This update provides:
1)  workaround around the build failures. In
summary, it forces the download of some packages during the build
2) update the set of packages that should go inside the vendor
3) Update the dockerfile to use go 1.10

Change-Id: I2bfd090ce0f25b0c10aa214755ae2da7e5384d60
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44b698d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+syntax = "proto3";
+package v3lockpb;
+import "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
+import "etcd/etcdserver/etcdserverpb/rpc.proto";
+// for grpc-gateway
+import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
+option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
+// The lock service exposes client-side locking facilities as a gRPC interface.
+service Lock {
+  // Lock acquires a distributed shared lock on a given named lock.
+  // On success, it will return a unique key that exists so long as the
+  // lock is held by the caller. This key can be used in conjunction with
+  // transactions to safely ensure updates to etcd only occur while holding
+  // lock ownership. The lock is held until Unlock is called on the key or the
+  // lease associate with the owner expires.
+  rpc Lock(LockRequest) returns (LockResponse) {
+      option (google.api.http) = {
+        post: "/v3beta/lock/lock"
+        body: "*"
+    };
+  }
+  // Unlock takes a key returned by Lock and releases the hold on lock. The
+  // next Lock caller waiting for the lock will then be woken up and given
+  // ownership of the lock.
+  rpc Unlock(UnlockRequest) returns (UnlockResponse) {
+      option (google.api.http) = {
+        post: "/v3beta/lock/unlock"
+        body: "*"
+    };
+  }
+message LockRequest {
+  // name is the identifier for the distributed shared lock to be acquired.
+  bytes name = 1;
+  // lease is the ID of the lease that will be attached to ownership of the
+  // lock. If the lease expires or is revoked and currently holds the lock,
+  // the lock is automatically released. Calls to Lock with the same lease will
+  // be treated as a single acquistion; locking twice with the same lease is a
+  // no-op.
+  int64 lease = 2;
+message LockResponse {
+  etcdserverpb.ResponseHeader header = 1;
+  // key is a key that will exist on etcd for the duration that the Lock caller
+  // owns the lock. Users should not modify this key or the lock may exhibit
+  // undefined behavior.
+  bytes key = 2;
+message UnlockRequest {
+  // key is the lock ownership key granted by Lock.
+  bytes key = 1;
+message UnlockResponse {
+  etcdserverpb.ResponseHeader header = 1;