blob: 0c7fc382034f88934a8a614a33136784a3e32bfc [file] [log] [blame]
// Package keytab implements Kerberos keytabs:
package keytab
import (
const (
keytabFirstByte byte = 05
// Keytab struct.
type Keytab struct {
version uint8
Entries []entry
// Keytab entry struct.
type entry struct {
Principal principal
Timestamp time.Time
KVNO8 uint8
Key types.EncryptionKey
KVNO uint32
// Keytab entry principal struct.
type principal struct {
NumComponents int16
Realm string
Components []string
NameType int32
// New creates new, empty Keytab type.
func New() *Keytab {
var e []entry
return &Keytab{
version: 0,
Entries: e,
// GetEncryptionKey returns the EncryptionKey from the Keytab for the newest entry with the required kvno, etype and matching principal.
func (kt *Keytab) GetEncryptionKey(princName types.PrincipalName, realm string, kvno int, etype int32) (types.EncryptionKey, error) {
//TODO (theme: KVNO from keytab) this function should return the kvno too
var key types.EncryptionKey
var t time.Time
for _, k := range kt.Entries {
if k.Principal.Realm == realm && len(k.Principal.Components) == len(princName.NameString) &&
k.Key.KeyType == etype &&
(k.KVNO == uint32(kvno) || kvno == 0) &&
k.Timestamp.After(t) {
p := true
for i, n := range k.Principal.Components {
if princName.NameString[i] != n {
p = false
if p {
key = k.Key
t = k.Timestamp
if len(key.KeyValue) < 1 {
return key, fmt.Errorf("matching key not found in keytab. Looking for %v realm: %v kvno: %v etype: %v", princName.NameString, realm, kvno, etype)
return key, nil
// Create a new Keytab entry.
func newKeytabEntry() entry {
var b []byte
return entry{
Principal: newPrincipal(),
Timestamp: time.Time{},
KVNO8: 0,
Key: types.EncryptionKey{
KeyType: 0,
KeyValue: b,
KVNO: 0,
// Create a new principal.
func newPrincipal() principal {
var c []string
return principal{
NumComponents: 0,
Realm: "",
Components: c,
NameType: 0,
// Load a Keytab file into a Keytab type.
func Load(ktPath string) (*Keytab, error) {
kt := new(Keytab)
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(ktPath)
if err != nil {
return kt, err
err = kt.Unmarshal(b)
return kt, err
// Marshal keytab into byte slice
func (kt *Keytab) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
b := []byte{keytabFirstByte, kt.version}
for _, e := range kt.Entries {
eb, err := e.marshal(int(kt.version))
if err != nil {
return b, err
b = append(b, eb...)
return b, nil
// Write the keytab bytes to io.Writer.
// Returns the number of bytes written
func (kt *Keytab) Write(w io.Writer) (int, error) {
b, err := kt.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("error marshaling keytab: %v", err)
return w.Write(b)
// Unmarshal byte slice of Keytab data into Keytab type.
func (kt *Keytab) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
//The first byte of the file always has the value 5
if b[0] != keytabFirstByte {
return errors.New("invalid keytab data. First byte does not equal 5")
//Get keytab version
//The 2nd byte contains the version number (1 or 2)
kt.version = b[1]
if kt.version != 1 && kt.version != 2 {
return errors.New("invalid keytab data. Keytab version is neither 1 nor 2")
//Version 1 of the file format uses native byte order for integer representations. Version 2 always uses big-endian byte order
var endian binary.ByteOrder
endian = binary.BigEndian
if kt.version == 1 && isNativeEndianLittle() {
endian = binary.LittleEndian
After the two-byte version indicator, the file contains a sequence of signed 32-bit record lengths followed by key records or holes.
A positive record length indicates a valid key entry whose size is equal to or less than the record length.
A negative length indicates a zero-filled hole whose size is the inverse of the length.
A length of 0 indicates the end of the file.
// n tracks position in the byte array
n := 2
l := readInt32(b, &n, &endian)
for l != 0 {
if l < 0 {
//Zero padded so skip over
l = l * -1
n = n + int(l)
} else {
//fmt.Printf("Bytes for entry: %v\n", b[n:n+int(l)])
eb := b[n : n+int(l)]
n = n + int(l)
ke := newKeytabEntry()
// p keeps track as to where we are in the byte stream
var p int
parsePrincipal(eb, &p, kt, &ke, &endian)
ke.Timestamp = readTimestamp(eb, &p, &endian)
ke.KVNO8 = uint8(readInt8(eb, &p, &endian))
ke.Key.KeyType = int32(readInt16(eb, &p, &endian))
kl := int(readInt16(eb, &p, &endian))
ke.Key.KeyValue = readBytes(eb, &p, kl, &endian)
//The 32-bit key version overrides the 8-bit key version.
// To determine if it is present, the implementation must check that at least 4 bytes remain in the record after the other fields are read,
// and that the value of the 32-bit integer contained in those bytes is non-zero.
if len(eb)-p >= 4 {
// The 32-bit key may be present
ke.KVNO = uint32(readInt32(eb, &p, &endian))
if ke.KVNO == 0 {
// Handles if the value from the last 4 bytes was zero and also if there are not the 4 bytes present. Makes sense to put the same value here as KVNO8
ke.KVNO = uint32(ke.KVNO8)
// Add the entry to the keytab
kt.Entries = append(kt.Entries, ke)
// Check if there are still 4 bytes left to read
if n > len(b) || len(b[n:]) < 4 {
// Read the size of the next entry
l = readInt32(b, &n, &endian)
return nil
func (e entry) marshal(v int) ([]byte, error) {
var b []byte
pb, err := e.Principal.marshal(v)
if err != nil {
return b, err
b = append(b, pb...)
var endian binary.ByteOrder
endian = binary.BigEndian
if v == 1 && isNativeEndianLittle() {
endian = binary.LittleEndian
t := make([]byte, 9)
endian.PutUint32(t[0:4], uint32(e.Timestamp.Unix()))
t[4] = e.KVNO8
endian.PutUint16(t[5:7], uint16(e.Key.KeyType))
endian.PutUint16(t[7:9], uint16(len(e.Key.KeyValue)))
b = append(b, t...)
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
err = binary.Write(buf, endian, e.Key.KeyValue)
if err != nil {
return b, err
b = append(b, buf.Bytes()...)
t = make([]byte, 4)
endian.PutUint32(t, e.KVNO)
b = append(b, t...)
// Add the length header
t = make([]byte, 4)
endian.PutUint32(t, uint32(len(b)))
b = append(t, b...)
return b, nil
// Parse the Keytab bytes of a principal into a Keytab entry's principal.
func parsePrincipal(b []byte, p *int, kt *Keytab, ke *entry, e *binary.ByteOrder) error {
ke.Principal.NumComponents = readInt16(b, p, e)
if kt.version == 1 {
//In version 1 the number of components includes the realm. Minus 1 to make consistent with version 2
lenRealm := readInt16(b, p, e)
ke.Principal.Realm = string(readBytes(b, p, int(lenRealm), e))
for i := 0; i < int(ke.Principal.NumComponents); i++ {
l := readInt16(b, p, e)
ke.Principal.Components = append(ke.Principal.Components, string(readBytes(b, p, int(l), e)))
if kt.version != 1 {
//Name Type is omitted in version 1
ke.Principal.NameType = readInt32(b, p, e)
return nil
func (p principal) marshal(v int) ([]byte, error) {
//var b []byte
b := make([]byte, 2)
var endian binary.ByteOrder
endian = binary.BigEndian
if v == 1 && isNativeEndianLittle() {
endian = binary.LittleEndian
endian.PutUint16(b[0:], uint16(p.NumComponents))
realm, err := marshalString(p.Realm, v)
if err != nil {
return b, err
b = append(b, realm...)
for _, c := range p.Components {
cb, err := marshalString(c, v)
if err != nil {
return b, err
b = append(b, cb...)
if v != 1 {
t := make([]byte, 4)
endian.PutUint32(t, uint32(p.NameType))
b = append(b, t...)
return b, nil
func marshalString(s string, v int) ([]byte, error) {
sb := []byte(s)
b := make([]byte, 2)
var endian binary.ByteOrder
endian = binary.BigEndian
if v == 1 && isNativeEndianLittle() {
endian = binary.LittleEndian
endian.PutUint16(b[0:], uint16(len(sb)))
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
err := binary.Write(buf, endian, sb)
if err != nil {
return b, err
b = append(b, buf.Bytes()...)
return b, err
// Read bytes representing a timestamp.
func readTimestamp(b []byte, p *int, e *binary.ByteOrder) time.Time {
return time.Unix(int64(readInt32(b, p, e)), 0)
// Read bytes representing an eight bit integer.
func readInt8(b []byte, p *int, e *binary.ByteOrder) (i int8) {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(b[*p : *p+1])
binary.Read(buf, *e, &i)
// Read bytes representing a sixteen bit integer.
func readInt16(b []byte, p *int, e *binary.ByteOrder) (i int16) {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(b[*p : *p+2])
binary.Read(buf, *e, &i)
*p += 2
// Read bytes representing a thirty two bit integer.
func readInt32(b []byte, p *int, e *binary.ByteOrder) (i int32) {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(b[*p : *p+4])
binary.Read(buf, *e, &i)
*p += 4
func readBytes(b []byte, p *int, s int, e *binary.ByteOrder) []byte {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(b[*p : *p+s])
r := make([]byte, s)
binary.Read(buf, *e, &r)
*p += s
return r
func isNativeEndianLittle() bool {
var x = 0x012345678
var p = unsafe.Pointer(&x)
var bp = (*[4]byte)(p)
var endian bool
if 0x01 == bp[0] {
endian = false
} else if (0x78 & 0xff) == (bp[0] & 0xff) {
endian = true
} else {
// Default to big endian
endian = false
return endian