VOL-1552 - inital stub
remove extra file

Change-Id: I9f5c93eefbde51c64a7c1b13244eca3a16de8a41
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/bclicn/color/color.go b/vendor/github.com/bclicn/color/color.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce7fc83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/bclicn/color/color.go
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+// github.com/bclicn/color
+// colorized output for Mac & Linux terminal
+// version: 1.0.0
+// author:  bcli, bclicn@gmail.com, 2018-7-11
+// see:     http://misc.flogisoft.com/bash/tip_colors_and_formatting
+// usage:
+// Official layout
+// 	$ go get github.com/bclicn/color
+// 	# in your project
+// 	import "github.com/bclicn/color"
+// 	func main() {
+//		fmt.Println(color.Red("I'm red!"))
+//		color.Test()
+//	}
+package color
+import (
+	"strconv"
+const (
+	// common
+	reset  = "\033[0m" // auto reset the rest of text to default color
+	normal = 0
+	bold   = 1 // increase this value if you want bolder text
+	// special
+	dim       = 2
+	underline = 4
+	blink     = 5
+	reverse   = 7
+	hidden    = 8
+	// color
+	black       = 30 // default = 39
+	red         = 31
+	green       = 32
+	yellow      = 33
+	blue        = 34
+	purple      = 35 // purple = magenta
+	cyan        = 36
+	lightGray   = 37
+	darkGray    = 90
+	lightRed    = 91
+	lightGreen  = 92
+	lightYellow = 93
+	lightBlue   = 94
+	lightPurple = 95
+	lightCyan   = 96
+	white       = 97
+// you can use custom color code and font size by calling this function
+func Render(colorCode int, fontSize int, content string) string {
+	return "\033[" + strconv.Itoa(fontSize) + ";" + strconv.Itoa(colorCode) + "m" + content + reset
+// black text (use this with caution since most geeks use dark console)
+func Black(txt string) string {
+	return Render(black, normal, txt)
+// red text
+func Red(txt string) string {
+	return Render(red, normal, txt)
+// green text
+func Green(txt string) string {
+	return Render(green, normal, txt)
+// yellow text
+func Yellow(txt string) string {
+	return Render(yellow, normal, txt)
+// blue text
+func Blue(txt string) string {
+	return Render(blue, normal, txt)
+// purple text
+func Purple(txt string) string {
+	return Render(purple, normal, txt)
+// cyan text
+func Cyan(txt string) string {
+	return Render(cyan, normal, txt)
+// light gray text
+func LightGray(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightGray, normal, txt)
+// dark gray text
+func DarkGray(txt string) string {
+	return Render(darkGray, normal, txt)
+// light red text
+func LightRed(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightRed, normal, txt)
+// light green text
+func LightGreen(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightGreen, normal, txt)
+// light yellow text
+func LightYellow(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightYellow, normal, txt)
+// light blue text
+func LightBlue(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightBlue, normal, txt)
+// light purple text
+func LightPurple(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightPurple, normal, txt)
+// light cyan text
+func LightCyan(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightCyan, normal, txt)
+// white text
+func White(txt string) string {
+	return Render(white, normal, txt)
+// black text (use this with caution since most geeks use dark console)
+func BBlack(txt string) string {
+	return Render(black, bold, txt)
+// bold red
+func BRed(txt string) string {
+	return Render(red, bold, txt)
+// bold green
+func BGreen(txt string) string {
+	return Render(green, bold, txt)
+// bold yellow
+func BYellow(txt string) string {
+	return Render(yellow, bold, txt)
+// bold blue
+func BBlue(txt string) string {
+	return Render(blue, bold, txt)
+// bold purple
+func BPurple(txt string) string {
+	return Render(purple, bold, txt)
+// bold cyan
+func BCyan(txt string) string {
+	return Render(cyan, bold, txt)
+// bold light gray
+func BLightGray(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightGray, bold, txt)
+// bold dark gray
+func BDarkGray(txt string) string {
+	return Render(darkGray, bold, txt)
+// bold light red
+func BLightRed(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightRed, bold, txt)
+// bold light green
+func BLightGreen(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightGreen, bold, txt)
+// bold light yellow
+func BLightYellow(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightYellow, bold, txt)
+// bold light blue
+func BLightBlue(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightBlue, bold, txt)
+// bold light purple
+func BLightPurple(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightPurple, bold, txt)
+// bold light cyan
+func BLightCyan(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightCyan, bold, txt)
+// bold white
+func BWhite(txt string) string {
+	return Render(white, bold, txt)
+// black background (use this with caution since most of geeks use dark console)
+func GBlack(txt string) string {
+	return Render(black+1, normal, txt)
+// red background
+func GRed(txt string) string {
+	return Render(red+1, normal, txt)
+// green background
+func GGreen(txt string) string {
+	return Render(green+1, normal, txt)
+// yellow background
+func GYellow(txt string) string {
+	return Render(yellow+1, normal, txt)
+// blue background
+func GBlue(txt string) string {
+	return Render(blue+1, normal, txt)
+// purple background
+func GPurple(txt string) string {
+	return Render(purple+1, normal, txt)
+// cyan background
+func GCyan(txt string) string {
+	return Render(cyan+1, normal, txt)
+// light gray background
+func GLightGray(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightGray+1, normal, txt)
+// dark gray background
+func GDarkGray(txt string) string {
+	return Render(darkGray+1, normal, txt)
+// light red background
+func GLightRed(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightRed+1, normal, txt)
+// light green background
+func GLightGreen(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightGreen+1, normal, txt)
+// light yellow background
+func GLightYellow(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightYellow+1, normal, txt)
+// blue background
+func GLightBlue(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightBlue+1, normal, txt)
+// light purple background
+func GLightPurple(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightPurple+1, normal, txt)
+// light cyan background
+func GLightCyan(txt string) string {
+	return Render(lightCyan+1, normal, txt)
+// give text a white background
+func GWhite(txt string) string {
+	return Render(white+1, normal, txt)
+// bold text
+func Bold(txt string) string {
+	return Render(bold, normal, txt)
+// dimmed text
+func Dim(txt string) string {
+	return Render(dim, normal, txt)
+// underlined text
+func Underline(txt string) string {
+	return Render(underline, 0, txt)
+// make given text blink, not supported by all consoles
+func Blink(txt string) string {
+	return Render(blink, normal, txt)
+// invert the color of text and its background
+func Invert(txt string) string {
+	return Render(reverse, normal, txt)
+// hide given text, useful for password input
+func Hide(txt string) string {
+	return Render(hidden, normal, txt)
+// test all functions
+func Test() {
+	ColorTest()