[VOL-5026] - Build and (pre-) deploy repo:voltha-go

  o Refactor test and mod-* targets per voltha-openolt-adatpter/Makefile.
  o Logic moved into makefiles/analysis/{coverage,sca}.mk
  o Inline ( set -euo pipefail && cmd | tee log) in test-coverage.
  o Improve error handling, "cmd | tee" will silently mask shell exit status.
  o make test failing locally (docker image: cpu profile acces denied).
  o Local problem, send a job through jenkins for accurate status.

  o Copy in library makefiles
  o Esp docker/include.mk

  o Update copyright notice

  o Run gofmt -s -w on source to fix latent linting problmes that fail jobs.

Change-Id: If7cd349822edd0e604ac4daf27d315f528c6bcf6
diff --git a/rw_core/utils/core_utils.go b/rw_core/utils/core_utils.go
index 7e1eb87..4f639aa 100644
--- a/rw_core/utils/core_utils.go
+++ b/rw_core/utils/core_utils.go
@@ -108,11 +108,11 @@
-//WaitForNilOrErrorResponses waits on a variadic number of channels for either a nil response or an error
-//response. If an error is received from a given channel then the returned error array will contain that error.
-//The error will be at the index corresponding to the order in which the channel appear in the parameter list.
-//If no errors is found then nil is returned.  This method also takes in a timeout in milliseconds. If a
-//timeout is obtained then this function will stop waiting for the remaining responses and abort.
+// WaitForNilOrErrorResponses waits on a variadic number of channels for either a nil response or an error
+// response. If an error is received from a given channel then the returned error array will contain that error.
+// The error will be at the index corresponding to the order in which the channel appear in the parameter list.
+// If no errors is found then nil is returned.  This method also takes in a timeout in milliseconds. If a
+// timeout is obtained then this function will stop waiting for the remaining responses and abort.
 func WaitForNilOrErrorResponses(timeout time.Duration, responses ...Response) []error {
 	timedOut := make(chan struct{})
 	timer := time.AfterFunc(timeout, func() { close(timedOut) })