[VOL-1997] Remove transaction timeout for a non-active rw_core

This commit cleans up the transaction processing between two
cores in a pair.  It prevents the core not processing the request
to grab the request based on a timeout only.

Since this update heavily relies on the etcd mechanism then customized
local tests (not unit as could not find a full-featured etcd mock)
were run against it as well as some basic manual tests with

There is a TODO item in this commit to implement a peer-probe
mechanism to guarantee that a core in a pair has actually died
before a switch over is done.

Minor updates after first review.
Comments updates after second review

Change-Id: Ifc1442471595a979b39251535b8ee9210e1a52df
diff --git a/kafka/kafka_inter_container_library.go b/kafka/kafka_inter_container_library.go
index 56b5fa1..f9b3319 100644
--- a/kafka/kafka_inter_container_library.go
+++ b/kafka/kafka_inter_container_library.go
@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
 	FromTopic      = "fromTopic"
+var ErrorTransactionNotAcquired = errors.New("transaction-not-acquired")
+var ErrorTransactionInvalidId = errors.New("transaction-invalid-id")
 // requestHandlerChannel represents an interface associated with a channel.  Whenever, an event is
 // obtained from that channel, this interface is invoked.   This is used to handle
 // async requests into the Core via the kafka messaging bus
@@ -674,15 +677,20 @@
 				// Check for errors first
 				lastIndex := len(out) - 1
 				if out[lastIndex].Interface() != nil { // Error
-					if goError, ok := out[lastIndex].Interface().(error); ok {
-						returnError = &ic.Error{Reason: goError.Error()}
+					if retError, ok := out[lastIndex].Interface().(error); ok {
+						if retError.Error() == ErrorTransactionNotAcquired.Error() {
+							log.Debugw("Ignoring request", log.Fields{"error": retError, "txId": msg.Header.Id})
+							return // Ignore - process is in competing mode and ignored transaction
+						}
+						returnError = &ic.Error{Reason: retError.Error()}
 						returnedValues = append(returnedValues, returnError)
 					} else { // Should never happen
 						returnError = &ic.Error{Reason: "incorrect-error-returns"}
 						returnedValues = append(returnedValues, returnError)
 				} else if len(out) == 2 && reflect.ValueOf(out[0].Interface()).IsValid() && reflect.ValueOf(out[0].Interface()).IsNil() {
-					return // Ignore case - when core is in competing mode
+					log.Warnw("Unexpected response of (nil,nil)", log.Fields{"txId": msg.Header.Id})
+					return // Ignore - should not happen
 				} else { // Non-error case
 					success = true
 					for idx, val := range out {