One way to do this is to set up the Vagrant environment for Voltha 1 by following the instructions in the file from the Voltha 1 repository at
To build the Voltha 2 images, follow the instructions in voltha-go/python/adapters/ and ensure those images are available from within the Vagrant environment.
Copy the appropriate Kubernetes manifests from the voltha-go/k8s directory.
To deploy Voltha 2 apply the following manifests (On a single node the affinity router is not required):
k8s/namespace.yml k8s/single-node/zookeeper.yml k8s/single-node/kafka.yml k8s/operator/etcd/cluster_role.yml k8s/operator/etcd/cluster_role_binding.yml k8s/operator/etcd/operator.yml k8s/single-node/etcd_cluster.yml k8s/single-node/rw-core.yml k8s/adapters-ponsim.yml k8s/single-node/ofagent.yml k8s/single-node/cli.yml
To deploy the pods required to create PONsim devices, run ONOS, and test EAP authentication:
k8s/genie-cni-plugin-1.8.yml k8s/single-node/freeradius-config.yml k8s/single-node/freeradius.yml k8s/onos.yml k8s/single-node/olt.yml k8s/single-node/onu.yml k8s/rg.yml