VOL-1395: Common shared libraries needed for Python based device adapters.

This is an initial check-in of code from the master branch.  Additional work
is expected on a few items to work with the new go-core and will be covered
by separate JIRAs and commits.

Change-Id: I0856ec6b79b8d3e49082c609eb9c7eedd75b1708
diff --git a/python/common/tech_profile/tech_profile.py b/python/common/tech_profile/tech_profile.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abea364
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/tech_profile/tech_profile.py
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import json
+import ast
+from collections import namedtuple
+import structlog
+from enum import Enum
+from voltha.core.config.config_backend import ConsulStore
+from voltha.core.config.config_backend import EtcdStore
+from voltha.registry import registry
+from voltha.adapters.openolt.protos import openolt_pb2
+# logger
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+# Enums used while creating TechProfileInstance
+Direction = Enum('Direction', ['UPSTREAM', 'DOWNSTREAM', 'BIDIRECTIONAL'],
+                 start=0)
+SchedulingPolicy = Enum('SchedulingPolicy',
+                        ['WRR', 'StrictPriority', 'Hybrid'], start=0)
+AdditionalBW = Enum('AdditionalBW', ['None', 'NA', 'BestEffort', 'Auto'],
+                    start=0)
+DiscardPolicy = Enum('DiscardPolicy',
+                     ['TailDrop', 'WTailDrop', 'RED', 'WRED'], start=0)
+InferredAdditionBWIndication = Enum('InferredAdditionBWIndication',
+                                    ['None', 'NoneAssured', 'BestEffort'],
+                                    start=0)
+class InstanceControl(object):
+    # Default value constants
+    ONU_DEFAULT_INSTANCE = 'multi-instance'
+    UNI_DEFAULT_INSTANCE = 'single-instance'
+    def __init__(self, onu=ONU_DEFAULT_INSTANCE,
+                 uni=UNI_DEFAULT_INSTANCE,
+                 num_gem_ports=DEFAULT_NUM_GEM_PORTS,
+                 max_gem_payload_size=DEFAULT_GEM_PAYLOAD_SIZE):
+        self.onu = onu
+        self.uni = uni
+        self.num_gem_ports = num_gem_ports
+        self.max_gem_payload_size = max_gem_payload_size
+class Scheduler(object):
+    # Default value constants
+    DEFAULT_Q_SCHED_POLICY = 'hybrid'
+    def __init__(self, direction, additional_bw=DEFAULT_ADDITIONAL_BW,
+                 priority=DEFAULT_PRIORITY,
+                 weight=DEFAULT_WEIGHT,
+                 q_sched_policy=DEFAULT_Q_SCHED_POLICY):
+        self.direction = direction
+        self.additional_bw = additional_bw
+        self.priority = priority
+        self.weight = weight
+        self.q_sched_policy = q_sched_policy
+class GemPortAttribute(object):
+    # Default value constants
+    DEFAULT_MAX_Q_SIZE = 'auto'
+    DEFAULT_DISCARD_POLICY = DiscardPolicy.TailDrop.name
+    def __init__(self, pbit_map, discard_config,
+                 aes_encryption=DEFAULT_AES_ENCRYPTION,
+                 scheduling_policy=SchedulingPolicy.WRR.name,
+                 priority_q=DEFAULT_PRIORITY_Q,
+                 weight=DEFAULT_WEIGHT,
+                 max_q_size=DEFAULT_MAX_Q_SIZE,
+                 discard_policy=DiscardPolicy.TailDrop.name):
+        self.max_q_size = max_q_size
+        self.pbit_map = pbit_map
+        self.aes_encryption = aes_encryption
+        self.scheduling_policy = scheduling_policy
+        self.priority_q = priority_q
+        self.weight = weight
+        self.discard_policy = discard_policy
+        self.discard_config = discard_config
+class DiscardConfig(object):
+    # Default value constants
+    def __init__(self, min_threshold=DEFAULT_MIN_THRESHOLD,
+                 max_threshold=DEFAULT_MAX_THRESHOLD,
+                 max_probability=DEFAULT_MAX_PROBABILITY):
+        self.min_threshold = min_threshold
+        self.max_threshold = max_threshold
+        self.max_probability = max_probability
+class TechProfile(object):
+    # Constants used in default tech profile
+    DEFAULT_TECH_PROFILE_NAME = 'Default_1tcont_1gem_Profile'
+    pbits = ['0b11111111']
+    # Tech profile path prefix in kv store
+    KV_STORE_TECH_PROFILE_PATH_PREFIX = 'service/voltha/technology_profiles'
+    # Tech profile path in kv store
+    TECH_PROFILE_PATH = '{}/{}'  # <technology>/<table_id>
+    # Tech profile instance path in kv store
+    # Format: <technology>/<table_id>/<uni_port_name>
+    # Tech-Profile JSON String Keys
+    NAME = 'name'
+    PROFILE_TYPE = 'profile_type'
+    VERSION = 'version'
+    NUM_GEM_PORTS = 'num_gem_ports'
+    INSTANCE_CONTROL = 'instance_control'
+    US_SCHEDULER = 'us_scheduler'
+    DS_SCHEDULER = 'ds_scheduler'
+    UPSTREAM_GEM_PORT_ATTRIBUTE_LIST = 'upstream_gem_port_attribute_list'
+    DOWNSTREAM_GEM_PORT_ATTRIBUTE_LIST = 'downstream_gem_port_attribute_list'
+    ONU = 'onu'
+    UNI = 'uni'
+    MAX_GEM_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 'max_gem_payload_size'
+    DIRECTION = 'direction'
+    ADDITIONAL_BW = 'additional_bw'
+    PRIORITY = 'priority'
+    Q_SCHED_POLICY = 'q_sched_policy'
+    WEIGHT = 'weight'
+    PBIT_MAP = 'pbit_map'
+    DISCARD_CONFIG = 'discard_config'
+    MAX_THRESHOLD = 'max_threshold'
+    MIN_THRESHOLD = 'min_threshold'
+    MAX_PROBABILITY = 'max_probability'
+    DISCARD_POLICY = 'discard_policy'
+    PRIORITY_Q = 'priority_q'
+    SCHEDULING_POLICY = 'scheduling_policy'
+    MAX_Q_SIZE = 'max_q_size'
+    AES_ENCRYPTION = 'aes_encryption'
+    def __init__(self, resource_mgr):
+        try:
+            self.args = registry('main').get_args()
+            self.resource_mgr = resource_mgr
+            if self.args.backend == 'etcd':
+                # KV store's IP Address and PORT
+                host, port = self.args.etcd.split(':', 1)
+                self._kv_store = EtcdStore(
+                    host, port, TechProfile.
+            elif self.args.backend == 'consul':
+                # KV store's IP Address and PORT
+                host, port = self.args.consul.split(':', 1)
+                self._kv_store = ConsulStore(
+                    host, port, TechProfile.
+            # self.tech_profile_instance_store = dict()
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("exception-in-init")
+            raise Exception(e)
+    class DefaultTechProfile(object):
+        def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
+            self.name = name
+            self.profile_type = kwargs[TechProfile.PROFILE_TYPE]
+            self.version = kwargs[TechProfile.VERSION]
+            self.num_gem_ports = kwargs[TechProfile.NUM_GEM_PORTS]
+            self.instance_control = kwargs[TechProfile.INSTANCE_CONTROL]
+            self.us_scheduler = kwargs[TechProfile.US_SCHEDULER]
+            self.ds_scheduler = kwargs[TechProfile.DS_SCHEDULER]
+            self.upstream_gem_port_attribute_list = kwargs[
+                TechProfile.UPSTREAM_GEM_PORT_ATTRIBUTE_LIST]
+            self.downstream_gem_port_attribute_list = kwargs[
+                TechProfile.DOWNSTREAM_GEM_PORT_ATTRIBUTE_LIST]
+        def to_json(self):
+            return json.dumps(self, default=lambda o: o.__dict__,
+                              indent=4)
+    def get_tp_path(self, table_id, uni_port_name):
+        return TechProfile.TECH_PROFILE_INSTANCE_PATH.format(
+            self.resource_mgr.technology, table_id, uni_port_name)
+    def create_tech_profile_instance(self, table_id, uni_port_name, intf_id):
+        tech_profile_instance = None
+        try:
+            # Get tech profile from kv store
+            tech_profile = self._get_tech_profile_from_kv_store(table_id)
+            path = self.get_tp_path(table_id, uni_port_name)
+            if tech_profile is not None:
+                tech_profile = self._get_tech_profile(tech_profile)
+                log.debug(
+                    "Created-tech-profile-instance-with-values-from-kvstore")
+            else:
+                tech_profile = self._default_tech_profile()
+                log.debug(
+                    "Created-tech-profile-instance-with-default-values")
+            tech_profile_instance = TechProfileInstance(
+                uni_port_name, tech_profile, self.resource_mgr, intf_id)
+            self._add_tech_profile_instance(path,
+                                            tech_profile_instance.to_json())
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("Create-tech-profile-instance-failed", exception=e)
+        return tech_profile_instance
+    def get_tech_profile_instance(self, table_id, uni_port_name):
+        # path to fetch tech profile instance json from kv store
+        path = TechProfile.TECH_PROFILE_INSTANCE_PATH.format(
+            self.resource_mgr.technology, table_id, uni_port_name)
+        try:
+            tech_profile_instance = self._kv_store[path]
+            log.debug("Tech-profile-instance-present-in-kvstore", path=path,
+                      tech_profile_instance=tech_profile_instance)
+            # Parse JSON into an object with attributes corresponding to dict keys.
+            tech_profile_instance = json.loads(tech_profile_instance,
+                                               object_hook=lambda d:
+                                               namedtuple('tech_profile_instance',
+                                                          d.keys())(*d.values()))
+            log.debug("Tech-profile-instance-after-json-to-object-conversion", path=path,
+                      tech_profile_instance=tech_profile_instance)
+            return tech_profile_instance
+        except BaseException as e:
+            log.debug("Tech-profile-instance-not-present-in-kvstore",
+                      path=path, tech_profile_instance=None, exception=e)
+            return None
+    def delete_tech_profile_instance(self, tp_path):
+        try:
+            del self._kv_store[tp_path]
+            log.debug("Delete-tech-profile-instance-success", path=tp_path)
+            return True
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.debug("Delete-tech-profile-instance-failed", path=tp_path,
+                      exception=e)
+            return False
+    def _get_tech_profile_from_kv_store(self, table_id):
+        """
+        Get tech profile from kv store.
+        :param table_id: reference to get tech profile
+        :return: tech profile if present in kv store else None
+        """
+        # get tech profile from kv store
+        path = TechProfile.TECH_PROFILE_PATH.format(self.resource_mgr.technology,
+                                                    table_id)
+        try:
+            tech_profile = self._kv_store[path]
+            if tech_profile != '':
+                log.debug("Get-tech-profile-success", tech_profile=tech_profile)
+                return json.loads(tech_profile)
+                # return ast.literal_eval(tech_profile)
+        except KeyError as e:
+            log.info("Get-tech-profile-failed", exception=e)
+            return None
+    def _default_tech_profile(self):
+        # Default tech profile
+        upstream_gem_port_attribute_list = list()
+        downstream_gem_port_attribute_list = list()
+        for pbit in TechProfile.pbits:
+            upstream_gem_port_attribute_list.append(
+                GemPortAttribute(pbit_map=pbit,
+                                 discard_config=DiscardConfig()))
+            downstream_gem_port_attribute_list.append(
+                GemPortAttribute(pbit_map=pbit,
+                                 discard_config=DiscardConfig()))
+        return TechProfile.DefaultTechProfile(
+            TechProfile.DEFAULT_TECH_PROFILE_NAME,
+            profile_type=self.resource_mgr.technology,
+            version=TechProfile.DEFAULT_VERSION,
+            num_gem_ports=TechProfile.DEFAULT_GEMPORTS_COUNT,
+            instance_control=InstanceControl(),
+            us_scheduler=Scheduler(direction=Direction.UPSTREAM.name),
+            ds_scheduler=Scheduler(direction=Direction.DOWNSTREAM.name),
+            upstream_gem_port_attribute_list=upstream_gem_port_attribute_list,
+            downstream_gem_port_attribute_list=
+            downstream_gem_port_attribute_list)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_tech_profile(tech_profile):
+        # Tech profile fetched from kv store
+        instance_control = tech_profile[TechProfile.INSTANCE_CONTROL]
+        instance_control = InstanceControl(
+            onu=instance_control[TechProfile.ONU],
+            uni=instance_control[TechProfile.UNI],
+            max_gem_payload_size=instance_control[
+                TechProfile.MAX_GEM_PAYLOAD_SIZE])
+        us_scheduler = tech_profile[TechProfile.US_SCHEDULER]
+        us_scheduler = Scheduler(direction=us_scheduler[TechProfile.DIRECTION],
+                                 additional_bw=us_scheduler[
+                                     TechProfile.ADDITIONAL_BW],
+                                 priority=us_scheduler[TechProfile.PRIORITY],
+                                 weight=us_scheduler[TechProfile.WEIGHT],
+                                 q_sched_policy=us_scheduler[
+                                     TechProfile.Q_SCHED_POLICY])
+        ds_scheduler = tech_profile[TechProfile.DS_SCHEDULER]
+        ds_scheduler = Scheduler(direction=ds_scheduler[TechProfile.DIRECTION],
+                                 additional_bw=ds_scheduler[
+                                     TechProfile.ADDITIONAL_BW],
+                                 priority=ds_scheduler[TechProfile.PRIORITY],
+                                 weight=ds_scheduler[TechProfile.WEIGHT],
+                                 q_sched_policy=ds_scheduler[
+                                     TechProfile.Q_SCHED_POLICY])
+        upstream_gem_port_attribute_list = list()
+        downstream_gem_port_attribute_list = list()
+        us_gemport_attr_list = tech_profile[
+        for i in range(len(us_gemport_attr_list)):
+            upstream_gem_port_attribute_list.append(
+                GemPortAttribute(pbit_map=us_gemport_attr_list[i][TechProfile.PBIT_MAP],
+                                 discard_config=DiscardConfig(
+                                     max_threshold=
+                                     us_gemport_attr_list[i][TechProfile.DISCARD_CONFIG][
+                                         TechProfile.MAX_THRESHOLD],
+                                     min_threshold=
+                                     us_gemport_attr_list[i][TechProfile.DISCARD_CONFIG][
+                                         TechProfile.MIN_THRESHOLD],
+                                     max_probability=
+                                     us_gemport_attr_list[i][TechProfile.DISCARD_CONFIG][
+                                         TechProfile.MAX_PROBABILITY]),
+                                 discard_policy=us_gemport_attr_list[i][
+                                     TechProfile.DISCARD_POLICY],
+                                 priority_q=us_gemport_attr_list[i][
+                                     TechProfile.PRIORITY_Q],
+                                 weight=us_gemport_attr_list[i][TechProfile.WEIGHT],
+                                 scheduling_policy=us_gemport_attr_list[i][
+                                     TechProfile.SCHEDULING_POLICY],
+                                 max_q_size=us_gemport_attr_list[i][
+                                     TechProfile.MAX_Q_SIZE],
+                                 aes_encryption=us_gemport_attr_list[i][
+                                     TechProfile.AES_ENCRYPTION]))
+        ds_gemport_attr_list = tech_profile[
+        for i in range(len(ds_gemport_attr_list)):
+            downstream_gem_port_attribute_list.append(
+                GemPortAttribute(pbit_map=ds_gemport_attr_list[i][TechProfile.PBIT_MAP],
+                                 discard_config=DiscardConfig(
+                                     max_threshold=
+                                     ds_gemport_attr_list[i][TechProfile.DISCARD_CONFIG][
+                                         TechProfile.MAX_THRESHOLD],
+                                     min_threshold=
+                                     ds_gemport_attr_list[i][TechProfile.DISCARD_CONFIG][
+                                         TechProfile.MIN_THRESHOLD],
+                                     max_probability=
+                                     ds_gemport_attr_list[i][TechProfile.DISCARD_CONFIG][
+                                         TechProfile.MAX_PROBABILITY]),
+                                 discard_policy=ds_gemport_attr_list[i][
+                                     TechProfile.DISCARD_POLICY],
+                                 priority_q=ds_gemport_attr_list[i][
+                                     TechProfile.PRIORITY_Q],
+                                 weight=ds_gemport_attr_list[i][TechProfile.WEIGHT],
+                                 scheduling_policy=ds_gemport_attr_list[i][
+                                     TechProfile.SCHEDULING_POLICY],
+                                 max_q_size=ds_gemport_attr_list[i][
+                                     TechProfile.MAX_Q_SIZE],
+                                 aes_encryption=ds_gemport_attr_list[i][
+                                     TechProfile.AES_ENCRYPTION]))
+        return TechProfile.DefaultTechProfile(
+            tech_profile[TechProfile.NAME],
+            profile_type=tech_profile[TechProfile.PROFILE_TYPE],
+            version=tech_profile[TechProfile.VERSION],
+            num_gem_ports=tech_profile[TechProfile.NUM_GEM_PORTS],
+            instance_control=instance_control,
+            us_scheduler=us_scheduler,
+            ds_scheduler=ds_scheduler,
+            upstream_gem_port_attribute_list=upstream_gem_port_attribute_list,
+            downstream_gem_port_attribute_list=
+            downstream_gem_port_attribute_list)
+    def _add_tech_profile_instance(self, path, tech_profile_instance):
+        """
+        Add tech profile to kv store.
+        :param path: path to add tech profile
+        :param tech_profile_instance: tech profile instance need to be added
+        """
+        try:
+            self._kv_store[path] = str(tech_profile_instance)
+            log.debug("Add-tech-profile-instance-success", path=path,
+                      tech_profile_instance=tech_profile_instance)
+            return True
+        except BaseException as e:
+            log.exception("Add-tech-profile-instance-failed", path=path,
+                          tech_profile_instance=tech_profile_instance,
+                          exception=e)
+        return False
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_us_scheduler(tech_profile_instance):
+        # upstream scheduler
+        us_scheduler = openolt_pb2.Scheduler(
+            direction=TechProfile.get_parameter(
+                'direction', tech_profile_instance.us_scheduler.
+                    direction),
+            additional_bw=TechProfile.get_parameter(
+                'additional_bw', tech_profile_instance.
+                    us_scheduler.additional_bw),
+            priority=tech_profile_instance.us_scheduler.priority,
+            weight=tech_profile_instance.us_scheduler.weight,
+            sched_policy=TechProfile.get_parameter(
+                'sched_policy', tech_profile_instance.
+                    us_scheduler.q_sched_policy))
+        return us_scheduler
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_ds_scheduler(tech_profile_instance):
+        ds_scheduler = openolt_pb2.Scheduler(
+            direction=TechProfile.get_parameter(
+                'direction', tech_profile_instance.ds_scheduler.
+                    direction),
+            additional_bw=TechProfile.get_parameter(
+                'additional_bw', tech_profile_instance.
+                    ds_scheduler.additional_bw),
+            priority=tech_profile_instance.ds_scheduler.priority,
+            weight=tech_profile_instance.ds_scheduler.weight,
+            sched_policy=TechProfile.get_parameter(
+                'sched_policy', tech_profile_instance.ds_scheduler.
+                    q_sched_policy))
+        return ds_scheduler
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_tconts(tech_profile_instance, us_scheduler=None, ds_scheduler=None):
+        if us_scheduler is None:
+            us_scheduler = TechProfile.get_us_scheduler(tech_profile_instance)
+        if ds_scheduler is None:
+            ds_scheduler = TechProfile.get_ds_scheduler(tech_profile_instance)
+        tconts = [openolt_pb2.Tcont(direction=TechProfile.get_parameter(
+            'direction',
+            tech_profile_instance.
+                us_scheduler.direction),
+            alloc_id=tech_profile_instance.
+                us_scheduler.alloc_id,
+            scheduler=us_scheduler),
+            openolt_pb2.Tcont(direction=TechProfile.get_parameter(
+                'direction',
+                tech_profile_instance.
+                    ds_scheduler.direction),
+                alloc_id=tech_profile_instance.
+                    ds_scheduler.alloc_id,
+                scheduler=ds_scheduler)]
+        return tconts
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_parameter(param_type, param_value):
+        parameter = None
+        try:
+            if param_type == 'direction':
+                for direction in openolt_pb2.Direction.keys():
+                    if param_value == direction:
+                        parameter = direction
+            elif param_type == 'discard_policy':
+                for discard_policy in openolt_pb2.DiscardPolicy.keys():
+                    if param_value == discard_policy:
+                        parameter = discard_policy
+            elif param_type == 'sched_policy':
+                for sched_policy in openolt_pb2.SchedulingPolicy.keys():
+                    if param_value == sched_policy:
+                        parameter = sched_policy
+            elif param_type == 'additional_bw':
+                for bw_component in openolt_pb2.AdditionalBW.keys():
+                    if param_value == bw_component:
+                        parameter = bw_component
+        except BaseException as e:
+            log.exception(exception=e)
+        return parameter
+class TechProfileInstance(object):
+    def __init__(self, subscriber_identifier, tech_profile, resource_mgr,
+                 intf_id, num_of_tconts=1):
+        if tech_profile is not None:
+            self.subscriber_identifier = subscriber_identifier
+            self.num_of_tconts = num_of_tconts
+            self.num_of_gem_ports = tech_profile.num_gem_ports
+            self.name = tech_profile.name
+            self.profile_type = tech_profile.profile_type
+            self.version = tech_profile.version
+            self.instance_control = tech_profile.instance_control
+            # TODO: Fixed num_of_tconts to 1 per TP Instance.
+            # This may change in future
+            assert (num_of_tconts == 1)
+            # Get alloc id and gemport id using resource manager
+            alloc_id = resource_mgr.get_resource_id(intf_id,
+                                                    'ALLOC_ID',
+                                                    num_of_tconts)
+            gem_ports = resource_mgr.get_resource_id(intf_id,
+                                                     'GEMPORT_ID',
+                                                     self.num_of_gem_ports)
+            gemport_list = list()
+            if isinstance(gem_ports, int):
+                gemport_list.append(gem_ports)
+            elif isinstance(gem_ports, list):
+                for gem in gem_ports:
+                    gemport_list.append(gem)
+            else:
+                raise Exception("invalid-type")
+            self.us_scheduler = TechProfileInstance.IScheduler(
+                alloc_id, tech_profile.us_scheduler)
+            self.ds_scheduler = TechProfileInstance.IScheduler(
+                alloc_id, tech_profile.ds_scheduler)
+            self.upstream_gem_port_attribute_list = list()
+            self.downstream_gem_port_attribute_list = list()
+            for i in range(self.num_of_gem_ports):
+                self.upstream_gem_port_attribute_list.append(
+                    TechProfileInstance.IGemPortAttribute(
+                        gemport_list[i],
+                        tech_profile.upstream_gem_port_attribute_list[
+                            i]))
+                self.downstream_gem_port_attribute_list.append(
+                    TechProfileInstance.IGemPortAttribute(
+                        gemport_list[i],
+                        tech_profile.downstream_gem_port_attribute_list[
+                            i]))
+    class IScheduler(Scheduler):
+        def __init__(self, alloc_id, scheduler):
+            super(TechProfileInstance.IScheduler, self).__init__(
+                scheduler.direction, scheduler.additional_bw,
+                scheduler.priority,
+                scheduler.weight, scheduler.q_sched_policy)
+            self.alloc_id = alloc_id
+    class IGemPortAttribute(GemPortAttribute):
+        def __init__(self, gemport_id, gem_port_attribute):
+            super(TechProfileInstance.IGemPortAttribute, self).__init__(
+                gem_port_attribute.pbit_map, gem_port_attribute.discard_config,
+                gem_port_attribute.aes_encryption,
+                gem_port_attribute.scheduling_policy,
+                gem_port_attribute.priority_q, gem_port_attribute.weight,
+                gem_port_attribute.max_q_size,
+                gem_port_attribute.discard_policy)
+            self.gemport_id = gemport_id
+    def to_json(self):
+        return json.dumps(self, default=lambda o: o.__dict__,
+                          indent=4)