VOL-1395: Common shared libraries needed for Python based device adapters.

This is an initial check-in of code from the master branch.  Additional work
is expected on a few items to work with the new go-core and will be covered
by separate JIRAs and commits.

Change-Id: I0856ec6b79b8d3e49082c609eb9c7eedd75b1708
diff --git a/python/adapters/extensions/omci/tasks/mib_reconcile_task.py b/python/adapters/extensions/omci/tasks/mib_reconcile_task.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38e29dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/extensions/omci/tasks/mib_reconcile_task.py
@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from common.utils.asleep import asleep
+from voltha.extensions.omci.tasks.task import Task
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, failure, returnValue, TimeoutError
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_defs import *
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_me import OntDataFrame
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_frame import OmciFrame, OmciDelete, OmciCreate, OmciSet
+from voltha.extensions.omci.database.mib_db_api import ATTRIBUTES_KEY
+OP = EntityOperations
+RC = ReasonCodes
+AA = AttributeAccess
+class MibReconcileException(Exception):
+    pass
+class MibPartialSuccessException(Exception):
+    pass
+class MibReconcileTask(Task):
+    """
+    OpenOMCI MIB Reconcile Task
+    This task attempts to resynchronize the MIB. Note that it runs in exclusive
+    OMCI-CC mode so that it can query the current database/ONU to verify the
+    differences still exist before correcting them.
+    """
+    task_priority = 240
+    name = "MIB Reconcile Task"
+    max_sequential_db_updates = 5   # Be kind, rewind
+    db_update_pause = 0.05          # 50mS
+    def __init__(self, omci_agent, device_id, diffs):
+        """
+        Class initialization
+        :param omci_agent: (OpenOMCIAgent) OMCI Adapter agent
+        :param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
+        :param diffs: (dict) Dictionary of what was found to be invalid
+        """
+        super(MibReconcileTask, self).__init__(MibReconcileTask.name,
+                                               omci_agent,
+                                               device_id,
+                                               priority=MibReconcileTask.task_priority,
+                                               exclusive=False)
+        self._local_deferred = None
+        self._diffs = diffs
+        self._device = None
+        self._sync_sm = None
+        self._db_updates = 0    # For tracking sequential blocking consul/etcd updates
+    def cancel_deferred(self):
+        super(MibReconcileTask, self).cancel_deferred()
+        d, self._local_deferred = self._local_deferred, None
+        try:
+            if d is not None and not d.called:
+                d.cancel()
+        except:
+            pass
+    def start(self):
+        """
+        Start MIB Reconcile task
+        """
+        super(MibReconcileTask, self).start()
+        self._device = self.omci_agent.get_device(self.device_id)
+        if self._device is None:
+            e = MibReconcileException('Device {} no longer exists'.format(self.device_id))
+            self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(e))
+            return
+        self._sync_sm = self._device.mib_synchronizer
+        if self._device is None:
+            e = MibReconcileException('Device {} MIB State machine no longer exists'.format(self.device_id))
+            self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(e))
+            return
+        self._local_deferred = reactor.callLater(0, self.perform_mib_reconcile)
+    def stop(self):
+        """
+        Shutdown MIB Reconcile task
+        """
+        self.log.debug('stopping')
+        self.cancel_deferred()
+        self._device = None
+        super(MibReconcileTask, self).stop()
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def perform_mib_reconcile(self):
+        """
+        Perform the MIB Reconciliation sequence.
+        The sequence to reconcile will be to clean up ONU only MEs, followed by
+        OLT/OpenOMCI-only MEs, and then finally correct common MEs with differing
+        attributes.
+        """
+        self.log.debug('perform-mib-reconcile')
+        try:
+            successes = 0
+            failures = 0
+            if self._diffs['onu-only'] is not None and len(self._diffs['onu-only']):
+                results = yield self.fix_onu_only(self._diffs['onu-only'],
+                                                  self._diffs['onu-db'])
+                self.log.debug('onu-only-results', good=results[0], bad=results[1])
+                successes += results[0]
+                failures += results[1]
+            if self._diffs['olt-only'] is not None and len(self._diffs['olt-only']):
+                results = yield self.fix_olt_only(self._diffs['olt-only'],
+                                                  self._diffs['onu-db'],
+                                                  self._diffs['olt-db'])
+                self.log.debug('olt-only-results', good=results[0], bad=results[1])
+                successes += results[0]
+                failures += results[1]
+            if self._diffs['attributes'] is not None and len(self._diffs['attributes']):
+                results = yield self.fix_attributes_only(self._diffs['attributes'],
+                                                         self._diffs['onu-db'],
+                                                         self._diffs['olt-db'])
+                self.log.debug('attributes-results', good=results[0], bad=results[1])
+                successes += results[0]
+                failures += results[1]
+            # Success? Update MIB-data-sync
+            if failures == 0:
+                results = yield self.update_mib_data_sync()
+                successes += results[0]
+                failures += results[1]
+            # Send back final status
+            if failures > 0:
+                msg = '{} Successful updates, {} failures'.format(successes, failure)
+                error = MibPartialSuccessException(msg) if successes \
+                    else MibReconcileException(msg)
+                self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(error))
+            else:
+                self.deferred.callback('{} Successful updates'.format(successes))
+        except Exception as e:
+            if not self.deferred.called:
+                self.log.exception('reconcile', e=e)
+                self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(e))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def fix_onu_only(self, onu, onu_db):
+        """
+        Fix ME's that were only found on the ONU. For ONU only MEs there are
+        the following things that will be checked.
+            o ME's that do not have an OpenOMCI class decoder. These are stored
+              as binary blobs in the MIB database. Since we do not ever set them
+              (since no encoder as well), just store them in the OLT/OpenOMCI MIB
+              Database.
+            o For ME's that are created by the ONU (no create/delete access), the
+              MEs 'may' be due to a firmware upgrade and reboot or in response to
+              an OLT creating another ME entity and then creating this ME.  Place
+              these 'new' into the database.
+            o For ME's that are created by the OLT/OpenOMCI, delete them from the
+              ONU
+        :param onu: (list(int,int)) List of tuples where (class_id, inst_id)
+        :param onu_db: (dict) ONU Database snapshot at time of audit
+        :return: (int, int) successes, failures
+        """
+        successes = 0
+        failures = 0
+        me_map = self._device.me_map
+        ####################################################################
+        # First the undecodables and onu-created (treated the same)
+        undecodable = self._undecodable(onu, me_map)
+        onu_created = self._onu_created(onu, me_map)
+        if len(undecodable) or len(onu_created):
+            results = yield self.fix_onu_only_save_to_db(undecodable, onu_created, onu_db)
+            successes += results[0]
+            failures += results[1]
+        ####################################################################
+        # Last the OLT created values, resend these to the ONU
+        olt_created = self._olt_created(onu, me_map)
+        if len(olt_created):
+            results = yield self.fix_onu_only_remove_from_onu(olt_created)
+            successes += results[0]
+            failures += results[1]
+        returnValue((successes, failures))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def fix_onu_only_save_to_db(self, undecodable, onu_created, onu_db):
+        """
+        In ONU database and needs to be saved to OLT/OpenOMCI database.
+        Note that some, perhaps all, of these instances could be ONU create
+        in response to the OLT creating some other ME instance. So treat
+        the Database operation as a create.
+        """
+        successes = 0
+        failures = 0
+        for cid, eid in undecodable + onu_created:
+            if self.deferred.called:        # Check if task canceled
+                break
+            try:
+                # If in current MIB, had an audit issue or other MIB operation
+                # put it into the database, declare it a failure so we audit again
+                try:
+                    olt_entry = self._sync_sm.query_mib(class_id=cid, instance_id=eid)
+                except KeyError:        # Common for ONU created MEs during audit
+                    olt_entry = None
+                if olt_entry is not None and len(olt_entry):
+                    self.log.debug('onu-only-in-current', cid=cid, eid=eid)
+                    failures += 1     # Mark as failure so we audit again
+                elif cid not in onu_db:
+                    self.log.warn('onu-only-not-in-audit', cid=cid, eid=eid)
+                    failures += 1
+                else:
+                    entry = onu_db[cid][eid]
+                    self.strobe_watchdog()
+                    self._sync_sm.mib_set(cid, eid, entry[ATTRIBUTES_KEY])
+                    successes += 1
+                    # If we do nothing but DB updates for ALOT of MEs, we are
+                    # blocking other async twisted tasks, be kind and pause
+                    self._db_updates += 1
+                    if self._db_updates >= MibReconcileTask.max_sequential_db_updates:
+                        self._db_updates = 0
+                        self._local_deferred = yield asleep(MibReconcileTask.db_update_pause)
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.warn('onu-only-error', e=e)
+                failures += 1
+        returnValue((successes, failures))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def fix_onu_only_remove_from_onu(self, olt_created,):
+        """ On ONU, but no longer on OLT/OpenOMCI, delete it """
+        successes = 0
+        failures = 0
+        for cid, eid in olt_created:
+            if self.deferred.called:        # Check if task canceled
+                break
+            try:
+                # If in current MIB, had an audit issue, declare it an error
+                # and next audit should clear it up
+                try:
+                    current_entry = self._sync_sm.query_mib(class_id=cid, instance_id=eid)
+                except KeyError:
+                    # Expected if no other entities with same class present in MIB
+                    current_entry = None
+                if current_entry is not None and len(current_entry):
+                    self.log.debug('onu-only-in-current', cid=cid, eid=eid)
+                    failures += 1
+                else:
+                    # Delete it from the ONU. Assume success
+                    frame = OmciFrame(transaction_id=None,
+                                      message_type=OmciDelete.message_id,
+                                      omci_message=OmciDelete(entity_class=cid, entity_id=eid))
+                    self._local_deferred = yield self._device.omci_cc.send(frame)
+                    self.check_status_and_state(self._local_deferred, 'onu-attribute-update')
+                    successes += 1
+                    self._db_updates = 0
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.warn('olt-only-error', e=e)
+                failures += 1
+                self.strobe_watchdog()
+        returnValue((successes, failures))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def fix_olt_only(self, olt, onu_db, olt_db):
+        """
+        Fix ME's that were only found on the OLT. For OLT only MEs there are
+        the following things that will be checked.
+            o ME's that do not have an OpenOMCI class decoder. These are stored
+              as binary blobs in the MIB database. Since the OLT will never
+              create these (all are learned from ONU), it is assumed the ONU
+              has removed them for some purpose. So delete them from the OLT
+              database.
+            o For ME's that are created by the ONU (no create/delete access), the
+              MEs 'may' not be on the ONU because of a reboot or an OLT created
+              ME was deleted and the ONU gratuitously removes it.  So delete them
+              from the OLT database.
+            o For ME's that are created by the OLT/OpenOMCI, delete them from the
+              ONU
+        :param olt: (list(int,int)) List of tuples where (class_id, inst_id)
+        :param onu_db: (dict) ONU Database snapshot at time of audit
+        :param olt_db: (dict) OLT Database snapshot at time of audit
+        :return: (int, int) successes, failures
+        """
+        successes = 0
+        failures = 0
+        me_map = self._device.me_map
+        ####################################################################
+        # First the undecodables and onu-created (treated the same) remove
+        # from OpenOMCI database
+        undecodable = self._undecodable(olt, me_map)
+        onu_created = self._onu_created(olt, me_map)
+        if len(undecodable) or len(onu_created):
+            good, bad = self.fix_olt_only_remove_from_db(undecodable, onu_created)
+            successes += good
+            failures += bad
+        ####################################################################
+        # Last the OLT created
+        olt_created = self._olt_created(olt, me_map)
+        if len(olt_created):
+            results = yield self.fix_olt_only_create_on_onu(olt_created, me_map)
+            successes += results[0]
+            failures += results[1]
+        returnValue((successes, failures))
+    def fix_olt_only_remove_from_db(self, undecodable, onu_created):
+        """ On OLT, but not on ONU and are ONU created, delete from OLT/OpenOMCI DB """
+        successes = 0
+        failures = 0
+        for cid, eid in undecodable + onu_created:
+            if self.deferred.called:        # Check if task canceled
+                break
+            try:
+                # Delete it. If already deleted (KeyError), then that is okay
+                self._sync_sm.mib_delete(cid, eid)
+                self.strobe_watchdog()
+            except KeyError:
+                successes += 1      # Not found in DB anymore, assume success
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.warn('olt-only-db-error', cid=cid, eid=eid, e=e)
+                failures += 1
+        return successes, failures
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def fix_olt_only_create_on_onu(self, olt_created, me_map):
+        """ Found on OLT and created by OLT, so create on ONU"""
+        successes = 0
+        failures = 0
+        for cid, eid in olt_created:
+            if self.deferred.called:        # Check if task canceled
+                break
+            try:
+                # Get current entry, use it if found
+                olt_entry = self._sync_sm.query_mib(class_id=cid, instance_id=eid)
+                me_entry = me_map[cid]
+                if olt_entry is None or len(olt_entry) == 0:
+                    successes += 1      # Deleted before task got to run
+                else:
+                    # Create it in the ONU. Only set-by-create attributes allowed
+                    sbc_data = {k: v for k, v in olt_entry[ATTRIBUTES_KEY].items()
+                                if AA.SetByCreate in
+                                next((attr.access for attr in me_entry.attributes
+                                      if attr.field.name == k), set())}
+                    frame = OmciFrame(transaction_id=None,
+                                      message_type=OmciCreate.message_id,
+                                      omci_message=OmciCreate(entity_class=cid,
+                                                              entity_id=eid,
+                                                              data=sbc_data))
+                    self._local_deferred = yield self._device.omci_cc.send(frame)
+                    self.check_status_and_state(self._local_deferred, 'olt-create-sbc')
+                    successes += 1
+                    self._db_updates = 0
+                    # Try any writeable attributes now (but not set-by-create)
+                    writeable_data = {k: v for k, v in olt_entry[ATTRIBUTES_KEY].items()
+                                      if AA.Writable in
+                                      next((attr.access for attr in me_entry.attributes
+                                            if attr.field.name == k), set())
+                                      and AA.SetByCreate not in
+                                      next((attr.access for attr in me_entry.attributes
+                                            if attr.field.name == k), set())}
+                    if len(writeable_data):
+                        attributes_mask = me_entry.mask_for(*writeable_data.keys())
+                        frame = OmciFrame(transaction_id=None,
+                                          message_type=OmciSet.message_id,
+                                          omci_message=OmciSet(entity_class=cid,
+                                                               entity_id=eid,
+                                                               attributes_mask=attributes_mask,
+                                                               data=writeable_data))
+                        self._local_deferred = yield self._device.omci_cc.send(frame)
+                        self.check_status_and_state(self._local_deferred, 'olt-set-writeable')
+                        successes += 1
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.exception('olt-only-fix', e=e, cid=cid, eid=eid)
+                failures += 1
+                self.strobe_watchdog()
+        returnValue((successes, failures))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def fix_attributes_only(self, attrs, onu_db, olt_db):
+        """
+        Fix ME's that were found on both the ONU and OLT, but had differing
+        attribute values.  There are several cases to handle here
+            o For ME's created on the ONU that have write attributes that
+              only exist in the ONU's database, copy these to the OLT/OpenOMCI
+              database
+            o For all other writeable attributes, the OLT value takes precedence
+        :param attrs: (list(int,int,str)) List of tuples where (class_id, inst_id, attribute)
+                                          points to the specific ME instance where attributes
+                                          are different
+        :param onu_db: (dict) ONU Database snapshot at time of audit
+        :param olt_db: (dict) OLT Database snapshot at time of audit
+        :return: (int, int) successes, failures
+        """
+        successes = 0
+        failures = 0
+        me_map = self._device.me_map
+        # Collect up attributes on a per CID/EID basis.  This will result in
+        # the minimal number of operations to either the database of over
+        # the OMCI-CC to the ONU
+        attr_map = dict()
+        for cid, eid, attribute in attrs:
+            if (cid, eid) not in attr_map:
+                attr_map[(cid, eid)] = {attribute}
+            else:
+                attr_map[(cid, eid)].add(attribute)
+        for entity_pair, attributes in attr_map.items():
+            cid = entity_pair[0]
+            eid = entity_pair[1]
+            # Skip MEs we cannot encode/decode
+            if cid not in me_map:
+                self.log.warn('no-me-map-decoder', class_id=cid)
+                failures += 1
+                continue
+            if self.deferred.called:        # Check if task canceled
+                break
+            # Build up MIB set commands and ONU Set (via OMCI) commands
+            # based of the attributes
+            me_entry = me_map[cid]
+            mib_data_to_save = dict()
+            onu_data_to_set = dict()
+            olt_attributes = olt_db[cid][eid][ATTRIBUTES_KEY]
+            onu_attributes = onu_db[cid][eid][ATTRIBUTES_KEY]
+            for attribute in attributes:
+                map_access = next((attr.access for attr in me_entry.attributes
+                                   if attr.field.name == attribute), set())
+                writeable = AA.Writable in map_access or AA.SetByCreate in map_access
+                # If only in ONU database snapshot, save it to OLT
+                if attribute in onu_attributes and attribute not in olt_attributes:
+                    # On onu only
+                    mib_data_to_save[attribute] = onu_attributes[attribute]
+                elif writeable:
+                    # On olt only or in both. Either way OLT wins
+                    onu_data_to_set[attribute] = olt_attributes[attribute]
+            # Now do the bulk operations For both, check to see if the target
+            # is still the same as when the audit was performed. If it is, do
+            # the commit.  If not, mark as a failure so an expedited audit will
+            # occur and check again.
+            if len(mib_data_to_save):
+                results = yield self.fix_attributes_only_in_mib(cid, eid, mib_data_to_save)
+                successes += results[0]
+                failures += results[1]
+            if len(onu_data_to_set):
+                results = yield self.fix_attributes_only_on_olt(cid, eid, onu_data_to_set, olt_db, me_entry)
+                successes += results[0]
+                failures += results[1]
+        returnValue((successes, failures))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def fix_attributes_only_in_mib(self, cid, eid, mib_data):
+        successes = 0
+        failures = 0
+        try:
+            # Get current and verify same as during audit it is missing from our DB
+            attributes = mib_data.keys()
+            current_entry = self._device.query_mib(cid, eid, attributes)
+            if current_entry is not None and len(current_entry):
+                clashes = {k: v for k, v in current_entry.items()
+                           if k in attributes and v != mib_data[k]}
+                if len(clashes):
+                    raise ValueError('Existing DB entry for {}/{} attributes clash with audit data. Clash: {}'.
+                                     format(cid, eid, clashes))
+            self._sync_sm.mib_set(cid, eid, mib_data)
+            successes += len(mib_data)
+            self.strobe_watchdog()
+            # If we do nothing but DB updates for ALOT of MEs, we are
+            # blocking other async twisted tasks, be kind and yield
+            self._db_updates += 1
+            if self._db_updates >= MibReconcileTask.max_sequential_db_updates:
+                self._db_updates = 0
+                self._local_deferred = yield asleep(MibReconcileTask.db_update_pause)
+        except ValueError as e:
+            self.log.debug('attribute-changed', e)
+            failures += len(mib_data)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('attribute-only-fix-mib', e=e, cid=cid, eid=eid)
+            failures += len(mib_data)
+        returnValue((successes, failures))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def fix_attributes_only_on_olt(self, cid, eid, onu_data, olt_db, me_entry):
+        successes = 0
+        failures = 0
+        try:
+            # On olt only or in both. Either way OLT wins, first verify that
+            # the OLT version is still the same data that we want to
+            # update on the ONU. Verify the data for the OLT is the same as
+            # at time of audit
+            olt_db_entries = {k: v for k, v in olt_db[cid][eid][ATTRIBUTES_KEY].items()
+                              if k in onu_data.keys()}
+            current_entries = self._sync_sm.query_mib(class_id=cid, instance_id=eid,
+                                                      attributes=onu_data.keys())
+            still_the_same = all(current_entries.get(k) == v for k, v in olt_db_entries.items())
+            if not still_the_same:
+                returnValue((0, len(onu_data)))    # Wait for it to stabilize
+            # OLT data still matches, do the set operations now
+            # while len(onu_data):
+            attributes_mask = me_entry.mask_for(*onu_data.keys())
+            frame = OmciFrame(transaction_id=None,
+                              message_type=OmciSet.message_id,
+                              omci_message=OmciSet(entity_class=cid,
+                                                   entity_id=eid,
+                                                   attributes_mask=attributes_mask,
+                                                   data=onu_data))
+            results = yield self._device.omci_cc.send(frame)
+            self.check_status_and_state(results, 'onu-attribute-update')
+            successes += len(onu_data)
+            self._db_updates = 0
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('attribute-only-fix-onu', e=e, cid=cid, eid=eid)
+            failures += len(onu_data)
+            self.strobe_watchdog()
+        returnValue((successes, failures))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def update_mib_data_sync(self):
+        """
+        As the final step of MIB resynchronization, the OLT sets the MIB data sync
+        attribute of the ONU data ME to some suitable value of its own choice. It
+        then sets its own record of the same attribute to the same value,
+        incremented by 1, as explained in clause
+        :return: (int, int) success, failure counts
+        """
+        # Get MDS to set, do not user zero
+        new_mds_value = self._sync_sm.mib_data_sync
+        if new_mds_value == 0:
+            self._sync_sm.increment_mib_data_sync()
+            new_mds_value = self._sync_sm.mib_data_sync
+        # Update it.  The set response will be sent on the OMCI-CC pub/sub bus
+        # and the MIB Synchronizer will update this MDS value in the database
+        # if successful.
+        try:
+            frame = OntDataFrame(mib_data_sync=new_mds_value).set()
+            results = yield self._device.omci_cc.send(frame)
+            self.check_status_and_state(results, 'ont-data-mbs-update')
+            returnValue((1, 0))
+        except TimeoutError as e:
+            self.log.debug('ont-data-send-timeout', e=e)
+            returnValue((0, 1))
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('ont-data-send', e=e, mds=new_mds_value)
+            returnValue((0, 1))
+    def check_status_and_state(self, results, operation=''):
+        """
+        Check the results of an OMCI response.  An exception is thrown
+        if the task was cancelled or an error was detected.
+        :param results: (OmciFrame) OMCI Response frame
+        :param operation: (str) what operation was being performed
+        :return: True if successful, False if the entity existed (already created)
+        """
+        omci_msg = results.fields['omci_message'].fields
+        status = omci_msg['success_code']
+        error_mask = omci_msg.get('parameter_error_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        failed_mask = omci_msg.get('failed_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        unsupported_mask = omci_msg.get('unsupported_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        self.strobe_watchdog()
+        self.log.debug(operation, status=status, error_mask=error_mask,
+                       failed_mask=failed_mask, unsupported_mask=unsupported_mask)
+        if status == RC.Success:
+            return True
+        elif status == RC.InstanceExists:
+            return False
+        msg = '{} failed with a status of {}, error_mask: {}, failed_mask: {}, unsupported_mask: {}'.\
+            format(operation, status, error_mask, failed_mask, unsupported_mask)
+        raise MibReconcileException(msg)
+    def _undecodable(self, cid_eid_list, me_map):
+        return [(cid, eid) for cid, eid in cid_eid_list if cid not in me_map]
+    def _onu_created(self, cid_eid_list, me_map):
+        return [(cid, eid) for cid, eid in cid_eid_list if cid in me_map and
+                (OP.Create not in me_map[cid].mandatory_operations and
+                 OP.Create not in me_map[cid].optional_operations)]
+    def _olt_created(self, cid_eid_list, me_map):
+        return [(cid, eid) for cid, eid in cid_eid_list if cid in me_map and
+                (OP.Create in me_map[cid].mandatory_operations or
+                 OP.Create in me_map[cid].optional_operations)]