This commit consists of the following:
1) The kafka messaging proxy in Twisted python for adapters
2) Initial implementation and containerization of ponsim OLT adapter
and ponsim ONU adapter
3) Initial submission of request and response facade in both Twisted
python and Go Language
4) Initial implementation of device management and logical device management
in the Core
5) Update to the log module to allow dynamic setting of log level per
package using the gRPC API
6) Bug fixes and minor changes

Change-Id: Ia8f033da84cfd08275335bae9542802415e7bb0f
diff --git a/adapters/kafka/ b/adapters/kafka/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad53812
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/kafka/
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from zope.interface import Interface, implementer
+from adapters.kafka.kafka_proxy import KafkaProxy, get_kafka_proxy
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, Deferred, \
+    DeferredQueue, gatherResults
+from afkak.client import KafkaClient
+from afkak.consumer import OFFSET_LATEST, Consumer
+import structlog
+from adapters.common.utils import asleep
+from adapters.protos.core_adapter_pb2 import MessageType, Argument, \
+    InterContainerRequestBody, InterContainerMessage, Header, InterContainerResponseBody
+import time
+from uuid import uuid4
+from adapters.common.utils.registry import IComponent
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+class KafkaMessagingError(BaseException):
+    def __init__(self, error):
+        self.error = error
+class IKafkaMessagingProxy(object):
+    _kafka_messaging_instance = None
+    def __init__(self,
+                 kafka_host_port,
+                 kv_store,
+                 default_topic,
+                 target_cls):
+        """
+        Initialize the kafka proxy.  This is a singleton (may change to
+        non-singleton if performance is better)
+        :param kafka_host_port: Kafka host and port
+        :param kv_store: Key-Value store
+        :param default_topic: Default topic to subscribe to
+        :param target_cls: target class - method of that class is invoked
+        when a message is received on the default_topic
+        """
+        # return an exception if the object already exist
+        if IKafkaMessagingProxy._kafka_messaging_instance:
+            raise Exception(
+                'Singleton-exist', cls=IKafkaMessagingProxy)
+        log.debug("Initializing-KafkaProxy")
+        self.kafka_host_port = kafka_host_port
+        self.kv_store = kv_store
+        self.default_topic = default_topic
+        self.target_cls = target_cls
+        self.topic_target_cls_map = {}
+        self.topic_consumer_map = {}
+        self.topic_callback_map = {}
+        self.subscribers = {}
+        self.kafka_client = None
+        self.kafka_proxy = None
+        self.transaction_id_deferred_map = {}
+        self.received_msg_queue = DeferredQueue()
+        self.init_time = 0
+        self.init_received_time = 0
+        self.init_resp_time = 0
+        self.init_received_resp_time = 0
+        self.num_messages = 0
+        self.total_time = 0
+        self.num_responses = 0
+        self.total_time_responses = 0
+        log.debug("KafkaProxy-initialized")
+    def start(self):
+        try:
+            # Create the kafka client
+            # assert self.kafka_host is not None
+            # assert self.kafka_port is not None
+            # kafka_host_port = ":".join((self.kafka_host, self.kafka_port))
+            self.kafka_client = KafkaClient(self.kafka_host_port)
+            # Get the kafka proxy instance.  If it does not exist then
+            # create it
+            self.kafka_proxy = get_kafka_proxy()
+            if self.kafka_proxy == None:
+                KafkaProxy(kafka_endpoint=self.kafka_host_port).start()
+                self.kafka_proxy = get_kafka_proxy()
+            # Subscribe the default topic and target_cls
+            self.topic_target_cls_map[self.default_topic] = self.target_cls
+            # Start the queue to handle incoming messages
+            reactor.callLater(0, self._received_message_processing_loop)
+            # Start listening for incoming messages
+            reactor.callLater(0, self.subscribe, self.default_topic,
+                              target_cls=self.target_cls)
+            # Setup the singleton instance
+            IKafkaMessagingProxy._kafka_messaging_instance = self
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("Failed-to-start-proxy", e=e)
+    def stop(self):
+        """
+        Invoked to stop the kafka proxy
+        :return: None on success, Exception on failure
+        """
+        log.debug("Stopping-messaging-proxy ...")
+        try:
+            # Stop all the consumers
+            deferred_list = []
+            for key, values in self.topic_consumer_map.iteritems():
+                deferred_list.extend([c.stop() for c in values])
+            if not deferred_list:
+                d = gatherResults(deferred_list)
+                d.addCallback(lambda result: self.kafka_client.close())
+            log.debug("Messaging-proxy-stopped.")
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("Exception-when-stopping-messaging-proxy:", e=e)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _wait_until_topic_is_ready(self, client, topic):
+        e = True
+        while e:
+            yield client.load_metadata_for_topics(topic)
+            e = client.metadata_error_for_topic(topic)
+            if e:
+                log.debug("Topic-not-ready-retrying...", topic=topic)
+    def _clear_backoff(self):
+        if self.retries:
+  'reconnected-to-consul', after_retries=self.retries)
+            self.retries = 0
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _subscribe(self, topic, callback=None, target_cls=None):
+        try:
+            yield self._wait_until_topic_is_ready(self.kafka_client, topic)
+            partitions = self.kafka_client.topic_partitions[topic]
+            consumers = []
+            # First setup the generic callback - all received messages will
+            # go through that queue
+            if topic not in self.topic_consumer_map:
+                consumers = [Consumer(self.kafka_client, topic, partition,
+                                      self._enqueue_received_message)
+                             for partition in partitions]
+                self.topic_consumer_map[topic] = consumers
+            log.debug("_subscribe", topic=topic, consumermap=self.topic_consumer_map)
+            if target_cls is not None and callback is None:
+                # Scenario #1
+                if topic not in self.topic_target_cls_map:
+                    self.topic_target_cls_map[topic] = target_cls
+            elif target_cls is None and callback is not None:
+                # Scenario #2
+                log.debug("custom-callback", topic=topic,
+                          callback_map=self.topic_callback_map)
+                if topic not in self.topic_callback_map:
+                    self.topic_callback_map[topic] = [callback]
+                else:
+                    self.topic_callback_map[topic].extend([callback])
+            else:
+                log.warn("invalid-parameters")
+            def cb_closed(result):
+                """
+                Called when a consumer cleanly stops.
+                """
+                log.debug("Consumers-cleanly-stopped")
+            def eb_failed(failure):
+                """
+                Called when a consumer fails due to an uncaught exception in the
+                processing callback or a network error on shutdown. In this case we
+                simply log the error.
+                """
+                log.warn("Consumers-failed", failure=failure)
+            for c in consumers:
+                c.start(OFFSET_LATEST).addCallbacks(cb_closed, eb_failed)
+            returnValue(True)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("Exception-during-subscription", e=e)
+            returnValue(False)
+    def subscribe(self, topic, callback=None, target_cls=None,
+                  max_retry=3):
+        """
+        Scenario 1:  invoked to subscribe to a specific topic with a
+        target_cls to invoke when a message is received on that topic.  This
+        handles the case of request/response where this library performs the
+        heavy lifting. In this case the m_callback must to be None
+        Scenario 2:  invoked to subscribe to a specific topic with a
+        specific callback to invoke when a message is received on that topic.
+        This handles the case where the caller wants to process the message
+        received itself. In this case the target_cls must to be None
+        :param topic: topic to subscribe to
+        :param callback: Callback to invoke when a message is received on
+        the topic. Either one of callback or target_cls needs can be none
+        :param target_cls:  Target class to use when a message is
+        received on the topic. There can only be 1 target_cls per topic.
+        Either one of callback or target_cls needs can be none
+        :param max_retry:  the number of retries before reporting failure
+        to subscribe.  This caters for scenario where the kafka topic is not
+        ready.
+        :return: True on success, False on failure
+        """
+        RETRY_BACKOFF = [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5]
+        def _backoff(msg, retries):
+            wait_time = RETRY_BACKOFF[min(retries,
+                                          len(RETRY_BACKOFF) - 1)]
+  , retry_in=wait_time)
+            return asleep(wait_time)
+        retry = 0
+        while not self._subscribe(topic, callback=callback,
+                                  target_cls=target_cls):
+            if retry > max_retry:
+                return False
+            else:
+                _backoff("subscription-not-complete", retry)
+                retry += 1
+        return True
+    def unsubscribe(self, topic):
+        """
+        Invoked when unsubscribing to a topic
+        :param topic: topic to unsubscibe from
+        :return: None on success or Exception on failure
+        """
+        log.debug("Unsubscribing-to-topic", topic=topic)
+        def remove_topic(topic):
+            if topic in self.topic_consumer_map:
+                del self.topic_consumer_map[topic]
+        try:
+            if topic in self.topic_consumer_map:
+                consumers = self.topic_consumer_map[topic]
+                d = gatherResults([c.stop() for c in consumers])
+                d.addCallback(remove_topic, topic)
+                log.debug("Unsubscribed-to-topic.", topic=topic)
+            else:
+                log.debug("Topic-does-not-exist.", topic=topic)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("Exception-when-stopping-messaging-proxy:", e=e)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _enqueue_received_message(self, reactor, message_list):
+        """
+        Internal method to continuously queue all received messaged
+        irrespective of topic
+        :param reactor: A requirement by the Twisted Python kafka library
+        :param message_list: Received list of messages
+        :return: None on success, Exception on failure
+        """
+        try:
+            for m in message_list:
+                log.debug("received-msg", msg=m)
+                yield self.received_msg_queue.put(m)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("Failed-enqueueing-received-message", e=e)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _received_message_processing_loop(self):
+        """
+        Internal method to continuously process all received messages one
+        at a time
+        :return: None on success, Exception on failure
+        """
+        while True:
+            try:
+                message = yield self.received_msg_queue.get()
+                yield self._process_message(message)
+            except Exception as e:
+                log.exception("Failed-dequeueing-received-message", e=e)
+    def _to_string(self, unicode_str):
+        if unicode_str is not None:
+            if type(unicode_str) == unicode:
+                return unicode_str.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
+            else:
+                return unicode_str
+        else:
+            return None
+    def _format_request(self,
+                        rpc,
+                        to_topic,
+                        reply_topic,
+                        **kwargs):
+        """
+        Format a request to send over kafka
+        :param rpc: Requested remote API
+        :param to_topic: Topic to send the request
+        :param reply_topic: Topic to receive the resulting response, if any
+        :param kwargs: Dictionary of key-value pairs to pass as arguments to
+        the remote rpc API.
+        :return: A InterContainerMessage message type on success or None on
+        failure
+        """
+        try:
+            transaction_id = uuid4().hex
+            request = InterContainerMessage()
+            request_body = InterContainerRequestBody()
+   = transaction_id
+            request.header.type = MessageType.Value("REQUEST")
+            request.header.from_topic = self.default_topic
+            request.header.to_topic = to_topic
+            response_required = False
+            if reply_topic:
+                request_body.reply_to_topic = reply_topic
+                response_required = True
+            request.header.timestamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
+            request_body.rpc = rpc
+            for a, b in kwargs.iteritems():
+                arg = Argument()
+                arg.key = a
+                try:
+                    arg.value.Pack(b)
+                    request_body.args.extend([arg])
+                except Exception as e:
+                    log.exception("Failed-parsing-value", e=e)
+            request_body.reply_to_topic = self.default_topic
+            request_body.response_required = response_required
+            request.body.Pack(request_body)
+            return request, transaction_id, response_required
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("formatting-request-failed",
+                          rpc=rpc,
+                          to_topic=to_topic,
+                          reply_topic=reply_topic,
+                          args=kwargs)
+            return None, None, None
+    def _format_response(self, msg_header, msg_body, status):
+        """
+        Format a response
+        :param msg_header: The header portion of a received request
+        :param msg_body: The response body
+        :param status: True is this represents a successful response
+        :return: a InterContainerMessage message type
+        """
+        try:
+            assert isinstance(msg_header, Header)
+            response = InterContainerMessage()
+            response_body = InterContainerResponseBody()
+   =
+            response.header.timestamp = int(
+                round(time.time() * 1000))
+            response.header.type = MessageType.Value("RESPONSE")
+            response.header.from_topic = msg_header.to_topic
+            response.header.to_topic = msg_header.from_topic
+            if msg_body is not None:
+                response_body.result.Pack(msg_body)
+            response_body.success = status
+            response.body.Pack(response_body)
+            return response
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("formatting-response-failed", header=msg_header,
+                          body=msg_body, status=status, e=e)
+            return None
+    def _parse_response(self, msg):
+        try:
+            message = InterContainerMessage()
+            message.ParseFromString(msg)
+            resp = InterContainerResponseBody()
+            if message.body.Is(InterContainerResponseBody.DESCRIPTOR):
+                message.body.Unpack(resp)
+            else:
+                log.debug("unsupported-msg", msg_type=type(message.body))
+                return None
+            log.debug("parsed-response", input=message, output=resp)
+            return resp
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("parsing-response-failed", msg=msg, e=e)
+            return None
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _process_message(self, m):
+        """
+        Default internal method invoked for every batch of messages received
+        from Kafka.
+        """
+        def _toDict(args):
+            """
+            Convert a repeatable Argument type into a python dictionary
+            :param args: Repeatable core_adapter.Argument type
+            :return: a python dictionary
+            """
+            if args is None:
+                return None
+            result = {}
+            for arg in args:
+                assert isinstance(arg, Argument)
+                result[arg.key] = arg.value
+            return result
+        current_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
+        # log.debug("Got Message", message=m)
+        try:
+            val = m.message.value
+            # print m.topic
+            # Go over customized callbacks first
+            if m.topic in self.topic_callback_map:
+                for c in self.topic_callback_map[m.topic]:
+                    yield c(val)
+            #  Check whether we need to process request/response scenario
+            if m.topic not in self.topic_target_cls_map:
+                return
+            # Process request/response scenario
+            message = InterContainerMessage()
+            message.ParseFromString(val)
+            if message.header.type == MessageType.Value("REQUEST"):
+                # if self.num_messages == 0:
+                #     self.init_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
+                #     self.init_received_time = message.header.timestamp
+                #     log.debug("INIT_TIME", time=self.init_time,
+                #               time_sent=message.header.timestamp)
+                # self.num_messages = self.num_messages + 1
+                #
+                # self.total_time = self.total_time + current_time - message.header.timestamp
+                #
+                # if self.num_messages % 10 == 0:
+                #     log.debug("TOTAL_TIME ...",
+                #               num=self.num_messages,
+                #               total=self.total_time,
+                #               duration=current_time - self.init_time,
+                #               time_since_first_msg=current_time - self.init_received_time,
+                #               average=self.total_time / 10)
+                #     self.total_time = 0
+                # Get the target class for that specific topic
+                targetted_topic = self._to_string(message.header.to_topic)
+                msg_body = InterContainerRequestBody()
+                if message.body.Is(InterContainerRequestBody.DESCRIPTOR):
+                    message.body.Unpack(msg_body)
+                else:
+                    log.debug("unsupported-msg", msg_type=type(message.body))
+                    return
+                if targetted_topic in self.topic_target_cls_map:
+                    if msg_body.args:
+                        log.debug("message-body-args-present", body=msg_body)
+                        (status, res) = yield getattr(
+                            self.topic_target_cls_map[targetted_topic],
+                            self._to_string(msg_body.rpc))(
+                            **_toDict(msg_body.args))
+                    else:
+                        log.debug("message-body-args-absent", body=msg_body,
+                                  rpc=msg_body.rpc)
+                        (status, res) = yield getattr(
+                            self.topic_target_cls_map[targetted_topic],
+                            self._to_string(msg_body.rpc))()
+                    if msg_body.response_required:
+                        response = self._format_response(
+                            msg_header=message.header,
+                            msg_body=res,
+                            status=status,
+                        )
+                        if response is not None:
+                            res_topic = self._to_string(
+                                response.header.to_topic)
+                            self._send_kafka_message(res_topic, response)
+                        log.debug("Response-sent", response=response.body)
+            elif message.header.type == MessageType.Value("RESPONSE"):
+                trns_id = self._to_string(
+                if trns_id in self.transaction_id_deferred_map:
+                    # self.num_responses = self.num_responses + 1
+                    # self.total_time_responses = self.total_time_responses + current_time - \
+                    #                             message.header.timestamp
+                    # if self.num_responses % 10 == 0:
+                    #     log.debug("TOTAL RESPONSES ...",
+                    #               num=self.num_responses,
+                    #               total=self.total_time_responses,
+                    #               average=self.total_time_responses / 10)
+                    #     self.total_time_responses = 0
+                    resp = self._parse_response(val)
+                    self.transaction_id_deferred_map[trns_id].callback(resp)
+            else:
+                log.error("!!INVALID-TRANSACTION-TYPE!!")
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("Failed-to-process-message", message=m, e=e)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _send_kafka_message(self, topic, msg):
+        try:
+            yield self.kafka_proxy.send_message(topic, msg.SerializeToString())
+        except Exception, e:
+            log.exception("Failed-sending-message", message=msg, e=e)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def send_request(self,
+                     rpc,
+                     to_topic,
+                     reply_topic=None,
+                     callback=None,
+                     **kwargs):
+        """
+        Invoked to send a message to a remote container and receive a
+        response if required.
+        :param rpc: The remote API to invoke
+        :param to_topic: Send the message to this kafka topic
+        :param reply_topic: If not None then a response is expected on this
+        topic.  If set to None then no response is required.
+        :param callback: Callback to invoke when a response is received.
+        :param kwargs: Key-value pairs representing arguments to pass to the
+        rpc remote API.
+        :return: Either no response is required, or a response is returned
+        via the callback or the response is a tuple of (status, return_cls)
+        """
+        try:
+            # Ensure all strings are not unicode encoded
+            rpc = self._to_string(rpc)
+            to_topic = self._to_string(to_topic)
+            reply_topic = self._to_string(reply_topic)
+            request, transaction_id, response_required = \
+                self._format_request(
+                    rpc=rpc,
+                    to_topic=to_topic,
+                    reply_topic=reply_topic,
+                    **kwargs)
+            if request is None:
+                return
+            # Add the transaction to the transaction map before sending the
+            # request.  This will guarantee the eventual response will be
+            # processed.
+            wait_for_result = None
+            if response_required:
+                wait_for_result = Deferred()
+                self.transaction_id_deferred_map[
+                    self._to_string(] = wait_for_result
+            log.debug("BEFORE-SENDING", to_topic=to_topic, from_topic=reply_topic)
+            yield self._send_kafka_message(to_topic, request)
+            log.debug("AFTER-SENDING", to_topic=to_topic, from_topic=reply_topic)
+            if response_required:
+                res = yield wait_for_result
+                if res is None or not res.success:
+                    raise KafkaMessagingError(error="Failed-response:{"
+                                                    "}".format(res))
+                # Remove the transaction from the transaction map
+                del self.transaction_id_deferred_map[transaction_id]
+                log.debug("send-message-response", rpc=rpc, result=res)
+                if callback:
+                    callback((res.success, res.result))
+                else:
+                    returnValue((res.success, res.result))
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception("Exception-sending-request", e=e)
+            raise KafkaMessagingError(error=e)
+# Common method to get the singleton instance of the kafka proxy class
+def get_messaging_proxy():
+    return IKafkaMessagingProxy._kafka_messaging_instance