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ONU PM Metrics

THESE ARE PRELIMINARY METRIC GROUPS, Work is needed by the VOLTHA community to reach a consensus on the actual metrics that will be provided. Also, please read the Remaining Work Item sections of each README file.

This document outlines the non-interval metrics collected for the ONU by the OpenOMCI code. These are primarily collected from one of the many OMCI Managed Entities

Format on the Kafka bus

The format of the ONU KPI Events is detailed in the Basic KPI Format (KpiEvent2) section of this documents parent directory for wire format on the bus. This document primarily provides the group metric information for OLT PKIs and associated metadata context information.

All metric values reported by the library are reported as floats. The context and metric tables listed in the sections below report the type as initially collected by the OLT Device Adapters.

#ONU PM Metric Groups

The following sections outline the KPI metrics gathered by OpenOMCI on behalf of the ONU. If an ONU does not support a specific metric in a group, it will not report that metric. This is preferred to reporting a metric and it always having a value of 0.0 (which could be misleading).

Note: Currently all metric groups are collected and reported at one time (only one collection timer) and this value is controlled by the VOLTHA shared kpi library's PM_Config default_freq value and will be set to 60 seconds. This single-collection deficiency will be corrected in the near future.

ANI Optical KPI Metrics

This group reports the ONU's Optical Power metrics for each PON physical port as reported by the OMCI Managed Entity ANI-G (Class ID #263).

Metric Group Name: PON_Optical Default Collection: True
Default Interval: 15 minutes

Metadata Context items

intf_idintegerPhysical device interface port ID for this PON/ANI port

The port ID is extracted from the lower 8-bits of the ANI-G Managed Entity ID and indicates the physical position of the PON interface.


keytype / sizeNotes
transmit_powerint, 16-bitsThis attribute reports the current measurement of mean optical launch power. Its value is a 2s complement integer referred to 1 mW (i.e., dBm), with 0.002 dB granularity
receive_powerint, 16-bitsThis attribute reports the current measurement of the total downstream optical signal level. Its value is a 2s complement integer referred to 1 mW (i.e., dBm), with 0.002 dB granularity.

NOTE: The following metrics were also requested for the PON interface in VOL-935 but they are not available through the OpenOMCI set of Managed Entities. However there are alarms available that relate to these items available through the ANI-G ME:

  • ONT Optical module/transceiver temperature
  • ONT Optical module/transceiver voltage
  • ONT Laser bias current

TR-287 does reference mechanisms to perform OLT and ONU Optical Link monitoring to cover these three items but interfaces are not yet available in VOLTHA and retrieval of these values from an ONU may be difficult as the only defined interface to retrieve data is OMCI.

UNI KPI Metrics

This group reports metrics associated with the customer facing UNI port of the ONU and is collected from OMCI Physical Path Termination Point Ethernet UNI (Class ID #11) and the UNI-G (Class iD #264).

Metric Group Name: UNI_Status Default Collection: True
Default Interval: 15 minutes

Metadata Context items

intf_idintegerPhysical device interface port ID for this UNI port

The port ID is extracted from the UNI-G Managed Entity ID and indicates the physical position of the UNI interface. This ID is implicitly linked to the associated PPTP Ethernet UNI ME.


keytype / sizeFromNotes
ethernet_typeint, gaugePPTPThis attribute represents the sensed interface type as defined in the table below
oper_statusbooleanPPTPLink status/Operational Status: Link up (1), Link down (0)
pptp_admin_statebooleanPPTPAdministrative state: Locked/disabled (1), Unlocked/enabled (0)
uni_admin_statebooleanUNI-GAdministrative state: Locked/disabled (1), Unlocked/enabled (0)

Sensed Ethernet Type Table

0x03Gigabit Ethernetfull
0x0410Gb/s Ethernetfull
0x052.5Gb/s Ethernetfull
0x065Gb/s Ethernetfull
0x0725Gb/s Ethernetfull
0x0840Gb/s Ethernetfull
0x13Gigabit Ethernethalf

Remaining Work Items

This initial code is only a preliminary work. See the Remaining Work Items section of this document's parent directory for a list of remaining tasks. In addition to these work items, the interval statistics README may have additional work items remaining.

TODO: For each group, list if the default is enabled/disabled