VOL-1395: Common shared libraries needed for Python based device adapters.

This is an initial check-in of code from the master branch.  Additional work
is expected on a few items to work with the new go-core and will be covered
by separate JIRAs and commits.

Change-Id: I0856ec6b79b8d3e49082c609eb9c7eedd75b1708
diff --git a/python/adapters/extensions/omci/state_machines/image_agent.py b/python/adapters/extensions/omci/state_machines/image_agent.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e6d5884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/extensions/omci/state_machines/image_agent.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1024 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+import structlog
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from binascii import crc32, hexlify
+from transitions import Machine
+from transitions.extensions.nesting import HierarchicalMachine as HMachine
+from twisted.python import failure
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, CancelledError
+from common.event_bus import EventBusClient
+from voltha.protos.voltha_pb2 import ImageDownload
+from voltha.protos.omci_mib_db_pb2 import OpenOmciEventType
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_defs import EntityOperations, ReasonCodes, AttributeAccess, OmciSectionDataSize
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_entities import SoftwareImage
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_cc import DEFAULT_OMCI_TIMEOUT
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_messages import OmciEndSoftwareDownloadResponse, OmciActivateImageResponse
+##              OLT out-of-band download image procedure
+class ImageDownloadeSTM(object):
+    DEFAULT_STATES = ['disabled', 'downloading', 'validating', 'done']
+        {'trigger': 'start', 'source': 'disabled', 'dest': 'downloading'},
+        {'trigger': 'stop',  'source': ['downloading', 'validating', 'done'], 'dest': 'disabled'},
+        {'trigger': 'dw_success', 'source': 'downloading', 'dest': 'validating'},
+        {'trigger': 'dw_fail', 'source': 'downloading', 'dest': 'done'},
+        {'trigger': 'validate_success', 'source': 'validating', 'dest': 'done'},
+    ]
+    DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_RETRY = 1000      # Seconds to delay after task failure/timeout
+    # def __init__(self, omci_agent, dev_id, local_name, local_dir, remote_url, download_task, 
+    def __init__(self, omci_agent, image_download, 
+                     download_task_cls, 
+                     states=DEFAULT_STATES,
+                     transitions=DEFAULT_TRANSITIONS,
+                     initial_state='disabled',
+                     timeout_delay=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_RETRY,
+                     advertise_events=True, clock=None):
+        """
+        :Param: omci_agent:	(OpenOMCIAgent)
+        :Param: image_dnld: (ImageDownload)
+                            ImageDownload.id  : device id
+                            ImageDownload.name: file name of the image 
+                            ImageDownload.url : URL to download the image from server
+                            ImageDownload.local_dir: local directory of the image file
+        """
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=image_download.id)
+        self._agent = omci_agent
+        # self._imgdw = ImageDownload()
+        # self._imgdw.name = local_name
+        # self._imgdw.id   = dev_id
+        # self._imgdw.url  = remote_url
+        # self._imgdw.local_dir = local_dir
+        self._imgdw = image_download
+        # self._imgdw.state = ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_UNKNOWN   # voltha_pb2
+        self._download_task_cls = download_task_cls
+        self._timeout_delay   = timeout_delay
+        self._current_task  = None
+        self._task_deferred = None
+        self._ret_deferred  = None
+        self._timeout_dc = None    # DelayedCall
+        self._advertise_events = advertise_events
+        self.reactor = clock if clock is not None else reactor 
+        self.log.debug("ImageDownloadeSTM", image_download=self._imgdw)
+        self.machine = Machine(model=self, states=states,
+                               transitions=transitions,
+                               initial=initial_state,
+                               queued=True,
+                               name='{}-{}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._imgdw.id))
+    # @property
+    # def name(self):
+    #     return self._imgdw.name
+    def _cancel_timeout(self):
+        d, self._timeout_dc = self._timeout_dc, None
+        if d is not None and not d.called:
+            d.cancel()
+    @property
+    def status(self):
+        return self._imgdw
+    @property
+    def deferred(self):
+        return self._ret_deferred
+    def advertise(self, event, info):
+        """Advertise an event on the OpenOMCI event bus"""
+        if self._advertise_events:
+            self._agent.advertise(event,
+                                  {
+                                      'state-machine': self.machine.name,
+                                      'info': info,
+                                      'time': str(datetime.utcnow())
+                                  })
+    # def reset(self):
+    #     """
+    #     Reset all the state machine to intial state
+    #     It is used to clear failed result in last downloading
+    #     """
+    #     self.log.debug('reset download', image_download=self._imgdw)
+    #     if self._current_task is not None:
+    #         self._current_task.stop()
+    #     self._cancel_deferred()
+    #     if self._ret_deferred is not None:
+    #         self._ret_deferred.cancel()
+    #         self._ret_deferred = None
+    #     self.stop()
+    #     self._imgdw.state = ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_UNKNOWN
+    def get_file(self):
+        """
+          return a Deferred object
+          Caller will register a callback to the Deferred to get notified once the image is available
+        """
+        # self.log.debug('get_file', image_download=self._imgdw)
+        if self._ret_deferred is None or self._ret_deferred.called:
+            self._ret_deferred = Deferred()
+        if self._imgdw.state == ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_SUCCEEDED:
+            self.log.debug('Image Available')
+            self.reactor.callLater(0, self._ret_deferred.callback, self._imgdw)
+        elif self._imgdw.state == ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_FAILED or self._imgdw.state == ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_UNSUPPORTED:
+            self.log.debug('Image not exist')
+            self.reactor.callLater(0, self._ret_deferred.errback, failure.Failure(Exception('Image Download Failed ' + self._imgdw.name)))
+        elif self._imgdw.state == ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_UNKNOWN or self._imgdw.state == ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_REQUESTED:
+            self.log.debug('Start Image STM')
+            self._imgdw.state = ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_STARTED
+            self.reactor.callLater(0, self.start)
+        else:
+            self.log.debug('NO action', state=self._imgdw.state)
+        return self._ret_deferred
+    def timeout(self):
+        self.log.debug('Image Download Timeout', download_task=self._current_task);
+        if self._current_task:
+            self.reactor.callLater(0, self._current_task.stop)
+        # if self._task_deferred is not None and not self._task_deferred.called:
+        #     self._task_deferred.cancel()
+            self._current_task = None
+        # else:
+        #     self.dw_fail()
+    def on_enter_downloading(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_downloading")
+        self.advertise(OpenOmciEventType.state_change, self.state)
+        def success(results):
+            self.log.debug('image-download-success', results=results)
+            self._imgdw.state = ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_SUCCEEDED
+            self._imgdw.reason = ImageDownload.NO_ERROR
+            self._current_task = None
+            self._task_deferred = None
+            self.dw_success()
+        def failure(reason):
+            self.log.info('image-download-failure', reason=reason)
+            if self._imgdw.state == ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_STARTED:
+                self._imgdw.state = ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_FAILED
+            if isinstance(reason, CancelledError): 
+                self._imgdw.reason = ImageDownload.CANCELLED
+            self._current_task = None
+            self._task_deferred = None
+            self.dw_fail()
+        self._device = self._agent.get_device(self._imgdw.id)
+        self._current_task = self._download_task_cls(self._agent, self._imgdw, self.reactor)
+        self._task_deferred = self._device.task_runner.queue_task(self._current_task)
+        self._task_deferred.addCallbacks(success, failure)
+        self._imgdw.state = ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_STARTED
+        if self._timeout_delay > 0:
+            self._timeout_dc = self.reactor.callLater(self._timeout_delay, self.timeout)
+    def on_enter_validating(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_validating")
+        self.advertise(OpenOmciEventType.state_change, self.state)
+        self.validate_success()
+    def on_enter_done(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_done")
+        self.advertise(OpenOmciEventType.state_change, self.state)
+        self._cancel_timeout()
+        d, self._ret_deferred = self._ret_deferred, None
+        if d is not None:
+            if self._imgdw.state == ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_SUCCEEDED:
+                self.reactor.callLater(0, d.callback, self._imgdw)
+            else:  # failed
+                if self._imgdw.reason == ImageDownload.CANCELLED:
+                    self.reactor.callLater(0, d.cancel)
+                else:
+                    self.reactor.callLater(0, d.errback, failure.Failure(Exception('Image Download Failed ' + self._imgdw.name)))
+    def on_enter_disabled(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_disabled")
+        self.advertise(OpenOmciEventType.state_change, self.state)
+        self._cancel_timeout()
+        if self._current_task is not None:
+            self.reactor.callLater(0, self._current_task.stop)
+            self._current_task = None
+        if self._ret_deferred:
+            self.reactor.callLater(0, self._ret_deferred.cancel)
+            self._ret_deferred = None
+        # remove local file fragments if download failed
+        file_path = self._imgdw.local_dir + '/' + self._imgdw.name
+        if self._imgdw.state != ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_SUCCEEDED and os.path.exists(file_path):
+            os.remove(file_path)            
+        self._imgdw.state = ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_UNKNOWN
+##              OMCI Software Image Download Procedure
+class OmciSoftwareImageDownloadSTM(object):
+    OMCI_SWIMG_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT = 5400      # TODO: Seconds for the full downloading procedure to avoid errors that cause infinte downloading
+    OMCI_SWIMG_ACTIVATE_TRANSITIONS_TIMEOUT = 10      # Seconds to delay after task failure/timeout
+    # def __init__(self, omci_agent, dev_id, img_path, 
+    def __init__(self, image_id, omci_agent, image_dnld,
+                     window_size=OMCI_SWIMG_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW_SIZE,
+                     timeout_delay=OMCI_SWIMG_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT,
+                     advertise_events=True,
+                     clock=None):
+        """
+        omci_agent:	(OpenOMCIAgent)
+        image_dnld: (ImageDownload)
+                    ImageDownload.id  : device id
+                    ImageDownload.name: file name of the image 
+                    ImageDownload.url : URL to download the image from server
+                    ImageDownload.local_dir: local directory of the image file
+        window_size: window size of OMCI download procedure 
+        """
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=image_dnld.id)
+        self._omci_agent = omci_agent
+        self._image_download = image_dnld
+        self._timeout = timeout_delay
+        self._timeout_dc = None
+        self._window_size = window_size
+        self.reactor = clock if clock is not None else reactor
+        self._offset = 0
+        # self._win_section = 0
+        self._win_retry = 0
+        self._device_id = image_dnld.id
+        self._device = omci_agent.get_device(image_dnld.id)
+        self.__init_state_machine()
+        self._ret_deferred = None
+        self._image_id = image_id    # Target software image entity ID
+        self._image_file = image_dnld.local_dir + '/' + image_dnld.name
+        self._image_obj = open(self._image_file, mode='rb')
+        self._image_size = os.path.getsize(self._image_file)
+        self._crc32 = 0
+        self._win_crc32 = 0
+        self._win_data = None
+        self._current_deferred = None
+        self._result = None    # ReasonCodes
+        self.crctable = []
+        self._crctable_init = False
+        self._actimg_retry_max = OmciSoftwareImageDownloadSTM.OMCI_SWIMG_ACTIVATE_RETRY_MAX
+        self._actimg_retry = 0
+        self.log.debug("DownloadSTM", image=self._image_file, image_size=self._image_size)
+    def __init_state_machine(self):
+        #### Download Window Sub State Machine ####
+        OMCI_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW_STATE = ['init_window', 'sending_sections', 'window_success', 'window_failed']
+            {'trigger': 'send_sections',  'source': 'init_window',     'dest': 'sending_sections'},
+            # {'trigger': 'send_section_last',  'source': 'start_section', 'dest': 'last_section'  },
+            {'trigger': 'rx_ack_success', 'source': 'sending_sections', 'dest': 'window_success' },
+            {'trigger': 'rx_ack_failed',  'source': 'sending_sections', 'dest': 'window_failed'  },
+            # {'trigger': 'retry_window',   'source': 'window_failed', 'dest': 'start_section'  },
+            {'trigger': 'reset_window',   'source': '*',               'dest': 'init_window'    }
+        ]    
+        self.win_machine = HMachine(model=self, 
+                                    states=OMCI_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW_STATE,
+                                    transitions=OMCI_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW_TRANSITIONS,
+                                    initial='init_window',
+                                    queued=True,
+                                    name='{}-window_section_machine'.format(self.__class__.__name__))
+        #### Software Activation Sub State Machine ####
+        OMCI_SWIMG_ACTIVATE_STATES = ['init_act', 'activating', 'busy', 'rebooting', 'committing', 'done', 'failed']
+            {'trigger': 'activate', 'source': ['init_act', 'busy'], 'dest': 'activating'},
+            {'trigger': 'onu_busy', 'source': 'activating', 'dest': 'busy'},
+            {'trigger': 'reboot',   'source': 'activating', 'dest': 'rebooting'},
+            {'trigger': 'do_commit', 'source': ['activating', 'rebooting'], 'dest': 'committing'},
+            # {'trigger': 'commit_ok', 'source': 'committing', 'dest': 'done'},
+            {'trigger': 'reset_actimg', 'source': ['activating', 'rebooting', 'committing', 'failed'], 'dest': 'init_act'},
+            # {'trigger': 'actimg_fail', 'source': ['init_act', 'activating', 'rebooting', 'committing'], 'dest': 'failed'}
+        ]
+        self.activate_machine = HMachine(model=self, 
+                                         states=OMCI_SWIMG_ACTIVATE_STATES,
+                                         transitions=OMCI_SWIMG_ACTIVATE_TRANSITIONS,
+                                         initial='init_act',
+                                         queued=True,
+                                         name='{}-activate_machine'.format(self.__class__.__name__))
+        #### Main State Machine ####
+        OMCI_SWIMG_DOWNLOAD_STATES = [ 'init_image', 'starting_image', 'ending_image', 'endimg_busy', 'done_image',
+                                      {'name': 'dwin', 'children': self.win_machine}, 
+                                      {'name': 'actimg', 'children': self.activate_machine}
+                                     ]
+            {'trigger': 'start_image',      'source': 'init_image',     'dest': 'starting_image' },
+            {'trigger': 'download_window',  'source': 'starting_image', 'dest': 'dwin_init_window' },
+            {'trigger': 'download_success', 'source': 'dwin',           'dest': 'ending_image'   },
+            {'trigger': 'onu_busy',         'source': 'ending_image',   'dest': 'endimg_busy'    },
+            {'trigger': 'retry_endimg',     'source': 'endimg_busy',    'dest': 'ending_image'   },
+            {'trigger': 'end_img_success',  'source': 'ending_image',   'dest': 'actimg_init_act'  },
+            {'trigger': 'activate_done',    'source': 'actimg',         'dest': 'done_image'     },
+            {'trigger': 'download_fail',    'source': '*',              'dest': 'done_image'     },
+            {'trigger': 'reset_image',      'source': '*',              'dest': 'init_image'     },
+        ]
+        self.img_machine = HMachine(model=self, 
+                                   states=OMCI_SWIMG_DOWNLOAD_STATES,
+                                   transitions=OMCI_SWIMG_DOWNLOAD_TRANSITIONS,
+                                   initial='init_image',
+                                   queued=True,
+                                   name='{}-image_download_machine'.format(self.__class__.__name__))
+    # @property
+    # def image_filename(self):
+    #     return self._image_file
+    # @image_filename.setter
+    # def image_filename(self, value):
+    #     if self._image_fd is not None:
+    #         self._image_fd.close()
+    #     self._image_filename = value
+    #     self._image_fd = open(self._image_filename, mode='rb')
+    #     self._image_size = os.path.getsize(self._image_filename)
+    #    print("Set image file: " + self._image_filename + " size: " + str(self._image_size))
+    def __omci_start_download_resp_success(self, rx_frame):
+        self.log.debug("__omci_download_resp_success")
+        self.download_window()
+        return rx_frame
+    def __omci_start_download_resp_fail(self, fail):
+        self.log.debug("__omci_download_resp_fail", failure=fail)
+        self._result = ReasonCodes.ProcessingError
+        self.download_fail()
+    def __omci_end_download_resp_success(self, rx_frame):
+        self.log.debug("__omci_end_download_resp_success")
+        if rx_frame.fields['message_type'] == OmciEndSoftwareDownloadResponse.message_id: # 0x35
+            omci_data = rx_frame.fields['omci_message']
+            if omci_data.fields['result'] == 0: 
+                self.log.debug('OMCI End Image OK')
+                self._result = ReasonCodes.Success
+                self.end_img_success()
+            elif omci_data.fields['result'] == 6: # Device Busy
+                self.log.debug('OMCI End Image Busy')
+                self.onu_busy()
+            else:
+                self.log.debug('OMCI End Image Failed', reason=omci_data.fields['result'])
+        else:
+            self.log.debug('Receive Unexpected OMCI', message_type=rx_frame.fields['message_type'])
+    def __omci_end_download_resp_fail(self, fail):
+        self.log.debug("__omci_end_download_resp_fail", failure=fail)
+        self._result = ReasonCodes.ProcessingError
+        self.download_fail()
+    def __omci_send_window_resp_success(self, rx_frame, cur_state, datasize):
+        # self.log.debug("__omci_send_window_resp_success", current_state=cur_state)
+        self._offset += datasize
+        self._image_download.downloaded_bytes += datasize
+        self.rx_ack_success()
+    def __omci_send_window_resp_fail(self, fail, cur_state):
+        self.log.debug("__omci_send_window_resp_fail", current_state=cur_state)
+        self.rx_ack_failed()
+    def __activate_resp_success(self, rx_frame):
+        self._current_deferred = None
+        if rx_frame.fields['message_type'] == OmciActivateImageResponse.message_id: # 0x36
+            omci_data = rx_frame.fields['omci_message']
+            if omci_data.fields['result'] == 0:
+                self.log.debug("Activate software image success, rebooting ONU ...", device_id=self._device.device_id,
+                                state=self._image_download.image_state)
+                standby_image_id = 0 if self._image_id else 1
+                self._omci_agent.database.set(self._device.device_id, SoftwareImage.class_id, self._image_id, 	{"is_active": 1})
+                self._omci_agent.database.set(self._device.device_id, SoftwareImage.class_id, standby_image_id, {"is_active": 0})
+                self.reboot()
+            elif omci_data.fields['result'] == 6: # Device Busy
+                self.log.debug('OMCI Activate Image Busy')
+                self.onu_busy()
+            else:
+                self.log.debug('OMCI Activate Image Failed', reason=omci_data['result'])
+        else:
+            self.log.debug('Receive Unexpected OMCI', message_type=rx_frame['message_type'])
+    def __activate_fail(self, fail):
+        self.log.debug("Activate software image failed", faile=fail)
+        self._current_deferred = None
+        self._result = ReasonCodes.ProcessingError
+        self.activate_done()
+    def __commit_success(self, rx_frame):
+        self.log.debug("Commit software success", device_id=self._device_id)
+        self._current_deferred = None
+        standby_image_id = 0 if self._image_id else 1
+        self._omci_agent.database.set(self._device_id, SoftwareImage.class_id, self._image_id, {"is_committed": 1})
+        self._omci_agent.database.set(self._device_id, SoftwareImage.class_id, standby_image_id, {"is_committed": 0})
+        self._image_download.image_state = ImageDownload.IMAGE_ACTIVE
+        self._result = ReasonCodes.Success
+        self.activate_done()
+    def __commit_fail(self, fail):
+        self.log.debug("Commit software image failed", faile=fail)
+        self._current_deferred = None
+        self._result = ReasonCodes.ProcessingError
+        self._image_download.image_state = ImageDownload.IMAGE_REVERT
+        self.activate_done()
+#    @property
+#    def image_id(self):
+#        return self._image_id
+#    @image_id.setter
+#    def image_id(self, value):
+#        self._image_id = value
+    @property
+    def status(self):
+        return self._image_download
+    def start(self):
+        self.log.debug("OmciSoftwareImageDownloadSTM.start", current_state=self.state)
+        if self._ret_deferred is None:
+            self._ret_deferred = Deferred()
+        if self.state == 'init_image':
+            self.reactor.callLater(0, self.start_image)
+        return self._ret_deferred
+    def stop(self):
+        self.log.debug("OmciSoftwareImageDownloadSTM.stop", current_state=self.state)
+        self._result = ReasonCodes.OperationCancelled
+        self.download_fail()
+    def on_enter_init_image(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_init_image")
+        self._image_obj.seek(0)
+        self._offset = 0
+        # self._win_section = 0
+        self._win_retry   = 0
+    def on_enter_starting_image(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_starting_image")
+        self._image_download.downloaded_bytes = 0
+        self._current_deferred = self._device.omci_cc.send_start_software_download(self._image_id, self._image_size, self._window_size)
+        self._current_deferred.addCallbacks(self.__omci_start_download_resp_success, self.__omci_start_download_resp_fail)
+                                            # callbackArgs=(self.state,), errbackArgs=(self.state,))
+    def on_enter_dwin_init_window(self):
+        # self.log.debug("on_enter_dwin_init_window", offset=self._offset, image_size=self._image_size)
+        if self._offset < self._image_size:
+            self.send_sections()
+    def on_enter_dwin_sending_sections(self):
+        # self.log.debug("on_enter_dwin_sending_sections", offset=self._offset)
+        if (self._offset + self._window_size * OmciSectionDataSize) <= self._image_size:
+            sections = self._window_size
+            mod = 0
+            datasize = self._window_size * OmciSectionDataSize
+        else:
+            datasize = self._image_size - self._offset
+            sections = datasize / OmciSectionDataSize
+            mod = datasize % OmciSectionDataSize
+            sections = sections + 1 if mod > 0 else sections
+        # self.log.debug("on_enter_dwin_sending_sections", offset=self._offset, datasize=datasize, sections=sections)
+        if self._win_retry == 0:
+            self._win_data = self._image_obj.read(datasize)
+            self._win_crc32 = self.crc32(self._crc32, self._win_data)
+            # self.log.debug("CRC32", crc32=self._win_crc32, offset=self._offset)
+        else:
+            self.log.debug("Retry download window with crc32", offset=self._offset)
+        sent = 0
+        for i in range(0, sections):
+            if i < sections - 1:
+                # self.log.debug("section data", data=hexlify(data[(self._offset+sent):(self._offset+sent+OmciSectionDataSize)]))
+                self._device.omci_cc.send_download_section(self._image_id, i,
+                                                           self._win_data[sent:sent+OmciSectionDataSize])
+                sent += OmciSectionDataSize
+            else:
+                last_size = OmciSectionDataSize if mod == 0 else mod
+                self._current_deferred = self._device.omci_cc.send_download_section(self._image_id, i,
+                                                           self._win_data[sent:sent+last_size],
+                                                           timeout=DEFAULT_OMCI_TIMEOUT)
+                self._current_deferred.addCallbacks(self.__omci_send_window_resp_success, self.__omci_send_window_resp_fail,
+                                                    callbackArgs=(self.state, datasize), errbackArgs=(self.state,))
+                sent += last_size
+                assert sent==datasize
+    # def on_enter_dwin_last_section(self):
+    #     self._current_deferred = self._device.omci_cc.send_download_section, self._instance_id, self._win_section, data)
+    #     self._current_deferred.addCallbacks(self.__omci_resp_success, self.__omci_resp_fail,
+    #                                         callbackArgs=(self.state,), errbackArgs=(self.state,))
+    def on_enter_dwin_window_success(self):
+        # self.log.debug("on_enter_dwin_window_success")
+        self._crc32 = self._win_crc32 if self._win_crc32 != 0 else self._crc32
+        self._win_crc32 = 0
+        self._win_retry = 0
+        if self._offset < self._image_size:
+            self.reset_window()
+        else:
+            self.download_success()
+    def on_enter_dwin_window_failed(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_dwin_window_fail: ", retry=self._win_retry)
+        if self._win_retry < self.OMCI_SWIMG_WINDOW_RETRY_MAX:
+            self._win_retry += 1
+            self.reset_window()
+        else:
+            self._result = ReasonCodes.ProcessingError
+            self.download_fail()
+    def on_enter_ending_image(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_ending_image", crc32=self._crc32)
+        self._current_deferred = self._device.omci_cc.send_end_software_download(self._image_id, self._crc32, 
+                                                                                 self._image_size, timeout=18)
+        self._current_deferred.addCallbacks(self.__omci_end_download_resp_success, self.__omci_end_download_resp_fail)
+                                            # callbackArgs=(self.state,), errbackArgs=(self.state,))
+    def on_enter_endimg_busy(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_endimg_busy")
+        self.reactor.callLater(3, self.retry_endimg)
+    def on_enter_actimg_init_act(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_actimg_init_act", retry=self._actimg_retry, max_retry=self._actimg_retry_max)
+        # self._images[0] = self._omci_agent.database.query(self._device_id, SoftwareImage.class_id, 0, ["is_active", "is_committed", "is_valid"])
+        # self._images[1] = self._omci_agent.database.query(self._device_id, SoftwareImage.class_id, 1, ["is_active", "is_committed", "is_valid"])
+        # if (self._images[self._to_image]["is_active"] != 1 and self._images[self._to_image]["is_valid"] == 1):
+        if self._actimg_retry > self._actimg_retry_max:
+            self.log.debug("activate image failed: retry max", retries=self._actimg_retry)
+            self._result = ReasonCodes.ProcessingError
+            self.activate_done()
+        else:
+            self._image_download.image_state = ImageDownload.IMAGE_ACTIVATE
+            self.activate()
+    def on_enter_actimg_activating(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_actimg_activating")
+        img = self._omci_agent.database.query(self._device_id, SoftwareImage.class_id, 
+                                              self._image_id, ["is_active", "is_committed", "is_valid"])
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_actimg_activating", instance=self._image_id, state=img)
+        if img["is_active"] == 0:
+            #if img["is_valid"] == 1:
+            self._current_deferred = self._device.omci_cc.send_active_image(self._image_id)
+            self._current_deferred.addCallbacks(self.__activate_resp_success, self.__activate_fail)
+            #else:
+            #    self.fail()
+        else:
+            self.do_commit()
+    def on_enter_actimg_busy(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_actimg_busy")
+        self.reactor.callLater(3, self.activate)
+    def __on_reboot_timeout(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_reboot_timeout")
+        self._timeout_dc = None
+        self._result = ReasonCodes.ProcessingError
+        self.activate_done()
+    def on_enter_actimg_rebooting(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_actimg_rebooting")
+        if self._timeout_dc == None:
+            self._timeout_dc = self.reactor.callLater(self._timeout, self.__on_reboot_timeout)
+    def on_exit_actimg_rebooting(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_exit_actimg_rebooting", timeout=self._timeout_dc)
+        if self._timeout_dc and self._timeout_dc.active:
+            self._timeout_dc.cancel()
+            self._timeout_dc = None
+    def on_enter_actimg_committing(self):
+        # self.log.debug("on_enter_committing")
+        img = self._omci_agent.database.query(self._device_id, SoftwareImage.class_id, 
+                                              self._image_id, ["is_active", "is_committed", "is_valid"])
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_actimg_committing", instance=self._image_id, state=img)
+        if (img['is_active'] == 0):
+            self._actimg_retry += 1
+            self.log.debug("do retry", retry=self._actimg_retry)
+            self.reset_actimg()
+        else:
+            self._actimg_retry = 0
+            self._current_deferred = self._device.omci_cc.send_commit_image(self._image_id)
+            self._current_deferred.addCallbacks(self.__commit_success, self.__commit_fail)
+    def on_enter_done_image(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_done_image", result=self._result)
+        if self._result == ReasonCodes.Success:
+            self.reactor.callLater(0, self._ret_deferred.callback, self._image_download) # (str(self._instance_id))
+        else:
+            self._ret_deferred.errback(failure.Failure(Exception('ONU Software Download Failed, instance ' + str(self._image_id))))
+    def __crc_GenTable32(self):
+        if self._crctable_init:
+            return
+        #  x32 + x26 + x23 + x22 + x16 + x12 + x11 + x10 + x8 + x7 + x5 + x4 + x2 + x + 1   
+        pn32 = [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 16, 22, 23, 26]
+        poly = 0
+        for i in pn32:
+            poly |= (1 << i)
+        for i in range(0, 256):
+            _accum = (i << 24) & 0xFFFFFFFF
+            for j in range(0, 8):
+                if _accum & (1 << 31):
+                    _accum = (_accum << 1) ^ poly
+                else:
+                    _accum = (_accum << 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF
+            # self.crctable[i] = accum
+            self.crctable.append(_accum)
+        self._crctable_init = True
+    def crc32(self, accum, data):
+        self.__crc_GenTable32()
+        _accum = ~accum & 0xFFFFFFFF
+        num = len(data)
+        for i in range(0, num):
+            _accum = self.crctable[((_accum >> 24) ^ ord(data[i])) & 0xFF] ^ ((_accum << 8) & 0xFFFFFFFF)
+        return ~_accum & 0xFFFFFFFF
+##              OMCI Software Image Activation/Committing Procedure
+class OmciSoftwareImageActivateSTM(object):
+    OMCI_SWIMG_ACTIVATE_STATES = ['starting', 'activating', 'busy', 'rebooting', 'committing', 'done', 'failed']
+        {'trigger': 'activate', 'source': ['starting', 'busy'], 'dest': 'activating'},
+        {'trigger': 'onu_busy', 'source': 'activating', 'dest': 'busy'},
+        {'trigger': 'reboot',   'source': 'activating', 'dest': 'rebooting'},
+        {'trigger': 'do_commit', 'source': ['activating', 'rebooting'], 'dest': 'committing'},
+        {'trigger': 'commit_ok', 'source': 'committing', 'dest': 'done'},
+        {'trigger': 'reset',    'source': ['activating', 'rebooting', 'committing', 'failed'], 'dest': 'starting'},
+        {'trigger': 'fail',     'source': ['starting', 'activating', 'rebooting', 'committing'], 'dest': 'failed'}
+    ]
+    OMCI_SWIMG_ACTIVATE_TRANSITIONS_TIMEOUT = 10      # Seconds to delay after task failure/timeout
+    def __init__(self, omci_agent, dev_id, target_img_entity_id, image_download,
+                     states=OMCI_SWIMG_ACTIVATE_STATES,
+                     transitions=OMCI_SWIMG_ACTIVATE_TRANSITIONS,
+                     initial_state='disabled',
+                     timeout_delay=OMCI_SWIMG_ACTIVATE_TRANSITIONS_TIMEOUT,
+                     advertise_events=True,
+                     clock=None):
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=dev_id)
+        self._omci_agent = omci_agent
+        self._device_id  = dev_id
+        self._device = omci_agent.get_device(dev_id)
+        self._to_image = target_img_entity_id
+        self._from_image = 0 if self._to_image == 1 else 1
+        self._image_download = image_download
+        # self._images = dict()
+        self._timeout = timeout_delay
+        self._timeout_dc = None
+        self.reactor = clock if clock is not None else reactor
+        self._retry_max = OmciSoftwareImageActivateSTM.OMCI_SWIMG_ACTIVATE_RETRY_MAX
+        self._retry = 0
+        self._deferred = None
+        self.ret_deferred = None
+        self.machine = Machine(model=self, 
+                               states=states,
+                               transitions=transitions,
+                               initial='starting',
+                               queued=True,
+                               name='{}-image_activate_machine'.format(self.__class__.__name__))
+        self.log.debug("OmciSoftwareImageActivateSTM", target=self._to_image)
+    def __activate_resp_success(self, rx_frame):
+        if rx_frame.fields['message_type'] == 0x36:  # (OmciActivateImageResponse)
+            omci_data = rx_frame.fields['omci_message']
+            if omci_data.fields['result'] == 0:
+                self.log.debug("Activate software image success, rebooting ONU ...", device_id=self._device_id) 
+                self._omci_agent.database.set(self._device_id, SoftwareImage.class_id, self._to_image, 	{"is_active": 1})
+                self._omci_agent.database.set(self._device_id, SoftwareImage.class_id, self._from_image, {"is_active": 0})
+                self.reboot()
+            elif omci_data.fields['result'] == 6: # Device Busy
+                self.log.debug('OMCI Activate Image Busy')
+                self.onu_busy()
+            else:
+                self.log.debug('OMCI Activate Image Failed', reason=omci_data['result'])
+        else:
+            self.log.debug('Receive Unexpected OMCI', message_type=rx_frame['message_type'])
+    def __activate_fail(self, fail):
+        self.log.debug("Activate software image failed", faile=fail)
+    def __commit_success(self, rx_frame):
+        self.log.debug("Commit software success", device_id=self._device_id)
+        self._omci_agent.database.set(self._device_id, SoftwareImage.class_id, self._to_image, {"is_committed": 1})
+        self._omci_agent.database.set(self._device_id, SoftwareImage.class_id, self._from_image, {"is_committed": 0})
+        self.commit_ok()
+    def __commit_fail(self, fail):
+        self.log.debug("Commit software image failed", faile=fail)
+    @property
+    def status(self):
+        return self._image_download
+    def start(self):
+        self.log.debug("Start switch software image", target=self._to_image)
+        # self._images[0] = self._omci_agent.database.query(self._device_id, SoftwareImage.class_id, 0, ["is_active", "is_committed", "is_valid"])
+        # self._images[1] = self._omci_agent.database.query(self._device_id, SoftwareImage.class_id, 1, ["is_active", "is_committed", "is_valid"])
+        # if (self._images[self._to_image]["is_active"] == 0 and self._images[self._to_image]["is_valid"] == 1):
+        self.ret_deferred = Deferred()
+        self._image_download.image_state = ImageDownload.IMAGE_ACTIVATE
+        self.reactor.callLater(0, self.activate)
+        return self.ret_deferred
+    def on_enter_starting(self):
+        # self.log.debug("on_enter_starting")
+        # self._images[0] = self._omci_agent.database.query(self._device_id, SoftwareImage.class_id, 0, ["is_active", "is_committed", "is_valid"])
+        # self._images[1] = self._omci_agent.database.query(self._device_id, SoftwareImage.class_id, 1, ["is_active", "is_committed", "is_valid"])
+        # if (self._images[self._to_image]["is_active"] != 1 and self._images[self._to_image]["is_valid"] == 1):
+        if self._retry > self._retry_max:
+            self.log.debug("failed: retry max", retries=self._retry)
+            self.fail()
+        else:
+            self.activate()
+    def on_enter_activating(self):
+        img = self._omci_agent.database.query(self._device_id, SoftwareImage.class_id, 
+                                              self._to_image, ["is_active", "is_committed", "is_valid"])
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_activating", instance=self._to_image, state=img)
+        if img["is_active"] == 0:
+            #if img["is_valid"] == 1:
+            self._deferred = self._device.omci_cc.send_active_image(self._to_image)
+            self._deferred.addCallbacks(self.__activate_resp_success, self.__activate_fail)
+            #else:
+            #    self.fail()
+        else:
+            self.do_commit()
+    def on_enter_busy(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_busy")
+        self.reactor.callLater(3, self.activate)
+    def on_enter_rebooting(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_rebooting")
+        if self._timeout_dc == None:
+            self._timeout_dc = self.reactor.callLater(self._timeout, self.fail)
+    def on_exit_rebooting(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_exit_rebooting")
+        if self._timeout_dc and self._timeout_dc.active:
+            self._timeout_dc.cancel()
+            self._timeout_dc = None
+    def on_enter_committing(self):
+        # self.log.debug("on_enter_committing")
+        img = self._omci_agent.database.query(self._device_id, SoftwareImage.class_id, 
+                                              self._to_image, ["is_active", "is_committed", "is_valid"])
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_committing", instance=self._to_image, state=img)
+        if (img['is_active'] == 0):
+            self._retry += 1
+            self.log.debug("do retry", retry=self._retry)
+            self.reset()
+        else:
+            self._retry = 0
+            self._deferred = self._device.omci_cc.send_commit_image(self._to_image)
+            self._deferred.addCallbacks(self.__commit_success, self.__commit_fail)
+    def on_enter_done(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_done")
+        self._image_download.image_state = ImageDownload.IMAGE_ACTIVE
+        self.ret_deferred.callback(self._to_image)
+    def on_enter_failed(self):
+        self.log.debug("on_enter_failed")
+        self._image_download.image_state = ImageDownload.IMAGE_REVERT
+        self.ret_deferred.errback(failure.Failure(Exception('ONU Software Activating Failed, instance ' + str(self._to_image))))
+##              Image Agent for OLT/ONT software image handling
+class ImageAgent(object):
+    """
+        Image Agent supports multiple state machines running at the same time:
+    """
+    # def __init__(self, omci_agent, dev_id, stm_cls, img_tasks, advertise_events=True):
+    def __init__(self, omci_agent, dev_id, 
+                     dwld_stm_cls, dwld_img_tasks, 
+                     upgrade_onu_stm_cls, upgrade_onu_tasks, 
+                     # image_activate_stm_cls, 
+                     advertise_events=True, local_dir=None, clock=None):
+        """
+        Class initialization
+        :param omci_agent: (OpenOmciAgent) Agent
+        :param dev_id    : (str) ONU Device ID
+        :param dwld_stm_cls          : (ImageDownloadeSTM) Image download state machine class
+        :param dwld_img_tasks        : (FileDownloadTask) file download task
+        :param upgrade_onu_stm_cls   : (OmciSoftwareImageDownloadSTM) ONU Image upgrade state machine class
+        :param upgrade_onu_tasks     : ({OmciSwImageUpgradeTask})
+        # :param image_activate_stm_cls: (OmciSoftwareImageActivateSTM)
+        """
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=dev_id)
+        self._omci_agent = omci_agent
+        self._device_id = dev_id
+        self._dwld_stm_cls  = dwld_stm_cls
+        # self._image_download_sm = None
+        self._images = dict()
+        self._download_task_cls = dwld_img_tasks['download-file'] 
+        self._omci_upgrade_sm_cls = upgrade_onu_stm_cls
+        self._omci_upgrade_task_cls = upgrade_onu_tasks['omci_upgrade_task']
+        self._omci_upgrade_task = None
+        self._omci_upgrade_deferred = None
+        # self._omci_activate_img_sm_cls = image_activate_stm_cls
+        # self._omci_activate_img_sm = None
+        self.reactor = clock if clock is not None else reactor
+        self._advertise_events = advertise_events
+        # self._local_dir = None
+        self._device = None
+        # onu_dev = self._omci_agent.get_device(self._device_id)
+        # assert device
+        # self._local_dir = DEFAULT_LOCAL_ROOT + onu_dev.adapter_agent.name
+        # self.log.debug("ImageAgent", local_dir=self._local_dir)
+    def __get_standby_image_instance(self):
+        instance_id = None
+        instance_0 = self._omci_agent.database.query(self._device_id, SoftwareImage.class_id, 0, ["is_active", "is_committed"])
+        if instance_0['is_active'] == 1:
+            instance_id = 1
+        else:
+            instance_1 = self._omci_agent.database.query(self._device_id, SoftwareImage.class_id, 1, ["is_active", "is_committed"])
+            if instance_1['is_active'] == 1:
+                instance_id = 0
+        return instance_id
+    def __clear_task(self, arg):
+        self.__omci_upgrade_task = None
+    # def get_image(self, name, local_dir, remote_url, timeout_delay=ImageDownloadeSTM.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_RETRY):
+    def get_image(self, image_download, timeout_delay=ImageDownloadeSTM.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_RETRY):
+        """
+         Get named image from servers
+        :param image_download: (voltha_pb2.ImageDownload)
+        :param timeout_delay : (number) timeout for download task
+        :
+        :Return a Deferred that will be triggered if the file is locally availabe or downloaded sucessfully
+        :  Caller will register callback and errback to the returned defer to get notified
+        """
+        self.log.debug("get_image", download=image_download)
+        # if self._local_dir is None:
+        #     onu_dev = self._omci_agent.get_device(self._device_id)
+        #     assert onu_dev
+        #     if image_download.local_dir is None:
+        #         self._local_dir = ImageAgent.DEFAULT_LOCAL_ROOT + onu_dev.adapter_agent.name
+        #     else:
+        #         self._local_dir = image_download.local_dir + '/' + onu_dev.adapter_agent.name
+            # self.log.debug("ImageAgent", local_dir=self._local_dir)
+        #     image_download.local_dir = self._local_dir
+        # if os.path.isfile(self._local_dir + '/' + image_download.name): # image file exists
+        #     d = Deferred()
+        #     self.reactor.callLater(0, d.callback, image_download)
+        #     self.log.debug("Image file exists")
+        #     return d
+        img_dnld_sm = self._images.get(image_download.name)
+        if img_dnld_sm is None:
+            img_dnld_sm = self._dwld_stm_cls(self._omci_agent, # self._device_id, name, local_dir, remote_url, 
+                                             image_download,
+                                             self._download_task_cls,
+                                             timeout_delay=timeout_delay,
+                                             clock=self.reactor
+                                            )
+            self._images[image_download.name] = img_dnld_sm
+        # if self._image_download_sm is None:
+        #     self._image_download_sm = self._dwld_stm_cls(self._omci_agent, # self._device_id, name, local_dir, remote_url, 
+        #                                                  image_download,
+        #                                                  self._download_task_cls,
+        #                                                  timeout_delay=timeout_delay,
+        #                                                  clock=self.reactor
+        #                                                 )
+        # else:
+        #     if self._image_download_sm.download_status.state != ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_SUCCEEDED:
+        #         self._image_download_sm.reset()
+        d = img_dnld_sm.get_file()
+        return d
+    def cancel_download_image(self, name):
+        img_dnld_sm = self._images.pop(name, None)
+        if img_dnld_sm is not None:
+            img_dnld_sm.stop()
+    def onu_omci_download(self, image_dnld_name):
+        """
+        Start upgrading ONU.
+        image_dnld: (ImageDownload)
+        : Return Defer instance to get called after upgrading success or failed. 
+        : Or return None if image does not exist
+        """
+        self.log.debug("onu_omci_download", image=image_dnld_name)
+        image_dnld_sm = self._images.get(image_dnld_name)
+        if image_dnld_sm is None:
+            return None
+        self._device = self._omci_agent.get_device(image_dnld_sm.status.id) if self._device is None else self._device
+        # if restart:
+        #     self.cancel_upgrade_onu()            
+        if self._omci_upgrade_task is None:
+            img_id = self.__get_standby_image_instance()
+            self.log.debug("start task", image_Id=img_id, task=self._omci_upgrade_sm_cls)
+            self._omci_upgrade_task = self._omci_upgrade_task_cls(img_id, 
+                                                                  self._omci_upgrade_sm_cls, 
+                                                                  self._omci_agent, 
+                                                                  image_dnld_sm.status, clock=self.reactor)
+            self.log.debug("task created but not started")
+            # self._device.task_runner.start()
+            self._omci_upgrade_deferred = self._device.task_runner.queue_task(self._omci_upgrade_task)
+            self._omci_upgrade_deferred.addBoth(self.__clear_task)
+        return self._omci_upgrade_deferred
+    def cancel_upgrade_onu(self):
+        self.log.debug("cancel_upgrade_onu")
+        if self._omci_upgrade_task is not None:
+            self.log.debug("cancel_upgrade_onu", running=self._omci_upgrade_task.running)
+            # if self._omci_upgrade_task.running:
+            self._omci_upgrade_task.stop()
+            self._omci_upgrade_task = None
+        if self._omci_upgrade_deferred is not None:
+           self.reactor.callLater(0, self._omci_upgrade_deferred.cancel)
+           self._omci_upgrade_deferred = None
+    # def activate_onu_image(self, image_name):
+    #     self.log.debug("activate_onu_image", image=image_name)
+    #     img_dnld = self.get_image_status(image_name)
+    #     if img_dnld is None:
+    #         return None
+    #     img_dnld.image_state = ImageDownload.IMAGE_INACTIVE    
+    #     if self._omci_activate_img_sm is None:
+    #         self._omci_activate_img_sm = self._omci_activate_img_sm_cls(self._omci_agent, self._device_id,
+    #                                                                     self.__get_standby_image_instance(), 
+    #                                                                     img_dnld, clock=self.reactor)
+    #         return self._omci_activate_img_sm.start()
+    #     else:
+    #         return None
+    def onu_bootup(self):
+        if self._omci_upgrade_task is not None:
+            self._omci_upgrade_task.onu_bootup()
+    def get_image_status(self, image_name):
+        """
+          Return (ImageDownload)
+        """
+        sm = self._images.get(image_name)
+        return sm.status if sm is not None else None