VOL-1097 : Ofagent integration for voltha 2.0

- Created a common location for python based components
- Adjusted the ofagent component to interact with voltha 2.0
- Added streaming rpc methods for rcv/send of packets to voltha api
- Adjusted voltha.proto

Change-Id: I47fb7b80878ead060b4b42bd16cb4f8aa384fdb6
diff --git a/python/adapters/Makefile b/python/adapters/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2531985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ifneq ($(VOLTHA_BUILD),docker)
+ifeq ($(VOLTHA_BASE)_set,_set)
+$(error To get started, please source the env.sh file)
+ifeq ($(TAG),)
+TAG := latest
+ifeq ($(TARGET_TAG),)
+TARGET_TAG := latest
+# If no DOCKER_HOST_IP is specified grab a v4 IP address associated with
+# the default gateway
+ifeq ($(DOCKER_HOST_IP),)
+DOCKER_HOST_IP := $(shell ifconfig $$(netstat -rn | grep -E '^(default|' | head -1 | awk '{print $$NF}') | grep inet | awk '{print $$2}' | sed -e 's/addr://g')
+ifneq ($(http_proxy)$(https_proxy),)
+# Include proxies from the environment
+       --build-arg http_proxy=$(http_proxy) \
+       --build-arg https_proxy=$(https_proxy) \
+       --build-arg ftp_proxy=$(ftp_proxy) \
+       --build-arg no_proxy=$(no_proxy) \
+       --build-arg HTTP_PROXY=$(HTTP_PROXY) \
+       --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY=$(HTTPS_PROXY) \
+       --build-arg FTP_PROXY=$(FTP_PROXY) \
+       --build-arg NO_PROXY=$(NO_PROXY)
+	--build-arg TAG=$(TAG) \
+	--build-arg REGISTRY=$(REGISTRY) \
+	--build-arg REPOSITORY=$(REPOSITORY) \
+	 --rm --force-rm \
+VENVDIR := venv-$(shell uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
+	base \
+	protoc \
+	protos \
+	adapter-ponsim-olt \
+	adapter-ponsim-onu \
+# The following list was scavanged from the compose / stack files as well as
+# from the Dockerfiles. If nothing else it highlights that VOLTHA is not
+# using consistent versions for some of the containers.
+       alpine:3.6 \
+       centos:7 \
+       centurylink/ca-certs:latest \
+       grpc/python:latest \
+       ubuntu:xenial
+        wurstmeister/kafka:latest \
+        wurstmeister/zookeeper:latest
+# find k8s -type f | xargs grep image: | awk '{print $NF}' | sed -e 's/\"//g' | sed '/:.*$/!s/$/:latest/g' | sort -u | sed -e 's/^/       /g' -e 's/$/ \\/g'
+# Manually remove some image from this list as they don't reflect the new 
+# naming conventions for the VOLTHA build
+       wurstmeister/kafka:1.0.0 \
+       zookeeper:3.4.11
+.PHONY: $(DIRS) $(DIRS_CLEAN) $(DIRS_FLAKE8) flake8 base ponsim_olt ponsim_onu protos kafka common start stop tag push pull
+# This should to be the first and default target in this Makefile
+	@echo "Usage: make [<target>]"
+	@echo "where available targets are:"
+	@echo
+	@echo "build        : Build the Adapters protos and docker images.\n\
+               If this is the first time you are building, choose \"make build\" option."
+	@echo "clean        : Remove files created by the build and tests"
+	@echo "distclean    : Remove venv directory"
+	@echo "fetch        : Pre-fetch artifacts for subsequent local builds"
+	@echo "help         : Print this help"
+	@echo "protoc       : Build a container with protoc installed"
+	@echo "protos       : Compile all grpc/protobuf files"
+	@echo "rebuild-venv : Rebuild local Python virtualenv from scratch"
+	@echo "venv         : Build local Python virtualenv if did not exist yet"
+	@echo "containers   : Build all the docker containers"
+	@echo "base         : Build the base docker container used by all other dockers"
+	@echo "adapter_ponsim_olt       : Build the ponsim olt adapter docker container"
+	@echo "adapter_ponsim_onu       : Build the ponsim olt adapter docker container"
+	@echo "tag          : Tag a set of images"
+	@echo "push         : Push the docker images to an external repository"
+	@echo "pull         : Pull the docker images from a repository"
+	@echo
+## New directories can be added here
+## If one directory depends on another directory that
+## dependency can be expressed here
+## For example, if the Tibit directory depended on the eoam
+## directory being built first, then that can be expressed here.
+##  driver/tibit: eoam
+# Parallel Build
+	@echo "    MK $@"
+	$(Q)$(MAKE) -C $@
+# Parallel Clean
+DIRS_CLEAN = $(addsuffix .clean,$(DIRS))
+	@echo "    CLEAN $(basename $@)"
+	$(Q)$(MAKE) -C $(basename $@) clean
+# Parallel Flake8
+DIRS_FLAKE8 = $(addsuffix .flake8,$(DIRS))
+	@echo "    FLAKE8 $(basename $@)"
+	-$(Q)$(MAKE) -C $(basename $@) flake8
+build: protoc protos containers
+containers: base adapter_ponsim_olt adapter_ponsim_onu
+	docker build $(DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS) -t ${REGISTRY}${REPOSITORY}voltha-base:${TAG} -f docker/Dockerfile.base .
+	docker build $(DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS) -t ${REGISTRY}${REPOSITORY}voltha-adapter-ponsim-olt:${TAG} -f docker/Dockerfile.adapter_ponsim_olt .
+	docker build $(DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS) -t ${REGISTRY}${REPOSITORY}voltha-adapter-ponsim-onu:${TAG} -f docker/Dockerfile.adapter_ponsim_onu .
+tag: $(patsubst  %,%.tag,$(DOCKER_IMAGE_LIST))
+push: tag $(patsubst  %,%.push,$(DOCKER_IMAGE_LIST))
+pull: $(patsubst  %,%.pull,$(DOCKER_IMAGE_LIST))
+	docker tag ${REGISTRY}${REPOSITORY}voltha-$(subst .tag,,$@):${TAG} ${TARGET_REGISTRY}${TARGET_REPOSITORY}voltha-$(subst .tag,,$@):${TARGET_TAG}
+	docker push ${TARGET_REGISTRY}${TARGET_REPOSITORY}voltha-$(subst .push,,$@):${TARGET_TAG}
+	docker pull ${REGISTRY}${REPOSITORY}voltha-$(subst .pull,,$@):${TAG}
+ifeq ($(VOLTHA_BUILD),docker)
+	docker build $(DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS) -t ${REGISTRY}${REPOSITORY}voltha-protoc:${TAG} -f docker/Dockerfile.protoc .
+ifneq ($(VOLTHA_BUILD),docker)
+	make -C protos
+	cp ../protos/*.proto ./protos
+	docker build $(DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS) -t ${REGISTRY}${REPOSITORY}voltha-protos:${TAG} -f docker/Dockerfile.protos .
+	make -C voltha/protos install-protoc
+	find voltha -name '*.pyc' | xargs rm -f
+distclean: clean
+	rm -rf ${VENVDIR}
+	@bash -c ' \
+		for i in $(FETCH_IMAGE_LIST); do \
+			docker pull $$i; \
+		done'
+	rm -fr ${VENVDIR}
+rebuild-venv: purge-venv venv
+ifneq ($(VOLTHA_BUILD),docker)
+venv: ${VENVDIR}/.built
+	@ virtualenv ${VENVDIR}
+	@ . ${VENVDIR}/bin/activate && \
+	    pip install --upgrade pip; \
+	    if ! pip install -r requirements.txt; \
+	    then \
+	        echo "On MAC OS X, if the installation failed with an error \n'<openssl/opensslv.h>': file not found,"; \
+	        echo "see the BUILD.md file for a workaround"; \
+	    else \
+	        uname -s > ${VENVDIR}/.built; \
+	    fi
+flake8: $(DIRS_FLAKE8)
+# end file
diff --git a/python/adapters/README.md b/python/adapters/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3eda078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# How to Build and Develop a Voltha Adapter
+The build and development environment of a Voltha Adapter is left to the developer's choice.  
+### Build
+You can build the Voltha Adapter by:
+cd adapters
+. env.sh
+make build
+The above has generates a few docker images. An example is below:
+$ docker images
+REPOSITORY                  TAG                                        IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
+voltha-adapter-ponsim-onu   latest                                     3638b16b5262        36 seconds ago      774MB
+voltha-adapter-ponsim-olt   latest                                     9e98a3a8e1aa        58 seconds ago      775MB
+voltha-base                 latest                                     40ed93942a6a        23 minutes ago      771MB
+voltha-rw-core              latest                                     648be4bc594a        About an hour ago   29.1MB
+voltha-protos               latest                                     d458a391cc81        12 days ago         2.66MB
+### Run the ponsim adapters 
+The simplest way to run the containerized adapters is using the docker compose command:
+docker-compose -f ../compose/adapters-ponsim.yml up -d
diff --git a/python/adapters/__init__.py b/python/adapters/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58aca1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/__init__.py b/python/adapters/common/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fb0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/event_bus.py b/python/adapters/common/event_bus.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e717c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/event_bus.py
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+A simple internal pub/sub event bus with topics and filter-based registration.
+import re
+import structlog
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+class _Subscription(object):
+    __slots__ = ('bus', 'predicate', 'callback', 'topic')
+    def __init__(self, bus, predicate, callback, topic=None):
+        self.bus = bus
+        self.predicate = predicate
+        self.callback = callback
+        self.topic = topic
+class EventBus(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.subscriptions = {}  # topic -> list of _Subscription objects
+                                 # topic None holds regexp based topic subs.
+        self.subs_topic_map = {} # to aid fast lookup when unsubscribing
+    def list_subscribers(self, topic=None):
+        if topic is None:
+            return sum(self.subscriptions.itervalues(), [])
+        else:
+            if topic in self.subscriptions:
+                return self.subscriptions[topic]
+            else:
+                return []
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_topic_key(topic):
+        if isinstance(topic, str):
+            return topic
+        elif hasattr(topic, 'match'):
+            return None
+        else:
+            raise AttributeError('topic not a string nor a compiled regex')
+    def subscribe(self, topic, callback, predicate=None):
+        """
+        Subscribe to given topic with predicate and register the callback
+        :param topic: String topic (explicit) or regexp based topic filter.
+        :param callback: Callback method with signature def func(topic, msg)
+        :param predicate: Optional method/function signature def predicate(msg)
+        :return: Subscription object which can be used to unsubscribe
+        """
+        subscription = _Subscription(self, predicate, callback, topic)
+        topic_key = self._get_topic_key(topic)
+        self.subscriptions.setdefault(topic_key, []).append(subscription)
+        self.subs_topic_map[subscription] = topic_key
+        return subscription
+    def unsubscribe(self, subscription):
+        """
+        Remove given subscription
+        :param subscription: subscription object as was returned by subscribe
+        :return: None
+        """
+        topic_key = self.subs_topic_map[subscription]
+        self.subscriptions[topic_key].remove(subscription)
+    def publish(self, topic, msg):
+        """
+        Publish given message to all subscribers registered with topic taking
+        the predicate functions into account.
+        :param topic: String topic
+        :param msg: Arbitrary python data as message
+        :return: None
+        """
+        from copy import copy
+        def passes(msg, predicate):
+            try:
+                return predicate(msg)
+            except Exception, e:
+                return False  # failed predicate function treated as no match
+        # lookup subscribers with explicit topic subscriptions
+        subscribers = self.subscriptions.get(topic, [])
+        # add matching regexp topic subscribers
+        subscribers.extend(s for s in self.subscriptions.get(None, [])
+                           if s.topic.match(topic))
+        # iterate over a shallow-copy of subscribers
+        for candidate in copy(subscribers):
+            predicate = candidate.predicate
+            if predicate is None or passes(msg, predicate):
+                try:
+                    candidate.callback(topic, msg)
+                except Exception, e:
+                    log.exception('callback-failed', e=repr(e), topic=topic)
+default_bus = EventBus()
+class EventBusClient(object):
+    """
+    Primary interface to the EventBus. Usage:
+    Publish:
+    >>> events = EventBusClient()
+    >>> msg = dict(a=1, b='foo')
+    >>> events.publish('a.topic', msg)
+    Subscribe to get all messages on specific topic:
+    >>> def got_event(topic, msg):
+    >>>     print topic, ':', msg
+    >>> events = EventBusClient()
+    >>> events.subscribe('a.topic', got_event)
+    Subscribe to get messages matching predicate on specific topic:
+    >>> def got_event(topic, msg):
+    >>>     print topic, ':', msg
+    >>> events = EventBusClient()
+    >>> events.subscribe('a.topic', got_event, lambda msg: msg.len() < 100)
+    Use a DeferredQueue to buffer incoming messages
+    >>> queue = DeferredQueue()
+    >>> events = EventBusClient()
+    >>> events.subscribe('a.topic', lambda _, msg: queue.put(msg))
+    """
+    def __init__(self, bus=None):
+        """
+        Obtain a client interface for the pub/sub event bus.
+        :param bus: An optional specific event bus. Inteded for mainly test
+        use. If not provided, the process default bus will be used, which is
+        the preferred use (a process shall not need more than one bus).
+        """
+        self.bus = bus or default_bus
+    def publish(self, topic, msg):
+        """
+        Publish given msg to given topic.
+        :param topic: String topic
+        :param msg: Arbitrary python data as message
+        :return: None
+        """
+        self.bus.publish(topic, msg)
+    def subscribe(self, topic, callback, predicate=None):
+        """
+        Subscribe to given topic with predicate and register the callback
+        :param topic: String topic (explicit) or regexp based topic filter.
+        :param callback: Callback method with signature def func(topic, msg)
+        :param predicate: Optional method/function with signature
+        def predicate(msg)
+        :return: Subscription object which can be used to unsubscribe
+        """
+        return self.bus.subscribe(topic, callback, predicate)
+    def unsubscribe(self, subscription):
+        """
+        Remove given subscription
+        :param subscription: subscription object as was returned by subscribe
+        :return: None
+        """
+        return self.bus.unsubscribe(subscription)
+    def list_subscribers(self, topic=None):
+        """
+        Return list of subscribers. If topci is provided, it is filtered for
+        those subscribing to the topic.
+        :param topic: Optional topic
+        :return: List of subscriptions
+        """
+        return self.bus.list_subscribers(topic)
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/frameio/__init__.py b/python/adapters/common/frameio/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fb0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/frameio/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/frameio/frameio.py b/python/adapters/common/frameio/frameio.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f68ef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/frameio/frameio.py
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+A module that can send and receive raw ethernet frames on a set of interfaces
+and it can manage a set of vlan interfaces on top of existing
+interfaces. Due to reliance on raw sockets, this module requires
+root access. Also, raw sockets are hard to deal with in Twisted (not
+directly supported) we need to run the receiver select loop on a dedicated
+import os
+import socket
+import struct
+import uuid
+from pcapy import BPFProgram
+from threading import Thread, Condition
+import fcntl
+import select
+import structlog
+import sys
+from scapy.data import ETH_P_ALL
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from adapters.common.utils.registry import IComponent
+if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
+    from adapters.common.frameio.third_party.oftest import afpacket, netutils
+elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
+    from scapy.arch import pcapdnet, BIOCIMMEDIATE, dnet
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+def hexify(buffer):
+    """
+    Return a hexadecimal string encoding of input buffer
+    """
+    return ''.join('%02x' % ord(c) for c in buffer)
+class _SelectWakerDescriptor(object):
+    """
+    A descriptor that can be mixed into a select loop to wake it up.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.pipe_read, self.pipe_write = os.pipe()
+        fcntl.fcntl(self.pipe_write, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)
+    def __del__(self):
+        os.close(self.pipe_read)
+        os.close(self.pipe_write)
+    def fileno(self):
+        return self.pipe_read
+    def wait(self):
+        os.read(self.pipe_read, 1)
+    def notify(self):
+        """Trigger a select loop"""
+        os.write(self.pipe_write, '\x00')
+class BpfProgramFilter(object):
+    """
+    Convenience packet filter based on the well-tried Berkeley Packet Filter,
+    used by many well known open source tools such as pcap and tcpdump.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, program_string):
+        """
+        Create a filter using the BPF command syntax. To learn more,
+        consult 'man pcap-filter'.
+        :param program_string: The textual definition of the filter. Examples:
+        'vlan 1000'
+        'vlan 1000 and ip src host'
+        """
+        self.bpf = BPFProgram(program_string)
+    def __call__(self, frame):
+        """
+        Return 1 if frame passes filter.
+        :param frame: Raw frame provided as Python string
+        :return: 1 if frame satisfies filter, 0 otherwise.
+        """
+        return self.bpf.filter(frame)
+class FrameIOPort(object):
+    """
+    Represents a network interface which we can send/receive raw
+    Ethernet frames.
+    """
+    RCV_SIZE_DEFAULT = 4096
+    ETH_P_ALL = 0x03
+    RCV_TIMEOUT = 10000
+    MIN_PKT_SIZE = 60
+    def __init__(self, iface_name):
+        self.iface_name = iface_name
+        self.proxies = []
+        self.socket = self.open_socket(self.iface_name)
+        log.debug('socket-opened', fn=self.fileno(), iface=iface_name)
+        self.received = 0
+        self.discarded = 0
+    def add_proxy(self, proxy):
+        self.proxies.append(proxy)
+    def del_proxy(self, proxy):
+        self.proxies = [p for p in self.proxies if p.name != proxy.name]
+    def open_socket(self, iface_name):
+        raise NotImplementedError('to be implemented by derived class')
+    def rcv_frame(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError('to be implemented by derived class')
+    def __del__(self):
+        if self.socket:
+            self.socket.close()
+            self.socket = None
+        log.debug('socket-closed', iface=self.iface_name)
+    def fileno(self):
+        return self.socket.fileno()
+    def _dispatch(self, proxy, frame):
+        log.debug('calling-publisher', proxy=proxy.name, frame=hexify(frame))
+        try:
+            proxy.callback(proxy, frame)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception('callback-error',
+                          explanation='Callback failed while processing frame',
+                          e=e)
+    def recv(self):
+        """Called on the select thread when a packet arrives"""
+        try:
+            frame = self.rcv_frame()
+        except RuntimeError as e:
+            # we observed this happens sometimes right after the socket was
+            # attached to a newly created veth interface. So we log it, but
+            # allow to continue.
+            log.warn('afpacket-recv-error', code=-1)
+            return
+        log.debug('frame-received', iface=self.iface_name, len=len(frame),
+                  hex=hexify(frame))
+        self.received +=1
+        dispatched = False
+        for proxy in self.proxies:
+            if proxy.filter is None or proxy.filter(frame):
+                log.debug('frame-dispatched')
+                dispatched = True
+                reactor.callFromThread(self._dispatch, proxy, frame)
+        if not dispatched:
+            self.discarded += 1
+            log.debug('frame-discarded')
+    def send(self, frame):
+        log.debug('sending', len=len(frame), iface=self.iface_name)
+        sent_bytes = self.send_frame(frame)
+        if sent_bytes != len(frame):
+            log.error('send-error', iface=self.iface_name,
+                      wanted_to_send=len(frame), actually_sent=sent_bytes)
+        return sent_bytes
+    def send_frame(self, frame):
+        try:
+            return self.socket.send(frame)
+        except socket.error, err:
+            if err[0] == os.errno.EINVAL:
+                if len(frame) < self.MIN_PKT_SIZE:
+                    padding = '\x00' * (self.MIN_PKT_SIZE - len(frame))
+                    frame = frame + padding
+                    return self.socket.send(frame)
+            else:
+                raise
+    def up(self):
+        if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
+            pass
+        else:
+            os.system('ip link set {} up'.format(self.iface_name))
+        return self
+    def down(self):
+        if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
+            pass
+        else:
+            os.system('ip link set {} down'.format(self.iface_name))
+        return self
+    def statistics(self):
+        return self.received, self.discarded
+class LinuxFrameIOPort(FrameIOPort):
+    def open_socket(self, iface_name):
+        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, 0)
+        afpacket.enable_auxdata(s)
+        s.bind((self.iface_name, self.ETH_P_ALL))
+        netutils.set_promisc(s, iface_name)
+        s.settimeout(self.RCV_TIMEOUT)
+        return s
+    def rcv_frame(self):
+        return afpacket.recv(self.socket, self.RCV_SIZE_DEFAULT)
+class DarwinFrameIOPort(FrameIOPort):
+    def open_socket(self, iface_name):
+        sin = pcapdnet.open_pcap(iface_name, 1600, 1, 100)
+        try:
+            fcntl.ioctl(sin.fileno(), BIOCIMMEDIATE, struct.pack("I",1))
+        except:
+            pass
+        # need a different kind of socket for sending out
+        self.sout = dnet.eth(iface_name)
+        return sin
+    def send_frame(self, frame):
+        return self.sout.send(frame)
+    def rcv_frame(self):
+        pkt = self.socket.next()
+        if pkt is not None:
+            ts, pkt = pkt
+        return pkt
+if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+    _FrameIOPort = DarwinFrameIOPort
+elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
+    _FrameIOPort = LinuxFrameIOPort
+    raise Exception('Unsupported platform {}'.format(sys.platform))
+    sys.exit(1)
+class FrameIOPortProxy(object):
+    """Makes FrameIOPort sharable between multiple users"""
+    def __init__(self, frame_io_port, callback, filter=None, name=None):
+        self.frame_io_port = frame_io_port
+        self.callback = callback
+        self.filter = filter
+        self.name = uuid.uuid4().hex[:12] if name is None else name
+    @property
+    def iface_name(self):
+        return self.frame_io_port.iface_name
+    def get_iface_name(self):
+        return self.frame_io_port.iface_name
+    def send(self, frame):
+        return self.frame_io_port.send(frame)
+    def up(self):
+        self.frame_io_port.up()
+        return self
+    def down(self):
+        self.frame_io_port.down()
+        return self
+class FrameIOManager(Thread):
+    """
+    Packet/Frame IO manager that can be used to send/receive raw frames
+    on a set of network interfaces.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(FrameIOManager, self).__init__()
+        self.ports = {}  # iface_name -> ActiveFrameReceiver
+        self.queue = {}  # iface_name -> TODO
+        self.cvar = Condition()
+        self.waker = _SelectWakerDescriptor()
+        self.stopped = False
+        self.ports_changed = False
+    # ~~~~~~~~~~~ exposed methods callable from main thread ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    def start(self):
+        """
+        Start the IO manager and its select loop thread
+        """
+        log.debug('starting')
+        super(FrameIOManager, self).start()
+        log.info('started')
+        return self
+    def stop(self):
+        """
+        Stop the IO manager and its thread with the select loop
+        """
+        log.debug('stopping')
+        self.stopped = True
+        self.waker.notify()
+        self.join()
+        del self.ports
+        log.info('stopped')
+    def list_interfaces(self):
+        """
+        Return list of interfaces listened on
+        :return: List of FrameIOPort objects
+        """
+        return self.ports
+    def open_port(self, iface_name, callback, filter=None, name=None):
+        """
+        Add a new interface and start receiving on it.
+        :param iface_name: Name of the interface. Must be an existing Unix
+        interface (eth0, en0, etc.)
+        :param callback: Called on each received frame;
+        signature: def callback(port, frame) where port is the FrameIOPort
+        instance at which the frame was received, frame is the actual frame
+        received (as binay string)
+        :param filter: An optional filter (predicate), with signature:
+        def filter(frame). If provided, only frames for which filter evaluates
+        to True will be forwarded to callback.
+        :return: FrmaeIOPortProxy instance.
+        """
+        port = self.ports.get(iface_name)
+        if port is None:
+            port = _FrameIOPort(iface_name)
+            self.ports[iface_name] = port
+            self.ports_changed = True
+            self.waker.notify()
+        proxy = FrameIOPortProxy(port, callback, filter, name)
+        port.add_proxy(proxy)
+        return proxy
+    def close_port(self, proxy):
+        """
+        Remove the proxy. If this is the last proxy on an interface, stop and
+        remove the named interface as well
+        :param proxy: FrameIOPortProxy reference
+        :return: None
+        """
+        assert isinstance(proxy, FrameIOPortProxy)
+        iface_name = proxy.get_iface_name()
+        assert iface_name in self.ports, "iface_name {} unknown".format(iface_name)
+        port = self.ports[iface_name]
+        port.del_proxy(proxy)
+        if not port.proxies:
+            del self.ports[iface_name]
+            # need to exit select loop to reconstruct select fd lists
+            self.ports_changed = True
+            self.waker.notify()
+    def send(self, iface_name, frame):
+        """
+        Send frame on given interface
+        :param iface_name: Name of previously registered interface
+        :param frame: frame as string
+        :return: number of bytes sent
+        """
+        return self.ports[iface_name].send(frame)
+    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thread methods (running on non-main thread ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    def run(self):
+        """
+        Called on the alien thread, this is the core multi-port receive loop
+        """
+        log.debug('select-loop-started')
+        # outer loop constructs sockets list for select
+        while not self.stopped:
+            sockets = [self.waker] + self.ports.values()
+            self.ports_changed = False
+            empty = []
+            # inner select loop
+            while not self.stopped:
+                try:
+                    _in, _out, _err = select.select(sockets, empty, empty, 1)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    log.exception('frame-io-select-error', e=e)
+                    break
+                with self.cvar:
+                    for port in _in:
+                        if port is self.waker:
+                            self.waker.wait()
+                            continue
+                        else:
+                            port.recv()
+                    self.cvar.notify_all()
+                if self.ports_changed:
+                    break  # break inner loop so we reconstruct sockets list
+        log.debug('select-loop-exited')
+    def del_interface(self, iface_name):
+        """
+            Delete interface for stopping
+        """
+        log.info('Delete interface')
+        del self.ports[iface_name]
+        log.info('Interface(port) is deleted')
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/frameio/third_party/__init__.py b/python/adapters/common/frameio/third_party/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fb0b2
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+++ b/python/adapters/common/frameio/third_party/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/LICENSE b/python/adapters/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3216042
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+++ b/python/adapters/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+OpenFlow Test Framework
+Copyright (c) 2010 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford
+Junior University
+Except where otherwise noted, this software is distributed under
+the OpenFlow Software License.  See
+http://www.openflowswitch.org/wp/legal/ for current details.
+We are making the OpenFlow specification and associated documentation
+(Software) available for public use and benefit with the expectation
+that others will use, modify and enhance the Software and contribute
+those enhancements back to the community. However, since we would like
+to make the Software available for broadest use, with as few
+restrictions as possible permission is hereby granted, free of charge,
+to any person obtaining a copy of this Software to deal in the
+Software under the copyrights without restriction, including without
+limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+The name and trademarks of copyright holder(s) may NOT be used in
+advertising or publicity pertaining to the Software or any derivatives
+without specific, written prior permission.
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/README.md b/python/adapters/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0cb649
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+++ b/python/adapters/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Files in this directory are derived from the respective files
+in oftest (http://github.com/floodlight/oftest).
+For the licensing terms of these files, see LICENSE in this dir.
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/__init__.py b/python/adapters/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/__init__.py
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index 0000000..b0fb0b2
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+++ b/python/adapters/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/afpacket.py b/python/adapters/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/afpacket.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ae8075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/afpacket.py
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+AF_PACKET receive support
+When VLAN offload is enabled on the NIC Linux will not deliver the VLAN tag
+in the data returned by recv. Instead, it delivers the VLAN TCI in a control
+message. Python 2.x doesn't have built-in support for recvmsg, so we have to
+use ctypes to call it. The recv function exported by this module reconstructs
+the VLAN tag if it was offloaded.
+import struct
+from ctypes import *
+ETH_P_8021Q = 0x8100
+class struct_iovec(Structure):
+    _fields_ = [
+        ("iov_base", c_void_p),
+        ("iov_len", c_size_t),
+    ]
+class struct_msghdr(Structure):
+    _fields_ = [
+        ("msg_name", c_void_p),
+        ("msg_namelen", c_uint32),
+        ("msg_iov", POINTER(struct_iovec)),
+        ("msg_iovlen", c_size_t),
+        ("msg_control", c_void_p),
+        ("msg_controllen", c_size_t),
+        ("msg_flags", c_int),
+    ]
+class struct_cmsghdr(Structure):
+    _fields_ = [
+        ("cmsg_len", c_size_t),
+        ("cmsg_level", c_int),
+        ("cmsg_type", c_int),
+    ]
+class struct_tpacket_auxdata(Structure):
+    _fields_ = [
+        ("tp_status", c_uint),
+        ("tp_len", c_uint),
+        ("tp_snaplen", c_uint),
+        ("tp_mac", c_ushort),
+        ("tp_net", c_ushort),
+        ("tp_vlan_tci", c_ushort),
+        ("tp_padding", c_ushort),
+    ]
+libc = CDLL("libc.so.6")
+recvmsg = libc.recvmsg
+recvmsg.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(struct_msghdr), c_int]
+recvmsg.retype = c_int
+def enable_auxdata(sk):
+    """
+    Ask the kernel to return the VLAN tag in a control message
+    Must be called on the socket before afpacket.recv.
+    """
+    sk.setsockopt(SOL_PACKET, PACKET_AUXDATA, 1)
+def recv(sk, bufsize):
+    """
+    Receive a packet from an AF_PACKET socket
+    @sk Socket
+    @bufsize Maximum packet size
+    """
+    buf = create_string_buffer(bufsize)
+    ctrl_bufsize = sizeof(struct_cmsghdr) + sizeof(struct_tpacket_auxdata) + sizeof(c_size_t)
+    ctrl_buf = create_string_buffer(ctrl_bufsize)
+    iov = struct_iovec()
+    iov.iov_base = cast(buf, c_void_p)
+    iov.iov_len = bufsize
+    msghdr = struct_msghdr()
+    msghdr.msg_name = None
+    msghdr.msg_namelen = 0
+    msghdr.msg_iov = pointer(iov)
+    msghdr.msg_iovlen = 1
+    msghdr.msg_control = cast(ctrl_buf, c_void_p)
+    msghdr.msg_controllen = ctrl_bufsize
+    msghdr.msg_flags = 0
+    rv = recvmsg(sk.fileno(), byref(msghdr), 0)
+    if rv < 0:
+        raise RuntimeError("recvmsg failed: rv=%d", rv)
+    # The kernel only delivers control messages we ask for. We
+    # only enabled PACKET_AUXDATA, so we can assume it's the
+    # only control message.
+    assert msghdr.msg_controllen >= sizeof(struct_cmsghdr)
+    cmsghdr = struct_cmsghdr.from_buffer(ctrl_buf) # pylint: disable=E1101
+    assert cmsghdr.cmsg_level == SOL_PACKET
+    assert cmsghdr.cmsg_type == PACKET_AUXDATA
+    auxdata = struct_tpacket_auxdata.from_buffer(ctrl_buf, sizeof(struct_cmsghdr)) # pylint: disable=E1101
+    if auxdata.tp_vlan_tci != 0 or auxdata.tp_status & TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID:
+        # Insert VLAN tag
+        tag = struct.pack("!HH", ETH_P_8021Q, auxdata.tp_vlan_tci)
+        return buf.raw[:12] + tag + buf.raw[12:rv]
+    else:
+        return buf.raw[:rv]
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/netutils.py b/python/adapters/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/netutils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..092d490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/netutils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Network utilities for the OpenFlow test framework
+##                                                                         ##
+## Promiscuous mode enable/disable                                         ##
+##                                                                         ##
+## Based on code from Scapy by Phillippe Biondi                            ##
+##                                                                         ##
+##                                                                         ##
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ##
+## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   ##
+## Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any     ##
+## later version.                                                          ##
+##                                                                         ##
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but     ##
+## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              ##
+## General Public License for more details.                                ##
+##                                                                         ##
+import socket
+from fcntl import ioctl
+import struct
+# From net/if_arp.h
+# From bits/ioctls.h
+SIOCGIFHWADDR  = 0x8927          # Get hardware address
+SIOCGIFINDEX   = 0x8933          # name -> if_index mapping
+# From netpacket/packet.h
+# From bits/socket.h
+def get_if(iff,cmd):
+  s=socket.socket()
+  ifreq = ioctl(s, cmd, struct.pack("16s16x",iff))
+  s.close()
+  return ifreq
+def get_if_index(iff):
+  return int(struct.unpack("I",get_if(iff, SIOCGIFINDEX)[16:20])[0])
+def set_promisc(s,iff,val=1):
+  mreq = struct.pack("IHH8s", get_if_index(iff), PACKET_MR_PROMISC, 0, "")
+  if val:
+  else:
+  s.setsockopt(SOL_PACKET, cmd, mreq)
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/manhole.py b/python/adapters/common/manhole.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c00c900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/manhole.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+import rlcompleter
+from pprint import pprint
+import structlog
+from twisted.conch import manhole_ssh
+from twisted.conch.manhole import ColoredManhole
+from twisted.conch.ssh import keys
+from twisted.cred.checkers import InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse
+from twisted.cred.portal import Portal
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+MANHOLE_SERVER_RSA_PRIVATE = './manhole_rsa_key'
+MANHOLE_SERVER_RSA_PUBLIC = './manhole_rsa_key.pub'
+def get_rsa_keys():
+    if not (os.path.exists(MANHOLE_SERVER_RSA_PUBLIC) and \
+                    os.path.exists(MANHOLE_SERVER_RSA_PRIVATE)):
+        # generate a RSA keypair
+        log.info('generate-rsa-keypair')
+        from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
+        rsa_key = RSA.generate(1024)
+        public_key_str = rsa_key.publickey().exportKey(format='OpenSSH')
+        private_key_str = rsa_key.exportKey()
+        # save keys for next time
+        file(MANHOLE_SERVER_RSA_PUBLIC, 'w+b').write(public_key_str)
+        file(MANHOLE_SERVER_RSA_PRIVATE, 'w+b').write(private_key_str)
+        log.debug('saved-rsa-keypair', public=MANHOLE_SERVER_RSA_PUBLIC,
+                  private=MANHOLE_SERVER_RSA_PRIVATE)
+    else:
+        public_key_str = file(MANHOLE_SERVER_RSA_PUBLIC).read()
+        private_key_str = file(MANHOLE_SERVER_RSA_PRIVATE).read()
+    return public_key_str, private_key_str
+class ManholeWithCompleter(ColoredManhole):
+    def __init__(self, namespace):
+        namespace['manhole'] = self
+        super(ManholeWithCompleter, self).__init__(namespace)
+        self.last_tab = None
+        self.completer = rlcompleter.Completer(self.namespace)
+    def handle_TAB(self):
+        if self.last_tab != self.lineBuffer:
+            self.last_tab = self.lineBuffer
+            return
+        buffer = ''.join(self.lineBuffer)
+        completions = []
+        maxlen = 3
+        for c in xrange(1000):
+            candidate = self.completer.complete(buffer, c)
+            if not candidate:
+                break
+            if len(candidate) > maxlen:
+                maxlen = len(candidate)
+            completions.append(candidate)
+        if len(completions) == 1:
+            rest = completions[0][len(buffer):]
+            self.terminal.write(rest)
+            self.lineBufferIndex += len(rest)
+            self.lineBuffer.extend(rest)
+        elif len(completions):
+            maxlen += 3
+            numcols = self.width / maxlen
+            self.terminal.nextLine()
+            for idx, candidate in enumerate(completions):
+                self.terminal.write('%%-%ss' % maxlen % candidate)
+                if not ((idx + 1) % numcols):
+                    self.terminal.nextLine()
+            self.terminal.nextLine()
+            self.drawInputLine()
+class Manhole(object):
+    def __init__(self, port, pws, **kw):
+        kw.update(globals())
+        kw['pp'] = pprint
+        realm = manhole_ssh.TerminalRealm()
+        manhole = ManholeWithCompleter(kw)
+        def windowChanged(_, win_size):
+            manhole.terminalSize(*reversed(win_size[:2]))
+        realm.sessionFactory.windowChanged = windowChanged
+        realm.chainedProtocolFactory.protocolFactory = lambda _: manhole
+        portal = Portal(realm)
+        portal.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(**pws))
+        factory = manhole_ssh.ConchFactory(portal)
+        public_key_str, private_key_str = get_rsa_keys()
+        factory.publicKeys = {
+            'ssh-rsa': keys.Key.fromString(public_key_str)
+        }
+        factory.privateKeys = {
+            'ssh-rsa': keys.Key.fromString(private_key_str)
+        }
+        reactor.listenTCP(port, factory, interface='localhost')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    Manhole(12222, dict(admin='admin'))
+    reactor.run()
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/openflow/__init__.py b/python/adapters/common/openflow/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fb0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/openflow/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/openflow/utils.py b/python/adapters/common/openflow/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..730c714
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+++ b/python/adapters/common/openflow/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import structlog
+from adapters.protos import openflow_13_pb2 as ofp
+from hashlib import md5
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+# aliases
+ofb_field = ofp.ofp_oxm_ofb_field
+action = ofp.ofp_action
+# OFPAT_* shortcuts
+# OFPXMT_OFB_* shortcuts (incomplete)
+# ofp_action_* shortcuts
+def output(port, max_len=ofp.OFPCML_MAX):
+    return action(
+        type=OUTPUT,
+        output=ofp.ofp_action_output(port=port, max_len=max_len)
+    )
+def mpls_ttl(ttl):
+    return action(
+        type=SET_MPLS_TTL,
+        mpls_ttl=ofp.ofp_action_mpls_ttl(mpls_ttl=ttl)
+    )
+def push_vlan(eth_type):
+    return action(
+        type=PUSH_VLAN,
+        push=ofp.ofp_action_push(ethertype=eth_type)
+    )
+def pop_vlan():
+    return action(
+        type=POP_VLAN
+    )
+def pop_mpls(eth_type):
+    return action(
+        type=POP_MPLS,
+        pop_mpls=ofp.ofp_action_pop_mpls(ethertype=eth_type)
+    )
+def group(group_id):
+    return action(
+        type=GROUP,
+        group=ofp.ofp_action_group(group_id=group_id)
+    )
+def nw_ttl(nw_ttl):
+    return action(
+        type=NW_TTL,
+        nw_ttl=ofp.ofp_action_nw_ttl(nw_ttl=nw_ttl)
+    )
+def set_field(field):
+    return action(
+        type=SET_FIELD,
+        set_field=ofp.ofp_action_set_field(
+            field=ofp.ofp_oxm_field(
+                oxm_class=ofp.OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC,
+                ofb_field=field))
+    )
+def experimenter(experimenter, data):
+    return action(
+        type=EXPERIMENTER,
+        experimenter=ofp.ofp_action_experimenter(
+            experimenter=experimenter, data=data)
+    )
+# ofb_field generators (incomplete set)
+def in_port(_in_port):
+    return ofb_field(type=IN_PORT, port=_in_port)
+def in_phy_port(_in_phy_port):
+    return ofb_field(type=IN_PHY_PORT, port=_in_phy_port)
+def metadata(_table_metadata):
+    return ofb_field(type=METADATA, table_metadata=_table_metadata)
+def eth_dst(_eth_dst):
+    return ofb_field(type=ETH_DST, table_metadata=_eth_dst)
+def eth_src(_eth_src):
+    return ofb_field(type=ETH_SRC, table_metadata=_eth_src)
+def eth_type(_eth_type):
+    return ofb_field(type=ETH_TYPE, eth_type=_eth_type)
+def vlan_vid(_vlan_vid):
+    return ofb_field(type=VLAN_VID, vlan_vid=_vlan_vid)
+def vlan_pcp(_vlan_pcp):
+    return ofb_field(type=VLAN_PCP, vlan_pcp=_vlan_pcp)
+def ip_dscp(_ip_dscp):
+    return ofb_field(type=IP_DSCP, ip_dscp=_ip_dscp)
+def ip_ecn(_ip_ecn):
+    return ofb_field(type=IP_ECN, ip_ecn=_ip_ecn)
+def ip_proto(_ip_proto):
+    return ofb_field(type=IP_PROTO, ip_proto=_ip_proto)
+def ipv4_src(_ipv4_src):
+    return ofb_field(type=IPV4_SRC, ipv4_src=_ipv4_src)
+def ipv4_dst(_ipv4_dst):
+    return ofb_field(type=IPV4_DST, ipv4_dst=_ipv4_dst)
+def tcp_src(_tcp_src):
+    return ofb_field(type=TCP_SRC, tcp_src=_tcp_src)
+def tcp_dst(_tcp_dst):
+    return ofb_field(type=TCP_DST, tcp_dst=_tcp_dst)
+def udp_src(_udp_src):
+    return ofb_field(type=UDP_SRC, udp_src=_udp_src)
+def udp_dst(_udp_dst):
+    return ofb_field(type=UDP_DST, udp_dst=_udp_dst)
+def sctp_src(_sctp_src):
+    return ofb_field(type=SCTP_SRC, sctp_src=_sctp_src)
+def sctp_dst(_sctp_dst):
+    return ofb_field(type=SCTP_DST, sctp_dst=_sctp_dst)
+def icmpv4_type(_icmpv4_type):
+    return ofb_field(type=ICMPV4_TYPE, icmpv4_type=_icmpv4_type)
+def icmpv4_code(_icmpv4_code):
+    return ofb_field(type=ICMPV4_CODE, icmpv4_code=_icmpv4_code)
+def arp_op(_arp_op):
+    return ofb_field(type=ARP_OP, arp_op=_arp_op)
+def arp_spa(_arp_spa):
+    return ofb_field(type=ARP_SPA, arp_spa=_arp_spa)
+def arp_tpa(_arp_tpa):
+    return ofb_field(type=ARP_TPA, arp_tpa=_arp_tpa)
+def arp_sha(_arp_sha):
+    return ofb_field(type=ARP_SHA, arp_sha=_arp_sha)
+def arp_tha(_arp_tha):
+    return ofb_field(type=ARP_THA, arp_tha=_arp_tha)
+def ipv6_src(_ipv6_src):
+    return ofb_field(type=IPV6_SRC, arp_tha=_ipv6_src)
+def ipv6_dst(_ipv6_dst):
+    return ofb_field(type=IPV6_DST, arp_tha=_ipv6_dst)
+def ipv6_flabel(_ipv6_flabel):
+    return ofb_field(type=IPV6_FLABEL, arp_tha=_ipv6_flabel)
+def ipmpv6_type(_icmpv6_type):
+    return ofb_field(type=ICMPV6_TYPE, arp_tha=_icmpv6_type)
+def icmpv6_code(_icmpv6_code):
+    return ofb_field(type=ICMPV6_CODE, arp_tha=_icmpv6_code)
+def ipv6_nd_target(_ipv6_nd_target):
+    return ofb_field(type=IPV6_ND_TARGET, arp_tha=_ipv6_nd_target)
+def ofb_ipv6_nd_sll(_ofb_ipv6_nd_sll):
+    return ofb_field(type=OFB_IPV6_ND_SLL, arp_tha=_ofb_ipv6_nd_sll)
+def ipv6_nd_tll(_ipv6_nd_tll):
+    return ofb_field(type=IPV6_ND_TLL, arp_tha=_ipv6_nd_tll)
+def mpls_label(_mpls_label):
+    return ofb_field(type=MPLS_LABEL, arp_tha=_mpls_label)
+def mpls_tc(_mpls_tc):
+    return ofb_field(type=MPLS_TC, arp_tha=_mpls_tc)
+def mpls_bos(_mpls_bos):
+    return ofb_field(type=MPLS_BOS, arp_tha=_mpls_bos)
+def pbb_isid(_pbb_isid):
+    return ofb_field(type=PBB_ISID, arp_tha=_pbb_isid)
+def tunnel_id(_tunnel_id):
+    return ofb_field(type=TUNNEL_ID, arp_tha=_tunnel_id)
+def ipv6_exthdr(_ipv6_exthdr):
+    return ofb_field(type=IPV6_EXTHDR, arp_tha=_ipv6_exthdr)
+# frequently used extractors:
+def get_actions(flow):
+    """Extract list of ofp_action objects from flow spec object"""
+    assert isinstance(flow, ofp.ofp_flow_stats)
+    # we have the following hard assumptions for now
+    for instruction in flow.instructions:
+        if instruction.type == ofp.OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS:
+            return instruction.actions.actions
+def get_ofb_fields(flow):
+    assert isinstance(flow, ofp.ofp_flow_stats)
+    assert flow.match.type == ofp.OFPMT_OXM
+    ofb_fields = []
+    for field in flow.match.oxm_fields:
+        assert field.oxm_class == ofp.OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC
+        ofb_fields.append(field.ofb_field)
+    return ofb_fields
+def get_out_port(flow):
+    for action in get_actions(flow):
+        if action.type == OUTPUT:
+            return action.output.port
+    return None
+def get_in_port(flow):
+    for field in get_ofb_fields(flow):
+        if field.type == IN_PORT:
+            return field.port
+    return None
+def get_goto_table_id(flow):
+    for instruction in flow.instructions:
+        if instruction.type == ofp.OFPIT_GOTO_TABLE:
+            return instruction.goto_table.table_id
+    return None
+def get_metadata(flow):
+    ''' legacy get method (only want lower 32 bits '''
+    for field in get_ofb_fields(flow):
+        if field.type == METADATA:
+            return field.table_metadata & 0xffffffff
+    return None
+def get_metadata_64_bit(flow):
+    for field in get_ofb_fields(flow):
+        if field.type == METADATA:
+            return field.table_metadata
+    return None
+def get_port_number_from_metadata(flow):
+    """
+    The port number (UNI on ONU) is in the lower 32-bits of metadata and
+    the inner_tag is in the upper 32-bits
+    This is set in the ONOS OltPipeline as a metadata field
+    """
+    md = get_metadata_64_bit(flow)
+    if md is None:
+        return None
+    if md <= 0xffffffff:
+        log.warn('onos-upgrade-suggested',
+                 netadata=md,
+                 message='Legacy MetaData detected form OltPipeline')
+        return md
+    return md & 0xffffffff
+def get_inner_tag_from_metadata(flow):
+    """
+    The port number (UNI on ONU) is in the lower 32-bits of metadata and
+    the inner_tag is in the upper 32-bits
+    This is set in the ONOS OltPipeline as a metadata field
+    """
+    md = get_metadata_64_bit(flow)
+    if md is None:
+        return None
+    if md <= 0xffffffff:
+        log.warn('onos-upgrade-suggested',
+                 netadata=md,
+                 message='Legacy MetaData detected form OltPipeline')
+        return md
+    return (md >> 32) & 0xffffffff
+# test and extract next table and group information
+def has_next_table(flow):
+    return get_goto_table_id(flow) is not None
+def get_group(flow):
+    for action in get_actions(flow):
+        if action.type == GROUP:
+            return action.group.group_id
+    return None
+def has_group(flow):
+    return get_group(flow) is not None
+def mk_oxm_fields(match_fields):
+    oxm_fields = [
+        ofp.ofp_oxm_field(
+            oxm_class=ofp.OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC,
+            ofb_field=field
+        ) for field in match_fields
+    ]
+    return oxm_fields
+def mk_instructions_from_actions(actions):
+    instructions_action = ofp.ofp_instruction_actions()
+    instructions_action.actions.extend(actions)
+    instruction = ofp.ofp_instruction(type=ofp.OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS,
+                                      actions=instructions_action)
+    return [instruction]
+def mk_simple_flow_mod(match_fields, actions, command=ofp.OFPFC_ADD,
+                       next_table_id=None, **kw):
+    """
+    Convenience function to generare ofp_flow_mod message with OXM BASIC match
+    composed from the match_fields, and single APPLY_ACTIONS instruction with
+    a list if ofp_action objects.
+    :param match_fields: list(ofp_oxm_ofb_field)
+    :param actions: list(ofp_action)
+    :param command: one of OFPFC_*
+    :param kw: additional keyword-based params to ofp_flow_mod
+    :return: initialized ofp_flow_mod object
+    """
+    instructions = [
+        ofp.ofp_instruction(
+            type=ofp.OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS,
+            actions=ofp.ofp_instruction_actions(actions=actions)
+        )
+    ]
+    if next_table_id is not None:
+        instructions.append(ofp.ofp_instruction(
+            type=ofp.OFPIT_GOTO_TABLE,
+            goto_table=ofp.ofp_instruction_goto_table(table_id=next_table_id)
+        ))
+    return ofp.ofp_flow_mod(
+        command=command,
+        match=ofp.ofp_match(
+            type=ofp.OFPMT_OXM,
+            oxm_fields=[
+                ofp.ofp_oxm_field(
+                    oxm_class=ofp.OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC,
+                    ofb_field=field
+                ) for field in match_fields
+            ]
+        ),
+        instructions=instructions,
+        **kw
+    )
+def mk_multicast_group_mod(group_id, buckets, command=ofp.OFPGC_ADD):
+    group = ofp.ofp_group_mod(
+        command=command,
+        type=ofp.OFPGT_ALL,
+        group_id=group_id,
+        buckets=buckets
+    )
+    return group
+def hash_flow_stats(flow):
+    """
+    Return unique 64-bit integer hash for flow covering the following
+    attributes: 'table_id', 'priority', 'flags', 'cookie', 'match', '_instruction_string'
+    """
+    _instruction_string = ""
+    for _instruction in flow.instructions:
+        _instruction_string += _instruction.SerializeToString()
+    hex = md5('{},{},{},{},{},{}'.format(
+        flow.table_id,
+        flow.priority,
+        flow.flags,
+        flow.cookie,
+        flow.match.SerializeToString(),
+        _instruction_string
+    )).hexdigest()
+    return int(hex[:16], 16)
+def flow_stats_entry_from_flow_mod_message(mod):
+    flow = ofp.ofp_flow_stats(
+        table_id=mod.table_id,
+        priority=mod.priority,
+        idle_timeout=mod.idle_timeout,
+        hard_timeout=mod.hard_timeout,
+        flags=mod.flags,
+        cookie=mod.cookie,
+        match=mod.match,
+        instructions=mod.instructions
+    )
+    flow.id = hash_flow_stats(flow)
+    return flow
+def group_entry_from_group_mod(mod):
+    group = ofp.ofp_group_entry(
+        desc=ofp.ofp_group_desc(
+            type=mod.type,
+            group_id=mod.group_id,
+            buckets=mod.buckets
+        ),
+        stats=ofp.ofp_group_stats(
+            group_id=mod.group_id
+            # TODO do we need to instantiate bucket bins?
+        )
+    )
+    return group
+def mk_flow_stat(**kw):
+    return flow_stats_entry_from_flow_mod_message(mk_simple_flow_mod(**kw))
+def mk_group_stat(**kw):
+    return group_entry_from_group_mod(mk_multicast_group_mod(**kw))
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/structlog_setup.py b/python/adapters/common/structlog_setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3401977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/structlog_setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Setting up proper logging for Voltha"""
+import logging
+import logging.config
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import structlog
+from structlog.stdlib import BoundLogger, INFO
+    from thread import get_ident as _get_ident
+except ImportError:
+    from dummy_thread import get_ident as _get_ident
+class StructuredLogRenderer(object):
+    def __call__(self, logger, name, event_dict):
+        # in order to keep structured log data in event_dict to be forwarded as
+        # is, we need to pass it into the logger framework as the first
+        # positional argument.
+        args = (event_dict,)
+        kwargs = {}
+        return args, kwargs
+class PlainRenderedOrderedDict(OrderedDict):
+    """Our special version of OrderedDict that renders into string as a dict,
+       to make the log stream output cleaner.
+    """
+    def __repr__(self, _repr_running={}):
+        'od.__repr__() <==> repr(od)'
+        call_key = id(self), _get_ident()
+        if call_key in _repr_running:
+            return '...'
+        _repr_running[call_key] = 1
+        try:
+            if not self:
+                return '{}'
+            return '{%s}' % ", ".join("%s: %s" % (k, v)
+                                      for k, v in self.items())
+        finally:
+            del _repr_running[call_key]
+def setup_logging(log_config, instance_id, verbosity_adjust=0):
+    """
+    Set up logging such that:
+    - The primary logging entry method is structlog
+      (see http://structlog.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html)
+    - By default, the logging backend is Python standard lib logger
+    """
+    def add_exc_info_flag_for_exception(_, name, event_dict):
+        if name == 'exception':
+            event_dict['exc_info'] = True
+        return event_dict
+    def add_instance_id(_, __, event_dict):
+        event_dict['instance_id'] = instance_id
+        return event_dict
+    # Configure standard logging
+    logging.config.dictConfig(log_config)
+    logging.root.level -= 10 * verbosity_adjust
+    processors = [
+        add_exc_info_flag_for_exception,
+        structlog.processors.StackInfoRenderer(),
+        structlog.processors.format_exc_info,
+        add_instance_id,
+        StructuredLogRenderer(),
+    ]
+    structlog.configure(logger_factory=structlog.stdlib.LoggerFactory(),
+                        context_class=PlainRenderedOrderedDict,
+                        wrapper_class=BoundLogger,
+                        processors=processors)
+    # Mark first line of log
+    log = structlog.get_logger()
+    log.info("first-line")
+    return log
+def update_logging(instance_id, vcore_id):
+    """
+    Add the vcore id to the structured logger
+    :param vcore_id:  The assigned vcore id
+    :return: structure logger
+    """
+    def add_exc_info_flag_for_exception(_, name, event_dict):
+        if name == 'exception':
+            event_dict['exc_info'] = True
+        return event_dict
+    def add_instance_id(_, __, event_dict):
+        if instance_id is not None:
+            event_dict['instance_id'] = instance_id
+        return event_dict
+    def add_vcore_id(_, __, event_dict):
+        if vcore_id is not None:
+            event_dict['vcore_id'] = vcore_id
+        return event_dict
+    processors = [
+        add_exc_info_flag_for_exception,
+        structlog.processors.StackInfoRenderer(),
+        structlog.processors.format_exc_info,
+        add_instance_id,
+        add_vcore_id,
+        StructuredLogRenderer(),
+    ]
+    structlog.configure(processors=processors)
+    # Mark first line of log
+    log = structlog.get_logger()
+    log.info("updated-logger")
+    return log
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/utils/__init__.py b/python/adapters/common/utils/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fb0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/utils/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/utils/asleep.py b/python/adapters/common/utils/asleep.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10d1ce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/utils/asleep.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+""" Async sleep (asleep) method and other twisted goodies """
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
+def asleep(dt):
+    """
+    Async (event driven) wait for given time period (in seconds)
+    :param dt: Delay in seconds
+    :return: Deferred to be fired with value None when time expires.
+    """
+    d = Deferred()
+    reactor.callLater(dt, lambda: d.callback(None))
+    return d
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/utils/consulhelpers.py b/python/adapters/common/utils/consulhelpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6060ba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/utils/consulhelpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Some consul related convenience functions
+from structlog import get_logger
+from consul import Consul
+from random import randint
+from adapters.common.utils.nethelpers import get_my_primary_local_ipv4
+log = get_logger()
+def connect_to_consult(consul_endpoint):
+    log.debug('getting-service-endpoint', consul=consul_endpoint)
+    host = consul_endpoint.split(':')[0].strip()
+    port = int(consul_endpoint.split(':')[1].strip())
+    return Consul(host=host, port=port)
+def verify_all_services_healthy(consul_endpoint, service_name=None,
+                                number_of_expected_services=None):
+    """
+    Verify in consul if any service is healthy
+    :param consul_endpoint: a <host>:<port> string
+    :param service_name: name of service to check, optional
+    :param number_of_expected_services number of services to check for, optional
+    :return: true if healthy, false otherwise
+    """
+    def check_health(service):
+        _, serv_health = consul.health.service(service, passing=True)
+        return not serv_health == []
+    consul = connect_to_consult(consul_endpoint)
+    if service_name is not None:
+        return check_health(service_name)
+    services = get_all_services(consul_endpoint)
+    items = services.keys()
+    if number_of_expected_services is not None and \
+                    len(items) != number_of_expected_services:
+        return False
+    for item in items:
+        if not check_health(item):
+            return False
+    return True
+def get_all_services(consul_endpoint):
+    log.debug('getting-service-verify-health')
+    consul = connect_to_consult(consul_endpoint)
+    _, services = consul.catalog.services()
+    return services
+def get_all_instances_of_service(consul_endpoint, service_name):
+    log.debug('getting-all-instances-of-service', service=service_name)
+    consul = connect_to_consult(consul_endpoint)
+    _, services = consul.catalog.service(service_name)
+    for service in services:
+        log.debug('service',
+                  name=service['ServiceName'],
+                  serviceid=service['ServiceID'],
+                  serviceport=service['ServicePort'],
+                  createindex=service['CreateIndex'])
+    return services
+def get_endpoint_from_consul(consul_endpoint, service_name):
+    """
+    Get endpoint of service_name from consul.
+    :param consul_endpoint: a <host>:<port> string
+    :param service_name: name of service for which endpoint
+                         needs to be found.
+    :return: service endpoint if available, else exit.
+    """
+    log.debug('getting-service-info', service=service_name)
+    consul = connect_to_consult(consul_endpoint)
+    _, services = consul.catalog.service(service_name)
+    if len(services) == 0:
+        raise Exception(
+            'Cannot find service {} in consul'.format(service_name))
+        os.exit(1)
+    """ Get host IPV4 address
+    """
+    local_ipv4 = get_my_primary_local_ipv4()
+    """ If host IP address from where the request came in matches
+        the IP address of the requested service's host IP address,
+        pick the endpoint
+    """
+    for i in range(len(services)):
+        service = services[i]
+        if service['ServiceAddress'] == local_ipv4:
+            log.debug("picking address locally")
+            endpoint = '{}:{}'.format(service['ServiceAddress'],
+                                      service['ServicePort'])
+            return endpoint
+    """ If service is not available locally, picak a random
+        endpoint for the service from the list
+    """
+    service = services[randint(0, len(services) - 1)]
+    endpoint = '{}:{}'.format(service['ServiceAddress'],
+                              service['ServicePort'])
+    return endpoint
+def get_healthy_instances(consul_endpoint, service_name=None,
+                          number_of_expected_services=None):
+    """
+    Verify in consul if any service is healthy
+    :param consul_endpoint: a <host>:<port> string
+    :param service_name: name of service to check, optional
+    :param number_of_expected_services number of services to check for, optional
+    :return: true if healthy, false otherwise
+    """
+    def check_health(service):
+        _, serv_health = consul.health.service(service, passing=True)
+        return not serv_health == []
+    consul = connect_to_consult(consul_endpoint)
+    if service_name is not None:
+        return check_health(service_name)
+    services = get_all_services(consul_endpoint)
+    items = services.keys()
+    if number_of_expected_services is not None and \
+                    len(items) != number_of_expected_services:
+        return False
+    for item in items:
+        if not check_health(item):
+            return False
+    return True
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    # print get_endpoint_from_consul('', 'kafka')
+    # print get_healthy_instances('', 'voltha-health')
+    # print get_healthy_instances('')
+    get_all_instances_of_service('', 'voltha-grpc')
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/utils/deferred_utils.py b/python/adapters/common/utils/deferred_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c55c1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/utils/deferred_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
+from twisted.internet.error import AlreadyCalled
+class TimeOutError(Exception): pass
+class DeferredWithTimeout(Deferred):
+    """
+    Deferred with a timeout. If neither the callback nor the errback method
+    is not called within the given time, the deferred's errback will be called
+    with a TimeOutError() exception.
+    All other uses are the same as of Deferred().
+    """
+    def __init__(self, timeout=1.0):
+        Deferred.__init__(self)
+        self._timeout = timeout
+        self.timer = reactor.callLater(timeout, self.timed_out)
+    def timed_out(self):
+        self.errback(
+            TimeOutError('timed out after {} seconds'.format(self._timeout)))
+    def callback(self, result):
+        self._cancel_timer()
+        return Deferred.callback(self, result)
+    def errback(self, fail):
+        self._cancel_timer()
+        return Deferred.errback(self, fail)
+    def cancel(self):
+        self._cancel_timer()
+        return Deferred.cancel(self)
+    def _cancel_timer(self):
+        try:
+            self.timer.cancel()
+        except AlreadyCalled:
+            pass
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/utils/dockerhelpers.py b/python/adapters/common/utils/dockerhelpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4620aef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/utils/dockerhelpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Some docker related convenience functions
+from datetime import datetime
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
+import os
+import socket
+from structlog import get_logger
+from docker import Client, errors
+docker_socket = os.environ.get('DOCKER_SOCK', 'unix://tmp/docker.sock')
+log = get_logger()
+def get_my_containers_name():
+    """
+    Return the docker containers name in which this process is running.
+    To look up the container name, we use the container ID extracted from the
+    $HOSTNAME environment variable (which is set by docker conventions).
+    :return: String with the docker container name (or None if any issue is
+             encountered)
+    """
+    my_container_id = os.environ.get('HOSTNAME', None)
+    try:
+        docker_cli = Client(base_url=docker_socket)
+        info = docker_cli.inspect_container(my_container_id)
+    except Exception, e:
+        log.exception('failed', my_container_id=my_container_id, e=e)
+        raise
+    name = info['Name'].lstrip('/')
+    return name
+def get_all_running_containers():
+    try:
+        docker_cli = Client(base_url=docker_socket)
+        containers = docker_cli.containers()
+    except Exception, e:
+        log.exception('failed', e=e)
+        raise
+    return containers
+def inspect_container(id):
+    try:
+        docker_cli = Client(base_url=docker_socket)
+        info = docker_cli.inspect_container(id)
+    except Exception, e:
+        log.exception('failed-inspect-container', id=id, e=e)
+        raise
+    return info
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/utils/grpc_utils.py b/python/adapters/common/utils/grpc_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8df630e
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+++ b/python/adapters/common/utils/grpc_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Utilities to handle gRPC server and client side code in a Twisted environment
+import structlog
+from concurrent.futures import Future
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
+from twisted.python.threadable import isInIOThread
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+def twisted_async(func):
+    """
+    This decorator can be used to implement a gRPC method on the twisted
+    thread, allowing asynchronous programming in Twisted while serving
+    a gRPC call.
+    gRPC methods normally are called on the futures.ThreadPool threads,
+    so these methods cannot directly use Twisted protocol constructs.
+    If the implementation of the methods needs to touch Twisted, it is
+    safer (or mandatory) to wrap the method with this decorator, which will
+    call the inner method from the external thread and ensure that the
+    result is passed back to the foreign thread.
+    Example usage:
+    When implementing a gRPC server, typical pattern is:
+    class SpamService(SpamServicer):
+        def GetBadSpam(self, request, context):
+            '''this is called from a ThreadPoolExecutor thread'''
+            # generally unsafe to make Twisted calls
+        @twisted_async
+        def GetSpamSafely(self, request, context):
+            '''this method now is executed on the Twisted main thread
+            # safe to call any Twisted protocol functions
+        @twisted_async
+        @inlineCallbacks
+        def GetAsyncSpam(self, request, context):
+            '''this generator can use inlineCallbacks Twisted style'''
+            result = yield some_async_twisted_call(request)
+            returnValue(result)
+    """
+    def in_thread_wrapper(*args, **kw):
+        if isInIOThread():
+            return func(*args, **kw)
+        f = Future()
+        def twisted_wrapper():
+            try:
+                d = func(*args, **kw)
+                if isinstance(d, Deferred):
+                    def _done(result):
+                        f.set_result(result)
+                        f.done()
+                    def _error(e):
+                        f.set_exception(e)
+                        f.done()
+                    d.addCallback(_done)
+                    d.addErrback(_error)
+                else:
+                    f.set_result(d)
+                    f.done()
+            except Exception, e:
+                f.set_exception(e)
+                f.done()
+        reactor.callFromThread(twisted_wrapper)
+        try:
+            result = f.result()
+        except Exception, e:
+            log.exception(e=e, func=func, args=args, kw=kw)
+            raise
+        return result
+    return in_thread_wrapper
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/utils/id_generation.py b/python/adapters/common/utils/id_generation.py
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index 0000000..e0fea1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/utils/id_generation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# """ ID generation utils """
+from uuid import uuid4
+def get_next_core_id(current_id_in_hex_str):
+    """
+    :param current_id_in_hex_str: a hex string of the maximum core id 
+    assigned without the leading 0x characters
+    :return: current_id_in_hex_str + 1 in hex string 
+    """
+    if not current_id_in_hex_str or current_id_in_hex_str == '':
+        return '0001'
+    else:
+        return format(int(current_id_in_hex_str, 16) + 1, '04x')
+def create_cluster_logical_device_ids(core_id, switch_id):
+    """
+    Creates a logical device id and an OpenFlow datapath id that is unique 
+    across the Voltha cluster.
+    The returned logical device id  represents a 64 bits integer where the
+    lower 48 bits is the switch id and the upper 16 bits is the core id.   For
+    the datapath id the core id is set to '0000' as it is not used for voltha
+    core routing
+    :param core_id: string
+    :param switch_id:int
+    :return: cluster logical device id and OpenFlow datapath id
+    """
+    switch_id = format(switch_id, '012x')
+    core_in_hex=format(int(core_id, 16), '04x')
+    ld_id = '{}{}'.format(core_in_hex[-4:], switch_id[-12:])
+    dpid_id = '{}{}'.format('0000', switch_id[-12:])
+    return ld_id, int(dpid_id, 16)
+def is_broadcast_core_id(id):
+    assert id and len(id) == 16
+    return id[:4] == BROADCAST_CORE_ID
+def create_empty_broadcast_id():
+    """
+    Returns an empty broadcast id (ffff000000000000). The id is used to
+    dispatch xPON objects across all the Voltha instances.
+    :return: An empty broadcast id
+    """
+    return '{}{}'.format(BROADCAST_CORE_ID, '0'*12)
+def create_cluster_id():
+    """
+    Returns an id that is common across all voltha instances.  The id  
+    is a str of 64 bits.  The lower 48 bits refers to an id specific to that 
+    object while the upper 16 bits refers a broadcast core_id
+    :return: An common id across all Voltha instances
+    """
+    return '{}{}'.format(BROADCAST_CORE_ID, uuid4().hex[:12])
+def create_cluster_device_id(core_id):
+    """
+    Creates a device id that is unique across the Voltha cluster.
+    The device id is a str of 64 bits.  The lower 48 bits refers to the 
+    device id while the upper 16 bits refers to the core id.
+    :param core_id: string
+    :return: cluster device id
+    """
+    return '{}{}'.format(format(int(core_id), '04x'), uuid4().hex[:12])
+def get_core_id_from_device_id(device_id):
+    # Device id is a string and the first 4 characters represent the core_id
+    assert device_id and len(device_id) == 16
+    # Get the leading 4 hexs and remove leading 0's
+    return device_id[:4]
+def get_core_id_from_logical_device_id(logical_device_id):
+    """ 
+    Logical Device id is a string and the first 4 characters represent the 
+    core_id
+    :param logical_device_id: 
+    :return: core_id string
+    """
+    assert logical_device_id and len(logical_device_id) == 16
+    # Get the leading 4 hexs and remove leading 0's
+    return logical_device_id[:4]
+def get_core_id_from_datapath_id(datapath_id):
+    """
+    datapath id is a uint64 where:
+        - low 48 bits -> switch_id
+        - high 16 bits -> core id
+    :param datapath_id: 
+    :return: core_id string
+    """
+    assert datapath_id
+    # Get the hex string and remove the '0x' prefix
+    id_in_hex_str = hex(datapath_id)[2:]
+    assert len(id_in_hex_str) > 12
+    return id_in_hex_str[:-12]
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/utils/indexpool.py b/python/adapters/common/utils/indexpool.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..858cb3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/utils/indexpool.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from bitstring import BitArray
+import structlog
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+class IndexPool(object):
+    def __init__(self, max_entries, offset):
+        self.max_entries = max_entries
+        self.offset = offset
+        self.indices = BitArray(self.max_entries)
+    def get_next(self):
+        try:
+            _pos = self.indices.find('0b0')
+            self.indices.set(1, _pos)
+            return self.offset + _pos[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            log.info("exception-fail-to-allocate-id-all-bits-in-use")
+            return None
+    def allocate(self, index):
+        try:
+            _pos = index - self.offset
+            if not (0 <= _pos < self.max_entries):
+                log.info("{}-out-of-range".format(index))
+                return None
+            if self.indices[_pos]:
+                log.info("{}-is-already-allocated".format(index))
+                return None
+            self.indices.set(1, _pos)
+            return index
+        except IndexError:
+            return None
+    def release(self, index):
+        index -= self.offset
+        _pos = (index,)
+        try:
+            self.indices.set(0, _pos)
+        except IndexError:
+            log.info("bit-position-{}-out-of-range".format(index))
+    #index or multiple indices to set all of them to 1 - need to be a tuple
+    def pre_allocate(self, index):
+        if(isinstance(index, tuple)):
+            _lst = list(index)
+            for i in range(len(_lst)):
+                _lst[i] -= self.offset
+            index = tuple(_lst)
+            self.indices.set(1, index)
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/utils/json_format.py b/python/adapters/common/utils/json_format.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c18d013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/utils/json_format.py
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Monkey patched json_format to allow best effort decoding of Any fields.
+Use the additional flag (strict_any_handling=False) to trigger the
+best-effort behavior. Omit the flag, or just use the original json_format
+module fot the strict behavior.
+from google.protobuf import json_format
+class _PatchedPrinter(json_format._Printer):
+    def __init__(self, including_default_value_fields=False,
+                 preserving_proto_field_name=False,
+                 strict_any_handling=False):
+        super(_PatchedPrinter, self).__init__(including_default_value_fields,
+                                              preserving_proto_field_name)
+        self.strict_any_handling = strict_any_handling
+    def _BestEffortAnyMessageToJsonObject(self, msg):
+        try:
+            res = self._AnyMessageToJsonObject(msg)
+        except TypeError:
+            res = self._RegularMessageToJsonObject(msg, {})
+        return res
+def MessageToDict(message,
+                  including_default_value_fields=False,
+                  preserving_proto_field_name=False,
+                  strict_any_handling=False):
+    """Converts protobuf message to a JSON dictionary.
+    Args:
+      message: The protocol buffers message instance to serialize.
+      including_default_value_fields: If True, singular primitive fields,
+          repeated fields, and map fields will always be serialized.  If
+          False, only serialize non-empty fields.  Singular message fields
+          and oneof fields are not affected by this option.
+      preserving_proto_field_name: If True, use the original proto field
+          names as defined in the .proto file. If False, convert the field
+          names to lowerCamelCase.
+      strict_any_handling: If True, converion will error out (like in the
+          original method) if an Any field with value for which the Any type
+          is not loaded is encountered. If False, the conversion will leave
+          the field un-packed, but otherwise will continue.
+    Returns:
+      A dict representation of the JSON formatted protocol buffer message.
+    """
+    printer = _PatchedPrinter(including_default_value_fields,
+                              preserving_proto_field_name,
+                              strict_any_handling=strict_any_handling)
+    # pylint: disable=protected-access
+    return printer._MessageToJsonObject(message)
+def MessageToJson(message,
+                  including_default_value_fields=False,
+                  preserving_proto_field_name=False,
+                  strict_any_handling=False):
+  """Converts protobuf message to JSON format.
+  Args:
+    message: The protocol buffers message instance to serialize.
+    including_default_value_fields: If True, singular primitive fields,
+        repeated fields, and map fields will always be serialized.  If
+        False, only serialize non-empty fields.  Singular message fields
+        and oneof fields are not affected by this option.
+    preserving_proto_field_name: If True, use the original proto field
+        names as defined in the .proto file. If False, convert the field
+        names to lowerCamelCase.
+    strict_any_handling: If True, converion will error out (like in the
+        original method) if an Any field with value for which the Any type
+        is not loaded is encountered. If False, the conversion will leave
+        the field un-packed, but otherwise will continue.
+  Returns:
+    A string containing the JSON formatted protocol buffer message.
+  """
+  printer = _PatchedPrinter(including_default_value_fields,
+                            preserving_proto_field_name,
+                            strict_any_handling=strict_any_handling)
+  return printer.ToJsonString(message)
+json_format._WKTJSONMETHODS['google.protobuf.Any'] = [
+    '_BestEffortAnyMessageToJsonObject',
+    '_ConvertAnyMessage'
+json_format._Printer._BestEffortAnyMessageToJsonObject = \
+    json_format._Printer._AnyMessageToJsonObject
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/utils/message_queue.py b/python/adapters/common/utils/message_queue.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b4257a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/utils/message_queue.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
+from twisted.internet.defer import succeed
+class MessageQueue(object):
+    """
+    An event driven queue, similar to twisted.internet.defer.DeferredQueue
+    but which allows selective dequeing based on a predicate function.
+    Unlike DeferredQueue, there is no limit on backlog, and there is no queue
+    limit.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.waiting = []  # tuples of (d, predicate)
+        self.queue = []  # messages piling up here if no one is waiting
+    def reset(self):
+        """
+        Purge all content as well as waiters (by errback-ing their entries).
+        :return: None
+        """
+        for d, _ in self.waiting:
+            d.errback(Exception('mesage queue reset() was called'))
+        self.waiting = []
+        self.queue = []
+    def _cancelGet(self, d):
+        """
+        Remove a deferred from our waiting list.
+        :param d: The deferred that was been canceled.
+        :return: None
+        """
+        for i in range(len(self.waiting)):
+            if self.waiting[i][0] is d:
+                self.waiting.pop(i)
+    def put(self, obj):
+        """
+        Add an object to this queue
+        :param obj: arbitrary object that will be added to the queue
+        :return:
+        """
+        # if someone is waiting for this, return right away
+        for i in range(len(self.waiting)):
+            d, predicate = self.waiting[i]
+            if predicate is None or predicate(obj):
+                self.waiting.pop(i)
+                d.callback(obj)
+                return
+        # otherwise...
+        self.queue.append(obj)
+    def get(self, predicate=None):
+        """
+        Attempt to retrieve and remove an object from the queue that
+        matches the optional predicate.
+        :return: Deferred which fires with the next object available.
+        If predicate was provided, only objects for which
+        predicate(obj) is True will be considered.
+        """
+        for i in range(len(self.queue)):
+            msg = self.queue[i]
+            if predicate is None or predicate(msg):
+                self.queue.pop(i)
+                return succeed(msg)
+        # there were no matching entries if we got here, so we wait
+        d = Deferred(canceller=self._cancelGet)
+        self.waiting.append((d, predicate))
+        return d
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/utils/nethelpers.py b/python/adapters/common/utils/nethelpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b17aced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/utils/nethelpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Some network related convenience functions
+from netifaces import AF_INET
+import netifaces as ni
+import netaddr
+def _get_all_interfaces():
+    m_interfaces = []
+    for iface in ni.interfaces():
+        m_interfaces.append((iface, ni.ifaddresses(iface)))
+    return m_interfaces
+def _get_my_primary_interface():
+    gateways = ni.gateways()
+    assert 'default' in gateways, \
+        ("No default gateway on host/container, "
+         "cannot determine primary interface")
+    default_gw_index = gateways['default'].keys()[0]
+    # gateways[default_gw_index] has the format (example):
+    # [('', 'en0', True)]
+    interface_name = gateways[default_gw_index][0][1]
+    return interface_name
+def get_my_primary_local_ipv4(inter_core_subnet=None, ifname=None):
+    if not inter_core_subnet:
+        return _get_my_primary_local_ipv4(ifname)
+    # My IP should belong to the specified subnet
+    for iface in ni.interfaces():
+        addresses = ni.ifaddresses(iface)
+        if AF_INET in addresses:
+            m_ip = addresses[AF_INET][0]['addr']
+            _ip = netaddr.IPAddress(m_ip).value
+            m_network = netaddr.IPNetwork(inter_core_subnet)
+            if _ip >= m_network.first and _ip <= m_network.last:
+                return m_ip
+    return None
+def get_my_primary_interface(pon_subnet=None):
+    if not pon_subnet:
+        return _get_my_primary_interface()
+    # My interface should have an IP that belongs to the specified subnet
+    for iface in ni.interfaces():
+        addresses = ni.ifaddresses(iface)
+        if AF_INET in addresses:
+            m_ip = addresses[AF_INET][0]['addr']
+            m_ip = netaddr.IPAddress(m_ip).value
+            m_network = netaddr.IPNetwork(pon_subnet)
+            if m_ip >= m_network.first and m_ip <= m_network.last:
+                return iface
+    return None
+def _get_my_primary_local_ipv4(ifname=None):
+    try:
+        ifname = get_my_primary_interface() if ifname is None else ifname
+        addresses = ni.ifaddresses(ifname)
+        ipv4 = addresses[AF_INET][0]['addr']
+        return ipv4
+    except Exception as e:
+        return None
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    print get_my_primary_local_ipv4()
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/utils/ordered_weakvalue_dict.py b/python/adapters/common/utils/ordered_weakvalue_dict.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ea739a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/utils/ordered_weakvalue_dict.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from _weakref import ref
+from weakref import KeyedRef
+from collections import OrderedDict
+class OrderedWeakValueDict(OrderedDict):
+    """
+    Modified OrderedDict to use weak references as values. Entries disappear
+    automatically if the referred value has no more strong reference pointing
+    ot it.
+    Warning, this is not a complete implementation, only what is needed for
+    now. See test_ordered_wealvalue_dict.py to see what is tested behavior.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        def remove(wr, selfref=ref(self)):
+            self = selfref()
+            if self is not None:
+                super(OrderedWeakValueDict, self).__delitem__(wr.key)
+        self._remove = remove
+        super(OrderedWeakValueDict, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
+    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+        super(OrderedWeakValueDict, self).__setitem__(
+            key, KeyedRef(value, self._remove, key))
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        o = super(OrderedWeakValueDict, self).__getitem__(key)()
+        if o is None:
+            raise KeyError, key
+        else:
+            return o
diff --git a/python/adapters/common/utils/registry.py b/python/adapters/common/utils/registry.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..270bd71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/common/utils/registry.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Simple component registry to provide centralized access to any registered
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from zope.interface import Interface
+class IComponent(Interface):
+    """
+    A Voltha Component
+    """
+    def start():
+        """
+        Called once the componet is instantiated. Can be used for async
+        initialization.
+        :return: (None or Deferred)
+        """
+    def stop():
+        """
+        Called once before the component is unloaded. Can be used for async
+        cleanup operations.
+        :return: (None or Deferred)
+        """
+class Registry(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.components = OrderedDict()
+    def register(self, name, component):
+        assert IComponent.providedBy(component)
+        assert name not in self.components
+        self.components[name] = component
+        return component
+    def unregister(self, name):
+        if name in self.components:
+            del self.components[name]
+    def __call__(self, name):
+        return self.components[name]
+    def iterate(self):
+        return self.components.values()
+# public shared registry
+registry = Registry()
diff --git a/python/adapters/docker/Dockerfile.adapter_ponsim_olt b/python/adapters/docker/Dockerfile.adapter_ponsim_olt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..209200d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/docker/Dockerfile.adapter_ponsim_olt
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Copyright 2016 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ARG TAG=latest
+FROM ${REGISTRY}${REPOSITORY}voltha-protos:${TAG} as protos
+MAINTAINER Voltha Community <info@opennetworking.org>
+# Bundle app source
+RUN mkdir /adapters && touch /adapters/__init__.py
+COPY common /adapters/adapters/common
+COPY kafka /adapters/adapters/kafka
+COPY ./*.py /adapters/adapters/
+#COPY pki /voltha/pki
+COPY ponsim_olt /adapters/adapters/ponsim_olt
+RUN touch /adapters/adapters/__init__.py
+# Copy in the generated GRPC proto code
+COPY --from=protos /protos/voltha /adapters/adapters/protos
+COPY --from=protos /protos/google/api /adapters/adapters/protos/third_party/google/api
+COPY protos/third_party/__init__.py /adapters/adapters/protos/third_party
+RUN touch /adapters/adapters/protos/__init__.py
+RUN touch /adapters/adapters/protos/third_party/google/__init__.py
+# Exposing process and default entry point
+# CMD ["python", "/adapters/ponsim_olt/main.py"]
diff --git a/python/adapters/docker/Dockerfile.adapter_ponsim_onu b/python/adapters/docker/Dockerfile.adapter_ponsim_onu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0d3e36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/docker/Dockerfile.adapter_ponsim_onu
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Copyright 2016 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ARG TAG=latest
+FROM ${REGISTRY}${REPOSITORY}voltha-protos:${TAG} as protos
+MAINTAINER Voltha Community <info@opennetworking.org>
+# Bundle app source
+RUN mkdir /adapters && touch /adapters/__init__.py
+COPY common /adapters/adapters/common
+COPY kafka /adapters/adapters/kafka
+COPY ./*.py /adapters/adapters/
+#COPY pki /voltha/pki
+COPY ponsim_onu /adapters/adapters/ponsim_onu
+RUN touch /adapters/adapters/__init__.py
+# Copy in the generated GRPC proto code
+COPY --from=protos /protos/voltha /adapters/adapters/protos
+COPY --from=protos /protos/google/api /adapters/adapters/protos/third_party/google/api
+COPY protos/third_party/__init__.py /adapters/adapters/protos/third_party
+RUN touch /adapters/adapters/protos/__init__.py
+RUN touch /adapters/adapters/protos/third_party/google/__init__.py
+# Exposing process and default entry point
+# CMD ["python", "/adapters/ponsim_onu/main.py"]
diff --git a/python/adapters/docker/Dockerfile.base b/python/adapters/docker/Dockerfile.base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b912e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/docker/Dockerfile.base
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Copyright 2016 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+FROM ubuntu:xenial
+MAINTAINER Voltha Community <info@opennetworking.org>
+# Update to have latest images
+RUN apt-get update && \
+    apt-get install -y python python-pip openssl iproute2 libpcap-dev wget
+COPY requirements.txt /tmp/requirements.txt
+# pip install cython enum34 six && \
+# Install app dependencies
+RUN wget https://github.com/Yelp/dumb-init/releases/download/v1.2.0/dumb-init_1.2.0_amd64.deb && \
+    dpkg -i *.deb && \
+    rm -f *.deb && \
+    apt-get update && \
+    apt-get install -y wget build-essential make gcc binutils python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev git && \
+    pip install -r /tmp/requirements.txt && \
+    apt-get purge -y wget build-essential make gcc binutils python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev git && \
+    apt-get autoremove -y
diff --git a/python/adapters/docker/Dockerfile.protoc b/python/adapters/docker/Dockerfile.protoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eef6f54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/docker/Dockerfile.protoc
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+FROM ${REGISTRY}debian:stretch-slim
+MAINTAINER Voltha Community <info@opennetworking.org>
+ENV PROTOC_DOWNLOAD_PREFIX=https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases/download
+ENV PROTOC_TARBALL=protobuf-python-${PROTOC_VERSION}.tar.gz
+RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y wget build-essential python-dev python-pip
+RUN pip install grpcio-tools==1.3.5
+WORKDIR /build
+RUN wget -q --no-check-certificate ${PROTOC_DOWNLOAD_URI}
+RUN tar --strip-components=1 -zxf ${PROTOC_TARBALL}
+RUN ./configure --prefix=${PROTOC_PREFIX}
+RUN make install
diff --git a/python/adapters/docker/Dockerfile.protos b/python/adapters/docker/Dockerfile.protos
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db70d13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/docker/Dockerfile.protos
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ARG TAG=latest
+FROM ${REGISTRY}${REPOSITORY}voltha-protoc:${TAG} as builder
+MAINTAINER Voltha Community <info@opennetworking.org>
+COPY protos/third_party/google/api/*.proto /protos/google/api/
+COPY docker/config/Makefile.protos /protos/google/api/Makefile.protos
+COPY protos/*.proto /protos/voltha/
+COPY docker/config/Makefile.protos /protos/voltha/Makefile.protos
+WORKDIR /protos
+RUN make -f google/api/Makefile.protos google_api
+RUN touch /protos/google/__init__.py /protos/google/api/__init__.py
+WORKDIR /protos/voltha
+RUN make -f Makefile.protos build
+# Copy the files to a scrach based container to minimize its size
+FROM ${REGISTRY}scratch
+COPY --from=builder /protos/ /protos/
diff --git a/python/adapters/docker/config/Makefile.protos b/python/adapters/docker/config/Makefile.protos
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12ff9e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/docker/config/Makefile.protos
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Makefile to build all protobuf and gRPC related artifacts
+default: build
+PROTO_FILES := $(wildcard *.proto)
+PROTO_PB2_FILES := $(foreach f,$(PROTO_FILES),$(subst .proto,_pb2.py,$(f)))
+PROTO_PB2_GOOGLE_API := $(foreach f,$(PROTO_GOOGLE_API),$(subst .proto,_pb2.py,$(f)))
+PROTO_All_PB2_C_FILES := $(foreach f,$(PROTO_ALL_FILES),$(subst .proto,_pb2.pyc,$(f)))
+PROTO_ALL_PB2_GPRC_FILES := $(foreach f,$(PROTO_ALL_FILES),$(subst .proto,_pb2_grpc.py,$(f)))
+PROTO_ALL_DESC_FILES := $(foreach f,$(PROTO_ALL_FILES),$(subst .proto,.desc,$(f)))
+# Google API needs to be built from within the third party directory
+	python -m grpc.tools.protoc \
+	    -I. \
+            --python_out=. \
+            --grpc_python_out=. \
+            --descriptor_set_out=google/api/annotations.desc \
+            --include_imports \
+            --include_source_info \
+        google/api/annotations.proto google/api/http.proto
+build: $(PROTO_PB2_FILES)
+%_pb2.py: %.proto
+	python -m grpc.tools.protoc \
+                -I. \
+                -I/protos \
+                --python_out=. \
+                --grpc_python_out=. \
+                --descriptor_set_out=$(basename $<).desc \
+                --include_imports \
+                --include_source_info \
+                $<
+	rm -f $(PROTO_PB2_FILES) \
+		$(PROTO_All_PB2_C_FILES) \
diff --git a/python/adapters/env.sh b/python/adapters/env.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4f9f97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/env.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# sourcing this file is needed to make local development and integration testing work
+# load local python virtualenv if exists, otherwise create it
+VENVDIR="venv-$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
+if [ ! -e "$VENVDIR/.built" ]; then
+    echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
+    echo "Initializing OS-appropriate virtual env."
+    echo "This will take a few minutes."
+    echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
+    make venv
+. $VENVDIR/bin/activate
+# add top-level voltha dir to pythonpath
+export PYTHONPATH=$VOLTHA_BASE/$VENVDIR/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH:$VOLTHA_BASE:$VOLTHA_BASE/protos/third_party
diff --git a/python/adapters/iadapter.py b/python/adapters/iadapter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee4d116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/iadapter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Adapter abstract base class
+import structlog
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from adapters.interface import IAdapterInterface
+from adapters.protos.adapter_pb2 import Adapter
+from adapters.protos.adapter_pb2 import AdapterConfig
+from adapters.protos.common_pb2 import AdminState
+from adapters.protos.common_pb2 import LogLevel
+from adapters.protos.device_pb2 import DeviceType, DeviceTypes
+from adapters.protos.health_pb2 import HealthStatus
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+class IAdapter(object):
+    def __init__(self,
+                 core_proxy,
+                 adapter_proxy,
+                 config,
+                 device_handler_class,
+                 name,
+                 vendor,
+                 version,
+                 device_type, vendor_id,
+                 accepts_bulk_flow_update=True,
+                 accepts_add_remove_flow_updates=False):
+        log.debug(
+            'Initializing adapter: {} {} {}'.format(vendor, name, version))
+        self.core_proxy = core_proxy
+        self.adapter_proxy = adapter_proxy
+        self.config = config
+        self.name = name
+        self.supported_device_types = [
+            DeviceType(
+                id=device_type,
+                vendor_id=vendor_id,
+                adapter=name,
+                accepts_bulk_flow_update=accepts_bulk_flow_update,
+                accepts_add_remove_flow_updates=accepts_add_remove_flow_updates
+            )
+        ]
+        self.descriptor = Adapter(
+            id=self.name,
+            vendor=vendor,
+            version=version,
+            config=AdapterConfig(log_level=LogLevel.INFO)
+        )
+        self.devices_handlers = dict()  # device_id -> Olt/OnuHandler()
+        self.device_handler_class = device_handler_class
+    def start(self):
+        log.info('Starting adapter: {}'.format(self.name))
+    def stop(self):
+        log.info('Stopping adapter: {}'.format(self.name))
+    def adapter_descriptor(self):
+        return self.descriptor
+    def device_types(self):
+        return DeviceTypes(items=self.supported_device_types)
+    def health(self):
+        # return HealthStatus(state=HealthStatus.HealthState.HEALTHY)
+        return HealthStatus(state=HealthStatus.HEALTHY)
+    def change_master_state(self, master):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def get_ofp_device_info(self, device):
+        log.debug('get_ofp_device_info_start', device_id=device.id)
+        ofp_device_info = self.devices_handlers[device.id].get_ofp_device_info(
+            device)
+        log.debug('get_ofp_device_info_ends', device_id=device.id)
+        return ofp_device_info
+    def get_ofp_port_info(self, device, port_no):
+        log.debug('get_ofp_port_info_start', device_id=device.id,
+                  port_no=port_no)
+        ofp_port_info = self.devices_handlers[device.id].get_ofp_port_info(
+            device, port_no)
+        log.debug('get_ofp_port_info_ends', device_id=device.id,
+                  port_no=port_no)
+        return ofp_port_info
+    def adopt_device(self, device):
+        log.debug('adopt_device', device_id=device.id)
+        self.devices_handlers[device.id] = self.device_handler_class(self,
+                                                                     device.id)
+        reactor.callLater(0, self.devices_handlers[device.id].activate, device)
+        log.debug('adopt_device_done', device_id=device.id)
+        return device
+    def reconcile_device(self, device):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def abandon_device(self, device):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def disable_device(self, device):
+        log.info('disable-device', device_id=device.id)
+        reactor.callLater(0, self.devices_handlers[device.id].disable)
+        log.debug('disable-device-done', device_id=device.id)
+        return device
+    def reenable_device(self, device):
+        log.info('reenable-device', device_id=device.id)
+        reactor.callLater(0, self.devices_handlers[device.id].reenable)
+        log.info('reenable-device-done', device_id=device.id)
+        return device
+    def reboot_device(self, device):
+        log.info('reboot-device', device_id=device.id)
+        reactor.callLater(0, self.devices_handlers[device.id].reboot)
+        log.info('reboot-device-done', device_id=device.id)
+        return device
+    def download_image(self, device, request):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def get_image_download_status(self, device, request):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def cancel_image_download(self, device, request):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def activate_image_update(self, device, request):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def revert_image_update(self, device, request):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def self_test_device(self, device):
+        log.info('self-test', device_id=device.id)
+        result = reactor.callLater(0, self.devices_handlers[
+            device.id].self_test_device)
+        log.info('self-test-done', device_id=device.id)
+        return result
+    def delete_device(self, device):
+        log.info('delete-device', device_id=device.id)
+        reactor.callLater(0, self.devices_handlers[device.id].delete)
+        log.info('delete-device-done', device_id=device.id)
+        return device
+    def get_device_details(self, device):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_flows_bulk(self, device, flows, groups):
+        log.info('bulk-flow-update', device_id=device.id,
+                 flows=flows, groups=groups)
+        assert len(groups.items) == 0
+        reactor.callLater(0, self.devices_handlers[device.id].update_flow_table,
+                          flows.items)
+        return device
+    def update_flows_incrementally(self, device, flow_changes, group_changes):
+        log.info('incremental-flow-update', device_id=device.id,
+                 flows=flow_changes, groups=group_changes)
+        # For now, there is no support for group changes
+        assert len(group_changes.to_add.items) == 0
+        assert len(group_changes.to_remove.items) == 0
+        handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+        # Remove flows
+        if len(flow_changes.to_remove.items) != 0:
+            reactor.callLater(0, handler.remove_from_flow_table,
+                              flow_changes.to_remove.items)
+        # Add flows
+        if len(flow_changes.to_add.items) != 0:
+            reactor.callLater(0, handler.add_to_flow_table,
+                              flow_changes.to_add.items)
+        return device
+    def update_pm_config(self, device, pm_config):
+        log.info("adapter-update-pm-config", device=device,
+                 pm_config=pm_config)
+        handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+        handler.update_pm_config(device, pm_config)
+    def process_inter_adapter_message(self, msg):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def receive_packet_out(self, logical_device_id, egress_port_no, msg):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def suppress_alarm(self, filter):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def unsuppress_alarm(self, filter):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def _get_handler(self, device):
+        if device.id in self.devices_handlers:
+            handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+            if handler is not None:
+                return handler
+            return None
+OLT Adapter base class
+class OltAdapter(IAdapter):
+    def __init__(self,
+                 core_proxy,
+                 adapter_proxy,
+                 config,
+                 device_handler_class,
+                 name,
+                 vendor,
+                 version, device_type,
+                 accepts_bulk_flow_update=True,
+                 accepts_add_remove_flow_updates=False):
+        super(OltAdapter, self).__init__(core_proxy=core_proxy,
+                                         adapter_proxy=adapter_proxy,
+                                         config=config,
+                                         device_handler_class=device_handler_class,
+                                         name=name,
+                                         vendor=vendor,
+                                         version=version,
+                                         device_type=device_type,
+                                         vendor_id=None,
+                                         accepts_bulk_flow_update=accepts_bulk_flow_update,
+                                         accepts_add_remove_flow_updates=accepts_add_remove_flow_updates)
+        self.logical_device_id_to_root_device_id = dict()
+    def reconcile_device(self, device):
+        try:
+            self.devices_handlers[device.id] = self.device_handler_class(self,
+                                                                         device.id)
+            # Work only required for devices that are in ENABLED state
+            if device.admin_state == AdminState.ENABLED:
+                reactor.callLater(0,
+                                  self.devices_handlers[device.id].reconcile,
+                                  device)
+            else:
+                # Invoke the children reconciliation which would setup the
+                # basic children data structures
+                self.core_proxy.reconcile_child_devices(device.id)
+            return device
+        except Exception, e:
+            log.exception('Exception', e=e)
+    def send_proxied_message(self, proxy_address, msg):
+        log.info('send-proxied-message', proxy_address=proxy_address, msg=msg)
+        handler = self.devices_handlers[proxy_address.device_id]
+        handler.send_proxied_message(proxy_address, msg)
+    def process_inter_adapter_message(self, msg):
+        log.info('process-inter-adapter-message', msg=msg)
+        # Unpack the header to know which device needs to handle this message
+        handler = None
+        if msg.header.proxy_device_id:
+            # typical request
+            handler = self.devices_handlers[msg.header.proxy_device_id]
+        elif msg.header.to_device_id and \
+                msg.header.to_device_id in self.devices_handlers:
+            # typical response
+            handler = self.devices_handlers[msg.header.to_device_id]
+        if handler:
+            reactor.callLater(0, handler.process_inter_adapter_message, msg)
+    def receive_packet_out(self, logical_device_id, egress_port_no, msg):
+        def ldi_to_di(ldi):
+            di = self.logical_device_id_to_root_device_id.get(ldi)
+            if di is None:
+                logical_device = self.core_proxy.get_logical_device(ldi)
+                di = logical_device.root_device_id
+                self.logical_device_id_to_root_device_id[ldi] = di
+            return di
+        device_id = ldi_to_di(logical_device_id)
+        handler = self.devices_handlers[device_id]
+        handler.packet_out(egress_port_no, msg)
+ONU Adapter base class
+class OnuAdapter(IAdapter):
+    def __init__(self,
+                 core_proxy,
+                 adapter_proxy,
+                 config,
+                 device_handler_class,
+                 name,
+                 vendor,
+                 version,
+                 device_type,
+                 vendor_id,
+                 accepts_bulk_flow_update=True,
+                 accepts_add_remove_flow_updates=False):
+        super(OnuAdapter, self).__init__(core_proxy=core_proxy,
+                                         adapter_proxy=adapter_proxy,
+                                         config=config,
+                                         device_handler_class=device_handler_class,
+                                         name=name,
+                                         vendor=vendor,
+                                         version=version,
+                                         device_type=device_type,
+                                         vendor_id=vendor_id,
+                                         accepts_bulk_flow_update=accepts_bulk_flow_update,
+                                         accepts_add_remove_flow_updates=accepts_add_remove_flow_updates)
+    def reconcile_device(self, device):
+        self.devices_handlers[device.id] = self.device_handler_class(self,
+                                                                     device.id)
+        # Reconcile only if state was ENABLED
+        if device.admin_state == AdminState.ENABLED:
+            reactor.callLater(0,
+                              self.devices_handlers[device.id].reconcile,
+                              device)
+        return device
+    def receive_proxied_message(self, proxy_address, msg):
+        log.info('receive-proxied-message', proxy_address=proxy_address,
+                 device_id=proxy_address.device_id, msg=msg)
+        # Device_id from the proxy_address is the olt device id. We need to
+        # get the onu device id using the port number in the proxy_address
+        device = self.core_proxy. \
+            get_child_device_with_proxy_address(proxy_address)
+        if device:
+            handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+            handler.receive_message(msg)
+    def process_inter_adapter_message(self, msg):
+        log.info('process-inter-adapter-message', msg=msg)
+        # Unpack the header to know which device needs to handle this message
+        if msg.header:
+            handler = self.devices_handlers[msg.header.to_device_id]
+            handler.process_inter_adapter_message(msg)
diff --git a/python/adapters/interface.py b/python/adapters/interface.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0390d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/interface.py
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Interface definition for Voltha Adapters
+from zope.interface import Interface
+class IAdapterInterface(Interface):
+    """
+    A Voltha adapter.  This interface is used by the Voltha Core to initiate
+    requests towards a voltha adapter.
+    """
+    def adapter_descriptor():
+        """
+        Return the adapter descriptor object for this adapter.
+        :return: voltha.Adapter grpc object (see voltha/protos/adapter.proto),
+        with adapter-specific information and config extensions.
+        """
+    def device_types():
+        """
+        Return list of device types supported by the adapter.
+        :return: voltha.DeviceTypes protobuf object, with optional type
+        specific extensions.
+        """
+    def health():
+        """
+        Return a 3-state health status using the voltha.HealthStatus message.
+        :return: Deferred or direct return with voltha.HealthStatus message
+        """
+    def adopt_device(device):
+        """
+        Make sure the adapter looks after given device. Called when a device
+        is provisioned top-down and needs to be activated by the adapter.
+        :param device: A voltha.Device object, with possible device-type
+        specific extensions. Such extensions shall be described as part of
+        the device type specification returned by device_types().
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge device ownership.
+        """
+    def reconcile_device(device):
+        """
+        Make sure the adapter looks after given device. Called when this
+        device has changed ownership from another Voltha instance to
+        this one (typically, this occurs when the previous voltha
+        instance went down).
+        :param device: A voltha.Device object, with possible device-type
+        specific extensions. Such extensions shall be described as part of
+        the device type specification returned by device_types().
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge device ownership.
+        """
+    def abandon_device(device):
+        """
+        Make sur ethe adapter no longer looks after device. This is called
+        if device ownership is taken over by another Voltha instance.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge abandonment.
+        """
+    def disable_device(device):
+        """
+        This is called when a previously enabled device needs to be disabled
+        based on a NBI call.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge disabling the device.
+        """
+    def reenable_device(device):
+        """
+        This is called when a previously disabled device needs to be enabled
+        based on a NBI call.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge re-enabling the
+        device.
+        """
+    def reboot_device(device):
+        """
+        This is called to reboot a device based on a NBI call.  The admin
+        state of the device will not change after the reboot
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge the reboot.
+        """
+    def download_image(device, request):
+        """
+        This is called to request downloading a specified image into
+        the standby partition of a device based on a NBI call.
+        This call is expected to be non-blocking.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+                       A Voltha.ImageDownload object.
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge the download.
+        """
+    def get_image_download_status(device, request):
+        """
+        This is called to inquire about a requested image download
+        status based on a NBI call.
+        The adapter is expected to update the DownloadImage DB object
+        with the query result
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+                       A Voltha.ImageDownload object.
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge
+        """
+    def cancel_image_download(device, request):
+        """
+        This is called to cancel a requested image download
+        based on a NBI call.  The admin state of the device will not
+        change after the download.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+                       A Voltha.ImageDownload object.
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge
+        """
+    def activate_image_update(device, request):
+        """
+        This is called to activate a downloaded image from
+        a standby partition into active partition.
+        Depending on the device implementation, this call
+        may or may not cause device reboot.
+        If no reboot, then a reboot is required to make the
+        activated image running on device
+        This call is expected to be non-blocking.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+                       A Voltha.ImageDownload object.
+        :return: (Deferred) OperationResponse object.
+        """
+    def revert_image_update(device, request):
+        """
+        This is called to deactivate the specified image at
+        active partition, and revert to previous image at
+        standby partition.
+        Depending on the device implementation, this call
+        may or may not cause device reboot.
+        If no reboot, then a reboot is required to make the
+        previous image running on device
+        This call is expected to be non-blocking.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+                       A Voltha.ImageDownload object.
+        :return: (Deferred) OperationResponse object.
+        """
+    def self_test_device(device):
+        """
+        This is called to Self a device based on a NBI call.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :return: Will return result of self test
+        """
+    def delete_device(device):
+        """
+        This is called to delete a device from the PON based on a NBI call.
+        If the device is an OLT then the whole PON will be deleted.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge the deletion.
+        """
+    def get_device_details(device):
+        """
+        This is called to get additional device details based on a NBI call.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge the retrieval of
+        additional details.
+        """
+    def update_flows_bulk(device, flows, groups):
+        """
+        Called after any flow table change, but only if the device supports
+        bulk mode, which is expressed by the 'accepts_bulk_flow_update'
+        capability attribute of the device type.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :param flows: An openflow_v13.Flows object
+        :param groups: An  openflow_v13.Flows object
+        :return: (Deferred or None)
+        """
+    def update_flows_incrementally(device, flow_changes, group_changes):
+        """
+        Called after a flow table update, but only if the device supports
+        non-bulk mode, which is expressed by the 'accepts_add_remove_flow_updates'
+        capability attribute of the device type.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :param flow_changes: An openflow_v13.FlowChanges object
+        :param group_changes: An openflow_v13.FlowGroupChanges object
+        :return: (Deferred or None)
+        """
+    def update_pm_config(device, pm_configs):
+        """
+        Called every time a request is made to change pm collection behavior
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object
+        :param pm_collection_config: A Pms
+        """
+    def receive_packet_out(device_id, egress_port_no, msg):
+        """
+        Pass a packet_out message content to adapter so that it can forward
+        it out to the device. This is only called on root devices.
+        :param device_id: device ID
+        :param egress_port: egress logical port number
+         :param msg: actual message
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def suppress_alarm(filter):
+        """
+        Inform an adapter that all incoming alarms should be suppressed
+        :param filter: A Voltha.AlarmFilter object.
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge the suppression.
+        """
+    def unsuppress_alarm(filter):
+        """
+        Inform an adapter that all incoming alarms should resume
+        :param filter: A Voltha.AlarmFilter object.
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge the unsuppression.
+        """
+    def get_ofp_device_info(device):
+        """
+        Retrieve the OLT device info. This includes the ofp_desc and
+        ofp_switch_features. The existing ofp structures can be used,
+        or all the attributes get added to the Device definition or a new proto
+        definition gets created. This API will allow the Core to create a
+        LogicalDevice associated with this device (OLT only).
+        :param device: device
+        :return: Proto Message (TBD)
+        """
+    def get_ofp_port_info(device, port_no):
+        """
+        Retrieve the port info. This includes the ofp_port. The existing ofp
+        structure can be used, or all the attributes get added to the Port
+        definitions or a new proto definition gets created.  This API will allow
+        the Core to create a LogicalPort associated with this device.
+        :param device: device
+        :param port_no: port number
+        :return: Proto Message (TBD)
+        """
+    def process_inter_adapter_message(msg):
+        """
+        Called when the adapter receives a message that was sent to it directly
+        from another adapter. An adapter is automatically registered for these
+        messages when creating the inter-container kafka proxy. Note that it is
+        the responsibility of the sending and receiving adapters to properly encode
+        and decode the message.
+        :param msg: Proto Message (any)
+        :return: Proto Message Response
+        """
+class ICoreSouthBoundInterface(Interface):
+    """
+    Represents a Voltha Core. This is used by an adapter to initiate async
+    calls towards Voltha Core.
+    """
+    def get_device(device_id):
+        """
+        Retrieve a device using its ID.
+        :param device_id: a device ID
+        :return: Device Object or None
+        """
+    def get_child_device(parent_device_id, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Retrieve a child device object belonging to the specified parent
+        device based on some match criteria. The first child device that
+        matches the provided criteria is returned.
+        :param parent_device_id: parent's device protobuf ID
+        :param **kwargs: arbitrary list of match criteria where the Value
+        in each key-value pair must be a protobuf type
+        :return: Child Device Object or None
+        """
+    def get_ports(device_id, port_type):
+        """
+        Retrieve all the ports of a given type of a Device.
+        :param device_id: a device ID
+        :param port_type: type of port
+        :return Ports object
+        """
+    def get_child_devices(parent_device_id):
+        """
+        Get all child devices given a parent device id
+        :param parent_device_id: The parent device ID
+        :return: Devices object
+        """
+    def get_child_device_with_proxy_address(proxy_address):
+        """
+        Get a child device based on its proxy address. Proxy address is
+        defined as {parent id, channel_id}
+        :param proxy_address: A Device.ProxyAddress object
+        :return: Device object or None
+        """
+    def device_state_update(device_id,
+                            oper_status=None,
+                            connect_status=None):
+        """
+        Update a device state.
+        :param device_id: The device ID
+        :param oper_state: Operational state of device
+        :param conn_state: Connection state of device
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def child_device_detected(parent_device_id,
+                              parent_port_no,
+                              child_device_type,
+                              channel_id,
+                              **kw):
+        """
+        A child device has been detected.  Core will create the device along
+        with its unique ID.
+        :param parent_device_id: The parent device ID
+        :param parent_port_no: The parent port number
+        :param device_type: The child device type
+        :param channel_id: A unique identifier for that child device within
+        the parent device (e.g. vlan_id)
+        :param kw: A list of key-value pair where the value is a protobuf
+        message
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def device_update(device):
+        """
+        Event corresponding to a device update.
+        :param device: Device Object
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def child_device_removed(parent_device_id, child_device_id):
+        """
+        Event indicating a child device has been removed from a parent.
+        :param parent_device_id: Device ID of the parent
+        :param child_device_id: Device ID of the child
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def child_devices_state_update(parent_device_id,
+                                   oper_status=None,
+                                   connect_status=None,
+                                   admin_status=None):
+        """
+        Event indicating the status of all child devices have been changed.
+        :param parent_device_id: Device ID of the parent
+        :param oper_status: Operational status
+        :param connect_status: Connection status
+        :param admin_status: Admin status
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def child_devices_removed(parent_device_id):
+        """
+        Event indicating all child devices have been removed from a parent.
+        :param parent_device_id: Device ID of the parent device
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def device_pm_config_update(device_pm_config, init=False):
+        """
+        Event corresponding to a PM config update of a device.
+        :param device_pm_config: a PmConfigs object
+        :param init: True indicates initializing stage
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def port_created(device_id, port):
+        """
+        A port has been created and needs to be added to a device.
+        :param device_id: a device ID
+        :param port: Port object
+        :return None
+        """
+    def port_removed(device_id, port):
+        """
+        A port has been removed and it needs to be removed from a Device.
+        :param device_id: a device ID
+        :param port: a Port object
+        :return None
+        """
+    def ports_enabled(device_id):
+        """
+        All ports on that device have been re-enabled. The Core will change
+        the admin state to ENABLED and operational state to ACTIVE for all
+        ports on that device.
+        :param device_id: a device ID
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def ports_disabled(device_id):
+        """
+        All ports on that device have been disabled. The Core will change the
+        admin status to DISABLED and operational state to UNKNOWN for all
+        ports on that device.
+        :param device_id: a device ID
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def ports_oper_status_update(device_id, oper_status):
+        """
+        The operational status of all ports of a Device has been changed.
+        The Core will update the operational status for all ports on the
+        device.
+        :param device_id: a device ID
+        :param oper_status: operational Status
+        :return None
+        """
+    def image_download_update(img_dnld):
+        """
+        Event corresponding to an image download update.
+        :param img_dnld: a ImageDownload object
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def image_download_deleted(img_dnld):
+        """
+        Event corresponding to the deletion of a downloaded image. The
+        references of this image needs to be removed from the Core.
+        :param img_dnld: a ImageDownload object
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def packet_in(device_id, egress_port_no, packet):
+        """
+        Sends a packet to the SDN controller via voltha Core
+        :param device_id: The OLT device ID
+        :param egress_port_no: The port number representing the ONU (cvid)
+        :param packet: The actual packet
+         :return: None
+        """
diff --git a/python/adapters/kafka/__init__.py b/python/adapters/kafka/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58aca1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/kafka/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/adapters/kafka/adapter_proxy.py b/python/adapters/kafka/adapter_proxy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fad1093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/kafka/adapter_proxy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Agent to play gateway between adapters.
+import structlog
+from uuid import uuid4
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
+from adapters.kafka.container_proxy import ContainerProxy
+from adapters.protos import third_party
+from adapters.protos.core_adapter_pb2 import InterAdapterHeader, \
+    InterAdapterMessage
+import time
+_ = third_party
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+class AdapterProxy(ContainerProxy):
+    def __init__(self, kafka_proxy, core_topic, my_listening_topic):
+        super(AdapterProxy, self).__init__(kafka_proxy,
+                                           core_topic,
+                                           my_listening_topic)
+    def _to_string(self, unicode_str):
+        if unicode_str is not None:
+            if type(unicode_str) == unicode:
+                return unicode_str.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
+            else:
+                return unicode_str
+        else:
+            return ""
+    @ContainerProxy.wrap_request(None)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def send_inter_adapter_message(self,
+                                   msg,
+                                   type,
+                                   from_adapter,
+                                   to_adapter,
+                                   to_device_id=None,
+                                   proxy_device_id=None,
+                                   message_id=None):
+        """
+        Sends a message directly to an adapter. This is typically used to send
+        proxied messages from one adapter to another.  An initial ACK response
+        is sent back to the invoking adapter.  If there is subsequent response
+        to be sent back (async) then the adapter receiving this request will
+        use this same API to send back the async response.
+        :param msg : GRPC message to send
+        :param type : InterAdapterMessageType of the message to send
+        :param from_adapter: Name of the adapter making the request.
+        :param to_adapter: Name of the remote adapter.
+        :param to_device_id: The ID of the device for to the message is
+        intended. if it's None then the message is not intended to a specific
+        device.  Its interpretation is adapter specific.
+        :param proxy_device_id: The ID of the device which will proxy that
+        message. If it's None then there is no specific device to proxy the
+        message.  Its interpretation is adapter specific.
+        :param message_id: A unique number for this transaction that the
+        adapter may use to correlate a request and an async response.
+        """
+        try:
+            # validate params
+            assert msg
+            assert from_adapter
+            assert to_adapter
+            # Build the inter adapter message
+            h = InterAdapterHeader()
+            h.type = type
+            h.from_topic = self._to_string(from_adapter)
+            h.to_topic = self._to_string(to_adapter)
+            h.to_device_id = self._to_string(to_device_id)
+            h.proxy_device_id = self._to_string(proxy_device_id)
+            if message_id:
+                h.id = self._to_string(message_id)
+            else:
+                h.id = uuid4().hex
+            h.timestamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
+            iaMsg = InterAdapterMessage()
+            iaMsg.header.CopyFrom(h)
+            iaMsg.body.Pack(msg)
+            log.debug("sending-inter-adapter-message", header=iaMsg.header)
+            res = yield self.invoke(rpc="process_inter_adapter_message",
+                                    to_topic=iaMsg.header.to_topic,
+                                    msg=iaMsg)
+            returnValue(res)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("error-sending-request", e=e)
diff --git a/python/adapters/kafka/adapter_request_facade.py b/python/adapters/kafka/adapter_request_facade.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67f7869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/kafka/adapter_request_facade.py
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+This facade handles kafka-formatted messages from the Core, extracts the kafka
+formatting and forwards the request to the concrete handler.
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from adapters.interface import IAdapterInterface
+from adapters.protos.core_adapter_pb2 import IntType, InterAdapterMessage
+from adapters.protos.device_pb2 import Device
+from adapters.protos.openflow_13_pb2 import FlowChanges, FlowGroups, Flows, \
+    FlowGroupChanges
+class MacAddressError(BaseException):
+    def __init__(self, error):
+        self.error = error
+class IDError(BaseException):
+    def __init__(self, error):
+        self.error = error
+class AdapterRequestFacade(object):
+    """
+    Gate-keeper between CORE and device adapters.
+    On one side it interacts with Core's internal model and update/dispatch
+    mechanisms.
+    On the other side, it interacts with the adapters standard interface as
+    defined in
+    """
+    def __init__(self, adapter):
+        self.adapter = adapter
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def start(self):
+        self.log.debug('starting')
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def stop(self):
+        self.log.debug('stopping')
+    def adopt_device(self, device):
+        d = Device()
+        if device:
+            device.Unpack(d)
+            return True, self.adapter.adopt_device(d)
+        else:
+            return False, d
+    def get_ofp_device_info(self, device):
+        d = Device()
+        if device:
+            device.Unpack(d)
+            return True, self.adapter.get_ofp_device_info(d)
+        else:
+            return False, d
+    def get_ofp_port_info(self, device, port_no):
+        d = Device()
+        if device:
+            device.Unpack(d)
+        else:
+            return (False, d)
+        p = IntType()
+        port_no.Unpack(p)
+        return True, self.adapter.get_ofp_port_info(d, p.val)
+    def reconcile_device(self, device):
+        return self.adapter.reconcile_device(device)
+    def abandon_device(self, device):
+        return self.adapter.abandon_device(device)
+    def disable_device(self, device):
+        d = Device()
+        if device:
+            device.Unpack(d)
+            return True, self.adapter.disable_device(d)
+        else:
+            return False, d
+    def reenable_device(self, device):
+        d = Device()
+        if device:
+            device.Unpack(d)
+            return True, self.adapter.reenable_device(d)
+        else:
+            return False, d
+    def reboot_device(self, device):
+        d = Device()
+        if device:
+            device.Unpack(d)
+            return (True, self.adapter.reboot_device(d))
+        else:
+            return (False, d)
+    def download_image(self, device, request):
+        return self.adapter.download_image(device, request)
+    def get_image_download_status(self, device, request):
+        return self.adapter.get_image_download_status(device, request)
+    def cancel_image_download(self, device, request):
+        return self.adapter.cancel_image_download(device, request)
+    def activate_image_update(self, device, request):
+        return self.adapter.activate_image_update(device, request)
+    def revert_image_update(self, device, request):
+        return self.adapter.revert_image_update(device, request)
+    def self_test(self, device):
+        return self.adapter.self_test_device(device)
+    def delete_device(self, device):
+        d = Device()
+        if device:
+            device.Unpack(d)
+            return (True, self.adapter.delete_device(d))
+        else:
+            return (False, d)
+    def get_device_details(self, device):
+        return self.adapter.get_device_details(device)
+    def update_flows_bulk(self, device, flows, groups):
+        d = Device()
+        if device:
+            device.Unpack(d)
+        else:
+            return (False, d)
+        f = Flows()
+        if flows:
+            flows.Unpack(f)
+        g = FlowGroups()
+        if groups:
+            groups.Unpack(g)
+        return (True, self.adapter.update_flows_bulk(d, f, g))
+    def update_flows_incrementally(self, device, flow_changes, group_changes):
+        d = Device()
+        if device:
+            device.Unpack(d)
+        else:
+            return (False, d)
+        f = FlowChanges()
+        if flow_changes:
+            flow_changes.Unpack(f)
+        g = FlowGroupChanges()
+        if group_changes:
+            group_changes.Unpack(g)
+        return (True, self.adapter.update_flows_incrementally(d, f, g))
+    def suppress_alarm(self, filter):
+        return self.adapter.suppress_alarm(filter)
+    def unsuppress_alarm(self, filter):
+        return self.adapter.unsuppress_alarm(filter)
+    def process_inter_adapter_message(self, msg):
+        m = InterAdapterMessage()
+        if msg:
+            msg.Unpack(m)
+        else:
+            return (False, m)
+        return (True, self.adapter.process_inter_adapter_message(m))
diff --git a/python/adapters/kafka/container_proxy.py b/python/adapters/kafka/container_proxy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79918cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/kafka/container_proxy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+The superclass for all kafka proxy subclasses.
+import structlog
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
+from twisted.python import failure
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from adapters.common.utils.deferred_utils import DeferredWithTimeout, \
+    TimeOutError
+from adapters.common.utils.registry import IComponent
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+class KafkaMessagingError(BaseException):
+    def __init__(self, error):
+        self.error = error
+class ContainerProxy(object):
+    def __init__(self, kafka_proxy, core_topic, my_listening_topic):
+        self.kafka_proxy = kafka_proxy
+        self.listening_topic = my_listening_topic
+        self.core_topic = core_topic
+        self.default_timeout = 3
+    def start(self):
+        log.info('started')
+        return self
+    def stop(self):
+        log.info('stopped')
+    @classmethod
+    def wrap_request(cls, return_cls):
+        def real_wrapper(func):
+            @inlineCallbacks
+            def wrapper(*args, **kw):
+                try:
+                    (success, d) = yield func(*args, **kw)
+                    if success:
+                        log.debug("successful-response", func=func, val=d)
+                        if return_cls is not None:
+                            rc = return_cls()
+                            if d is not None:
+                                d.Unpack(rc)
+                            returnValue(rc)
+                        else:
+                            log.debug("successful-response-none", func=func,
+                                      val=None)
+                            returnValue(None)
+                    else:
+                        log.warn("unsuccessful-request", func=func, args=args,
+                                 kw=kw)
+                        returnValue(d)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    log.exception("request-wrapper-exception", func=func, e=e)
+                    raise
+            return wrapper
+        return real_wrapper
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def invoke(self, rpc, to_topic=None, **kwargs):
+        @inlineCallbacks
+        def _send_request(rpc, m_callback, to_topic, **kwargs):
+            try:
+                log.debug("sending-request", rpc=rpc)
+                if to_topic is None:
+                    to_topic = self.core_topic
+                result = yield self.kafka_proxy.send_request(rpc=rpc,
+                                                             to_topic=to_topic,
+                                                             reply_topic=self.listening_topic,
+                                                             callback=None,
+                                                             **kwargs)
+                if not m_callback.called:
+                    m_callback.callback(result)
+                else:
+                    log.debug('timeout-already-occurred', rpc=rpc)
+            except Exception as e:
+                log.exception("Failure-sending-request", rpc=rpc, kw=kwargs)
+                if not m_callback.called:
+                    m_callback.errback(failure.Failure())
+        cb = DeferredWithTimeout(timeout=self.default_timeout)
+        _send_request(rpc, cb, to_topic, **kwargs)
+        try:
+            res = yield cb
+            returnValue(res)
+        except TimeOutError as e:
+            log.warn('invoke-timeout', e=e)
+            raise e
diff --git a/python/adapters/kafka/core_proxy.py b/python/adapters/kafka/core_proxy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc3f081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/kafka/core_proxy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Agent to play gateway between CORE and an adapter.
+import structlog
+from google.protobuf.message import Message
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
+from adapters.kafka.container_proxy import ContainerProxy
+from adapters.protos.common_pb2 import ID, ConnectStatus, OperStatus
+from adapters.protos.core_adapter_pb2 import StrType, BoolType, IntType
+from adapters.protos.device_pb2 import Device, Ports
+from adapters.protos.voltha_pb2 import CoreInstance
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+class CoreProxy(ContainerProxy):
+    def __init__(self, kafka_proxy, core_topic, my_listening_topic):
+        super(CoreProxy, self).__init__(kafka_proxy, core_topic,
+                                        my_listening_topic)
+    @ContainerProxy.wrap_request(CoreInstance)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def register(self, adapter, deviceTypes):
+        log.debug("register")
+        try:
+            res = yield self.invoke(rpc="Register",
+                                    adapter=adapter,
+                                    deviceTypes=deviceTypes)
+            log.info("registration-returned", res=res)
+            returnValue(res)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("registration-exception", e=e)
+            raise
+    @ContainerProxy.wrap_request(Device)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def get_device(self, device_id):
+        log.debug("get-device")
+        id = ID()
+        id.id = device_id
+        res = yield self.invoke(rpc="GetDevice", device_id=id)
+        returnValue(res)
+    @ContainerProxy.wrap_request(Device)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def get_child_device(self, parent_device_id, **kwargs):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    @ContainerProxy.wrap_request(Ports)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def get_ports(self, device_id, port_type):
+        id = ID()
+        id.id = device_id
+        p_type = IntType()
+        p_type.val = port_type
+        res = yield self.invoke(rpc="GetPorts",
+                                device_id=id,
+                                port_type=p_type)
+        returnValue(res)
+    def get_child_devices(self, parent_device_id):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def get_child_device_with_proxy_address(self, proxy_address):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def _to_proto(self, **kwargs):
+        encoded = {}
+        for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
+            if isinstance(v, Message):
+                encoded[k] = v
+            elif type(v) == int:
+                i_proto = IntType()
+                i_proto.val = v
+                encoded[k] = i_proto
+            elif type(v) == str:
+                s_proto = StrType()
+                s_proto.val = v
+                encoded[k] = s_proto
+            elif type(v) == bool:
+                b_proto = BoolType()
+                b_proto.val = v
+                encoded[k] = b_proto
+        return encoded
+    @ContainerProxy.wrap_request(None)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def child_device_detected(self,
+                              parent_device_id,
+                              parent_port_no,
+                              child_device_type,
+                              channel_id,
+                              **kw):
+        id = ID()
+        id.id = parent_device_id
+        ppn = IntType()
+        ppn.val = parent_port_no
+        cdt = StrType()
+        cdt.val = child_device_type
+        channel = IntType()
+        channel.val = channel_id
+        args = self._to_proto(**kw)
+        res = yield self.invoke(rpc="ChildDeviceDetected",
+                                parent_device_id=id,
+                                parent_port_no=ppn,
+                                child_device_type=cdt,
+                                channel_id=channel,
+                                **args)
+        returnValue(res)
+    @ContainerProxy.wrap_request(None)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def device_update(self, device):
+        log.debug("device_update")
+        res = yield self.invoke(rpc="DeviceUpdate", device=device)
+        returnValue(res)
+    def child_device_removed(parent_device_id, child_device_id):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    @ContainerProxy.wrap_request(None)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def device_state_update(self, device_id,
+                            oper_status=None,
+                            connect_status=None):
+        id = ID()
+        id.id = device_id
+        o_status = IntType()
+        if oper_status or oper_status == OperStatus.UNKNOWN:
+            o_status.val = oper_status
+        else:
+            o_status.val = -1
+        c_status = IntType()
+        if connect_status or connect_status == ConnectStatus.UNKNOWN:
+            c_status.val = connect_status
+        else:
+            c_status.val = -1
+        res = yield self.invoke(rpc="DeviceStateUpdate",
+                                device_id=id,
+                                oper_status=o_status,
+                                connect_status=c_status)
+        returnValue(res)
+    @ContainerProxy.wrap_request(None)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def children_state_update(self, device_id,
+                              oper_status=None,
+                              connect_status=None):
+        id = ID()
+        id.id = device_id
+        o_status = IntType()
+        if oper_status or oper_status == OperStatus.UNKNOWN:
+            o_status.val = oper_status
+        else:
+            o_status.val = -1
+        c_status = IntType()
+        if connect_status or connect_status == ConnectStatus.UNKNOWN:
+            c_status.val = connect_status
+        else:
+            c_status.val = -1
+        res = yield self.invoke(rpc="ChildrenStateUpdate",
+                                device_id=id,
+                                oper_status=o_status,
+                                connect_status=c_status)
+        returnValue(res)
+    @ContainerProxy.wrap_request(None)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def port_state_update(self,
+                          device_id,
+                          port_type,
+                          port_no,
+                          oper_status):
+        id = ID()
+        id.id = device_id
+        pt = IntType()
+        pt.val = port_type
+        pNo = IntType()
+        pNo.val = port_no
+        o_status = IntType()
+        o_status.val = oper_status
+        res = yield self.invoke(rpc="PortStateUpdate",
+                                device_id=id,
+                                port_type=pt,
+                                port_no=pNo,
+                                oper_status=o_status)
+        returnValue(res)
+    @ContainerProxy.wrap_request(None)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def child_devices_state_update(self, parent_device_id,
+                                   oper_status=None,
+                                   connect_status=None):
+        id = ID()
+        id.id = parent_device_id
+        o_status = IntType()
+        if oper_status or oper_status == OperStatus.UNKNOWN:
+            o_status.val = oper_status
+        else:
+            o_status.val = -1
+        c_status = IntType()
+        if connect_status or connect_status == ConnectStatus.UNKNOWN:
+            c_status.val = connect_status
+        else:
+            c_status.val = -1
+        res = yield self.invoke(rpc="child_devices_state_update",
+                                parent_device_id=id,
+                                oper_status=o_status,
+                                connect_status=c_status)
+        returnValue(res)
+    def child_devices_removed(parent_device_id):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    @ContainerProxy.wrap_request(None)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def device_pm_config_update(self, device_pm_config, init=False):
+        log.debug("device_pm_config_update")
+        b = BoolType()
+        b.val = init
+        res = yield self.invoke(rpc="DevicePMConfigUpdate",
+                                device_pm_config=device_pm_config, init=b)
+        returnValue(res)
+    @ContainerProxy.wrap_request(None)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def port_created(self, device_id, port):
+        log.debug("port_created")
+        proto_id = ID()
+        proto_id.id = device_id
+        res = yield self.invoke(rpc="PortCreated", device_id=proto_id,
+                                port=port)
+        returnValue(res)
+    def port_removed(device_id, port):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def ports_enabled(device_id):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def ports_disabled(device_id):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def ports_oper_status_update(device_id, oper_status):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def image_download_update(img_dnld):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def image_download_deleted(img_dnld):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def packet_in(device_id, egress_port_no, packet):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/python/adapters/kafka/event_bus_publisher.py b/python/adapters/kafka/event_bus_publisher.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..011fdea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/kafka/event_bus_publisher.py
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+A gateway between the internal event bus and the Kafka publisher proxy
+to publish select topics and messages posted to the Voltha-internal event
+bus toward the external world.
+import structlog
+from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict
+from google.protobuf.message import Message
+from simplejson import dumps
+from adapters.common.event_bus import EventBusClient
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+class EventBusPublisher(object):
+    def __init__(self, kafka_proxy, config):
+        self.kafka_proxy = kafka_proxy
+        self.config = config
+        self.topic_mappings = config.get('topic_mappings', {})
+        self.event_bus = EventBusClient()
+        self.subscriptions = None
+    def start(self):
+        log.debug('starting')
+        self.subscriptions = list()
+        self._setup_subscriptions(self.topic_mappings)
+        log.info('started')
+        return self
+    def stop(self):
+        try:
+            log.debug('stopping-event-bus')
+            if self.subscriptions:
+                for subscription in self.subscriptions:
+                    self.event_bus.unsubscribe(subscription)
+            log.info('stopped-event-bus')
+        except Exception, e:
+            log.exception('failed-stopping-event-bus', e=e)
+            return
+    def _setup_subscriptions(self, mappings):
+        for event_bus_topic, mapping in mappings.iteritems():
+            kafka_topic = mapping.get('kafka_topic', None)
+            if kafka_topic is None:
+                log.error('no-kafka-topic-in-config',
+                          event_bus_topic=event_bus_topic,
+                          mapping=mapping)
+                continue
+            self.subscriptions.append(self.event_bus.subscribe(
+                event_bus_topic,
+                # to avoid Python late-binding to the last registered
+                # kafka_topic, we force instant binding with the default arg
+                lambda _, m, k=kafka_topic: self.forward(k, m)))
+            log.info('event-to-kafka', kafka_topic=kafka_topic,
+                     event_bus_topic=event_bus_topic)
+    def forward(self, kafka_topic, msg):
+        try:
+            # convert to JSON string if msg is a protobuf msg
+            if isinstance(msg, Message):
+                msg = dumps(MessageToDict(msg, True, True))
+            log.debug('forward-event-bus-publisher')
+            self.kafka_proxy.send_message(kafka_topic, msg)
+        except Exception, e:
+            log.exception('failed-forward-event-bus-publisher', e=e)
diff --git a/python/adapters/kafka/kafka_inter_container_library.py b/python/adapters/kafka/kafka_inter_container_library.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f6f5eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/kafka/kafka_inter_container_library.py
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import time
+from uuid import uuid4
+import structlog
+from afkak.client import KafkaClient
+from afkak.consumer import OFFSET_LATEST, Consumer
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, Deferred, \
+    DeferredQueue, gatherResults
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from adapters.common.utils import asleep
+from adapters.common.utils.registry import IComponent
+from adapters.kafka.kafka_proxy import KafkaProxy, get_kafka_proxy
+from adapters.protos.core_adapter_pb2 import MessageType, Argument, \
+    InterContainerRequestBody, InterContainerMessage, Header, \
+    InterContainerResponseBody
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+class KafkaMessagingError(BaseException):
+    def __init__(self, error):
+        self.error = error
+class IKafkaMessagingProxy(object):
+    _kafka_messaging_instance = None
+    def __init__(self,
+                 kafka_host_port,
+                 kv_store,
+                 default_topic,
+                 target_cls):
+        """
+        Initialize the kafka proxy.  This is a singleton (may change to
+        non-singleton if performance is better)
+        :param kafka_host_port: Kafka host and port
+        :param kv_store: Key-Value store
+        :param default_topic: Default topic to subscribe to
+        :param target_cls: target class - method of that class is invoked
+        when a message is received on the default_topic
+        """
+        # return an exception if the object already exist
+        if IKafkaMessagingProxy._kafka_messaging_instance:
+            raise Exception(
+                'Singleton-exist', cls=IKafkaMessagingProxy)
+        log.debug("Initializing-KafkaProxy")
+        self.kafka_host_port = kafka_host_port
+        self.kv_store = kv_store
+        self.default_topic = default_topic
+        self.target_cls = target_cls
+        self.topic_target_cls_map = {}
+        self.topic_consumer_map = {}
+        self.topic_callback_map = {}
+        self.subscribers = {}
+        self.kafka_client = None
+        self.kafka_proxy = None
+        self.transaction_id_deferred_map = {}
+        self.received_msg_queue = DeferredQueue()
+        self.init_time = 0
+        self.init_received_time = 0
+        self.init_resp_time = 0
+        self.init_received_resp_time = 0
+        self.num_messages = 0
+        self.total_time = 0
+        self.num_responses = 0
+        self.total_time_responses = 0
+        log.debug("KafkaProxy-initialized")
+    def start(self):
+        try:
+            # Create the kafka client
+            # assert self.kafka_host is not None
+            # assert self.kafka_port is not None
+            # kafka_host_port = ":".join((self.kafka_host, self.kafka_port))
+            self.kafka_client = KafkaClient(self.kafka_host_port)
+            # Get the kafka proxy instance.  If it does not exist then
+            # create it
+            self.kafka_proxy = get_kafka_proxy()
+            if self.kafka_proxy == None:
+                KafkaProxy(kafka_endpoint=self.kafka_host_port).start()
+                self.kafka_proxy = get_kafka_proxy()
+            # Subscribe the default topic and target_cls
+            self.topic_target_cls_map[self.default_topic] = self.target_cls
+            # Start the queue to handle incoming messages
+            reactor.callLater(0, self._received_message_processing_loop)
+            # Start listening for incoming messages
+            reactor.callLater(0, self.subscribe, self.default_topic,
+                              target_cls=self.target_cls)
+            # Setup the singleton instance
+            IKafkaMessagingProxy._kafka_messaging_instance = self
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("Failed-to-start-proxy", e=e)
+    def stop(self):
+        """
+        Invoked to stop the kafka proxy
+        :return: None on success, Exception on failure
+        """
+        log.debug("Stopping-messaging-proxy ...")
+        try:
+            # Stop all the consumers
+            deferred_list = []
+            for key, values in self.topic_consumer_map.iteritems():
+                deferred_list.extend([c.stop() for c in values])
+            if not deferred_list:
+                d = gatherResults(deferred_list)
+                d.addCallback(lambda result: self.kafka_client.close())
+            log.debug("Messaging-proxy-stopped.")
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("Exception-when-stopping-messaging-proxy:", e=e)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _wait_until_topic_is_ready(self, client, topic):
+        e = True
+        while e:
+            yield client.load_metadata_for_topics(topic)
+            e = client.metadata_error_for_topic(topic)
+            if e:
+                log.debug("Topic-not-ready-retrying...", topic=topic)
+    def _clear_backoff(self):
+        if self.retries:
+            log.info('reconnected-to-consul', after_retries=self.retries)
+            self.retries = 0
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _subscribe(self, topic, callback=None, target_cls=None):
+        try:
+            yield self._wait_until_topic_is_ready(self.kafka_client, topic)
+            partitions = self.kafka_client.topic_partitions[topic]
+            consumers = []
+            # First setup the generic callback - all received messages will
+            # go through that queue
+            if topic not in self.topic_consumer_map:
+                consumers = [Consumer(self.kafka_client, topic, partition,
+                                      self._enqueue_received_message)
+                             for partition in partitions]
+                self.topic_consumer_map[topic] = consumers
+            log.debug("_subscribe", topic=topic,
+                      consumermap=self.topic_consumer_map)
+            if target_cls is not None and callback is None:
+                # Scenario #1
+                if topic not in self.topic_target_cls_map:
+                    self.topic_target_cls_map[topic] = target_cls
+            elif target_cls is None and callback is not None:
+                # Scenario #2
+                log.debug("custom-callback", topic=topic,
+                          callback_map=self.topic_callback_map)
+                if topic not in self.topic_callback_map:
+                    self.topic_callback_map[topic] = [callback]
+                else:
+                    self.topic_callback_map[topic].extend([callback])
+            else:
+                log.warn("invalid-parameters")
+            def cb_closed(result):
+                """
+                Called when a consumer cleanly stops.
+                """
+                log.debug("Consumers-cleanly-stopped")
+            def eb_failed(failure):
+                """
+                Called when a consumer fails due to an uncaught exception in the
+                processing callback or a network error on shutdown. In this case we
+                simply log the error.
+                """
+                log.warn("Consumers-failed", failure=failure)
+            for c in consumers:
+                c.start(OFFSET_LATEST).addCallbacks(cb_closed, eb_failed)
+            returnValue(True)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("Exception-during-subscription", e=e)
+            returnValue(False)
+    def subscribe(self, topic, callback=None, target_cls=None,
+                  max_retry=3):
+        """
+        Scenario 1:  invoked to subscribe to a specific topic with a
+        target_cls to invoke when a message is received on that topic.  This
+        handles the case of request/response where this library performs the
+        heavy lifting. In this case the m_callback must to be None
+        Scenario 2:  invoked to subscribe to a specific topic with a
+        specific callback to invoke when a message is received on that topic.
+        This handles the case where the caller wants to process the message
+        received itself. In this case the target_cls must to be None
+        :param topic: topic to subscribe to
+        :param callback: Callback to invoke when a message is received on
+        the topic. Either one of callback or target_cls needs can be none
+        :param target_cls:  Target class to use when a message is
+        received on the topic. There can only be 1 target_cls per topic.
+        Either one of callback or target_cls needs can be none
+        :param max_retry:  the number of retries before reporting failure
+        to subscribe.  This caters for scenario where the kafka topic is not
+        ready.
+        :return: True on success, False on failure
+        """
+        RETRY_BACKOFF = [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5]
+        def _backoff(msg, retries):
+            wait_time = RETRY_BACKOFF[min(retries,
+                                          len(RETRY_BACKOFF) - 1)]
+            log.info(msg, retry_in=wait_time)
+            return asleep(wait_time)
+        retry = 0
+        while not self._subscribe(topic, callback=callback,
+                                  target_cls=target_cls):
+            if retry > max_retry:
+                return False
+            else:
+                _backoff("subscription-not-complete", retry)
+                retry += 1
+        return True
+    def unsubscribe(self, topic):
+        """
+        Invoked when unsubscribing to a topic
+        :param topic: topic to unsubscibe from
+        :return: None on success or Exception on failure
+        """
+        log.debug("Unsubscribing-to-topic", topic=topic)
+        def remove_topic(topic):
+            if topic in self.topic_consumer_map:
+                del self.topic_consumer_map[topic]
+        try:
+            if topic in self.topic_consumer_map:
+                consumers = self.topic_consumer_map[topic]
+                d = gatherResults([c.stop() for c in consumers])
+                d.addCallback(remove_topic, topic)
+                log.debug("Unsubscribed-to-topic.", topic=topic)
+            else:
+                log.debug("Topic-does-not-exist.", topic=topic)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("Exception-when-stopping-messaging-proxy:", e=e)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _enqueue_received_message(self, reactor, message_list):
+        """
+        Internal method to continuously queue all received messaged
+        irrespective of topic
+        :param reactor: A requirement by the Twisted Python kafka library
+        :param message_list: Received list of messages
+        :return: None on success, Exception on failure
+        """
+        try:
+            for m in message_list:
+                log.debug("received-msg", msg=m)
+                yield self.received_msg_queue.put(m)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("Failed-enqueueing-received-message", e=e)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _received_message_processing_loop(self):
+        """
+        Internal method to continuously process all received messages one
+        at a time
+        :return: None on success, Exception on failure
+        """
+        while True:
+            try:
+                message = yield self.received_msg_queue.get()
+                yield self._process_message(message)
+            except Exception as e:
+                log.exception("Failed-dequeueing-received-message", e=e)
+    def _to_string(self, unicode_str):
+        if unicode_str is not None:
+            if type(unicode_str) == unicode:
+                return unicode_str.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
+            else:
+                return unicode_str
+        else:
+            return None
+    def _format_request(self,
+                        rpc,
+                        to_topic,
+                        reply_topic,
+                        **kwargs):
+        """
+        Format a request to send over kafka
+        :param rpc: Requested remote API
+        :param to_topic: Topic to send the request
+        :param reply_topic: Topic to receive the resulting response, if any
+        :param kwargs: Dictionary of key-value pairs to pass as arguments to
+        the remote rpc API.
+        :return: A InterContainerMessage message type on success or None on
+        failure
+        """
+        try:
+            transaction_id = uuid4().hex
+            request = InterContainerMessage()
+            request_body = InterContainerRequestBody()
+            request.header.id = transaction_id
+            request.header.type = MessageType.Value("REQUEST")
+            request.header.from_topic = self.default_topic
+            request.header.to_topic = to_topic
+            response_required = False
+            if reply_topic:
+                request_body.reply_to_topic = reply_topic
+                response_required = True
+            request.header.timestamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
+            request_body.rpc = rpc
+            for a, b in kwargs.iteritems():
+                arg = Argument()
+                arg.key = a
+                try:
+                    arg.value.Pack(b)
+                    request_body.args.extend([arg])
+                except Exception as e:
+                    log.exception("Failed-parsing-value", e=e)
+            request_body.reply_to_topic = self.default_topic
+            request_body.response_required = response_required
+            request.body.Pack(request_body)
+            return request, transaction_id, response_required
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("formatting-request-failed",
+                          rpc=rpc,
+                          to_topic=to_topic,
+                          reply_topic=reply_topic,
+                          args=kwargs)
+            return None, None, None
+    def _format_response(self, msg_header, msg_body, status):
+        """
+        Format a response
+        :param msg_header: The header portion of a received request
+        :param msg_body: The response body
+        :param status: True is this represents a successful response
+        :return: a InterContainerMessage message type
+        """
+        try:
+            assert isinstance(msg_header, Header)
+            response = InterContainerMessage()
+            response_body = InterContainerResponseBody()
+            response.header.id = msg_header.id
+            response.header.timestamp = int(
+                round(time.time() * 1000))
+            response.header.type = MessageType.Value("RESPONSE")
+            response.header.from_topic = msg_header.to_topic
+            response.header.to_topic = msg_header.from_topic
+            if msg_body is not None:
+                response_body.result.Pack(msg_body)
+            response_body.success = status
+            response.body.Pack(response_body)
+            return response
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("formatting-response-failed", header=msg_header,
+                          body=msg_body, status=status, e=e)
+            return None
+    def _parse_response(self, msg):
+        try:
+            message = InterContainerMessage()
+            message.ParseFromString(msg)
+            resp = InterContainerResponseBody()
+            if message.body.Is(InterContainerResponseBody.DESCRIPTOR):
+                message.body.Unpack(resp)
+            else:
+                log.debug("unsupported-msg", msg_type=type(message.body))
+                return None
+            log.debug("parsed-response", input=message, output=resp)
+            return resp
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("parsing-response-failed", msg=msg, e=e)
+            return None
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _process_message(self, m):
+        """
+        Default internal method invoked for every batch of messages received
+        from Kafka.
+        """
+        def _toDict(args):
+            """
+            Convert a repeatable Argument type into a python dictionary
+            :param args: Repeatable core_adapter.Argument type
+            :return: a python dictionary
+            """
+            if args is None:
+                return None
+            result = {}
+            for arg in args:
+                assert isinstance(arg, Argument)
+                result[arg.key] = arg.value
+            return result
+        current_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
+        # log.debug("Got Message", message=m)
+        try:
+            val = m.message.value
+            # print m.topic
+            # Go over customized callbacks first
+            if m.topic in self.topic_callback_map:
+                for c in self.topic_callback_map[m.topic]:
+                    yield c(val)
+            #  Check whether we need to process request/response scenario
+            if m.topic not in self.topic_target_cls_map:
+                return
+            # Process request/response scenario
+            message = InterContainerMessage()
+            message.ParseFromString(val)
+            if message.header.type == MessageType.Value("REQUEST"):
+                # Get the target class for that specific topic
+                targetted_topic = self._to_string(message.header.to_topic)
+                msg_body = InterContainerRequestBody()
+                if message.body.Is(InterContainerRequestBody.DESCRIPTOR):
+                    message.body.Unpack(msg_body)
+                else:
+                    log.debug("unsupported-msg", msg_type=type(message.body))
+                    return
+                if targetted_topic in self.topic_target_cls_map:
+                    if msg_body.args:
+                        log.debug("message-body-args-present", body=msg_body)
+                        (status, res) = yield getattr(
+                            self.topic_target_cls_map[targetted_topic],
+                            self._to_string(msg_body.rpc))(
+                            **_toDict(msg_body.args))
+                    else:
+                        log.debug("message-body-args-absent", body=msg_body,
+                                  rpc=msg_body.rpc)
+                        (status, res) = yield getattr(
+                            self.topic_target_cls_map[targetted_topic],
+                            self._to_string(msg_body.rpc))()
+                    if msg_body.response_required:
+                        response = self._format_response(
+                            msg_header=message.header,
+                            msg_body=res,
+                            status=status,
+                        )
+                        if response is not None:
+                            res_topic = self._to_string(
+                                response.header.to_topic)
+                            self._send_kafka_message(res_topic, response)
+                        log.debug("Response-sent", response=response.body)
+            elif message.header.type == MessageType.Value("RESPONSE"):
+                trns_id = self._to_string(message.header.id)
+                if trns_id in self.transaction_id_deferred_map:
+                    resp = self._parse_response(val)
+                    self.transaction_id_deferred_map[trns_id].callback(resp)
+            else:
+                log.error("!!INVALID-TRANSACTION-TYPE!!")
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("Failed-to-process-message", message=m, e=e)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _send_kafka_message(self, topic, msg):
+        try:
+            yield self.kafka_proxy.send_message(topic, msg.SerializeToString())
+        except Exception, e:
+            log.exception("Failed-sending-message", message=msg, e=e)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def send_request(self,
+                     rpc,
+                     to_topic,
+                     reply_topic=None,
+                     callback=None,
+                     **kwargs):
+        """
+        Invoked to send a message to a remote container and receive a
+        response if required.
+        :param rpc: The remote API to invoke
+        :param to_topic: Send the message to this kafka topic
+        :param reply_topic: If not None then a response is expected on this
+        topic.  If set to None then no response is required.
+        :param callback: Callback to invoke when a response is received.
+        :param kwargs: Key-value pairs representing arguments to pass to the
+        rpc remote API.
+        :return: Either no response is required, or a response is returned
+        via the callback or the response is a tuple of (status, return_cls)
+        """
+        try:
+            # Ensure all strings are not unicode encoded
+            rpc = self._to_string(rpc)
+            to_topic = self._to_string(to_topic)
+            reply_topic = self._to_string(reply_topic)
+            request, transaction_id, response_required = \
+                self._format_request(
+                    rpc=rpc,
+                    to_topic=to_topic,
+                    reply_topic=reply_topic,
+                    **kwargs)
+            if request is None:
+                return
+            # Add the transaction to the transaction map before sending the
+            # request.  This will guarantee the eventual response will be
+            # processed.
+            wait_for_result = None
+            if response_required:
+                wait_for_result = Deferred()
+                self.transaction_id_deferred_map[
+                    self._to_string(request.header.id)] = wait_for_result
+            yield self._send_kafka_message(to_topic, request)
+            log.debug("message-sent", to_topic=to_topic,
+                      from_topic=reply_topic)
+            if response_required:
+                res = yield wait_for_result
+                if res is None or not res.success:
+                    raise KafkaMessagingError(error="Failed-response:{"
+                                                    "}".format(res))
+                # Remove the transaction from the transaction map
+                del self.transaction_id_deferred_map[transaction_id]
+                log.debug("send-message-response", rpc=rpc, result=res)
+                if callback:
+                    callback((res.success, res.result))
+                else:
+                    returnValue((res.success, res.result))
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("Exception-sending-request", e=e)
+            raise KafkaMessagingError(error=e)
+# Common method to get the singleton instance of the kafka proxy class
+def get_messaging_proxy():
+    return IKafkaMessagingProxy._kafka_messaging_instance
diff --git a/python/adapters/kafka/kafka_proxy.py b/python/adapters/kafka/kafka_proxy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c11caa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/kafka/kafka_proxy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from afkak.client import KafkaClient as _KafkaClient
+from afkak.common import (
+from afkak.producer import Producer as _kafkaProducer
+from structlog import get_logger
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from adapters.common.utils.consulhelpers import get_endpoint_from_consul
+from adapters.common.utils.registry import IComponent
+from adapters.kafka.event_bus_publisher import EventBusPublisher
+log = get_logger()
+class KafkaProxy(object):
+    """
+    This is a singleton proxy kafka class to hide the kafka client details.
+    """
+    _kafka_instance = None
+    def __init__(self,
+                 consul_endpoint='localhost:8500',
+                 kafka_endpoint='localhost:9092',
+                 ack_timeout=1000,
+                 max_req_attempts=10,
+                 config={}):
+        # return an exception if the object already exist
+        if KafkaProxy._kafka_instance:
+            raise Exception('Singleton exist for :{}'.format(KafkaProxy))
+        log.debug('initializing', endpoint=kafka_endpoint)
+        self.ack_timeout = ack_timeout
+        self.max_req_attempts = max_req_attempts
+        self.consul_endpoint = consul_endpoint
+        self.kafka_endpoint = kafka_endpoint
+        self.config = config
+        self.kclient = None
+        self.kproducer = None
+        self.event_bus_publisher = None
+        self.stopping = False
+        self.faulty = False
+        log.debug('initialized', endpoint=kafka_endpoint)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def start(self):
+        log.debug('starting')
+        self._get_kafka_producer()
+        KafkaProxy._kafka_instance = self
+        self.event_bus_publisher = yield EventBusPublisher(
+            self, self.config.get('event_bus_publisher', {})).start()
+        log.info('started')
+        KafkaProxy.faulty = False
+        self.stopping = False
+        returnValue(self)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def stop(self):
+        try:
+            log.debug('stopping-kafka-proxy')
+            try:
+                if self.kclient:
+                    yield self.kclient.close()
+                    self.kclient = None
+                    log.debug('stopped-kclient-kafka-proxy')
+            except Exception, e:
+                log.exception('failed-stopped-kclient-kafka-proxy', e=e)
+                pass
+            try:
+                if self.kproducer:
+                    yield self.kproducer.stop()
+                    self.kproducer = None
+                    log.debug('stopped-kproducer-kafka-proxy')
+            except Exception, e:
+                log.exception('failed-stopped-kproducer-kafka-proxy', e=e)
+                pass
+            log.debug('stopped-kafka-proxy')
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.kclient = None
+            self.kproducer = None
+            # self.event_bus_publisher = None
+            log.exception('failed-stopped-kafka-proxy', e=e)
+            pass
+    def _get_kafka_producer(self):
+        # PRODUCER_ACK_LOCAL_WRITE : server will wait till the data is written
+        #  to a local log before sending response
+        try:
+            if self.kafka_endpoint.startswith('@'):
+                try:
+                    _k_endpoint = get_endpoint_from_consul(self.consul_endpoint,
+                                                           self.kafka_endpoint[
+                                                           1:])
+                    log.debug('found-kafka-service', endpoint=_k_endpoint)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    log.exception('no-kafka-service-in-consul', e=e)
+                    self.kproducer = None
+                    self.kclient = None
+                    return
+            else:
+                _k_endpoint = self.kafka_endpoint
+            self.kclient = _KafkaClient(_k_endpoint)
+            self.kproducer = _kafkaProducer(self.kclient,
+                                            req_acks=PRODUCER_ACK_NOT_REQUIRED,
+                                            # req_acks=PRODUCER_ACK_LOCAL_WRITE,
+                                            # ack_timeout=self.ack_timeout,
+                                            # max_req_attempts=self.max_req_attempts)
+                                            )
+        except Exception, e:
+            log.exception('failed-get-kafka-producer', e=e)
+            return
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def send_message(self, topic, msg):
+        assert topic is not None
+        assert msg is not None
+        # first check whether we have a kafka producer.  If there is none
+        # then try to get one - this happens only when we try to lookup the
+        # kafka service from consul
+        try:
+            if self.faulty is False:
+                if self.kproducer is None:
+                    self._get_kafka_producer()
+                    # Lets the next message request do the retry if still a failure
+                    if self.kproducer is None:
+                        log.error('no-kafka-producer',
+                                  endpoint=self.kafka_endpoint)
+                        return
+                # log.debug('sending-kafka-msg', topic=topic, msg=msg)
+                msgs = [msg]
+                if self.kproducer and self.kclient and \
+                        self.event_bus_publisher and self.faulty is False:
+                    # log.debug('sending-kafka-msg-I-am-here0', time=int(round(time.time() * 1000)))
+                    yield self.kproducer.send_messages(topic, msgs=msgs)
+                    # self.kproducer.send_messages(topic, msgs=msgs)
+                    # log.debug('sent-kafka-msg', topic=topic, msg=msg)
+                else:
+                    return
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.faulty = True
+            log.error('failed-to-send-kafka-msg', topic=topic, msg=msg, e=e)
+            # set the kafka producer to None.  This is needed if the
+            # kafka docker went down and comes back up with a different
+            # port number.
+            if self.stopping is False:
+                log.debug('stopping-kafka-proxy')
+                try:
+                    self.stopping = True
+                    self.stop()
+                    self.stopping = False
+                    self.faulty = False
+                    log.debug('stopped-kafka-proxy')
+                except Exception, e:
+                    log.exception('failed-stopping-kafka-proxy', e=e)
+                    pass
+            else:
+                log.info('already-stopping-kafka-proxy')
+            return
+    def is_faulty(self):
+        return self.faulty
+# Common method to get the singleton instance of the kafka proxy class
+def get_kafka_proxy():
+    return KafkaProxy._kafka_instance
diff --git a/python/adapters/ponsim_olt/VERSION b/python/adapters/ponsim_olt/VERSION
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0ab82c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/ponsim_olt/VERSION
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/python/adapters/ponsim_olt/__init__.py b/python/adapters/ponsim_olt/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a82628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/ponsim_olt/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/adapters/ponsim_olt/main.py b/python/adapters/ponsim_olt/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..569e284
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/ponsim_olt/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Ponsim OLT Adapter main entry point"""
+import argparse
+import os
+import time
+import arrow
+import yaml
+from packaging.version import Version
+from simplejson import dumps
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
+from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from adapters.common.structlog_setup import setup_logging, update_logging
+from adapters.common.utils.asleep import asleep
+from adapters.common.utils.deferred_utils import TimeOutError
+from adapters.common.utils.dockerhelpers import get_my_containers_name
+from adapters.common.utils.nethelpers import get_my_primary_local_ipv4, \
+    get_my_primary_interface
+from adapters.common.utils.registry import registry, IComponent
+from adapters.kafka.adapter_proxy import AdapterProxy
+from adapters.kafka.adapter_request_facade import AdapterRequestFacade
+from adapters.kafka.core_proxy import CoreProxy
+from adapters.kafka.kafka_inter_container_library import IKafkaMessagingProxy, \
+    get_messaging_proxy
+from adapters.kafka.kafka_proxy import KafkaProxy, get_kafka_proxy
+from adapters.ponsim_olt.ponsim_olt import PonSimOltAdapter
+from adapters.protos import third_party
+from adapters.protos.adapter_pb2 import AdapterConfig
+_ = third_party
+defs = dict(
+    version_file='./VERSION',
+    config=os.environ.get('CONFIG', './ponsim_olt.yml'),
+    container_name_regex=os.environ.get('CONTAINER_NUMBER_EXTRACTOR', '^.*\.(['
+                                                                      '0-9]+)\..*$'),
+    consul=os.environ.get('CONSUL', 'localhost:8500'),
+    name=os.environ.get('NAME', 'ponsim_olt'),
+    vendor=os.environ.get('VENDOR', 'Voltha Project'),
+    device_type=os.environ.get('DEVICE_TYPE', 'ponsim_olt'),
+    accept_bulk_flow=os.environ.get('ACCEPT_BULK_FLOW', True),
+    accept_atomic_flow=os.environ.get('ACCEPT_ATOMIC_FLOW', True),
+    etcd=os.environ.get('ETCD', 'localhost:2379'),
+    core_topic=os.environ.get('CORE_TOPIC', 'rwcore'),
+    interface=os.environ.get('INTERFACE', get_my_primary_interface()),
+    instance_id=os.environ.get('INSTANCE_ID', os.environ.get('HOSTNAME', '1')),
+    kafka_adapter=os.environ.get('KAFKA_ADAPTER', ''),
+    kafka_cluster=os.environ.get('KAFKA_CLUSTER', ''),
+    backend=os.environ.get('BACKEND', 'none'),
+    retry_interval=os.environ.get('RETRY_INTERVAL', 2),
+    heartbeat_topic=os.environ.get('HEARTBEAT_TOPIC', "adapters.heartbeat"),
+def parse_args():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    _help = ('Path to ponsim_onu.yml config file (default: %s). '
+             'If relative, it is relative to main.py of ponsim adapter.'
+             % defs['config'])
+    parser.add_argument('-c', '--config',
+                        dest='config',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['config'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'Regular expression for extracting conatiner number from ' \
+            'container name (default: %s)' % defs['container_name_regex']
+    parser.add_argument('-X', '--container-number-extractor',
+                        dest='container_name_regex',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['container_name_regex'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = '<hostname>:<port> to consul agent (default: %s)' % defs['consul']
+    parser.add_argument('-C', '--consul',
+                        dest='consul',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['consul'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'name of this adapter (default: %s)' % defs['name']
+    parser.add_argument('-na', '--name',
+                        dest='name',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['name'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'vendor of this adapter (default: %s)' % defs['vendor']
+    parser.add_argument('-ven', '--vendor',
+                        dest='vendor',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['vendor'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'supported device type of this adapter (default: %s)' % defs[
+        'device_type']
+    parser.add_argument('-dt', '--device_type',
+                        dest='device_type',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['device_type'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'specifies whether the device type accepts bulk flow updates ' \
+            'adapter (default: %s)' % defs['accept_bulk_flow']
+    parser.add_argument('-abf', '--accept_bulk_flow',
+                        dest='accept_bulk_flow',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['accept_bulk_flow'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'specifies whether the device type accepts add/remove flow ' \
+            '(default: %s)' % defs['accept_atomic_flow']
+    parser.add_argument('-aaf', '--accept_atomic_flow',
+                        dest='accept_atomic_flow',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['accept_atomic_flow'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = '<hostname>:<port> to etcd server (default: %s)' % defs['etcd']
+    parser.add_argument('-e', '--etcd',
+                        dest='etcd',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['etcd'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('unique string id of this container instance (default: %s)'
+             % defs['instance_id'])
+    parser.add_argument('-i', '--instance-id',
+                        dest='instance_id',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['instance_id'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'ETH interface to recieve (default: %s)' % defs['interface']
+    parser.add_argument('-I', '--interface',
+                        dest='interface',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['interface'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'omit startup banner log lines'
+    parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-banner',
+                        dest='no_banner',
+                        action='store_true',
+                        default=False,
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'do not emit periodic heartbeat log messages'
+    parser.add_argument('-N', '--no-heartbeat',
+                        dest='no_heartbeat',
+                        action='store_true',
+                        default=False,
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = "suppress debug and info logs"
+    parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet',
+                        dest='quiet',
+                        action='count',
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'enable verbose logging'
+    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose',
+                        dest='verbose',
+                        action='count',
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('use docker container name as conatiner instance id'
+             ' (overrides -i/--instance-id option)')
+    parser.add_argument('--instance-id-is-container-name',
+                        dest='instance_id_is_container_name',
+                        action='store_true',
+                        default=False,
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('<hostname>:<port> of the kafka adapter broker (default: %s). ('
+             'If not '
+             'specified (None), the address from the config file is used'
+             % defs['kafka_adapter'])
+    parser.add_argument('-KA', '--kafka_adapter',
+                        dest='kafka_adapter',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['kafka_adapter'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('<hostname>:<port> of the kafka cluster broker (default: %s). ('
+             'If not '
+             'specified (None), the address from the config file is used'
+             % defs['kafka_cluster'])
+    parser.add_argument('-KC', '--kafka_cluster',
+                        dest='kafka_cluster',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['kafka_cluster'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'backend to use for config persitence'
+    parser.add_argument('-b', '--backend',
+                        default=defs['backend'],
+                        choices=['none', 'consul', 'etcd'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'topic of core on the kafka bus'
+    parser.add_argument('-ct', '--core_topic',
+                        dest='core_topic',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['core_topic'],
+                        help=_help)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    # post-processing
+    if args.instance_id_is_container_name:
+        args.instance_id = get_my_containers_name()
+    return args
+def load_config(args):
+    path = args.config
+    if path.startswith('.'):
+        dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+        path = os.path.join(dir, path)
+    path = os.path.abspath(path)
+    with open(path) as fd:
+        config = yaml.load(fd)
+    return config
+def print_banner(log):
+    log.info(' ____                 _              ___  _   _____   ')
+    log.info('|  _ \ ___  _ __  ___(_)_ __ ___    / _ \| | |_   _|  ')
+    log.info('| |_) / _ \| \'_ \/ __| | \'_ ` _ \  | | | | |   | |  ')
+    log.info('|  __/ (_) | | | \__ \ | | | | | | | |_| | |___| |    ')
+    log.info('|_|   \___/|_| |_|___/_|_| |_| |_|  \___/|_____|_|    ')
+    log.info('                                                      ')
+    log.info('   _       _             _                            ')
+    log.info('  / \   __| | __ _ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __                 ')
+    log.info('  / _ \ / _` |/ _` | \'_ \| __/ _ \ \'__|             ')
+    log.info(' / ___ \ (_| | (_| | |_) | ||  __/ |                  ')
+    log.info('/_/   \_\__,_|\__,_| .__/ \__\___|_|                  ')
+    log.info('                   |_|                                ')
+    log.info('(to stop: press Ctrl-C)')
+class Main(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.args = args = parse_args()
+        self.config = load_config(args)
+        verbosity_adjust = (args.verbose or 0) - (args.quiet or 0)
+        self.log = setup_logging(self.config.get('logging', {}),
+                                 args.instance_id,
+                                 verbosity_adjust=verbosity_adjust)
+        self.log.info('container-number-extractor',
+                      regex=args.container_name_regex)
+        self.ponsim_olt_adapter_version = self.get_version()
+        self.log.info('Ponsim-OLT-Adapter-Version', version=
+        self.ponsim_olt_adapter_version)
+        if not args.no_banner:
+            print_banner(self.log)
+        self.adapter = None
+        # Create a unique instance id using the passed-in instance id and
+        # UTC timestamp
+        current_time = arrow.utcnow().timestamp
+        self.instance_id = self.args.instance_id + '_' + str(current_time)
+        self.core_topic = args.core_topic
+        self.listening_topic = args.name
+        self.startup_components()
+        if not args.no_heartbeat:
+            self.start_heartbeat()
+            self.start_kafka_cluster_heartbeat(self.instance_id)
+    def get_version(self):
+        path = defs['version_file']
+        if not path.startswith('/'):
+            dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+            path = os.path.join(dir, path)
+        path = os.path.abspath(path)
+        version_file = open(path, 'r')
+        v = version_file.read()
+        # Use Version to validate the version string - exception will be raised
+        # if the version is invalid
+        Version(v)
+        version_file.close()
+        return v
+    def start(self):
+        self.start_reactor()  # will not return except Keyboard interrupt
+    def stop(self):
+        pass
+    def get_args(self):
+        """Allow access to command line args"""
+        return self.args
+    def get_config(self):
+        """Allow access to content of config file"""
+        return self.config
+    def _get_adapter_config(self):
+        cfg = AdapterConfig()
+        return cfg
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def startup_components(self):
+        try:
+            self.log.info('starting-internal-components',
+                          consul=self.args.consul,
+                          etcd=self.args.etcd)
+            registry.register('main', self)
+            # Update the logger to output the vcore id.
+            self.log = update_logging(instance_id=self.instance_id,
+                                      vcore_id=None)
+            yield registry.register(
+                'kafka_cluster_proxy',
+                KafkaProxy(
+                    self.args.consul,
+                    self.args.kafka_cluster,
+                    config=self.config.get('kafka-cluster-proxy', {})
+                )
+            ).start()
+            config = self._get_adapter_config()
+            self.core_proxy = CoreProxy(
+                kafka_proxy=None,
+                core_topic=self.core_topic,
+                my_listening_topic=self.listening_topic)
+            self.adapter_proxy = AdapterProxy(
+                kafka_proxy=None,
+                core_topic=self.core_topic,
+                my_listening_topic=self.listening_topic)
+            self.adapter = PonSimOltAdapter(core_proxy=self.core_proxy,
+                                            adapter_proxy=self.adapter_proxy,
+                                            config=config)
+            ponsim_request_handler = AdapterRequestFacade(adapter=self.adapter)
+            yield registry.register(
+                'kafka_adapter_proxy',
+                IKafkaMessagingProxy(
+                    kafka_host_port=self.args.kafka_adapter,
+                    # TODO: Add KV Store object reference
+                    kv_store=self.args.backend,
+                    default_topic=self.args.name,
+                    # Needs to assign a real class
+                    target_cls=ponsim_request_handler
+                )
+            ).start()
+            self.core_proxy.kafka_proxy = get_messaging_proxy()
+            self.adapter_proxy.kafka_proxy = get_messaging_proxy()
+            # retry for ever
+            res = yield self._register_with_core(-1)
+            self.log.info('started-internal-services')
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Failure-to-start-all-components', e=e)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def shutdown_components(self):
+        """Execute before the reactor is shut down"""
+        self.log.info('exiting-on-keyboard-interrupt')
+        for component in reversed(registry.iterate()):
+            yield component.stop()
+        import threading
+        self.log.info('THREADS:')
+        main_thread = threading.current_thread()
+        for t in threading.enumerate():
+            if t is main_thread:
+                continue
+            if not t.isDaemon():
+                continue
+            self.log.info('joining thread {} {}'.format(
+                t.getName(), "daemon" if t.isDaemon() else "not-daemon"))
+            t.join()
+    def start_reactor(self):
+        from twisted.internet import reactor
+        reactor.callWhenRunning(
+            lambda: self.log.info('twisted-reactor-started'))
+        reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown',
+                                      self.shutdown_components)
+        reactor.run()
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _register_with_core(self, retries):
+        while 1:
+            try:
+                resp = yield self.core_proxy.register(
+                    self.adapter.adapter_descriptor(),
+                    self.adapter.device_types())
+                if resp:
+                    self.log.info('registered-with-core',
+                                  coreId=resp.instance_id)
+                returnValue(resp)
+            except TimeOutError as e:
+                self.log.warn("timeout-when-registering-with-core", e=e)
+                if retries == 0:
+                    self.log.exception("no-more-retries", e=e)
+                    raise
+                else:
+                    retries = retries if retries < 0 else retries - 1
+                    yield asleep(defs['retry_interval'])
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.exception("failed-registration", e=e)
+                raise
+    def start_heartbeat(self):
+        t0 = time.time()
+        t0s = time.ctime(t0)
+        def heartbeat():
+            self.log.debug(status='up', since=t0s, uptime=time.time() - t0)
+        lc = LoopingCall(heartbeat)
+        lc.start(10)
+    # Temporary function to send a heartbeat message to the external kafka
+    # broker
+    def start_kafka_cluster_heartbeat(self, instance_id):
+        # For heartbeat we will send a message to a specific "voltha-heartbeat"
+        #  topic.  The message is a protocol buf
+        # message
+        message = dict(
+            type='heartbeat',
+            adapter=self.args.name,
+            instance=instance_id,
+            ip=get_my_primary_local_ipv4()
+        )
+        topic = defs['heartbeat_topic']
+        def send_msg(start_time):
+            try:
+                kafka_cluster_proxy = get_kafka_proxy()
+                if kafka_cluster_proxy and not kafka_cluster_proxy.is_faulty():
+                    # self.log.debug('kafka-proxy-available')
+                    message['ts'] = arrow.utcnow().timestamp
+                    message['uptime'] = time.time() - start_time
+                    # self.log.debug('start-kafka-heartbeat')
+                    kafka_cluster_proxy.send_message(topic, dumps(message))
+                else:
+                    self.log.error('kafka-proxy-unavailable')
+            except Exception, e:
+                self.log.exception('failed-sending-message-heartbeat', e=e)
+        try:
+            t0 = time.time()
+            lc = LoopingCall(send_msg, t0)
+            lc.start(10)
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.log.exception('failed-kafka-heartbeat', e=e)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    Main().start()
diff --git a/python/adapters/ponsim_olt/ponsim_olt.py b/python/adapters/ponsim_olt/ponsim_olt.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52fb63b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/ponsim_olt/ponsim_olt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Fully simulated OLT adapter.
+import arrow
+import grpc
+import structlog
+from google.protobuf.empty_pb2 import Empty
+from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict
+from google.protobuf.message import Message
+from grpc._channel import _Rendezvous
+from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether, Dot1Q
+from simplejson import dumps
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
+from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
+from adapters.common.frameio.frameio import BpfProgramFilter, hexify
+from adapters.common.utils.asleep import asleep
+from adapters.common.utils.registry import registry
+from adapters.iadapter import OltAdapter
+from adapters.kafka.kafka_proxy import get_kafka_proxy
+from adapters.protos import ponsim_pb2
+from adapters.protos import third_party
+from adapters.protos.common_pb2 import OperStatus, ConnectStatus
+from adapters.protos.core_adapter_pb2 import SwitchCapability, PortCapability, \
+    InterAdapterMessageType, InterAdapterResponseBody
+from adapters.protos.device_pb2 import Port, PmConfig, PmConfigs
+from adapters.protos.events_pb2 import KpiEvent, KpiEventType, MetricValuePairs
+from adapters.protos.logical_device_pb2 import LogicalPort
+from adapters.protos.openflow_13_pb2 import OFPPS_LIVE, OFPPF_FIBER, \
+    OFPPF_1GB_FD, \
+    ofp_switch_features, ofp_desc
+from adapters.protos.openflow_13_pb2 import ofp_port
+from adapters.protos.ponsim_pb2 import FlowTable, PonSimFrame, PonSimMetricsRequest
+_ = third_party
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+is_inband_frame = BpfProgramFilter('(ether[14:2] & 0xfff) = 0x{:03x}'.format(
+def mac_str_to_tuple(mac):
+    return tuple(int(d, 16) for d in mac.split(':'))
+class AdapterPmMetrics:
+    def __init__(self, device):
+        self.pm_names = {'tx_64_pkts', 'tx_65_127_pkts', 'tx_128_255_pkts',
+                         'tx_256_511_pkts', 'tx_512_1023_pkts',
+                         'tx_1024_1518_pkts', 'tx_1519_9k_pkts',
+                         'rx_64_pkts', 'rx_65_127_pkts',
+                         'rx_128_255_pkts', 'rx_256_511_pkts',
+                         'rx_512_1023_pkts', 'rx_1024_1518_pkts',
+                         'rx_1519_9k_pkts'}
+        self.device = device
+        self.id = device.id
+        self.name = 'ponsim_olt'
+        self.default_freq = 150
+        self.grouped = False
+        self.freq_override = False
+        self.pon_metrics_config = dict()
+        self.nni_metrics_config = dict()
+        self.lc = None
+        for m in self.pm_names:
+            self.pon_metrics_config[m] = PmConfig(name=m,
+                                                  type=PmConfig.COUNTER,
+                                                  enabled=True)
+            self.nni_metrics_config[m] = PmConfig(name=m,
+                                                  type=PmConfig.COUNTER,
+                                                  enabled=True)
+    def update(self, pm_config):
+        if self.default_freq != pm_config.default_freq:
+            # Update the callback to the new frequency.
+            self.default_freq = pm_config.default_freq
+            self.lc.stop()
+            self.lc.start(interval=self.default_freq / 10)
+        for m in pm_config.metrics:
+            self.pon_metrics_config[m.name].enabled = m.enabled
+            self.nni_metrics_config[m.name].enabled = m.enabled
+    def make_proto(self):
+        pm_config = PmConfigs(
+            id=self.id,
+            default_freq=self.default_freq,
+            grouped=False,
+            freq_override=False)
+        for m in sorted(self.pon_metrics_config):
+            pm = self.pon_metrics_config[m]  # Either will do they're the same
+            pm_config.metrics.extend([PmConfig(name=pm.name,
+                                               type=pm.type,
+                                               enabled=pm.enabled)])
+        return pm_config
+    def collect_port_metrics(self, channel):
+        rtrn_port_metrics = dict()
+        stub = ponsim_pb2.PonSimStub(channel)
+        stats = stub.GetStats(Empty())
+        rtrn_port_metrics['pon'] = self.extract_pon_metrics(stats)
+        rtrn_port_metrics['nni'] = self.extract_nni_metrics(stats)
+        return rtrn_port_metrics
+    def extract_pon_metrics(self, stats):
+        rtrn_pon_metrics = dict()
+        for m in stats.metrics:
+            if m.port_name == "pon":
+                for p in m.packets:
+                    if self.pon_metrics_config[p.name].enabled:
+                        rtrn_pon_metrics[p.name] = p.value
+                return rtrn_pon_metrics
+    def extract_nni_metrics(self, stats):
+        rtrn_pon_metrics = dict()
+        for m in stats.metrics:
+            if m.port_name == "nni":
+                for p in m.packets:
+                    if self.pon_metrics_config[p.name].enabled:
+                        rtrn_pon_metrics[p.name] = p.value
+                return rtrn_pon_metrics
+    def start_collector(self, callback):
+        log.info("starting-pm-collection", device_name=self.name,
+                 device_id=self.device.id)
+        prefix = 'voltha.{}.{}'.format(self.name, self.device.id)
+        self.lc = LoopingCall(callback, self.device.id, prefix)
+        self.lc.start(interval=self.default_freq / 10)
+    def stop_collector(self):
+        log.info("stopping-pm-collection", device_name=self.name,
+                 device_id=self.device.id)
+        self.lc.stop()
+class AdapterAlarms:
+    def __init__(self, adapter, device):
+        self.adapter = adapter
+        self.device = device
+        self.lc = None
+    def send_alarm(self, context_data, alarm_data):
+        try:
+            current_context = {}
+            for key, value in context_data.__dict__.items():
+                current_context[key] = str(value)
+            alarm_event = self.adapter.adapter_agent.create_alarm(
+                resource_id=self.device.id,
+                description="{}.{} - {}".format(self.adapter.name,
+                                                self.device.id,
+                                                alarm_data[
+                                                    'description']) if 'description' in alarm_data else None,
+                type=alarm_data['type'] if 'type' in alarm_data else None,
+                category=alarm_data[
+                    'category'] if 'category' in alarm_data else None,
+                severity=alarm_data[
+                    'severity'] if 'severity' in alarm_data else None,
+                state=alarm_data['state'] if 'state' in alarm_data else None,
+                raised_ts=alarm_data['ts'] if 'ts' in alarm_data else 0,
+                context=current_context
+            )
+            self.adapter.adapter_agent.submit_alarm(self.device.id,
+                                                    alarm_event)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception('failed-to-send-alarm', e=e)
+class PonSimOltAdapter(OltAdapter):
+    def __init__(self, core_proxy, adapter_proxy, config):
+        super(PonSimOltAdapter, self).__init__(core_proxy=core_proxy,
+                                               adapter_proxy=adapter_proxy,
+                                               config=config,
+                                               device_handler_class=PonSimOltHandler,
+                                               name='ponsim_olt',
+                                               vendor='Voltha project',
+                                               version='0.4',
+                                               device_type='ponsim_olt',
+                                               accepts_bulk_flow_update=True,
+                                               accepts_add_remove_flow_updates=False)
+    def update_pm_config(self, device, pm_config):
+        log.info("adapter-update-pm-config", device=device,
+                 pm_config=pm_config)
+        handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+        handler.update_pm_config(device, pm_config)
+class PonSimOltHandler(object):
+    def __init__(self, adapter, device_id):
+        self.adapter = adapter
+        self.core_proxy = adapter.core_proxy
+        self.adapter_proxy = adapter.adapter_proxy
+        self.device_id = device_id
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=device_id)
+        self.channel = None
+        self.io_port = None
+        self.logical_device_id = None
+        self.nni_port = None
+        self.ofp_port_no = None
+        self.interface = registry('main').get_args().interface
+        self.pm_metrics = None
+        self.alarms = None
+        self.frames = None
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def get_channel(self):
+        if self.channel is None:
+            try:
+                device = yield self.core_proxy.get_device(self.device_id)
+                self.log.info('device-info', device=device,
+                              host_port=device.host_and_port)
+                self.channel = grpc.insecure_channel(device.host_and_port)
+            except Exception as e:
+                log.exception("ponsim-connection-failure", e=e)
+        # returnValue(self.channel)
+    def close_channel(self):
+        if self.channel is None:
+            self.log.info('grpc-channel-already-closed')
+            return
+        else:
+            if self.frames is not None:
+                self.frames.cancel()
+                self.frames = None
+                self.log.info('cancelled-grpc-frame-stream')
+            self.channel.unsubscribe(lambda *args: None)
+            self.channel = None
+            self.log.info('grpc-channel-closed')
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _get_nni_port(self):
+        ports = yield self.core_proxy.get_ports(self.device_id,
+                                                Port.ETHERNET_NNI)
+        returnValue(ports)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def activate(self, device):
+        try:
+            self.log.info('activating')
+            if not device.host_and_port:
+                device.oper_status = OperStatus.FAILED
+                device.reason = 'No host_and_port field provided'
+                self.core_proxy.device_update(device)
+                return
+            yield self.get_channel()
+            stub = ponsim_pb2.PonSimStub(self.channel)
+            info = stub.GetDeviceInfo(Empty())
+            log.info('got-info', info=info, device_id=device.id)
+            self.ofp_port_no = info.nni_port
+            device.root = True
+            device.vendor = 'ponsim'
+            device.model = 'n/a'
+            device.serial_number = device.host_and_port
+            device.mac_address = "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF"
+            yield self.core_proxy.device_update(device)
+            # Now set the initial PM configuration for this device
+            self.pm_metrics = AdapterPmMetrics(device)
+            pm_config = self.pm_metrics.make_proto()
+            log.info("initial-pm-config", pm_config=pm_config)
+            self.core_proxy.device_pm_config_update(pm_config, init=True)
+            # Setup alarm handler
+            self.alarms = AdapterAlarms(self.adapter, device)
+            nni_port = Port(
+                port_no=info.nni_port,
+                label='NNI facing Ethernet port',
+                type=Port.ETHERNET_NNI,
+                oper_status=OperStatus.ACTIVE
+            )
+            self.nni_port = nni_port
+            yield self.core_proxy.port_created(device.id, nni_port)
+            yield self.core_proxy.port_created(device.id, Port(
+                port_no=1,
+                label='PON port',
+                type=Port.PON_OLT,
+                oper_status=OperStatus.ACTIVE
+            ))
+            yield self.core_proxy.device_state_update(device.id,
+                                                      connect_status=ConnectStatus.REACHABLE,
+                                                      oper_status=OperStatus.ACTIVE)
+            # register ONUS
+            self.log.info('onu-found', onus=info.onus, len=len(info.onus))
+            for onu in info.onus:
+                vlan_id = onu.uni_port
+                yield self.core_proxy.child_device_detected(
+                    parent_device_id=device.id,
+                    parent_port_no=1,
+                    child_device_type='ponsim_onu',
+                    channel_id=vlan_id,
+                )
+            self.log.info('starting-frame-grpc-stream')
+            reactor.callInThread(self.rcv_grpc)
+            self.log.info('started-frame-grpc-stream')
+            # TODO
+            # Start collecting stats from the device after a brief pause
+            self.start_kpi_collection(device.id)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("Exception-activating", e=e)
+    def get_ofp_device_info(self, device):
+        return SwitchCapability(
+            desc=ofp_desc(
+                hw_desc='ponsim pon',
+                sw_desc='ponsim pon',
+                serial_num=device.serial_number,
+                dp_desc='n/a'
+            ),
+            switch_features=ofp_switch_features(
+                n_buffers=256,  # TODO fake for now
+                n_tables=2,  # TODO ditto
+                capabilities=(  # TODO and ditto
+                        OFPC_FLOW_STATS
+                        | OFPC_TABLE_STATS
+                        | OFPC_PORT_STATS
+                        | OFPC_GROUP_STATS
+                )
+            )
+        )
+    def get_ofp_port_info(self, device, port_no):
+        # Since the adapter created the device port then it has the reference of the port to
+        # return the capability.   TODO:  Do a lookup on the NNI port number and return the
+        # appropriate attributes
+        self.log.info('get_ofp_port_info', port_no=port_no,
+                      info=self.ofp_port_no, device_id=device.id)
+        cap = OFPPF_1GB_FD | OFPPF_FIBER
+        return PortCapability(
+            port=LogicalPort(
+                ofp_port=ofp_port(
+                    hw_addr=mac_str_to_tuple(
+                        '00:00:00:00:00:%02x' % port_no),
+                    config=0,
+                    state=OFPPS_LIVE,
+                    curr=cap,
+                    advertised=cap,
+                    peer=cap,
+                    curr_speed=OFPPF_1GB_FD,
+                    max_speed=OFPPF_1GB_FD
+                ),
+                device_id=device.id,
+                device_port_no=port_no
+            )
+        )
+    # TODO - change for core 2.0
+    def reconcile(self, device):
+        self.log.info('reconciling-OLT-device')
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def rcv_grpc(self):
+        """
+        This call establishes a GRPC stream to receive frames.
+        """
+        yield self.get_channel()
+        stub = ponsim_pb2.PonSimStub(self.channel)
+        # stub = ponsim_pb2.PonSimStub(self.get_channel())
+        # Attempt to establish a grpc stream with the remote ponsim service
+        self.frames = stub.ReceiveFrames(Empty())
+        self.log.info('start-receiving-grpc-frames')
+        try:
+            for frame in self.frames:
+                self.log.info('received-grpc-frame',
+                              frame_len=len(frame.payload))
+                self._rcv_frame(frame.payload)
+        except _Rendezvous, e:
+            log.warn('grpc-connection-lost', message=e.message)
+        self.log.info('stopped-receiving-grpc-frames')
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def update_flow_table(self, flows):
+        yield self.get_channel()
+        stub = ponsim_pb2.PonSimStub(self.channel)
+        self.log.info('pushing-olt-flow-table')
+        stub.UpdateFlowTable(FlowTable(
+            port=0,
+            flows=flows
+        ))
+        self.log.info('success')
+    def remove_from_flow_table(self, flows):
+        self.log.debug('remove-from-flow-table', flows=flows)
+        # TODO: Update PONSIM code to accept incremental flow changes
+        # Once completed, the accepts_add_remove_flow_updates for this
+        # device type can be set to True
+    def add_to_flow_table(self, flows):
+        self.log.debug('add-to-flow-table', flows=flows)
+        # TODO: Update PONSIM code to accept incremental flow changes
+        # Once completed, the accepts_add_remove_flow_updates for this
+        # device type can be set to True
+    def update_pm_config(self, device, pm_config):
+        log.info("handler-update-pm-config", device=device,
+                 pm_config=pm_config)
+        self.pm_metrics.update(pm_config)
+    def send_proxied_message(self, proxy_address, msg):
+        self.log.info('sending-proxied-message')
+        if isinstance(msg, FlowTable):
+            stub = ponsim_pb2.PonSimStub(self.get_channel())
+            self.log.info('pushing-onu-flow-table', port=msg.port)
+            res = stub.UpdateFlowTable(msg)
+            self.core_proxy.receive_proxied_message(proxy_address, res)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def process_inter_adapter_message(self, request):
+        self.log.info('process-inter-adapter-message', msg=request)
+        try:
+            if request.header.type == InterAdapterMessageType.FLOW_REQUEST:
+                f = FlowTable()
+                if request.body:
+                    request.body.Unpack(f)
+                    stub = ponsim_pb2.PonSimStub(self.channel)
+                    self.log.info('pushing-onu-flow-table')
+                    res = stub.UpdateFlowTable(f)
+                    # Send response back
+                    reply = InterAdapterResponseBody()
+                    reply.status = True
+                    self.log.info('sending-response-back', reply=reply)
+                    yield self.adapter_proxy.send_inter_adapter_message(
+                        msg=reply,
+                        type=InterAdapterMessageType.FLOW_RESPONSE,
+                        from_adapter=self.adapter.name,
+                        to_adapter=request.header.from_topic,
+                        to_device_id=request.header.to_device_id,
+                        message_id=request.header.id
+                    )
+            elif request.header.type == InterAdapterMessageType.METRICS_REQUEST:
+                m = PonSimMetricsRequest()
+                if request.body:
+                    request.body.Unpack(m)
+                    stub = ponsim_pb2.PonSimStub(self.channel)
+                    self.log.info('proxying onu stats request', port=m.port)
+                    res = stub.GetStats(m)
+                    # Send response back
+                    reply = InterAdapterResponseBody()
+                    reply.status = True
+                    reply.body.Pack(res)
+                    self.log.info('sending-response-back', reply=reply)
+                    yield self.adapter_proxy.send_inter_adapter_message(
+                        msg=reply,
+                        type=InterAdapterMessageType.METRICS_RESPONSE,
+                        from_adapter=self.adapter.name,
+                        to_adapter=request.header.from_topic,
+                        to_device_id=request.header.to_device_id,
+                        message_id=request.header.id
+                    )
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception("error-processing-inter-adapter-message", e=e)
+    def packet_out(self, egress_port, msg):
+        self.log.info('sending-packet-out', egress_port=egress_port,
+                      msg=hexify(msg))
+        pkt = Ether(msg)
+        out_pkt = pkt
+        if egress_port != self.nni_port.port_no:
+            # don't do the vlan manipulation for the NNI port, vlans are already correct
+            out_pkt = (
+                    Ether(src=pkt.src, dst=pkt.dst) /
+                    Dot1Q(vlan=egress_port, type=pkt.type) /
+                    pkt.payload
+            )
+        # TODO need better way of mapping logical ports to PON ports
+        out_port = self.nni_port.port_no if egress_port == self.nni_port.port_no else 1
+        # send over grpc stream
+        stub = ponsim_pb2.PonSimStub(self.get_channel())
+        frame = PonSimFrame(id=self.device_id, payload=str(out_pkt),
+                            out_port=out_port)
+        stub.SendFrame(frame)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def reboot(self):
+        self.log.info('rebooting', device_id=self.device_id)
+        yield self.core_proxy.device_state_update(self.device_id,
+                                                  connect_status=ConnectStatus.UNREACHABLE)
+        # Update the child devices connect state to UNREACHABLE
+        yield self.core_proxy.children_state_update(self.device_id,
+                                                    connect_status=ConnectStatus.UNREACHABLE)
+        # Sleep 10 secs, simulating a reboot
+        # TODO: send alert and clear alert after the reboot
+        yield asleep(10)
+        # Change the connection status back to REACHABLE.  With a
+        # real OLT the connection state must be the actual state
+        yield self.core_proxy.device_state_update(self.device_id,
+                                                  connect_status=ConnectStatus.REACHABLE)
+        # Update the child devices connect state to REACHABLE
+        yield self.core_proxy.children_state_update(self.device_id,
+                                                    connect_status=ConnectStatus.REACHABLE)
+        self.log.info('rebooted', device_id=self.device_id)
+    def self_test_device(self, device):
+        """
+        This is called to Self a device based on a NBI call.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :return: Will return result of self test
+        """
+        log.info('self-test-device', device=device.id)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def disable(self):
+        self.log.info('disabling', device_id=self.device_id)
+        self.stop_kpi_collection()
+        # Update the operational status to UNKNOWN and connection status to UNREACHABLE
+        yield self.core_proxy.device_state_update(self.device_id,
+                                                  oper_status=OperStatus.UNKNOWN,
+                                                  connect_status=ConnectStatus.UNREACHABLE)
+        self.close_channel()
+        self.log.info('disabled-grpc-channel')
+        self.stop_kpi_collection()
+        # TODO:
+        # 1) Remove all flows from the device
+        # 2) Remove the device from ponsim
+        self.log.info('disabled', device_id=self.device_id)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def reenable(self):
+        self.log.info('re-enabling', device_id=self.device_id)
+        # Set the ofp_port_no and nni_port in case we bypassed the reconcile
+        # process if the device was in DISABLED state on voltha restart
+        if not self.ofp_port_no and not self.nni_port:
+            yield self.get_channel()
+            stub = ponsim_pb2.PonSimStub(self.channel)
+            info = stub.GetDeviceInfo(Empty())
+            log.info('got-info', info=info)
+            self.ofp_port_no = info.nni_port
+            ports = yield self._get_nni_port()
+            # For ponsim, we are using only 1 NNI port
+            if ports.items:
+                self.nni_port = ports.items[0]
+        # Update the state of the NNI port
+        yield self.core_proxy.port_state_update(self.device_id,
+                                                port_type=Port.ETHERNET_NNI,
+                                                port_no=self.ofp_port_no,
+                                                oper_status=OperStatus.ACTIVE)
+        # Update the state of the PON port
+        yield self.core_proxy.port_state_update(self.device_id,
+                                                port_type=Port.PON_OLT,
+                                                port_no=1,
+                                                oper_status=OperStatus.ACTIVE)
+        # Set the operational state of the device to ACTIVE and connect status to REACHABLE
+        yield self.core_proxy.device_state_update(self.device_id,
+                                                  connect_status=ConnectStatus.REACHABLE,
+                                                  oper_status=OperStatus.ACTIVE)
+        # TODO: establish frame grpc-stream
+        # yield reactor.callInThread(self.rcv_grpc)
+        self.start_kpi_collection(self.device_id)
+        self.log.info('re-enabled', device_id=self.device_id)
+    def delete(self):
+        self.log.info('deleting', device_id=self.device_id)
+        self.close_channel()
+        self.log.info('disabled-grpc-channel')
+        # TODO:
+        # 1) Remove all flows from the device
+        # 2) Remove the device from ponsim
+        self.log.info('deleted', device_id=self.device_id)
+    def start_kpi_collection(self, device_id):
+        kafka_cluster_proxy = get_kafka_proxy()
+        def _collect(device_id, prefix):
+            try:
+                # Step 1: gather metrics from device
+                port_metrics = \
+                    self.pm_metrics.collect_port_metrics(self.channel)
+                # Step 2: prepare the KpiEvent for submission
+                # we can time-stamp them here (or could use time derived from OLT
+                ts = arrow.utcnow().timestamp
+                kpi_event = KpiEvent(
+                    type=KpiEventType.slice,
+                    ts=ts,
+                    prefixes={
+                        # OLT NNI port
+                        prefix + '.nni': MetricValuePairs(
+                            metrics=port_metrics['nni']),
+                        # OLT PON port
+                        prefix + '.pon': MetricValuePairs(
+                            metrics=port_metrics['pon'])
+                    }
+                )
+                # Step 3: submit directly to the kafka bus
+                if kafka_cluster_proxy:
+                    if isinstance(kpi_event, Message):
+                        kpi_event = dumps(MessageToDict(kpi_event, True, True))
+                    kafka_cluster_proxy.send_message("voltha.kpis", kpi_event)
+            except Exception as e:
+                log.exception('failed-to-submit-kpis', e=e)
+        self.pm_metrics.start_collector(_collect)
+    def stop_kpi_collection(self):
+        self.pm_metrics.stop_collector()
diff --git a/python/adapters/ponsim_olt/ponsim_olt.yml b/python/adapters/ponsim_olt/ponsim_olt.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c7fac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/ponsim_olt/ponsim_olt.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+    version: 1
+    formatters:
+      brief:
+        format: '%(message)s'
+      default:
+        format: '%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-8s %(threadName)s %(module)s.%(funcName)s %(message)s'
+        datefmt: '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S'
+    handlers:
+        console:
+            class : logging.StreamHandler
+            level: DEBUG
+            formatter: default
+            stream: ext://sys.stdout
+        localRotatingFile:
+            class: logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
+            filename: ponsim_olt.log
+            formatter: default
+            maxBytes: 2097152
+            backupCount: 10
+            level: DEBUG
+        null:
+            class: logging.NullHandler
+    loggers:
+        amqp:
+            handlers: [null]
+            propagate: False
+        conf:
+            propagate: False
+        '': # root logger
+            handlers: [console, localRotatingFile]
+            level: DEBUG # this can be bumped up/down by -q and -v command line
+                        # options
+            propagate: False
+    event_bus_publisher:
+        topic_mappings:
+            'model-change-events':
+                kafka_topic: 'voltha.events'
+                filters:     [null]
+            'alarms':
+                kafka_topic: 'voltha.alarms'
+                filters:     [null]
+            'kpis':
+                kafka_topic: 'voltha.kpis'
+                filters:     [null]
diff --git a/python/adapters/ponsim_onu/VERSION b/python/adapters/ponsim_onu/VERSION
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0ab82c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/ponsim_onu/VERSION
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/python/adapters/ponsim_onu/__init__.py b/python/adapters/ponsim_onu/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a82628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/ponsim_onu/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/adapters/ponsim_onu/main.py b/python/adapters/ponsim_onu/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3f18e50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/ponsim_onu/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Ponsim ONU Adapter main entry point"""
+import argparse
+import os
+import time
+import arrow
+import yaml
+from packaging.version import Version
+from simplejson import dumps
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
+from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from adapters.common.structlog_setup import setup_logging, update_logging
+from adapters.common.utils.asleep import asleep
+from adapters.common.utils.deferred_utils import TimeOutError
+from adapters.common.utils.dockerhelpers import get_my_containers_name
+from adapters.common.utils.nethelpers import get_my_primary_local_ipv4, \
+    get_my_primary_interface
+from adapters.common.utils.registry import registry, IComponent
+from adapters.kafka.adapter_proxy import AdapterProxy
+from adapters.kafka.adapter_request_facade import AdapterRequestFacade
+from adapters.kafka.core_proxy import CoreProxy
+from adapters.kafka.kafka_inter_container_library import IKafkaMessagingProxy, \
+    get_messaging_proxy
+from adapters.kafka.kafka_proxy import KafkaProxy, get_kafka_proxy
+from adapters.ponsim_onu.ponsim_onu import PonSimOnuAdapter
+from adapters.protos import third_party
+from adapters.protos.adapter_pb2 import AdapterConfig
+_ = third_party
+defs = dict(
+    version_file='./VERSION',
+    config=os.environ.get('CONFIG', './ponsim_onu.yml'),
+    container_name_regex=os.environ.get('CONTAINER_NUMBER_EXTRACTOR', '^.*\.(['
+                                                                      '0-9]+)\..*$'),
+    consul=os.environ.get('CONSUL', 'localhost:8500'),
+    name=os.environ.get('NAME', 'ponsim_onu'),
+    vendor=os.environ.get('VENDOR', 'Voltha Project'),
+    device_type=os.environ.get('DEVICE_TYPE', 'ponsim_onu'),
+    accept_bulk_flow=os.environ.get('ACCEPT_BULK_FLOW', True),
+    accept_atomic_flow=os.environ.get('ACCEPT_ATOMIC_FLOW', True),
+    etcd=os.environ.get('ETCD', 'localhost:2379'),
+    core_topic=os.environ.get('CORE_TOPIC', 'rwcore'),
+    interface=os.environ.get('INTERFACE', get_my_primary_interface()),
+    instance_id=os.environ.get('INSTANCE_ID', os.environ.get('HOSTNAME', '1')),
+    kafka_adapter=os.environ.get('KAFKA_ADAPTER', ''),
+    kafka_cluster=os.environ.get('KAFKA_CLUSTER', ''),
+    backend=os.environ.get('BACKEND', 'none'),
+    retry_interval=os.environ.get('RETRY_INTERVAL', 2),
+    heartbeat_topic=os.environ.get('HEARTBEAT_TOPIC', "adapters.heartbeat"),
+def parse_args():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    _help = ('Path to ponsim_onu.yml config file (default: %s). '
+             'If relative, it is relative to main.py of ponsim adapter.'
+             % defs['config'])
+    parser.add_argument('-c', '--config',
+                        dest='config',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['config'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'Regular expression for extracting conatiner number from ' \
+            'container name (default: %s)' % defs['container_name_regex']
+    parser.add_argument('-X', '--container-number-extractor',
+                        dest='container_name_regex',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['container_name_regex'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = '<hostname>:<port> to consul agent (default: %s)' % defs['consul']
+    parser.add_argument('-C', '--consul',
+                        dest='consul',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['consul'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'name of this adapter (default: %s)' % defs['name']
+    parser.add_argument('-na', '--name',
+                        dest='name',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['name'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'vendor of this adapter (default: %s)' % defs['vendor']
+    parser.add_argument('-ven', '--vendor',
+                        dest='vendor',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['vendor'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'supported device type of this adapter (default: %s)' % defs[
+        'device_type']
+    parser.add_argument('-dt', '--device_type',
+                        dest='device_type',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['device_type'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'specifies whether the device type accepts bulk flow updates ' \
+            'adapter (default: %s)' % defs['accept_bulk_flow']
+    parser.add_argument('-abf', '--accept_bulk_flow',
+                        dest='accept_bulk_flow',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['accept_bulk_flow'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'specifies whether the device type accepts add/remove flow ' \
+            '(default: %s)' % defs['accept_atomic_flow']
+    parser.add_argument('-aaf', '--accept_atomic_flow',
+                        dest='accept_atomic_flow',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['accept_atomic_flow'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = '<hostname>:<port> to etcd server (default: %s)' % defs['etcd']
+    parser.add_argument('-e', '--etcd',
+                        dest='etcd',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['etcd'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('unique string id of this container instance (default: %s)'
+             % defs['instance_id'])
+    parser.add_argument('-i', '--instance-id',
+                        dest='instance_id',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['instance_id'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'ETH interface to recieve (default: %s)' % defs['interface']
+    parser.add_argument('-I', '--interface',
+                        dest='interface',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['interface'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'omit startup banner log lines'
+    parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-banner',
+                        dest='no_banner',
+                        action='store_true',
+                        default=False,
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'do not emit periodic heartbeat log messages'
+    parser.add_argument('-N', '--no-heartbeat',
+                        dest='no_heartbeat',
+                        action='store_true',
+                        default=False,
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = "suppress debug and info logs"
+    parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet',
+                        dest='quiet',
+                        action='count',
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'enable verbose logging'
+    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose',
+                        dest='verbose',
+                        action='count',
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('use docker container name as conatiner instance id'
+             ' (overrides -i/--instance-id option)')
+    parser.add_argument('--instance-id-is-container-name',
+                        dest='instance_id_is_container_name',
+                        action='store_true',
+                        default=False,
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('<hostname>:<port> of the kafka adapter broker (default: %s). ('
+             'If not '
+             'specified (None), the address from the config file is used'
+             % defs['kafka_adapter'])
+    parser.add_argument('-KA', '--kafka_adapter',
+                        dest='kafka_adapter',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['kafka_adapter'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('<hostname>:<port> of the kafka cluster broker (default: %s). ('
+             'If not '
+             'specified (None), the address from the config file is used'
+             % defs['kafka_cluster'])
+    parser.add_argument('-KC', '--kafka_cluster',
+                        dest='kafka_cluster',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['kafka_cluster'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'backend to use for config persitence'
+    parser.add_argument('-b', '--backend',
+                        default=defs['backend'],
+                        choices=['none', 'consul', 'etcd'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'topic of core on the kafka bus'
+    parser.add_argument('-ct', '--core_topic',
+                        dest='core_topic',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['core_topic'],
+                        help=_help)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    # post-processing
+    if args.instance_id_is_container_name:
+        args.instance_id = get_my_containers_name()
+    return args
+def load_config(args):
+    path = args.config
+    if path.startswith('.'):
+        dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+        path = os.path.join(dir, path)
+    path = os.path.abspath(path)
+    with open(path) as fd:
+        config = yaml.load(fd)
+    return config
+def print_banner(log):
+    log.info(' ____                 _              ___  _   _ _   _    ')
+    log.info('|  _ \ ___  _ __  ___(_)_ __ ___    / _ \| \ | | | | |   ')
+    log.info('| |_) / _ \| \'_ \/ __| | \'_ ` _ \  | | | |  \| | | | | ')
+    log.info('|  __/ (_) | | | \__ \ | | | | | | | |_| | |\  | |_| |   ')
+    log.info('|_|   \___/|_| |_|___/_|_| |_| |_|  \___/|_| \_|\___/    ')
+    log.info('    _       _             _                            ')
+    log.info('   / \   __| | __ _ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __                 ')
+    log.info('  / _ \ / _` |/ _` | \'_ \| __/ _ \ \'__|              ')
+    log.info(' / ___ \ (_| | (_| | |_) | ||  __/ |                   ')
+    log.info('/_/   \_\__,_|\__,_| .__/ \__\___|_|                   ')
+    log.info('                   |_|                                 ')
+    log.info('(to stop: press Ctrl-C)')
+class Main(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.args = args = parse_args()
+        self.config = load_config(args)
+        verbosity_adjust = (args.verbose or 0) - (args.quiet or 0)
+        self.log = setup_logging(self.config.get('logging', {}),
+                                 args.instance_id,
+                                 verbosity_adjust=verbosity_adjust)
+        self.log.info('container-number-extractor',
+                      regex=args.container_name_regex)
+        self.ponsim_olt_adapter_version = self.get_version()
+        self.log.info('Ponsim-ONU-Adapter-Version', version=
+        self.ponsim_olt_adapter_version)
+        if not args.no_banner:
+            print_banner(self.log)
+        self.adapter = None
+        # Create a unique instance id using the passed-in instance id and
+        # UTC timestamp
+        current_time = arrow.utcnow().timestamp
+        self.instance_id = self.args.instance_id + '_' + str(current_time)
+        self.core_topic = args.core_topic
+        self.listening_topic = args.name
+        self.startup_components()
+        if not args.no_heartbeat:
+            self.start_heartbeat()
+            self.start_kafka_cluster_heartbeat(self.instance_id)
+    def get_version(self):
+        path = defs['version_file']
+        if not path.startswith('/'):
+            dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+            path = os.path.join(dir, path)
+        path = os.path.abspath(path)
+        version_file = open(path, 'r')
+        v = version_file.read()
+        # Use Version to validate the version string - exception will be raised
+        # if the version is invalid
+        Version(v)
+        version_file.close()
+        return v
+    def start(self):
+        self.start_reactor()  # will not return except Keyboard interrupt
+    def stop(self):
+        pass
+    def get_args(self):
+        """Allow access to command line args"""
+        return self.args
+    def get_config(self):
+        """Allow access to content of config file"""
+        return self.config
+    def _get_adapter_config(self):
+        cfg = AdapterConfig()
+        return cfg
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def startup_components(self):
+        try:
+            self.log.info('starting-internal-components',
+                          consul=self.args.consul,
+                          etcd=self.args.etcd)
+            registry.register('main', self)
+            # Update the logger to output the vcore id.
+            self.log = update_logging(instance_id=self.instance_id,
+                                      vcore_id=None)
+            yield registry.register(
+                'kafka_cluster_proxy',
+                KafkaProxy(
+                    self.args.consul,
+                    self.args.kafka_cluster,
+                    config=self.config.get('kafka-cluster-proxy', {})
+                )
+            ).start()
+            config = self._get_adapter_config()
+            self.core_proxy = CoreProxy(
+                kafka_proxy=None,
+                core_topic=self.core_topic,
+                my_listening_topic=self.listening_topic)
+            self.adapter_proxy = AdapterProxy(
+                kafka_proxy=None,
+                core_topic=self.core_topic,
+                my_listening_topic=self.listening_topic)
+            self.adapter = PonSimOnuAdapter(
+                core_proxy=self.core_proxy, adapter_proxy=self.adapter_proxy,
+                config=config)
+            ponsim_request_handler = AdapterRequestFacade(
+                adapter=self.adapter)
+            yield registry.register(
+                'kafka_adapter_proxy',
+                IKafkaMessagingProxy(
+                    kafka_host_port=self.args.kafka_adapter,
+                    # TODO: Add KV Store object reference
+                    kv_store=self.args.backend,
+                    default_topic=self.args.name,
+                    target_cls=ponsim_request_handler
+                )
+            ).start()
+            self.core_proxy.kafka_proxy = get_messaging_proxy()
+            self.adapter_proxy.kafka_proxy = get_messaging_proxy()
+            # retry for ever
+            res = yield self._register_with_core(-1)
+            self.log.info('started-internal-services')
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Failure-to-start-all-components', e=e)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def shutdown_components(self):
+        """Execute before the reactor is shut down"""
+        self.log.info('exiting-on-keyboard-interrupt')
+        for component in reversed(registry.iterate()):
+            yield component.stop()
+        import threading
+        self.log.info('THREADS:')
+        main_thread = threading.current_thread()
+        for t in threading.enumerate():
+            if t is main_thread:
+                continue
+            if not t.isDaemon():
+                continue
+            self.log.info('joining thread {} {}'.format(
+                t.getName(), "daemon" if t.isDaemon() else "not-daemon"))
+            t.join()
+    def start_reactor(self):
+        from twisted.internet import reactor
+        reactor.callWhenRunning(
+            lambda: self.log.info('twisted-reactor-started'))
+        reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown',
+                                      self.shutdown_components)
+        reactor.run()
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _register_with_core(self, retries):
+        while 1:
+            try:
+                resp = yield self.core_proxy.register(
+                    self.adapter.adapter_descriptor(),
+                    self.adapter.device_types())
+                if resp:
+                    self.log.info('registered-with-core',
+                                  coreId=resp.instance_id)
+                returnValue(resp)
+            except TimeOutError as e:
+                self.log.warn("timeout-when-registering-with-core", e=e)
+                if retries == 0:
+                    self.log.exception("no-more-retries", e=e)
+                    raise
+                else:
+                    retries = retries if retries < 0 else retries - 1
+                    yield asleep(defs['retry_interval'])
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.exception("failed-registration", e=e)
+                raise
+    def start_heartbeat(self):
+        t0 = time.time()
+        t0s = time.ctime(t0)
+        def heartbeat():
+            self.log.debug(status='up', since=t0s, uptime=time.time() - t0)
+        lc = LoopingCall(heartbeat)
+        lc.start(10)
+    # Temporary function to send a heartbeat message to the external kafka
+    # broker
+    def start_kafka_cluster_heartbeat(self, instance_id):
+        # For heartbeat we will send a message to a specific "voltha-heartbeat"
+        #  topic.  The message is a protocol buf
+        # message
+        message = dict(
+            type='heartbeat',
+            adapter=self.args.name,
+            instance=instance_id,
+            ip=get_my_primary_local_ipv4()
+        )
+        topic = defs['heartbeat_topic']
+        def send_msg(start_time):
+            try:
+                kafka_cluster_proxy = get_kafka_proxy()
+                if kafka_cluster_proxy and not kafka_cluster_proxy.is_faulty():
+                    # self.log.debug('kafka-proxy-available')
+                    message['ts'] = arrow.utcnow().timestamp
+                    message['uptime'] = time.time() - start_time
+                    # self.log.debug('start-kafka-heartbeat')
+                    kafka_cluster_proxy.send_message(topic, dumps(message))
+                else:
+                    self.log.error('kafka-proxy-unavailable')
+            except Exception, e:
+                self.log.exception('failed-sending-message-heartbeat', e=e)
+        try:
+            t0 = time.time()
+            lc = LoopingCall(send_msg, t0)
+            lc.start(10)
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.log.exception('failed-kafka-heartbeat', e=e)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    Main().start()
diff --git a/python/adapters/ponsim_onu/ponsim_onu.py b/python/adapters/ponsim_onu/ponsim_onu.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e15d0a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/ponsim_onu/ponsim_onu.py
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Represents an ONU device
+from uuid import uuid4
+import arrow
+import structlog
+from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict
+from google.protobuf.message import Message
+from simplejson import dumps
+from twisted.internet.defer import DeferredQueue, inlineCallbacks, \
+    returnValue, Deferred
+from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
+from adapters.common.utils.asleep import asleep
+from adapters.iadapter import OnuAdapter
+from adapters.kafka.kafka_proxy import get_kafka_proxy
+from adapters.protos import third_party
+from adapters.protos.common_pb2 import OperStatus, ConnectStatus, AdminState
+from adapters.protos.core_adapter_pb2 import PortCapability, \
+    InterAdapterMessageType, InterAdapterResponseBody
+from adapters.protos.device_pb2 import Port, PmConfig, PmConfigs
+from adapters.protos.events_pb2 import KpiEvent, KpiEventType, MetricValuePairs
+from adapters.protos.logical_device_pb2 import LogicalPort
+from adapters.protos.openflow_13_pb2 import OFPPS_LIVE, OFPPF_FIBER, \
+from adapters.protos.openflow_13_pb2 import ofp_port
+from adapters.protos.ponsim_pb2 import FlowTable, PonSimMetricsRequest, PonSimMetrics
+_ = third_party
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+def mac_str_to_tuple(mac):
+    return tuple(int(d, 16) for d in mac.split(':'))
+class AdapterPmMetrics:
+    def __init__(self, device):
+        self.pm_names = {'tx_64_pkts', 'tx_65_127_pkts', 'tx_128_255_pkts',
+                         'tx_256_511_pkts', 'tx_512_1023_pkts',
+                         'tx_1024_1518_pkts', 'tx_1519_9k_pkts',
+                         'rx_64_pkts', 'rx_65_127_pkts',
+                         'rx_128_255_pkts', 'rx_256_511_pkts',
+                         'rx_512_1023_pkts', 'rx_1024_1518_pkts',
+                         'rx_1519_9k_pkts'}
+        self.device = device
+        self.id = device.id
+        self.name = 'ponsim_onu'
+        self.default_freq = 150
+        self.grouped = False
+        self.freq_override = False
+        self.pm_metrics = None
+        self.pon_metrics_config = dict()
+        self.uni_metrics_config = dict()
+        self.lc = None
+        for m in self.pm_names:
+            self.pon_metrics_config[m] = PmConfig(name=m,
+                                                  type=PmConfig.COUNTER,
+                                                  enabled=True)
+            self.uni_metrics_config[m] = PmConfig(name=m,
+                                                  type=PmConfig.COUNTER,
+                                                  enabled=True)
+    def update(self, pm_config):
+        if self.default_freq != pm_config.default_freq:
+            # Update the callback to the new frequency.
+            self.default_freq = pm_config.default_freq
+            self.lc.stop()
+            self.lc.start(interval=self.default_freq / 10)
+        for m in pm_config.metrics:
+            self.pon_metrics_config[m.name].enabled = m.enabled
+            self.uni_metrics_config[m.name].enabled = m.enabled
+    def make_proto(self):
+        pm_config = PmConfigs(
+            id=self.id,
+            default_freq=self.default_freq,
+            grouped=False,
+            freq_override=False)
+        for m in sorted(self.pon_metrics_config):
+            pm = self.pon_metrics_config[m]  # Either will do they're the same
+            pm_config.metrics.extend([PmConfig(name=pm.name,
+                                               type=pm.type,
+                                               enabled=pm.enabled)])
+        return pm_config
+    def extract_metrics(self, stats):
+        rtrn_port_metrics = dict()
+        rtrn_port_metrics['pon'] = self.extract_pon_metrics(stats)
+        rtrn_port_metrics['uni'] = self.extract_uni_metrics(stats)
+        return rtrn_port_metrics
+    def extract_pon_metrics(self, stats):
+        rtrn_pon_metrics = dict()
+        for m in stats.metrics:
+            if m.port_name == "pon":
+                for p in m.packets:
+                    if self.pon_metrics_config[p.name].enabled:
+                        rtrn_pon_metrics[p.name] = p.value
+                return rtrn_pon_metrics
+    def extract_uni_metrics(self, stats):
+        rtrn_pon_metrics = dict()
+        for m in stats.metrics:
+            if m.port_name == "uni":
+                for p in m.packets:
+                    if self.pon_metrics_config[p.name].enabled:
+                        rtrn_pon_metrics[p.name] = p.value
+                return rtrn_pon_metrics
+    def start_collector(self, callback):
+        log.info("starting-pm-collection", device_name=self.name,
+                 device_id=self.device.id)
+        prefix = 'voltha.{}.{}'.format(self.name, self.device.id)
+        self.lc = LoopingCall(callback, self.device.id, prefix)
+        self.lc.start(interval=self.default_freq / 10)
+    def stop_collector(self):
+        log.info("stopping-pm-collection", device_name=self.name,
+                 device_id=self.device.id)
+        self.lc.stop()
+class PonSimOnuAdapter(OnuAdapter):
+    def __init__(self, core_proxy, adapter_proxy, config):
+        # DeviceType of ONU should be same as VENDOR ID of ONU Serial Number
+        # as specified by standard
+        # requires for identifying correct adapter or ranged ONU
+        super(PonSimOnuAdapter, self).__init__(core_proxy=core_proxy,
+                                               adapter_proxy=adapter_proxy,
+                                               config=config,
+                                               device_handler_class=PonSimOnuHandler,
+                                               name='ponsim_onu',
+                                               vendor='Voltha project',
+                                               version='0.4',
+                                               device_type='ponsim_onu',
+                                               vendor_id='PSMO',
+                                               accepts_bulk_flow_update=True,
+                                               accepts_add_remove_flow_updates=False)
+class PonSimOnuHandler(object):
+    def __init__(self, adapter, device_id):
+        self.adapter = adapter
+        self.core_proxy = adapter.core_proxy
+        self.adapter_proxy = adapter.adapter_proxy
+        self.device_id = device_id
+        self.device_parent_id = None
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=device_id)
+        self.incoming_messages = DeferredQueue()
+        self.inter_adapter_message_deferred_map = {}
+        self.proxy_address = None
+        # reference of uni_port is required when re-enabling the device if
+        # it was disabled previously
+        self.uni_port = None
+        self.pon_port = None
+    def _to_string(self, unicode_str):
+        if unicode_str is not None:
+            if type(unicode_str) == unicode:
+                return unicode_str.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
+            else:
+                return unicode_str
+        else:
+            return ""
+    def receive_message(self, msg):
+        trns_id = self._to_string(msg.header.id)
+        if trns_id in self.inter_adapter_message_deferred_map:
+            self.inter_adapter_message_deferred_map[trns_id].callback(msg)
+            # self.incoming_messages.put(msg)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def activate(self, device):
+        self.log.info('activating')
+        self.device_parent_id = device.parent_id
+        self.proxy_address = device.proxy_address
+        # populate device info
+        device.root = False
+        device.vendor = 'ponsim'
+        device.model = 'n/a'
+        yield self.core_proxy.device_update(device)
+        # Now set the initial PM configuration for this device
+        self.pm_metrics = AdapterPmMetrics(device)
+        pm_config = self.pm_metrics.make_proto()
+        log.info("initial-pm-config", pm_config=pm_config)
+        self.core_proxy.device_pm_config_update(pm_config, init=True)
+        # register physical ports
+        self.uni_port = Port(
+            port_no=2,
+            label='UNI facing Ethernet port',
+            type=Port.ETHERNET_UNI,
+            admin_state=AdminState.ENABLED,
+            oper_status=OperStatus.ACTIVE
+        )
+        self.pon_port = Port(
+            port_no=1,
+            label='PON port',
+            type=Port.PON_ONU,
+            admin_state=AdminState.ENABLED,
+            oper_status=OperStatus.ACTIVE,
+            peers=[
+                Port.PeerPort(
+                    device_id=device.parent_id,
+                    port_no=device.parent_port_no
+                )
+            ]
+        )
+        self.core_proxy.port_created(device.id, self.uni_port)
+        self.core_proxy.port_created(device.id, self.pon_port)
+        yield self.core_proxy.device_state_update(device.id,
+                                                  connect_status=ConnectStatus.REACHABLE,
+                                                  oper_status=OperStatus.ACTIVE)
+        # Start collecting stats from the device after a brief pause
+        self.start_kpi_collection(device.id)
+    # TODO: Return only port specific info
+    def get_ofp_port_info(self, device, port_no):
+        # Since the adapter created the device port then it has the reference
+        #  of the port to
+        # return the capability.   TODO:  Do a lookup on the UNI port number
+        # and return the
+        # appropriate attributes
+        self.log.info('get_ofp_port_info', port_no=port_no, device_id=device.id)
+        cap = OFPPF_1GB_FD | OFPPF_FIBER
+        return PortCapability(
+            port=LogicalPort(
+                ofp_port=ofp_port(
+                    hw_addr=mac_str_to_tuple('00:00:00:00:00:%02x' % port_no),
+                    config=0,
+                    state=OFPPS_LIVE,
+                    curr=cap,
+                    advertised=cap,
+                    peer=cap,
+                    curr_speed=OFPPF_1GB_FD,
+                    max_speed=OFPPF_1GB_FD
+                ),
+                device_id=device.id,
+                device_port_no=port_no
+            )
+        )
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _get_uni_port(self):
+        ports = yield self.core_proxy.get_ports(self.device_id,
+                                                Port.ETHERNET_UNI)
+        returnValue(ports)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _get_pon_port(self):
+        ports = yield self.core_proxy.get_ports(self.device_id, Port.PON_ONU)
+        returnValue(ports)
+    def reconcile(self, device):
+        self.log.info('reconciling-ONU-device-starts')
+        # TODO: complete code
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def update_flow_table(self, flows):
+        trnsId = None
+        try:
+            self.log.info('update_flow_table', flows=flows)
+            # we need to proxy through the OLT to get to the ONU
+            fb = FlowTable(
+                port=self.proxy_address.channel_id,
+                flows=flows
+            )
+            # Create a deferred to wait for the result as well as a transid
+            wait_for_result = Deferred()
+            trnsId = uuid4().hex
+            self.inter_adapter_message_deferred_map[
+                self._to_string(trnsId)] = wait_for_result
+            # Sends the request via proxy and wait for an ACK
+            yield self.adapter_proxy.send_inter_adapter_message(
+                msg=fb,
+                type=InterAdapterMessageType.FLOW_REQUEST,
+                from_adapter=self.adapter.name,
+                to_adapter=self.proxy_address.device_type,
+                to_device_id=self.device_id,
+                proxy_device_id=self.proxy_address.device_id,
+                message_id=trnsId
+            )
+            # Wait for the full response from the proxied adapter
+            res = yield wait_for_result
+            if res.header.type == InterAdapterMessageType.FLOW_RESPONSE:
+                body = InterAdapterResponseBody()
+                res.body.Unpack(body)
+                self.log.info('response-received', result=body.status)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception("update-flow-error", e=e)
+        finally:
+            if trnsId in self.inter_adapter_message_deferred_map:
+                del self.inter_adapter_message_deferred_map[trnsId]
+    def process_inter_adapter_message(self, msg):
+        # We expect only responses on the ONU side
+        self.log.info('process-inter-adapter-message', msg=msg)
+        self.receive_message(msg)
+    def remove_from_flow_table(self, flows):
+        self.log.debug('remove-from-flow-table', flows=flows)
+        # TODO: Update PONSIM code to accept incremental flow changes.
+        # Once completed, the accepts_add_remove_flow_updates for this
+        # device type can be set to True
+    def add_to_flow_table(self, flows):
+        self.log.debug('add-to-flow-table', flows=flows)
+        # TODO: Update PONSIM code to accept incremental flow changes
+        # Once completed, the accepts_add_remove_flow_updates for this
+        # device type can be set to True
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def reboot(self):
+        self.log.info('rebooting', device_id=self.device_id)
+        # Update the connect status to UNREACHABLE
+        yield self.core_proxy.device_state_update(self.device_id,
+                                                  connect_status=ConnectStatus.UNREACHABLE)
+        # Sleep 10 secs, simulating a reboot
+        # TODO: send alert and clear alert after the reboot
+        yield asleep(10)
+        # Change the connection status back to REACHABLE.  With a
+        # real ONU the connection state must be the actual state
+        yield self.core_proxy.device_state_update(self.device_id,
+                                                  connect_status=ConnectStatus.REACHABLE)
+        self.log.info('rebooted', device_id=self.device_id)
+    def self_test_device(self, device):
+        """
+        This is called to Self a device based on a NBI call.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :return: Will return result of self test
+        """
+        log.info('self-test-device', device=device.id)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def disable(self):
+        self.log.info('disabling', device_id=self.device_id)
+        # Update the device operational status to UNKNOWN
+        yield self.core_proxy.device_state_update(self.device_id,
+                                                  oper_status=OperStatus.UNKNOWN,
+                                                  connect_status=ConnectStatus.UNREACHABLE)
+        self.stop_kpi_collection()
+        # TODO:
+        # 1) Remove all flows from the device
+        # 2) Remove the device from ponsim
+        self.log.info('disabled', device_id=self.device_id)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def reenable(self):
+        self.log.info('re-enabling', device_id=self.device_id)
+        try:
+            # Refresh the port reference - we only use one port for now
+            ports = yield self._get_uni_port()
+            self.log.info('re-enabling-uni-ports', ports=ports)
+            if ports.items:
+                self.uni_port = ports.items[0]
+            ports = yield self._get_pon_port()
+            self.log.info('re-enabling-pon-ports', ports=ports)
+            if ports.items:
+                self.pon_port = ports.items[0]
+            # Update the state of the UNI port
+            yield self.core_proxy.port_state_update(self.device_id,
+                                                    port_type=Port.ETHERNET_UNI,
+                                                    port_no=self.uni_port.port_no,
+                                                    oper_status=OperStatus.ACTIVE)
+            # Update the state of the PON port
+            yield self.core_proxy.port_state_update(self.device_id,
+                                                    port_type=Port.PON_ONU,
+                                                    port_no=self.pon_port.port_no,
+                                                    oper_status=OperStatus.ACTIVE)
+            yield self.core_proxy.device_state_update(self.device_id,
+                                                      oper_status=OperStatus.ACTIVE,
+                                                      connect_status=ConnectStatus.REACHABLE)
+            self.start_kpi_collection(self.device_id)
+            self.log.info('re-enabled', device_id=self.device_id)
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.log.exception('error-reenabling', e=e)
+    def delete(self):
+        self.log.info('deleting', device_id=self.device_id)
+        # TODO:
+        # 1) Remove all flows from the device
+        # 2) Remove the device from ponsim
+        self.log.info('deleted', device_id=self.device_id)
+    def start_kpi_collection(self, device_id):
+        kafka_cluster_proxy = get_kafka_proxy()
+        @inlineCallbacks
+        def _collect(device_id, prefix):
+            try:
+                self.log.debug("pm-collection-interval")
+                # Proxy a message to ponsim_olt. The OLT will then query the ONU
+                # for statistics. The reply will
+                # arrive proxied back to us in self.receive_message().
+                msg = PonSimMetricsRequest(port=self.proxy_address.channel_id)
+                # Create a deferred to wait for the result as well as a transid
+                wait_for_result = Deferred()
+                trnsId = uuid4().hex
+                self.inter_adapter_message_deferred_map[
+                    self._to_string(trnsId)] = wait_for_result
+                # Sends the request via proxy and wait for an ACK
+                yield self.adapter_proxy.send_inter_adapter_message(
+                    msg=msg,
+                    type=InterAdapterMessageType.METRICS_REQUEST,
+                    from_adapter=self.adapter.name,
+                    to_adapter=self.proxy_address.device_type,
+                    to_device_id=self.device_id,
+                    proxy_device_id=self.proxy_address.device_id,
+                    message_id=trnsId
+                )
+                # Wait for the full response from the proxied adapter
+                res = yield wait_for_result
+                # Remove the transaction from the transaction map
+                del self.inter_adapter_message_deferred_map[self._to_string(trnsId)]
+                # Message is a reply to an ONU statistics request. Push it out to
+                #  Kafka via adapter.submit_kpis().
+                if res.header.type == InterAdapterMessageType.METRICS_RESPONSE:
+                    msg = InterAdapterResponseBody()
+                    res.body.Unpack(msg)
+                    self.log.debug('metrics-response-received', result=msg.status)
+                    if self.pm_metrics:
+                        self.log.debug('Handling incoming ONU metrics')
+                        response = PonSimMetrics()
+                        msg.body.Unpack(response)
+                        port_metrics = self.pm_metrics.extract_metrics(response)
+                        try:
+                            ts = arrow.utcnow().timestamp
+                            kpi_event = KpiEvent(
+                                type=KpiEventType.slice,
+                                ts=ts,
+                                prefixes={
+                                    # OLT NNI port
+                                    prefix + '.uni': MetricValuePairs(
+                                        metrics=port_metrics['uni']),
+                                    # OLT PON port
+                                    prefix + '.pon': MetricValuePairs(
+                                        metrics=port_metrics['pon'])
+                                }
+                            )
+                            self.log.debug(
+                                'Submitting KPI for incoming ONU mnetrics')
+                            # Step 3: submit directly to the kafka bus
+                            if kafka_cluster_proxy:
+                                if isinstance(kpi_event, Message):
+                                    kpi_event = dumps(
+                                        MessageToDict(kpi_event, True, True))
+                                kafka_cluster_proxy.send_message("voltha.kpis",
+                                                                 kpi_event)
+                        except Exception as e:
+                            log.exception('failed-to-submit-kpis', e=e)
+            except Exception as e:
+                log.exception('failed-to-collect-metrics', e=e)
+        self.pm_metrics.start_collector(_collect)
+    def stop_kpi_collection(self):
+        self.pm_metrics.stop_collector()
diff --git a/python/adapters/ponsim_onu/ponsim_onu.yml b/python/adapters/ponsim_onu/ponsim_onu.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa9d43c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/ponsim_onu/ponsim_onu.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+    version: 1
+    formatters:
+      brief:
+        format: '%(message)s'
+      default:
+        format: '%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-8s %(threadName)s %(module)s.%(funcName)s %(message)s'
+        datefmt: '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S'
+    handlers:
+        console:
+            class : logging.StreamHandler
+            level: DEBUG
+            formatter: default
+            stream: ext://sys.stdout
+        localRotatingFile:
+            class: logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
+            filename: ponsim_onu.log
+            formatter: default
+            maxBytes: 2097152
+            backupCount: 10
+            level: DEBUG
+        null:
+            class: logging.NullHandler
+    loggers:
+        amqp:
+            handlers: [null]
+            propagate: False
+        conf:
+            propagate: False
+        '': # root logger
+            handlers: [console, localRotatingFile]
+            level: DEBUG # this can be bumped up/down by -q and -v command line
+                        # options
+            propagate: False
+    event_bus_publisher:
+        topic_mappings:
+            'model-change-events':
+                kafka_topic: 'voltha.events'
+                filters:     [null]
+            'alarms':
+                kafka_topic: 'voltha.alarms'
+                filters:     [null]
+            'kpis':
+                kafka_topic: 'voltha.kpis'
+                filters:     [null]
diff --git a/python/adapters/protos/Makefile b/python/adapters/protos/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fad970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/protos/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Makefile to build all protobuf and gRPC related artifacts
+default: third_party build
+PROTO_FILES := $(wildcard ../../protos/*.proto)
+PROTO_GOOGLE_API := $(wildcard third_party/google/api/*.proto)
+PROTO_PB2_FILES := $(foreach f,$(PROTO_FILES),$(subst .proto,_pb2.py,$(f)))
+PROTO_PB2_GOOGLE_API := $(foreach f,$(PROTO_GOOGLE_API),$(subst .proto,_pb2.py,$(f)))
+PROTO_PB2_GRPC_GOOGLE_API := $(foreach f,$(PROTO_GOOGLE_API),$(subst .proto,_pb2_grpc.py,$(f)))
+PROTO_DESC_GOOGLE_API := $(foreach f,$(PROTO_GOOGLE_API),$(subst .proto,.desc,$(f)))
+PROTOC_PREFIX := /usr/local
+PROTOC := $(PROTOC_PREFIX)/bin/protoc
+PROTOC_VERSION := "3.3.0"
+PROTOC_DOWNLOAD_PREFIX := "https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases/download"
+PROTOC_TARBALL := protobuf-python-$(PROTOC_VERSION).tar.gz
+PROTOC_BUILD_TMP_DIR := "/tmp/protobuf-build-$(shell uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
+# Google API needs to be built from within the third party directory
+third_party: google_api
+	@echo "Building protocol buffer artifacts from third_party google api"
+	cd third_party ; \
+	env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(PROTOC_LIBDIR) python -m grpc.tools.protoc \
+	    -I. \
+	    --python_out=. \
+	    --grpc_python_out=. \
+	    --descriptor_set_out=google/api/annotations.desc \
+	    --include_imports \
+	    --include_source_info \
+        google/api/annotations.proto google/api/http.proto
+build: $(PROTOC) $(PROTO_PB2_FILES)
+%_pb2.py: %.proto Makefile
+	@echo "Building protocol buffer artifacts from $<"
+	env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(PROTOC_LIBDIR) python -m grpc.tools.protoc \
+	    -I../../protos \
+	    -I./third_party \
+	    --python_out=. \
+	    --grpc_python_out=. \
+	    --descriptor_set_out=./$(basename $(notdir $<)).desc \
+	    --include_imports \
+	    --include_source_info \
+	    $<
+	rm -f *.desc *_pb2* \
+	@echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
+	@echo "It looks like you don't have protocol buffer tools installed."
+	@echo "To install the protocol buffer toolchain, you can run:"
+	@echo "    make install-protoc"
+	@echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
+install-protoc: $(PROTOC)
+	@echo "Downloading and installing protocol buffer support."
+	@echo "Installation will require sodo priviledges"
+	@echo "This will take a few minutes."
+	mkdir -p $(PROTOC_BUILD_TMP_DIR)
+	@echo "We ask for sudo credentials now so we can install at the end"; \
+	sudo echo "Thanks"; \
+	    cd $(PROTOC_BUILD_TMP_DIR); \
+	    wget $(PROTOC_DOWNLOAD_URI); \
+	    tar xzvf $(PROTOC_TARBALL); \
+	    cd $(PROTOC_DIR); \
+	    ./configure --prefix=$(PROTOC_PREFIX); \
+	    make; \
+	    sudo make install
+	    sudo make uninstall
diff --git a/python/adapters/protos/__init__.py b/python/adapters/protos/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfcdc97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/protos/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/python/adapters/protos/third_party/__init__.py b/python/adapters/protos/third_party/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2740afe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/protos/third_party/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+This helps loading http_pb2 and annotations_pb2.
+Without this, the Python importer will not be able to process the lines:
+from google.api import http_pb2 or
+from google.api import annotations_pb2
+(Without importing these, the protobuf loader will not recognize http options
+in the protobuf definitions.)
+from importlib import import_module
+import os
+import sys
+class GoogleApiImporter(object):
+    def find_module(self, full_name, path=None):
+        if full_name == 'google.api':
+            self.path = [os.path.dirname(__file__)]
+            return self
+    def load_module(self, name):
+        if name in sys.modules:
+            return sys.modules[name]
+        full_name = 'adapters.protos.third_party.' + name
+        import_module(full_name)
+        module = sys.modules[full_name]
+        sys.modules[name] = module
+        return module
+    from google.api import http_pb2, annotations_pb2
+    _ = http_pb2, annotations_pb2
+except AssertionError:
+    pass
diff --git a/python/adapters/protos/third_party/google/LICENSE b/python/adapters/protos/third_party/google/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..261eeb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/protos/third_party/google/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+                                 Apache License
+                           Version 2.0, January 2004
+                        http://www.apache.org/licenses/
+   1. Definitions.
+      "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+      and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+      "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+      the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+      "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+      other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+      control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+      "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+      direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+      otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+      outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+      "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+      exercising permissions granted by this License.
+      "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+      including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+      source, and configuration files.
+      "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+      transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+      not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+      and conversions to other media types.
+      "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+      Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+      copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+      (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+      "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+      form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+      editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+      represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+      of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+      separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+      the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+      "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+      the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+      to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+      submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+      or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
+      the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
+      means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+      to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+      communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
+      and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
+      Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+      excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+      designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+      "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+      on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+      subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+   2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+      publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
+      Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+   3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
+      use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
+      where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
+      by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
+      Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
+      with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+      institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+      cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
+      or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
+      or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
+      granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
+      as of the date such litigation is filed.
+   4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
+      Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
+      modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
+      meet the following conditions:
+      (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
+          Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+      (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+          stating that You changed the files; and
+      (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
+          that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
+          attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
+          excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
+          the Derivative Works; and
+      (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+          distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
+          include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
+          within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
+          pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
+          of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
+          as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
+          documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
+          within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
+          wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
+          of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
+          do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
+          notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
+          or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
+          that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
+          as modifying the License.
+      You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+      may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
+      for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
+      for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
+      reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+      the conditions stated in this License.
+   5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+      any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
+      by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
+      this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+      Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+      the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
+      with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
+   6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+      names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
+      except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
+      origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+   7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+      agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+      Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+      implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+      PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+      appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+      risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+   8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+      whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+      unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+      negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+      liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+      incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+      result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+      Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+      work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+      other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+      has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+   9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+      the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+      and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+      or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+      License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+      on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+      of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+      defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+      incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+      of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+   APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
+      To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
+      boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
+      replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
+      the brackets!)  The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
+      comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
+      file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
+      same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
+      identification within third-party archives.
+   Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/adapters/protos/third_party/google/__init__.py b/python/adapters/protos/third_party/google/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fb0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/protos/third_party/google/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/adapters/protos/third_party/google/api/__init__.py b/python/adapters/protos/third_party/google/api/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fb0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/protos/third_party/google/api/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/adapters/protos/third_party/google/api/annotations.proto b/python/adapters/protos/third_party/google/api/annotations.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbd18b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/protos/third_party/google/api/annotations.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+syntax = "proto3";
+package google.api;
+import "google/api/http.proto";
+import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_outer_classname = "AnnotationsProto";
+option java_package = "com.google.api";
+extend google.protobuf.MethodOptions {
+  // See `HttpRule`.
+  HttpRule http = 72295728;
diff --git a/python/adapters/protos/third_party/google/api/http.proto b/python/adapters/protos/third_party/google/api/http.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce07aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/protos/third_party/google/api/http.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+syntax = "proto3";
+package google.api;
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_outer_classname = "HttpProto";
+option java_package = "com.google.api";
+// `HttpRule` defines the mapping of an RPC method to one or more HTTP REST API
+// methods. The mapping determines what portions of the request message are
+// populated from the path, query parameters, or body of the HTTP request.  The
+// mapping is typically specified as an `google.api.http` annotation, see
+// "google/api/annotations.proto" for details.
+// The mapping consists of a mandatory field specifying a path template and an
+// optional `body` field specifying what data is represented in the HTTP request
+// body. The field name for the path indicates the HTTP method. Example:
+// ```
+// package google.storage.v2;
+// import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+// service Storage {
+//   rpc CreateObject(CreateObjectRequest) returns (Object) {
+//     option (google.api.http) {
+//       post: "/v2/{bucket_name=buckets/*}/objects"
+//       body: "object"
+//     };
+//   };
+// }
+// ```
+// Here `bucket_name` and `object` bind to fields of the request message
+// `CreateObjectRequest`.
+// The rules for mapping HTTP path, query parameters, and body fields
+// to the request message are as follows:
+// 1. The `body` field specifies either `*` or a field path, or is
+//    omitted. If omitted, it assumes there is no HTTP body.
+// 2. Leaf fields (recursive expansion of nested messages in the
+//    request) can be classified into three types:
+//     (a) Matched in the URL template.
+//     (b) Covered by body (if body is `*`, everything except (a) fields;
+//         else everything under the body field)
+//     (c) All other fields.
+// 3. URL query parameters found in the HTTP request are mapped to (c) fields.
+// 4. Any body sent with an HTTP request can contain only (b) fields.
+// The syntax of the path template is as follows:
+//     Template = "/" Segments [ Verb ] ;
+//     Segments = Segment { "/" Segment } ;
+//     Segment  = "*" | "**" | LITERAL | Variable ;
+//     Variable = "{" FieldPath [ "=" Segments ] "}" ;
+//     FieldPath = IDENT { "." IDENT } ;
+//     Verb     = ":" LITERAL ;
+// `*` matches a single path component, `**` zero or more path components, and
+// `LITERAL` a constant.  A `Variable` can match an entire path as specified
+// again by a template; this nested template must not contain further variables.
+// If no template is given with a variable, it matches a single path component.
+// The notation `{var}` is henceforth equivalent to `{var=*}`.
+// Use CustomHttpPattern to specify any HTTP method that is not included in the
+// pattern field, such as HEAD, or "*" to leave the HTTP method unspecified for
+// a given URL path rule. The wild-card rule is useful for services that provide
+// content to Web (HTML) clients.
+message HttpRule {
+  // Determines the URL pattern is matched by this rules. This pattern can be
+  // used with any of the {get|put|post|delete|patch} methods. A custom method
+  // can be defined using the 'custom' field.
+  oneof pattern {
+    // Used for listing and getting information about resources.
+    string get = 2;
+    // Used for updating a resource.
+    string put = 3;
+    // Used for creating a resource.
+    string post = 4;
+    // Used for deleting a resource.
+    string delete = 5;
+    // Used for updating a resource.
+    string patch = 6;
+    // Custom pattern is used for defining custom verbs.
+    CustomHttpPattern custom = 8;
+  }
+  // The name of the request field whose value is mapped to the HTTP body, or
+  // `*` for mapping all fields not captured by the path pattern to the HTTP
+  // body.
+  string body = 7;
+  // Additional HTTP bindings for the selector. Nested bindings must not
+  // specify a selector and must not contain additional bindings.
+  repeated HttpRule additional_bindings = 11;
+// A custom pattern is used for defining custom HTTP verb.
+message CustomHttpPattern {
+  // The name of this custom HTTP verb.
+  string kind = 1;
+  // The path matched by this custom verb.
+  string path = 2;
diff --git a/python/adapters/requirements.txt b/python/adapters/requirements.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a0641b2
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+++ b/python/adapters/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# python-consul>=0.6.1  we need the pre-released version for now, because 0.6.1 does not
+# yet support Twisted. Once this is released, it will be the 0.6.2 version
+# Twisted Python kafka client
diff --git a/python/common/__init__.py b/python/common/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fb0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/common/event_bus.py b/python/common/event_bus.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e717c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/event_bus.py
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+A simple internal pub/sub event bus with topics and filter-based registration.
+import re
+import structlog
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+class _Subscription(object):
+    __slots__ = ('bus', 'predicate', 'callback', 'topic')
+    def __init__(self, bus, predicate, callback, topic=None):
+        self.bus = bus
+        self.predicate = predicate
+        self.callback = callback
+        self.topic = topic
+class EventBus(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.subscriptions = {}  # topic -> list of _Subscription objects
+                                 # topic None holds regexp based topic subs.
+        self.subs_topic_map = {} # to aid fast lookup when unsubscribing
+    def list_subscribers(self, topic=None):
+        if topic is None:
+            return sum(self.subscriptions.itervalues(), [])
+        else:
+            if topic in self.subscriptions:
+                return self.subscriptions[topic]
+            else:
+                return []
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_topic_key(topic):
+        if isinstance(topic, str):
+            return topic
+        elif hasattr(topic, 'match'):
+            return None
+        else:
+            raise AttributeError('topic not a string nor a compiled regex')
+    def subscribe(self, topic, callback, predicate=None):
+        """
+        Subscribe to given topic with predicate and register the callback
+        :param topic: String topic (explicit) or regexp based topic filter.
+        :param callback: Callback method with signature def func(topic, msg)
+        :param predicate: Optional method/function signature def predicate(msg)
+        :return: Subscription object which can be used to unsubscribe
+        """
+        subscription = _Subscription(self, predicate, callback, topic)
+        topic_key = self._get_topic_key(topic)
+        self.subscriptions.setdefault(topic_key, []).append(subscription)
+        self.subs_topic_map[subscription] = topic_key
+        return subscription
+    def unsubscribe(self, subscription):
+        """
+        Remove given subscription
+        :param subscription: subscription object as was returned by subscribe
+        :return: None
+        """
+        topic_key = self.subs_topic_map[subscription]
+        self.subscriptions[topic_key].remove(subscription)
+    def publish(self, topic, msg):
+        """
+        Publish given message to all subscribers registered with topic taking
+        the predicate functions into account.
+        :param topic: String topic
+        :param msg: Arbitrary python data as message
+        :return: None
+        """
+        from copy import copy
+        def passes(msg, predicate):
+            try:
+                return predicate(msg)
+            except Exception, e:
+                return False  # failed predicate function treated as no match
+        # lookup subscribers with explicit topic subscriptions
+        subscribers = self.subscriptions.get(topic, [])
+        # add matching regexp topic subscribers
+        subscribers.extend(s for s in self.subscriptions.get(None, [])
+                           if s.topic.match(topic))
+        # iterate over a shallow-copy of subscribers
+        for candidate in copy(subscribers):
+            predicate = candidate.predicate
+            if predicate is None or passes(msg, predicate):
+                try:
+                    candidate.callback(topic, msg)
+                except Exception, e:
+                    log.exception('callback-failed', e=repr(e), topic=topic)
+default_bus = EventBus()
+class EventBusClient(object):
+    """
+    Primary interface to the EventBus. Usage:
+    Publish:
+    >>> events = EventBusClient()
+    >>> msg = dict(a=1, b='foo')
+    >>> events.publish('a.topic', msg)
+    Subscribe to get all messages on specific topic:
+    >>> def got_event(topic, msg):
+    >>>     print topic, ':', msg
+    >>> events = EventBusClient()
+    >>> events.subscribe('a.topic', got_event)
+    Subscribe to get messages matching predicate on specific topic:
+    >>> def got_event(topic, msg):
+    >>>     print topic, ':', msg
+    >>> events = EventBusClient()
+    >>> events.subscribe('a.topic', got_event, lambda msg: msg.len() < 100)
+    Use a DeferredQueue to buffer incoming messages
+    >>> queue = DeferredQueue()
+    >>> events = EventBusClient()
+    >>> events.subscribe('a.topic', lambda _, msg: queue.put(msg))
+    """
+    def __init__(self, bus=None):
+        """
+        Obtain a client interface for the pub/sub event bus.
+        :param bus: An optional specific event bus. Inteded for mainly test
+        use. If not provided, the process default bus will be used, which is
+        the preferred use (a process shall not need more than one bus).
+        """
+        self.bus = bus or default_bus
+    def publish(self, topic, msg):
+        """
+        Publish given msg to given topic.
+        :param topic: String topic
+        :param msg: Arbitrary python data as message
+        :return: None
+        """
+        self.bus.publish(topic, msg)
+    def subscribe(self, topic, callback, predicate=None):
+        """
+        Subscribe to given topic with predicate and register the callback
+        :param topic: String topic (explicit) or regexp based topic filter.
+        :param callback: Callback method with signature def func(topic, msg)
+        :param predicate: Optional method/function with signature
+        def predicate(msg)
+        :return: Subscription object which can be used to unsubscribe
+        """
+        return self.bus.subscribe(topic, callback, predicate)
+    def unsubscribe(self, subscription):
+        """
+        Remove given subscription
+        :param subscription: subscription object as was returned by subscribe
+        :return: None
+        """
+        return self.bus.unsubscribe(subscription)
+    def list_subscribers(self, topic=None):
+        """
+        Return list of subscribers. If topci is provided, it is filtered for
+        those subscribing to the topic.
+        :param topic: Optional topic
+        :return: List of subscriptions
+        """
+        return self.bus.list_subscribers(topic)
diff --git a/python/common/frameio/__init__.py b/python/common/frameio/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fb0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/frameio/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/common/frameio/frameio.py b/python/common/frameio/frameio.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f5bcf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/frameio/frameio.py
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+A module that can send and receive raw ethernet frames on a set of interfaces
+and it can manage a set of vlan interfaces on top of existing
+interfaces. Due to reliance on raw sockets, this module requires
+root access. Also, raw sockets are hard to deal with in Twisted (not
+directly supported) we need to run the receiver select loop on a dedicated
+import os
+import socket
+import struct
+import uuid
+from pcapy import BPFProgram
+from threading import Thread, Condition
+import fcntl
+import select
+import structlog
+import sys
+from scapy.data import ETH_P_ALL
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from voltha.registry import IComponent
+if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
+    from common.frameio.third_party.oftest import afpacket, netutils
+elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
+    from scapy.arch import pcapdnet, BIOCIMMEDIATE, dnet
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+def hexify(buffer):
+    """
+    Return a hexadecimal string encoding of input buffer
+    """
+    return ''.join('%02x' % ord(c) for c in buffer)
+class _SelectWakerDescriptor(object):
+    """
+    A descriptor that can be mixed into a select loop to wake it up.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.pipe_read, self.pipe_write = os.pipe()
+        fcntl.fcntl(self.pipe_write, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)
+    def __del__(self):
+        os.close(self.pipe_read)
+        os.close(self.pipe_write)
+    def fileno(self):
+        return self.pipe_read
+    def wait(self):
+        os.read(self.pipe_read, 1)
+    def notify(self):
+        """Trigger a select loop"""
+        os.write(self.pipe_write, '\x00')
+class BpfProgramFilter(object):
+    """
+    Convenience packet filter based on the well-tried Berkeley Packet Filter,
+    used by many well known open source tools such as pcap and tcpdump.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, program_string):
+        """
+        Create a filter using the BPF command syntax. To learn more,
+        consult 'man pcap-filter'.
+        :param program_string: The textual definition of the filter. Examples:
+        'vlan 1000'
+        'vlan 1000 and ip src host'
+        """
+        self.bpf = BPFProgram(program_string)
+    def __call__(self, frame):
+        """
+        Return 1 if frame passes filter.
+        :param frame: Raw frame provided as Python string
+        :return: 1 if frame satisfies filter, 0 otherwise.
+        """
+        return self.bpf.filter(frame)
+class FrameIOPort(object):
+    """
+    Represents a network interface which we can send/receive raw
+    Ethernet frames.
+    """
+    RCV_SIZE_DEFAULT = 4096
+    ETH_P_ALL = 0x03
+    RCV_TIMEOUT = 10000
+    MIN_PKT_SIZE = 60
+    def __init__(self, iface_name):
+        self.iface_name = iface_name
+        self.proxies = []
+        self.socket = self.open_socket(self.iface_name)
+        log.debug('socket-opened', fn=self.fileno(), iface=iface_name)
+        self.received = 0
+        self.discarded = 0
+    def add_proxy(self, proxy):
+        self.proxies.append(proxy)
+    def del_proxy(self, proxy):
+        self.proxies = [p for p in self.proxies if p.name != proxy.name]
+    def open_socket(self, iface_name):
+        raise NotImplementedError('to be implemented by derived class')
+    def rcv_frame(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError('to be implemented by derived class')
+    def __del__(self):
+        if self.socket:
+            self.socket.close()
+            self.socket = None
+        log.debug('socket-closed', iface=self.iface_name)
+    def fileno(self):
+        return self.socket.fileno()
+    def _dispatch(self, proxy, frame):
+        log.debug('calling-publisher', proxy=proxy.name, frame=hexify(frame))
+        try:
+            proxy.callback(proxy, frame)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception('callback-error',
+                          explanation='Callback failed while processing frame',
+                          e=e)
+    def recv(self):
+        """Called on the select thread when a packet arrives"""
+        try:
+            frame = self.rcv_frame()
+        except RuntimeError as e:
+            # we observed this happens sometimes right after the socket was
+            # attached to a newly created veth interface. So we log it, but
+            # allow to continue.
+            log.warn('afpacket-recv-error', code=-1)
+            return
+        log.debug('frame-received', iface=self.iface_name, len=len(frame),
+                  hex=hexify(frame))
+        self.received +=1
+        dispatched = False
+        for proxy in self.proxies:
+            if proxy.filter is None or proxy.filter(frame):
+                log.debug('frame-dispatched')
+                dispatched = True
+                reactor.callFromThread(self._dispatch, proxy, frame)
+        if not dispatched:
+            self.discarded += 1
+            log.debug('frame-discarded')
+    def send(self, frame):
+        log.debug('sending', len=len(frame), iface=self.iface_name)
+        sent_bytes = self.send_frame(frame)
+        if sent_bytes != len(frame):
+            log.error('send-error', iface=self.iface_name,
+                      wanted_to_send=len(frame), actually_sent=sent_bytes)
+        return sent_bytes
+    def send_frame(self, frame):
+        try:
+            return self.socket.send(frame)
+        except socket.error, err:
+            if err[0] == os.errno.EINVAL:
+                if len(frame) < self.MIN_PKT_SIZE:
+                    padding = '\x00' * (self.MIN_PKT_SIZE - len(frame))
+                    frame = frame + padding
+                    return self.socket.send(frame)
+            else:
+                raise
+    def up(self):
+        if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
+            pass
+        else:
+            os.system('ip link set {} up'.format(self.iface_name))
+        return self
+    def down(self):
+        if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
+            pass
+        else:
+            os.system('ip link set {} down'.format(self.iface_name))
+        return self
+    def statistics(self):
+        return self.received, self.discarded
+class LinuxFrameIOPort(FrameIOPort):
+    def open_socket(self, iface_name):
+        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, 0)
+        afpacket.enable_auxdata(s)
+        s.bind((self.iface_name, self.ETH_P_ALL))
+        netutils.set_promisc(s, iface_name)
+        s.settimeout(self.RCV_TIMEOUT)
+        return s
+    def rcv_frame(self):
+        return afpacket.recv(self.socket, self.RCV_SIZE_DEFAULT)
+class DarwinFrameIOPort(FrameIOPort):
+    def open_socket(self, iface_name):
+        sin = pcapdnet.open_pcap(iface_name, 1600, 1, 100)
+        try:
+            fcntl.ioctl(sin.fileno(), BIOCIMMEDIATE, struct.pack("I",1))
+        except:
+            pass
+        # need a different kind of socket for sending out
+        self.sout = dnet.eth(iface_name)
+        return sin
+    def send_frame(self, frame):
+        return self.sout.send(frame)
+    def rcv_frame(self):
+        pkt = self.socket.next()
+        if pkt is not None:
+            ts, pkt = pkt
+        return pkt
+if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+    _FrameIOPort = DarwinFrameIOPort
+elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
+    _FrameIOPort = LinuxFrameIOPort
+    raise Exception('Unsupported platform {}'.format(sys.platform))
+    sys.exit(1)
+class FrameIOPortProxy(object):
+    """Makes FrameIOPort sharable between multiple users"""
+    def __init__(self, frame_io_port, callback, filter=None, name=None):
+        self.frame_io_port = frame_io_port
+        self.callback = callback
+        self.filter = filter
+        self.name = uuid.uuid4().hex[:12] if name is None else name
+    @property
+    def iface_name(self):
+        return self.frame_io_port.iface_name
+    def get_iface_name(self):
+        return self.frame_io_port.iface_name
+    def send(self, frame):
+        return self.frame_io_port.send(frame)
+    def up(self):
+        self.frame_io_port.up()
+        return self
+    def down(self):
+        self.frame_io_port.down()
+        return self
+class FrameIOManager(Thread):
+    """
+    Packet/Frame IO manager that can be used to send/receive raw frames
+    on a set of network interfaces.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(FrameIOManager, self).__init__()
+        self.ports = {}  # iface_name -> ActiveFrameReceiver
+        self.queue = {}  # iface_name -> TODO
+        self.cvar = Condition()
+        self.waker = _SelectWakerDescriptor()
+        self.stopped = False
+        self.ports_changed = False
+    # ~~~~~~~~~~~ exposed methods callable from main thread ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    def start(self):
+        """
+        Start the IO manager and its select loop thread
+        """
+        log.debug('starting')
+        super(FrameIOManager, self).start()
+        log.info('started')
+        return self
+    def stop(self):
+        """
+        Stop the IO manager and its thread with the select loop
+        """
+        log.debug('stopping')
+        self.stopped = True
+        self.waker.notify()
+        self.join()
+        del self.ports
+        log.info('stopped')
+    def list_interfaces(self):
+        """
+        Return list of interfaces listened on
+        :return: List of FrameIOPort objects
+        """
+        return self.ports
+    def open_port(self, iface_name, callback, filter=None, name=None):
+        """
+        Add a new interface and start receiving on it.
+        :param iface_name: Name of the interface. Must be an existing Unix
+        interface (eth0, en0, etc.)
+        :param callback: Called on each received frame;
+        signature: def callback(port, frame) where port is the FrameIOPort
+        instance at which the frame was received, frame is the actual frame
+        received (as binay string)
+        :param filter: An optional filter (predicate), with signature:
+        def filter(frame). If provided, only frames for which filter evaluates
+        to True will be forwarded to callback.
+        :return: FrmaeIOPortProxy instance.
+        """
+        port = self.ports.get(iface_name)
+        if port is None:
+            port = _FrameIOPort(iface_name)
+            self.ports[iface_name] = port
+            self.ports_changed = True
+            self.waker.notify()
+        proxy = FrameIOPortProxy(port, callback, filter, name)
+        port.add_proxy(proxy)
+        return proxy
+    def close_port(self, proxy):
+        """
+        Remove the proxy. If this is the last proxy on an interface, stop and
+        remove the named interface as well
+        :param proxy: FrameIOPortProxy reference
+        :return: None
+        """
+        assert isinstance(proxy, FrameIOPortProxy)
+        iface_name = proxy.get_iface_name()
+        assert iface_name in self.ports, "iface_name {} unknown".format(iface_name)
+        port = self.ports[iface_name]
+        port.del_proxy(proxy)
+        if not port.proxies:
+            del self.ports[iface_name]
+            # need to exit select loop to reconstruct select fd lists
+            self.ports_changed = True
+            self.waker.notify()
+    def send(self, iface_name, frame):
+        """
+        Send frame on given interface
+        :param iface_name: Name of previously registered interface
+        :param frame: frame as string
+        :return: number of bytes sent
+        """
+        return self.ports[iface_name].send(frame)
+    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thread methods (running on non-main thread ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    def run(self):
+        """
+        Called on the alien thread, this is the core multi-port receive loop
+        """
+        log.debug('select-loop-started')
+        # outer loop constructs sockets list for select
+        while not self.stopped:
+            sockets = [self.waker] + self.ports.values()
+            self.ports_changed = False
+            empty = []
+            # inner select loop
+            while not self.stopped:
+                try:
+                    _in, _out, _err = select.select(sockets, empty, empty, 1)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    log.exception('frame-io-select-error', e=e)
+                    break
+                with self.cvar:
+                    for port in _in:
+                        if port is self.waker:
+                            self.waker.wait()
+                            continue
+                        else:
+                            port.recv()
+                    self.cvar.notify_all()
+                if self.ports_changed:
+                    break  # break inner loop so we reconstruct sockets list
+        log.debug('select-loop-exited')
+    def del_interface(self, iface_name):
+        """
+            Delete interface for stopping
+        """
+        log.info('Delete interface')
+        del self.ports[iface_name]
+        log.info('Interface(port) is deleted')
diff --git a/python/common/frameio/third_party/__init__.py b/python/common/frameio/third_party/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/python/common/frameio/third_party/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/LICENSE b/python/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3216042
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+++ b/python/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+OpenFlow Test Framework
+Copyright (c) 2010 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford
+Junior University
+Except where otherwise noted, this software is distributed under
+the OpenFlow Software License.  See
+http://www.openflowswitch.org/wp/legal/ for current details.
+We are making the OpenFlow specification and associated documentation
+(Software) available for public use and benefit with the expectation
+that others will use, modify and enhance the Software and contribute
+those enhancements back to the community. However, since we would like
+to make the Software available for broadest use, with as few
+restrictions as possible permission is hereby granted, free of charge,
+to any person obtaining a copy of this Software to deal in the
+Software under the copyrights without restriction, including without
+limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+The name and trademarks of copyright holder(s) may NOT be used in
+advertising or publicity pertaining to the Software or any derivatives
+without specific, written prior permission.
diff --git a/python/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/README.md b/python/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0cb649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Files in this directory are derived from the respective files
+in oftest (http://github.com/floodlight/oftest).
+For the licensing terms of these files, see LICENSE in this dir.
diff --git a/python/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/__init__.py b/python/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fb0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/afpacket.py b/python/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/afpacket.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ae8075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/afpacket.py
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+AF_PACKET receive support
+When VLAN offload is enabled on the NIC Linux will not deliver the VLAN tag
+in the data returned by recv. Instead, it delivers the VLAN TCI in a control
+message. Python 2.x doesn't have built-in support for recvmsg, so we have to
+use ctypes to call it. The recv function exported by this module reconstructs
+the VLAN tag if it was offloaded.
+import struct
+from ctypes import *
+ETH_P_8021Q = 0x8100
+class struct_iovec(Structure):
+    _fields_ = [
+        ("iov_base", c_void_p),
+        ("iov_len", c_size_t),
+    ]
+class struct_msghdr(Structure):
+    _fields_ = [
+        ("msg_name", c_void_p),
+        ("msg_namelen", c_uint32),
+        ("msg_iov", POINTER(struct_iovec)),
+        ("msg_iovlen", c_size_t),
+        ("msg_control", c_void_p),
+        ("msg_controllen", c_size_t),
+        ("msg_flags", c_int),
+    ]
+class struct_cmsghdr(Structure):
+    _fields_ = [
+        ("cmsg_len", c_size_t),
+        ("cmsg_level", c_int),
+        ("cmsg_type", c_int),
+    ]
+class struct_tpacket_auxdata(Structure):
+    _fields_ = [
+        ("tp_status", c_uint),
+        ("tp_len", c_uint),
+        ("tp_snaplen", c_uint),
+        ("tp_mac", c_ushort),
+        ("tp_net", c_ushort),
+        ("tp_vlan_tci", c_ushort),
+        ("tp_padding", c_ushort),
+    ]
+libc = CDLL("libc.so.6")
+recvmsg = libc.recvmsg
+recvmsg.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(struct_msghdr), c_int]
+recvmsg.retype = c_int
+def enable_auxdata(sk):
+    """
+    Ask the kernel to return the VLAN tag in a control message
+    Must be called on the socket before afpacket.recv.
+    """
+    sk.setsockopt(SOL_PACKET, PACKET_AUXDATA, 1)
+def recv(sk, bufsize):
+    """
+    Receive a packet from an AF_PACKET socket
+    @sk Socket
+    @bufsize Maximum packet size
+    """
+    buf = create_string_buffer(bufsize)
+    ctrl_bufsize = sizeof(struct_cmsghdr) + sizeof(struct_tpacket_auxdata) + sizeof(c_size_t)
+    ctrl_buf = create_string_buffer(ctrl_bufsize)
+    iov = struct_iovec()
+    iov.iov_base = cast(buf, c_void_p)
+    iov.iov_len = bufsize
+    msghdr = struct_msghdr()
+    msghdr.msg_name = None
+    msghdr.msg_namelen = 0
+    msghdr.msg_iov = pointer(iov)
+    msghdr.msg_iovlen = 1
+    msghdr.msg_control = cast(ctrl_buf, c_void_p)
+    msghdr.msg_controllen = ctrl_bufsize
+    msghdr.msg_flags = 0
+    rv = recvmsg(sk.fileno(), byref(msghdr), 0)
+    if rv < 0:
+        raise RuntimeError("recvmsg failed: rv=%d", rv)
+    # The kernel only delivers control messages we ask for. We
+    # only enabled PACKET_AUXDATA, so we can assume it's the
+    # only control message.
+    assert msghdr.msg_controllen >= sizeof(struct_cmsghdr)
+    cmsghdr = struct_cmsghdr.from_buffer(ctrl_buf) # pylint: disable=E1101
+    assert cmsghdr.cmsg_level == SOL_PACKET
+    assert cmsghdr.cmsg_type == PACKET_AUXDATA
+    auxdata = struct_tpacket_auxdata.from_buffer(ctrl_buf, sizeof(struct_cmsghdr)) # pylint: disable=E1101
+    if auxdata.tp_vlan_tci != 0 or auxdata.tp_status & TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID:
+        # Insert VLAN tag
+        tag = struct.pack("!HH", ETH_P_8021Q, auxdata.tp_vlan_tci)
+        return buf.raw[:12] + tag + buf.raw[12:rv]
+    else:
+        return buf.raw[:rv]
diff --git a/python/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/netutils.py b/python/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/netutils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..092d490
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+++ b/python/common/frameio/third_party/oftest/netutils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Network utilities for the OpenFlow test framework
+##                                                                         ##
+## Promiscuous mode enable/disable                                         ##
+##                                                                         ##
+## Based on code from Scapy by Phillippe Biondi                            ##
+##                                                                         ##
+##                                                                         ##
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ##
+## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   ##
+## Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any     ##
+## later version.                                                          ##
+##                                                                         ##
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but     ##
+## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              ##
+## General Public License for more details.                                ##
+##                                                                         ##
+import socket
+from fcntl import ioctl
+import struct
+# From net/if_arp.h
+# From bits/ioctls.h
+SIOCGIFHWADDR  = 0x8927          # Get hardware address
+SIOCGIFINDEX   = 0x8933          # name -> if_index mapping
+# From netpacket/packet.h
+# From bits/socket.h
+def get_if(iff,cmd):
+  s=socket.socket()
+  ifreq = ioctl(s, cmd, struct.pack("16s16x",iff))
+  s.close()
+  return ifreq
+def get_if_index(iff):
+  return int(struct.unpack("I",get_if(iff, SIOCGIFINDEX)[16:20])[0])
+def set_promisc(s,iff,val=1):
+  mreq = struct.pack("IHH8s", get_if_index(iff), PACKET_MR_PROMISC, 0, "")
+  if val:
+  else:
+  s.setsockopt(SOL_PACKET, cmd, mreq)
diff --git a/python/common/kvstore/__init__.py b/python/common/kvstore/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a82628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/kvstore/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/common/kvstore/consul_client.py b/python/common/kvstore/consul_client.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc14759
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+++ b/python/common/kvstore/consul_client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+# Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from common.kvstore.kv_client import DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, Event, KVClient, KVPair, RETRY_BACKOFF
+from common.utils.asleep import asleep
+from common.utils.deferred_utils import DeferredWithTimeout, TimeOutError
+from consul import ConsulException
+from consul.twisted import Consul
+from structlog import get_logger
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, Deferred
+log = get_logger()
+class ConsulClient(KVClient):
+    def __init__(self, kv_host, kv_port):
+        KVClient.__init__(self, kv_host, kv_port)
+        self.session_id = None
+        self.client = Consul(kv_host, kv_port)
+    def watch(self, key, key_change_callback, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        self._retriggering_watch(key, key_change_callback, timeout)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _retriggering_watch(self, key, key_change_callback, timeout):
+        self.key_watches[key] = ConsulWatch(self.client, key, key_change_callback, timeout)
+        yield self.key_watches[key].start()
+    def close_watch(self, key, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        if key in self.key_watches:
+            self.key_watches[key].stop()
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _op_with_retry(self, operation, key, value, timeout, *args, **kw):
+        log.debug('kv-op', operation=operation, key=key, timeout=timeout, args=args, kw=kw)
+        err = None
+        result = None
+        while True:
+            try:
+                if operation == 'GET':
+                    result = yield self._get(key, **kw)
+                elif operation == 'LIST':
+                    result, err = yield self._list(key)
+                elif operation == 'PUT':
+                    # Put returns a boolean response
+                    result = yield self.client.kv.put(key, value)
+                    if not result:
+                        err = 'put-failed'
+                elif operation == 'DELETE':
+                    # Delete returns a boolean response
+                    result = yield self.client.kv.delete(key)
+                    if not result:
+                        err = 'delete-failed'
+                elif operation == 'RESERVE':
+                    result, err = yield self._reserve(key, value, **kw)
+                elif operation == 'RENEW':
+                    result, err = yield self._renew_reservation(key)
+                elif operation == 'RELEASE':
+                    result, err = yield self._release_reservation(key)
+                elif operation == 'RELEASE-ALL':
+                    err = yield self._release_all_reservations()
+                self._clear_backoff()
+                break
+            except ConsulException as ex:
+                if 'ConnectionRefusedError' in ex.message:
+                    log.exception('comms-exception', ex=ex)
+                    yield self._backoff('consul-not-up')
+                else:
+                    log.error('consul-specific-exception', ex=ex)
+                    err = ex
+            except Exception as ex:
+                log.error('consul-exception', ex=ex)
+                err = ex
+            if timeout > 0 and self.retry_time > timeout:
+                err = 'operation-timed-out'
+            if err is not None:
+                self._clear_backoff()
+                break
+        returnValue((result,err))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _get(self, key, **kw):
+        kvp = None
+        index, rec = yield self.client.kv.get(key, **kw)
+        if rec is not None:
+            kvp = KVPair(rec['Key'], rec['Value'], index)
+        returnValue(kvp)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _list(self, key):
+        err = None
+        list = []
+        index, recs = yield self.client.kv.get(key, recurse=True)
+        for rec in recs:
+            list.append(KVPair(rec['Key'], rec['Value'], rec['ModifyIndex']))
+        returnValue((list, err))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _reserve(self, key, value, **kw):
+        for name, val in kw.items():
+            if name == 'ttl':
+                ttl = val
+                break
+        reserved = False
+        err = 'reservation-failed'
+        owner = None
+        # Create a session
+        self.session_id = yield self.client.session.create(behavior='delete',
+                                                           ttl=ttl) # lock_delay=1)
+        log.debug('create-session', id=self.session_id)
+        # Try to acquire the key
+        result = yield self.client.kv.put(key, value, acquire=self.session_id)
+        log.debug('key-acquire', key=key, value=value, sess=self.session_id, result=result)
+        # Check if reservation succeeded
+        index, record = yield self.client.kv.get(key)
+        if record is not None and 'Value' in record:
+            owner = record['Value']
+            log.debug('get-key', session=record['Session'], owner=owner)
+            if record['Session'] == self.session_id and owner == value:
+                reserved = True
+                log.debug('key-reserved', key=key, value=value, ttl=ttl)
+                # Add key to reservation list
+                self.key_reservations[key] = self.session_id
+            else:
+                log.debug('reservation-held-by-another', owner=owner)
+        if reserved:
+            err = None
+        returnValue((owner, err))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _renew_reservation(self, key):
+        result = None
+        err = None
+        if key not in self.key_reservations:
+            err = 'key-not-reserved'
+        else:
+            session_id = self.key_reservations[key]
+            # A successfully renewed session returns an object with fields:
+            # Node, CreateIndex, Name, ModifyIndex, ID, Behavior, TTL,
+            # LockDelay, and Checks
+            result = yield self.client.session.renew(session_id=session_id)
+            log.debug('session-renew', result=result)
+        if result is None:
+            err = 'session-renewal-failed'
+        returnValue((result, err))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _release_reservation(self, key):
+        err = None
+        if key not in self.key_reservations:
+            err = 'key-not-reserved'
+        else:
+            session_id = self.key_reservations[key]
+            # A successfully destroyed session returns a boolean result
+            success = yield self.client.session.destroy(session_id)
+            log.debug('session-destroy', result=success)
+            if not success:
+                err = 'session-destroy-failed'
+            self.session_id = None
+            self.key_reservations.pop(key)
+        returnValue((success, err))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _release_all_reservations(self):
+        err = None
+        keys_to_delete = []
+        for key in self.key_reservations:
+            session_id = self.key_reservations[key]
+            # A successfully destroyed session returns a boolean result
+            success = yield self.client.session.destroy(session_id)
+            if not success:
+                err = 'session-destroy-failed'
+                log.debug('session-destroy', id=session_id, result=success)
+            self.session_id = None
+            keys_to_delete.append(key)
+        for key in keys_to_delete:
+            self.key_reservations.pop(key)
+        returnValue(err)
+class ConsulWatch():
+    def __init__(self, consul, key, callback, timeout):
+        self.client = consul
+        self.key = key
+        self.index = None
+        self.callback = callback
+        self.timeout = timeout
+        self.period = 60
+        self.running = True
+        self.retries = 0
+        self.retry_time = 0
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def start(self):
+        self.running = True
+        index, rec = yield self._get_with_retry(self.key, None,
+                                              timeout=self.timeout)
+        self.index = str(index)
+        @inlineCallbacks
+        def _get(key, deferred):
+            try:
+                index, rec = yield self._get_with_retry(key, None,
+                                                     timeout=self.timeout,
+                                                     index=self.index)
+                self.index = str(index)
+                if not deferred.called:
+                    log.debug('got-result-cancelling-deferred')
+                    deferred.callback((self.index, rec))
+            except Exception as e:
+                log.exception('got-exception', e=e)
+        while self.running:
+            try:
+                rcvd = DeferredWithTimeout(timeout=self.period)
+                _get(self.key, rcvd)
+                try:
+                    # Update index for next watch iteration
+                    index, rec = yield rcvd
+                    log.debug('event-received', index=index, rec=rec)
+                    # Notify client of key change event
+                    if rec is None:
+                        # Key has been deleted
+                        self._send_event(Event(Event.DELETE, self.key, None))
+                    else:
+                        self._send_event(Event(Event.PUT, rec['Key'], rec['Value']))
+                except TimeOutError as e:
+                    log.debug('no-events-over-watch-period', key=self.key)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    log.exception('exception', e=e)
+            except Exception as e:
+                log.exception('exception', e=e)
+        log.debug('close-watch', key=self.key)
+    def stop(self):
+        self.running = False
+        self.callback = None
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _get_with_retry(self, key, value, timeout, *args, **kw):
+        log.debug('watch-period', key=key, period=self.period, timeout=timeout, args=args, kw=kw)
+        err = None
+        result = None
+        while True:
+            try:
+                result = yield self.client.kv.get(key, **kw)
+                self._clear_backoff()
+                break
+            except ConsulException as ex:
+                err = ex
+                if 'ConnectionRefusedError' in ex.message:
+                    self._send_event(Event(Event.CONNECTION_DOWN, self.key, None))
+                    log.exception('comms-exception', ex=ex)
+                    yield self._backoff('consul-not-up')
+                else:
+                    log.error('consul-specific-exception', ex=ex)
+            except Exception as ex:
+                err = ex
+                log.error('consul-exception', ex=ex)
+            if timeout > 0 and self.retry_time > timeout:
+                err = 'operation-timed-out'
+            if err is not None:
+                self._clear_backoff()
+                break
+        returnValue(result)
+    def _send_event(self, event):
+        if self.callback is not None:
+            self.callback(event)
+    def _backoff(self, msg):
+        wait_time = RETRY_BACKOFF[min(self.retries, len(RETRY_BACKOFF) - 1)]
+        self.retry_time += wait_time
+        self.retries += 1
+        log.error(msg, next_retry_in_secs=wait_time,
+                  total_delay_in_secs = self.retry_time,
+                  retries=self.retries)
+        return asleep(wait_time)
+    def _clear_backoff(self):
+        if self.retries:
+            log.debug('reconnected-to-kv', after_retries=self.retries)
+            self.retries = 0
+            self.retry_time = 0
diff --git a/python/common/kvstore/etcd_client.py b/python/common/kvstore/etcd_client.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a958b71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/kvstore/etcd_client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+# Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Most of the txaioetcd methods provide a timeout parameter. This parameter
+# is likely intended to limit the amount of time spent by any one method
+# waiting for a response from the etcd server. However, if the server is
+# down, the method immediately throws a ConnectionRefusedError exception;
+# it does not perform any retries. The timeout parameter provided by the
+# methods in EtcdClient cover this contingency.
+from common.kvstore.kv_client import DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, Event, KVClient, KVPair
+from structlog import get_logger
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, Deferred
+from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionRefusedError
+from txaioetcd import Client, CompVersion, Failed, KeySet, OpGet, OpSet, Transaction
+log = get_logger()
+class EtcdClient(KVClient):
+    def __init__(self, kv_host, kv_port):
+        KVClient.__init__(self, kv_host, kv_port)
+        self.url = u'http://' + kv_host + u':' + str(kv_port)
+        self.client = Client(reactor, self.url)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def watch(self, key, key_change_callback, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        self.key_watches[key] = key_change_callback
+        result = yield self._op_with_retry('WATCH', key, None, timeout, callback=self.key_changed)
+        returnValue(result)
+    def key_changed(self, kv):
+        key = kv.key
+        value = kv.value
+        log.debug('key-changed', key=key, value=value)
+        # Notify client of key change event
+        if value is not None:
+            evt = Event(Event.PUT, key, value)
+        else:
+            evt = Event(Event.DELETE, key, None)
+        if key in self.key_watches:
+            self.key_watches[key](evt)
+    def close_watch(self, key, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        log.debug('close-watch', key=key)
+        if key in self.key_watches:
+            self.key_watches.pop(key)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _op_with_retry(self, operation, key, value, timeout, *args, **kw):
+        log.debug('kv-op', operation=operation, key=key, timeout=timeout, args=args, kw=kw)
+        err = None
+        result = None
+        if type(key) == str:
+            key = bytes(key)
+        if value is not None:
+           value = bytes(value)
+        while True:
+            try:
+                if operation == 'GET':
+                    result = yield self._get(key)
+                elif operation == 'LIST':
+                    result, err = yield self._list(key)
+                elif operation == 'PUT':
+                    # Put returns an object of type Revision
+                    result = yield self.client.set(key, value, **kw)
+                elif operation == 'DELETE':
+                    # Delete returns an object of type Deleted
+                    result = yield self.client.delete(key)
+                elif operation == 'RESERVE':
+                    result, err = yield self._reserve(key, value, **kw)
+                elif operation == 'RENEW':
+                    result, err = yield self._renew_reservation(key)
+                elif operation == 'RELEASE':
+                    result, err = yield self._release_reservation(key)
+                elif operation == 'RELEASE-ALL':
+                    err = yield self._release_all_reservations()
+                elif operation == 'WATCH':
+                    for name, val in kw.items():
+                        if name == 'callback':
+                            callback = val
+                            break
+                    result = self.client.watch([KeySet(key, prefix=True)], callback)
+                self._clear_backoff()
+                break
+            except ConnectionRefusedError as ex:
+                log.error('comms-exception', ex=ex)
+                yield self._backoff('etcd-not-up')
+            except Exception as ex:
+                log.error('etcd-exception', ex=ex)
+                err = ex
+            if timeout > 0 and self.retry_time > timeout:
+                err = 'operation-timed-out'
+            if err is not None:
+                self._clear_backoff()
+                break
+        returnValue((result, err))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _get(self, key):
+        kvp = None
+        resp = yield self.client.get(key)
+        if resp.kvs is not None and len(resp.kvs) == 1:
+            kv = resp.kvs[0]
+            kvp = KVPair(kv.key, kv.value, kv.mod_revision)
+        returnValue(kvp)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _list(self, key):
+        err = None
+        list = []
+        resp = yield self.client.get(KeySet(key, prefix=True))
+        if resp.kvs is not None and len(resp.kvs) > 0:
+            for kv in resp.kvs:
+                list.append(KVPair(kv.key, kv.value, kv.mod_revision))
+        returnValue((list, err))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _reserve(self, key, value, **kw):
+        for name, val in kw.items():
+            if name == 'ttl':
+                ttl = val
+                break
+        reserved = False
+        err = 'reservation-failed'
+        owner = None
+        # Create a lease
+        lease = yield self.client.lease(ttl)
+        # Create a transaction
+        txn = Transaction(
+            compare=[ CompVersion(key, '==', 0) ],
+            success=[ OpSet(key, bytes(value), lease=lease) ],
+            failure=[ OpGet(key) ]
+        )
+        newly_acquired = False
+        try:
+            result = yield self.client.submit(txn)
+        except Failed as failed:
+            log.debug('key-already-present', key=key)
+            if len(failed.responses) > 0:
+                response = failed.responses[0]
+                if response.kvs is not None and len(response.kvs) > 0:
+                    kv = response.kvs[0]
+                    log.debug('key-already-present', value=kv.value)
+                    if kv.value == value:
+                        reserved = True
+                        log.debug('key-already-reserved', key = kv.key, value=kv.value)
+        else:
+            newly_acquired = True
+            log.debug('key-was-absent', key=key, result=result)
+        # Check if reservation succeeded
+        resp = yield self.client.get(key)
+        if resp.kvs is not None and len(resp.kvs) == 1:
+            owner = resp.kvs[0].value
+            if owner == value:
+                if newly_acquired:
+                    log.debug('key-reserved', key=key, value=value, ttl=ttl,
+                             lease_id=lease.lease_id)
+                    reserved = True
+                    # Add key to reservation list
+                    self.key_reservations[key] = lease
+                else:
+                    log.debug("reservation-still-held")
+            else:
+                log.debug('reservation-held-by-another', value=owner)
+        if reserved:
+            err = None
+        returnValue((owner, err))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _renew_reservation(self, key):
+        result = None
+        err = None
+        if key not in self.key_reservations:
+            err = 'key-not-reserved'
+        else:
+            lease = self.key_reservations[key]
+            # A successfully refreshed lease returns an object of type Header
+            result = yield lease.refresh()
+        if result is None:
+            err = 'lease-refresh-failed'
+        returnValue((result, err))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _release_reservation(self, key):
+        err = None
+        if key not in self.key_reservations:
+            err = 'key-not-reserved'
+        else:
+            lease = self.key_reservations[key]
+            time_left = yield lease.remaining()
+            # A successfully revoked lease returns an object of type Header
+            log.debug('release-reservation', key=key, lease_id=lease.lease_id,
+                      time_left_in_secs=time_left)
+            result = yield lease.revoke()
+            if result is None:
+                err = 'lease-revoke-failed'
+            self.key_reservations.pop(key)
+        returnValue((result, err))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _release_all_reservations(self):
+        err = None
+        keys_to_delete = []
+        for key in self.key_reservations:
+            lease = self.key_reservations[key]
+            time_left = yield lease.remaining()
+            # A successfully revoked lease returns an object of type Header
+            log.debug('release-reservation', key=key, lease_id=lease.lease_id,
+                      time_left_in_secs=time_left)
+            result = yield lease.revoke()
+            if result is None:
+                err = 'lease-revoke-failed'
+                log.debug('lease-revoke', result=result)
+            keys_to_delete.append(key)
+        for key in keys_to_delete:
+            self.key_reservations.pop(key)
+        returnValue(err)
diff --git a/python/common/kvstore/kv_client.py b/python/common/kvstore/kv_client.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69a6480
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/kvstore/kv_client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+# Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from common.utils.asleep import asleep
+from structlog import get_logger
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
+log = get_logger()
+class KVPair():
+    def __init__(self, key, value, index):
+        self.key = key
+        self.value = value
+        self.index = index
+class Event():
+    PUT = 0
+    DELETE = 1
+    def __init__(self, event_type, key, value):
+        self.event_type = event_type
+        self.key = key
+        self.value = value
+RETRY_BACKOFF = [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5]
+for i in range(len(RETRY_BACKOFF)):
+class KVClient():
+    def __init__(self, kv_host, kv_port):
+        self.host = kv_host
+        self.port = kv_port
+        self.key_reservations = {}
+        self.key_watches = {}
+        self.retries = 0
+        self.retry_time = 0
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def get(self, key, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        '''
+        This method returns the value of the given key in KV store.
+        :param key: The key whose value is requested
+        :param timeout: The length of time in seconds the method will wait for a response
+        :return: (KVPair, error) where KVPair is None if an error occurred
+        '''
+        result = yield self._op_with_retry('GET', key, None, timeout)
+        returnValue(result)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def list(self, key, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        '''
+        The list method returns an array of key-value pairs all of which
+        share the same key prefix.
+        :param key: The key prefix
+        :param timeout: The length of time in seconds the method will wait for a response
+        :return: ([]KVPair, error) where []KVPair is a list of KVPair objects
+        '''
+        result = yield self._op_with_retry('LIST', key, None, timeout)
+        returnValue(result)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def put(self, key, value, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        '''
+        The put method writes a value to the given key in KV store.
+        Do NOT modify a reserved key in an etcd store; doing so seems
+        to nullify the TTL of the key. In other words, the key lasts
+        forever.
+        :param key: The key to be written to
+        :param value: The value of the key
+        :param timeout: The length of time in seconds the method will wait for a response
+        :return: error, which is set to None for a successful write
+        '''
+        _, err = yield self._op_with_retry('PUT', key, value, timeout)
+        returnValue(err)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def delete(self, key, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        '''
+        The delete method removes a key from the KV store.
+        :param key: The key to be deleted
+        :param timeout: The length of time in seconds the method will wait for a response
+        :return: error, which is set to None for a successful deletion
+        '''
+        _, err = yield self._op_with_retry('DELETE', key, None, timeout)
+        returnValue(err)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def reserve(self, key, value, ttl, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        '''
+        This method acts essentially like a semaphore. The underlying mechanism
+        differs depending on the KV store: etcd uses a test-and-set transaction;
+        consul uses an acquire lock. If using etcd, do NOT write to the key
+        subsequent to the initial reservation; the TTL functionality may become
+        impaired (i.e. the reservation never expires).
+        :param key: The key under reservation
+        :param value: The reservation owner
+        :param ttl: The time-to-live (TTL) for the reservation. The key is unreserved
+        by the KV store when the TTL expires.
+        :param timeout: The length of time in seconds the method will wait for a response
+        :return: (key_value, error) If the key is acquired, then the value returned will
+        be the value passed in.  If the key is already acquired, then the value assigned
+        to that key will be returned.
+        '''
+        result = yield self._op_with_retry('RESERVE', key, value, timeout, ttl=ttl)
+        returnValue(result)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def renew_reservation(self, key, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        '''
+        This method renews the reservation for a given key. A reservation expires
+        after the TTL (Time To Live) period specified when reserving the key.
+        :param key: The reserved key
+        :param timeout: The length of time in seconds the method will wait for a response
+        :return: error, which is set to None for a successful renewal
+        '''
+        result, err = yield self._op_with_retry('RENEW', key, None, timeout)
+        returnValue(err)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def release_reservation(self, key, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        '''
+        The release_reservation method cancels the reservation for a given key.
+        :param key: The reserved key
+        :param timeout: The length of time in seconds the method will wait for a response
+        :return: error, which is set to None for a successful cancellation
+        '''
+        result, err = yield self._op_with_retry('RELEASE', key, None, timeout)
+        returnValue(err)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def release_all_reservations(self, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        '''
+        This method cancels all key reservations made previously
+        using the reserve API.
+        :param timeout: The length of time in seconds the method will wait for a response
+        :return: error, which is set to None for a successful cancellation
+        '''
+        result, err = yield self._op_with_retry('RELEASE-ALL', None, None, timeout)
+        returnValue(err)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def watch(self, key, key_change_callback, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        '''
+        This method provides a watch capability for the given key. If the value of the key
+        changes or the key is deleted, then an event indicating the change is passed to
+        the given callback function.
+        :param key: The key to be watched
+        :param key_change_callback: The function invoked whenever the key changes
+        :param timeout: The length of time in seconds the method will wait for a response
+        :return: There is no return; key change events are passed to the callback function
+        '''
+        raise NotImplementedError('Method not implemented')
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def close_watch(self, key, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        '''
+        This method closes the watch on the given key. Once the watch is closed, key
+        change events are no longer passed to the key change callback function.
+        :param key: The key under watch
+        :param timeout: The length of time in seconds the method will wait for a response
+        :return: There is no return
+        '''
+        raise NotImplementedError('Method not implemented')
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _op_with_retry(self, operation, key, value, timeout, *args, **kw):
+        raise NotImplementedError('Method not implemented')
+    def _backoff(self, msg):
+        wait_time = RETRY_BACKOFF[min(self.retries, len(RETRY_BACKOFF) - 1)]
+        self.retry_time += wait_time
+        self.retries += 1
+        log.error(msg, next_retry_in_secs=wait_time,
+                  total_delay_in_secs = self.retry_time,
+                  retries=self.retries)
+        return asleep(wait_time)
+    def _clear_backoff(self):
+        if self.retries:
+            log.debug('reset-backoff', after_retries=self.retries)
+            self.retries = 0
+            self.retry_time = 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/python/common/kvstore/kvstore.py b/python/common/kvstore/kvstore.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..662b34d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/kvstore/kvstore.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from common.kvstore.consul_client import ConsulClient
+from common.kvstore.etcd_client import EtcdClient
+def create_kv_client(kv_store, host, port):
+    '''
+    Factory for creating a client interface to a KV store
+    :param kv_store: Specify either 'etcd' or 'consul'
+    :param host: Name or IP address of host serving the KV store
+    :param port: Port number (integer) of the KV service
+    :return: Reference to newly created client interface
+    '''
+    if kv_store == 'etcd':
+        return EtcdClient(host, port)
+    elif kv_store == 'consul':
+        return ConsulClient(host, port)
+    return None
diff --git a/python/common/manhole.py b/python/common/manhole.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c00c900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/manhole.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+import rlcompleter
+from pprint import pprint
+import structlog
+from twisted.conch import manhole_ssh
+from twisted.conch.manhole import ColoredManhole
+from twisted.conch.ssh import keys
+from twisted.cred.checkers import InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse
+from twisted.cred.portal import Portal
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+MANHOLE_SERVER_RSA_PRIVATE = './manhole_rsa_key'
+MANHOLE_SERVER_RSA_PUBLIC = './manhole_rsa_key.pub'
+def get_rsa_keys():
+    if not (os.path.exists(MANHOLE_SERVER_RSA_PUBLIC) and \
+                    os.path.exists(MANHOLE_SERVER_RSA_PRIVATE)):
+        # generate a RSA keypair
+        log.info('generate-rsa-keypair')
+        from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
+        rsa_key = RSA.generate(1024)
+        public_key_str = rsa_key.publickey().exportKey(format='OpenSSH')
+        private_key_str = rsa_key.exportKey()
+        # save keys for next time
+        file(MANHOLE_SERVER_RSA_PUBLIC, 'w+b').write(public_key_str)
+        file(MANHOLE_SERVER_RSA_PRIVATE, 'w+b').write(private_key_str)
+        log.debug('saved-rsa-keypair', public=MANHOLE_SERVER_RSA_PUBLIC,
+                  private=MANHOLE_SERVER_RSA_PRIVATE)
+    else:
+        public_key_str = file(MANHOLE_SERVER_RSA_PUBLIC).read()
+        private_key_str = file(MANHOLE_SERVER_RSA_PRIVATE).read()
+    return public_key_str, private_key_str
+class ManholeWithCompleter(ColoredManhole):
+    def __init__(self, namespace):
+        namespace['manhole'] = self
+        super(ManholeWithCompleter, self).__init__(namespace)
+        self.last_tab = None
+        self.completer = rlcompleter.Completer(self.namespace)
+    def handle_TAB(self):
+        if self.last_tab != self.lineBuffer:
+            self.last_tab = self.lineBuffer
+            return
+        buffer = ''.join(self.lineBuffer)
+        completions = []
+        maxlen = 3
+        for c in xrange(1000):
+            candidate = self.completer.complete(buffer, c)
+            if not candidate:
+                break
+            if len(candidate) > maxlen:
+                maxlen = len(candidate)
+            completions.append(candidate)
+        if len(completions) == 1:
+            rest = completions[0][len(buffer):]
+            self.terminal.write(rest)
+            self.lineBufferIndex += len(rest)
+            self.lineBuffer.extend(rest)
+        elif len(completions):
+            maxlen += 3
+            numcols = self.width / maxlen
+            self.terminal.nextLine()
+            for idx, candidate in enumerate(completions):
+                self.terminal.write('%%-%ss' % maxlen % candidate)
+                if not ((idx + 1) % numcols):
+                    self.terminal.nextLine()
+            self.terminal.nextLine()
+            self.drawInputLine()
+class Manhole(object):
+    def __init__(self, port, pws, **kw):
+        kw.update(globals())
+        kw['pp'] = pprint
+        realm = manhole_ssh.TerminalRealm()
+        manhole = ManholeWithCompleter(kw)
+        def windowChanged(_, win_size):
+            manhole.terminalSize(*reversed(win_size[:2]))
+        realm.sessionFactory.windowChanged = windowChanged
+        realm.chainedProtocolFactory.protocolFactory = lambda _: manhole
+        portal = Portal(realm)
+        portal.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(**pws))
+        factory = manhole_ssh.ConchFactory(portal)
+        public_key_str, private_key_str = get_rsa_keys()
+        factory.publicKeys = {
+            'ssh-rsa': keys.Key.fromString(public_key_str)
+        }
+        factory.privateKeys = {
+            'ssh-rsa': keys.Key.fromString(private_key_str)
+        }
+        reactor.listenTCP(port, factory, interface='localhost')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    Manhole(12222, dict(admin='admin'))
+    reactor.run()
diff --git a/python/common/pon_resource_manager/__init__.py b/python/common/pon_resource_manager/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d104e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/pon_resource_manager/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation


+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

+# You may obtain a copy of the License at


+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

+# limitations under the License.

diff --git a/python/common/pon_resource_manager/resource_kv_store.py b/python/common/pon_resource_manager/resource_kv_store.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1a5c14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/pon_resource_manager/resource_kv_store.py
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@

+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.


+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

+# You may obtain a copy of the License at


+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

+# limitations under the License.



+"""Resource KV store - interface between Resource Manager and backend store."""

+import structlog


+from voltha.core.config.config_backend import ConsulStore

+from voltha.core.config.config_backend import EtcdStore


+# KV store uses this prefix to store resource info

+PATH_PREFIX = 'resource_manager/{}'



+class ResourceKvStore(object):

+    """Implements apis to store/get/remove resource in backend store."""


+    def __init__(self, technology, device_id, backend, host, port):

+        """

+        Create ResourceKvStore object.


+        Based on backend ('consul' and 'etcd' use the host and port

+        to create the respective object.


+        :param technology: PON technology

+        :param device_id: OLT device id

+        :param backend: Type of backend storage (etcd or consul)

+        :param host: host ip info for backend storage

+        :param port: port for the backend storage

+        :raises exception when invalid backend store passed as an argument

+        """

+        # logger

+        self._log = structlog.get_logger()


+        path = PATH_PREFIX.format(technology)

+        try:

+            if backend == 'consul':

+                self._kv_store = ConsulStore(host, port, path)

+            elif backend == 'etcd':

+                self._kv_store = EtcdStore(host, port, path)

+            else:

+                self._log.error('Invalid-backend')

+                raise Exception("Invalid-backend-for-kv-store")

+        except Exception as e:

+            self._log.exception("exception-in-init")

+            raise Exception(e)


+    def update_to_kv_store(self, path, resource):

+        """

+        Update resource.


+        :param path: path to update the resource

+        :param resource: updated resource

+        """

+        try:

+            self._kv_store[path] = str(resource)

+            self._log.debug("Resource-updated-in-kv-store", path=path)

+            return True

+        except BaseException:

+            self._log.exception("Resource-update-in-kv-store-failed",

+                                path=path, resource=resource)

+        return False


+    def get_from_kv_store(self, path):

+        """

+        Get resource.


+        :param path: path to get the resource

+        """

+        resource = None

+        try:

+            resource = self._kv_store[path]

+            self._log.debug("Got-resource-from-kv-store", path=path)

+        except KeyError:

+            self._log.info("Resource-not-found-updating-resource",

+                           path=path)

+        except BaseException:

+            self._log.exception("Getting-resource-from-kv-store-failed",

+                                path=path)

+        return resource


+    def remove_from_kv_store(self, path):

+        """

+        Remove resource.


+        :param path: path to remove the resource

+        """

+        try:

+            del self._kv_store[path]

+            self._log.debug("Resource-deleted-in-kv-store", path=path)

+            return True

+        except BaseException:

+            self._log.exception("Resource-delete-in-kv-store-failed",

+                                path=path)

+        return False

diff --git a/python/common/pon_resource_manager/resource_manager.py b/python/common/pon_resource_manager/resource_manager.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17b2871
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/pon_resource_manager/resource_manager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Resource Manager will be unique for each OLT device.
+It exposes APIs to create/free alloc_ids/onu_ids/gemport_ids. Resource Manager
+uses a KV store in backend to ensure resiliency of the data.
+import json
+import structlog
+from bitstring import BitArray
+from ast import literal_eval
+import shlex
+from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentError
+from common.pon_resource_manager.resource_kv_store import ResourceKvStore
+# Used to parse extra arguments to OpenOlt adapter from the NBI
+class OltVendorArgumentParser(ArgumentParser):
+    # Must override the exit command to prevent it from
+    # calling sys.exit().  Return exception instead.
+    def exit(self, status=0, message=None):
+        raise Exception(message)
+class PONResourceManager(object):
+    """Implements APIs to initialize/allocate/release alloc/gemport/onu IDs."""
+    # Constants to identify resource pool
+    ONU_ID = 'ONU_ID'
+    # The resource ranges for a given device vendor_type should be placed
+    # at 'resource_manager/<technology>/resource_ranges/<olt_vendor_type>'
+    # path on the KV store.
+    # If Resource Range parameters are to be read from the external KV store,
+    # they are expected to be stored in the following format.
+    # Note: All parameters are MANDATORY for now.
+    '''
+    {
+        "onu_id_start": 1,
+        "onu_id_end": 127,
+        "alloc_id_start": 1024,
+        "alloc_id_end": 2816,
+        "gemport_id_start": 1024,
+        "gemport_id_end": 8960,
+        "pon_ports": 16
+    }
+    '''
+    # constants used as keys to reference the resource range parameters from
+    # and external KV store.
+    ONU_START_IDX = "onu_id_start"
+    ONU_END_IDX = "onu_id_end"
+    ALLOC_ID_START_IDX = "alloc_id_start"
+    ALLOC_ID_END_IDX = "alloc_id_end"
+    GEM_PORT_ID_START_IDX = "gemport_id_start"
+    GEM_PORT_ID_END_IDX = "gemport_id_end"
+    NUM_OF_PON_PORT = "pon_ports"
+    # PON Resource range configuration on the KV store.
+    # Format: 'resource_manager/<technology>/resource_ranges/<olt_vendor_type>'
+    # The KV store backend is initialized with a path prefix and we need to
+    # provide only the suffix.
+    PON_RESOURCE_RANGE_CONFIG_PATH = 'resource_ranges/{}'
+    # resource path suffix
+    ALLOC_ID_POOL_PATH = '{}/alloc_id_pool/{}'
+    GEMPORT_ID_POOL_PATH = '{}/gemport_id_pool/{}'
+    ONU_ID_POOL_PATH = '{}/onu_id_pool/{}'
+    # Path on the KV store for storing list of alloc IDs for a given ONU
+    # Format: <device_id>/<(pon_intf_id, onu_id)>/alloc_ids
+    ALLOC_ID_RESOURCE_MAP_PATH = '{}/{}/alloc_ids'
+    # Path on the KV store for storing list of gemport IDs for a given ONU
+    # Format: <device_id>/<(pon_intf_id, onu_id)>/gemport_ids
+    GEMPORT_ID_RESOURCE_MAP_PATH = '{}/{}/gemport_ids'
+    # Constants for internal usage.
+    PON_INTF_ID = 'pon_intf_id'
+    START_IDX = 'start_idx'
+    END_IDX = 'end_idx'
+    POOL = 'pool'
+    def __init__(self, technology, extra_args, device_id,
+                 backend, host, port):
+        """
+        Create PONResourceManager object.
+        :param technology: PON technology
+        :param: extra_args: This string contains extra arguments passed during
+        pre-provisioning of OLT and specifies the OLT Vendor type
+        :param device_id: OLT device id
+        :param backend: backend store
+        :param host: ip of backend store
+        :param port: port on which backend store listens
+        :raises exception when invalid backend store passed as an argument
+        """
+        # logger
+        self._log = structlog.get_logger()
+        try:
+            self.technology = technology
+            self.extra_args = extra_args
+            self.device_id = device_id
+            self.backend = backend
+            self.host = host
+            self.port = port
+            self.olt_vendor = None
+            self._kv_store = ResourceKvStore(technology, device_id, backend,
+                                             host, port)
+            # Below attribute, pon_resource_ranges, should be initialized
+            # by reading from KV store.
+            self.pon_resource_ranges = dict()
+        except Exception as e:
+            self._log.exception("exception-in-init")
+            raise Exception(e)
+    def init_resource_ranges_from_kv_store(self):
+        """
+        Initialize PON resource ranges with config fetched from kv store.
+        :return boolean: True if PON resource ranges initialized else false
+        """
+        self.olt_vendor = self._get_olt_vendor()
+        # Try to initialize the PON Resource Ranges from KV store based on the
+        # OLT vendor key, if available
+        if self.olt_vendor is None:
+            self._log.info("olt-vendor-unavailable--not-reading-from-kv-store")
+            return False
+        path = self.PON_RESOURCE_RANGE_CONFIG_PATH.format(self.olt_vendor)
+        try:
+            # get resource from kv store
+            result = self._kv_store.get_from_kv_store(path)
+            if result is None:
+                self._log.debug("resource-range-config-unavailable-on-kvstore")
+                return False
+            resource_range_config = result
+            if resource_range_config is not None:
+                self.pon_resource_ranges = json.loads(resource_range_config)
+                self._log.debug("Init-resource-ranges-from-kvstore-success",
+                                pon_resource_ranges=self.pon_resource_ranges,
+                                path=path)
+                return True
+        except Exception as e:
+            self._log.exception("error-initializing-resource-range-from-kv-store",
+                                e=e)
+        return False
+    def init_default_pon_resource_ranges(self, onu_start_idx=1,
+                                         onu_end_idx=127,
+                                         alloc_id_start_idx=1024,
+                                         alloc_id_end_idx=2816,
+                                         gem_port_id_start_idx=1024,
+                                         gem_port_id_end_idx=8960,
+                                         num_of_pon_ports=16):
+        """
+        Initialize default PON resource ranges
+        :param onu_start_idx: onu id start index
+        :param onu_end_idx: onu id end index
+        :param alloc_id_start_idx: alloc id start index
+        :param alloc_id_end_idx: alloc id end index
+        :param gem_port_id_start_idx: gemport id start index
+        :param gem_port_id_end_idx: gemport id end index
+        :param num_of_pon_ports: number of PON ports
+        """
+        self._log.info("initialize-default-resource-range-values")
+        self.pon_resource_ranges[
+            PONResourceManager.ONU_START_IDX] = onu_start_idx
+        self.pon_resource_ranges[PONResourceManager.ONU_END_IDX] = onu_end_idx
+        self.pon_resource_ranges[
+            PONResourceManager.ALLOC_ID_START_IDX] = alloc_id_start_idx
+        self.pon_resource_ranges[
+            PONResourceManager.ALLOC_ID_END_IDX] = alloc_id_end_idx
+        self.pon_resource_ranges[
+            PONResourceManager.GEM_PORT_ID_START_IDX] = gem_port_id_start_idx
+        self.pon_resource_ranges[
+            PONResourceManager.GEM_PORT_ID_END_IDX] = gem_port_id_end_idx
+        self.pon_resource_ranges[
+            PONResourceManager.NUM_OF_PON_PORT] = num_of_pon_ports
+    def init_device_resource_pool(self):
+        """
+        Initialize resource pool for all PON ports.
+        """
+        i = 0
+        while i < self.pon_resource_ranges[PONResourceManager.NUM_OF_PON_PORT]:
+            self.init_resource_id_pool(
+                pon_intf_id=i,
+                resource_type=PONResourceManager.ONU_ID,
+                start_idx=self.pon_resource_ranges[
+                    PONResourceManager.ONU_START_IDX],
+                end_idx=self.pon_resource_ranges[
+                    PONResourceManager.ONU_END_IDX])
+            i += 1
+        # TODO: ASFvOLT16 platform requires alloc and gemport ID to be unique
+        # across OLT. To keep it simple, a single pool (POOL 0) is maintained
+        # for both the resource types. This may need to change later.
+        self.init_resource_id_pool(
+            pon_intf_id=0,
+            resource_type=PONResourceManager.ALLOC_ID,
+            start_idx=self.pon_resource_ranges[
+                PONResourceManager.ALLOC_ID_START_IDX],
+            end_idx=self.pon_resource_ranges[
+                PONResourceManager.ALLOC_ID_END_IDX])
+        self.init_resource_id_pool(
+            pon_intf_id=0,
+            resource_type=PONResourceManager.GEMPORT_ID,
+            start_idx=self.pon_resource_ranges[
+                PONResourceManager.GEM_PORT_ID_START_IDX],
+            end_idx=self.pon_resource_ranges[
+                PONResourceManager.GEM_PORT_ID_END_IDX])
+    def clear_device_resource_pool(self):
+        """
+        Clear resource pool of all PON ports.
+        """
+        i = 0
+        while i < self.pon_resource_ranges[PONResourceManager.NUM_OF_PON_PORT]:
+            self.clear_resource_id_pool(
+                pon_intf_id=i,
+                resource_type=PONResourceManager.ONU_ID,
+            )
+            i += 1
+        self.clear_resource_id_pool(
+            pon_intf_id=0,
+            resource_type=PONResourceManager.ALLOC_ID,
+        )
+        self.clear_resource_id_pool(
+            pon_intf_id=0,
+            resource_type=PONResourceManager.GEMPORT_ID,
+        )
+    def init_resource_id_pool(self, pon_intf_id, resource_type, start_idx,
+                              end_idx):
+        """
+        Initialize Resource ID pool for a given Resource Type on a given PON Port
+        :param pon_intf_id: OLT PON interface id
+        :param resource_type: String to identify type of resource
+        :param start_idx: start index for onu id pool
+        :param end_idx: end index for onu id pool
+        :return boolean: True if resource id pool initialized else false
+        """
+        status = False
+        path = self._get_path(pon_intf_id, resource_type)
+        if path is None:
+            return status
+        try:
+            # In case of adapter reboot and reconciliation resource in kv store
+            # checked for its presence if not kv store update happens
+            resource = self._get_resource(path)
+            if resource is not None:
+                self._log.info("Resource-already-present-in-store", path=path)
+                status = True
+            else:
+                resource = self._format_resource(pon_intf_id, start_idx,
+                                                 end_idx)
+                self._log.info("Resource-initialized", path=path)
+                # Add resource as json in kv store.
+                result = self._kv_store.update_to_kv_store(path, resource)
+                if result is True:
+                    status = True
+        except Exception as e:
+            self._log.exception("error-initializing-resource-pool", e=e)
+        return status
+    def get_resource_id(self, pon_intf_id, resource_type, num_of_id=1):
+        """
+        Create alloc/gemport/onu id for given OLT PON interface.
+        :param pon_intf_id: OLT PON interface id
+        :param resource_type: String to identify type of resource
+        :param num_of_id: required number of ids
+        :return list/int/None: list, int or None if resource type is
+                               alloc_id/gemport_id, onu_id or invalid type
+                               respectively
+        """
+        result = None
+        # TODO: ASFvOLT16 platform requires alloc and gemport ID to be unique
+        # across OLT. To keep it simple, a single pool (POOL 0) is maintained
+        # for both the resource types. This may need to change later.
+        # Override the incoming pon_intf_id to PON0
+        if resource_type == PONResourceManager.GEMPORT_ID or \
+                resource_type == PONResourceManager.ALLOC_ID:
+            pon_intf_id = 0
+        path = self._get_path(pon_intf_id, resource_type)
+        if path is None:
+            return result
+        try:
+            resource = self._get_resource(path)
+            if resource is not None and resource_type == \
+                    PONResourceManager.ONU_ID:
+                result = self._generate_next_id(resource)
+            elif resource is not None and (
+                    resource_type == PONResourceManager.GEMPORT_ID or
+                    resource_type == PONResourceManager.ALLOC_ID):
+                result = list()
+                while num_of_id > 0:
+                    result.append(self._generate_next_id(resource))
+                    num_of_id -= 1
+            else:
+                raise Exception("get-resource-failed")
+            self._log.debug("Get-" + resource_type + "-success", result=result,
+                            path=path)
+            # Update resource in kv store
+            self._update_resource(path, resource)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self._log.exception("Get-" + resource_type + "-id-failed",
+                                path=path, e=e)
+        return result
+    def free_resource_id(self, pon_intf_id, resource_type, release_content):
+        """
+        Release alloc/gemport/onu id for given OLT PON interface.
+        :param pon_intf_id: OLT PON interface id
+        :param resource_type: String to identify type of resource
+        :param release_content: required number of ids
+        :return boolean: True if all IDs in given release_content released
+                         else False
+        """
+        status = False
+        # TODO: ASFvOLT16 platform requires alloc and gemport ID to be unique
+        # across OLT. To keep it simple, a single pool (POOL 0) is maintained
+        # for both the resource types. This may need to change later.
+        # Override the incoming pon_intf_id to PON0
+        if resource_type == PONResourceManager.GEMPORT_ID or \
+                resource_type == PONResourceManager.ALLOC_ID:
+            pon_intf_id = 0
+        path = self._get_path(pon_intf_id, resource_type)
+        if path is None:
+            return status
+        try:
+            resource = self._get_resource(path)
+            if resource is not None and resource_type == \
+                    PONResourceManager.ONU_ID:
+                self._release_id(resource, release_content)
+            elif resource is not None and (
+                    resource_type == PONResourceManager.ALLOC_ID or
+                    resource_type == PONResourceManager.GEMPORT_ID):
+                for content in release_content:
+                    self._release_id(resource, content)
+            else:
+                raise Exception("get-resource-failed")
+            self._log.debug("Free-" + resource_type + "-success", path=path)
+            # Update resource in kv store
+            status = self._update_resource(path, resource)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self._log.exception("Free-" + resource_type + "-failed",
+                                path=path, e=e)
+        return status
+    def clear_resource_id_pool(self, pon_intf_id, resource_type):
+        """
+        Clear Resource Pool for a given Resource Type on a given PON Port.
+        :return boolean: True if removed else False
+        """
+        path = self._get_path(pon_intf_id, resource_type)
+        if path is None:
+            return False
+        try:
+            result = self._kv_store.remove_from_kv_store(path)
+            if result is True:
+                self._log.debug("Resource-pool-cleared",
+                                device_id=self.device_id,
+                                path=path)
+                return True
+        except Exception as e:
+            self._log.exception("error-clearing-resource-pool", e=e)
+        self._log.error("Clear-resource-pool-failed", device_id=self.device_id,
+                        path=path)
+        return False
+    def init_resource_map(self, pon_intf_onu_id):
+        """
+        Initialize resource map
+        :param pon_intf_onu_id: reference of PON interface id and onu id
+        """
+        # initialize pon_intf_onu_id tuple to alloc_ids map
+        alloc_id_path = PONResourceManager.ALLOC_ID_RESOURCE_MAP_PATH.format(
+            self.device_id, str(pon_intf_onu_id)
+        )
+        alloc_ids = list()
+        self._kv_store.update_to_kv_store(
+            alloc_id_path, json.dumps(alloc_ids)
+        )
+        # initialize pon_intf_onu_id tuple to gemport_ids map
+        gemport_id_path = PONResourceManager.GEMPORT_ID_RESOURCE_MAP_PATH.format(
+            self.device_id, str(pon_intf_onu_id)
+        )
+        gemport_ids = list()
+        self._kv_store.update_to_kv_store(
+            gemport_id_path, json.dumps(gemport_ids)
+        )
+    def remove_resource_map(self, pon_intf_onu_id):
+        """
+        Remove resource map
+        :param pon_intf_onu_id: reference of PON interface id and onu id
+        """
+        # remove pon_intf_onu_id tuple to alloc_ids map
+        alloc_id_path = PONResourceManager.ALLOC_ID_RESOURCE_MAP_PATH.format(
+            self.device_id, str(pon_intf_onu_id)
+        )
+        self._kv_store.remove_from_kv_store(alloc_id_path)
+        # remove pon_intf_onu_id tuple to gemport_ids map
+        gemport_id_path = PONResourceManager.GEMPORT_ID_RESOURCE_MAP_PATH.format(
+            self.device_id, str(pon_intf_onu_id)
+        )
+        self._kv_store.remove_from_kv_store(gemport_id_path)
+    def get_current_alloc_ids_for_onu(self, pon_intf_onu_id):
+        """
+        Get currently configured alloc ids for given pon_intf_onu_id
+        :param pon_intf_onu_id: reference of PON interface id and onu id
+        """
+        path = PONResourceManager.ALLOC_ID_RESOURCE_MAP_PATH.format(
+            self.device_id,
+            str(pon_intf_onu_id))
+        value = self._kv_store.get_from_kv_store(path)
+        if value is not None:
+            alloc_id_list = json.loads(value)
+            if len(alloc_id_list) > 0:
+                return alloc_id_list
+        return None
+    def get_current_gemport_ids_for_onu(self, pon_intf_onu_id):
+        """
+        Get currently configured gemport ids for given pon_intf_onu_id
+        :param pon_intf_onu_id: reference of PON interface id and onu id
+        """
+        path = PONResourceManager.GEMPORT_ID_RESOURCE_MAP_PATH.format(
+            self.device_id,
+            str(pon_intf_onu_id))
+        value = self._kv_store.get_from_kv_store(path)
+        if value is not None:
+            gemport_id_list = json.loads(value)
+            if len(gemport_id_list) > 0:
+                return gemport_id_list
+        return None
+    def update_alloc_ids_for_onu(self, pon_intf_onu_id, alloc_ids):
+        """
+        Update currently configured alloc ids for given pon_intf_onu_id
+        :param pon_intf_onu_id: reference of PON interface id and onu id
+        """
+        path = PONResourceManager.ALLOC_ID_RESOURCE_MAP_PATH.format(
+            self.device_id, str(pon_intf_onu_id)
+        )
+        self._kv_store.update_to_kv_store(
+            path, json.dumps(alloc_ids)
+        )
+    def update_gemport_ids_for_onu(self, pon_intf_onu_id, gemport_ids):
+        """
+        Update currently configured gemport ids for given pon_intf_onu_id
+        :param pon_intf_onu_id: reference of PON interface id and onu id
+        """
+        path = PONResourceManager.GEMPORT_ID_RESOURCE_MAP_PATH.format(
+            self.device_id, str(pon_intf_onu_id)
+        )
+        self._kv_store.update_to_kv_store(
+            path, json.dumps(gemport_ids)
+        )
+    def _get_olt_vendor(self):
+        """
+        Get olt vendor variant
+        :return: type of olt vendor
+        """
+        olt_vendor = None
+        if self.extra_args and len(self.extra_args) > 0:
+            parser = OltVendorArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+            parser.add_argument('--olt_vendor', '-o', action='store',
+                                choices=['default', 'asfvolt16', 'cigolt24'],
+                                default='default')
+            try:
+                args = parser.parse_args(shlex.split(self.extra_args))
+                self._log.debug('parsing-extra-arguments', args=args)
+                olt_vendor = args.olt_vendor
+            except ArgumentError as e:
+                self._log.exception('invalid-arguments: {}', e=e)
+            except Exception as e:
+                self._log.exception('option-parsing-error: {}', e=e)
+        return olt_vendor
+    def _generate_next_id(self, resource):
+        """
+        Generate unique id having OFFSET as start index.
+        :param resource: resource used to generate ID
+        :return int: generated id
+        """
+        pos = resource[PONResourceManager.POOL].find('0b0')
+        resource[PONResourceManager.POOL].set(1, pos)
+        return pos[0] + resource[PONResourceManager.START_IDX]
+    def _release_id(self, resource, unique_id):
+        """
+        Release unique id having OFFSET as start index.
+        :param resource: resource used to release ID
+        :param unique_id: id need to be released
+        """
+        pos = ((int(unique_id)) - resource[PONResourceManager.START_IDX])
+        resource[PONResourceManager.POOL].set(0, pos)
+    def _get_path(self, pon_intf_id, resource_type):
+        """
+        Get path for given resource type.
+        :param pon_intf_id: OLT PON interface id
+        :param resource_type: String to identify type of resource
+        :return: path for given resource type
+        """
+        path = None
+        if resource_type == PONResourceManager.ONU_ID:
+            path = self._get_onu_id_resource_path(pon_intf_id)
+        elif resource_type == PONResourceManager.ALLOC_ID:
+            path = self._get_alloc_id_resource_path(pon_intf_id)
+        elif resource_type == PONResourceManager.GEMPORT_ID:
+            path = self._get_gemport_id_resource_path(pon_intf_id)
+        else:
+            self._log.error("invalid-resource-pool-identifier")
+        return path
+    def _get_alloc_id_resource_path(self, pon_intf_id):
+        """
+        Get alloc id resource path.
+        :param pon_intf_id: OLT PON interface id
+        :return: alloc id resource path
+        """
+        return PONResourceManager.ALLOC_ID_POOL_PATH.format(
+            self.device_id, pon_intf_id)
+    def _get_gemport_id_resource_path(self, pon_intf_id):
+        """
+        Get gemport id resource path.
+        :param pon_intf_id: OLT PON interface id
+        :return: gemport id resource path
+        """
+        return PONResourceManager.GEMPORT_ID_POOL_PATH.format(
+            self.device_id, pon_intf_id)
+    def _get_onu_id_resource_path(self, pon_intf_id):
+        """
+        Get onu id resource path.
+        :param pon_intf_id: OLT PON interface id
+        :return: onu id resource path
+        """
+        return PONResourceManager.ONU_ID_POOL_PATH.format(
+            self.device_id, pon_intf_id)
+    def _update_resource(self, path, resource):
+        """
+        Update resource in resource kv store.
+        :param path: path to update resource
+        :param resource: resource need to be updated
+        :return boolean: True if resource updated in kv store else False
+        """
+        resource[PONResourceManager.POOL] = \
+            resource[PONResourceManager.POOL].bin
+        result = self._kv_store.update_to_kv_store(path, json.dumps(resource))
+        if result is True:
+            return True
+        return False
+    def _get_resource(self, path):
+        """
+        Get resource from kv store.
+        :param path: path to get resource
+        :return: resource if resource present in kv store else None
+        """
+        # get resource from kv store
+        result = self._kv_store.get_from_kv_store(path)
+        if result is None:
+            return result
+        self._log.info("dumping resource", result=result)
+        resource = result
+        if resource is not None:
+            # decode resource fetched from backend store to dictionary
+            resource = json.loads(resource)
+            # resource pool in backend store stored as binary string whereas to
+            # access the pool to generate/release IDs it need to be converted
+            # as BitArray
+            resource[PONResourceManager.POOL] = \
+                BitArray('0b' + resource[PONResourceManager.POOL])
+        return resource
+    def _format_resource(self, pon_intf_id, start_idx, end_idx):
+        """
+        Format resource as json.
+        :param pon_intf_id: OLT PON interface id
+        :param start_idx: start index for id pool
+        :param end_idx: end index for id pool
+        :return dictionary: resource formatted as dictionary
+        """
+        # Format resource as json to be stored in backend store
+        resource = dict()
+        resource[PONResourceManager.PON_INTF_ID] = pon_intf_id
+        resource[PONResourceManager.START_IDX] = start_idx
+        resource[PONResourceManager.END_IDX] = end_idx
+        # resource pool stored in backend store as binary string
+        resource[PONResourceManager.POOL] = BitArray(end_idx).bin
+        return json.dumps(resource)
diff --git a/python/common/structlog_setup.py b/python/common/structlog_setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbbda89
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+++ b/python/common/structlog_setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Setting up proper logging for Voltha"""
+import logging
+import logging.config
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import structlog
+from structlog.stdlib import BoundLogger, INFO
+    from thread import get_ident as _get_ident
+except ImportError:
+    from dummy_thread import get_ident as _get_ident
+class StructuredLogRenderer(object):
+    def __call__(self, logger, name, event_dict):
+        # in order to keep structured log data in event_dict to be forwarded as
+        # is, we need to pass it into the logger framework as the first
+        # positional argument.
+        args = (event_dict,)
+        kwargs = {}
+        return args, kwargs
+class PlainRenderedOrderedDict(OrderedDict):
+    """Our special version of OrderedDict that renders into string as a dict,
+       to make the log stream output cleaner.
+    """
+    def __repr__(self, _repr_running={}):
+        'od.__repr__() <==> repr(od)'
+        call_key = id(self), _get_ident()
+        if call_key in _repr_running:
+            return '...'
+        _repr_running[call_key] = 1
+        try:
+            if not self:
+                return '{}'
+            return '{%s}' % ", ".join("%s: %s" % (k, v)
+                                      for k, v in self.items())
+        finally:
+            del _repr_running[call_key]
+def setup_logging(log_config, instance_id, verbosity_adjust=0):
+    """
+    Set up logging such that:
+    - The primary logging entry method is structlog
+      (see http://structlog.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html)
+    - By default, the logging backend is Python standard lib logger
+    """
+    def add_exc_info_flag_for_exception(_, name, event_dict):
+        if name == 'exception':
+            event_dict['exc_info'] = True
+        return event_dict
+    def add_instance_id(_, __, event_dict):
+        event_dict['instance_id'] = instance_id
+        return event_dict
+    # Configure standard logging
+    logging.config.dictConfig(log_config)
+    logging.root.level -= 10 * verbosity_adjust
+    processors = [
+        add_exc_info_flag_for_exception,
+        structlog.processors.StackInfoRenderer(),
+        structlog.processors.format_exc_info,
+        add_instance_id,
+        StructuredLogRenderer(),
+    ]
+    structlog.configure(logger_factory=structlog.stdlib.LoggerFactory(),
+                        context_class=PlainRenderedOrderedDict,
+                        wrapper_class=BoundLogger,
+                        processors=processors)
+    # Mark first line of log
+    log = structlog.get_logger()
+    log.info("first-line")
+    return log
+def update_logging(instance_id, vcore_id):
+    """
+    Add the vcore id to the structured logger
+    :param vcore_id:  The assigned vcore id
+    :return: structure logger
+    """
+    def add_exc_info_flag_for_exception(_, name, event_dict):
+        if name == 'exception':
+            event_dict['exc_info'] = True
+        return event_dict
+    def add_instance_id(_, __, event_dict):
+        event_dict['instance_id'] = instance_id
+        return event_dict
+    def add_vcore_id(_, __, event_dict):
+        event_dict['vcore_id'] = vcore_id
+        return event_dict
+    processors = [
+        add_exc_info_flag_for_exception,
+        structlog.processors.StackInfoRenderer(),
+        structlog.processors.format_exc_info,
+        add_instance_id,
+        add_vcore_id,
+        StructuredLogRenderer(),
+    ]
+    structlog.configure(processors=processors)
+    # Mark first line of log
+    log = structlog.get_logger()
+    log.info("updated-logger")
+    return log
diff --git a/python/common/utils/__init__.py b/python/common/utils/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fb0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/utils/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/common/utils/asleep.py b/python/common/utils/asleep.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10d1ce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/utils/asleep.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+""" Async sleep (asleep) method and other twisted goodies """
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
+def asleep(dt):
+    """
+    Async (event driven) wait for given time period (in seconds)
+    :param dt: Delay in seconds
+    :return: Deferred to be fired with value None when time expires.
+    """
+    d = Deferred()
+    reactor.callLater(dt, lambda: d.callback(None))
+    return d
diff --git a/python/common/utils/consulhelpers.py b/python/common/utils/consulhelpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df4dd58
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+++ b/python/common/utils/consulhelpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Some consul related convenience functions
+from structlog import get_logger
+from consul import Consul
+from random import randint
+from common.utils.nethelpers import get_my_primary_local_ipv4
+log = get_logger()
+def connect_to_consult(consul_endpoint):
+    log.debug('getting-service-endpoint', consul=consul_endpoint)
+    host = consul_endpoint.split(':')[0].strip()
+    port = int(consul_endpoint.split(':')[1].strip())
+    return Consul(host=host, port=port)
+def verify_all_services_healthy(consul_endpoint, service_name=None,
+                                number_of_expected_services=None):
+    """
+    Verify in consul if any service is healthy
+    :param consul_endpoint: a <host>:<port> string
+    :param service_name: name of service to check, optional
+    :param number_of_expected_services number of services to check for, optional
+    :return: true if healthy, false otherwise
+    """
+    def check_health(service):
+        _, serv_health = consul.health.service(service, passing=True)
+        return not serv_health == []
+    consul = connect_to_consult(consul_endpoint)
+    if service_name is not None:
+        return check_health(service_name)
+    services = get_all_services(consul_endpoint)
+    items = services.keys()
+    if number_of_expected_services is not None and \
+                    len(items) != number_of_expected_services:
+        return False
+    for item in items:
+        if not check_health(item):
+            return False
+    return True
+def get_all_services(consul_endpoint):
+    log.debug('getting-service-verify-health')
+    consul = connect_to_consult(consul_endpoint)
+    _, services = consul.catalog.services()
+    return services
+def get_all_instances_of_service(consul_endpoint, service_name):
+    log.debug('getting-all-instances-of-service', service=service_name)
+    consul = connect_to_consult(consul_endpoint)
+    _, services = consul.catalog.service(service_name)
+    for service in services:
+        log.debug('service',
+                  name=service['ServiceName'],
+                  serviceid=service['ServiceID'],
+                  serviceport=service['ServicePort'],
+                  createindex=service['CreateIndex'])
+    return services
+def get_endpoint_from_consul(consul_endpoint, service_name):
+    """
+    Get endpoint of service_name from consul.
+    :param consul_endpoint: a <host>:<port> string
+    :param service_name: name of service for which endpoint
+                         needs to be found.
+    :return: service endpoint if available, else exit.
+    """
+    log.debug('getting-service-info', service=service_name)
+    consul = connect_to_consult(consul_endpoint)
+    _, services = consul.catalog.service(service_name)
+    if len(services) == 0:
+        raise Exception(
+            'Cannot find service {} in consul'.format(service_name))
+        os.exit(1)
+    """ Get host IPV4 address
+    """
+    local_ipv4 = get_my_primary_local_ipv4()
+    """ If host IP address from where the request came in matches
+        the IP address of the requested service's host IP address,
+        pick the endpoint
+    """
+    for i in range(len(services)):
+        service = services[i]
+        if service['ServiceAddress'] == local_ipv4:
+            log.debug("picking address locally")
+            endpoint = '{}:{}'.format(service['ServiceAddress'],
+                                      service['ServicePort'])
+            return endpoint
+    """ If service is not available locally, picak a random
+        endpoint for the service from the list
+    """
+    service = services[randint(0, len(services) - 1)]
+    endpoint = '{}:{}'.format(service['ServiceAddress'],
+                              service['ServicePort'])
+    return endpoint
+def get_healthy_instances(consul_endpoint, service_name=None,
+                          number_of_expected_services=None):
+    """
+    Verify in consul if any service is healthy
+    :param consul_endpoint: a <host>:<port> string
+    :param service_name: name of service to check, optional
+    :param number_of_expected_services number of services to check for, optional
+    :return: true if healthy, false otherwise
+    """
+    def check_health(service):
+        _, serv_health = consul.health.service(service, passing=True)
+        return not serv_health == []
+    consul = connect_to_consult(consul_endpoint)
+    if service_name is not None:
+        return check_health(service_name)
+    services = get_all_services(consul_endpoint)
+    items = services.keys()
+    if number_of_expected_services is not None and \
+                    len(items) != number_of_expected_services:
+        return False
+    for item in items:
+        if not check_health(item):
+            return False
+    return True
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    # print get_endpoint_from_consul('', 'kafka')
+    # print get_healthy_instances('', 'voltha-health')
+    # print get_healthy_instances('')
+    get_all_instances_of_service('', 'voltha-grpc')
diff --git a/python/common/utils/deferred_utils.py b/python/common/utils/deferred_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c55c1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/utils/deferred_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
+from twisted.internet.error import AlreadyCalled
+class TimeOutError(Exception): pass
+class DeferredWithTimeout(Deferred):
+    """
+    Deferred with a timeout. If neither the callback nor the errback method
+    is not called within the given time, the deferred's errback will be called
+    with a TimeOutError() exception.
+    All other uses are the same as of Deferred().
+    """
+    def __init__(self, timeout=1.0):
+        Deferred.__init__(self)
+        self._timeout = timeout
+        self.timer = reactor.callLater(timeout, self.timed_out)
+    def timed_out(self):
+        self.errback(
+            TimeOutError('timed out after {} seconds'.format(self._timeout)))
+    def callback(self, result):
+        self._cancel_timer()
+        return Deferred.callback(self, result)
+    def errback(self, fail):
+        self._cancel_timer()
+        return Deferred.errback(self, fail)
+    def cancel(self):
+        self._cancel_timer()
+        return Deferred.cancel(self)
+    def _cancel_timer(self):
+        try:
+            self.timer.cancel()
+        except AlreadyCalled:
+            pass
diff --git a/python/common/utils/dockerhelpers.py b/python/common/utils/dockerhelpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4620aef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/utils/dockerhelpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Some docker related convenience functions
+from datetime import datetime
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
+import os
+import socket
+from structlog import get_logger
+from docker import Client, errors
+docker_socket = os.environ.get('DOCKER_SOCK', 'unix://tmp/docker.sock')
+log = get_logger()
+def get_my_containers_name():
+    """
+    Return the docker containers name in which this process is running.
+    To look up the container name, we use the container ID extracted from the
+    $HOSTNAME environment variable (which is set by docker conventions).
+    :return: String with the docker container name (or None if any issue is
+             encountered)
+    """
+    my_container_id = os.environ.get('HOSTNAME', None)
+    try:
+        docker_cli = Client(base_url=docker_socket)
+        info = docker_cli.inspect_container(my_container_id)
+    except Exception, e:
+        log.exception('failed', my_container_id=my_container_id, e=e)
+        raise
+    name = info['Name'].lstrip('/')
+    return name
+def get_all_running_containers():
+    try:
+        docker_cli = Client(base_url=docker_socket)
+        containers = docker_cli.containers()
+    except Exception, e:
+        log.exception('failed', e=e)
+        raise
+    return containers
+def inspect_container(id):
+    try:
+        docker_cli = Client(base_url=docker_socket)
+        info = docker_cli.inspect_container(id)
+    except Exception, e:
+        log.exception('failed-inspect-container', id=id, e=e)
+        raise
+    return info
diff --git a/python/common/utils/grpc_utils.py b/python/common/utils/grpc_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8df630e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/utils/grpc_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Utilities to handle gRPC server and client side code in a Twisted environment
+import structlog
+from concurrent.futures import Future
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
+from twisted.python.threadable import isInIOThread
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+def twisted_async(func):
+    """
+    This decorator can be used to implement a gRPC method on the twisted
+    thread, allowing asynchronous programming in Twisted while serving
+    a gRPC call.
+    gRPC methods normally are called on the futures.ThreadPool threads,
+    so these methods cannot directly use Twisted protocol constructs.
+    If the implementation of the methods needs to touch Twisted, it is
+    safer (or mandatory) to wrap the method with this decorator, which will
+    call the inner method from the external thread and ensure that the
+    result is passed back to the foreign thread.
+    Example usage:
+    When implementing a gRPC server, typical pattern is:
+    class SpamService(SpamServicer):
+        def GetBadSpam(self, request, context):
+            '''this is called from a ThreadPoolExecutor thread'''
+            # generally unsafe to make Twisted calls
+        @twisted_async
+        def GetSpamSafely(self, request, context):
+            '''this method now is executed on the Twisted main thread
+            # safe to call any Twisted protocol functions
+        @twisted_async
+        @inlineCallbacks
+        def GetAsyncSpam(self, request, context):
+            '''this generator can use inlineCallbacks Twisted style'''
+            result = yield some_async_twisted_call(request)
+            returnValue(result)
+    """
+    def in_thread_wrapper(*args, **kw):
+        if isInIOThread():
+            return func(*args, **kw)
+        f = Future()
+        def twisted_wrapper():
+            try:
+                d = func(*args, **kw)
+                if isinstance(d, Deferred):
+                    def _done(result):
+                        f.set_result(result)
+                        f.done()
+                    def _error(e):
+                        f.set_exception(e)
+                        f.done()
+                    d.addCallback(_done)
+                    d.addErrback(_error)
+                else:
+                    f.set_result(d)
+                    f.done()
+            except Exception, e:
+                f.set_exception(e)
+                f.done()
+        reactor.callFromThread(twisted_wrapper)
+        try:
+            result = f.result()
+        except Exception, e:
+            log.exception(e=e, func=func, args=args, kw=kw)
+            raise
+        return result
+    return in_thread_wrapper
diff --git a/python/common/utils/id_generation.py b/python/common/utils/id_generation.py
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/utils/id_generation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# """ ID generation utils """
+from uuid import uuid4
+def get_next_core_id(current_id_in_hex_str):
+    """
+    :param current_id_in_hex_str: a hex string of the maximum core id 
+    assigned without the leading 0x characters
+    :return: current_id_in_hex_str + 1 in hex string 
+    """
+    if not current_id_in_hex_str or current_id_in_hex_str == '':
+        return '0001'
+    else:
+        return format(int(current_id_in_hex_str, 16) + 1, '04x')
+def create_cluster_logical_device_ids(core_id, switch_id):
+    """
+    Creates a logical device id and an OpenFlow datapath id that is unique 
+    across the Voltha cluster.
+    The returned logical device id  represents a 64 bits integer where the
+    lower 48 bits is the switch id and the upper 16 bits is the core id.   For
+    the datapath id the core id is set to '0000' as it is not used for voltha
+    core routing
+    :param core_id: string
+    :param switch_id:int
+    :return: cluster logical device id and OpenFlow datapath id
+    """
+    switch_id = format(switch_id, '012x')
+    core_in_hex=format(int(core_id, 16), '04x')
+    ld_id = '{}{}'.format(core_in_hex[-4:], switch_id[-12:])
+    dpid_id = '{}{}'.format('0000', switch_id[-12:])
+    return ld_id, int(dpid_id, 16)
+def is_broadcast_core_id(id):
+    assert id and len(id) == 16
+    return id[:4] == BROADCAST_CORE_ID
+def create_empty_broadcast_id():
+    """
+    Returns an empty broadcast id (ffff000000000000). The id is used to
+    dispatch xPON objects across all the Voltha instances.
+    :return: An empty broadcast id
+    """
+    return '{}{}'.format(BROADCAST_CORE_ID, '0'*12)
+def create_cluster_id():
+    """
+    Returns an id that is common across all voltha instances.  The id  
+    is a str of 64 bits.  The lower 48 bits refers to an id specific to that 
+    object while the upper 16 bits refers a broadcast core_id
+    :return: An common id across all Voltha instances
+    """
+    return '{}{}'.format(BROADCAST_CORE_ID, uuid4().hex[:12])
+def create_cluster_device_id(core_id):
+    """
+    Creates a device id that is unique across the Voltha cluster.
+    The device id is a str of 64 bits.  The lower 48 bits refers to the 
+    device id while the upper 16 bits refers to the core id.
+    :param core_id: string
+    :return: cluster device id
+    """
+    return '{}{}'.format(format(int(core_id), '04x'), uuid4().hex[:12])
+def get_core_id_from_device_id(device_id):
+    # Device id is a string and the first 4 characters represent the core_id
+    assert device_id and len(device_id) == 16
+    # Get the leading 4 hexs and remove leading 0's
+    return device_id[:4]
+def get_core_id_from_logical_device_id(logical_device_id):
+    """ 
+    Logical Device id is a string and the first 4 characters represent the 
+    core_id
+    :param logical_device_id: 
+    :return: core_id string
+    """
+    assert logical_device_id and len(logical_device_id) == 16
+    # Get the leading 4 hexs and remove leading 0's
+    return logical_device_id[:4]
+def get_core_id_from_datapath_id(datapath_id):
+    """
+    datapath id is a uint64 where:
+        - low 48 bits -> switch_id
+        - high 16 bits -> core id
+    :param datapath_id: 
+    :return: core_id string
+    """
+    assert datapath_id
+    # Get the hex string and remove the '0x' prefix
+    id_in_hex_str = hex(datapath_id)[2:]
+    assert len(id_in_hex_str) > 12
+    return id_in_hex_str[:-12]
diff --git a/python/common/utils/indexpool.py b/python/common/utils/indexpool.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..858cb3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/utils/indexpool.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from bitstring import BitArray
+import structlog
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+class IndexPool(object):
+    def __init__(self, max_entries, offset):
+        self.max_entries = max_entries
+        self.offset = offset
+        self.indices = BitArray(self.max_entries)
+    def get_next(self):
+        try:
+            _pos = self.indices.find('0b0')
+            self.indices.set(1, _pos)
+            return self.offset + _pos[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            log.info("exception-fail-to-allocate-id-all-bits-in-use")
+            return None
+    def allocate(self, index):
+        try:
+            _pos = index - self.offset
+            if not (0 <= _pos < self.max_entries):
+                log.info("{}-out-of-range".format(index))
+                return None
+            if self.indices[_pos]:
+                log.info("{}-is-already-allocated".format(index))
+                return None
+            self.indices.set(1, _pos)
+            return index
+        except IndexError:
+            return None
+    def release(self, index):
+        index -= self.offset
+        _pos = (index,)
+        try:
+            self.indices.set(0, _pos)
+        except IndexError:
+            log.info("bit-position-{}-out-of-range".format(index))
+    #index or multiple indices to set all of them to 1 - need to be a tuple
+    def pre_allocate(self, index):
+        if(isinstance(index, tuple)):
+            _lst = list(index)
+            for i in range(len(_lst)):
+                _lst[i] -= self.offset
+            index = tuple(_lst)
+            self.indices.set(1, index)
diff --git a/python/common/utils/json_format.py b/python/common/utils/json_format.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c18d013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/utils/json_format.py
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Monkey patched json_format to allow best effort decoding of Any fields.
+Use the additional flag (strict_any_handling=False) to trigger the
+best-effort behavior. Omit the flag, or just use the original json_format
+module fot the strict behavior.
+from google.protobuf import json_format
+class _PatchedPrinter(json_format._Printer):
+    def __init__(self, including_default_value_fields=False,
+                 preserving_proto_field_name=False,
+                 strict_any_handling=False):
+        super(_PatchedPrinter, self).__init__(including_default_value_fields,
+                                              preserving_proto_field_name)
+        self.strict_any_handling = strict_any_handling
+    def _BestEffortAnyMessageToJsonObject(self, msg):
+        try:
+            res = self._AnyMessageToJsonObject(msg)
+        except TypeError:
+            res = self._RegularMessageToJsonObject(msg, {})
+        return res
+def MessageToDict(message,
+                  including_default_value_fields=False,
+                  preserving_proto_field_name=False,
+                  strict_any_handling=False):
+    """Converts protobuf message to a JSON dictionary.
+    Args:
+      message: The protocol buffers message instance to serialize.
+      including_default_value_fields: If True, singular primitive fields,
+          repeated fields, and map fields will always be serialized.  If
+          False, only serialize non-empty fields.  Singular message fields
+          and oneof fields are not affected by this option.
+      preserving_proto_field_name: If True, use the original proto field
+          names as defined in the .proto file. If False, convert the field
+          names to lowerCamelCase.
+      strict_any_handling: If True, converion will error out (like in the
+          original method) if an Any field with value for which the Any type
+          is not loaded is encountered. If False, the conversion will leave
+          the field un-packed, but otherwise will continue.
+    Returns:
+      A dict representation of the JSON formatted protocol buffer message.
+    """
+    printer = _PatchedPrinter(including_default_value_fields,
+                              preserving_proto_field_name,
+                              strict_any_handling=strict_any_handling)
+    # pylint: disable=protected-access
+    return printer._MessageToJsonObject(message)
+def MessageToJson(message,
+                  including_default_value_fields=False,
+                  preserving_proto_field_name=False,
+                  strict_any_handling=False):
+  """Converts protobuf message to JSON format.
+  Args:
+    message: The protocol buffers message instance to serialize.
+    including_default_value_fields: If True, singular primitive fields,
+        repeated fields, and map fields will always be serialized.  If
+        False, only serialize non-empty fields.  Singular message fields
+        and oneof fields are not affected by this option.
+    preserving_proto_field_name: If True, use the original proto field
+        names as defined in the .proto file. If False, convert the field
+        names to lowerCamelCase.
+    strict_any_handling: If True, converion will error out (like in the
+        original method) if an Any field with value for which the Any type
+        is not loaded is encountered. If False, the conversion will leave
+        the field un-packed, but otherwise will continue.
+  Returns:
+    A string containing the JSON formatted protocol buffer message.
+  """
+  printer = _PatchedPrinter(including_default_value_fields,
+                            preserving_proto_field_name,
+                            strict_any_handling=strict_any_handling)
+  return printer.ToJsonString(message)
+json_format._WKTJSONMETHODS['google.protobuf.Any'] = [
+    '_BestEffortAnyMessageToJsonObject',
+    '_ConvertAnyMessage'
+json_format._Printer._BestEffortAnyMessageToJsonObject = \
+    json_format._Printer._AnyMessageToJsonObject
diff --git a/python/common/utils/message_queue.py b/python/common/utils/message_queue.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b4257a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/utils/message_queue.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
+from twisted.internet.defer import succeed
+class MessageQueue(object):
+    """
+    An event driven queue, similar to twisted.internet.defer.DeferredQueue
+    but which allows selective dequeing based on a predicate function.
+    Unlike DeferredQueue, there is no limit on backlog, and there is no queue
+    limit.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.waiting = []  # tuples of (d, predicate)
+        self.queue = []  # messages piling up here if no one is waiting
+    def reset(self):
+        """
+        Purge all content as well as waiters (by errback-ing their entries).
+        :return: None
+        """
+        for d, _ in self.waiting:
+            d.errback(Exception('mesage queue reset() was called'))
+        self.waiting = []
+        self.queue = []
+    def _cancelGet(self, d):
+        """
+        Remove a deferred from our waiting list.
+        :param d: The deferred that was been canceled.
+        :return: None
+        """
+        for i in range(len(self.waiting)):
+            if self.waiting[i][0] is d:
+                self.waiting.pop(i)
+    def put(self, obj):
+        """
+        Add an object to this queue
+        :param obj: arbitrary object that will be added to the queue
+        :return:
+        """
+        # if someone is waiting for this, return right away
+        for i in range(len(self.waiting)):
+            d, predicate = self.waiting[i]
+            if predicate is None or predicate(obj):
+                self.waiting.pop(i)
+                d.callback(obj)
+                return
+        # otherwise...
+        self.queue.append(obj)
+    def get(self, predicate=None):
+        """
+        Attempt to retrieve and remove an object from the queue that
+        matches the optional predicate.
+        :return: Deferred which fires with the next object available.
+        If predicate was provided, only objects for which
+        predicate(obj) is True will be considered.
+        """
+        for i in range(len(self.queue)):
+            msg = self.queue[i]
+            if predicate is None or predicate(msg):
+                self.queue.pop(i)
+                return succeed(msg)
+        # there were no matching entries if we got here, so we wait
+        d = Deferred(canceller=self._cancelGet)
+        self.waiting.append((d, predicate))
+        return d
diff --git a/python/common/utils/nethelpers.py b/python/common/utils/nethelpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b17aced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/utils/nethelpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Some network related convenience functions
+from netifaces import AF_INET
+import netifaces as ni
+import netaddr
+def _get_all_interfaces():
+    m_interfaces = []
+    for iface in ni.interfaces():
+        m_interfaces.append((iface, ni.ifaddresses(iface)))
+    return m_interfaces
+def _get_my_primary_interface():
+    gateways = ni.gateways()
+    assert 'default' in gateways, \
+        ("No default gateway on host/container, "
+         "cannot determine primary interface")
+    default_gw_index = gateways['default'].keys()[0]
+    # gateways[default_gw_index] has the format (example):
+    # [('', 'en0', True)]
+    interface_name = gateways[default_gw_index][0][1]
+    return interface_name
+def get_my_primary_local_ipv4(inter_core_subnet=None, ifname=None):
+    if not inter_core_subnet:
+        return _get_my_primary_local_ipv4(ifname)
+    # My IP should belong to the specified subnet
+    for iface in ni.interfaces():
+        addresses = ni.ifaddresses(iface)
+        if AF_INET in addresses:
+            m_ip = addresses[AF_INET][0]['addr']
+            _ip = netaddr.IPAddress(m_ip).value
+            m_network = netaddr.IPNetwork(inter_core_subnet)
+            if _ip >= m_network.first and _ip <= m_network.last:
+                return m_ip
+    return None
+def get_my_primary_interface(pon_subnet=None):
+    if not pon_subnet:
+        return _get_my_primary_interface()
+    # My interface should have an IP that belongs to the specified subnet
+    for iface in ni.interfaces():
+        addresses = ni.ifaddresses(iface)
+        if AF_INET in addresses:
+            m_ip = addresses[AF_INET][0]['addr']
+            m_ip = netaddr.IPAddress(m_ip).value
+            m_network = netaddr.IPNetwork(pon_subnet)
+            if m_ip >= m_network.first and m_ip <= m_network.last:
+                return iface
+    return None
+def _get_my_primary_local_ipv4(ifname=None):
+    try:
+        ifname = get_my_primary_interface() if ifname is None else ifname
+        addresses = ni.ifaddresses(ifname)
+        ipv4 = addresses[AF_INET][0]['addr']
+        return ipv4
+    except Exception as e:
+        return None
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    print get_my_primary_local_ipv4()
diff --git a/python/common/utils/ordered_weakvalue_dict.py b/python/common/utils/ordered_weakvalue_dict.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ea739a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/common/utils/ordered_weakvalue_dict.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from _weakref import ref
+from weakref import KeyedRef
+from collections import OrderedDict
+class OrderedWeakValueDict(OrderedDict):
+    """
+    Modified OrderedDict to use weak references as values. Entries disappear
+    automatically if the referred value has no more strong reference pointing
+    ot it.
+    Warning, this is not a complete implementation, only what is needed for
+    now. See test_ordered_wealvalue_dict.py to see what is tested behavior.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        def remove(wr, selfref=ref(self)):
+            self = selfref()
+            if self is not None:
+                super(OrderedWeakValueDict, self).__delitem__(wr.key)
+        self._remove = remove
+        super(OrderedWeakValueDict, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
+    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+        super(OrderedWeakValueDict, self).__setitem__(
+            key, KeyedRef(value, self._remove, key))
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        o = super(OrderedWeakValueDict, self).__getitem__(key)()
+        if o is None:
+            raise KeyError, key
+        else:
+            return o
diff --git a/python/docker/Dockerfile.base b/python/docker/Dockerfile.base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b912e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docker/Dockerfile.base
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Copyright 2016 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+FROM ubuntu:xenial
+MAINTAINER Voltha Community <info@opennetworking.org>
+# Update to have latest images
+RUN apt-get update && \
+    apt-get install -y python python-pip openssl iproute2 libpcap-dev wget
+COPY requirements.txt /tmp/requirements.txt
+# pip install cython enum34 six && \
+# Install app dependencies
+RUN wget https://github.com/Yelp/dumb-init/releases/download/v1.2.0/dumb-init_1.2.0_amd64.deb && \
+    dpkg -i *.deb && \
+    rm -f *.deb && \
+    apt-get update && \
+    apt-get install -y wget build-essential make gcc binutils python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev git && \
+    pip install -r /tmp/requirements.txt && \
+    apt-get purge -y wget build-essential make gcc binutils python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev git && \
+    apt-get autoremove -y
diff --git a/python/docker/Dockerfile.ofagent b/python/docker/Dockerfile.ofagent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48b4728
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docker/Dockerfile.ofagent
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Copyright 2016 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ARG TAG=latest
+MAINTAINER Voltha Community <info@opennetworking.org>
+# Install protoc version 3.0.0; this is not yet the supported
+# version on xenial, so we need to "backport" it
+RUN apt-get update && \
+    apt-get install -y zlib1g-dev wget && \
+    wget http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/p/protobuf/libprotoc10_3.0.0-9_amd64.deb && \
+    wget http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/p/protobuf/libprotobuf-lite10_3.0.0-9_amd64.deb && \
+    wget http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/p/protobuf/libprotobuf-dev_3.0.0-9_amd64.deb && \
+    wget http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/p/protobuf/libprotobuf10_3.0.0-9_amd64.deb && \
+    wget http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/p/protobuf/protobuf-compiler_3.0.0-9_amd64.deb && \
+    dpkg -i *.deb && \
+    protoc --version && \
+    rm -f *.deb
+# Bundle app source
+RUN mkdir /ofagent && touch /ofagent/__init__.py
+COPY common /ofagent/common
+COPY ofagent /ofagent/ofagent
+COPY pki /ofagent/pki
+ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "--"]
+# Exposing process and default entry point
+CMD ["dumb-init", "python", "ofagent/ofagent/main.py"]
diff --git a/python/ofagent/__init__.py b/python/ofagent/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b0fb0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/ofagent/agent.py b/python/ofagent/agent.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6117c8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/agent.py
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import sys
+import structlog
+import os.path
+from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, ssl
+from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, inlineCallbacks
+import loxi.of13 as of13
+from common.utils.asleep import asleep
+from of_connection import OpenFlowConnection
+from of_protocol_handler import OpenFlowProtocolHandler
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+class Agent(protocol.ClientFactory):
+    generation_is_defined = False
+    cached_generation_id = None
+    def __init__(self,
+                 controller_endpoint,
+                 datapath_id,
+                 device_id,
+                 rpc_stub,
+                 enable_tls=False,
+                 key_file=None,
+                 cert_file=None,
+                 conn_retry_interval=1):
+        self.controller_endpoint = controller_endpoint
+        self.datapath_id = datapath_id
+        self.device_id = device_id
+        self.rpc_stub = rpc_stub
+        self.enable_tls = enable_tls
+        self.key_file = key_file
+        self.cert_file = cert_file
+        self.retry_interval = conn_retry_interval
+        self.running = False
+        self.connector = None # will be a Connector instance once connected
+        self.d_disconnected = None  # a deferred to signal reconnect loop when
+                                    # TCP connection is lost
+        self.connected = False
+        self.exiting = False
+        self.proto_handler = None
+    def get_device_id(self):
+        return self.device_id
+    def start(self):
+        log.debug('starting')
+        if self.running:
+            return
+        self.running = True
+        reactor.callLater(0, self.keep_connected)
+        log.info('started')
+        return self
+    def stop(self):
+        log.debug('stopping')
+        self.connected = False
+        self.exiting = True
+        self.connector.disconnect()
+        log.info('stopped')
+    def resolve_endpoint(self, endpoint):
+        # enable optional resolution via consul;
+        # see https://jira.opencord.org/browse/CORD-820
+        host, port = endpoint.split(':', 2)
+        return host, int(port)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def keep_connected(self):
+        """Keep reconnecting to the controller"""
+        while not self.exiting:
+            host, port = self.resolve_endpoint(self.controller_endpoint)
+            log.info('connecting', host=host, port=port)
+            if self.enable_tls:
+                try:
+                    # Check that key_file and cert_file is provided and
+                    # the files exist
+                    if self.key_file is None or             \
+                       self.cert_file is None or            \
+                       not os.path.isfile(self.key_file) or \
+                       not os.path.isfile(self.cert_file):
+                        raise Exception('key_file "{}" or cert_file "{}"'
+                                        ' is not found'.
+                                         format(self.key_file, self.cert_file))
+                    with open(self.key_file) as keyFile:
+                        with open(self.cert_file) as certFile:
+                            clientCert = ssl.PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(
+                                keyFile.read() + certFile.read())
+                    ctx = clientCert.options()
+                    self.connector = reactor.connectSSL(host, port, self, ctx)
+                    log.info('tls-enabled')
+                except Exception as e:
+                    log.exception('failed-to-connect', reason=e)
+            else:
+                self.connector = reactor.connectTCP(host, port, self)
+                log.info('tls-disabled')
+            self.d_disconnected = Deferred()
+            yield self.d_disconnected
+            log.debug('reconnect', after_delay=self.retry_interval)
+            yield asleep(self.retry_interval)
+    def enter_disconnected(self, event, reason):
+        """Internally signal entering disconnected state"""
+        self.connected = False
+        if not self.exiting:
+            log.error(event, reason=reason)
+            self.d_disconnected.callback(None)
+    def enter_connected(self):
+        """Handle transitioning from disconnected to connected state"""
+        log.info('connected')
+        self.connected = True
+        self.read_buffer = None
+        reactor.callLater(0, self.proto_handler.start)
+    # protocol.ClientFactory methods
+    def protocol(self):
+        cxn = OpenFlowConnection(self)  # Low level message handler
+        self.proto_handler = OpenFlowProtocolHandler(
+            self.datapath_id, self.device_id, self, cxn, self.rpc_stub)
+        return cxn
+    def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
+        self.enter_disconnected('connection-failed', reason)
+    def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
+        if not self.exiting:
+            log.error('client-connection-lost',
+                      reason=reason, connector=connector)
+    def forward_packet_in(self, ofp_packet_in):
+        if self.proto_handler is not None:
+            self.proto_handler.forward_packet_in(ofp_packet_in)
+    def forward_change_event(self, event):
+        # assert isinstance(event, ChangeEvent)
+        log.info('got-change-event', change_event=event)
+        if event.HasField("port_status"):
+            if self.proto_handler is not None:
+                self.proto_handler.forward_port_status(event.port_status)
+        else:
+            log.error('unknown-change-event', change_event=event)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    """Run this to test the agent for N concurrent sessions:
+       python agent [<number-of-desired-instances>]
+    """
+    n = 1 if len(sys.argv) < 2 else int(sys.argv[1])
+    from utils import mac_str_to_tuple
+    class MockRpc(object):
+        @staticmethod
+        def get_port_list(_):
+            ports = []
+            cap = of13.OFPPF_1GB_FD | of13.OFPPF_FIBER
+            for pno, mac, nam, cur, adv, sup, spe in (
+                    (1, '00:00:00:00:00:01', 'onu1', cap, cap, cap,
+                     of13.OFPPF_1GB_FD),
+                    (2, '00:00:00:00:00:02', 'onu2', cap, cap, cap,
+                     of13.OFPPF_1GB_FD),
+                    (129, '00:00:00:00:00:81', 'olt', cap, cap, cap,
+                     of13.OFPPF_1GB_FD)
+            ):
+                port = of13.common.port_desc(pno, mac_str_to_tuple(mac), nam,
+                                             curr=cur, advertised=adv,
+                                             supported=sup,
+                                             curr_speed=spe, max_speed=spe)
+                ports.append(port)
+            return ports
+    stub = MockRpc()
+    agents = [Agent('localhost:6653', 256 + i, stub).start() for i in range(n)]
+    def shutdown():
+        [a.stop() for a in agents]
+    reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', shutdown)
+    reactor.run()
diff --git a/python/ofagent/connection_mgr.py b/python/ofagent/connection_mgr.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b960b69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/connection_mgr.py
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+import sys
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, inlineCallbacks, returnValue
+from common.utils.asleep import asleep
+from common.utils.consulhelpers import get_endpoint_from_consul
+from structlog import get_logger
+import grpc
+from grpc import StatusCode
+from grpc._channel import _Rendezvous
+from ofagent.protos import third_party
+from protos import voltha_pb2
+from protos.voltha_pb2 import OfAgentSubscriber
+from grpc_client import GrpcClient
+from agent import Agent
+from common.utils.dockerhelpers import get_my_containers_name
+log = get_logger()
+# _ = third_party
+class ConnectionManager(object):
+    def __init__(self, consul_endpoint, vcore_endpoint, vcore_grpc_timeout,
+                 controller_endpoints, instance_id,
+                 enable_tls=False, key_file=None, cert_file=None,
+                 vcore_retry_interval=0.5, devices_refresh_interval=5,
+                 subscription_refresh_interval=5):
+        log.info('init-connection-manager')
+        log.info('list-of-controllers', controller_endpoints=controller_endpoints)
+        self.controller_endpoints = controller_endpoints
+        self.consul_endpoint = consul_endpoint
+        self.vcore_endpoint = vcore_endpoint
+        self.grpc_timeout = vcore_grpc_timeout
+        self.instance_id = instance_id
+        self.enable_tls = enable_tls
+        self.key_file = key_file
+        self.cert_file = cert_file
+        self.channel = None
+        self.grpc_client = None  # single, shared gRPC client to vcore
+        self.agent_map = {}  # (datapath_id, controller_endpoint) -> Agent()
+        self.device_id_to_datapath_id_map = {}
+        self.vcore_retry_interval = vcore_retry_interval
+        self.devices_refresh_interval = devices_refresh_interval
+        self.subscription_refresh_interval = subscription_refresh_interval
+        self.subscription = None
+        self.running = False
+    def start(self):
+        if self.running:
+            return
+        log.debug('starting')
+        self.running = True
+        # Get a subscription to vcore
+        reactor.callInThread(self.get_vcore_subscription)
+        # Start monitoring logical devices and manage agents accordingly
+        reactor.callLater(0, self.monitor_logical_devices)
+        log.info('started')
+        return self
+    def stop(self):
+        log.debug('stopping')
+        # clean up all controller connections
+        for agent in self.agent_map.itervalues():
+            agent.stop()
+        self.running = False
+        self._reset_grpc_attributes()
+        log.info('stopped')
+    def resolve_endpoint(self, endpoint):
+        ip_port_endpoint = endpoint
+        if endpoint.startswith('@'):
+            try:
+                ip_port_endpoint = get_endpoint_from_consul(
+                    self.consul_endpoint, endpoint[1:])
+                log.info(
+                    '{}-service-endpoint-found'.format(endpoint), address=ip_port_endpoint)
+            except Exception as e:
+                log.error('{}-service-endpoint-not-found'.format(endpoint), exception=repr(e))
+                log.error('committing-suicide')
+                # Committing suicide in order to let docker restart ofagent
+                os.system("kill -15 {}".format(os.getpid()))
+        if ip_port_endpoint:
+            host, port = ip_port_endpoint.split(':', 2)
+            return host, int(port)
+    def _reset_grpc_attributes(self):
+        log.debug('start-reset-grpc-attributes')
+        if self.grpc_client is not None:
+            self.grpc_client.stop()
+        if self.channel is not None:
+            del self.channel
+        self.is_alive = False
+        self.channel = None
+        self.subscription = None
+        self.grpc_client = None
+        log.debug('stop-reset-grpc-attributes')
+    def _assign_grpc_attributes(self):
+        log.debug('start-assign-grpc-attributes')
+        host, port = self.resolve_endpoint(self.vcore_endpoint)
+        log.info('revolved-vcore-endpoint', endpoint=self.vcore_endpoint, host=host, port=port)
+        assert host is not None
+        assert port is not None
+        # Establish a connection to the vcore GRPC server
+        self.channel = grpc.insecure_channel('{}:{}'.format(host, port))
+        self.is_alive = True
+        log.debug('stop-assign-grpc-attributes')
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def get_vcore_subscription(self):
+        log.debug('start-get-vcore-subscription')
+        while self.running and self.subscription is None:
+            try:
+                # If a subscription is not yet assigned then establish new GRPC connection
+                # ... otherwise keep using existing connection details
+                if self.subscription is None:
+                    self._assign_grpc_attributes()
+                # Send subscription request to register the current ofagent instance
+                container_name = self.instance_id
+                if self.grpc_client is None:
+                    self.grpc_client = GrpcClient(self, self.channel, self.grpc_timeout)
+                subscription = yield self.grpc_client.subscribe(
+                    OfAgentSubscriber(ofagent_id=container_name))
+                # If the subscriber id matches the current instance
+                # ... then the subscription has succeeded
+                if subscription is not None and subscription.ofagent_id == container_name:
+                    if self.subscription is None:
+                        # Keep details on the current GRPC session and subscription
+                        log.debug('subscription-with-vcore-successful', subscription=subscription)
+                        self.subscription = subscription
+                        self.grpc_client.start()
+                    # Sleep a bit in between each subscribe
+                    yield asleep(self.subscription_refresh_interval)
+                    # Move on to next subscribe request
+                    continue
+                # The subscription did not succeed, reset and move on
+                else:
+                    log.info('subscription-with-vcore-unavailable', subscription=subscription)
+            except _Rendezvous, e:
+                log.error('subscription-with-vcore-terminated',exception=e, status=e.code())
+            except Exception as e:
+                log.exception('unexpected-subscription-termination-with-vcore', e=e)
+            # Reset grpc details
+            # The vcore instance is either not available for subscription
+            # or a failure occurred with the existing communication.
+            self._reset_grpc_attributes()
+            # Sleep for a short period and retry
+            yield asleep(self.vcore_retry_interval)
+        log.debug('stop-get-vcore-subscription')
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def get_list_of_logical_devices_from_voltha(self):
+        while self.running:
+            log.info('retrieve-logical-device-list')
+            try:
+                devices = yield \
+                    self.grpc_client.list_logical_devices()
+                for device in devices:
+                    log.info("logical-device-entry", id=device.id,
+                             datapath_id=device.datapath_id)
+                returnValue(devices)
+            except _Rendezvous, e:
+                status = e.code()
+                log.error('vcore-communication-failure', exception=e, status=status)
+                if status == StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE or status == StatusCode.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED:
+                    os.system("kill -15 {}".format(os.getpid()))
+            except Exception as e:
+                log.exception('logical-devices-retrieval-failure', exception=e)
+            log.info('reconnect', after_delay=self.vcore_retry_interval)
+            yield asleep(self.vcore_retry_interval)
+    def refresh_agent_connections(self, devices):
+        """
+        Based on the new device list, update the following state in the class:
+        * agent_map
+        * datapath_map
+        * device_id_map
+        :param devices: full device list freshly received from Voltha
+        :return: None
+        """
+        # Use datapath ids for deciding what's new and what's obsolete
+        desired_datapath_ids = set(d.datapath_id for d in devices)
+        current_datapath_ids = set(datapath_ids[0] for datapath_ids in self.agent_map.iterkeys())
+        # if identical, nothing to do
+        if desired_datapath_ids == current_datapath_ids:
+            return
+        # ... otherwise calculate differences
+        to_add = desired_datapath_ids.difference(current_datapath_ids)
+        to_del = current_datapath_ids.difference(desired_datapath_ids)
+        # remove what we don't need
+        for datapath_id in to_del:
+            self.delete_agent(datapath_id)
+        # start new agents as needed
+        for device in devices:
+            if device.datapath_id in to_add:
+                self.create_agent(device)
+        log.debug('updated-agent-list', count=len(self.agent_map))
+        log.debug('updated-device-id-to-datapath-id-map',
+                  map=str(self.device_id_to_datapath_id_map))
+    def create_agent(self, device):
+        datapath_id = device.datapath_id
+        device_id = device.id
+        for controller_endpoint in self.controller_endpoints:
+            agent = Agent(controller_endpoint, datapath_id,
+                          device_id, self.grpc_client, self.enable_tls,
+                          self.key_file, self.cert_file)
+            agent.start()
+            self.agent_map[(datapath_id,controller_endpoint)] = agent
+            self.device_id_to_datapath_id_map[device_id] = datapath_id
+    def delete_agent(self, datapath_id):
+        for controller_endpoint in self.controller_endpoints:
+            agent = self.agent_map[(datapath_id,controller_endpoint)]
+            device_id = agent.get_device_id()
+            agent.stop()
+            del self.agent_map[(datapath_id,controller_endpoint)]
+            del self.device_id_to_datapath_id_map[device_id]
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def monitor_logical_devices(self):
+        log.debug('start-monitor-logical-devices')
+        while self.running:
+            log.info('monitoring-logical-devices')
+            # should change to a gRPC streaming call
+            # see https://jira.opencord.org/browse/CORD-821
+            try:
+                if self.channel is not None and self.grpc_client is not None and \
+                                self.subscription is not None:
+                    # get current list from Voltha
+                    devices = yield \
+                        self.get_list_of_logical_devices_from_voltha()
+                    # update agent list and mapping tables as needed
+                    self.refresh_agent_connections(devices)
+                else:
+                    log.info('vcore-communication-unavailable')
+                # wait before next poll
+                yield asleep(self.devices_refresh_interval)
+            except _Rendezvous, e:
+                log.error('vcore-communication-failure', exception=repr(e), status=e.code())
+            except Exception as e:
+                log.exception('unexpected-vcore-communication-failure', exception=repr(e))
+        log.debug('stop-monitor-logical-devices')
+    def forward_packet_in(self, device_id, ofp_packet_in):
+        datapath_id = self.device_id_to_datapath_id_map.get(device_id, None)
+        if datapath_id:
+            for controller_endpoint in self.controller_endpoints:
+                agent = self.agent_map[(datapath_id, controller_endpoint)]
+                agent.forward_packet_in(ofp_packet_in)
+    def forward_change_event(self, device_id, event):
+        datapath_id = self.device_id_to_datapath_id_map.get(device_id, None)
+        if datapath_id:
+            for controller_endpoint in self.controller_endpoints:
+                agent = self.agent_map[(datapath_id, controller_endpoint)]
+                agent.forward_change_event(event)
diff --git a/python/ofagent/converter.py b/python/ofagent/converter.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..192a65a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/converter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Convert loxi objects to openflow_13 messages and back.
+from copy import copy
+from google.protobuf.descriptor import FieldDescriptor
+import loxi.of13 as of13
+from protobuf_to_dict import protobuf_to_dict, TYPE_CALLABLE_MAP
+from protos import openflow_13_pb2 as pb2
+type_callable_map = copy(TYPE_CALLABLE_MAP)
+    FieldDescriptor.TYPE_STRING: str
+def pb2dict(pb):
+    """
+    Convert protobuf to a dict of values good for instantiating
+    loxi objects (or any other objects). We specialize the protobuf_to_dict
+    library call with our modified decoders.
+    :param pb: protobuf as loaded into Python
+    :return: dict of values
+    """
+    return protobuf_to_dict(pb, type_callable_map)
+def to_loxi(grpc_object):
+    cls = grpc_object.__class__
+    converter = to_loxi_converters[cls.__name__]
+    return converter(grpc_object)
+def to_grpc(loxi_object):
+    cls = loxi_object.__class__
+    converter = to_grpc_converters[cls]
+    return converter(loxi_object)
+def ofp_port_to_loxi_port_desc(pb):
+    kw = pb2dict(pb)
+    return of13.common.port_desc(**kw)
+def ofp_port_status_to_loxi_port_status(pb):
+    return of13.message.port_status(
+        reason=pb.reason,
+        desc=ofp_port_to_loxi_port_desc(pb.desc)
+    )
+def ofp_port_stats_to_loxi_port_stats(pb):
+    kw = pb2dict(pb)
+    return of13.port_stats_entry(**kw)
+def make_loxi_field(oxm_field):
+    assert oxm_field['oxm_class'] == pb2.OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC
+    ofb_field = oxm_field['ofb_field']
+    field_type = ofb_field.get('type', 0)
+    if field_type == pb2.OFPXMT_OFB_ETH_TYPE:
+        return (
+            of13.oxm.eth_type(value=ofb_field['eth_type']))
+    elif field_type == pb2.OFPXMT_OFB_IN_PORT:
+        return (
+            of13.oxm.in_port(value=ofb_field['port']))
+    elif field_type == pb2.OFPXMT_OFB_IP_PROTO:
+        return (
+            of13.oxm.ip_proto(value=ofb_field['ip_proto']))
+    elif field_type == pb2.OFPXMT_OFB_VLAN_VID:
+        return (
+            of13.oxm.vlan_vid(value=ofb_field['vlan_vid']))
+    elif field_type == pb2.OFPXMT_OFB_VLAN_PCP:
+        return (
+            of13.oxm.vlan_pcp(value=ofb_field['vlan_pcp']))
+    elif field_type == pb2.OFPXMT_OFB_IPV4_SRC:
+        return (
+            of13.oxm.ipv4_src(value=ofb_field['ipv4_src']))
+    elif field_type == pb2.OFPXMT_OFB_IPV4_DST:
+        return (
+            of13.oxm.ipv4_dst(value=ofb_field['ipv4_dst']))
+    elif field_type == pb2.OFPXMT_OFB_UDP_SRC:
+        return (
+            of13.oxm.udp_src(value=ofb_field['udp_src']))
+    elif field_type == pb2.OFPXMT_OFB_UDP_DST:
+        return (
+            of13.oxm.udp_dst(value=ofb_field['udp_dst']))
+    elif field_type == pb2.OFPXMT_OFB_METADATA:
+        return (
+            of13.oxm.metadata(value=ofb_field['table_metadata']))
+    else:
+        raise NotImplementedError(
+            'OXM match field for type %s' % field_type)
+def make_loxi_match(match):
+    assert match.get('type', pb2.OFPMT_STANDARD) == pb2.OFPMT_OXM
+    loxi_match_fields = []
+    for oxm_field in match.get('oxm_fields', []):
+        loxi_match_fields.append(make_loxi_field(oxm_field))
+    return of13.match_v3(oxm_list=loxi_match_fields)
+def make_loxi_action(a):
+    if type(a) is not dict:
+        a = pb2dict(a)
+    typ = a.get('type', 0)
+    if typ == pb2.OFPAT_OUTPUT:
+        output_kws = a['output']
+        return of13.action.output(**output_kws)
+    elif typ == pb2.OFPAT_POP_VLAN:
+        return of13.action.pop_vlan()
+    elif typ == pb2.OFPAT_PUSH_VLAN:
+        push_vlan_kws = a['push']
+        return of13.action.push_vlan(**push_vlan_kws)
+    elif typ == pb2.OFPAT_SET_FIELD:
+        loxi_field = make_loxi_field(a['set_field']['field'])
+        return of13.action.set_field(loxi_field)
+    elif typ == pb2.OFPAT_GROUP:
+        group_kws = a['group']
+        return of13.action.group(**group_kws)
+    else:
+        raise NotImplementedError(
+            'Action decoder for action OFPAT_* %d' % typ)
+def ofp_flow_stats_to_loxi_flow_stats(pb):
+    kw = pb2dict(pb)
+    def make_loxi_instruction(inst):
+        type = inst['type']
+        if type == pb2.OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS:
+            return of13.instruction.apply_actions(
+                actions=[make_loxi_action(a)
+                         for a in inst['actions']['actions']])
+        elif type == pb2.OFPIT_CLEAR_ACTIONS:
+            return of13.instruction.clear_actions()
+        elif type == pb2.OFPIT_GOTO_TABLE:
+            return of13.instruction.goto_table(
+                table_id=inst['goto_table']['table_id'])
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError('Instruction type %d' % type)
+    kw['match'] = make_loxi_match(kw['match'])
+    kw['instructions'] = [make_loxi_instruction(i) for i in kw['instructions']]
+    del kw['id']
+    return of13.flow_stats_entry(**kw)
+def ofp_packet_in_to_loxi_packet_in(pb):
+    packet_in = of13.message.packet_in(
+        buffer_id=pb.buffer_id,
+        reason=pb.reason,
+        table_id=pb.table_id,
+        cookie=pb.cookie,
+        match=make_loxi_match(pb2dict(pb.match)),
+        data=pb.data
+    )
+    return packet_in
+def ofp_group_desc_to_loxi_group_desc(pb):
+    return of13.group_desc_stats_entry(
+        group_type=pb.type,
+        group_id=pb.group_id,
+        buckets=[to_loxi(bucket) for bucket in pb.buckets])
+def ofp_group_stats_to_loxi_group_stats(pb):
+    return of13.group_stats_entry(
+        group_id=pb.group_id,
+        ref_count=pb.ref_count,
+        packet_count=pb.packet_count,
+        byte_count=pb.byte_count,
+        duration_sec=pb.duration_sec,
+        duration_nsec=pb.duration_nsec,
+        bucket_stats=[to_loxi(bstat) for bstat in pb.bucket_stats])
+def ofp_bucket_counter_to_loxy_bucket_counter(pb):
+    return of13.bucket_counter(
+        packet_count=pb.packet_count,
+        byte_count=pb.byte_count)
+def ofp_bucket_to_loxi_bucket(pb):
+    return of13.bucket(
+        weight=pb.weight,
+        watch_port=pb.watch_port,
+        watch_group=pb.watch_group,
+        actions=[to_loxi(action) for action in pb.actions]
+    )
+to_loxi_converters = {
+    'ofp_port': ofp_port_to_loxi_port_desc,
+    'ofp_port_status': ofp_port_status_to_loxi_port_status,
+    'ofp_flow_stats': ofp_flow_stats_to_loxi_flow_stats,
+    'ofp_packet_in': ofp_packet_in_to_loxi_packet_in,
+    'ofp_group_stats': ofp_group_stats_to_loxi_group_stats,
+    'ofp_group_desc': ofp_group_desc_to_loxi_group_desc,
+    'ofp_bucket_counter': ofp_bucket_counter_to_loxy_bucket_counter,
+    'ofp_bucket': ofp_bucket_to_loxi_bucket,
+    'ofp_action': make_loxi_action,
+    'ofp_port_stats': ofp_port_stats_to_loxi_port_stats
+def loxi_flow_mod_to_ofp_flow_mod(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_flow_mod(
+        cookie=lo.cookie,
+        cookie_mask=lo.cookie_mask,
+        table_id=lo.table_id,
+        command=lo._command,
+        idle_timeout=lo.idle_timeout,
+        hard_timeout=lo.hard_timeout,
+        priority=lo.priority,
+        buffer_id=lo.buffer_id,
+        out_port=lo.out_port,
+        out_group=lo.out_group,
+        flags=lo.flags,
+        match=to_grpc(lo.match),
+        instructions=[to_grpc(i) for i in lo.instructions])
+def loxi_group_mod_to_ofp_group_mod(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_group_mod(
+        command=lo.command,
+        type=lo.group_type,
+        group_id=lo.group_id,
+        buckets=[to_grpc(b) for b in lo.buckets])
+def loxi_packet_out_to_ofp_packet_out(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_packet_out(
+        buffer_id=lo.buffer_id,
+        in_port=lo.in_port,
+        actions=[to_grpc(a) for a in lo.actions],
+        data=lo.data)
+def loxi_match_v3_to_ofp_match(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_match(
+        type=pb2.OFPMT_OXM,
+        oxm_fields=[to_grpc(f) for f in lo.oxm_list])
+def loxi_bucket_to_ofp_bucket(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_bucket(
+        weight=lo.weight,
+        watch_port=lo.watch_port,
+        watch_group=lo.watch_group,
+        actions=[to_grpc(a) for a in lo.actions])
+def loxi_oxm_eth_type_to_ofp_oxm(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_oxm_field(
+        oxm_class=pb2.OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC,
+        ofb_field=pb2.ofp_oxm_ofb_field(
+            type=pb2.OFPXMT_OFB_ETH_TYPE,
+            eth_type=lo.value))
+def loxi_oxm_in_port_to_ofp_oxm(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_oxm_field(
+        oxm_class=pb2.OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC,
+        ofb_field=pb2.ofp_oxm_ofb_field(
+            type=pb2.OFPXMT_OFB_IN_PORT,
+            port=lo.value))
+def loxi_oxm_ip_proto_to_ofp_oxm(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_oxm_field(
+        oxm_class=pb2.OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC,
+        ofb_field=pb2.ofp_oxm_ofb_field(
+            type=pb2.OFPXMT_OFB_IP_PROTO,
+            ip_proto=lo.value))
+def loxi_oxm_vlan_vid_to_ofp_oxm(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_oxm_field(
+        oxm_class=pb2.OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC,
+        ofb_field=pb2.ofp_oxm_ofb_field(
+            type=pb2.OFPXMT_OFB_VLAN_VID,
+            vlan_vid=lo.value))
+def loxi_oxm_vlan_pcp_to_ofp_oxm(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_oxm_field(
+        oxm_class=pb2.OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC,
+        ofb_field=pb2.ofp_oxm_ofb_field(
+            type=pb2.OFPXMT_OFB_VLAN_PCP,
+            vlan_pcp=lo.value))
+def loxi_oxm_ipv4_dst_to_ofp_oxm(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_oxm_field(
+        oxm_class=pb2.OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC,
+        ofb_field=pb2.ofp_oxm_ofb_field(
+            type=pb2.OFPXMT_OFB_IPV4_DST,
+            ipv4_dst=lo.value))
+def loxi_oxm_udp_dst_to_ofp_oxm(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_oxm_field(
+        oxm_class=pb2.OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC,
+        ofb_field=pb2.ofp_oxm_ofb_field(
+            type=pb2.OFPXMT_OFB_UDP_DST,
+            udp_dst=lo.value))
+def loxi_oxm_udp_src_to_ofp_oxm(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_oxm_field(
+        oxm_class=pb2.OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC,
+        ofb_field=pb2.ofp_oxm_ofb_field(
+            type=pb2.OFPXMT_OFB_UDP_SRC,
+            udp_src=lo.value))
+def loxi_oxm_metadata_to_ofp_oxm(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_oxm_field(
+        oxm_class=pb2.OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC,
+        ofb_field=pb2.ofp_oxm_ofb_field(
+            type=pb2.OFPXMT_OFB_METADATA,
+            table_metadata=lo.value))
+def loxi_apply_actions_to_ofp_instruction(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_instruction(
+        type=pb2.OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS,
+        actions=pb2.ofp_instruction_actions(
+            actions=[to_grpc(a) for a in lo.actions]))
+def loxi_clear_actions_to_ofp_instruction(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_instruction(
+        type=pb2.OFPIT_CLEAR_ACTIONS)
+def loxi_goto_table_to_ofp_instruction(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_instruction(
+        type=pb2.OFPIT_GOTO_TABLE,
+        goto_table=pb2.ofp_instruction_goto_table(table_id=lo.table_id))
+def loxi_output_action_to_ofp_action(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_action(
+        type=pb2.OFPAT_OUTPUT,
+        output=pb2.ofp_action_output(port=lo.port, max_len=lo.max_len))
+def loxi_group_action_to_ofp_action(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_action(
+        type=pb2.OFPAT_GROUP,
+        group=pb2.ofp_action_group(group_id=lo.group_id))
+def loxi_set_field_action_to_ofp_action(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_action(
+        type=pb2.OFPAT_SET_FIELD,
+        set_field=pb2.ofp_action_set_field(field=to_grpc(lo.field)))
+def loxi_pop_vlan_action_to_ofp_action(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_action(type=pb2.OFPAT_POP_VLAN)
+def loxi_push_vlan_action_to_ofp_action(lo):
+    return pb2.ofp_action(
+        type=pb2.OFPAT_PUSH_VLAN,
+        push=pb2.ofp_action_push(ethertype=lo.ethertype))
+to_grpc_converters = {
+    of13.message.flow_add: loxi_flow_mod_to_ofp_flow_mod,
+    of13.message.flow_delete: loxi_flow_mod_to_ofp_flow_mod,
+    of13.message.flow_delete_strict: loxi_flow_mod_to_ofp_flow_mod,
+    of13.message.flow_modify: loxi_flow_mod_to_ofp_flow_mod,
+    of13.message.flow_modify_strict: loxi_flow_mod_to_ofp_flow_mod,
+    of13.message.group_add: loxi_group_mod_to_ofp_group_mod,
+    of13.message.group_delete: loxi_group_mod_to_ofp_group_mod,
+    of13.message.group_modify: loxi_group_mod_to_ofp_group_mod,
+    of13.message.packet_out: loxi_packet_out_to_ofp_packet_out,
+    of13.common.match_v3: loxi_match_v3_to_ofp_match,
+    of13.common.bucket: loxi_bucket_to_ofp_bucket,
+    of13.oxm.eth_type: loxi_oxm_eth_type_to_ofp_oxm,
+    of13.oxm.in_port: loxi_oxm_in_port_to_ofp_oxm,
+    of13.oxm.ip_proto: loxi_oxm_ip_proto_to_ofp_oxm,
+    of13.oxm.vlan_vid: loxi_oxm_vlan_vid_to_ofp_oxm,
+    of13.oxm.vlan_pcp: loxi_oxm_vlan_pcp_to_ofp_oxm,
+    of13.oxm.ipv4_dst: loxi_oxm_ipv4_dst_to_ofp_oxm,
+    of13.oxm.udp_src: loxi_oxm_udp_src_to_ofp_oxm,
+    of13.oxm.udp_dst: loxi_oxm_udp_dst_to_ofp_oxm,
+    of13.oxm.metadata: loxi_oxm_metadata_to_ofp_oxm,
+    of13.instruction.apply_actions: loxi_apply_actions_to_ofp_instruction,
+    of13.instruction.clear_actions: loxi_clear_actions_to_ofp_instruction,
+    of13.instruction.goto_table: loxi_goto_table_to_ofp_instruction,
+    of13.action.output: loxi_output_action_to_ofp_action,
+    of13.action.group: loxi_group_action_to_ofp_action,
+    of13.action.set_field: loxi_set_field_action_to_ofp_action,
+    of13.action.pop_vlan: loxi_pop_vlan_action_to_ofp_action,
+    of13.action.push_vlan: loxi_push_vlan_action_to_ofp_action,
diff --git a/python/ofagent/grpc_client.py b/python/ofagent/grpc_client.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5a05696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/grpc_client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+The gRPC client layer for the OpenFlow agent
+from Queue import Queue, Empty
+import os
+from grpc import StatusCode
+from grpc._channel import _Rendezvous
+from structlog import get_logger
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet import threads
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, DeferredQueue
+from protos.voltha_pb2 import ID, VolthaServiceStub, FlowTableUpdate, \
+    FlowGroupTableUpdate, PacketOut
+from protos.logical_device_pb2 import LogicalPortId
+from google.protobuf import empty_pb2
+log = get_logger()
+class GrpcClient(object):
+    def __init__(self, connection_manager, channel, grpc_timeout):
+        self.connection_manager = connection_manager
+        self.channel = channel
+        self.grpc_timeout = grpc_timeout
+        self.local_stub = VolthaServiceStub(channel)
+        self.stopped = False
+        self.packet_out_queue = Queue()  # queue to send out PacketOut msgs
+        self.packet_in_queue = DeferredQueue()  # queue to receive PacketIn
+        self.change_event_queue = DeferredQueue()  # queue change events
+    def start(self):
+        log.debug('starting', grpc_timeout=self.grpc_timeout)
+        self.start_packet_out_stream()
+        self.start_packet_in_stream()
+        self.start_change_event_in_stream()
+        reactor.callLater(0, self.packet_in_forwarder_loop)
+        reactor.callLater(0, self.change_event_processing_loop)
+        log.info('started')
+        return self
+    def stop(self):
+        log.debug('stopping')
+        self.stopped = True
+        log.info('stopped')
+    def start_packet_out_stream(self):
+        def packet_generator():
+            while 1:
+                try:
+                    packet = self.packet_out_queue.get(block=True, timeout=1.0)
+                except Empty:
+                    if self.stopped:
+                        return
+                else:
+                    yield packet
+        def stream_packets_out():
+            generator = packet_generator()
+            try:
+                self.local_stub.StreamPacketsOut(generator)
+            except _Rendezvous, e:
+                log.error('grpc-exception', status=e.code())
+                if e.code() == StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE:
+                    os.system("kill -15 {}".format(os.getpid()))
+        reactor.callInThread(stream_packets_out)
+    def start_packet_in_stream(self):
+        def receive_packet_in_stream():
+            streaming_rpc_method = self.local_stub.ReceivePacketsIn
+            iterator = streaming_rpc_method(empty_pb2.Empty())
+            try:
+                for packet_in in iterator:
+                    reactor.callFromThread(self.packet_in_queue.put,
+                                           packet_in)
+                    log.debug('enqued-packet-in',
+                              packet_in=packet_in,
+                              queue_len=len(self.packet_in_queue.pending))
+            except _Rendezvous, e:
+                log.error('grpc-exception', status=e.code())
+                if e.code() == StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE:
+                    os.system("kill -15 {}".format(os.getpid()))
+        reactor.callInThread(receive_packet_in_stream)
+    def start_change_event_in_stream(self):
+        def receive_change_events():
+            streaming_rpc_method = self.local_stub.ReceiveChangeEvents
+            iterator = streaming_rpc_method(empty_pb2.Empty())
+            try:
+                for event in iterator:
+                    reactor.callFromThread(self.change_event_queue.put, event)
+                    log.debug('enqued-change-event',
+                              change_event=event,
+                              queue_len=len(self.change_event_queue.pending))
+            except _Rendezvous, e:
+                log.error('grpc-exception', status=e.code())
+                if e.code() == StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE:
+                    os.system("kill -15 {}".format(os.getpid()))
+        reactor.callInThread(receive_change_events)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def change_event_processing_loop(self):
+        while True:
+            try:
+                event = yield self.change_event_queue.get()
+                device_id = event.id
+                self.connection_manager.forward_change_event(device_id, event)
+            except Exception, e:
+                log.exception('failed-in-packet-in-handler', e=e)
+            if self.stopped:
+                break
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def packet_in_forwarder_loop(self):
+        while True:
+            packet_in = yield self.packet_in_queue.get()
+            device_id = packet_in.id
+            ofp_packet_in = packet_in.packet_in
+            self.connection_manager.forward_packet_in(device_id, ofp_packet_in)
+            if self.stopped:
+                break
+    def send_packet_out(self, device_id, packet_out):
+        packet_out = PacketOut(id=device_id, packet_out=packet_out)
+        self.packet_out_queue.put(packet_out)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def get_port(self, device_id, port_id):
+        req = LogicalPortId(id=device_id, port_id=port_id)
+        res = yield threads.deferToThread(
+            self.local_stub.GetLogicalDevicePort, req, timeout=self.grpc_timeout)
+        returnValue(res)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def get_port_list(self, device_id):
+        req = ID(id=device_id)
+        res = yield threads.deferToThread(
+            self.local_stub.ListLogicalDevicePorts, req, timeout=self.grpc_timeout)
+        returnValue(res.items)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def enable_port(self, device_id, port_id):
+        req = LogicalPortId(
+            id=device_id,
+            port_id=port_id
+        )
+        res = yield threads.deferToThread(
+            self.local_stub.EnableLogicalDevicePort, req, timeout=self.grpc_timeout)
+        returnValue(res)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def disable_port(self, device_id, port_id):
+        req = LogicalPortId(
+            id=device_id,
+            port_id=port_id
+        )
+        res = yield threads.deferToThread(
+            self.local_stub.DisableLogicalDevicePort, req, timeout=self.grpc_timeout)
+        returnValue(res)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def get_device_info(self, device_id):
+        req = ID(id=device_id)
+        res = yield threads.deferToThread(
+            self.local_stub.GetLogicalDevice, req, timeout=self.grpc_timeout)
+        returnValue(res)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def update_flow_table(self, device_id, flow_mod):
+        req = FlowTableUpdate(
+            id=device_id,
+            flow_mod=flow_mod
+        )
+        res = yield threads.deferToThread(
+            self.local_stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowTable, req, timeout=self.grpc_timeout)
+        returnValue(res)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def update_group_table(self, device_id, group_mod):
+        req = FlowGroupTableUpdate(
+            id=device_id,
+            group_mod=group_mod
+        )
+        res = yield threads.deferToThread(
+            self.local_stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowGroupTable, req, timeout=self.grpc_timeout)
+        returnValue(res)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def list_flows(self, device_id):
+        req = ID(id=device_id)
+        res = yield threads.deferToThread(
+            self.local_stub.ListLogicalDeviceFlows, req, timeout=self.grpc_timeout)
+        returnValue(res.items)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def list_groups(self, device_id):
+        req = ID(id=device_id)
+        res = yield threads.deferToThread(
+            self.local_stub.ListLogicalDeviceFlowGroups, req, timeout=self.grpc_timeout)
+        returnValue(res.items)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def list_ports(self, device_id):
+        req = ID(id=device_id)
+        res = yield threads.deferToThread(
+            self.local_stub.ListLogicalDevicePorts, req, timeout=self.grpc_timeout)
+        returnValue(res.items)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def list_logical_devices(self):
+        res = yield threads.deferToThread(
+            self.local_stub.ListLogicalDevices, empty_pb2.Empty(), timeout=self.grpc_timeout)
+        returnValue(res.items)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def subscribe(self, subscriber):
+        res = yield threads.deferToThread(
+            self.local_stub.Subscribe, subscriber, timeout=self.grpc_timeout)
+        returnValue(res)
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/__init__.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adb067b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template toplevel_init.py
+# Do not modify
+version_names = {
+    1: "1.0",
+    2: "1.1",
+    3: "1.2",
+    4: "1.3",
+    5: "1.4",
+def protocol(ver):
+    """
+    Import and return the protocol module for the given wire version.
+    """
+    if ver == 1:
+        import of10
+        return of10
+    if ver == 2:
+        import of11
+        return of11
+    if ver == 3:
+        import of12
+        return of12
+    if ver == 4:
+        import of13
+        return of13
+    if ver == 5:
+        import of14
+        return of14
+    raise ValueError
+class ProtocolError(Exception):
+    """
+    Raised when failing to deserialize an invalid OpenFlow message.
+    """
+    pass
+class Unimplemented(Exception):
+    """
+    Raised when an OpenFlow feature is not yet implemented in PyLoxi.
+    """
+    pass
+def unimplemented(msg):
+    raise Unimplemented(msg)
+class OFObject(object):
+    """
+    Superclass of all OpenFlow classes
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        raise NotImplementedError("cannot instantiate abstract class")
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        return not self.__eq__(other)
+    def show(self):
+        import loxi.pp
+        return loxi.pp.pp(self)
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/connection.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/connection.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc61161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/connection.py
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright 2015, Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+OpenFlow connection class
+This class creates a thread which continually parses OpenFlow messages off the
+supplied socket and places them in a queue. The class has methods for reading messages
+from the RX queue, sending messages, and higher level operations like request-response
+and multipart transactions.
+import loxi
+import loxi.of14
+import logging
+import time
+import socket
+import errno
+import os
+import select
+from threading import Condition, Lock, Thread
+class TransactionError(Exception):
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.args[0]
+    @property
+    def msg(self):
+        return self.args[1]
+class ConnectionClosed(Exception):
+    pass
+class Connection(Thread):
+    def __init__(self, sock):
+        Thread.__init__(self)
+        self.sock = sock
+        self.logger = logging.getLogger("connection")
+        self.rx = []
+        self.rx_cv = Condition()
+        self.tx_lock = Lock()
+        self.next_xid = 1
+        self.wakeup_rd, self.wakeup_wr = os.pipe()
+        self.finished = False
+        self.read_buffer = None
+    def start(self):
+        while not self.finished:
+            try:
+                rd, wr, err = select.select([self.sock, self.wakeup_rd], [], [])
+            except select.error:
+                print 'SELECT ERROR!!!'
+            if self.sock in rd:
+                try:
+                    self.process_read()
+                except ConnectionClosed:
+                    self.logger.info("Connection to controller was dropped")
+                    self.finished = True
+            if self.wakeup_rd in rd:
+                os.read(self.wakeup_rd, 1)
+        self.logger.debug("Exited event loop")
+    def process_read(self):
+        recvd = self.sock.recv(4096)
+        if (len(recvd)) == 0:
+            # this indicates that the other end hang up
+            raise ConnectionClosed()
+        self.logger.debug("Received %d bytes", len(recvd))
+        buf = self.read_buffer
+        if buf:
+            buf += recvd
+        else:
+            buf = recvd
+        offset = 0
+        while offset < len(buf):
+            if offset + 8 > len(buf):
+                # Not enough data for the OpenFlow header
+                break
+            # Parse the header to get type
+            hdr_version, hdr_type, hdr_msglen, hdr_xid = loxi.of14.message.parse_header(buf[offset:])
+            # Use loxi to resolve ofp of matching version
+            ofp = loxi.protocol(hdr_version)
+            # Extract the raw message bytes
+            if (offset + hdr_msglen) > len(buf):
+                # Not enough data for the body
+                break
+            rawmsg = buf[offset : offset + hdr_msglen]
+            offset += hdr_msglen
+            msg = ofp.message.parse_message(rawmsg)
+            if not msg:
+                self.logger.warn("Could not parse message")
+                continue
+            self.logger.debug("Received message %s.%s xid %d length %d",
+                              type(msg).__module__, type(msg).__name__, hdr_xid, hdr_msglen)
+            with self.rx_cv:
+                self.rx.append(msg)
+                self.rx_cv.notify_all()
+        if offset == len(buf):
+            self.read_buffer = None
+        else:
+            self.read_buffer = buf[offset:]
+            self.logger.debug("%d bytes remaining", len(self.read_buffer))
+    def recv(self, predicate, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        """
+        Remove and return the first message in the RX queue for
+        which 'predicate' returns true
+        """
+        assert self.is_alive()
+        deadline = time.time() + timeout
+        while True:
+            with self.rx_cv:
+                for i, msg in enumerate(self.rx):
+                    if predicate(msg):
+                        return self.rx.pop(i)
+                now = time.time()
+                if now > deadline:
+                    return None
+                else:
+                    self.rx_cv.wait(deadline - now)
+    def recv_any(self, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        """
+        Return the first message in the RX queue
+        """
+        return self.recv(lambda msg: True, timeout)
+    def recv_xid(self, xid, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        """
+        Return the first message in the RX queue with XID 'xid'
+        """
+        return self.recv(lambda msg: msg.xid == xid, timeout)
+    def recv_class(self, klass, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        """
+        Return the first message in the RX queue which is an instance of 'klass'
+        """
+        return self.recv(lambda msg: isinstance(msg, klass), timeout)
+    def send_raw(self, buf):
+        """
+        Send raw bytes on the socket
+        """
+        assert self.is_alive()
+        self.logger.debug("Sending raw message length %d", len(buf))
+        with self.tx_lock:
+            if self.sock.sendall(buf) is not None:
+                raise RuntimeError("failed to send message to switch")
+    def send(self, msg):
+        """
+        Send a message
+        """
+        assert self.is_alive()
+        if msg.xid is None:
+            msg.xid = self._gen_xid()
+        buf = msg.pack()
+        self.logger.debug("Sending message %s.%s xid %d length %d",
+                          type(msg).__module__, type(msg).__name__, msg.xid, len(buf))
+        with self.tx_lock:
+            if self.sock.sendall(buf) is not None:
+                raise RuntimeError("failed to send message to switch")
+    def transact(self, msg, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        """
+        Send a message and return the reply
+        """
+        self.send(msg)
+        reply = self.recv_xid(msg.xid, timeout)
+        if reply is None:
+            raise TransactionError("no reply for %s" % type(msg).__name__, None)
+        elif isinstance(reply, loxi.protocol(reply.version).message.error_msg):
+            raise TransactionError("received %s in response to %s" % (type(reply).__name__, type(msg).__name__), reply)
+        return reply
+    def transact_multipart_generator(self, msg, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        """
+        Send a multipart request and yield each entry from the replies
+        """
+        self.send(msg)
+        finished = False
+        while not finished:
+            reply = self.recv_xid(msg.xid, timeout)
+            if reply is None:
+                raise TransactionError("no reply for %s" % type(msg).__name__, None)
+            elif not isinstance(reply, loxi.protocol(reply.version).message.stats_reply):
+                raise TransactionError("received %s in response to %s" % (type(reply).__name__, type(msg).__name__), reply)
+            for entry in reply.entries:
+                yield entry
+            finished = reply.flags & loxi.protocol(reply.version).OFPSF_REPLY_MORE == 0
+    def transact_multipart(self, msg, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
+        """
+        Send a multipart request and return all entries from the replies
+        """
+        entries = []
+        for entry in self.transact_multipart_generator(msg, timeout):
+            entries.append(entry)
+        return entries
+    def stop(self):
+        """
+        Signal the thread to exit and wait for it
+        """
+        assert not self.finished
+        self.logger.debug("Stopping connection")
+        self.finished = True
+        os.write(self.wakeup_wr, "x")
+        self.join()
+        self.sock.close()
+        os.close(self.wakeup_rd)
+        os.close(self.wakeup_wr)
+        self.logger.debug("Stopped connection")
+    def _gen_xid(self):
+        xid = self.next_xid
+        self.next_xid += 1
+        return xid
+def connect(ip, port=6653, daemon=True, ofp=loxi.of14):
+    """
+    Actively connect to a switch
+    """
+    soc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+    soc.connect((ip, port))
+    soc.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, True)
+    cxn = Connection(soc)
+    cxn.daemon = daemon
+    cxn.logger.debug("Connected to %s:%d", ip, port)
+    cxn.start()
+    cxn.send(ofp.message.hello())
+    if not cxn.recv(lambda msg: msg.type == ofp.OFPT_HELLO):
+        raise Exception("Did not receive HELLO")
+    return cxn
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/generic_util.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/generic_util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cbf32e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/generic_util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+Utility functions independent of the protocol version
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template generic_util.py
+# Do not modify
+import loxi
+import struct
+def pack_list(values):
+    return "".join([x.pack() for x in values])
+def unpack_list(reader, deserializer):
+    """
+    The deserializer function should take an OFReader and return the new object.
+    """
+    entries = []
+    while not reader.is_empty():
+        entries.append(deserializer(reader))
+    return entries
+def pad_to(alignment, length):
+    """
+    Return a string of zero bytes that will pad a string of length 'length' to
+    a multiple of 'alignment'.
+    """
+    return "\x00" * ((length + alignment - 1)/alignment*alignment - length)
+class OFReader(object):
+    """
+    Cursor over a read-only buffer
+    OpenFlow messages are best thought of as a sequence of elements of
+    variable size, rather than a C-style struct with fixed offsets and
+    known field lengths. This class supports efficiently reading
+    fields sequentially and is intended to be used recursively by the
+    parsers of child objects which will implicitly update the offset.
+    buf: buffer object
+    start: initial position in the buffer
+    length: number of bytes after start
+    offset: distance from start
+    """
+    def __init__(self, buf, start=0, length=None):
+        self.buf = buf
+        self.start = start
+        if length is None:
+            self.length = len(buf) - start
+        else:
+            self.length = length
+        self.offset = 0
+    def read(self, fmt):
+        st = struct.Struct(fmt)
+        if self.offset + st.size > self.length:
+            raise loxi.ProtocolError("Buffer too short")
+        result = st.unpack_from(self.buf, self.start+self.offset)
+        self.offset += st.size
+        return result
+    def read_all(self):
+        s = self.buf[(self.start+self.offset):(self.start+self.length)]
+        assert(len(s) == self.length - self.offset)
+        self.offset = self.length
+        return s
+    def peek(self, fmt, offset=0):
+        st = struct.Struct(fmt)
+        if self.offset + offset + st.size > self.length:
+            raise loxi.ProtocolError("Buffer too short")
+        result = st.unpack_from(self.buf, self.start + self.offset + offset)
+        return result
+    def skip(self, length):
+        if self.offset + length > self.length:
+            raise loxi.ProtocolError("Buffer too short")
+        self.offset += length
+    def skip_align(self):
+        new_offset = (self.offset + 7) / 8 * 8
+        if new_offset > self.length:
+            raise loxi.ProtocolError("Buffer too short")
+        self.offset = new_offset
+    def is_empty(self):
+        return self.offset == self.length
+    # Used when parsing objects that have their own length fields
+    def slice(self, length, rewind=0):
+        if self.offset + length - rewind > self.length:
+            raise loxi.ProtocolError("Buffer too short")
+        reader = OFReader(self.buf, self.start + self.offset - rewind, length)
+        reader.skip(rewind)
+        self.offset += length - rewind
+        return reader
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of10/__init__.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of10/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4457f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of10/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template init.py
+# Do not modify
+import const
+import action
+import message
+import common
+from const import *
+from common import *
+from loxi import ProtocolError
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of10/action.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of10/action.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43702f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of10/action.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1088 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of10']
+class action(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = action.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = action()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("action {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class experimenter(action):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
+class bsn(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, subtype=None):
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 8)
+        subclass = bsn.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[6035143] = bsn
+class bsn_checksum(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 4
+    def __init__(self, checksum=None):
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_checksum()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 4)
+        obj.checksum = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_checksum {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[4] = bsn_checksum
+class bsn_mirror(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 1
+    def __init__(self, dest_port=None, vlan_tag=None, copy_stage=None):
+        if dest_port != None:
+            self.dest_port = dest_port
+        else:
+            self.dest_port = 0
+        if vlan_tag != None:
+            self.vlan_tag = vlan_tag
+        else:
+            self.vlan_tag = 0
+        if copy_stage != None:
+            self.copy_stage = copy_stage
+        else:
+            self.copy_stage = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.dest_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vlan_tag))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.copy_stage))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_mirror()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 1)
+        obj.dest_port = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.vlan_tag = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.copy_stage = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.dest_port != other.dest_port: return False
+        if self.vlan_tag != other.vlan_tag: return False
+        if self.copy_stage != other.copy_stage: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_mirror {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("dest_port = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.dest_port)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_tag = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_tag)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("copy_stage = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.copy_stage)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[1] = bsn_mirror
+class bsn_set_tunnel_dst(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 2
+    def __init__(self, dst=None):
+        if dst != None:
+            self.dst = dst
+        else:
+            self.dst = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.dst))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_tunnel_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 2)
+        obj.dst = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.dst != other.dst: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_tunnel_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("dst = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.dst)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[2] = bsn_set_tunnel_dst
+class enqueue(action):
+    type = 11
+    def __init__(self, port=None, queue_id=None):
+        if port != None:
+            self.port = port
+        else:
+            self.port = 0
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = enqueue()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 11)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(6)
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port != other.port: return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("enqueue {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[11] = enqueue
+class nicira(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 8992
+    def __init__(self, subtype=None):
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = nicira.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = nicira()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[8992] = nicira
+class nicira_dec_ttl(nicira):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 8992
+    subtype = 18
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = nicira_dec_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 18)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira_dec_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+nicira.subtypes[18] = nicira_dec_ttl
+class output(action):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, port=None, max_len=None):
+        if port != None:
+            self.port = port
+        else:
+            self.port = 0
+        if max_len != None:
+            self.max_len = max_len
+        else:
+            self.max_len = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.max_len))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = output()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.max_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port != other.port: return False
+        if self.max_len != other.max_len: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("output {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_len = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_len)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[0] = output
+class set_dl_dst(action):
+    type = 5
+    def __init__(self, dl_addr=None):
+        if dl_addr != None:
+            self.dl_addr = dl_addr
+        else:
+            self.dl_addr = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.dl_addr))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_dl_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 5)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.dl_addr = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        reader.skip(6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.dl_addr != other.dl_addr: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_dl_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("dl_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.dl_addr))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[5] = set_dl_dst
+class set_dl_src(action):
+    type = 4
+    def __init__(self, dl_addr=None):
+        if dl_addr != None:
+            self.dl_addr = dl_addr
+        else:
+            self.dl_addr = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.dl_addr))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_dl_src()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.dl_addr = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        reader.skip(6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.dl_addr != other.dl_addr: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_dl_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("dl_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.dl_addr))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[4] = set_dl_src
+class set_nw_dst(action):
+    type = 7
+    def __init__(self, nw_addr=None):
+        if nw_addr != None:
+            self.nw_addr = nw_addr
+        else:
+            self.nw_addr = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.nw_addr))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_nw_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 7)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.nw_addr = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.nw_addr != other.nw_addr: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_nw_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("nw_addr = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.nw_addr)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[7] = set_nw_dst
+class set_nw_src(action):
+    type = 6
+    def __init__(self, nw_addr=None):
+        if nw_addr != None:
+            self.nw_addr = nw_addr
+        else:
+            self.nw_addr = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.nw_addr))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_nw_src()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 6)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.nw_addr = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.nw_addr != other.nw_addr: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_nw_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("nw_addr = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.nw_addr)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[6] = set_nw_src
+class set_nw_tos(action):
+    type = 8
+    def __init__(self, nw_tos=None):
+        if nw_tos != None:
+            self.nw_tos = nw_tos
+        else:
+            self.nw_tos = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.nw_tos))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_nw_tos()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 8)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.nw_tos = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.nw_tos != other.nw_tos: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_nw_tos {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("nw_tos = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.nw_tos)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[8] = set_nw_tos
+class set_tp_dst(action):
+    type = 10
+    def __init__(self, tp_port=None):
+        if tp_port != None:
+            self.tp_port = tp_port
+        else:
+            self.tp_port = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.tp_port))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_tp_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 10)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.tp_port = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.tp_port != other.tp_port: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_tp_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("tp_port = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tp_port)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[10] = set_tp_dst
+class set_tp_src(action):
+    type = 9
+    def __init__(self, tp_port=None):
+        if tp_port != None:
+            self.tp_port = tp_port
+        else:
+            self.tp_port = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.tp_port))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_tp_src()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 9)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.tp_port = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.tp_port != other.tp_port: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_tp_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("tp_port = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tp_port)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[9] = set_tp_src
+class set_vlan_pcp(action):
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, vlan_pcp=None):
+        if vlan_pcp != None:
+            self.vlan_pcp = vlan_pcp
+        else:
+            self.vlan_pcp = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.vlan_pcp))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_vlan_pcp()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.vlan_pcp = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.vlan_pcp != other.vlan_pcp: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_vlan_pcp {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_pcp = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_pcp)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[2] = set_vlan_pcp
+class set_vlan_vid(action):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, vlan_vid=None):
+        if vlan_vid != None:
+            self.vlan_vid = vlan_vid
+        else:
+            self.vlan_vid = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.vlan_vid))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_vlan_vid()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.vlan_vid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.vlan_vid != other.vlan_vid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_vlan_vid {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_vid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_vid)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[1] = set_vlan_vid
+class strip_vlan(action):
+    type = 3
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = strip_vlan()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 3)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("strip_vlan {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[3] = strip_vlan
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of10/common.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of10/common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7bd77d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of10/common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1312 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of10']
+class bsn_interface(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, hw_addr=None, name=None, ipv4_addr=None, ipv4_netmask=None):
+        if hw_addr != None:
+            self.hw_addr = hw_addr
+        else:
+            self.hw_addr = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if ipv4_addr != None:
+            self.ipv4_addr = ipv4_addr
+        else:
+            self.ipv4_addr = 0
+        if ipv4_netmask != None:
+            self.ipv4_netmask = ipv4_netmask
+        else:
+            self.ipv4_netmask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.hw_addr))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.name))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ipv4_addr))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ipv4_netmask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_interface()
+        obj.hw_addr = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.name = reader.read("!16s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.ipv4_addr = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ipv4_netmask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.hw_addr != other.hw_addr: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.ipv4_addr != other.ipv4_addr: return False
+        if self.ipv4_netmask != other.ipv4_netmask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_interface {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("hw_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.hw_addr))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ipv4_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.ipv4_addr))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ipv4_netmask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.ipv4_netmask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_vport(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = bsn_vport.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_vport()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vport {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_vport_l2gre(bsn_vport):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, flags=None, port_no=None, loopback_port_no=None, local_mac=None, nh_mac=None, src_ip=None, dst_ip=None, dscp=None, ttl=None, vpn=None, rate_limit=None, if_name=None):
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if loopback_port_no != None:
+            self.loopback_port_no = loopback_port_no
+        else:
+            self.loopback_port_no = 0
+        if local_mac != None:
+            self.local_mac = local_mac
+        else:
+            self.local_mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if nh_mac != None:
+            self.nh_mac = nh_mac
+        else:
+            self.nh_mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if src_ip != None:
+            self.src_ip = src_ip
+        else:
+            self.src_ip = 0
+        if dst_ip != None:
+            self.dst_ip = dst_ip
+        else:
+            self.dst_ip = 0
+        if dscp != None:
+            self.dscp = dscp
+        else:
+            self.dscp = 0
+        if ttl != None:
+            self.ttl = ttl
+        else:
+            self.ttl = 0
+        if vpn != None:
+            self.vpn = vpn
+        else:
+            self.vpn = 0
+        if rate_limit != None:
+            self.rate_limit = rate_limit
+        else:
+            self.rate_limit = 0
+        if if_name != None:
+            self.if_name = if_name
+        else:
+            self.if_name = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.flags))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.loopback_port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.local_mac))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.nh_mac))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.src_ip))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.dst_ip))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.dscp))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.ttl))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vpn))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.rate_limit))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.if_name))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vport_l2gre()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.loopback_port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.local_mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.nh_mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.src_ip = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.dst_ip = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.dscp = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.ttl = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.vpn = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.rate_limit = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.if_name = reader.read("!16s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.loopback_port_no != other.loopback_port_no: return False
+        if self.local_mac != other.local_mac: return False
+        if self.nh_mac != other.nh_mac: return False
+        if self.src_ip != other.src_ip: return False
+        if self.dst_ip != other.dst_ip: return False
+        if self.dscp != other.dscp: return False
+        if self.ttl != other.ttl: return False
+        if self.vpn != other.vpn: return False
+        if self.rate_limit != other.rate_limit: return False
+        if self.if_name != other.if_name: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vport_l2gre {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("loopback_port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.loopback_port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("local_mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.local_mac))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("nh_mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.nh_mac))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("src_ip = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.src_ip))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("dst_ip = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.dst_ip))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("dscp = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.dscp)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ttl = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ttl)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vpn = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vpn)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate_limit = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate_limit)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("if_name = ");
+                q.pp(self.if_name)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_vport.subtypes[1] = bsn_vport_l2gre
+class bsn_vport_q_in_q(bsn_vport):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, ingress_tpid=None, ingress_vlan_id=None, egress_tpid=None, egress_vlan_id=None, if_name=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if ingress_tpid != None:
+            self.ingress_tpid = ingress_tpid
+        else:
+            self.ingress_tpid = 0
+        if ingress_vlan_id != None:
+            self.ingress_vlan_id = ingress_vlan_id
+        else:
+            self.ingress_vlan_id = 0
+        if egress_tpid != None:
+            self.egress_tpid = egress_tpid
+        else:
+            self.egress_tpid = 0
+        if egress_vlan_id != None:
+            self.egress_vlan_id = egress_vlan_id
+        else:
+            self.egress_vlan_id = 0
+        if if_name != None:
+            self.if_name = if_name
+        else:
+            self.if_name = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ingress_tpid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ingress_vlan_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.egress_tpid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.egress_vlan_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.if_name))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vport_q_in_q()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.port_no = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ingress_tpid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.ingress_vlan_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.egress_tpid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.egress_vlan_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.if_name = reader.read("!16s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.ingress_tpid != other.ingress_tpid: return False
+        if self.ingress_vlan_id != other.ingress_vlan_id: return False
+        if self.egress_tpid != other.egress_tpid: return False
+        if self.egress_vlan_id != other.egress_vlan_id: return False
+        if self.if_name != other.if_name: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vport_q_in_q {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.port_no)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ingress_tpid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ingress_tpid)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ingress_vlan_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ingress_vlan_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("egress_tpid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.egress_tpid)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("egress_vlan_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.egress_vlan_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("if_name = ");
+                q.pp(self.if_name)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_vport.subtypes[0] = bsn_vport_q_in_q
+class flow_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, match=None, duration_sec=None, duration_nsec=None, priority=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, cookie=None, packet_count=None, byte_count=None, actions=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if duration_sec != None:
+            self.duration_sec = duration_sec
+        else:
+            self.duration_sec = 0
+        if duration_nsec != None:
+            self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
+        else:
+            self.duration_nsec = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_sec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_nsec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.duration_sec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.duration_nsec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(6)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.duration_sec != other.duration_sec: return False
+        if self.duration_nsec != other.duration_nsec: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_sec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_sec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_nsec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_nsec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class match_v1(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, wildcards=None, in_port=None, eth_src=None, eth_dst=None, vlan_vid=None, vlan_pcp=None, eth_type=None, ip_dscp=None, ip_proto=None, ipv4_src=None, ipv4_dst=None, tcp_src=None, tcp_dst=None):
+        if wildcards != None:
+            self.wildcards = wildcards
+        else:
+            self.wildcards = util.init_wc_bmap()
+        if in_port != None:
+            self.in_port = in_port
+        else:
+            self.in_port = 0
+        if eth_src != None:
+            self.eth_src = eth_src
+        else:
+            self.eth_src = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if eth_dst != None:
+            self.eth_dst = eth_dst
+        else:
+            self.eth_dst = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if vlan_vid != None:
+            self.vlan_vid = vlan_vid
+        else:
+            self.vlan_vid = 0
+        if vlan_pcp != None:
+            self.vlan_pcp = vlan_pcp
+        else:
+            self.vlan_pcp = 0
+        if eth_type != None:
+            self.eth_type = eth_type
+        else:
+            self.eth_type = 0
+        if ip_dscp != None:
+            self.ip_dscp = ip_dscp
+        else:
+            self.ip_dscp = 0
+        if ip_proto != None:
+            self.ip_proto = ip_proto
+        else:
+            self.ip_proto = 0
+        if ipv4_src != None:
+            self.ipv4_src = ipv4_src
+        else:
+            self.ipv4_src = 0
+        if ipv4_dst != None:
+            self.ipv4_dst = ipv4_dst
+        else:
+            self.ipv4_dst = 0
+        if tcp_src != None:
+            self.tcp_src = tcp_src
+        else:
+            self.tcp_src = 0
+        if tcp_dst != None:
+            self.tcp_dst = tcp_dst
+        else:
+            self.tcp_dst = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(util.pack_wc_bmap(self.wildcards))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.in_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.eth_src))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.eth_dst))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.vlan_vid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.vlan_pcp))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.eth_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.ip_dscp))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.ip_proto))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ipv4_src))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ipv4_dst))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.tcp_src))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.tcp_dst))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = match_v1()
+        obj.wildcards = util.unpack_wc_bmap(reader)
+        obj.in_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.eth_src = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.eth_dst = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.vlan_vid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.vlan_pcp = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.eth_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.ip_dscp = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.ip_proto = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.ipv4_src = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ipv4_dst = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.tcp_src = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.tcp_dst = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.wildcards != other.wildcards: return False
+        if self.in_port != other.in_port: return False
+        if self.eth_src != other.eth_src: return False
+        if self.eth_dst != other.eth_dst: return False
+        if self.vlan_vid != other.vlan_vid: return False
+        if self.vlan_pcp != other.vlan_pcp: return False
+        if self.eth_type != other.eth_type: return False
+        if self.ip_dscp != other.ip_dscp: return False
+        if self.ip_proto != other.ip_proto: return False
+        if self.ipv4_src != other.ipv4_src: return False
+        if self.ipv4_dst != other.ipv4_dst: return False
+        if self.tcp_src != other.tcp_src: return False
+        if self.tcp_dst != other.tcp_dst: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("match_v1 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("wildcards = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_wildcards(self.wildcards))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("in_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.in_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("eth_src = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.eth_src))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("eth_dst = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.eth_dst))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_vid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_vid)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_pcp = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_pcp)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("eth_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.eth_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ip_dscp = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ip_dscp)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ip_proto = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ip_proto)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ipv4_src = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.ipv4_src))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ipv4_dst = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.ipv4_dst))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tcp_src = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tcp_src)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tcp_dst = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tcp_dst)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class packet_queue(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, queue_id=None, properties=None):
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        if properties != None:
+            self.properties = properties
+        else:
+            self.properties = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.properties))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = packet_queue()
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 6)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.properties = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.queue_prop.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        if self.properties != other.properties: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("packet_queue {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("properties = ");
+                q.pp(self.properties)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class port_desc(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, hw_addr=None, name=None, config=None, state=None, curr=None, advertised=None, supported=None, peer=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if hw_addr != None:
+            self.hw_addr = hw_addr
+        else:
+            self.hw_addr = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if config != None:
+            self.config = config
+        else:
+            self.config = 0
+        if state != None:
+            self.state = state
+        else:
+            self.state = 0
+        if curr != None:
+            self.curr = curr
+        else:
+            self.curr = 0
+        if advertised != None:
+            self.advertised = advertised
+        else:
+            self.advertised = 0
+        if supported != None:
+            self.supported = supported
+        else:
+            self.supported = 0
+        if peer != None:
+            self.peer = peer
+        else:
+            self.peer = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.hw_addr))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.name))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.config))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.state))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.curr))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.advertised))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.supported))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.peer))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_desc()
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.hw_addr = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.name = reader.read("!16s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.config = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.state = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.curr = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.advertised = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.supported = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.peer = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.hw_addr != other.hw_addr: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.config != other.config: return False
+        if self.state != other.state: return False
+        if self.curr != other.curr: return False
+        if self.advertised != other.advertised: return False
+        if self.supported != other.supported: return False
+        if self.peer != other.peer: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_desc {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hw_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.hw_addr))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("config = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.config)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("state = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.state)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("curr = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.curr)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("advertised = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.advertised)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("supported = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.supported)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("peer = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.peer)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class port_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, rx_packets=None, tx_packets=None, rx_bytes=None, tx_bytes=None, rx_dropped=None, tx_dropped=None, rx_errors=None, tx_errors=None, rx_frame_err=None, rx_over_err=None, rx_crc_err=None, collisions=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if rx_packets != None:
+            self.rx_packets = rx_packets
+        else:
+            self.rx_packets = 0
+        if tx_packets != None:
+            self.tx_packets = tx_packets
+        else:
+            self.tx_packets = 0
+        if rx_bytes != None:
+            self.rx_bytes = rx_bytes
+        else:
+            self.rx_bytes = 0
+        if tx_bytes != None:
+            self.tx_bytes = tx_bytes
+        else:
+            self.tx_bytes = 0
+        if rx_dropped != None:
+            self.rx_dropped = rx_dropped
+        else:
+            self.rx_dropped = 0
+        if tx_dropped != None:
+            self.tx_dropped = tx_dropped
+        else:
+            self.tx_dropped = 0
+        if rx_errors != None:
+            self.rx_errors = rx_errors
+        else:
+            self.rx_errors = 0
+        if tx_errors != None:
+            self.tx_errors = tx_errors
+        else:
+            self.tx_errors = 0
+        if rx_frame_err != None:
+            self.rx_frame_err = rx_frame_err
+        else:
+            self.rx_frame_err = 0
+        if rx_over_err != None:
+            self.rx_over_err = rx_over_err
+        else:
+            self.rx_over_err = 0
+        if rx_crc_err != None:
+            self.rx_crc_err = rx_crc_err
+        else:
+            self.rx_crc_err = 0
+        if collisions != None:
+            self.collisions = collisions
+        else:
+            self.collisions = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_packets))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_packets))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_bytes))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_bytes))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_dropped))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_dropped))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_errors))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_errors))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_frame_err))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_over_err))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_crc_err))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.collisions))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_stats_entry()
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(6)
+        obj.rx_packets = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_packets = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_bytes = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_bytes = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_dropped = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_dropped = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_errors = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_errors = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_frame_err = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_over_err = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_crc_err = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.collisions = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.rx_packets != other.rx_packets: return False
+        if self.tx_packets != other.tx_packets: return False
+        if self.rx_bytes != other.rx_bytes: return False
+        if self.tx_bytes != other.tx_bytes: return False
+        if self.rx_dropped != other.rx_dropped: return False
+        if self.tx_dropped != other.tx_dropped: return False
+        if self.rx_errors != other.rx_errors: return False
+        if self.tx_errors != other.tx_errors: return False
+        if self.rx_frame_err != other.rx_frame_err: return False
+        if self.rx_over_err != other.rx_over_err: return False
+        if self.rx_crc_err != other.rx_crc_err: return False
+        if self.collisions != other.collisions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_packets = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_packets)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_packets = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_packets)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_bytes = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_bytes)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_bytes = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_bytes)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_dropped = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_dropped)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_dropped = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_dropped)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_errors = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_errors)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_errors = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_errors)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_frame_err = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_frame_err)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_over_err = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_over_err)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_crc_err = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_crc_err)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("collisions = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.collisions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class queue_prop(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = queue_prop.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = queue_prop()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_prop {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class queue_prop_min_rate(queue_prop):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, rate=None):
+        if rate != None:
+            self.rate = rate
+        else:
+            self.rate = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.rate))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_prop_min_rate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.rate = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.rate != other.rate: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_prop_min_rate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+queue_prop.subtypes[1] = queue_prop_min_rate
+class queue_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, queue_id=None, tx_bytes=None, tx_packets=None, tx_errors=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        if tx_bytes != None:
+            self.tx_bytes = tx_bytes
+        else:
+            self.tx_bytes = 0
+        if tx_packets != None:
+            self.tx_packets = tx_packets
+        else:
+            self.tx_packets = 0
+        if tx_errors != None:
+            self.tx_errors = tx_errors
+        else:
+            self.tx_errors = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_bytes))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_packets))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_errors))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_stats_entry()
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.tx_bytes = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_packets = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_errors = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        if self.tx_bytes != other.tx_bytes: return False
+        if self.tx_packets != other.tx_packets: return False
+        if self.tx_errors != other.tx_errors: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_bytes = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_bytes)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_packets = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_packets)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_errors = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_errors)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class table_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, name=None, wildcards=None, max_entries=None, active_count=None, lookup_count=None, matched_count=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if wildcards != None:
+            self.wildcards = wildcards
+        else:
+            self.wildcards = util.init_wc_bmap()
+        if max_entries != None:
+            self.max_entries = max_entries
+        else:
+            self.max_entries = 0
+        if active_count != None:
+            self.active_count = active_count
+        else:
+            self.active_count = 0
+        if lookup_count != None:
+            self.lookup_count = lookup_count
+        else:
+            self.lookup_count = 0
+        if matched_count != None:
+            self.matched_count = matched_count
+        else:
+            self.matched_count = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!32s", self.name))
+        packed.append(util.pack_wc_bmap(self.wildcards))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_entries))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.active_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.lookup_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.matched_count))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_stats_entry()
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.name = reader.read("!32s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.wildcards = util.unpack_wc_bmap(reader)
+        obj.max_entries = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.active_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.lookup_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.matched_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.wildcards != other.wildcards: return False
+        if self.max_entries != other.max_entries: return False
+        if self.active_count != other.active_count: return False
+        if self.lookup_count != other.lookup_count: return False
+        if self.matched_count != other.matched_count: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("wildcards = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_wildcards(self.wildcards))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_entries = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_entries)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("active_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.active_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("lookup_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.lookup_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("matched_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.matched_count)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+match = match_v1
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of10/const.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of10/const.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01404ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of10/const.py
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template const.py
+# Do not modify
+# Identifiers from group macro_definitions
+OFP_TCP_PORT = 6653
+OFP_SSL_PORT = 6653
+OFP_VLAN_NONE = 65535
+OFPQ_ALL = 4294967295
+# Identifiers from group of_bsn_pdu_slot_num
+of_bsn_pdu_slot_num_map = {
+    255: 'BSN_PDU_SLOT_NUM_ANY',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_action_type
+ofp_action_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFPAT_OUTPUT',
+    4: 'OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC',
+    5: 'OFPAT_SET_DL_DST',
+    6: 'OFPAT_SET_NW_SRC',
+    7: 'OFPAT_SET_NW_DST',
+    8: 'OFPAT_SET_NW_TOS',
+    9: 'OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC',
+    10: 'OFPAT_SET_TP_DST',
+    11: 'OFPAT_ENQUEUE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bad_action_code
+ofp_bad_action_code_map = {
+    0: 'OFPBAC_BAD_TYPE',
+    1: 'OFPBAC_BAD_LEN',
+    6: 'OFPBAC_EPERM',
+    7: 'OFPBAC_TOO_MANY',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bad_request_code
+ofp_bad_request_code_map = {
+    1: 'OFPBRC_BAD_TYPE',
+    2: 'OFPBRC_BAD_STAT',
+    5: 'OFPBRC_EPERM',
+    6: 'OFPBRC_BAD_LEN',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_vport_l2gre_flags
+ofp_bsn_vport_l2gre_flags_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_vport_q_in_q_untagged
+ofp_bsn_vport_q_in_q_untagged_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_vport_status
+ofp_bsn_vport_status_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_capabilities
+ofp_capabilities_map = {
+    1: 'OFPC_FLOW_STATS',
+    4: 'OFPC_PORT_STATS',
+    8: 'OFPC_STP',
+    16: 'OFPC_RESERVED',
+    32: 'OFPC_IP_REASM',
+    64: 'OFPC_QUEUE_STATS',
+    128: 'OFPC_ARP_MATCH_IP',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_config_flags
+ofp_config_flags_map = {
+    1: 'OFPC_FRAG_DROP',
+    2: 'OFPC_FRAG_REASM',
+    3: 'OFPC_FRAG_MASK',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_error_type
+ofp_error_type_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_mod_command
+ofp_flow_mod_command_map = {
+    0: 'OFPFC_ADD',
+    1: 'OFPFC_MODIFY',
+    3: 'OFPFC_DELETE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_mod_failed_code
+ofp_flow_mod_failed_code_map = {
+    2: 'OFPFMFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_mod_flags
+ofp_flow_mod_flags_map = {
+    4: 'OFPFF_EMERG',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_removed_reason
+ofp_flow_removed_reason_map = {
+    2: 'OFPRR_DELETE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_wildcards
+OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL = 524288
+OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK = 1032192
+OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP = 1048576
+OFPFW_NW_TOS = 2097152
+OFPFW_ALL = 4194303
+ofp_flow_wildcards_map = {
+    1: 'OFPFW_IN_PORT',
+    2: 'OFPFW_DL_VLAN',
+    4: 'OFPFW_DL_SRC',
+    8: 'OFPFW_DL_DST',
+    16: 'OFPFW_DL_TYPE',
+    32: 'OFPFW_NW_PROTO',
+    64: 'OFPFW_TP_SRC',
+    128: 'OFPFW_TP_DST',
+    1048576: 'OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP',
+    2097152: 'OFPFW_NW_TOS',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_hello_failed_code
+ofp_hello_failed_code_map = {
+    1: 'OFPHFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_nicira_controller_role
+ofp_nicira_controller_role_map = {
+    0: 'NX_ROLE_OTHER',
+    1: 'NX_ROLE_MASTER',
+    2: 'NX_ROLE_SLAVE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_packet_in_reason
+ofp_packet_in_reason_map = {
+    0: 'OFPR_NO_MATCH',
+    1: 'OFPR_ACTION',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port
+OFPP_MAX = 0xff00
+OFPP_IN_PORT = 0xfff8
+OFPP_TABLE = 0xfff9
+OFPP_NORMAL = 0xfffa
+OFPP_FLOOD = 0xfffb
+OFPP_ALL = 0xfffc
+OFPP_LOCAL = 0xfffe
+OFPP_NONE = 0xffff
+ofp_port_map = {
+    0xff00: 'OFPP_MAX',
+    0xfff8: 'OFPP_IN_PORT',
+    0xfff9: 'OFPP_TABLE',
+    0xfffa: 'OFPP_NORMAL',
+    0xfffb: 'OFPP_FLOOD',
+    0xfffc: 'OFPP_ALL',
+    0xfffd: 'OFPP_CONTROLLER',
+    0xfffe: 'OFPP_LOCAL',
+    0xffff: 'OFPP_NONE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_config
+ofp_port_config_map = {
+    1: 'OFPPC_PORT_DOWN',
+    2: 'OFPPC_NO_STP',
+    4: 'OFPPC_NO_RECV',
+    8: 'OFPPC_NO_RECV_STP',
+    16: 'OFPPC_NO_FLOOD',
+    32: 'OFPPC_NO_FWD',
+    64: 'OFPPC_NO_PACKET_IN',
+    2147483648: 'OFPPC_BSN_MIRROR_DEST',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_features
+OFPPF_10MB_HD = 1
+OFPPF_10MB_FD = 2
+OFPPF_100MB_HD = 4
+OFPPF_100MB_FD = 8
+OFPPF_1GB_HD = 16
+OFPPF_1GB_FD = 32
+OFPPF_10GB_FD = 64
+ofp_port_features_map = {
+    1: 'OFPPF_10MB_HD',
+    2: 'OFPPF_10MB_FD',
+    4: 'OFPPF_100MB_HD',
+    8: 'OFPPF_100MB_FD',
+    16: 'OFPPF_1GB_HD',
+    32: 'OFPPF_1GB_FD',
+    64: 'OFPPF_10GB_FD',
+    128: 'OFPPF_COPPER',
+    256: 'OFPPF_FIBER',
+    512: 'OFPPF_AUTONEG',
+    1024: 'OFPPF_PAUSE',
+    2048: 'OFPPF_PAUSE_ASYM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_mod_failed_code
+ofp_port_mod_failed_code_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_reason
+ofp_port_reason_map = {
+    0: 'OFPPR_ADD',
+    1: 'OFPPR_DELETE',
+    2: 'OFPPR_MODIFY',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_state
+ofp_port_state_map = {
+    1: 'OFPPS_LINK_DOWN',
+    256: 'OFPPS_STP_LEARN',
+    512: 'OFPPS_STP_FORWARD',
+    768: 'OFPPS_STP_BLOCK',
+    768: 'OFPPS_STP_MASK',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_queue_op_failed_code
+ofp_queue_op_failed_code_map = {
+    2: 'OFPQOFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_queue_properties
+ofp_queue_properties_map = {
+    0: 'OFPQT_NONE',
+    1: 'OFPQT_MIN_RATE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_stats_reply_flags
+ofp_stats_reply_flags_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_stats_request_flags
+ofp_stats_request_flags_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_stats_type
+ofp_stats_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFPST_DESC',
+    1: 'OFPST_FLOW',
+    3: 'OFPST_TABLE',
+    4: 'OFPST_PORT',
+    5: 'OFPST_QUEUE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_type
+ofp_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFPT_HELLO',
+    1: 'OFPT_ERROR',
+    3: 'OFPT_ECHO_REPLY',
+    9: 'OFPT_SET_CONFIG',
+    10: 'OFPT_PACKET_IN',
+    12: 'OFPT_PORT_STATUS',
+    13: 'OFPT_PACKET_OUT',
+    14: 'OFPT_FLOW_MOD',
+    15: 'OFPT_PORT_MOD',
+    17: 'OFPT_STATS_REPLY',
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of10/message.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of10/message.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c3d46c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of10/message.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7550 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of10']
+class message(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 1
+    def __init__(self, type=None, xid=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('B', 1)
+        subclass = message.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = message()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        obj.type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("message {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class stats_reply(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 1
+    type = 17
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, stats_type=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if stats_type != None:
+            self.stats_type = stats_type
+        else:
+            self.stats_type = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = stats_reply.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 17)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.stats_type != other.stats_type: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[17] = stats_reply
+class aggregate_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 1
+    type = 17
+    stats_type = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, packet_count=None, byte_count=None, flow_count=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        if flow_count != None:
+            self.flow_count = flow_count
+        else:
+            self.flow_count = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.flow_count))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = aggregate_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 17)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 2)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.flow_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        if self.flow_count != other.flow_count: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("aggregate_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flow_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flow_count)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[2] = aggregate_stats_reply
+class stats_request(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 1
+    type = 16
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, stats_type=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if stats_type != None:
+            self.stats_type = stats_type
+        else:
+            self.stats_type = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = stats_request.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.stats_type != other.stats_type: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[16] = stats_request
+class aggregate_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 1
+    type = 16
+    stats_type = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, match=None, table_id=None, out_port=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = aggregate_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 2)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("aggregate_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[2] = aggregate_stats_request
+class error_msg(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 1
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, err_type=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if err_type != None:
+            self.err_type = err_type
+        else:
+            self.err_type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = error_msg.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.err_type != other.err_type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[1] = error_msg
+class bad_action_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 1
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bad_action_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 2)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bad_action_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[2] = bad_action_error_msg
+class bad_request_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 1
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bad_request_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 1)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bad_request_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[1] = bad_request_error_msg
+class barrier_reply(message):
+    version = 1
+    type = 19
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = barrier_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("barrier_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[19] = barrier_reply
+class barrier_request(message):
+    version = 1
+    type = 18
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = barrier_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("barrier_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[18] = barrier_request
+class experimenter(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 8)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[4] = experimenter
+class bsn_header(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 12)
+        subclass = bsn_header.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_header()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_header {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[6035143] = bsn_header
+class bsn_bw_clear_data_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 22
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_clear_data_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 22)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_clear_data_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[22] = bsn_bw_clear_data_reply
+class bsn_bw_clear_data_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 21
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_clear_data_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 21)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_clear_data_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[21] = bsn_bw_clear_data_request
+class bsn_bw_enable_get_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 20
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enabled=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enabled != None:
+            self.enabled = enabled
+        else:
+            self.enabled = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enabled))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_enable_get_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 20)
+        obj.enabled = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enabled != other.enabled: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_enable_get_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enabled = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enabled)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[20] = bsn_bw_enable_get_reply
+class bsn_bw_enable_get_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 19
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_enable_get_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 19)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_enable_get_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[19] = bsn_bw_enable_get_request
+class bsn_bw_enable_set_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 23
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enable=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enable != None:
+            self.enable = enable
+        else:
+            self.enable = 0
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enable))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_enable_set_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 23)
+        obj.enable = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enable != other.enable: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_enable_set_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enable = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enable)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[23] = bsn_bw_enable_set_reply
+class bsn_bw_enable_set_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 18
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enable=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enable != None:
+            self.enable = enable
+        else:
+            self.enable = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enable))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_enable_set_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 18)
+        obj.enable = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enable != other.enable: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_enable_set_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enable = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enable)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[18] = bsn_bw_enable_set_request
+class bsn_get_interfaces_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, interfaces=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if interfaces != None:
+            self.interfaces = interfaces
+        else:
+            self.interfaces = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.interfaces))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_interfaces_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 10)
+        obj.interfaces = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_interface.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.interfaces != other.interfaces: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_interfaces_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("interfaces = ");
+                q.pp(self.interfaces)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[10] = bsn_get_interfaces_reply
+class bsn_get_interfaces_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_interfaces_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 9)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_interfaces_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[9] = bsn_get_interfaces_request
+class bsn_get_ip_mask_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, index=None, mask=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if index != None:
+            self.index = index
+        else:
+            self.index = 0
+        if mask != None:
+            self.mask = mask
+        else:
+            self.mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.index))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_ip_mask_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 2)
+        obj.index = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.index != other.index: return False
+        if self.mask != other.mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_ip_mask_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("index = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.index)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[2] = bsn_get_ip_mask_reply
+class bsn_get_ip_mask_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, index=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if index != None:
+            self.index = index
+        else:
+            self.index = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.index))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 7)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_ip_mask_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 1)
+        obj.index = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(7)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.index != other.index: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_ip_mask_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("index = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.index)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[1] = bsn_get_ip_mask_request
+class bsn_get_l2_table_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 14
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, l2_table_enable=None, l2_table_priority=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if l2_table_enable != None:
+            self.l2_table_enable = l2_table_enable
+        else:
+            self.l2_table_enable = 0
+        if l2_table_priority != None:
+            self.l2_table_priority = l2_table_priority
+        else:
+            self.l2_table_priority = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.l2_table_enable))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.l2_table_priority))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_l2_table_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 14)
+        obj.l2_table_enable = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.l2_table_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.l2_table_enable != other.l2_table_enable: return False
+        if self.l2_table_priority != other.l2_table_priority: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_l2_table_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("l2_table_enable = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.l2_table_enable)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("l2_table_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.l2_table_priority)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[14] = bsn_get_l2_table_reply
+class bsn_get_l2_table_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 13
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_l2_table_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 13)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_l2_table_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[13] = bsn_get_l2_table_request
+class bsn_get_mirroring_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, report_mirror_ports=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if report_mirror_ports != None:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = report_mirror_ports
+        else:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.report_mirror_ports))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_mirroring_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 5)
+        obj.report_mirror_ports = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.report_mirror_ports != other.report_mirror_ports: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_mirroring_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("report_mirror_ports = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.report_mirror_ports)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[5] = bsn_get_mirroring_reply
+class bsn_get_mirroring_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, report_mirror_ports=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if report_mirror_ports != None:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = report_mirror_ports
+        else:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.report_mirror_ports))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_mirroring_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 4)
+        obj.report_mirror_ports = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.report_mirror_ports != other.report_mirror_ports: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_mirroring_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("report_mirror_ports = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.report_mirror_ports)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[4] = bsn_get_mirroring_request
+class bsn_hybrid_get_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 28
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, hybrid_enable=None, hybrid_version=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if hybrid_enable != None:
+            self.hybrid_enable = hybrid_enable
+        else:
+            self.hybrid_enable = 0
+        if hybrid_version != None:
+            self.hybrid_version = hybrid_version
+        else:
+            self.hybrid_version = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.hybrid_enable))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hybrid_version))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_hybrid_get_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 28)
+        obj.hybrid_enable = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.hybrid_version = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.hybrid_enable != other.hybrid_enable: return False
+        if self.hybrid_version != other.hybrid_version: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_hybrid_get_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hybrid_enable = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hybrid_enable)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hybrid_version = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hybrid_version)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[28] = bsn_hybrid_get_reply
+class bsn_hybrid_get_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 27
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_hybrid_get_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 27)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_hybrid_get_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[27] = bsn_hybrid_get_request
+class bsn_pdu_rx_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 34
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_rx_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 34)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_rx_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[34] = bsn_pdu_rx_reply
+class bsn_pdu_rx_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 33
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, timeout_ms=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if timeout_ms != None:
+            self.timeout_ms = timeout_ms
+        else:
+            self.timeout_ms = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.timeout_ms))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_rx_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 33)
+        obj.timeout_ms = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.timeout_ms != other.timeout_ms: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_rx_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("timeout_ms = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.timeout_ms)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[33] = bsn_pdu_rx_request
+class bsn_pdu_rx_timeout(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 35
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_rx_timeout()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 35)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_rx_timeout {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[35] = bsn_pdu_rx_timeout
+class bsn_pdu_tx_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 32
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_tx_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 32)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_tx_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[32] = bsn_pdu_tx_reply
+class bsn_pdu_tx_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 31
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, tx_interval_ms=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if tx_interval_ms != None:
+            self.tx_interval_ms = tx_interval_ms
+        else:
+            self.tx_interval_ms = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.tx_interval_ms))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_tx_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 31)
+        obj.tx_interval_ms = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.tx_interval_ms != other.tx_interval_ms: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_tx_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_interval_ms = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_interval_ms)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[31] = bsn_pdu_tx_request
+class bsn_set_ip_mask(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, index=None, mask=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if index != None:
+            self.index = index
+        else:
+            self.index = 0
+        if mask != None:
+            self.mask = mask
+        else:
+            self.mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.index))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_ip_mask()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 0)
+        obj.index = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.index != other.index: return False
+        if self.mask != other.mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_ip_mask {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("index = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.index)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[0] = bsn_set_ip_mask
+class bsn_set_l2_table_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 24
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, l2_table_enable=None, l2_table_priority=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if l2_table_enable != None:
+            self.l2_table_enable = l2_table_enable
+        else:
+            self.l2_table_enable = 0
+        if l2_table_priority != None:
+            self.l2_table_priority = l2_table_priority
+        else:
+            self.l2_table_priority = 0
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.l2_table_enable))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.l2_table_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_l2_table_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 24)
+        obj.l2_table_enable = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.l2_table_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.l2_table_enable != other.l2_table_enable: return False
+        if self.l2_table_priority != other.l2_table_priority: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_l2_table_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("l2_table_enable = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.l2_table_enable)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("l2_table_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.l2_table_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[24] = bsn_set_l2_table_reply
+class bsn_set_l2_table_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 12
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, l2_table_enable=None, l2_table_priority=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if l2_table_enable != None:
+            self.l2_table_enable = l2_table_enable
+        else:
+            self.l2_table_enable = 0
+        if l2_table_priority != None:
+            self.l2_table_priority = l2_table_priority
+        else:
+            self.l2_table_priority = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.l2_table_enable))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.l2_table_priority))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_l2_table_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 12)
+        obj.l2_table_enable = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.l2_table_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.l2_table_enable != other.l2_table_enable: return False
+        if self.l2_table_priority != other.l2_table_priority: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_l2_table_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("l2_table_enable = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.l2_table_enable)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("l2_table_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.l2_table_priority)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[12] = bsn_set_l2_table_request
+class bsn_set_mirroring(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, report_mirror_ports=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if report_mirror_ports != None:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = report_mirror_ports
+        else:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.report_mirror_ports))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_mirroring()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 3)
+        obj.report_mirror_ports = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.report_mirror_ports != other.report_mirror_ports: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_mirroring {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("report_mirror_ports = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.report_mirror_ports)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[3] = bsn_set_mirroring
+class bsn_set_pktin_suppression_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 25
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_pktin_suppression_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 25)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_pktin_suppression_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[25] = bsn_set_pktin_suppression_reply
+class bsn_set_pktin_suppression_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enabled=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, cookie=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enabled != None:
+            self.enabled = enabled
+        else:
+            self.enabled = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.enabled))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_pktin_suppression_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 11)
+        obj.enabled = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enabled != other.enabled: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_pktin_suppression_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enabled = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enabled)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[11] = bsn_set_pktin_suppression_request
+class bsn_shell_command(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, service=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if service != None:
+            self.service = service
+        else:
+            self.service = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.service))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_shell_command()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 6)
+        obj.service = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.service != other.service: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_shell_command {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("service = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.service)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[6] = bsn_shell_command
+class bsn_shell_output(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_shell_output()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 7)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_shell_output {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[7] = bsn_shell_output
+class bsn_shell_status(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 8
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_shell_status()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 8)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_shell_status {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[8] = bsn_shell_status
+class experimenter_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 1
+    type = 17
+    stats_type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 12)
+        subclass = experimenter_stats_reply.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 17)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[65535] = experimenter_stats_reply
+class bsn_stats_reply(experimenter_stats_reply):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 1
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 20)
+        subclass = bsn_stats_reply.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter_stats_reply.subtypes[6035143] = bsn_stats_reply
+class experimenter_stats_request(stats_request):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 1
+    type = 16
+    stats_type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 12)
+        subclass = experimenter_stats_request.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[65535] = experimenter_stats_request
+class bsn_stats_request(experimenter_stats_request):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 1
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 20)
+        subclass = bsn_stats_request.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter_stats_request.subtypes[6035143] = bsn_stats_request
+class bsn_virtual_port_create_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 16
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None, vport_no=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        if vport_no != None:
+            self.vport_no = vport_no
+        else:
+            self.vport_no = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vport_no))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_virtual_port_create_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 16)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.vport_no = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        if self.vport_no != other.vport_no: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_virtual_port_create_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vport_no = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vport_no)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[16] = bsn_virtual_port_create_reply
+class bsn_virtual_port_create_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 15
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, vport=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if vport != None:
+            self.vport = vport
+        else:
+            self.vport = ofp.bsn_vport()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.vport.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_virtual_port_create_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 15)
+        obj.vport = ofp.bsn_vport.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.vport != other.vport: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_virtual_port_create_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vport = ");
+                q.pp(self.vport)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[15] = bsn_virtual_port_create_request
+class bsn_virtual_port_remove_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 26
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_virtual_port_remove_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 26)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_virtual_port_remove_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[26] = bsn_virtual_port_remove_reply
+class bsn_virtual_port_remove_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 17
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, vport_no=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if vport_no != None:
+            self.vport_no = vport_no
+        else:
+            self.vport_no = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vport_no))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_virtual_port_remove_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 17)
+        obj.vport_no = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.vport_no != other.vport_no: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_virtual_port_remove_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vport_no = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vport_no)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[17] = bsn_virtual_port_remove_request
+class desc_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 1
+    type = 17
+    stats_type = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, mfr_desc=None, hw_desc=None, sw_desc=None, serial_num=None, dp_desc=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if mfr_desc != None:
+            self.mfr_desc = mfr_desc
+        else:
+            self.mfr_desc = ""
+        if hw_desc != None:
+            self.hw_desc = hw_desc
+        else:
+            self.hw_desc = ""
+        if sw_desc != None:
+            self.sw_desc = sw_desc
+        else:
+            self.sw_desc = ""
+        if serial_num != None:
+            self.serial_num = serial_num
+        else:
+            self.serial_num = ""
+        if dp_desc != None:
+            self.dp_desc = dp_desc
+        else:
+            self.dp_desc = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.mfr_desc))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.hw_desc))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.sw_desc))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!32s", self.serial_num))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.dp_desc))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 17)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 0)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.mfr_desc = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.hw_desc = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.sw_desc = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.serial_num = reader.read("!32s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.dp_desc = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.mfr_desc != other.mfr_desc: return False
+        if self.hw_desc != other.hw_desc: return False
+        if self.sw_desc != other.sw_desc: return False
+        if self.serial_num != other.serial_num: return False
+        if self.dp_desc != other.dp_desc: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("mfr_desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.mfr_desc)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hw_desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.hw_desc)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("sw_desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.sw_desc)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("serial_num = ");
+                q.pp(self.serial_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("dp_desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.dp_desc)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[0] = desc_stats_reply
+class desc_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 1
+    type = 16
+    stats_type = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 0)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[0] = desc_stats_request
+class echo_reply(message):
+    version = 1
+    type = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = echo_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 3)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("echo_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[3] = echo_reply
+class echo_request(message):
+    version = 1
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = echo_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("echo_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[2] = echo_request
+class features_reply(message):
+    version = 1
+    type = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, datapath_id=None, n_buffers=None, n_tables=None, capabilities=None, actions=None, ports=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if datapath_id != None:
+            self.datapath_id = datapath_id
+        else:
+            self.datapath_id = 0
+        if n_buffers != None:
+            self.n_buffers = n_buffers
+        else:
+            self.n_buffers = 0
+        if n_tables != None:
+            self.n_tables = n_tables
+        else:
+            self.n_tables = 0
+        if capabilities != None:
+            self.capabilities = capabilities
+        else:
+            self.capabilities = 0
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = 0
+        if ports != None:
+            self.ports = ports
+        else:
+            self.ports = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.datapath_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.n_buffers))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.n_tables))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.capabilities))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.actions))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.ports))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = features_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 6)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.datapath_id = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.n_buffers = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.n_tables = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.capabilities = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.actions = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ports = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.port_desc.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.datapath_id != other.datapath_id: return False
+        if self.n_buffers != other.n_buffers: return False
+        if self.n_tables != other.n_tables: return False
+        if self.capabilities != other.capabilities: return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        if self.ports != other.ports: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("features_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("datapath_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.datapath_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("n_buffers = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.n_buffers)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("n_tables = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.n_tables)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("capabilities = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.capabilities)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actions)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ports = ");
+                q.pp(self.ports)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[6] = features_reply
+class features_request(message):
+    version = 1
+    type = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = features_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 5)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("features_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[5] = features_request
+class flow_mod(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 1
+    type = 14
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, match=None, cookie=None, _command=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, flags=None, actions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if _command != None:
+            self._command = _command
+        else:
+            self._command = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 56)
+        subclass = flow_mod.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = flow_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj._command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self._command != other._command: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[14] = flow_mod
+class flow_add(flow_mod):
+    version = 1
+    type = 14
+    _command = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, match=None, cookie=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, flags=None, actions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_add()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 0)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_add {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[0] = flow_add
+class flow_delete(flow_mod):
+    version = 1
+    type = 14
+    _command = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, match=None, cookie=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, flags=None, actions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_delete()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 3)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_delete {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[3] = flow_delete
+class flow_delete_strict(flow_mod):
+    version = 1
+    type = 14
+    _command = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, match=None, cookie=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, flags=None, actions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_delete_strict()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 4)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_delete_strict {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[4] = flow_delete_strict
+class flow_mod_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 1
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_mod_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 3)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_mod_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[3] = flow_mod_failed_error_msg
+class flow_modify(flow_mod):
+    version = 1
+    type = 14
+    _command = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, match=None, cookie=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, flags=None, actions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_modify()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 1)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_modify {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[1] = flow_modify
+class flow_modify_strict(flow_mod):
+    version = 1
+    type = 14
+    _command = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, match=None, cookie=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, flags=None, actions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_modify_strict()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 2)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_modify_strict {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[2] = flow_modify_strict
+class flow_removed(message):
+    version = 1
+    type = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, match=None, cookie=None, priority=None, reason=None, duration_sec=None, duration_nsec=None, idle_timeout=None, packet_count=None, byte_count=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if reason != None:
+            self.reason = reason
+        else:
+            self.reason = 0
+        if duration_sec != None:
+            self.duration_sec = duration_sec
+        else:
+            self.duration_sec = 0
+        if duration_nsec != None:
+            self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
+        else:
+            self.duration_nsec = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.reason))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_sec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_nsec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_removed()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 11)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.reason = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.duration_sec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.duration_nsec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.reason != other.reason: return False
+        if self.duration_sec != other.duration_sec: return False
+        if self.duration_nsec != other.duration_nsec: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_removed {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reason = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reason)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_sec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_sec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_nsec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_nsec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[11] = flow_removed
+class flow_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 1
+    type = 17
+    stats_type = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 17)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 1)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.flow_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[1] = flow_stats_reply
+class flow_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 1
+    type = 16
+    stats_type = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, match=None, table_id=None, out_port=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 1)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[1] = flow_stats_request
+class get_config_reply(message):
+    version = 1
+    type = 8
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, miss_send_len=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if miss_send_len != None:
+            self.miss_send_len = miss_send_len
+        else:
+            self.miss_send_len = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.miss_send_len))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = get_config_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 8)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.miss_send_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.miss_send_len != other.miss_send_len: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("get_config_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("miss_send_len = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.miss_send_len)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[8] = get_config_reply
+class get_config_request(message):
+    version = 1
+    type = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = get_config_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 7)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("get_config_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[7] = get_config_request
+class hello(message):
+    version = 1
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = hello()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hello {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[0] = hello
+class hello_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 1
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = hello_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 0)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hello_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[0] = hello_failed_error_msg
+class nicira_header(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 8992
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 12)
+        subclass = nicira_header.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = nicira_header()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira_header {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[8992] = nicira_header
+class nicira_controller_role_reply(nicira_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 8992
+    subtype = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, role=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if role != None:
+            self.role = role
+        else:
+            self.role = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.role))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = nicira_controller_role_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 11)
+        obj.role = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.role != other.role: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira_controller_role_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("role = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.role)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+nicira_header.subtypes[11] = nicira_controller_role_reply
+class nicira_controller_role_request(nicira_header):
+    version = 1
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 8992
+    subtype = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, role=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if role != None:
+            self.role = role
+        else:
+            self.role = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.role))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = nicira_controller_role_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 10)
+        obj.role = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.role != other.role: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira_controller_role_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("role = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.role)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+nicira_header.subtypes[10] = nicira_controller_role_request
+class packet_in(message):
+    version = 1
+    type = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, buffer_id=None, total_len=None, in_port=None, reason=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if total_len != None:
+            self.total_len = total_len
+        else:
+            self.total_len = 0
+        if in_port != None:
+            self.in_port = in_port
+        else:
+            self.in_port = 0
+        if reason != None:
+            self.reason = reason
+        else:
+            self.reason = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.total_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.in_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.reason))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = packet_in()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 10)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.total_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.in_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.reason = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.total_len != other.total_len: return False
+        if self.in_port != other.in_port: return False
+        if self.reason != other.reason: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("packet_in {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("total_len = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.total_len)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("in_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.in_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reason = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reason)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[10] = packet_in
+class packet_out(message):
+    version = 1
+    type = 13
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, buffer_id=None, in_port=None, actions=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if in_port != None:
+            self.in_port = in_port
+        else:
+            self.in_port = 0
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.in_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for actions_len at index 6
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        packed[6] = struct.pack("!H", len(packed[-1]))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = packet_out()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 13)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.in_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        _actions_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader.slice(_actions_len), ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.in_port != other.in_port: return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("packet_out {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("in_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.in_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[13] = packet_out
+class port_mod(message):
+    version = 1
+    type = 15
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, port_no=None, hw_addr=None, config=None, mask=None, advertise=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if hw_addr != None:
+            self.hw_addr = hw_addr
+        else:
+            self.hw_addr = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if config != None:
+            self.config = config
+        else:
+            self.config = 0
+        if mask != None:
+            self.mask = mask
+        else:
+            self.mask = 0
+        if advertise != None:
+            self.advertise = advertise
+        else:
+            self.advertise = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.hw_addr))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.config))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.advertise))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.hw_addr = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.config = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.advertise = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.hw_addr != other.hw_addr: return False
+        if self.config != other.config: return False
+        if self.mask != other.mask: return False
+        if self.advertise != other.advertise: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hw_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.hw_addr))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("config = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.config)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("advertise = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.advertise)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[15] = port_mod
+class port_mod_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 1
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_mod_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 4)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_mod_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[4] = port_mod_failed_error_msg
+class port_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 1
+    type = 17
+    stats_type = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 17)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 4)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.port_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[4] = port_stats_reply
+class port_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 1
+    type = 16
+    stats_type = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, port_no=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 4)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[4] = port_stats_request
+class port_status(message):
+    version = 1
+    type = 12
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, reason=None, desc=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if reason != None:
+            self.reason = reason
+        else:
+            self.reason = 0
+        if desc != None:
+            self.desc = desc
+        else:
+            self.desc = ofp.port_desc()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.reason))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 7)
+        packed.append(self.desc.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_status()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 12)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.reason = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(7)
+        obj.desc = ofp.port_desc.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.reason != other.reason: return False
+        if self.desc != other.desc: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_status {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reason = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reason)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.desc)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[12] = port_status
+class queue_get_config_reply(message):
+    version = 1
+    type = 21
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, port=None, queues=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if port != None:
+            self.port = port
+        else:
+            self.port = 0
+        if queues != None:
+            self.queues = queues
+        else:
+            self.queues = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.queues))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_get_config_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 21)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(6)
+        obj.queues = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.packet_queue.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.port != other.port: return False
+        if self.queues != other.queues: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_get_config_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("queues = ");
+                q.pp(self.queues)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[21] = queue_get_config_reply
+class queue_get_config_request(message):
+    version = 1
+    type = 20
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, port=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if port != None:
+            self.port = port
+        else:
+            self.port = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_get_config_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 20)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.port != other.port: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_get_config_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[20] = queue_get_config_request
+class queue_op_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 1
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_op_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 5)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_op_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[5] = queue_op_failed_error_msg
+class queue_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 1
+    type = 17
+    stats_type = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 17)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 5)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.queue_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[5] = queue_stats_reply
+class queue_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 1
+    type = 16
+    stats_type = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, port_no=None, queue_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 5)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[5] = queue_stats_request
+class set_config(message):
+    version = 1
+    type = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, miss_send_len=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if miss_send_len != None:
+            self.miss_send_len = miss_send_len
+        else:
+            self.miss_send_len = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.miss_send_len))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_config()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 9)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.miss_send_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.miss_send_len != other.miss_send_len: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_config {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("miss_send_len = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.miss_send_len)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[9] = set_config
+class table_mod(message):
+    version = 1
+    type = 22
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, table_id=None, config=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if config != None:
+            self.config = config
+        else:
+            self.config = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.config))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 22)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.config = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.config != other.config: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("config = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.config)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[22] = table_mod
+class table_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 1
+    type = 17
+    stats_type = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 17)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 3)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.table_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[3] = table_stats_reply
+class table_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 1
+    type = 16
+    stats_type = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 1)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 3)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[3] = table_stats_request
+def parse_header(buf):
+    if len(buf) < 8:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("too short to be an OpenFlow message")
+    return struct.unpack_from("!BBHL", buf)
+def parse_message(buf):
+    msg_ver, msg_type, msg_len, msg_xid = parse_header(buf)
+    if msg_ver != ofp.OFP_VERSION and msg_type != ofp.OFPT_HELLO:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("wrong OpenFlow version (expected %d, got %d)" % (ofp.OFP_VERSION, msg_ver))
+    if len(buf) != msg_len:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("incorrect message size")
+    return message.unpack(loxi.generic_util.OFReader(buf))
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of10/util.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of10/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28ffba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of10/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template util.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import const
+import common
+import action
+def pretty_mac(mac):
+    return ':'.join(["%02x" % x for x in mac])
+def pretty_ipv4(v):
+    return "%d.%d.%d.%d" % ((v >> 24) & 0xFF, (v >> 16) & 0xFF, (v >> 8) & 0xFF, v & 0xFF)
+def pretty_flags(v, flag_names):
+    set_flags = []
+    for flag_name in flag_names:
+        flag_value = getattr(const, flag_name)
+        if v & flag_value == flag_value:
+            set_flags.append(flag_name)
+        elif v & flag_value:
+            set_flags.append('%s&%#x' % (flag_name, v & flag_value))
+        v &= ~flag_value
+    if v:
+        set_flags.append("%#x" % v)
+    return '|'.join(set_flags) or '0'
+def pretty_wildcards(v):
+    if v == const.OFPFW_ALL:
+        return 'OFPFW_ALL'
+    flag_names = ['OFPFW_IN_PORT', 'OFPFW_DL_VLAN', 'OFPFW_DL_SRC', 'OFPFW_DL_DST',
+                  'OFPFW_NW_TOS']
+    return pretty_flags(v, flag_names)
+def pretty_port(v):
+    named_ports = [(k,v2) for (k,v2) in const.__dict__.iteritems() if k.startswith('OFPP_')]
+    for (k, v2) in named_ports:
+        if v == v2:
+            return k
+    return v
+def pack_port_no(value):
+    return struct.pack("!H", value)
+def unpack_port_no(reader):
+    return reader.read("!H")[0]
+def pack_fm_cmd(value):
+    return struct.pack("!H", value)
+def unpack_fm_cmd(reader):
+    return reader.read("!H")[0]
+def init_wc_bmap():
+    return const.OFPFW_ALL
+def pack_wc_bmap(value):
+    return struct.pack("!L", value)
+def unpack_wc_bmap(reader):
+    return reader.read("!L")[0]
+def init_match_bmap():
+    return const.OFPFW_ALL
+def pack_match_bmap(value):
+    return struct.pack("!L", value)
+def unpack_match_bmap(reader):
+    return reader.read("!L")[0]
+MASK64 = (1 << 64) - 1
+def pack_bitmap_128(value):
+    x = 0l
+    for y in value:
+        x |= 1 << y
+    return struct.pack("!QQ", (x >> 64) & MASK64, x & MASK64)
+def unpack_bitmap_128(reader):
+    hi, lo = reader.read("!QQ")
+    x = (hi << 64) | lo
+    i = 0
+    value = set()
+    while x != 0:
+        if x & 1 == 1:
+            value.add(i)
+        i += 1
+        x >>= 1
+    return value
+def pack_bitmap_512(value):
+    words = [0] * 8
+    for v in value:
+        assert v < 512
+        words[7-v/64] |= 1 << (v % 64)
+    return struct.pack("!8Q", *words)
+def unpack_bitmap_512(reader):
+    words = reader.read("!8Q")
+    x = 0l
+    for word in words:
+        x <<= 64
+        x |= word
+    i = 0
+    value = set()
+    while x != 0:
+        if x & 1 == 1:
+            value.add(i)
+        i += 1
+        x >>= 1
+    return value
+def pack_checksum_128(value):
+    return struct.pack("!QQ", (value >> 64) & MASK64, value & MASK64)
+def unpack_checksum_128(reader):
+    hi, lo = reader.read("!QQ")
+    return (hi << 64) | lo
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/__init__.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29d4afe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template init.py
+# Do not modify
+import const
+import action
+import message
+import instruction
+import common
+from const import *
+from common import *
+from loxi import ProtocolError
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/action.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/action.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79fc2ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/action.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1675 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of11']
+class action(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = action.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = action()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("action {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class experimenter(action):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
+class bsn(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, subtype=None):
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 8)
+        subclass = bsn.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[6035143] = bsn
+class bsn_checksum(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 4
+    def __init__(self, checksum=None):
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_checksum()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 4)
+        obj.checksum = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_checksum {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[4] = bsn_checksum
+class bsn_mirror(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 1
+    def __init__(self, dest_port=None, vlan_tag=None, copy_stage=None):
+        if dest_port != None:
+            self.dest_port = dest_port
+        else:
+            self.dest_port = 0
+        if vlan_tag != None:
+            self.vlan_tag = vlan_tag
+        else:
+            self.vlan_tag = 0
+        if copy_stage != None:
+            self.copy_stage = copy_stage
+        else:
+            self.copy_stage = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.dest_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vlan_tag))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.copy_stage))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_mirror()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 1)
+        obj.dest_port = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.vlan_tag = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.copy_stage = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.dest_port != other.dest_port: return False
+        if self.vlan_tag != other.vlan_tag: return False
+        if self.copy_stage != other.copy_stage: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_mirror {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("dest_port = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.dest_port)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_tag = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_tag)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("copy_stage = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.copy_stage)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[1] = bsn_mirror
+class bsn_set_tunnel_dst(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 2
+    def __init__(self, dst=None):
+        if dst != None:
+            self.dst = dst
+        else:
+            self.dst = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.dst))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_tunnel_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 2)
+        obj.dst = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.dst != other.dst: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_tunnel_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("dst = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.dst)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[2] = bsn_set_tunnel_dst
+class copy_ttl_in(action):
+    type = 12
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = copy_ttl_in()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 12)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("copy_ttl_in {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[12] = copy_ttl_in
+class copy_ttl_out(action):
+    type = 11
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = copy_ttl_out()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 11)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("copy_ttl_out {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[11] = copy_ttl_out
+class dec_mpls_ttl(action):
+    type = 16
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = dec_mpls_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("dec_mpls_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[16] = dec_mpls_ttl
+class dec_nw_ttl(action):
+    type = 24
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = dec_nw_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 24)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("dec_nw_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[24] = dec_nw_ttl
+class group(action):
+    type = 22
+    def __init__(self, group_id=None):
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 22)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[22] = group
+class nicira(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 8992
+    def __init__(self, subtype=None):
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = nicira.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = nicira()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[8992] = nicira
+class nicira_dec_ttl(nicira):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 8992
+    subtype = 18
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = nicira_dec_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 18)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira_dec_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+nicira.subtypes[18] = nicira_dec_ttl
+class output(action):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, port=None, max_len=None):
+        if port != None:
+            self.port = port
+        else:
+            self.port = 0
+        if max_len != None:
+            self.max_len = max_len
+        else:
+            self.max_len = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.max_len))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = output()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.max_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port != other.port: return False
+        if self.max_len != other.max_len: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("output {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_len = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_len)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[0] = output
+class pop_mpls(action):
+    type = 20
+    def __init__(self, ethertype=None):
+        if ethertype != None:
+            self.ethertype = ethertype
+        else:
+            self.ethertype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ethertype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = pop_mpls()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 20)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.ethertype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.ethertype != other.ethertype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("pop_mpls {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("ethertype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ethertype)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[20] = pop_mpls
+class pop_vlan(action):
+    type = 18
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = pop_vlan()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("pop_vlan {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[18] = pop_vlan
+class push_mpls(action):
+    type = 19
+    def __init__(self, ethertype=None):
+        if ethertype != None:
+            self.ethertype = ethertype
+        else:
+            self.ethertype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ethertype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = push_mpls()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.ethertype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.ethertype != other.ethertype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("push_mpls {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("ethertype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ethertype)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[19] = push_mpls
+class push_vlan(action):
+    type = 17
+    def __init__(self, ethertype=None):
+        if ethertype != None:
+            self.ethertype = ethertype
+        else:
+            self.ethertype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ethertype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = push_vlan()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 17)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.ethertype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.ethertype != other.ethertype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("push_vlan {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("ethertype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ethertype)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[17] = push_vlan
+class set_dl_dst(action):
+    type = 4
+    def __init__(self, dl_addr=None):
+        if dl_addr != None:
+            self.dl_addr = dl_addr
+        else:
+            self.dl_addr = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.dl_addr))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_dl_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.dl_addr = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        reader.skip(6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.dl_addr != other.dl_addr: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_dl_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("dl_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.dl_addr))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[4] = set_dl_dst
+class set_dl_src(action):
+    type = 3
+    def __init__(self, dl_addr=None):
+        if dl_addr != None:
+            self.dl_addr = dl_addr
+        else:
+            self.dl_addr = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.dl_addr))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_dl_src()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 3)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.dl_addr = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        reader.skip(6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.dl_addr != other.dl_addr: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_dl_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("dl_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.dl_addr))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[3] = set_dl_src
+class set_mpls_label(action):
+    type = 13
+    def __init__(self, mpls_label=None):
+        if mpls_label != None:
+            self.mpls_label = mpls_label
+        else:
+            self.mpls_label = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mpls_label))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_mpls_label()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 13)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.mpls_label = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.mpls_label != other.mpls_label: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_mpls_label {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("mpls_label = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mpls_label)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[13] = set_mpls_label
+class set_mpls_tc(action):
+    type = 14
+    def __init__(self, mpls_tc=None):
+        if mpls_tc != None:
+            self.mpls_tc = mpls_tc
+        else:
+            self.mpls_tc = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.mpls_tc))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_mpls_tc()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.mpls_tc = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.mpls_tc != other.mpls_tc: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_mpls_tc {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("mpls_tc = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mpls_tc)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[14] = set_mpls_tc
+class set_mpls_ttl(action):
+    type = 15
+    def __init__(self, mpls_ttl=None):
+        if mpls_ttl != None:
+            self.mpls_ttl = mpls_ttl
+        else:
+            self.mpls_ttl = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.mpls_ttl))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_mpls_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.mpls_ttl = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.mpls_ttl != other.mpls_ttl: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_mpls_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("mpls_ttl = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mpls_ttl)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[15] = set_mpls_ttl
+class set_nw_dst(action):
+    type = 6
+    def __init__(self, nw_addr=None):
+        if nw_addr != None:
+            self.nw_addr = nw_addr
+        else:
+            self.nw_addr = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.nw_addr))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_nw_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 6)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.nw_addr = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.nw_addr != other.nw_addr: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_nw_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("nw_addr = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.nw_addr)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[6] = set_nw_dst
+class set_nw_ecn(action):
+    type = 8
+    def __init__(self, nw_ecn=None):
+        if nw_ecn != None:
+            self.nw_ecn = nw_ecn
+        else:
+            self.nw_ecn = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.nw_ecn))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_nw_ecn()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 8)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.nw_ecn = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.nw_ecn != other.nw_ecn: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_nw_ecn {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("nw_ecn = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.nw_ecn)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[8] = set_nw_ecn
+class set_nw_src(action):
+    type = 5
+    def __init__(self, nw_addr=None):
+        if nw_addr != None:
+            self.nw_addr = nw_addr
+        else:
+            self.nw_addr = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.nw_addr))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_nw_src()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 5)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.nw_addr = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.nw_addr != other.nw_addr: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_nw_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("nw_addr = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.nw_addr)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[5] = set_nw_src
+class set_nw_tos(action):
+    type = 7
+    def __init__(self, nw_tos=None):
+        if nw_tos != None:
+            self.nw_tos = nw_tos
+        else:
+            self.nw_tos = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.nw_tos))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_nw_tos()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 7)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.nw_tos = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.nw_tos != other.nw_tos: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_nw_tos {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("nw_tos = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.nw_tos)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[7] = set_nw_tos
+class set_nw_ttl(action):
+    type = 23
+    def __init__(self, nw_ttl=None):
+        if nw_ttl != None:
+            self.nw_ttl = nw_ttl
+        else:
+            self.nw_ttl = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.nw_ttl))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_nw_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 23)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.nw_ttl = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.nw_ttl != other.nw_ttl: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_nw_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("nw_ttl = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.nw_ttl)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[23] = set_nw_ttl
+class set_queue(action):
+    type = 21
+    def __init__(self, queue_id=None):
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_queue()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 21)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_queue {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[21] = set_queue
+class set_tp_dst(action):
+    type = 10
+    def __init__(self, tp_port=None):
+        if tp_port != None:
+            self.tp_port = tp_port
+        else:
+            self.tp_port = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.tp_port))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_tp_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 10)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.tp_port = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.tp_port != other.tp_port: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_tp_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("tp_port = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tp_port)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[10] = set_tp_dst
+class set_tp_src(action):
+    type = 9
+    def __init__(self, tp_port=None):
+        if tp_port != None:
+            self.tp_port = tp_port
+        else:
+            self.tp_port = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.tp_port))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_tp_src()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 9)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.tp_port = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.tp_port != other.tp_port: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_tp_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("tp_port = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tp_port)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[9] = set_tp_src
+class set_vlan_pcp(action):
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, vlan_pcp=None):
+        if vlan_pcp != None:
+            self.vlan_pcp = vlan_pcp
+        else:
+            self.vlan_pcp = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.vlan_pcp))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_vlan_pcp()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.vlan_pcp = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.vlan_pcp != other.vlan_pcp: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_vlan_pcp {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_pcp = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_pcp)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[2] = set_vlan_pcp
+class set_vlan_vid(action):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, vlan_vid=None):
+        if vlan_vid != None:
+            self.vlan_vid = vlan_vid
+        else:
+            self.vlan_vid = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.vlan_vid))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_vlan_vid()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.vlan_vid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.vlan_vid != other.vlan_vid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_vlan_vid {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_vid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_vid)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[1] = set_vlan_vid
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/common.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dadd6bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1744 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of11']
+class bsn_interface(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, hw_addr=None, name=None, ipv4_addr=None, ipv4_netmask=None):
+        if hw_addr != None:
+            self.hw_addr = hw_addr
+        else:
+            self.hw_addr = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if ipv4_addr != None:
+            self.ipv4_addr = ipv4_addr
+        else:
+            self.ipv4_addr = 0
+        if ipv4_netmask != None:
+            self.ipv4_netmask = ipv4_netmask
+        else:
+            self.ipv4_netmask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.hw_addr))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.name))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ipv4_addr))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ipv4_netmask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_interface()
+        obj.hw_addr = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.name = reader.read("!16s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.ipv4_addr = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ipv4_netmask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.hw_addr != other.hw_addr: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.ipv4_addr != other.ipv4_addr: return False
+        if self.ipv4_netmask != other.ipv4_netmask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_interface {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("hw_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.hw_addr))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ipv4_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.ipv4_addr))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ipv4_netmask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.ipv4_netmask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_vport(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = bsn_vport.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_vport()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vport {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_vport_l2gre(bsn_vport):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, flags=None, port_no=None, loopback_port_no=None, local_mac=None, nh_mac=None, src_ip=None, dst_ip=None, dscp=None, ttl=None, vpn=None, rate_limit=None, if_name=None):
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if loopback_port_no != None:
+            self.loopback_port_no = loopback_port_no
+        else:
+            self.loopback_port_no = 0
+        if local_mac != None:
+            self.local_mac = local_mac
+        else:
+            self.local_mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if nh_mac != None:
+            self.nh_mac = nh_mac
+        else:
+            self.nh_mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if src_ip != None:
+            self.src_ip = src_ip
+        else:
+            self.src_ip = 0
+        if dst_ip != None:
+            self.dst_ip = dst_ip
+        else:
+            self.dst_ip = 0
+        if dscp != None:
+            self.dscp = dscp
+        else:
+            self.dscp = 0
+        if ttl != None:
+            self.ttl = ttl
+        else:
+            self.ttl = 0
+        if vpn != None:
+            self.vpn = vpn
+        else:
+            self.vpn = 0
+        if rate_limit != None:
+            self.rate_limit = rate_limit
+        else:
+            self.rate_limit = 0
+        if if_name != None:
+            self.if_name = if_name
+        else:
+            self.if_name = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.flags))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.loopback_port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.local_mac))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.nh_mac))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.src_ip))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.dst_ip))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.dscp))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.ttl))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vpn))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.rate_limit))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.if_name))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vport_l2gre()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.loopback_port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.local_mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.nh_mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.src_ip = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.dst_ip = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.dscp = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.ttl = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.vpn = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.rate_limit = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.if_name = reader.read("!16s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.loopback_port_no != other.loopback_port_no: return False
+        if self.local_mac != other.local_mac: return False
+        if self.nh_mac != other.nh_mac: return False
+        if self.src_ip != other.src_ip: return False
+        if self.dst_ip != other.dst_ip: return False
+        if self.dscp != other.dscp: return False
+        if self.ttl != other.ttl: return False
+        if self.vpn != other.vpn: return False
+        if self.rate_limit != other.rate_limit: return False
+        if self.if_name != other.if_name: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vport_l2gre {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("loopback_port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.loopback_port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("local_mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.local_mac))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("nh_mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.nh_mac))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("src_ip = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.src_ip))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("dst_ip = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.dst_ip))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("dscp = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.dscp)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ttl = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ttl)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vpn = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vpn)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate_limit = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate_limit)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("if_name = ");
+                q.pp(self.if_name)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_vport.subtypes[1] = bsn_vport_l2gre
+class bsn_vport_q_in_q(bsn_vport):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, ingress_tpid=None, ingress_vlan_id=None, egress_tpid=None, egress_vlan_id=None, if_name=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if ingress_tpid != None:
+            self.ingress_tpid = ingress_tpid
+        else:
+            self.ingress_tpid = 0
+        if ingress_vlan_id != None:
+            self.ingress_vlan_id = ingress_vlan_id
+        else:
+            self.ingress_vlan_id = 0
+        if egress_tpid != None:
+            self.egress_tpid = egress_tpid
+        else:
+            self.egress_tpid = 0
+        if egress_vlan_id != None:
+            self.egress_vlan_id = egress_vlan_id
+        else:
+            self.egress_vlan_id = 0
+        if if_name != None:
+            self.if_name = if_name
+        else:
+            self.if_name = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ingress_tpid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ingress_vlan_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.egress_tpid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.egress_vlan_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.if_name))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vport_q_in_q()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.port_no = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ingress_tpid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.ingress_vlan_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.egress_tpid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.egress_vlan_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.if_name = reader.read("!16s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.ingress_tpid != other.ingress_tpid: return False
+        if self.ingress_vlan_id != other.ingress_vlan_id: return False
+        if self.egress_tpid != other.egress_tpid: return False
+        if self.egress_vlan_id != other.egress_vlan_id: return False
+        if self.if_name != other.if_name: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vport_q_in_q {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.port_no)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ingress_tpid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ingress_tpid)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ingress_vlan_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ingress_vlan_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("egress_tpid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.egress_tpid)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("egress_vlan_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.egress_vlan_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("if_name = ");
+                q.pp(self.if_name)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_vport.subtypes[0] = bsn_vport_q_in_q
+class bucket(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, weight=None, watch_port=None, watch_group=None, actions=None):
+        if weight != None:
+            self.weight = weight
+        else:
+            self.weight = 0
+        if watch_port != None:
+            self.watch_port = watch_port
+        else:
+            self.watch_port = 0
+        if watch_group != None:
+            self.watch_group = watch_group
+        else:
+            self.watch_group = 0
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.weight))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.watch_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.watch_group))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bucket()
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 2)
+        obj.weight = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.watch_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.watch_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.weight != other.weight: return False
+        if self.watch_port != other.watch_port: return False
+        if self.watch_group != other.watch_group: return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bucket {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("weight = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.weight)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("watch_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.watch_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("watch_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.watch_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bucket_counter(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, packet_count=None, byte_count=None):
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bucket_counter()
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bucket_counter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class flow_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, duration_sec=None, duration_nsec=None, priority=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, cookie=None, packet_count=None, byte_count=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if duration_sec != None:
+            self.duration_sec = duration_sec
+        else:
+            self.duration_sec = 0
+        if duration_nsec != None:
+            self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
+        else:
+            self.duration_nsec = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_sec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_nsec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.duration_sec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.duration_nsec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(6)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.duration_sec != other.duration_sec: return False
+        if self.duration_nsec != other.duration_nsec: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_sec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_sec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_nsec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_nsec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class group_desc_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, group_type=None, group_id=None, buckets=None):
+        if group_type != None:
+            self.group_type = group_type
+        else:
+            self.group_type = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if buckets != None:
+            self.buckets = buckets
+        else:
+            self.buckets = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.group_type))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.buckets))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_desc_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        obj.group_type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buckets = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.group_type != other.group_type: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.buckets != other.buckets: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_desc_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets = ");
+                q.pp(self.buckets)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class group_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, group_id=None, ref_count=None, packet_count=None, byte_count=None, bucket_stats=None):
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if ref_count != None:
+            self.ref_count = ref_count
+        else:
+            self.ref_count = 0
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        if bucket_stats != None:
+            self.bucket_stats = bucket_stats
+        else:
+            self.bucket_stats = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ref_count))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.bucket_stats))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ref_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.bucket_stats = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket_counter.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.ref_count != other.ref_count: return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        if self.bucket_stats != other.bucket_stats: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ref_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ref_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("bucket_stats = ");
+                q.pp(self.bucket_stats)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class match_v2(loxi.OFObject):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, in_port=None, wildcards=None, eth_src=None, eth_src_mask=None, eth_dst=None, eth_dst_mask=None, vlan_vid=None, vlan_pcp=None, eth_type=None, ip_dscp=None, ip_proto=None, ipv4_src=None, ipv4_src_mask=None, ipv4_dst=None, ipv4_dst_mask=None, tcp_src=None, tcp_dst=None, mpls_label=None, mpls_tc=None, metadata=None, metadata_mask=None):
+        if in_port != None:
+            self.in_port = in_port
+        else:
+            self.in_port = 0
+        if wildcards != None:
+            self.wildcards = wildcards
+        else:
+            self.wildcards = util.init_wc_bmap()
+        if eth_src != None:
+            self.eth_src = eth_src
+        else:
+            self.eth_src = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if eth_src_mask != None:
+            self.eth_src_mask = eth_src_mask
+        else:
+            self.eth_src_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if eth_dst != None:
+            self.eth_dst = eth_dst
+        else:
+            self.eth_dst = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if eth_dst_mask != None:
+            self.eth_dst_mask = eth_dst_mask
+        else:
+            self.eth_dst_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if vlan_vid != None:
+            self.vlan_vid = vlan_vid
+        else:
+            self.vlan_vid = 0
+        if vlan_pcp != None:
+            self.vlan_pcp = vlan_pcp
+        else:
+            self.vlan_pcp = 0
+        if eth_type != None:
+            self.eth_type = eth_type
+        else:
+            self.eth_type = 0
+        if ip_dscp != None:
+            self.ip_dscp = ip_dscp
+        else:
+            self.ip_dscp = 0
+        if ip_proto != None:
+            self.ip_proto = ip_proto
+        else:
+            self.ip_proto = 0
+        if ipv4_src != None:
+            self.ipv4_src = ipv4_src
+        else:
+            self.ipv4_src = 0
+        if ipv4_src_mask != None:
+            self.ipv4_src_mask = ipv4_src_mask
+        else:
+            self.ipv4_src_mask = 0
+        if ipv4_dst != None:
+            self.ipv4_dst = ipv4_dst
+        else:
+            self.ipv4_dst = 0
+        if ipv4_dst_mask != None:
+            self.ipv4_dst_mask = ipv4_dst_mask
+        else:
+            self.ipv4_dst_mask = 0
+        if tcp_src != None:
+            self.tcp_src = tcp_src
+        else:
+            self.tcp_src = 0
+        if tcp_dst != None:
+            self.tcp_dst = tcp_dst
+        else:
+            self.tcp_dst = 0
+        if mpls_label != None:
+            self.mpls_label = mpls_label
+        else:
+            self.mpls_label = 0
+        if mpls_tc != None:
+            self.mpls_tc = mpls_tc
+        else:
+            self.mpls_tc = 0
+        if metadata != None:
+            self.metadata = metadata
+        else:
+            self.metadata = 0
+        if metadata_mask != None:
+            self.metadata_mask = metadata_mask
+        else:
+            self.metadata_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.in_port))
+        packed.append(util.pack_wc_bmap(self.wildcards))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.eth_src))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.eth_src_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.eth_dst))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.eth_dst_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.vlan_vid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.vlan_pcp))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.eth_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.ip_dscp))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.ip_proto))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ipv4_src))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ipv4_src_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ipv4_dst))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ipv4_dst_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.tcp_src))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.tcp_dst))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mpls_label))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.mpls_tc))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.metadata))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.metadata_mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = match_v2()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.in_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.wildcards = util.unpack_wc_bmap(reader)
+        obj.eth_src = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.eth_src_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.eth_dst = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.eth_dst_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.vlan_vid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.vlan_pcp = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.eth_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.ip_dscp = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.ip_proto = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.ipv4_src = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ipv4_src_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ipv4_dst = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ipv4_dst_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.tcp_src = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.tcp_dst = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.mpls_label = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.mpls_tc = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.metadata = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.metadata_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.in_port != other.in_port: return False
+        if self.wildcards != other.wildcards: return False
+        if self.eth_src != other.eth_src: return False
+        if self.eth_src_mask != other.eth_src_mask: return False
+        if self.eth_dst != other.eth_dst: return False
+        if self.eth_dst_mask != other.eth_dst_mask: return False
+        if self.vlan_vid != other.vlan_vid: return False
+        if self.vlan_pcp != other.vlan_pcp: return False
+        if self.eth_type != other.eth_type: return False
+        if self.ip_dscp != other.ip_dscp: return False
+        if self.ip_proto != other.ip_proto: return False
+        if self.ipv4_src != other.ipv4_src: return False
+        if self.ipv4_src_mask != other.ipv4_src_mask: return False
+        if self.ipv4_dst != other.ipv4_dst: return False
+        if self.ipv4_dst_mask != other.ipv4_dst_mask: return False
+        if self.tcp_src != other.tcp_src: return False
+        if self.tcp_dst != other.tcp_dst: return False
+        if self.mpls_label != other.mpls_label: return False
+        if self.mpls_tc != other.mpls_tc: return False
+        if self.metadata != other.metadata: return False
+        if self.metadata_mask != other.metadata_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("match_v2 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("in_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.in_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("wildcards = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_wildcards(self.wildcards))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("eth_src = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.eth_src))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("eth_src_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.eth_src_mask))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("eth_dst = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.eth_dst))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("eth_dst_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.eth_dst_mask))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_vid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_vid)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_pcp = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_pcp)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("eth_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.eth_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ip_dscp = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ip_dscp)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ip_proto = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ip_proto)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ipv4_src = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.ipv4_src))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ipv4_src_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.ipv4_src_mask))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ipv4_dst = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.ipv4_dst))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ipv4_dst_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.ipv4_dst_mask))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tcp_src = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tcp_src)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tcp_dst = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tcp_dst)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("mpls_label = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mpls_label)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("mpls_tc = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mpls_tc)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("metadata = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.metadata)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("metadata_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.metadata_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class packet_queue(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, queue_id=None, properties=None):
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        if properties != None:
+            self.properties = properties
+        else:
+            self.properties = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.properties))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = packet_queue()
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 6)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.properties = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.queue_prop.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        if self.properties != other.properties: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("packet_queue {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("properties = ");
+                q.pp(self.properties)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class port_desc(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, hw_addr=None, name=None, config=None, state=None, curr=None, advertised=None, supported=None, peer=None, curr_speed=None, max_speed=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if hw_addr != None:
+            self.hw_addr = hw_addr
+        else:
+            self.hw_addr = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if config != None:
+            self.config = config
+        else:
+            self.config = 0
+        if state != None:
+            self.state = state
+        else:
+            self.state = 0
+        if curr != None:
+            self.curr = curr
+        else:
+            self.curr = 0
+        if advertised != None:
+            self.advertised = advertised
+        else:
+            self.advertised = 0
+        if supported != None:
+            self.supported = supported
+        else:
+            self.supported = 0
+        if peer != None:
+            self.peer = peer
+        else:
+            self.peer = 0
+        if curr_speed != None:
+            self.curr_speed = curr_speed
+        else:
+            self.curr_speed = 0
+        if max_speed != None:
+            self.max_speed = max_speed
+        else:
+            self.max_speed = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.hw_addr))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.name))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.config))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.state))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.curr))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.advertised))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.supported))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.peer))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.curr_speed))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_speed))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_desc()
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.hw_addr = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.name = reader.read("!16s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.config = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.state = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.curr = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.advertised = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.supported = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.peer = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.curr_speed = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_speed = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.hw_addr != other.hw_addr: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.config != other.config: return False
+        if self.state != other.state: return False
+        if self.curr != other.curr: return False
+        if self.advertised != other.advertised: return False
+        if self.supported != other.supported: return False
+        if self.peer != other.peer: return False
+        if self.curr_speed != other.curr_speed: return False
+        if self.max_speed != other.max_speed: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_desc {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hw_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.hw_addr))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("config = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.config)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("state = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.state)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("curr = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.curr)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("advertised = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.advertised)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("supported = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.supported)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("peer = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.peer)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("curr_speed = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.curr_speed)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_speed = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_speed)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class port_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, rx_packets=None, tx_packets=None, rx_bytes=None, tx_bytes=None, rx_dropped=None, tx_dropped=None, rx_errors=None, tx_errors=None, rx_frame_err=None, rx_over_err=None, rx_crc_err=None, collisions=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if rx_packets != None:
+            self.rx_packets = rx_packets
+        else:
+            self.rx_packets = 0
+        if tx_packets != None:
+            self.tx_packets = tx_packets
+        else:
+            self.tx_packets = 0
+        if rx_bytes != None:
+            self.rx_bytes = rx_bytes
+        else:
+            self.rx_bytes = 0
+        if tx_bytes != None:
+            self.tx_bytes = tx_bytes
+        else:
+            self.tx_bytes = 0
+        if rx_dropped != None:
+            self.rx_dropped = rx_dropped
+        else:
+            self.rx_dropped = 0
+        if tx_dropped != None:
+            self.tx_dropped = tx_dropped
+        else:
+            self.tx_dropped = 0
+        if rx_errors != None:
+            self.rx_errors = rx_errors
+        else:
+            self.rx_errors = 0
+        if tx_errors != None:
+            self.tx_errors = tx_errors
+        else:
+            self.tx_errors = 0
+        if rx_frame_err != None:
+            self.rx_frame_err = rx_frame_err
+        else:
+            self.rx_frame_err = 0
+        if rx_over_err != None:
+            self.rx_over_err = rx_over_err
+        else:
+            self.rx_over_err = 0
+        if rx_crc_err != None:
+            self.rx_crc_err = rx_crc_err
+        else:
+            self.rx_crc_err = 0
+        if collisions != None:
+            self.collisions = collisions
+        else:
+            self.collisions = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_packets))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_packets))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_bytes))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_bytes))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_dropped))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_dropped))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_errors))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_errors))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_frame_err))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_over_err))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_crc_err))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.collisions))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_stats_entry()
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.rx_packets = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_packets = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_bytes = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_bytes = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_dropped = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_dropped = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_errors = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_errors = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_frame_err = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_over_err = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_crc_err = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.collisions = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.rx_packets != other.rx_packets: return False
+        if self.tx_packets != other.tx_packets: return False
+        if self.rx_bytes != other.rx_bytes: return False
+        if self.tx_bytes != other.tx_bytes: return False
+        if self.rx_dropped != other.rx_dropped: return False
+        if self.tx_dropped != other.tx_dropped: return False
+        if self.rx_errors != other.rx_errors: return False
+        if self.tx_errors != other.tx_errors: return False
+        if self.rx_frame_err != other.rx_frame_err: return False
+        if self.rx_over_err != other.rx_over_err: return False
+        if self.rx_crc_err != other.rx_crc_err: return False
+        if self.collisions != other.collisions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_packets = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_packets)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_packets = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_packets)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_bytes = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_bytes)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_bytes = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_bytes)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_dropped = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_dropped)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_dropped = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_dropped)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_errors = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_errors)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_errors = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_errors)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_frame_err = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_frame_err)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_over_err = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_over_err)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_crc_err = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_crc_err)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("collisions = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.collisions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class queue_prop(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = queue_prop.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = queue_prop()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_prop {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class queue_prop_min_rate(queue_prop):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, rate=None):
+        if rate != None:
+            self.rate = rate
+        else:
+            self.rate = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.rate))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_prop_min_rate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.rate = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.rate != other.rate: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_prop_min_rate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+queue_prop.subtypes[1] = queue_prop_min_rate
+class queue_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, queue_id=None, tx_bytes=None, tx_packets=None, tx_errors=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        if tx_bytes != None:
+            self.tx_bytes = tx_bytes
+        else:
+            self.tx_bytes = 0
+        if tx_packets != None:
+            self.tx_packets = tx_packets
+        else:
+            self.tx_packets = 0
+        if tx_errors != None:
+            self.tx_errors = tx_errors
+        else:
+            self.tx_errors = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_bytes))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_packets))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_errors))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_stats_entry()
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.tx_bytes = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_packets = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_errors = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        if self.tx_bytes != other.tx_bytes: return False
+        if self.tx_packets != other.tx_packets: return False
+        if self.tx_errors != other.tx_errors: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_bytes = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_bytes)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_packets = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_packets)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_errors = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_errors)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class table_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, name=None, wildcards=None, match=None, instructions=None, write_actions=None, apply_actions=None, config=None, max_entries=None, active_count=None, lookup_count=None, matched_count=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if wildcards != None:
+            self.wildcards = wildcards
+        else:
+            self.wildcards = util.init_wc_bmap()
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = util.init_match_bmap()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = 0
+        if write_actions != None:
+            self.write_actions = write_actions
+        else:
+            self.write_actions = 0
+        if apply_actions != None:
+            self.apply_actions = apply_actions
+        else:
+            self.apply_actions = 0
+        if config != None:
+            self.config = config
+        else:
+            self.config = 0
+        if max_entries != None:
+            self.max_entries = max_entries
+        else:
+            self.max_entries = 0
+        if active_count != None:
+            self.active_count = active_count
+        else:
+            self.active_count = 0
+        if lookup_count != None:
+            self.lookup_count = lookup_count
+        else:
+            self.lookup_count = 0
+        if matched_count != None:
+            self.matched_count = matched_count
+        else:
+            self.matched_count = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 7)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!32s", self.name))
+        packed.append(util.pack_wc_bmap(self.wildcards))
+        packed.append(util.pack_match_bmap(self.match))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.instructions))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.write_actions))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.apply_actions))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.config))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_entries))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.active_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.lookup_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.matched_count))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_stats_entry()
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(7)
+        obj.name = reader.read("!32s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.wildcards = util.unpack_wc_bmap(reader)
+        obj.match = util.unpack_match_bmap(reader)
+        obj.instructions = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.write_actions = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.apply_actions = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.config = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_entries = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.active_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.lookup_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.matched_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.wildcards != other.wildcards: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        if self.write_actions != other.write_actions: return False
+        if self.apply_actions != other.apply_actions: return False
+        if self.config != other.config: return False
+        if self.max_entries != other.max_entries: return False
+        if self.active_count != other.active_count: return False
+        if self.lookup_count != other.lookup_count: return False
+        if self.matched_count != other.matched_count: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("wildcards = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_wildcards(self.wildcards))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.instructions)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("write_actions = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.write_actions)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("apply_actions = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.apply_actions)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("config = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.config)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_entries = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_entries)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("active_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.active_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("lookup_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.lookup_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("matched_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.matched_count)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+match = match_v2
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/const.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/const.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9705d89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/const.py
@@ -0,0 +1,733 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template const.py
+# Do not modify
+# Identifiers from group macro_definitions
+OFP_TCP_PORT = 6653
+OFP_SSL_PORT = 6653
+OFPQ_ALL = 4294967295
+# Identifiers from group of_bsn_pdu_slot_num
+of_bsn_pdu_slot_num_map = {
+    255: 'BSN_PDU_SLOT_NUM_ANY',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_action_type
+ofp_action_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFPAT_OUTPUT',
+    3: 'OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC',
+    4: 'OFPAT_SET_DL_DST',
+    5: 'OFPAT_SET_NW_SRC',
+    6: 'OFPAT_SET_NW_DST',
+    7: 'OFPAT_SET_NW_TOS',
+    8: 'OFPAT_SET_NW_ECN',
+    9: 'OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC',
+    10: 'OFPAT_SET_TP_DST',
+    11: 'OFPAT_COPY_TTL_OUT',
+    12: 'OFPAT_COPY_TTL_IN',
+    14: 'OFPAT_SET_MPLS_TC',
+    15: 'OFPAT_SET_MPLS_TTL',
+    16: 'OFPAT_DEC_MPLS_TTL',
+    17: 'OFPAT_PUSH_VLAN',
+    18: 'OFPAT_POP_VLAN',
+    19: 'OFPAT_PUSH_MPLS',
+    20: 'OFPAT_POP_MPLS',
+    21: 'OFPAT_SET_QUEUE',
+    22: 'OFPAT_GROUP',
+    23: 'OFPAT_SET_NW_TTL',
+    24: 'OFPAT_DEC_NW_TTL',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bad_action_code
+ofp_bad_action_code_map = {
+    0: 'OFPBAC_BAD_TYPE',
+    1: 'OFPBAC_BAD_LEN',
+    6: 'OFPBAC_EPERM',
+    7: 'OFPBAC_TOO_MANY',
+    12: 'OFPBAC_BAD_TAG',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bad_instruction_code
+ofp_bad_instruction_code_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bad_match_code
+ofp_bad_match_code_map = {
+    0: 'OFPBMC_BAD_TYPE',
+    1: 'OFPBMC_BAD_LEN',
+    2: 'OFPBMC_BAD_TAG',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bad_request_code
+ofp_bad_request_code_map = {
+    1: 'OFPBRC_BAD_TYPE',
+    2: 'OFPBRC_BAD_STAT',
+    5: 'OFPBRC_EPERM',
+    6: 'OFPBRC_BAD_LEN',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_vport_l2gre_flags
+ofp_bsn_vport_l2gre_flags_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_vport_q_in_q_untagged
+ofp_bsn_vport_q_in_q_untagged_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_vport_status
+ofp_bsn_vport_status_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_capabilities
+ofp_capabilities_map = {
+    1: 'OFPC_FLOW_STATS',
+    4: 'OFPC_PORT_STATS',
+    32: 'OFPC_IP_REASM',
+    64: 'OFPC_QUEUE_STATS',
+    128: 'OFPC_ARP_MATCH_IP',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_config_flags
+ofp_config_flags_map = {
+    1: 'OFPC_FRAG_DROP',
+    2: 'OFPC_FRAG_REASM',
+    3: 'OFPC_FRAG_MASK',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_error_type
+ofp_error_type_map = {
+    4: 'OFPET_BAD_MATCH',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_mod_command
+ofp_flow_mod_command_map = {
+    0: 'OFPFC_ADD',
+    1: 'OFPFC_MODIFY',
+    3: 'OFPFC_DELETE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_mod_failed_code
+ofp_flow_mod_failed_code_map = {
+    4: 'OFPFMFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_mod_flags
+ofp_flow_mod_flags_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_removed_reason
+ofp_flow_removed_reason_map = {
+    2: 'OFPRR_DELETE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_wildcards
+OFPFW_ALL = 1023
+ofp_flow_wildcards_map = {
+    1: 'OFPFW_IN_PORT',
+    2: 'OFPFW_DL_VLAN',
+    4: 'OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP',
+    8: 'OFPFW_DL_TYPE',
+    16: 'OFPFW_NW_TOS',
+    32: 'OFPFW_NW_PROTO',
+    64: 'OFPFW_TP_SRC',
+    128: 'OFPFW_TP_DST',
+    256: 'OFPFW_MPLS_LABEL',
+    512: 'OFPFW_MPLS_TC',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_group
+OFPG_MAX = 4294967040
+OFPG_ALL = 4294967292
+OFPG_ANY = 4294967295
+ofp_group_map = {
+    4294967040: 'OFPG_MAX',
+    4294967292: 'OFPG_ALL',
+    4294967295: 'OFPG_ANY',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_group_mod_command
+ofp_group_mod_command_map = {
+    0: 'OFPGC_ADD',
+    1: 'OFPGC_MODIFY',
+    2: 'OFPGC_DELETE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_group_mod_failed_code
+ofp_group_mod_failed_code_map = {
+    7: 'OFPGMFC_LOOP',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_group_type
+ofp_group_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFPGT_ALL',
+    1: 'OFPGT_SELECT',
+    3: 'OFPGT_FF',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_hello_failed_code
+ofp_hello_failed_code_map = {
+    1: 'OFPHFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_instruction_type
+ofp_instruction_type_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_match_type
+ofp_match_type_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_packet_in_reason
+ofp_packet_in_reason_map = {
+    0: 'OFPR_NO_MATCH',
+    1: 'OFPR_ACTION',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port
+OFPP_MAX = 4294967040
+OFPP_IN_PORT = 4294967288
+OFPP_TABLE = 4294967289
+OFPP_NORMAL = 4294967290
+OFPP_FLOOD = 4294967291
+OFPP_ALL = 4294967292
+OFPP_CONTROLLER = 4294967293
+OFPP_LOCAL = 4294967294
+OFPP_ANY = 4294967295
+ofp_port_map = {
+    4294967040: 'OFPP_MAX',
+    4294967288: 'OFPP_IN_PORT',
+    4294967289: 'OFPP_TABLE',
+    4294967290: 'OFPP_NORMAL',
+    4294967291: 'OFPP_FLOOD',
+    4294967292: 'OFPP_ALL',
+    4294967293: 'OFPP_CONTROLLER',
+    4294967294: 'OFPP_LOCAL',
+    4294967295: 'OFPP_ANY',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_config
+ofp_port_config_map = {
+    1: 'OFPPC_PORT_DOWN',
+    4: 'OFPPC_NO_RECV',
+    32: 'OFPPC_NO_FWD',
+    64: 'OFPPC_NO_PACKET_IN',
+    2147483648: 'OFPPC_BSN_MIRROR_DEST',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_features
+OFPPF_10MB_HD = 1
+OFPPF_10MB_FD = 2
+OFPPF_100MB_HD = 4
+OFPPF_100MB_FD = 8
+OFPPF_1GB_HD = 16
+OFPPF_1GB_FD = 32
+OFPPF_10GB_FD = 64
+OFPPF_40GB_FD = 128
+OFPPF_100GB_FD = 256
+OFPPF_1TB_FD = 512
+OFPPF_PAUSE = 16384
+ofp_port_features_map = {
+    1: 'OFPPF_10MB_HD',
+    2: 'OFPPF_10MB_FD',
+    4: 'OFPPF_100MB_HD',
+    8: 'OFPPF_100MB_FD',
+    16: 'OFPPF_1GB_HD',
+    32: 'OFPPF_1GB_FD',
+    64: 'OFPPF_10GB_FD',
+    128: 'OFPPF_40GB_FD',
+    256: 'OFPPF_100GB_FD',
+    512: 'OFPPF_1TB_FD',
+    1024: 'OFPPF_OTHER',
+    2048: 'OFPPF_COPPER',
+    4096: 'OFPPF_FIBER',
+    8192: 'OFPPF_AUTONEG',
+    16384: 'OFPPF_PAUSE',
+    32768: 'OFPPF_PAUSE_ASYM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_mod_failed_code
+ofp_port_mod_failed_code_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_reason
+ofp_port_reason_map = {
+    0: 'OFPPR_ADD',
+    1: 'OFPPR_DELETE',
+    2: 'OFPPR_MODIFY',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_state
+ofp_port_state_map = {
+    1: 'OFPPS_LINK_DOWN',
+    2: 'OFPPS_BLOCKED',
+    4: 'OFPPS_LIVE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_queue_op_failed_code
+ofp_queue_op_failed_code_map = {
+    2: 'OFPQOFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_queue_properties
+ofp_queue_properties_map = {
+    0: 'OFPQT_NONE',
+    1: 'OFPQT_MIN_RATE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_stats_reply_flags
+ofp_stats_reply_flags_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_stats_request_flags
+ofp_stats_request_flags_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_stats_type
+ofp_stats_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFPST_DESC',
+    1: 'OFPST_FLOW',
+    3: 'OFPST_TABLE',
+    4: 'OFPST_PORT',
+    5: 'OFPST_QUEUE',
+    6: 'OFPST_GROUP',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_switch_config_failed_code
+ofp_switch_config_failed_code_map = {
+    1: 'OFPSCFC_BAD_LEN',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_table_config
+ofp_table_config_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_table_mod_failed_code
+ofp_table_mod_failed_code_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_type
+ofp_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFPT_HELLO',
+    1: 'OFPT_ERROR',
+    3: 'OFPT_ECHO_REPLY',
+    9: 'OFPT_SET_CONFIG',
+    10: 'OFPT_PACKET_IN',
+    12: 'OFPT_PORT_STATUS',
+    13: 'OFPT_PACKET_OUT',
+    14: 'OFPT_FLOW_MOD',
+    15: 'OFPT_GROUP_MOD',
+    16: 'OFPT_PORT_MOD',
+    17: 'OFPT_TABLE_MOD',
+    19: 'OFPT_STATS_REPLY',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_vlan_id
+OFPVID_ANY = 65534
+OFPVID_NONE = 65535
+ofp_vlan_id_map = {
+    65534: 'OFPVID_ANY',
+    65535: 'OFPVID_NONE',
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/instruction.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/instruction.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7910aef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/instruction.py
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of11']
+class instruction(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = instruction.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = instruction()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("instruction {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class apply_actions(instruction):
+    type = 4
+    def __init__(self, actions=None):
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = apply_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("apply_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[4] = apply_actions
+class clear_actions(instruction):
+    type = 5
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = clear_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 5)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("clear_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[5] = clear_actions
+class experimenter(instruction):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
+class goto_table(instruction):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = goto_table()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("goto_table {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[1] = goto_table
+class write_actions(instruction):
+    type = 3
+    def __init__(self, actions=None):
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = write_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 3)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("write_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[3] = write_actions
+class write_metadata(instruction):
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, metadata=None, metadata_mask=None):
+        if metadata != None:
+            self.metadata = metadata
+        else:
+            self.metadata = 0
+        if metadata_mask != None:
+            self.metadata_mask = metadata_mask
+        else:
+            self.metadata_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.metadata))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.metadata_mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = write_metadata()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.metadata = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.metadata_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.metadata != other.metadata: return False
+        if self.metadata_mask != other.metadata_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("write_metadata {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("metadata = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.metadata)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("metadata_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.metadata_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[2] = write_metadata
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/message.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/message.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb102f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/message.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7856 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of11']
+class message(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 2
+    def __init__(self, type=None, xid=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('B', 1)
+        subclass = message.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = message()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        obj.type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("message {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class stats_reply(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 2
+    type = 19
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, stats_type=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if stats_type != None:
+            self.stats_type = stats_type
+        else:
+            self.stats_type = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = stats_reply.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.stats_type != other.stats_type: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[19] = stats_reply
+class aggregate_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 2
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, packet_count=None, byte_count=None, flow_count=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        if flow_count != None:
+            self.flow_count = flow_count
+        else:
+            self.flow_count = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.flow_count))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = aggregate_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 2)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.flow_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        if self.flow_count != other.flow_count: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("aggregate_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flow_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flow_count)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[2] = aggregate_stats_reply
+class stats_request(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 2
+    type = 18
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, stats_type=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if stats_type != None:
+            self.stats_type = stats_type
+        else:
+            self.stats_type = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = stats_request.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.stats_type != other.stats_type: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[18] = stats_request
+class aggregate_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 2
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, table_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, match=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = aggregate_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 2)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("aggregate_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[2] = aggregate_stats_request
+class error_msg(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 2
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, err_type=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if err_type != None:
+            self.err_type = err_type
+        else:
+            self.err_type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = error_msg.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.err_type != other.err_type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[1] = error_msg
+class bad_action_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 2
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bad_action_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 2)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bad_action_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[2] = bad_action_error_msg
+class bad_instruction_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 2
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bad_instruction_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 3)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bad_instruction_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[3] = bad_instruction_error_msg
+class bad_match_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 2
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bad_match_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 4)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bad_match_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[4] = bad_match_error_msg
+class bad_request_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 2
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bad_request_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 1)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bad_request_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[1] = bad_request_error_msg
+class barrier_reply(message):
+    version = 2
+    type = 21
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = barrier_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 21)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("barrier_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[21] = barrier_reply
+class barrier_request(message):
+    version = 2
+    type = 20
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = barrier_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 20)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("barrier_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[20] = barrier_request
+class experimenter(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 8)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[4] = experimenter
+class bsn_header(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 12)
+        subclass = bsn_header.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_header()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_header {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[6035143] = bsn_header
+class bsn_bw_clear_data_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 22
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_clear_data_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 22)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_clear_data_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[22] = bsn_bw_clear_data_reply
+class bsn_bw_clear_data_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 21
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_clear_data_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 21)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_clear_data_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[21] = bsn_bw_clear_data_request
+class bsn_bw_enable_get_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 20
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enabled=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enabled != None:
+            self.enabled = enabled
+        else:
+            self.enabled = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enabled))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_enable_get_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 20)
+        obj.enabled = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enabled != other.enabled: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_enable_get_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enabled = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enabled)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[20] = bsn_bw_enable_get_reply
+class bsn_bw_enable_get_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 19
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_enable_get_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 19)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_enable_get_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[19] = bsn_bw_enable_get_request
+class bsn_bw_enable_set_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 23
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enable=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enable != None:
+            self.enable = enable
+        else:
+            self.enable = 0
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enable))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_enable_set_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 23)
+        obj.enable = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enable != other.enable: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_enable_set_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enable = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enable)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[23] = bsn_bw_enable_set_reply
+class bsn_bw_enable_set_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 18
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enable=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enable != None:
+            self.enable = enable
+        else:
+            self.enable = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enable))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_enable_set_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 18)
+        obj.enable = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enable != other.enable: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_enable_set_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enable = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enable)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[18] = bsn_bw_enable_set_request
+class bsn_get_interfaces_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, interfaces=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if interfaces != None:
+            self.interfaces = interfaces
+        else:
+            self.interfaces = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.interfaces))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_interfaces_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 10)
+        obj.interfaces = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_interface.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.interfaces != other.interfaces: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_interfaces_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("interfaces = ");
+                q.pp(self.interfaces)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[10] = bsn_get_interfaces_reply
+class bsn_get_interfaces_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_interfaces_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 9)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_interfaces_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[9] = bsn_get_interfaces_request
+class bsn_get_mirroring_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, report_mirror_ports=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if report_mirror_ports != None:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = report_mirror_ports
+        else:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.report_mirror_ports))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_mirroring_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 5)
+        obj.report_mirror_ports = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.report_mirror_ports != other.report_mirror_ports: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_mirroring_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("report_mirror_ports = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.report_mirror_ports)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[5] = bsn_get_mirroring_reply
+class bsn_get_mirroring_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, report_mirror_ports=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if report_mirror_ports != None:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = report_mirror_ports
+        else:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.report_mirror_ports))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_mirroring_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 4)
+        obj.report_mirror_ports = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.report_mirror_ports != other.report_mirror_ports: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_mirroring_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("report_mirror_ports = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.report_mirror_ports)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[4] = bsn_get_mirroring_request
+class bsn_pdu_rx_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 34
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_rx_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 34)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_rx_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[34] = bsn_pdu_rx_reply
+class bsn_pdu_rx_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 33
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, timeout_ms=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if timeout_ms != None:
+            self.timeout_ms = timeout_ms
+        else:
+            self.timeout_ms = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.timeout_ms))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_rx_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 33)
+        obj.timeout_ms = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.timeout_ms != other.timeout_ms: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_rx_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("timeout_ms = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.timeout_ms)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[33] = bsn_pdu_rx_request
+class bsn_pdu_rx_timeout(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 35
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_rx_timeout()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 35)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_rx_timeout {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[35] = bsn_pdu_rx_timeout
+class bsn_pdu_tx_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 32
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_tx_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 32)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_tx_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[32] = bsn_pdu_tx_reply
+class bsn_pdu_tx_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 31
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, tx_interval_ms=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if tx_interval_ms != None:
+            self.tx_interval_ms = tx_interval_ms
+        else:
+            self.tx_interval_ms = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.tx_interval_ms))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_tx_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 31)
+        obj.tx_interval_ms = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.tx_interval_ms != other.tx_interval_ms: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_tx_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_interval_ms = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_interval_ms)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[31] = bsn_pdu_tx_request
+class bsn_set_mirroring(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, report_mirror_ports=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if report_mirror_ports != None:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = report_mirror_ports
+        else:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.report_mirror_ports))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_mirroring()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 3)
+        obj.report_mirror_ports = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.report_mirror_ports != other.report_mirror_ports: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_mirroring {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("report_mirror_ports = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.report_mirror_ports)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[3] = bsn_set_mirroring
+class bsn_set_pktin_suppression_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 25
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_pktin_suppression_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 25)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_pktin_suppression_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[25] = bsn_set_pktin_suppression_reply
+class bsn_set_pktin_suppression_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enabled=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, cookie=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enabled != None:
+            self.enabled = enabled
+        else:
+            self.enabled = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.enabled))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_pktin_suppression_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 11)
+        obj.enabled = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enabled != other.enabled: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_pktin_suppression_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enabled = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enabled)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[11] = bsn_set_pktin_suppression_request
+class experimenter_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 2
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 16)
+        subclass = experimenter_stats_reply.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[65535] = experimenter_stats_reply
+class bsn_stats_reply(experimenter_stats_reply):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 2
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 20)
+        subclass = bsn_stats_reply.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter_stats_reply.subtypes[6035143] = bsn_stats_reply
+class experimenter_stats_request(stats_request):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 2
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 16)
+        subclass = experimenter_stats_request.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[65535] = experimenter_stats_request
+class bsn_stats_request(experimenter_stats_request):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 2
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 20)
+        subclass = bsn_stats_request.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter_stats_request.subtypes[6035143] = bsn_stats_request
+class bsn_virtual_port_create_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 16
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None, vport_no=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        if vport_no != None:
+            self.vport_no = vport_no
+        else:
+            self.vport_no = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vport_no))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_virtual_port_create_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 16)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.vport_no = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        if self.vport_no != other.vport_no: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_virtual_port_create_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vport_no = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vport_no)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[16] = bsn_virtual_port_create_reply
+class bsn_virtual_port_create_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 15
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, vport=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if vport != None:
+            self.vport = vport
+        else:
+            self.vport = ofp.bsn_vport()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.vport.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_virtual_port_create_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 15)
+        obj.vport = ofp.bsn_vport.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.vport != other.vport: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_virtual_port_create_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vport = ");
+                q.pp(self.vport)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[15] = bsn_virtual_port_create_request
+class bsn_virtual_port_remove_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 26
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_virtual_port_remove_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 26)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_virtual_port_remove_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[26] = bsn_virtual_port_remove_reply
+class bsn_virtual_port_remove_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 17
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, vport_no=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if vport_no != None:
+            self.vport_no = vport_no
+        else:
+            self.vport_no = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vport_no))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_virtual_port_remove_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 17)
+        obj.vport_no = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.vport_no != other.vport_no: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_virtual_port_remove_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vport_no = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vport_no)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[17] = bsn_virtual_port_remove_request
+class desc_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 2
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, mfr_desc=None, hw_desc=None, sw_desc=None, serial_num=None, dp_desc=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if mfr_desc != None:
+            self.mfr_desc = mfr_desc
+        else:
+            self.mfr_desc = ""
+        if hw_desc != None:
+            self.hw_desc = hw_desc
+        else:
+            self.hw_desc = ""
+        if sw_desc != None:
+            self.sw_desc = sw_desc
+        else:
+            self.sw_desc = ""
+        if serial_num != None:
+            self.serial_num = serial_num
+        else:
+            self.serial_num = ""
+        if dp_desc != None:
+            self.dp_desc = dp_desc
+        else:
+            self.dp_desc = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.mfr_desc))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.hw_desc))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.sw_desc))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!32s", self.serial_num))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.dp_desc))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 0)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.mfr_desc = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.hw_desc = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.sw_desc = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.serial_num = reader.read("!32s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.dp_desc = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.mfr_desc != other.mfr_desc: return False
+        if self.hw_desc != other.hw_desc: return False
+        if self.sw_desc != other.sw_desc: return False
+        if self.serial_num != other.serial_num: return False
+        if self.dp_desc != other.dp_desc: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("mfr_desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.mfr_desc)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hw_desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.hw_desc)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("sw_desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.sw_desc)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("serial_num = ");
+                q.pp(self.serial_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("dp_desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.dp_desc)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[0] = desc_stats_reply
+class desc_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 2
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 0)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[0] = desc_stats_request
+class echo_reply(message):
+    version = 2
+    type = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = echo_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 3)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("echo_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[3] = echo_reply
+class echo_request(message):
+    version = 2
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = echo_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("echo_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[2] = echo_request
+class features_reply(message):
+    version = 2
+    type = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, datapath_id=None, n_buffers=None, n_tables=None, capabilities=None, reserved=None, ports=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if datapath_id != None:
+            self.datapath_id = datapath_id
+        else:
+            self.datapath_id = 0
+        if n_buffers != None:
+            self.n_buffers = n_buffers
+        else:
+            self.n_buffers = 0
+        if n_tables != None:
+            self.n_tables = n_tables
+        else:
+            self.n_tables = 0
+        if capabilities != None:
+            self.capabilities = capabilities
+        else:
+            self.capabilities = 0
+        if reserved != None:
+            self.reserved = reserved
+        else:
+            self.reserved = 0
+        if ports != None:
+            self.ports = ports
+        else:
+            self.ports = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.datapath_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.n_buffers))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.n_tables))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.capabilities))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.reserved))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.ports))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = features_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 6)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.datapath_id = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.n_buffers = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.n_tables = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.capabilities = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.reserved = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ports = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.port_desc.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.datapath_id != other.datapath_id: return False
+        if self.n_buffers != other.n_buffers: return False
+        if self.n_tables != other.n_tables: return False
+        if self.capabilities != other.capabilities: return False
+        if self.reserved != other.reserved: return False
+        if self.ports != other.ports: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("features_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("datapath_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.datapath_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("n_buffers = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.n_buffers)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("n_tables = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.n_tables)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("capabilities = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.capabilities)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reserved = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reserved)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ports = ");
+                q.pp(self.ports)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[6] = features_reply
+class features_request(message):
+    version = 2
+    type = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = features_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 5)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("features_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[5] = features_request
+class flow_mod(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 2
+    type = 14
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, _command=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if _command != None:
+            self._command = _command
+        else:
+            self._command = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('B', 25)
+        subclass = flow_mod.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = flow_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj._command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self._command != other._command: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[14] = flow_mod
+class flow_add(flow_mod):
+    version = 2
+    type = 14
+    _command = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_add()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 0)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_add {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[0] = flow_add
+class flow_delete(flow_mod):
+    version = 2
+    type = 14
+    _command = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_delete()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 3)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_delete {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[3] = flow_delete
+class flow_delete_strict(flow_mod):
+    version = 2
+    type = 14
+    _command = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_delete_strict()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 4)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_delete_strict {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[4] = flow_delete_strict
+class flow_mod_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 2
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_mod_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 5)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_mod_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[5] = flow_mod_failed_error_msg
+class flow_modify(flow_mod):
+    version = 2
+    type = 14
+    _command = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_modify()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 1)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_modify {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[1] = flow_modify
+class flow_modify_strict(flow_mod):
+    version = 2
+    type = 14
+    _command = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_modify_strict()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 2)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_modify_strict {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[2] = flow_modify_strict
+class flow_removed(message):
+    version = 2
+    type = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, priority=None, reason=None, table_id=None, duration_sec=None, duration_nsec=None, idle_timeout=None, packet_count=None, byte_count=None, match=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if reason != None:
+            self.reason = reason
+        else:
+            self.reason = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if duration_sec != None:
+            self.duration_sec = duration_sec
+        else:
+            self.duration_sec = 0
+        if duration_nsec != None:
+            self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
+        else:
+            self.duration_nsec = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.reason))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_sec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_nsec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_removed()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 11)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.reason = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.duration_sec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.duration_nsec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.reason != other.reason: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.duration_sec != other.duration_sec: return False
+        if self.duration_nsec != other.duration_nsec: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_removed {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reason = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reason)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_sec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_sec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_nsec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_nsec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[11] = flow_removed
+class flow_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 2
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 1)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.flow_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[1] = flow_stats_reply
+class flow_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 2
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, table_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, match=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 1)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[1] = flow_stats_request
+class get_config_reply(message):
+    version = 2
+    type = 8
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, miss_send_len=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if miss_send_len != None:
+            self.miss_send_len = miss_send_len
+        else:
+            self.miss_send_len = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.miss_send_len))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = get_config_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 8)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.miss_send_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.miss_send_len != other.miss_send_len: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("get_config_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("miss_send_len = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.miss_send_len)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[8] = get_config_reply
+class get_config_request(message):
+    version = 2
+    type = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = get_config_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 7)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("get_config_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[7] = get_config_request
+class group_mod(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 2
+    type = 15
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, command=None, group_type=None, group_id=None, buckets=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if command != None:
+            self.command = command
+        else:
+            self.command = 0
+        if group_type != None:
+            self.group_type = group_type
+        else:
+            self.group_type = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if buckets != None:
+            self.buckets = buckets
+        else:
+            self.buckets = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.group_type))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.buckets))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = group_mod.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = group_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.command = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.group_type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buckets = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.command != other.command: return False
+        if self.group_type != other.group_type: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.buckets != other.buckets: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets = ");
+                q.pp(self.buckets)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[15] = group_mod
+class group_add(group_mod):
+    version = 2
+    type = 15
+    command = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, group_type=None, group_id=None, buckets=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if group_type != None:
+            self.group_type = group_type
+        else:
+            self.group_type = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if buckets != None:
+            self.buckets = buckets
+        else:
+            self.buckets = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.group_type))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.buckets))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_add()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _command = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_command == 0)
+        obj.group_type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buckets = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.group_type != other.group_type: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.buckets != other.buckets: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_add {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets = ");
+                q.pp(self.buckets)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+group_mod.subtypes[0] = group_add
+class group_delete(group_mod):
+    version = 2
+    type = 15
+    command = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, group_type=None, group_id=None, buckets=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if group_type != None:
+            self.group_type = group_type
+        else:
+            self.group_type = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if buckets != None:
+            self.buckets = buckets
+        else:
+            self.buckets = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.group_type))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.buckets))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_delete()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _command = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_command == 2)
+        obj.group_type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buckets = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.group_type != other.group_type: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.buckets != other.buckets: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_delete {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets = ");
+                q.pp(self.buckets)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+group_mod.subtypes[2] = group_delete
+class group_desc_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 2
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 7)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.group_desc_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[7] = group_desc_stats_reply
+class group_desc_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 2
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 7)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[7] = group_desc_stats_request
+class group_mod_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 2
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_mod_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 6)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_mod_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[6] = group_mod_failed_error_msg
+class group_modify(group_mod):
+    version = 2
+    type = 15
+    command = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, group_type=None, group_id=None, buckets=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if group_type != None:
+            self.group_type = group_type
+        else:
+            self.group_type = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if buckets != None:
+            self.buckets = buckets
+        else:
+            self.buckets = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.group_type))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.buckets))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_modify()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _command = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_command == 1)
+        obj.group_type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buckets = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.group_type != other.group_type: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.buckets != other.buckets: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_modify {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets = ");
+                q.pp(self.buckets)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+group_mod.subtypes[1] = group_modify
+class group_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 2
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 6)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.group_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[6] = group_stats_reply
+class group_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 2
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, group_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 6)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[6] = group_stats_request
+class hello(message):
+    version = 2
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = hello()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hello {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[0] = hello
+class hello_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 2
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = hello_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 0)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hello_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[0] = hello_failed_error_msg
+class nicira_header(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 2
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 8992
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 12)
+        subclass = nicira_header.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = nicira_header()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira_header {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[8992] = nicira_header
+class packet_in(message):
+    version = 2
+    type = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, buffer_id=None, in_port=None, in_phy_port=None, total_len=None, reason=None, table_id=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if in_port != None:
+            self.in_port = in_port
+        else:
+            self.in_port = 0
+        if in_phy_port != None:
+            self.in_phy_port = in_phy_port
+        else:
+            self.in_phy_port = 0
+        if total_len != None:
+            self.total_len = total_len
+        else:
+            self.total_len = 0
+        if reason != None:
+            self.reason = reason
+        else:
+            self.reason = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.in_port))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.in_phy_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.total_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.reason))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = packet_in()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 10)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.in_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.in_phy_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.total_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.reason = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.in_port != other.in_port: return False
+        if self.in_phy_port != other.in_phy_port: return False
+        if self.total_len != other.total_len: return False
+        if self.reason != other.reason: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("packet_in {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("in_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.in_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("in_phy_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.in_phy_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("total_len = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.total_len)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reason = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reason)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[10] = packet_in
+class packet_out(message):
+    version = 2
+    type = 13
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, buffer_id=None, in_port=None, actions=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if in_port != None:
+            self.in_port = in_port
+        else:
+            self.in_port = 0
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.in_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for actions_len at index 6
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        packed[6] = struct.pack("!H", len(packed[-1]))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = packet_out()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 13)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.in_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        _actions_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(6)
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader.slice(_actions_len), ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.in_port != other.in_port: return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("packet_out {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("in_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.in_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[13] = packet_out
+class port_mod(message):
+    version = 2
+    type = 16
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, port_no=None, hw_addr=None, config=None, mask=None, advertise=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if hw_addr != None:
+            self.hw_addr = hw_addr
+        else:
+            self.hw_addr = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if config != None:
+            self.config = config
+        else:
+            self.config = 0
+        if mask != None:
+            self.mask = mask
+        else:
+            self.mask = 0
+        if advertise != None:
+            self.advertise = advertise
+        else:
+            self.advertise = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.hw_addr))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.config))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.advertise))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.hw_addr = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.config = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.advertise = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.hw_addr != other.hw_addr: return False
+        if self.config != other.config: return False
+        if self.mask != other.mask: return False
+        if self.advertise != other.advertise: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hw_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.hw_addr))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("config = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.config)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("advertise = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.advertise)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[16] = port_mod
+class port_mod_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 2
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_mod_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 7)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_mod_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[7] = port_mod_failed_error_msg
+class port_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 2
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 4)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.port_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[4] = port_stats_reply
+class port_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 2
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, port_no=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 4)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[4] = port_stats_request
+class port_status(message):
+    version = 2
+    type = 12
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, reason=None, desc=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if reason != None:
+            self.reason = reason
+        else:
+            self.reason = 0
+        if desc != None:
+            self.desc = desc
+        else:
+            self.desc = ofp.port_desc()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.reason))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 7)
+        packed.append(self.desc.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_status()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 12)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.reason = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(7)
+        obj.desc = ofp.port_desc.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.reason != other.reason: return False
+        if self.desc != other.desc: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_status {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reason = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reason)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.desc)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[12] = port_status
+class queue_get_config_reply(message):
+    version = 2
+    type = 23
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, port=None, queues=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if port != None:
+            self.port = port
+        else:
+            self.port = 0
+        if queues != None:
+            self.queues = queues
+        else:
+            self.queues = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.queues))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_get_config_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 23)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.queues = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.packet_queue.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.port != other.port: return False
+        if self.queues != other.queues: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_get_config_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("queues = ");
+                q.pp(self.queues)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[23] = queue_get_config_reply
+class queue_get_config_request(message):
+    version = 2
+    type = 22
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, port=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if port != None:
+            self.port = port
+        else:
+            self.port = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_get_config_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 22)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.port != other.port: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_get_config_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[22] = queue_get_config_request
+class queue_op_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 2
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_op_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 9)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_op_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[9] = queue_op_failed_error_msg
+class queue_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 2
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 5)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.queue_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[5] = queue_stats_reply
+class queue_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 2
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, port_no=None, queue_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 5)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[5] = queue_stats_request
+class set_config(message):
+    version = 2
+    type = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, miss_send_len=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if miss_send_len != None:
+            self.miss_send_len = miss_send_len
+        else:
+            self.miss_send_len = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.miss_send_len))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_config()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 9)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.miss_send_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.miss_send_len != other.miss_send_len: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_config {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("miss_send_len = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.miss_send_len)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[9] = set_config
+class switch_config_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 2
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = switch_config_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 10)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("switch_config_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[10] = switch_config_failed_error_msg
+class table_mod(message):
+    version = 2
+    type = 17
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, table_id=None, config=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if config != None:
+            self.config = config
+        else:
+            self.config = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.config))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 17)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.config = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.config != other.config: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("config = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.config)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[17] = table_mod
+class table_mod_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 2
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 8
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_mod_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 8)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_mod_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[8] = table_mod_failed_error_msg
+class table_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 2
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 3)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.table_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[3] = table_stats_reply
+class table_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 2
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 2)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 3)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[3] = table_stats_request
+def parse_header(buf):
+    if len(buf) < 8:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("too short to be an OpenFlow message")
+    return struct.unpack_from("!BBHL", buf)
+def parse_message(buf):
+    msg_ver, msg_type, msg_len, msg_xid = parse_header(buf)
+    if msg_ver != ofp.OFP_VERSION and msg_type != ofp.OFPT_HELLO:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("wrong OpenFlow version (expected %d, got %d)" % (ofp.OFP_VERSION, msg_ver))
+    if len(buf) != msg_len:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("incorrect message size")
+    return message.unpack(loxi.generic_util.OFReader(buf))
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/util.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5dd743
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of11/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template util.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import const
+import common
+import action
+import instruction
+def pretty_mac(mac):
+    return ':'.join(["%02x" % x for x in mac])
+def pretty_ipv4(v):
+    return "%d.%d.%d.%d" % ((v >> 24) & 0xFF, (v >> 16) & 0xFF, (v >> 8) & 0xFF, v & 0xFF)
+def pretty_flags(v, flag_names):
+    set_flags = []
+    for flag_name in flag_names:
+        flag_value = getattr(const, flag_name)
+        if v & flag_value == flag_value:
+            set_flags.append(flag_name)
+        elif v & flag_value:
+            set_flags.append('%s&%#x' % (flag_name, v & flag_value))
+        v &= ~flag_value
+    if v:
+        set_flags.append("%#x" % v)
+    return '|'.join(set_flags) or '0'
+def pretty_wildcards(v):
+    if v == const.OFPFW_ALL:
+        return 'OFPFW_ALL'
+    flag_names = ['OFPFW_IN_PORT', 'OFPFW_DL_VLAN', 'OFPFW_DL_SRC', 'OFPFW_DL_DST',
+                  'OFPFW_NW_TOS']
+    return pretty_flags(v, flag_names)
+def pretty_port(v):
+    named_ports = [(k,v2) for (k,v2) in const.__dict__.iteritems() if k.startswith('OFPP_')]
+    for (k, v2) in named_ports:
+        if v == v2:
+            return k
+    return v
+def pack_port_no(value):
+    return struct.pack("!L", value)
+def unpack_port_no(reader):
+    return reader.read("!L")[0]
+def pack_fm_cmd(value):
+    return struct.pack("!B", value)
+def unpack_fm_cmd(reader):
+    return reader.read("!B")[0]
+def init_wc_bmap():
+    return const.OFPFW_ALL
+def pack_wc_bmap(value):
+    return struct.pack("!L", value)
+def unpack_wc_bmap(reader):
+    return reader.read("!L")[0]
+def init_match_bmap():
+    return const.OFPFW_ALL
+def pack_match_bmap(value):
+    return struct.pack("!L", value)
+def unpack_match_bmap(reader):
+    return reader.read("!L")[0]
+MASK64 = (1 << 64) - 1
+def pack_bitmap_128(value):
+    x = 0l
+    for y in value:
+        x |= 1 << y
+    return struct.pack("!QQ", (x >> 64) & MASK64, x & MASK64)
+def unpack_bitmap_128(reader):
+    hi, lo = reader.read("!QQ")
+    x = (hi << 64) | lo
+    i = 0
+    value = set()
+    while x != 0:
+        if x & 1 == 1:
+            value.add(i)
+        i += 1
+        x >>= 1
+    return value
+def pack_bitmap_512(value):
+    words = [0] * 8
+    for v in value:
+        assert v < 512
+        words[7-v/64] |= 1 << (v % 64)
+    return struct.pack("!8Q", *words)
+def unpack_bitmap_512(reader):
+    words = reader.read("!8Q")
+    x = 0l
+    for word in words:
+        x <<= 64
+        x |= word
+    i = 0
+    value = set()
+    while x != 0:
+        if x & 1 == 1:
+            value.add(i)
+        i += 1
+        x >>= 1
+    return value
+def pack_checksum_128(value):
+    return struct.pack("!QQ", (value >> 64) & MASK64, value & MASK64)
+def unpack_checksum_128(reader):
+    hi, lo = reader.read("!QQ")
+    return (hi << 64) | lo
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/__init__.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..675a44c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template init.py
+# Do not modify
+import const
+import action
+import oxm
+import message
+import instruction
+import common
+from const import *
+from common import *
+from loxi import ProtocolError
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/action.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/action.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da7ee0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/action.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1144 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of12']
+class action(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = action.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = action()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("action {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class experimenter(action):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        length += len(packed[-1])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
+class bsn(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, subtype=None):
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 8)
+        subclass = bsn.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[6035143] = bsn
+class bsn_checksum(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 4
+    def __init__(self, checksum=None):
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_checksum()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 4)
+        obj.checksum = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_checksum {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[4] = bsn_checksum
+class bsn_mirror(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 1
+    def __init__(self, dest_port=None, vlan_tag=None, copy_stage=None):
+        if dest_port != None:
+            self.dest_port = dest_port
+        else:
+            self.dest_port = 0
+        if vlan_tag != None:
+            self.vlan_tag = vlan_tag
+        else:
+            self.vlan_tag = 0
+        if copy_stage != None:
+            self.copy_stage = copy_stage
+        else:
+            self.copy_stage = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.dest_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vlan_tag))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.copy_stage))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_mirror()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 1)
+        obj.dest_port = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.vlan_tag = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.copy_stage = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.dest_port != other.dest_port: return False
+        if self.vlan_tag != other.vlan_tag: return False
+        if self.copy_stage != other.copy_stage: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_mirror {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("dest_port = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.dest_port)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_tag = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_tag)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("copy_stage = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.copy_stage)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[1] = bsn_mirror
+class bsn_set_tunnel_dst(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 2
+    def __init__(self, dst=None):
+        if dst != None:
+            self.dst = dst
+        else:
+            self.dst = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.dst))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_tunnel_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 2)
+        obj.dst = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.dst != other.dst: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_tunnel_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("dst = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.dst)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[2] = bsn_set_tunnel_dst
+class copy_ttl_in(action):
+    type = 12
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = copy_ttl_in()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 12)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("copy_ttl_in {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[12] = copy_ttl_in
+class copy_ttl_out(action):
+    type = 11
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = copy_ttl_out()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 11)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("copy_ttl_out {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[11] = copy_ttl_out
+class dec_mpls_ttl(action):
+    type = 16
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = dec_mpls_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("dec_mpls_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[16] = dec_mpls_ttl
+class dec_nw_ttl(action):
+    type = 24
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = dec_nw_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 24)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("dec_nw_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[24] = dec_nw_ttl
+class group(action):
+    type = 22
+    def __init__(self, group_id=None):
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 22)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[22] = group
+class nicira(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 8992
+    def __init__(self, subtype=None):
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = nicira.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = nicira()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[8992] = nicira
+class nicira_dec_ttl(nicira):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 8992
+    subtype = 18
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = nicira_dec_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 18)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira_dec_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+nicira.subtypes[18] = nicira_dec_ttl
+class output(action):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, port=None, max_len=None):
+        if port != None:
+            self.port = port
+        else:
+            self.port = 0
+        if max_len != None:
+            self.max_len = max_len
+        else:
+            self.max_len = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.max_len))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = output()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.max_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port != other.port: return False
+        if self.max_len != other.max_len: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("output {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_len = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_len)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[0] = output
+class pop_mpls(action):
+    type = 20
+    def __init__(self, ethertype=None):
+        if ethertype != None:
+            self.ethertype = ethertype
+        else:
+            self.ethertype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ethertype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = pop_mpls()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 20)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.ethertype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.ethertype != other.ethertype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("pop_mpls {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("ethertype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ethertype)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[20] = pop_mpls
+class pop_vlan(action):
+    type = 18
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = pop_vlan()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("pop_vlan {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[18] = pop_vlan
+class push_mpls(action):
+    type = 19
+    def __init__(self, ethertype=None):
+        if ethertype != None:
+            self.ethertype = ethertype
+        else:
+            self.ethertype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ethertype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = push_mpls()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.ethertype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.ethertype != other.ethertype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("push_mpls {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("ethertype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ethertype)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[19] = push_mpls
+class push_vlan(action):
+    type = 17
+    def __init__(self, ethertype=None):
+        if ethertype != None:
+            self.ethertype = ethertype
+        else:
+            self.ethertype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ethertype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = push_vlan()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 17)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.ethertype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.ethertype != other.ethertype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("push_vlan {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("ethertype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ethertype)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[17] = push_vlan
+class set_field(action):
+    type = 25
+    def __init__(self, field=None):
+        if field != None:
+            self.field = field
+        else:
+            self.field = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(self.field.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        length += len(packed[-1])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_field()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 25)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.field = ofp.oxm.oxm.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.field != other.field: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_field {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("field = ");
+                q.pp(self.field)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[25] = set_field
+class set_mpls_ttl(action):
+    type = 15
+    def __init__(self, mpls_ttl=None):
+        if mpls_ttl != None:
+            self.mpls_ttl = mpls_ttl
+        else:
+            self.mpls_ttl = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.mpls_ttl))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_mpls_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.mpls_ttl = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.mpls_ttl != other.mpls_ttl: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_mpls_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("mpls_ttl = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mpls_ttl)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[15] = set_mpls_ttl
+class set_nw_ttl(action):
+    type = 23
+    def __init__(self, nw_ttl=None):
+        if nw_ttl != None:
+            self.nw_ttl = nw_ttl
+        else:
+            self.nw_ttl = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.nw_ttl))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_nw_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 23)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.nw_ttl = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.nw_ttl != other.nw_ttl: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_nw_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("nw_ttl = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.nw_ttl)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[23] = set_nw_ttl
+class set_queue(action):
+    type = 21
+    def __init__(self, queue_id=None):
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_queue()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 21)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_queue {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[21] = set_queue
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/common.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ce4918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1708 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of12']
+class bsn_interface(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, hw_addr=None, name=None, ipv4_addr=None, ipv4_netmask=None):
+        if hw_addr != None:
+            self.hw_addr = hw_addr
+        else:
+            self.hw_addr = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if ipv4_addr != None:
+            self.ipv4_addr = ipv4_addr
+        else:
+            self.ipv4_addr = 0
+        if ipv4_netmask != None:
+            self.ipv4_netmask = ipv4_netmask
+        else:
+            self.ipv4_netmask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.hw_addr))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.name))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ipv4_addr))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ipv4_netmask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_interface()
+        obj.hw_addr = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.name = reader.read("!16s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.ipv4_addr = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ipv4_netmask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.hw_addr != other.hw_addr: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.ipv4_addr != other.ipv4_addr: return False
+        if self.ipv4_netmask != other.ipv4_netmask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_interface {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("hw_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.hw_addr))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ipv4_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.ipv4_addr))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ipv4_netmask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.ipv4_netmask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_vport(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = bsn_vport.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_vport()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vport {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_vport_l2gre(bsn_vport):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, flags=None, port_no=None, loopback_port_no=None, local_mac=None, nh_mac=None, src_ip=None, dst_ip=None, dscp=None, ttl=None, vpn=None, rate_limit=None, if_name=None):
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if loopback_port_no != None:
+            self.loopback_port_no = loopback_port_no
+        else:
+            self.loopback_port_no = 0
+        if local_mac != None:
+            self.local_mac = local_mac
+        else:
+            self.local_mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if nh_mac != None:
+            self.nh_mac = nh_mac
+        else:
+            self.nh_mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if src_ip != None:
+            self.src_ip = src_ip
+        else:
+            self.src_ip = 0
+        if dst_ip != None:
+            self.dst_ip = dst_ip
+        else:
+            self.dst_ip = 0
+        if dscp != None:
+            self.dscp = dscp
+        else:
+            self.dscp = 0
+        if ttl != None:
+            self.ttl = ttl
+        else:
+            self.ttl = 0
+        if vpn != None:
+            self.vpn = vpn
+        else:
+            self.vpn = 0
+        if rate_limit != None:
+            self.rate_limit = rate_limit
+        else:
+            self.rate_limit = 0
+        if if_name != None:
+            self.if_name = if_name
+        else:
+            self.if_name = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.flags))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.loopback_port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.local_mac))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.nh_mac))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.src_ip))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.dst_ip))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.dscp))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.ttl))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vpn))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.rate_limit))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.if_name))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vport_l2gre()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.loopback_port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.local_mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.nh_mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.src_ip = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.dst_ip = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.dscp = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.ttl = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.vpn = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.rate_limit = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.if_name = reader.read("!16s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.loopback_port_no != other.loopback_port_no: return False
+        if self.local_mac != other.local_mac: return False
+        if self.nh_mac != other.nh_mac: return False
+        if self.src_ip != other.src_ip: return False
+        if self.dst_ip != other.dst_ip: return False
+        if self.dscp != other.dscp: return False
+        if self.ttl != other.ttl: return False
+        if self.vpn != other.vpn: return False
+        if self.rate_limit != other.rate_limit: return False
+        if self.if_name != other.if_name: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vport_l2gre {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("loopback_port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.loopback_port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("local_mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.local_mac))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("nh_mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.nh_mac))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("src_ip = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.src_ip))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("dst_ip = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.dst_ip))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("dscp = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.dscp)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ttl = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ttl)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vpn = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vpn)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate_limit = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate_limit)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("if_name = ");
+                q.pp(self.if_name)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_vport.subtypes[1] = bsn_vport_l2gre
+class bsn_vport_q_in_q(bsn_vport):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, ingress_tpid=None, ingress_vlan_id=None, egress_tpid=None, egress_vlan_id=None, if_name=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if ingress_tpid != None:
+            self.ingress_tpid = ingress_tpid
+        else:
+            self.ingress_tpid = 0
+        if ingress_vlan_id != None:
+            self.ingress_vlan_id = ingress_vlan_id
+        else:
+            self.ingress_vlan_id = 0
+        if egress_tpid != None:
+            self.egress_tpid = egress_tpid
+        else:
+            self.egress_tpid = 0
+        if egress_vlan_id != None:
+            self.egress_vlan_id = egress_vlan_id
+        else:
+            self.egress_vlan_id = 0
+        if if_name != None:
+            self.if_name = if_name
+        else:
+            self.if_name = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ingress_tpid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ingress_vlan_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.egress_tpid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.egress_vlan_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.if_name))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vport_q_in_q()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.port_no = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ingress_tpid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.ingress_vlan_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.egress_tpid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.egress_vlan_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.if_name = reader.read("!16s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.ingress_tpid != other.ingress_tpid: return False
+        if self.ingress_vlan_id != other.ingress_vlan_id: return False
+        if self.egress_tpid != other.egress_tpid: return False
+        if self.egress_vlan_id != other.egress_vlan_id: return False
+        if self.if_name != other.if_name: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vport_q_in_q {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.port_no)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ingress_tpid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ingress_tpid)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ingress_vlan_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ingress_vlan_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("egress_tpid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.egress_tpid)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("egress_vlan_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.egress_vlan_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("if_name = ");
+                q.pp(self.if_name)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_vport.subtypes[0] = bsn_vport_q_in_q
+class bucket(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, weight=None, watch_port=None, watch_group=None, actions=None):
+        if weight != None:
+            self.weight = weight
+        else:
+            self.weight = 0
+        if watch_port != None:
+            self.watch_port = watch_port
+        else:
+            self.watch_port = 0
+        if watch_group != None:
+            self.watch_group = watch_group
+        else:
+            self.watch_group = 0
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.weight))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.watch_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.watch_group))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bucket()
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 2)
+        obj.weight = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.watch_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.watch_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.weight != other.weight: return False
+        if self.watch_port != other.watch_port: return False
+        if self.watch_group != other.watch_group: return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bucket {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("weight = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.weight)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("watch_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.watch_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("watch_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.watch_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bucket_counter(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, packet_count=None, byte_count=None):
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bucket_counter()
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bucket_counter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class flow_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, duration_sec=None, duration_nsec=None, priority=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, cookie=None, packet_count=None, byte_count=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if duration_sec != None:
+            self.duration_sec = duration_sec
+        else:
+            self.duration_sec = 0
+        if duration_nsec != None:
+            self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
+        else:
+            self.duration_nsec = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_sec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_nsec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.duration_sec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.duration_nsec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(6)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.duration_sec != other.duration_sec: return False
+        if self.duration_nsec != other.duration_nsec: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_sec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_sec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_nsec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_nsec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class group_desc_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, group_type=None, group_id=None, buckets=None):
+        if group_type != None:
+            self.group_type = group_type
+        else:
+            self.group_type = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if buckets != None:
+            self.buckets = buckets
+        else:
+            self.buckets = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.group_type))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.buckets))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_desc_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        obj.group_type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buckets = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.group_type != other.group_type: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.buckets != other.buckets: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_desc_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets = ");
+                q.pp(self.buckets)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class group_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, group_id=None, ref_count=None, packet_count=None, byte_count=None, bucket_stats=None):
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if ref_count != None:
+            self.ref_count = ref_count
+        else:
+            self.ref_count = 0
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        if bucket_stats != None:
+            self.bucket_stats = bucket_stats
+        else:
+            self.bucket_stats = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ref_count))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.bucket_stats))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ref_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.bucket_stats = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket_counter.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.ref_count != other.ref_count: return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        if self.bucket_stats != other.bucket_stats: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ref_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ref_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("bucket_stats = ");
+                q.pp(self.bucket_stats)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class match_v3(loxi.OFObject):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, oxm_list=None):
+        if oxm_list != None:
+            self.oxm_list = oxm_list
+        else:
+            self.oxm_list = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.oxm_list))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = match_v3()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.oxm_list = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.oxm.oxm.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.oxm_list != other.oxm_list: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("match_v3 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("oxm_list = ");
+                q.pp(self.oxm_list)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class packet_queue(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, queue_id=None, port=None, properties=None):
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        if port != None:
+            self.port = port
+        else:
+            self.port = 0
+        if properties != None:
+            self.properties = properties
+        else:
+            self.properties = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 2
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.properties))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = packet_queue()
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 10)
+        reader.skip(6)
+        obj.properties = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.queue_prop.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        if self.port != other.port: return False
+        if self.properties != other.properties: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("packet_queue {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("properties = ");
+                q.pp(self.properties)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class port_desc(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, hw_addr=None, name=None, config=None, state=None, curr=None, advertised=None, supported=None, peer=None, curr_speed=None, max_speed=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if hw_addr != None:
+            self.hw_addr = hw_addr
+        else:
+            self.hw_addr = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if config != None:
+            self.config = config
+        else:
+            self.config = 0
+        if state != None:
+            self.state = state
+        else:
+            self.state = 0
+        if curr != None:
+            self.curr = curr
+        else:
+            self.curr = 0
+        if advertised != None:
+            self.advertised = advertised
+        else:
+            self.advertised = 0
+        if supported != None:
+            self.supported = supported
+        else:
+            self.supported = 0
+        if peer != None:
+            self.peer = peer
+        else:
+            self.peer = 0
+        if curr_speed != None:
+            self.curr_speed = curr_speed
+        else:
+            self.curr_speed = 0
+        if max_speed != None:
+            self.max_speed = max_speed
+        else:
+            self.max_speed = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.hw_addr))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.name))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.config))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.state))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.curr))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.advertised))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.supported))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.peer))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.curr_speed))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_speed))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_desc()
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.hw_addr = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.name = reader.read("!16s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.config = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.state = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.curr = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.advertised = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.supported = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.peer = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.curr_speed = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_speed = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.hw_addr != other.hw_addr: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.config != other.config: return False
+        if self.state != other.state: return False
+        if self.curr != other.curr: return False
+        if self.advertised != other.advertised: return False
+        if self.supported != other.supported: return False
+        if self.peer != other.peer: return False
+        if self.curr_speed != other.curr_speed: return False
+        if self.max_speed != other.max_speed: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_desc {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hw_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.hw_addr))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("config = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.config)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("state = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.state)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("curr = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.curr)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("advertised = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.advertised)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("supported = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.supported)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("peer = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.peer)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("curr_speed = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.curr_speed)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_speed = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_speed)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class port_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, rx_packets=None, tx_packets=None, rx_bytes=None, tx_bytes=None, rx_dropped=None, tx_dropped=None, rx_errors=None, tx_errors=None, rx_frame_err=None, rx_over_err=None, rx_crc_err=None, collisions=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if rx_packets != None:
+            self.rx_packets = rx_packets
+        else:
+            self.rx_packets = 0
+        if tx_packets != None:
+            self.tx_packets = tx_packets
+        else:
+            self.tx_packets = 0
+        if rx_bytes != None:
+            self.rx_bytes = rx_bytes
+        else:
+            self.rx_bytes = 0
+        if tx_bytes != None:
+            self.tx_bytes = tx_bytes
+        else:
+            self.tx_bytes = 0
+        if rx_dropped != None:
+            self.rx_dropped = rx_dropped
+        else:
+            self.rx_dropped = 0
+        if tx_dropped != None:
+            self.tx_dropped = tx_dropped
+        else:
+            self.tx_dropped = 0
+        if rx_errors != None:
+            self.rx_errors = rx_errors
+        else:
+            self.rx_errors = 0
+        if tx_errors != None:
+            self.tx_errors = tx_errors
+        else:
+            self.tx_errors = 0
+        if rx_frame_err != None:
+            self.rx_frame_err = rx_frame_err
+        else:
+            self.rx_frame_err = 0
+        if rx_over_err != None:
+            self.rx_over_err = rx_over_err
+        else:
+            self.rx_over_err = 0
+        if rx_crc_err != None:
+            self.rx_crc_err = rx_crc_err
+        else:
+            self.rx_crc_err = 0
+        if collisions != None:
+            self.collisions = collisions
+        else:
+            self.collisions = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_packets))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_packets))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_bytes))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_bytes))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_dropped))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_dropped))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_errors))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_errors))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_frame_err))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_over_err))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_crc_err))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.collisions))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_stats_entry()
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.rx_packets = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_packets = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_bytes = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_bytes = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_dropped = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_dropped = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_errors = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_errors = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_frame_err = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_over_err = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_crc_err = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.collisions = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.rx_packets != other.rx_packets: return False
+        if self.tx_packets != other.tx_packets: return False
+        if self.rx_bytes != other.rx_bytes: return False
+        if self.tx_bytes != other.tx_bytes: return False
+        if self.rx_dropped != other.rx_dropped: return False
+        if self.tx_dropped != other.tx_dropped: return False
+        if self.rx_errors != other.rx_errors: return False
+        if self.tx_errors != other.tx_errors: return False
+        if self.rx_frame_err != other.rx_frame_err: return False
+        if self.rx_over_err != other.rx_over_err: return False
+        if self.rx_crc_err != other.rx_crc_err: return False
+        if self.collisions != other.collisions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_packets = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_packets)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_packets = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_packets)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_bytes = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_bytes)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_bytes = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_bytes)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_dropped = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_dropped)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_dropped = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_dropped)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_errors = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_errors)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_errors = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_errors)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_frame_err = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_frame_err)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_over_err = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_over_err)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_crc_err = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_crc_err)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("collisions = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.collisions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class queue_prop(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = queue_prop.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = queue_prop()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_prop {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class queue_prop_experimenter(queue_prop):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 8)
+        subclass = queue_prop_experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = queue_prop_experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_prop_experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+queue_prop.subtypes[65535] = queue_prop_experimenter
+class queue_prop_max_rate(queue_prop):
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, rate=None):
+        if rate != None:
+            self.rate = rate
+        else:
+            self.rate = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.rate))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_prop_max_rate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.rate = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.rate != other.rate: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_prop_max_rate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+queue_prop.subtypes[2] = queue_prop_max_rate
+class queue_prop_min_rate(queue_prop):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, rate=None):
+        if rate != None:
+            self.rate = rate
+        else:
+            self.rate = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.rate))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_prop_min_rate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.rate = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.rate != other.rate: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_prop_min_rate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+queue_prop.subtypes[1] = queue_prop_min_rate
+class queue_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, queue_id=None, tx_bytes=None, tx_packets=None, tx_errors=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        if tx_bytes != None:
+            self.tx_bytes = tx_bytes
+        else:
+            self.tx_bytes = 0
+        if tx_packets != None:
+            self.tx_packets = tx_packets
+        else:
+            self.tx_packets = 0
+        if tx_errors != None:
+            self.tx_errors = tx_errors
+        else:
+            self.tx_errors = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_bytes))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_packets))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_errors))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_stats_entry()
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.tx_bytes = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_packets = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_errors = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        if self.tx_bytes != other.tx_bytes: return False
+        if self.tx_packets != other.tx_packets: return False
+        if self.tx_errors != other.tx_errors: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_bytes = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_bytes)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_packets = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_packets)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_errors = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_errors)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class table_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, name=None, match=None, wildcards=None, write_actions=None, apply_actions=None, write_setfields=None, apply_setfields=None, metadata_match=None, metadata_write=None, instructions=None, config=None, max_entries=None, active_count=None, lookup_count=None, matched_count=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = util.init_match_bmap()
+        if wildcards != None:
+            self.wildcards = wildcards
+        else:
+            self.wildcards = util.init_wc_bmap()
+        if write_actions != None:
+            self.write_actions = write_actions
+        else:
+            self.write_actions = 0
+        if apply_actions != None:
+            self.apply_actions = apply_actions
+        else:
+            self.apply_actions = 0
+        if write_setfields != None:
+            self.write_setfields = write_setfields
+        else:
+            self.write_setfields = 0
+        if apply_setfields != None:
+            self.apply_setfields = apply_setfields
+        else:
+            self.apply_setfields = 0
+        if metadata_match != None:
+            self.metadata_match = metadata_match
+        else:
+            self.metadata_match = 0
+        if metadata_write != None:
+            self.metadata_write = metadata_write
+        else:
+            self.metadata_write = 0
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = 0
+        if config != None:
+            self.config = config
+        else:
+            self.config = 0
+        if max_entries != None:
+            self.max_entries = max_entries
+        else:
+            self.max_entries = 0
+        if active_count != None:
+            self.active_count = active_count
+        else:
+            self.active_count = 0
+        if lookup_count != None:
+            self.lookup_count = lookup_count
+        else:
+            self.lookup_count = 0
+        if matched_count != None:
+            self.matched_count = matched_count
+        else:
+            self.matched_count = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 7)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!32s", self.name))
+        packed.append(util.pack_match_bmap(self.match))
+        packed.append(util.pack_wc_bmap(self.wildcards))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.write_actions))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.apply_actions))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.write_setfields))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.apply_setfields))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.metadata_match))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.metadata_write))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.instructions))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.config))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_entries))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.active_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.lookup_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.matched_count))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_stats_entry()
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(7)
+        obj.name = reader.read("!32s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.match = util.unpack_match_bmap(reader)
+        obj.wildcards = util.unpack_wc_bmap(reader)
+        obj.write_actions = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.apply_actions = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.write_setfields = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.apply_setfields = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.metadata_match = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.metadata_write = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.instructions = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.config = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_entries = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.active_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.lookup_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.matched_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.wildcards != other.wildcards: return False
+        if self.write_actions != other.write_actions: return False
+        if self.apply_actions != other.apply_actions: return False
+        if self.write_setfields != other.write_setfields: return False
+        if self.apply_setfields != other.apply_setfields: return False
+        if self.metadata_match != other.metadata_match: return False
+        if self.metadata_write != other.metadata_write: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        if self.config != other.config: return False
+        if self.max_entries != other.max_entries: return False
+        if self.active_count != other.active_count: return False
+        if self.lookup_count != other.lookup_count: return False
+        if self.matched_count != other.matched_count: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("wildcards = ");
+                q.pp(self.wildcards)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("write_actions = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.write_actions)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("apply_actions = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.apply_actions)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("write_setfields = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.write_setfields)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("apply_setfields = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.apply_setfields)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("metadata_match = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.metadata_match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("metadata_write = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.metadata_write)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.instructions)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("config = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.config)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_entries = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_entries)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("active_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.active_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("lookup_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.lookup_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("matched_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.matched_count)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+match = match_v3
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/const.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/const.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1df449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/const.py
@@ -0,0 +1,837 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template const.py
+# Do not modify
+# Identifiers from group macro_definitions
+OFP_TCP_PORT = 6653
+OFP_SSL_PORT = 6653
+OFP_NO_BUFFER = 4294967295
+OFPQ_ALL = 4294967295
+# Identifiers from group of_bsn_pdu_slot_num
+of_bsn_pdu_slot_num_map = {
+    255: 'BSN_PDU_SLOT_NUM_ANY',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_action_type
+ofp_action_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFPAT_OUTPUT',
+    11: 'OFPAT_COPY_TTL_OUT',
+    12: 'OFPAT_COPY_TTL_IN',
+    15: 'OFPAT_SET_MPLS_TTL',
+    16: 'OFPAT_DEC_MPLS_TTL',
+    17: 'OFPAT_PUSH_VLAN',
+    18: 'OFPAT_POP_VLAN',
+    19: 'OFPAT_PUSH_MPLS',
+    20: 'OFPAT_POP_MPLS',
+    21: 'OFPAT_SET_QUEUE',
+    22: 'OFPAT_GROUP',
+    23: 'OFPAT_SET_NW_TTL',
+    24: 'OFPAT_DEC_NW_TTL',
+    25: 'OFPAT_SET_FIELD',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bad_action_code
+ofp_bad_action_code_map = {
+    0: 'OFPBAC_BAD_TYPE',
+    1: 'OFPBAC_BAD_LEN',
+    6: 'OFPBAC_EPERM',
+    7: 'OFPBAC_TOO_MANY',
+    12: 'OFPBAC_BAD_TAG',
+    14: 'OFPBAC_BAD_SET_LEN',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bad_instruction_code
+ofp_bad_instruction_code_map = {
+    7: 'OFPBIC_BAD_LEN',
+    8: 'OFPBIC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bad_match_code
+ofp_bad_match_code_map = {
+    0: 'OFPBMC_BAD_TYPE',
+    1: 'OFPBMC_BAD_LEN',
+    2: 'OFPBMC_BAD_TAG',
+    8: 'OFPBMC_BAD_MASK',
+    10: 'OFPBMC_DUP_FIELD',
+    11: 'OFPBMC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bad_request_code
+ofp_bad_request_code_map = {
+    1: 'OFPBRC_BAD_TYPE',
+    2: 'OFPBRC_BAD_STAT',
+    5: 'OFPBRC_EPERM',
+    6: 'OFPBRC_BAD_LEN',
+    10: 'OFPBRC_IS_SLAVE',
+    11: 'OFPBRC_BAD_PORT',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_tcp_flag
+ofp_bsn_tcp_flag_map = {
+    16: 'OFP_BSN_TCP_FLAG_ACK',
+    32: 'OFP_BSN_TCP_FLAG_URG',
+    64: 'OFP_BSN_TCP_FLAG_ECE',
+    128: 'OFP_BSN_TCP_FLAG_CWR',
+    256: 'OFP_BSN_TCP_FLAG_NS',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_vport_l2gre_flags
+ofp_bsn_vport_l2gre_flags_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_vport_q_in_q_untagged
+ofp_bsn_vport_q_in_q_untagged_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_vport_status
+ofp_bsn_vport_status_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_capabilities
+ofp_capabilities_map = {
+    1: 'OFPC_FLOW_STATS',
+    4: 'OFPC_PORT_STATS',
+    32: 'OFPC_IP_REASM',
+    64: 'OFPC_QUEUE_STATS',
+    256: 'OFPC_PORT_BLOCKED',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_config_flags
+ofp_config_flags_map = {
+    1: 'OFPC_FRAG_DROP',
+    2: 'OFPC_FRAG_REASM',
+    3: 'OFPC_FRAG_MASK',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_controller_max_len
+OFPCML_MAX = 65509
+ofp_controller_max_len_map = {
+    65509: 'OFPCML_MAX',
+    65535: 'OFPCML_NO_BUFFER',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_controller_role
+ofp_controller_role_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_error_type
+ofp_error_type_map = {
+    4: 'OFPET_BAD_MATCH',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_mod_command
+ofp_flow_mod_command_map = {
+    0: 'OFPFC_ADD',
+    1: 'OFPFC_MODIFY',
+    3: 'OFPFC_DELETE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_mod_failed_code
+ofp_flow_mod_failed_code_map = {
+    4: 'OFPFMFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_mod_flags
+ofp_flow_mod_flags_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_removed_reason
+ofp_flow_removed_reason_map = {
+    2: 'OFPRR_DELETE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_group
+OFPG_MAX = 4294967040
+OFPG_ALL = 4294967292
+OFPG_ANY = 4294967295
+ofp_group_map = {
+    4294967040: 'OFPG_MAX',
+    4294967292: 'OFPG_ALL',
+    4294967295: 'OFPG_ANY',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_group_capabilities
+ofp_group_capabilities_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_group_mod_command
+ofp_group_mod_command_map = {
+    0: 'OFPGC_ADD',
+    1: 'OFPGC_MODIFY',
+    2: 'OFPGC_DELETE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_group_mod_failed_code
+ofp_group_mod_failed_code_map = {
+    7: 'OFPGMFC_LOOP',
+    10: 'OFPGMFC_BAD_TYPE',
+    14: 'OFPGMFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_group_type
+ofp_group_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFPGT_ALL',
+    1: 'OFPGT_SELECT',
+    3: 'OFPGT_FF',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_hello_failed_code
+ofp_hello_failed_code_map = {
+    1: 'OFPHFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_instruction_type
+ofp_instruction_type_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_match_type
+ofp_match_type_map = {
+    1: 'OFPMT_OXM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_oxm_class
+ofp_oxm_class_map = {
+    0: 'OFPXMC_NXM_0',
+    1: 'OFPXMC_NXM_1',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_packet_in_reason
+ofp_packet_in_reason_map = {
+    0: 'OFPR_NO_MATCH',
+    1: 'OFPR_ACTION',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port
+OFPP_MAX = 4294967040
+OFPP_IN_PORT = 4294967288
+OFPP_TABLE = 4294967289
+OFPP_NORMAL = 4294967290
+OFPP_FLOOD = 4294967291
+OFPP_ALL = 4294967292
+OFPP_CONTROLLER = 4294967293
+OFPP_LOCAL = 4294967294
+OFPP_ANY = 4294967295
+ofp_port_map = {
+    4294967040: 'OFPP_MAX',
+    4294967288: 'OFPP_IN_PORT',
+    4294967289: 'OFPP_TABLE',
+    4294967290: 'OFPP_NORMAL',
+    4294967291: 'OFPP_FLOOD',
+    4294967292: 'OFPP_ALL',
+    4294967293: 'OFPP_CONTROLLER',
+    4294967294: 'OFPP_LOCAL',
+    4294967295: 'OFPP_ANY',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_config
+ofp_port_config_map = {
+    1: 'OFPPC_PORT_DOWN',
+    4: 'OFPPC_NO_RECV',
+    32: 'OFPPC_NO_FWD',
+    64: 'OFPPC_NO_PACKET_IN',
+    2147483648: 'OFPPC_BSN_MIRROR_DEST',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_features
+OFPPF_10MB_HD = 1
+OFPPF_10MB_FD = 2
+OFPPF_100MB_HD = 4
+OFPPF_100MB_FD = 8
+OFPPF_1GB_HD = 16
+OFPPF_1GB_FD = 32
+OFPPF_10GB_FD = 64
+OFPPF_40GB_FD = 128
+OFPPF_100GB_FD = 256
+OFPPF_1TB_FD = 512
+OFPPF_PAUSE = 16384
+ofp_port_features_map = {
+    1: 'OFPPF_10MB_HD',
+    2: 'OFPPF_10MB_FD',
+    4: 'OFPPF_100MB_HD',
+    8: 'OFPPF_100MB_FD',
+    16: 'OFPPF_1GB_HD',
+    32: 'OFPPF_1GB_FD',
+    64: 'OFPPF_10GB_FD',
+    128: 'OFPPF_40GB_FD',
+    256: 'OFPPF_100GB_FD',
+    512: 'OFPPF_1TB_FD',
+    1024: 'OFPPF_OTHER',
+    2048: 'OFPPF_COPPER',
+    4096: 'OFPPF_FIBER',
+    8192: 'OFPPF_AUTONEG',
+    16384: 'OFPPF_PAUSE',
+    32768: 'OFPPF_PAUSE_ASYM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_mod_failed_code
+ofp_port_mod_failed_code_map = {
+    4: 'OFPPMFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_reason
+ofp_port_reason_map = {
+    0: 'OFPPR_ADD',
+    1: 'OFPPR_DELETE',
+    2: 'OFPPR_MODIFY',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_state
+ofp_port_state_map = {
+    1: 'OFPPS_LINK_DOWN',
+    2: 'OFPPS_BLOCKED',
+    4: 'OFPPS_LIVE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_queue_op_failed_code
+ofp_queue_op_failed_code_map = {
+    2: 'OFPQOFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_queue_properties
+ofp_queue_properties_map = {
+    1: 'OFPQT_MIN_RATE',
+    2: 'OFPQT_MAX_RATE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_role_request_failed_code
+ofp_role_request_failed_code_map = {
+    0: 'OFPRRFC_STALE',
+    1: 'OFPRRFC_UNSUP',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_stats_reply_flags
+ofp_stats_reply_flags_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_stats_request_flags
+ofp_stats_request_flags_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_stats_type
+ofp_stats_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFPST_DESC',
+    1: 'OFPST_FLOW',
+    3: 'OFPST_TABLE',
+    4: 'OFPST_PORT',
+    5: 'OFPST_QUEUE',
+    6: 'OFPST_GROUP',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_switch_config_failed_code
+ofp_switch_config_failed_code_map = {
+    1: 'OFPSCFC_BAD_LEN',
+    2: 'OFPSCFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_table
+OFPTT_MAX = 254
+OFPTT_ALL = 255
+ofp_table_map = {
+    254: 'OFPTT_MAX',
+    255: 'OFPTT_ALL',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_table_config
+ofp_table_config_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_table_mod_failed_code
+ofp_table_mod_failed_code_map = {
+    2: 'OFPTMFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_type
+ofp_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFPT_HELLO',
+    1: 'OFPT_ERROR',
+    3: 'OFPT_ECHO_REPLY',
+    9: 'OFPT_SET_CONFIG',
+    10: 'OFPT_PACKET_IN',
+    12: 'OFPT_PORT_STATUS',
+    13: 'OFPT_PACKET_OUT',
+    14: 'OFPT_FLOW_MOD',
+    15: 'OFPT_GROUP_MOD',
+    16: 'OFPT_PORT_MOD',
+    17: 'OFPT_TABLE_MOD',
+    19: 'OFPT_STATS_REPLY',
+    25: 'OFPT_ROLE_REPLY',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_vlan_id
+ofp_vlan_id_map = {
+    0: 'OFPVID_NONE',
+    4096: 'OFPVID_PRESENT',
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/instruction.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/instruction.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e7cb62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/instruction.py
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of12']
+class instruction(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = instruction.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = instruction()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("instruction {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class apply_actions(instruction):
+    type = 4
+    def __init__(self, actions=None):
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = apply_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("apply_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[4] = apply_actions
+class clear_actions(instruction):
+    type = 5
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = clear_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 5)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("clear_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[5] = clear_actions
+class experimenter(instruction):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
+class goto_table(instruction):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = goto_table()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("goto_table {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[1] = goto_table
+class write_actions(instruction):
+    type = 3
+    def __init__(self, actions=None):
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = write_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 3)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("write_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[3] = write_actions
+class write_metadata(instruction):
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, metadata=None, metadata_mask=None):
+        if metadata != None:
+            self.metadata = metadata
+        else:
+            self.metadata = 0
+        if metadata_mask != None:
+            self.metadata_mask = metadata_mask
+        else:
+            self.metadata_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.metadata))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.metadata_mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = write_metadata()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.metadata = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.metadata_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.metadata != other.metadata: return False
+        if self.metadata_mask != other.metadata_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("write_metadata {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("metadata = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.metadata)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("metadata_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.metadata_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[2] = write_metadata
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/message.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/message.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c0da0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/message.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8444 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of12']
+class message(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 3
+    def __init__(self, type=None, xid=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('B', 1)
+        subclass = message.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = message()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        obj.type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("message {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class stats_reply(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 3
+    type = 19
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, stats_type=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if stats_type != None:
+            self.stats_type = stats_type
+        else:
+            self.stats_type = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = stats_reply.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.stats_type != other.stats_type: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[19] = stats_reply
+class aggregate_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 3
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, packet_count=None, byte_count=None, flow_count=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        if flow_count != None:
+            self.flow_count = flow_count
+        else:
+            self.flow_count = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.flow_count))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = aggregate_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 2)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.flow_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        if self.flow_count != other.flow_count: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("aggregate_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flow_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flow_count)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[2] = aggregate_stats_reply
+class stats_request(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 3
+    type = 18
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, stats_type=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if stats_type != None:
+            self.stats_type = stats_type
+        else:
+            self.stats_type = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = stats_request.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.stats_type != other.stats_type: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[18] = stats_request
+class aggregate_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 3
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, table_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, match=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = aggregate_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 2)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("aggregate_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[2] = aggregate_stats_request
+class error_msg(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 3
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, err_type=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if err_type != None:
+            self.err_type = err_type
+        else:
+            self.err_type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = error_msg.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.err_type != other.err_type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[1] = error_msg
+class bad_action_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 3
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bad_action_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 2)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bad_action_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[2] = bad_action_error_msg
+class bad_instruction_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 3
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bad_instruction_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 3)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bad_instruction_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[3] = bad_instruction_error_msg
+class bad_match_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 3
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bad_match_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 4)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bad_match_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[4] = bad_match_error_msg
+class bad_request_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 3
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bad_request_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 1)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bad_request_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[1] = bad_request_error_msg
+class barrier_reply(message):
+    version = 3
+    type = 21
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = barrier_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 21)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("barrier_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[21] = barrier_reply
+class barrier_request(message):
+    version = 3
+    type = 20
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = barrier_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 20)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("barrier_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[20] = barrier_request
+class experimenter(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 8)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("subtype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.subtype)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[4] = experimenter
+class bsn_header(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 12)
+        subclass = bsn_header.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_header()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_header {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[6035143] = bsn_header
+class bsn_bw_clear_data_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 22
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_clear_data_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 22)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_clear_data_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[22] = bsn_bw_clear_data_reply
+class bsn_bw_clear_data_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 21
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_clear_data_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 21)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_clear_data_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[21] = bsn_bw_clear_data_request
+class bsn_bw_enable_get_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 20
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enabled=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enabled != None:
+            self.enabled = enabled
+        else:
+            self.enabled = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enabled))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_enable_get_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 20)
+        obj.enabled = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enabled != other.enabled: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_enable_get_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enabled = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enabled)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[20] = bsn_bw_enable_get_reply
+class bsn_bw_enable_get_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 19
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_enable_get_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 19)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_enable_get_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[19] = bsn_bw_enable_get_request
+class bsn_bw_enable_set_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 23
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enable=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enable != None:
+            self.enable = enable
+        else:
+            self.enable = 0
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enable))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_enable_set_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 23)
+        obj.enable = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enable != other.enable: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_enable_set_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enable = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enable)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[23] = bsn_bw_enable_set_reply
+class bsn_bw_enable_set_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 18
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enable=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enable != None:
+            self.enable = enable
+        else:
+            self.enable = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enable))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_enable_set_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 18)
+        obj.enable = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enable != other.enable: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_enable_set_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enable = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enable)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[18] = bsn_bw_enable_set_request
+class bsn_get_interfaces_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, interfaces=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if interfaces != None:
+            self.interfaces = interfaces
+        else:
+            self.interfaces = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.interfaces))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_interfaces_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 10)
+        obj.interfaces = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_interface.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.interfaces != other.interfaces: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_interfaces_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("interfaces = ");
+                q.pp(self.interfaces)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[10] = bsn_get_interfaces_reply
+class bsn_get_interfaces_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_interfaces_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 9)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_interfaces_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[9] = bsn_get_interfaces_request
+class bsn_get_mirroring_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, report_mirror_ports=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if report_mirror_ports != None:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = report_mirror_ports
+        else:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.report_mirror_ports))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_mirroring_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 5)
+        obj.report_mirror_ports = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.report_mirror_ports != other.report_mirror_ports: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_mirroring_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("report_mirror_ports = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.report_mirror_ports)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[5] = bsn_get_mirroring_reply
+class bsn_get_mirroring_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, report_mirror_ports=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if report_mirror_ports != None:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = report_mirror_ports
+        else:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.report_mirror_ports))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_mirroring_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 4)
+        obj.report_mirror_ports = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.report_mirror_ports != other.report_mirror_ports: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_mirroring_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("report_mirror_ports = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.report_mirror_ports)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[4] = bsn_get_mirroring_request
+class bsn_pdu_rx_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 34
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_rx_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 34)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_rx_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[34] = bsn_pdu_rx_reply
+class bsn_pdu_rx_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 33
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, timeout_ms=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if timeout_ms != None:
+            self.timeout_ms = timeout_ms
+        else:
+            self.timeout_ms = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.timeout_ms))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_rx_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 33)
+        obj.timeout_ms = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.timeout_ms != other.timeout_ms: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_rx_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("timeout_ms = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.timeout_ms)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[33] = bsn_pdu_rx_request
+class bsn_pdu_rx_timeout(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 35
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_rx_timeout()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 35)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_rx_timeout {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[35] = bsn_pdu_rx_timeout
+class bsn_pdu_tx_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 32
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_tx_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 32)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_tx_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[32] = bsn_pdu_tx_reply
+class bsn_pdu_tx_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 31
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, tx_interval_ms=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if tx_interval_ms != None:
+            self.tx_interval_ms = tx_interval_ms
+        else:
+            self.tx_interval_ms = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.tx_interval_ms))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_tx_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 31)
+        obj.tx_interval_ms = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.tx_interval_ms != other.tx_interval_ms: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_tx_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_interval_ms = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_interval_ms)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[31] = bsn_pdu_tx_request
+class bsn_set_mirroring(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, report_mirror_ports=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if report_mirror_ports != None:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = report_mirror_ports
+        else:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.report_mirror_ports))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_mirroring()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 3)
+        obj.report_mirror_ports = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.report_mirror_ports != other.report_mirror_ports: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_mirroring {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("report_mirror_ports = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.report_mirror_ports)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[3] = bsn_set_mirroring
+class bsn_set_pktin_suppression_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 25
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_pktin_suppression_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 25)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_pktin_suppression_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[25] = bsn_set_pktin_suppression_reply
+class bsn_set_pktin_suppression_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enabled=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, cookie=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enabled != None:
+            self.enabled = enabled
+        else:
+            self.enabled = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.enabled))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_pktin_suppression_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 11)
+        obj.enabled = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enabled != other.enabled: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_pktin_suppression_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enabled = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enabled)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[11] = bsn_set_pktin_suppression_request
+class experimenter_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 3
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 16)
+        subclass = experimenter_stats_reply.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("subtype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.subtype)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[65535] = experimenter_stats_reply
+class bsn_stats_reply(experimenter_stats_reply):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 3
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 20)
+        subclass = bsn_stats_reply.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter_stats_reply.subtypes[6035143] = bsn_stats_reply
+class experimenter_stats_request(stats_request):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 3
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 16)
+        subclass = experimenter_stats_request.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("subtype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.subtype)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[65535] = experimenter_stats_request
+class bsn_stats_request(experimenter_stats_request):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 3
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 20)
+        subclass = bsn_stats_request.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter_stats_request.subtypes[6035143] = bsn_stats_request
+class bsn_virtual_port_create_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 16
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None, vport_no=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        if vport_no != None:
+            self.vport_no = vport_no
+        else:
+            self.vport_no = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vport_no))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_virtual_port_create_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 16)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.vport_no = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        if self.vport_no != other.vport_no: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_virtual_port_create_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vport_no = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vport_no)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[16] = bsn_virtual_port_create_reply
+class bsn_virtual_port_create_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 15
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, vport=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if vport != None:
+            self.vport = vport
+        else:
+            self.vport = ofp.bsn_vport()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.vport.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_virtual_port_create_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 15)
+        obj.vport = ofp.bsn_vport.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.vport != other.vport: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_virtual_port_create_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vport = ");
+                q.pp(self.vport)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[15] = bsn_virtual_port_create_request
+class bsn_virtual_port_remove_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 26
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_virtual_port_remove_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 26)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_virtual_port_remove_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[26] = bsn_virtual_port_remove_reply
+class bsn_virtual_port_remove_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 17
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, vport_no=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if vport_no != None:
+            self.vport_no = vport_no
+        else:
+            self.vport_no = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vport_no))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_virtual_port_remove_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 17)
+        obj.vport_no = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.vport_no != other.vport_no: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_virtual_port_remove_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vport_no = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vport_no)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[17] = bsn_virtual_port_remove_request
+class desc_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 3
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, mfr_desc=None, hw_desc=None, sw_desc=None, serial_num=None, dp_desc=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if mfr_desc != None:
+            self.mfr_desc = mfr_desc
+        else:
+            self.mfr_desc = ""
+        if hw_desc != None:
+            self.hw_desc = hw_desc
+        else:
+            self.hw_desc = ""
+        if sw_desc != None:
+            self.sw_desc = sw_desc
+        else:
+            self.sw_desc = ""
+        if serial_num != None:
+            self.serial_num = serial_num
+        else:
+            self.serial_num = ""
+        if dp_desc != None:
+            self.dp_desc = dp_desc
+        else:
+            self.dp_desc = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.mfr_desc))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.hw_desc))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.sw_desc))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!32s", self.serial_num))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.dp_desc))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 0)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.mfr_desc = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.hw_desc = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.sw_desc = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.serial_num = reader.read("!32s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.dp_desc = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.mfr_desc != other.mfr_desc: return False
+        if self.hw_desc != other.hw_desc: return False
+        if self.sw_desc != other.sw_desc: return False
+        if self.serial_num != other.serial_num: return False
+        if self.dp_desc != other.dp_desc: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("mfr_desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.mfr_desc)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hw_desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.hw_desc)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("sw_desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.sw_desc)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("serial_num = ");
+                q.pp(self.serial_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("dp_desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.dp_desc)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[0] = desc_stats_reply
+class desc_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 3
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 0)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[0] = desc_stats_request
+class echo_reply(message):
+    version = 3
+    type = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = echo_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 3)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("echo_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[3] = echo_reply
+class echo_request(message):
+    version = 3
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = echo_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("echo_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[2] = echo_request
+class experimenter_error_msg(error_msg):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 3
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, subtype=None, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 12)
+        subclass = experimenter_error_msg.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 65535)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("subtype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.subtype)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[65535] = experimenter_error_msg
+class features_reply(message):
+    version = 3
+    type = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, datapath_id=None, n_buffers=None, n_tables=None, capabilities=None, reserved=None, ports=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if datapath_id != None:
+            self.datapath_id = datapath_id
+        else:
+            self.datapath_id = 0
+        if n_buffers != None:
+            self.n_buffers = n_buffers
+        else:
+            self.n_buffers = 0
+        if n_tables != None:
+            self.n_tables = n_tables
+        else:
+            self.n_tables = 0
+        if capabilities != None:
+            self.capabilities = capabilities
+        else:
+            self.capabilities = 0
+        if reserved != None:
+            self.reserved = reserved
+        else:
+            self.reserved = 0
+        if ports != None:
+            self.ports = ports
+        else:
+            self.ports = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.datapath_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.n_buffers))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.n_tables))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.capabilities))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.reserved))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.ports))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = features_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 6)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.datapath_id = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.n_buffers = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.n_tables = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.capabilities = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.reserved = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ports = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.port_desc.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.datapath_id != other.datapath_id: return False
+        if self.n_buffers != other.n_buffers: return False
+        if self.n_tables != other.n_tables: return False
+        if self.capabilities != other.capabilities: return False
+        if self.reserved != other.reserved: return False
+        if self.ports != other.ports: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("features_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("datapath_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.datapath_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("n_buffers = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.n_buffers)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("n_tables = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.n_tables)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("capabilities = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.capabilities)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reserved = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reserved)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ports = ");
+                q.pp(self.ports)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[6] = features_reply
+class features_request(message):
+    version = 3
+    type = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = features_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 5)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("features_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[5] = features_request
+class flow_mod(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 3
+    type = 14
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, _command=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if _command != None:
+            self._command = _command
+        else:
+            self._command = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('B', 25)
+        subclass = flow_mod.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = flow_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj._command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self._command != other._command: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[14] = flow_mod
+class flow_add(flow_mod):
+    version = 3
+    type = 14
+    _command = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_add()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 0)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_add {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[0] = flow_add
+class flow_delete(flow_mod):
+    version = 3
+    type = 14
+    _command = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_delete()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 3)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_delete {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[3] = flow_delete
+class flow_delete_strict(flow_mod):
+    version = 3
+    type = 14
+    _command = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_delete_strict()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 4)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_delete_strict {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[4] = flow_delete_strict
+class flow_mod_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 3
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_mod_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 5)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_mod_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[5] = flow_mod_failed_error_msg
+class flow_modify(flow_mod):
+    version = 3
+    type = 14
+    _command = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_modify()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 1)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_modify {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[1] = flow_modify
+class flow_modify_strict(flow_mod):
+    version = 3
+    type = 14
+    _command = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_modify_strict()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 2)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_modify_strict {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[2] = flow_modify_strict
+class flow_removed(message):
+    version = 3
+    type = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, priority=None, reason=None, table_id=None, duration_sec=None, duration_nsec=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, packet_count=None, byte_count=None, match=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if reason != None:
+            self.reason = reason
+        else:
+            self.reason = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if duration_sec != None:
+            self.duration_sec = duration_sec
+        else:
+            self.duration_sec = 0
+        if duration_nsec != None:
+            self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
+        else:
+            self.duration_nsec = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.reason))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_sec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_nsec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_removed()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 11)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.reason = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.duration_sec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.duration_nsec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.reason != other.reason: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.duration_sec != other.duration_sec: return False
+        if self.duration_nsec != other.duration_nsec: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_removed {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reason = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reason)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_sec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_sec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_nsec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_nsec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[11] = flow_removed
+class flow_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 3
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 1)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.flow_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[1] = flow_stats_reply
+class flow_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 3
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, table_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, match=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 1)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[1] = flow_stats_request
+class get_config_reply(message):
+    version = 3
+    type = 8
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, miss_send_len=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if miss_send_len != None:
+            self.miss_send_len = miss_send_len
+        else:
+            self.miss_send_len = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.miss_send_len))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = get_config_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 8)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.miss_send_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.miss_send_len != other.miss_send_len: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("get_config_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("miss_send_len = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.miss_send_len)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[8] = get_config_reply
+class get_config_request(message):
+    version = 3
+    type = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = get_config_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 7)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("get_config_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[7] = get_config_request
+class group_mod(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 3
+    type = 15
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, command=None, group_type=None, group_id=None, buckets=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if command != None:
+            self.command = command
+        else:
+            self.command = 0
+        if group_type != None:
+            self.group_type = group_type
+        else:
+            self.group_type = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if buckets != None:
+            self.buckets = buckets
+        else:
+            self.buckets = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.group_type))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.buckets))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = group_mod.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = group_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.command = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.group_type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buckets = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.command != other.command: return False
+        if self.group_type != other.group_type: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.buckets != other.buckets: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets = ");
+                q.pp(self.buckets)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[15] = group_mod
+class group_add(group_mod):
+    version = 3
+    type = 15
+    command = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, group_type=None, group_id=None, buckets=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if group_type != None:
+            self.group_type = group_type
+        else:
+            self.group_type = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if buckets != None:
+            self.buckets = buckets
+        else:
+            self.buckets = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.group_type))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.buckets))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_add()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _command = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_command == 0)
+        obj.group_type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buckets = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.group_type != other.group_type: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.buckets != other.buckets: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_add {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets = ");
+                q.pp(self.buckets)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+group_mod.subtypes[0] = group_add
+class group_delete(group_mod):
+    version = 3
+    type = 15
+    command = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, group_type=None, group_id=None, buckets=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if group_type != None:
+            self.group_type = group_type
+        else:
+            self.group_type = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if buckets != None:
+            self.buckets = buckets
+        else:
+            self.buckets = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.group_type))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.buckets))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_delete()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _command = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_command == 2)
+        obj.group_type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buckets = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.group_type != other.group_type: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.buckets != other.buckets: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_delete {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets = ");
+                q.pp(self.buckets)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+group_mod.subtypes[2] = group_delete
+class group_desc_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 3
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 7)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.group_desc_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[7] = group_desc_stats_reply
+class group_desc_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 3
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 7)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[7] = group_desc_stats_request
+class group_features_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 3
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 8
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, types=None, capabilities=None, max_groups_all=None, max_groups_select=None, max_groups_indirect=None, max_groups_ff=None, actions_all=None, actions_select=None, actions_indirect=None, actions_ff=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if types != None:
+            self.types = types
+        else:
+            self.types = 0
+        if capabilities != None:
+            self.capabilities = capabilities
+        else:
+            self.capabilities = 0
+        if max_groups_all != None:
+            self.max_groups_all = max_groups_all
+        else:
+            self.max_groups_all = 0
+        if max_groups_select != None:
+            self.max_groups_select = max_groups_select
+        else:
+            self.max_groups_select = 0
+        if max_groups_indirect != None:
+            self.max_groups_indirect = max_groups_indirect
+        else:
+            self.max_groups_indirect = 0
+        if max_groups_ff != None:
+            self.max_groups_ff = max_groups_ff
+        else:
+            self.max_groups_ff = 0
+        if actions_all != None:
+            self.actions_all = actions_all
+        else:
+            self.actions_all = 0
+        if actions_select != None:
+            self.actions_select = actions_select
+        else:
+            self.actions_select = 0
+        if actions_indirect != None:
+            self.actions_indirect = actions_indirect
+        else:
+            self.actions_indirect = 0
+        if actions_ff != None:
+            self.actions_ff = actions_ff
+        else:
+            self.actions_ff = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.types))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.capabilities))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_groups_all))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_groups_select))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_groups_indirect))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_groups_ff))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.actions_all))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.actions_select))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.actions_indirect))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.actions_ff))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_features_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 8)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.types = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.capabilities = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_groups_all = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_groups_select = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_groups_indirect = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_groups_ff = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.actions_all = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.actions_select = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.actions_indirect = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.actions_ff = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.types != other.types: return False
+        if self.capabilities != other.capabilities: return False
+        if self.max_groups_all != other.max_groups_all: return False
+        if self.max_groups_select != other.max_groups_select: return False
+        if self.max_groups_indirect != other.max_groups_indirect: return False
+        if self.max_groups_ff != other.max_groups_ff: return False
+        if self.actions_all != other.actions_all: return False
+        if self.actions_select != other.actions_select: return False
+        if self.actions_indirect != other.actions_indirect: return False
+        if self.actions_ff != other.actions_ff: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_features_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("types = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.types)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("capabilities = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.capabilities)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_groups_all = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_groups_all)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_groups_select = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_groups_select)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_groups_indirect = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_groups_indirect)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_groups_ff = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_groups_ff)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions_all = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actions_all)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions_select = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actions_select)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions_indirect = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actions_indirect)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions_ff = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actions_ff)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[8] = group_features_stats_reply
+class group_features_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 3
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 8
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_features_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 8)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_features_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[8] = group_features_stats_request
+class group_mod_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 3
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_mod_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 6)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_mod_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[6] = group_mod_failed_error_msg
+class group_modify(group_mod):
+    version = 3
+    type = 15
+    command = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, group_type=None, group_id=None, buckets=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if group_type != None:
+            self.group_type = group_type
+        else:
+            self.group_type = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if buckets != None:
+            self.buckets = buckets
+        else:
+            self.buckets = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.group_type))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.buckets))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_modify()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _command = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_command == 1)
+        obj.group_type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buckets = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.group_type != other.group_type: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.buckets != other.buckets: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_modify {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets = ");
+                q.pp(self.buckets)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+group_mod.subtypes[1] = group_modify
+class group_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 3
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 6)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.group_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[6] = group_stats_reply
+class group_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 3
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, group_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 6)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[6] = group_stats_request
+class hello(message):
+    version = 3
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = hello()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hello {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[0] = hello
+class hello_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 3
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = hello_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 0)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hello_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[0] = hello_failed_error_msg
+class nicira_header(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 3
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 8992
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 12)
+        subclass = nicira_header.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = nicira_header()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira_header {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[8992] = nicira_header
+class packet_in(message):
+    version = 3
+    type = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, buffer_id=None, total_len=None, reason=None, table_id=None, match=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if total_len != None:
+            self.total_len = total_len
+        else:
+            self.total_len = 0
+        if reason != None:
+            self.reason = reason
+        else:
+            self.reason = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.total_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.reason))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = packet_in()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 10)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.total_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.reason = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.total_len != other.total_len: return False
+        if self.reason != other.reason: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("packet_in {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("total_len = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.total_len)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reason = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reason)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[10] = packet_in
+class packet_out(message):
+    version = 3
+    type = 13
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, buffer_id=None, in_port=None, actions=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if in_port != None:
+            self.in_port = in_port
+        else:
+            self.in_port = 0
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.in_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for actions_len at index 6
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        packed[6] = struct.pack("!H", len(packed[-1]))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = packet_out()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 13)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.in_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        _actions_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(6)
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader.slice(_actions_len), ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.in_port != other.in_port: return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("packet_out {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("in_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.in_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[13] = packet_out
+class port_mod(message):
+    version = 3
+    type = 16
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, port_no=None, hw_addr=None, config=None, mask=None, advertise=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if hw_addr != None:
+            self.hw_addr = hw_addr
+        else:
+            self.hw_addr = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if config != None:
+            self.config = config
+        else:
+            self.config = 0
+        if mask != None:
+            self.mask = mask
+        else:
+            self.mask = 0
+        if advertise != None:
+            self.advertise = advertise
+        else:
+            self.advertise = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.hw_addr))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.config))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.advertise))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.hw_addr = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.config = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.advertise = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.hw_addr != other.hw_addr: return False
+        if self.config != other.config: return False
+        if self.mask != other.mask: return False
+        if self.advertise != other.advertise: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hw_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.hw_addr))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("config = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.config)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("advertise = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.advertise)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[16] = port_mod
+class port_mod_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 3
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_mod_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 7)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_mod_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[7] = port_mod_failed_error_msg
+class port_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 3
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 4)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.port_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[4] = port_stats_reply
+class port_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 3
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, port_no=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 4)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[4] = port_stats_request
+class port_status(message):
+    version = 3
+    type = 12
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, reason=None, desc=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if reason != None:
+            self.reason = reason
+        else:
+            self.reason = 0
+        if desc != None:
+            self.desc = desc
+        else:
+            self.desc = ofp.port_desc()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.reason))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 7)
+        packed.append(self.desc.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_status()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 12)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.reason = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(7)
+        obj.desc = ofp.port_desc.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.reason != other.reason: return False
+        if self.desc != other.desc: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_status {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reason = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reason)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.desc)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[12] = port_status
+class queue_get_config_reply(message):
+    version = 3
+    type = 23
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, port=None, queues=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if port != None:
+            self.port = port
+        else:
+            self.port = 0
+        if queues != None:
+            self.queues = queues
+        else:
+            self.queues = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.queues))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_get_config_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 23)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.queues = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.packet_queue.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.port != other.port: return False
+        if self.queues != other.queues: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_get_config_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("queues = ");
+                q.pp(self.queues)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[23] = queue_get_config_reply
+class queue_get_config_request(message):
+    version = 3
+    type = 22
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, port=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if port != None:
+            self.port = port
+        else:
+            self.port = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_get_config_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 22)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.port != other.port: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_get_config_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[22] = queue_get_config_request
+class queue_op_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 3
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_op_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 9)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_op_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[9] = queue_op_failed_error_msg
+class queue_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 3
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 5)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.queue_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[5] = queue_stats_reply
+class queue_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 3
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, port_no=None, queue_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 5)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[5] = queue_stats_request
+class role_reply(message):
+    version = 3
+    type = 25
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, role=None, generation_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if role != None:
+            self.role = role
+        else:
+            self.role = 0
+        if generation_id != None:
+            self.generation_id = generation_id
+        else:
+            self.generation_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.role))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.generation_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = role_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 25)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.role = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.generation_id = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.role != other.role: return False
+        if self.generation_id != other.generation_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("role_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("role = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.role)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("generation_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.generation_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[25] = role_reply
+class role_request(message):
+    version = 3
+    type = 24
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, role=None, generation_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if role != None:
+            self.role = role
+        else:
+            self.role = 0
+        if generation_id != None:
+            self.generation_id = generation_id
+        else:
+            self.generation_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.role))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.generation_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = role_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 24)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.role = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.generation_id = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.role != other.role: return False
+        if self.generation_id != other.generation_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("role_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("role = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.role)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("generation_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.generation_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[24] = role_request
+class role_request_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 3
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = role_request_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 11)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("role_request_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[11] = role_request_failed_error_msg
+class set_config(message):
+    version = 3
+    type = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, miss_send_len=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if miss_send_len != None:
+            self.miss_send_len = miss_send_len
+        else:
+            self.miss_send_len = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.miss_send_len))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_config()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 9)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.miss_send_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.miss_send_len != other.miss_send_len: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_config {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("miss_send_len = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.miss_send_len)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[9] = set_config
+class switch_config_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 3
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = switch_config_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 10)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("switch_config_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[10] = switch_config_failed_error_msg
+class table_mod(message):
+    version = 3
+    type = 17
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, table_id=None, config=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if config != None:
+            self.config = config
+        else:
+            self.config = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.config))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 17)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.config = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.config != other.config: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("config = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.config)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[17] = table_mod
+class table_mod_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 3
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 8
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_mod_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 8)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_mod_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[8] = table_mod_failed_error_msg
+class table_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 3
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 3)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.table_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[3] = table_stats_reply
+class table_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 3
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 3)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 3)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[3] = table_stats_request
+def parse_header(buf):
+    if len(buf) < 8:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("too short to be an OpenFlow message")
+    return struct.unpack_from("!BBHL", buf)
+def parse_message(buf):
+    msg_ver, msg_type, msg_len, msg_xid = parse_header(buf)
+    if msg_ver != ofp.OFP_VERSION and msg_type != ofp.OFPT_HELLO:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("wrong OpenFlow version (expected %d, got %d)" % (ofp.OFP_VERSION, msg_ver))
+    if len(buf) != msg_len:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("incorrect message size")
+    return message.unpack(loxi.generic_util.OFReader(buf))
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/oxm.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/oxm.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2d6dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/oxm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5499 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of12']
+class oxm(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type_len=None):
+        if type_len != None:
+            self.type_len = type_len
+        else:
+            self.type_len = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 0)
+        subclass = oxm.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = oxm()
+        obj.type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type_len != other.type_len: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("oxm {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class arp_op(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147494402
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_op()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147494402)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_op {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147494402] = arp_op
+class arp_op_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147494660
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_op_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147494660)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_op_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147494660] = arp_op_masked
+class arp_sha(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147495942
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_sha()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147495942)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_sha {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147495942] = arp_sha
+class arp_sha_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147496204
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_sha_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147496204)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_sha_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147496204] = arp_sha_masked
+class arp_spa(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147494916
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_spa()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147494916)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_spa {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147494916] = arp_spa
+class arp_spa_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147495176
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_spa_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147495176)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_spa_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147495176] = arp_spa_masked
+class arp_tha(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147496454
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_tha()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147496454)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_tha {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147496454] = arp_tha
+class arp_tha_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147496716
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_tha_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147496716)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_tha_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147496716] = arp_tha_masked
+class arp_tpa(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147495428
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_tpa()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147495428)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_tpa {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147495428] = arp_tpa
+class arp_tpa_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147495688
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_tpa_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147495688)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_tpa_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147495688] = arp_tpa_masked
+class bsn_egr_port_group_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 200196
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_egr_port_group_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 200196)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_egr_port_group_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[200196] = bsn_egr_port_group_id
+class bsn_egr_port_group_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 200456
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_egr_port_group_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 200456)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_egr_port_group_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[200456] = bsn_egr_port_group_id_masked
+class bsn_global_vrf_allowed(oxm):
+    type_len = 198145
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_global_vrf_allowed()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 198145)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_global_vrf_allowed {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[198145] = bsn_global_vrf_allowed
+class bsn_global_vrf_allowed_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 198402
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_global_vrf_allowed_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 198402)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_global_vrf_allowed_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[198402] = bsn_global_vrf_allowed_masked
+class bsn_in_ports_128(oxm):
+    type_len = 196624
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = set()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_bitmap_128(self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_in_ports_128()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 196624)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_bitmap_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_in_ports_128 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[196624] = bsn_in_ports_128
+class bsn_in_ports_128_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 196896
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = set()
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = set()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_bitmap_128(self.value))
+        packed.append(util.pack_bitmap_128(self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_in_ports_128_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 196896)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_bitmap_128(reader)
+        obj.value_mask = util.unpack_bitmap_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_in_ports_128_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[196896] = bsn_in_ports_128_masked
+class bsn_in_ports_512(oxm):
+    type_len = 206400
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = set()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_bitmap_512(self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_in_ports_512()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 206400)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_bitmap_512(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_in_ports_512 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[206400] = bsn_in_ports_512
+class bsn_in_ports_512_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 206720
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = set()
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = set()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_bitmap_512(self.value))
+        packed.append(util.pack_bitmap_512(self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_in_ports_512_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 206720)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_bitmap_512(reader)
+        obj.value_mask = util.unpack_bitmap_512(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_in_ports_512_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[206720] = bsn_in_ports_512_masked
+class bsn_ingress_port_group_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 206852
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_ingress_port_group_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 206852)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_ingress_port_group_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[206852] = bsn_ingress_port_group_id
+class bsn_ingress_port_group_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 207112
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_ingress_port_group_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 207112)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_ingress_port_group_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[207112] = bsn_ingress_port_group_id_masked
+class bsn_l2_cache_hit(oxm):
+    type_len = 205825
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l2_cache_hit()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 205825)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l2_cache_hit {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[205825] = bsn_l2_cache_hit
+class bsn_l2_cache_hit_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 206082
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l2_cache_hit_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 206082)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l2_cache_hit_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[206082] = bsn_l2_cache_hit_masked
+class bsn_l3_dst_class_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 199684
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l3_dst_class_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 199684)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l3_dst_class_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[199684] = bsn_l3_dst_class_id
+class bsn_l3_dst_class_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 199944
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l3_dst_class_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 199944)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l3_dst_class_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[199944] = bsn_l3_dst_class_id_masked
+class bsn_l3_interface_class_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 198660
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l3_interface_class_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 198660)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l3_interface_class_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[198660] = bsn_l3_interface_class_id
+class bsn_l3_interface_class_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 198920
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l3_interface_class_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 198920)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l3_interface_class_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[198920] = bsn_l3_interface_class_id_masked
+class bsn_l3_src_class_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 199172
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l3_src_class_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 199172)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l3_src_class_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[199172] = bsn_l3_src_class_id
+class bsn_l3_src_class_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 199432
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l3_src_class_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 199432)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l3_src_class_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[199432] = bsn_l3_src_class_id_masked
+class bsn_lag_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 197124
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lag_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 197124)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lag_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[197124] = bsn_lag_id
+class bsn_lag_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 197384
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lag_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 197384)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lag_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[197384] = bsn_lag_id_masked
+class bsn_tcp_flags(oxm):
+    type_len = 204802
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_tcp_flags()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 204802)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_tcp_flags {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[204802] = bsn_tcp_flags
+class bsn_tcp_flags_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 205060
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_tcp_flags_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 205060)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_tcp_flags_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[205060] = bsn_tcp_flags_masked
+class bsn_udf0(oxm):
+    type_len = 200708
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf0()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 200708)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf0 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[200708] = bsn_udf0
+class bsn_udf0_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 200968
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf0_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 200968)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf0_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[200968] = bsn_udf0_masked
+class bsn_udf1(oxm):
+    type_len = 201220
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf1()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 201220)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf1 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[201220] = bsn_udf1
+class bsn_udf1_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 201480
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf1_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 201480)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf1_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[201480] = bsn_udf1_masked
+class bsn_udf2(oxm):
+    type_len = 201732
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf2()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 201732)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf2 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[201732] = bsn_udf2
+class bsn_udf2_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 201992
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf2_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 201992)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf2_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[201992] = bsn_udf2_masked
+class bsn_udf3(oxm):
+    type_len = 202244
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf3()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 202244)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf3 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[202244] = bsn_udf3
+class bsn_udf3_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 202504
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf3_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 202504)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf3_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[202504] = bsn_udf3_masked
+class bsn_udf4(oxm):
+    type_len = 202756
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf4()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 202756)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf4 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[202756] = bsn_udf4
+class bsn_udf4_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 203016
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf4_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 203016)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf4_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[203016] = bsn_udf4_masked
+class bsn_udf5(oxm):
+    type_len = 203268
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf5()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 203268)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf5 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[203268] = bsn_udf5
+class bsn_udf5_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 203528
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf5_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 203528)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf5_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[203528] = bsn_udf5_masked
+class bsn_udf6(oxm):
+    type_len = 203780
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf6()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 203780)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf6 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[203780] = bsn_udf6
+class bsn_udf6_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 204040
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf6_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 204040)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf6_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[204040] = bsn_udf6_masked
+class bsn_udf7(oxm):
+    type_len = 204292
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf7()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 204292)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf7 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[204292] = bsn_udf7
+class bsn_udf7_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 204552
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf7_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 204552)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf7_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[204552] = bsn_udf7_masked
+class bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 205316
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 205316)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[205316] = bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id
+class bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 205576
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 205576)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[205576] = bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id_masked
+class bsn_vrf(oxm):
+    type_len = 197636
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vrf()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 197636)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vrf {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[197636] = bsn_vrf
+class bsn_vrf_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 197896
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vrf_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 197896)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vrf_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[197896] = bsn_vrf_masked
+class eth_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147485190
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147485190)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147485190] = eth_dst
+class eth_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147485452
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147485452)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147485452] = eth_dst_masked
+class eth_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147485702
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147485702)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147485702] = eth_src
+class eth_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147485964
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147485964)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147485964] = eth_src_masked
+class eth_type(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147486210
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_type()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147486210)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_type {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147486210] = eth_type
+class eth_type_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147486468
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_type_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147486468)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_type_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147486468] = eth_type_masked
+class icmpv4_code(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147493889
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv4_code()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147493889)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv4_code {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147493889] = icmpv4_code
+class icmpv4_code_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147494146
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv4_code_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147494146)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv4_code_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147494146] = icmpv4_code_masked
+class icmpv4_type(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147493377
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv4_type()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147493377)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv4_type {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147493377] = icmpv4_type
+class icmpv4_type_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147493634
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv4_type_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147493634)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv4_type_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147493634] = icmpv4_type_masked
+class icmpv6_code(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147499009
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv6_code()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147499009)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv6_code {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147499009] = icmpv6_code
+class icmpv6_code_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147499266
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv6_code_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147499266)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv6_code_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147499266] = icmpv6_code_masked
+class icmpv6_type(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147498497
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv6_type()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147498497)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv6_type {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147498497] = icmpv6_type
+class icmpv6_type_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147498754
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv6_type_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147498754)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv6_type_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147498754] = icmpv6_type_masked
+class in_phy_port(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147484164
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = in_phy_port()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147484164)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("in_phy_port {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147484164] = in_phy_port
+class in_phy_port_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147484424
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.value))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = in_phy_port_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147484424)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.value_mask = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("in_phy_port_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147484424] = in_phy_port_masked
+class in_port(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147483652
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = in_port()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147483652)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("in_port {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147483652] = in_port
+class in_port_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147483912
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.value))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = in_port_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147483912)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.value_mask = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("in_port_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147483912] = in_port_masked
+class ip_dscp(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147487745
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ip_dscp()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147487745)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ip_dscp {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147487745] = ip_dscp
+class ip_dscp_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147488002
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ip_dscp_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147488002)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ip_dscp_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147488002] = ip_dscp_masked
+class ip_ecn(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147488257
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ip_ecn()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147488257)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ip_ecn {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147488257] = ip_ecn
+class ip_ecn_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147488514
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ip_ecn_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147488514)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ip_ecn_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147488514] = ip_ecn_masked
+class ip_proto(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147488769
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ip_proto()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147488769)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ip_proto {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147488769] = ip_proto
+class ip_proto_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147489026
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ip_proto_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147489026)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ip_proto_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147489026] = ip_proto_masked
+class ipv4_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147489796
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv4_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147489796)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv4_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147489796] = ipv4_dst
+class ipv4_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147490056
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv4_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147490056)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv4_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147490056] = ipv4_dst_masked
+class ipv4_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147489284
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv4_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147489284)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv4_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147489284] = ipv4_src
+class ipv4_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147489544
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv4_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147489544)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv4_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147489544] = ipv4_src_masked
+class ipv6_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147497488
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147497488)
+        obj.value = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147497488] = ipv6_dst
+class ipv6_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147497760
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147497760)
+        obj.value = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147497760] = ipv6_dst_masked
+class ipv6_flabel(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147497988
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_flabel()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147497988)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_flabel {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147497988] = ipv6_flabel
+class ipv6_flabel_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147498248
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_flabel_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147498248)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_flabel_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147498248] = ipv6_flabel_masked
+class ipv6_nd_sll(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147500038
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_nd_sll()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147500038)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_nd_sll {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147500038] = ipv6_nd_sll
+class ipv6_nd_sll_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147500300
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_nd_sll_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147500300)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_nd_sll_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147500300] = ipv6_nd_sll_masked
+class ipv6_nd_target(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147499536
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_nd_target()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147499536)
+        obj.value = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_nd_target {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147499536] = ipv6_nd_target
+class ipv6_nd_target_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147499808
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_nd_target_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147499808)
+        obj.value = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_nd_target_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147499808] = ipv6_nd_target_masked
+class ipv6_nd_tll(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147500550
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_nd_tll()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147500550)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_nd_tll {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147500550] = ipv6_nd_tll
+class ipv6_nd_tll_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147500812
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_nd_tll_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147500812)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_nd_tll_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147500812] = ipv6_nd_tll_masked
+class ipv6_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147496976
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147496976)
+        obj.value = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147496976] = ipv6_src
+class ipv6_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147497248
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147497248)
+        obj.value = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147497248] = ipv6_src_masked
+class metadata(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147484680
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = metadata()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147484680)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("metadata {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147484680] = metadata
+class metadata_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147484944
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = metadata_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147484944)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("metadata_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147484944] = metadata_masked
+class mpls_label(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147501060
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_label()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147501060)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_label {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147501060] = mpls_label
+class mpls_label_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147501320
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_label_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147501320)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_label_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147501320] = mpls_label_masked
+class mpls_tc(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147501569
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_tc()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147501569)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_tc {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147501569] = mpls_tc
+class mpls_tc_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147501826
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_tc_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147501826)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_tc_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147501826] = mpls_tc_masked
+class sctp_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147492866
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = sctp_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147492866)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("sctp_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147492866] = sctp_dst
+class sctp_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147493124
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = sctp_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147493124)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("sctp_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147493124] = sctp_dst_masked
+class sctp_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147492354
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = sctp_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147492354)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("sctp_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147492354] = sctp_src
+class sctp_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147492612
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = sctp_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147492612)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("sctp_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147492612] = sctp_src_masked
+class tcp_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147490818
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tcp_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147490818)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tcp_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147490818] = tcp_dst
+class tcp_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147491076
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tcp_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147491076)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tcp_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147491076] = tcp_dst_masked
+class tcp_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147490306
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tcp_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147490306)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tcp_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147490306] = tcp_src
+class tcp_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147490564
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tcp_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147490564)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tcp_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147490564] = tcp_src_masked
+class tunnel_ipv4_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 81924
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tunnel_ipv4_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 81924)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tunnel_ipv4_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[81924] = tunnel_ipv4_dst
+class tunnel_ipv4_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 82184
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tunnel_ipv4_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 82184)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tunnel_ipv4_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[82184] = tunnel_ipv4_dst_masked
+class tunnel_ipv4_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 81412
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tunnel_ipv4_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 81412)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tunnel_ipv4_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[81412] = tunnel_ipv4_src
+class tunnel_ipv4_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 81672
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tunnel_ipv4_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 81672)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tunnel_ipv4_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[81672] = tunnel_ipv4_src_masked
+class udp_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147491842
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udp_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147491842)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udp_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147491842] = udp_dst
+class udp_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147492100
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udp_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147492100)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udp_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147492100] = udp_dst_masked
+class udp_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147491330
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udp_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147491330)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udp_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147491330] = udp_src
+class udp_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147491588
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udp_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147491588)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udp_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147491588] = udp_src_masked
+class vlan_pcp(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147487233
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vlan_pcp()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147487233)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vlan_pcp {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147487233] = vlan_pcp
+class vlan_pcp_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147487490
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vlan_pcp_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147487490)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vlan_pcp_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147487490] = vlan_pcp_masked
+class vlan_vid(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147486722
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vlan_vid()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147486722)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vlan_vid {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147486722] = vlan_vid
+class vlan_vid_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147486980
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vlan_vid_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147486980)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vlan_vid_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147486980] = vlan_vid_masked
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/util.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90913a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of12/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template util.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import const
+import common
+import action
+import instruction
+import oxm
+def pretty_mac(mac):
+    return ':'.join(["%02x" % x for x in mac])
+def pretty_ipv4(v):
+    return "%d.%d.%d.%d" % ((v >> 24) & 0xFF, (v >> 16) & 0xFF, (v >> 8) & 0xFF, v & 0xFF)
+def pretty_flags(v, flag_names):
+    set_flags = []
+    for flag_name in flag_names:
+        flag_value = getattr(const, flag_name)
+        if v & flag_value == flag_value:
+            set_flags.append(flag_name)
+        elif v & flag_value:
+            set_flags.append('%s&%#x' % (flag_name, v & flag_value))
+        v &= ~flag_value
+    if v:
+        set_flags.append("%#x" % v)
+    return '|'.join(set_flags) or '0'
+def pretty_port(v):
+    named_ports = [(k,v2) for (k,v2) in const.__dict__.iteritems() if k.startswith('OFPP_')]
+    for (k, v2) in named_ports:
+        if v == v2:
+            return k
+    return v
+def pack_port_no(value):
+    return struct.pack("!L", value)
+def unpack_port_no(reader):
+    return reader.read("!L")[0]
+def pack_fm_cmd(value):
+    return struct.pack("!B", value)
+def unpack_fm_cmd(reader):
+    return reader.read("!B")[0]
+def init_wc_bmap():
+    return 0
+def pack_wc_bmap(value):
+    return struct.pack("!Q", value)
+def unpack_wc_bmap(reader):
+    return reader.read("!Q")[0]
+def init_match_bmap():
+    return 0
+def pack_match_bmap(value):
+    return struct.pack("!Q", value)
+def unpack_match_bmap(reader):
+    return reader.read("!Q")[0]
+MASK64 = (1 << 64) - 1
+def pack_bitmap_128(value):
+    x = 0l
+    for y in value:
+        x |= 1 << y
+    return struct.pack("!QQ", (x >> 64) & MASK64, x & MASK64)
+def unpack_bitmap_128(reader):
+    hi, lo = reader.read("!QQ")
+    x = (hi << 64) | lo
+    i = 0
+    value = set()
+    while x != 0:
+        if x & 1 == 1:
+            value.add(i)
+        i += 1
+        x >>= 1
+    return value
+def pack_bitmap_512(value):
+    words = [0] * 8
+    for v in value:
+        assert v < 512
+        words[7-v/64] |= 1 << (v % 64)
+    return struct.pack("!8Q", *words)
+def unpack_bitmap_512(reader):
+    words = reader.read("!8Q")
+    x = 0l
+    for word in words:
+        x <<= 64
+        x |= word
+    i = 0
+    value = set()
+    while x != 0:
+        if x & 1 == 1:
+            value.add(i)
+        i += 1
+        x >>= 1
+    return value
+def pack_checksum_128(value):
+    return struct.pack("!QQ", (value >> 64) & MASK64, value & MASK64)
+def unpack_checksum_128(reader):
+    hi, lo = reader.read("!QQ")
+    return (hi << 64) | lo
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/__init__.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff0f0b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template init.py
+# Do not modify
+import const
+import bsn_tlv
+import meter_band
+import instruction
+import oxm
+import common
+import instruction_id
+import action
+import message
+import action_id
+from const import *
+from common import *
+from loxi import ProtocolError
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/action.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/action.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8727a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/action.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1298 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of13']
+class action(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = action.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = action()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("action {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class experimenter(action):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        length += len(packed[-1])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
+class bsn(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, subtype=None):
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 8)
+        subclass = bsn.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[6035143] = bsn
+class bsn_checksum(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 4
+    def __init__(self, checksum=None):
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_checksum()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 4)
+        obj.checksum = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_checksum {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[4] = bsn_checksum
+class bsn_gentable(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 5
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, key=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if key != None:
+            self.key = key
+        else:
+            self.key = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.key))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 5)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.key = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.key != other.key: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("key = ");
+                q.pp(self.key)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[5] = bsn_gentable
+class bsn_mirror(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 1
+    def __init__(self, dest_port=None, vlan_tag=None, copy_stage=None):
+        if dest_port != None:
+            self.dest_port = dest_port
+        else:
+            self.dest_port = 0
+        if vlan_tag != None:
+            self.vlan_tag = vlan_tag
+        else:
+            self.vlan_tag = 0
+        if copy_stage != None:
+            self.copy_stage = copy_stage
+        else:
+            self.copy_stage = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.dest_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vlan_tag))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.copy_stage))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_mirror()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 1)
+        obj.dest_port = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.vlan_tag = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.copy_stage = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.dest_port != other.dest_port: return False
+        if self.vlan_tag != other.vlan_tag: return False
+        if self.copy_stage != other.copy_stage: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_mirror {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("dest_port = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.dest_port)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_tag = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_tag)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("copy_stage = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.copy_stage)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[1] = bsn_mirror
+class bsn_set_tunnel_dst(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 2
+    def __init__(self, dst=None):
+        if dst != None:
+            self.dst = dst
+        else:
+            self.dst = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.dst))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_tunnel_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 2)
+        obj.dst = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.dst != other.dst: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_tunnel_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("dst = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.dst)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[2] = bsn_set_tunnel_dst
+class copy_ttl_in(action):
+    type = 12
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = copy_ttl_in()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 12)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("copy_ttl_in {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[12] = copy_ttl_in
+class copy_ttl_out(action):
+    type = 11
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = copy_ttl_out()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 11)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("copy_ttl_out {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[11] = copy_ttl_out
+class dec_mpls_ttl(action):
+    type = 16
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = dec_mpls_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("dec_mpls_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[16] = dec_mpls_ttl
+class dec_nw_ttl(action):
+    type = 24
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = dec_nw_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 24)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("dec_nw_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[24] = dec_nw_ttl
+class group(action):
+    type = 22
+    def __init__(self, group_id=None):
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 22)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[22] = group
+class nicira(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 8992
+    def __init__(self, subtype=None):
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = nicira.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = nicira()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[8992] = nicira
+class nicira_dec_ttl(nicira):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 8992
+    subtype = 18
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = nicira_dec_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 18)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira_dec_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+nicira.subtypes[18] = nicira_dec_ttl
+class output(action):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, port=None, max_len=None):
+        if port != None:
+            self.port = port
+        else:
+            self.port = 0
+        if max_len != None:
+            self.max_len = max_len
+        else:
+            self.max_len = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.max_len))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = output()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.max_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port != other.port: return False
+        if self.max_len != other.max_len: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("output {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_len = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_len)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[0] = output
+class pop_mpls(action):
+    type = 20
+    def __init__(self, ethertype=None):
+        if ethertype != None:
+            self.ethertype = ethertype
+        else:
+            self.ethertype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ethertype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = pop_mpls()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 20)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.ethertype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.ethertype != other.ethertype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("pop_mpls {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("ethertype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ethertype)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[20] = pop_mpls
+class pop_pbb(action):
+    type = 27
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = pop_pbb()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 27)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("pop_pbb {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[27] = pop_pbb
+class pop_vlan(action):
+    type = 18
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = pop_vlan()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("pop_vlan {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[18] = pop_vlan
+class push_mpls(action):
+    type = 19
+    def __init__(self, ethertype=None):
+        if ethertype != None:
+            self.ethertype = ethertype
+        else:
+            self.ethertype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ethertype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = push_mpls()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.ethertype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.ethertype != other.ethertype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("push_mpls {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("ethertype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ethertype)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[19] = push_mpls
+class push_pbb(action):
+    type = 26
+    def __init__(self, ethertype=None):
+        if ethertype != None:
+            self.ethertype = ethertype
+        else:
+            self.ethertype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ethertype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = push_pbb()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 26)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.ethertype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.ethertype != other.ethertype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("push_pbb {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("ethertype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ethertype)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[26] = push_pbb
+class push_vlan(action):
+    type = 17
+    def __init__(self, ethertype=None):
+        if ethertype != None:
+            self.ethertype = ethertype
+        else:
+            self.ethertype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ethertype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = push_vlan()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 17)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.ethertype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.ethertype != other.ethertype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("push_vlan {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("ethertype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ethertype)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[17] = push_vlan
+class set_field(action):
+    type = 25
+    def __init__(self, field=None):
+        if field != None:
+            self.field = field
+        else:
+            self.field = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(self.field.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        length += len(packed[-1])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_field()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 25)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.field = ofp.oxm.oxm.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.field != other.field: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_field {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("field = ");
+                q.pp(self.field)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[25] = set_field
+class set_mpls_ttl(action):
+    type = 15
+    def __init__(self, mpls_ttl=None):
+        if mpls_ttl != None:
+            self.mpls_ttl = mpls_ttl
+        else:
+            self.mpls_ttl = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.mpls_ttl))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_mpls_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.mpls_ttl = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.mpls_ttl != other.mpls_ttl: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_mpls_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("mpls_ttl = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mpls_ttl)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[15] = set_mpls_ttl
+class set_nw_ttl(action):
+    type = 23
+    def __init__(self, nw_ttl=None):
+        if nw_ttl != None:
+            self.nw_ttl = nw_ttl
+        else:
+            self.nw_ttl = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.nw_ttl))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_nw_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 23)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.nw_ttl = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.nw_ttl != other.nw_ttl: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_nw_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("nw_ttl = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.nw_ttl)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[23] = set_nw_ttl
+class set_queue(action):
+    type = 21
+    def __init__(self, queue_id=None):
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_queue()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 21)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_queue {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[21] = set_queue
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/action_id.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/action_id.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0162205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/action_id.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1079 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of13']
+class action_id(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = action_id.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = action_id()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("action_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class experimenter(action_id):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
+class bsn(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, subtype=None):
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 8)
+        subclass = bsn.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[6035143] = bsn
+class bsn_checksum(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 4
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_checksum()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_checksum {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[4] = bsn_checksum
+class bsn_gentable(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 5
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 5)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[5] = bsn_gentable
+class bsn_mirror(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 1
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_mirror()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 1)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_mirror {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[1] = bsn_mirror
+class bsn_set_tunnel_dst(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 2
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_tunnel_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_tunnel_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[2] = bsn_set_tunnel_dst
+class copy_ttl_in(action_id):
+    type = 12
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = copy_ttl_in()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 12)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("copy_ttl_in {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[12] = copy_ttl_in
+class copy_ttl_out(action_id):
+    type = 11
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = copy_ttl_out()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 11)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("copy_ttl_out {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[11] = copy_ttl_out
+class dec_mpls_ttl(action_id):
+    type = 16
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = dec_mpls_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("dec_mpls_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[16] = dec_mpls_ttl
+class dec_nw_ttl(action_id):
+    type = 24
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = dec_nw_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 24)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("dec_nw_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[24] = dec_nw_ttl
+class group(action_id):
+    type = 22
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 22)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[22] = group
+class nicira(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 8992
+    def __init__(self, subtype=None):
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = nicira.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = nicira()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[8992] = nicira
+class nicira_dec_ttl(nicira):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 8992
+    subtype = 18
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = nicira_dec_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 18)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira_dec_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+nicira.subtypes[18] = nicira_dec_ttl
+class output(action_id):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = output()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("output {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[0] = output
+class pop_mpls(action_id):
+    type = 20
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = pop_mpls()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 20)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("pop_mpls {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[20] = pop_mpls
+class pop_pbb(action_id):
+    type = 27
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = pop_pbb()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 27)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("pop_pbb {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[27] = pop_pbb
+class pop_vlan(action_id):
+    type = 18
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = pop_vlan()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("pop_vlan {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[18] = pop_vlan
+class push_mpls(action_id):
+    type = 19
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = push_mpls()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("push_mpls {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[19] = push_mpls
+class push_pbb(action_id):
+    type = 26
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = push_pbb()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 26)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("push_pbb {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[26] = push_pbb
+class push_vlan(action_id):
+    type = 17
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = push_vlan()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 17)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("push_vlan {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[17] = push_vlan
+class set_field(action_id):
+    type = 25
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_field()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 25)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_field {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[25] = set_field
+class set_mpls_ttl(action_id):
+    type = 15
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_mpls_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_mpls_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[15] = set_mpls_ttl
+class set_nw_ttl(action_id):
+    type = 23
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_nw_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 23)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_nw_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[23] = set_nw_ttl
+class set_queue(action_id):
+    type = 21
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_queue()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 21)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_queue {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[21] = set_queue
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/bsn_tlv.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/bsn_tlv.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..964ca7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/bsn_tlv.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4801 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of13']
+class bsn_tlv(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = bsn_tlv.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_tlv()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_tlv {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class actor_key(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 44
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = actor_key()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 44)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("actor_key {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[44] = actor_key
+class actor_port_num(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 43
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = actor_port_num()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 43)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("actor_port_num {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[43] = actor_port_num
+class actor_port_priority(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 42
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = actor_port_priority()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 42)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("actor_port_priority {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[42] = actor_port_priority
+class actor_state(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 53
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = actor_state()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 53)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("actor_state {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[53] = actor_state
+class actor_system_mac(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 41
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = actor_system_mac()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 41)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("actor_system_mac {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[41] = actor_system_mac
+class actor_system_priority(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 40
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = actor_system_priority()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 40)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("actor_system_priority {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[40] = actor_system_priority
+class anchor(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 81
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = anchor()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 81)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("anchor {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[81] = anchor
+class broadcast_query_timeout(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 10
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = broadcast_query_timeout()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 10)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("broadcast_query_timeout {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[10] = broadcast_query_timeout
+class broadcast_rate(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 90
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = broadcast_rate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 90)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("broadcast_rate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[90] = broadcast_rate
+class bucket(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 64
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bucket()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 64)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bucket {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[64] = bucket
+class circuit_id(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 14
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(self.value)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = circuit_id()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("circuit_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[14] = circuit_id
+class convergence_status(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 45
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = convergence_status()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 45)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("convergence_status {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[45] = convergence_status
+class crc_enabled(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 22
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = crc_enabled()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 22)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("crc_enabled {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[22] = crc_enabled
+class data(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 55
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(self.value)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = data()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 55)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("data {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[55] = data
+class decap(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 85
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = decap()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 85)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("decap {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[85] = decap
+class eth_dst(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 33
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 33)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[33] = eth_dst
+class eth_src(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 32
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_src()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 32)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[32] = eth_src
+class external_gateway_ip(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 26
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = external_gateway_ip()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 26)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("external_gateway_ip {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[26] = external_gateway_ip
+class external_gateway_mac(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 29
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = external_gateway_mac()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 29)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("external_gateway_mac {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[29] = external_gateway_mac
+class external_ip(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 23
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = external_ip()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 23)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("external_ip {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[23] = external_ip
+class external_mac(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 24
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = external_mac()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 24)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("external_mac {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[24] = external_mac
+class external_netmask(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 25
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = external_netmask()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 25)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("external_netmask {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[25] = external_netmask
+class generation_id(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 80
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = generation_id()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 80)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("generation_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[80] = generation_id
+class hash_packet_field(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 103
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = hash_packet_field()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 103)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hash_packet_field {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[103] = hash_packet_field
+class hash_packet_type(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 102
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = hash_packet_type()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 102)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hash_packet_type {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[102] = hash_packet_type
+class hash_seed(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 100
+    def __init__(self, seed1=None, seed2=None):
+        if seed1 != None:
+            self.seed1 = seed1
+        else:
+            self.seed1 = 0
+        if seed2 != None:
+            self.seed2 = seed2
+        else:
+            self.seed2 = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.seed1))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.seed2))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = hash_seed()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 100)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.seed1 = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.seed2 = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.seed1 != other.seed1: return False
+        if self.seed2 != other.seed2: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hash_seed {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("seed1 = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.seed1)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("seed2 = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.seed2)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[100] = hash_seed
+class hash_type(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 101
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = hash_type()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 101)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hash_type {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[101] = hash_type
+class header_size(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 31
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = header_size()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 31)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("header_size {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[31] = header_size
+class icmp_code(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 69
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmp_code()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 69)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmp_code {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[69] = icmp_code
+class icmp_id(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 70
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmp_id()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 70)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmp_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[70] = icmp_id
+class icmp_type(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 68
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmp_type()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 68)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmp_type {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[68] = icmp_type
+class idle_notification(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 7
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = idle_notification()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 7)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("idle_notification {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[7] = idle_notification
+class idle_time(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 5
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = idle_time()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 5)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("idle_time {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[5] = idle_time
+class idle_timeout(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 8
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = idle_timeout()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 8)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("idle_timeout {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[8] = idle_timeout
+class igmp_snooping(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 78
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = igmp_snooping()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 78)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("igmp_snooping {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[78] = igmp_snooping
+class internal_gateway_mac(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 28
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = internal_gateway_mac()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 28)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("internal_gateway_mac {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[28] = internal_gateway_mac
+class internal_mac(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 27
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = internal_mac()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 27)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("internal_mac {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[27] = internal_mac
+class interval(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 58
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = interval()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 58)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("interval {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[58] = interval
+class ip_proto(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 67
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ip_proto()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 67)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ip_proto {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[67] = ip_proto
+class ipv4(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 4
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv4()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv4 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[4] = ipv4
+class ipv4_dst(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 35
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv4_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 35)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv4_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[35] = ipv4_dst
+class ipv4_netmask(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 60
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv4_netmask()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 60)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv4_netmask {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[60] = ipv4_netmask
+class ipv4_src(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 34
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv4_src()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 34)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv4_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[34] = ipv4_src
+class ipv6(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 84
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 84)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[84] = ipv6
+class known_multicast_rate(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 91
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = known_multicast_rate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 91)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("known_multicast_rate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[91] = known_multicast_rate
+class l2_multicast_lookup(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 79
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = l2_multicast_lookup()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 79)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("l2_multicast_lookup {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[79] = l2_multicast_lookup
+class mac(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mac()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mac {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[1] = mac
+class mac_mask(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 56
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mac_mask()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 56)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mac_mask {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[56] = mac_mask
+class mcg_type_vxlan(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 87
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mcg_type_vxlan()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 87)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mcg_type_vxlan {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[87] = mcg_type_vxlan
+class miss_packets(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 13
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = miss_packets()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 13)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("miss_packets {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[13] = miss_packets
+class mpls_control_word(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 62
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_control_word()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 62)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_control_word {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[62] = mpls_control_word
+class mpls_label(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 61
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_label()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 61)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_label {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[61] = mpls_label
+class mpls_sequenced(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 63
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_sequenced()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 63)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_sequenced {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[63] = mpls_sequenced
+class multicast_interface_id(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 95
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = multicast_interface_id()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 95)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("multicast_interface_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[95] = multicast_interface_id
+class name(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 52
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(self.value)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = name()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 52)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("name {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[52] = name
+class negate(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 83
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = negate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 83)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("negate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[83] = negate
+class nexthop_type_vxlan(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 94
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = nexthop_type_vxlan()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 94)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nexthop_type_vxlan {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[94] = nexthop_type_vxlan
+class offset(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 82
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = offset()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 82)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("offset {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[82] = offset
+class partner_key(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 51
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = partner_key()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 51)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("partner_key {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[51] = partner_key
+class partner_port_num(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 50
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = partner_port_num()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 50)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("partner_port_num {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[50] = partner_port_num
+class partner_port_priority(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 49
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = partner_port_priority()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 49)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("partner_port_priority {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[49] = partner_port_priority
+class partner_state(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 54
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = partner_state()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 54)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("partner_state {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[54] = partner_state
+class partner_system_mac(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 48
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = partner_system_mac()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 48)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("partner_system_mac {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[48] = partner_system_mac
+class partner_system_priority(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 47
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = partner_system_priority()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 47)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("partner_system_priority {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[47] = partner_system_priority
+class port(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[0] = port
+class port_vxlan_mode(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 88
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_vxlan_mode()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 88)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_vxlan_mode {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[88] = port_vxlan_mode
+class priority(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 57
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = priority()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 57)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("priority {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[57] = priority
+class queue_id(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 20
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_id()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 20)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[20] = queue_id
+class queue_weight(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 21
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_weight()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 21)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_weight {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[21] = queue_weight
+class rate_unit(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 89
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = rate_unit()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 89)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("rate_unit {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[89] = rate_unit
+class reference(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 59
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, key=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if key != None:
+            self.key = key
+        else:
+            self.key = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.key))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = reference()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 59)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.key = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.key != other.key: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("reference {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("key = ");
+                q.pp(self.key)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[59] = reference
+class reply_packets(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 12
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = reply_packets()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 12)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("reply_packets {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[12] = reply_packets
+class request_packets(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 11
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = request_packets()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 11)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("request_packets {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[11] = request_packets
+class rx_bytes(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 71
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = rx_bytes()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 71)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("rx_bytes {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[71] = rx_bytes
+class rx_packets(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = rx_packets()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("rx_packets {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[2] = rx_packets
+class sampling_rate(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 30
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = sampling_rate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 30)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("sampling_rate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[30] = sampling_rate
+class set_loopback_mode(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 74
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_loopback_mode()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 74)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_loopback_mode {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[74] = set_loopback_mode
+class status(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 97
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = status()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 97)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("status {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[97] = status
+class strip_mpls_l2_on_ingress(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 75
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = strip_mpls_l2_on_ingress()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 75)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("strip_mpls_l2_on_ingress {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[75] = strip_mpls_l2_on_ingress
+class strip_mpls_l3_on_ingress(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 76
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = strip_mpls_l3_on_ingress()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 76)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("strip_mpls_l3_on_ingress {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[76] = strip_mpls_l3_on_ingress
+class strip_vlan_on_egress(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 73
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = strip_vlan_on_egress()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 73)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("strip_vlan_on_egress {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[73] = strip_vlan_on_egress
+class sub_agent_id(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 38
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = sub_agent_id()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 38)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("sub_agent_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[38] = sub_agent_id
+class tcp_dst(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 66
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tcp_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 66)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tcp_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[66] = tcp_dst
+class tcp_src(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 65
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tcp_src()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tcp_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[65] = tcp_src
+class tx_bytes(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 39
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tx_bytes()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 39)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tx_bytes {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[39] = tx_bytes
+class tx_packets(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 3
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tx_packets()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 3)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tx_packets {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[3] = tx_packets
+class udf_anchor(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 16
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udf_anchor()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udf_anchor {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[16] = udf_anchor
+class udf_id(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 15
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udf_id()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udf_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[15] = udf_id
+class udf_length(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 18
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udf_length()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udf_length {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[18] = udf_length
+class udf_offset(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 17
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udf_offset()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 17)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udf_offset {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[17] = udf_offset
+class udp_dst(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 37
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udp_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 37)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udp_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[37] = udp_dst
+class udp_src(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 36
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udp_src()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 36)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udp_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[36] = udp_src
+class unicast_query_timeout(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 9
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = unicast_query_timeout()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 9)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("unicast_query_timeout {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[9] = unicast_query_timeout
+class unicast_rate(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 93
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = unicast_rate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 93)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("unicast_rate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[93] = unicast_rate
+class unknown_multicast_rate(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 92
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = unknown_multicast_rate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 92)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("unknown_multicast_rate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[92] = unknown_multicast_rate
+class use_packet_state(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 96
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = use_packet_state()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 96)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("use_packet_state {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[96] = use_packet_state
+class vfi(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 99
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vfi()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 99)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vfi {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[99] = vfi
+class vlan_pcp(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 72
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vlan_pcp()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 72)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vlan_pcp {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[72] = vlan_pcp
+class vlan_vid(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 6
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vlan_vid()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 6)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vlan_vid {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[6] = vlan_vid
+class vlan_vid_mask(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 77
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vlan_vid_mask()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 77)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vlan_vid_mask {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[77] = vlan_vid_mask
+class vni(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 86
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vni()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 86)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vni {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[86] = vni
+class vrf(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 19
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vrf()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vrf {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[19] = vrf
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/common.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e95fcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4170 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of13']
+class bsn_controller_connection(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, state=None, auxiliary_id=None, role=None, uri=None):
+        if state != None:
+            self.state = state
+        else:
+            self.state = 0
+        if auxiliary_id != None:
+            self.auxiliary_id = auxiliary_id
+        else:
+            self.auxiliary_id = 0
+        if role != None:
+            self.role = role
+        else:
+            self.role = 0
+        if uri != None:
+            self.uri = uri
+        else:
+            self.uri = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.state))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.auxiliary_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.role))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.uri))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_controller_connection()
+        obj.state = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.auxiliary_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.role = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.uri = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.state != other.state: return False
+        if self.auxiliary_id != other.auxiliary_id: return False
+        if self.role != other.role: return False
+        if self.uri != other.uri: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_controller_connection {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("state = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.state)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("auxiliary_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.auxiliary_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("role = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.role)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("uri = ");
+                q.pp(self.uri)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, counter_id=None, name=None, description=None):
+        if counter_id != None:
+            self.counter_id = counter_id
+        else:
+            self.counter_id = 0
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if description != None:
+            self.description = description
+        else:
+            self.description = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.counter_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!64s", self.name))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.description))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_entry()
+        obj.counter_id = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.name = reader.read("!64s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.description = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.counter_id != other.counter_id: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.description != other.description: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("counter_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.counter_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("description = ");
+                q.pp(self.description)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_debug_counter_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, counter_id=None, value=None):
+        if counter_id != None:
+            self.counter_id = counter_id
+        else:
+            self.counter_id = 0
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.counter_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_debug_counter_stats_entry()
+        obj.counter_id = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.counter_id != other.counter_id: return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_debug_counter_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("counter_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.counter_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, checksum=None):
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.checksum))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_entry()
+        obj.checksum = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.checksum)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_generic_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, tlvs=None):
+        if tlvs != None:
+            self.tlvs = tlvs
+        else:
+            self.tlvs = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.tlvs))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_generic_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        obj.tlvs = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.tlvs != other.tlvs: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_generic_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("tlvs = ");
+                q.pp(self.tlvs)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, checksum=None):
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_entry()
+        obj.checksum = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_gentable_desc_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, name=None, buckets_size=None, max_entries=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if buckets_size != None:
+            self.buckets_size = buckets_size
+        else:
+            self.buckets_size = 0
+        if max_entries != None:
+            self.max_entries = max_entries
+        else:
+            self.max_entries = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!32s", self.name))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buckets_size))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_entries))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_desc_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.name = reader.read("!32s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.buckets_size = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_entries = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.buckets_size != other.buckets_size: return False
+        if self.max_entries != other.max_entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_desc_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets_size = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buckets_size)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_entries = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, checksum=None, key=None, value=None):
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        if key != None:
+            self.key = key
+        else:
+            self.key = []
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for key_length at index 1
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.key))
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", len(packed[-1]))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        _key_length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.checksum = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        obj.key = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader.slice(_key_length), ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        obj.value = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        if self.key != other.key: return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("key = ");
+                q.pp(self.key)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_gentable_entry_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, key=None, stats=None):
+        if key != None:
+            self.key = key
+        else:
+            self.key = []
+        if stats != None:
+            self.stats = stats
+        else:
+            self.stats = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for key_length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.key))
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", len(packed[-1]))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.stats))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_entry_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        _key_length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.key = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader.slice(_key_length), ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        obj.stats = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.key != other.key: return False
+        if self.stats != other.stats: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_entry_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("key = ");
+                q.pp(self.key)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("stats = ");
+                q.pp(self.stats)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_gentable_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, entry_count=None, checksum=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if entry_count != None:
+            self.entry_count = entry_count
+        else:
+            self.entry_count = 0
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.entry_count))
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_stats_entry()
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.entry_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.checksum = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.entry_count != other.entry_count: return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entry_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.entry_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_interface(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, hw_addr=None, name=None, ipv4_addr=None, ipv4_netmask=None):
+        if hw_addr != None:
+            self.hw_addr = hw_addr
+        else:
+            self.hw_addr = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if ipv4_addr != None:
+            self.ipv4_addr = ipv4_addr
+        else:
+            self.ipv4_addr = 0
+        if ipv4_netmask != None:
+            self.ipv4_netmask = ipv4_netmask
+        else:
+            self.ipv4_netmask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.hw_addr))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.name))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ipv4_addr))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ipv4_netmask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_interface()
+        obj.hw_addr = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.name = reader.read("!16s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.ipv4_addr = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ipv4_netmask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.hw_addr != other.hw_addr: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.ipv4_addr != other.ipv4_addr: return False
+        if self.ipv4_netmask != other.ipv4_netmask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_interface {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("hw_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.hw_addr))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ipv4_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.ipv4_addr))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ipv4_netmask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.ipv4_netmask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_lacp_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, actor_sys_priority=None, actor_sys_mac=None, actor_port_priority=None, actor_port_num=None, actor_key=None, convergence_status=None, partner_sys_priority=None, partner_sys_mac=None, partner_port_priority=None, partner_port_num=None, partner_key=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if actor_sys_priority != None:
+            self.actor_sys_priority = actor_sys_priority
+        else:
+            self.actor_sys_priority = 0
+        if actor_sys_mac != None:
+            self.actor_sys_mac = actor_sys_mac
+        else:
+            self.actor_sys_mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if actor_port_priority != None:
+            self.actor_port_priority = actor_port_priority
+        else:
+            self.actor_port_priority = 0
+        if actor_port_num != None:
+            self.actor_port_num = actor_port_num
+        else:
+            self.actor_port_num = 0
+        if actor_key != None:
+            self.actor_key = actor_key
+        else:
+            self.actor_key = 0
+        if convergence_status != None:
+            self.convergence_status = convergence_status
+        else:
+            self.convergence_status = 0
+        if partner_sys_priority != None:
+            self.partner_sys_priority = partner_sys_priority
+        else:
+            self.partner_sys_priority = 0
+        if partner_sys_mac != None:
+            self.partner_sys_mac = partner_sys_mac
+        else:
+            self.partner_sys_mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if partner_port_priority != None:
+            self.partner_port_priority = partner_port_priority
+        else:
+            self.partner_port_priority = 0
+        if partner_port_num != None:
+            self.partner_port_num = partner_port_num
+        else:
+            self.partner_port_num = 0
+        if partner_key != None:
+            self.partner_key = partner_key
+        else:
+            self.partner_key = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_sys_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.actor_sys_mac))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_port_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_port_num))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_key))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.convergence_status))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.partner_sys_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.partner_sys_mac))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.partner_port_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.partner_port_num))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.partner_key))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lacp_stats_entry()
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.actor_sys_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actor_sys_mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.actor_port_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actor_port_num = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actor_key = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.convergence_status = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.partner_sys_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.partner_sys_mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.partner_port_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.partner_port_num = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.partner_key = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.actor_sys_priority != other.actor_sys_priority: return False
+        if self.actor_sys_mac != other.actor_sys_mac: return False
+        if self.actor_port_priority != other.actor_port_priority: return False
+        if self.actor_port_num != other.actor_port_num: return False
+        if self.actor_key != other.actor_key: return False
+        if self.convergence_status != other.convergence_status: return False
+        if self.partner_sys_priority != other.partner_sys_priority: return False
+        if self.partner_sys_mac != other.partner_sys_mac: return False
+        if self.partner_port_priority != other.partner_port_priority: return False
+        if self.partner_port_num != other.partner_port_num: return False
+        if self.partner_key != other.partner_key: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lacp_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_sys_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_sys_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_sys_mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.actor_sys_mac))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_port_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_port_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_port_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_port_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_key = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_key)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("convergence_status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.convergence_status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("partner_sys_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.partner_sys_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("partner_sys_mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.partner_sys_mac))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("partner_port_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.partner_port_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("partner_port_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.partner_port_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("partner_key = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.partner_key)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_port_counter_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, values=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if values != None:
+            self.values = values
+        else:
+            self.values = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.values))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_port_counter_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.values = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint64.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.values != other.values: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_port_counter_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("values = ");
+                q.pp(self.values)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, pipeline=None):
+        if pipeline != None:
+            self.pipeline = pipeline
+        else:
+            self.pipeline = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.pipeline))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_entry()
+        obj.pipeline = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.pipeline != other.pipeline: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("pipeline = ");
+                q.pp(self.pipeline)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_table_checksum_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, checksum=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.checksum))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_table_checksum_stats_entry()
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.checksum = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_table_checksum_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.checksum)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_tlv_vlan_mac_list(loxi.OFObject):
+    type = 98
+    def __init__(self, key=None):
+        if key != None:
+            self.key = key
+        else:
+            self.key = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.key))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_tlv_vlan_mac_list()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 98)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.key = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_vlan_mac.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.key != other.key: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_tlv_vlan_mac_list {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("key = ");
+                q.pp(self.key)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_vport(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = bsn_vport.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_vport()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vport {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_vlan_counter_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, vlan_vid=None, values=None):
+        if vlan_vid != None:
+            self.vlan_vid = vlan_vid
+        else:
+            self.vlan_vid = 0
+        if values != None:
+            self.values = values
+        else:
+            self.values = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.vlan_vid))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.values))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vlan_counter_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        obj.vlan_vid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.values = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint64.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.vlan_vid != other.vlan_vid: return False
+        if self.values != other.values: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vlan_counter_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_vid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_vid)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("values = ");
+                q.pp(self.values)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_vlan_mac(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, vlan_vid=None, mac=None):
+        if vlan_vid != None:
+            self.vlan_vid = vlan_vid
+        else:
+            self.vlan_vid = 0
+        if mac != None:
+            self.mac = mac
+        else:
+            self.mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.vlan_vid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.mac))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vlan_mac()
+        obj.vlan_vid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.vlan_vid != other.vlan_vid: return False
+        if self.mac != other.mac: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vlan_mac {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_vid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_vid)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.mac))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_vport_l2gre(bsn_vport):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, flags=None, port_no=None, loopback_port_no=None, local_mac=None, nh_mac=None, src_ip=None, dst_ip=None, dscp=None, ttl=None, vpn=None, rate_limit=None, if_name=None):
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if loopback_port_no != None:
+            self.loopback_port_no = loopback_port_no
+        else:
+            self.loopback_port_no = 0
+        if local_mac != None:
+            self.local_mac = local_mac
+        else:
+            self.local_mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if nh_mac != None:
+            self.nh_mac = nh_mac
+        else:
+            self.nh_mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if src_ip != None:
+            self.src_ip = src_ip
+        else:
+            self.src_ip = 0
+        if dst_ip != None:
+            self.dst_ip = dst_ip
+        else:
+            self.dst_ip = 0
+        if dscp != None:
+            self.dscp = dscp
+        else:
+            self.dscp = 0
+        if ttl != None:
+            self.ttl = ttl
+        else:
+            self.ttl = 0
+        if vpn != None:
+            self.vpn = vpn
+        else:
+            self.vpn = 0
+        if rate_limit != None:
+            self.rate_limit = rate_limit
+        else:
+            self.rate_limit = 0
+        if if_name != None:
+            self.if_name = if_name
+        else:
+            self.if_name = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.flags))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.loopback_port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.local_mac))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.nh_mac))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.src_ip))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.dst_ip))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.dscp))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.ttl))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vpn))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.rate_limit))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.if_name))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vport_l2gre()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.loopback_port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.local_mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.nh_mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.src_ip = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.dst_ip = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.dscp = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.ttl = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.vpn = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.rate_limit = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.if_name = reader.read("!16s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.loopback_port_no != other.loopback_port_no: return False
+        if self.local_mac != other.local_mac: return False
+        if self.nh_mac != other.nh_mac: return False
+        if self.src_ip != other.src_ip: return False
+        if self.dst_ip != other.dst_ip: return False
+        if self.dscp != other.dscp: return False
+        if self.ttl != other.ttl: return False
+        if self.vpn != other.vpn: return False
+        if self.rate_limit != other.rate_limit: return False
+        if self.if_name != other.if_name: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vport_l2gre {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("loopback_port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.loopback_port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("local_mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.local_mac))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("nh_mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.nh_mac))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("src_ip = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.src_ip))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("dst_ip = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.dst_ip))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("dscp = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.dscp)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ttl = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ttl)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vpn = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vpn)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate_limit = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate_limit)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("if_name = ");
+                q.pp(self.if_name)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_vport.subtypes[1] = bsn_vport_l2gre
+class bsn_vport_q_in_q(bsn_vport):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, ingress_tpid=None, ingress_vlan_id=None, egress_tpid=None, egress_vlan_id=None, if_name=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if ingress_tpid != None:
+            self.ingress_tpid = ingress_tpid
+        else:
+            self.ingress_tpid = 0
+        if ingress_vlan_id != None:
+            self.ingress_vlan_id = ingress_vlan_id
+        else:
+            self.ingress_vlan_id = 0
+        if egress_tpid != None:
+            self.egress_tpid = egress_tpid
+        else:
+            self.egress_tpid = 0
+        if egress_vlan_id != None:
+            self.egress_vlan_id = egress_vlan_id
+        else:
+            self.egress_vlan_id = 0
+        if if_name != None:
+            self.if_name = if_name
+        else:
+            self.if_name = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ingress_tpid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ingress_vlan_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.egress_tpid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.egress_vlan_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.if_name))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vport_q_in_q()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.port_no = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ingress_tpid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.ingress_vlan_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.egress_tpid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.egress_vlan_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.if_name = reader.read("!16s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.ingress_tpid != other.ingress_tpid: return False
+        if self.ingress_vlan_id != other.ingress_vlan_id: return False
+        if self.egress_tpid != other.egress_tpid: return False
+        if self.egress_vlan_id != other.egress_vlan_id: return False
+        if self.if_name != other.if_name: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vport_q_in_q {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.port_no)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ingress_tpid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ingress_tpid)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ingress_vlan_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ingress_vlan_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("egress_tpid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.egress_tpid)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("egress_vlan_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.egress_vlan_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("if_name = ");
+                q.pp(self.if_name)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_vport.subtypes[0] = bsn_vport_q_in_q
+class bsn_vrf_counter_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, vrf=None, values=None):
+        if vrf != None:
+            self.vrf = vrf
+        else:
+            self.vrf = 0
+        if values != None:
+            self.values = values
+        else:
+            self.values = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vrf))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.values))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vrf_counter_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.vrf = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.values = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint64.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.vrf != other.vrf: return False
+        if self.values != other.values: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vrf_counter_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("vrf = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vrf)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("values = ");
+                q.pp(self.values)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bucket(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, weight=None, watch_port=None, watch_group=None, actions=None):
+        if weight != None:
+            self.weight = weight
+        else:
+            self.weight = 0
+        if watch_port != None:
+            self.watch_port = watch_port
+        else:
+            self.watch_port = 0
+        if watch_group != None:
+            self.watch_group = watch_group
+        else:
+            self.watch_group = 0
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.weight))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.watch_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.watch_group))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bucket()
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 2)
+        obj.weight = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.watch_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.watch_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.weight != other.weight: return False
+        if self.watch_port != other.watch_port: return False
+        if self.watch_group != other.watch_group: return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bucket {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("weight = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.weight)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("watch_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.watch_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("watch_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.watch_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bucket_counter(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, packet_count=None, byte_count=None):
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bucket_counter()
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bucket_counter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class flow_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, duration_sec=None, duration_nsec=None, priority=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, flags=None, cookie=None, packet_count=None, byte_count=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if duration_sec != None:
+            self.duration_sec = duration_sec
+        else:
+            self.duration_sec = 0
+        if duration_nsec != None:
+            self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
+        else:
+            self.duration_nsec = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_sec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_nsec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.duration_sec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.duration_nsec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.duration_sec != other.duration_sec: return False
+        if self.duration_nsec != other.duration_nsec: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_sec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_sec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_nsec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_nsec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class group_desc_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, group_type=None, group_id=None, buckets=None):
+        if group_type != None:
+            self.group_type = group_type
+        else:
+            self.group_type = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if buckets != None:
+            self.buckets = buckets
+        else:
+            self.buckets = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.group_type))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.buckets))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_desc_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        obj.group_type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buckets = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.group_type != other.group_type: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.buckets != other.buckets: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_desc_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets = ");
+                q.pp(self.buckets)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class group_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, group_id=None, ref_count=None, packet_count=None, byte_count=None, duration_sec=None, duration_nsec=None, bucket_stats=None):
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if ref_count != None:
+            self.ref_count = ref_count
+        else:
+            self.ref_count = 0
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        if duration_sec != None:
+            self.duration_sec = duration_sec
+        else:
+            self.duration_sec = 0
+        if duration_nsec != None:
+            self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
+        else:
+            self.duration_nsec = 0
+        if bucket_stats != None:
+            self.bucket_stats = bucket_stats
+        else:
+            self.bucket_stats = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ref_count))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_sec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_nsec))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.bucket_stats))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ref_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.duration_sec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.duration_nsec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.bucket_stats = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket_counter.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.ref_count != other.ref_count: return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        if self.duration_sec != other.duration_sec: return False
+        if self.duration_nsec != other.duration_nsec: return False
+        if self.bucket_stats != other.bucket_stats: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ref_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ref_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_sec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_sec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_nsec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_nsec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("bucket_stats = ");
+                q.pp(self.bucket_stats)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class hello_elem(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = hello_elem.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = hello_elem()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hello_elem {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class hello_elem_versionbitmap(hello_elem):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, bitmaps=None):
+        if bitmaps != None:
+            self.bitmaps = bitmaps
+        else:
+            self.bitmaps = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.bitmaps))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = hello_elem_versionbitmap()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.bitmaps = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint32.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.bitmaps != other.bitmaps: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hello_elem_versionbitmap {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("bitmaps = ");
+                q.pp(self.bitmaps)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+hello_elem.subtypes[1] = hello_elem_versionbitmap
+class hello_elem_bitmap(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, version_list=None):
+        if version_list != None:
+            self.version_list = version_list
+        else:
+            self.version_list = []
+        self.bitmap = 0
+        for version in version_list:
+            self.bitmap = self.bitmap | 1 << version
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        return struct.pack("!L", self.bitmap)
+class match_v3(loxi.OFObject):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, oxm_list=None):
+        if oxm_list != None:
+            self.oxm_list = oxm_list
+        else:
+            self.oxm_list = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.oxm_list))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = match_v3()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.oxm_list = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.oxm.oxm.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.oxm_list != other.oxm_list: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("match_v3 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("oxm_list = ");
+                q.pp(self.oxm_list)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class meter_band_stats(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, packet_band_count=None, byte_band_count=None):
+        if packet_band_count != None:
+            self.packet_band_count = packet_band_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_band_count = 0
+        if byte_band_count != None:
+            self.byte_band_count = byte_band_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_band_count = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_band_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_band_count))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_band_stats()
+        obj.packet_band_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_band_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.packet_band_count != other.packet_band_count: return False
+        if self.byte_band_count != other.byte_band_count: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_band_stats {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_band_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_band_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_band_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_band_count)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class meter_config(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, flags=None, meter_id=None, entries=None):
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if meter_id != None:
+            self.meter_id = meter_id
+        else:
+            self.meter_id = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.meter_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_config()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.meter_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.meter_band.meter_band.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.meter_id != other.meter_id: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_config {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("meter_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.meter_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class meter_features(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, max_meter=None, band_types=None, capabilities=None, max_bands=None, max_color=None):
+        if max_meter != None:
+            self.max_meter = max_meter
+        else:
+            self.max_meter = 0
+        if band_types != None:
+            self.band_types = band_types
+        else:
+            self.band_types = 0
+        if capabilities != None:
+            self.capabilities = capabilities
+        else:
+            self.capabilities = 0
+        if max_bands != None:
+            self.max_bands = max_bands
+        else:
+            self.max_bands = 0
+        if max_color != None:
+            self.max_color = max_color
+        else:
+            self.max_color = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_meter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.band_types))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.capabilities))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.max_bands))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.max_color))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_features()
+        obj.max_meter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.band_types = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.capabilities = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_bands = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.max_color = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.max_meter != other.max_meter: return False
+        if self.band_types != other.band_types: return False
+        if self.capabilities != other.capabilities: return False
+        if self.max_bands != other.max_bands: return False
+        if self.max_color != other.max_color: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_features {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_meter = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_meter)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("band_types = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.band_types)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("capabilities = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.capabilities)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_bands = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_bands)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_color = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_color)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class meter_stats(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, meter_id=None, flow_count=None, packet_in_count=None, byte_in_count=None, duration_sec=None, duration_nsec=None, band_stats=None):
+        if meter_id != None:
+            self.meter_id = meter_id
+        else:
+            self.meter_id = 0
+        if flow_count != None:
+            self.flow_count = flow_count
+        else:
+            self.flow_count = 0
+        if packet_in_count != None:
+            self.packet_in_count = packet_in_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_in_count = 0
+        if byte_in_count != None:
+            self.byte_in_count = byte_in_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_in_count = 0
+        if duration_sec != None:
+            self.duration_sec = duration_sec
+        else:
+            self.duration_sec = 0
+        if duration_nsec != None:
+            self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
+        else:
+            self.duration_nsec = 0
+        if band_stats != None:
+            self.band_stats = band_stats
+        else:
+            self.band_stats = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.meter_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.flow_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_in_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_in_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_sec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_nsec))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.band_stats))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_stats()
+        obj.meter_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 6)
+        reader.skip(6)
+        obj.flow_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.packet_in_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_in_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.duration_sec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.duration_nsec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.band_stats = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.meter_band_stats.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.meter_id != other.meter_id: return False
+        if self.flow_count != other.flow_count: return False
+        if self.packet_in_count != other.packet_in_count: return False
+        if self.byte_in_count != other.byte_in_count: return False
+        if self.duration_sec != other.duration_sec: return False
+        if self.duration_nsec != other.duration_nsec: return False
+        if self.band_stats != other.band_stats: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_stats {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("meter_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.meter_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flow_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flow_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_in_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_in_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_in_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_in_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_sec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_sec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_nsec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_nsec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("band_stats = ");
+                q.pp(self.band_stats)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class packet_queue(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, queue_id=None, port=None, properties=None):
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        if port != None:
+            self.port = port
+        else:
+            self.port = 0
+        if properties != None:
+            self.properties = properties
+        else:
+            self.properties = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 2
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.properties))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = packet_queue()
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 10)
+        reader.skip(6)
+        obj.properties = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.queue_prop.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        if self.port != other.port: return False
+        if self.properties != other.properties: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("packet_queue {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("properties = ");
+                q.pp(self.properties)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class port_desc(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, hw_addr=None, name=None, config=None, state=None, curr=None, advertised=None, supported=None, peer=None, curr_speed=None, max_speed=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if hw_addr != None:
+            self.hw_addr = hw_addr
+        else:
+            self.hw_addr = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if config != None:
+            self.config = config
+        else:
+            self.config = 0
+        if state != None:
+            self.state = state
+        else:
+            self.state = 0
+        if curr != None:
+            self.curr = curr
+        else:
+            self.curr = 0
+        if advertised != None:
+            self.advertised = advertised
+        else:
+            self.advertised = 0
+        if supported != None:
+            self.supported = supported
+        else:
+            self.supported = 0
+        if peer != None:
+            self.peer = peer
+        else:
+            self.peer = 0
+        if curr_speed != None:
+            self.curr_speed = curr_speed
+        else:
+            self.curr_speed = 0
+        if max_speed != None:
+            self.max_speed = max_speed
+        else:
+            self.max_speed = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.hw_addr))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.name))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.config))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.state))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.curr))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.advertised))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.supported))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.peer))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.curr_speed))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_speed))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_desc()
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.hw_addr = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.name = reader.read("!16s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.config = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.state = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.curr = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.advertised = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.supported = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.peer = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.curr_speed = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_speed = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.hw_addr != other.hw_addr: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.config != other.config: return False
+        if self.state != other.state: return False
+        if self.curr != other.curr: return False
+        if self.advertised != other.advertised: return False
+        if self.supported != other.supported: return False
+        if self.peer != other.peer: return False
+        if self.curr_speed != other.curr_speed: return False
+        if self.max_speed != other.max_speed: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_desc {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hw_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.hw_addr))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("config = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.config)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("state = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.state)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("curr = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.curr)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("advertised = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.advertised)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("supported = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.supported)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("peer = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.peer)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("curr_speed = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.curr_speed)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_speed = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_speed)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class port_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, rx_packets=None, tx_packets=None, rx_bytes=None, tx_bytes=None, rx_dropped=None, tx_dropped=None, rx_errors=None, tx_errors=None, rx_frame_err=None, rx_over_err=None, rx_crc_err=None, collisions=None, duration_sec=None, duration_nsec=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if rx_packets != None:
+            self.rx_packets = rx_packets
+        else:
+            self.rx_packets = 0
+        if tx_packets != None:
+            self.tx_packets = tx_packets
+        else:
+            self.tx_packets = 0
+        if rx_bytes != None:
+            self.rx_bytes = rx_bytes
+        else:
+            self.rx_bytes = 0
+        if tx_bytes != None:
+            self.tx_bytes = tx_bytes
+        else:
+            self.tx_bytes = 0
+        if rx_dropped != None:
+            self.rx_dropped = rx_dropped
+        else:
+            self.rx_dropped = 0
+        if tx_dropped != None:
+            self.tx_dropped = tx_dropped
+        else:
+            self.tx_dropped = 0
+        if rx_errors != None:
+            self.rx_errors = rx_errors
+        else:
+            self.rx_errors = 0
+        if tx_errors != None:
+            self.tx_errors = tx_errors
+        else:
+            self.tx_errors = 0
+        if rx_frame_err != None:
+            self.rx_frame_err = rx_frame_err
+        else:
+            self.rx_frame_err = 0
+        if rx_over_err != None:
+            self.rx_over_err = rx_over_err
+        else:
+            self.rx_over_err = 0
+        if rx_crc_err != None:
+            self.rx_crc_err = rx_crc_err
+        else:
+            self.rx_crc_err = 0
+        if collisions != None:
+            self.collisions = collisions
+        else:
+            self.collisions = 0
+        if duration_sec != None:
+            self.duration_sec = duration_sec
+        else:
+            self.duration_sec = 0
+        if duration_nsec != None:
+            self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
+        else:
+            self.duration_nsec = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_packets))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_packets))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_bytes))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_bytes))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_dropped))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_dropped))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_errors))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_errors))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_frame_err))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_over_err))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_crc_err))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.collisions))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_sec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_nsec))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_stats_entry()
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.rx_packets = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_packets = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_bytes = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_bytes = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_dropped = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_dropped = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_errors = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_errors = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_frame_err = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_over_err = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_crc_err = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.collisions = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.duration_sec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.duration_nsec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.rx_packets != other.rx_packets: return False
+        if self.tx_packets != other.tx_packets: return False
+        if self.rx_bytes != other.rx_bytes: return False
+        if self.tx_bytes != other.tx_bytes: return False
+        if self.rx_dropped != other.rx_dropped: return False
+        if self.tx_dropped != other.tx_dropped: return False
+        if self.rx_errors != other.rx_errors: return False
+        if self.tx_errors != other.tx_errors: return False
+        if self.rx_frame_err != other.rx_frame_err: return False
+        if self.rx_over_err != other.rx_over_err: return False
+        if self.rx_crc_err != other.rx_crc_err: return False
+        if self.collisions != other.collisions: return False
+        if self.duration_sec != other.duration_sec: return False
+        if self.duration_nsec != other.duration_nsec: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_packets = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_packets)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_packets = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_packets)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_bytes = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_bytes)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_bytes = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_bytes)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_dropped = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_dropped)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_dropped = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_dropped)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_errors = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_errors)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_errors = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_errors)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_frame_err = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_frame_err)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_over_err = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_over_err)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_crc_err = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_crc_err)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("collisions = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.collisions)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_sec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_sec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_nsec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_nsec)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class queue_prop(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = queue_prop.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = queue_prop()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_prop {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class queue_prop_experimenter(queue_prop):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 8)
+        subclass = queue_prop_experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = queue_prop_experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_prop_experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+queue_prop.subtypes[65535] = queue_prop_experimenter
+class queue_prop_max_rate(queue_prop):
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, rate=None):
+        if rate != None:
+            self.rate = rate
+        else:
+            self.rate = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.rate))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_prop_max_rate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.rate = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.rate != other.rate: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_prop_max_rate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+queue_prop.subtypes[2] = queue_prop_max_rate
+class queue_prop_min_rate(queue_prop):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, rate=None):
+        if rate != None:
+            self.rate = rate
+        else:
+            self.rate = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.rate))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_prop_min_rate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.rate = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.rate != other.rate: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_prop_min_rate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+queue_prop.subtypes[1] = queue_prop_min_rate
+class queue_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, queue_id=None, tx_bytes=None, tx_packets=None, tx_errors=None, duration_sec=None, duration_nsec=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        if tx_bytes != None:
+            self.tx_bytes = tx_bytes
+        else:
+            self.tx_bytes = 0
+        if tx_packets != None:
+            self.tx_packets = tx_packets
+        else:
+            self.tx_packets = 0
+        if tx_errors != None:
+            self.tx_errors = tx_errors
+        else:
+            self.tx_errors = 0
+        if duration_sec != None:
+            self.duration_sec = duration_sec
+        else:
+            self.duration_sec = 0
+        if duration_nsec != None:
+            self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
+        else:
+            self.duration_nsec = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_bytes))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_packets))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_errors))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_sec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_nsec))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_stats_entry()
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.tx_bytes = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_packets = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_errors = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.duration_sec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.duration_nsec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        if self.tx_bytes != other.tx_bytes: return False
+        if self.tx_packets != other.tx_packets: return False
+        if self.tx_errors != other.tx_errors: return False
+        if self.duration_sec != other.duration_sec: return False
+        if self.duration_nsec != other.duration_nsec: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_bytes = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_bytes)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_packets = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_packets)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_errors = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_errors)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_sec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_sec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_nsec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_nsec)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class table_feature_prop(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = table_feature_prop.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = table_feature_prop()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class table_feature_prop_apply_actions(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 6
+    def __init__(self, action_ids=None):
+        if action_ids != None:
+            self.action_ids = action_ids
+        else:
+            self.action_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.action_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_apply_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 6)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.action_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action_id.action_id.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.action_ids != other.action_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_apply_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("action_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.action_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[6] = table_feature_prop_apply_actions
+class table_feature_prop_apply_actions_miss(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 7
+    def __init__(self, action_ids=None):
+        if action_ids != None:
+            self.action_ids = action_ids
+        else:
+            self.action_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.action_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_apply_actions_miss()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 7)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.action_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action_id.action_id.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.action_ids != other.action_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_apply_actions_miss {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("action_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.action_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[7] = table_feature_prop_apply_actions_miss
+class table_feature_prop_apply_setfield(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 14
+    def __init__(self, oxm_ids=None):
+        if oxm_ids != None:
+            self.oxm_ids = oxm_ids
+        else:
+            self.oxm_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.oxm_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_apply_setfield()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.oxm_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint32.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.oxm_ids != other.oxm_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_apply_setfield {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("oxm_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.oxm_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[14] = table_feature_prop_apply_setfield
+class table_feature_prop_apply_setfield_miss(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 15
+    def __init__(self, oxm_ids=None):
+        if oxm_ids != None:
+            self.oxm_ids = oxm_ids
+        else:
+            self.oxm_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.oxm_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_apply_setfield_miss()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.oxm_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint32.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.oxm_ids != other.oxm_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_apply_setfield_miss {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("oxm_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.oxm_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[15] = table_feature_prop_apply_setfield_miss
+class table_feature_prop_experimenter(table_feature_prop):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65534
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, subtype=None, experimenter_data=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        if experimenter_data != None:
+            self.experimenter_data = experimenter_data
+        else:
+            self.experimenter_data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.experimenter_data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = table_feature_prop_experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = table_feature_prop_experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65534)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.experimenter_data = str(reader.read_all())
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        if self.experimenter_data != other.experimenter_data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("subtype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.subtype)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("experimenter_data = ");
+                q.pp(self.experimenter_data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[65534] = table_feature_prop_experimenter
+class table_feature_prop_experimenter_miss(table_feature_prop):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, subtype=None, experimenter_data=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        if experimenter_data != None:
+            self.experimenter_data = experimenter_data
+        else:
+            self.experimenter_data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.experimenter_data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = table_feature_prop_experimenter_miss.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = table_feature_prop_experimenter_miss()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.experimenter_data = str(reader.read_all())
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        if self.experimenter_data != other.experimenter_data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_experimenter_miss {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("subtype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.subtype)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("experimenter_data = ");
+                q.pp(self.experimenter_data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[65535] = table_feature_prop_experimenter_miss
+class table_feature_prop_instructions(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, instruction_ids=None):
+        if instruction_ids != None:
+            self.instruction_ids = instruction_ids
+        else:
+            self.instruction_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instruction_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_instructions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.instruction_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction_id.instruction_id.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.instruction_ids != other.instruction_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_instructions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("instruction_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.instruction_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[0] = table_feature_prop_instructions
+class table_feature_prop_instructions_miss(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, instruction_ids=None):
+        if instruction_ids != None:
+            self.instruction_ids = instruction_ids
+        else:
+            self.instruction_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instruction_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_instructions_miss()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.instruction_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction_id.instruction_id.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.instruction_ids != other.instruction_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_instructions_miss {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("instruction_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.instruction_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[1] = table_feature_prop_instructions_miss
+class table_feature_prop_match(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 8
+    def __init__(self, oxm_ids=None):
+        if oxm_ids != None:
+            self.oxm_ids = oxm_ids
+        else:
+            self.oxm_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.oxm_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_match()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 8)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.oxm_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint32.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.oxm_ids != other.oxm_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_match {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("oxm_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.oxm_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[8] = table_feature_prop_match
+class table_feature_prop_next_tables(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, next_table_ids=None):
+        if next_table_ids != None:
+            self.next_table_ids = next_table_ids
+        else:
+            self.next_table_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.next_table_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_next_tables()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.next_table_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint8.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.next_table_ids != other.next_table_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_next_tables {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("next_table_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.next_table_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[2] = table_feature_prop_next_tables
+class table_feature_prop_next_tables_miss(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 3
+    def __init__(self, next_table_ids=None):
+        if next_table_ids != None:
+            self.next_table_ids = next_table_ids
+        else:
+            self.next_table_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.next_table_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_next_tables_miss()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 3)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.next_table_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint8.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.next_table_ids != other.next_table_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_next_tables_miss {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("next_table_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.next_table_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[3] = table_feature_prop_next_tables_miss
+class table_feature_prop_wildcards(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 10
+    def __init__(self, oxm_ids=None):
+        if oxm_ids != None:
+            self.oxm_ids = oxm_ids
+        else:
+            self.oxm_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.oxm_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_wildcards()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 10)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.oxm_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint32.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.oxm_ids != other.oxm_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_wildcards {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("oxm_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.oxm_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[10] = table_feature_prop_wildcards
+class table_feature_prop_write_actions(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 4
+    def __init__(self, action_ids=None):
+        if action_ids != None:
+            self.action_ids = action_ids
+        else:
+            self.action_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.action_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_write_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.action_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action_id.action_id.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.action_ids != other.action_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_write_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("action_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.action_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[4] = table_feature_prop_write_actions
+class table_feature_prop_write_actions_miss(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 5
+    def __init__(self, action_ids=None):
+        if action_ids != None:
+            self.action_ids = action_ids
+        else:
+            self.action_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.action_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_write_actions_miss()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 5)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.action_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action_id.action_id.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.action_ids != other.action_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_write_actions_miss {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("action_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.action_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[5] = table_feature_prop_write_actions_miss
+class table_feature_prop_write_setfield(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 12
+    def __init__(self, oxm_ids=None):
+        if oxm_ids != None:
+            self.oxm_ids = oxm_ids
+        else:
+            self.oxm_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.oxm_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_write_setfield()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 12)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.oxm_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint32.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.oxm_ids != other.oxm_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_write_setfield {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("oxm_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.oxm_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[12] = table_feature_prop_write_setfield
+class table_feature_prop_write_setfield_miss(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 13
+    def __init__(self, oxm_ids=None):
+        if oxm_ids != None:
+            self.oxm_ids = oxm_ids
+        else:
+            self.oxm_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.oxm_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_write_setfield_miss()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 13)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.oxm_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint32.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.oxm_ids != other.oxm_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_write_setfield_miss {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("oxm_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.oxm_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[13] = table_feature_prop_write_setfield_miss
+class table_features(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, name=None, metadata_match=None, metadata_write=None, config=None, max_entries=None, properties=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if metadata_match != None:
+            self.metadata_match = metadata_match
+        else:
+            self.metadata_match = 0
+        if metadata_write != None:
+            self.metadata_write = metadata_write
+        else:
+            self.metadata_write = 0
+        if config != None:
+            self.config = config
+        else:
+            self.config = 0
+        if max_entries != None:
+            self.max_entries = max_entries
+        else:
+            self.max_entries = 0
+        if properties != None:
+            self.properties = properties
+        else:
+            self.properties = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 5)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!32s", self.name))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.metadata_match))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.metadata_write))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.config))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_entries))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.properties))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_features()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(5)
+        obj.name = reader.read("!32s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.metadata_match = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.metadata_write = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.config = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_entries = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.properties = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.table_feature_prop.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.metadata_match != other.metadata_match: return False
+        if self.metadata_write != other.metadata_write: return False
+        if self.config != other.config: return False
+        if self.max_entries != other.max_entries: return False
+        if self.properties != other.properties: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_features {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("metadata_match = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.metadata_match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("metadata_write = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.metadata_write)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("config = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.config)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_entries = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_entries)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("properties = ");
+                q.pp(self.properties)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class table_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, active_count=None, lookup_count=None, matched_count=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if active_count != None:
+            self.active_count = active_count
+        else:
+            self.active_count = 0
+        if lookup_count != None:
+            self.lookup_count = lookup_count
+        else:
+            self.lookup_count = 0
+        if matched_count != None:
+            self.matched_count = matched_count
+        else:
+            self.matched_count = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.active_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.lookup_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.matched_count))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_stats_entry()
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.active_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.lookup_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.matched_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.active_count != other.active_count: return False
+        if self.lookup_count != other.lookup_count: return False
+        if self.matched_count != other.matched_count: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("active_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.active_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("lookup_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.lookup_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("matched_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.matched_count)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class uint32(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = uint32()
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("uint32 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class uint64(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = uint64()
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("uint64 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class uint8(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = uint8()
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("uint8 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+match = match_v3
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/const.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/const.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a33f3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/const.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1425 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template const.py
+# Do not modify
+# Identifiers from group macro_definitions
+OFP_TCP_PORT = 6653
+OFP_SSL_PORT = 6653
+OFP_NO_BUFFER = 4294967295
+OFPQ_ALL = 4294967295
+# Identifiers from group of_bsn_hash_packet_field
+of_bsn_hash_packet_field_map = {
+# Identifiers from group of_bsn_hash_packet_type
+of_bsn_hash_packet_type_map = {
+    0: 'OF_BSN_HASH_PACKET_L2',
+# Identifiers from group of_bsn_hash_type
+of_bsn_hash_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFP_BSN_HASH_TYPE_L2',
+    1: 'OFP_BSN_HASH_TYPE_L3',
+# Identifiers from group of_bsn_lacp_convergence_status
+of_bsn_lacp_convergence_status_map = {
+    0: 'LACP_SUCCESS',
+    1: 'LACP_TIMEDOUT',
+    2: 'LACP_OUT_OF_SYNC',
+# Identifiers from group of_bsn_pdu_slot_num
+of_bsn_pdu_slot_num_map = {
+    255: 'BSN_PDU_SLOT_NUM_ANY',
+# Identifiers from group of_bsn_vlan_counter
+of_bsn_vlan_counter_map = {
+# Identifiers from group of_bsn_vrf_counter
+of_bsn_vrf_counter_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_action_type
+ofp_action_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFPAT_OUTPUT',
+    11: 'OFPAT_COPY_TTL_OUT',
+    12: 'OFPAT_COPY_TTL_IN',
+    15: 'OFPAT_SET_MPLS_TTL',
+    16: 'OFPAT_DEC_MPLS_TTL',
+    17: 'OFPAT_PUSH_VLAN',
+    18: 'OFPAT_POP_VLAN',
+    19: 'OFPAT_PUSH_MPLS',
+    20: 'OFPAT_POP_MPLS',
+    21: 'OFPAT_SET_QUEUE',
+    22: 'OFPAT_GROUP',
+    23: 'OFPAT_SET_NW_TTL',
+    24: 'OFPAT_DEC_NW_TTL',
+    25: 'OFPAT_SET_FIELD',
+    26: 'OFPAT_PUSH_PBB',
+    27: 'OFPAT_POP_PBB',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bad_action_code
+ofp_bad_action_code_map = {
+    0: 'OFPBAC_BAD_TYPE',
+    1: 'OFPBAC_BAD_LEN',
+    6: 'OFPBAC_EPERM',
+    7: 'OFPBAC_TOO_MANY',
+    12: 'OFPBAC_BAD_TAG',
+    14: 'OFPBAC_BAD_SET_LEN',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bad_instruction_code
+ofp_bad_instruction_code_map = {
+    7: 'OFPBIC_BAD_LEN',
+    8: 'OFPBIC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bad_match_code
+ofp_bad_match_code_map = {
+    0: 'OFPBMC_BAD_TYPE',
+    1: 'OFPBMC_BAD_LEN',
+    2: 'OFPBMC_BAD_TAG',
+    8: 'OFPBMC_BAD_MASK',
+    10: 'OFPBMC_DUP_FIELD',
+    11: 'OFPBMC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bad_request_code
+ofp_bad_request_code_map = {
+    1: 'OFPBRC_BAD_TYPE',
+    2: 'OFPBRC_BAD_STAT',
+    5: 'OFPBRC_EPERM',
+    6: 'OFPBRC_BAD_LEN',
+    10: 'OFPBRC_IS_SLAVE',
+    11: 'OFPBRC_BAD_PORT',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_anchor
+ofp_bsn_anchor_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_controller_connection_state
+ofp_bsn_controller_connection_state_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_controller_role_reason
+ofp_bsn_controller_role_reason_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_decap
+ofp_bsn_decap_map = {
+    2: 'OFP_BSN_DECAP_L2_GRE',
+    5: 'OFP_BSN_DECAP_L2_MPLS',
+    6: 'OFP_BSN_DECAP_L3_GRE',
+    7: 'OFP_BSN_DECAP_GTP',
+    8: 'OFP_BSN_DECAP_L3_MPLS',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_lacp_state
+ofp_bsn_lacp_state_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_loglevel
+ofp_bsn_loglevel_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_lua_upload_flags
+ofp_bsn_lua_upload_flags_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_pktin_flag
+ofp_bsn_pktin_flag_map = {
+    512: 'OFP_BSN_PKTIN_FLAG_L3_CPU',
+    16384: 'OFP_BSN_PKTIN_FLAG_IGMP',
+    32768: 'OFP_BSN_PKTIN_FLAG_PIM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_port_counter
+ofp_bsn_port_counter_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_port_vxlan_mode
+ofp_bsn_port_vxlan_mode_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_rate_unit
+ofp_bsn_rate_unit_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_status
+ofp_bsn_status_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_tcp_flag
+ofp_bsn_tcp_flag_map = {
+    16: 'OFP_BSN_TCP_FLAG_ACK',
+    32: 'OFP_BSN_TCP_FLAG_URG',
+    64: 'OFP_BSN_TCP_FLAG_ECE',
+    128: 'OFP_BSN_TCP_FLAG_CWR',
+    256: 'OFP_BSN_TCP_FLAG_NS',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_udf_anchor
+ofp_bsn_udf_anchor_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_vlan_counter_constants
+ofp_bsn_vlan_counter_constants_map = {
+    65535: 'OFP_BSN_VLAN_ALL',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_vport_l2gre_flags
+ofp_bsn_vport_l2gre_flags_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_vport_q_in_q_untagged
+ofp_bsn_vport_q_in_q_untagged_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_vport_status
+ofp_bsn_vport_status_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_vrf_counter_constants
+OFP_BSN_VRF_ALL = 4294967295
+ofp_bsn_vrf_counter_constants_map = {
+    4294967295: 'OFP_BSN_VRF_ALL',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_capabilities
+ofp_capabilities_map = {
+    1: 'OFPC_FLOW_STATS',
+    4: 'OFPC_PORT_STATS',
+    32: 'OFPC_IP_REASM',
+    64: 'OFPC_QUEUE_STATS',
+    256: 'OFPC_PORT_BLOCKED',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_config_flags
+ofp_config_flags_map = {
+    1: 'OFPC_FRAG_DROP',
+    2: 'OFPC_FRAG_REASM',
+    3: 'OFPC_FRAG_MASK',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_controller_max_len
+OFPCML_MAX = 65509
+ofp_controller_max_len_map = {
+    65509: 'OFPCML_MAX',
+    65535: 'OFPCML_NO_BUFFER',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_controller_role
+ofp_controller_role_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_error_type
+ofp_error_type_map = {
+    4: 'OFPET_BAD_MATCH',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_mod_command
+ofp_flow_mod_command_map = {
+    0: 'OFPFC_ADD',
+    1: 'OFPFC_MODIFY',
+    3: 'OFPFC_DELETE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_mod_failed_code
+ofp_flow_mod_failed_code_map = {
+    4: 'OFPFMFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_mod_flags
+ofp_flow_mod_flags_map = {
+    128: 'OFPFF_BSN_SEND_IDLE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_removed_reason
+ofp_flow_removed_reason_map = {
+    2: 'OFPRR_DELETE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_group
+OFPG_MAX = 4294967040
+OFPG_ALL = 4294967292
+OFPG_ANY = 4294967295
+ofp_group_map = {
+    4294967040: 'OFPG_MAX',
+    4294967292: 'OFPG_ALL',
+    4294967295: 'OFPG_ANY',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_group_capabilities
+ofp_group_capabilities_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_group_mod_command
+ofp_group_mod_command_map = {
+    0: 'OFPGC_ADD',
+    1: 'OFPGC_MODIFY',
+    2: 'OFPGC_DELETE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_group_mod_failed_code
+ofp_group_mod_failed_code_map = {
+    7: 'OFPGMFC_LOOP',
+    10: 'OFPGMFC_BAD_TYPE',
+    14: 'OFPGMFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_group_type
+ofp_group_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFPGT_ALL',
+    1: 'OFPGT_SELECT',
+    3: 'OFPGT_FF',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_hello_elem_type
+ofp_hello_elem_type_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_hello_failed_code
+ofp_hello_failed_code_map = {
+    1: 'OFPHFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_instruction_type
+ofp_instruction_type_map = {
+    6: 'OFPIT_METER',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_ipv6exthdr_flags
+ofp_ipv6exthdr_flags_map = {
+    1: 'OFPIEH_NONEXT',
+    2: 'OFPIEH_ESP',
+    4: 'OFPIEH_AUTH',
+    8: 'OFPIEH_DEST',
+    16: 'OFPIEH_FRAG',
+    32: 'OFPIEH_ROUTER',
+    64: 'OFPIEH_HOP',
+    128: 'OFPIEH_UNREP',
+    256: 'OFPIEH_UNSEQ',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_match_type
+ofp_match_type_map = {
+    1: 'OFPMT_OXM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_meter
+OFPM_MAX = 4294901760
+OFPM_SLOWPATH = 4294967293
+OFPM_CONTROLLER = 4294967294
+OFPM_ALL = 4294967295
+ofp_meter_map = {
+    4294901760: 'OFPM_MAX',
+    4294967293: 'OFPM_SLOWPATH',
+    4294967294: 'OFPM_CONTROLLER',
+    4294967295: 'OFPM_ALL',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_meter_band_type
+ofp_meter_band_type_map = {
+    1: 'OFPMBT_DROP',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_meter_flags
+ofp_meter_flags_map = {
+    1: 'OFPMF_KBPS',
+    2: 'OFPMF_PKTPS',
+    4: 'OFPMF_BURST',
+    8: 'OFPMF_STATS',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_meter_mod_command
+ofp_meter_mod_command_map = {
+    0: 'OFPMC_ADD',
+    1: 'OFPMC_MODIFY',
+    2: 'OFPMC_DELETE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_meter_mod_failed_code
+ofp_meter_mod_failed_code_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_oxm_class
+ofp_oxm_class_map = {
+    0: 'OFPXMC_NXM_0',
+    1: 'OFPXMC_NXM_1',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_packet_in_reason
+ofp_packet_in_reason_map = {
+    0: 'OFPR_NO_MATCH',
+    1: 'OFPR_ACTION',
+    128: 'OFPR_BSN_NEW_HOST',
+    130: 'OFPR_BSN_BAD_VLAN',
+    132: 'OFPR_BSN_NO_ROUTE',
+    139: 'OFPR_BSN_ARP',
+    140: 'OFPR_BSN_DHCP',
+    141: 'OFPR_BSN_DEBUG',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port
+OFPP_MAX = 4294967040
+OFPP_IN_PORT = 4294967288
+OFPP_TABLE = 4294967289
+OFPP_NORMAL = 4294967290
+OFPP_FLOOD = 4294967291
+OFPP_ALL = 4294967292
+OFPP_CONTROLLER = 4294967293
+OFPP_LOCAL = 4294967294
+OFPP_ANY = 4294967295
+ofp_port_map = {
+    4294967040: 'OFPP_MAX',
+    4294967288: 'OFPP_IN_PORT',
+    4294967289: 'OFPP_TABLE',
+    4294967290: 'OFPP_NORMAL',
+    4294967291: 'OFPP_FLOOD',
+    4294967292: 'OFPP_ALL',
+    4294967293: 'OFPP_CONTROLLER',
+    4294967294: 'OFPP_LOCAL',
+    4294967295: 'OFPP_ANY',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_config
+ofp_port_config_map = {
+    1: 'OFPPC_PORT_DOWN',
+    4: 'OFPPC_NO_RECV',
+    32: 'OFPPC_NO_FWD',
+    64: 'OFPPC_NO_PACKET_IN',
+    2147483648: 'OFPPC_BSN_MIRROR_DEST',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_features
+OFPPF_10MB_HD = 1
+OFPPF_10MB_FD = 2
+OFPPF_100MB_HD = 4
+OFPPF_100MB_FD = 8
+OFPPF_1GB_HD = 16
+OFPPF_1GB_FD = 32
+OFPPF_10GB_FD = 64
+OFPPF_40GB_FD = 128
+OFPPF_100GB_FD = 256
+OFPPF_1TB_FD = 512
+OFPPF_PAUSE = 16384
+ofp_port_features_map = {
+    1: 'OFPPF_10MB_HD',
+    2: 'OFPPF_10MB_FD',
+    4: 'OFPPF_100MB_HD',
+    8: 'OFPPF_100MB_FD',
+    16: 'OFPPF_1GB_HD',
+    32: 'OFPPF_1GB_FD',
+    64: 'OFPPF_10GB_FD',
+    128: 'OFPPF_40GB_FD',
+    256: 'OFPPF_100GB_FD',
+    512: 'OFPPF_1TB_FD',
+    1024: 'OFPPF_OTHER',
+    2048: 'OFPPF_COPPER',
+    4096: 'OFPPF_FIBER',
+    8192: 'OFPPF_AUTONEG',
+    16384: 'OFPPF_PAUSE',
+    32768: 'OFPPF_PAUSE_ASYM',
+    2147483648: 'OFPPF_BSN_BREAKOUT_CAPABLE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_mod_failed_code
+ofp_port_mod_failed_code_map = {
+    4: 'OFPPMFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_reason
+ofp_port_reason_map = {
+    0: 'OFPPR_ADD',
+    1: 'OFPPR_DELETE',
+    2: 'OFPPR_MODIFY',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_state
+ofp_port_state_map = {
+    1: 'OFPPS_LINK_DOWN',
+    2: 'OFPPS_BLOCKED',
+    4: 'OFPPS_LIVE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_queue_op_failed_code
+ofp_queue_op_failed_code_map = {
+    2: 'OFPQOFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_queue_properties
+ofp_queue_properties_map = {
+    1: 'OFPQT_MIN_RATE',
+    2: 'OFPQT_MAX_RATE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_role_request_failed_code
+ofp_role_request_failed_code_map = {
+    0: 'OFPRRFC_STALE',
+    1: 'OFPRRFC_UNSUP',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_stats_reply_flags
+ofp_stats_reply_flags_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_stats_request_flags
+ofp_stats_request_flags_map = {
+    1: 'OFPSF_REQ_MORE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_stats_type
+ofp_stats_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFPST_DESC',
+    1: 'OFPST_FLOW',
+    3: 'OFPST_TABLE',
+    4: 'OFPST_PORT',
+    5: 'OFPST_QUEUE',
+    6: 'OFPST_GROUP',
+    9: 'OFPST_METER',
+    13: 'OFPST_PORT_DESC',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_switch_config_failed_code
+ofp_switch_config_failed_code_map = {
+    1: 'OFPSCFC_BAD_LEN',
+    2: 'OFPSCFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_table
+OFPTT_MAX = 254
+OFPTT_ALL = 255
+ofp_table_map = {
+    254: 'OFPTT_MAX',
+    255: 'OFPTT_ALL',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_table_config
+ofp_table_config_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_table_feature_prop_type
+ofp_table_feature_prop_type_map = {
+    8: 'OFPTFPT_MATCH',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_table_features_failed_code
+ofp_table_features_failed_code_map = {
+    3: 'OFPTFFC_BAD_LEN',
+    5: 'OFPTFFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_table_mod_failed_code
+ofp_table_mod_failed_code_map = {
+    2: 'OFPTMFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_type
+ofp_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFPT_HELLO',
+    1: 'OFPT_ERROR',
+    3: 'OFPT_ECHO_REPLY',
+    9: 'OFPT_SET_CONFIG',
+    10: 'OFPT_PACKET_IN',
+    12: 'OFPT_PORT_STATUS',
+    13: 'OFPT_PACKET_OUT',
+    14: 'OFPT_FLOW_MOD',
+    15: 'OFPT_GROUP_MOD',
+    16: 'OFPT_PORT_MOD',
+    17: 'OFPT_TABLE_MOD',
+    19: 'OFPT_STATS_REPLY',
+    25: 'OFPT_ROLE_REPLY',
+    28: 'OFPT_SET_ASYNC',
+    29: 'OFPT_METER_MOD',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_vlan_id
+ofp_vlan_id_map = {
+    0: 'OFPVID_NONE',
+    4096: 'OFPVID_PRESENT',
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/instruction.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/instruction.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e839429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/instruction.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1168 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of13']
+class instruction(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = instruction.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = instruction()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("instruction {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class apply_actions(instruction):
+    type = 4
+    def __init__(self, actions=None):
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = apply_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("apply_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[4] = apply_actions
+class experimenter(instruction):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
+class bsn(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, subtype=None):
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 8)
+        subclass = bsn.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[6035143] = bsn
+class bsn_arp_offload(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 1
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_arp_offload()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 1)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_arp_offload {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[1] = bsn_arp_offload
+class bsn_auto_negotiation(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 11
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_auto_negotiation()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 11)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_auto_negotiation {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[11] = bsn_auto_negotiation
+class bsn_deny(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 5
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_deny()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 5)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_deny {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[5] = bsn_deny
+class bsn_dhcp_offload(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 2
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_dhcp_offload()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 2)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_dhcp_offload {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[2] = bsn_dhcp_offload
+class bsn_disable_l3(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 13
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_disable_l3()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 13)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_disable_l3 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[13] = bsn_disable_l3
+class bsn_disable_split_horizon_check(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 3
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_disable_split_horizon_check()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 3)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_disable_split_horizon_check {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[3] = bsn_disable_split_horizon_check
+class bsn_disable_src_mac_check(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 0
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_disable_src_mac_check()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 0)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_disable_src_mac_check {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[0] = bsn_disable_src_mac_check
+class bsn_disable_vlan_counters(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 9
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_disable_vlan_counters()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 9)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_disable_vlan_counters {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[9] = bsn_disable_vlan_counters
+class bsn_internal_priority(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 12
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_internal_priority()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 12)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_internal_priority {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[12] = bsn_internal_priority
+class bsn_packet_of_death(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 6
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_packet_of_death()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 6)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_packet_of_death {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[6] = bsn_packet_of_death
+class bsn_permit(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 4
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_permit()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_permit {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[4] = bsn_permit
+class bsn_prioritize_pdus(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 7
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_prioritize_pdus()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 7)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_prioritize_pdus {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[7] = bsn_prioritize_pdus
+class bsn_require_vlan_xlate(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 8
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_require_vlan_xlate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 8)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_require_vlan_xlate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[8] = bsn_require_vlan_xlate
+class bsn_span_destination(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 10
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_span_destination()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 10)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_span_destination {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[10] = bsn_span_destination
+class clear_actions(instruction):
+    type = 5
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = clear_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 5)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("clear_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[5] = clear_actions
+class goto_table(instruction):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = goto_table()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("goto_table {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[1] = goto_table
+class meter(instruction):
+    type = 6
+    def __init__(self, meter_id=None):
+        if meter_id != None:
+            self.meter_id = meter_id
+        else:
+            self.meter_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.meter_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 6)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.meter_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.meter_id != other.meter_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("meter_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.meter_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[6] = meter
+class write_actions(instruction):
+    type = 3
+    def __init__(self, actions=None):
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = write_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 3)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("write_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[3] = write_actions
+class write_metadata(instruction):
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, metadata=None, metadata_mask=None):
+        if metadata != None:
+            self.metadata = metadata
+        else:
+            self.metadata = 0
+        if metadata_mask != None:
+            self.metadata_mask = metadata_mask
+        else:
+            self.metadata_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.metadata))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.metadata_mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = write_metadata()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.metadata = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.metadata_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.metadata != other.metadata: return False
+        if self.metadata_mask != other.metadata_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("write_metadata {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("metadata = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.metadata)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("metadata_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.metadata_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[2] = write_metadata
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/instruction_id.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/instruction_id.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5f0ca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/instruction_id.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1057 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of13']
+class instruction_id(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = instruction_id.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = instruction_id()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("instruction_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class apply_actions(instruction_id):
+    type = 4
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = apply_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("apply_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction_id.subtypes[4] = apply_actions
+class experimenter(instruction_id):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction_id.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
+class bsn(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, subtype=None):
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 8)
+        subclass = bsn.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[6035143] = bsn
+class bsn_arp_offload(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 1
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_arp_offload()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 1)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_arp_offload {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[1] = bsn_arp_offload
+class bsn_auto_negotiation(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 11
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_auto_negotiation()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 11)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_auto_negotiation {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[11] = bsn_auto_negotiation
+class bsn_deny(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 5
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_deny()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 5)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_deny {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[5] = bsn_deny
+class bsn_dhcp_offload(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 2
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_dhcp_offload()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_dhcp_offload {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[2] = bsn_dhcp_offload
+class bsn_disable_l3(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 13
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_disable_l3()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 13)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_disable_l3 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[13] = bsn_disable_l3
+class bsn_disable_split_horizon_check(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 3
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_disable_split_horizon_check()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_disable_split_horizon_check {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[3] = bsn_disable_split_horizon_check
+class bsn_disable_src_mac_check(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 0
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_disable_src_mac_check()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 0)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_disable_src_mac_check {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[0] = bsn_disable_src_mac_check
+class bsn_disable_vlan_counters(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 9
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_disable_vlan_counters()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 9)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_disable_vlan_counters {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[9] = bsn_disable_vlan_counters
+class bsn_internal_priority(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 12
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_internal_priority()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 12)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_internal_priority {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[12] = bsn_internal_priority
+class bsn_packet_of_death(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 6
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_packet_of_death()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_packet_of_death {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[6] = bsn_packet_of_death
+class bsn_permit(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 4
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_permit()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_permit {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[4] = bsn_permit
+class bsn_prioritize_pdus(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 7
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_prioritize_pdus()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 7)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_prioritize_pdus {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[7] = bsn_prioritize_pdus
+class bsn_require_vlan_xlate(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 8
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_require_vlan_xlate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 8)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_require_vlan_xlate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[8] = bsn_require_vlan_xlate
+class bsn_span_destination(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 10
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_span_destination()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 10)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_span_destination {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[10] = bsn_span_destination
+class clear_actions(instruction_id):
+    type = 5
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = clear_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 5)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("clear_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction_id.subtypes[5] = clear_actions
+class goto_table(instruction_id):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = goto_table()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("goto_table {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction_id.subtypes[1] = goto_table
+class meter(instruction_id):
+    type = 6
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 6)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction_id.subtypes[6] = meter
+class write_actions(instruction_id):
+    type = 3
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = write_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 3)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("write_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction_id.subtypes[3] = write_actions
+class write_metadata(instruction_id):
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = write_metadata()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("write_metadata {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction_id.subtypes[2] = write_metadata
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/message.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/message.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..036aa54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/message.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15419 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of13']
+class message(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 4
+    def __init__(self, type=None, xid=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('B', 1)
+        subclass = message.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = message()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        obj.type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("message {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class stats_reply(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, stats_type=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if stats_type != None:
+            self.stats_type = stats_type
+        else:
+            self.stats_type = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = stats_reply.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.stats_type != other.stats_type: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[19] = stats_reply
+class aggregate_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, packet_count=None, byte_count=None, flow_count=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        if flow_count != None:
+            self.flow_count = flow_count
+        else:
+            self.flow_count = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.flow_count))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = aggregate_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 2)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.flow_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        if self.flow_count != other.flow_count: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("aggregate_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flow_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flow_count)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[2] = aggregate_stats_reply
+class stats_request(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, stats_type=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if stats_type != None:
+            self.stats_type = stats_type
+        else:
+            self.stats_type = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = stats_request.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.stats_type != other.stats_type: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[18] = stats_request
+class aggregate_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, table_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, match=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = aggregate_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 2)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("aggregate_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[2] = aggregate_stats_request
+class async_get_reply(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 27
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, packet_in_mask_equal_master=None, packet_in_mask_slave=None, port_status_mask_equal_master=None, port_status_mask_slave=None, flow_removed_mask_equal_master=None, flow_removed_mask_slave=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if packet_in_mask_equal_master != None:
+            self.packet_in_mask_equal_master = packet_in_mask_equal_master
+        else:
+            self.packet_in_mask_equal_master = 0
+        if packet_in_mask_slave != None:
+            self.packet_in_mask_slave = packet_in_mask_slave
+        else:
+            self.packet_in_mask_slave = 0
+        if port_status_mask_equal_master != None:
+            self.port_status_mask_equal_master = port_status_mask_equal_master
+        else:
+            self.port_status_mask_equal_master = 0
+        if port_status_mask_slave != None:
+            self.port_status_mask_slave = port_status_mask_slave
+        else:
+            self.port_status_mask_slave = 0
+        if flow_removed_mask_equal_master != None:
+            self.flow_removed_mask_equal_master = flow_removed_mask_equal_master
+        else:
+            self.flow_removed_mask_equal_master = 0
+        if flow_removed_mask_slave != None:
+            self.flow_removed_mask_slave = flow_removed_mask_slave
+        else:
+            self.flow_removed_mask_slave = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.packet_in_mask_equal_master))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.packet_in_mask_slave))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.port_status_mask_equal_master))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.port_status_mask_slave))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.flow_removed_mask_equal_master))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.flow_removed_mask_slave))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = async_get_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 27)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.packet_in_mask_equal_master = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.packet_in_mask_slave = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_status_mask_equal_master = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_status_mask_slave = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flow_removed_mask_equal_master = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flow_removed_mask_slave = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.packet_in_mask_equal_master != other.packet_in_mask_equal_master: return False
+        if self.packet_in_mask_slave != other.packet_in_mask_slave: return False
+        if self.port_status_mask_equal_master != other.port_status_mask_equal_master: return False
+        if self.port_status_mask_slave != other.port_status_mask_slave: return False
+        if self.flow_removed_mask_equal_master != other.flow_removed_mask_equal_master: return False
+        if self.flow_removed_mask_slave != other.flow_removed_mask_slave: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("async_get_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_in_mask_equal_master = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_in_mask_equal_master)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_in_mask_slave = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_in_mask_slave)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_status_mask_equal_master = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.port_status_mask_equal_master)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_status_mask_slave = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.port_status_mask_slave)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flow_removed_mask_equal_master = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flow_removed_mask_equal_master)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flow_removed_mask_slave = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flow_removed_mask_slave)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[27] = async_get_reply
+class async_get_request(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 26
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = async_get_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 26)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("async_get_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[26] = async_get_request
+class async_set(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 28
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, packet_in_mask_equal_master=None, packet_in_mask_slave=None, port_status_mask_equal_master=None, port_status_mask_slave=None, flow_removed_mask_equal_master=None, flow_removed_mask_slave=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if packet_in_mask_equal_master != None:
+            self.packet_in_mask_equal_master = packet_in_mask_equal_master
+        else:
+            self.packet_in_mask_equal_master = 0
+        if packet_in_mask_slave != None:
+            self.packet_in_mask_slave = packet_in_mask_slave
+        else:
+            self.packet_in_mask_slave = 0
+        if port_status_mask_equal_master != None:
+            self.port_status_mask_equal_master = port_status_mask_equal_master
+        else:
+            self.port_status_mask_equal_master = 0
+        if port_status_mask_slave != None:
+            self.port_status_mask_slave = port_status_mask_slave
+        else:
+            self.port_status_mask_slave = 0
+        if flow_removed_mask_equal_master != None:
+            self.flow_removed_mask_equal_master = flow_removed_mask_equal_master
+        else:
+            self.flow_removed_mask_equal_master = 0
+        if flow_removed_mask_slave != None:
+            self.flow_removed_mask_slave = flow_removed_mask_slave
+        else:
+            self.flow_removed_mask_slave = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.packet_in_mask_equal_master))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.packet_in_mask_slave))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.port_status_mask_equal_master))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.port_status_mask_slave))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.flow_removed_mask_equal_master))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.flow_removed_mask_slave))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = async_set()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 28)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.packet_in_mask_equal_master = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.packet_in_mask_slave = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_status_mask_equal_master = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_status_mask_slave = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flow_removed_mask_equal_master = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flow_removed_mask_slave = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.packet_in_mask_equal_master != other.packet_in_mask_equal_master: return False
+        if self.packet_in_mask_slave != other.packet_in_mask_slave: return False
+        if self.port_status_mask_equal_master != other.port_status_mask_equal_master: return False
+        if self.port_status_mask_slave != other.port_status_mask_slave: return False
+        if self.flow_removed_mask_equal_master != other.flow_removed_mask_equal_master: return False
+        if self.flow_removed_mask_slave != other.flow_removed_mask_slave: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("async_set {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_in_mask_equal_master = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_in_mask_equal_master)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_in_mask_slave = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_in_mask_slave)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_status_mask_equal_master = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.port_status_mask_equal_master)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_status_mask_slave = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.port_status_mask_slave)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flow_removed_mask_equal_master = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flow_removed_mask_equal_master)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flow_removed_mask_slave = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flow_removed_mask_slave)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[28] = async_set
+class error_msg(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 4
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, err_type=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if err_type != None:
+            self.err_type = err_type
+        else:
+            self.err_type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = error_msg.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.err_type != other.err_type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[1] = error_msg
+class bad_action_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 4
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bad_action_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 2)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bad_action_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[2] = bad_action_error_msg
+class bad_instruction_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 4
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bad_instruction_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 3)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bad_instruction_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[3] = bad_instruction_error_msg
+class bad_match_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 4
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bad_match_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 4)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bad_match_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[4] = bad_match_error_msg
+class bad_request_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 4
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bad_request_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 1)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bad_request_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[1] = bad_request_error_msg
+class barrier_reply(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 21
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = barrier_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 21)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("barrier_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[21] = barrier_reply
+class barrier_request(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 20
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = barrier_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 20)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("barrier_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[20] = barrier_request
+class experimenter(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 8)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("subtype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.subtype)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[4] = experimenter
+class bsn_header(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 12)
+        subclass = bsn_header.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_header()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_header {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[6035143] = bsn_header
+class bsn_arp_idle(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 60
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, vlan_vid=None, ipv4_addr=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if vlan_vid != None:
+            self.vlan_vid = vlan_vid
+        else:
+            self.vlan_vid = 0
+        if ipv4_addr != None:
+            self.ipv4_addr = ipv4_addr
+        else:
+            self.ipv4_addr = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.vlan_vid))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ipv4_addr))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_arp_idle()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 60)
+        obj.vlan_vid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.ipv4_addr = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.vlan_vid != other.vlan_vid: return False
+        if self.ipv4_addr != other.ipv4_addr: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_arp_idle {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_vid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_vid)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ipv4_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.ipv4_addr))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[60] = bsn_arp_idle
+class experimenter_error_msg(error_msg):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 4
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, subtype=None, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 12)
+        subclass = experimenter_error_msg.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 65535)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("subtype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.subtype)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[65535] = experimenter_error_msg
+class bsn_base_error(experimenter_error_msg):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 4
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, subtype=None, err_msg=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        if err_msg != None:
+            self.err_msg = err_msg
+        else:
+            self.err_msg = ""
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.err_msg))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 10)
+        subclass = bsn_base_error.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_base_error()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 65535)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.err_msg = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        if self.err_msg != other.err_msg: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_base_error {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("err_msg = ");
+                q.pp(self.err_msg)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter_error_msg.subtypes[6035143] = bsn_base_error
+class bsn_bw_clear_data_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 22
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_clear_data_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 22)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_clear_data_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[22] = bsn_bw_clear_data_reply
+class bsn_bw_clear_data_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 21
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_clear_data_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 21)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_clear_data_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[21] = bsn_bw_clear_data_request
+class bsn_bw_enable_get_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 20
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enabled=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enabled != None:
+            self.enabled = enabled
+        else:
+            self.enabled = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enabled))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_enable_get_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 20)
+        obj.enabled = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enabled != other.enabled: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_enable_get_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enabled = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enabled)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[20] = bsn_bw_enable_get_reply
+class bsn_bw_enable_get_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 19
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_enable_get_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 19)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_enable_get_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[19] = bsn_bw_enable_get_request
+class bsn_bw_enable_set_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 23
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enable=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enable != None:
+            self.enable = enable
+        else:
+            self.enable = 0
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enable))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_enable_set_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 23)
+        obj.enable = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enable != other.enable: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_enable_set_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enable = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enable)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[23] = bsn_bw_enable_set_reply
+class bsn_bw_enable_set_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 18
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enable=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enable != None:
+            self.enable = enable
+        else:
+            self.enable = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enable))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_enable_set_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 18)
+        obj.enable = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enable != other.enable: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_enable_set_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enable = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enable)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[18] = bsn_bw_enable_set_request
+class bsn_controller_connections_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 57
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, connections=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if connections != None:
+            self.connections = connections
+        else:
+            self.connections = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.connections))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_controller_connections_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 57)
+        obj.connections = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_controller_connection.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.connections != other.connections: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_controller_connections_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("connections = ");
+                q.pp(self.connections)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[57] = bsn_controller_connections_reply
+class bsn_controller_connections_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 56
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_controller_connections_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 56)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_controller_connections_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[56] = bsn_controller_connections_request
+class experimenter_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 16)
+        subclass = experimenter_stats_reply.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("subtype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.subtype)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[65535] = experimenter_stats_reply
+class bsn_stats_reply(experimenter_stats_reply):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 20)
+        subclass = bsn_stats_reply.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter_stats_reply.subtypes[6035143] = bsn_stats_reply
+class bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 13
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 13)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[13] = bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_reply
+class experimenter_stats_request(stats_request):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 16)
+        subclass = experimenter_stats_request.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("subtype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.subtype)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[65535] = experimenter_stats_request
+class bsn_stats_request(experimenter_stats_request):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 20)
+        subclass = bsn_stats_request.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter_stats_request.subtypes[6035143] = bsn_stats_request
+class bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 13
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 13)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[13] = bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_request
+class bsn_debug_counter_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 12
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_debug_counter_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 12)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_debug_counter_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_debug_counter_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[12] = bsn_debug_counter_stats_reply
+class bsn_debug_counter_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 12
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_debug_counter_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 12)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_debug_counter_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[12] = bsn_debug_counter_stats_request
+class bsn_error(bsn_base_error):
+    version = 4
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 65535
+    subtype = 1
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, err_msg=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if err_msg != None:
+            self.err_msg = err_msg
+        else:
+            self.err_msg = ""
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.err_msg))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_error()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 65535)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 1)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.err_msg = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.err_msg != other.err_msg: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_error {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("err_msg = ");
+                q.pp(self.err_msg)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_base_error.subtypes[1] = bsn_error
+class bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 10)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[10] = bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_reply
+class bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, table_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 10)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[10] = bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_request
+class bsn_flow_idle(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 40
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, priority=None, table_id=None, match=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 5)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_flow_idle()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 40)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(5)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_flow_idle {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[40] = bsn_flow_idle
+class bsn_flow_idle_enable_get_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 39
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enabled=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enabled != None:
+            self.enabled = enabled
+        else:
+            self.enabled = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enabled))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_flow_idle_enable_get_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 39)
+        obj.enabled = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enabled != other.enabled: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_flow_idle_enable_get_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enabled = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enabled)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[39] = bsn_flow_idle_enable_get_reply
+class bsn_flow_idle_enable_get_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 38
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_flow_idle_enable_get_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 38)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_flow_idle_enable_get_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[38] = bsn_flow_idle_enable_get_request
+class bsn_flow_idle_enable_set_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 37
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enable=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enable != None:
+            self.enable = enable
+        else:
+            self.enable = 0
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enable))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_flow_idle_enable_set_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 37)
+        obj.enable = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enable != other.enable: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_flow_idle_enable_set_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enable = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enable)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[37] = bsn_flow_idle_enable_set_reply
+class bsn_flow_idle_enable_set_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 36
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enable=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enable != None:
+            self.enable = enable
+        else:
+            self.enable = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enable))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_flow_idle_enable_set_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 36)
+        obj.enable = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enable != other.enable: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_flow_idle_enable_set_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enable = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enable)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[36] = bsn_flow_idle_enable_set_request
+class bsn_generic_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 16
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_generic_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 16)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_generic_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_generic_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[16] = bsn_generic_stats_reply
+class bsn_generic_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 16
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, name=None, tlvs=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if tlvs != None:
+            self.tlvs = tlvs
+        else:
+            self.tlvs = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!64s", self.name))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.tlvs))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_generic_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 16)
+        obj.name = reader.read("!64s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.tlvs = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.tlvs != other.tlvs: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_generic_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tlvs = ");
+                q.pp(self.tlvs)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[16] = bsn_generic_stats_request
+class bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 5)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[5] = bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_reply
+class bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, table_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 5)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[5] = bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_request
+class bsn_gentable_clear_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 49
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, table_id=None, deleted_count=None, error_count=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if deleted_count != None:
+            self.deleted_count = deleted_count
+        else:
+            self.deleted_count = 0
+        if error_count != None:
+            self.error_count = error_count
+        else:
+            self.error_count = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.deleted_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.error_count))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_clear_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 49)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.deleted_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.error_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.deleted_count != other.deleted_count: return False
+        if self.error_count != other.error_count: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_clear_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("deleted_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.deleted_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("error_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.error_count)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[49] = bsn_gentable_clear_reply
+class bsn_gentable_clear_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 48
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, table_id=None, checksum=None, checksum_mask=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        if checksum_mask != None:
+            self.checksum_mask = checksum_mask
+        else:
+            self.checksum_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum))
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum_mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_clear_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 48)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.checksum = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        obj.checksum_mask = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        if self.checksum_mask != other.checksum_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_clear_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[48] = bsn_gentable_clear_request
+class bsn_gentable_desc_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_gentable_desc_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[4] = bsn_gentable_desc_stats_reply
+class bsn_gentable_desc_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[4] = bsn_gentable_desc_stats_request
+class bsn_gentable_entry_add(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 46
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, table_id=None, checksum=None, key=None, value=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        if key != None:
+            self.key = key
+        else:
+            self.key = []
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for key_length at index 7
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.key))
+        packed[7] = struct.pack("!H", len(packed[-1]))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_entry_add()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 46)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _key_length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.checksum = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        obj.key = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader.slice(_key_length), ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        obj.value = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        if self.key != other.key: return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_entry_add {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("key = ");
+                q.pp(self.key)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[46] = bsn_gentable_entry_add
+class bsn_gentable_entry_delete(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 47
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, table_id=None, key=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if key != None:
+            self.key = key
+        else:
+            self.key = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.key))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_entry_delete()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 47)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.key = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.key != other.key: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_entry_delete {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("key = ");
+                q.pp(self.key)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[47] = bsn_gentable_entry_delete
+class bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 2)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[2] = bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_reply
+class bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, table_id=None, checksum=None, checksum_mask=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        if checksum_mask != None:
+            self.checksum_mask = checksum_mask
+        else:
+            self.checksum_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum))
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum_mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 2)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.checksum = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        obj.checksum_mask = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        if self.checksum_mask != other.checksum_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[2] = bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_request
+class bsn_gentable_entry_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_entry_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 3)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_gentable_entry_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_entry_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[3] = bsn_gentable_entry_stats_reply
+class bsn_gentable_entry_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, table_id=None, checksum=None, checksum_mask=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        if checksum_mask != None:
+            self.checksum_mask = checksum_mask
+        else:
+            self.checksum_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum))
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum_mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_entry_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 3)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.checksum = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        obj.checksum_mask = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        if self.checksum_mask != other.checksum_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_entry_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[3] = bsn_gentable_entry_stats_request
+class bsn_gentable_set_buckets_size(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 50
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, table_id=None, buckets_size=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if buckets_size != None:
+            self.buckets_size = buckets_size
+        else:
+            self.buckets_size = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buckets_size))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_set_buckets_size()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 50)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.buckets_size = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.buckets_size != other.buckets_size: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_set_buckets_size {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets_size = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buckets_size)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[50] = bsn_gentable_set_buckets_size
+class bsn_gentable_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 7)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_gentable_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[7] = bsn_gentable_stats_reply
+class bsn_gentable_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 7)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[7] = bsn_gentable_stats_request
+class bsn_get_interfaces_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, interfaces=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if interfaces != None:
+            self.interfaces = interfaces
+        else:
+            self.interfaces = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.interfaces))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_interfaces_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 10)
+        obj.interfaces = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_interface.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.interfaces != other.interfaces: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_interfaces_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("interfaces = ");
+                q.pp(self.interfaces)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[10] = bsn_get_interfaces_reply
+class bsn_get_interfaces_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_interfaces_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 9)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_interfaces_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[9] = bsn_get_interfaces_request
+class bsn_get_mirroring_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, report_mirror_ports=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if report_mirror_ports != None:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = report_mirror_ports
+        else:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.report_mirror_ports))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_mirroring_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 5)
+        obj.report_mirror_ports = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.report_mirror_ports != other.report_mirror_ports: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_mirroring_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("report_mirror_ports = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.report_mirror_ports)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[5] = bsn_get_mirroring_reply
+class bsn_get_mirroring_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, report_mirror_ports=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if report_mirror_ports != None:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = report_mirror_ports
+        else:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.report_mirror_ports))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_mirroring_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 4)
+        obj.report_mirror_ports = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.report_mirror_ports != other.report_mirror_ports: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_mirroring_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("report_mirror_ports = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.report_mirror_ports)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[4] = bsn_get_mirroring_request
+class bsn_get_switch_pipeline_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 52
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, pipeline=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if pipeline != None:
+            self.pipeline = pipeline
+        else:
+            self.pipeline = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.pipeline))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_switch_pipeline_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 52)
+        obj.pipeline = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.pipeline != other.pipeline: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_switch_pipeline_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("pipeline = ");
+                q.pp(self.pipeline)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[52] = bsn_get_switch_pipeline_reply
+class bsn_get_switch_pipeline_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 51
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_switch_pipeline_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 51)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_switch_pipeline_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[51] = bsn_get_switch_pipeline_request
+class bsn_image_desc_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 14
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, image_checksum=None, startup_config_checksum=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if image_checksum != None:
+            self.image_checksum = image_checksum
+        else:
+            self.image_checksum = ""
+        if startup_config_checksum != None:
+            self.startup_config_checksum = startup_config_checksum
+        else:
+            self.startup_config_checksum = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.image_checksum))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.startup_config_checksum))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_image_desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 14)
+        obj.image_checksum = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.startup_config_checksum = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.image_checksum != other.image_checksum: return False
+        if self.startup_config_checksum != other.startup_config_checksum: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_image_desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("image_checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.image_checksum)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("startup_config_checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.startup_config_checksum)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[14] = bsn_image_desc_stats_reply
+class bsn_image_desc_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 14
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_image_desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 14)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_image_desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[14] = bsn_image_desc_stats_request
+class bsn_lacp_convergence_notif(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 43
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, convergence_status=None, port_no=None, actor_sys_priority=None, actor_sys_mac=None, actor_port_priority=None, actor_port_num=None, actor_key=None, partner_sys_priority=None, partner_sys_mac=None, partner_port_priority=None, partner_port_num=None, partner_key=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if convergence_status != None:
+            self.convergence_status = convergence_status
+        else:
+            self.convergence_status = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if actor_sys_priority != None:
+            self.actor_sys_priority = actor_sys_priority
+        else:
+            self.actor_sys_priority = 0
+        if actor_sys_mac != None:
+            self.actor_sys_mac = actor_sys_mac
+        else:
+            self.actor_sys_mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if actor_port_priority != None:
+            self.actor_port_priority = actor_port_priority
+        else:
+            self.actor_port_priority = 0
+        if actor_port_num != None:
+            self.actor_port_num = actor_port_num
+        else:
+            self.actor_port_num = 0
+        if actor_key != None:
+            self.actor_key = actor_key
+        else:
+            self.actor_key = 0
+        if partner_sys_priority != None:
+            self.partner_sys_priority = partner_sys_priority
+        else:
+            self.partner_sys_priority = 0
+        if partner_sys_mac != None:
+            self.partner_sys_mac = partner_sys_mac
+        else:
+            self.partner_sys_mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if partner_port_priority != None:
+            self.partner_port_priority = partner_port_priority
+        else:
+            self.partner_port_priority = 0
+        if partner_port_num != None:
+            self.partner_port_num = partner_port_num
+        else:
+            self.partner_port_num = 0
+        if partner_key != None:
+            self.partner_key = partner_key
+        else:
+            self.partner_key = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.convergence_status))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_sys_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.actor_sys_mac))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_port_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_port_num))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_key))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.partner_sys_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.partner_sys_mac))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.partner_port_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.partner_port_num))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.partner_key))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lacp_convergence_notif()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 43)
+        obj.convergence_status = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.actor_sys_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actor_sys_mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.actor_port_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actor_port_num = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actor_key = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.partner_sys_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.partner_sys_mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.partner_port_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.partner_port_num = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.partner_key = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.convergence_status != other.convergence_status: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.actor_sys_priority != other.actor_sys_priority: return False
+        if self.actor_sys_mac != other.actor_sys_mac: return False
+        if self.actor_port_priority != other.actor_port_priority: return False
+        if self.actor_port_num != other.actor_port_num: return False
+        if self.actor_key != other.actor_key: return False
+        if self.partner_sys_priority != other.partner_sys_priority: return False
+        if self.partner_sys_mac != other.partner_sys_mac: return False
+        if self.partner_port_priority != other.partner_port_priority: return False
+        if self.partner_port_num != other.partner_port_num: return False
+        if self.partner_key != other.partner_key: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lacp_convergence_notif {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("convergence_status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.convergence_status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_sys_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_sys_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_sys_mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.actor_sys_mac))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_port_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_port_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_port_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_port_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_key = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_key)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("partner_sys_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.partner_sys_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("partner_sys_mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.partner_sys_mac))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("partner_port_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.partner_port_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("partner_port_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.partner_port_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("partner_key = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.partner_key)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[43] = bsn_lacp_convergence_notif
+class bsn_lacp_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lacp_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 1)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_lacp_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lacp_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[1] = bsn_lacp_stats_reply
+class bsn_lacp_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lacp_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 1)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lacp_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[1] = bsn_lacp_stats_request
+class bsn_log(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 63
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, loglevel=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if loglevel != None:
+            self.loglevel = loglevel
+        else:
+            self.loglevel = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.loglevel))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_log()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 63)
+        obj.loglevel = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.loglevel != other.loglevel: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_log {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("loglevel = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.loglevel)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[63] = bsn_log
+class bsn_lua_command_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 66
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lua_command_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 66)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lua_command_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[66] = bsn_lua_command_reply
+class bsn_lua_command_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 65
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lua_command_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 65)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lua_command_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[65] = bsn_lua_command_request
+class bsn_lua_notification(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 67
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lua_notification()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 67)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lua_notification {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[67] = bsn_lua_notification
+class bsn_lua_upload(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 64
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, filename=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if filename != None:
+            self.filename = filename
+        else:
+            self.filename = ""
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!64s", self.filename))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lua_upload()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 64)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.filename = reader.read("!64s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.filename != other.filename: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lua_upload {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("filename = ");
+                q.pp(self.filename)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[64] = bsn_lua_upload
+class bsn_pdu_rx_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 34
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_rx_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 34)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_rx_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[34] = bsn_pdu_rx_reply
+class bsn_pdu_rx_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 33
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, timeout_ms=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if timeout_ms != None:
+            self.timeout_ms = timeout_ms
+        else:
+            self.timeout_ms = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.timeout_ms))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_rx_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 33)
+        obj.timeout_ms = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.timeout_ms != other.timeout_ms: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_rx_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("timeout_ms = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.timeout_ms)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[33] = bsn_pdu_rx_request
+class bsn_pdu_rx_timeout(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 35
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_rx_timeout()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 35)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_rx_timeout {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[35] = bsn_pdu_rx_timeout
+class bsn_pdu_tx_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 32
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_tx_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 32)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_tx_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[32] = bsn_pdu_tx_reply
+class bsn_pdu_tx_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 31
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, tx_interval_ms=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if tx_interval_ms != None:
+            self.tx_interval_ms = tx_interval_ms
+        else:
+            self.tx_interval_ms = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.tx_interval_ms))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_tx_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 31)
+        obj.tx_interval_ms = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.tx_interval_ms != other.tx_interval_ms: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_tx_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_interval_ms = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_interval_ms)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[31] = bsn_pdu_tx_request
+class bsn_port_counter_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 8
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_port_counter_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 8)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_port_counter_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_port_counter_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[8] = bsn_port_counter_stats_reply
+class bsn_port_counter_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 8
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, port_no=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_port_counter_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 8)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_port_counter_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[8] = bsn_port_counter_stats_request
+class bsn_role_status(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 55
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, role=None, reason=None, generation_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if role != None:
+            self.role = role
+        else:
+            self.role = 0
+        if reason != None:
+            self.reason = reason
+        else:
+            self.reason = 0
+        if generation_id != None:
+            self.generation_id = generation_id
+        else:
+            self.generation_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.role))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.reason))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.generation_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_role_status()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 55)
+        obj.role = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.reason = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.generation_id = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.role != other.role: return False
+        if self.reason != other.reason: return False
+        if self.generation_id != other.generation_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_role_status {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("role = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.role)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reason = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reason)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("generation_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.generation_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[55] = bsn_role_status
+class bsn_set_aux_cxns_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 59
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, num_aux=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if num_aux != None:
+            self.num_aux = num_aux
+        else:
+            self.num_aux = 0
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.num_aux))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_aux_cxns_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 59)
+        obj.num_aux = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.num_aux != other.num_aux: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_aux_cxns_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("num_aux = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.num_aux)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[59] = bsn_set_aux_cxns_reply
+class bsn_set_aux_cxns_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 58
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, num_aux=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if num_aux != None:
+            self.num_aux = num_aux
+        else:
+            self.num_aux = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.num_aux))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_aux_cxns_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 58)
+        obj.num_aux = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.num_aux != other.num_aux: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_aux_cxns_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("num_aux = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.num_aux)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[58] = bsn_set_aux_cxns_request
+class bsn_set_lacp_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 42
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None, port_no=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_lacp_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 42)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_lacp_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[42] = bsn_set_lacp_reply
+class bsn_set_lacp_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 41
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enabled=None, port_no=None, actor_sys_priority=None, actor_sys_mac=None, actor_port_priority=None, actor_port_num=None, actor_key=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enabled != None:
+            self.enabled = enabled
+        else:
+            self.enabled = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if actor_sys_priority != None:
+            self.actor_sys_priority = actor_sys_priority
+        else:
+            self.actor_sys_priority = 0
+        if actor_sys_mac != None:
+            self.actor_sys_mac = actor_sys_mac
+        else:
+            self.actor_sys_mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if actor_port_priority != None:
+            self.actor_port_priority = actor_port_priority
+        else:
+            self.actor_port_priority = 0
+        if actor_port_num != None:
+            self.actor_port_num = actor_port_num
+        else:
+            self.actor_port_num = 0
+        if actor_key != None:
+            self.actor_key = actor_key
+        else:
+            self.actor_key = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.enabled))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_sys_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.actor_sys_mac))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_port_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_port_num))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_key))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_lacp_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 41)
+        obj.enabled = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.actor_sys_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actor_sys_mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.actor_port_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actor_port_num = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actor_key = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enabled != other.enabled: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.actor_sys_priority != other.actor_sys_priority: return False
+        if self.actor_sys_mac != other.actor_sys_mac: return False
+        if self.actor_port_priority != other.actor_port_priority: return False
+        if self.actor_port_num != other.actor_port_num: return False
+        if self.actor_key != other.actor_key: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_lacp_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enabled = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enabled)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_sys_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_sys_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_sys_mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.actor_sys_mac))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_port_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_port_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_port_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_port_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_key = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_key)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[41] = bsn_set_lacp_request
+class bsn_set_mirroring(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, report_mirror_ports=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if report_mirror_ports != None:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = report_mirror_ports
+        else:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.report_mirror_ports))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_mirroring()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 3)
+        obj.report_mirror_ports = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.report_mirror_ports != other.report_mirror_ports: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_mirroring {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("report_mirror_ports = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.report_mirror_ports)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[3] = bsn_set_mirroring
+class bsn_set_pktin_suppression_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 25
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_pktin_suppression_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 25)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_pktin_suppression_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[25] = bsn_set_pktin_suppression_reply
+class bsn_set_pktin_suppression_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enabled=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, cookie=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enabled != None:
+            self.enabled = enabled
+        else:
+            self.enabled = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.enabled))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_pktin_suppression_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 11)
+        obj.enabled = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enabled != other.enabled: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_pktin_suppression_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enabled = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enabled)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[11] = bsn_set_pktin_suppression_request
+class bsn_set_switch_pipeline_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 54
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_switch_pipeline_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 54)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_switch_pipeline_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[54] = bsn_set_switch_pipeline_reply
+class bsn_set_switch_pipeline_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 53
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, pipeline=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if pipeline != None:
+            self.pipeline = pipeline
+        else:
+            self.pipeline = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.pipeline))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_switch_pipeline_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 53)
+        obj.pipeline = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.pipeline != other.pipeline: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_switch_pipeline_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("pipeline = ");
+                q.pp(self.pipeline)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[53] = bsn_set_switch_pipeline_request
+class bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 6)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[6] = bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_reply
+class bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[6] = bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_request
+class bsn_table_checksum_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_table_checksum_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 11)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_table_checksum_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_table_checksum_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[11] = bsn_table_checksum_stats_reply
+class bsn_table_checksum_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_table_checksum_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 11)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_table_checksum_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[11] = bsn_table_checksum_stats_request
+class bsn_table_set_buckets_size(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 61
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, table_id=None, buckets_size=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if buckets_size != None:
+            self.buckets_size = buckets_size
+        else:
+            self.buckets_size = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buckets_size))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_table_set_buckets_size()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 61)
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.buckets_size = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.buckets_size != other.buckets_size: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_table_set_buckets_size {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets_size = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buckets_size)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[61] = bsn_table_set_buckets_size
+class bsn_time_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 45
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, time_ms=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if time_ms != None:
+            self.time_ms = time_ms
+        else:
+            self.time_ms = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.time_ms))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_time_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 45)
+        obj.time_ms = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.time_ms != other.time_ms: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_time_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("time_ms = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.time_ms)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[45] = bsn_time_reply
+class bsn_time_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 44
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_time_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 44)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_time_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[44] = bsn_time_request
+class bsn_virtual_port_create_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 16
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None, vport_no=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        if vport_no != None:
+            self.vport_no = vport_no
+        else:
+            self.vport_no = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vport_no))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_virtual_port_create_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 16)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.vport_no = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        if self.vport_no != other.vport_no: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_virtual_port_create_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vport_no = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vport_no)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[16] = bsn_virtual_port_create_reply
+class bsn_virtual_port_create_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 15
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, vport=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if vport != None:
+            self.vport = vport
+        else:
+            self.vport = ofp.bsn_vport()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.vport.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_virtual_port_create_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 15)
+        obj.vport = ofp.bsn_vport.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.vport != other.vport: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_virtual_port_create_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vport = ");
+                q.pp(self.vport)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[15] = bsn_virtual_port_create_request
+class bsn_virtual_port_remove_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 26
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_virtual_port_remove_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 26)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_virtual_port_remove_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[26] = bsn_virtual_port_remove_reply
+class bsn_virtual_port_remove_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 17
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, vport_no=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if vport_no != None:
+            self.vport_no = vport_no
+        else:
+            self.vport_no = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vport_no))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_virtual_port_remove_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 17)
+        obj.vport_no = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.vport_no != other.vport_no: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_virtual_port_remove_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vport_no = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vport_no)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[17] = bsn_virtual_port_remove_request
+class bsn_vlan_counter_clear(bsn_header):
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 70
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, vlan_vid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if vlan_vid != None:
+            self.vlan_vid = vlan_vid
+        else:
+            self.vlan_vid = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.vlan_vid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vlan_counter_clear()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 70)
+        obj.vlan_vid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.vlan_vid != other.vlan_vid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vlan_counter_clear {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_vid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_vid)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[70] = bsn_vlan_counter_clear
+class bsn_vlan_counter_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vlan_counter_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 9)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_vlan_counter_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vlan_counter_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[9] = bsn_vlan_counter_stats_reply
+class bsn_vlan_counter_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, vlan_vid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if vlan_vid != None:
+            self.vlan_vid = vlan_vid
+        else:
+            self.vlan_vid = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.vlan_vid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vlan_counter_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 9)
+        obj.vlan_vid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.vlan_vid != other.vlan_vid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vlan_counter_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_vid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_vid)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[9] = bsn_vlan_counter_stats_request
+class bsn_vrf_counter_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 15
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vrf_counter_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 15)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_vrf_counter_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vrf_counter_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[15] = bsn_vrf_counter_stats_reply
+class bsn_vrf_counter_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 15
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, vrf=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if vrf != None:
+            self.vrf = vrf
+        else:
+            self.vrf = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vrf))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vrf_counter_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 15)
+        obj.vrf = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.vrf != other.vrf: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vrf_counter_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vrf = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vrf)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[15] = bsn_vrf_counter_stats_request
+class desc_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, mfr_desc=None, hw_desc=None, sw_desc=None, serial_num=None, dp_desc=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if mfr_desc != None:
+            self.mfr_desc = mfr_desc
+        else:
+            self.mfr_desc = ""
+        if hw_desc != None:
+            self.hw_desc = hw_desc
+        else:
+            self.hw_desc = ""
+        if sw_desc != None:
+            self.sw_desc = sw_desc
+        else:
+            self.sw_desc = ""
+        if serial_num != None:
+            self.serial_num = serial_num
+        else:
+            self.serial_num = ""
+        if dp_desc != None:
+            self.dp_desc = dp_desc
+        else:
+            self.dp_desc = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.mfr_desc))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.hw_desc))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.sw_desc))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!32s", self.serial_num))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.dp_desc))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 0)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.mfr_desc = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.hw_desc = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.sw_desc = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.serial_num = reader.read("!32s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.dp_desc = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.mfr_desc != other.mfr_desc: return False
+        if self.hw_desc != other.hw_desc: return False
+        if self.sw_desc != other.sw_desc: return False
+        if self.serial_num != other.serial_num: return False
+        if self.dp_desc != other.dp_desc: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("mfr_desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.mfr_desc)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hw_desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.hw_desc)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("sw_desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.sw_desc)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("serial_num = ");
+                q.pp(self.serial_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("dp_desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.dp_desc)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[0] = desc_stats_reply
+class desc_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 0)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[0] = desc_stats_request
+class echo_reply(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = echo_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 3)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("echo_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[3] = echo_reply
+class echo_request(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = echo_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("echo_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[2] = echo_request
+class features_reply(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, datapath_id=None, n_buffers=None, n_tables=None, auxiliary_id=None, capabilities=None, reserved=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if datapath_id != None:
+            self.datapath_id = datapath_id
+        else:
+            self.datapath_id = 0
+        if n_buffers != None:
+            self.n_buffers = n_buffers
+        else:
+            self.n_buffers = 0
+        if n_tables != None:
+            self.n_tables = n_tables
+        else:
+            self.n_tables = 0
+        if auxiliary_id != None:
+            self.auxiliary_id = auxiliary_id
+        else:
+            self.auxiliary_id = 0
+        if capabilities != None:
+            self.capabilities = capabilities
+        else:
+            self.capabilities = 0
+        if reserved != None:
+            self.reserved = reserved
+        else:
+            self.reserved = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.datapath_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.n_buffers))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.n_tables))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.auxiliary_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.capabilities))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.reserved))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = features_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 6)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.datapath_id = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.n_buffers = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.n_tables = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.auxiliary_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.capabilities = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.reserved = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.datapath_id != other.datapath_id: return False
+        if self.n_buffers != other.n_buffers: return False
+        if self.n_tables != other.n_tables: return False
+        if self.auxiliary_id != other.auxiliary_id: return False
+        if self.capabilities != other.capabilities: return False
+        if self.reserved != other.reserved: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("features_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("datapath_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.datapath_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("n_buffers = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.n_buffers)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("n_tables = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.n_tables)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("auxiliary_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.auxiliary_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("capabilities = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.capabilities)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reserved = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reserved)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[6] = features_reply
+class features_request(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = features_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 5)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("features_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[5] = features_request
+class flow_mod(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 4
+    type = 14
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, _command=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if _command != None:
+            self._command = _command
+        else:
+            self._command = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('B', 25)
+        subclass = flow_mod.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = flow_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj._command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self._command != other._command: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[14] = flow_mod
+class flow_add(flow_mod):
+    version = 4
+    type = 14
+    _command = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_add()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 0)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_add {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[0] = flow_add
+class flow_delete(flow_mod):
+    version = 4
+    type = 14
+    _command = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_delete()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 3)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_delete {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[3] = flow_delete
+class flow_delete_strict(flow_mod):
+    version = 4
+    type = 14
+    _command = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_delete_strict()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 4)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_delete_strict {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[4] = flow_delete_strict
+class flow_mod_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 4
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_mod_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 5)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_mod_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[5] = flow_mod_failed_error_msg
+class flow_modify(flow_mod):
+    version = 4
+    type = 14
+    _command = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_modify()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 1)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_modify {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[1] = flow_modify
+class flow_modify_strict(flow_mod):
+    version = 4
+    type = 14
+    _command = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_modify_strict()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 2)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_modify_strict {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[2] = flow_modify_strict
+class flow_removed(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, priority=None, reason=None, table_id=None, duration_sec=None, duration_nsec=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, packet_count=None, byte_count=None, match=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if reason != None:
+            self.reason = reason
+        else:
+            self.reason = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if duration_sec != None:
+            self.duration_sec = duration_sec
+        else:
+            self.duration_sec = 0
+        if duration_nsec != None:
+            self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
+        else:
+            self.duration_nsec = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.reason))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_sec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_nsec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_removed()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 11)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.reason = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.duration_sec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.duration_nsec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.reason != other.reason: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.duration_sec != other.duration_sec: return False
+        if self.duration_nsec != other.duration_nsec: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_removed {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reason = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reason)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_sec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_sec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_nsec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_nsec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[11] = flow_removed
+class flow_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 1)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.flow_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[1] = flow_stats_reply
+class flow_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, table_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, match=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 1)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[1] = flow_stats_request
+class get_config_reply(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 8
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, miss_send_len=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if miss_send_len != None:
+            self.miss_send_len = miss_send_len
+        else:
+            self.miss_send_len = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.miss_send_len))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = get_config_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 8)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.miss_send_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.miss_send_len != other.miss_send_len: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("get_config_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("miss_send_len = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.miss_send_len)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[8] = get_config_reply
+class get_config_request(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = get_config_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 7)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("get_config_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[7] = get_config_request
+class group_mod(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 4
+    type = 15
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, command=None, group_type=None, group_id=None, buckets=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if command != None:
+            self.command = command
+        else:
+            self.command = 0
+        if group_type != None:
+            self.group_type = group_type
+        else:
+            self.group_type = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if buckets != None:
+            self.buckets = buckets
+        else:
+            self.buckets = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.group_type))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.buckets))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = group_mod.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = group_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.command = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.group_type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buckets = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.command != other.command: return False
+        if self.group_type != other.group_type: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.buckets != other.buckets: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets = ");
+                q.pp(self.buckets)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[15] = group_mod
+class group_add(group_mod):
+    version = 4
+    type = 15
+    command = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, group_type=None, group_id=None, buckets=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if group_type != None:
+            self.group_type = group_type
+        else:
+            self.group_type = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if buckets != None:
+            self.buckets = buckets
+        else:
+            self.buckets = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.group_type))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.buckets))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_add()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _command = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_command == 0)
+        obj.group_type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buckets = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.group_type != other.group_type: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.buckets != other.buckets: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_add {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets = ");
+                q.pp(self.buckets)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+group_mod.subtypes[0] = group_add
+class group_delete(group_mod):
+    version = 4
+    type = 15
+    command = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, group_type=None, group_id=None, buckets=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if group_type != None:
+            self.group_type = group_type
+        else:
+            self.group_type = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if buckets != None:
+            self.buckets = buckets
+        else:
+            self.buckets = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.group_type))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.buckets))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_delete()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _command = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_command == 2)
+        obj.group_type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buckets = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.group_type != other.group_type: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.buckets != other.buckets: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_delete {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets = ");
+                q.pp(self.buckets)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+group_mod.subtypes[2] = group_delete
+class group_desc_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 7)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.group_desc_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[7] = group_desc_stats_reply
+class group_desc_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 7)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[7] = group_desc_stats_request
+class group_features_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 8
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, types=None, capabilities=None, max_groups_all=None, max_groups_select=None, max_groups_indirect=None, max_groups_ff=None, actions_all=None, actions_select=None, actions_indirect=None, actions_ff=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if types != None:
+            self.types = types
+        else:
+            self.types = 0
+        if capabilities != None:
+            self.capabilities = capabilities
+        else:
+            self.capabilities = 0
+        if max_groups_all != None:
+            self.max_groups_all = max_groups_all
+        else:
+            self.max_groups_all = 0
+        if max_groups_select != None:
+            self.max_groups_select = max_groups_select
+        else:
+            self.max_groups_select = 0
+        if max_groups_indirect != None:
+            self.max_groups_indirect = max_groups_indirect
+        else:
+            self.max_groups_indirect = 0
+        if max_groups_ff != None:
+            self.max_groups_ff = max_groups_ff
+        else:
+            self.max_groups_ff = 0
+        if actions_all != None:
+            self.actions_all = actions_all
+        else:
+            self.actions_all = 0
+        if actions_select != None:
+            self.actions_select = actions_select
+        else:
+            self.actions_select = 0
+        if actions_indirect != None:
+            self.actions_indirect = actions_indirect
+        else:
+            self.actions_indirect = 0
+        if actions_ff != None:
+            self.actions_ff = actions_ff
+        else:
+            self.actions_ff = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.types))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.capabilities))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_groups_all))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_groups_select))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_groups_indirect))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_groups_ff))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.actions_all))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.actions_select))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.actions_indirect))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.actions_ff))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_features_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 8)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.types = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.capabilities = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_groups_all = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_groups_select = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_groups_indirect = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_groups_ff = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.actions_all = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.actions_select = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.actions_indirect = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.actions_ff = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.types != other.types: return False
+        if self.capabilities != other.capabilities: return False
+        if self.max_groups_all != other.max_groups_all: return False
+        if self.max_groups_select != other.max_groups_select: return False
+        if self.max_groups_indirect != other.max_groups_indirect: return False
+        if self.max_groups_ff != other.max_groups_ff: return False
+        if self.actions_all != other.actions_all: return False
+        if self.actions_select != other.actions_select: return False
+        if self.actions_indirect != other.actions_indirect: return False
+        if self.actions_ff != other.actions_ff: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_features_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("types = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.types)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("capabilities = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.capabilities)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_groups_all = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_groups_all)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_groups_select = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_groups_select)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_groups_indirect = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_groups_indirect)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_groups_ff = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_groups_ff)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions_all = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actions_all)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions_select = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actions_select)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions_indirect = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actions_indirect)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions_ff = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actions_ff)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[8] = group_features_stats_reply
+class group_features_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 8
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_features_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 8)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_features_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[8] = group_features_stats_request
+class group_mod_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 4
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_mod_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 6)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_mod_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[6] = group_mod_failed_error_msg
+class group_modify(group_mod):
+    version = 4
+    type = 15
+    command = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, group_type=None, group_id=None, buckets=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if group_type != None:
+            self.group_type = group_type
+        else:
+            self.group_type = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if buckets != None:
+            self.buckets = buckets
+        else:
+            self.buckets = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.group_type))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.buckets))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_modify()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _command = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_command == 1)
+        obj.group_type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buckets = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.group_type != other.group_type: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.buckets != other.buckets: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_modify {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets = ");
+                q.pp(self.buckets)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+group_mod.subtypes[1] = group_modify
+class group_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 6)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.group_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[6] = group_stats_reply
+class group_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, group_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 6)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[6] = group_stats_request
+class hello(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, elements=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if elements != None:
+            self.elements = elements
+        else:
+            self.elements = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.elements))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = hello()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.elements = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.hello_elem.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.elements != other.elements: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hello {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("elements = ");
+                q.pp(self.elements)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[0] = hello
+class hello_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 4
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = hello_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 0)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hello_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[0] = hello_failed_error_msg
+class meter_config_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_config_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 10)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.meter_config.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_config_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[10] = meter_config_stats_reply
+class meter_config_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, meter_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if meter_id != None:
+            self.meter_id = meter_id
+        else:
+            self.meter_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.meter_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_config_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 10)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.meter_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.meter_id != other.meter_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_config_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("meter_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.meter_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[10] = meter_config_stats_request
+class meter_features_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, features=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if features != None:
+            self.features = features
+        else:
+            self.features = ofp.meter_features()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(self.features.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_features_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 11)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.features = ofp.meter_features.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.features != other.features: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_features_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("features = ");
+                q.pp(self.features)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[11] = meter_features_stats_reply
+class meter_features_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_features_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 11)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_features_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[11] = meter_features_stats_request
+class meter_mod(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 29
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, command=None, flags=None, meter_id=None, meters=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if command != None:
+            self.command = command
+        else:
+            self.command = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if meter_id != None:
+            self.meter_id = meter_id
+        else:
+            self.meter_id = 0
+        if meters != None:
+            self.meters = meters
+        else:
+            self.meters = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.meter_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.meters))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 29)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.command = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.meter_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.meters = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.meter_band.meter_band.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.command != other.command: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.meter_id != other.meter_id: return False
+        if self.meters != other.meters: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("command = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.command)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("meter_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.meter_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("meters = ");
+                q.pp(self.meters)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[29] = meter_mod
+class meter_mod_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 4
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 12
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_mod_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 12)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_mod_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[12] = meter_mod_failed_error_msg
+class meter_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 9)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.meter_stats.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[9] = meter_stats_reply
+class meter_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, meter_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if meter_id != None:
+            self.meter_id = meter_id
+        else:
+            self.meter_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.meter_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 9)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.meter_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.meter_id != other.meter_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("meter_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.meter_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[9] = meter_stats_request
+class nicira_header(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 4
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 8992
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 12)
+        subclass = nicira_header.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = nicira_header()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira_header {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[8992] = nicira_header
+class packet_in(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, buffer_id=None, total_len=None, reason=None, table_id=None, cookie=None, match=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if total_len != None:
+            self.total_len = total_len
+        else:
+            self.total_len = 0
+        if reason != None:
+            self.reason = reason
+        else:
+            self.reason = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.total_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.reason))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = packet_in()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 10)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.total_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.reason = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.total_len != other.total_len: return False
+        if self.reason != other.reason: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("packet_in {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("total_len = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.total_len)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reason = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reason)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[10] = packet_in
+class packet_out(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 13
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, buffer_id=None, in_port=None, actions=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if in_port != None:
+            self.in_port = in_port
+        else:
+            self.in_port = 0
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.in_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for actions_len at index 6
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        packed[6] = struct.pack("!H", len(packed[-1]))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = packet_out()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 13)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.in_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        _actions_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(6)
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader.slice(_actions_len), ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.in_port != other.in_port: return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("packet_out {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("in_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.in_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[13] = packet_out
+class port_desc_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 13
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 13)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.port_desc.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[13] = port_desc_stats_reply
+class port_desc_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 13
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 13)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[13] = port_desc_stats_request
+class port_mod(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 16
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, port_no=None, hw_addr=None, config=None, mask=None, advertise=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if hw_addr != None:
+            self.hw_addr = hw_addr
+        else:
+            self.hw_addr = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if config != None:
+            self.config = config
+        else:
+            self.config = 0
+        if mask != None:
+            self.mask = mask
+        else:
+            self.mask = 0
+        if advertise != None:
+            self.advertise = advertise
+        else:
+            self.advertise = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.hw_addr))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.config))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.advertise))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.hw_addr = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.config = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.advertise = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.hw_addr != other.hw_addr: return False
+        if self.config != other.config: return False
+        if self.mask != other.mask: return False
+        if self.advertise != other.advertise: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hw_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.hw_addr))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("config = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.config)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("advertise = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.advertise)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[16] = port_mod
+class port_mod_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 4
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_mod_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 7)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_mod_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[7] = port_mod_failed_error_msg
+class port_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 4)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.port_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[4] = port_stats_reply
+class port_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, port_no=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 4)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[4] = port_stats_request
+class port_status(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 12
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, reason=None, desc=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if reason != None:
+            self.reason = reason
+        else:
+            self.reason = 0
+        if desc != None:
+            self.desc = desc
+        else:
+            self.desc = ofp.port_desc()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.reason))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 7)
+        packed.append(self.desc.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_status()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 12)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.reason = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(7)
+        obj.desc = ofp.port_desc.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.reason != other.reason: return False
+        if self.desc != other.desc: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_status {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reason = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reason)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.desc)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[12] = port_status
+class queue_get_config_reply(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 23
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, port=None, queues=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if port != None:
+            self.port = port
+        else:
+            self.port = 0
+        if queues != None:
+            self.queues = queues
+        else:
+            self.queues = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.queues))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_get_config_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 23)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.queues = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.packet_queue.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.port != other.port: return False
+        if self.queues != other.queues: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_get_config_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("queues = ");
+                q.pp(self.queues)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[23] = queue_get_config_reply
+class queue_get_config_request(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 22
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, port=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if port != None:
+            self.port = port
+        else:
+            self.port = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_get_config_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 22)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.port != other.port: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_get_config_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[22] = queue_get_config_request
+class queue_op_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 4
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_op_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 9)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_op_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[9] = queue_op_failed_error_msg
+class queue_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 5)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.queue_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[5] = queue_stats_reply
+class queue_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, port_no=None, queue_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 5)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[5] = queue_stats_request
+class role_reply(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 25
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, role=None, generation_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if role != None:
+            self.role = role
+        else:
+            self.role = 0
+        if generation_id != None:
+            self.generation_id = generation_id
+        else:
+            self.generation_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.role))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.generation_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = role_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 25)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.role = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.generation_id = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.role != other.role: return False
+        if self.generation_id != other.generation_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("role_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("role = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.role)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("generation_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.generation_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[25] = role_reply
+class role_request(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 24
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, role=None, generation_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if role != None:
+            self.role = role
+        else:
+            self.role = 0
+        if generation_id != None:
+            self.generation_id = generation_id
+        else:
+            self.generation_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.role))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.generation_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = role_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 24)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.role = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.generation_id = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.role != other.role: return False
+        if self.generation_id != other.generation_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("role_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("role = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.role)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("generation_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.generation_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[24] = role_request
+class role_request_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 4
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = role_request_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 11)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("role_request_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[11] = role_request_failed_error_msg
+class set_config(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, miss_send_len=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if miss_send_len != None:
+            self.miss_send_len = miss_send_len
+        else:
+            self.miss_send_len = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.miss_send_len))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_config()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 9)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.miss_send_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.miss_send_len != other.miss_send_len: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_config {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("miss_send_len = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.miss_send_len)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[9] = set_config
+class switch_config_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 4
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = switch_config_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 10)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("switch_config_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[10] = switch_config_failed_error_msg
+class table_features_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 4
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 13
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_features_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 13)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_features_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[13] = table_features_failed_error_msg
+class table_features_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 12
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_features_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 12)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.table_features.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_features_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[12] = table_features_stats_reply
+class table_features_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 12
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_features_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 12)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.table_features.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_features_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[12] = table_features_stats_request
+class table_mod(message):
+    version = 4
+    type = 17
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, table_id=None, config=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if config != None:
+            self.config = config
+        else:
+            self.config = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.config))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 17)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.config = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.config != other.config: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("config = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.config)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[17] = table_mod
+class table_mod_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 4
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 8
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_mod_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 8)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_mod_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[8] = table_mod_failed_error_msg
+class table_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 4
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 3)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.table_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[3] = table_stats_reply
+class table_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 4
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 4)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 3)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[3] = table_stats_request
+def parse_header(buf):
+    if len(buf) < 8:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("too short to be an OpenFlow message")
+    return struct.unpack_from("!BBHL", buf)
+def parse_message(buf):
+    msg_ver, msg_type, msg_len, msg_xid = parse_header(buf)
+    if msg_ver != ofp.OFP_VERSION and msg_type != ofp.OFPT_HELLO:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("wrong OpenFlow version (expected %d, got %d)" % (ofp.OFP_VERSION, msg_ver))
+    if len(buf) != msg_len:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("incorrect message size")
+    return message.unpack(loxi.generic_util.OFReader(buf))
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/meter_band.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/meter_band.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..822567e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/meter_band.py
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of13']
+class meter_band(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = meter_band.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = meter_band()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_band {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class drop(meter_band):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, rate=None, burst_size=None):
+        if rate != None:
+            self.rate = rate
+        else:
+            self.rate = 0
+        if burst_size != None:
+            self.burst_size = burst_size
+        else:
+            self.burst_size = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.rate))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.burst_size))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = drop()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.rate = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.burst_size = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.rate != other.rate: return False
+        if self.burst_size != other.burst_size: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("drop {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("burst_size = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.burst_size)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+meter_band.subtypes[1] = drop
+class dscp_remark(meter_band):
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, rate=None, burst_size=None, prec_level=None):
+        if rate != None:
+            self.rate = rate
+        else:
+            self.rate = 0
+        if burst_size != None:
+            self.burst_size = burst_size
+        else:
+            self.burst_size = 0
+        if prec_level != None:
+            self.prec_level = prec_level
+        else:
+            self.prec_level = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.rate))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.burst_size))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.prec_level))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = dscp_remark()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.rate = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.burst_size = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.prec_level = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.rate != other.rate: return False
+        if self.burst_size != other.burst_size: return False
+        if self.prec_level != other.prec_level: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("dscp_remark {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("burst_size = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.burst_size)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("prec_level = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.prec_level)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+meter_band.subtypes[2] = dscp_remark
+class experimenter(meter_band):
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, rate=None, burst_size=None, experimenter=None):
+        if rate != None:
+            self.rate = rate
+        else:
+            self.rate = 0
+        if burst_size != None:
+            self.burst_size = burst_size
+        else:
+            self.burst_size = 0
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.rate))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.burst_size))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.rate = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.burst_size = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.rate != other.rate: return False
+        if self.burst_size != other.burst_size: return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("burst_size = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.burst_size)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("experimenter = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.experimenter)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+meter_band.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/oxm.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/oxm.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e43b2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/oxm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6235 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of13']
+class oxm(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type_len=None):
+        if type_len != None:
+            self.type_len = type_len
+        else:
+            self.type_len = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 0)
+        subclass = oxm.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = oxm()
+        obj.type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type_len != other.type_len: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("oxm {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class arp_op(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147494402
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_op()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147494402)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_op {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147494402] = arp_op
+class arp_op_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147494660
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_op_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147494660)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_op_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147494660] = arp_op_masked
+class arp_sha(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147495942
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_sha()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147495942)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_sha {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147495942] = arp_sha
+class arp_sha_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147496204
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_sha_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147496204)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_sha_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147496204] = arp_sha_masked
+class arp_spa(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147494916
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_spa()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147494916)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_spa {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147494916] = arp_spa
+class arp_spa_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147495176
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_spa_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147495176)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_spa_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147495176] = arp_spa_masked
+class arp_tha(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147496454
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_tha()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147496454)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_tha {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147496454] = arp_tha
+class arp_tha_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147496716
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_tha_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147496716)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_tha_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147496716] = arp_tha_masked
+class arp_tpa(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147495428
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_tpa()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147495428)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_tpa {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147495428] = arp_tpa
+class arp_tpa_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147495688
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_tpa_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147495688)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_tpa_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147495688] = arp_tpa_masked
+class bsn_egr_port_group_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 200196
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_egr_port_group_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 200196)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_egr_port_group_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[200196] = bsn_egr_port_group_id
+class bsn_egr_port_group_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 200456
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_egr_port_group_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 200456)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_egr_port_group_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[200456] = bsn_egr_port_group_id_masked
+class bsn_global_vrf_allowed(oxm):
+    type_len = 198145
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_global_vrf_allowed()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 198145)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_global_vrf_allowed {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[198145] = bsn_global_vrf_allowed
+class bsn_global_vrf_allowed_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 198402
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_global_vrf_allowed_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 198402)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_global_vrf_allowed_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[198402] = bsn_global_vrf_allowed_masked
+class bsn_in_ports_128(oxm):
+    type_len = 196624
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = set()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_bitmap_128(self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_in_ports_128()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 196624)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_bitmap_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_in_ports_128 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[196624] = bsn_in_ports_128
+class bsn_in_ports_128_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 196896
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = set()
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = set()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_bitmap_128(self.value))
+        packed.append(util.pack_bitmap_128(self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_in_ports_128_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 196896)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_bitmap_128(reader)
+        obj.value_mask = util.unpack_bitmap_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_in_ports_128_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[196896] = bsn_in_ports_128_masked
+class bsn_in_ports_512(oxm):
+    type_len = 206400
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = set()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_bitmap_512(self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_in_ports_512()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 206400)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_bitmap_512(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_in_ports_512 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[206400] = bsn_in_ports_512
+class bsn_in_ports_512_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 206720
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = set()
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = set()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_bitmap_512(self.value))
+        packed.append(util.pack_bitmap_512(self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_in_ports_512_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 206720)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_bitmap_512(reader)
+        obj.value_mask = util.unpack_bitmap_512(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_in_ports_512_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[206720] = bsn_in_ports_512_masked
+class bsn_ingress_port_group_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 206852
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_ingress_port_group_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 206852)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_ingress_port_group_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[206852] = bsn_ingress_port_group_id
+class bsn_ingress_port_group_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 207112
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_ingress_port_group_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 207112)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_ingress_port_group_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[207112] = bsn_ingress_port_group_id_masked
+class bsn_inner_eth_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 207878
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_inner_eth_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 207878)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_inner_eth_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[207878] = bsn_inner_eth_dst
+class bsn_inner_eth_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 208140
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_inner_eth_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 208140)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_inner_eth_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[208140] = bsn_inner_eth_dst_masked
+class bsn_inner_eth_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 208390
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_inner_eth_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 208390)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_inner_eth_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[208390] = bsn_inner_eth_src
+class bsn_inner_eth_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 208652
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_inner_eth_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 208652)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_inner_eth_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[208652] = bsn_inner_eth_src_masked
+class bsn_inner_vlan_vid(oxm):
+    type_len = 208898
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_inner_vlan_vid()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 208898)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_inner_vlan_vid {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[208898] = bsn_inner_vlan_vid
+class bsn_inner_vlan_vid_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 209156
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_inner_vlan_vid_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 209156)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_inner_vlan_vid_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[209156] = bsn_inner_vlan_vid_masked
+class bsn_l2_cache_hit(oxm):
+    type_len = 205825
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l2_cache_hit()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 205825)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l2_cache_hit {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[205825] = bsn_l2_cache_hit
+class bsn_l2_cache_hit_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 206082
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l2_cache_hit_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 206082)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l2_cache_hit_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[206082] = bsn_l2_cache_hit_masked
+class bsn_l3_dst_class_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 199684
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l3_dst_class_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 199684)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l3_dst_class_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[199684] = bsn_l3_dst_class_id
+class bsn_l3_dst_class_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 199944
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l3_dst_class_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 199944)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l3_dst_class_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[199944] = bsn_l3_dst_class_id_masked
+class bsn_l3_interface_class_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 198660
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l3_interface_class_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 198660)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l3_interface_class_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[198660] = bsn_l3_interface_class_id
+class bsn_l3_interface_class_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 198920
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l3_interface_class_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 198920)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l3_interface_class_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[198920] = bsn_l3_interface_class_id_masked
+class bsn_l3_src_class_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 199172
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l3_src_class_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 199172)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l3_src_class_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[199172] = bsn_l3_src_class_id
+class bsn_l3_src_class_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 199432
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l3_src_class_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 199432)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l3_src_class_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[199432] = bsn_l3_src_class_id_masked
+class bsn_lag_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 197124
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lag_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 197124)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lag_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[197124] = bsn_lag_id
+class bsn_lag_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 197384
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lag_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 197384)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lag_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[197384] = bsn_lag_id_masked
+class bsn_tcp_flags(oxm):
+    type_len = 204802
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_tcp_flags()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 204802)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_tcp_flags {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[204802] = bsn_tcp_flags
+class bsn_tcp_flags_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 205060
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_tcp_flags_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 205060)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_tcp_flags_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[205060] = bsn_tcp_flags_masked
+class bsn_udf0(oxm):
+    type_len = 200708
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf0()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 200708)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf0 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[200708] = bsn_udf0
+class bsn_udf0_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 200968
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf0_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 200968)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf0_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[200968] = bsn_udf0_masked
+class bsn_udf1(oxm):
+    type_len = 201220
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf1()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 201220)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf1 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[201220] = bsn_udf1
+class bsn_udf1_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 201480
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf1_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 201480)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf1_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[201480] = bsn_udf1_masked
+class bsn_udf2(oxm):
+    type_len = 201732
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf2()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 201732)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf2 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[201732] = bsn_udf2
+class bsn_udf2_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 201992
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf2_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 201992)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf2_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[201992] = bsn_udf2_masked
+class bsn_udf3(oxm):
+    type_len = 202244
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf3()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 202244)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf3 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[202244] = bsn_udf3
+class bsn_udf3_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 202504
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf3_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 202504)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf3_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[202504] = bsn_udf3_masked
+class bsn_udf4(oxm):
+    type_len = 202756
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf4()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 202756)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf4 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[202756] = bsn_udf4
+class bsn_udf4_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 203016
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf4_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 203016)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf4_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[203016] = bsn_udf4_masked
+class bsn_udf5(oxm):
+    type_len = 203268
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf5()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 203268)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf5 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[203268] = bsn_udf5
+class bsn_udf5_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 203528
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf5_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 203528)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf5_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[203528] = bsn_udf5_masked
+class bsn_udf6(oxm):
+    type_len = 203780
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf6()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 203780)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf6 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[203780] = bsn_udf6
+class bsn_udf6_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 204040
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf6_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 204040)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf6_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[204040] = bsn_udf6_masked
+class bsn_udf7(oxm):
+    type_len = 204292
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf7()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 204292)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf7 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[204292] = bsn_udf7
+class bsn_udf7_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 204552
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf7_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 204552)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf7_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[204552] = bsn_udf7_masked
+class bsn_vfi(oxm):
+    type_len = 209410
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vfi()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 209410)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vfi {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[209410] = bsn_vfi
+class bsn_vfi_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 209668
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vfi_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 209668)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vfi_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[209668] = bsn_vfi_masked
+class bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 205316
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 205316)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[205316] = bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id
+class bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 205576
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 205576)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[205576] = bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id_masked
+class bsn_vrf(oxm):
+    type_len = 197636
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vrf()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 197636)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vrf {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[197636] = bsn_vrf
+class bsn_vrf_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 197896
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vrf_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 197896)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vrf_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[197896] = bsn_vrf_masked
+class bsn_vxlan_network_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 207364
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vxlan_network_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 207364)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vxlan_network_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[207364] = bsn_vxlan_network_id
+class bsn_vxlan_network_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 207624
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vxlan_network_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 207624)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vxlan_network_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[207624] = bsn_vxlan_network_id_masked
+class eth_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147485190
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147485190)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147485190] = eth_dst
+class eth_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147485452
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147485452)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147485452] = eth_dst_masked
+class eth_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147485702
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147485702)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147485702] = eth_src
+class eth_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147485964
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147485964)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147485964] = eth_src_masked
+class eth_type(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147486210
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_type()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147486210)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_type {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147486210] = eth_type
+class eth_type_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147486468
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_type_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147486468)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_type_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147486468] = eth_type_masked
+class icmpv4_code(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147493889
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv4_code()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147493889)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv4_code {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147493889] = icmpv4_code
+class icmpv4_code_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147494146
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv4_code_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147494146)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv4_code_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147494146] = icmpv4_code_masked
+class icmpv4_type(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147493377
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv4_type()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147493377)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv4_type {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147493377] = icmpv4_type
+class icmpv4_type_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147493634
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv4_type_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147493634)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv4_type_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147493634] = icmpv4_type_masked
+class icmpv6_code(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147499009
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv6_code()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147499009)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv6_code {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147499009] = icmpv6_code
+class icmpv6_code_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147499266
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv6_code_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147499266)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv6_code_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147499266] = icmpv6_code_masked
+class icmpv6_type(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147498497
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv6_type()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147498497)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv6_type {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147498497] = icmpv6_type
+class icmpv6_type_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147498754
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv6_type_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147498754)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv6_type_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147498754] = icmpv6_type_masked
+class in_phy_port(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147484164
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = in_phy_port()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147484164)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("in_phy_port {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147484164] = in_phy_port
+class in_phy_port_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147484424
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.value))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = in_phy_port_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147484424)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.value_mask = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("in_phy_port_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147484424] = in_phy_port_masked
+class in_port(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147483652
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = in_port()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147483652)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("in_port {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147483652] = in_port
+class in_port_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147483912
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.value))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = in_port_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147483912)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.value_mask = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("in_port_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147483912] = in_port_masked
+class ip_dscp(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147487745
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ip_dscp()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147487745)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ip_dscp {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147487745] = ip_dscp
+class ip_dscp_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147488002
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ip_dscp_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147488002)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ip_dscp_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147488002] = ip_dscp_masked
+class ip_ecn(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147488257
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ip_ecn()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147488257)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ip_ecn {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147488257] = ip_ecn
+class ip_ecn_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147488514
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ip_ecn_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147488514)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ip_ecn_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147488514] = ip_ecn_masked
+class ip_proto(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147488769
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ip_proto()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147488769)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ip_proto {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147488769] = ip_proto
+class ip_proto_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147489026
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ip_proto_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147489026)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ip_proto_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147489026] = ip_proto_masked
+class ipv4_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147489796
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv4_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147489796)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv4_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147489796] = ipv4_dst
+class ipv4_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147490056
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv4_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147490056)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv4_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147490056] = ipv4_dst_masked
+class ipv4_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147489284
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv4_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147489284)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv4_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147489284] = ipv4_src
+class ipv4_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147489544
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv4_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147489544)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv4_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147489544] = ipv4_src_masked
+class ipv6_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147497488
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147497488)
+        obj.value = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147497488] = ipv6_dst
+class ipv6_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147497760
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147497760)
+        obj.value = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147497760] = ipv6_dst_masked
+class ipv6_exthdr(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147503618
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_exthdr()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147503618)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_exthdr {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147503618] = ipv6_exthdr
+class ipv6_exthdr_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147503876
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_exthdr_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147503876)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_exthdr_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147503876] = ipv6_exthdr_masked
+class ipv6_flabel(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147497988
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_flabel()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147497988)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_flabel {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147497988] = ipv6_flabel
+class ipv6_flabel_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147498248
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_flabel_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147498248)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_flabel_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147498248] = ipv6_flabel_masked
+class ipv6_nd_sll(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147500038
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_nd_sll()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147500038)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_nd_sll {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147500038] = ipv6_nd_sll
+class ipv6_nd_sll_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147500300
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_nd_sll_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147500300)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_nd_sll_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147500300] = ipv6_nd_sll_masked
+class ipv6_nd_target(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147499536
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_nd_target()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147499536)
+        obj.value = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_nd_target {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147499536] = ipv6_nd_target
+class ipv6_nd_target_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147499808
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_nd_target_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147499808)
+        obj.value = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_nd_target_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147499808] = ipv6_nd_target_masked
+class ipv6_nd_tll(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147500550
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_nd_tll()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147500550)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_nd_tll {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147500550] = ipv6_nd_tll
+class ipv6_nd_tll_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147500812
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_nd_tll_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147500812)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_nd_tll_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147500812] = ipv6_nd_tll_masked
+class ipv6_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147496976
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147496976)
+        obj.value = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147496976] = ipv6_src
+class ipv6_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147497248
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147497248)
+        obj.value = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147497248] = ipv6_src_masked
+class metadata(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147484680
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = metadata()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147484680)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("metadata {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147484680] = metadata
+class metadata_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147484944
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = metadata_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147484944)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("metadata_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147484944] = metadata_masked
+class mpls_bos(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147502081
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_bos()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147502081)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_bos {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147502081] = mpls_bos
+class mpls_bos_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147502338
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_bos_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147502338)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_bos_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147502338] = mpls_bos_masked
+class mpls_label(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147501060
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_label()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147501060)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_label {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147501060] = mpls_label
+class mpls_label_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147501320
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_label_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147501320)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_label_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147501320] = mpls_label_masked
+class mpls_tc(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147501569
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_tc()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147501569)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_tc {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147501569] = mpls_tc
+class mpls_tc_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147501826
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_tc_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147501826)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_tc_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147501826] = mpls_tc_masked
+class sctp_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147492866
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = sctp_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147492866)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("sctp_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147492866] = sctp_dst
+class sctp_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147493124
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = sctp_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147493124)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("sctp_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147493124] = sctp_dst_masked
+class sctp_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147492354
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = sctp_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147492354)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("sctp_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147492354] = sctp_src
+class sctp_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147492612
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = sctp_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147492612)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("sctp_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147492612] = sctp_src_masked
+class tcp_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147490818
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tcp_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147490818)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tcp_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147490818] = tcp_dst
+class tcp_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147491076
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tcp_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147491076)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tcp_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147491076] = tcp_dst_masked
+class tcp_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147490306
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tcp_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147490306)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tcp_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147490306] = tcp_src
+class tcp_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147490564
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tcp_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147490564)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tcp_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147490564] = tcp_src_masked
+class tunnel_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147503112
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tunnel_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147503112)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tunnel_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147503112] = tunnel_id
+class tunnel_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147503376
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tunnel_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147503376)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tunnel_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147503376] = tunnel_id_masked
+class tunnel_ipv4_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 81924
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tunnel_ipv4_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 81924)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tunnel_ipv4_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[81924] = tunnel_ipv4_dst
+class tunnel_ipv4_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 82184
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tunnel_ipv4_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 82184)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tunnel_ipv4_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[82184] = tunnel_ipv4_dst_masked
+class tunnel_ipv4_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 81412
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tunnel_ipv4_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 81412)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tunnel_ipv4_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[81412] = tunnel_ipv4_src
+class tunnel_ipv4_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 81672
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tunnel_ipv4_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 81672)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tunnel_ipv4_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[81672] = tunnel_ipv4_src_masked
+class udp_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147491842
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udp_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147491842)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udp_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147491842] = udp_dst
+class udp_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147492100
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udp_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147492100)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udp_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147492100] = udp_dst_masked
+class udp_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147491330
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udp_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147491330)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udp_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147491330] = udp_src
+class udp_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147491588
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udp_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147491588)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udp_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147491588] = udp_src_masked
+class vlan_pcp(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147487233
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vlan_pcp()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147487233)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vlan_pcp {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147487233] = vlan_pcp
+class vlan_pcp_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147487490
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vlan_pcp_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147487490)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vlan_pcp_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147487490] = vlan_pcp_masked
+class vlan_vid(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147486722
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vlan_vid()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147486722)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vlan_vid {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147486722] = vlan_vid
+class vlan_vid_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147486980
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vlan_vid_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147486980)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vlan_vid_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147486980] = vlan_vid_masked
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/util.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e88d022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of13/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template util.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import const
+import common
+import action
+import instruction
+import oxm
+import action_id
+import instruction_id
+import meter_band
+def pretty_mac(mac):
+    return ':'.join(["%02x" % x for x in mac])
+def pretty_ipv4(v):
+    return "%d.%d.%d.%d" % ((v >> 24) & 0xFF, (v >> 16) & 0xFF, (v >> 8) & 0xFF, v & 0xFF)
+def pretty_flags(v, flag_names):
+    set_flags = []
+    for flag_name in flag_names:
+        flag_value = getattr(const, flag_name)
+        if v & flag_value == flag_value:
+            set_flags.append(flag_name)
+        elif v & flag_value:
+            set_flags.append('%s&%#x' % (flag_name, v & flag_value))
+        v &= ~flag_value
+    if v:
+        set_flags.append("%#x" % v)
+    return '|'.join(set_flags) or '0'
+def pretty_port(v):
+    named_ports = [(k,v2) for (k,v2) in const.__dict__.iteritems() if k.startswith('OFPP_')]
+    for (k, v2) in named_ports:
+        if v == v2:
+            return k
+    return v
+def pack_port_no(value):
+    return struct.pack("!L", value)
+def unpack_port_no(reader):
+    return reader.read("!L")[0]
+def pack_fm_cmd(value):
+    return struct.pack("!B", value)
+def unpack_fm_cmd(reader):
+    return reader.read("!B")[0]
+def init_wc_bmap():
+    return 0
+def pack_wc_bmap(value):
+    return struct.pack("!Q", value)
+def unpack_wc_bmap(reader):
+    return reader.read("!Q")[0]
+def init_match_bmap():
+    return 0
+def pack_match_bmap(value):
+    return struct.pack("!Q", value)
+def unpack_match_bmap(reader):
+    return reader.read("!Q")[0]
+MASK64 = (1 << 64) - 1
+def pack_bitmap_128(value):
+    x = 0l
+    for y in value:
+        x |= 1 << y
+    return struct.pack("!QQ", (x >> 64) & MASK64, x & MASK64)
+def unpack_bitmap_128(reader):
+    hi, lo = reader.read("!QQ")
+    x = (hi << 64) | lo
+    i = 0
+    value = set()
+    while x != 0:
+        if x & 1 == 1:
+            value.add(i)
+        i += 1
+        x >>= 1
+    return value
+def pack_bitmap_512(value):
+    words = [0] * 8
+    for v in value:
+        assert v < 512
+        words[7-v/64] |= 1 << (v % 64)
+    return struct.pack("!8Q", *words)
+def unpack_bitmap_512(reader):
+    words = reader.read("!8Q")
+    x = 0l
+    for word in words:
+        x <<= 64
+        x |= word
+    i = 0
+    value = set()
+    while x != 0:
+        if x & 1 == 1:
+            value.add(i)
+        i += 1
+        x >>= 1
+    return value
+def pack_checksum_128(value):
+    return struct.pack("!QQ", (value >> 64) & MASK64, value & MASK64)
+def unpack_checksum_128(reader):
+    hi, lo = reader.read("!QQ")
+    return (hi << 64) | lo
+def bitmap_to_version(bitmaps):
+    versions = [i * 32 + shift
+                for i, bitmap in enumerate(bitmaps)
+                for shift in range(31) if bitmap & (1 << shift)]
+    return versions
+def verify_version_support(msg,version_list):
+    version_list_sup = bitmap_to_version([msg.elements[0].bitmaps[0].value])
+    return any(i in version_list_sup for i in version_list)
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/__init__.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e256fbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template init.py
+# Do not modify
+import const
+import port_desc_prop
+import bsn_tlv
+import meter_band
+import table_mod_prop
+import instruction
+import queue_desc_prop
+import oxm
+import bundle_prop
+import common
+import instruction_id
+import action
+import role_prop
+import message
+import queue_stats_prop
+import port_stats_prop
+import port_mod_prop
+import async_config_prop
+import action_id
+from const import *
+from common import *
+from loxi import ProtocolError
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/action.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/action.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d03b05d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/action.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1298 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of14']
+class action(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = action.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = action()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("action {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class experimenter(action):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        length += len(packed[-1])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
+class bsn(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, subtype=None):
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 8)
+        subclass = bsn.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[6035143] = bsn
+class bsn_checksum(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 4
+    def __init__(self, checksum=None):
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_checksum()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 4)
+        obj.checksum = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_checksum {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[4] = bsn_checksum
+class bsn_gentable(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 5
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, key=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if key != None:
+            self.key = key
+        else:
+            self.key = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.key))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 5)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.key = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.key != other.key: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("key = ");
+                q.pp(self.key)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[5] = bsn_gentable
+class bsn_mirror(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 1
+    def __init__(self, dest_port=None, vlan_tag=None, copy_stage=None):
+        if dest_port != None:
+            self.dest_port = dest_port
+        else:
+            self.dest_port = 0
+        if vlan_tag != None:
+            self.vlan_tag = vlan_tag
+        else:
+            self.vlan_tag = 0
+        if copy_stage != None:
+            self.copy_stage = copy_stage
+        else:
+            self.copy_stage = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.dest_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vlan_tag))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.copy_stage))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_mirror()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 1)
+        obj.dest_port = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.vlan_tag = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.copy_stage = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.dest_port != other.dest_port: return False
+        if self.vlan_tag != other.vlan_tag: return False
+        if self.copy_stage != other.copy_stage: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_mirror {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("dest_port = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.dest_port)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_tag = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_tag)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("copy_stage = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.copy_stage)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[1] = bsn_mirror
+class bsn_set_tunnel_dst(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 2
+    def __init__(self, dst=None):
+        if dst != None:
+            self.dst = dst
+        else:
+            self.dst = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.dst))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_tunnel_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 2)
+        obj.dst = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.dst != other.dst: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_tunnel_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("dst = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.dst)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[2] = bsn_set_tunnel_dst
+class copy_ttl_in(action):
+    type = 12
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = copy_ttl_in()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 12)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("copy_ttl_in {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[12] = copy_ttl_in
+class copy_ttl_out(action):
+    type = 11
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = copy_ttl_out()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 11)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("copy_ttl_out {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[11] = copy_ttl_out
+class dec_mpls_ttl(action):
+    type = 16
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = dec_mpls_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("dec_mpls_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[16] = dec_mpls_ttl
+class dec_nw_ttl(action):
+    type = 24
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = dec_nw_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 24)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("dec_nw_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[24] = dec_nw_ttl
+class group(action):
+    type = 22
+    def __init__(self, group_id=None):
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 22)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[22] = group
+class nicira(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 8992
+    def __init__(self, subtype=None):
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = nicira.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = nicira()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[8992] = nicira
+class nicira_dec_ttl(nicira):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 8992
+    subtype = 18
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = nicira_dec_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 18)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira_dec_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+nicira.subtypes[18] = nicira_dec_ttl
+class output(action):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, port=None, max_len=None):
+        if port != None:
+            self.port = port
+        else:
+            self.port = 0
+        if max_len != None:
+            self.max_len = max_len
+        else:
+            self.max_len = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.max_len))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = output()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.max_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port != other.port: return False
+        if self.max_len != other.max_len: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("output {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_len = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_len)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[0] = output
+class pop_mpls(action):
+    type = 20
+    def __init__(self, ethertype=None):
+        if ethertype != None:
+            self.ethertype = ethertype
+        else:
+            self.ethertype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ethertype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = pop_mpls()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 20)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.ethertype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.ethertype != other.ethertype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("pop_mpls {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("ethertype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ethertype)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[20] = pop_mpls
+class pop_pbb(action):
+    type = 27
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = pop_pbb()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 27)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("pop_pbb {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[27] = pop_pbb
+class pop_vlan(action):
+    type = 18
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = pop_vlan()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("pop_vlan {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[18] = pop_vlan
+class push_mpls(action):
+    type = 19
+    def __init__(self, ethertype=None):
+        if ethertype != None:
+            self.ethertype = ethertype
+        else:
+            self.ethertype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ethertype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = push_mpls()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.ethertype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.ethertype != other.ethertype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("push_mpls {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("ethertype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ethertype)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[19] = push_mpls
+class push_pbb(action):
+    type = 26
+    def __init__(self, ethertype=None):
+        if ethertype != None:
+            self.ethertype = ethertype
+        else:
+            self.ethertype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ethertype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = push_pbb()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 26)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.ethertype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.ethertype != other.ethertype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("push_pbb {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("ethertype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ethertype)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[26] = push_pbb
+class push_vlan(action):
+    type = 17
+    def __init__(self, ethertype=None):
+        if ethertype != None:
+            self.ethertype = ethertype
+        else:
+            self.ethertype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ethertype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = push_vlan()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 17)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.ethertype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.ethertype != other.ethertype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("push_vlan {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("ethertype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ethertype)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[17] = push_vlan
+class set_field(action):
+    type = 25
+    def __init__(self, field=None):
+        if field != None:
+            self.field = field
+        else:
+            self.field = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(self.field.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        length += len(packed[-1])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_field()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 25)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.field = ofp.oxm.oxm.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.field != other.field: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_field {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("field = ");
+                q.pp(self.field)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[25] = set_field
+class set_mpls_ttl(action):
+    type = 15
+    def __init__(self, mpls_ttl=None):
+        if mpls_ttl != None:
+            self.mpls_ttl = mpls_ttl
+        else:
+            self.mpls_ttl = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.mpls_ttl))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_mpls_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.mpls_ttl = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.mpls_ttl != other.mpls_ttl: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_mpls_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("mpls_ttl = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mpls_ttl)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[15] = set_mpls_ttl
+class set_nw_ttl(action):
+    type = 23
+    def __init__(self, nw_ttl=None):
+        if nw_ttl != None:
+            self.nw_ttl = nw_ttl
+        else:
+            self.nw_ttl = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.nw_ttl))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_nw_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 23)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.nw_ttl = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.nw_ttl != other.nw_ttl: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_nw_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("nw_ttl = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.nw_ttl)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[23] = set_nw_ttl
+class set_queue(action):
+    type = 21
+    def __init__(self, queue_id=None):
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_queue()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 21)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_queue {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action.subtypes[21] = set_queue
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/action_id.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/action_id.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ff80ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/action_id.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1079 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of14']
+class action_id(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = action_id.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = action_id()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("action_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class experimenter(action_id):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
+class bsn(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, subtype=None):
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 8)
+        subclass = bsn.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[6035143] = bsn
+class bsn_checksum(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 4
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_checksum()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_checksum {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[4] = bsn_checksum
+class bsn_gentable(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 5
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 5)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[5] = bsn_gentable
+class bsn_mirror(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 1
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_mirror()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 1)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_mirror {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[1] = bsn_mirror
+class bsn_set_tunnel_dst(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 2
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_tunnel_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_tunnel_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[2] = bsn_set_tunnel_dst
+class copy_ttl_in(action_id):
+    type = 12
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = copy_ttl_in()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 12)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("copy_ttl_in {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[12] = copy_ttl_in
+class copy_ttl_out(action_id):
+    type = 11
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = copy_ttl_out()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 11)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("copy_ttl_out {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[11] = copy_ttl_out
+class dec_mpls_ttl(action_id):
+    type = 16
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = dec_mpls_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("dec_mpls_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[16] = dec_mpls_ttl
+class dec_nw_ttl(action_id):
+    type = 24
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = dec_nw_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 24)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("dec_nw_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[24] = dec_nw_ttl
+class group(action_id):
+    type = 22
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 22)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[22] = group
+class nicira(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 8992
+    def __init__(self, subtype=None):
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = nicira.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = nicira()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[8992] = nicira
+class nicira_dec_ttl(nicira):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 8992
+    subtype = 18
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = nicira_dec_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 18)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira_dec_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+nicira.subtypes[18] = nicira_dec_ttl
+class output(action_id):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = output()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("output {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[0] = output
+class pop_mpls(action_id):
+    type = 20
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = pop_mpls()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 20)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("pop_mpls {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[20] = pop_mpls
+class pop_pbb(action_id):
+    type = 27
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = pop_pbb()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 27)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("pop_pbb {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[27] = pop_pbb
+class pop_vlan(action_id):
+    type = 18
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = pop_vlan()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("pop_vlan {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[18] = pop_vlan
+class push_mpls(action_id):
+    type = 19
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = push_mpls()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("push_mpls {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[19] = push_mpls
+class push_pbb(action_id):
+    type = 26
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = push_pbb()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 26)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("push_pbb {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[26] = push_pbb
+class push_vlan(action_id):
+    type = 17
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = push_vlan()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 17)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("push_vlan {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[17] = push_vlan
+class set_field(action_id):
+    type = 25
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_field()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 25)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_field {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[25] = set_field
+class set_mpls_ttl(action_id):
+    type = 15
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_mpls_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_mpls_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[15] = set_mpls_ttl
+class set_nw_ttl(action_id):
+    type = 23
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_nw_ttl()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 23)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_nw_ttl {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[23] = set_nw_ttl
+class set_queue(action_id):
+    type = 21
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_queue()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 21)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_queue {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+action_id.subtypes[21] = set_queue
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/async_config_prop.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/async_config_prop.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6188c87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/async_config_prop.py
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of14']
+class async_config_prop(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = async_config_prop.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = async_config_prop()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("async_config_prop {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class experimenter_master(async_config_prop):
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = experimenter_master()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter_master {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+async_config_prop.subtypes[65535] = experimenter_master
+class experimenter_slave(async_config_prop):
+    type = 65534
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = experimenter_slave()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65534)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter_slave {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+async_config_prop.subtypes[65534] = experimenter_slave
+class flow_removed_master(async_config_prop):
+    type = 5
+    def __init__(self, mask=None):
+        if mask != None:
+            self.mask = mask
+        else:
+            self.mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_removed_master()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 5)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.mask != other.mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_removed_master {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+async_config_prop.subtypes[5] = flow_removed_master
+class flow_removed_slave(async_config_prop):
+    type = 4
+    def __init__(self, mask=None):
+        if mask != None:
+            self.mask = mask
+        else:
+            self.mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_removed_slave()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.mask != other.mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_removed_slave {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+async_config_prop.subtypes[4] = flow_removed_slave
+class packet_in_master(async_config_prop):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, mask=None):
+        if mask != None:
+            self.mask = mask
+        else:
+            self.mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = packet_in_master()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.mask != other.mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("packet_in_master {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+async_config_prop.subtypes[1] = packet_in_master
+class packet_in_slave(async_config_prop):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, mask=None):
+        if mask != None:
+            self.mask = mask
+        else:
+            self.mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = packet_in_slave()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.mask != other.mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("packet_in_slave {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+async_config_prop.subtypes[0] = packet_in_slave
+class port_status_master(async_config_prop):
+    type = 3
+    def __init__(self, mask=None):
+        if mask != None:
+            self.mask = mask
+        else:
+            self.mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_status_master()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 3)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.mask != other.mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_status_master {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+async_config_prop.subtypes[3] = port_status_master
+class port_status_slave(async_config_prop):
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, mask=None):
+        if mask != None:
+            self.mask = mask
+        else:
+            self.mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_status_slave()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.mask != other.mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_status_slave {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+async_config_prop.subtypes[2] = port_status_slave
+class requestforward_master(async_config_prop):
+    type = 11
+    def __init__(self, mask=None):
+        if mask != None:
+            self.mask = mask
+        else:
+            self.mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = requestforward_master()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 11)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.mask != other.mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("requestforward_master {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+async_config_prop.subtypes[11] = requestforward_master
+class requestforward_slave(async_config_prop):
+    type = 10
+    def __init__(self, mask=None):
+        if mask != None:
+            self.mask = mask
+        else:
+            self.mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = requestforward_slave()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 10)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.mask != other.mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("requestforward_slave {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+async_config_prop.subtypes[10] = requestforward_slave
+class role_status_master(async_config_prop):
+    type = 7
+    def __init__(self, mask=None):
+        if mask != None:
+            self.mask = mask
+        else:
+            self.mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = role_status_master()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 7)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.mask != other.mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("role_status_master {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+async_config_prop.subtypes[7] = role_status_master
+class role_status_slave(async_config_prop):
+    type = 6
+    def __init__(self, mask=None):
+        if mask != None:
+            self.mask = mask
+        else:
+            self.mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = role_status_slave()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 6)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.mask != other.mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("role_status_slave {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+async_config_prop.subtypes[6] = role_status_slave
+class table_status_master(async_config_prop):
+    type = 9
+    def __init__(self, mask=None):
+        if mask != None:
+            self.mask = mask
+        else:
+            self.mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_status_master()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 9)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.mask != other.mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_status_master {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+async_config_prop.subtypes[9] = table_status_master
+class table_status_slave(async_config_prop):
+    type = 8
+    def __init__(self, mask=None):
+        if mask != None:
+            self.mask = mask
+        else:
+            self.mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_status_slave()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 8)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.mask != other.mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_status_slave {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+async_config_prop.subtypes[8] = table_status_slave
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/bsn_tlv.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/bsn_tlv.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..125f534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/bsn_tlv.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4801 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of14']
+class bsn_tlv(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = bsn_tlv.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_tlv()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_tlv {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class actor_key(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 44
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = actor_key()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 44)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("actor_key {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[44] = actor_key
+class actor_port_num(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 43
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = actor_port_num()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 43)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("actor_port_num {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[43] = actor_port_num
+class actor_port_priority(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 42
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = actor_port_priority()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 42)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("actor_port_priority {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[42] = actor_port_priority
+class actor_state(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 53
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = actor_state()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 53)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("actor_state {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[53] = actor_state
+class actor_system_mac(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 41
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = actor_system_mac()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 41)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("actor_system_mac {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[41] = actor_system_mac
+class actor_system_priority(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 40
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = actor_system_priority()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 40)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("actor_system_priority {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[40] = actor_system_priority
+class anchor(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 81
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = anchor()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 81)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("anchor {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[81] = anchor
+class broadcast_query_timeout(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 10
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = broadcast_query_timeout()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 10)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("broadcast_query_timeout {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[10] = broadcast_query_timeout
+class broadcast_rate(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 90
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = broadcast_rate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 90)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("broadcast_rate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[90] = broadcast_rate
+class bucket(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 64
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bucket()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 64)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bucket {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[64] = bucket
+class circuit_id(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 14
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(self.value)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = circuit_id()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("circuit_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[14] = circuit_id
+class convergence_status(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 45
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = convergence_status()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 45)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("convergence_status {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[45] = convergence_status
+class crc_enabled(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 22
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = crc_enabled()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 22)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("crc_enabled {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[22] = crc_enabled
+class data(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 55
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(self.value)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = data()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 55)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("data {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[55] = data
+class decap(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 85
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = decap()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 85)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("decap {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[85] = decap
+class eth_dst(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 33
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 33)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[33] = eth_dst
+class eth_src(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 32
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_src()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 32)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[32] = eth_src
+class external_gateway_ip(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 26
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = external_gateway_ip()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 26)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("external_gateway_ip {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[26] = external_gateway_ip
+class external_gateway_mac(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 29
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = external_gateway_mac()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 29)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("external_gateway_mac {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[29] = external_gateway_mac
+class external_ip(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 23
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = external_ip()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 23)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("external_ip {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[23] = external_ip
+class external_mac(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 24
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = external_mac()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 24)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("external_mac {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[24] = external_mac
+class external_netmask(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 25
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = external_netmask()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 25)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("external_netmask {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[25] = external_netmask
+class generation_id(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 80
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = generation_id()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 80)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("generation_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[80] = generation_id
+class hash_packet_field(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 103
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = hash_packet_field()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 103)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hash_packet_field {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[103] = hash_packet_field
+class hash_packet_type(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 102
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = hash_packet_type()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 102)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hash_packet_type {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[102] = hash_packet_type
+class hash_seed(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 100
+    def __init__(self, seed1=None, seed2=None):
+        if seed1 != None:
+            self.seed1 = seed1
+        else:
+            self.seed1 = 0
+        if seed2 != None:
+            self.seed2 = seed2
+        else:
+            self.seed2 = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.seed1))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.seed2))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = hash_seed()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 100)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.seed1 = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.seed2 = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.seed1 != other.seed1: return False
+        if self.seed2 != other.seed2: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hash_seed {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("seed1 = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.seed1)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("seed2 = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.seed2)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[100] = hash_seed
+class hash_type(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 101
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = hash_type()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 101)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hash_type {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[101] = hash_type
+class header_size(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 31
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = header_size()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 31)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("header_size {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[31] = header_size
+class icmp_code(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 69
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmp_code()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 69)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmp_code {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[69] = icmp_code
+class icmp_id(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 70
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmp_id()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 70)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmp_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[70] = icmp_id
+class icmp_type(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 68
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmp_type()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 68)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmp_type {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[68] = icmp_type
+class idle_notification(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 7
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = idle_notification()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 7)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("idle_notification {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[7] = idle_notification
+class idle_time(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 5
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = idle_time()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 5)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("idle_time {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[5] = idle_time
+class idle_timeout(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 8
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = idle_timeout()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 8)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("idle_timeout {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[8] = idle_timeout
+class igmp_snooping(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 78
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = igmp_snooping()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 78)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("igmp_snooping {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[78] = igmp_snooping
+class internal_gateway_mac(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 28
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = internal_gateway_mac()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 28)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("internal_gateway_mac {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[28] = internal_gateway_mac
+class internal_mac(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 27
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = internal_mac()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 27)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("internal_mac {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[27] = internal_mac
+class interval(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 58
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = interval()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 58)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("interval {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[58] = interval
+class ip_proto(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 67
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ip_proto()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 67)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ip_proto {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[67] = ip_proto
+class ipv4(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 4
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv4()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv4 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[4] = ipv4
+class ipv4_dst(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 35
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv4_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 35)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv4_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[35] = ipv4_dst
+class ipv4_netmask(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 60
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv4_netmask()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 60)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv4_netmask {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[60] = ipv4_netmask
+class ipv4_src(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 34
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv4_src()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 34)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv4_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[34] = ipv4_src
+class ipv6(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 84
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 84)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[84] = ipv6
+class known_multicast_rate(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 91
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = known_multicast_rate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 91)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("known_multicast_rate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[91] = known_multicast_rate
+class l2_multicast_lookup(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 79
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = l2_multicast_lookup()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 79)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("l2_multicast_lookup {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[79] = l2_multicast_lookup
+class mac(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mac()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mac {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[1] = mac
+class mac_mask(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 56
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mac_mask()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 56)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mac_mask {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[56] = mac_mask
+class mcg_type_vxlan(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 87
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mcg_type_vxlan()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 87)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mcg_type_vxlan {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[87] = mcg_type_vxlan
+class miss_packets(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 13
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = miss_packets()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 13)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("miss_packets {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[13] = miss_packets
+class mpls_control_word(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 62
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_control_word()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 62)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_control_word {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[62] = mpls_control_word
+class mpls_label(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 61
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_label()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 61)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_label {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[61] = mpls_label
+class mpls_sequenced(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 63
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_sequenced()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 63)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_sequenced {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[63] = mpls_sequenced
+class multicast_interface_id(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 95
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = multicast_interface_id()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 95)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("multicast_interface_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[95] = multicast_interface_id
+class name(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 52
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(self.value)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = name()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 52)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("name {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[52] = name
+class negate(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 83
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = negate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 83)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("negate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[83] = negate
+class nexthop_type_vxlan(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 94
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = nexthop_type_vxlan()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 94)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nexthop_type_vxlan {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[94] = nexthop_type_vxlan
+class offset(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 82
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = offset()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 82)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("offset {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[82] = offset
+class partner_key(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 51
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = partner_key()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 51)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("partner_key {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[51] = partner_key
+class partner_port_num(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 50
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = partner_port_num()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 50)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("partner_port_num {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[50] = partner_port_num
+class partner_port_priority(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 49
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = partner_port_priority()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 49)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("partner_port_priority {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[49] = partner_port_priority
+class partner_state(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 54
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = partner_state()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 54)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("partner_state {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[54] = partner_state
+class partner_system_mac(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 48
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = partner_system_mac()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 48)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("partner_system_mac {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[48] = partner_system_mac
+class partner_system_priority(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 47
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = partner_system_priority()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 47)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("partner_system_priority {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[47] = partner_system_priority
+class port(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[0] = port
+class port_vxlan_mode(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 88
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_vxlan_mode()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 88)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_vxlan_mode {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[88] = port_vxlan_mode
+class priority(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 57
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = priority()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 57)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("priority {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[57] = priority
+class queue_id(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 20
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_id()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 20)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[20] = queue_id
+class queue_weight(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 21
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_weight()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 21)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_weight {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[21] = queue_weight
+class rate_unit(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 89
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = rate_unit()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 89)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("rate_unit {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[89] = rate_unit
+class reference(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 59
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, key=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if key != None:
+            self.key = key
+        else:
+            self.key = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.key))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = reference()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 59)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.key = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.key != other.key: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("reference {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("key = ");
+                q.pp(self.key)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[59] = reference
+class reply_packets(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 12
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = reply_packets()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 12)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("reply_packets {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[12] = reply_packets
+class request_packets(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 11
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = request_packets()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 11)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("request_packets {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[11] = request_packets
+class rx_bytes(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 71
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = rx_bytes()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 71)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("rx_bytes {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[71] = rx_bytes
+class rx_packets(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = rx_packets()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("rx_packets {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[2] = rx_packets
+class sampling_rate(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 30
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = sampling_rate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 30)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("sampling_rate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[30] = sampling_rate
+class set_loopback_mode(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 74
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_loopback_mode()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 74)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_loopback_mode {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[74] = set_loopback_mode
+class status(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 97
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = status()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 97)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("status {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[97] = status
+class strip_mpls_l2_on_ingress(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 75
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = strip_mpls_l2_on_ingress()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 75)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("strip_mpls_l2_on_ingress {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[75] = strip_mpls_l2_on_ingress
+class strip_mpls_l3_on_ingress(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 76
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = strip_mpls_l3_on_ingress()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 76)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("strip_mpls_l3_on_ingress {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[76] = strip_mpls_l3_on_ingress
+class strip_vlan_on_egress(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 73
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = strip_vlan_on_egress()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 73)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("strip_vlan_on_egress {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[73] = strip_vlan_on_egress
+class sub_agent_id(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 38
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = sub_agent_id()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 38)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("sub_agent_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[38] = sub_agent_id
+class tcp_dst(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 66
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tcp_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 66)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tcp_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[66] = tcp_dst
+class tcp_src(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 65
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tcp_src()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tcp_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[65] = tcp_src
+class tx_bytes(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 39
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tx_bytes()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 39)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tx_bytes {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[39] = tx_bytes
+class tx_packets(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 3
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tx_packets()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 3)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tx_packets {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[3] = tx_packets
+class udf_anchor(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 16
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udf_anchor()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udf_anchor {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[16] = udf_anchor
+class udf_id(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 15
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udf_id()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udf_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[15] = udf_id
+class udf_length(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 18
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udf_length()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udf_length {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[18] = udf_length
+class udf_offset(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 17
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udf_offset()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 17)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udf_offset {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[17] = udf_offset
+class udp_dst(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 37
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udp_dst()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 37)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udp_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[37] = udp_dst
+class udp_src(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 36
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udp_src()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 36)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udp_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[36] = udp_src
+class unicast_query_timeout(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 9
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = unicast_query_timeout()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 9)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("unicast_query_timeout {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[9] = unicast_query_timeout
+class unicast_rate(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 93
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = unicast_rate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 93)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("unicast_rate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[93] = unicast_rate
+class unknown_multicast_rate(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 92
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = unknown_multicast_rate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 92)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("unknown_multicast_rate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[92] = unknown_multicast_rate
+class use_packet_state(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 96
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = use_packet_state()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 96)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("use_packet_state {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[96] = use_packet_state
+class vfi(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 99
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vfi()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 99)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vfi {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[99] = vfi
+class vlan_pcp(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 72
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vlan_pcp()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 72)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vlan_pcp {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[72] = vlan_pcp
+class vlan_vid(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 6
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vlan_vid()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 6)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vlan_vid {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[6] = vlan_vid
+class vlan_vid_mask(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 77
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vlan_vid_mask()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 77)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vlan_vid_mask {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[77] = vlan_vid_mask
+class vni(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 86
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vni()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 86)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vni {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[86] = vni
+class vrf(bsn_tlv):
+    type = 19
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vrf()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vrf {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_tlv.subtypes[19] = vrf
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/bundle_prop.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/bundle_prop.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a36f28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/bundle_prop.py
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of14']
+class bundle_prop(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = bundle_prop.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bundle_prop()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bundle_prop {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class experimenter(bundle_prop):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, exp_type=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if exp_type != None:
+            self.exp_type = exp_type
+        else:
+            self.exp_type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.exp_type))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.exp_type = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.exp_type != other.exp_type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("exp_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.exp_type)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bundle_prop.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/common.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..124b26a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4456 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of14']
+class bsn_controller_connection(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, state=None, auxiliary_id=None, role=None, uri=None):
+        if state != None:
+            self.state = state
+        else:
+            self.state = 0
+        if auxiliary_id != None:
+            self.auxiliary_id = auxiliary_id
+        else:
+            self.auxiliary_id = 0
+        if role != None:
+            self.role = role
+        else:
+            self.role = 0
+        if uri != None:
+            self.uri = uri
+        else:
+            self.uri = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.state))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.auxiliary_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.role))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.uri))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_controller_connection()
+        obj.state = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.auxiliary_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.role = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.uri = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.state != other.state: return False
+        if self.auxiliary_id != other.auxiliary_id: return False
+        if self.role != other.role: return False
+        if self.uri != other.uri: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_controller_connection {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("state = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.state)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("auxiliary_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.auxiliary_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("role = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.role)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("uri = ");
+                q.pp(self.uri)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, counter_id=None, name=None, description=None):
+        if counter_id != None:
+            self.counter_id = counter_id
+        else:
+            self.counter_id = 0
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if description != None:
+            self.description = description
+        else:
+            self.description = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.counter_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!64s", self.name))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.description))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_entry()
+        obj.counter_id = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.name = reader.read("!64s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.description = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.counter_id != other.counter_id: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.description != other.description: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("counter_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.counter_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("description = ");
+                q.pp(self.description)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_debug_counter_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, counter_id=None, value=None):
+        if counter_id != None:
+            self.counter_id = counter_id
+        else:
+            self.counter_id = 0
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.counter_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_debug_counter_stats_entry()
+        obj.counter_id = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.counter_id != other.counter_id: return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_debug_counter_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("counter_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.counter_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, checksum=None):
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.checksum))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_entry()
+        obj.checksum = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.checksum)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_generic_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, tlvs=None):
+        if tlvs != None:
+            self.tlvs = tlvs
+        else:
+            self.tlvs = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.tlvs))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_generic_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        obj.tlvs = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.tlvs != other.tlvs: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_generic_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("tlvs = ");
+                q.pp(self.tlvs)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, checksum=None):
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_entry()
+        obj.checksum = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_gentable_desc_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, name=None, buckets_size=None, max_entries=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if buckets_size != None:
+            self.buckets_size = buckets_size
+        else:
+            self.buckets_size = 0
+        if max_entries != None:
+            self.max_entries = max_entries
+        else:
+            self.max_entries = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!32s", self.name))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buckets_size))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_entries))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_desc_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.name = reader.read("!32s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.buckets_size = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_entries = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.buckets_size != other.buckets_size: return False
+        if self.max_entries != other.max_entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_desc_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets_size = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buckets_size)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_entries = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, checksum=None, key=None, value=None):
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        if key != None:
+            self.key = key
+        else:
+            self.key = []
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for key_length at index 1
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.key))
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", len(packed[-1]))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        _key_length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.checksum = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        obj.key = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader.slice(_key_length), ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        obj.value = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        if self.key != other.key: return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("key = ");
+                q.pp(self.key)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_gentable_entry_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, key=None, stats=None):
+        if key != None:
+            self.key = key
+        else:
+            self.key = []
+        if stats != None:
+            self.stats = stats
+        else:
+            self.stats = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for key_length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.key))
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", len(packed[-1]))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.stats))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_entry_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        _key_length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.key = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader.slice(_key_length), ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        obj.stats = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.key != other.key: return False
+        if self.stats != other.stats: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_entry_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("key = ");
+                q.pp(self.key)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("stats = ");
+                q.pp(self.stats)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_gentable_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, entry_count=None, checksum=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if entry_count != None:
+            self.entry_count = entry_count
+        else:
+            self.entry_count = 0
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.entry_count))
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_stats_entry()
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.entry_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.checksum = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.entry_count != other.entry_count: return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entry_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.entry_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_interface(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, hw_addr=None, name=None, ipv4_addr=None, ipv4_netmask=None):
+        if hw_addr != None:
+            self.hw_addr = hw_addr
+        else:
+            self.hw_addr = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if ipv4_addr != None:
+            self.ipv4_addr = ipv4_addr
+        else:
+            self.ipv4_addr = 0
+        if ipv4_netmask != None:
+            self.ipv4_netmask = ipv4_netmask
+        else:
+            self.ipv4_netmask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.hw_addr))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.name))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ipv4_addr))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ipv4_netmask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_interface()
+        obj.hw_addr = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.name = reader.read("!16s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.ipv4_addr = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ipv4_netmask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.hw_addr != other.hw_addr: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.ipv4_addr != other.ipv4_addr: return False
+        if self.ipv4_netmask != other.ipv4_netmask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_interface {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("hw_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.hw_addr))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ipv4_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.ipv4_addr))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ipv4_netmask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.ipv4_netmask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_lacp_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, actor_sys_priority=None, actor_sys_mac=None, actor_port_priority=None, actor_port_num=None, actor_key=None, convergence_status=None, partner_sys_priority=None, partner_sys_mac=None, partner_port_priority=None, partner_port_num=None, partner_key=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if actor_sys_priority != None:
+            self.actor_sys_priority = actor_sys_priority
+        else:
+            self.actor_sys_priority = 0
+        if actor_sys_mac != None:
+            self.actor_sys_mac = actor_sys_mac
+        else:
+            self.actor_sys_mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if actor_port_priority != None:
+            self.actor_port_priority = actor_port_priority
+        else:
+            self.actor_port_priority = 0
+        if actor_port_num != None:
+            self.actor_port_num = actor_port_num
+        else:
+            self.actor_port_num = 0
+        if actor_key != None:
+            self.actor_key = actor_key
+        else:
+            self.actor_key = 0
+        if convergence_status != None:
+            self.convergence_status = convergence_status
+        else:
+            self.convergence_status = 0
+        if partner_sys_priority != None:
+            self.partner_sys_priority = partner_sys_priority
+        else:
+            self.partner_sys_priority = 0
+        if partner_sys_mac != None:
+            self.partner_sys_mac = partner_sys_mac
+        else:
+            self.partner_sys_mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if partner_port_priority != None:
+            self.partner_port_priority = partner_port_priority
+        else:
+            self.partner_port_priority = 0
+        if partner_port_num != None:
+            self.partner_port_num = partner_port_num
+        else:
+            self.partner_port_num = 0
+        if partner_key != None:
+            self.partner_key = partner_key
+        else:
+            self.partner_key = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_sys_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.actor_sys_mac))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_port_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_port_num))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_key))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.convergence_status))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.partner_sys_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.partner_sys_mac))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.partner_port_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.partner_port_num))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.partner_key))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lacp_stats_entry()
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.actor_sys_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actor_sys_mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.actor_port_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actor_port_num = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actor_key = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.convergence_status = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.partner_sys_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.partner_sys_mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.partner_port_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.partner_port_num = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.partner_key = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.actor_sys_priority != other.actor_sys_priority: return False
+        if self.actor_sys_mac != other.actor_sys_mac: return False
+        if self.actor_port_priority != other.actor_port_priority: return False
+        if self.actor_port_num != other.actor_port_num: return False
+        if self.actor_key != other.actor_key: return False
+        if self.convergence_status != other.convergence_status: return False
+        if self.partner_sys_priority != other.partner_sys_priority: return False
+        if self.partner_sys_mac != other.partner_sys_mac: return False
+        if self.partner_port_priority != other.partner_port_priority: return False
+        if self.partner_port_num != other.partner_port_num: return False
+        if self.partner_key != other.partner_key: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lacp_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_sys_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_sys_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_sys_mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.actor_sys_mac))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_port_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_port_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_port_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_port_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_key = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_key)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("convergence_status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.convergence_status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("partner_sys_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.partner_sys_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("partner_sys_mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.partner_sys_mac))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("partner_port_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.partner_port_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("partner_port_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.partner_port_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("partner_key = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.partner_key)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_port_counter_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, values=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if values != None:
+            self.values = values
+        else:
+            self.values = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.values))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_port_counter_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.values = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint64.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.values != other.values: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_port_counter_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("values = ");
+                q.pp(self.values)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, pipeline=None):
+        if pipeline != None:
+            self.pipeline = pipeline
+        else:
+            self.pipeline = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.pipeline))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_entry()
+        obj.pipeline = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.pipeline != other.pipeline: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("pipeline = ");
+                q.pp(self.pipeline)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_table_checksum_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, checksum=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.checksum))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_table_checksum_stats_entry()
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.checksum = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_table_checksum_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.checksum)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_tlv_vlan_mac_list(loxi.OFObject):
+    type = 98
+    def __init__(self, key=None):
+        if key != None:
+            self.key = key
+        else:
+            self.key = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.key))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_tlv_vlan_mac_list()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 98)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.key = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_vlan_mac.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.key != other.key: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_tlv_vlan_mac_list {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("key = ");
+                q.pp(self.key)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_vport(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = bsn_vport.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_vport()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vport {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_vlan_counter_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, vlan_vid=None, values=None):
+        if vlan_vid != None:
+            self.vlan_vid = vlan_vid
+        else:
+            self.vlan_vid = 0
+        if values != None:
+            self.values = values
+        else:
+            self.values = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.vlan_vid))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.values))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vlan_counter_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        obj.vlan_vid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.values = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint64.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.vlan_vid != other.vlan_vid: return False
+        if self.values != other.values: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vlan_counter_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_vid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_vid)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("values = ");
+                q.pp(self.values)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_vlan_mac(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, vlan_vid=None, mac=None):
+        if vlan_vid != None:
+            self.vlan_vid = vlan_vid
+        else:
+            self.vlan_vid = 0
+        if mac != None:
+            self.mac = mac
+        else:
+            self.mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.vlan_vid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.mac))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vlan_mac()
+        obj.vlan_vid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.vlan_vid != other.vlan_vid: return False
+        if self.mac != other.mac: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vlan_mac {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_vid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_vid)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.mac))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bsn_vport_l2gre(bsn_vport):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, flags=None, port_no=None, loopback_port_no=None, local_mac=None, nh_mac=None, src_ip=None, dst_ip=None, dscp=None, ttl=None, vpn=None, rate_limit=None, if_name=None):
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if loopback_port_no != None:
+            self.loopback_port_no = loopback_port_no
+        else:
+            self.loopback_port_no = 0
+        if local_mac != None:
+            self.local_mac = local_mac
+        else:
+            self.local_mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if nh_mac != None:
+            self.nh_mac = nh_mac
+        else:
+            self.nh_mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if src_ip != None:
+            self.src_ip = src_ip
+        else:
+            self.src_ip = 0
+        if dst_ip != None:
+            self.dst_ip = dst_ip
+        else:
+            self.dst_ip = 0
+        if dscp != None:
+            self.dscp = dscp
+        else:
+            self.dscp = 0
+        if ttl != None:
+            self.ttl = ttl
+        else:
+            self.ttl = 0
+        if vpn != None:
+            self.vpn = vpn
+        else:
+            self.vpn = 0
+        if rate_limit != None:
+            self.rate_limit = rate_limit
+        else:
+            self.rate_limit = 0
+        if if_name != None:
+            self.if_name = if_name
+        else:
+            self.if_name = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.flags))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.loopback_port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.local_mac))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.nh_mac))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.src_ip))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.dst_ip))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.dscp))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.ttl))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vpn))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.rate_limit))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.if_name))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vport_l2gre()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.loopback_port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.local_mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.nh_mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.src_ip = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.dst_ip = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.dscp = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.ttl = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.vpn = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.rate_limit = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.if_name = reader.read("!16s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.loopback_port_no != other.loopback_port_no: return False
+        if self.local_mac != other.local_mac: return False
+        if self.nh_mac != other.nh_mac: return False
+        if self.src_ip != other.src_ip: return False
+        if self.dst_ip != other.dst_ip: return False
+        if self.dscp != other.dscp: return False
+        if self.ttl != other.ttl: return False
+        if self.vpn != other.vpn: return False
+        if self.rate_limit != other.rate_limit: return False
+        if self.if_name != other.if_name: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vport_l2gre {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("loopback_port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.loopback_port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("local_mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.local_mac))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("nh_mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.nh_mac))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("src_ip = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.src_ip))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("dst_ip = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.dst_ip))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("dscp = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.dscp)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ttl = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ttl)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vpn = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vpn)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate_limit = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate_limit)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("if_name = ");
+                q.pp(self.if_name)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_vport.subtypes[1] = bsn_vport_l2gre
+class bsn_vport_q_in_q(bsn_vport):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, ingress_tpid=None, ingress_vlan_id=None, egress_tpid=None, egress_vlan_id=None, if_name=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if ingress_tpid != None:
+            self.ingress_tpid = ingress_tpid
+        else:
+            self.ingress_tpid = 0
+        if ingress_vlan_id != None:
+            self.ingress_vlan_id = ingress_vlan_id
+        else:
+            self.ingress_vlan_id = 0
+        if egress_tpid != None:
+            self.egress_tpid = egress_tpid
+        else:
+            self.egress_tpid = 0
+        if egress_vlan_id != None:
+            self.egress_vlan_id = egress_vlan_id
+        else:
+            self.egress_vlan_id = 0
+        if if_name != None:
+            self.if_name = if_name
+        else:
+            self.if_name = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ingress_tpid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.ingress_vlan_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.egress_tpid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.egress_vlan_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.if_name))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vport_q_in_q()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.port_no = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ingress_tpid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.ingress_vlan_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.egress_tpid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.egress_vlan_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.if_name = reader.read("!16s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.ingress_tpid != other.ingress_tpid: return False
+        if self.ingress_vlan_id != other.ingress_vlan_id: return False
+        if self.egress_tpid != other.egress_tpid: return False
+        if self.egress_vlan_id != other.egress_vlan_id: return False
+        if self.if_name != other.if_name: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vport_q_in_q {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.port_no)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ingress_tpid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ingress_tpid)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ingress_vlan_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ingress_vlan_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("egress_tpid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.egress_tpid)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("egress_vlan_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.egress_vlan_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("if_name = ");
+                q.pp(self.if_name)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_vport.subtypes[0] = bsn_vport_q_in_q
+class bsn_vrf_counter_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, vrf=None, values=None):
+        if vrf != None:
+            self.vrf = vrf
+        else:
+            self.vrf = 0
+        if values != None:
+            self.values = values
+        else:
+            self.values = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vrf))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.values))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vrf_counter_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.vrf = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.values = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint64.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.vrf != other.vrf: return False
+        if self.values != other.values: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vrf_counter_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("vrf = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vrf)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("values = ");
+                q.pp(self.values)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bucket(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, weight=None, watch_port=None, watch_group=None, actions=None):
+        if weight != None:
+            self.weight = weight
+        else:
+            self.weight = 0
+        if watch_port != None:
+            self.watch_port = watch_port
+        else:
+            self.watch_port = 0
+        if watch_group != None:
+            self.watch_group = watch_group
+        else:
+            self.watch_group = 0
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.weight))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.watch_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.watch_group))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bucket()
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 2)
+        obj.weight = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.watch_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.watch_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.weight != other.weight: return False
+        if self.watch_port != other.watch_port: return False
+        if self.watch_group != other.watch_group: return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bucket {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("weight = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.weight)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("watch_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.watch_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("watch_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.watch_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class bucket_counter(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, packet_count=None, byte_count=None):
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bucket_counter()
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bucket_counter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class flow_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, duration_sec=None, duration_nsec=None, priority=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, flags=None, importance=None, cookie=None, packet_count=None, byte_count=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if duration_sec != None:
+            self.duration_sec = duration_sec
+        else:
+            self.duration_sec = 0
+        if duration_nsec != None:
+            self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
+        else:
+            self.duration_nsec = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if importance != None:
+            self.importance = importance
+        else:
+            self.importance = 0
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_sec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_nsec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.importance))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.duration_sec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.duration_nsec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.importance = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.duration_sec != other.duration_sec: return False
+        if self.duration_nsec != other.duration_nsec: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.importance != other.importance: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_sec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_sec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_nsec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_nsec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("importance = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.importance)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class group_desc_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, group_type=None, group_id=None, buckets=None):
+        if group_type != None:
+            self.group_type = group_type
+        else:
+            self.group_type = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if buckets != None:
+            self.buckets = buckets
+        else:
+            self.buckets = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.group_type))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.buckets))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_desc_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        obj.group_type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buckets = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.group_type != other.group_type: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.buckets != other.buckets: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_desc_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets = ");
+                q.pp(self.buckets)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class group_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, group_id=None, ref_count=None, packet_count=None, byte_count=None, duration_sec=None, duration_nsec=None, bucket_stats=None):
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if ref_count != None:
+            self.ref_count = ref_count
+        else:
+            self.ref_count = 0
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        if duration_sec != None:
+            self.duration_sec = duration_sec
+        else:
+            self.duration_sec = 0
+        if duration_nsec != None:
+            self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
+        else:
+            self.duration_nsec = 0
+        if bucket_stats != None:
+            self.bucket_stats = bucket_stats
+        else:
+            self.bucket_stats = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ref_count))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_sec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_nsec))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.bucket_stats))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.ref_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.duration_sec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.duration_nsec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.bucket_stats = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket_counter.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.ref_count != other.ref_count: return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        if self.duration_sec != other.duration_sec: return False
+        if self.duration_nsec != other.duration_nsec: return False
+        if self.bucket_stats != other.bucket_stats: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ref_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.ref_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_sec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_sec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_nsec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_nsec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("bucket_stats = ");
+                q.pp(self.bucket_stats)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class hello_elem(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = hello_elem.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = hello_elem()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hello_elem {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class hello_elem_versionbitmap(hello_elem):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, bitmaps=None):
+        if bitmaps != None:
+            self.bitmaps = bitmaps
+        else:
+            self.bitmaps = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.bitmaps))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = hello_elem_versionbitmap()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.bitmaps = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint32.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.bitmaps != other.bitmaps: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hello_elem_versionbitmap {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("bitmaps = ");
+                q.pp(self.bitmaps)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+hello_elem.subtypes[1] = hello_elem_versionbitmap
+class match_v3(loxi.OFObject):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, oxm_list=None):
+        if oxm_list != None:
+            self.oxm_list = oxm_list
+        else:
+            self.oxm_list = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.oxm_list))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = match_v3()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.oxm_list = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.oxm.oxm.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.oxm_list != other.oxm_list: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("match_v3 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("oxm_list = ");
+                q.pp(self.oxm_list)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class meter_band_stats(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, packet_band_count=None, byte_band_count=None):
+        if packet_band_count != None:
+            self.packet_band_count = packet_band_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_band_count = 0
+        if byte_band_count != None:
+            self.byte_band_count = byte_band_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_band_count = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_band_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_band_count))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_band_stats()
+        obj.packet_band_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_band_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.packet_band_count != other.packet_band_count: return False
+        if self.byte_band_count != other.byte_band_count: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_band_stats {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_band_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_band_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_band_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_band_count)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class meter_config(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, flags=None, meter_id=None, entries=None):
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if meter_id != None:
+            self.meter_id = meter_id
+        else:
+            self.meter_id = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.meter_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_config()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.meter_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.meter_band.meter_band.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.meter_id != other.meter_id: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_config {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("meter_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.meter_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class meter_features(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, max_meter=None, band_types=None, capabilities=None, max_bands=None, max_color=None):
+        if max_meter != None:
+            self.max_meter = max_meter
+        else:
+            self.max_meter = 0
+        if band_types != None:
+            self.band_types = band_types
+        else:
+            self.band_types = 0
+        if capabilities != None:
+            self.capabilities = capabilities
+        else:
+            self.capabilities = 0
+        if max_bands != None:
+            self.max_bands = max_bands
+        else:
+            self.max_bands = 0
+        if max_color != None:
+            self.max_color = max_color
+        else:
+            self.max_color = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_meter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.band_types))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.capabilities))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.max_bands))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.max_color))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_features()
+        obj.max_meter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.band_types = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.capabilities = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_bands = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.max_color = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.max_meter != other.max_meter: return False
+        if self.band_types != other.band_types: return False
+        if self.capabilities != other.capabilities: return False
+        if self.max_bands != other.max_bands: return False
+        if self.max_color != other.max_color: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_features {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_meter = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_meter)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("band_types = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.band_types)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("capabilities = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.capabilities)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_bands = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_bands)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_color = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_color)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class meter_stats(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, meter_id=None, flow_count=None, packet_in_count=None, byte_in_count=None, duration_sec=None, duration_nsec=None, band_stats=None):
+        if meter_id != None:
+            self.meter_id = meter_id
+        else:
+            self.meter_id = 0
+        if flow_count != None:
+            self.flow_count = flow_count
+        else:
+            self.flow_count = 0
+        if packet_in_count != None:
+            self.packet_in_count = packet_in_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_in_count = 0
+        if byte_in_count != None:
+            self.byte_in_count = byte_in_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_in_count = 0
+        if duration_sec != None:
+            self.duration_sec = duration_sec
+        else:
+            self.duration_sec = 0
+        if duration_nsec != None:
+            self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
+        else:
+            self.duration_nsec = 0
+        if band_stats != None:
+            self.band_stats = band_stats
+        else:
+            self.band_stats = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.meter_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.flow_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_in_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_in_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_sec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_nsec))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.band_stats))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_stats()
+        obj.meter_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 6)
+        reader.skip(6)
+        obj.flow_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.packet_in_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_in_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.duration_sec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.duration_nsec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.band_stats = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.meter_band_stats.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.meter_id != other.meter_id: return False
+        if self.flow_count != other.flow_count: return False
+        if self.packet_in_count != other.packet_in_count: return False
+        if self.byte_in_count != other.byte_in_count: return False
+        if self.duration_sec != other.duration_sec: return False
+        if self.duration_nsec != other.duration_nsec: return False
+        if self.band_stats != other.band_stats: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_stats {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("meter_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.meter_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flow_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flow_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_in_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_in_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_in_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_in_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_sec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_sec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_nsec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_nsec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("band_stats = ");
+                q.pp(self.band_stats)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class packet_queue(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, queue_id=None, port=None, properties=None):
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        if port != None:
+            self.port = port
+        else:
+            self.port = 0
+        if properties != None:
+            self.properties = properties
+        else:
+            self.properties = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 2
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.properties))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = packet_queue()
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 10)
+        reader.skip(6)
+        obj.properties = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.queue_prop.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        if self.port != other.port: return False
+        if self.properties != other.properties: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("packet_queue {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("properties = ");
+                q.pp(self.properties)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class port_desc(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, hw_addr=None, name=None, config=None, state=None, properties=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if hw_addr != None:
+            self.hw_addr = hw_addr
+        else:
+            self.hw_addr = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if config != None:
+            self.config = config
+        else:
+            self.config = 0
+        if state != None:
+            self.state = state
+        else:
+            self.state = 0
+        if properties != None:
+            self.properties = properties
+        else:
+            self.properties = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.hw_addr))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.name))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.config))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.state))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.properties))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_desc()
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 6)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.hw_addr = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.name = reader.read("!16s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.config = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.state = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.properties = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.port_desc_prop.port_desc_prop.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.hw_addr != other.hw_addr: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.config != other.config: return False
+        if self.state != other.state: return False
+        if self.properties != other.properties: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_desc {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hw_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.hw_addr))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("config = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.config)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("state = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.state)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("properties = ");
+                q.pp(self.properties)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class port_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, duration_sec=None, duration_nsec=None, rx_packets=None, tx_packets=None, rx_bytes=None, tx_bytes=None, rx_dropped=None, tx_dropped=None, rx_errors=None, tx_errors=None, properties=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if duration_sec != None:
+            self.duration_sec = duration_sec
+        else:
+            self.duration_sec = 0
+        if duration_nsec != None:
+            self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
+        else:
+            self.duration_nsec = 0
+        if rx_packets != None:
+            self.rx_packets = rx_packets
+        else:
+            self.rx_packets = 0
+        if tx_packets != None:
+            self.tx_packets = tx_packets
+        else:
+            self.tx_packets = 0
+        if rx_bytes != None:
+            self.rx_bytes = rx_bytes
+        else:
+            self.rx_bytes = 0
+        if tx_bytes != None:
+            self.tx_bytes = tx_bytes
+        else:
+            self.tx_bytes = 0
+        if rx_dropped != None:
+            self.rx_dropped = rx_dropped
+        else:
+            self.rx_dropped = 0
+        if tx_dropped != None:
+            self.tx_dropped = tx_dropped
+        else:
+            self.tx_dropped = 0
+        if rx_errors != None:
+            self.rx_errors = rx_errors
+        else:
+            self.rx_errors = 0
+        if tx_errors != None:
+            self.tx_errors = tx_errors
+        else:
+            self.tx_errors = 0
+        if properties != None:
+            self.properties = properties
+        else:
+            self.properties = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_sec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_nsec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_packets))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_packets))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_bytes))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_bytes))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_dropped))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_dropped))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_errors))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_errors))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.properties))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.duration_sec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.duration_nsec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.rx_packets = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_packets = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_bytes = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_bytes = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_dropped = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_dropped = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_errors = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_errors = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.properties = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.port_stats_prop.port_stats_prop.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.duration_sec != other.duration_sec: return False
+        if self.duration_nsec != other.duration_nsec: return False
+        if self.rx_packets != other.rx_packets: return False
+        if self.tx_packets != other.tx_packets: return False
+        if self.rx_bytes != other.rx_bytes: return False
+        if self.tx_bytes != other.tx_bytes: return False
+        if self.rx_dropped != other.rx_dropped: return False
+        if self.tx_dropped != other.tx_dropped: return False
+        if self.rx_errors != other.rx_errors: return False
+        if self.tx_errors != other.tx_errors: return False
+        if self.properties != other.properties: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_sec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_sec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_nsec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_nsec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_packets = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_packets)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_packets = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_packets)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_bytes = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_bytes)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_bytes = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_bytes)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_dropped = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_dropped)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_dropped = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_dropped)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_errors = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_errors)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_errors = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_errors)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("properties = ");
+                q.pp(self.properties)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class queue_desc(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, queue_id=None, properties=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        if properties != None:
+            self.properties = properties
+        else:
+            self.properties = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.properties))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_desc()
+        obj.port_no = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 10)
+        reader.skip(6)
+        obj.properties = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.queue_desc_prop.queue_desc_prop.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        if self.properties != other.properties: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_desc {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.port_no)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("properties = ");
+                q.pp(self.properties)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class queue_prop(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = queue_prop.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = queue_prop()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_prop {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class queue_prop_experimenter(queue_prop):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 8)
+        subclass = queue_prop_experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = queue_prop_experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_prop_experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+queue_prop.subtypes[65535] = queue_prop_experimenter
+class queue_prop_max_rate(queue_prop):
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, rate=None):
+        if rate != None:
+            self.rate = rate
+        else:
+            self.rate = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.rate))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_prop_max_rate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.rate = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.rate != other.rate: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_prop_max_rate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+queue_prop.subtypes[2] = queue_prop_max_rate
+class queue_prop_min_rate(queue_prop):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, rate=None):
+        if rate != None:
+            self.rate = rate
+        else:
+            self.rate = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.rate))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_prop_min_rate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.rate = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.rate != other.rate: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_prop_min_rate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+queue_prop.subtypes[1] = queue_prop_min_rate
+class queue_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, port_no=None, queue_id=None, tx_bytes=None, tx_packets=None, tx_errors=None, duration_sec=None, duration_nsec=None, properties=None):
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        if tx_bytes != None:
+            self.tx_bytes = tx_bytes
+        else:
+            self.tx_bytes = 0
+        if tx_packets != None:
+            self.tx_packets = tx_packets
+        else:
+            self.tx_packets = 0
+        if tx_errors != None:
+            self.tx_errors = tx_errors
+        else:
+            self.tx_errors = 0
+        if duration_sec != None:
+            self.duration_sec = duration_sec
+        else:
+            self.duration_sec = 0
+        if duration_nsec != None:
+            self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
+        else:
+            self.duration_nsec = 0
+        if properties != None:
+            self.properties = properties
+        else:
+            self.properties = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_bytes))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_packets))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.tx_errors))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_sec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_nsec))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.properties))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_stats_entry()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        reader.skip(6)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.tx_bytes = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_packets = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.tx_errors = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.duration_sec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.duration_nsec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.properties = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.queue_stats_prop.queue_stats_prop.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        if self.tx_bytes != other.tx_bytes: return False
+        if self.tx_packets != other.tx_packets: return False
+        if self.tx_errors != other.tx_errors: return False
+        if self.duration_sec != other.duration_sec: return False
+        if self.duration_nsec != other.duration_nsec: return False
+        if self.properties != other.properties: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_bytes = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_bytes)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_packets = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_packets)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_errors = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_errors)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_sec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_sec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_nsec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_nsec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("properties = ");
+                q.pp(self.properties)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class table_desc(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, config=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if config != None:
+            self.config = config
+        else:
+            self.config = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.config))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_desc()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.config = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.config != other.config: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_desc {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("config = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.config)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class table_feature_prop(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = table_feature_prop.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = table_feature_prop()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class table_feature_prop_apply_actions(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 6
+    def __init__(self, action_ids=None):
+        if action_ids != None:
+            self.action_ids = action_ids
+        else:
+            self.action_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.action_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_apply_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 6)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.action_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action_id.action_id.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.action_ids != other.action_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_apply_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("action_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.action_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[6] = table_feature_prop_apply_actions
+class table_feature_prop_apply_actions_miss(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 7
+    def __init__(self, action_ids=None):
+        if action_ids != None:
+            self.action_ids = action_ids
+        else:
+            self.action_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.action_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_apply_actions_miss()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 7)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.action_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action_id.action_id.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.action_ids != other.action_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_apply_actions_miss {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("action_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.action_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[7] = table_feature_prop_apply_actions_miss
+class table_feature_prop_apply_setfield(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 14
+    def __init__(self, oxm_ids=None):
+        if oxm_ids != None:
+            self.oxm_ids = oxm_ids
+        else:
+            self.oxm_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.oxm_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_apply_setfield()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.oxm_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint32.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.oxm_ids != other.oxm_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_apply_setfield {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("oxm_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.oxm_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[14] = table_feature_prop_apply_setfield
+class table_feature_prop_apply_setfield_miss(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 15
+    def __init__(self, oxm_ids=None):
+        if oxm_ids != None:
+            self.oxm_ids = oxm_ids
+        else:
+            self.oxm_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.oxm_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_apply_setfield_miss()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.oxm_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint32.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.oxm_ids != other.oxm_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_apply_setfield_miss {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("oxm_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.oxm_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[15] = table_feature_prop_apply_setfield_miss
+class table_feature_prop_experimenter(table_feature_prop):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65534
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, subtype=None, experimenter_data=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        if experimenter_data != None:
+            self.experimenter_data = experimenter_data
+        else:
+            self.experimenter_data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.experimenter_data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = table_feature_prop_experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = table_feature_prop_experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65534)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.experimenter_data = str(reader.read_all())
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        if self.experimenter_data != other.experimenter_data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("subtype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.subtype)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("experimenter_data = ");
+                q.pp(self.experimenter_data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[65534] = table_feature_prop_experimenter
+class table_feature_prop_experimenter_miss(table_feature_prop):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, subtype=None, experimenter_data=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        if experimenter_data != None:
+            self.experimenter_data = experimenter_data
+        else:
+            self.experimenter_data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.experimenter_data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = table_feature_prop_experimenter_miss.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = table_feature_prop_experimenter_miss()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.experimenter_data = str(reader.read_all())
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        if self.experimenter_data != other.experimenter_data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_experimenter_miss {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("subtype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.subtype)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("experimenter_data = ");
+                q.pp(self.experimenter_data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[65535] = table_feature_prop_experimenter_miss
+class table_feature_prop_instructions(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, instruction_ids=None):
+        if instruction_ids != None:
+            self.instruction_ids = instruction_ids
+        else:
+            self.instruction_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instruction_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_instructions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.instruction_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction_id.instruction_id.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.instruction_ids != other.instruction_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_instructions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("instruction_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.instruction_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[0] = table_feature_prop_instructions
+class table_feature_prop_instructions_miss(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, instruction_ids=None):
+        if instruction_ids != None:
+            self.instruction_ids = instruction_ids
+        else:
+            self.instruction_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instruction_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_instructions_miss()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.instruction_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction_id.instruction_id.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.instruction_ids != other.instruction_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_instructions_miss {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("instruction_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.instruction_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[1] = table_feature_prop_instructions_miss
+class table_feature_prop_match(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 8
+    def __init__(self, oxm_ids=None):
+        if oxm_ids != None:
+            self.oxm_ids = oxm_ids
+        else:
+            self.oxm_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.oxm_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_match()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 8)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.oxm_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint32.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.oxm_ids != other.oxm_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_match {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("oxm_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.oxm_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[8] = table_feature_prop_match
+class table_feature_prop_next_tables(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, next_table_ids=None):
+        if next_table_ids != None:
+            self.next_table_ids = next_table_ids
+        else:
+            self.next_table_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.next_table_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_next_tables()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.next_table_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint8.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.next_table_ids != other.next_table_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_next_tables {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("next_table_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.next_table_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[2] = table_feature_prop_next_tables
+class table_feature_prop_next_tables_miss(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 3
+    def __init__(self, next_table_ids=None):
+        if next_table_ids != None:
+            self.next_table_ids = next_table_ids
+        else:
+            self.next_table_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.next_table_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_next_tables_miss()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 3)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.next_table_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint8.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.next_table_ids != other.next_table_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_next_tables_miss {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("next_table_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.next_table_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[3] = table_feature_prop_next_tables_miss
+class table_feature_prop_table_sync_from(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 16
+    def __init__(self, table_ids=None):
+        if table_ids != None:
+            self.table_ids = table_ids
+        else:
+            self.table_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.table_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_table_sync_from()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.table_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint8.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_ids != other.table_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_table_sync_from {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.table_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[16] = table_feature_prop_table_sync_from
+class table_feature_prop_wildcards(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 10
+    def __init__(self, oxm_ids=None):
+        if oxm_ids != None:
+            self.oxm_ids = oxm_ids
+        else:
+            self.oxm_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.oxm_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_wildcards()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 10)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.oxm_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint32.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.oxm_ids != other.oxm_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_wildcards {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("oxm_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.oxm_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[10] = table_feature_prop_wildcards
+class table_feature_prop_write_actions(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 4
+    def __init__(self, action_ids=None):
+        if action_ids != None:
+            self.action_ids = action_ids
+        else:
+            self.action_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.action_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_write_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.action_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action_id.action_id.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.action_ids != other.action_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_write_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("action_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.action_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[4] = table_feature_prop_write_actions
+class table_feature_prop_write_actions_miss(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 5
+    def __init__(self, action_ids=None):
+        if action_ids != None:
+            self.action_ids = action_ids
+        else:
+            self.action_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.action_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_write_actions_miss()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 5)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.action_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action_id.action_id.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.action_ids != other.action_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_write_actions_miss {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("action_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.action_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[5] = table_feature_prop_write_actions_miss
+class table_feature_prop_write_setfield(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 12
+    def __init__(self, oxm_ids=None):
+        if oxm_ids != None:
+            self.oxm_ids = oxm_ids
+        else:
+            self.oxm_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.oxm_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_write_setfield()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 12)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.oxm_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint32.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.oxm_ids != other.oxm_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_write_setfield {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("oxm_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.oxm_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[12] = table_feature_prop_write_setfield
+class table_feature_prop_write_setfield_miss(table_feature_prop):
+    type = 13
+    def __init__(self, oxm_ids=None):
+        if oxm_ids != None:
+            self.oxm_ids = oxm_ids
+        else:
+            self.oxm_ids = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.oxm_ids))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pad_to(8, length))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_feature_prop_write_setfield_miss()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 13)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.oxm_ids = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.uint32.unpack)
+        orig_reader.skip_align()
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.oxm_ids != other.oxm_ids: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_feature_prop_write_setfield_miss {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("oxm_ids = ");
+                q.pp(self.oxm_ids)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+table_feature_prop.subtypes[13] = table_feature_prop_write_setfield_miss
+class table_features(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, name=None, metadata_match=None, metadata_write=None, config=None, max_entries=None, properties=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if metadata_match != None:
+            self.metadata_match = metadata_match
+        else:
+            self.metadata_match = 0
+        if metadata_write != None:
+            self.metadata_write = metadata_write
+        else:
+            self.metadata_write = 0
+        if config != None:
+            self.config = config
+        else:
+            self.config = 0
+        if max_entries != None:
+            self.max_entries = max_entries
+        else:
+            self.max_entries = 0
+        if properties != None:
+            self.properties = properties
+        else:
+            self.properties = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 0
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 5)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!32s", self.name))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.metadata_match))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.metadata_write))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.config))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_entries))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.properties))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[0] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_features()
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 2)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(5)
+        obj.name = reader.read("!32s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.metadata_match = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.metadata_write = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.config = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_entries = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.properties = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.table_feature_prop.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.metadata_match != other.metadata_match: return False
+        if self.metadata_write != other.metadata_write: return False
+        if self.config != other.config: return False
+        if self.max_entries != other.max_entries: return False
+        if self.properties != other.properties: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_features {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("metadata_match = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.metadata_match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("metadata_write = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.metadata_write)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("config = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.config)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_entries = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_entries)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("properties = ");
+                q.pp(self.properties)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class table_mod_prop_eviction(loxi.OFObject):
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, flags=None):
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.flags))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_mod_prop_eviction()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_mod_prop_eviction {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class table_mod_prop_experimenter(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, exp_type=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if exp_type != None:
+            self.exp_type = exp_type
+        else:
+            self.exp_type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.exp_type))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = table_mod_prop_experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = table_mod_prop_experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.exp_type = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.exp_type != other.exp_type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_mod_prop_experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("exp_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.exp_type)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class table_mod_prop_vacancy(loxi.OFObject):
+    type = 3
+    def __init__(self, vacancy_down=None, vacancy_up=None, vacancy=None):
+        if vacancy_down != None:
+            self.vacancy_down = vacancy_down
+        else:
+            self.vacancy_down = 0
+        if vacancy_up != None:
+            self.vacancy_up = vacancy_up
+        else:
+            self.vacancy_up = 0
+        if vacancy != None:
+            self.vacancy = vacancy
+        else:
+            self.vacancy = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.vacancy_down))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.vacancy_up))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.vacancy))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_mod_prop_vacancy()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 3)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.vacancy_down = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.vacancy_up = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.vacancy = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.vacancy_down != other.vacancy_down: return False
+        if self.vacancy_up != other.vacancy_up: return False
+        if self.vacancy != other.vacancy: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_mod_prop_vacancy {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("vacancy_down = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vacancy_down)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vacancy_up = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vacancy_up)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vacancy = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vacancy)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class table_stats_entry(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None, active_count=None, lookup_count=None, matched_count=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if active_count != None:
+            self.active_count = active_count
+        else:
+            self.active_count = 0
+        if lookup_count != None:
+            self.lookup_count = lookup_count
+        else:
+            self.lookup_count = 0
+        if matched_count != None:
+            self.matched_count = matched_count
+        else:
+            self.matched_count = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.active_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.lookup_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.matched_count))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_stats_entry()
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.active_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.lookup_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.matched_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.active_count != other.active_count: return False
+        if self.lookup_count != other.lookup_count: return False
+        if self.matched_count != other.matched_count: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_stats_entry {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("active_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.active_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("lookup_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.lookup_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("matched_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.matched_count)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class uint32(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = uint32()
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("uint32 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class uint64(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = uint64()
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("uint64 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class uint8(loxi.OFObject):
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = uint8()
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("uint8 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+match = match_v3
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/const.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/const.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f942ac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/const.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1646 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template const.py
+# Do not modify
+# Identifiers from group macro_definitions
+OFP_TCP_PORT = 6653
+OFP_SSL_PORT = 6653
+OFP_NO_BUFFER = 4294967295
+OFPQ_ALL = 4294967295
+# Identifiers from group of_bsn_hash_packet_field
+of_bsn_hash_packet_field_map = {
+# Identifiers from group of_bsn_hash_packet_type
+of_bsn_hash_packet_type_map = {
+    0: 'OF_BSN_HASH_PACKET_L2',
+# Identifiers from group of_bsn_hash_type
+of_bsn_hash_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFP_BSN_HASH_TYPE_L2',
+    1: 'OFP_BSN_HASH_TYPE_L3',
+# Identifiers from group of_bsn_lacp_convergence_status
+of_bsn_lacp_convergence_status_map = {
+    0: 'LACP_SUCCESS',
+    1: 'LACP_TIMEDOUT',
+    2: 'LACP_OUT_OF_SYNC',
+# Identifiers from group of_bsn_pdu_slot_num
+of_bsn_pdu_slot_num_map = {
+    255: 'BSN_PDU_SLOT_NUM_ANY',
+# Identifiers from group of_bsn_vlan_counter
+of_bsn_vlan_counter_map = {
+# Identifiers from group of_bsn_vrf_counter
+of_bsn_vrf_counter_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_action_type
+ofp_action_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFPAT_OUTPUT',
+    11: 'OFPAT_COPY_TTL_OUT',
+    12: 'OFPAT_COPY_TTL_IN',
+    15: 'OFPAT_SET_MPLS_TTL',
+    16: 'OFPAT_DEC_MPLS_TTL',
+    17: 'OFPAT_PUSH_VLAN',
+    18: 'OFPAT_POP_VLAN',
+    19: 'OFPAT_PUSH_MPLS',
+    20: 'OFPAT_POP_MPLS',
+    21: 'OFPAT_SET_QUEUE',
+    22: 'OFPAT_GROUP',
+    23: 'OFPAT_SET_NW_TTL',
+    24: 'OFPAT_DEC_NW_TTL',
+    25: 'OFPAT_SET_FIELD',
+    26: 'OFPAT_PUSH_PBB',
+    27: 'OFPAT_POP_PBB',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_async_config_failed_code
+ofp_async_config_failed_code_map = {
+    2: 'OFPACFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bad_action_code
+ofp_bad_action_code_map = {
+    0: 'OFPBAC_BAD_TYPE',
+    1: 'OFPBAC_BAD_LEN',
+    6: 'OFPBAC_EPERM',
+    7: 'OFPBAC_TOO_MANY',
+    12: 'OFPBAC_BAD_TAG',
+    14: 'OFPBAC_BAD_SET_LEN',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bad_instruction_code
+ofp_bad_instruction_code_map = {
+    7: 'OFPBIC_BAD_LEN',
+    8: 'OFPBIC_EPERM',
+    9: 'OFPBIC_DUP_INST',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bad_match_code
+ofp_bad_match_code_map = {
+    0: 'OFPBMC_BAD_TYPE',
+    1: 'OFPBMC_BAD_LEN',
+    2: 'OFPBMC_BAD_TAG',
+    8: 'OFPBMC_BAD_MASK',
+    10: 'OFPBMC_DUP_FIELD',
+    11: 'OFPBMC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bad_property_code
+ofp_bad_property_code_map = {
+    0: 'OFPBPC_BAD_TYPE',
+    1: 'OFPBPC_BAD_LEN',
+    3: 'OFPBPC_TOO_MANY',
+    4: 'OFPBPC_DUP_TYPE',
+    8: 'OFPBPC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bad_request_code
+ofp_bad_request_code_map = {
+    1: 'OFPBRC_BAD_TYPE',
+    2: 'OFPBRC_BAD_STAT',
+    5: 'OFPBRC_EPERM',
+    6: 'OFPBRC_BAD_LEN',
+    10: 'OFPBRC_IS_SLAVE',
+    11: 'OFPBRC_BAD_PORT',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_anchor
+ofp_bsn_anchor_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_controller_connection_state
+ofp_bsn_controller_connection_state_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_decap
+ofp_bsn_decap_map = {
+    2: 'OFP_BSN_DECAP_L2_GRE',
+    5: 'OFP_BSN_DECAP_L2_MPLS',
+    6: 'OFP_BSN_DECAP_L3_GRE',
+    7: 'OFP_BSN_DECAP_GTP',
+    8: 'OFP_BSN_DECAP_L3_MPLS',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_lacp_state
+ofp_bsn_lacp_state_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_loglevel
+ofp_bsn_loglevel_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_lua_upload_flags
+ofp_bsn_lua_upload_flags_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_pktin_flag
+ofp_bsn_pktin_flag_map = {
+    512: 'OFP_BSN_PKTIN_FLAG_L3_CPU',
+    16384: 'OFP_BSN_PKTIN_FLAG_IGMP',
+    32768: 'OFP_BSN_PKTIN_FLAG_PIM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_port_counter
+ofp_bsn_port_counter_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_port_vxlan_mode
+ofp_bsn_port_vxlan_mode_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_rate_unit
+ofp_bsn_rate_unit_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_status
+ofp_bsn_status_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_tcp_flag
+ofp_bsn_tcp_flag_map = {
+    16: 'OFP_BSN_TCP_FLAG_ACK',
+    32: 'OFP_BSN_TCP_FLAG_URG',
+    64: 'OFP_BSN_TCP_FLAG_ECE',
+    128: 'OFP_BSN_TCP_FLAG_CWR',
+    256: 'OFP_BSN_TCP_FLAG_NS',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_udf_anchor
+ofp_bsn_udf_anchor_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_vlan_counter_constants
+ofp_bsn_vlan_counter_constants_map = {
+    65535: 'OFP_BSN_VLAN_ALL',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_vport_l2gre_flags
+ofp_bsn_vport_l2gre_flags_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_vport_q_in_q_untagged
+ofp_bsn_vport_q_in_q_untagged_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_vport_status
+ofp_bsn_vport_status_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bsn_vrf_counter_constants
+OFP_BSN_VRF_ALL = 4294967295
+ofp_bsn_vrf_counter_constants_map = {
+    4294967295: 'OFP_BSN_VRF_ALL',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bundle_ctrl_type
+ofp_bundle_ctrl_type_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bundle_failed_code
+ofp_bundle_failed_code_map = {
+    1: 'OFPBFC_EPERM',
+    2: 'OFPBFC_BAD_ID',
+    6: 'OFPBFC_BAD_TYPE',
+    10: 'OFPBFC_MSG_UNSUP',
+    14: 'OFPBFC_TIMEOUT',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_bundle_flags
+ofp_bundle_flags_map = {
+    1: 'OFPBF_ATOMIC',
+    2: 'OFPBF_ORDERED',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_capabilities
+ofp_capabilities_map = {
+    1: 'OFPC_FLOW_STATS',
+    4: 'OFPC_PORT_STATS',
+    32: 'OFPC_IP_REASM',
+    64: 'OFPC_QUEUE_STATS',
+    256: 'OFPC_PORT_BLOCKED',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_config_flags
+ofp_config_flags_map = {
+    1: 'OFPC_FRAG_DROP',
+    2: 'OFPC_FRAG_REASM',
+    3: 'OFPC_FRAG_MASK',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_controller_max_len
+OFPCML_MAX = 65509
+ofp_controller_max_len_map = {
+    65509: 'OFPCML_MAX',
+    65535: 'OFPCML_NO_BUFFER',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_controller_role
+ofp_controller_role_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_controller_role_reason
+ofp_controller_role_reason_map = {
+    1: 'OFPCRR_CONFIG',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_error_type
+ofp_error_type_map = {
+    4: 'OFPET_BAD_MATCH',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_mod_command
+ofp_flow_mod_command_map = {
+    0: 'OFPFC_ADD',
+    1: 'OFPFC_MODIFY',
+    3: 'OFPFC_DELETE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_mod_failed_code
+ofp_flow_mod_failed_code_map = {
+    4: 'OFPFMFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_mod_flags
+ofp_flow_mod_flags_map = {
+    128: 'OFPFF_BSN_SEND_IDLE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_monitor_failed_code
+ofp_flow_monitor_failed_code_map = {
+    7: 'OFPMOFC_BAD_OUT',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_flow_removed_reason
+ofp_flow_removed_reason_map = {
+    2: 'OFPRR_DELETE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_group
+OFPG_MAX = 4294967040
+OFPG_ALL = 4294967292
+OFPG_ANY = 4294967295
+ofp_group_map = {
+    4294967040: 'OFPG_MAX',
+    4294967292: 'OFPG_ALL',
+    4294967295: 'OFPG_ANY',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_group_capabilities
+ofp_group_capabilities_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_group_mod_command
+ofp_group_mod_command_map = {
+    0: 'OFPGC_ADD',
+    1: 'OFPGC_MODIFY',
+    2: 'OFPGC_DELETE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_group_mod_failed_code
+ofp_group_mod_failed_code_map = {
+    7: 'OFPGMFC_LOOP',
+    10: 'OFPGMFC_BAD_TYPE',
+    14: 'OFPGMFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_group_type
+ofp_group_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFPGT_ALL',
+    1: 'OFPGT_SELECT',
+    3: 'OFPGT_FF',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_hello_elem_type
+ofp_hello_elem_type_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_hello_failed_code
+ofp_hello_failed_code_map = {
+    1: 'OFPHFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_instruction_type
+ofp_instruction_type_map = {
+    6: 'OFPIT_METER',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_ipv6exthdr_flags
+ofp_ipv6exthdr_flags_map = {
+    1: 'OFPIEH_NONEXT',
+    2: 'OFPIEH_ESP',
+    4: 'OFPIEH_AUTH',
+    8: 'OFPIEH_DEST',
+    16: 'OFPIEH_FRAG',
+    32: 'OFPIEH_ROUTER',
+    64: 'OFPIEH_HOP',
+    128: 'OFPIEH_UNREP',
+    256: 'OFPIEH_UNSEQ',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_match_type
+ofp_match_type_map = {
+    1: 'OFPMT_OXM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_meter
+OFPM_MAX = 4294901760
+OFPM_SLOWPATH = 4294967293
+OFPM_CONTROLLER = 4294967294
+OFPM_ALL = 4294967295
+ofp_meter_map = {
+    4294901760: 'OFPM_MAX',
+    4294967293: 'OFPM_SLOWPATH',
+    4294967294: 'OFPM_CONTROLLER',
+    4294967295: 'OFPM_ALL',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_meter_band_type
+ofp_meter_band_type_map = {
+    1: 'OFPMBT_DROP',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_meter_flags
+ofp_meter_flags_map = {
+    1: 'OFPMF_KBPS',
+    2: 'OFPMF_PKTPS',
+    4: 'OFPMF_BURST',
+    8: 'OFPMF_STATS',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_meter_mod_command
+ofp_meter_mod_command_map = {
+    0: 'OFPMC_ADD',
+    1: 'OFPMC_MODIFY',
+    2: 'OFPMC_DELETE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_meter_mod_failed_code
+ofp_meter_mod_failed_code_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_optical_port_features
+ofp_optical_port_features_map = {
+    1: 'OFPOPF_RX_TUNE',
+    2: 'OFPOPF_TX_TUNE',
+    4: 'OFPOPF_TX_PWR',
+    8: 'OFPOPF_USE_FREQ',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_oxm_class
+ofp_oxm_class_map = {
+    0: 'OFPXMC_NXM_0',
+    1: 'OFPXMC_NXM_1',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_packet_in_reason
+ofp_packet_in_reason_map = {
+    0: 'OFPR_NO_MATCH',
+    1: 'OFPR_ACTION',
+    3: 'OFPR_ACTION_SET',
+    4: 'OFPR_GROUP',
+    5: 'OFPR_PACKET_OUT',
+    128: 'OFPR_BSN_NEW_HOST',
+    130: 'OFPR_BSN_BAD_VLAN',
+    132: 'OFPR_BSN_NO_ROUTE',
+    139: 'OFPR_BSN_ARP',
+    140: 'OFPR_BSN_DHCP',
+    141: 'OFPR_BSN_DEBUG',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port
+OFPP_MAX = 4294967040
+OFPP_IN_PORT = 4294967288
+OFPP_TABLE = 4294967289
+OFPP_NORMAL = 4294967290
+OFPP_FLOOD = 4294967291
+OFPP_ALL = 4294967292
+OFPP_CONTROLLER = 4294967293
+OFPP_LOCAL = 4294967294
+OFPP_ANY = 4294967295
+ofp_port_map = {
+    4294967040: 'OFPP_MAX',
+    4294967288: 'OFPP_IN_PORT',
+    4294967289: 'OFPP_TABLE',
+    4294967290: 'OFPP_NORMAL',
+    4294967291: 'OFPP_FLOOD',
+    4294967292: 'OFPP_ALL',
+    4294967293: 'OFPP_CONTROLLER',
+    4294967294: 'OFPP_LOCAL',
+    4294967295: 'OFPP_ANY',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_config
+ofp_port_config_map = {
+    1: 'OFPPC_PORT_DOWN',
+    4: 'OFPPC_NO_RECV',
+    32: 'OFPPC_NO_FWD',
+    64: 'OFPPC_NO_PACKET_IN',
+    2147483648: 'OFPPC_BSN_MIRROR_DEST',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_features
+OFPPF_10MB_HD = 1
+OFPPF_10MB_FD = 2
+OFPPF_100MB_HD = 4
+OFPPF_100MB_FD = 8
+OFPPF_1GB_HD = 16
+OFPPF_1GB_FD = 32
+OFPPF_10GB_FD = 64
+OFPPF_40GB_FD = 128
+OFPPF_100GB_FD = 256
+OFPPF_1TB_FD = 512
+OFPPF_PAUSE = 16384
+ofp_port_features_map = {
+    1: 'OFPPF_10MB_HD',
+    2: 'OFPPF_10MB_FD',
+    4: 'OFPPF_100MB_HD',
+    8: 'OFPPF_100MB_FD',
+    16: 'OFPPF_1GB_HD',
+    32: 'OFPPF_1GB_FD',
+    64: 'OFPPF_10GB_FD',
+    128: 'OFPPF_40GB_FD',
+    256: 'OFPPF_100GB_FD',
+    512: 'OFPPF_1TB_FD',
+    1024: 'OFPPF_OTHER',
+    2048: 'OFPPF_COPPER',
+    4096: 'OFPPF_FIBER',
+    8192: 'OFPPF_AUTONEG',
+    16384: 'OFPPF_PAUSE',
+    32768: 'OFPPF_PAUSE_ASYM',
+    2147483648: 'OFPPF_BSN_BREAKOUT_CAPABLE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_mod_failed_code
+ofp_port_mod_failed_code_map = {
+    4: 'OFPPMFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_reason
+ofp_port_reason_map = {
+    0: 'OFPPR_ADD',
+    1: 'OFPPR_DELETE',
+    2: 'OFPPR_MODIFY',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_state
+ofp_port_state_map = {
+    1: 'OFPPS_LINK_DOWN',
+    2: 'OFPPS_BLOCKED',
+    4: 'OFPPS_LIVE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_stats_optical_flags
+ofp_port_stats_optical_flags_map = {
+    1: 'OFPOSF_RX_TUNE',
+    2: 'OFPOSF_TX_TUNE',
+    4: 'OFPOSF_TX_PWR',
+    16: 'OFPOSF_RX_PWR',
+    32: 'OFPOSF_TX_BIAS',
+    64: 'OFPOSF_TX_TEMP',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_port_stats_prop_type
+ofp_port_stats_prop_type_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_queue_op_failed_code
+ofp_queue_op_failed_code_map = {
+    2: 'OFPQOFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_requestforward_reason
+ofp_requestforward_reason_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_role_request_failed_code
+ofp_role_request_failed_code_map = {
+    0: 'OFPRRFC_STALE',
+    1: 'OFPRRFC_UNSUP',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_stats_reply_flags
+ofp_stats_reply_flags_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_stats_request_flags
+ofp_stats_request_flags_map = {
+    1: 'OFPSF_REQ_MORE',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_stats_type
+ofp_stats_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFPST_DESC',
+    1: 'OFPST_FLOW',
+    3: 'OFPST_TABLE',
+    4: 'OFPST_PORT',
+    5: 'OFPST_QUEUE',
+    6: 'OFPST_GROUP',
+    9: 'OFPST_METER',
+    13: 'OFPST_PORT_DESC',
+    14: 'OFPMP_TABLE_DESC',
+    15: 'OFPMP_QUEUE_DESC',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_switch_config_failed_code
+ofp_switch_config_failed_code_map = {
+    1: 'OFPSCFC_BAD_LEN',
+    2: 'OFPSCFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_table
+OFPTT_MAX = 254
+OFPTT_ALL = 255
+ofp_table_map = {
+    254: 'OFPTT_MAX',
+    255: 'OFPTT_ALL',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_table_config
+ofp_table_config_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_table_feature_prop_type
+ofp_table_feature_prop_type_map = {
+    8: 'OFPTFPT_MATCH',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_table_features_failed_code
+ofp_table_features_failed_code_map = {
+    5: 'OFPTFFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_table_mod_failed_code
+ofp_table_mod_failed_code_map = {
+    2: 'OFPTMFC_EPERM',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_table_mod_prop_eviction_flag
+ofp_table_mod_prop_eviction_flag_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_table_reason
+ofp_table_reason_map = {
+# Identifiers from group ofp_type
+ofp_type_map = {
+    0: 'OFPT_HELLO',
+    1: 'OFPT_ERROR',
+    3: 'OFPT_ECHO_REPLY',
+    9: 'OFPT_SET_CONFIG',
+    10: 'OFPT_PACKET_IN',
+    12: 'OFPT_PORT_STATUS',
+    13: 'OFPT_PACKET_OUT',
+    14: 'OFPT_FLOW_MOD',
+    15: 'OFPT_GROUP_MOD',
+    16: 'OFPT_PORT_MOD',
+    17: 'OFPT_TABLE_MOD',
+    19: 'OFPT_STATS_REPLY',
+    25: 'OFPT_ROLE_REPLY',
+    28: 'OFPT_SET_ASYNC',
+    29: 'OFPT_METER_MOD',
+    30: 'OFPT_ROLE_STATUS',
+# Identifiers from group ofp_vlan_id
+ofp_vlan_id_map = {
+    0: 'OFPVID_NONE',
+    4096: 'OFPVID_PRESENT',
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/instruction.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/instruction.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62a1f61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/instruction.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1120 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of14']
+class instruction(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = instruction.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = instruction()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("instruction {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class apply_actions(instruction):
+    type = 4
+    def __init__(self, actions=None):
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = apply_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("apply_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[4] = apply_actions
+class experimenter(instruction):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
+class bsn(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, subtype=None):
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 8)
+        subclass = bsn.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[6035143] = bsn
+class bsn_arp_offload(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 1
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_arp_offload()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 1)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_arp_offload {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[1] = bsn_arp_offload
+class bsn_auto_negotiation(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 11
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_auto_negotiation()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 11)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_auto_negotiation {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[11] = bsn_auto_negotiation
+class bsn_deny(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 5
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_deny()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 5)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_deny {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[5] = bsn_deny
+class bsn_dhcp_offload(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 2
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_dhcp_offload()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 2)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_dhcp_offload {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[2] = bsn_dhcp_offload
+class bsn_disable_l3(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 13
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_disable_l3()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 13)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_disable_l3 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[13] = bsn_disable_l3
+class bsn_disable_src_mac_check(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 0
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_disable_src_mac_check()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 0)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_disable_src_mac_check {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[0] = bsn_disable_src_mac_check
+class bsn_disable_vlan_counters(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 9
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_disable_vlan_counters()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 9)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_disable_vlan_counters {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[9] = bsn_disable_vlan_counters
+class bsn_internal_priority(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 12
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_internal_priority()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 12)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_internal_priority {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[12] = bsn_internal_priority
+class bsn_packet_of_death(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 6
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_packet_of_death()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 6)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_packet_of_death {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[6] = bsn_packet_of_death
+class bsn_permit(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 4
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_permit()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_permit {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[4] = bsn_permit
+class bsn_prioritize_pdus(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 7
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_prioritize_pdus()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 7)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_prioritize_pdus {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[7] = bsn_prioritize_pdus
+class bsn_require_vlan_xlate(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 8
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_require_vlan_xlate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 8)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_require_vlan_xlate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[8] = bsn_require_vlan_xlate
+class bsn_span_destination(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 10
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_span_destination()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 10)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_span_destination {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[10] = bsn_span_destination
+class clear_actions(instruction):
+    type = 5
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = clear_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 5)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("clear_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[5] = clear_actions
+class goto_table(instruction):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, table_id=None):
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = goto_table()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("goto_table {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[1] = goto_table
+class meter(instruction):
+    type = 6
+    def __init__(self, meter_id=None):
+        if meter_id != None:
+            self.meter_id = meter_id
+        else:
+            self.meter_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.meter_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 6)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.meter_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.meter_id != other.meter_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("meter_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.meter_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[6] = meter
+class write_actions(instruction):
+    type = 3
+    def __init__(self, actions=None):
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = write_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 3)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("write_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[3] = write_actions
+class write_metadata(instruction):
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, metadata=None, metadata_mask=None):
+        if metadata != None:
+            self.metadata = metadata
+        else:
+            self.metadata = 0
+        if metadata_mask != None:
+            self.metadata_mask = metadata_mask
+        else:
+            self.metadata_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.metadata))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.metadata_mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = write_metadata()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.metadata = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.metadata_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.metadata != other.metadata: return False
+        if self.metadata_mask != other.metadata_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("write_metadata {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("metadata = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.metadata)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("metadata_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.metadata_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction.subtypes[2] = write_metadata
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/instruction_id.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/instruction_id.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da9f84a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/instruction_id.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1011 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of14']
+class instruction_id(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = instruction_id.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = instruction_id()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("instruction_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class apply_actions(instruction_id):
+    type = 4
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = apply_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("apply_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction_id.subtypes[4] = apply_actions
+class experimenter(instruction_id):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction_id.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
+class bsn(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, subtype=None):
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 8)
+        subclass = bsn.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[6035143] = bsn
+class bsn_arp_offload(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 1
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_arp_offload()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 1)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_arp_offload {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[1] = bsn_arp_offload
+class bsn_auto_negotiation(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 11
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_auto_negotiation()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 11)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_auto_negotiation {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[11] = bsn_auto_negotiation
+class bsn_deny(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 5
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_deny()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 5)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_deny {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[5] = bsn_deny
+class bsn_dhcp_offload(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 2
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_dhcp_offload()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_dhcp_offload {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[2] = bsn_dhcp_offload
+class bsn_disable_l3(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 13
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_disable_l3()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 13)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_disable_l3 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[13] = bsn_disable_l3
+class bsn_disable_src_mac_check(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 0
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_disable_src_mac_check()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 0)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_disable_src_mac_check {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[0] = bsn_disable_src_mac_check
+class bsn_disable_vlan_counters(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 9
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_disable_vlan_counters()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 9)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_disable_vlan_counters {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[9] = bsn_disable_vlan_counters
+class bsn_internal_priority(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 12
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_internal_priority()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 12)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_internal_priority {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[12] = bsn_internal_priority
+class bsn_packet_of_death(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 6
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_packet_of_death()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_packet_of_death {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[6] = bsn_packet_of_death
+class bsn_permit(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 4
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_permit()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_permit {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[4] = bsn_permit
+class bsn_prioritize_pdus(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 7
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_prioritize_pdus()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 7)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_prioritize_pdus {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[7] = bsn_prioritize_pdus
+class bsn_require_vlan_xlate(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 8
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_require_vlan_xlate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 8)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_require_vlan_xlate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[8] = bsn_require_vlan_xlate
+class bsn_span_destination(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 10
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_span_destination()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 10)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_span_destination {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[10] = bsn_span_destination
+class clear_actions(instruction_id):
+    type = 5
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = clear_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 5)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("clear_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction_id.subtypes[5] = clear_actions
+class goto_table(instruction_id):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = goto_table()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("goto_table {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction_id.subtypes[1] = goto_table
+class meter(instruction_id):
+    type = 6
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 6)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction_id.subtypes[6] = meter
+class write_actions(instruction_id):
+    type = 3
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = write_actions()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 3)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("write_actions {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction_id.subtypes[3] = write_actions
+class write_metadata(instruction_id):
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = write_metadata()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("write_metadata {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+instruction_id.subtypes[2] = write_metadata
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/message.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/message.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68dc3ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/message.py
@@ -0,0 +1,16405 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of14']
+class message(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 5
+    def __init__(self, type=None, xid=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('B', 1)
+        subclass = message.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = message()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        obj.type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("message {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class stats_reply(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, stats_type=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if stats_type != None:
+            self.stats_type = stats_type
+        else:
+            self.stats_type = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = stats_reply.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.stats_type != other.stats_type: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[19] = stats_reply
+class aggregate_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, packet_count=None, byte_count=None, flow_count=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        if flow_count != None:
+            self.flow_count = flow_count
+        else:
+            self.flow_count = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.flow_count))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = aggregate_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 2)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.flow_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        if self.flow_count != other.flow_count: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("aggregate_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flow_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flow_count)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[2] = aggregate_stats_reply
+class stats_request(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, stats_type=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if stats_type != None:
+            self.stats_type = stats_type
+        else:
+            self.stats_type = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = stats_request.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.stats_type != other.stats_type: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[18] = stats_request
+class aggregate_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, table_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, match=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = aggregate_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 2)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("aggregate_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[2] = aggregate_stats_request
+class error_msg(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, err_type=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if err_type != None:
+            self.err_type = err_type
+        else:
+            self.err_type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = error_msg.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.err_type != other.err_type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[1] = error_msg
+class async_config_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 15
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = async_config_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 15)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("async_config_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[15] = async_config_failed_error_msg
+class async_get_reply(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 27
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, properties=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if properties != None:
+            self.properties = properties
+        else:
+            self.properties = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.properties))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = async_get_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 27)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.properties = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.async_config_prop.async_config_prop.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.properties != other.properties: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("async_get_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("properties = ");
+                q.pp(self.properties)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[27] = async_get_reply
+class async_get_request(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 26
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = async_get_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 26)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("async_get_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[26] = async_get_request
+class async_set(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 28
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, properties=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if properties != None:
+            self.properties = properties
+        else:
+            self.properties = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.properties))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = async_set()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 28)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.properties = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.async_config_prop.async_config_prop.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.properties != other.properties: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("async_set {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("properties = ");
+                q.pp(self.properties)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[28] = async_set
+class bad_action_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bad_action_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 2)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bad_action_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[2] = bad_action_error_msg
+class bad_instruction_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bad_instruction_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 3)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bad_instruction_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[3] = bad_instruction_error_msg
+class bad_match_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bad_match_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 4)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bad_match_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[4] = bad_match_error_msg
+class bad_property_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 14
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bad_property_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 14)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bad_property_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[14] = bad_property_error_msg
+class bad_request_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bad_request_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 1)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bad_request_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[1] = bad_request_error_msg
+class barrier_reply(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 21
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = barrier_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 21)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("barrier_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[21] = barrier_reply
+class barrier_request(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 20
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = barrier_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 20)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("barrier_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[20] = barrier_request
+class experimenter(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 8)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("subtype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.subtype)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[4] = experimenter
+class bsn_header(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 12)
+        subclass = bsn_header.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_header()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_header {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[6035143] = bsn_header
+class bsn_arp_idle(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 60
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, vlan_vid=None, ipv4_addr=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if vlan_vid != None:
+            self.vlan_vid = vlan_vid
+        else:
+            self.vlan_vid = 0
+        if ipv4_addr != None:
+            self.ipv4_addr = ipv4_addr
+        else:
+            self.ipv4_addr = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.vlan_vid))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.ipv4_addr))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_arp_idle()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 60)
+        obj.vlan_vid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.ipv4_addr = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.vlan_vid != other.vlan_vid: return False
+        if self.ipv4_addr != other.ipv4_addr: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_arp_idle {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_vid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_vid)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("ipv4_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.ipv4_addr))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[60] = bsn_arp_idle
+class experimenter_error_msg(error_msg):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, subtype=None, experimenter=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 12)
+        subclass = experimenter_error_msg.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 65535)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("subtype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.subtype)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[65535] = experimenter_error_msg
+class bsn_base_error(experimenter_error_msg):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, subtype=None, err_msg=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        if err_msg != None:
+            self.err_msg = err_msg
+        else:
+            self.err_msg = ""
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.err_msg))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 10)
+        subclass = bsn_base_error.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_base_error()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 65535)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.err_msg = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        if self.err_msg != other.err_msg: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_base_error {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("err_msg = ");
+                q.pp(self.err_msg)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter_error_msg.subtypes[6035143] = bsn_base_error
+class bsn_bw_clear_data_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 22
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_clear_data_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 22)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_clear_data_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[22] = bsn_bw_clear_data_reply
+class bsn_bw_clear_data_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 21
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_clear_data_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 21)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_clear_data_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[21] = bsn_bw_clear_data_request
+class bsn_bw_enable_get_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 20
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enabled=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enabled != None:
+            self.enabled = enabled
+        else:
+            self.enabled = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enabled))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_enable_get_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 20)
+        obj.enabled = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enabled != other.enabled: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_enable_get_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enabled = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enabled)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[20] = bsn_bw_enable_get_reply
+class bsn_bw_enable_get_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 19
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_enable_get_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 19)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_enable_get_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[19] = bsn_bw_enable_get_request
+class bsn_bw_enable_set_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 23
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enable=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enable != None:
+            self.enable = enable
+        else:
+            self.enable = 0
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enable))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_enable_set_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 23)
+        obj.enable = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enable != other.enable: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_enable_set_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enable = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enable)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[23] = bsn_bw_enable_set_reply
+class bsn_bw_enable_set_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 18
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enable=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enable != None:
+            self.enable = enable
+        else:
+            self.enable = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enable))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_bw_enable_set_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 18)
+        obj.enable = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enable != other.enable: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_bw_enable_set_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enable = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enable)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[18] = bsn_bw_enable_set_request
+class bsn_controller_connections_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 57
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, connections=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if connections != None:
+            self.connections = connections
+        else:
+            self.connections = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.connections))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_controller_connections_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 57)
+        obj.connections = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_controller_connection.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.connections != other.connections: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_controller_connections_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("connections = ");
+                q.pp(self.connections)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[57] = bsn_controller_connections_reply
+class bsn_controller_connections_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 56
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_controller_connections_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 56)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_controller_connections_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[56] = bsn_controller_connections_request
+class experimenter_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 16)
+        subclass = experimenter_stats_reply.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("subtype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.subtype)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[65535] = experimenter_stats_reply
+class bsn_stats_reply(experimenter_stats_reply):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 20)
+        subclass = bsn_stats_reply.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter_stats_reply.subtypes[6035143] = bsn_stats_reply
+class bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 13
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 13)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[13] = bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_reply
+class experimenter_stats_request(stats_request):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 16)
+        subclass = experimenter_stats_request.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("subtype = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.subtype)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[65535] = experimenter_stats_request
+class bsn_stats_request(experimenter_stats_request):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 20)
+        subclass = bsn_stats_request.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter_stats_request.subtypes[6035143] = bsn_stats_request
+class bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 13
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 13)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[13] = bsn_debug_counter_desc_stats_request
+class bsn_debug_counter_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 12
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_debug_counter_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 12)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_debug_counter_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_debug_counter_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[12] = bsn_debug_counter_stats_reply
+class bsn_debug_counter_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 12
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_debug_counter_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 12)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_debug_counter_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[12] = bsn_debug_counter_stats_request
+class bsn_error(bsn_base_error):
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 65535
+    subtype = 1
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, err_msg=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if err_msg != None:
+            self.err_msg = err_msg
+        else:
+            self.err_msg = ""
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.err_msg))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_error()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 65535)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 1)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.err_msg = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.err_msg != other.err_msg: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_error {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("err_msg = ");
+                q.pp(self.err_msg)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_base_error.subtypes[1] = bsn_error
+class bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 10)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[10] = bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_reply
+class bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, table_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 10)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[10] = bsn_flow_checksum_bucket_stats_request
+class bsn_flow_idle(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 40
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, priority=None, table_id=None, match=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 5)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_flow_idle()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 40)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(5)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_flow_idle {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[40] = bsn_flow_idle
+class bsn_flow_idle_enable_get_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 39
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enabled=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enabled != None:
+            self.enabled = enabled
+        else:
+            self.enabled = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enabled))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_flow_idle_enable_get_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 39)
+        obj.enabled = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enabled != other.enabled: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_flow_idle_enable_get_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enabled = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enabled)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[39] = bsn_flow_idle_enable_get_reply
+class bsn_flow_idle_enable_get_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 38
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_flow_idle_enable_get_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 38)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_flow_idle_enable_get_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[38] = bsn_flow_idle_enable_get_request
+class bsn_flow_idle_enable_set_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 37
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enable=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enable != None:
+            self.enable = enable
+        else:
+            self.enable = 0
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enable))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_flow_idle_enable_set_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 37)
+        obj.enable = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enable != other.enable: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_flow_idle_enable_set_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enable = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enable)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[37] = bsn_flow_idle_enable_set_reply
+class bsn_flow_idle_enable_set_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 36
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enable=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enable != None:
+            self.enable = enable
+        else:
+            self.enable = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.enable))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_flow_idle_enable_set_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 36)
+        obj.enable = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enable != other.enable: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_flow_idle_enable_set_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enable = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enable)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[36] = bsn_flow_idle_enable_set_request
+class bsn_generic_async(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 68
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, name=None, tlvs=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if tlvs != None:
+            self.tlvs = tlvs
+        else:
+            self.tlvs = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!64s", self.name))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.tlvs))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_generic_async()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 68)
+        obj.name = reader.read("!64s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.tlvs = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.tlvs != other.tlvs: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_generic_async {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tlvs = ");
+                q.pp(self.tlvs)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[68] = bsn_generic_async
+class bsn_generic_command(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 71
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, name=None, tlvs=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if tlvs != None:
+            self.tlvs = tlvs
+        else:
+            self.tlvs = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!64s", self.name))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.tlvs))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_generic_command()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 71)
+        obj.name = reader.read("!64s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.tlvs = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.tlvs != other.tlvs: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_generic_command {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tlvs = ");
+                q.pp(self.tlvs)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[71] = bsn_generic_command
+class bsn_generic_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 16
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_generic_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 16)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_generic_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_generic_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[16] = bsn_generic_stats_reply
+class bsn_generic_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 16
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, name=None, tlvs=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if name != None:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = ""
+        if tlvs != None:
+            self.tlvs = tlvs
+        else:
+            self.tlvs = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!64s", self.name))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.tlvs))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_generic_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 16)
+        obj.name = reader.read("!64s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.tlvs = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.name != other.name: return False
+        if self.tlvs != other.tlvs: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_generic_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("name = ");
+                q.pp(self.name)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tlvs = ");
+                q.pp(self.tlvs)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[16] = bsn_generic_stats_request
+class bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 5)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[5] = bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_reply
+class bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, table_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 5)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[5] = bsn_gentable_bucket_stats_request
+class bsn_gentable_clear_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 49
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, table_id=None, deleted_count=None, error_count=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if deleted_count != None:
+            self.deleted_count = deleted_count
+        else:
+            self.deleted_count = 0
+        if error_count != None:
+            self.error_count = error_count
+        else:
+            self.error_count = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.deleted_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.error_count))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_clear_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 49)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.deleted_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.error_count = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.deleted_count != other.deleted_count: return False
+        if self.error_count != other.error_count: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_clear_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("deleted_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.deleted_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("error_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.error_count)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[49] = bsn_gentable_clear_reply
+class bsn_gentable_clear_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 48
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, table_id=None, checksum=None, checksum_mask=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        if checksum_mask != None:
+            self.checksum_mask = checksum_mask
+        else:
+            self.checksum_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum))
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum_mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_clear_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 48)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.checksum = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        obj.checksum_mask = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        if self.checksum_mask != other.checksum_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_clear_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[48] = bsn_gentable_clear_request
+class bsn_gentable_desc_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_gentable_desc_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[4] = bsn_gentable_desc_stats_reply
+class bsn_gentable_desc_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[4] = bsn_gentable_desc_stats_request
+class bsn_gentable_entry_add(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 46
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, table_id=None, checksum=None, key=None, value=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        if key != None:
+            self.key = key
+        else:
+            self.key = []
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for key_length at index 7
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.key))
+        packed[7] = struct.pack("!H", len(packed[-1]))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.value))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_entry_add()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 46)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _key_length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.checksum = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        obj.key = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader.slice(_key_length), ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        obj.value = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        if self.key != other.key: return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_entry_add {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("key = ");
+                q.pp(self.key)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[46] = bsn_gentable_entry_add
+class bsn_gentable_entry_delete(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 47
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, table_id=None, key=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if key != None:
+            self.key = key
+        else:
+            self.key = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.key))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_entry_delete()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 47)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.key = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bsn_tlv.bsn_tlv.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.key != other.key: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_entry_delete {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("key = ");
+                q.pp(self.key)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[47] = bsn_gentable_entry_delete
+class bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 2)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[2] = bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_reply
+class bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, table_id=None, checksum=None, checksum_mask=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        if checksum_mask != None:
+            self.checksum_mask = checksum_mask
+        else:
+            self.checksum_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum))
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum_mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 2)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.checksum = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        obj.checksum_mask = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        if self.checksum_mask != other.checksum_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[2] = bsn_gentable_entry_desc_stats_request
+class bsn_gentable_entry_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_entry_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 3)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_gentable_entry_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_entry_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[3] = bsn_gentable_entry_stats_reply
+class bsn_gentable_entry_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, table_id=None, checksum=None, checksum_mask=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if checksum != None:
+            self.checksum = checksum
+        else:
+            self.checksum = 0
+        if checksum_mask != None:
+            self.checksum_mask = checksum_mask
+        else:
+            self.checksum_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum))
+        packed.append(util.pack_checksum_128(self.checksum_mask))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_entry_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 3)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.checksum = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        obj.checksum_mask = util.unpack_checksum_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.checksum != other.checksum: return False
+        if self.checksum_mask != other.checksum_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_entry_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("checksum_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.checksum_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[3] = bsn_gentable_entry_stats_request
+class bsn_gentable_set_buckets_size(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 50
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, table_id=None, buckets_size=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if buckets_size != None:
+            self.buckets_size = buckets_size
+        else:
+            self.buckets_size = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buckets_size))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_set_buckets_size()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 50)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.buckets_size = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.buckets_size != other.buckets_size: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_set_buckets_size {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets_size = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buckets_size)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[50] = bsn_gentable_set_buckets_size
+class bsn_gentable_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 7)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_gentable_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[7] = bsn_gentable_stats_reply
+class bsn_gentable_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_gentable_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 7)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_gentable_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[7] = bsn_gentable_stats_request
+class bsn_get_interfaces_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, interfaces=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if interfaces != None:
+            self.interfaces = interfaces
+        else:
+            self.interfaces = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.interfaces))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_interfaces_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 10)
+        obj.interfaces = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_interface.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.interfaces != other.interfaces: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_interfaces_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("interfaces = ");
+                q.pp(self.interfaces)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[10] = bsn_get_interfaces_reply
+class bsn_get_interfaces_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_interfaces_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 9)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_interfaces_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[9] = bsn_get_interfaces_request
+class bsn_get_mirroring_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, report_mirror_ports=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if report_mirror_ports != None:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = report_mirror_ports
+        else:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.report_mirror_ports))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_mirroring_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 5)
+        obj.report_mirror_ports = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.report_mirror_ports != other.report_mirror_ports: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_mirroring_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("report_mirror_ports = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.report_mirror_ports)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[5] = bsn_get_mirroring_reply
+class bsn_get_mirroring_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, report_mirror_ports=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if report_mirror_ports != None:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = report_mirror_ports
+        else:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.report_mirror_ports))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_mirroring_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 4)
+        obj.report_mirror_ports = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.report_mirror_ports != other.report_mirror_ports: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_mirroring_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("report_mirror_ports = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.report_mirror_ports)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[4] = bsn_get_mirroring_request
+class bsn_get_switch_pipeline_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 52
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, pipeline=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if pipeline != None:
+            self.pipeline = pipeline
+        else:
+            self.pipeline = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.pipeline))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_switch_pipeline_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 52)
+        obj.pipeline = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.pipeline != other.pipeline: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_switch_pipeline_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("pipeline = ");
+                q.pp(self.pipeline)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[52] = bsn_get_switch_pipeline_reply
+class bsn_get_switch_pipeline_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 51
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_get_switch_pipeline_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 51)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_get_switch_pipeline_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[51] = bsn_get_switch_pipeline_request
+class bsn_image_desc_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 14
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, image_checksum=None, startup_config_checksum=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if image_checksum != None:
+            self.image_checksum = image_checksum
+        else:
+            self.image_checksum = ""
+        if startup_config_checksum != None:
+            self.startup_config_checksum = startup_config_checksum
+        else:
+            self.startup_config_checksum = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.image_checksum))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.startup_config_checksum))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_image_desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 14)
+        obj.image_checksum = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.startup_config_checksum = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.image_checksum != other.image_checksum: return False
+        if self.startup_config_checksum != other.startup_config_checksum: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_image_desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("image_checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.image_checksum)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("startup_config_checksum = ");
+                q.pp(self.startup_config_checksum)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[14] = bsn_image_desc_stats_reply
+class bsn_image_desc_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 14
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_image_desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 14)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_image_desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[14] = bsn_image_desc_stats_request
+class bsn_lacp_convergence_notif(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 43
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, convergence_status=None, port_no=None, actor_sys_priority=None, actor_sys_mac=None, actor_port_priority=None, actor_port_num=None, actor_key=None, partner_sys_priority=None, partner_sys_mac=None, partner_port_priority=None, partner_port_num=None, partner_key=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if convergence_status != None:
+            self.convergence_status = convergence_status
+        else:
+            self.convergence_status = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if actor_sys_priority != None:
+            self.actor_sys_priority = actor_sys_priority
+        else:
+            self.actor_sys_priority = 0
+        if actor_sys_mac != None:
+            self.actor_sys_mac = actor_sys_mac
+        else:
+            self.actor_sys_mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if actor_port_priority != None:
+            self.actor_port_priority = actor_port_priority
+        else:
+            self.actor_port_priority = 0
+        if actor_port_num != None:
+            self.actor_port_num = actor_port_num
+        else:
+            self.actor_port_num = 0
+        if actor_key != None:
+            self.actor_key = actor_key
+        else:
+            self.actor_key = 0
+        if partner_sys_priority != None:
+            self.partner_sys_priority = partner_sys_priority
+        else:
+            self.partner_sys_priority = 0
+        if partner_sys_mac != None:
+            self.partner_sys_mac = partner_sys_mac
+        else:
+            self.partner_sys_mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if partner_port_priority != None:
+            self.partner_port_priority = partner_port_priority
+        else:
+            self.partner_port_priority = 0
+        if partner_port_num != None:
+            self.partner_port_num = partner_port_num
+        else:
+            self.partner_port_num = 0
+        if partner_key != None:
+            self.partner_key = partner_key
+        else:
+            self.partner_key = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.convergence_status))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_sys_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.actor_sys_mac))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_port_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_port_num))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_key))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.partner_sys_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.partner_sys_mac))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.partner_port_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.partner_port_num))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.partner_key))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lacp_convergence_notif()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 43)
+        obj.convergence_status = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.actor_sys_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actor_sys_mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.actor_port_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actor_port_num = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actor_key = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.partner_sys_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.partner_sys_mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.partner_port_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.partner_port_num = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.partner_key = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.convergence_status != other.convergence_status: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.actor_sys_priority != other.actor_sys_priority: return False
+        if self.actor_sys_mac != other.actor_sys_mac: return False
+        if self.actor_port_priority != other.actor_port_priority: return False
+        if self.actor_port_num != other.actor_port_num: return False
+        if self.actor_key != other.actor_key: return False
+        if self.partner_sys_priority != other.partner_sys_priority: return False
+        if self.partner_sys_mac != other.partner_sys_mac: return False
+        if self.partner_port_priority != other.partner_port_priority: return False
+        if self.partner_port_num != other.partner_port_num: return False
+        if self.partner_key != other.partner_key: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lacp_convergence_notif {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("convergence_status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.convergence_status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_sys_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_sys_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_sys_mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.actor_sys_mac))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_port_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_port_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_port_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_port_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_key = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_key)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("partner_sys_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.partner_sys_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("partner_sys_mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.partner_sys_mac))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("partner_port_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.partner_port_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("partner_port_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.partner_port_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("partner_key = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.partner_key)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[43] = bsn_lacp_convergence_notif
+class bsn_lacp_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lacp_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 1)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_lacp_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lacp_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[1] = bsn_lacp_stats_reply
+class bsn_lacp_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lacp_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 1)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lacp_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[1] = bsn_lacp_stats_request
+class bsn_log(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 63
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, loglevel=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if loglevel != None:
+            self.loglevel = loglevel
+        else:
+            self.loglevel = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.loglevel))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_log()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 63)
+        obj.loglevel = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.loglevel != other.loglevel: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_log {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("loglevel = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.loglevel)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[63] = bsn_log
+class bsn_lua_command_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 66
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lua_command_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 66)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lua_command_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[66] = bsn_lua_command_reply
+class bsn_lua_command_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 65
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lua_command_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 65)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lua_command_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[65] = bsn_lua_command_request
+class bsn_lua_notification(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 67
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lua_notification()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 67)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lua_notification {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[67] = bsn_lua_notification
+class bsn_lua_upload(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 64
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, filename=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if filename != None:
+            self.filename = filename
+        else:
+            self.filename = ""
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!64s", self.filename))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lua_upload()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 64)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.filename = reader.read("!64s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.filename != other.filename: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lua_upload {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("filename = ");
+                q.pp(self.filename)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[64] = bsn_lua_upload
+class bsn_pdu_rx_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 34
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_rx_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 34)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_rx_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[34] = bsn_pdu_rx_reply
+class bsn_pdu_rx_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 33
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, timeout_ms=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if timeout_ms != None:
+            self.timeout_ms = timeout_ms
+        else:
+            self.timeout_ms = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.timeout_ms))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_rx_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 33)
+        obj.timeout_ms = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.timeout_ms != other.timeout_ms: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_rx_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("timeout_ms = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.timeout_ms)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[33] = bsn_pdu_rx_request
+class bsn_pdu_rx_timeout(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 35
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_rx_timeout()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 35)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_rx_timeout {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[35] = bsn_pdu_rx_timeout
+class bsn_pdu_tx_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 32
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_tx_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 32)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_tx_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[32] = bsn_pdu_tx_reply
+class bsn_pdu_tx_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 31
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, tx_interval_ms=None, port_no=None, slot_num=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if tx_interval_ms != None:
+            self.tx_interval_ms = tx_interval_ms
+        else:
+            self.tx_interval_ms = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if slot_num != None:
+            self.slot_num = slot_num
+        else:
+            self.slot_num = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.tx_interval_ms))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.slot_num))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_pdu_tx_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 31)
+        obj.tx_interval_ms = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.slot_num = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.tx_interval_ms != other.tx_interval_ms: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.slot_num != other.slot_num: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_pdu_tx_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_interval_ms = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_interval_ms)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("slot_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.slot_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[31] = bsn_pdu_tx_request
+class bsn_port_counter_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 8
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_port_counter_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 8)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_port_counter_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_port_counter_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[8] = bsn_port_counter_stats_reply
+class bsn_port_counter_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 8
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, port_no=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_port_counter_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 8)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_port_counter_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[8] = bsn_port_counter_stats_request
+class bsn_set_aux_cxns_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 59
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, num_aux=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if num_aux != None:
+            self.num_aux = num_aux
+        else:
+            self.num_aux = 0
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.num_aux))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_aux_cxns_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 59)
+        obj.num_aux = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.num_aux != other.num_aux: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_aux_cxns_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("num_aux = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.num_aux)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[59] = bsn_set_aux_cxns_reply
+class bsn_set_aux_cxns_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 58
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, num_aux=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if num_aux != None:
+            self.num_aux = num_aux
+        else:
+            self.num_aux = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.num_aux))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_aux_cxns_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 58)
+        obj.num_aux = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.num_aux != other.num_aux: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_aux_cxns_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("num_aux = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.num_aux)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[58] = bsn_set_aux_cxns_request
+class bsn_set_lacp_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 42
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None, port_no=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_lacp_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 42)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_lacp_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[42] = bsn_set_lacp_reply
+class bsn_set_lacp_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 41
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enabled=None, port_no=None, actor_sys_priority=None, actor_sys_mac=None, actor_port_priority=None, actor_port_num=None, actor_key=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enabled != None:
+            self.enabled = enabled
+        else:
+            self.enabled = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if actor_sys_priority != None:
+            self.actor_sys_priority = actor_sys_priority
+        else:
+            self.actor_sys_priority = 0
+        if actor_sys_mac != None:
+            self.actor_sys_mac = actor_sys_mac
+        else:
+            self.actor_sys_mac = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if actor_port_priority != None:
+            self.actor_port_priority = actor_port_priority
+        else:
+            self.actor_port_priority = 0
+        if actor_port_num != None:
+            self.actor_port_num = actor_port_num
+        else:
+            self.actor_port_num = 0
+        if actor_key != None:
+            self.actor_key = actor_key
+        else:
+            self.actor_key = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.enabled))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_sys_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.actor_sys_mac))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_port_priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_port_num))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.actor_key))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_lacp_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 41)
+        obj.enabled = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.actor_sys_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actor_sys_mac = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.actor_port_priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actor_port_num = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.actor_key = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enabled != other.enabled: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.actor_sys_priority != other.actor_sys_priority: return False
+        if self.actor_sys_mac != other.actor_sys_mac: return False
+        if self.actor_port_priority != other.actor_port_priority: return False
+        if self.actor_port_num != other.actor_port_num: return False
+        if self.actor_key != other.actor_key: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_lacp_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enabled = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enabled)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_sys_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_sys_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_sys_mac = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.actor_sys_mac))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_port_priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_port_priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_port_num = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_port_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actor_key = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actor_key)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[41] = bsn_set_lacp_request
+class bsn_set_mirroring(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, report_mirror_ports=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if report_mirror_ports != None:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = report_mirror_ports
+        else:
+            self.report_mirror_ports = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.report_mirror_ports))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_mirroring()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 3)
+        obj.report_mirror_ports = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.report_mirror_ports != other.report_mirror_ports: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_mirroring {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("report_mirror_ports = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.report_mirror_ports)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[3] = bsn_set_mirroring
+class bsn_set_pktin_suppression_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 25
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_pktin_suppression_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 25)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_pktin_suppression_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[25] = bsn_set_pktin_suppression_reply
+class bsn_set_pktin_suppression_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, enabled=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, cookie=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if enabled != None:
+            self.enabled = enabled
+        else:
+            self.enabled = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.enabled))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_pktin_suppression_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 11)
+        obj.enabled = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.enabled != other.enabled: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_pktin_suppression_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("enabled = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.enabled)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[11] = bsn_set_pktin_suppression_request
+class bsn_set_switch_pipeline_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 54
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_switch_pipeline_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 54)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_switch_pipeline_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[54] = bsn_set_switch_pipeline_reply
+class bsn_set_switch_pipeline_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 53
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, pipeline=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if pipeline != None:
+            self.pipeline = pipeline
+        else:
+            self.pipeline = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.pipeline))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_set_switch_pipeline_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 53)
+        obj.pipeline = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.pipeline != other.pipeline: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_set_switch_pipeline_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("pipeline = ");
+                q.pp(self.pipeline)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[53] = bsn_set_switch_pipeline_request
+class bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 6)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[6] = bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_reply
+class bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 6)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[6] = bsn_switch_pipeline_stats_request
+class bsn_table_checksum_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_table_checksum_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 11)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_table_checksum_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_table_checksum_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[11] = bsn_table_checksum_stats_reply
+class bsn_table_checksum_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_table_checksum_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 11)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_table_checksum_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[11] = bsn_table_checksum_stats_request
+class bsn_table_set_buckets_size(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 61
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, table_id=None, buckets_size=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if buckets_size != None:
+            self.buckets_size = buckets_size
+        else:
+            self.buckets_size = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buckets_size))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_table_set_buckets_size()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 61)
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.buckets_size = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.buckets_size != other.buckets_size: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_table_set_buckets_size {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets_size = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buckets_size)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[61] = bsn_table_set_buckets_size
+class bsn_takeover(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 69
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_takeover()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 69)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_takeover {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[69] = bsn_takeover
+class bsn_time_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 45
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, time_ms=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if time_ms != None:
+            self.time_ms = time_ms
+        else:
+            self.time_ms = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.time_ms))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_time_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 45)
+        obj.time_ms = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.time_ms != other.time_ms: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_time_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("time_ms = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.time_ms)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[45] = bsn_time_reply
+class bsn_time_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 44
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_time_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 44)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_time_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[44] = bsn_time_request
+class bsn_virtual_port_create_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 16
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None, vport_no=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        if vport_no != None:
+            self.vport_no = vport_no
+        else:
+            self.vport_no = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vport_no))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_virtual_port_create_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 16)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.vport_no = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        if self.vport_no != other.vport_no: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_virtual_port_create_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vport_no = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vport_no)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[16] = bsn_virtual_port_create_reply
+class bsn_virtual_port_create_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 15
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, vport=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if vport != None:
+            self.vport = vport
+        else:
+            self.vport = ofp.bsn_vport()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(self.vport.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_virtual_port_create_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 15)
+        obj.vport = ofp.bsn_vport.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.vport != other.vport: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_virtual_port_create_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vport = ");
+                q.pp(self.vport)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[15] = bsn_virtual_port_create_request
+class bsn_virtual_port_remove_reply(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 26
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, status=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if status != None:
+            self.status = status
+        else:
+            self.status = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.status))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_virtual_port_remove_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 26)
+        obj.status = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.status != other.status: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_virtual_port_remove_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("status = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.status)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[26] = bsn_virtual_port_remove_reply
+class bsn_virtual_port_remove_request(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 17
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, vport_no=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if vport_no != None:
+            self.vport_no = vport_no
+        else:
+            self.vport_no = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vport_no))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_virtual_port_remove_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 17)
+        obj.vport_no = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.vport_no != other.vport_no: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_virtual_port_remove_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vport_no = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vport_no)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[17] = bsn_virtual_port_remove_request
+class bsn_vlan_counter_clear(bsn_header):
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 70
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, vlan_vid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if vlan_vid != None:
+            self.vlan_vid = vlan_vid
+        else:
+            self.vlan_vid = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.vlan_vid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vlan_counter_clear()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 70)
+        obj.vlan_vid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.vlan_vid != other.vlan_vid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vlan_counter_clear {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_vid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_vid)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_header.subtypes[70] = bsn_vlan_counter_clear
+class bsn_vlan_counter_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vlan_counter_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 9)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_vlan_counter_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vlan_counter_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[9] = bsn_vlan_counter_stats_reply
+class bsn_vlan_counter_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, vlan_vid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if vlan_vid != None:
+            self.vlan_vid = vlan_vid
+        else:
+            self.vlan_vid = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.vlan_vid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vlan_counter_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 9)
+        obj.vlan_vid = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.vlan_vid != other.vlan_vid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vlan_counter_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vlan_vid = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vlan_vid)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[9] = bsn_vlan_counter_stats_request
+class bsn_vrf_counter_stats_reply(bsn_stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 15
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vrf_counter_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 15)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bsn_vrf_counter_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vrf_counter_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_reply.subtypes[15] = bsn_vrf_counter_stats_reply
+class bsn_vrf_counter_stats_request(bsn_stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    subtype = 15
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, vrf=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if vrf != None:
+            self.vrf = vrf
+        else:
+            self.vrf = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.vrf))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vrf_counter_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 65535)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_subtype == 15)
+        obj.vrf = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.vrf != other.vrf: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vrf_counter_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("vrf = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.vrf)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn_stats_request.subtypes[15] = bsn_vrf_counter_stats_request
+class bundle_add_msg(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 34
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, bundle_id=None, flags=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if bundle_id != None:
+            self.bundle_id = bundle_id
+        else:
+            self.bundle_id = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.bundle_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bundle_add_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 34)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.bundle_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.bundle_id != other.bundle_id: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bundle_add_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("bundle_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.bundle_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[34] = bundle_add_msg
+class bundle_ctrl_msg(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 33
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, bundle_id=None, bundle_ctrl_type=None, flags=None, properties=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if bundle_id != None:
+            self.bundle_id = bundle_id
+        else:
+            self.bundle_id = 0
+        if bundle_ctrl_type != None:
+            self.bundle_ctrl_type = bundle_ctrl_type
+        else:
+            self.bundle_ctrl_type = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if properties != None:
+            self.properties = properties
+        else:
+            self.properties = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.bundle_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.bundle_ctrl_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.properties))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bundle_ctrl_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 33)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.bundle_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.bundle_ctrl_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.properties = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.bundle_prop.bundle_prop.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.bundle_id != other.bundle_id: return False
+        if self.bundle_ctrl_type != other.bundle_ctrl_type: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.properties != other.properties: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bundle_ctrl_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("bundle_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.bundle_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("bundle_ctrl_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.bundle_ctrl_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("properties = ");
+                q.pp(self.properties)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[33] = bundle_ctrl_msg
+class bundle_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 17
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bundle_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 17)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bundle_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[17] = bundle_failed_error_msg
+class desc_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, mfr_desc=None, hw_desc=None, sw_desc=None, serial_num=None, dp_desc=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if mfr_desc != None:
+            self.mfr_desc = mfr_desc
+        else:
+            self.mfr_desc = ""
+        if hw_desc != None:
+            self.hw_desc = hw_desc
+        else:
+            self.hw_desc = ""
+        if sw_desc != None:
+            self.sw_desc = sw_desc
+        else:
+            self.sw_desc = ""
+        if serial_num != None:
+            self.serial_num = serial_num
+        else:
+            self.serial_num = ""
+        if dp_desc != None:
+            self.dp_desc = dp_desc
+        else:
+            self.dp_desc = ""
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.mfr_desc))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.hw_desc))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.sw_desc))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!32s", self.serial_num))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!256s", self.dp_desc))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 0)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.mfr_desc = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.hw_desc = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.sw_desc = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.serial_num = reader.read("!32s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        obj.dp_desc = reader.read("!256s")[0].rstrip("\x00")
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.mfr_desc != other.mfr_desc: return False
+        if self.hw_desc != other.hw_desc: return False
+        if self.sw_desc != other.sw_desc: return False
+        if self.serial_num != other.serial_num: return False
+        if self.dp_desc != other.dp_desc: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("mfr_desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.mfr_desc)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hw_desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.hw_desc)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("sw_desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.sw_desc)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("serial_num = ");
+                q.pp(self.serial_num)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("dp_desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.dp_desc)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[0] = desc_stats_reply
+class desc_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 0)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[0] = desc_stats_request
+class echo_reply(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = echo_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 3)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("echo_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[3] = echo_reply
+class echo_request(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = echo_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("echo_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[2] = echo_request
+class features_reply(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, datapath_id=None, n_buffers=None, n_tables=None, auxiliary_id=None, capabilities=None, reserved=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if datapath_id != None:
+            self.datapath_id = datapath_id
+        else:
+            self.datapath_id = 0
+        if n_buffers != None:
+            self.n_buffers = n_buffers
+        else:
+            self.n_buffers = 0
+        if n_tables != None:
+            self.n_tables = n_tables
+        else:
+            self.n_tables = 0
+        if auxiliary_id != None:
+            self.auxiliary_id = auxiliary_id
+        else:
+            self.auxiliary_id = 0
+        if capabilities != None:
+            self.capabilities = capabilities
+        else:
+            self.capabilities = 0
+        if reserved != None:
+            self.reserved = reserved
+        else:
+            self.reserved = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.datapath_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.n_buffers))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.n_tables))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.auxiliary_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.capabilities))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.reserved))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = features_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 6)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.datapath_id = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.n_buffers = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.n_tables = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.auxiliary_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.capabilities = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.reserved = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.datapath_id != other.datapath_id: return False
+        if self.n_buffers != other.n_buffers: return False
+        if self.n_tables != other.n_tables: return False
+        if self.auxiliary_id != other.auxiliary_id: return False
+        if self.capabilities != other.capabilities: return False
+        if self.reserved != other.reserved: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("features_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("datapath_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.datapath_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("n_buffers = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.n_buffers)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("n_tables = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.n_tables)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("auxiliary_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.auxiliary_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("capabilities = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.capabilities)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reserved = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reserved)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[6] = features_reply
+class features_request(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = features_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 5)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("features_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[5] = features_request
+class flow_mod(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 5
+    type = 14
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, _command=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if _command != None:
+            self._command = _command
+        else:
+            self._command = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('B', 25)
+        subclass = flow_mod.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = flow_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj._command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self._command != other._command: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[14] = flow_mod
+class flow_add(flow_mod):
+    version = 5
+    type = 14
+    _command = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, importance=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if importance != None:
+            self.importance = importance
+        else:
+            self.importance = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.importance))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_add()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 0)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.importance = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.importance != other.importance: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_add {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("importance = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.importance)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[0] = flow_add
+class flow_delete(flow_mod):
+    version = 5
+    type = 14
+    _command = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, importance=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if importance != None:
+            self.importance = importance
+        else:
+            self.importance = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.importance))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_delete()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 3)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.importance = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.importance != other.importance: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_delete {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("importance = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.importance)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[3] = flow_delete
+class flow_delete_strict(flow_mod):
+    version = 5
+    type = 14
+    _command = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, importance=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if importance != None:
+            self.importance = importance
+        else:
+            self.importance = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.importance))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_delete_strict()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 4)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.importance = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.importance != other.importance: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_delete_strict {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("importance = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.importance)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[4] = flow_delete_strict
+class flow_mod_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_mod_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 5)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_mod_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[5] = flow_mod_failed_error_msg
+class flow_modify(flow_mod):
+    version = 5
+    type = 14
+    _command = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, importance=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if importance != None:
+            self.importance = importance
+        else:
+            self.importance = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.importance))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_modify()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 1)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.importance = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.importance != other.importance: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_modify {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("importance = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.importance)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[1] = flow_modify
+class flow_modify_strict(flow_mod):
+    version = 5
+    type = 14
+    _command = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, table_id=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, priority=None, buffer_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, flags=None, importance=None, match=None, instructions=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if importance != None:
+            self.importance = importance
+        else:
+            self.importance = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if instructions != None:
+            self.instructions = instructions
+        else:
+            self.instructions = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_fm_cmd(self._command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.importance))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.instructions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_modify_strict()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 14)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        __command = util.unpack_fm_cmd(reader)
+        assert(__command == 2)
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.importance = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        obj.instructions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.instruction.instruction.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.importance != other.importance: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.instructions != other.instructions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_modify_strict {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("importance = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.importance)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("instructions = ");
+                q.pp(self.instructions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+flow_mod.subtypes[2] = flow_modify_strict
+class flow_monitor_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 16
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_monitor_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 16)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_monitor_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[16] = flow_monitor_failed_error_msg
+class flow_removed(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=None, priority=None, reason=None, table_id=None, duration_sec=None, duration_nsec=None, idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, packet_count=None, byte_count=None, match=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if priority != None:
+            self.priority = priority
+        else:
+            self.priority = 0
+        if reason != None:
+            self.reason = reason
+        else:
+            self.reason = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if duration_sec != None:
+            self.duration_sec = duration_sec
+        else:
+            self.duration_sec = 0
+        if duration_nsec != None:
+            self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
+        else:
+            self.duration_nsec = 0
+        if idle_timeout != None:
+            self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
+        else:
+            self.idle_timeout = 0
+        if hard_timeout != None:
+            self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
+        else:
+            self.hard_timeout = 0
+        if packet_count != None:
+            self.packet_count = packet_count
+        else:
+            self.packet_count = 0
+        if byte_count != None:
+            self.byte_count = byte_count
+        else:
+            self.byte_count = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.priority))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.reason))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_sec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.duration_nsec))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.idle_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.hard_timeout))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.packet_count))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.byte_count))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_removed()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 11)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.priority = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.reason = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.duration_sec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.duration_nsec = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.idle_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.hard_timeout = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.packet_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.byte_count = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.priority != other.priority: return False
+        if self.reason != other.reason: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.duration_sec != other.duration_sec: return False
+        if self.duration_nsec != other.duration_nsec: return False
+        if self.idle_timeout != other.idle_timeout: return False
+        if self.hard_timeout != other.hard_timeout: return False
+        if self.packet_count != other.packet_count: return False
+        if self.byte_count != other.byte_count: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_removed {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("priority = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.priority)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reason = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reason)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_sec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_sec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("duration_nsec = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.duration_nsec)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("idle_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.idle_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hard_timeout = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.hard_timeout)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("packet_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.packet_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("byte_count = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.byte_count)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[11] = flow_removed
+class flow_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 1)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.flow_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[1] = flow_stats_reply
+class flow_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, table_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None, cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, match=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if out_port != None:
+            self.out_port = out_port
+        else:
+            self.out_port = 0
+        if out_group != None:
+            self.out_group = out_group
+        else:
+            self.out_group = 0
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if cookie_mask != None:
+            self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
+        else:
+            self.cookie_mask = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.out_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.out_group))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie_mask))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = flow_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 1)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.out_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.out_group = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.cookie_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.out_port != other.out_port: return False
+        if self.out_group != other.out_group: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.cookie_mask != other.cookie_mask: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("flow_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.out_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("out_group = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.out_group)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie_mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[1] = flow_stats_request
+class get_config_reply(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 8
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, miss_send_len=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if miss_send_len != None:
+            self.miss_send_len = miss_send_len
+        else:
+            self.miss_send_len = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.miss_send_len))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = get_config_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 8)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.miss_send_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.miss_send_len != other.miss_send_len: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("get_config_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("miss_send_len = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.miss_send_len)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[8] = get_config_reply
+class get_config_request(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = get_config_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 7)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("get_config_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[7] = get_config_request
+class group_mod(message):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 5
+    type = 15
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, command=None, group_type=None, group_id=None, buckets=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if command != None:
+            self.command = command
+        else:
+            self.command = 0
+        if group_type != None:
+            self.group_type = group_type
+        else:
+            self.group_type = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if buckets != None:
+            self.buckets = buckets
+        else:
+            self.buckets = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.group_type))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.buckets))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 8)
+        subclass = group_mod.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = group_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.command = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.group_type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buckets = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.command != other.command: return False
+        if self.group_type != other.group_type: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.buckets != other.buckets: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets = ");
+                q.pp(self.buckets)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[15] = group_mod
+class group_add(group_mod):
+    version = 5
+    type = 15
+    command = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, group_type=None, group_id=None, buckets=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if group_type != None:
+            self.group_type = group_type
+        else:
+            self.group_type = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if buckets != None:
+            self.buckets = buckets
+        else:
+            self.buckets = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.group_type))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.buckets))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_add()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _command = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_command == 0)
+        obj.group_type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buckets = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.group_type != other.group_type: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.buckets != other.buckets: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_add {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets = ");
+                q.pp(self.buckets)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+group_mod.subtypes[0] = group_add
+class group_delete(group_mod):
+    version = 5
+    type = 15
+    command = 2
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, group_type=None, group_id=None, buckets=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if group_type != None:
+            self.group_type = group_type
+        else:
+            self.group_type = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if buckets != None:
+            self.buckets = buckets
+        else:
+            self.buckets = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.group_type))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.buckets))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_delete()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _command = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_command == 2)
+        obj.group_type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buckets = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.group_type != other.group_type: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.buckets != other.buckets: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_delete {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets = ");
+                q.pp(self.buckets)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+group_mod.subtypes[2] = group_delete
+class group_desc_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 7)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.group_desc_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[7] = group_desc_stats_reply
+class group_desc_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 7)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[7] = group_desc_stats_request
+class group_features_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 8
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, types=None, capabilities=None, max_groups_all=None, max_groups_select=None, max_groups_indirect=None, max_groups_ff=None, actions_all=None, actions_select=None, actions_indirect=None, actions_ff=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if types != None:
+            self.types = types
+        else:
+            self.types = 0
+        if capabilities != None:
+            self.capabilities = capabilities
+        else:
+            self.capabilities = 0
+        if max_groups_all != None:
+            self.max_groups_all = max_groups_all
+        else:
+            self.max_groups_all = 0
+        if max_groups_select != None:
+            self.max_groups_select = max_groups_select
+        else:
+            self.max_groups_select = 0
+        if max_groups_indirect != None:
+            self.max_groups_indirect = max_groups_indirect
+        else:
+            self.max_groups_indirect = 0
+        if max_groups_ff != None:
+            self.max_groups_ff = max_groups_ff
+        else:
+            self.max_groups_ff = 0
+        if actions_all != None:
+            self.actions_all = actions_all
+        else:
+            self.actions_all = 0
+        if actions_select != None:
+            self.actions_select = actions_select
+        else:
+            self.actions_select = 0
+        if actions_indirect != None:
+            self.actions_indirect = actions_indirect
+        else:
+            self.actions_indirect = 0
+        if actions_ff != None:
+            self.actions_ff = actions_ff
+        else:
+            self.actions_ff = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.types))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.capabilities))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_groups_all))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_groups_select))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_groups_indirect))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_groups_ff))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.actions_all))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.actions_select))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.actions_indirect))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.actions_ff))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_features_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 8)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.types = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.capabilities = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_groups_all = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_groups_select = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_groups_indirect = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_groups_ff = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.actions_all = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.actions_select = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.actions_indirect = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.actions_ff = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.types != other.types: return False
+        if self.capabilities != other.capabilities: return False
+        if self.max_groups_all != other.max_groups_all: return False
+        if self.max_groups_select != other.max_groups_select: return False
+        if self.max_groups_indirect != other.max_groups_indirect: return False
+        if self.max_groups_ff != other.max_groups_ff: return False
+        if self.actions_all != other.actions_all: return False
+        if self.actions_select != other.actions_select: return False
+        if self.actions_indirect != other.actions_indirect: return False
+        if self.actions_ff != other.actions_ff: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_features_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("types = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.types)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("capabilities = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.capabilities)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_groups_all = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_groups_all)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_groups_select = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_groups_select)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_groups_indirect = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_groups_indirect)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_groups_ff = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_groups_ff)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions_all = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actions_all)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions_select = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actions_select)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions_indirect = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actions_indirect)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions_ff = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.actions_ff)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[8] = group_features_stats_reply
+class group_features_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 8
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_features_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 8)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_features_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[8] = group_features_stats_request
+class group_mod_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_mod_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 6)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_mod_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[6] = group_mod_failed_error_msg
+class group_modify(group_mod):
+    version = 5
+    type = 15
+    command = 1
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, group_type=None, group_id=None, buckets=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if group_type != None:
+            self.group_type = group_type
+        else:
+            self.group_type = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        if buckets != None:
+            self.buckets = buckets
+        else:
+            self.buckets = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.group_type))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 1)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.buckets))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_modify()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 15)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _command = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_command == 1)
+        obj.group_type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(1)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buckets = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.bucket.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.group_type != other.group_type: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        if self.buckets != other.buckets: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_modify {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buckets = ");
+                q.pp(self.buckets)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+group_mod.subtypes[1] = group_modify
+class group_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 6)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.group_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[6] = group_stats_reply
+class group_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 6
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, group_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if group_id != None:
+            self.group_id = group_id
+        else:
+            self.group_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.group_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = group_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 6)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.group_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.group_id != other.group_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("group_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("group_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.group_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[6] = group_stats_request
+class hello(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, elements=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if elements != None:
+            self.elements = elements
+        else:
+            self.elements = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.elements))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = hello()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.elements = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.hello_elem.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.elements != other.elements: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hello {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("elements = ");
+                q.pp(self.elements)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[0] = hello
+class hello_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 0
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = hello_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 0)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("hello_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[0] = hello_failed_error_msg
+class meter_config_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_config_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 10)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.meter_config.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_config_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[10] = meter_config_stats_reply
+class meter_config_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, meter_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if meter_id != None:
+            self.meter_id = meter_id
+        else:
+            self.meter_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.meter_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_config_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 10)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.meter_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.meter_id != other.meter_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_config_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("meter_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.meter_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[10] = meter_config_stats_request
+class meter_features_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, features=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if features != None:
+            self.features = features
+        else:
+            self.features = ofp.meter_features()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(self.features.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_features_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 11)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.features = ofp.meter_features.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.features != other.features: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_features_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("features = ");
+                q.pp(self.features)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[11] = meter_features_stats_reply
+class meter_features_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_features_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 11)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_features_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[11] = meter_features_stats_request
+class meter_mod(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 29
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, command=None, flags=None, meter_id=None, bands=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if command != None:
+            self.command = command
+        else:
+            self.command = 0
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if meter_id != None:
+            self.meter_id = meter_id
+        else:
+            self.meter_id = 0
+        if bands != None:
+            self.bands = bands
+        else:
+            self.bands = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.command))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.meter_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.bands))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 29)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.command = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.meter_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.bands = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.meter_band.meter_band.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.command != other.command: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.meter_id != other.meter_id: return False
+        if self.bands != other.bands: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("command = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.command)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("meter_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.meter_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("bands = ");
+                q.pp(self.bands)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[29] = meter_mod
+class meter_mod_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 12
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_mod_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 12)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_mod_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[12] = meter_mod_failed_error_msg
+class meter_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 9)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.meter_stats.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[9] = meter_stats_reply
+class meter_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, meter_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if meter_id != None:
+            self.meter_id = meter_id
+        else:
+            self.meter_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.meter_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = meter_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 9)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.meter_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.meter_id != other.meter_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("meter_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.meter_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[9] = meter_stats_request
+class nicira_header(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    version = 5
+    type = 4
+    experimenter = 8992
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, subtype=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if subtype != None:
+            self.subtype = subtype
+        else:
+            self.subtype = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.subtype))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 12)
+        subclass = nicira_header.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = nicira_header()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 4)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 8992)
+        obj.subtype = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.subtype != other.subtype: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("nicira_header {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[8992] = nicira_header
+class packet_in(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, buffer_id=None, total_len=None, reason=None, table_id=None, cookie=None, match=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if total_len != None:
+            self.total_len = total_len
+        else:
+            self.total_len = 0
+        if reason != None:
+            self.reason = reason
+        else:
+            self.reason = 0
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if cookie != None:
+            self.cookie = cookie
+        else:
+            self.cookie = 0
+        if match != None:
+            self.match = match
+        else:
+            self.match = ofp.match()
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.total_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.reason))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.cookie))
+        packed.append(self.match.pack())
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = packet_in()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 10)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.total_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.reason = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.cookie = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.match = ofp.match.unpack(reader)
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.total_len != other.total_len: return False
+        if self.reason != other.reason: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.cookie != other.cookie: return False
+        if self.match != other.match: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("packet_in {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("total_len = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.total_len)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reason = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reason)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("cookie = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.cookie)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("match = ");
+                q.pp(self.match)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[10] = packet_in
+class packet_out(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 13
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, buffer_id=None, in_port=None, actions=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if buffer_id != None:
+            self.buffer_id = buffer_id
+        else:
+            self.buffer_id = 0
+        if in_port != None:
+            self.in_port = in_port
+        else:
+            self.in_port = 0
+        if actions != None:
+            self.actions = actions
+        else:
+            self.actions = []
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.buffer_id))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.in_port))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for actions_len at index 6
+        packed.append('\x00' * 6)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.actions))
+        packed[6] = struct.pack("!H", len(packed[-1]))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = packet_out()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 13)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.buffer_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.in_port = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        _actions_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(6)
+        obj.actions = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader.slice(_actions_len), ofp.action.action.unpack)
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.buffer_id != other.buffer_id: return False
+        if self.in_port != other.in_port: return False
+        if self.actions != other.actions: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("packet_out {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("buffer_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.buffer_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("in_port = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.in_port))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("actions = ");
+                q.pp(self.actions)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[13] = packet_out
+class port_desc_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 13
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 13)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.port_desc.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[13] = port_desc_stats_reply
+class port_desc_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 13
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 13)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[13] = port_desc_stats_request
+class port_mod(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 16
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, port_no=None, hw_addr=None, config=None, mask=None, properties=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if hw_addr != None:
+            self.hw_addr = hw_addr
+        else:
+            self.hw_addr = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if config != None:
+            self.config = config
+        else:
+            self.config = 0
+        if mask != None:
+            self.mask = mask
+        else:
+            self.mask = 0
+        if properties != None:
+            self.properties = properties
+        else:
+            self.properties = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.hw_addr))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.config))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.mask))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.properties))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 16)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.hw_addr = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        reader.skip(2)
+        obj.config = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.properties = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.port_mod_prop.port_mod_prop.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.hw_addr != other.hw_addr: return False
+        if self.config != other.config: return False
+        if self.mask != other.mask: return False
+        if self.properties != other.properties: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("hw_addr = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.hw_addr))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("config = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.config)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.mask)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("properties = ");
+                q.pp(self.properties)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[16] = port_mod
+class port_mod_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 7
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_mod_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 7)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_mod_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[7] = port_mod_failed_error_msg
+class port_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 4)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.port_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[4] = port_stats_reply
+class port_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 4
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, port_no=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 4)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[4] = port_stats_request
+class port_status(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 12
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, reason=None, desc=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if reason != None:
+            self.reason = reason
+        else:
+            self.reason = 0
+        if desc != None:
+            self.desc = desc
+        else:
+            self.desc = ofp.port_desc()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.reason))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 7)
+        packed.append(self.desc.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = port_status()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 12)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.reason = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(7)
+        obj.desc = ofp.port_desc.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.reason != other.reason: return False
+        if self.desc != other.desc: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_status {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reason = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reason)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("desc = ");
+                q.pp(self.desc)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[12] = port_status
+class queue_desc_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 15
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 15)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.queue_desc.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[15] = queue_desc_stats_reply
+class queue_desc_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 15
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 15)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[15] = queue_desc_stats_request
+class queue_op_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_op_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 9)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_op_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[9] = queue_op_failed_error_msg
+class queue_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 5)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.queue_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[5] = queue_stats_reply
+class queue_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 5
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, port_no=None, queue_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if port_no != None:
+            self.port_no = port_no
+        else:
+            self.port_no = 0
+        if queue_id != None:
+            self.queue_id = queue_id
+        else:
+            self.queue_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.port_no))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.queue_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = queue_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 5)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.port_no = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.queue_id = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.port_no != other.port_no: return False
+        if self.queue_id != other.queue_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("port_no = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.port_no))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("queue_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.queue_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[5] = queue_stats_request
+class requestforward(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 32
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, role=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if role != None:
+            self.role = role
+        else:
+            self.role = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.role))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = requestforward()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 32)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.role = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.role != other.role: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("requestforward {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("role = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.role)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[32] = requestforward
+class role_reply(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 25
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, role=None, generation_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if role != None:
+            self.role = role
+        else:
+            self.role = 0
+        if generation_id != None:
+            self.generation_id = generation_id
+        else:
+            self.generation_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.role))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.generation_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = role_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 25)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.role = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.generation_id = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.role != other.role: return False
+        if self.generation_id != other.generation_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("role_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("role = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.role)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("generation_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.generation_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[25] = role_reply
+class role_request(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 24
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, role=None, generation_id=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if role != None:
+            self.role = role
+        else:
+            self.role = 0
+        if generation_id != None:
+            self.generation_id = generation_id
+        else:
+            self.generation_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.role))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.generation_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = role_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 24)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.role = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.generation_id = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.role != other.role: return False
+        if self.generation_id != other.generation_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("role_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("role = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.role)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("generation_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.generation_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[24] = role_request
+class role_request_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 11
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = role_request_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 11)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("role_request_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[11] = role_request_failed_error_msg
+class role_status(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 30
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, role=None, reason=None, generation_id=None, properties=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if role != None:
+            self.role = role
+        else:
+            self.role = 0
+        if reason != None:
+            self.reason = reason
+        else:
+            self.reason = 0
+        if generation_id != None:
+            self.generation_id = generation_id
+        else:
+            self.generation_id = 0
+        if properties != None:
+            self.properties = properties
+        else:
+            self.properties = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.role))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.reason))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.generation_id))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.properties))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = role_status()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 30)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.role = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.reason = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.generation_id = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.properties = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.role_prop.role_prop.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.role != other.role: return False
+        if self.reason != other.reason: return False
+        if self.generation_id != other.generation_id: return False
+        if self.properties != other.properties: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("role_status {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("role = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.role)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reason = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reason)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("generation_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.generation_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("properties = ");
+                q.pp(self.properties)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[30] = role_status
+class set_config(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 9
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, miss_send_len=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if miss_send_len != None:
+            self.miss_send_len = miss_send_len
+        else:
+            self.miss_send_len = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.miss_send_len))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = set_config()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 9)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.miss_send_len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.miss_send_len != other.miss_send_len: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("set_config {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("miss_send_len = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.miss_send_len)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[9] = set_config
+class switch_config_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 10
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = switch_config_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 10)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("switch_config_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[10] = switch_config_failed_error_msg
+class table_desc_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 14
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_desc_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 14)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.table_desc.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_desc_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[14] = table_desc_stats_reply
+class table_desc_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 14
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_desc_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 14)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_desc_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[14] = table_desc_stats_request
+class table_features_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 13
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_features_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 13)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_features_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[13] = table_features_failed_error_msg
+class table_features_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 12
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_features_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 12)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.table_features.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_features_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[12] = table_features_stats_reply
+class table_features_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 12
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_features_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 12)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.table_features.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_features_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[12] = table_features_stats_request
+class table_mod(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 17
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, table_id=None, config=None, properties=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if table_id != None:
+            self.table_id = table_id
+        else:
+            self.table_id = 0
+        if config != None:
+            self.config = config
+        else:
+            self.config = 0
+        if properties != None:
+            self.properties = properties
+        else:
+            self.properties = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.table_id))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.config))
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.properties))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_mod()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 17)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.table_id = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        obj.config = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.properties = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.table_mod_prop.table_mod_prop.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.table_id != other.table_id: return False
+        if self.config != other.config: return False
+        if self.properties != other.properties: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_mod {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.table_id)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("config = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.config)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("properties = ");
+                q.pp(self.properties)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[17] = table_mod
+class table_mod_failed_error_msg(error_msg):
+    version = 5
+    type = 1
+    err_type = 8
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, code=None, data=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if code != None:
+            self.code = code
+        else:
+            self.code = 0
+        if data != None:
+            self.data = data
+        else:
+            self.data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.err_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.code))
+        packed.append(self.data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_mod_failed_error_msg()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _err_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_err_type == 8)
+        obj.code = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.code != other.code: return False
+        if self.data != other.data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_mod_failed_error_msg {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("code = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.code)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("data = ");
+                q.pp(self.data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+error_msg.subtypes[8] = table_mod_failed_error_msg
+class table_stats_reply(stats_reply):
+    version = 5
+    type = 19
+    stats_type = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None, entries=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if entries != None:
+            self.entries = entries
+        else:
+            self.entries = []
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(loxi.generic_util.pack_list(self.entries))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_stats_reply()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 19)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 3)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.entries = loxi.generic_util.unpack_list(reader, ofp.common.table_stats_entry.unpack)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.entries != other.entries: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_stats_reply {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("entries = ");
+                q.pp(self.entries)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_reply.subtypes[3] = table_stats_reply
+class table_stats_request(stats_request):
+    version = 5
+    type = 18
+    stats_type = 3
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, flags=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.stats_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.flags))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_stats_request()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 18)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        _stats_type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_stats_type == 3)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_stats_request {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+stats_request.subtypes[3] = table_stats_request
+class table_status(message):
+    version = 5
+    type = 31
+    def __init__(self, xid=None, role=None, reason=None, table=None):
+        if xid != None:
+            self.xid = xid
+        else:
+            self.xid = None
+        if role != None:
+            self.role = role
+        else:
+            self.role = 0
+        if reason != None:
+            self.reason = reason
+        else:
+            self.reason = 0
+        if table != None:
+            self.table = table
+        else:
+            self.table = ofp.table_desc()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.version))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 2
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.xid))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.role))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.reason))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 7)
+        packed.append(self.table.pack())
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[2] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = table_status()
+        _version = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_version == 5)
+        _type = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        assert(_type == 31)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.xid = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.role = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.reason = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(7)
+        obj.table = ofp.table_desc.unpack(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.xid != other.xid: return False
+        if self.role != other.role: return False
+        if self.reason != other.reason: return False
+        if self.table != other.table: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_status {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("xid = ");
+                if self.xid != None:
+                    q.text("%#x" % self.xid)
+                else:
+                    q.text('None')
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("role = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.role)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("reason = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.reason)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("table = ");
+                q.pp(self.table)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+message.subtypes[31] = table_status
+def parse_header(buf):
+    if len(buf) < 8:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("too short to be an OpenFlow message")
+    return struct.unpack_from("!BBHL", buf)
+def parse_message(buf):
+    msg_ver, msg_type, msg_len, msg_xid = parse_header(buf)
+    if msg_ver != ofp.OFP_VERSION and msg_type != ofp.OFPT_HELLO:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("wrong OpenFlow version (expected %d, got %d)" % (ofp.OFP_VERSION, msg_ver))
+    if len(buf) != msg_len:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("incorrect message size")
+    return message.unpack(loxi.generic_util.OFReader(buf))
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/meter_band.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/meter_band.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21ca49e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/meter_band.py
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of14']
+class meter_band(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = meter_band.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = meter_band()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("meter_band {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class drop(meter_band):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, rate=None, burst_size=None):
+        if rate != None:
+            self.rate = rate
+        else:
+            self.rate = 0
+        if burst_size != None:
+            self.burst_size = burst_size
+        else:
+            self.burst_size = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.rate))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.burst_size))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = drop()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.rate = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.burst_size = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        reader.skip(4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.rate != other.rate: return False
+        if self.burst_size != other.burst_size: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("drop {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("burst_size = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.burst_size)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+meter_band.subtypes[1] = drop
+class dscp_remark(meter_band):
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, rate=None, burst_size=None, prec_level=None):
+        if rate != None:
+            self.rate = rate
+        else:
+            self.rate = 0
+        if burst_size != None:
+            self.burst_size = burst_size
+        else:
+            self.burst_size = 0
+        if prec_level != None:
+            self.prec_level = prec_level
+        else:
+            self.prec_level = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.rate))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.burst_size))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.prec_level))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 3)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = dscp_remark()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.rate = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.burst_size = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.prec_level = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        reader.skip(3)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.rate != other.rate: return False
+        if self.burst_size != other.burst_size: return False
+        if self.prec_level != other.prec_level: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("dscp_remark {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("burst_size = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.burst_size)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("prec_level = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.prec_level)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+meter_band.subtypes[2] = dscp_remark
+class experimenter(meter_band):
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, rate=None, burst_size=None, experimenter=None):
+        if rate != None:
+            self.rate = rate
+        else:
+            self.rate = 0
+        if burst_size != None:
+            self.burst_size = burst_size
+        else:
+            self.burst_size = 0
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for len at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.rate))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.burst_size))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _len = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_len, 4)
+        obj.rate = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.burst_size = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.rate != other.rate: return False
+        if self.burst_size != other.burst_size: return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("burst_size = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.burst_size)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("experimenter = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.experimenter)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+meter_band.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/oxm.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/oxm.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d446ebe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/oxm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6143 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of14']
+class oxm(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type_len=None):
+        if type_len != None:
+            self.type_len = type_len
+        else:
+            self.type_len = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 0)
+        subclass = oxm.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = oxm()
+        obj.type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type_len != other.type_len: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("oxm {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class arp_op(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147494402
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_op()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147494402)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_op {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147494402] = arp_op
+class arp_op_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147494660
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_op_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147494660)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_op_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147494660] = arp_op_masked
+class arp_sha(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147495942
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_sha()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147495942)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_sha {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147495942] = arp_sha
+class arp_sha_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147496204
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_sha_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147496204)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_sha_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147496204] = arp_sha_masked
+class arp_spa(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147494916
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_spa()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147494916)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_spa {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147494916] = arp_spa
+class arp_spa_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147495176
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_spa_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147495176)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_spa_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147495176] = arp_spa_masked
+class arp_tha(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147496454
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_tha()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147496454)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_tha {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147496454] = arp_tha
+class arp_tha_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147496716
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_tha_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147496716)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_tha_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147496716] = arp_tha_masked
+class arp_tpa(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147495428
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_tpa()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147495428)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_tpa {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147495428] = arp_tpa
+class arp_tpa_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147495688
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = arp_tpa_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147495688)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("arp_tpa_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147495688] = arp_tpa_masked
+class bsn_egr_port_group_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 200196
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_egr_port_group_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 200196)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_egr_port_group_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[200196] = bsn_egr_port_group_id
+class bsn_egr_port_group_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 200456
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_egr_port_group_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 200456)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_egr_port_group_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[200456] = bsn_egr_port_group_id_masked
+class bsn_in_ports_128(oxm):
+    type_len = 196624
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = set()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_bitmap_128(self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_in_ports_128()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 196624)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_bitmap_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_in_ports_128 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[196624] = bsn_in_ports_128
+class bsn_in_ports_128_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 196896
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = set()
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = set()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_bitmap_128(self.value))
+        packed.append(util.pack_bitmap_128(self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_in_ports_128_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 196896)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_bitmap_128(reader)
+        obj.value_mask = util.unpack_bitmap_128(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_in_ports_128_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[196896] = bsn_in_ports_128_masked
+class bsn_in_ports_512(oxm):
+    type_len = 206400
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = set()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_bitmap_512(self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_in_ports_512()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 206400)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_bitmap_512(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_in_ports_512 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[206400] = bsn_in_ports_512
+class bsn_in_ports_512_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 206720
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = set()
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = set()
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_bitmap_512(self.value))
+        packed.append(util.pack_bitmap_512(self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_in_ports_512_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 206720)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_bitmap_512(reader)
+        obj.value_mask = util.unpack_bitmap_512(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_in_ports_512_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[206720] = bsn_in_ports_512_masked
+class bsn_ingress_port_group_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 206852
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_ingress_port_group_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 206852)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_ingress_port_group_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[206852] = bsn_ingress_port_group_id
+class bsn_ingress_port_group_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 207112
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_ingress_port_group_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 207112)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_ingress_port_group_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[207112] = bsn_ingress_port_group_id_masked
+class bsn_inner_eth_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 207878
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_inner_eth_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 207878)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_inner_eth_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[207878] = bsn_inner_eth_dst
+class bsn_inner_eth_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 208140
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_inner_eth_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 208140)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_inner_eth_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[208140] = bsn_inner_eth_dst_masked
+class bsn_inner_eth_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 208390
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_inner_eth_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 208390)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_inner_eth_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[208390] = bsn_inner_eth_src
+class bsn_inner_eth_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 208652
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_inner_eth_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 208652)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_inner_eth_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[208652] = bsn_inner_eth_src_masked
+class bsn_inner_vlan_vid(oxm):
+    type_len = 208898
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_inner_vlan_vid()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 208898)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_inner_vlan_vid {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[208898] = bsn_inner_vlan_vid
+class bsn_inner_vlan_vid_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 209156
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_inner_vlan_vid_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 209156)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_inner_vlan_vid_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[209156] = bsn_inner_vlan_vid_masked
+class bsn_l2_cache_hit(oxm):
+    type_len = 205825
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l2_cache_hit()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 205825)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l2_cache_hit {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[205825] = bsn_l2_cache_hit
+class bsn_l2_cache_hit_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 206082
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l2_cache_hit_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 206082)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l2_cache_hit_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[206082] = bsn_l2_cache_hit_masked
+class bsn_l3_interface_class_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 198660
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l3_interface_class_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 198660)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l3_interface_class_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[198660] = bsn_l3_interface_class_id
+class bsn_l3_interface_class_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 198920
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l3_interface_class_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 198920)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l3_interface_class_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[198920] = bsn_l3_interface_class_id_masked
+class bsn_l3_src_class_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 199172
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l3_src_class_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 199172)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l3_src_class_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[199172] = bsn_l3_src_class_id
+class bsn_l3_src_class_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 199432
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_l3_src_class_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 199432)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_l3_src_class_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[199432] = bsn_l3_src_class_id_masked
+class bsn_lag_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 197124
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lag_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 197124)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lag_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[197124] = bsn_lag_id
+class bsn_lag_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 197384
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_lag_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 197384)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_lag_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[197384] = bsn_lag_id_masked
+class bsn_tcp_flags(oxm):
+    type_len = 204802
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_tcp_flags()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 204802)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_tcp_flags {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[204802] = bsn_tcp_flags
+class bsn_tcp_flags_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 205060
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_tcp_flags_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 205060)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_tcp_flags_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[205060] = bsn_tcp_flags_masked
+class bsn_udf0(oxm):
+    type_len = 200708
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf0()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 200708)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf0 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[200708] = bsn_udf0
+class bsn_udf0_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 200968
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf0_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 200968)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf0_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[200968] = bsn_udf0_masked
+class bsn_udf1(oxm):
+    type_len = 201220
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf1()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 201220)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf1 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[201220] = bsn_udf1
+class bsn_udf1_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 201480
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf1_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 201480)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf1_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[201480] = bsn_udf1_masked
+class bsn_udf2(oxm):
+    type_len = 201732
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf2()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 201732)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf2 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[201732] = bsn_udf2
+class bsn_udf2_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 201992
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf2_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 201992)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf2_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[201992] = bsn_udf2_masked
+class bsn_udf3(oxm):
+    type_len = 202244
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf3()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 202244)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf3 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[202244] = bsn_udf3
+class bsn_udf3_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 202504
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf3_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 202504)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf3_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[202504] = bsn_udf3_masked
+class bsn_udf4(oxm):
+    type_len = 202756
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf4()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 202756)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf4 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[202756] = bsn_udf4
+class bsn_udf4_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 203016
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf4_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 203016)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf4_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[203016] = bsn_udf4_masked
+class bsn_udf5(oxm):
+    type_len = 203268
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf5()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 203268)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf5 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[203268] = bsn_udf5
+class bsn_udf5_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 203528
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf5_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 203528)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf5_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[203528] = bsn_udf5_masked
+class bsn_udf6(oxm):
+    type_len = 203780
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf6()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 203780)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf6 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[203780] = bsn_udf6
+class bsn_udf6_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 204040
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf6_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 204040)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf6_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[204040] = bsn_udf6_masked
+class bsn_udf7(oxm):
+    type_len = 204292
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf7()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 204292)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf7 {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[204292] = bsn_udf7
+class bsn_udf7_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 204552
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_udf7_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 204552)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_udf7_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[204552] = bsn_udf7_masked
+class bsn_vfi(oxm):
+    type_len = 209410
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vfi()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 209410)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vfi {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[209410] = bsn_vfi
+class bsn_vfi_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 209668
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vfi_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 209668)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vfi_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[209668] = bsn_vfi_masked
+class bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 205316
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 205316)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[205316] = bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id
+class bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 205576
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 205576)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[205576] = bsn_vlan_xlate_port_group_id_masked
+class bsn_vrf(oxm):
+    type_len = 197636
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vrf()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 197636)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vrf {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[197636] = bsn_vrf
+class bsn_vrf_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 197896
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vrf_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 197896)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vrf_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[197896] = bsn_vrf_masked
+class bsn_vxlan_network_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 207364
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vxlan_network_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 207364)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vxlan_network_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[207364] = bsn_vxlan_network_id
+class bsn_vxlan_network_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 207624
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_vxlan_network_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 207624)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_vxlan_network_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[207624] = bsn_vxlan_network_id_masked
+class eth_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147485190
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147485190)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147485190] = eth_dst
+class eth_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147485452
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147485452)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147485452] = eth_dst_masked
+class eth_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147485702
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147485702)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147485702] = eth_src
+class eth_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147485964
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147485964)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147485964] = eth_src_masked
+class eth_type(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147486210
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_type()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147486210)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_type {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147486210] = eth_type
+class eth_type_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147486468
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = eth_type_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147486468)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("eth_type_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147486468] = eth_type_masked
+class icmpv4_code(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147493889
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv4_code()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147493889)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv4_code {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147493889] = icmpv4_code
+class icmpv4_code_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147494146
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv4_code_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147494146)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv4_code_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147494146] = icmpv4_code_masked
+class icmpv4_type(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147493377
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv4_type()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147493377)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv4_type {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147493377] = icmpv4_type
+class icmpv4_type_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147493634
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv4_type_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147493634)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv4_type_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147493634] = icmpv4_type_masked
+class icmpv6_code(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147499009
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv6_code()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147499009)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv6_code {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147499009] = icmpv6_code
+class icmpv6_code_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147499266
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv6_code_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147499266)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv6_code_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147499266] = icmpv6_code_masked
+class icmpv6_type(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147498497
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv6_type()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147498497)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv6_type {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147498497] = icmpv6_type
+class icmpv6_type_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147498754
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = icmpv6_type_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147498754)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("icmpv6_type_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147498754] = icmpv6_type_masked
+class in_phy_port(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147484164
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = in_phy_port()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147484164)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("in_phy_port {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147484164] = in_phy_port
+class in_phy_port_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147484424
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.value))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = in_phy_port_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147484424)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.value_mask = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("in_phy_port_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147484424] = in_phy_port_masked
+class in_port(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147483652
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = in_port()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147483652)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("in_port {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147483652] = in_port
+class in_port_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147483912
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.value))
+        packed.append(util.pack_port_no(self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = in_port_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147483912)
+        obj.value = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        obj.value_mask = util.unpack_port_no(reader)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("in_port_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_port(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147483912] = in_port_masked
+class ip_dscp(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147487745
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ip_dscp()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147487745)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ip_dscp {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147487745] = ip_dscp
+class ip_dscp_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147488002
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ip_dscp_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147488002)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ip_dscp_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147488002] = ip_dscp_masked
+class ip_ecn(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147488257
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ip_ecn()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147488257)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ip_ecn {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147488257] = ip_ecn
+class ip_ecn_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147488514
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ip_ecn_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147488514)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ip_ecn_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147488514] = ip_ecn_masked
+class ip_proto(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147488769
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ip_proto()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147488769)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ip_proto {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147488769] = ip_proto
+class ip_proto_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147489026
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ip_proto_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147489026)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ip_proto_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147489026] = ip_proto_masked
+class ipv4_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147489796
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv4_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147489796)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv4_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147489796] = ipv4_dst
+class ipv4_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147490056
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv4_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147490056)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv4_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147490056] = ipv4_dst_masked
+class ipv4_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147489284
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv4_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147489284)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv4_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147489284] = ipv4_src
+class ipv4_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147489544
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv4_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147489544)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv4_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147489544] = ipv4_src_masked
+class ipv6_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147497488
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147497488)
+        obj.value = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147497488] = ipv6_dst
+class ipv6_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147497760
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147497760)
+        obj.value = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147497760] = ipv6_dst_masked
+class ipv6_exthdr(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147503618
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_exthdr()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147503618)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_exthdr {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147503618] = ipv6_exthdr
+class ipv6_exthdr_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147503876
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_exthdr_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147503876)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_exthdr_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147503876] = ipv6_exthdr_masked
+class ipv6_flabel(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147497988
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_flabel()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147497988)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_flabel {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147497988] = ipv6_flabel
+class ipv6_flabel_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147498248
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_flabel_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147498248)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_flabel_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147498248] = ipv6_flabel_masked
+class ipv6_nd_sll(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147500038
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_nd_sll()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147500038)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_nd_sll {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147500038] = ipv6_nd_sll
+class ipv6_nd_sll_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147500300
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_nd_sll_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147500300)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_nd_sll_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147500300] = ipv6_nd_sll_masked
+class ipv6_nd_target(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147499536
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_nd_target()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147499536)
+        obj.value = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_nd_target {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147499536] = ipv6_nd_target
+class ipv6_nd_target_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147499808
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_nd_target_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147499808)
+        obj.value = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_nd_target_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147499808] = ipv6_nd_target_masked
+class ipv6_nd_tll(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147500550
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_nd_tll()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147500550)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_nd_tll {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147500550] = ipv6_nd_tll
+class ipv6_nd_tll_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147500812
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!6B", *self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_nd_tll_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147500812)
+        obj.value = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        obj.value_mask = list(reader.read('!6B'))
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_nd_tll_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_mac(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147500812] = ipv6_nd_tll_masked
+class ipv6_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147496976
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147496976)
+        obj.value = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147496976] = ipv6_src
+class ipv6_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147497248
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!16s", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ipv6_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147497248)
+        obj.value = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read('!16s')[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ipv6_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.pp(self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.pp(self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147497248] = ipv6_src_masked
+class metadata(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147484680
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = metadata()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147484680)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("metadata {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147484680] = metadata
+class metadata_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147484944
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = metadata_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147484944)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("metadata_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147484944] = metadata_masked
+class mpls_bos(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147502081
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_bos()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147502081)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_bos {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147502081] = mpls_bos
+class mpls_bos_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147502338
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_bos_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147502338)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_bos_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147502338] = mpls_bos_masked
+class mpls_label(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147501060
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_label()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147501060)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_label {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147501060] = mpls_label
+class mpls_label_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147501320
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_label_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147501320)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_label_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147501320] = mpls_label_masked
+class mpls_tc(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147501569
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_tc()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147501569)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_tc {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147501569] = mpls_tc
+class mpls_tc_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147501826
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = mpls_tc_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147501826)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("mpls_tc_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147501826] = mpls_tc_masked
+class pbb_uca(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147504641
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = pbb_uca()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147504641)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("pbb_uca {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147504641] = pbb_uca
+class pbb_uca_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147504898
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = pbb_uca_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147504898)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("pbb_uca_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147504898] = pbb_uca_masked
+class sctp_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147492866
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = sctp_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147492866)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("sctp_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147492866] = sctp_dst
+class sctp_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147493124
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = sctp_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147493124)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("sctp_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147493124] = sctp_dst_masked
+class sctp_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147492354
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = sctp_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147492354)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("sctp_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147492354] = sctp_src
+class sctp_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147492612
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = sctp_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147492612)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("sctp_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147492612] = sctp_src_masked
+class tcp_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147490818
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tcp_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147490818)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tcp_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147490818] = tcp_dst
+class tcp_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147491076
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tcp_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147491076)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tcp_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147491076] = tcp_dst_masked
+class tcp_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147490306
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tcp_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147490306)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tcp_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147490306] = tcp_src
+class tcp_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147490564
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tcp_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147490564)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tcp_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147490564] = tcp_src_masked
+class tunnel_id(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147503112
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tunnel_id()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147503112)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tunnel_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147503112] = tunnel_id
+class tunnel_id_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147503376
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tunnel_id_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147503376)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tunnel_id_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147503376] = tunnel_id_masked
+class tunnel_ipv4_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 81924
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tunnel_ipv4_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 81924)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tunnel_ipv4_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[81924] = tunnel_ipv4_dst
+class tunnel_ipv4_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 82184
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tunnel_ipv4_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 82184)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tunnel_ipv4_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[82184] = tunnel_ipv4_dst_masked
+class tunnel_ipv4_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 81412
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tunnel_ipv4_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 81412)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tunnel_ipv4_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[81412] = tunnel_ipv4_src
+class tunnel_ipv4_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 81672
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = tunnel_ipv4_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 81672)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("tunnel_ipv4_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value))
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text(util.pretty_ipv4(self.value_mask))
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[81672] = tunnel_ipv4_src_masked
+class udp_dst(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147491842
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udp_dst()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147491842)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udp_dst {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147491842] = udp_dst
+class udp_dst_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147492100
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udp_dst_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147492100)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udp_dst_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147492100] = udp_dst_masked
+class udp_src(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147491330
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udp_src()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147491330)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udp_src {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147491330] = udp_src
+class udp_src_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147491588
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = udp_src_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147491588)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("udp_src_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147491588] = udp_src_masked
+class vlan_pcp(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147487233
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vlan_pcp()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147487233)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vlan_pcp {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147487233] = vlan_pcp
+class vlan_pcp_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147487490
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!B", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vlan_pcp_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147487490)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!B")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vlan_pcp_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147487490] = vlan_pcp_masked
+class vlan_vid(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147486722
+    def __init__(self, value=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vlan_vid()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147486722)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vlan_vid {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147486722] = vlan_vid
+class vlan_vid_masked(oxm):
+    type_len = 2147486980
+    def __init__(self, value=None, value_mask=None):
+        if value != None:
+            self.value = value
+        else:
+            self.value = 0
+        if value_mask != None:
+            self.value_mask = value_mask
+        else:
+            self.value_mask = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.type_len))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.value_mask))
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = vlan_vid_masked()
+        _type_len = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_type_len == 2147486980)
+        obj.value = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.value_mask = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.value != other.value: return False
+        if self.value_mask != other.value_mask: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("vlan_vid_masked {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("value = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("value_mask = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.value_mask)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+oxm.subtypes[2147486980] = vlan_vid_masked
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/port_desc_prop.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/port_desc_prop.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..333f2cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/port_desc_prop.py
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of14']
+class port_desc_prop(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = port_desc_prop.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = port_desc_prop()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_desc_prop {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class experimenter(port_desc_prop):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+port_desc_prop.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
+class bsn(experimenter):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    def __init__(self, exp_type=None):
+        if exp_type != None:
+            self.exp_type = exp_type
+        else:
+            self.exp_type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.exp_type))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 8)
+        subclass = bsn.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = bsn()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        obj.exp_type = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.exp_type != other.exp_type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+experimenter.subtypes[6035143] = bsn
+class bsn_generation_id(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    exp_type = 1
+    def __init__(self, generation_id=None):
+        if generation_id != None:
+            self.generation_id = generation_id
+        else:
+            self.generation_id = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.exp_type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.generation_id))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_generation_id()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _exp_type = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_exp_type == 1)
+        obj.generation_id = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.generation_id != other.generation_id: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_generation_id {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("generation_id = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.generation_id)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[1] = bsn_generation_id
+class bsn_uplink(bsn):
+    type = 65535
+    experimenter = 6035143
+    exp_type = 0
+    def __init__(self):
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.exp_type))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = bsn_uplink()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        _experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_experimenter == 6035143)
+        _exp_type = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        assert(_exp_type == 0)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("bsn_uplink {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+bsn.subtypes[0] = bsn_uplink
+class ethernet(port_desc_prop):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, curr=None, advertised=None, supported=None, peer=None, curr_speed=None, max_speed=None):
+        if curr != None:
+            self.curr = curr
+        else:
+            self.curr = 0
+        if advertised != None:
+            self.advertised = advertised
+        else:
+            self.advertised = 0
+        if supported != None:
+            self.supported = supported
+        else:
+            self.supported = 0
+        if peer != None:
+            self.peer = peer
+        else:
+            self.peer = 0
+        if curr_speed != None:
+            self.curr_speed = curr_speed
+        else:
+            self.curr_speed = 0
+        if max_speed != None:
+            self.max_speed = max_speed
+        else:
+            self.max_speed = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.curr))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.advertised))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.supported))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.peer))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.curr_speed))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.max_speed))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ethernet()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.curr = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.advertised = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.supported = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.peer = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.curr_speed = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.max_speed = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.curr != other.curr: return False
+        if self.advertised != other.advertised: return False
+        if self.supported != other.supported: return False
+        if self.peer != other.peer: return False
+        if self.curr_speed != other.curr_speed: return False
+        if self.max_speed != other.max_speed: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ethernet {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("curr = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.curr)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("advertised = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.advertised)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("supported = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.supported)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("peer = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.peer)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("curr_speed = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.curr_speed)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("max_speed = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.max_speed)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+port_desc_prop.subtypes[0] = ethernet
+class optical(port_desc_prop):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, supported=None, tx_min_freq_lmda=None, tx_max_freq_lmda=None, tx_grid_freq_lmda=None, rx_min_freq_lmda=None, rx_max_freq_lmda=None, rx_grid_freq_lmda=None, tx_pwr_min=None, tx_pwr_max=None):
+        if supported != None:
+            self.supported = supported
+        else:
+            self.supported = 0
+        if tx_min_freq_lmda != None:
+            self.tx_min_freq_lmda = tx_min_freq_lmda
+        else:
+            self.tx_min_freq_lmda = 0
+        if tx_max_freq_lmda != None:
+            self.tx_max_freq_lmda = tx_max_freq_lmda
+        else:
+            self.tx_max_freq_lmda = 0
+        if tx_grid_freq_lmda != None:
+            self.tx_grid_freq_lmda = tx_grid_freq_lmda
+        else:
+            self.tx_grid_freq_lmda = 0
+        if rx_min_freq_lmda != None:
+            self.rx_min_freq_lmda = rx_min_freq_lmda
+        else:
+            self.rx_min_freq_lmda = 0
+        if rx_max_freq_lmda != None:
+            self.rx_max_freq_lmda = rx_max_freq_lmda
+        else:
+            self.rx_max_freq_lmda = 0
+        if rx_grid_freq_lmda != None:
+            self.rx_grid_freq_lmda = rx_grid_freq_lmda
+        else:
+            self.rx_grid_freq_lmda = 0
+        if tx_pwr_min != None:
+            self.tx_pwr_min = tx_pwr_min
+        else:
+            self.tx_pwr_min = 0
+        if tx_pwr_max != None:
+            self.tx_pwr_max = tx_pwr_max
+        else:
+            self.tx_pwr_max = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.supported))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.tx_min_freq_lmda))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.tx_max_freq_lmda))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.tx_grid_freq_lmda))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.rx_min_freq_lmda))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.rx_max_freq_lmda))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.rx_grid_freq_lmda))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.tx_pwr_min))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.tx_pwr_max))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = optical()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.supported = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.tx_min_freq_lmda = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.tx_max_freq_lmda = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.tx_grid_freq_lmda = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.rx_min_freq_lmda = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.rx_max_freq_lmda = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.rx_grid_freq_lmda = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.tx_pwr_min = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.tx_pwr_max = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.supported != other.supported: return False
+        if self.tx_min_freq_lmda != other.tx_min_freq_lmda: return False
+        if self.tx_max_freq_lmda != other.tx_max_freq_lmda: return False
+        if self.tx_grid_freq_lmda != other.tx_grid_freq_lmda: return False
+        if self.rx_min_freq_lmda != other.rx_min_freq_lmda: return False
+        if self.rx_max_freq_lmda != other.rx_max_freq_lmda: return False
+        if self.rx_grid_freq_lmda != other.rx_grid_freq_lmda: return False
+        if self.tx_pwr_min != other.tx_pwr_min: return False
+        if self.tx_pwr_max != other.tx_pwr_max: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("optical {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("supported = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.supported)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_min_freq_lmda = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_min_freq_lmda)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_max_freq_lmda = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_max_freq_lmda)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_grid_freq_lmda = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_grid_freq_lmda)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_min_freq_lmda = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_min_freq_lmda)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_max_freq_lmda = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_max_freq_lmda)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_grid_freq_lmda = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_grid_freq_lmda)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_pwr_min = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_pwr_min)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_pwr_max = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_pwr_max)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+port_desc_prop.subtypes[1] = optical
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/port_mod_prop.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/port_mod_prop.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c6f647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/port_mod_prop.py
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of14']
+class port_mod_prop(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = port_mod_prop.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = port_mod_prop()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_mod_prop {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class ethernet(port_mod_prop):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, advertise=None):
+        if advertise != None:
+            self.advertise = advertise
+        else:
+            self.advertise = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.advertise))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ethernet()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.advertise = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.advertise != other.advertise: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ethernet {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("advertise = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.advertise)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+port_mod_prop.subtypes[0] = ethernet
+class experimenter(port_mod_prop):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, exp_type=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if exp_type != None:
+            self.exp_type = exp_type
+        else:
+            self.exp_type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.exp_type))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.exp_type = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.exp_type != other.exp_type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("exp_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.exp_type)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+port_mod_prop.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
+class optical(port_mod_prop):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, configure=None, freq_ldma=None, fl_offset=None, grid_span=None, tx_pwr=None):
+        if configure != None:
+            self.configure = configure
+        else:
+            self.configure = 0
+        if freq_ldma != None:
+            self.freq_ldma = freq_ldma
+        else:
+            self.freq_ldma = 0
+        if fl_offset != None:
+            self.fl_offset = fl_offset
+        else:
+            self.fl_offset = 0
+        if grid_span != None:
+            self.grid_span = grid_span
+        else:
+            self.grid_span = 0
+        if tx_pwr != None:
+            self.tx_pwr = tx_pwr
+        else:
+            self.tx_pwr = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.configure))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.freq_ldma))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.fl_offset))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.grid_span))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.tx_pwr))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = optical()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.configure = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.freq_ldma = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.fl_offset = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.grid_span = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.tx_pwr = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.configure != other.configure: return False
+        if self.freq_ldma != other.freq_ldma: return False
+        if self.fl_offset != other.fl_offset: return False
+        if self.grid_span != other.grid_span: return False
+        if self.tx_pwr != other.tx_pwr: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("optical {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("configure = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.configure)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("freq_ldma = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.freq_ldma)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("fl_offset = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.fl_offset)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("grid_span = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.grid_span)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_pwr = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_pwr)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+port_mod_prop.subtypes[1] = optical
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/port_stats_prop.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/port_stats_prop.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10460e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/port_stats_prop.py
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of14']
+class port_stats_prop(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = port_stats_prop.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = port_stats_prop()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("port_stats_prop {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class ethernet(port_stats_prop):
+    type = 0
+    def __init__(self, rx_frame_err=None, rx_over_err=None, rx_crc_err=None, collisions=None):
+        if rx_frame_err != None:
+            self.rx_frame_err = rx_frame_err
+        else:
+            self.rx_frame_err = 0
+        if rx_over_err != None:
+            self.rx_over_err = rx_over_err
+        else:
+            self.rx_over_err = 0
+        if rx_crc_err != None:
+            self.rx_crc_err = rx_crc_err
+        else:
+            self.rx_crc_err = 0
+        if collisions != None:
+            self.collisions = collisions
+        else:
+            self.collisions = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_frame_err))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_over_err))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.rx_crc_err))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!Q", self.collisions))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = ethernet()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 0)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.rx_frame_err = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_over_err = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.rx_crc_err = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        obj.collisions = reader.read("!Q")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.rx_frame_err != other.rx_frame_err: return False
+        if self.rx_over_err != other.rx_over_err: return False
+        if self.rx_crc_err != other.rx_crc_err: return False
+        if self.collisions != other.collisions: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("ethernet {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_frame_err = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_frame_err)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_over_err = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_over_err)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_crc_err = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_crc_err)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("collisions = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.collisions)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+port_stats_prop.subtypes[0] = ethernet
+class experimenter(port_stats_prop):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, exp_type=None, experimenter_data=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if exp_type != None:
+            self.exp_type = exp_type
+        else:
+            self.exp_type = 0
+        if experimenter_data != None:
+            self.experimenter_data = experimenter_data
+        else:
+            self.experimenter_data = ''
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.exp_type))
+        packed.append(self.experimenter_data)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.exp_type = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.experimenter_data = str(reader.read_all())
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.exp_type != other.exp_type: return False
+        if self.experimenter_data != other.experimenter_data: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("exp_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.exp_type)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("experimenter_data = ");
+                q.pp(self.experimenter_data)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+port_stats_prop.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
+class optical(port_stats_prop):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, flags=None, tx_freq_lmda=None, tx_offset=None, tx_grid_span=None, rx_freq_lmda=None, rx_offset=None, rx_grid_span=None, tx_pwr=None, rx_pwr=None, bias_current=None, temperature=None):
+        if flags != None:
+            self.flags = flags
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        if tx_freq_lmda != None:
+            self.tx_freq_lmda = tx_freq_lmda
+        else:
+            self.tx_freq_lmda = 0
+        if tx_offset != None:
+            self.tx_offset = tx_offset
+        else:
+            self.tx_offset = 0
+        if tx_grid_span != None:
+            self.tx_grid_span = tx_grid_span
+        else:
+            self.tx_grid_span = 0
+        if rx_freq_lmda != None:
+            self.rx_freq_lmda = rx_freq_lmda
+        else:
+            self.rx_freq_lmda = 0
+        if rx_offset != None:
+            self.rx_offset = rx_offset
+        else:
+            self.rx_offset = 0
+        if rx_grid_span != None:
+            self.rx_grid_span = rx_grid_span
+        else:
+            self.rx_grid_span = 0
+        if tx_pwr != None:
+            self.tx_pwr = tx_pwr
+        else:
+            self.tx_pwr = 0
+        if rx_pwr != None:
+            self.rx_pwr = rx_pwr
+        else:
+            self.rx_pwr = 0
+        if bias_current != None:
+            self.bias_current = bias_current
+        else:
+            self.bias_current = 0
+        if temperature != None:
+            self.temperature = temperature
+        else:
+            self.temperature = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append('\x00' * 4)
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.flags))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.tx_freq_lmda))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.tx_offset))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.tx_grid_span))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.rx_freq_lmda))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.rx_offset))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.rx_grid_span))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.tx_pwr))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.rx_pwr))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.bias_current))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.temperature))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = optical()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        reader.skip(4)
+        obj.flags = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.tx_freq_lmda = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.tx_offset = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.tx_grid_span = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.rx_freq_lmda = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.rx_offset = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.rx_grid_span = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.tx_pwr = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.rx_pwr = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.bias_current = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        obj.temperature = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.flags != other.flags: return False
+        if self.tx_freq_lmda != other.tx_freq_lmda: return False
+        if self.tx_offset != other.tx_offset: return False
+        if self.tx_grid_span != other.tx_grid_span: return False
+        if self.rx_freq_lmda != other.rx_freq_lmda: return False
+        if self.rx_offset != other.rx_offset: return False
+        if self.rx_grid_span != other.rx_grid_span: return False
+        if self.tx_pwr != other.tx_pwr: return False
+        if self.rx_pwr != other.rx_pwr: return False
+        if self.bias_current != other.bias_current: return False
+        if self.temperature != other.temperature: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("optical {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("flags = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.flags)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_freq_lmda = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_freq_lmda)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_offset = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_offset)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_grid_span = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_grid_span)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_freq_lmda = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_freq_lmda)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_offset = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_offset)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_grid_span = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_grid_span)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("tx_pwr = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.tx_pwr)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("rx_pwr = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rx_pwr)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("bias_current = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.bias_current)
+                q.text(","); q.breakable()
+                q.text("temperature = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.temperature)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+port_stats_prop.subtypes[1] = optical
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/queue_desc_prop.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/queue_desc_prop.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bceb50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/queue_desc_prop.py
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of14']
+class queue_desc_prop(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = queue_desc_prop.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = queue_desc_prop()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_desc_prop {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class experimenter(queue_desc_prop):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, exp_type=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if exp_type != None:
+            self.exp_type = exp_type
+        else:
+            self.exp_type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.exp_type))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.exp_type = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.exp_type != other.exp_type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("exp_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.exp_type)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+queue_desc_prop.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
+class max_rate(queue_desc_prop):
+    type = 2
+    def __init__(self, rate=None):
+        if rate != None:
+            self.rate = rate
+        else:
+            self.rate = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.rate))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = max_rate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 2)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.rate = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.rate != other.rate: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("max_rate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+queue_desc_prop.subtypes[2] = max_rate
+class min_rate(queue_desc_prop):
+    type = 1
+    def __init__(self, rate=None):
+        if rate != None:
+            self.rate = rate
+        else:
+            self.rate = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.rate))
+        packed.append('\x00' * 2)
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        obj = min_rate()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 1)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.rate = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        reader.skip(2)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.rate != other.rate: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("min_rate {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("rate = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.rate)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+queue_desc_prop.subtypes[1] = min_rate
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/queue_stats_prop.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/queue_stats_prop.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a4bd67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/queue_stats_prop.py
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of14']
+class queue_stats_prop(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = queue_stats_prop.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = queue_stats_prop()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("queue_stats_prop {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class experimenter(queue_stats_prop):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, exp_type=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if exp_type != None:
+            self.exp_type = exp_type
+        else:
+            self.exp_type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.exp_type))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.exp_type = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.exp_type != other.exp_type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("exp_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.exp_type)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+queue_stats_prop.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/role_prop.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/role_prop.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de27245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/role_prop.py
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of14']
+class role_prop(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = role_prop.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = role_prop()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("role_prop {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+class experimenter(role_prop):
+    subtypes = {}
+    type = 65535
+    def __init__(self, experimenter=None, exp_type=None):
+        if experimenter != None:
+            self.experimenter = experimenter
+        else:
+            self.experimenter = 0
+        if exp_type != None:
+            self.exp_type = exp_type
+        else:
+            self.exp_type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.experimenter))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!L", self.exp_type))
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!L', 4)
+        subclass = experimenter.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = experimenter()
+        _type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        assert(_type == 65535)
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        obj.experimenter = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        obj.exp_type = reader.read("!L")[0]
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.experimenter != other.experimenter: return False
+        if self.exp_type != other.exp_type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("experimenter {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+                q.text("exp_type = ");
+                q.text("%#x" % self.exp_type)
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
+role_prop.subtypes[65535] = experimenter
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/table_mod_prop.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/table_mod_prop.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe002e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/table_mod_prop.py
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template module.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import util
+import loxi.generic_util
+import sys
+ofp = sys.modules['loxi.of14']
+class table_mod_prop(loxi.OFObject):
+    subtypes = {}
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        if type != None:
+            self.type = type
+        else:
+            self.type = 0
+        return
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", self.type))
+        packed.append(struct.pack("!H", 0)) # placeholder for length at index 1
+        length = sum([len(x) for x in packed])
+        packed[1] = struct.pack("!H", length)
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(reader):
+        subtype, = reader.peek('!H', 0)
+        subclass = table_mod_prop.subtypes.get(subtype)
+        if subclass:
+            return subclass.unpack(reader)
+        obj = table_mod_prop()
+        obj.type = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        _length = reader.read("!H")[0]
+        orig_reader = reader
+        reader = orig_reader.slice(_length, 4)
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+        return True
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+        q.text("table_mod_prop {")
+        with q.group():
+            with q.indent(2):
+                q.breakable()
+            q.breakable()
+        q.text('}')
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/util.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c01310
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/of14/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
+# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# See the file LICENSE.pyloxi which should have been included in the source distribution
+# Automatically generated by LOXI from template util.py
+# Do not modify
+import struct
+import loxi
+import const
+import common
+import action
+import instruction
+import oxm
+import action_id
+import instruction_id
+import meter_band
+def pretty_mac(mac):
+    return ':'.join(["%02x" % x for x in mac])
+def pretty_ipv4(v):
+    return "%d.%d.%d.%d" % ((v >> 24) & 0xFF, (v >> 16) & 0xFF, (v >> 8) & 0xFF, v & 0xFF)
+def pretty_flags(v, flag_names):
+    set_flags = []
+    for flag_name in flag_names:
+        flag_value = getattr(const, flag_name)
+        if v & flag_value == flag_value:
+            set_flags.append(flag_name)
+        elif v & flag_value:
+            set_flags.append('%s&%#x' % (flag_name, v & flag_value))
+        v &= ~flag_value
+    if v:
+        set_flags.append("%#x" % v)
+    return '|'.join(set_flags) or '0'
+def pretty_port(v):
+    named_ports = [(k,v2) for (k,v2) in const.__dict__.iteritems() if k.startswith('OFPP_')]
+    for (k, v2) in named_ports:
+        if v == v2:
+            return k
+    return v
+def pack_port_no(value):
+    return struct.pack("!L", value)
+def unpack_port_no(reader):
+    return reader.read("!L")[0]
+def pack_fm_cmd(value):
+    return struct.pack("!B", value)
+def unpack_fm_cmd(reader):
+    return reader.read("!B")[0]
+def init_wc_bmap():
+    return 0
+def pack_wc_bmap(value):
+    return struct.pack("!Q", value)
+def unpack_wc_bmap(reader):
+    return reader.read("!Q")[0]
+def init_match_bmap():
+    return 0
+def pack_match_bmap(value):
+    return struct.pack("!Q", value)
+def unpack_match_bmap(reader):
+    return reader.read("!Q")[0]
+MASK64 = (1 << 64) - 1
+def pack_bitmap_128(value):
+    x = 0l
+    for y in value:
+        x |= 1 << y
+    return struct.pack("!QQ", (x >> 64) & MASK64, x & MASK64)
+def unpack_bitmap_128(reader):
+    hi, lo = reader.read("!QQ")
+    x = (hi << 64) | lo
+    i = 0
+    value = set()
+    while x != 0:
+        if x & 1 == 1:
+            value.add(i)
+        i += 1
+        x >>= 1
+    return value
+def pack_bitmap_512(value):
+    words = [0] * 8
+    for v in value:
+        assert v < 512
+        words[7-v/64] |= 1 << (v % 64)
+    return struct.pack("!8Q", *words)
+def unpack_bitmap_512(reader):
+    words = reader.read("!8Q")
+    x = 0l
+    for word in words:
+        x <<= 64
+        x |= word
+    i = 0
+    value = set()
+    while x != 0:
+        if x & 1 == 1:
+            value.add(i)
+        i += 1
+        x >>= 1
+    return value
+def pack_checksum_128(value):
+    return struct.pack("!QQ", (value >> 64) & MASK64, value & MASK64)
+def unpack_checksum_128(reader):
+    hi, lo = reader.read("!QQ")
+    return (hi << 64) | lo
diff --git a/python/ofagent/loxi/pp.py b/python/ofagent/loxi/pp.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a3fc97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/loxi/pp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright 2013, Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+pp - port of Ruby's PP library
+Also based on Lindig, C., & GbR, G. D. (2000). Strictly Pretty.
+Example usage:
+>>> import pp.pp as pp
+>>> print pp([[1, 2], [3, 4]], maxwidth=15)
+  [ 1, 2 ],
+  [ 3, 4 ]
+import unittest
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+def pp(obj, maxwidth=79):
+    """
+    Pretty-print the given object.
+    """
+    ctx = PrettyPrinter(maxwidth=maxwidth)
+    ctx.pp(obj)
+    return str(ctx)
+## Pretty-printers for builtin classes
+def pretty_print_list(pp, obj):
+    with pp.group():
+        pp.text('[')
+        with pp.indent(2):
+            for v in obj:
+                if not pp.first(): pp.text(',')
+                pp.breakable()
+                pp.pp(v)
+        pp.breakable()
+        pp.text(']')
+def pretty_print_dict(pp, obj):
+    with pp.group():
+        pp.text('{')
+        with pp.indent(2):
+            for (k, v) in sorted(obj.items()):
+                if not pp.first(): pp.text(',')
+                pp.breakable()
+                pp.pp(k)
+                pp.text(': ')
+                pp.pp(v)
+        pp.breakable()
+        pp.text('}')
+pretty_printers = {
+    list: pretty_print_list,
+    dict: pretty_print_dict,
+## Implementation
+class PrettyPrinter(object):
+    def __init__(self, maxwidth):
+        self.maxwidth = maxwidth
+        self.cur_indent = 0
+        self.root_group = Group()
+        self.group_stack = [self.root_group]
+    def current_group(self):
+        return self.group_stack[-1]
+    def text(self, s):
+        self.current_group().append(str(s))
+    def breakable(self, sep=' '):
+        self.current_group().append(Breakable(sep, self.cur_indent))
+    def first(self):
+        return self.current_group().first()
+    @contextmanager
+    def indent(self, n):
+        self.cur_indent += n
+        yield
+        self.cur_indent -= n
+    @contextmanager
+    def group(self):
+        self.group_stack.append(Group())
+        yield
+        new_group = self.group_stack.pop()
+        self.current_group().append(new_group)
+    def pp(self, obj):
+        if hasattr(obj, "pretty_print"):
+            obj.pretty_print(self)
+        elif type(obj) in pretty_printers:
+            pretty_printers[type(obj)](self, obj)
+        else:
+            self.text(repr(obj))
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.root_group.render(0, self.maxwidth)
+class Group(object):
+    __slots__ = ["fragments", "length", "_first"]
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.fragments = []
+        self.length = 0
+        self._first = True
+    def append(self, x):
+        self.fragments.append(x)
+        self.length += len(x)
+    def first(self):
+        if self._first:
+            self._first = False
+            return True
+        return False
+    def __len__(self):
+        return self.length
+    def render(self, curwidth, maxwidth):
+        dobreak = len(self) > (maxwidth - curwidth)
+        a = []
+        for x in self.fragments:
+            if isinstance(x, Breakable):
+                if dobreak:
+                    a.append('\n')
+                    a.append(' ' * x.indent)
+                    curwidth = 0
+                else:
+                    a.append(x.sep)
+            elif isinstance(x, Group):
+                a.append(x.render(curwidth, maxwidth))
+            else:
+                a.append(x)
+            curwidth += len(a[-1])
+        return ''.join(a)
+class Breakable(object):
+    __slots__ = ["sep", "indent"]
+    def __init__(self, sep, indent):
+        self.sep = sep
+        self.indent = indent
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.sep)
+## Tests
+class TestPP(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_scalars(self):
+        self.assertEquals(pp(1), "1")
+        self.assertEquals(pp("foo"), "'foo'")
+    def test_hash(self):
+        expected = """{ 1: 'a', 'b': 2 }"""
+        self.assertEquals(pp(eval(expected)), expected)
+        expected = """\
+  1: 'a',
+  'b': 2
+        self.assertEquals(pp(eval(expected), maxwidth=0), expected)
+    def test_array(self):
+        expected = """[ 1, 'a', 2 ]"""
+        self.assertEquals(pp(eval(expected)), expected)
+        expected = """\
+  1,
+  'a',
+  2
+        self.assertEquals(pp(eval(expected), maxwidth=0), expected)
+    def test_nested(self):
+        expected = """[ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ]"""
+        self.assertEquals(pp(eval(expected)), expected)
+        expected = """\
+  [
+    1,
+    2
+  ],
+  [
+    3,
+    4
+  ]
+        self.assertEquals(pp(eval(expected), maxwidth=0), expected)
+    def test_breaking(self):
+        expected = """\
+  [ 1, 2 ],
+  'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
+        self.assertEquals(pp(eval(expected), maxwidth=24), expected)
+        expected = """\
+  [ 'abcd', 2 ],
+  [ '0123456789' ],
+  [
+    '0123456789',
+    'abcdefghij'
+  ],
+  [ 'abcdefghijklmnop' ],
+  [
+    'abcdefghijklmnopq'
+  ],
+  { 'k': 'v' },
+  {
+    1: [ 2, [ 3, 4 ] ],
+    'foo': 'abcdefghijklmnop'
+  }
+        self.assertEquals(pp(eval(expected), maxwidth=24), expected)
+        expected = """\
+  [ 1, 2 ],
+  [ 3, 4 ]
+        self.assertEquals(pp(eval(expected), maxwidth=15), expected)
+    # This is an edge case where our simpler algorithm breaks down.
+    @unittest.expectedFailure
+    def test_greedy_breaking(self):
+        expected = """\
+abc def
+        pp = PrettyPrinter(maxwidth=8)
+        pp.text("abc")
+        with pp.group():
+            pp.breakable()
+        pp.text("def")
+        with pp.group():
+            pp.breakable()
+        pp.text("ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
+        self.assertEquals(str(pp), expected)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/ofagent/main.py b/python/ofagent/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..06c2ae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import argparse
+import os
+import yaml
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks
+from common.structlog_setup import setup_logging
+from common.utils.dockerhelpers import get_my_containers_name
+from common.utils.nethelpers import get_my_primary_local_ipv4
+from connection_mgr import ConnectionManager
+defs = dict(
+    config=os.environ.get('CONFIG', './ofagent.yml'),
+    consul=os.environ.get('CONSUL', 'localhost:8500'),
+    controller=os.environ.get('CONTROLLER', 'localhost:6653'),
+    external_host_address=os.environ.get('EXTERNAL_HOST_ADDRESS',
+                                         get_my_primary_local_ipv4()),
+    grpc_endpoint=os.environ.get('GRPC_ENDPOINT', 'localhost:50055'),
+    instance_id=os.environ.get('INSTANCE_ID', os.environ.get('HOSTNAME', '1')),
+    internal_host_address=os.environ.get('INTERNAL_HOST_ADDRESS',
+                                         get_my_primary_local_ipv4()),
+    work_dir=os.environ.get('WORK_DIR', '/tmp/ofagent'),
+    key_file=os.environ.get('KEY_FILE', '/ofagent/pki/voltha.key'),
+    cert_file=os.environ.get('CERT_FILE', '/ofagent/pki/voltha.crt')
+def parse_args():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    _help = ('Path to ofagent.yml config file (default: %s). '
+             'If relative, it is relative to main.py of ofagent.'
+             % defs['config'])
+    parser.add_argument('-c', '--config',
+                        dest='config',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['config'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = '<hostname>:<port> to consul agent (default: %s)' % defs['consul']
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '-C', '--consul', dest='consul', action='store',
+        default=defs['consul'],
+        help=_help)
+    _help = '<hostname1>:<port1> <hostname2>:<port2> <hostname3>:<port3> ... <hostnamen>:<portn>   to openflow controller (default: %s)' % \
+            defs['controller']
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '-O', '--controller',nargs = '*', dest='controller', action='store',
+        default=defs['controller'],
+        help=_help)
+    _help = ('<hostname> or <ip> at which ofagent is reachable from outside '
+             'the cluster (default: %s)' % defs['external_host_address'])
+    parser.add_argument('-E', '--external-host-address',
+                        dest='external_host_address',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['external_host_address'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('gRPC end-point to connect to. It can either be a direct'
+             'definition in the form of <hostname>:<port>, or it can be an'
+             'indirect definition in the form of @<service-name> where'
+             '<service-name> is the name of the grpc service as registered'
+             'in consul (example: @voltha-grpc). (default: %s'
+             % defs['grpc_endpoint'])
+    parser.add_argument('-G', '--grpc-endpoint',
+                        dest='grpc_endpoint',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['grpc_endpoint'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('<hostname> or <ip> at which ofagent is reachable from inside'
+             'the cluster (default: %s)' % defs['internal_host_address'])
+    parser.add_argument('-H', '--internal-host-address',
+                        dest='internal_host_address',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['internal_host_address'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('unique string id of this ofagent instance (default: %s)'
+             % defs['instance_id'])
+    parser.add_argument('-i', '--instance-id',
+                        dest='instance_id',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['instance_id'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'omit startup banner log lines'
+    parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-banner',
+                        dest='no_banner',
+                        action='store_true',
+                        default=False,
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = "suppress debug and info logs"
+    parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet',
+                        dest='quiet',
+                        action='count',
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'enable verbose logging'
+    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose',
+                        dest='verbose',
+                        action='count',
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('work dir to compile and assemble generated files (default=%s)'
+             % defs['work_dir'])
+    parser.add_argument('-w', '--work-dir',
+                        dest='work_dir',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['work_dir'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('use docker container name as ofagent instance id'
+             ' (overrides -i/--instance-id option)')
+    parser.add_argument('--instance-id-is-container-name',
+                        dest='instance_id_is_container_name',
+                        action='store_true',
+                        default=False,
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('Specify this option to enable TLS security between ofagent \
+              and onos.')
+    parser.add_argument('-t', '--enable-tls',
+                        dest='enable_tls',
+                        action='store_true',
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('key file to be used for tls security (default=%s)'
+             % defs['key_file'])
+    parser.add_argument('-k', '--key-file',
+                        dest='key_file',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['key_file'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('certificate file to be used for tls security (default=%s)'
+             % defs['cert_file'])
+    parser.add_argument('-r', '--cert-file',
+                        dest='cert_file',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['cert_file'],
+                        help=_help)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    # post-processing
+    if args.instance_id_is_container_name:
+        args.instance_id = get_my_containers_name()
+    return args
+def load_config(args):
+    path = args.config
+    if path.startswith('.'):
+        dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+        path = os.path.join(dir, path)
+    path = os.path.abspath(path)
+    with open(path) as fd:
+        config = yaml.load(fd)
+    return config
+banner = r'''
+  ___  _____ _                    _
+ / _ \|  ___/ \   __ _  ___ _ __ | |_
+| | | | |_ / _ \ / _` |/ _ \ '_ \| __|
+| |_| |  _/ ___ \ (_| |  __/ | | | |_
+ \___/|_|/_/   \_\__, |\___|_| |_|\__|
+                 |___/
+def print_banner(log):
+    for line in banner.strip('\n').splitlines():
+        log.info(line)
+    log.info('(to stop: press Ctrl-C)')
+class Main(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.args = args = parse_args()
+        self.config = load_config(args)
+        # May want to specify the gRPC timeout as an arg (in future)
+        # Right now, set a default value
+        self.grpc_timeout = 10
+        verbosity_adjust = (args.verbose or 0) - (args.quiet or 0)
+        self.log = setup_logging(self.config.get('logging', {}),
+                                 args.instance_id,
+                                 verbosity_adjust=verbosity_adjust)
+        # components
+        self.connection_manager = None
+        self.exiting = False
+        if not args.no_banner:
+            print_banner(self.log)
+        self.startup_components()
+    def start(self):
+        self.start_reactor()  # will not return except Keyboard interrupt
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def startup_components(self):
+        self.log.info('starting-internal-components')
+        args = self.args
+        self.connection_manager = yield ConnectionManager(
+            args.consul, args.grpc_endpoint, self.grpc_timeout,
+            args.controller, args.instance_id,
+            args.enable_tls, args.key_file, args.cert_file).start()
+        self.log.info('started-internal-services')
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def shutdown_components(self):
+        """Execute before the reactor is shut down"""
+        self.log.info('exiting-on-keyboard-interrupt')
+        self.exiting = True
+        if self.connection_manager is not None:
+            yield self.connection_manager.stop()
+    def start_reactor(self):
+        reactor.callWhenRunning(
+            lambda: self.log.info('twisted-reactor-started'))
+        reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown',
+                                      self.shutdown_components)
+        reactor.run()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    Main().start()
diff --git a/python/ofagent/of_connection.py b/python/ofagent/of_connection.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1dcc521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/of_connection.py
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import structlog
+from hexdump import hexdump
+from twisted.internet import protocol
+import loxi.of14
+from common.utils.message_queue import MessageQueue
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+class OpenFlowConnection(protocol.Protocol):
+    def __init__(self, agent):
+        self.agent = agent  # the protocol will call agent.enter_disconnected()
+                            # and agent.enter_connected() methods to indicate
+                            # when state change is necessary
+        self.next_xid = 1
+        self.read_buffer = None
+        self.rx = MessageQueue()
+    def connectionLost(self, reason):
+        self.agent.enter_disconnected('connection-lost', reason)
+    def connectionMade(self):
+        self.agent.enter_connected()
+    def dataReceived(self, data):
+        log.debug('data-received', len=len(data),
+                  received=hexdump(data, result='return'))
+        assert len(data)  # connection close shall be handled by the protocol
+        buf = self.read_buffer
+        if buf:
+            buf += data
+        else:
+            buf = data
+        offset = 0
+        while offset < len(buf):
+            if offset + 8 > len(buf):
+                break  # not enough data for the OpenFlow header
+            # parse the header to get type
+            _version, _type, _len, _xid = \
+                loxi.of14.message.parse_header(buf[offset:])
+            ofp = loxi.protocol(_version)
+            if (offset + _len) > len(buf):
+                break  # not enough data to cover whole message
+            rawmsg = buf[offset : offset + _len]
+            offset += _len
+            msg = ofp.message.parse_message(rawmsg)
+            if not msg:
+                log.warn('could-not-parse',
+                         data=hexdump(rawmsg, result='return'))
+            log.debug('received-msg', module=type(msg).__module__,
+                  name=type(msg).__name__, xid=msg.xid, len=len(buf))
+            self.rx.put(msg)
+        if offset == len(buf):
+            self.read_buffer = None
+        else:
+            self.read_buffer = buf[offset:]
+            log.debug('remaining', len=len(self.read_buffer))
+    def send_raw(self, buf):
+        """
+        Send raw bytes on the socket
+        :param buf: bytes buffer
+        :return: None
+        """
+        assert self.connected
+        log.debug('sending-raw', len=len(buf))
+        self.transport.write(buf)
+    def send(self, msg):
+        """
+        Send a message
+        :param msg: An OpenFlow protocol message
+        :return: None
+        """
+        assert self.connected
+        if msg.xid is None:
+            msg.xid = self._gen_xid()
+        buf = msg.pack()
+        log.debug('sending', module=type(msg).__module__,
+                  name=type(msg).__name__, xid=msg.xid, len=len(buf))
+        self.transport.write(buf)
+        log.debug('data-sent', sent=hexdump(buf, result='return'))
+    def recv(self, predicate):
+        assert self.connected
+        return self.rx.get(predicate)
+    def recv_any(self):
+        return self.recv(lambda _: True)
+    def recv_xid(self, xid):
+        return self.recv(lambda msg: msg.xid == xid)
+    def recv_class(self, klass):
+        return self.recv(lambda msg: isinstance(msg, klass))
+    def _gen_xid(self):
+        xid = self.next_xid
+        self.next_xid += 1
+        return xid
diff --git a/python/ofagent/of_protocol_handler.py b/python/ofagent/of_protocol_handler.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8d09461
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/of_protocol_handler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import structlog
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
+import loxi.of13 as ofp
+from converter import to_loxi, pb2dict, to_grpc
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+class OpenFlowProtocolError(Exception): pass
+class OpenFlowProtocolHandler(object):
+    ofp_version = [4]  # OFAgent supported versions
+    def __init__(self, datapath_id, device_id, agent, cxn, rpc):
+        """
+        The upper half of the OpenFlow protocol, focusing on message
+        exchanges.
+        :param agent: Reference to the Agent() instance, can be used to
+          indicate critical errors to break the connection.
+        :param cxn: The lower level message serdes part of the OF protocol.
+        :param rpc: The application level stub on which RPC calls
+          are made as result of processing incoming OpenFlow request messages.
+        """
+        self.datapath_id = datapath_id
+        self.device_id = device_id
+        self.agent = agent
+        self.cxn = cxn
+        self.rpc = rpc
+        self.role = None
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def start(self):
+        """A new call is made after a fresh reconnect"""
+        log.debug('starting')
+        try:
+            support = False
+            # send initial hello message
+            self.cxn.send(ofp.message.hello(elements=[ofp.common.hello_elem_versionbitmap(
+                bitmaps = [ofp.common.hello_elem_bitmap(self.ofp_version)])]))
+            # expect to receive a hello message
+            msg = yield self.cxn.recv_class(ofp.message.hello)
+            # supports only ofp_versions till 31 and single bitmap.
+            if msg:
+                support = ofp.util.verify_version_support(msg,self.ofp_version)
+                if not support:
+                    self.cxn.send(ofp.message.hello_failed_error_msg(
+                        xid=msg.xid, code=ofp.OFPHFC_INCOMPATIBLE,
+                        data='i support only 1.3'))
+                    log.error('peer-do-not-support-OpenFlow-version',self.ofp_version)
+            while support:
+                req = yield self.cxn.recv_any()
+                handler = self.main_handlers.get(req.type, None)
+                if handler:
+                    handler(self, req)
+                else:
+                    log.error('cannot-handle',
+                              request=req, xid=req.xid, type=req.type)
+        except Exception, e:
+            log.exception('exception', e=e)
+        log.info('started')
+        returnValue(self)
+    def stop(self):
+        log.debug('stopping')
+        pass  # nothing to do yet
+        log.info('stopped')
+    def handle_echo_request(self, req):
+        self.cxn.send(ofp.message.echo_reply(xid=req.xid))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def handle_feature_request(self, req):
+        device_info = yield self.rpc.get_device_info(self.device_id)
+        kw = pb2dict(device_info.switch_features)
+        self.cxn.send(ofp.message.features_reply(
+            xid=req.xid,
+            datapath_id=self.datapath_id,
+            **kw))
+    def handle_stats_request(self, req):
+        handler = self.stats_handlers.get(req.stats_type, None)
+        if handler:
+            handler(self, req)
+        else:
+            raise OpenFlowProtocolError(
+                'Cannot handle stats request type "{}"'.format(req.stats_type))
+    def handle_barrier_request(self, req):
+        # not really doing barrier yet, but we respond
+        # see https://jira.opencord.org/browse/CORD-823
+        self.cxn.send(ofp.message.barrier_reply(xid=req.xid))
+    def handle_experimenter_request(self, req):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def handle_flow_mod_request(self, req):
+        if self.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_MASTER or self.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_EQUAL:
+           try:
+              grpc_req = to_grpc(req)
+           except Exception, e:
+              log.exception('failed-to-convert', e=e)
+           else:
+              return self.rpc.update_flow_table(self.device_id, grpc_req)
+        elif self.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_SLAVE:
+           self.cxn.send(ofp.message.bad_request_error_msg(code=ofp.OFPBRC_IS_SLAVE))
+    def handle_get_async_request(self, req):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def handle_get_config_request(self, req):
+        self.cxn.send(ofp.message.get_config_reply(
+            xid=req.xid,
+            miss_send_len=ofp.OFPCML_NO_BUFFER
+        ))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def handle_group_mod_request(self, req):
+        if self.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_MASTER or self.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_EQUAL:
+           yield self.rpc.update_group_table(self.device_id, to_grpc(req))
+        elif self.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_SLAVE:
+           self.cxn.send(ofp.message.bad_request_error_msg(code=ofp.OFPBRC_IS_SLAVE))
+    def handle_meter_mod_request(self, req):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def handle_role_request(self, req):
+        if req.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_MASTER or req.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_SLAVE:
+            if self.agent.generation_is_defined and (
+                    ((req.generation_id - self.agent.cached_generation_id) & 0xffffffffffffffff) if abs(
+                    req.generation_id - self.agent.cached_generation_id) > 0x7fffffffffffffff else (
+                    req.generation_id - self.agent.cached_generation_id)) < 0:
+                self.cxn.send(ofp.message.bad_request_error_msg(code=ofp.OFPRRFC_STALE))
+            else:
+                self.agent.generation_is_defined = True
+                self.agent.cached_generation_id = req.generation_id
+                self.role = req.role
+                self.cxn.send(ofp.message.role_reply(
+                 xid=req.xid, role=req.role, generation_id=req.generation_id))
+        elif req.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_EQUAL:
+            self.role = req.role
+            self.cxn.send(ofp.message.role_reply(
+             xid=req.xid, role=req.role))
+    def handle_packet_out_request(self, req):
+        if self.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_MASTER or self.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_EQUAL:
+           self.rpc.send_packet_out(self.device_id, to_grpc(req))
+        elif self.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_SLAVE:
+           self.cxn.send(ofp.message.bad_request_error_msg(code=ofp.OFPBRC_IS_SLAVE))
+    def handle_set_config_request(self, req):
+        # Handle set config appropriately
+        # https://jira.opencord.org/browse/CORD-826
+        pass
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def handle_port_mod_request(self, req):
+        if self.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_MASTER or self.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_EQUAL:
+            port = yield self.rpc.get_port(self.device_id, str(req.port_no))
+            if port.ofp_port.config & ofp.OFPPC_PORT_DOWN != \
+                    req.config & ofp.OFPPC_PORT_DOWN:
+                if req.config & ofp.OFPPC_PORT_DOWN:
+                    self.rpc.disable_port(self.device_id, port.id)
+                else:
+                    self.rpc.enable_port(self.device_id, port.id)
+        elif self.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_SLAVE:
+            self.cxn.send(ofp.message.bad_request_error_msg(code=ofp.OFPBRC_IS_SLAVE))
+    def handle_table_mod_request(self, req):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def handle_queue_get_config_request(self, req):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def handle_set_async_request(self, req):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def handle_aggregate_request(self, req):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def handle_device_description_request(self, req):
+        device_info = yield self.rpc.get_device_info(self.device_id)
+        kw = pb2dict(device_info.desc)
+        self.cxn.send(ofp.message.desc_stats_reply(xid=req.xid, **kw))
+    def handle_experimenter_stats_request(self, req):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def handle_flow_stats_request(self, req):
+        try:
+            flow_stats = yield self.rpc.list_flows(self.device_id)
+            self.cxn.send(ofp.message.flow_stats_reply(
+                xid=req.xid, entries=[to_loxi(f) for f in flow_stats]))
+        except Exception, e:
+            log.exception('failed-flow-stats-request', req=req)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def handle_group_stats_request(self, req):
+        group_stats = yield self.rpc.list_groups(self.device_id)
+        self.cxn.send(ofp.message.group_stats_reply(
+            xid=req.xid, entries=[to_loxi(g.stats) for g  in group_stats]))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def handle_group_descriptor_request(self, req):
+        group_stats = yield self.rpc.list_groups(self.device_id)
+        self.cxn.send(ofp.message.group_desc_stats_reply(
+            xid=req.xid, entries=[to_loxi(g.desc) for g  in group_stats]))
+    def handle_group_features_request(self, req):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def handle_meter_stats_request(self, req):
+        meter_stats = []  # see https://jira.opencord.org/browse/CORD-825
+        self.cxn.send(ofp.message.meter_stats_reply(
+            xid=req.xid, entries=meter_stats))
+    def handle_meter_config_request(self, req):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def handle_meter_features_request(self, req):
+        self.cxn.send(ofp.message.bad_request_error_msg())
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def handle_port_stats_request(self, req):
+        try:
+            ports = yield self.rpc.list_ports(self.device_id)
+            port_stats = [to_loxi(p.ofp_port_stats) for p in ports]
+            of_message = ofp.message.port_stats_reply(
+                xid=req.xid,entries=port_stats)
+            self.cxn.send(of_message)
+        except:
+            log.exception('failed-port_stats-request', req=req)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def handle_port_desc_request(self, req):
+        port_list = yield self.rpc.get_port_list(self.device_id)
+        self.cxn.send(ofp.message.port_desc_stats_reply(
+            xid=req.xid,
+            #flags=None,
+            entries=[to_loxi(port.ofp_port) for port in port_list]
+        ))
+    def handle_queue_stats_request(self, req):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def handle_table_stats_request(self, req):
+        table_stats = []  # see https://jira.opencord.org/browse/CORD-825
+        self.cxn.send(ofp.message.table_stats_reply(
+            xid=req.xid, entries=table_stats))
+    def handle_table_features_request(self, req):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    stats_handlers = {
+        ofp.OFPST_AGGREGATE: handle_aggregate_request,
+        ofp.OFPST_DESC: handle_device_description_request,
+        ofp.OFPST_EXPERIMENTER: handle_experimenter_stats_request,
+        ofp.OFPST_FLOW: handle_flow_stats_request,
+        ofp.OFPST_GROUP: handle_group_stats_request,
+        ofp.OFPST_GROUP_DESC: handle_group_descriptor_request,
+        ofp.OFPST_GROUP_FEATURES: handle_group_features_request,
+        ofp.OFPST_METER: handle_meter_stats_request,
+        ofp.OFPST_METER_CONFIG: handle_meter_config_request,
+        ofp.OFPST_METER_FEATURES: handle_meter_features_request,
+        ofp.OFPST_PORT: handle_port_stats_request,
+        ofp.OFPST_PORT_DESC: handle_port_desc_request,
+        ofp.OFPST_QUEUE: handle_queue_stats_request,
+        ofp.OFPST_TABLE: handle_table_stats_request,
+        ofp.OFPST_TABLE_FEATURES: handle_table_features_request
+    }
+    main_handlers = {
+        ofp.OFPT_BARRIER_REQUEST: handle_barrier_request,
+        ofp.OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST: handle_echo_request,
+        ofp.OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST: handle_feature_request,
+        ofp.OFPT_EXPERIMENTER: handle_experimenter_request,
+        ofp.OFPT_FLOW_MOD: handle_flow_mod_request,
+        ofp.OFPT_GET_ASYNC_REQUEST: handle_get_async_request,
+        ofp.OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST: handle_get_config_request,
+        ofp.OFPT_GROUP_MOD: handle_group_mod_request,
+        ofp.OFPT_METER_MOD: handle_meter_mod_request,
+        ofp.OFPT_PACKET_OUT: handle_packet_out_request,
+        ofp.OFPT_PORT_MOD: handle_port_mod_request,
+        ofp.OFPT_QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST: handle_queue_get_config_request,
+        ofp.OFPT_ROLE_REQUEST: handle_role_request,
+        ofp.OFPT_SET_ASYNC: handle_set_async_request,
+        ofp.OFPT_SET_CONFIG: handle_set_config_request,
+        ofp.OFPT_STATS_REQUEST: handle_stats_request,
+        ofp.OFPT_TABLE_MOD: handle_table_mod_request,
+    }
+    def forward_packet_in(self, ofp_packet_in):
+        if self.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_MASTER or self.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_EQUAL:
+           log.info('sending-packet-in', ofp_packet_in=ofp_packet_in)
+           self.cxn.send(to_loxi(ofp_packet_in))
+    def forward_port_status(self, ofp_port_status):
+        self.cxn.send(to_loxi(ofp_port_status))
diff --git a/python/ofagent/ofagent.yml b/python/ofagent/ofagent.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0e2cdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/ofagent.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+    version: 1
+    formatters:
+      brief:
+        format: '%(message)s'
+      default:
+        format: '%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-8s %(module)s.%(funcName)s %(message)s'
+        datefmt: '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S'
+    handlers:
+        console:
+            class : logging.StreamHandler
+            level: DEBUG
+            formatter: default
+            stream: ext://sys.stdout
+        localRotatingFile:
+            class: logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
+            filename: ofagent.log
+            formatter: default
+            maxBytes: 2097152
+            backupCount: 10
+            level: DEBUG
+        null:
+            class: logging.NullHandler
+    loggers:
+        amqp:
+            handlers: [null]
+            propagate: False
+        conf:
+            propagate: False
+        '': # root logger
+            handlers: [console, localRotatingFile]
+            level: INFO # this can be bumped up/down by -q and -v command line
+                        # options
+            propagate: False
diff --git a/python/ofagent/protos/Makefile b/python/ofagent/protos/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6f5d8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/protos/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Makefile to build all protobuf and gRPC related artifacts
+ifeq ($(VOLTHA_BASE)_set,_set)
+  $(error To get started, please source the env.sh file from Voltha top level directory)
+# This makefile is used only to copy relevant *_pb2.py files from Voltha
+# to allow ofagent to function properly.
+TARGET_PROTO_DIR := $(VOLTHA_BASE)/ofagent/protos
+SOURCE_PROTO_DIR := $(VOLTHA_BASE)/voltha/protos
+TARGET_GOOGLE_API_DIR := $(TARGET_PROTO_DIR)/third_party/google/api
+SOURCE_GOOGLE_API_DIR := $(SOURCE_PROTO_DIR)/third_party/google/api
+build: copyfiles
+	rsync -av --include '*/' --exclude='third_party/__init__.py' --include '*.py' --exclude='*' $(SOURCE_PROTO_DIR)/ $(TARGET_PROTO_DIR)
+	rsync -av --include '*/' --exclude='third_party/__init__.py' --include '*.py' --include '*.desc' --include '*.proto' --exclude='*' $(SOURCE_GOOGLE_API_DIR)/ $(TARGET_GOOGLE_API_DIR)
+	rm -f $(TARGET_PROTO_DIR)/*_pb2*.py
+	rm -f $(TARGET_GOOGLE_API_DIR)/*_pb2*.py
+	rm -f $(TARGET_GOOGLE_API_DIR)/*_pb2*.pyc
+	rm -f $(TARGET_GOOGLE_API_DIR)/*.proto
+	rm -f $(TARGET_GOOGLE_API_DIR)/*.desc
diff --git a/python/ofagent/protos/README b/python/ofagent/protos/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65c5e93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/protos/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Protoc-generated *.py files are populated here from Voltha via make
diff --git a/python/ofagent/protos/__init__.py b/python/ofagent/protos/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b0fb0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/protos/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/ofagent/protos/third_party/__init__.py b/python/ofagent/protos/third_party/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..818c1b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/protos/third_party/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+This helps loading http_pb2 and annotations_pb2.
+Without this, the Python importer will not be able to process the lines:
+from google.api import http_pb2 or
+from google.api import annotations_pb2
+(Without importing these, the protobuf loader will not recognize http options
+in the protobuf definitions.)
+from importlib import import_module
+import os
+import sys
+class GoogleApiImporter(object):
+    def find_module(self, full_name, path=None):
+        if full_name == 'google.api':
+            self.path = [os.path.dirname(__file__)]
+            return self
+    def load_module(self, name):
+        if name in sys.modules:
+            return sys.modules[name]
+        full_name = 'ofagent.protos.third_party.' + name
+        import_module(full_name)
+        module = sys.modules[full_name]
+        sys.modules[name] = module
+        return module
+from google.api import http_pb2, annotations_pb2
+_ = http_pb2, annotations_pb2
diff --git a/python/ofagent/protos/third_party/google/__init__.py b/python/ofagent/protos/third_party/google/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fb0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/protos/third_party/google/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/ofagent/protos/third_party/google/api/__init__.py b/python/ofagent/protos/third_party/google/api/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fb0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/protos/third_party/google/api/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/ofagent/protos/third_party/google/api/annotations.proto b/python/ofagent/protos/third_party/google/api/annotations.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbd18b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/protos/third_party/google/api/annotations.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+syntax = "proto3";
+package google.api;
+import "google/api/http.proto";
+import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_outer_classname = "AnnotationsProto";
+option java_package = "com.google.api";
+extend google.protobuf.MethodOptions {
+  // See `HttpRule`.
+  HttpRule http = 72295728;
diff --git a/python/ofagent/protos/third_party/google/api/http.proto b/python/ofagent/protos/third_party/google/api/http.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce07aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/protos/third_party/google/api/http.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+syntax = "proto3";
+package google.api;
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_outer_classname = "HttpProto";
+option java_package = "com.google.api";
+// `HttpRule` defines the mapping of an RPC method to one or more HTTP REST API
+// methods. The mapping determines what portions of the request message are
+// populated from the path, query parameters, or body of the HTTP request.  The
+// mapping is typically specified as an `google.api.http` annotation, see
+// "google/api/annotations.proto" for details.
+// The mapping consists of a mandatory field specifying a path template and an
+// optional `body` field specifying what data is represented in the HTTP request
+// body. The field name for the path indicates the HTTP method. Example:
+// ```
+// package google.storage.v2;
+// import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+// service Storage {
+//   rpc CreateObject(CreateObjectRequest) returns (Object) {
+//     option (google.api.http) {
+//       post: "/v2/{bucket_name=buckets/*}/objects"
+//       body: "object"
+//     };
+//   };
+// }
+// ```
+// Here `bucket_name` and `object` bind to fields of the request message
+// `CreateObjectRequest`.
+// The rules for mapping HTTP path, query parameters, and body fields
+// to the request message are as follows:
+// 1. The `body` field specifies either `*` or a field path, or is
+//    omitted. If omitted, it assumes there is no HTTP body.
+// 2. Leaf fields (recursive expansion of nested messages in the
+//    request) can be classified into three types:
+//     (a) Matched in the URL template.
+//     (b) Covered by body (if body is `*`, everything except (a) fields;
+//         else everything under the body field)
+//     (c) All other fields.
+// 3. URL query parameters found in the HTTP request are mapped to (c) fields.
+// 4. Any body sent with an HTTP request can contain only (b) fields.
+// The syntax of the path template is as follows:
+//     Template = "/" Segments [ Verb ] ;
+//     Segments = Segment { "/" Segment } ;
+//     Segment  = "*" | "**" | LITERAL | Variable ;
+//     Variable = "{" FieldPath [ "=" Segments ] "}" ;
+//     FieldPath = IDENT { "." IDENT } ;
+//     Verb     = ":" LITERAL ;
+// `*` matches a single path component, `**` zero or more path components, and
+// `LITERAL` a constant.  A `Variable` can match an entire path as specified
+// again by a template; this nested template must not contain further variables.
+// If no template is given with a variable, it matches a single path component.
+// The notation `{var}` is henceforth equivalent to `{var=*}`.
+// Use CustomHttpPattern to specify any HTTP method that is not included in the
+// pattern field, such as HEAD, or "*" to leave the HTTP method unspecified for
+// a given URL path rule. The wild-card rule is useful for services that provide
+// content to Web (HTML) clients.
+message HttpRule {
+  // Determines the URL pattern is matched by this rules. This pattern can be
+  // used with any of the {get|put|post|delete|patch} methods. A custom method
+  // can be defined using the 'custom' field.
+  oneof pattern {
+    // Used for listing and getting information about resources.
+    string get = 2;
+    // Used for updating a resource.
+    string put = 3;
+    // Used for creating a resource.
+    string post = 4;
+    // Used for deleting a resource.
+    string delete = 5;
+    // Used for updating a resource.
+    string patch = 6;
+    // Custom pattern is used for defining custom verbs.
+    CustomHttpPattern custom = 8;
+  }
+  // The name of the request field whose value is mapped to the HTTP body, or
+  // `*` for mapping all fields not captured by the path pattern to the HTTP
+  // body.
+  string body = 7;
+  // Additional HTTP bindings for the selector. Nested bindings must not
+  // specify a selector and must not contain additional bindings.
+  repeated HttpRule additional_bindings = 11;
+// A custom pattern is used for defining custom HTTP verb.
+message CustomHttpPattern {
+  // The name of this custom HTTP verb.
+  string kind = 1;
+  // The path matched by this custom verb.
+  string path = 2;
diff --git a/python/ofagent/utils.py b/python/ofagent/utils.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7e72bef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ofagent/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Common utility functions
+from loxi.pp import PrettyPrinter
+def pp(obj):
+    pp = PrettyPrinter(maxwidth=80)
+    pp.pp(obj)
+    return str(pp)
+def mac_str_to_tuple(mac):
+    """
+    Convert 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx' MAC address string to a tuple of integers.
+    Example: mac_str_to_tuple('00:01:02:03:04:05') == (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
+    """
+    return tuple(int(d, 16) for d in mac.split(':'))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/python/pki/Makefile b/python/pki/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3d9a18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/pki/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# VOLTHA pki makefile
+# Configuration is also given in voltha.cnf
+SHELL = bash -eu -o pipefail
+# parameters
+KEY_SIZE ?= 2048
+# utility/validation targets
+	@echo "Usually you want to run 'make voltha.crt'"
+	 openssl verify -verbose -purpose sslserver -CAfile voltha-CA.pem voltha.crt
+printca: voltha-CA.pem
+	openssl x509 -in voltha-CA.pem -text -noout
+printkey: voltha.key
+	openssl rsa -in voltha.key -check
+printcsr: voltha.csr
+	openssl req -in voltha.csr -text -noout -verify
+printcrt: voltha.crt
+	openssl x509 -in voltha.crt -text -noout
+	rm -rf root_ca voltha-CA.pem voltha.key voltha.csr voltha.crt
+# CA creation
+	mkdir -p root_ca/private root_ca/newcerts
+	chmod 700 root_ca/private
+	echo 1000 > root_ca/serial
+	touch root_ca/index.txt
+root_ca/private/ca_root_phrase: root_ca
+	@echo "TestingVOLTHARootCAPassPhrase" > root_ca/private/ca_root_phrase
+root_ca/private/ca_key.pem: root_ca root_ca/private/ca_root_phrase
+	@echo "## Creating CA private key"
+	openssl genrsa -aes256 \
+	  -passout file:root_ca/private/ca_root_phrase \
+	  -out root_ca/private/ca_key.pem $(KEY_SIZE)
+voltha-CA.pem: voltha.cnf root_ca/private/ca_key.pem
+	@echo "## Creating self-signed CA public key: voltha-CA.pem"
+	openssl req -config voltha.cnf \
+	  -new -x509 -days $(EXPIRATION_DAYS) -sha256 \
+	  -extensions v3_ca \
+	  -key root_ca/private/ca_key.pem \
+	  -passin file:root_ca/private/ca_root_phrase \
+	  -subj "/C=US/ST=California/L=Menlo Park/O=ONF/OU=Testing Only/CN=VOLTHA Test Root CA" \
+	  -out voltha-CA.pem
+# server cert creation
+	@echo "## Creating server private key: voltha.key"
+	openssl genrsa -out voltha.key $(KEY_SIZE)
+voltha.csr: voltha.cnf voltha.key
+	@echo "## Creating signing request voltha.csr from voltha.key"
+	openssl req -config voltha.cnf \
+	  -new -sha256 -key voltha.key \
+	  -subj "/C=US/ST=California/L=Menlo Park/O=ONF/OU=Testing Only/CN=VOLTHA Server" \
+	  -out voltha.csr
+voltha.crt: voltha-CA.pem voltha.cnf voltha.key voltha.csr
+	@echo "## Signing voltha.csr to create signed public key: voltha.crt"
+	openssl ca -config voltha.cnf \
+	  -batch -days $(EXPIRATION_DAYS) -md sha256 \
+	  -passin file:root_ca/private/ca_root_phrase \
+	  -extensions server_cert \
+	  -in voltha.csr \
+	  -out voltha.crt
diff --git a/python/pki/voltha-CA.pem b/python/pki/voltha-CA.pem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a71091b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/pki/voltha-CA.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
diff --git a/python/pki/voltha.cnf b/python/pki/voltha.cnf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7552010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/pki/voltha.cnf
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+[ ca ]
+default_ca  = CA_default
+[ CA_default ]
+dir               = ./root_ca
+certs             = $dir/certs
+crl_dir           = $dir/crl
+new_certs_dir     = $dir/newcerts
+database          = $dir/index.txt
+serial            = $dir/serial
+private_key       = $dir/private/ca_key.pem
+certificate       = voltha-CA.pem
+# Make new requests easier to sign - allow two subjects with same name
+# (Or revoke the old certificate first.)
+unique_subject    = no
+preserve          = no
+# for CA that signs client certs
+policy            = policy_loose
+[ policy_loose ]
+# Allow the to sign more types of certs
+countryName             = optional
+stateOrProvinceName     = optional
+localityName            = optional
+organizationName        = optional
+organizationalUnitName  = optional
+commonName              = supplied
+emailAddress            = optional
+[ req ]
+default_bits         = 2048
+default_days         = 366
+default_md           = sha256
+distinguished_name   = req_distinguished_name
+string_mask          = utf8only
+x509_extensions      = v3_ca
+[ req_distinguished_name ]
+# See <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certificate_signing_request>.
+countryName                     = Country Name (2 letter code)
+stateOrProvinceName             = State or Province Name
+localityName                    = Locality Name
+0.organizationName              = Organization Name
+organizationalUnitName          = Organizational Unit Name
+commonName                      = Common Name
+emailAddress                    = Email Address
+# Defaults DN
+countryName_default             = US
+stateOrProvinceName_default     = California
+localityName_default            = Menlo Park
+0.organizationName_default      = ONF
+organizationalUnitName_default  = Testing Only
+commonName                      = VOLTHA Testing
+emailAddress_default            = do-not-reply@opencord.org
+[ v3_ca ]
+# Extensions for a typical CA (`man x509v3_config`).
+subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
+authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer
+basicConstraints = critical, CA:TRUE
+keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, cRLSign, keyCertSign
+[ server_cert ]
+# Extensions for server certificates (`man x509v3_config`).
+subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
+authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid,issuer:always
+basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
+keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
+extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
+subjectAltName = 'DNS:voltha.dns'
diff --git a/python/pki/voltha.crt b/python/pki/voltha.crt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efeef03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/pki/voltha.crt
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 4096 (0x1000)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=US, ST=California, L=Menlo Park, O=ONF, OU=Testing Only, CN=VOLTHA Test Root CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jul 10 18:40:05 2018 GMT
+            Not After : Jul 11 18:40:05 2019 GMT
+        Subject: C=US, ST=California, L=Menlo Park, O=ONF, OU=Testing Only, CN=VOLTHA Server
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:c6:90:b9:38:0e:d5:38:bd:20:54:8f:82:56:2b:
+                    54:da:16:6f:a2:84:63:99:f8:4b:8c:24:be:c6:17:
+                    ee:ce:b1:e4:27:4c:4f:e0:7b:b9:1c:0c:a7:9d:45:
+                    37:39:1d:b0:41:fb:96:49:f4:02:1c:66:87:3a:87:
+                    e6:59:fc:9d:4d:fb:73:74:50:8a:39:25:5c:7e:8f:
+                    b4:de:3e:d5:10:5e:91:53:da:6a:3e:57:db:18:d8:
+                    da:c6:33:90:ee:0a:6d:4d:e2:e9:cb:1b:21:c8:59:
+                    3e:e6:b2:bd:ee:d2:95:70:f7:0e:98:4e:bc:04:6b:
+                    5b:4f:63:0b:25:d8:0e:4f:10:f8:30:92:19:a8:1b:
+                    a1:3a:be:51:73:24:bc:0f:f0:4c:26:8f:df:2a:a8:
+                    cc:d8:38:7e:ad:d0:f5:cc:e9:e9:76:d8:3e:ff:55:
+                    94:23:69:74:8f:d2:00:51:c5:d6:56:61:09:0f:5e:
+                    70:4c:5f:5e:d6:a4:47:58:ff:73:40:c5:5e:e0:14:
+                    73:6c:8b:4d:54:e2:fc:d7:94:60:64:9b:db:2a:d6:
+                    38:a0:d3:ae:2e:47:d3:74:3c:0f:c0:fe:c6:af:af:
+                    a0:08:1f:20:a8:3a:a7:74:58:af:94:35:66:4b:7c:
+                    97:26:1b:03:23:0f:3d:0a:9d:ea:9b:06:d4:96:ca:
+                    5c:4d
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                F9:71:CB:9B:DC:B0:AB:C3:70:04:1B:9E:63:D0:21:01:CE:35:FF:19
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:16:CD:18:6C:03:79:6E:99:9B:3F:6D:17:F4:21:1A:21:31:06:6A:67
+                DirName:/C=US/ST=California/L=Menlo Park/O=ONF/OU=Testing Only/CN=VOLTHA Test Root CA
+                serial:FA:77:FC:75:21:4F:37:06
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
+                CA:FALSE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
+            X509v3 Extended Key Usage: 
+                TLS Web Server Authentication
+            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: 
+                DNS:voltha.dns
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         12:3e:b8:73:d1:ab:77:ec:7a:b0:d8:8e:94:8e:3c:fd:ff:b0:
+         25:bf:e8:51:d7:b9:ae:55:03:28:cb:a2:9b:fb:86:9c:35:55:
+         2b:c8:0c:c6:a9:b4:41:a3:12:d3:26:c9:33:93:4a:a1:7c:ad:
+         06:eb:d5:d0:a4:63:e1:ad:7f:76:d7:7b:2b:44:ab:43:2b:26:
+         84:a2:d6:5d:68:fc:bb:1b:15:3e:63:32:34:e8:1a:a4:d9:81:
+         4b:28:17:e8:f7:1d:3a:d5:cb:37:87:77:04:3f:96:6d:17:e6:
+         1e:90:0e:a8:6c:01:58:84:d4:1a:b4:9f:51:79:9c:03:23:1b:
+         b6:97:0c:28:a4:af:67:0b:da:b2:fa:6e:41:49:00:8a:36:11:
+         f8:80:50:61:03:c3:b5:df:f7:e5:ea:4b:9c:3f:68:68:e0:f8:
+         78:f1:1d:ff:0b:23:45:2a:d6:19:a8:f6:b9:19:25:e0:46:ce:
+         8b:56:ca:e5:da:2a:35:65:b8:e2:8d:6d:46:1e:9f:f3:4b:4d:
+         7a:c0:f5:48:71:42:f6:95:f9:e5:c9:61:8f:7a:96:63:88:64:
+         68:55:3e:d6:c6:c0:e2:cd:c9:03:93:87:4e:6f:c4:b4:fb:c3:
+         c4:ec:93:ad:88:28:17:fc:77:b8:a2:99:f6:26:ca:6f:36:2d:
+         26:4f:d3:44
diff --git a/python/pki/voltha.key b/python/pki/voltha.key
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..614efa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/pki/voltha.key
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
diff --git a/python/requirements.txt b/python/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0641b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# python-consul>=0.6.1  we need the pre-released version for now, because 0.6.1 does not
+# yet support Twisted. Once this is released, it will be the 0.6.2 version
+# Twisted Python kafka client