This update provides:
1)  workaround around the build failures. In
summary, it forces the download of some packages during the build
2) update the set of packages that should go inside the vendor
3) Update the dockerfile to use go 1.10

Change-Id: I2bfd090ce0f25b0c10aa214755ae2da7e5384d60
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a8a1e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Prometheus Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package procfs
+// While implementing parsing of /proc/[pid]/mountstats, this blog was used
+// heavily as a reference:
+// Special thanks to Chris Siebenmann for all of his posts explaining the
+// various statistics available for NFS.
+import (
+	"bufio"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"time"
+// Constants shared between multiple functions.
+const (
+	deviceEntryLen = 8
+	fieldBytesLen  = 8
+	fieldEventsLen = 27
+	statVersion10 = "1.0"
+	statVersion11 = "1.1"
+	fieldTransport10TCPLen = 10
+	fieldTransport10UDPLen = 7
+	fieldTransport11TCPLen = 13
+	fieldTransport11UDPLen = 10
+// A Mount is a device mount parsed from /proc/[pid]/mountstats.
+type Mount struct {
+	// Name of the device.
+	Device string
+	// The mount point of the device.
+	Mount string
+	// The filesystem type used by the device.
+	Type string
+	// If available additional statistics related to this Mount.
+	// Use a type assertion to determine if additional statistics are available.
+	Stats MountStats
+// A MountStats is a type which contains detailed statistics for a specific
+// type of Mount.
+type MountStats interface {
+	mountStats()
+// A MountStatsNFS is a MountStats implementation for NFSv3 and v4 mounts.
+type MountStatsNFS struct {
+	// The version of statistics provided.
+	StatVersion string
+	// The age of the NFS mount.
+	Age time.Duration
+	// Statistics related to byte counters for various operations.
+	Bytes NFSBytesStats
+	// Statistics related to various NFS event occurrences.
+	Events NFSEventsStats
+	// Statistics broken down by filesystem operation.
+	Operations []NFSOperationStats
+	// Statistics about the NFS RPC transport.
+	Transport NFSTransportStats
+// mountStats implements MountStats.
+func (m MountStatsNFS) mountStats() {}
+// A NFSBytesStats contains statistics about the number of bytes read and written
+// by an NFS client to and from an NFS server.
+type NFSBytesStats struct {
+	// Number of bytes read using the read() syscall.
+	Read uint64
+	// Number of bytes written using the write() syscall.
+	Write uint64
+	// Number of bytes read using the read() syscall in O_DIRECT mode.
+	DirectRead uint64
+	// Number of bytes written using the write() syscall in O_DIRECT mode.
+	DirectWrite uint64
+	// Number of bytes read from the NFS server, in total.
+	ReadTotal uint64
+	// Number of bytes written to the NFS server, in total.
+	WriteTotal uint64
+	// Number of pages read directly via mmap()'d files.
+	ReadPages uint64
+	// Number of pages written directly via mmap()'d files.
+	WritePages uint64
+// A NFSEventsStats contains statistics about NFS event occurrences.
+type NFSEventsStats struct {
+	// Number of times cached inode attributes are re-validated from the server.
+	InodeRevalidate uint64
+	// Number of times cached dentry nodes are re-validated from the server.
+	DnodeRevalidate uint64
+	// Number of times an inode cache is cleared.
+	DataInvalidate uint64
+	// Number of times cached inode attributes are invalidated.
+	AttributeInvalidate uint64
+	// Number of times files or directories have been open()'d.
+	VFSOpen uint64
+	// Number of times a directory lookup has occurred.
+	VFSLookup uint64
+	// Number of times permissions have been checked.
+	VFSAccess uint64
+	// Number of updates (and potential writes) to pages.
+	VFSUpdatePage uint64
+	// Number of pages read directly via mmap()'d files.
+	VFSReadPage uint64
+	// Number of times a group of pages have been read.
+	VFSReadPages uint64
+	// Number of pages written directly via mmap()'d files.
+	VFSWritePage uint64
+	// Number of times a group of pages have been written.
+	VFSWritePages uint64
+	// Number of times directory entries have been read with getdents().
+	VFSGetdents uint64
+	// Number of times attributes have been set on inodes.
+	VFSSetattr uint64
+	// Number of pending writes that have been forcefully flushed to the server.
+	VFSFlush uint64
+	// Number of times fsync() has been called on directories and files.
+	VFSFsync uint64
+	// Number of times locking has been attempted on a file.
+	VFSLock uint64
+	// Number of times files have been closed and released.
+	VFSFileRelease uint64
+	// Unknown.  Possibly unused.
+	CongestionWait uint64
+	// Number of times files have been truncated.
+	Truncation uint64
+	// Number of times a file has been grown due to writes beyond its existing end.
+	WriteExtension uint64
+	// Number of times a file was removed while still open by another process.
+	SillyRename uint64
+	// Number of times the NFS server gave less data than expected while reading.
+	ShortRead uint64
+	// Number of times the NFS server wrote less data than expected while writing.
+	ShortWrite uint64
+	// Number of times the NFS server indicated EJUKEBOX; retrieving data from
+	// offline storage.
+	JukeboxDelay uint64
+	// Number of NFS v4.1+ pNFS reads.
+	PNFSRead uint64
+	// Number of NFS v4.1+ pNFS writes.
+	PNFSWrite uint64
+// A NFSOperationStats contains statistics for a single operation.
+type NFSOperationStats struct {
+	// The name of the operation.
+	Operation string
+	// Number of requests performed for this operation.
+	Requests uint64
+	// Number of times an actual RPC request has been transmitted for this operation.
+	Transmissions uint64
+	// Number of times a request has had a major timeout.
+	MajorTimeouts uint64
+	// Number of bytes sent for this operation, including RPC headers and payload.
+	BytesSent uint64
+	// Number of bytes received for this operation, including RPC headers and payload.
+	BytesReceived uint64
+	// Duration all requests spent queued for transmission before they were sent.
+	CumulativeQueueTime time.Duration
+	// Duration it took to get a reply back after the request was transmitted.
+	CumulativeTotalResponseTime time.Duration
+	// Duration from when a request was enqueued to when it was completely handled.
+	CumulativeTotalRequestTime time.Duration
+// A NFSTransportStats contains statistics for the NFS mount RPC requests and
+// responses.
+type NFSTransportStats struct {
+	// The transport protocol used for the NFS mount.
+	Protocol string
+	// The local port used for the NFS mount.
+	Port uint64
+	// Number of times the client has had to establish a connection from scratch
+	// to the NFS server.
+	Bind uint64
+	// Number of times the client has made a TCP connection to the NFS server.
+	Connect uint64
+	// Duration (in jiffies, a kernel internal unit of time) the NFS mount has
+	// spent waiting for connections to the server to be established.
+	ConnectIdleTime uint64
+	// Duration since the NFS mount last saw any RPC traffic.
+	IdleTime time.Duration
+	// Number of RPC requests for this mount sent to the NFS server.
+	Sends uint64
+	// Number of RPC responses for this mount received from the NFS server.
+	Receives uint64
+	// Number of times the NFS server sent a response with a transaction ID
+	// unknown to this client.
+	BadTransactionIDs uint64
+	// A running counter, incremented on each request as the current difference
+	// ebetween sends and receives.
+	CumulativeActiveRequests uint64
+	// A running counter, incremented on each request by the current backlog
+	// queue size.
+	CumulativeBacklog uint64
+	// Stats below only available with stat version 1.1.
+	// Maximum number of simultaneously active RPC requests ever used.
+	MaximumRPCSlotsUsed uint64
+	// A running counter, incremented on each request as the current size of the
+	// sending queue.
+	CumulativeSendingQueue uint64
+	// A running counter, incremented on each request as the current size of the
+	// pending queue.
+	CumulativePendingQueue uint64
+// parseMountStats parses a /proc/[pid]/mountstats file and returns a slice
+// of Mount structures containing detailed information about each mount.
+// If available, statistics for each mount are parsed as well.
+func parseMountStats(r io.Reader) ([]*Mount, error) {
+	const (
+		device            = "device"
+		statVersionPrefix = "statvers="
+		nfs3Type = "nfs"
+		nfs4Type = "nfs4"
+	)
+	var mounts []*Mount
+	s := bufio.NewScanner(r)
+	for s.Scan() {
+		// Only look for device entries in this function
+		ss := strings.Fields(string(s.Bytes()))
+		if len(ss) == 0 || ss[0] != device {
+			continue
+		}
+		m, err := parseMount(ss)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		// Does this mount also possess statistics information?
+		if len(ss) > deviceEntryLen {
+			// Only NFSv3 and v4 are supported for parsing statistics
+			if m.Type != nfs3Type && m.Type != nfs4Type {
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse MountStats for fstype %q", m.Type)
+			}
+			statVersion := strings.TrimPrefix(ss[8], statVersionPrefix)
+			stats, err := parseMountStatsNFS(s, statVersion)
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, err
+			}
+			m.Stats = stats
+		}
+		mounts = append(mounts, m)
+	}
+	return mounts, s.Err()
+// parseMount parses an entry in /proc/[pid]/mountstats in the format:
+//   device [device] mounted on [mount] with fstype [type]
+func parseMount(ss []string) (*Mount, error) {
+	if len(ss) < deviceEntryLen {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid device entry: %v", ss)
+	}
+	// Check for specific words appearing at specific indices to ensure
+	// the format is consistent with what we expect
+	format := []struct {
+		i int
+		s string
+	}{
+		{i: 0, s: "device"},
+		{i: 2, s: "mounted"},
+		{i: 3, s: "on"},
+		{i: 5, s: "with"},
+		{i: 6, s: "fstype"},
+	}
+	for _, f := range format {
+		if ss[f.i] != f.s {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid device entry: %v", ss)
+		}
+	}
+	return &Mount{
+		Device: ss[1],
+		Mount:  ss[4],
+		Type:   ss[7],
+	}, nil
+// parseMountStatsNFS parses a MountStatsNFS by scanning additional information
+// related to NFS statistics.
+func parseMountStatsNFS(s *bufio.Scanner, statVersion string) (*MountStatsNFS, error) {
+	// Field indicators for parsing specific types of data
+	const (
+		fieldAge        = "age:"
+		fieldBytes      = "bytes:"
+		fieldEvents     = "events:"
+		fieldPerOpStats = "per-op"
+		fieldTransport  = "xprt:"
+	)
+	stats := &MountStatsNFS{
+		StatVersion: statVersion,
+	}
+	for s.Scan() {
+		ss := strings.Fields(string(s.Bytes()))
+		if len(ss) == 0 {
+			break
+		}
+		if len(ss) < 2 {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("not enough information for NFS stats: %v", ss)
+		}
+		switch ss[0] {
+		case fieldAge:
+			// Age integer is in seconds
+			d, err := time.ParseDuration(ss[1] + "s")
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, err
+			}
+			stats.Age = d
+		case fieldBytes:
+			bstats, err := parseNFSBytesStats(ss[1:])
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, err
+			}
+			stats.Bytes = *bstats
+		case fieldEvents:
+			estats, err := parseNFSEventsStats(ss[1:])
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, err
+			}
+			stats.Events = *estats
+		case fieldTransport:
+			if len(ss) < 3 {
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("not enough information for NFS transport stats: %v", ss)
+			}
+			tstats, err := parseNFSTransportStats(ss[1:], statVersion)
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, err
+			}
+			stats.Transport = *tstats
+		}
+		// When encountering "per-operation statistics", we must break this
+		// loop and parse them separately to ensure we can terminate parsing
+		// before reaching another device entry; hence why this 'if' statement
+		// is not just another switch case
+		if ss[0] == fieldPerOpStats {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	if err := s.Err(); err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	// NFS per-operation stats appear last before the next device entry
+	perOpStats, err := parseNFSOperationStats(s)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	stats.Operations = perOpStats
+	return stats, nil
+// parseNFSBytesStats parses a NFSBytesStats line using an input set of
+// integer fields.
+func parseNFSBytesStats(ss []string) (*NFSBytesStats, error) {
+	if len(ss) != fieldBytesLen {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid NFS bytes stats: %v", ss)
+	}
+	ns := make([]uint64, 0, fieldBytesLen)
+	for _, s := range ss {
+		n, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 64)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		ns = append(ns, n)
+	}
+	return &NFSBytesStats{
+		Read:        ns[0],
+		Write:       ns[1],
+		DirectRead:  ns[2],
+		DirectWrite: ns[3],
+		ReadTotal:   ns[4],
+		WriteTotal:  ns[5],
+		ReadPages:   ns[6],
+		WritePages:  ns[7],
+	}, nil
+// parseNFSEventsStats parses a NFSEventsStats line using an input set of
+// integer fields.
+func parseNFSEventsStats(ss []string) (*NFSEventsStats, error) {
+	if len(ss) != fieldEventsLen {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid NFS events stats: %v", ss)
+	}
+	ns := make([]uint64, 0, fieldEventsLen)
+	for _, s := range ss {
+		n, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 64)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		ns = append(ns, n)
+	}
+	return &NFSEventsStats{
+		InodeRevalidate:     ns[0],
+		DnodeRevalidate:     ns[1],
+		DataInvalidate:      ns[2],
+		AttributeInvalidate: ns[3],
+		VFSOpen:             ns[4],
+		VFSLookup:           ns[5],
+		VFSAccess:           ns[6],
+		VFSUpdatePage:       ns[7],
+		VFSReadPage:         ns[8],
+		VFSReadPages:        ns[9],
+		VFSWritePage:        ns[10],
+		VFSWritePages:       ns[11],
+		VFSGetdents:         ns[12],
+		VFSSetattr:          ns[13],
+		VFSFlush:            ns[14],
+		VFSFsync:            ns[15],
+		VFSLock:             ns[16],
+		VFSFileRelease:      ns[17],
+		CongestionWait:      ns[18],
+		Truncation:          ns[19],
+		WriteExtension:      ns[20],
+		SillyRename:         ns[21],
+		ShortRead:           ns[22],
+		ShortWrite:          ns[23],
+		JukeboxDelay:        ns[24],
+		PNFSRead:            ns[25],
+		PNFSWrite:           ns[26],
+	}, nil
+// parseNFSOperationStats parses a slice of NFSOperationStats by scanning
+// additional information about per-operation statistics until an empty
+// line is reached.
+func parseNFSOperationStats(s *bufio.Scanner) ([]NFSOperationStats, error) {
+	const (
+		// Number of expected fields in each per-operation statistics set
+		numFields = 9
+	)
+	var ops []NFSOperationStats
+	for s.Scan() {
+		ss := strings.Fields(string(s.Bytes()))
+		if len(ss) == 0 {
+			// Must break when reading a blank line after per-operation stats to
+			// enable top-level function to parse the next device entry
+			break
+		}
+		if len(ss) != numFields {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid NFS per-operations stats: %v", ss)
+		}
+		// Skip string operation name for integers
+		ns := make([]uint64, 0, numFields-1)
+		for _, st := range ss[1:] {
+			n, err := strconv.ParseUint(st, 10, 64)
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, err
+			}
+			ns = append(ns, n)
+		}
+		ops = append(ops, NFSOperationStats{
+			Operation:                   strings.TrimSuffix(ss[0], ":"),
+			Requests:                    ns[0],
+			Transmissions:               ns[1],
+			MajorTimeouts:               ns[2],
+			BytesSent:                   ns[3],
+			BytesReceived:               ns[4],
+			CumulativeQueueTime:         time.Duration(ns[5]) * time.Millisecond,
+			CumulativeTotalResponseTime: time.Duration(ns[6]) * time.Millisecond,
+			CumulativeTotalRequestTime:  time.Duration(ns[7]) * time.Millisecond,
+		})
+	}
+	return ops, s.Err()
+// parseNFSTransportStats parses a NFSTransportStats line using an input set of
+// integer fields matched to a specific stats version.
+func parseNFSTransportStats(ss []string, statVersion string) (*NFSTransportStats, error) {
+	// Extract the protocol field. It is the only string value in the line
+	protocol := ss[0]
+	ss = ss[1:]
+	switch statVersion {
+	case statVersion10:
+		var expectedLength int
+		if protocol == "tcp" {
+			expectedLength = fieldTransport10TCPLen
+		} else if protocol == "udp" {
+			expectedLength = fieldTransport10UDPLen
+		} else {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid NFS protocol \"%s\" in stats 1.0 statement: %v", protocol, ss)
+		}
+		if len(ss) != expectedLength {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid NFS transport stats 1.0 statement: %v", ss)
+		}
+	case statVersion11:
+		var expectedLength int
+		if protocol == "tcp" {
+			expectedLength = fieldTransport11TCPLen
+		} else if protocol == "udp" {
+			expectedLength = fieldTransport11UDPLen
+		} else {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid NFS protocol \"%s\" in stats 1.1 statement: %v", protocol, ss)
+		}
+		if len(ss) != expectedLength {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid NFS transport stats 1.1 statement: %v", ss)
+		}
+	default:
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized NFS transport stats version: %q", statVersion)
+	}
+	// Allocate enough for v1.1 stats since zero value for v1.1 stats will be okay
+	// in a v1.0 response. Since the stat length is bigger for TCP stats, we use
+	// the TCP length here.
+	//
+	// Note: slice length must be set to length of v1.1 stats to avoid a panic when
+	// only v1.0 stats are present.
+	// See:
+	ns := make([]uint64, fieldTransport11TCPLen)
+	for i, s := range ss {
+		n, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 64)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		ns[i] = n
+	}
+	// The fields differ depending on the transport protocol (TCP or UDP)
+	// From
+	//
+	// For the udp RPC transport there is no connection count, connect idle time,
+	// or idle time (fields #3, #4, and #5); all other fields are the same. So
+	// we set them to 0 here.
+	if protocol == "udp" {
+		ns = append(ns[:2], append(make([]uint64, 3), ns[2:]...)...)
+	}
+	return &NFSTransportStats{
+		Protocol:                 protocol,
+		Port:                     ns[0],
+		Bind:                     ns[1],
+		Connect:                  ns[2],
+		ConnectIdleTime:          ns[3],
+		IdleTime:                 time.Duration(ns[4]) * time.Second,
+		Sends:                    ns[5],
+		Receives:                 ns[6],
+		BadTransactionIDs:        ns[7],
+		CumulativeActiveRequests: ns[8],
+		CumulativeBacklog:        ns[9],
+		MaximumRPCSlotsUsed:      ns[10],
+		CumulativeSendingQueue:   ns[11],
+		CumulativePendingQueue:   ns[12],
+	}, nil