VOL-1460 Updated core to use voltha-protos instead of local protos
Moved protos to python directory in order to maintain functionaly of containers built there.
Added capability to do local builds of protos
Added instructions on running dep ensure for getting protos.
Updated github.com/golang/protobuf version to v1.3.1

Change-Id: Ia6ef55f07f0d5dcb5b750d7c37b21b71db85bfc4
diff --git a/vendor/gopkg.in/Shopify/sarama.v1/broker.go b/vendor/gopkg.in/Shopify/sarama.v1/broker.go
index 6a33b80..9129089 100644
--- a/vendor/gopkg.in/Shopify/sarama.v1/broker.go
+++ b/vendor/gopkg.in/Shopify/sarama.v1/broker.go
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@
+	"sort"
+	"strings"
@@ -46,6 +48,50 @@
 	brokerResponseSize     metrics.Histogram
+// SASLMechanism specifies the SASL mechanism the client uses to authenticate with the broker
+type SASLMechanism string
+const (
+	// SASLTypeOAuth represents the SASL/OAUTHBEARER mechanism (Kafka 2.0.0+)
+	// SASLTypePlaintext represents the SASL/PLAIN mechanism
+	SASLTypePlaintext = "PLAIN"
+	// SASLHandshakeV0 is v0 of the Kafka SASL handshake protocol. Client and
+	// server negotiate SASL auth using opaque packets.
+	SASLHandshakeV0 = int16(0)
+	// SASLHandshakeV1 is v1 of the Kafka SASL handshake protocol. Client and
+	// server negotiate SASL by wrapping tokens with Kafka protocol headers.
+	SASLHandshakeV1 = int16(1)
+	// SASLExtKeyAuth is the reserved extension key name sent as part of the
+	// SASL/OAUTHBEARER intial client response
+	SASLExtKeyAuth = "auth"
+// AccessToken contains an access token used to authenticate a
+// SASL/OAUTHBEARER client along with associated metadata.
+type AccessToken struct {
+	// Token is the access token payload.
+	Token string
+	// Extensions is a optional map of arbitrary key-value pairs that can be
+	// sent with the SASL/OAUTHBEARER initial client response. These values are
+	// ignored by the SASL server if they are unexpected. This feature is only
+	// supported by Kafka >= 2.1.0.
+	Extensions map[string]string
+// AccessTokenProvider is the interface that encapsulates how implementors
+// can generate access tokens for Kafka broker authentication.
+type AccessTokenProvider interface {
+	// Token returns an access token. The implementation should ensure token
+	// reuse so that multiple calls at connect time do not create multiple
+	// tokens. The implementation should also periodically refresh the token in
+	// order to guarantee that each call returns an unexpired token.  This
+	// method should not block indefinitely--a timeout error should be returned
+	// after a short period of inactivity so that the broker connection logic
+	// can log debugging information and retry.
+	Token() (*AccessToken, error)
 type responsePromise struct {
 	requestTime   time.Time
 	correlationID int32
@@ -125,7 +171,9 @@
 		if conf.Net.SASL.Enable {
-			b.connErr = b.sendAndReceiveSASLPlainAuth()
+			b.connErr = b.authenticateViaSASL()
 			if b.connErr != nil {
 				err = b.conn.Close()
 				if err == nil {
@@ -744,8 +792,16 @@
-func (b *Broker) sendAndReceiveSASLPlainHandshake() error {
-	rb := &SaslHandshakeRequest{"PLAIN"}
+func (b *Broker) authenticateViaSASL() error {
+	if b.conf.Net.SASL.Mechanism == SASLTypeOAuth {
+		return b.sendAndReceiveSASLOAuth(b.conf.Net.SASL.TokenProvider)
+	}
+	return b.sendAndReceiveSASLPlainAuth()
+func (b *Broker) sendAndReceiveSASLHandshake(saslType string, version int16) error {
+	rb := &SaslHandshakeRequest{Mechanism: saslType, Version: version}
 	req := &request{correlationID: b.correlationID, clientID: b.conf.ClientID, body: rb}
 	buf, err := encode(req, b.conf.MetricRegistry)
 	if err != nil {
@@ -814,7 +870,7 @@
 // of responding to bad credentials but thats how its being done today.
 func (b *Broker) sendAndReceiveSASLPlainAuth() error {
 	if b.conf.Net.SASL.Handshake {
-		handshakeErr := b.sendAndReceiveSASLPlainHandshake()
+		handshakeErr := b.sendAndReceiveSASLHandshake(SASLTypePlaintext, SASLHandshakeV0)
 		if handshakeErr != nil {
 			Logger.Printf("Error while performing SASL handshake %s\n", b.addr)
 			return handshakeErr
@@ -853,6 +909,157 @@
 	return nil
+// sendAndReceiveSASLOAuth performs the authentication flow as described by KIP-255
+// https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=75968876
+func (b *Broker) sendAndReceiveSASLOAuth(provider AccessTokenProvider) error {
+	if err := b.sendAndReceiveSASLHandshake(SASLTypeOAuth, SASLHandshakeV1); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	token, err := provider.Token()
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	requestTime := time.Now()
+	correlationID := b.correlationID
+	bytesWritten, err := b.sendSASLOAuthBearerClientResponse(token, correlationID)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	b.updateOutgoingCommunicationMetrics(bytesWritten)
+	b.correlationID++
+	bytesRead, err := b.receiveSASLOAuthBearerServerResponse(correlationID)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	requestLatency := time.Since(requestTime)
+	b.updateIncomingCommunicationMetrics(bytesRead, requestLatency)
+	return nil
+// Build SASL/OAUTHBEARER initial client response as described by RFC-7628
+// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7628
+func buildClientInitialResponse(token *AccessToken) ([]byte, error) {
+	var ext string
+	if token.Extensions != nil && len(token.Extensions) > 0 {
+		if _, ok := token.Extensions[SASLExtKeyAuth]; ok {
+			return []byte{}, fmt.Errorf("The extension `%s` is invalid", SASLExtKeyAuth)
+		}
+		ext = "\x01" + mapToString(token.Extensions, "=", "\x01")
+	}
+	resp := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("n,,\x01auth=Bearer %s%s\x01\x01", token.Token, ext))
+	return resp, nil
+// mapToString returns a list of key-value pairs ordered by key.
+// keyValSep separates the key from the value. elemSep separates each pair.
+func mapToString(extensions map[string]string, keyValSep string, elemSep string) string {
+	buf := make([]string, 0, len(extensions))
+	for k, v := range extensions {
+		buf = append(buf, k+keyValSep+v)
+	}
+	sort.Strings(buf)
+	return strings.Join(buf, elemSep)
+func (b *Broker) sendSASLOAuthBearerClientResponse(token *AccessToken, correlationID int32) (int, error) {
+	initialResp, err := buildClientInitialResponse(token)
+	if err != nil {
+		return 0, err
+	}
+	rb := &SaslAuthenticateRequest{initialResp}
+	req := &request{correlationID: correlationID, clientID: b.conf.ClientID, body: rb}
+	buf, err := encode(req, b.conf.MetricRegistry)
+	if err != nil {
+		return 0, err
+	}
+	if err := b.conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(b.conf.Net.WriteTimeout)); err != nil {
+		return 0, err
+	}
+	return b.conn.Write(buf)
+func (b *Broker) receiveSASLOAuthBearerServerResponse(correlationID int32) (int, error) {
+	buf := make([]byte, 8)
+	bytesRead, err := io.ReadFull(b.conn, buf)
+	if err != nil {
+		return bytesRead, err
+	}
+	header := responseHeader{}
+	err = decode(buf, &header)
+	if err != nil {
+		return bytesRead, err
+	}
+	if header.correlationID != correlationID {
+		return bytesRead, fmt.Errorf("correlation ID didn't match, wanted %d, got %d", b.correlationID, header.correlationID)
+	}
+	buf = make([]byte, header.length-4)
+	c, err := io.ReadFull(b.conn, buf)
+	bytesRead += c
+	if err != nil {
+		return bytesRead, err
+	}
+	res := &SaslAuthenticateResponse{}
+	if err := versionedDecode(buf, res, 0); err != nil {
+		return bytesRead, err
+	}
+	if err != nil {
+		return bytesRead, err
+	}
+	if res.Err != ErrNoError {
+		return bytesRead, res.Err
+	}
+	if len(res.SaslAuthBytes) > 0 {
+		Logger.Printf("Received SASL auth response: %s", res.SaslAuthBytes)
+	}
+	return bytesRead, nil
 func (b *Broker) updateIncomingCommunicationMetrics(bytes int, requestLatency time.Duration) {