Whenever librdkafka error codes are updated make sure to run generate before building:
$ (cd go_rdkafka_generr && go install) && go generate $ go build
Some of the tests included in this directory, the benchmark and integration tests in particular, require an existing Kafka cluster and a testconf.json configuration file to provide tests with bootstrap brokers, topic name, etc.
The format of testconf.json is a JSON object:
{ "Brokers": "<bootstrap-brokers>", "Topic": "<test-topic-name>" }
See testconf-example.json for an example and full set of available options.
To run unit-tests:
$ go test
To run benchmark tests:
$ go test -bench .
For the code coverage:
$ go test -coverprofile=coverage.out -bench=. $ go tool cover -func=coverage.out
Different build types are supported through Go build tags (-tags ..
), these tags should be specified on the application build command.
- Build with librdkafka linked statically (but librdkafka dependencies linked dynamically).static_all
- Build with all libraries linked statically.To generate one-page HTML documentation run the mk/doc-gen.py script from the top-level directory. This script requires the beautifulsoup4 Python package.
$ source .../your/virtualenv/bin/activate $ pip install beautifulsoup4 ... $ mk/doc-gen.py > kafka.html