This update provides:
1)  workaround around the build failures. In
summary, it forces the download of some packages during the build
2) update the set of packages that should go inside the vendor
3) Update the dockerfile to use go 1.10

Change-Id: I2bfd090ce0f25b0c10aa214755ae2da7e5384d60
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e687450
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,710 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The etcd Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package client
+import (
+	"context"
+	"encoding/json"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"math/rand"
+	"net"
+	"net/http"
+	"net/url"
+	"sort"
+	"strconv"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+	""
+var (
+	ErrNoEndpoints           = errors.New("client: no endpoints available")
+	ErrTooManyRedirects      = errors.New("client: too many redirects")
+	ErrClusterUnavailable    = errors.New("client: etcd cluster is unavailable or misconfigured")
+	ErrNoLeaderEndpoint      = errors.New("client: no leader endpoint available")
+	errTooManyRedirectChecks = errors.New("client: too many redirect checks")
+	// oneShotCtxValue is set on a context using WithValue(&oneShotValue) so
+	// that Do() will not retry a request
+	oneShotCtxValue interface{}
+var DefaultRequestTimeout = 5 * time.Second
+var DefaultTransport CancelableTransport = &http.Transport{
+	Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
+	Dial: (&net.Dialer{
+		Timeout:   30 * time.Second,
+		KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
+	}).Dial,
+	TLSHandshakeTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
+type EndpointSelectionMode int
+const (
+	// EndpointSelectionRandom is the default value of the 'SelectionMode'.
+	// As the name implies, the client object will pick a node from the members
+	// of the cluster in a random fashion. If the cluster has three members, A, B,
+	// and C, the client picks any node from its three members as its request
+	// destination.
+	EndpointSelectionRandom EndpointSelectionMode = iota
+	// If 'SelectionMode' is set to 'EndpointSelectionPrioritizeLeader',
+	// requests are sent directly to the cluster leader. This reduces
+	// forwarding roundtrips compared to making requests to etcd followers
+	// who then forward them to the cluster leader. In the event of a leader
+	// failure, however, clients configured this way cannot prioritize among
+	// the remaining etcd followers. Therefore, when a client sets 'SelectionMode'
+	// to 'EndpointSelectionPrioritizeLeader', it must use 'client.AutoSync()' to
+	// maintain its knowledge of current cluster state.
+	//
+	// This mode should be used with Client.AutoSync().
+	EndpointSelectionPrioritizeLeader
+type Config struct {
+	// Endpoints defines a set of URLs (schemes, hosts and ports only)
+	// that can be used to communicate with a logical etcd cluster. For
+	// example, a three-node cluster could be provided like so:
+	//
+	// 	Endpoints: []string{
+	//		"",
+	//		"",
+	//		"",
+	//	}
+	//
+	// If multiple endpoints are provided, the Client will attempt to
+	// use them all in the event that one or more of them are unusable.
+	//
+	// If Client.Sync is ever called, the Client may cache an alternate
+	// set of endpoints to continue operation.
+	Endpoints []string
+	// Transport is used by the Client to drive HTTP requests. If not
+	// provided, DefaultTransport will be used.
+	Transport CancelableTransport
+	// CheckRedirect specifies the policy for handling HTTP redirects.
+	// If CheckRedirect is not nil, the Client calls it before
+	// following an HTTP redirect. The sole argument is the number of
+	// requests that have already been made. If CheckRedirect returns
+	// an error, Client.Do will not make any further requests and return
+	// the error back it to the caller.
+	//
+	// If CheckRedirect is nil, the Client uses its default policy,
+	// which is to stop after 10 consecutive requests.
+	CheckRedirect CheckRedirectFunc
+	// Username specifies the user credential to add as an authorization header
+	Username string
+	// Password is the password for the specified user to add as an authorization header
+	// to the request.
+	Password string
+	// HeaderTimeoutPerRequest specifies the time limit to wait for response
+	// header in a single request made by the Client. The timeout includes
+	// connection time, any redirects, and header wait time.
+	//
+	// For non-watch GET request, server returns the response body immediately.
+	// For PUT/POST/DELETE request, server will attempt to commit request
+	// before responding, which is expected to take `100ms + 2 * RTT`.
+	// For watch request, server returns the header immediately to notify Client
+	// watch start. But if server is behind some kind of proxy, the response
+	// header may be cached at proxy, and Client cannot rely on this behavior.
+	//
+	// Especially, wait request will ignore this timeout.
+	//
+	// One API call may send multiple requests to different etcd servers until it
+	// succeeds. Use context of the API to specify the overall timeout.
+	//
+	// A HeaderTimeoutPerRequest of zero means no timeout.
+	HeaderTimeoutPerRequest time.Duration
+	// SelectionMode is an EndpointSelectionMode enum that specifies the
+	// policy for choosing the etcd cluster node to which requests are sent.
+	SelectionMode EndpointSelectionMode
+func (cfg *Config) transport() CancelableTransport {
+	if cfg.Transport == nil {
+		return DefaultTransport
+	}
+	return cfg.Transport
+func (cfg *Config) checkRedirect() CheckRedirectFunc {
+	if cfg.CheckRedirect == nil {
+		return DefaultCheckRedirect
+	}
+	return cfg.CheckRedirect
+// CancelableTransport mimics net/http.Transport, but requires that
+// the object also support request cancellation.
+type CancelableTransport interface {
+	http.RoundTripper
+	CancelRequest(req *http.Request)
+type CheckRedirectFunc func(via int) error
+// DefaultCheckRedirect follows up to 10 redirects, but no more.
+var DefaultCheckRedirect CheckRedirectFunc = func(via int) error {
+	if via > 10 {
+		return ErrTooManyRedirects
+	}
+	return nil
+type Client interface {
+	// Sync updates the internal cache of the etcd cluster's membership.
+	Sync(context.Context) error
+	// AutoSync periodically calls Sync() every given interval.
+	// The recommended sync interval is 10 seconds to 1 minute, which does
+	// not bring too much overhead to server and makes client catch up the
+	// cluster change in time.
+	//
+	// The example to use it:
+	//
+	//  for {
+	//      err := client.AutoSync(ctx, 10*time.Second)
+	//      if err == context.DeadlineExceeded || err == context.Canceled {
+	//          break
+	//      }
+	//      log.Print(err)
+	//  }
+	AutoSync(context.Context, time.Duration) error
+	// Endpoints returns a copy of the current set of API endpoints used
+	// by Client to resolve HTTP requests. If Sync has ever been called,
+	// this may differ from the initial Endpoints provided in the Config.
+	Endpoints() []string
+	// SetEndpoints sets the set of API endpoints used by Client to resolve
+	// HTTP requests. If the given endpoints are not valid, an error will be
+	// returned
+	SetEndpoints(eps []string) error
+	// GetVersion retrieves the current etcd server and cluster version
+	GetVersion(ctx context.Context) (*version.Versions, error)
+	httpClient
+func New(cfg Config) (Client, error) {
+	c := &httpClusterClient{
+		clientFactory: newHTTPClientFactory(cfg.transport(), cfg.checkRedirect(), cfg.HeaderTimeoutPerRequest),
+		rand:          rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64(time.Now().Nanosecond()))),
+		selectionMode: cfg.SelectionMode,
+	}
+	if cfg.Username != "" {
+		c.credentials = &credentials{
+			username: cfg.Username,
+			password: cfg.Password,
+		}
+	}
+	if err := c.SetEndpoints(cfg.Endpoints); err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return c, nil
+type httpClient interface {
+	Do(context.Context, httpAction) (*http.Response, []byte, error)
+func newHTTPClientFactory(tr CancelableTransport, cr CheckRedirectFunc, headerTimeout time.Duration) httpClientFactory {
+	return func(ep url.URL) httpClient {
+		return &redirectFollowingHTTPClient{
+			checkRedirect: cr,
+			client: &simpleHTTPClient{
+				transport:     tr,
+				endpoint:      ep,
+				headerTimeout: headerTimeout,
+			},
+		}
+	}
+type credentials struct {
+	username string
+	password string
+type httpClientFactory func(url.URL) httpClient
+type httpAction interface {
+	HTTPRequest(url.URL) *http.Request
+type httpClusterClient struct {
+	clientFactory httpClientFactory
+	endpoints     []url.URL
+	pinned        int
+	credentials   *credentials
+	sync.RWMutex
+	rand          *rand.Rand
+	selectionMode EndpointSelectionMode
+func (c *httpClusterClient) getLeaderEndpoint(ctx context.Context, eps []url.URL) (string, error) {
+	ceps := make([]url.URL, len(eps))
+	copy(ceps, eps)
+	// To perform a lookup on the new endpoint list without using the current
+	// client, we'll copy it
+	clientCopy := &httpClusterClient{
+		clientFactory: c.clientFactory,
+		credentials:   c.credentials,
+		rand:          c.rand,
+		pinned:    0,
+		endpoints: ceps,
+	}
+	mAPI := NewMembersAPI(clientCopy)
+	leader, err := mAPI.Leader(ctx)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	if len(leader.ClientURLs) == 0 {
+		return "", ErrNoLeaderEndpoint
+	}
+	return leader.ClientURLs[0], nil // TODO: how to handle multiple client URLs?
+func (c *httpClusterClient) parseEndpoints(eps []string) ([]url.URL, error) {
+	if len(eps) == 0 {
+		return []url.URL{}, ErrNoEndpoints
+	}
+	neps := make([]url.URL, len(eps))
+	for i, ep := range eps {
+		u, err := url.Parse(ep)
+		if err != nil {
+			return []url.URL{}, err
+		}
+		neps[i] = *u
+	}
+	return neps, nil
+func (c *httpClusterClient) SetEndpoints(eps []string) error {
+	neps, err := c.parseEndpoints(eps)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	c.Lock()
+	defer c.Unlock()
+	c.endpoints = shuffleEndpoints(c.rand, neps)
+	// We're not doing anything for PrioritizeLeader here. This is
+	// due to not having a context meaning we can't call getLeaderEndpoint
+	// However, if you're using PrioritizeLeader, you've already been told
+	// to regularly call sync, where we do have a ctx, and can figure the
+	// leader. PrioritizeLeader is also quite a loose guarantee, so deal
+	// with it
+	c.pinned = 0
+	return nil
+func (c *httpClusterClient) Do(ctx context.Context, act httpAction) (*http.Response, []byte, error) {
+	action := act
+	c.RLock()
+	leps := len(c.endpoints)
+	eps := make([]url.URL, leps)
+	n := copy(eps, c.endpoints)
+	pinned := c.pinned
+	if c.credentials != nil {
+		action = &authedAction{
+			act:         act,
+			credentials: *c.credentials,
+		}
+	}
+	c.RUnlock()
+	if leps == 0 {
+		return nil, nil, ErrNoEndpoints
+	}
+	if leps != n {
+		return nil, nil, errors.New("unable to pick endpoint: copy failed")
+	}
+	var resp *http.Response
+	var body []byte
+	var err error
+	cerr := &ClusterError{}
+	isOneShot := ctx.Value(&oneShotCtxValue) != nil
+	for i := pinned; i < leps+pinned; i++ {
+		k := i % leps
+		hc := c.clientFactory(eps[k])
+		resp, body, err = hc.Do(ctx, action)
+		if err != nil {
+			cerr.Errors = append(cerr.Errors, err)
+			if err == ctx.Err() {
+				return nil, nil, ctx.Err()
+			}
+			if err == context.Canceled || err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
+				return nil, nil, err
+			}
+		} else if resp.StatusCode/100 == 5 {
+			switch resp.StatusCode {
+			case http.StatusInternalServerError, http.StatusServiceUnavailable:
+				// TODO: make sure this is a no leader response
+				cerr.Errors = append(cerr.Errors, fmt.Errorf("client: etcd member %s has no leader", eps[k].String()))
+			default:
+				cerr.Errors = append(cerr.Errors, fmt.Errorf("client: etcd member %s returns server error [%s]", eps[k].String(), http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode)))
+			}
+			err = cerr.Errors[0]
+		}
+		if err != nil {
+			if !isOneShot {
+				continue
+			}
+			c.Lock()
+			c.pinned = (k + 1) % leps
+			c.Unlock()
+			return nil, nil, err
+		}
+		if k != pinned {
+			c.Lock()
+			c.pinned = k
+			c.Unlock()
+		}
+		return resp, body, nil
+	}
+	return nil, nil, cerr
+func (c *httpClusterClient) Endpoints() []string {
+	c.RLock()
+	defer c.RUnlock()
+	eps := make([]string, len(c.endpoints))
+	for i, ep := range c.endpoints {
+		eps[i] = ep.String()
+	}
+	return eps
+func (c *httpClusterClient) Sync(ctx context.Context) error {
+	mAPI := NewMembersAPI(c)
+	ms, err := mAPI.List(ctx)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	var eps []string
+	for _, m := range ms {
+		eps = append(eps, m.ClientURLs...)
+	}
+	neps, err := c.parseEndpoints(eps)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	npin := 0
+	switch c.selectionMode {
+	case EndpointSelectionRandom:
+		c.RLock()
+		eq := endpointsEqual(c.endpoints, neps)
+		c.RUnlock()
+		if eq {
+			return nil
+		}
+		// When items in the endpoint list changes, we choose a new pin
+		neps = shuffleEndpoints(c.rand, neps)
+	case EndpointSelectionPrioritizeLeader:
+		nle, err := c.getLeaderEndpoint(ctx, neps)
+		if err != nil {
+			return ErrNoLeaderEndpoint
+		}
+		for i, n := range neps {
+			if n.String() == nle {
+				npin = i
+				break
+			}
+		}
+	default:
+		return fmt.Errorf("invalid endpoint selection mode: %d", c.selectionMode)
+	}
+	c.Lock()
+	defer c.Unlock()
+	c.endpoints = neps
+	c.pinned = npin
+	return nil
+func (c *httpClusterClient) AutoSync(ctx context.Context, interval time.Duration) error {
+	ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
+	defer ticker.Stop()
+	for {
+		err := c.Sync(ctx)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		select {
+		case <-ctx.Done():
+			return ctx.Err()
+		case <-ticker.C:
+		}
+	}
+func (c *httpClusterClient) GetVersion(ctx context.Context) (*version.Versions, error) {
+	act := &getAction{Prefix: "/version"}
+	resp, body, err := c.Do(ctx, act)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	switch resp.StatusCode {
+	case http.StatusOK:
+		if len(body) == 0 {
+			return nil, ErrEmptyBody
+		}
+		var vresp version.Versions
+		if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &vresp); err != nil {
+			return nil, ErrInvalidJSON
+		}
+		return &vresp, nil
+	default:
+		var etcdErr Error
+		if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &etcdErr); err != nil {
+			return nil, ErrInvalidJSON
+		}
+		return nil, etcdErr
+	}
+type roundTripResponse struct {
+	resp *http.Response
+	err  error
+type simpleHTTPClient struct {
+	transport     CancelableTransport
+	endpoint      url.URL
+	headerTimeout time.Duration
+func (c *simpleHTTPClient) Do(ctx context.Context, act httpAction) (*http.Response, []byte, error) {
+	req := act.HTTPRequest(c.endpoint)
+	if err := printcURL(req); err != nil {
+		return nil, nil, err
+	}
+	isWait := false
+	if req != nil && req.URL != nil {
+		ws := req.URL.Query().Get("wait")
+		if len(ws) != 0 {
+			var err error
+			isWait, err = strconv.ParseBool(ws)
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("wrong wait value %s (%v for %+v)", ws, err, req)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	var hctx context.Context
+	var hcancel context.CancelFunc
+	if !isWait && c.headerTimeout > 0 {
+		hctx, hcancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, c.headerTimeout)
+	} else {
+		hctx, hcancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
+	}
+	defer hcancel()
+	reqcancel := requestCanceler(c.transport, req)
+	rtchan := make(chan roundTripResponse, 1)
+	go func() {
+		resp, err := c.transport.RoundTrip(req)
+		rtchan <- roundTripResponse{resp: resp, err: err}
+		close(rtchan)
+	}()
+	var resp *http.Response
+	var err error
+	select {
+	case rtresp := <-rtchan:
+		resp, err = rtresp.resp, rtresp.err
+	case <-hctx.Done():
+		// cancel and wait for request to actually exit before continuing
+		reqcancel()
+		rtresp := <-rtchan
+		resp = rtresp.resp
+		switch {
+		case ctx.Err() != nil:
+			err = ctx.Err()
+		case hctx.Err() != nil:
+			err = fmt.Errorf("client: endpoint %s exceeded header timeout", c.endpoint.String())
+		default:
+			panic("failed to get error from context")
+		}
+	}
+	// always check for resp nil-ness to deal with possible
+	// race conditions between channels above
+	defer func() {
+		if resp != nil {
+			resp.Body.Close()
+		}
+	}()
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, nil, err
+	}
+	var body []byte
+	done := make(chan struct{})
+	go func() {
+		body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
+		done <- struct{}{}
+	}()
+	select {
+	case <-ctx.Done():
+		resp.Body.Close()
+		<-done
+		return nil, nil, ctx.Err()
+	case <-done:
+	}
+	return resp, body, err
+type authedAction struct {
+	act         httpAction
+	credentials credentials
+func (a *authedAction) HTTPRequest(url url.URL) *http.Request {
+	r := a.act.HTTPRequest(url)
+	r.SetBasicAuth(a.credentials.username, a.credentials.password)
+	return r
+type redirectFollowingHTTPClient struct {
+	client        httpClient
+	checkRedirect CheckRedirectFunc
+func (r *redirectFollowingHTTPClient) Do(ctx context.Context, act httpAction) (*http.Response, []byte, error) {
+	next := act
+	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
+		if i > 0 {
+			if err := r.checkRedirect(i); err != nil {
+				return nil, nil, err
+			}
+		}
+		resp, body, err := r.client.Do(ctx, next)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, nil, err
+		}
+		if resp.StatusCode/100 == 3 {
+			hdr := resp.Header.Get("Location")
+			if hdr == "" {
+				return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Location header not set")
+			}
+			loc, err := url.Parse(hdr)
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Location header not valid URL: %s", hdr)
+			}
+			next = &redirectedHTTPAction{
+				action:   act,
+				location: *loc,
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		return resp, body, nil
+	}
+	return nil, nil, errTooManyRedirectChecks
+type redirectedHTTPAction struct {
+	action   httpAction
+	location url.URL
+func (r *redirectedHTTPAction) HTTPRequest(ep url.URL) *http.Request {
+	orig := r.action.HTTPRequest(ep)
+	orig.URL = &r.location
+	return orig
+func shuffleEndpoints(r *rand.Rand, eps []url.URL) []url.URL {
+	// copied from Go 1.9<= rand.Rand.Perm
+	n := len(eps)
+	p := make([]int, n)
+	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
+		j := r.Intn(i + 1)
+		p[i] = p[j]
+		p[j] = i
+	}
+	neps := make([]url.URL, n)
+	for i, k := range p {
+		neps[i] = eps[k]
+	}
+	return neps
+func endpointsEqual(left, right []url.URL) bool {
+	if len(left) != len(right) {
+		return false
+	}
+	sLeft := make([]string, len(left))
+	sRight := make([]string, len(right))
+	for i, l := range left {
+		sLeft[i] = l.String()
+	}
+	for i, r := range right {
+		sRight[i] = r.String()
+	}
+	sort.Strings(sLeft)
+	sort.Strings(sRight)
+	for i := range sLeft {
+		if sLeft[i] != sRight[i] {
+			return false
+		}
+	}
+	return true