This update provides:
1)  workaround around the build failures. In
summary, it forces the download of some packages during the build
2) update the set of packages that should go inside the vendor
3) Update the dockerfile to use go 1.10

Change-Id: I2bfd090ce0f25b0c10aa214755ae2da7e5384d60
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..da356f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Run all etcd tests
+# ./test
+# ./test -v
+# Run specified test pass
+# $ PASSES=unit ./test
+# $ PASSES=integration ./test
+# Run tests for one package
+# Each pass has different default timeout, if you just run tests in one package or 1 test case then you can set TIMEOUT
+# flag for different expectation
+# $ PASSES=unit PKG=./wal TIMEOUT=1m ./test
+# $ PASSES=integration PKG=client/integration TIMEOUT=1m ./test
+# Run specified unit tests in one package
+# To run all the tests with prefix of "TestNew", set "TESTCASE=TestNew ";
+# to run only "TestNew", set "TESTCASE="\bTestNew\b""
+# $ PASSES=unit PKG=./wal TESTCASE=TestNew TIMEOUT=1m ./test
+# $ PASSES=unit PKG=./wal TESTCASE="\bTestNew\b" TIMEOUT=1m ./test
+# $ PASSES=integration PKG=client/integration TESTCASE="\bTestV2NoRetryEOF\b" TIMEOUT=1m ./test
+# Run code coverage
+# COVERDIR must either be a absolute path or a relative path to the etcd root
+# $ COVERDIR=coverage PASSES="build_cov cov" ./test
+set -e
+source ./build
+# build before setting up test GOPATH
+if [[ "${PASSES}" == *"functional"* ]]; then
+	./functional/build
+# build tests with vendored dependencies
+if [ -z "$PASSES" ]; then
+	PASSES="fmt bom dep build unit"
+# Invoke ./tests/cover.test.bash for HTML output
+# Hack: gofmt ./ will recursively check the .git directory. So use *.go for gofmt.
+# all pkgs that are not auto-generated / tools
+# shellcheck disable=SC1117
+PKGS=$(find . -name \*.go | while read -r a; do dirname "$a"; done | sort | uniq | grep -vE "$IGNORE_PKGS" | grep -vE "(tools/|contrib/|e2e|pb)" | sed "s|\.|${REPO_PATH}|g" | xargs echo)
+# pkg1,pkg2,pkg3
+# shellcheck disable=SC1117
+TEST_PKGS=$(find . -name \*_test.go | while read -r a; do dirname "$a"; done | sort | uniq | grep -vE "$IGNORE_PKGS" | sed "s|\./||g")
+# shellcheck disable=SC1117
+FORMATTABLE=$(find . -name \*.go | while read -r a; do echo "$(dirname "$a")/*.go"; done | sort | uniq | grep -vE "$IGNORE_PKGS" | sed "s|\./||g")
+# check if user provided PKG override
+if [ -z "${USERPKG}" ]; then
+	# strip out leading dotslashes and trailing slashes from PKG=./foo/
+	TEST=${TEST/#\//}
+	TEST=${TEST/%\//}
+	# only run gofmt on packages provided by user
+# shellcheck disable=SC2206
+# prepend REPO_PATH to each local package
+for a in $split; do TEST="$TEST ${REPO_PATH}/${a}"; done
+# shellcheck disable=SC2206
+# TODO: 'client' pkg fails with gosimple from generated files
+# TODO: 'rafttest' is failing with unused
+STATIC_ANALYSIS_PATHS=$(find . -name \*.go | while read -r a; do dirname "$a"; done | sort | uniq | grep -vE "$IGNORE_PKGS" | grep -v 'client')
+# shellcheck disable=SC2206
+if [ -z "$GOARCH" ]; then
+	GOARCH=$(go env GOARCH);
+# determine whether target supports race detection
+if [ "$GOARCH" == "amd64" ]; then
+	RACE="--race"
+if [ ! -z "${TESTCASE}" ]; then
+	RUN_ARG="-run=${TESTCASE}"
+function unit_pass {
+	echo "Running unit tests..."
+	if [ "${VERBOSE}" == "1" ]; then
+		GO_TEST_FLAG="-v"
+	fi
+	if [ "${VERBOSE}" == "2" ]; then
+		GO_TEST_FLAG="-v"
+		export CLIENT_DEBUG=1
+	fi
+	if [ "${RUN_ARG}" == "" ]; then
+	    RUN_ARG="-run=Test"
+	fi
+	# check if user provided time out, especially useful when just run one test case
+	# expectation could be different
+	if [ -z "${TIMEOUT}" ]; then
+	else
+	fi
+	go test ${GO_TEST_FLAG} -timeout "${USERTIMEOUT}"  "${COVER}" ${RACE} -cpu 4 ${RUN_ARG} "$@" "${TEST[@]}"
+function integration_pass {
+	echo "Running integration tests..."
+	# check if user provided time out, especially useful when just run one test case
+	# expectation could be different
+	if [ -z "${TIMEOUT}" ]; then
+	else
+	fi
+	# if TESTCASE and PKG set, run specified test case in specified PKG
+	# if TESTCASE set, PKG not set, run specified test case in all integration and integration_extra packages
+	# if TESTCASE not set, PKG set, run all test cases in specified package
+	# if TESTCASE not set, PKG not set, run all tests in all integration and integration_extra packages
+	if [ -z "${TESTCASE}" ] && [ -z "${USERPKG}" ]; then
+		go test -timeout "${USERTIMEOUT}" -v -cpu 4 "$@" "${REPO_PATH}/integration"
+		integration_extra "$@"
+	else
+		if [ -z "${USERPKG}" ]; then
+			INTEGTESTPKG=("${REPO_PATH}/integration"
+						  "${REPO_PATH}/client/integration"
+						  "${REPO_PATH}/clientv3/integration"
+						  "${REPO_PATH}/store")
+		else
+		fi
+		go test -timeout "${USERTIMEOUT}" -v -cpu 4 "${RUN_ARG}"  "$@" "${INTEGTESTPKG[@]}"
+	fi
+function integration_extra {
+	go test -timeout 1m -v ${RACE} -cpu 4 "$@" "${REPO_PATH}/client/integration"
+	go test -timeout 25m -v ${RACE} -cpu 4 "$@" "${REPO_PATH}/clientv3/integration"
+function functional_pass {
+  	# Clean up any data and logs from previous runs
+  	rm -rf /tmp/etcd-functional-* /tmp/etcd-functional-*.backup
+	for a in 1 2 3; do
+		./bin/etcd-agent --network tcp --address${a}9027 &
+		pid="$!"
+		agent_pids="${agent_pids} $pid"
+	done
+	for a in 1 2 3; do
+		echo "Waiting for 'etcd-agent' on ${a}9027..."
+		while ! nc -z localhost ${a}9027; do
+			sleep 1
+		done
+	done
+	echo "functional test START!"
+	./bin/etcd-tester --config ./functional.yaml && echo "'etcd-tester' succeeded"
+	# shellcheck disable=SC2206
+	agent_pids=($agent_pids)
+	kill -s TERM "${agent_pids[@]}" || true
+	if [[ "${ETCD_TESTER_EXIT_CODE}" -ne "0" ]]; then
+		echo "--- FAIL: exit code" ${ETCD_TESTER_EXIT_CODE}
+	fi
+	echo "functional test PASS!"
+function cov_pass {
+	echo "Running code coverage..."
+	# install gocovmerge before running code coverage from
+	# gocovmerge merges coverage files
+	if ! which gocovmerge >/dev/null; then
+		echo "gocovmerge not installed"
+		exit 255
+	fi
+	if [ -z "$COVERDIR" ]; then
+		echo "COVERDIR undeclared"
+		exit 255
+	fi
+	if [ ! -f "bin/etcd_test" ]; then
+		echo "etcd_test binary not found"
+		exit 255
+	fi
+	mkdir -p "$COVERDIR"
+	# run code coverage for unit and integration tests
+	GOCOVFLAGS="-covermode=set -coverpkg ${PKGS_COMMA} -v -timeout 20m"
+	# shellcheck disable=SC2206
+	failed=""
+	for t in $(echo "${TEST_PKGS}" | grep -vE "(e2e|functional)"); do
+		tf=$(echo "$t" | tr / _)
+		# cache package compilation data for faster repeated builds
+		go test "${GOCOVFLAGS[@]}" -i "${REPO_PATH}/$t" || true
+		# uses -run=Test to skip examples because clientv3/ example tests will leak goroutines
+		go test "${GOCOVFLAGS[@]}" -run=Test -coverprofile "$COVERDIR/${tf}.coverprofile"  "${REPO_PATH}/$t" || failed="$failed $t"
+	done
+	# v2v3 tests
+	go test -tags v2v3 "${GOCOVFLAGS[@]}" -coverprofile "$COVERDIR/store-v2v3.coverprofile" "${REPO_PATH}/clientv3/integration" || failed="$failed store-v2v3"
+	# proxy tests
+	go test -tags cluster_proxy "${GOCOVFLAGS[@]}" -coverprofile "$COVERDIR/proxy_integration.coverprofile" "${REPO_PATH}/integration" || failed="$failed proxy-integration"
+	go test -tags cluster_proxy "${GOCOVFLAGS[@]}" -coverprofile "$COVERDIR/proxy_clientv3.coverprofile" "${REPO_PATH}/clientv3/integration" || failed="$failed proxy-clientv3/integration"
+	# run code coverage for e2e tests
+	# use 30m timeout because e2e coverage takes longer
+	# due to many tests cause etcd process to wait
+	# on leadership transfer timeout during gracefully shutdown
+	echo Testing e2e without proxy...
+	go test -tags cov -timeout 30m -v "${REPO_PATH}/e2e" || failed="$failed e2e"
+	echo Testing e2e with proxy...
+	go test -tags "cov cluster_proxy" -timeout 30m -v "${REPO_PATH}/e2e" || failed="$failed e2e-proxy"
+	# incrementally merge to get coverage data even if some coverage files are corrupted
+	# optimistically assume etcdserver package's coverage file is OK since gocovmerge
+	# expects to start with a non-empty file
+	cp "$COVERDIR"/etcdserver.coverprofile "$COVERDIR"/cover.out
+	for f in "$COVERDIR"/*.coverprofile; do
+		echo "merging test coverage file ${f}"
+		gocovmerge "$f" "$COVERDIR"/cover.out  >"$COVERDIR"/cover.tmp || failed="$failed $f"
+		if [ -s "$COVERDIR"/cover.tmp ]; then
+			mv "$COVERDIR"/cover.tmp "$COVERDIR"/cover.out
+		fi
+	done
+	# strip out generated files (using GNU-style sed)
+	sed --in-place '/generated.go/d' "$COVERDIR"/cover.out || true
+	# held failures to generate the full coverage file, now fail
+	if [ -n "$failed" ]; then
+		for f in $failed; do
+			echo "--- FAIL:" "$f"
+		done
+		exit 255
+	fi
+function e2e_pass {
+	echo "Running e2e tests..."
+	# check if user provided time out, especially useful when just run one test case
+	# expectation could be different
+	if [ -z "${TIMEOUT}" ]; then
+	else
+	fi
+	go test -timeout "${USERTIMEOUT}" -v -cpu 4 "${RUN_ARG}"  "$@" "${REPO_PATH}/e2e"
+function integration_e2e_pass {
+	echo "Running integration and e2e tests..."
+	go test -timeout 20m -v -cpu 4 "$@" "${REPO_PATH}/e2e" &
+	e2epid="$!"
+	go test -timeout 20m -v -cpu 4 "$@" "${REPO_PATH}/integration" &
+	intpid="$!"
+	wait $e2epid
+	wait $intpid
+	integration_extra "$@"
+function grpcproxy_pass {
+	go test -timeout 20m -v ${RACE} -tags cluster_proxy -cpu 4 "$@" "${REPO_PATH}/integration"
+	go test -timeout 20m -v ${RACE} -tags cluster_proxy -cpu 4 "$@" "${REPO_PATH}/clientv3/integration"
+	go test -timeout 20m -v -tags cluster_proxy "$@" "${REPO_PATH}/e2e"
+function release_pass {
+	rm -f ./bin/etcd-last-release
+	# to grab latest patch release; bump this up for every minor release
+	UPGRADE_VER=$(git tag -l --sort=-version:refname "v3.3.*" | head -1)
+	if [ -n "$MANUAL_VER" ]; then
+		# in case, we need to test against different version
+	fi
+	if [[ -z ${UPGRADE_VER} ]]; then
+		UPGRADE_VER="v3.3.0"
+		echo "fallback to" ${UPGRADE_VER}
+	fi
+	local file="etcd-$UPGRADE_VER-linux-$GOARCH.tar.gz"
+	echo "Downloading $file"
+	set +e
+	curl --fail -L "$UPGRADE_VER/$file" -o "/tmp/$file"
+	local result=$?
+	set -e
+	case $result in
+		0)	;;
+		*)	echo "--- FAIL:" ${result}
+			exit $result
+			;;
+	esac
+	tar xzvf "/tmp/$file" -C /tmp/ --strip-components=1
+	mkdir -p ./bin
+	mv /tmp/etcd ./bin/etcd-last-release
+function shellcheck_pass {
+	if which shellcheck >/dev/null; then
+		shellcheckResult=$(shellcheck -fgcc build test scripts/*.sh 2>&1 || true)
+		if [ -n "${shellcheckResult}" ]; then
+			echo -e "shellcheck checking failed:\\n${shellcheckResult}"
+			exit 255
+		fi
+	fi
+function markdown_you_pass {
+	# eschew you
+	yous=$(find . -name \*.md -exec grep -E --color "[Yy]ou[r]?[ '.,;]" {} + | grep -v /v2/ || true)
+	if [ ! -z "$yous" ]; then
+		echo -e "found 'you' in documentation:\\n${yous}"
+		exit 255
+	fi
+function markdown_marker_pass {
+	# TODO: check other markdown files when marker handles headers with '[]'
+	if which marker >/dev/null; then
+		markerResult=$(marker --skip-http --root ./Documentation 2>&1 || true)
+		if [ -n "${markerResult}" ]; then
+			echo -e "marker checking failed:\\n${markerResult}"
+			exit 255
+		fi
+	else
+		echo "Skipping marker..."
+	fi
+function goword_pass {
+	if which goword >/dev/null; then
+		# get all go files to process
+		gofiles=$(find "${FMT[@]}" -iname '*.go' 2>/dev/null)
+		# shellcheck disable=SC2206
+		gofiles_all=($gofiles)
+		# ignore tests and protobuf files
+		# shellcheck disable=SC1117
+		gofiles=$(echo "${gofiles_all[@]}" | sort | uniq | sed "s/ /\n/g" | grep -vE "(\\_test.go|\\.pb\\.go)")
+		# shellcheck disable=SC2206
+		gofiles=($gofiles)
+		# only check for broken exported godocs
+		gowordRes=$(goword -use-spell=false "${gofiles[@]}" | grep godoc-export | sort)
+		if [ ! -z "$gowordRes" ]; then
+			echo -e "goword checking failed:\\n${gowordRes}"
+			exit 255
+		fi
+		# check some spelling
+		gowordRes=$(goword -ignore-file=.words clientv3/{*,*/*}.go 2>&1 | grep spell | sort)
+		if [ ! -z "$gowordRes" ]; then
+			echo -e "goword checking failed:\\n${gowordRes}"
+			exit 255
+		fi
+	else
+		echo "Skipping goword..."
+	fi
+function gofmt_pass {
+	fmtRes=$(gofmt -l -s -d "${FMT[@]}")
+	if [ -n "${fmtRes}" ]; then
+		echo -e "gofmt checking failed:\\n${fmtRes}"
+		exit 255
+	fi
+function govet_pass {
+	vetRes=$(go vet "${TEST[@]}")
+	if [ -n "${vetRes}" ]; then
+		echo -e "govet checking failed:\\n${vetRes}"
+		exit 255
+	fi
+function govet_shadow_pass {
+	fmtpkgs=$(for a in "${FMT[@]}"; do dirname "$a"; done | sort | uniq | grep -v "\\.")
+	# shellcheck disable=SC2206
+	fmtpkgs=($fmtpkgs)
+	vetRes=$(go tool vet -all -shadow "${fmtpkgs[@]}" 2>&1 | grep -v '/gw/' || true)
+	if [ -n "${vetRes}" ]; then
+		echo -e "govet -all -shadow checking failed:\\n${vetRes}"
+		exit 255
+	fi
+function gosimple_pass {
+	if which gosimple >/dev/null; then
+		gosimpleResult=$(gosimple "${STATIC_ANALYSIS_PATHS[@]}" 2>&1 || true)
+		if [ -n "${gosimpleResult}" ]; then
+			echo -e "gosimple checking failed:\\n${gosimpleResult}"
+			exit 255
+		fi
+	else
+		echo "Skipping gosimple..."
+	fi
+function unused_pass {
+	if which unused >/dev/null; then
+		unusedResult=$(unused "${STATIC_ANALYSIS_PATHS[@]}" 2>&1 || true)
+		if [ -n "${unusedResult}" ]; then
+			echo -e "unused checking failed:\\n${unusedResult}"
+			exit 255
+		fi
+	else
+		echo "Skipping unused..."
+	fi
+function staticcheck_pass {
+	if which staticcheck >/dev/null; then
+		staticcheckResult=$(staticcheck "${STATIC_ANALYSIS_PATHS[@]}" 2>&1 || true)
+		if [ -n "${staticcheckResult}" ]; then
+			# TODO: resolve these after go1.8 migration
+			# See
+			STATIC_CHECK_MASK="SA(1012|1019|2002)"
+			if echo "${staticcheckResult}" | grep -vE "$STATIC_CHECK_MASK"; then
+				echo -e "staticcheck checking failed:\\n${staticcheckResult}"
+				exit 255
+			else
+				suppressed=$(echo "${staticcheckResult}" | sed 's/ /\n/g' | grep "(SA" | sort | uniq -c)
+				echo -e "staticcheck suppressed warnings:\\n${suppressed}"
+			fi
+		fi
+	else
+		echo "Skipping staticcheck..."
+	fi
+function ineffassign_pass {
+	if which ineffassign >/dev/null; then
+		ineffassignResult=$(ineffassign "${STATIC_ANALYSIS_PATHS[@]}" 2>&1 || true)
+		if [ -n "${ineffassignResult}" ]; then
+			echo -e "ineffassign checking failed:\\n${ineffassignResult}"
+			exit 255
+		fi
+	else
+		echo "Skipping ineffassign..."
+	fi
+function nakedret_pass {
+	if which nakedret >/dev/null; then
+		nakedretResult=$(nakedret "${STATIC_ANALYSIS_PATHS[@]}" 2>&1 || true)
+		if [ -n "${nakedretResult}" ]; then
+			echo -e "nakedret checking failed:\\n${nakedretResult}"
+			exit 255
+		fi
+	else
+		echo "Skipping nakedret..."
+	fi
+function license_header_pass {
+	licRes=""
+	files=$(find . -type f -iname '*.go' ! -path './cmd/*' ! -path './gopath.proto/*')
+	for file in $files; do
+		if ! head -n3 "${file}" | grep -Eq "(Copyright|generated|GENERATED)" ; then
+			licRes="${licRes}"$(echo -e "  ${file}")
+		fi
+	done
+	if [ -n "${licRes}" ]; then
+		echo -e "license header checking failed:\\n${licRes}"
+		exit 255
+	fi
+function receiver_name_pass {
+	# shellcheck disable=SC1117
+	recvs=$(grep 'func ([^*]' {*,*/*,*/*/*}.go  | grep -Ev "(generated|pb/)" | tr  ':' ' ' |  \
+		awk ' { print $2" "$3" "$4" "$1 }' | sed "s/[a-zA-Z\.]*go//g" |  sort  | uniq  | \
+		grep -Ev  "(Descriptor|Proto|_)"  | awk ' { print $3" "$4 } ' | sort | uniq -c | grep -v ' 1 ' | awk ' { print $2 } ')
+	if [ -n "${recvs}" ]; then
+		# shellcheck disable=SC2206
+		recvs=($recvs)
+		for recv in "${recvs[@]}"; do
+			echo "Mismatched receiver for $recv..."
+			grep "$recv" "${FMT[@]}" | grep 'func ('
+		done
+		exit 255
+	fi
+function commit_title_pass {
+	git log --oneline "$(git merge-base HEAD master)"...HEAD | while read -r l; do
+		commitMsg=$(echo "$l" | cut -f2- -d' ')
+		if [[ "$commitMsg" == Merge* ]]; then
+			# ignore "Merge pull" commits
+			continue
+		fi
+		if [[ "$commitMsg" == Revert* ]]; then
+			# ignore revert commits
+			continue
+		fi
+		pkgPrefix=$(echo "$commitMsg" | cut -f1 -d':')
+		spaceCommas=$(echo "$commitMsg" | sed 's/ /\n/g' | grep -c ',$' || echo 0)
+		commaSpaces=$(echo "$commitMsg" | sed 's/,/\n/g' | grep -c '^ ' || echo 0)
+		if [[ $(echo "$commitMsg" | grep -c ":..*") == 0 || "$commitMsg" == "$pkgPrefix" || "$spaceCommas" != "$commaSpaces" ]]; then
+			echo "$l"...
+			echo "Expected commit title format '<package>{\", \"<package>}: <description>'"
+			echo "Got: $l"
+			exit 255
+		fi
+	done
+function fmt_pass {
+	toggle_failpoints disable
+	for p in shellcheck \
+			markdown_you \
+			markdown_marker \
+			goword \
+			gofmt \
+			govet \
+			govet_shadow \
+			gosimple \
+			unused \
+			staticcheck \
+			ineffassign \
+			nakedret \
+			license_header \
+			receiver_name \
+			commit_title \
+			; do
+		echo "'$p' started at $(date)"
+		"${p}"_pass "$@"
+		echo "'$p' completed at $(date)"
+	done
+function bom_pass {
+	if ! which license-bill-of-materials >/dev/null; then
+		return
+	fi
+	echo "Checking bill of materials..."
+	license-bill-of-materials \
+		--override-file bill-of-materials.override.json \
+ >bom-now.json || true
+	if ! diff bill-of-materials.json bom-now.json; then
+		echo "vendored licenses do not match given bill of materials"
+		exit 255
+	fi
+	rm bom-now.json
+function dep_pass {
+	echo "Checking package dependencies..."
+	# don't pull in etcdserver package
+	pushd clientv3 >/dev/null
+	badpkg="(etcdserver$|mvcc$|backend$|grpc-gateway)"
+	deps=$(go list -f '{{ .Deps }}'  | sed 's/ /\n/g' | grep -E "${badpkg}" || echo "")
+	popd >/dev/null
+	if [ ! -z "$deps" ]; then
+		echo -e "clientv3 has masked dependencies:\\n${deps}"
+		exit 255
+	fi
+function build_cov_pass {
+	out="bin"
+	if [ -n "${BINDIR}" ]; then out="${BINDIR}"; fi
+	go test -tags cov -c -covermode=set -coverpkg="$PKGS_COMMA" -o "${out}/etcd_test"
+	go test -tags cov -c -covermode=set -coverpkg="$PKGS_COMMA" -o "${out}/etcdctl_test" "${REPO_PATH}/etcdctl"
+# fail fast on static tests
+function build_pass {
+	echo "Checking build..."
+	GO_BUILD_FLAGS="-v" etcd_build
+for pass in $PASSES; do
+	echo "Starting '$pass' pass at $(date)"
+	"${pass}"_pass "$@"
+	echo "Finished '$pass' pass at $(date)"
+echo "Success"