[VOL-1547] Add port to logical device when device is active

This commit consists of the following changes:
1)  Fix the issue where flows were received when the logical
device flow graph was not ready.
2) Update the default kafka config for improved performance
3) Add a lock to the device ownership logic to ensure the
lock map does not get corrupted.

Change-Id: I840d572e06ed5acf0f3bc1ce423a0ada8f335543
diff --git a/kafka/client.go b/kafka/client.go
index 4eb3e5a..a4c49ca 100644
--- a/kafka/client.go
+++ b/kafka/client.go
@@ -40,14 +40,14 @@
 	DefaultKafkaPort                = 9092
 	DefaultGroupName                = "voltha"
 	DefaultSleepOnError             = 1
-	DefaultProducerFlushFrequency   = 1
-	DefaultProducerFlushMessages    = 1
-	DefaultProducerFlushMaxmessages = 1
+	DefaultProducerFlushFrequency   = 10
+	DefaultProducerFlushMessages    = 10
+	DefaultProducerFlushMaxmessages = 100
 	DefaultProducerReturnSuccess    = true
 	DefaultProducerReturnErrors     = true
 	DefaultProducerRetryMax         = 3
 	DefaultProducerRetryBackoff     = time.Millisecond * 100
-	DefaultConsumerMaxwait          = 10
+	DefaultConsumerMaxwait          = 100
 	DefaultMaxProcessingTime        = 100
 	DefaultConsumerType             = PartitionConsumer
 	DefaultNumberPartitions         = 3