This update provides:
1)  workaround around the build failures. In
summary, it forces the download of some packages during the build
2) update the set of packages that should go inside the vendor
3) Update the dockerfile to use go 1.10

Change-Id: I2bfd090ce0f25b0c10aa214755ae2da7e5384d60
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55176d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Prometheus Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package prometheus
+import (
+	"errors"
+	"os"
+	""
+type processCollector struct {
+	collectFn       func(chan<- Metric)
+	pidFn           func() (int, error)
+	reportErrors    bool
+	cpuTotal        *Desc
+	openFDs, maxFDs *Desc
+	vsize, maxVsize *Desc
+	rss             *Desc
+	startTime       *Desc
+// ProcessCollectorOpts defines the behavior of a process metrics collector
+// created with NewProcessCollector.
+type ProcessCollectorOpts struct {
+	// PidFn returns the PID of the process the collector collects metrics
+	// for. It is called upon each collection. By default, the PID of the
+	// current process is used, as determined on construction time by
+	// calling os.Getpid().
+	PidFn func() (int, error)
+	// If non-empty, each of the collected metrics is prefixed by the
+	// provided string and an underscore ("_").
+	Namespace string
+	// If true, any error encountered during collection is reported as an
+	// invalid metric (see NewInvalidMetric). Otherwise, errors are ignored
+	// and the collected metrics will be incomplete. (Possibly, no metrics
+	// will be collected at all.) While that's usually not desired, it is
+	// appropriate for the common "mix-in" of process metrics, where process
+	// metrics are nice to have, but failing to collect them should not
+	// disrupt the collection of the remaining metrics.
+	ReportErrors bool
+// NewProcessCollector returns a collector which exports the current state of
+// process metrics including CPU, memory and file descriptor usage as well as
+// the process start time. The detailed behavior is defined by the provided
+// ProcessCollectorOpts. The zero value of ProcessCollectorOpts creates a
+// collector for the current process with an empty namespace string and no error
+// reporting.
+// Currently, the collector depends on a Linux-style proc filesystem and
+// therefore only exports metrics for Linux.
+// Note: An older version of this function had the following signature:
+//     NewProcessCollector(pid int, namespace string) Collector
+// Most commonly, it was called as
+//     NewProcessCollector(os.Getpid(), "")
+// The following call of the current version is equivalent to the above:
+//     NewProcessCollector(ProcessCollectorOpts{})
+func NewProcessCollector(opts ProcessCollectorOpts) Collector {
+	ns := ""
+	if len(opts.Namespace) > 0 {
+		ns = opts.Namespace + "_"
+	}
+	c := &processCollector{
+		reportErrors: opts.ReportErrors,
+		cpuTotal: NewDesc(
+			ns+"process_cpu_seconds_total",
+			"Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds.",
+			nil, nil,
+		),
+		openFDs: NewDesc(
+			ns+"process_open_fds",
+			"Number of open file descriptors.",
+			nil, nil,
+		),
+		maxFDs: NewDesc(
+			ns+"process_max_fds",
+			"Maximum number of open file descriptors.",
+			nil, nil,
+		),
+		vsize: NewDesc(
+			ns+"process_virtual_memory_bytes",
+			"Virtual memory size in bytes.",
+			nil, nil,
+		),
+		maxVsize: NewDesc(
+			ns+"process_virtual_memory_max_bytes",
+			"Maximum amount of virtual memory available in bytes.",
+			nil, nil,
+		),
+		rss: NewDesc(
+			ns+"process_resident_memory_bytes",
+			"Resident memory size in bytes.",
+			nil, nil,
+		),
+		startTime: NewDesc(
+			ns+"process_start_time_seconds",
+			"Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds.",
+			nil, nil,
+		),
+	}
+	if opts.PidFn == nil {
+		pid := os.Getpid()
+		c.pidFn = func() (int, error) { return pid, nil }
+	} else {
+		c.pidFn = opts.PidFn
+	}
+	// Set up process metric collection if supported by the runtime.
+	if _, err := procfs.NewStat(); err == nil {
+		c.collectFn = c.processCollect
+	} else {
+		c.collectFn = func(ch chan<- Metric) {
+			c.reportError(ch, nil, errors.New("process metrics not supported on this platform"))
+		}
+	}
+	return c
+// Describe returns all descriptions of the collector.
+func (c *processCollector) Describe(ch chan<- *Desc) {
+	ch <- c.cpuTotal
+	ch <- c.openFDs
+	ch <- c.maxFDs
+	ch <- c.vsize
+	ch <- c.maxVsize
+	ch <- c.rss
+	ch <- c.startTime
+// Collect returns the current state of all metrics of the collector.
+func (c *processCollector) Collect(ch chan<- Metric) {
+	c.collectFn(ch)
+func (c *processCollector) processCollect(ch chan<- Metric) {
+	pid, err := c.pidFn()
+	if err != nil {
+		c.reportError(ch, nil, err)
+		return
+	}
+	p, err := procfs.NewProc(pid)
+	if err != nil {
+		c.reportError(ch, nil, err)
+		return
+	}
+	if stat, err := p.NewStat(); err == nil {
+		ch <- MustNewConstMetric(c.cpuTotal, CounterValue, stat.CPUTime())
+		ch <- MustNewConstMetric(c.vsize, GaugeValue, float64(stat.VirtualMemory()))
+		ch <- MustNewConstMetric(c.rss, GaugeValue, float64(stat.ResidentMemory()))
+		if startTime, err := stat.StartTime(); err == nil {
+			ch <- MustNewConstMetric(c.startTime, GaugeValue, startTime)
+		} else {
+			c.reportError(ch, c.startTime, err)
+		}
+	} else {
+		c.reportError(ch, nil, err)
+	}
+	if fds, err := p.FileDescriptorsLen(); err == nil {
+		ch <- MustNewConstMetric(c.openFDs, GaugeValue, float64(fds))
+	} else {
+		c.reportError(ch, c.openFDs, err)
+	}
+	if limits, err := p.NewLimits(); err == nil {
+		ch <- MustNewConstMetric(c.maxFDs, GaugeValue, float64(limits.OpenFiles))
+		ch <- MustNewConstMetric(c.maxVsize, GaugeValue, float64(limits.AddressSpace))
+	} else {
+		c.reportError(ch, nil, err)
+	}
+func (c *processCollector) reportError(ch chan<- Metric, desc *Desc, err error) {
+	if !c.reportErrors {
+		return
+	}
+	if desc == nil {
+		desc = NewInvalidDesc(err)
+	}
+	ch <- NewInvalidMetric(desc, err)