This commit cleans up the python directory to ensure the adapters
and the cli runs properly.

Change-Id: Ic68a3ecd1f16a5af44296e3c020c808b185f4c18
diff --git a/python/cli/ b/python/cli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c810df4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+## CLI (~/cli)
+* Add auto-completion for most common args like device and logical device ids
+* Add consistent argument checking
+* Unify code that retrieves data from gRPC
+* Unify code that prints out data/response, to allow:
+  * Selectable output mode:
+    * JSON
+    * Tabular
+* Organize history per sub context so that in each context the commands 
+  entered in that context will show
+* Metaprogramming [BIG ONE]: Make large part of the commands come from annotations embedded in
+  the protobuf files and have corresponding handler auto-generated by protoc
+* Package CLI as docker container, bake it into composition
diff --git a/python/cli/ b/python/cli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fb0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/python/cli/ b/python/cli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed2af32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Alarm filter CLI commands
+from optparse import make_option, OptionValueError
+from cmd2 import Cmd, options
+from google.protobuf.empty_pb2 import Empty
+from table import print_pb_list_as_table
+from python.protos import third_party
+from python.protos import voltha_pb2
+from python.protos.events_pb2 import AlarmEventType, AlarmEventSeverity, AlarmEventCategory
+_ = third_party
+class AlarmFiltersCli(Cmd):
+    def __init__(self, get_stub):
+        Cmd.__init__(self)
+        self.get_stub = get_stub
+        self.prompt = '(' + self.colorize(
+            self.colorize('alarm_filters', 'red'), 'bold') + ') '
+    def cmdloop(self):
+        self._cmdloop()
+    def help_show(self):
+        self.poutput(
+Display the list of configured filters.
+Valid options:
+-i FILTER_ID | --filter-id=FILTER_ID                Display the filter rules for a specific filter id (OPTIONAL)
+        )
+    @options([
+        make_option('-i', '--filter-id', action="store", dest='filter_id')
+    ])
+    def do_show(self, line, opts):
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        if not opts.filter_id:
+            result = stub.ListAlarmFilters(Empty())
+            print_pb_list_as_table("Alarm Filters:", result.filters, {}, self.poutput)
+        else:
+            result = stub.GetAlarmFilter(voltha_pb2.ID(id=opts.filter_id))
+            print_pb_list_as_table("Rules for Filter ID = {}:".format(opts.filter_id),
+                                   result.rules, {}, self.poutput)
+    @staticmethod
+    def construct_rule(raw_rule):
+        rule = dict()
+        rule_kv = raw_rule.strip().split(':')
+        if len(rule_kv) == 2:
+            rule['key'] = rule_kv[0].lower()
+            rule['value'] = rule_kv[1].lower()
+        else:
+            raise OptionValueError("Error: A rule must be a colon separated key/value pair")
+        return rule
+    def parse_filter_rules(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+        rules = getattr(parser.values, option.dest)
+        if rules is None:
+            rules = list()
+            rules.append(AlarmFiltersCli.construct_rule(value))
+            for arg in parser.rargs:
+                if (arg[:2] == "--" and len(arg) > 2) or (arg[:1] == "-" and len(arg) > 1 and arg[1] != "-"):
+                    break
+                else:
+                    rules.append(AlarmFiltersCli.construct_rule(arg))
+            setattr(parser.values, option.dest, rules)
+        else:
+            raise OptionValueError('Warning: The filter rule option can only be specified once')
+    def help_create(self):
+        types = list(
+            k for k, v in
+            AlarmEventType.DESCRIPTOR.enum_values_by_name.items())
+        categories = list(
+            k for k, v in
+            AlarmEventCategory.DESCRIPTOR.enum_values_by_name.items())
+        severities = list(
+            k for k, v in
+            AlarmEventSeverity.DESCRIPTOR.enum_values_by_name.items())
+        alarm_types = types
+        alarm_categories = categories
+        alarm_severities = severities
+        usage = '''
+Create a new alarm filter.
+Valid options:
+-r rule:value ... | --filter-rules rule:value ...   Specify one or more filter rules as key/value pairs (REQUIRED)
+Valid rule keys and expected values:
+id          : Identifier of an incoming alarm
+type        : Type of an incoming alarm {}
+category    : Category of an incoming alarm {}
+severity    : Severity of an incoming alarm {}
+resource_id : Resource identifier of an incoming alarm
+device_id   : Device identifier of an incoming alarm
+# Filter any alarm that matches the following criteria
+create -r type:environment severity:indeterminate
+create -r device_id:754f9dcbe4a6
+'''.format(alarm_types, alarm_categories, alarm_severities)
+        self.poutput(usage)
+    @options([
+        make_option('-r', '--filter-rules', help='<key>:<value>...', action="callback",
+                    callback=parse_filter_rules, type='string', dest='filter_rules'),
+    ])
+    def do_create(self, line, opts):
+        if opts.filter_rules:
+            stub = self.get_stub()
+            result = stub.CreateAlarmFilter(voltha_pb2.AlarmFilter(rules=opts.filter_rules))
+            print_pb_list_as_table("Rules for Filter ID = {}:".format(,
+                                   result.rules, {}, self.poutput)
+    def help_delete(self):
+        self.poutput(
+Delete a specific alarm filter entry.
+Valid options:
+-i FILTER_ID | --filter-id=FILTER_ID                Display the filter rules for a specific filter id (REQUIRED)
+        )
+    @options([
+        make_option('-i', '--filter-id', action="store", dest='filter_id')
+    ])
+    def do_delete(self, line, opts):
+        if not opts.filter_id:
+            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + 'Specify ' + \
+                         self.colorize(self.colorize('"filter id"', 'blue'),
+                                       'bold') + ' to update')
+            return
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        stub.DeleteAlarmFilter(voltha_pb2.ID(id=opts.filter_id))
+    def help_update(self):
+        types = list(
+            k for k, v in
+            AlarmEventType.DESCRIPTOR.enum_values_by_name.items())
+        categories = list(
+            k for k, v in
+            AlarmEventCategory.DESCRIPTOR.enum_values_by_name.items())
+        severities = list(
+            k for k, v in
+            AlarmEventSeverity.DESCRIPTOR.enum_values_by_name.items())
+        alarm_types = types
+        alarm_categories = categories
+        alarm_severities = severities
+        usage = '''
+Update the filter rules for an existing alarm filter.
+Valid options:
+-i FILTER_ID | --filter-id=FILTER_ID                Indicate the alarm filter identifier to update (REQUIRED)
+-r rule:value ... | --filter-rules rule:value ...   Specify one or more filter rules as key/value pairs (REQUIRED)
+Valid rule keys and expected values:
+id          : Identifier of an incoming alarm
+type        : Type of an incoming alarm {}
+category    : Category of an incoming alarm {}
+severity    : Severity of an incoming alarm {}
+resource_id : Resource identifier of an incoming alarm
+device_id   : Device identifier of an incoming alarm
+# Filter any alarm that matches the following criteria
+update -i 9da115b900bc -r type:environment severity:indeterminate resource_id:1554b0517a07
+'''.format(alarm_types, alarm_categories, alarm_severities)
+        self.poutput(usage)
+    @options([
+        make_option('-r', '--filter-rules', help='<key>:<value>...', action="callback",
+                    callback=parse_filter_rules, type='string', dest='filter_rules'),
+        make_option('-i', '--filter-id', action="store", dest='filter_id')
+    ])
+    def do_update(self, line, opts):
+        if not opts.filter_id:
+            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + 'Specify ' + \
+                         self.colorize(self.colorize('"filter id"', 'blue'),
+                                       'bold') + ' to update')
+            return
+        if opts.filter_rules:
+            stub = self.get_stub()
+            result = stub.UpdateAlarmFilter(
+                voltha_pb2.AlarmFilter(id=opts.filter_id, rules=opts.filter_rules)
+            )
+            print_pb_list_as_table("Rules for Filter ID = {}:".format(,
+                                   result.rules, {}, self.poutput)
diff --git a/python/cli/ b/python/cli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38ea835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2016 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Device level CLI commands
+from optparse import make_option
+from cmd2 import Cmd, options
+from simplejson import dumps
+from table import print_pb_as_table, print_pb_list_as_table
+from utils import print_flows, pb2dict, enum2name
+from python.protos import third_party
+_ = third_party
+from python.protos import voltha_pb2, common_pb2
+import sys
+import json
+from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict
+# Since proto3 won't send fields that are set to 0/false/"" any object that
+# might have those values set in them needs to be replicated here such that the
+# fields can be adequately
+class DeviceCli(Cmd):
+    def __init__(self, device_id, get_stub):
+        Cmd.__init__(self)
+        self.get_stub = get_stub
+        self.device_id = device_id
+        self.prompt = '(' + self.colorize(
+            self.colorize('device {}'.format(device_id), 'red'), 'bold') + ') '
+        self.pm_config_last = None
+        self.pm_config_dirty = False
+    def cmdloop(self):
+        self._cmdloop()
+    def get_device(self, depth=0):
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        res = stub.GetDevice(voltha_pb2.ID(id=self.device_id),
+                             metadata=(('get-depth', str(depth)), ))
+        return res
+    do_exit = Cmd.do_quit
+    def do_quit(self, line):
+        if self.pm_config_dirty:
+            self.poutput("Uncommited changes for " + \
+                         self.colorize(
+                             self.colorize("perf_config,", "blue"),
+                             "bold") + " please either " + self.colorize(
+                             self.colorize("commit", "blue"), "bold") + \
+                         " or " + self.colorize(
+                             self.colorize("reset", "blue"), "bold") + \
+                         " your changes using " + \
+                         self.colorize(
+                             self.colorize("perf_config", "blue"), "bold"))
+            return False
+        else:
+            return self._STOP_AND_EXIT
+    def do_show(self, line):
+        """Show detailed device information"""
+        print_pb_as_table('Device {}'.format(self.device_id),
+                          self.get_device(depth=-1))
+    def do_ports(self, line):
+        """Show ports of device"""
+        device = self.get_device(depth=-1)
+        omit_fields = {
+        }
+        print_pb_list_as_table('Device ports:', device.ports,
+                               omit_fields, self.poutput)
+    def complete_perf_config(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
+        sub_cmds = {"show", "set", "commit", "reset"}
+        sub_opts = {"-f", "-e", "-d", "-o"}
+        # Help the interpreter complete the paramters.
+        completions = []
+        if not self.pm_config_last:
+            device = self.get_device(depth=-1)
+            self.pm_config_last = device.pm_configs
+        m_names = [ for d in self.pm_config_last.metrics]
+        cur_cmd = line.strip().split(" ")
+        try:
+            if not text and len(cur_cmd) == 1:
+                completions = ("show", "set", "commit", "reset")
+            elif len(cur_cmd) == 2:
+                if "set" == cur_cmd[1]:
+                    completions = [d for d in sub_opts]
+                else:
+                    completions = [d for d in sub_cmds if d.startswith(text)]
+            elif len(cur_cmd) > 2 and cur_cmd[1] == "set":
+                if cur_cmd[len(cur_cmd)-1] == "-":
+                    completions = [list(d)[1] for d in sub_opts]
+                elif cur_cmd[len(cur_cmd)-1] == "-f":
+                    completions = ("\255","Please enter a sampling frequency in 10ths of a second")
+                elif cur_cmd[len(cur_cmd)-2] == "-f":
+                    completions = [d for d in sub_opts]
+                elif cur_cmd[len(cur_cmd)-1] in {"-e","-d","-o"}:
+                    if self.pm_config_last.grouped:
+                        pass
+                    else:
+                        completions = [ for d in self.pm_config_last.metrics]
+                elif cur_cmd[len(cur_cmd)-2] in {"-e","-d"}:
+                    if text and text not in m_names:
+                        completions = [d for d in m_names if d.startswith(text)]
+                    else:
+                        completions = [d for d in sub_opts]
+                elif cur_cmd[len(cur_cmd)-2] == "-o":
+                    if cur_cmd[len(cur_cmd)-1] in [ for d in self.pm_config_last.metrics]:
+                        completions = ("\255","Please enter a sampling frequency in 10ths of a second")
+                    else:
+                        completions = [d for d in m_names if d.startswith(text)]
+                elif cur_cmd[len(cur_cmd)-3] == "-o":
+                    completions = [d for d in sub_opts]
+        except:
+            e = sys.exc_info()
+            print(e)
+        return completions
+    def help_perf_config(self):
+        self.poutput(
+perf_config [show | set | commit | reset] [-f <default frequency>] [{-e <metric/group
+            name>}] [{-d <metric/group name>}] [{-o <metric/group name> <override
+            frequency>}]
+show: displays the performance configuration of the device
+set: changes the parameters specified with -e, -d, and -o
+reset: reverts any changes made since the last commit
+commit: commits any changes made which applies them to the device.
+-e: enable collection of the specified metric, more than one -e may be
+            specified.
+-d: disable collection of the specified metric, more than on -d may be
+            specified.
+-o: override the collection frequency of the specified metric, more than one -o
+            may be specified. Note that -o isn't valid unless
+            frequency_override is set to True for the device.
+Changes made by set are held locally until a commit or reset command is issued.
+A commit command will write the configuration to the device and it takes effect
+immediately. The reset command will undo any changes since the start of the
+device session.
+If grouped is true then the -d, -e and -o commands refer to groups and not
+individual metrics.
+        )
+    @options([
+        make_option('-f', '--default_freq', action="store", dest='default_freq',
+                    type='long', default=None),
+        make_option('-e', '--enable', action='append', dest='enable',
+                    default=None),
+        make_option('-d', '--disable', action='append', dest='disable',
+                    default=None),
+        make_option('-o', '--override', action='append', dest='override',
+                    nargs=2, default=None, type='string'),
+    ])
+    def do_perf_config(self, line, opts):
+        """Show and set the performance monitoring configuration of the device"""
+        device = self.get_device(depth=-1)
+        if not self.pm_config_last:
+            self.pm_config_last = device.pm_configs
+        # Ensure that a valid sub-command was provided
+        if line.strip() not in {"set", "show", "commit", "reset", ""}:
+                self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                             self.colorize(self.colorize(line.strip(), 'blue'),
+                                           'bold') + ' is not recognized')
+                return
+        # Ensure no options are provided when requesting to view the config
+        if line.strip() == "show" or line.strip() == "":
+            if opts.default_freq or opts.enable or opts.disable:
+                self.poutput(opts.disable)
+                self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + 'use ' +
+                             self.colorize(self.colorize('"set"', 'blue'),
+                                           'bold') + ' to change settings')
+                return
+        if line.strip() == "set":  # Set the supplied values
+            metric_list = set()
+            if opts.enable is not None:
+                metric_list |= {metric for metric in opts.enable}
+            if opts.disable is not None:
+                metric_list |= {metric for metric in opts.disable}
+            if opts.override is not None:
+                metric_list |= {metric for metric, _ in opts.override}
+            # The default frequency
+            if opts.default_freq:
+                self.pm_config_last.default_freq = opts.default_freq
+                self.pm_config_dirty = True
+            # Field or group visibility
+            if self.pm_config_last.grouped:
+                for g in self.pm_config_last.groups:
+                    if opts.enable:
+                        if g.group_name in opts.enable:
+                            g.enabled = True
+                            self.pm_config_dirty = True
+                            metric_list.discard(g.group_name)
+                for g in self.pm_config_last.groups:
+                    if opts.disable:
+                        if g.group_name in opts.disable:
+                            g.enabled = False
+                            self.pm_config_dirty = True
+                            metric_list.discard(g.group_name)
+            else:
+                for m in self.pm_config_last.metrics:
+                    if opts.enable:
+                        if in opts.enable:
+                            m.enabled = True
+                            self.pm_config_dirty = True
+                            metric_list.discard(
+                for m in self.pm_config_last.metrics:
+                    if opts.disable:
+                        if in opts.disable:
+                            m.enabled = False
+                            self.pm_config_dirty = True
+                            metric_list.discard(
+            # Frequency overrides.
+            if opts.override:
+                if self.pm_config_last.freq_override:
+                    oo = dict()
+                    for o in opts.override:
+                        oo[o[0]] = o[1]
+                    if self.pm_config_last.grouped:
+                        for g in self.pm_config_last.groups:
+                            if g.group_name in oo:
+                                try:
+                                    g.group_freq = int(oo[g.group_name])
+                                except ValueError:
+                                    self.poutput(self.colorize('Warning: ',
+                                                               'yellow') +
+                                                 self.colorize(oo[g.group_name],
+                                                               'blue') +
+                                                 " is not an integer... ignored")
+                                del oo[g.group_name]
+                                self.pm_config_dirty = True
+                                metric_list.discard(g.group_name)
+                    else:
+                        for m in self.pm_config_last.metrics:
+                            if in oo:
+                                try:
+                                    m.sample_freq = int(oo[])
+                                except ValueError:
+                                    self.poutput(self.colorize('Warning: ',
+                                                               'yellow') +
+                                                 self.colorize(oo[],
+                                                               'blue') +
+                                                 " is not an integer... ignored")
+                                del oo[]
+                                self.pm_config_dirty = True
+                                metric_list.discard(
+                    # If there's anything left the input was typoed
+                    if self.pm_config_last.grouped:
+                        field = 'group'
+                    else:
+                        field = 'metric'
+                    for o in oo:
+                        self.poutput(self.colorize('Warning: ', 'yellow') +
+                                     'the parameter' + ' ' +
+                                     self.colorize(o, 'blue') + ' is not ' +
+                                     'a ' + field + ' name... ignored')
+                    if oo:
+                        return
+                else:  # Frequency overrides not enabled
+                    self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                                 'Individual overrides are only ' +
+                                 'supported if ' +
+                                 self.colorize('freq_override', 'blue') +
+                                 ' is set to ' + self.colorize('True', 'blue'))
+                    return
+            if len(metric_list):
+                metric_name_list = ", ".join(str(metric) for metric in metric_list)
+                self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                             'Metric/Metric Group{} '.format('s' if len(metric_list) > 1 else '') +
+                             self.colorize(metric_name_list, 'blue') +
+                             ' {} not found'.format('were' if len(metric_list) > 1 else 'was'))
+                return
+            self.poutput("Success")
+            return
+        elif line.strip() == "commit" and self.pm_config_dirty:
+            stub = self.get_stub()
+            stub.UpdateDevicePmConfigs(self.pm_config_last)
+            self.pm_config_last = self.get_device(depth=-1).pm_configs
+            self.pm_config_dirty = False
+        elif line.strip() == "reset" and self.pm_config_dirty:
+            self.pm_config_last = self.get_device(depth=-1).pm_configs
+            self.pm_config_dirty = False
+        omit_fields = {'groups', 'metrics', 'id'}
+        print_pb_as_table('PM Config:', self.pm_config_last, omit_fields,
+                          self.poutput,show_nulls=True)
+        if self.pm_config_last.grouped:
+            #self.poutput("Supported metric groups:")
+            for g in self.pm_config_last.groups:
+                if self.pm_config_last.freq_override:
+                    omit_fields = {'metrics'}
+                else:
+                    omit_fields = {'group_freq','metrics'}
+                print_pb_as_table('', g, omit_fields, self.poutput,
+                                  show_nulls=True)
+                if g.enabled:
+                    state = 'enabled'
+                else:
+                    state = 'disabled'
+                print_pb_list_as_table(
+                    'Metric group {} is {}'.format(g.group_name,state),
+                    g.metrics, {'enabled', 'sample_freq'}, self.poutput,
+                    dividers=100, show_nulls=True)
+        else:
+            if self.pm_config_last.freq_override:
+                omit_fields = {}
+            else:
+                omit_fields = {'sample_freq'}
+            print_pb_list_as_table('Supported metrics:', self.pm_config_last.metrics,
+                                   omit_fields, self.poutput, dividers=100,
+                                   show_nulls=True)
+    def do_flows(self, line):
+        """Show flow table for device"""
+        device = pb2dict(self.get_device(-1))
+        print_flows(
+            'Device',
+            self.device_id,
+            type=device['type'],
+            flows=device['flows']['items'],
+            groups=device['flow_groups']['items']
+        )
+    def do_images(self, line):
+        """Show software images on the device"""
+        device = self.get_device(depth=-1)
+        omit_fields = {}
+        print_pb_list_as_table('Software Images:', device.images.image,
+                               omit_fields, self.poutput, show_nulls=True)
+    @options([
+        make_option('-u', '--url', action='store', dest='url',
+                    help="URL to get sw image"),
+        make_option('-n', '--name', action='store', dest='name',
+                    help="Image name"),
+        make_option('-c', '--crc', action='store', dest='crc',
+                    help="CRC code to verify with", default=0),
+        make_option('-v', '--version', action='store', dest='version',
+                    help="Image version", default=0),
+    ])
+    def do_img_dnld_request(self, line, opts):
+        """
+        Request image download to a device
+        """
+        device = self.get_device(depth=-1)
+        self.poutput('device_id {}'.format(
+        self.poutput('name {}'.format(
+        self.poutput('url {}'.format(opts.url))
+        self.poutput('crc {}'.format(opts.crc))
+        self.poutput('version {}'.format(opts.version))
+        try:
+            device_id =
+            if device_id and and opts.url:
+                kw = dict(id=device_id)
+                kw['name'] =
+                kw['url'] = opts.url
+            else:
+                self.poutput('Device ID and URL are needed')
+                raise Exception('Device ID and URL are needed')
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.poutput('Error request img dnld {}.  Error:{}'.format(device_id, e))
+            return
+        kw['crc'] = long(opts.crc)
+        kw['image_version'] = opts.version
+        response = None
+        try:
+            request = voltha_pb2.ImageDownload(**kw)
+            stub = self.get_stub()
+            response = stub.DownloadImage(request)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.poutput('Error download image {}. Error:{}'.format(kw['id'], e))
+            return
+        name = enum2name(common_pb2.OperationResp,
+                        'OperationReturnCode', response.code)
+        self.poutput('response: {}'.format(name))
+        self.poutput('{}'.format(response))
+    @options([
+        make_option('-n', '--name', action='store', dest='name',
+                    help="Image name"),
+    ])
+    def do_img_dnld_status(self, line, opts):
+        """
+        Get a image download status
+        """
+        device = self.get_device(depth=-1)
+        self.poutput('device_id {}'.format(
+        self.poutput('name {}'.format(
+        try:
+            device_id =
+            if device_id and
+                kw = dict(id=device_id)
+                kw['name'] =
+            else:
+                self.poutput('Device ID, Image Name are needed')
+                raise Exception('Device ID, Image Name are needed')
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.poutput('Error get img dnld status {}.  Error:{}'.format(device_id, e))
+            return
+        status = None
+        try:
+            img_dnld = voltha_pb2.ImageDownload(**kw)
+            stub = self.get_stub()
+            status = stub.GetImageDownloadStatus(img_dnld)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.poutput('Error get img dnld status {}. Error:{}'.format(device_id, e))
+            return
+        fields_to_omit = {
+              'crc',
+              'local_dir',
+        }
+        try:
+            print_pb_as_table('ImageDownload Status:', status, fields_to_omit, self.poutput)
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.poutput('Error {}.  Error:{}'.format(device_id, e))
+    def do_img_dnld_list(self, line):
+        """
+        List all image download records for a given device
+        """
+        device = self.get_device(depth=-1)
+        device_id =
+        self.poutput('Get all img dnld records {}'.format(device_id))
+        try:
+            stub = self.get_stub()
+            img_dnlds = stub.ListImageDownloads(voltha_pb2.ID(id=device_id))
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.poutput('Error list img dnlds {}.  Error:{}'.format(device_id, e))
+            return
+        fields_to_omit = {
+              'crc',
+              'local_dir',
+        }
+        try:
+            print_pb_list_as_table('ImageDownloads:', img_dnlds.items, fields_to_omit, self.poutput)
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.poutput('Error {}.  Error:{}'.format(device_id, e))
+    @options([
+        make_option('-n', '--name', action='store', dest='name',
+                    help="Image name"),
+    ])
+    def do_img_dnld_cancel(self, line, opts):
+        """
+        Cancel a requested image download
+        """
+        device = self.get_device(depth=-1)
+        self.poutput('device_id {}'.format(
+        self.poutput('name {}'.format(
+        device_id =
+        try:
+            if device_id and
+                kw = dict(id=device_id)
+                kw['name'] =
+            else:
+                self.poutput('Device ID, Image Name are needed')
+                raise Exception('Device ID, Image Name are needed')
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.poutput('Error cancel sw dnld {}. Error:{}'.format(device_id, e))
+            return
+        response = None
+        try:
+            img_dnld = voltha_pb2.ImageDownload(**kw)
+            stub = self.get_stub()
+            img_dnld = stub.GetImageDownload(img_dnld)
+            response = stub.CancelImageDownload(img_dnld)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.poutput('Error cancel sw dnld {}. Error:{}'.format(device_id, e))
+            return
+        name = enum2name(common_pb2.OperationResp,
+                        'OperationReturnCode', response.code)
+        self.poutput('response: {}'.format(name))
+        self.poutput('{}'.format(response))
+    @options([
+        make_option('-n', '--name', action='store', dest='name',
+                    help="Image name"),
+        make_option('-s', '--save', action='store', dest='save_config',
+                    help="Save Config", default="True"),
+        make_option('-d', '--dir', action='store', dest='local_dir',
+                    help="Image on device location"),
+    ])
+    def do_img_activate(self, line, opts):
+        """
+        Activate an image update on device
+        """
+        device = self.get_device(depth=-1)
+        device_id =
+        try:
+            if device_id and and opts.local_dir:
+                kw = dict(id=device_id)
+                kw['name'] =
+                kw['local_dir'] = opts.local_dir
+            else:
+                self.poutput('Device ID, Image Name, and Location are needed')
+                raise Exception('Device ID, Image Name, and Location are needed')
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.poutput('Error activate image {}. Error:{}'.format(device_id, e))
+            return
+        kw['save_config'] = json.loads(opts.save_config.lower())
+        self.poutput('activate image update {} {} {} {}'.format( \
+                    kw['id'], kw['name'],
+                    kw['local_dir'], kw['save_config']))
+        response = None
+        try:
+            img_dnld = voltha_pb2.ImageDownload(**kw)
+            stub = self.get_stub()
+            img_dnld = stub.GetImageDownload(img_dnld)
+            response = stub.ActivateImageUpdate(img_dnld)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.poutput('Error activate image {}. Error:{}'.format(kw['id'], e))
+            return
+        name = enum2name(common_pb2.OperationResp,
+                        'OperationReturnCode', response.code)
+        self.poutput('response: {}'.format(name))
+        self.poutput('{}'.format(response))
+    @options([
+        make_option('-n', '--name', action='store', dest='name',
+                    help="Image name"),
+        make_option('-s', '--save', action='store', dest='save_config',
+                    help="Save Config", default="True"),
+        make_option('-d', '--dir', action='store', dest='local_dir',
+                    help="Image on device location"),
+    ])
+    def do_img_revert(self, line, opts):
+        """
+        Revert an image update on device
+        """
+        device = self.get_device(depth=-1)
+        device_id =
+        try:
+            if device_id and and opts.local_dir:
+                kw = dict(id=device_id)
+                kw['name'] =
+                kw['local_dir'] = opts.local_dir
+            else:
+                self.poutput('Device ID, Image Name, and Location are needed')
+                raise Exception('Device ID, Image Name, and Location are needed')
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.poutput('Error revert image {}. Error:{}'.format(device_id, e))
+            return
+        kw['save_config'] = json.loads(opts.save_config.lower())
+        self.poutput('revert image update {} {} {} {}'.format( \
+                    kw['id'], kw['name'],
+                    kw['local_dir'], kw['save_config']))
+        response = None
+        try:
+            img_dnld = voltha_pb2.ImageDownload(**kw)
+            stub = self.get_stub()
+            img_dnld = stub.GetImageDownload(img_dnld)
+            response = stub.RevertImageUpdate(img_dnld)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.poutput('Error revert image {}. Error:{}'.format(kw['id'], e))
+            return
+        name = enum2name(common_pb2.OperationResp,
+                        'OperationReturnCode', response.code)
+        self.poutput('response: {}'.format(name))
+        self.poutput('{}'.format(response))
diff --git a/python/cli/ b/python/cli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd991c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2016 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Logical device level CLI commands
+from cmd2 import Cmd
+from simplejson import dumps
+from table import print_pb_as_table, print_pb_list_as_table
+from utils import pb2dict
+from utils import print_flows, print_groups
+from python.protos import third_party
+from google.protobuf.empty_pb2 import Empty
+_ = third_party
+from python.protos import voltha_pb2
+class LogicalDeviceCli(Cmd):
+    def __init__(self, logical_device_id, get_stub):
+        Cmd.__init__(self)
+        self.get_stub = get_stub
+        self.logical_device_id = logical_device_id
+        self.prompt = '(' + self.colorize(
+            self.colorize('logical device {}'.format(logical_device_id), 'red'),
+            'bold') + ') '
+    def cmdloop(self):
+        self._cmdloop()
+    def get_logical_device(self, depth=0):
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        res = stub.GetLogicalDevice(voltha_pb2.ID(id=self.logical_device_id),
+                                    metadata=(('get-depth', str(depth)), ))
+        return res
+    def get_device(self, id):
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        return stub.GetDevice(voltha_pb2.ID(id=id))
+    def get_devices(self):
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        res = stub.ListDevices(Empty())
+        return res.items
+    do_exit = Cmd.do_quit
+    def do_show(self, _):
+        """Show detailed logical device information"""
+        print_pb_as_table('Logical device {}'.format(self.logical_device_id),
+                          self.get_logical_device(depth=-1))
+    def do_ports(self, _):
+        """Show ports of logical device"""
+        device = self.get_logical_device(depth=-1)
+        omit_fields = {
+            'ofp_port.advertised',
+            'ofp_port.peer',
+            'ofp_port.max_speed'
+        }
+        print_pb_list_as_table('Logical device ports:', device.ports,
+                               omit_fields, self.poutput)
+    def do_flows(self, _):
+        """Show flow table for logical device"""
+        logical_device = pb2dict(self.get_logical_device(-1))
+        print_flows(
+            'Logical Device',
+            self.logical_device_id,
+            type='n/a',
+            flows=logical_device['flows']['items'],
+            groups=logical_device['flow_groups']['items']
+        )
+    def do_groups(self, _):
+        """Show flow group table for logical device"""
+        logical_device = pb2dict(self.get_logical_device(-1))
+        print_groups(
+            'Logical Device',
+            self.logical_device_id,
+            type='n/a',
+            groups=logical_device['flow_groups']['items']
+        )
+    def do_devices(self, line):
+        """List devices that belong to this logical device"""
+        logical_device = self.get_logical_device()
+        root_device_id = logical_device.root_device_id
+        devices = [self.get_device(root_device_id)]
+        for d in self.get_devices():
+            if d.parent_id == root_device_id:
+                devices.append(d)
+        omit_fields = {
+            'adapter',
+            'vendor',
+            'model',
+            'hardware_version',
+            'software_version',
+            'firmware_version',
+            'serial_number'
+        }
+        print_pb_list_as_table('Devices:', devices, omit_fields, self.poutput)
diff --git a/python/cli/ b/python/cli/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0348f66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,922 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2016 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import argparse
+import os
+import readline
+import sys
+from optparse import make_option
+from time import sleep, time
+import grpc
+import requests
+from cmd2 import Cmd, options
+from consul import Consul
+from google.protobuf.empty_pb2 import Empty
+from simplejson import dumps
+from device import DeviceCli
+from omci import OmciCli
+from alarm_filters import AlarmFiltersCli
+from logical_device import LogicalDeviceCli
+from table import print_pb_list_as_table
+from python.common.openflow.utils import *
+from python.protos import third_party
+from python.protos import voltha_pb2
+from python.protos.openflow_13_pb2 import FlowTableUpdate, FlowGroupTableUpdate
+_ = third_party
+from python.cli.utils import pb2dict
+defs = dict(
+    # config=os.environ.get('CONFIG', './cli.yml'),
+    consul=os.environ.get('CONSUL', 'localhost:8500'),
+    voltha_grpc_endpoint=os.environ.get('VOLTHA_GRPC_ENDPOINT',
+                                        'localhost:50057'),
+    voltha_sim_rest_endpoint=os.environ.get('VOLTHA_SIM_REST_ENDPOINT',
+                                            'localhost:18880'),
+    global_request=os.environ.get('GLOBAL_REQUEST', False)
+banner = """\
+         _ _   _            ___ _    ___
+__ _____| | |_| |_  __ _   / __| |  |_ _|
+\ V / _ \ |  _| ' \/ _` | | (__| |__ | |
+ \_/\___/_|\__|_||_\__,_|  \___|____|___|
+(to exit type quit or hit Ctrl-D)
+class VolthaCli(Cmd):
+    prompt = 'voltha'
+    history_file_name = '.voltha_cli_history'
+    # Settable CLI parameters
+    voltha_grpc = 'localhost:50057'
+    voltha_sim_rest = 'localhost:18880'
+    global_request = False
+    max_history_lines = 500
+    default_device_id = None
+    default_logical_device_id = None
+    Cmd.settable.update(dict(
+        voltha_grpc='Voltha GRPC endpoint in form of <host>:<port>',
+        voltha_sim_rest='Voltha simulation back door for testing in form '
+                        'of <host>:<port>',
+        max_history_lines='Maximum number of history lines stored across '
+                          'sessions',
+        default_device_id='Device id used when no device id is specified',
+        default_logical_device_id='Logical device id used when no device id '
+                                  'is specified',
+    ))
+    # cleanup of superfluous commands from cmd2
+    del Cmd.do_cmdenvironment
+    del Cmd.do_load
+    del Cmd.do__relative_load
+    def __init__(self, voltha_grpc, voltha_sim_rest, global_request=False):
+        VolthaCli.voltha_grpc = "localhost:50057"
+        # VolthaCli.voltha_grpc = voltha_grpc
+        VolthaCli.voltha_sim_rest = voltha_sim_rest
+        VolthaCli.global_request = global_request
+        Cmd.__init__(self)
+        self.prompt = '(' + self.colorize(
+            self.colorize(self.prompt, 'blue'), 'bold') + ') '
+ = None
+        self.stub = None
+        self.device_ids_cache = None
+        self.device_ids_cache_ts = time()
+        self.logical_device_ids_cache = None
+        self.logical_device_ids_cache_ts = time()
+    # we override cmd2's method to avoid its optparse conflicting with our
+    # command line parsing
+    def cmdloop(self):
+        self._cmdloop()
+    def load_history(self):
+        """Load saved command history from local history file"""
+        try:
+            with file(self.history_file_name, 'r') as f:
+                for line in f.readlines():
+                    stripped_line = line.strip()
+                    self.history.append(stripped_line)
+                    readline.add_history(stripped_line)
+        except IOError:
+            pass  # ignore if file cannot be read
+    def save_history(self):
+        try:
+            with open(self.history_file_name, 'w') as f:
+                f.write('\n'.join(self.history[-self.max_history_lines:]))
+        except IOError as e:
+            self.perror('Could not save history in {}: {}'.format(
+                self.history_file_name, e))
+        else:
+            self.poutput('History saved as {}'.format(
+                self.history_file_name))
+    def perror(self, errmsg, statement=None):
+        # Touch it up to make sure error is prefixed and colored
+        Cmd.perror(self, self.colorize('***ERROR: ', 'red') + errmsg,
+                   statement)
+    def get_channel(self):
+        if is None:
+   = grpc.insecure_channel(self.voltha_grpc)
+        return
+    def get_stub(self):
+        if self.stub is None:
+            self.stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaServiceStub(self.get_channel())
+            # self.stub = \
+            #     voltha_pb2.VolthaGlobalServiceStub(self.get_channel()) \
+            #         if self.global_request else \
+            #             voltha_pb2.VolthaLocalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
+        return self.stub
+    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACTUAL COMMAND IMPLEMENTATIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    def do_reset_history(self, line):
+        """Reset CLI history"""
+        while self.history:
+            self.history.pop()
+    def do_launch(self, line):
+        """If Voltha is not running yet, launch it"""
+        raise NotImplementedError('not implemented yet')
+    def do_restart(self, line):
+        """Launch Voltha, but if it is already running, terminate it first"""
+        pass
+    def do_adapters(self, line):
+        """List loaded adapter"""
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        res = stub.ListAdapters(Empty())
+        omit_fields = {'config.log_level', 'logical_device_ids'}
+        print_pb_list_as_table('Adapters:', res.items, omit_fields, self.poutput)
+    def get_devices(self):
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        res = stub.ListDevices(Empty())
+        return res.items
+    def get_logical_devices(self):
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        res = stub.ListLogicalDevices(Empty())
+        return res.items
+    def do_devices(self, line):
+        """List devices registered in Voltha"""
+        devices = self.get_devices()
+        omit_fields = {
+            'adapter',
+            'vendor',
+            'model',
+            'hardware_version',
+            'images',
+            'firmware_version',
+            'vendor_id'
+        }
+        print_pb_list_as_table('Devices:', devices, omit_fields, self.poutput)
+    def do_logical_devices(self, line):
+        """List logical devices in Voltha"""
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        res = stub.ListLogicalDevices(Empty())
+        omit_fields = {
+            'desc.mfr_desc',
+            'desc.hw_desc',
+            'desc.sw_desc',
+            'desc.dp_desc',
+            'desc.serial_number',
+            'switch_features.capabilities'
+        }
+        presfns = {
+            'datapath_id': lambda x: "{0:0{1}x}".format(int(x), 16)
+        }
+        print_pb_list_as_table('Logical devices:', res.items, omit_fields,
+                               self.poutput, presfns=presfns)
+    def do_device(self, line):
+        """Enter device level command mode"""
+        device_id = line.strip() or self.default_device_id
+        if not device_id:
+            raise Exception('<device-id> parameter needed')
+        if device_id not in self.device_ids():
+            self.poutput( self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                            'There is no such device')
+            raise Exception('<device-id> is not a valid one')
+        sub = DeviceCli(device_id, self.get_stub)
+        sub.cmdloop()
+    def do_logical_device(self, line):
+        """Enter logical device level command mode"""
+        logical_device_id = line.strip() or self.default_logical_device_id
+        if not logical_device_id:
+            raise Exception('<logical-device-id> parameter needed')
+        if logical_device_id not in self.logical_device_ids():
+            self.poutput( self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                            'There is no such device')
+            raise Exception('<logical-device-id> is not a valid one')
+        sub = LogicalDeviceCli(logical_device_id, self.get_stub)
+        sub.cmdloop()
+    def device_ids(self, force_refresh=False):
+        if force_refresh or self.device_ids is None or \
+                        (time() - self.device_ids_cache_ts) > 1:
+            self.device_ids_cache = [ for d in self.get_devices()]
+            self.device_ids_cache_ts = time()
+        return self.device_ids_cache
+    def logical_device_ids(self, force_refresh=False):
+        if force_refresh or self.logical_device_ids is None or \
+                        (time() - self.logical_device_ids_cache_ts) > 1:
+            self.logical_device_ids_cache = [ for d
+                                             in self.get_logical_devices()]
+            self.logical_device_ids_cache_ts = time()
+        return self.logical_device_ids_cache
+    def complete_device(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
+        if not text:
+            completions = self.device_ids()[:]
+        else:
+            completions = [d for d in self.device_ids() if d.startswith(text)]
+        return completions
+    def complete_logical_device(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
+        if not text:
+            completions = self.logical_device_ids()[:]
+        else:
+            completions = [d for d in self.logical_device_ids()
+                           if d.startswith(text)]
+        return completions
+    def do_xpon(self, line):
+        """xpon <optional> [device_ID] - Enter xpon level command mode"""
+        device_id = line.strip()
+        if device_id:
+            stub = self.get_stub()
+            try:
+                res = stub.GetDevice(voltha_pb2.ID(id=device_id))
+            except Exception:
+                self.poutput(
+                    self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + 'No device id ' +
+                    self.colorize(device_id, 'blue') + ' is found')
+                return
+        sub = XponCli(self.get_channel, device_id)
+        sub.cmdloop()
+    def do_omci(self, line):
+        """omci <device_ID> - Enter OMCI level command mode"""
+        device_id = line.strip() or self.default_device_id
+        if not device_id:
+            raise Exception('<device-id> parameter needed')
+        sub = OmciCli(device_id, self.get_stub)
+        sub.cmdloop()
+    def do_pdb(self, line):
+        """Launch PDB debug prompt in CLI (for CLI development)"""
+        from pdb import set_trace
+        set_trace()
+    def do_version(self, line):
+        """Show the VOLTHA core version"""
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        voltha = stub.GetVoltha(Empty())
+        self.poutput('{}'.format(voltha.version))
+    def do_health(self, line):
+        """Show connectivity status to Voltha status"""
+        stub = voltha_pb2.HealthServiceStub(self.get_channel())
+        res = stub.GetHealthStatus(Empty())
+        self.poutput(dumps(pb2dict(res), indent=4))
+    @options([
+        make_option('-t', '--device-type', action="store", dest='device_type',
+                    help="Device type", default='simulated_olt'),
+        make_option('-m', '--mac-address', action='store', dest='mac_address',
+                    default='00:0c:e2:31:40:00'),
+        make_option('-i', '--ip-address', action='store', dest='ip_address'),
+        make_option('-H', '--host_and_port', action='store',
+                    dest='host_and_port'),
+    ])
+    def do_preprovision_olt(self, line, opts):
+        """Preprovision a new OLT with given device type"""
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        kw = dict(type=opts.device_type)
+        if opts.host_and_port:
+            kw['host_and_port'] = opts.host_and_port
+        elif opts.ip_address:
+            kw['ipv4_address'] = opts.ip_address
+        elif opts.mac_address:
+            kw['mac_address'] = opts.mac_address.lower()
+        else:
+            raise Exception('Either IP address or Mac Address is needed')
+        # Pass any extra arguments past '--' to the device as custom arguments
+        kw['extra_args'] = line
+        device = voltha_pb2.Device(**kw)
+        device = stub.CreateDevice(device)
+        self.poutput('success (device id = {})'.format(
+        self.default_device_id =
+    def do_enable(self, line):
+        """
+        Enable a device. If the <id> is not provided, it will be on the last
+        pre-provisioned device.
+        """
+        device_id = line or self.default_device_id
+        if device_id not in self.device_ids():
+            self.poutput('Error: There is no such preprovisioned device')
+            return
+        try:
+            stub = self.get_stub()
+            device = stub.GetDevice(voltha_pb2.ID(id=device_id))
+            if device.admin_state == voltha_pb2.AdminState.ENABLED:
+                if device.oper_status != voltha_pb2.OperStatus.ACTIVATING:
+                    self.poutput('Error: Device is already enabled')
+                    return
+            else:
+                stub.EnableDevice(voltha_pb2.ID(id=device_id))
+                self.poutput('enabling {}'.format(device_id))
+            while True:
+                device = stub.GetDevice(voltha_pb2.ID(id=device_id))
+                # If this is an OLT then acquire logical device id
+                if device.oper_status == voltha_pb2.OperStatus.ACTIVE:
+                    if device.type.endswith('_olt'):
+                        assert device.parent_id
+                        self.default_logical_device_id = device.parent_id
+                        self.poutput('success (logical device id = {})'.format(
+                            self.default_logical_device_id))
+                    else:
+                        self.poutput('success (device id = {})'.format(
+                    break
+                self.poutput('waiting for device to be enabled...')
+                sleep(.5)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.poutput('Error enabling {}.  Error:{}'.format(device_id, e))
+    complete_activate_olt = complete_device
+    def do_reboot(self, line):
+        """
+        Rebooting a device. ID of the device needs to be provided
+        """
+        device_id = line or self.default_device_id
+        self.poutput('rebooting {}'.format(device_id))
+        try:
+            stub = self.get_stub()
+            stub.RebootDevice(voltha_pb2.ID(id=device_id))
+            self.poutput('rebooted {}'.format(device_id))
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.poutput('Error rebooting {}.  Error:{}'.format(device_id, e))
+    def do_self_test(self, line):
+        """
+        Self Test a device. ID of the device needs to be provided
+        """
+        device_id = line or self.default_device_id
+        self.poutput('Self Testing {}'.format(device_id))
+        try:
+            stub = self.get_stub()
+            res = stub.SelfTest(voltha_pb2.ID(id=device_id))
+            self.poutput('Self Tested {}'.format(device_id))
+            self.poutput(dumps(pb2dict(res), indent=4))
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.poutput('Error in self test {}.  Error:{}'.format(device_id, e))
+    def do_delete(self, line):
+        """
+        Deleting a device. ID of the device needs to be provided
+        """
+        device_id = line or self.default_device_id
+        self.poutput('deleting {}'.format(device_id))
+        try:
+            stub = self.get_stub()
+            stub.DeleteDevice(voltha_pb2.ID(id=device_id))
+            self.poutput('deleted {}'.format(device_id))
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.poutput('Error deleting {}.  Error:{}'.format(device_id, e))
+    def do_disable(self, line):
+        """
+        Disable a device. ID of the device needs to be provided
+        """
+        device_id = line
+        if device_id not in self.device_ids():
+            self.poutput('Error: There is no such device')
+            return
+        try:
+            stub = self.get_stub()
+            device = stub.GetDevice(voltha_pb2.ID(id=device_id))
+            if device.admin_state == voltha_pb2.AdminState.DISABLED:
+                self.poutput('Error: Device is already disabled')
+                return
+            stub.DisableDevice(voltha_pb2.ID(id=device_id))
+            self.poutput('disabling {}'.format(device_id))
+            # Do device query and verify that the device admin status is
+            # DISABLED and Operational Status is unknown
+            device = stub.GetDevice(voltha_pb2.ID(id=device_id))
+            if device.admin_state == voltha_pb2.AdminState.DISABLED:
+                self.poutput('disabled successfully {}'.format(device_id))
+            else:
+                self.poutput('disabling failed {}.  Admin State:{} '
+                             'Operation State: {}'.format(device_id,
+                                                          device.admin_state,
+                                                          device.oper_status))
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.poutput('Error disabling {}.  Error:{}'.format(device_id, e))
+    def do_test(self, line):
+        """Enter test mode, which makes a bunch on new commands available"""
+        sub = TestCli(self.history, self.voltha_grpc,
+                      self.get_stub, self.voltha_sim_rest)
+        sub.cmdloop()
+    def do_alarm_filters(self, line):
+        sub = AlarmFiltersCli(self.get_stub)
+        sub.cmdloop()
+class TestCli(VolthaCli):
+    def __init__(self, history, voltha_grpc, get_stub, voltha_sim_rest):
+        VolthaCli.__init__(self, voltha_grpc, voltha_sim_rest)
+        self.history = history
+        self.get_stub = get_stub
+        self.prompt = '(' + self.colorize(self.colorize('test', 'cyan'),
+                                          'bold') + ') '
+    def get_device(self, device_id, depth=0):
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        res = stub.GetDevice(voltha_pb2.ID(id=device_id),
+                             metadata=(('get-depth', str(depth)),))
+        return res
+    def do_arrive_onus(self, line):
+        """
+        Simulate the arrival of ONUs (available only on simulated_olt)
+        """
+        device_id = line or self.default_device_id
+        # verify that device is of type simulated_olt
+        device = self.get_device(device_id)
+        assert device.type == 'simulated_olt', (
+            'Cannot use it on this device type (only on simulated_olt type)')
+        requests.get('http://{}/devices/{}/detect_onus'.format(
+            self.voltha_sim_rest, device_id
+        ))
+    complete_arrive_onus = VolthaCli.complete_device
+    def get_logical_ports(self, logical_device_id):
+        """
+        Return the NNI port number and the first usable UNI port of logical
+        device, and the vlan associated with the latter.
+        """
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        ports = stub.ListLogicalDevicePorts(
+            voltha_pb2.ID(id=logical_device_id)).items
+        nni = None
+        unis = []
+        for port in ports:
+            if port.root_port:
+                assert nni is None, "There shall be only one root port"
+                nni = port.ofp_port.port_no
+            else:
+                uni = port.ofp_port.port_no
+                uni_device = self.get_device(port.device_id)
+                vlan = uni_device.vlan
+                unis.append((uni, vlan))
+        assert nni is not None, "No NNI port found"
+        assert unis, "Not a single UNI?"
+        return nni, unis
+    def do_install_eapol_flow(self, line):
+        """
+        Install an EAPOL flow on the given logical device. If device is not
+        given, it will be applied to logical device of the last pre-provisioned
+        OLT device.
+        """
+        logical_device_id = line or self.default_logical_device_id
+        # gather NNI and UNI port IDs
+        nni_port_no, unis = self.get_logical_ports(logical_device_id)
+        # construct and push flow rule
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        print "I am now here", unis
+        for uni_port_no, _ in unis:
+            update = FlowTableUpdate(
+                id=logical_device_id,
+                flow_mod=mk_simple_flow_mod(
+                    priority=2000,
+                    match_fields=[in_port(uni_port_no), eth_type(0x888e)],
+                    actions=[
+                        # push_vlan(0x8100),
+                        # set_field(vlan_vid(4096 + 4000)),
+                        output(ofp.OFPP_CONTROLLER)
+                    ]
+                )
+            )
+            print "I am now here"
+            res = stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowTable(update)
+            self.poutput('success for uni {} ({})'.format(uni_port_no, res))
+    complete_install_eapol_flow = VolthaCli.complete_logical_device
+    def do_install_all_controller_bound_flows(self, line):
+        """
+        Install all flow rules for controller bound flows, including EAPOL,
+        IGMP and DHCP. If device is not given, it will be applied to logical
+        device of the last pre-provisioned OLT device.
+        """
+        logical_device_id = line or self.default_logical_device_id
+        # gather NNI and UNI port IDs
+        nni_port_no, unis = self.get_logical_ports(logical_device_id)
+        # construct and push flow rules
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        for uni_port_no, _ in unis:
+            stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowTable(FlowTableUpdate(
+                id=logical_device_id,
+                flow_mod=mk_simple_flow_mod(
+                    priority=2000,
+                    match_fields=[
+                        in_port(uni_port_no),
+                        eth_type(0x888e)
+                    ],
+                    actions=[output(ofp.OFPP_CONTROLLER)]
+                )
+            ))
+            stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowTable(FlowTableUpdate(
+                id=logical_device_id,
+                flow_mod=mk_simple_flow_mod(
+                    priority=1000,
+                    match_fields=[
+                        in_port(uni_port_no),
+                        eth_type(0x800),
+                        ip_proto(2)
+                    ],
+                    actions=[output(ofp.OFPP_CONTROLLER)]
+                )
+            ))
+            stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowTable(FlowTableUpdate(
+                id=logical_device_id,
+                flow_mod=mk_simple_flow_mod(
+                    priority=1000,
+                    match_fields=[
+                        in_port(uni_port_no),
+                        eth_type(0x800),
+                        ip_proto(17),
+                        udp_dst(67)
+                    ],
+                    actions=[output(ofp.OFPP_CONTROLLER)]
+                )
+            ))
+        self.poutput('success')
+    complete_install_all_controller_bound_flows = \
+        VolthaCli.complete_logical_device
+    def do_install_all_sample_flows(self, line):
+        """
+        Install all flows that are representative of the virtualized access
+        scenario in a PON network.
+        """
+        logical_device_id = line or self.default_logical_device_id
+        # gather NNI and UNI port IDs
+        nni_port_no, unis = self.get_logical_ports(logical_device_id)
+        # construct and push flow rules
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        for uni_port_no, c_vid in unis:
+            # Controller-bound flows
+            stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowTable(FlowTableUpdate(
+                id=logical_device_id,
+                flow_mod=mk_simple_flow_mod(
+                    priority=2000,
+                    match_fields=[in_port(uni_port_no), eth_type(0x888e)],
+                    actions=[
+                        # push_vlan(0x8100),
+                        # set_field(vlan_vid(4096 + 4000)),
+                        output(ofp.OFPP_CONTROLLER)
+                    ]
+                )
+            ))
+            stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowTable(FlowTableUpdate(
+                id=logical_device_id,
+                flow_mod=mk_simple_flow_mod(
+                    priority=1000,
+                    match_fields=[eth_type(0x800), ip_proto(2)],
+                    actions=[output(ofp.OFPP_CONTROLLER)]
+                )
+            ))
+            stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowTable(FlowTableUpdate(
+                id=logical_device_id,
+                flow_mod=mk_simple_flow_mod(
+                    priority=1000,
+                    match_fields=[eth_type(0x800), ip_proto(17), udp_dst(67)],
+                    actions=[output(ofp.OFPP_CONTROLLER)]
+                )
+            ))
+            # Unicast flows:
+            # Downstream flow 1
+            stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowTable(FlowTableUpdate(
+                id=logical_device_id,
+                flow_mod=mk_simple_flow_mod(
+                    priority=500,
+                    match_fields=[
+                        in_port(nni_port_no),
+                        vlan_vid(4096 + 1000),
+                        metadata(c_vid)  # here to mimic an ONOS artifact
+                    ],
+                    actions=[pop_vlan()],
+                    next_table_id=1
+                )
+            ))
+            # Downstream flow 2
+            stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowTable(FlowTableUpdate(
+                id=logical_device_id,
+                flow_mod=mk_simple_flow_mod(
+                    priority=500,
+                    table_id=1,
+                    match_fields=[in_port(nni_port_no), vlan_vid(4096 + c_vid)],
+                    actions=[set_field(vlan_vid(4096 + 0)), output(uni_port_no)]
+                )
+            ))
+            # Upstream flow 1 for 0-tagged case
+            stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowTable(FlowTableUpdate(
+                id=logical_device_id,
+                flow_mod=mk_simple_flow_mod(
+                    priority=500,
+                    match_fields=[in_port(uni_port_no), vlan_vid(4096 + 0)],
+                    actions=[set_field(vlan_vid(4096 + c_vid))],
+                    next_table_id=1
+                )
+            ))
+            # Upstream flow 1 for untagged case
+            stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowTable(FlowTableUpdate(
+                id=logical_device_id,
+                flow_mod=mk_simple_flow_mod(
+                    priority=500,
+                    match_fields=[in_port(uni_port_no), vlan_vid(0)],
+                    actions=[push_vlan(0x8100), set_field(vlan_vid(4096 + c_vid))],
+                    next_table_id=1
+                )
+            ))
+            # Upstream flow 2 for s-tag
+            stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowTable(FlowTableUpdate(
+                id=logical_device_id,
+                flow_mod=mk_simple_flow_mod(
+                    priority=500,
+                    table_id=1,
+                    match_fields=[in_port(uni_port_no), vlan_vid(4096 + c_vid)],
+                    actions=[
+                        push_vlan(0x8100),
+                        set_field(vlan_vid(4096 + 1000)),
+                        output(nni_port_no)
+                    ]
+                )
+            ))
+        # Push a few multicast flows
+        # 1st with one bucket for our uni 0
+        stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowGroupTable(FlowGroupTableUpdate(
+            id=logical_device_id,
+            group_mod=mk_multicast_group_mod(
+                group_id=1,
+                buckets=[
+                    ofp.ofp_bucket(actions=[
+                        pop_vlan(),
+                        output(unis[0][0])
+                    ])
+                ]
+            )
+        ))
+        stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowTable(FlowTableUpdate(
+            id=logical_device_id,
+            flow_mod=mk_simple_flow_mod(
+                priority=1000,
+                match_fields=[
+                    in_port(nni_port_no),
+                    eth_type(0x800),
+                    vlan_vid(4096 + 140),
+                    ipv4_dst(0xe4010101)
+                ],
+                actions=[group(1)]
+            )
+        ))
+        # 2nd with one bucket for uni 0 and 1
+        stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowGroupTable(FlowGroupTableUpdate(
+            id=logical_device_id,
+            group_mod=mk_multicast_group_mod(
+                group_id=2,
+                buckets=[
+                    ofp.ofp_bucket(actions=[pop_vlan(), output(unis[0][0])])
+                    #                    ofp.ofp_bucket(actions=[pop_vlan(), output(unis[1][0])])
+                ]
+            )
+        ))
+        stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowTable(FlowTableUpdate(
+            id=logical_device_id,
+            flow_mod=mk_simple_flow_mod(
+                priority=1000,
+                match_fields=[
+                    in_port(nni_port_no),
+                    eth_type(0x800),
+                    vlan_vid(4096 + 140),
+                    ipv4_dst(0xe4020202)
+                ],
+                actions=[group(2)]
+            )
+        ))
+        # 3rd with empty bucket
+        stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowGroupTable(FlowGroupTableUpdate(
+            id=logical_device_id,
+            group_mod=mk_multicast_group_mod(
+                group_id=3,
+                buckets=[]
+            )
+        ))
+        stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowTable(FlowTableUpdate(
+            id=logical_device_id,
+            flow_mod=mk_simple_flow_mod(
+                priority=1000,
+                match_fields=[
+                    in_port(nni_port_no),
+                    eth_type(0x800),
+                    vlan_vid(4096 + 140),
+                    ipv4_dst(0xe4030303)
+                ],
+                actions=[group(3)]
+            )
+        ))
+        self.poutput('success')
+    complete_install_all_sample_flows = VolthaCli.complete_logical_device
+    def do_install_dhcp_flows(self, line):
+        """
+        Install all dhcp flows that are representative of the virtualized access
+        scenario in a PON network.
+        """
+        logical_device_id = line or self.default_logical_device_id
+        # gather NNI and UNI port IDs
+        nni_port_no, unis = self.get_logical_ports(logical_device_id)
+        # construct and push flow rules
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        # Controller-bound flows
+        for uni_port_no, _ in unis:
+            stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowTable(FlowTableUpdate(
+                id=logical_device_id,
+                flow_mod=mk_simple_flow_mod(
+                    priority=1000,
+                    match_fields=[
+                        in_port(uni_port_no),
+                        eth_type(0x800),
+                        ip_proto(17),
+                        udp_dst(67)
+                    ],
+                    actions=[output(ofp.OFPP_CONTROLLER)]
+                )
+            ))
+        self.poutput('success')
+    complete_install_dhcp_flows = VolthaCli.complete_logical_device
+    def do_delete_all_flows(self, line):
+        """
+        Remove all flows and flow groups from given logical device
+        """
+        logical_device_id = line or self.default_logical_device_id
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowTable(FlowTableUpdate(
+            id=logical_device_id,
+            flow_mod=ofp.ofp_flow_mod(
+                command=ofp.OFPFC_DELETE,
+                table_id=ofp.OFPTT_ALL,
+                cookie_mask=0,
+                out_port=ofp.OFPP_ANY,
+                out_group=ofp.OFPG_ANY
+            )
+        ))
+        stub.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowGroupTable(FlowGroupTableUpdate(
+            id=logical_device_id,
+            group_mod=ofp.ofp_group_mod(
+                command=ofp.OFPGC_DELETE,
+                group_id=ofp.OFPG_ALL
+            )
+        ))
+        self.poutput('success')
+    complete_delete_all_flows = VolthaCli.complete_logical_device
+    def do_send_simulated_upstream_eapol(self, line):
+        """
+        Send an EAPOL upstream from a simulated OLT
+        """
+        device_id = line or self.default_device_id
+        requests.get('http://{}/devices/{}/test_eapol_in'.format(
+            self.voltha_sim_rest, device_id
+        ))
+    complete_send_simulated_upstream_eapol = VolthaCli.complete_device
+    def do_inject_eapol_start(self, line):
+        """
+        Send out an an EAPOL start message into the given Unix interface
+        """
+        pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    _help = '<hostname>:<port> to consul agent (default: %s)' % defs['consul']
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '-C', '--consul', action='store', default=defs['consul'], help=_help)
+    _help = 'Lookup Voltha endpoints based on service entries in Consul'
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '-L', '--lookup', action='store_true', help=_help)
+    _help = 'All requests to the Voltha gRPC service are global'
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '-G', '--global_request', action='store_true', help=_help)
+    _help = '<hostname>:<port> of Voltha gRPC service (default={})'.format(
+        defs['voltha_grpc_endpoint'])
+    parser.add_argument('-g', '--grpc-endpoint', action='store',
+                        default=defs['voltha_grpc_endpoint'], help=_help)
+    _help = '<hostname>:<port> of Voltha simulated adapter backend for ' \
+            'testing (default={})'.format(
+        defs['voltha_sim_rest_endpoint'])
+    parser.add_argument('-s', '--sim-rest-endpoint', action='store',
+                        default=defs['voltha_sim_rest_endpoint'], help=_help)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.lookup:
+        host = args.consul.split(':')[0].strip()
+        port = int(args.consul.split(':')[1].strip())
+        consul = Consul(host=host, port=port)
+        _, services = consul.catalog.service('voltha-grpc')
+        if not services:
+            print('No voltha-grpc service registered in consul; exiting')
+            sys.exit(1)
+        args.grpc_endpoint = '{}:{}'.format(services[0]['ServiceAddress'],
+                                            services[0]['ServicePort'])
+        _, services = consul.catalog.service('voltha-sim-rest')
+        if not services:
+            print('No voltha-sim-rest service registered in consul; exiting')
+            sys.exit(1)
+        args.sim_rest_endpoint = '{}:{}'.format(services[0]['ServiceAddress'],
+                                                services[0]['ServicePort'])
+    c = VolthaCli(args.grpc_endpoint, args.sim_rest_endpoint,
+                  args.global_request)
+    c.poutput(banner)
+    c.load_history()
+    c.cmdloop()
+    c.save_history()
diff --git a/python/cli/ b/python/cli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8b8334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+OpenOMCI level CLI commands
+from optparse import make_option
+from cmd2 import Cmd, options
+from datetime import datetime
+from google.protobuf.empty_pb2 import Empty
+from table import print_pb_list_as_table
+from python.protos import third_party
+from python.protos import voltha_pb2
+from python.protos.omci_mib_db_pb2 import MibDeviceData, MibClassData, \
+    MibInstanceData
+from os import linesep
+_ = third_party
+class OmciCli(Cmd):
+    CREATED_KEY = 'created'
+    MODIFIED_KEY = 'modified'
+    MDS_KEY = 'mib_data_sync'
+    LAST_SYNC_KEY = 'last_mib_sync'
+    VERSION_KEY = 'version'
+    DEVICE_ID_KEY = 'device_id'
+    CLASS_ID_KEY = 'class_id'
+    INSTANCE_ID_KEY = 'instance_id'
+    ATTRIBUTES_KEY = 'attributes'
+    TIME_FORMAT = '%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f'
+    ME_KEY = 'managed_entities'
+    MSG_TYPE_KEY = 'message_types'
+        4: 'Create',
+        5: 'Create Complete',
+        6: 'Delete',
+        8: 'Set',
+        9: 'Get',
+        10: 'Get Complete',
+        11: 'Get All Alarms',
+        12: 'Get All Alarms Next',
+        13: 'Mib Upload',
+        14: 'Mib Upload Next',
+        15: 'Mib Reset',
+        16: 'Alarm Notification',
+        17: 'Attribute Value Change',
+        18: 'Test',
+        19: 'Start Software Download',
+        20: 'Download Section',
+        21: 'End Software Download',
+        22: 'Activate Software',
+        23: 'Commit Software',
+        24: 'Synchronize Time',
+        25: 'Reboot',
+        26: 'Get Next',
+        27: 'Test Result',
+        28: 'Get Current Data',
+        29: 'Set Table'
+    }
+    def __init__(self, device_id, get_stub):
+        Cmd.__init__(self)
+        self.get_stub = get_stub
+        self.device_id = device_id
+        self.prompt = '(' + self.colorize(
+            self.colorize('omci {}'.format(device_id), 'green'),
+            'bold') + ') '
+    def cmdloop(self, intro=None):
+        self._cmdloop()
+    do_exit = Cmd.do_quit
+    def do_quit(self, line):
+        return self._STOP_AND_EXIT
+    def get_device_mib(self, device_id, depth=-1):
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        try:
+            res = stub.GetMibDeviceData(voltha_pb2.ID(id=device_id),
+                                        metadata=(('get-depth', str(depth)), ))
+        except Exception as e:
+            pass
+        return res
+    def help_show_mib(self):
+        self.poutput('show_mib [-d <device-id>] [-c <class-id> [-i <instance-id>]]' +
+                     linesep + '-d: <device-id>   ONU Device ID' +
+                     linesep + '-c: <class-id>    Managed Entity Class ID' +
+                     linesep + '-i: <instance-id> ME Instance ID')
+    @options([
+        make_option('-d', '--device-id', action="store", dest='device_id', type='string',
+                    help='ONU Device ID', default=None),
+        make_option('-c', '--class-id', action="store", dest='class_id',
+                    type='int', help='Managed Entity Class ID', default=None),
+        make_option('-i', '--instance-id', action="store", dest='instance_id',
+                    type='int', help='ME Instance ID', default=None)
+    ])
+    def do_show_mib(self, _line, opts):
+        """
+        Show OMCI MIB Database Information
+        """
+        device_id = opts.device_id or self.device_id
+        if opts.class_id is not None and not 1 <= opts.class_id <= 0xFFFF:
+            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                         self.colorize('Class ID must be 1..65535', 'blue'))
+            return
+        if opts.instance_id is not None and opts.class_id is None:
+            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                         self.colorize('Class ID required if specifying an Instance ID',
+                                       'blue'))
+            return
+        if opts.instance_id is not None and not 0 <= opts.instance_id <= 0xFFFF:
+            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                         self.colorize('Instance ID must be 0..65535', 'blue'))
+            return
+        try:
+            mib_db = self.get_device_mib(device_id, depth=-1)
+        except Exception:   # UnboundLocalError if Device ID not found in DB
+            self.poutput(self.colorize('Failed to get MIB database for ONU {}'
+                                       .format(device_id), 'red'))
+            return
+        mib = self._device_to_dict(mib_db)
+        self.poutput('OpenOMCI MIB Database for ONU {}'.format(device_id))
+        if opts.class_id is None and opts.instance_id is None:
+            self.poutput('Version            : {}'.format(mib[OmciCli.VERSION_KEY]))
+            self.poutput('Created            : {}'.format(mib[OmciCli.CREATED_KEY]))
+            self.poutput('Last In-Sync Time  : {}'.format(mib[OmciCli.LAST_SYNC_KEY]))
+            self.poutput('MIB Data Sync Value: {}'.format(mib[OmciCli.MDS_KEY]))
+        class_ids = [k for k in mib.iterkeys()
+                     if isinstance(k, int) and
+                     (opts.class_id is None or opts.class_id == k)]
+        class_ids.sort()
+        if len(class_ids) == 0 and opts.class_id is not None:
+            self.poutput(self.colorize('Class ID {} not found in MIB Database'
+                                       .format(opts.class_id), 'red'))
+            return
+        for cls_id in class_ids:
+            class_data = mib[cls_id]
+            self.poutput('  ----------------------------------------------')
+            self.poutput('  Class ID: {0} - ({0:#x})'.format(cls_id))
+            inst_ids = [k for k in class_data.iterkeys()
+                        if isinstance(k, int) and
+                        (opts.instance_id is None or opts.instance_id == k)]
+            inst_ids.sort()
+            if len(inst_ids) == 0 and opts.instance_id is not None:
+                self.poutput(self.colorize('Instance ID {} of Class ID {} not ' +
+                                           'found in MIB Database'.
+                                           format(opts.instance_id, opts.class_id),
+                                           'red'))
+                return
+            for inst_id in inst_ids:
+                inst_data = class_data[inst_id]
+                self.poutput('    Instance ID: {0} - ({0:#x})'.format(inst_id))
+                self.poutput('    Created    : {}'.format(inst_data[OmciCli.CREATED_KEY]))
+                self.poutput('    Modified   : {}'.format(inst_data[OmciCli.MODIFIED_KEY]))
+                attributes = inst_data[OmciCli.ATTRIBUTES_KEY]
+                attr_names = attributes.keys()
+                attr_names.sort()
+                max_len = max([len(attr) for attr in attr_names])
+                for attr in attr_names:
+                    name = self._cleanup_attribute_name(attr).ljust(max_len)
+                    value = attributes[attr]
+                    try:
+                        ivalue = int(value)
+                        self.poutput('      {0}: {1} - ({1:#x})'.format(name, ivalue))
+                    except ValueError:
+                        self.poutput('      {}: {}'.format(name, value))
+                if inst_id is not inst_ids[-1]:
+                    self.poutput(linesep)
+    def _cleanup_attribute_name(self, attr):
+        """Change underscore to space and capitalize first character"""
+        return ' '.join([v[0].upper() + v[1:] for v in attr.split('_')])
+    def _instance_to_dict(self, instance):
+        if not isinstance(instance, MibInstanceData):
+            raise TypeError('{} is not of type MibInstanceData'.format(type(instance)))
+        data = {
+            OmciCli.INSTANCE_ID_KEY: instance.instance_id,
+            OmciCli.CREATED_KEY: self._string_to_time(instance.created),
+            OmciCli.MODIFIED_KEY: self._string_to_time(instance.modified),
+            OmciCli.ATTRIBUTES_KEY: dict()
+        }
+        for attribute in instance.attributes:
+            data[OmciCli.ATTRIBUTES_KEY][] = str(attribute.value)
+        return data
+    def _class_to_dict(self, val):
+        if not isinstance(val, MibClassData):
+            raise TypeError('{} is not of type MibClassData'.format(type(val)))
+        data = {
+            OmciCli.CLASS_ID_KEY: val.class_id,
+        }
+        for instance in val.instances:
+            data[instance.instance_id] = self._instance_to_dict(instance)
+        return data
+    def _device_to_dict(self, val):
+        if not isinstance(val, MibDeviceData):
+            raise TypeError('{} is not of type MibDeviceData'.format(type(val)))
+        data = {
+            OmciCli.DEVICE_ID_KEY: val.device_id,
+            OmciCli.CREATED_KEY: self._string_to_time(val.created),
+            OmciCli.LAST_SYNC_KEY: self._string_to_time(val.last_sync_time),
+            OmciCli.MDS_KEY: val.mib_data_sync,
+            OmciCli.VERSION_KEY: val.version,
+            OmciCli.ME_KEY: dict(),
+            OmciCli.MSG_TYPE_KEY: set()
+        }
+        for class_data in val.classes:
+            data[class_data.class_id] = self._class_to_dict(class_data)
+        for managed_entity in val.managed_entities:
+            data[OmciCli.ME_KEY][managed_entity.class_id] =
+        for msg_type in val.message_types:
+            data[OmciCli.MSG_TYPE_KEY].add(msg_type.message_type)
+        return data
+    def _string_to_time(self, time):
+        return datetime.strptime(time, OmciCli.TIME_FORMAT) if len(time) else None
+    def help_show_me(self):
+        self.poutput('show_me [-d <device-id>]' +
+                     linesep + '-d: <device-id>   ONU Device ID')
+    @options([
+        make_option('-d', '--device-id', action="store", dest='device_id', type='string',
+                    help='ONU Device ID', default=None),
+    ])
+    def do_show_me(self, _line, opts):
+        """ Show supported OMCI Managed Entities"""
+        device_id = opts.device_id or self.device_id
+        try:
+            mib_db = self.get_device_mib(device_id, depth=1)
+            mib = self._device_to_dict(mib_db)
+        except Exception:   # UnboundLocalError if Device ID not found in DB
+            self.poutput(self.colorize('Failed to get supported ME information for ONU {}'
+                                       .format(device_id), 'red'))
+            return
+        class_ids = [class_id for class_id in mib[OmciCli.ME_KEY].keys()]
+        class_ids.sort()
+        self.poutput('Supported Managed Entities for ONU {}'.format(device_id))
+        for class_id in class_ids:
+            self.poutput('    {0} - ({0:#x}): {1}'.format(class_id,
+                                                          mib[OmciCli.ME_KEY][class_id]))
+    def help_show_msg_types(self):
+        self.poutput('show_msg_types [-d <device-id>]' +
+                     linesep + '-d: <device-id>   ONU Device ID')
+    @options([
+        make_option('-d', '--device-id', action="store", dest='device_id', type='string',
+                    help='ONU Device ID', default=None),
+    ])
+    def do_show_msg_types(self, _line, opts):
+        """ Show supported OMCI Message Types"""
+        device_id = opts.device_id or self.device_id
+        try:
+            mib_db = self.get_device_mib(device_id, depth=1)
+            mib = self._device_to_dict(mib_db)
+        except Exception:   # UnboundLocalError if Device ID not found in DB
+            self.poutput(self.colorize('Failed to get supported Message Types for ONU {}'
+                                       .format(device_id), 'red'))
+            return
+        msg_types = [msg_type for msg_type in mib[OmciCli.MSG_TYPE_KEY]]
+        msg_types.sort()
+        self.poutput('Supported Message Types for ONU {}'.format(device_id))
+        for msg_type in msg_types:
+            self.poutput('    {0} - ({0:#x}): {1}'.
+                         format(msg_type,
+                                OmciCli.MSG_TYPE_TO_NAME.get(msg_type, 'Unknown')))
+    def get_devices(self):
+        stub = self.get_stub()
+        res = stub.ListDevices(Empty())
+        return res.items
+    def do_devices(self, line):
+        """List devices registered in Voltha reduced for OMCI menu"""
+        devices = self.get_devices()
+        omit_fields = {
+            'adapter',
+            'model',
+            'hardware_version',
+            'images',
+            'firmware_version',
+            'serial_number',
+            'vlan',
+            'root',
+            'extra_args',
+            'proxy_address',
+        }
+        print_pb_list_as_table('Devices:', devices, omit_fields, self.poutput)
+    def help_devices(self):
+        self.poutput('TODO: Provide some help')
+    def poutput(self, msg):
+        """Convenient shortcut for self.stdout.write(); adds newline if necessary."""
+        if msg:
+            self.stdout.write(msg)
+            if msg[-1] != '\n':
+                self.stdout.write('\n')
diff --git a/python/cli/ b/python/cli/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6cab0bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+while getopts LGC:g:s: option
+    case "${option}"
+    in
+	L) LOOKUP_OPT="-L";;
+	g) GRPC_OPT="-g ${OPTARG}";;
+	s) SIM_OPT="-s ${OPTARG}";;
+    esac
+if [ -z "$CONSUL_OPT" ]
+echo "export DOCKER_HOST_IP=$DOCKER_HOST_IP" > /home/voltha/.bashrc
+echo "export PYTHONPATH=/voltha" >> /home/voltha/.bashrc
+echo "export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" >> /home/voltha/.bashrc
+echo "export DOCKER_HOST_IP=$DOCKER_HOST_IP" > /home/voltha/.bash_profile
+echo "export PYTHONPATH=/voltha" >> /home/voltha/.bash_profile
+echo "export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" >> /home/voltha/.bash_profile
+echo "/voltha/python/cli/ $LOOKUP_OPT $GLOBAL_REQUEST_OPT $CONSUL_OPT $GRPC_OPT $SIM_OPT" >> /home/voltha/.bash_profile
+echo "logout" >> /home/voltha/.bash_profile
+chown voltha.voltha /home/voltha/.bash_profile
+/usr/sbin/sshd -D
diff --git a/python/cli/ b/python/cli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e6a4d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+# Copyright 2016 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import sys
+from google.protobuf.message import Message
+from termcolor import colored
+_printfn = lambda l: sys.stdout.write(l + '\n')
+class TablePrinter(object):
+    """Simple tabular data printer utility. For usage, see bottom of file"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.max_field_lengths = {}
+        self.field_names = {}
+        self.cell_values = {}
+    def add_cell(self, row_number, field_key, field_name, value):
+        if not isinstance(value, str):
+            value = str(value)
+        self._add_field_type(field_key, field_name)
+        row = self.cell_values.setdefault(row_number, {})
+        row[field_key] = value
+        self._update_max_length(field_key, value)
+    def number_of_rows(self):
+        return len(self.cell_values)
+    def print_table(self, header=None, printfn=_printfn, dividers=10):
+        if header is not None:
+            printfn(header)
+        field_keys = sorted(self.field_names.keys())
+        if not field_keys:
+            printfn('table empty')
+            return
+        def p_sep():
+            printfn('+' + '+'.join(
+                [(self.max_field_lengths[k] + 2) * '-'
+                 for k in field_keys]) + '+')
+        p_sep()
+        printfn('| ' + ' | '.join(
+            '%%%ds' % self.max_field_lengths[k] % self.field_names[k]
+            for k in field_keys) + ' |')
+        p_sep()
+        for i in range(len(self.cell_values)):
+            row = self.cell_values[i]
+            printfn(colored('| ' + ' | '.join(
+                '%%%ds' % self.max_field_lengths[k] % row.get(k, '')
+                for k in field_keys
+            ) + ' |'))
+            if not ((i + 1) % dividers):
+                p_sep()
+        if (i + 1) % dividers:
+            p_sep()
+    def _update_max_length(self, field_key, string):
+        length = len(string)
+        if length > self.max_field_lengths.get(field_key, 0):
+            self.max_field_lengths[field_key] = length
+    def _add_field_type(self, field_key, field_name):
+        if field_key not in self.field_names:
+            self.field_names[field_key] = field_name
+            self._update_max_length(field_key, field_name)
+        else:
+            assert self.field_names[field_key] == field_name
+def print_pb_list_as_table(header, items, fields_to_omit=None,
+                           printfn=_printfn, dividers=10, show_nulls=False,
+                           presfns={}):
+    from utils import pb2dict
+    t = TablePrinter()
+    for row, obj in enumerate(items):
+        assert isinstance(obj, Message)
+        def set_row(pd_dict, _row, field, value, t, prefix,
+                      fields_to_omit, number):
+            fname = prefix +
+            if fname in fields_to_omit:
+                return
+            if isinstance(value, Message):
+                add(_row, value, fname + '.',
+                    100 * (number + field.number))
+            else:
+                presentationfn = presfns[fname] if fname in presfns else lambda x: x
+                t.add_cell(_row, number + field.number, fname,
+                           presentationfn(pd_dict.get(
+        def add(_row, pb, prefix='', number=0):
+            d = pb2dict(pb)
+            if show_nulls:
+                fields = pb.DESCRIPTOR.fields
+                for field in fields:
+                    set_row(d,
+                            _row,
+                            field,
+                            getattr(pb,,
+                            t,
+                            prefix,
+                            fields_to_omit,
+                            number)
+            else:
+                fields = pb.ListFields()
+                for (field, value) in fields:
+                    set_row(d,
+                            _row,
+                            field,
+                            value,
+                            t,
+                            prefix,
+                            fields_to_omit,
+                            number)
+        add(row, obj)
+    t.print_table(header, printfn, dividers)
+def print_pb_as_table(header, pb, fields_to_omit={}, printfn=_printfn,
+                      show_nulls=False):
+    from utils import pb2dict
+    def is_repeated_item(msg):
+        return hasattr(msg, "extend")
+    def set_cell(pb, field, value, t, prefix, fields_to_omit):
+        d = pb2dict(pb)
+        fname = prefix +
+        if fname in fields_to_omit:
+            return
+        if isinstance(value, Message):
+            pr(value, fname + '.')
+        elif is_repeated_item(value): # handles any list
+            row = t.number_of_rows()
+            t.add_cell(row, 0, 'field', fname)
+            t.add_cell(row, 1, 'value',
+                       '{} item(s)'.format(len(d.get(
+        else:
+            row = t.number_of_rows()
+            t.add_cell(row, 0, 'field', fname)
+            t.add_cell(row, 1, 'value', value)
+    t = TablePrinter()
+    def pr(_pb, prefix=''):
+        if show_nulls:
+            fields = _pb.DESCRIPTOR.fields
+            for field in sorted(fields, key=lambda f: f.number):
+                set_cell(_pb,
+                        field,
+                        getattr(_pb,,
+                        t,
+                        prefix,
+                        fields_to_omit)
+        else:
+            fields = _pb.ListFields()
+            for (field, value) in sorted(fields, key=lambda (f, v): f.number):
+                set_cell(_pb,
+                        field,
+                        value,
+                        t,
+                        prefix,
+                        fields_to_omit)
+    pr(pb)
+    t.print_table(header, printfn)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import random
+    t = TablePrinter()
+    for row in range(10):
+        t.add_cell(row, 0, 'id', row + 100)
+        t.add_cell(row, 1, 'name', 'Joe Somebody')
+        t.add_cell(row, 2, 'ows', '${}'.format(random.randint(10, 100000)))
+    t.print_table()
diff --git a/python/cli/ b/python/cli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38e5ee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+# Copyright 2016 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import sys
+from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict
+from termcolor import cprint, colored
+from table import TablePrinter
+_printfn = lambda l: sys.stdout.write(l + '\n')
+def pb2dict(pb_msg):
+    d = MessageToDict(pb_msg, including_default_value_fields=1,
+                      preserving_proto_field_name=1)
+    return d
+def p_cookie(cookie):
+    cookie =  '%x' % int(cookie)
+    if len(cookie) > 8:
+        return '~' + cookie[len(cookie)-8:]
+    else:
+        return cookie
+    OFPP_NORMAL     = 0x7ffffffa;  /* Forward using non-OpenFlow pipeline. */
+    OFPP_FLOOD      = 0x7ffffffb;  /* Flood using non-OpenFlow pipeline. */
+    OFPP_ALL        = 0x7ffffffc;  /* All standard ports except input port. */
+    OFPP_CONTROLLER = 0x7ffffffd;  /* Send to controller. */
+    OFPP_LOCAL      = 0x7ffffffe;  /* Local openflow "port". */
+    OFPP_ANY        = 0x7fffffff;  /* Special value used in some requests when
+def p_port(port):
+    if port & 0x7fffffff == 0x7ffffffa:
+        return 'NORMAL'
+    elif port & 0x7fffffff == 0x7ffffffb:
+        return 'FLOOD'
+    elif port & 0x7fffffff == 0x7ffffffc:
+        return 'ALL'
+    elif port & 0x7fffffff == 0x7ffffffd:
+        return 'CONTROLLER'
+    elif port & 0x7fffffff == 0x7ffffffe:
+        return 'LOCAL'
+    elif port & 0x7fffffff == 0x7fffffff:
+        return 'ANY'
+    else:
+        return str(port)
+def p_vlan_vid(vlan_vid):
+    if vlan_vid == 0:
+        return 'untagged'
+    assert vlan_vid & 4096 == 4096
+    return str(vlan_vid - 4096)
+def p_ipv4(x):
+    return '.'.join(str(v) for v in [
+        (x >> 24) & 0xff, (x >> 16) & 0xff, (x >> 8) & 0xff, x & 0xff
+    ])
+field_printers = {
+    'IN_PORT': lambda f: (100, 'in_port', p_port(f['port'])),
+    'VLAN_VID': lambda f: (101, 'vlan_vid', p_vlan_vid(f['vlan_vid'])),
+    'VLAN_PCP': lambda f: (102, 'vlan_pcp', str(f['vlan_pcp'])),
+    'ETH_TYPE': lambda f: (103, 'eth_type', '%X' % f['eth_type']),
+    'IP_PROTO': lambda f: (104, 'ip_proto', str(f['ip_proto'])),
+    'IPV4_DST': lambda f: (105, 'ipv4_dst', p_ipv4(f['ipv4_dst'])),
+    'UDP_SRC': lambda f: (106, 'udp_src', str(f['udp_src'])),
+    'UDP_DST': lambda f: (107, 'udp_dst', str(f['udp_dst'])),
+    'TCP_SRC': lambda f: (108, 'tcp_src', str(f['tcp_src'])),
+    'TCP_DST': lambda f: (109, 'tcp_dst', str(f['tcp_dst'])),
+    'METADATA': lambda f: (110, 'metadata', str(f['table_metadata'])),
+def p_field(field):
+    assert field['oxm_class'].endswith('OPENFLOW_BASIC')
+    ofb = field['ofb_field']
+    assert not ofb['has_mask']
+    type = ofb['type'][len('OFPXMT_OFB_'):]
+    weight, field_name, value = field_printers[type](ofb)
+    return 1000 + weight, 'set_' + field_name, value
+action_printers = {
+    'SET_FIELD': lambda a: p_field(a['set_field']['field']),
+    'POP_VLAN': lambda a: (2000, 'pop_vlan', 'Yes'),
+    'PUSH_VLAN': lambda a: (2001, 'push_vlan', '%x' % a['push']['ethertype']),
+    'GROUP': lambda a: (3000, 'group', p_port(a['group']['group_id'])),
+    'OUTPUT': lambda a: (4000, 'output', p_port(a['output']['port'])),
+def print_flows(what, id, type, flows, groups, printfn=_printfn):
+    header = ''.join([
+        '{} '.format(what),
+        colored(id, color='green', attrs=['bold']),
+        ' (type: ',
+        colored(type, color='blue'),
+        ')'
+    ]) + '\nFlows ({}):'.format(len(flows))
+    table = TablePrinter()
+    for i, flow in enumerate(flows):
+        table.add_cell(i, 0, 'table_id', value=str(flow['table_id']))
+        table.add_cell(i, 1, 'priority', value=str(flow['priority']))
+        table.add_cell(i, 2, 'cookie', p_cookie(flow['cookie']))
+        assert flow['match']['type'] == 'OFPMT_OXM'
+        for field in flow['match']['oxm_fields']:
+            assert field['oxm_class'].endswith('OPENFLOW_BASIC')
+            ofb = field['ofb_field']
+            # see CORD-816 (
+            assert not ofb['has_mask'], 'masked match not handled yet'
+            type = ofb['type'][len('OFPXMT_OFB_'):]
+            table.add_cell(i, *field_printers[type](ofb))
+        for instruction in flow['instructions']:
+            itype = instruction['type']
+            if itype == 4:
+                for action in instruction['actions']['actions']:
+                    atype = action['type'][len('OFPAT_'):]
+                    table.add_cell(i, *action_printers[atype](action))
+            elif itype == 1:
+                table.add_cell(i, 10000, 'goto-table',
+                               instruction['goto_table']['table_id'])
+            elif itype == 5:
+                table.add_cell(i, 10000, 'clear-actions', [])
+            else:
+                raise NotImplementedError(
+                    'not handling instruction type {}'.format(itype))
+    table.print_table(header, printfn)
+def print_groups(what, id, type, groups, printfn=_printfn):
+    header = ''.join([
+        '{} '.format(what),
+        colored(id, color='green', attrs=['bold']),
+        ' (type: ',
+        colored(type, color='blue'),
+        ')'
+    ]) + '\nGroups ({}):'.format(len(groups))
+    table = TablePrinter()
+    for i, group in enumerate(groups):
+        output_ports = []
+        for bucket in group['desc']['buckets']:
+            for action in bucket['actions']:
+                if action['type'] == 'OFPAT_OUTPUT':
+                   output_ports.append(action['output']['port'])
+        table.add_cell(i, 0, 'group_id', value=str(group['desc']['group_id']))
+        table.add_cell(i, 1, 'buckets', value=str(dict(output=output_ports)))
+    table.print_table(header, printfn)
+def dict2line(d):
+    assert isinstance(d, dict)
+    return ', '.join('{}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in sorted(d.items()))
+def enum2name(msg_obj, enum_type, enum_value):
+    descriptor = msg_obj.DESCRIPTOR.enum_types_by_name[enum_type]
+    name = descriptor.values_by_number[enum_value].name
+    return name