Quickstart VOLTHA 2.x Build Setup.

Starting point is a basic Ubuntu 16.04 installation with internet access.

Install prerequisites

Patch and updated

sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade

Add docker-ce repo and install docker and build tools

curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential docker-ce docker-compose virtualenv git python-setuptools python-dev libpcap-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev tox

Allow non-root user docker system access

sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER

Logout/Login to assume new group membership needed for running docker as non-root user.

Checkout source and build images


Library containing all VOLTHA gRPC Protobuf definitions and the build system to produce needed stubs in Python and Golang. Currently only Python stubs are produced and used by openolt and openonu adapters below. Soon all VOLTHA 2.x core and components will use the protobufs built from this repo. Once this stabilizes you will no longer need a local build. The python vesion of the stubs will be available in pip. Currently the plan is to push the voltha-protos pip library once a sprint into PyPi. The Golang vesion of the stubs will be available via go get TODO

mkdir ~/source
cd ~/source/
git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/voltha-protos.git

Generate the local tar.gz that is the dev version of voltha-protos:

cd ~/source/voltha-protos/
make build
ls dist/

VOLTHA 2.0 Go Core

cd ~/source/
git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/voltha-go.git

Build Go docker images, rwcore being whats most needed for now:

cd ~/source/voltha-go
make build

Build Python CLI and OFAgent docker images. Python ofagent, cli, and ponsim build system needs to be told to create protos docker image using environment variable. This will no longer be needed when python components use pyvoltha and voltha-protos packages

export VOLTHA_BUILD=docker
cd ~/source/voltha-go/python
make build

PyVoltha PIP Library

Python library of common core functions. Once this stabilizes then you will no longer need a local build, the needed version will be in pip. Currently the plan is to push the pyvoltha pip library once a sprint into PyPi. Currently PyVoltha includes generated python stubs of voltha gRPC protos.

cd ~/source/
git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/pyvoltha.git

Generate the local tar.gz that is the dev version of pyvoltha:

cd ~/source/pyvoltha/
make dist
ls dist/

VOLTHA 2.0 OpenOLT (python)

cd ~/source/
git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/voltha-openolt-adapter.git

Build the openolt container. Inform the Makefile to use a local build of PyVoltha and voltha-protos. This will copy the pyvoltha tar.gz and voltha-protos from their respective build tree and include in the openolt build tree. Once PyVoltha and voltha-protos is stable this will not be needed.

export LOCAL_PYVOLTHA=true
cd ~/source/voltha-openolt-adapter/python/
make build

VOLTHA 2.0 OpenONU (python)

cd ~/source/
git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/voltha-openonu-adapter.git

Build the openonu container. Inform the Makefile to use a local build of PyVoltha and voltha-protos. This will copy the pyvoltha tar.gz and voltha-protos from their respective build tree and include in the openonu build tree. Once PyVoltha and voltha-protos is stable this will not be needed.

export LOCAL_PYVOLTHA=true
cd ~/source/voltha-openonu-adapter/python
make build


Run the combined compose file that starts the core, its dependent systems and the openonu and openolt adapters. Export an environment variable of your non-localhost ip address needed for inter-container communication.

cd ~/source/voltha-go
docker-compose -f compose/system-test.yml up -d

Verify containers have continuous uptime and no restarts

docker-compose -f compose/system-test.yml ps
docker ps

Login to cli and verify. Password is admin

ssh -p 5022 voltha@localhost 

Run voltha "devices" command to verify communication to etcd "table empty" is good

(voltha) devices
table empty

At this point preprovision and enable olt, add flows using the CLI or ofagent.