[VOL-1386]  This commit add "dep" as the package management tool
for voltha-go.

Change-Id: I52bc4911dd00a441756ec7c30f46d45091f3f90e
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rs/zerolog/internal/cbor/cbor.go b/vendor/github.com/rs/zerolog/internal/cbor/cbor.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..969f591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/rs/zerolog/internal/cbor/cbor.go
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+// Package cbor provides primitives for storing different data
+// in the CBOR (binary) format. CBOR is defined in RFC7049.
+package cbor
+import "time"
+const (
+	majorOffset   = 5
+	additionalMax = 23
+	// Non Values.
+	additionalTypeBoolFalse byte = 20
+	additionalTypeBoolTrue  byte = 21
+	additionalTypeNull      byte = 22
+	// Integer (+ve and -ve) Sub-types.
+	additionalTypeIntUint8  byte = 24
+	additionalTypeIntUint16 byte = 25
+	additionalTypeIntUint32 byte = 26
+	additionalTypeIntUint64 byte = 27
+	// Float Sub-types.
+	additionalTypeFloat16 byte = 25
+	additionalTypeFloat32 byte = 26
+	additionalTypeFloat64 byte = 27
+	additionalTypeBreak   byte = 31
+	// Tag Sub-types.
+	additionalTypeTimestamp byte = 01
+	// Extended Tags - from https://www.iana.org/assignments/cbor-tags/cbor-tags.xhtml
+	additionalTypeTagNetworkAddr   uint16 = 260
+	additionalTypeTagNetworkPrefix uint16 = 261
+	additionalTypeEmbeddedJSON     uint16 = 262
+	additionalTypeTagHexString     uint16 = 263
+	// Unspecified number of elements.
+	additionalTypeInfiniteCount byte = 31
+const (
+	majorTypeUnsignedInt    byte = iota << majorOffset // Major type 0
+	majorTypeNegativeInt                               // Major type 1
+	majorTypeByteString                                // Major type 2
+	majorTypeUtf8String                                // Major type 3
+	majorTypeArray                                     // Major type 4
+	majorTypeMap                                       // Major type 5
+	majorTypeTags                                      // Major type 6
+	majorTypeSimpleAndFloat                            // Major type 7
+const (
+	maskOutAdditionalType byte = (7 << majorOffset)
+	maskOutMajorType      byte = 31
+const (
+	float32Nan         = "\xfa\x7f\xc0\x00\x00"
+	float32PosInfinity = "\xfa\x7f\x80\x00\x00"
+	float32NegInfinity = "\xfa\xff\x80\x00\x00"
+	float64Nan         = "\xfb\x7f\xf8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
+	float64PosInfinity = "\xfb\x7f\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
+	float64NegInfinity = "\xfb\xff\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
+// IntegerTimeFieldFormat indicates the format of timestamp decoded
+// from an integer (time in seconds).
+var IntegerTimeFieldFormat = time.RFC3339
+// NanoTimeFieldFormat indicates the format of timestamp decoded
+// from a float value (time in seconds and nano seconds).
+var NanoTimeFieldFormat = time.RFC3339Nano
+func appendCborTypePrefix(dst []byte, major byte, number uint64) []byte {
+	byteCount := 8
+	var minor byte
+	switch {
+	case number < 256:
+		byteCount = 1
+		minor = additionalTypeIntUint8
+	case number < 65536:
+		byteCount = 2
+		minor = additionalTypeIntUint16
+	case number < 4294967296:
+		byteCount = 4
+		minor = additionalTypeIntUint32
+	default:
+		byteCount = 8
+		minor = additionalTypeIntUint64
+	}
+	dst = append(dst, byte(major|minor))
+	byteCount--
+	for ; byteCount >= 0; byteCount-- {
+		dst = append(dst, byte(number>>(uint(byteCount)*8)))
+	}
+	return dst