This commit consists of the following:
1) The kafka messaging proxy in Twisted python for adapters
2) Initial implementation and containerization of ponsim OLT adapter
and ponsim ONU adapter
3) Initial submission of request and response facade in both Twisted
python and Go Language
4) Initial implementation of device management and logical device management
in the Core
5) Update to the log module to allow dynamic setting of log level per
package using the gRPC API
6) Bug fixes and minor changes

Change-Id: Ia8f033da84cfd08275335bae9542802415e7bb0f
diff --git a/adapters/kafka/ b/adapters/kafka/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcc4239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/kafka/
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Agent to play gateway between CORE and an individual adapter.
+from uuid import uuid4
+import arrow
+import structlog
+from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToJson
+from scapy.packet import Packet
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
+from twisted.python import failure
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from adapters.common.event_bus import EventBusClient
+from adapters.common.frameio.frameio import hexify
+from adapters.common.utils.id_generation import create_cluster_logical_device_ids
+from adapters.interface import IAdapterInterface
+from adapters.protos import third_party
+from adapters.protos.device_pb2 import Device, Port, PmConfigs
+from adapters.protos.events_pb2 import AlarmEvent, AlarmEventType, \
+    AlarmEventSeverity, AlarmEventState, AlarmEventCategory
+from adapters.protos.events_pb2 import KpiEvent
+from adapters.protos.voltha_pb2 import DeviceGroup, LogicalDevice, \
+    LogicalPort, AdminState, OperStatus, AlarmFilterRuleKey, CoreInstance
+from adapters.common.utils.registry import registry, IComponent
+from adapters.common.utils.id_generation import create_cluster_device_id
+import re
+from adapters.interface import ICoreSouthBoundInterface
+from adapters.protos.core_adapter_pb2 import StrType, BoolType, IntType
+from adapters.protos.common_pb2 import ID
+from google.protobuf.message import Message
+from adapters.common.utils.deferred_utils import DeferredWithTimeout, TimeOutError
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+class KafkaMessagingError(BaseException):
+    def __init__(self, error):
+        self.error = error
+def wrap_request(return_cls):
+    def real_wrapper(func):
+        @inlineCallbacks
+        def wrapper(*args, **kw):
+            try:
+                (success, d) = yield func(*args, **kw)
+                if success:
+                    log.debug("successful-response", func=func, val=d)
+                    if return_cls is not None:
+                        rc = return_cls()
+                        if d is not None:
+                            d.Unpack(rc)
+                        returnValue(rc)
+                    else:
+                        log.debug("successful-response-none", func=func,
+                                  val=None)
+                        returnValue(None)
+                else:
+                    log.warn("unsuccessful-request", func=func, args=args, kw=kw)
+                    returnValue(d)
+            except Exception as e:
+                log.exception("request-wrapper-exception", func=func, e=e)
+                raise
+        return wrapper
+    return real_wrapper
+@implementer(IComponent, ICoreSouthBoundInterface)
+class CoreProxy(object):
+    def __init__(self, kafka_proxy, core_topic, my_listening_topic):
+        self.kafka_proxy = kafka_proxy
+        self.listening_topic = my_listening_topic
+        self.core_topic = core_topic
+        self.default_timeout = 3
+    def start(self):
+        return self
+    def stop(self):
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def invoke(self, rpc, to_topic=None, **kwargs):
+        @inlineCallbacks
+        def _send_request(rpc, m_callback,to_topic, **kwargs):
+            try:
+                log.debug("sending-request", rpc=rpc)
+                if to_topic is None:
+                    to_topic = self.core_topic
+                result = yield self.kafka_proxy.send_request(rpc=rpc,
+                                                             to_topic=to_topic,
+                                                             reply_topic=self.listening_topic,
+                                                             callback=None,
+                                                             **kwargs)
+                if not m_callback.called:
+                    m_callback.callback(result)
+                else:
+                    log.debug('timeout-already-occurred', rpc=rpc)
+            except Exception as e:
+                log.exception("Failure-sending-request", rpc=rpc, kw=kwargs)
+                if not m_callback.called:
+                    m_callback.errback(failure.Failure())
+        log.debug('invoke-request', rpc=rpc)
+        cb = DeferredWithTimeout(timeout=self.default_timeout)
+        _send_request(rpc, cb, to_topic, **kwargs)
+        try:
+            res = yield cb
+            returnValue(res)
+        except TimeOutError as e:
+            log.warn('invoke-timeout', e=e)
+            raise e
+    @wrap_request(CoreInstance)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def register(self, adapter):
+        log.debug("register")
+        try:
+            res = yield self.invoke(rpc="Register", adapter=adapter)
+  "registration-returned", res=res)
+            returnValue(res)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("registration-exception", e=e)
+            raise
+    @wrap_request(Device)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def get_device(self, device_id):
+        log.debug("get-device")
+        id = ID()
+ = device_id
+        res = yield self.invoke(rpc="GetDevice", device_id=id)
+        returnValue(res)
+    @wrap_request(Device)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def get_child_device(self, parent_device_id, **kwargs):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    # def add_device(self, device):
+    #     raise NotImplementedError()
+    def get_ports(self, device_id, port_type):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def get_child_devices(self, parent_device_id):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def get_child_device_with_proxy_address(self, proxy_address):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def _to_proto(self, **kwargs):
+        encoded = {}
+        for k,v in kwargs.iteritems():
+            if isinstance(v, Message):
+                encoded[k] = v
+            elif type(v) == int:
+                i_proto = IntType()
+                i_proto.val = v
+                encoded[k] = i_proto
+            elif type(v) == str:
+                s_proto = StrType()
+                s_proto.val = v
+                encoded[k] = s_proto
+            elif type(v) == bool:
+                b_proto = BoolType()
+                b_proto.val = v
+                encoded[k] = b_proto
+        return encoded
+    @wrap_request(None)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def child_device_detected(self,
+                              parent_device_id,
+                              parent_port_no,
+                              child_device_type,
+                              channel_id,
+                              **kw):
+        id = ID()
+ = parent_device_id
+        ppn = IntType()
+        ppn.val = parent_port_no
+        cdt = StrType()
+        cdt.val = child_device_type
+        channel = IntType()
+        channel.val = channel_id
+        args = self._to_proto(**kw)
+        res = yield self.invoke(rpc="ChildDeviceDetected",
+                                parent_device_id=id,
+                                parent_port_no = ppn,
+                                child_device_type= cdt,
+                                channel_id=channel,
+                                **args)
+        returnValue(res)
+    @wrap_request(None)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def device_update(self, device):
+        log.debug("device_update")
+        res = yield self.invoke(rpc="DeviceUpdate", device=device)
+        returnValue(res)
+    def child_device_removed(parent_device_id, child_device_id):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    @wrap_request(None)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def device_state_update(self, device_id,
+                                   oper_status=None,
+                                   connect_status=None):
+        id = ID()
+ = device_id
+        o_status = IntType()
+        if oper_status:
+            o_status.val = oper_status
+        else:
+            o_status.val = -1
+        c_status = IntType()
+        if connect_status:
+            c_status.val = connect_status
+        else:
+            c_status.val = -1
+        a_status = IntType()
+        res = yield self.invoke(rpc="DeviceStateUpdate",
+                                device_id=id,
+                                oper_status=o_status,
+                                connect_status=c_status)
+        returnValue(res)
+    @wrap_request(None)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def child_devices_state_update(self, parent_device_id,
+                                   oper_status=None,
+                                   connect_status=None,
+                                   admin_state=None):
+        id = ID()
+ = parent_device_id
+        o_status = IntType()
+        if oper_status:
+            o_status.val = oper_status
+        else:
+            o_status.val = -1
+        c_status = IntType()
+        if connect_status:
+            c_status.val = connect_status
+        else:
+            c_status.val = -1
+        a_status = IntType()
+        if admin_state:
+            a_status.val = admin_state
+        else:
+            a_status.val = -1
+        res = yield self.invoke(rpc="child_devices_state_update",
+                                parent_device_id=id,
+                                oper_status=o_status,
+                                connect_status=c_status,
+                                admin_state=a_status)
+        returnValue(res)
+    def child_devices_removed(parent_device_id):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    @wrap_request(None)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def device_pm_config_update(self, device_pm_config, init=False):
+        log.debug("device_pm_config_update")
+        b = BoolType()
+        b.val = init
+        res = yield self.invoke(rpc="DevicePMConfigUpdate",
+                                device_pm_config=device_pm_config, init=b)
+        returnValue(res)
+    @wrap_request(None)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def port_created(self, device_id, port):
+        log.debug("port_created")
+        proto_id = ID()
+ = device_id
+        res = yield self.invoke(rpc="PortCreated", device_id=proto_id, port=port)
+        returnValue(res)
+    def port_removed(device_id, port):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def ports_enabled(device_id):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def ports_disabled(device_id):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def ports_oper_status_update(device_id, oper_status):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def image_download_update(img_dnld):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def image_download_deleted(img_dnld):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def packet_in(device_id, egress_port_no, packet):
+        raise NotImplementedError()