[VOL-1386]  This commit add "dep" as the package management tool
for voltha-go.

Change-Id: I52bc4911dd00a441756ec7c30f46d45091f3f90e
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/confluentinc/confluent-kafka-go/kafka/handle.go b/vendor/github.com/confluentinc/confluent-kafka-go/kafka/handle.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c09e64d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/confluentinc/confluent-kafka-go/kafka/handle.go
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+package kafka
+ * Copyright 2016 Confluent Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"sync"
+	"unsafe"
+#include <librdkafka/rdkafka.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+import "C"
+// Handle represents a generic client handle containing common parts for
+// both Producer and Consumer.
+type Handle interface {
+	gethandle() *handle
+// Common instance handle for both Producer and Consumer
+type handle struct {
+	rk  *C.rd_kafka_t
+	rkq *C.rd_kafka_queue_t
+	// Termination of background go-routines
+	terminatedChan chan string // string is go-routine name
+	// Topic <-> rkt caches
+	rktCacheLock sync.Mutex
+	// topic name -> rkt cache
+	rktCache map[string]*C.rd_kafka_topic_t
+	// rkt -> topic name cache
+	rktNameCache map[*C.rd_kafka_topic_t]string
+	//
+	// cgo map
+	// Maps C callbacks based on cgoid back to its Go object
+	cgoLock   sync.Mutex
+	cgoidNext uintptr
+	cgomap    map[int]cgoif
+	//
+	// producer
+	//
+	p *Producer
+	// Forward delivery reports on Producer.Events channel
+	fwdDr bool
+	//
+	// consumer
+	//
+	c *Consumer
+	// Forward rebalancing ack responsibility to application (current setting)
+	currAppRebalanceEnable bool
+func (h *handle) String() string {
+	return C.GoString(C.rd_kafka_name(h.rk))
+func (h *handle) setup() {
+	h.rktCache = make(map[string]*C.rd_kafka_topic_t)
+	h.rktNameCache = make(map[*C.rd_kafka_topic_t]string)
+	h.cgomap = make(map[int]cgoif)
+	h.terminatedChan = make(chan string, 10)
+func (h *handle) cleanup() {
+	for _, crkt := range h.rktCache {
+		C.rd_kafka_topic_destroy(crkt)
+	}
+	if h.rkq != nil {
+		C.rd_kafka_queue_destroy(h.rkq)
+	}
+// waitTerminated waits termination of background go-routines.
+// termCnt is the number of goroutines expected to signal termination completion
+// on h.terminatedChan
+func (h *handle) waitTerminated(termCnt int) {
+	// Wait for termCnt termination-done events from goroutines
+	for ; termCnt > 0; termCnt-- {
+		_ = <-h.terminatedChan
+	}
+// getRkt0 finds or creates and returns a C topic_t object from the local cache.
+func (h *handle) getRkt0(topic string, ctopic *C.char, doLock bool) (crkt *C.rd_kafka_topic_t) {
+	if doLock {
+		h.rktCacheLock.Lock()
+		defer h.rktCacheLock.Unlock()
+	}
+	crkt, ok := h.rktCache[topic]
+	if ok {
+		return crkt
+	}
+	if ctopic == nil {
+		ctopic = C.CString(topic)
+		defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(ctopic))
+	}
+	crkt = C.rd_kafka_topic_new(h.rk, ctopic, nil)
+	if crkt == nil {
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to create new C topic \"%s\": %s",
+			topic, C.GoString(C.rd_kafka_err2str(C.rd_kafka_last_error()))))
+	}
+	h.rktCache[topic] = crkt
+	h.rktNameCache[crkt] = topic
+	return crkt
+// getRkt finds or creates and returns a C topic_t object from the local cache.
+func (h *handle) getRkt(topic string) (crkt *C.rd_kafka_topic_t) {
+	return h.getRkt0(topic, nil, true)
+// getTopicNameFromRkt returns the topic name for a C topic_t object, preferably
+// using the local cache to avoid a cgo call.
+func (h *handle) getTopicNameFromRkt(crkt *C.rd_kafka_topic_t) (topic string) {
+	h.rktCacheLock.Lock()
+	defer h.rktCacheLock.Unlock()
+	topic, ok := h.rktNameCache[crkt]
+	if ok {
+		return topic
+	}
+	// we need our own copy/refcount of the crkt
+	ctopic := C.rd_kafka_topic_name(crkt)
+	topic = C.GoString(ctopic)
+	crkt = h.getRkt0(topic, ctopic, false /* dont lock */)
+	return topic
+// cgoif is a generic interface for holding Go state passed as opaque
+// value to the C code.
+// Since pointers to complex Go types cannot be passed to C we instead create
+// a cgoif object, generate a unique id that is added to the cgomap,
+// and then pass that id to the C code. When the C code callback is called we
+// use the id to look up the cgoif object in the cgomap.
+type cgoif interface{}
+// delivery report cgoif container
+type cgoDr struct {
+	deliveryChan chan Event
+	opaque       interface{}
+// cgoPut adds object cg to the handle's cgo map and returns a
+// unique id for the added entry.
+// Thread-safe.
+// FIXME: the uniquity of the id is questionable over time.
+func (h *handle) cgoPut(cg cgoif) (cgoid int) {
+	h.cgoLock.Lock()
+	defer h.cgoLock.Unlock()
+	h.cgoidNext++
+	if h.cgoidNext == 0 {
+		h.cgoidNext++
+	}
+	cgoid = (int)(h.cgoidNext)
+	h.cgomap[cgoid] = cg
+	return cgoid
+// cgoGet looks up cgoid in the cgo map, deletes the reference from the map
+// and returns the object, if found. Else returns nil, false.
+// Thread-safe.
+func (h *handle) cgoGet(cgoid int) (cg cgoif, found bool) {
+	if cgoid == 0 {
+		return nil, false
+	}
+	h.cgoLock.Lock()
+	defer h.cgoLock.Unlock()
+	cg, found = h.cgomap[cgoid]
+	if found {
+		delete(h.cgomap, cgoid)
+	}
+	return cg, found