[VOL-1024]  This update consists of:

1) Inter-container kafka library in Go
2) initial set of proto definitions
3) Test cases for the kafka library

Change-Id: Ibe8b0f673a90bbe4cb92847ce40f31ec2d0b6244
diff --git a/protos/ponsim.proto b/protos/ponsim.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ed8914
--- /dev/null
+++ b/protos/ponsim.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+syntax = "proto3";
+option go_package = "github.com/opencord/voltha-go/protos/voltha";
+package voltha;
+import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
+import "openflow_13.proto";
+message PonSimDeviceInfo {
+    int32 nni_port = 1;
+    repeated int32 uni_ports = 2;
+message FlowTable {
+    int32 port = 1;  // Used to address right device
+    repeated openflow_13.ofp_flow_stats flows = 2;
+message PonSimFrame {
+    string id = 1;
+    bytes payload = 2;
+message PonSimPacketCounter {
+    string name = 1;
+    int64 value = 2;
+message PonSimPortMetrics {
+    string port_name = 1;
+    repeated PonSimPacketCounter packets = 2;
+message PonSimMetrics {
+    string device = 1;
+    repeated PonSimPortMetrics metrics = 2;
+service PonSim {
+    rpc SendFrame(PonSimFrame)
+        returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
+    rpc ReceiveFrames(google.protobuf.Empty)
+        returns (stream PonSimFrame) {}
+    rpc GetDeviceInfo(google.protobuf.Empty)
+        returns(PonSimDeviceInfo) {}
+    rpc UpdateFlowTable(FlowTable)
+        returns(google.protobuf.Empty) {}
+    rpc GetStats(google.protobuf.Empty)
+        returns(PonSimMetrics) {}