterIdFromFlow(flow)
+	metadataFromwriteMetadata := fu.GetMetadataFromWriteMetadataAction(flow)
+	ingressHop := route[0]
+	egressHop := route[1]
+	//case of packet_in from NNI port rule
+	if agent.GetDeviceGraph().IsRootPort(inPortNo) {
+		// Trap flow for NNI port
+		log.Debug("trap-nni")
+		fa := &fu.FlowArgs{
+			KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": uint64(flow.Priority), "cookie": flow.Cookie},
+			MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+				fu.InPort(egressHop.Egress),
+			},
+			Actions: fu.GetActions(flow),
+		}
+		// Augment the matchfields with the ofpfields from the flow
+		fg := fu.NewFlowsAndGroups()
+		fa.MatchFields = append(fa.MatchFields, fu.GetOfbFields(flow, fu.IN_PORT)...)
+		fg.AddFlow(fu.MkFlowStat(fa))
+		deviceRules.AddFlowsAndGroup(egressHop.DeviceID, fg)
+	} else {
+		// Trap flow for UNI port
+		log.Debug("trap-uni")
+		//inPortNo is 0 for wildcard input case, do not include upstream port for 4000 flow in input
+		var inPorts []uint32
+		if inPortNo == 0 {
+			inPorts = agent.GetWildcardInputPorts(egressHop.Egress) // exclude egress_hop.egress_port.port_no
+		} else {
+			inPorts = []uint32{inPortNo}
+		}
+		for _, inputPort := range inPorts {
+			// Upstream flow on parent (olt) device
+			faParent := &fu.FlowArgs{
+				KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": uint64(flow.Priority), "cookie": flow.Cookie, "meter_id": uint64(meterID), "write_metadata": metadataFromwriteMetadata},
+				MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+					fu.InPort(egressHop.Ingress),
+					fu.TunnelId(uint64(inputPort)),
+				},
+				Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+					fu.PushVlan(0x8100),
+					fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 4000)),
+					fu.Output(egressHop.Egress),
+				},
+			}
+			// Augment the matchfields with the ofpfields from the flow
+			faParent.MatchFields = append(faParent.MatchFields, fu.GetOfbFields(flow, fu.IN_PORT)...)
+			fgParent := fu.NewFlowsAndGroups()
+			fgParent.AddFlow(fu.MkFlowStat(faParent))
+			deviceRules.AddFlowsAndGroup(egressHop.DeviceID, fgParent)
+			log.Debugw("parent-trap-flow-set", log.Fields{"flow": faParent})
+			// Upstream flow on child (onu) device
+			var actions []*ofp.OfpAction
+			setvid := fu.GetVlanVid(flow)
+			if setvid != nil {
+				// have this child push the vlan the parent is matching/trapping on above
+				actions = []*ofp.OfpAction{
+					fu.PushVlan(0x8100),
+					fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(*setvid)),
+					fu.Output(ingressHop.Egress),
+				}
+			} else {
+				// otherwise just set the egress port
+				actions = []*ofp.OfpAction{
+					fu.Output(ingressHop.Egress),
+				}
+			}
+			faChild := &fu.FlowArgs{
+				KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": uint64(flow.Priority), "cookie": flow.Cookie, "meter_id": uint64(meterID), "write_metadata": metadataFromwriteMetadata},
+				MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+					fu.InPort(ingressHop.Ingress),
+					fu.TunnelId(uint64(inputPort)),
+				},
+				Actions: actions,
+			}
+			// Augment the matchfields with the ofpfields from the flow.
+			// If the parent has a match vid and the child is setting that match vid exclude the the match vlan
+			// for the child given it will be setting that vlan and the parent will be matching on it
+			if setvid != nil {
+				faChild.MatchFields = append(faChild.MatchFields, fu.GetOfbFields(flow, fu.IN_PORT, fu.VLAN_VID)...)
+			} else {
+				faChild.MatchFields = append(faChild.MatchFields, fu.GetOfbFields(flow, fu.IN_PORT)...)
+			}
+			fgChild := fu.NewFlowsAndGroups()
+			fgChild.AddFlow(fu.MkFlowStat(faChild))
+			deviceRules.AddFlowsAndGroup(ingressHop.DeviceID, fgChild)
+			log.Debugw("child-trap-flow-set", log.Fields{"flow": faChild})
+		}
+	}
+	return deviceRules
+// processUpstreamNonControllerBoundFlow processes non-controller bound flow. We assume that anything that is
+// upstream needs to get Q-in-Q treatment and that this is expressed via two flow rules, the first using the
+// goto-statement. We also assume that the inner tag is applied at the ONU, while the outer tag is
+// applied at the OLT
+func (fd *FlowDecomposer) processUpstreamNonControllerBoundFlow(agent coreif.LogicalDeviceAgent,
+	route []graph.RouteHop, inPortNo uint32, outPortNo uint32, flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats) *fu.DeviceRules {
+	log.Debugw("upstream-non-controller-bound-flow", log.Fields{"inPortNo": inPortNo, "outPortNo": outPortNo})
+	deviceRules := fu.NewDeviceRules()
+	meterID := fu.GetMeterIdFromFlow(flow)
+	metadataFromwriteMetadata := fu.GetMetadataFromWriteMetadataAction(flow)
+	ingressHop := route[0]
+	egressHop := route[1]
+	if flow.TableId == 0 && fu.HasNextTable(flow) {
+		log.Debugw("decomposing-onu-flow-in-upstream-has-next-table", log.Fields{"table_id": flow.TableId})
+		if outPortNo != 0 {
+			log.Warnw("outPort-should-not-be-specified", log.Fields{"outPortNo": outPortNo})
+			return deviceRules
+		}
+		fa := &fu.FlowArgs{
+			KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": uint64(flow.Priority), "cookie": flow.Cookie, "meter_id": uint64(meterID), "write_metadata": metadataFromwriteMetadata},
+			MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+				fu.InPort(ingressHop.Ingress),
+				fu.TunnelId(uint64(inPortNo)),
+			},
+			Actions: fu.GetActions(flow),
+		}
+		// Augment the matchfields with the ofpfields from the flow
+		fa.MatchFields = append(fa.MatchFields, fu.GetOfbFields(flow, fu.IN_PORT)...)
+		// Augment the Actions
+		fa.Actions = append(fa.Actions, fu.Output(ingressHop.Egress))
+		fg := fu.NewFlowsAndGroups()
+		fg.AddFlow(fu.MkFlowStat(fa))
+		deviceRules.AddFlowsAndGroup(ingressHop.DeviceID, fg)
+	} else if flow.TableId == 1 && outPortNo != 0 {
+		log.Debugw("decomposing-olt-flow-in-upstream-has-next-table", log.Fields{"table_id": flow.TableId})
+		fa := &fu.FlowArgs{
+			KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": uint64(flow.Priority), "cookie": flow.Cookie, "meter_id": uint64(meterID), "write_metadata": metadataFromwriteMetadata},
+			MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+				fu.InPort(egressHop.Ingress),
+				fu.TunnelId(uint64(inPortNo)),
+			},
+		}
+		// Augment the matchfields with the ofpfields from the flow
+		fa.MatchFields = append(fa.MatchFields, fu.GetOfbFields(flow, fu.IN_PORT)...)
+		//Augment the actions
+		filteredAction := fu.GetActions(flow, fu.OUTPUT)
+		filteredAction = append(filteredAction, fu.Output(egressHop.Egress))
+		fa.Actions = filteredAction
+		fg := fu.NewFlowsAndGroups()
+		fg.AddFlow(fu.MkFlowStat(fa))
+		deviceRules.AddFlowsAndGroup(egressHop.DeviceID, fg)
+	}
+	return deviceRules
+// processDownstreamFlowWithNextTable decomposes downstream flows containing next table ID instructions
+func (fd *FlowDecomposer) processDownstreamFlowWithNextTable(agent coreif.LogicalDeviceAgent, route []graph.RouteHop,
+	inPortNo uint32, outPortNo uint32, flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats) *fu.DeviceRules {
+	log.Debugw("decomposing-olt-flow-in-downstream-flow-with-next-table", log.Fields{"inPortNo": inPortNo, "outPortNo": outPortNo})
+	deviceRules := fu.NewDeviceRules()
+	meterID := fu.GetMeterIdFromFlow(flow)
+	metadataFromwriteMetadata := fu.GetMetadataFromWriteMetadataAction(flow)
+	if outPortNo != 0 {
+		log.Warnw("outPort-should-not-be-specified", log.Fields{"outPortNo": outPortNo})
+		return deviceRules
+	}
+	if flow.TableId != 0 {
+		log.Warnw("This is not olt pipeline table, so skipping", log.Fields{"tableId": flow.TableId})
+		return deviceRules
+	}
+	ingressHop := route[0]
+	egressHop := route[1]
+	if metadataFromwriteMetadata != 0 {
+		log.Debugw("creating-metadata-flow", log.Fields{"flow": flow})
+		portNumber := fu.GetEgressPortNumberFromWriteMetadata(flow)
+		if portNumber != 0 {
+			recalculatedRoute := agent.GetRoute(inPortNo, portNumber)
+			switch len(recalculatedRoute) {
+			case 0:
+				log.Errorw("no-route-double-tag", log.Fields{"inPortNo": inPortNo, "outPortNo": portNumber, "comment": "deleting-flow", "metadata": metadataFromwriteMetadata})
+				//TODO: Delete flow
+				return deviceRules
+			case 2:
+				log.Debugw("route-found", log.Fields{"ingressHop": ingressHop, "egressHop": egressHop})
+			default:
+				log.Errorw("invalid-route-length", log.Fields{"routeLen": len(route)})
+				return deviceRules
+			}
+			ingressHop = recalculatedRoute[0]
+		}
+		innerTag := fu.GetInnerTagFromMetaData(flow)
+		if innerTag == 0 {
+			log.Errorw("no-inner-route-double-tag", log.Fields{"inPortNo": inPortNo, "outPortNo": portNumber, "comment": "deleting-flow", "metadata": metadataFromwriteMetadata})
+			//TODO: Delete flow
+			return deviceRules
+		}
+		fa := &fu.FlowArgs{
+			KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": uint64(flow.Priority), "cookie": flow.Cookie, "meter_id": uint64(meterID), "write_metadata": metadataFromwriteMetadata},
+			MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+				fu.InPort(ingressHop.Ingress),
+				fu.Metadata_ofp(uint64(innerTag)),
+				fu.TunnelId(uint64(portNumber)),
+			},
+			Actions: fu.GetActions(flow),
+		}
+		// Augment the matchfields with the ofpfields from the flow
+		fa.MatchFields = append(fa.MatchFields, fu.GetOfbFields(flow, fu.IN_PORT, fu.METADATA)...)
+		// Augment the Actions
+		fa.Actions = append(fa.Actions, fu.Output(ingressHop.Egress))
+		fg := fu.NewFlowsAndGroups()
+		fg.AddFlow(fu.MkFlowStat(fa))
+		deviceRules.AddFlowsAndGroup(ingressHop.DeviceID, fg)
+	} else { // Create standard flow
+		log.Debugw("creating-standard-flow", log.Fields{"flow": flow})
+		fa := &fu.FlowArgs{
+			KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": uint64(flow.Priority), "cookie": flow.Cookie, "meter_id": uint64(meterID), "write_metadata": metadataFromwriteMetadata},
+			MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+				fu.InPort(ingressHop.Ingress),
+				fu.TunnelId(uint64(inPortNo)),
+			},
+			Actions: fu.GetActions(flow),
+		}
+		// Augment the matchfields with the ofpfields from the flow
+		fa.MatchFields = append(fa.MatchFields, fu.GetOfbFields(flow, fu.IN_PORT)...)
+		// Augment the Actions
+		fa.Actions = append(fa.Actions, fu.Output(ingressHop.Egress))
+		fg := fu.NewFlowsAndGroups()
+		fg.AddFlow(fu.MkFlowStat(fa))
+		deviceRules.AddFlowsAndGroup(ingressHop.DeviceID, fg)
+	}
+	return deviceRules
+// processUnicastFlow decomposes unicast flows
+func (fd *FlowDecomposer) processUnicastFlow(agent coreif.LogicalDeviceAgent, route []graph.RouteHop,
+	inPortNo uint32, outPortNo uint32, flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats) *fu.DeviceRules {
+	log.Debugw("decomposing-onu-flow-in-downstream-unicast-flow", log.Fields{"inPortNo": inPortNo, "outPortNo": outPortNo})
+	deviceRules := fu.NewDeviceRules()
+	egressHop := route[1]
+	meterID := fu.GetMeterIdFromFlow(flow)
+	metadataFromwriteMetadata := fu.GetMetadataFromWriteMetadataAction(flow)
+	fa := &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": uint64(flow.Priority), "cookie": flow.Cookie, "meter_id": uint64(meterID), "write_metadata": metadataFromwriteMetadata},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(egressHop.Ingress),
+		},
+	}
+	// Augment the matchfields with the ofpfields from the flow
+	fa.MatchFields = append(fa.MatchFields, fu.GetOfbFields(flow, fu.IN_PORT)...)
+	// Augment the Actions
+	filteredAction := fu.GetActions(flow, fu.OUTPUT)
+	filteredAction = append(filteredAction, fu.Output(egressHop.Egress))
+	fa.Actions = filteredAction
+	fg := fu.NewFlowsAndGroups()
+	fg.AddFlow(fu.MkFlowStat(fa))
+	deviceRules.AddFlowsAndGroup(egressHop.DeviceID, fg)
+	return deviceRules
+// processMulticastFlow decompose multicast flows
+func (fd *FlowDecomposer) processMulticastFlow(agent coreif.LogicalDeviceAgent, route []graph.RouteHop,
+	inPortNo uint32, outPortNo uint32, flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats, grpID uint32,
+	groupMap map[uint32]*ofp.OfpGroupEntry) *fu.DeviceRules {
+	log.Debugw("multicast-flow", log.Fields{"inPortNo": inPortNo, "outPortNo": outPortNo})
+	deviceRules := fu.NewDeviceRules()
+	//having no Group yet is the same as having a Group with no buckets
+	var grp *ofp.OfpGroupEntry
+	var ok bool
+	if grp, ok = groupMap[grpID]; !ok {
+		log.Warnw("Group-id-not-present-in-map", log.Fields{"grpId": grpID, "groupMap": groupMap})
+		return deviceRules
+	}
+	if grp == nil || grp.Desc == nil {
+		log.Warnw("Group-or-desc-nil", log.Fields{"grpId": grpID, "grp": grp})
+		return deviceRules
+	}
+	for _, bucket := range grp.Desc.Buckets {
+		otherActions := make([]*ofp.OfpAction, 0)
+		for _, action := range bucket.Actions {
+			if action.Type == fu.OUTPUT {
+				outPortNo = action.GetOutput().Port
+			} else if action.Type != fu.POP_VLAN {
+				otherActions = append(otherActions, action)
+			}
+		}
+		route2 := agent.GetRoute(inPortNo, outPortNo)
+		switch len(route2) {
+		case 0:
+			log.Errorw("mc-no-route", log.Fields{"inPortNo": inPortNo, "outPortNo": outPortNo, "comment": "deleting flow"})
+			//	TODO: Delete flow
+			return deviceRules
+		case 2:
+			log.Debugw("route-found", log.Fields{"ingressHop": route2[0], "egressHop": route2[1]})
+		default:
+			log.Errorw("invalid-route-length", log.Fields{"routeLen": len(route)})
+			return deviceRules
+		}
+		ingressHop := route[0]
+		ingressHop2 := route2[0]
+		egressHop := route2[1]
+		if ingressHop.Ingress != ingressHop2.Ingress {
+			log.Errorw("mc-ingress-hop-hop2-mismatch", log.Fields{"inPortNo": inPortNo, "outPortNo": outPortNo, "comment": "ignoring flow"})
+			return deviceRules
+		}
+		// Set the parent device flow
+		fa := &fu.FlowArgs{
+			KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": uint64(flow.Priority), "cookie": flow.Cookie},
+			MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+				fu.InPort(ingressHop.Ingress),
+			},
+		}
+		// Augment the matchfields with the ofpfields from the flow
+		fa.MatchFields = append(fa.MatchFields, fu.GetOfbFields(flow, fu.IN_PORT)...)
+		// Augment the Actions
+		filteredAction := fu.GetActions(flow, fu.GROUP)
+		filteredAction = append(filteredAction, fu.PopVlan())
+		filteredAction = append(filteredAction, fu.Output(route2[1].Ingress))
+		fa.Actions = filteredAction
+		fg := fu.NewFlowsAndGroups()
+		fg.AddFlow(fu.MkFlowStat(fa))
+		deviceRules.AddFlowsAndGroup(ingressHop.DeviceID, fg)
+		// Set the child device flow
+		fa = &fu.FlowArgs{
+			KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": uint64(flow.Priority), "cookie": flow.Cookie},
+			MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+				fu.InPort(egressHop.Ingress),
+			},
+		}
+		// Augment the matchfields with the ofpfields from the flow
+		fa.MatchFields = append(fa.MatchFields, fu.GetOfbFields(flow, fu.IN_PORT, fu.VLAN_VID, fu.VLAN_PCP)...)
+		// Augment the Actions
+		otherActions = append(otherActions, fu.Output(egressHop.Egress))
+		fa.Actions = otherActions
+		fg = fu.NewFlowsAndGroups()
+		fg.AddFlow(fu.MkFlowStat(fa))
+		deviceRules.AddFlowsAndGroup(egressHop.DeviceID, fg)
+	}
+	return deviceRules
+// decomposeFlow decomposes a flow for a logical device into flows for each physical device
+func (fd *FlowDecomposer) decomposeFlow(agent coreif.LogicalDeviceAgent, flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats,
+	groupMap map[uint32]*ofp.OfpGroupEntry) *fu.DeviceRules {
+	inPortNo := fu.GetInPort(flow)
+	outPortNo := fu.GetOutPort(flow)
+	deviceRules := fu.NewDeviceRules()
+	route := agent.GetRoute(inPortNo, outPortNo)
+	switch len(route) {
+	case 0:
+		log.Errorw("no-route", log.Fields{"inPortNo": inPortNo, "outPortNo": outPortNo, "comment": "deleting-flow"})
+		//	TODO: Delete flow
+		return deviceRules
+	case 2:
+		log.Debugw("route-found", log.Fields{"ingressHop": route[0], "egressHop": route[1]})
+	default:
+		log.Errorw("invalid-route-length", log.Fields{"routeLen": len(route)})
+		return deviceRules
+	}
+	// Process controller bound flow
+	if outPortNo != 0 && (outPortNo&0x7fffffff) == uint32(ofp.OfpPortNo_OFPP_CONTROLLER) {
+		deviceRules = fd.processControllerBoundFlow(agent, route, inPortNo, outPortNo, flow)
+	} else {
+		var ingressDevice *voltha.Device
+		var err error
+		if ingressDevice, err = fd.deviceMgr.GetDevice(route[0].DeviceID); err != nil {
+			log.Errorw("ingress-device-not-found", log.Fields{"deviceId": route[0].DeviceID, "flow": flow})
+			return deviceRules
+		}
+		isUpstream := !ingressDevice.Root
+		if isUpstream { // Unicast OLT and ONU UL
+			log.Info("processOltAndOnuUpstreamNonControllerBoundUnicastFlows", log.Fields{"flows": flow})
+			deviceRules = fd.processUpstreamNonControllerBoundFlow(agent, route, inPortNo, outPortNo, flow)
+		} else if fu.HasNextTable(flow) && flow.TableId == 0 { // Unicast OLT flow DL
+			log.Debugw("processOltDownstreamNonControllerBoundFlowWithNextTable", log.Fields{"flows": flow})
+			deviceRules = fd.processDownstreamFlowWithNextTable(agent, route, inPortNo, outPortNo, flow)
+		} else if flow.TableId == 1 && outPortNo != 0 { // Unicast ONU flow DL
+			log.Debugw("processOnuDownstreamUnicastFlow", log.Fields{"flows": flow})
+			deviceRules = fd.processUnicastFlow(agent, route, inPortNo, outPortNo, flow)
+		} else if grpID := fu.GetGroup(flow); grpID != 0 && flow.TableId == 0 { //Multicast
+			log.Debugw("processMulticastFlow", log.Fields{"flows": flow})
+			deviceRules = fd.processMulticastFlow(agent, route, inPortNo, outPortNo, flow, grpID, groupMap)
+		} else {
+			log.Errorw("unknown-downstream-flow", log.Fields{"flow": *flow})
+		}
+	}
+	deviceRules = fd.updateOutputPortForControllerBoundFlowForParentDevide(flow, deviceRules)
+	return deviceRules
diff --git a/rw_core/flowdecomposition/flow_decomposer_test.go b/rw_core/flowdecomposition/flow_decomposer_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc89331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rw_core/flowdecomposition/flow_decomposer_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1010 @@
+ * Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package flowdecomposition
+import (
+	"errors"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-go/rw_core/graph"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-go/rw_core/mocks"
+	fu "github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v2/pkg/flows"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v2/pkg/log"
+	ofp "github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v2/go/openflow_13"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v2/go/voltha"
+	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
+	"testing"
+func init() {
+	// Setup default logger - applies for packages that do not have specific logger set
+	if _, err := log.SetDefaultLogger(log.JSON, 0, log.Fields{"instanceId": 1}); err != nil {
+		log.With(log.Fields{"error": err}).Fatal("Cannot setup logging")
+	}
+	// Update all loggers (provisioned via init) with a common field
+	if err := log.UpdateAllLoggers(log.Fields{"instanceId": 1}); err != nil {
+		log.With(log.Fields{"error": err}).Fatal("Cannot setup logging")
+	}
+	// Update all loggers to log level specified as input parameter
+	log.SetAllLogLevel(0)
+type testDeviceManager struct {
+	mocks.DeviceManager
+	devices map[string]*voltha.Device
+func newTestDeviceManager() *testDeviceManager {
+	var tdm testDeviceManager
+	tdm.devices = make(map[string]*voltha.Device)
+	tdm.devices["olt"] = &voltha.Device{
+		Id:       "olt",
+		Root:     true,
+		ParentId: "logical_device",
+		Ports: []*voltha.Port{
+			{PortNo: 1, Label: "pon"},
+			{PortNo: 2, Label: "nni"},
+		},
+	}
+	tdm.devices["onu1"] = &voltha.Device{
+		Id:       "onu1",
+		Root:     false,
+		ParentId: "olt",
+		Ports: []*voltha.Port{
+			{PortNo: 1, Label: "pon"},
+			{PortNo: 2, Label: "uni"},
+		},
+	}
+	tdm.devices["onu2"] = &voltha.Device{
+		Id:       "onu2",
+		Root:     false,
+		ParentId: "olt",
+		Ports: []*voltha.Port{
+			{PortNo: 1, Label: "pon"},
+			{PortNo: 2, Label: "uni"},
+		},
+	}
+	tdm.devices["onu3"] = &voltha.Device{
+		Id:       "onu3",
+		Root:     false,
+		ParentId: "olt",
+		Ports: []*voltha.Port{
+			{PortNo: 1, Label: "pon"},
+			{PortNo: 2, Label: "uni"},
+		},
+	}
+	tdm.devices["onu4"] = &voltha.Device{
+		Id:       "onu4",
+		Root:     false,
+		ParentId: "olt",
+		Ports: []*voltha.Port{
+			{PortNo: 1, Label: "pon"},
+			{PortNo: 2, Label: "uni"},
+		},
+	}
+	return &tdm
+func (tdm *testDeviceManager) GetDevice(deviceID string) (*voltha.Device, error) {
+	if d, ok := tdm.devices[deviceID]; ok {
+		return d, nil
+	}
+	return nil, errors.New("ABSENT")
+func (tdm *testDeviceManager) IsRootDevice(deviceID string) (bool, error) {
+	if d, ok := tdm.devices[deviceID]; ok {
+		return d.Root, nil
+	}
+	return false, errors.New("ABSENT")
+type testFlowDecomposer struct {
+	dMgr         *testDeviceManager
+	logicalPorts map[uint32]*voltha.LogicalPort
+	routes       map[graph.OFPortLink][]graph.RouteHop
+	defaultRules *fu.DeviceRules
+	deviceGraph  *graph.DeviceGraph
+	fd           *FlowDecomposer
+func newTestFlowDecomposer(deviceMgr *testDeviceManager) *testFlowDecomposer {
+	var tfd testFlowDecomposer
+	tfd.dMgr = deviceMgr
+	tfd.logicalPorts = make(map[uint32]*voltha.LogicalPort)
+	// Go protobuf interpreted absence of a port as 0, so we can't use port #0 as an openflow
+	// port
+	tfd.logicalPorts[10] = &voltha.LogicalPort{Id: "10", DeviceId: "olt", DevicePortNo: 2}
+	tfd.logicalPorts[1] = &voltha.LogicalPort{Id: "1", DeviceId: "onu1", DevicePortNo: 2}
+	tfd.logicalPorts[2] = &voltha.LogicalPort{Id: "2", DeviceId: "onu2", DevicePortNo: 2}
+	tfd.logicalPorts[3] = &voltha.LogicalPort{Id: "3", DeviceId: "onu3", DevicePortNo: 2}
+	tfd.logicalPorts[4] = &voltha.LogicalPort{Id: "4", DeviceId: "onu4", DevicePortNo: 2}
+	tfd.routes = make(map[graph.OFPortLink][]graph.RouteHop)
+	tfd.routes[graph.OFPortLink{Ingress: 10, Egress: 1}] = []graph.RouteHop{
+		{
+			DeviceID: "olt",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+		},
+		{
+			DeviceID: "onu1",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["onu1"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["onu1"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+		},
+	}
+	tfd.routes[graph.OFPortLink{Ingress: 10, Egress: 2}] = []graph.RouteHop{
+		{
+			DeviceID: "olt",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+		},
+		{
+			DeviceID: "onu2",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["onu2"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["onu2"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+		},
+	}
+	tfd.routes[graph.OFPortLink{Ingress: 10, Egress: 3}] = []graph.RouteHop{
+		{
+			DeviceID: "olt",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+		},
+		{
+			DeviceID: "onu3",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["onu3"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["onu3"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+		},
+	}
+	tfd.routes[graph.OFPortLink{Ingress: 10, Egress: 4}] = []graph.RouteHop{
+		{
+			DeviceID: "olt",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+		},
+		{
+			DeviceID: "onu4",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["onu4"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["onu4"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+		},
+	}
+	tfd.routes[graph.OFPortLink{Ingress: 10, Egress: 10}] = []graph.RouteHop{
+		{
+			DeviceID: "olt",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+		},
+		{
+			DeviceID: "olt",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+		},
+	}
+	tfd.routes[graph.OFPortLink{Ingress: 1, Egress: 10}] = []graph.RouteHop{
+		{
+			DeviceID: "onu1",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["onu1"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["onu1"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+		},
+		{
+			DeviceID: "olt",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+		},
+	}
+	tfd.routes[graph.OFPortLink{Ingress: 2, Egress: 10}] = []graph.RouteHop{
+		{
+			DeviceID: "onu2",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["onu2"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["onu2"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+		},
+		{
+			DeviceID: "olt",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+		},
+	}
+	tfd.routes[graph.OFPortLink{Ingress: 3, Egress: 10}] = []graph.RouteHop{
+		{
+			DeviceID: "onu3",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["onu3"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["onu3"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+		},
+		{
+			DeviceID: "olt",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+		},
+	}
+	tfd.routes[graph.OFPortLink{Ingress: 4, Egress: 10}] = []graph.RouteHop{
+		{
+			DeviceID: "onu4",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["onu4"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["onu4"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+		},
+		{
+			DeviceID: "olt",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+		},
+	}
+	// openflow port 0 means absence of a port - go/protobuf interpretation
+	tfd.routes[graph.OFPortLink{Ingress: 1, Egress: 0}] = []graph.RouteHop{
+		{
+			DeviceID: "onu1",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["onu1"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["onu1"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+		},
+		{
+			DeviceID: "olt",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+		},
+	}
+	tfd.routes[graph.OFPortLink{Ingress: 2, Egress: 0}] = []graph.RouteHop{
+		{
+			DeviceID: "onu2",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["onu2"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["onu2"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+		},
+		{
+			DeviceID: "olt",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+		},
+	}
+	tfd.routes[graph.OFPortLink{Ingress: 3, Egress: 0}] = []graph.RouteHop{
+		{
+			DeviceID: "onu3",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["onu3"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["onu3"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+		},
+		{
+			DeviceID: "olt",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+		},
+	}
+	tfd.routes[graph.OFPortLink{Ingress: 4, Egress: 0}] = []graph.RouteHop{
+		{
+			DeviceID: "onu4",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["onu4"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["onu4"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+		},
+		{
+			DeviceID: "olt",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+		},
+	}
+	tfd.routes[graph.OFPortLink{Ingress: 10, Egress: 0}] = []graph.RouteHop{
+		{
+			DeviceID: "olt",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+		},
+		{}, // 2nd hop is not known yet
+	}
+	tfd.routes[graph.OFPortLink{Ingress: 0, Egress: 10}] = []graph.RouteHop{
+		{}, // 1st hop is wildcard
+		{
+			DeviceID: "olt",
+			Ingress:  tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[0].PortNo,
+			Egress:   tfd.dMgr.devices["olt"].Ports[1].PortNo,
+		},
+	}
+	tfd.defaultRules = fu.NewDeviceRules()
+	fg := fu.NewFlowsAndGroups()
+	fa := &fu.FlowArgs{
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(2),
+			fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 0),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 101)),
+			fu.Output(1),
+		},
+	}
+	fg.AddFlow(fu.MkFlowStat(fa))
+	tfd.defaultRules.AddFlowsAndGroup("onu1", fg)
+	fg = fu.NewFlowsAndGroups()
+	fa = &fu.FlowArgs{
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(2),
+			fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 0),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 102)),
+			fu.Output(1),
+		},
+	}
+	fg.AddFlow(fu.MkFlowStat(fa))
+	tfd.defaultRules.AddFlowsAndGroup("onu2", fg)
+	fg = fu.NewFlowsAndGroups()
+	fa = &fu.FlowArgs{
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(2),
+			fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 0),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 103)),
+			fu.Output(1),
+		},
+	}
+	fg.AddFlow(fu.MkFlowStat(fa))
+	tfd.defaultRules.AddFlowsAndGroup("onu3", fg)
+	fg = fu.NewFlowsAndGroups()
+	fa = &fu.FlowArgs{
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(2),
+			fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 0),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 104)),
+			fu.Output(1),
+		},
+	}
+	fg.AddFlow(fu.MkFlowStat(fa))
+	tfd.defaultRules.AddFlowsAndGroup("onu4", fg)
+	//Set up the device graph - flow decomposer uses it only to verify whether a port is a root port.
+	tfd.deviceGraph = graph.NewDeviceGraph("ldid", tfd.getDeviceHelper)
+	tfd.deviceGraph.RootPorts = make(map[uint32]uint32)
+	tfd.deviceGraph.RootPorts[10] = 10
+	tfd.fd = NewFlowDecomposer(tfd.dMgr)
+	return &tfd
+func (tfd *testFlowDecomposer) getDeviceHelper(deviceID string) (*voltha.Device, error) {
+	return tfd.dMgr.GetDevice(deviceID)
+func (tfd *testFlowDecomposer) GetDeviceLogicalID() string {
+	return ""
+func (tfd *testFlowDecomposer) GetLogicalDevice() (*voltha.LogicalDevice, error) {
+	return nil, nil
+func (tfd *testFlowDecomposer) GetDeviceGraph() *graph.DeviceGraph {
+	return tfd.deviceGraph
+func (tfd *testFlowDecomposer) GetAllDefaultRules() *fu.DeviceRules {
+	return tfd.defaultRules
+func (tfd *testFlowDecomposer) GetWildcardInputPorts(excludePort ...uint32) []uint32 {
+	lPorts := make([]uint32, 0)
+	var exclPort uint32
+	if len(excludePort) == 1 {
+		exclPort = excludePort[0]
+	}
+	for portno := range tfd.logicalPorts {
+		if portno != exclPort {
+			lPorts = append(lPorts, portno)
+		}
+	}
+	return lPorts
+func (tfd *testFlowDecomposer) GetRoute(ingressPortNo uint32, egressPortNo uint32) []graph.RouteHop {
+	var portLink graph.OFPortLink
+	if egressPortNo == 0 {
+		portLink.Egress = 0
+	} else if egressPortNo&0x7fffffff == uint32(ofp.OfpPortNo_OFPP_CONTROLLER) {
+		portLink.Egress = 10
+	} else {
+		portLink.Egress = egressPortNo
+	}
+	if ingressPortNo == 0 {
+		portLink.Ingress = 0
+	} else {
+		portLink.Ingress = ingressPortNo
+	}
+	for key, val := range tfd.routes {
+		if key.Ingress == portLink.Ingress && key.Egress == portLink.Egress {
+			return val
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func TestEapolReRouteRuleVlanDecomposition(t *testing.T) {
+	fa := &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 1000},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(1),
+			fu.VlanVid(50),
+			fu.EthType(0x888e),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 101)),
+			fu.Output(uint32(ofp.OfpPortNo_OFPP_CONTROLLER)),
+		},
+	}
+	flows := ofp.Flows{Items: []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{fu.MkFlowStat(fa)}}
+	groups := ofp.FlowGroups{}
+	tfd := newTestFlowDecomposer(newTestDeviceManager())
+	deviceRules := tfd.fd.DecomposeRules(tfd, flows, groups)
+	onu1FlowAndGroup := deviceRules.Rules["onu1"]
+	oltFlowAndGroup := deviceRules.Rules["olt"]
+	assert.Equal(t, 1, onu1FlowAndGroup.Flows.Len())
+	assert.Equal(t, 1, oltFlowAndGroup.Flows.Len())
+	assert.Equal(t, 0, oltFlowAndGroup.Groups.Len())
+	faParent := &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 1000},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(1),
+			fu.TunnelId(uint64(1)),
+			fu.VlanVid(50),
+			fu.EthType(0x888e),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.PushVlan(0x8100),
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 4000)),
+			fu.Output(uint32(ofp.OfpPortNo_OFPP_CONTROLLER)),
+		},
+	}
+	expectedOltFlow := fu.MkFlowStat(faParent)
+	derivedFlow := oltFlowAndGroup.GetFlow(0)
+	assert.Equal(t, expectedOltFlow.String(), derivedFlow.String())
+	faChild := &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 1000},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(2),
+			fu.TunnelId(uint64(1)),
+			fu.EthType(0x888e),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.PushVlan(0x8100),
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(50)),
+			fu.Output(1),
+		},
+	}
+	expectedOnuFlow := fu.MkFlowStat(faChild)
+	derivedFlow = onu1FlowAndGroup.GetFlow(0)
+	assert.Equal(t, expectedOnuFlow.String(), derivedFlow.String())
+func TestEapolReRouteRuleZeroVlanDecomposition(t *testing.T) {
+	fa := &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 1000},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(1),
+			fu.VlanVid(0),
+			fu.EthType(0x888e),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 101)),
+			fu.Output(uint32(ofp.OfpPortNo_OFPP_CONTROLLER)),
+		},
+	}
+	flows := ofp.Flows{Items: []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{fu.MkFlowStat(fa)}}
+	groups := ofp.FlowGroups{}
+	tfd := newTestFlowDecomposer(newTestDeviceManager())
+	deviceRules := tfd.fd.DecomposeRules(tfd, flows, groups)
+	onu1FlowAndGroup := deviceRules.Rules["onu1"]
+	oltFlowAndGroup := deviceRules.Rules["olt"]
+	assert.Equal(t, 1, onu1FlowAndGroup.Flows.Len())
+	assert.Equal(t, 1, oltFlowAndGroup.Flows.Len())
+	assert.Equal(t, 0, oltFlowAndGroup.Groups.Len())
+	faParent := &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 1000},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(1),
+			fu.TunnelId(uint64(1)),
+			fu.VlanVid(0),
+			fu.EthType(0x888e),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.PushVlan(0x8100),
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 4000)),
+			fu.Output(uint32(ofp.OfpPortNo_OFPP_CONTROLLER)),
+		},
+	}
+	expectedOltFlow := fu.MkFlowStat(faParent)
+	derivedFlow := oltFlowAndGroup.GetFlow(0)
+	assert.Equal(t, expectedOltFlow.String(), derivedFlow.String())
+	faChild := &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 1000},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(2),
+			fu.TunnelId(uint64(1)),
+			fu.EthType(0x888e),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.PushVlan(0x8100),
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(0)),
+			fu.Output(1),
+		},
+	}
+	expectedOnuFlow := fu.MkFlowStat(faChild)
+	derivedFlow = onu1FlowAndGroup.GetFlow(0)
+	assert.Equal(t, expectedOnuFlow.String(), derivedFlow.String())
+func TestEapolReRouteRuleNoVlanDecomposition(t *testing.T) {
+	fa := &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 1000},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(1),
+			fu.EthType(0x888e),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 101)),
+			fu.Output(uint32(ofp.OfpPortNo_OFPP_CONTROLLER)),
+		},
+	}
+	flows := ofp.Flows{Items: []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{fu.MkFlowStat(fa)}}
+	groups := ofp.FlowGroups{}
+	tfd := newTestFlowDecomposer(newTestDeviceManager())
+	deviceRules := tfd.fd.DecomposeRules(tfd, flows, groups)
+	onu1FlowAndGroup := deviceRules.Rules["onu1"]
+	oltFlowAndGroup := deviceRules.Rules["olt"]
+	assert.Equal(t, 1, onu1FlowAndGroup.Flows.Len())
+	assert.Equal(t, 1, oltFlowAndGroup.Flows.Len())
+	assert.Equal(t, 0, oltFlowAndGroup.Groups.Len())
+	faParent := &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 1000},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(1),
+			fu.TunnelId(uint64(1)),
+			fu.EthType(0x888e),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.PushVlan(0x8100),
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 4000)),
+			fu.Output(uint32(ofp.OfpPortNo_OFPP_CONTROLLER)),
+		},
+	}
+	expectedOltFlow := fu.MkFlowStat(faParent)
+	derivedFlow := oltFlowAndGroup.GetFlow(0)
+	assert.Equal(t, expectedOltFlow.String(), derivedFlow.String())
+	faChild := &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 1000},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(2),
+			fu.TunnelId(uint64(1)),
+			fu.EthType(0x888e),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.Output(1),
+		},
+	}
+	expectedOnuFlow := fu.MkFlowStat(faChild)
+	derivedFlow = onu1FlowAndGroup.GetFlow(0)
+	assert.Equal(t, expectedOnuFlow.String(), derivedFlow.String())
+func TestDhcpReRouteRuleDecomposition(t *testing.T) {
+	fa := &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 1000},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(1),
+			fu.EthType(0x0800),
+			fu.Ipv4Dst(0xffffffff),
+			fu.IpProto(17),
+			fu.UdpSrc(68),
+			fu.UdpDst(67),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.Output(uint32(ofp.OfpPortNo_OFPP_CONTROLLER)),
+		},
+	}
+	flows := ofp.Flows{Items: []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{fu.MkFlowStat(fa)}}
+	groups := ofp.FlowGroups{}
+	tfd := newTestFlowDecomposer(newTestDeviceManager())
+	deviceRules := tfd.fd.DecomposeRules(tfd, flows, groups)
+	onu1FlowAndGroup := deviceRules.Rules["onu1"]
+	oltFlowAndGroup := deviceRules.Rules["olt"]
+	assert.Equal(t, 1, onu1FlowAndGroup.Flows.Len())
+	assert.Equal(t, 0, onu1FlowAndGroup.Groups.Len())
+	assert.Equal(t, 1, oltFlowAndGroup.Flows.Len())
+	assert.Equal(t, 0, oltFlowAndGroup.Groups.Len())
+	faParent := &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 1000},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(1),
+			fu.TunnelId(uint64(1)),
+			fu.EthType(0x0800),
+			fu.Ipv4Dst(0xffffffff),
+			fu.IpProto(17),
+			fu.UdpSrc(68),
+			fu.UdpDst(67),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.PushVlan(0x8100),
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 4000)),
+			fu.Output(uint32(ofp.OfpPortNo_OFPP_CONTROLLER)),
+		},
+	}
+	expectedOltFlow := fu.MkFlowStat(faParent)
+	derivedFlow := oltFlowAndGroup.GetFlow(0)
+	assert.Equal(t, expectedOltFlow.String(), derivedFlow.String())
+	faChild := &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 1000},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(2),
+			fu.TunnelId(uint64(1)),
+			fu.EthType(0x0800),
+			fu.Ipv4Dst(0xffffffff),
+			fu.IpProto(17),
+			fu.UdpSrc(68),
+			fu.UdpDst(67),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.Output(1),
+		},
+	}
+	expectedOnuFlow := fu.MkFlowStat(faChild)
+	derivedFlow = onu1FlowAndGroup.GetFlow(0)
+	assert.Equal(t, expectedOnuFlow.String(), derivedFlow.String())
+func TestLldpReRouteRuleDecomposition(t *testing.T) {
+	fa := &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 1000},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(10),
+			fu.EthType(0x88CC),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.Output(uint32(ofp.OfpPortNo_OFPP_CONTROLLER)),
+		},
+	}
+	flows := ofp.Flows{Items: []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{fu.MkFlowStat(fa)}}
+	groups := ofp.FlowGroups{}
+	tfd := newTestFlowDecomposer(newTestDeviceManager())
+	deviceRules := tfd.fd.DecomposeRules(tfd, flows, groups)
+	onu1FlowAndGroup := deviceRules.Rules["onu1"]
+	oltFlowAndGroup := deviceRules.Rules["olt"]
+	assert.Nil(t, onu1FlowAndGroup)
+	assert.Equal(t, 1, oltFlowAndGroup.Flows.Len())
+	assert.Equal(t, 0, oltFlowAndGroup.Groups.Len())
+	fa = &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 1000},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(2),
+			fu.EthType(0x88CC),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.Output(uint32(ofp.OfpPortNo_OFPP_CONTROLLER)),
+		},
+	}
+	expectedOltFlow := fu.MkFlowStat(fa)
+	derivedFlow := oltFlowAndGroup.GetFlow(0)
+	assert.Equal(t, expectedOltFlow.String(), derivedFlow.String())
+func TestUnicastUpstreamRuleDecomposition(t *testing.T) {
+	fa := &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 5000, "table_id": 0},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(1),
+			fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 0),
+			fu.VlanPcp(0),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 101)),
+		},
+	}
+	fa2 := &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 500, "table_id": 1},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(1),
+			fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 101),
+			fu.VlanPcp(0),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.PushVlan(0x8100),
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 1000)),
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanPcp(0)),
+			fu.Output(10),
+		},
+	}
+	flows := ofp.Flows{Items: []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{fu.MkFlowStat(fa), fu.MkFlowStat(fa2)}}
+	flows.Items[0].Instructions = []*ofp.OfpInstruction{{
+		Type: uint32(ofp.OfpInstructionType_OFPIT_GOTO_TABLE),
+		Data: &ofp.OfpInstruction_GotoTable{
+			GotoTable: &ofp.OfpInstructionGotoTable{
+				TableId: 1,
+			},
+		}}}
+	groups := ofp.FlowGroups{}
+	tfd := newTestFlowDecomposer(newTestDeviceManager())
+	deviceRules := tfd.fd.DecomposeRules(tfd, flows, groups)
+	onu1FlowAndGroup := deviceRules.Rules["onu1"]
+	oltFlowAndGroup := deviceRules.Rules["olt"]
+	assert.NotNil(t, onu1FlowAndGroup)
+	assert.NotNil(t, onu1FlowAndGroup.Flows)
+	assert.Equal(t, 1, onu1FlowAndGroup.Flows.Len())
+	assert.Equal(t, 0, onu1FlowAndGroup.Groups.Len())
+	assert.Equal(t, 1, oltFlowAndGroup.Flows.Len())
+	assert.Equal(t, 0, oltFlowAndGroup.Groups.Len())
+	fa = &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 5000},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(2),
+			fu.TunnelId(uint64(1)),
+			fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 0),
+			fu.VlanPcp(0),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 101)),
+			fu.Output(1),
+		},
+	}
+	derivedFlow := onu1FlowAndGroup.GetFlow(0)
+	// Form the expected flow
+	expectedOnu1Flow := fu.MkFlowStat(fa)
+	expectedOnu1Flow.Instructions = []*ofp.OfpInstruction{{
+		Type: uint32(ofp.OfpInstructionType_OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS),
+		Data: &ofp.OfpInstruction_Actions{
+			Actions: &ofp.OfpInstructionActions{
+				Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{{
+					Type: 0,
+					Action: &ofp.OfpAction_Output{
+						Output: &ofp.OfpActionOutput{
+							Port:   1,
+							MaxLen: 65509,
+						},
+					}}}}}}}
+	expectedOnu1Flow.Id = derivedFlow.Id //  Assign same flow ID as derived flowID to match completely
+	assert.Equal(t, expectedOnu1Flow.String(), derivedFlow.String())
+	fa = &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 500},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(1),
+			fu.TunnelId(uint64(1)),
+			fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 101),
+			fu.VlanPcp(0),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.PushVlan(0x8100),
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 1000)),
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanPcp(0)),
+			fu.Output(2),
+		},
+	}
+	expectedOltFlow := fu.MkFlowStat(fa)
+	derivedFlow = oltFlowAndGroup.GetFlow(0)
+	assert.Equal(t, expectedOltFlow.String(), derivedFlow.String())
+func TestUnicastDownstreamRuleDecomposition(t *testing.T) {
+	log.Debugf("Starting Test Unicast Downstream")
+	fa1 := &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 500, "table_id": 0},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(10),
+			fu.Metadata_ofp((1000 << 32) | 1),
+			fu.VlanPcp(0),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.PopVlan(),
+		},
+	}
+	fa2 := &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 500, "table_id": 1},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(10),
+			fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 101),
+			fu.VlanPcp(0),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 0)),
+			fu.Output(1),
+		},
+	}
+	flows := ofp.Flows{Items: []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{fu.MkFlowStat(fa1), fu.MkFlowStat(fa2)}}
+	flows.Items[0].Instructions = []*ofp.OfpInstruction{{
+		Type: uint32(ofp.OfpInstructionType_OFPIT_GOTO_TABLE),
+		Data: &ofp.OfpInstruction_GotoTable{
+			GotoTable: &ofp.OfpInstructionGotoTable{
+				TableId: 1,
+			},
+		}}}
+	groups := ofp.FlowGroups{}
+	tfd := newTestFlowDecomposer(newTestDeviceManager())
+	deviceRules := tfd.fd.DecomposeRules(tfd, flows, groups)
+	onu1FlowAndGroup := deviceRules.Rules["onu1"]
+	oltFlowAndGroup := deviceRules.Rules["olt"]
+	assert.Equal(t, 1, onu1FlowAndGroup.Flows.Len())
+	assert.Equal(t, 0, onu1FlowAndGroup.Groups.Len())
+	assert.Equal(t, 1, oltFlowAndGroup.Flows.Len())
+	assert.Equal(t, 0, oltFlowAndGroup.Groups.Len())
+	fa1 = &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 500},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(2),
+			fu.TunnelId(uint64(10)),
+			fu.Metadata_ofp(4294967296001),
+			fu.VlanPcp(0),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.PopVlan(),
+			fu.Output(1),
+		},
+	}
+	derivedFlow := oltFlowAndGroup.GetFlow(0)
+	expectedOltFlow := fu.MkFlowStat(fa1)
+	expectedOltFlow.Instructions = []*ofp.OfpInstruction{{
+		Type: uint32(ofp.OfpInstructionType_OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS),
+		Data: &ofp.OfpInstruction_Actions{
+			Actions: &ofp.OfpInstructionActions{
+				Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{{
+					Type: 0,
+					Action: &ofp.OfpAction_Output{
+						Output: &ofp.OfpActionOutput{
+							Port:   1,
+							MaxLen: 65509,
+						},
+					}}}}}}}
+	expectedOltFlow.Id = derivedFlow.Id
+	assert.Equal(t, expectedOltFlow.String(), derivedFlow.String())
+	fa1 = &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 500},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(1),
+			fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 101),
+			fu.VlanPcp(0),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.SetField(fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 0)),
+			fu.Output(2),
+		},
+	}
+	expectedOnu1Flow := fu.MkFlowStat(fa1)
+	derivedFlow = onu1FlowAndGroup.GetFlow(0)
+	assert.Equal(t, expectedOnu1Flow.String(), derivedFlow.String())
+func TestMulticastDownstreamRuleDecomposition(t *testing.T) {
+	fa := &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 500},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(10),
+			fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 170),
+			fu.VlanPcp(0),
+			fu.EthType(0x800),
+			fu.Ipv4Dst(0xe00a0a0a),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.Group(10),
+		},
+	}
+	ga := &fu.GroupArgs{
+		GroupId: 10,
+		Buckets: []*ofp.OfpBucket{
+			{Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+				fu.PopVlan(),
+				fu.Output(1),
+			},
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	flows := ofp.Flows{Items: []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{fu.MkFlowStat(fa)}}
+	groups := ofp.FlowGroups{Items: []*ofp.OfpGroupEntry{fu.MkGroupStat(ga)}}
+	tfd := newTestFlowDecomposer(newTestDeviceManager())
+	deviceRules := tfd.fd.DecomposeRules(tfd, flows, groups)
+	onu1FlowAndGroup := deviceRules.Rules["onu1"]
+	oltFlowAndGroup := deviceRules.Rules["olt"]
+	assert.Equal(t, 1, onu1FlowAndGroup.Flows.Len())
+	assert.Equal(t, 0, onu1FlowAndGroup.Groups.Len())
+	assert.Equal(t, 1, oltFlowAndGroup.Flows.Len())
+	assert.Equal(t, 0, oltFlowAndGroup.Groups.Len())
+	fa = &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 500},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(2),
+			fu.VlanVid(uint32(ofp.OfpVlanId_OFPVID_PRESENT) | 170),
+			fu.VlanPcp(0),
+			fu.EthType(0x800),
+			fu.Ipv4Dst(0xe00a0a0a),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.PopVlan(),
+			fu.Output(1),
+		},
+	}
+	expectedOltFlow := fu.MkFlowStat(fa)
+	derivedFlow := oltFlowAndGroup.GetFlow(0)
+	assert.Equal(t, expectedOltFlow.String(), derivedFlow.String())
+	fa = &fu.FlowArgs{
+		KV: fu.OfpFlowModArgs{"priority": 500},
+		MatchFields: []*ofp.OfpOxmOfbField{
+			fu.InPort(1),
+			fu.EthType(0x800),
+			fu.Ipv4Dst(0xe00a0a0a),
+		},
+		Actions: []*ofp.OfpAction{
+			fu.Output(2),
+		},
+	}
+	expectedOnu1Flow := fu.MkFlowStat(fa)
+	derivedFlow = onu1FlowAndGroup.GetFlow(0)
+	assert.Equal(t, expectedOnu1Flow.String(), derivedFlow.String())