This update provides:
1)  workaround around the build failures. In
summary, it forces the download of some packages during the build
2) update the set of packages that should go inside the vendor
3) Update the dockerfile to use go 1.10

Change-Id: I2bfd090ce0f25b0c10aa214755ae2da7e5384d60
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95a0f05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Ugorji Nwoke.
+All rights reserved.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b61a818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+Package codec provides a
+High Performance, Feature-Rich Idiomatic Go 1.4+ codec/encoding library
+for binc, msgpack, cbor, json.
+Supported Serialization formats are:
+  - msgpack:
+  - binc:
+  - cbor:
+  - json:
+  - simple:
+To install:
+    go get
+This package will carefully use 'unsafe' for performance reasons in specific places.
+You can build without unsafe use by passing the safe or appengine tag
+i.e. 'go install -tags=safe ...'. Note that unsafe is only supported for the last 3
+go sdk versions e.g. current go release is go 1.9, so we support unsafe use only from
+go 1.7+ . This is because supporting unsafe requires knowledge of implementation details.
+For detailed usage information, read the primer at .
+The idiomatic Go support is as seen in other encoding packages in
+the standard library (ie json, xml, gob, etc).
+Rich Feature Set includes:
+  - Simple but extremely powerful and feature-rich API
+  - Support for go1.4 and above, while selectively using newer APIs for later releases
+  - Excellent code coverage ( > 90% )
+  - Very High Performance.
+    Our extensive benchmarks show us outperforming Gob, Json, Bson, etc by 2-4X.
+  - Careful selected use of 'unsafe' for targeted performance gains.
+    100% mode exists where 'unsafe' is not used at all.
+  - Lock-free (sans mutex) concurrency for scaling to 100's of cores
+  - Coerce types where appropriate
+    e.g. decode an int in the stream into a float, decode numbers from formatted strings, etc
+  - Corner Cases:
+    Overflows, nil maps/slices, nil values in streams are handled correctly
+  - Standard field renaming via tags
+  - Support for omitting empty fields during an encoding
+  - Encoding from any value and decoding into pointer to any value
+    (struct, slice, map, primitives, pointers, interface{}, etc)
+  - Extensions to support efficient encoding/decoding of any named types
+  - Support encoding.(Binary|Text)(M|Unm)arshaler interfaces
+  - Support IsZero() bool to determine if a value is a zero value.
+    Analogous to time.Time.IsZero() bool.
+  - Decoding without a schema (into a interface{}).
+    Includes Options to configure what specific map or slice type to use
+    when decoding an encoded list or map into a nil interface{}
+  - Mapping a non-interface type to an interface, so we can decode appropriately
+    into any interface type with a correctly configured non-interface value.
+  - Encode a struct as an array, and decode struct from an array in the data stream
+  - Option to encode struct keys as numbers (instead of strings)
+    (to support structured streams with fields encoded as numeric codes)
+  - Comprehensive support for anonymous fields
+  - Fast (no-reflection) encoding/decoding of common maps and slices
+  - Code-generation for faster performance.
+  - Support binary (e.g. messagepack, cbor) and text (e.g. json) formats
+  - Support indefinite-length formats to enable true streaming
+    (for formats which support it e.g. json, cbor)
+  - Support canonical encoding, where a value is ALWAYS encoded as same sequence of bytes.
+    This mostly applies to maps, where iteration order is non-deterministic.
+  - NIL in data stream decoded as zero value
+  - Never silently skip data when decoding.
+    User decides whether to return an error or silently skip data when keys or indexes
+    in the data stream do not map to fields in the struct.
+  - Detect and error when encoding a cyclic reference (instead of stack overflow shutdown)
+  - Encode/Decode from/to chan types (for iterative streaming support)
+  - Drop-in replacement for encoding/json. `json:` key in struct tag supported.
+  - Provides a RPC Server and Client Codec for net/rpc communication protocol.
+  - Handle unique idiosyncrasies of codecs e.g.
+    - For messagepack, configure how ambiguities in handling raw bytes are resolved
+    - For messagepack, provide rpc server/client codec to support
+      msgpack-rpc protocol defined at:
+Extension Support
+Users can register a function to handle the encoding or decoding of
+their custom types.
+There are no restrictions on what the custom type can be. Some examples:
+    type BisSet   []int
+    type BitSet64 uint64
+    type UUID     string
+    type MyStructWithUnexportedFields struct { a int; b bool; c []int; }
+    type GifImage struct { ... }
+As an illustration, MyStructWithUnexportedFields would normally be
+encoded as an empty map because it has no exported fields, while UUID
+would be encoded as a string. However, with extension support, you can
+encode any of these however you like.
+Custom Encoding and Decoding
+This package maintains symmetry in the encoding and decoding halfs.
+We determine how to encode or decode by walking this decision tree
+  - is type a codec.Selfer?
+  - is there an extension registered for the type?
+  - is format binary, and is type a encoding.BinaryMarshaler and BinaryUnmarshaler?
+  - is format specifically json, and is type a encoding/json.Marshaler and Unmarshaler?
+  - is format text-based, and type an encoding.TextMarshaler?
+  - else we use a pair of functions based on the "kind" of the type e.g. map, slice, int64, etc
+This symmetry is important to reduce chances of issues happening because the
+encoding and decoding sides are out of sync e.g. decoded via very specific
+encoding.TextUnmarshaler but encoded via kind-specific generalized mode.
+Consequently, if a type only defines one-half of the symmetry
+(e.g. it implements UnmarshalJSON() but not MarshalJSON() ),
+then that type doesn't satisfy the check and we will continue walking down the
+decision tree.
+RPC Client and Server Codecs are implemented, so the codecs can be used
+with the standard net/rpc package.
+The Handle is SAFE for concurrent READ, but NOT SAFE for concurrent modification.
+The Encoder and Decoder are NOT safe for concurrent use.
+Consequently, the usage model is basically:
+    - Create and initialize the Handle before any use.
+      Once created, DO NOT modify it.
+    - Multiple Encoders or Decoders can now use the Handle concurrently.
+      They only read information off the Handle (never write).
+    - However, each Encoder or Decoder MUST not be used concurrently
+    - To re-use an Encoder/Decoder, call Reset(...) on it first.
+      This allows you use state maintained on the Encoder/Decoder.
+Sample usage model:
+    // create and configure Handle
+    var (
+      bh codec.BincHandle
+      mh codec.MsgpackHandle
+      ch codec.CborHandle
+    )
+    mh.MapType = reflect.TypeOf(map[string]interface{}(nil))
+    // configure extensions
+    // e.g. for msgpack, define functions and enable Time support for tag 1
+    // mh.SetExt(reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}), 1, myExt)
+    // create and use decoder/encoder
+    var (
+      r io.Reader
+      w io.Writer
+      b []byte
+      h = &bh // or mh to use msgpack
+    )
+    dec = codec.NewDecoder(r, h)
+    dec = codec.NewDecoderBytes(b, h)
+    err = dec.Decode(&v)
+    enc = codec.NewEncoder(w, h)
+    enc = codec.NewEncoderBytes(&b, h)
+    err = enc.Encode(v)
+    //RPC Server
+    go func() {
+        for {
+            conn, err := listener.Accept()
+            rpcCodec := codec.GoRpc.ServerCodec(conn, h)
+            //OR rpcCodec := codec.MsgpackSpecRpc.ServerCodec(conn, h)
+            rpc.ServeCodec(rpcCodec)
+        }
+    }()
+    //RPC Communication (client side)
+    conn, err = net.Dial("tcp", "localhost:5555")
+    rpcCodec := codec.GoRpc.ClientCodec(conn, h)
+    //OR rpcCodec := codec.MsgpackSpecRpc.ClientCodec(conn, h)
+    client := rpc.NewClientWithCodec(rpcCodec)
+Running Tests
+To run tests, use the following:
+    go test
+To run the full suite of tests, use the following:
+    go test -tags alltests -run Suite
+You can run the tag 'safe' to run tests or build in safe mode. e.g.
+    go test -tags safe -run Json
+    go test -tags "alltests safe" -run Suite
+Running Benchmarks
+Please see .
+Struct fields matching the following are ignored during encoding and decoding
+    - struct tag value set to -
+    - func, complex numbers, unsafe pointers
+    - unexported and not embedded
+    - unexported and embedded and not struct kind
+    - unexported and embedded pointers (from go1.10)
+Every other field in a struct will be encoded/decoded.
+Embedded fields are encoded as if they exist in the top-level struct,
+with some caveats. See Encode documentation.
+package codec
+// TODO:
+//   - For Go 1.11, when mid-stack inlining is enabled,
+//     we should use committed functions for writeXXX and readXXX calls.
+//     This involves uncommenting the methods for decReaderSwitch and encWriterSwitch
+//     and using those (decReaderSwitch and encWriterSwitch) in all handles
+//     instead of encWriter and decReader.
+//     The benefit is that, for the (En|De)coder over []byte, the encWriter/decReader
+//     will be inlined, giving a performance bump for that typical case.
+//     However, it will only  be inlined if mid-stack inlining is enabled,
+//     as we call panic to raise errors, and panic currently prevents inlining.
+//   - To make Handle comparable, make extHandle in BasicHandle a non-embedded pointer,
+//     and use overlay methods on *BasicHandle to call through to extHandle after initializing
+//     the "xh *extHandle" to point to a real slice.
+//   - Look through and fix padding for each type, to eliminate false sharing
+//     - critical shared objects that are read many times
+//       TypeInfos
+//     - pooled objects:
+//       decNaked, decNakedContainers, codecFner, typeInfoLoadArray, 
+//     - small objects allocated independently, that we read/use much across threads:
+//       codecFn, typeInfo
+//     - Objects allocated independently and used a lot
+//       Decoder, Encoder,
+//       xxxHandle, xxxEncDriver, xxxDecDriver (xxx = json, msgpack, cbor, binc, simple)
+//     - In all above, arrange values modified together to be close to each other.
+//     For all of these, either ensure that they occupy full cache lines,
+//     or ensure that the things just past the cache line boundary are hardly read/written
+//     e.g. JsonHandle.RawBytesExt - which is copied into json(En|De)cDriver at init
+//     Occupying full cache lines means they occupy 8*N words (where N is an integer).
+//     Check this out by running: ./ -z
+//     - look at those tagged ****, meaning they are not occupying full cache lines
+//     - look at those tagged <<<<, meaning they are larger than 32 words (something to watch)
+//   - Run "golint -min_confidence 0.81"
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50d65e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+# Codec
+High Performance, Feature-Rich Idiomatic Go codec/encoding library for
+binc, msgpack, cbor, json.
+Supported Serialization formats are:
+  - msgpack:
+  - binc:
+  - cbor:
+  - json:
+  - simple: 
+To install:
+    go get
+This package will carefully use 'unsafe' for performance reasons in specific places.
+You can build without unsafe use by passing the safe or appengine tag
+i.e. 'go install -tags=safe ...'. Note that unsafe is only supported for the last 3
+go sdk versions e.g. current go release is go 1.9, so we support unsafe use only from
+go 1.7+ . This is because supporting unsafe requires knowledge of implementation details.
+Online documentation:  
+Detailed Usage/How-to Primer:
+The idiomatic Go support is as seen in other encoding packages in
+the standard library (ie json, xml, gob, etc).
+Rich Feature Set includes:
+  - Simple but extremely powerful and feature-rich API
+  - Support for go1.4 and above, while selectively using newer APIs for later releases
+  - Excellent code coverage ( > 90% )
+  - Very High Performance.
+    Our extensive benchmarks show us outperforming Gob, Json, Bson, etc by 2-4X.
+  - Careful selected use of 'unsafe' for targeted performance gains.
+    100% mode exists where 'unsafe' is not used at all.
+  - Lock-free (sans mutex) concurrency for scaling to 100's of cores
+  - Coerce types where appropriate
+    e.g. decode an int in the stream into a float, decode numbers from formatted strings, etc
+  - Corner Cases: 
+    Overflows, nil maps/slices, nil values in streams are handled correctly
+  - Standard field renaming via tags
+  - Support for omitting empty fields during an encoding
+  - Encoding from any value and decoding into pointer to any value
+    (struct, slice, map, primitives, pointers, interface{}, etc)
+  - Extensions to support efficient encoding/decoding of any named types
+  - Support encoding.(Binary|Text)(M|Unm)arshaler interfaces
+  - Support IsZero() bool to determine if a value is a zero value.
+    Analogous to time.Time.IsZero() bool.
+  - Decoding without a schema (into a interface{}).
+    Includes Options to configure what specific map or slice type to use
+    when decoding an encoded list or map into a nil interface{}
+  - Mapping a non-interface type to an interface, so we can decode appropriately
+    into any interface type with a correctly configured non-interface value.
+  - Encode a struct as an array, and decode struct from an array in the data stream
+  - Option to encode struct keys as numbers (instead of strings)
+    (to support structured streams with fields encoded as numeric codes)
+  - Comprehensive support for anonymous fields
+  - Fast (no-reflection) encoding/decoding of common maps and slices
+  - Code-generation for faster performance.
+  - Support binary (e.g. messagepack, cbor) and text (e.g. json) formats
+  - Support indefinite-length formats to enable true streaming 
+    (for formats which support it e.g. json, cbor)
+  - Support canonical encoding, where a value is ALWAYS encoded as same sequence of bytes.
+    This mostly applies to maps, where iteration order is non-deterministic.
+  - NIL in data stream decoded as zero value
+  - Never silently skip data when decoding.
+    User decides whether to return an error or silently skip data when keys or indexes
+    in the data stream do not map to fields in the struct.
+  - Encode/Decode from/to chan types (for iterative streaming support)
+  - Drop-in replacement for encoding/json. `json:` key in struct tag supported.
+  - Provides a RPC Server and Client Codec for net/rpc communication protocol.
+  - Handle unique idiosyncrasies of codecs e.g. 
+    - For messagepack, configure how ambiguities in handling raw bytes are resolved 
+    - For messagepack, provide rpc server/client codec to support
+      msgpack-rpc protocol defined at:
+## Extension Support
+Users can register a function to handle the encoding or decoding of
+their custom types.
+There are no restrictions on what the custom type can be. Some examples:
+    type BisSet   []int
+    type BitSet64 uint64
+    type UUID     string
+    type MyStructWithUnexportedFields struct { a int; b bool; c []int; }
+    type GifImage struct { ... }
+As an illustration, MyStructWithUnexportedFields would normally be
+encoded as an empty map because it has no exported fields, while UUID
+would be encoded as a string. However, with extension support, you can
+encode any of these however you like.
+## Custom Encoding and Decoding
+This package maintains symmetry in the encoding and decoding halfs.
+We determine how to encode or decode by walking this decision tree
+  - is type a codec.Selfer?
+  - is there an extension registered for the type?
+  - is format binary, and is type a encoding.BinaryMarshaler and BinaryUnmarshaler?
+  - is format specifically json, and is type a encoding/json.Marshaler and Unmarshaler?
+  - is format text-based, and type an encoding.TextMarshaler?
+  - else we use a pair of functions based on the "kind" of the type e.g. map, slice, int64, etc
+This symmetry is important to reduce chances of issues happening because the
+encoding and decoding sides are out of sync e.g. decoded via very specific
+encoding.TextUnmarshaler but encoded via kind-specific generalized mode.
+Consequently, if a type only defines one-half of the symmetry
+(e.g. it implements UnmarshalJSON() but not MarshalJSON() ),
+then that type doesn't satisfy the check and we will continue walking down the
+decision tree.
+## RPC
+RPC Client and Server Codecs are implemented, so the codecs can be used
+with the standard net/rpc package.
+## Usage
+Typical usage model:
+    // create and configure Handle
+    var (
+      bh codec.BincHandle
+      mh codec.MsgpackHandle
+      ch codec.CborHandle
+    )
+    mh.MapType = reflect.TypeOf(map[string]interface{}(nil))
+    // configure extensions
+    // e.g. for msgpack, define functions and enable Time support for tag 1
+    // mh.SetExt(reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}), 1, myExt)
+    // create and use decoder/encoder
+    var (
+      r io.Reader
+      w io.Writer
+      b []byte
+      h = &bh // or mh to use msgpack
+    )
+    dec = codec.NewDecoder(r, h)
+    dec = codec.NewDecoderBytes(b, h)
+    err = dec.Decode(&v)
+    enc = codec.NewEncoder(w, h)
+    enc = codec.NewEncoderBytes(&b, h)
+    err = enc.Encode(v)
+    //RPC Server
+    go func() {
+        for {
+            conn, err := listener.Accept()
+            rpcCodec := codec.GoRpc.ServerCodec(conn, h)
+            //OR rpcCodec := codec.MsgpackSpecRpc.ServerCodec(conn, h)
+            rpc.ServeCodec(rpcCodec)
+        }
+    }()
+    //RPC Communication (client side)
+    conn, err = net.Dial("tcp", "localhost:5555")
+    rpcCodec := codec.GoRpc.ClientCodec(conn, h)
+    //OR rpcCodec := codec.MsgpackSpecRpc.ClientCodec(conn, h)
+    client := rpc.NewClientWithCodec(rpcCodec)
+## Running Tests
+To run tests, use the following:
+    go test
+To run the full suite of tests, use the following:
+    go test -tags alltests -run Suite
+You can run the tag 'safe' to run tests or build in safe mode. e.g.
+    go test -tags safe -run Json
+    go test -tags "alltests safe" -run Suite
+## Running Benchmarks
+Please see .
+## Caveats
+Struct fields matching the following are ignored during encoding and decoding
+  - struct tag value set to -
+  - func, complex numbers, unsafe pointers
+  - unexported and not embedded
+  - unexported and embedded and not struct kind
+  - unexported and embedded pointers (from go1.10)
+Every other field in a struct will be encoded/decoded.
+Embedded fields are encoded as if they exist in the top-level struct,
+with some caveats. See Encode documentation.
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3c96fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,1168 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+package codec
+import (
+	"math"
+	"reflect"
+	"time"
+const bincDoPrune = true // No longer needed. Needed before as C lib did not support pruning.
+// vd as low 4 bits (there are 16 slots)
+const (
+	bincVdSpecial byte = iota
+	bincVdPosInt
+	bincVdNegInt
+	bincVdFloat
+	bincVdString
+	bincVdByteArray
+	bincVdArray
+	bincVdMap
+	bincVdTimestamp
+	bincVdSmallInt
+	bincVdUnicodeOther
+	bincVdSymbol
+	bincVdDecimal
+	_               // open slot
+	_               // open slot
+	bincVdCustomExt = 0x0f
+const (
+	bincSpNil byte = iota
+	bincSpFalse
+	bincSpTrue
+	bincSpNan
+	bincSpPosInf
+	bincSpNegInf
+	bincSpZeroFloat
+	bincSpZero
+	bincSpNegOne
+const (
+	bincFlBin16 byte = iota
+	bincFlBin32
+	_ // bincFlBin32e
+	bincFlBin64
+	_ // bincFlBin64e
+	// others not currently supported
+func bincdesc(vd, vs byte) string {
+	switch vd {
+	case bincVdSpecial:
+		switch vs {
+		case bincSpNil:
+			return "nil"
+		case bincSpFalse:
+			return "false"
+		case bincSpTrue:
+			return "true"
+		case bincSpNan, bincSpPosInf, bincSpNegInf, bincSpZeroFloat:
+			return "float"
+		case bincSpZero:
+			return "uint"
+		case bincSpNegOne:
+			return "int"
+		default:
+			return "unknown"
+		}
+	case bincVdSmallInt, bincVdPosInt:
+		return "uint"
+	case bincVdNegInt:
+		return "int"
+	case bincVdFloat:
+		return "float"
+	case bincVdSymbol:
+		return "string"
+	case bincVdString:
+		return "string"
+	case bincVdByteArray:
+		return "bytes"
+	case bincVdTimestamp:
+		return "time"
+	case bincVdCustomExt:
+		return "ext"
+	case bincVdArray:
+		return "array"
+	case bincVdMap:
+		return "map"
+	default:
+		return "unknown"
+	}
+type bincEncDriver struct {
+	e *Encoder
+	h *BincHandle
+	w encWriter
+	m map[string]uint16 // symbols
+	b [16]byte          // scratch, used for encoding numbers - bigendian style
+	s uint16            // symbols sequencer
+	// c containerState
+	encDriverTrackContainerWriter
+	noBuiltInTypes
+	// encNoSeparator
+func (e *bincEncDriver) EncodeNil() {
+	e.w.writen1(bincVdSpecial<<4 | bincSpNil)
+func (e *bincEncDriver) EncodeTime(t time.Time) {
+	if t.IsZero() {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+	} else {
+		bs := bincEncodeTime(t)
+		e.w.writen1(bincVdTimestamp<<4 | uint8(len(bs)))
+		e.w.writeb(bs)
+	}
+func (e *bincEncDriver) EncodeBool(b bool) {
+	if b {
+		e.w.writen1(bincVdSpecial<<4 | bincSpTrue)
+	} else {
+		e.w.writen1(bincVdSpecial<<4 | bincSpFalse)
+	}
+func (e *bincEncDriver) EncodeFloat32(f float32) {
+	if f == 0 {
+		e.w.writen1(bincVdSpecial<<4 | bincSpZeroFloat)
+		return
+	}
+	e.w.writen1(bincVdFloat<<4 | bincFlBin32)
+	bigenHelper{e.b[:4], e.w}.writeUint32(math.Float32bits(f))
+func (e *bincEncDriver) EncodeFloat64(f float64) {
+	if f == 0 {
+		e.w.writen1(bincVdSpecial<<4 | bincSpZeroFloat)
+		return
+	}
+	bigen.PutUint64(e.b[:8], math.Float64bits(f))
+	if bincDoPrune {
+		i := 7
+		for ; i >= 0 && (e.b[i] == 0); i-- {
+		}
+		i++
+		if i <= 6 {
+			e.w.writen1(bincVdFloat<<4 | 0x8 | bincFlBin64)
+			e.w.writen1(byte(i))
+			e.w.writeb(e.b[:i])
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	e.w.writen1(bincVdFloat<<4 | bincFlBin64)
+	e.w.writeb(e.b[:8])
+func (e *bincEncDriver) encIntegerPrune(bd byte, pos bool, v uint64, lim uint8) {
+	if lim == 4 {
+		bigen.PutUint32(e.b[:lim], uint32(v))
+	} else {
+		bigen.PutUint64(e.b[:lim], v)
+	}
+	if bincDoPrune {
+		i := pruneSignExt(e.b[:lim], pos)
+		e.w.writen1(bd | lim - 1 - byte(i))
+		e.w.writeb(e.b[i:lim])
+	} else {
+		e.w.writen1(bd | lim - 1)
+		e.w.writeb(e.b[:lim])
+	}
+func (e *bincEncDriver) EncodeInt(v int64) {
+	const nbd byte = bincVdNegInt << 4
+	if v >= 0 {
+		e.encUint(bincVdPosInt<<4, true, uint64(v))
+	} else if v == -1 {
+		e.w.writen1(bincVdSpecial<<4 | bincSpNegOne)
+	} else {
+		e.encUint(bincVdNegInt<<4, false, uint64(-v))
+	}
+func (e *bincEncDriver) EncodeUint(v uint64) {
+	e.encUint(bincVdPosInt<<4, true, v)
+func (e *bincEncDriver) encUint(bd byte, pos bool, v uint64) {
+	if v == 0 {
+		e.w.writen1(bincVdSpecial<<4 | bincSpZero)
+	} else if pos && v >= 1 && v <= 16 {
+		e.w.writen1(bincVdSmallInt<<4 | byte(v-1))
+	} else if v <= math.MaxUint8 {
+		e.w.writen2(bd|0x0, byte(v))
+	} else if v <= math.MaxUint16 {
+		e.w.writen1(bd | 0x01)
+		bigenHelper{e.b[:2], e.w}.writeUint16(uint16(v))
+	} else if v <= math.MaxUint32 {
+		e.encIntegerPrune(bd, pos, v, 4)
+	} else {
+		e.encIntegerPrune(bd, pos, v, 8)
+	}
+func (e *bincEncDriver) EncodeExt(rv interface{}, xtag uint64, ext Ext, _ *Encoder) {
+	bs := ext.WriteExt(rv)
+	if bs == nil {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	e.encodeExtPreamble(uint8(xtag), len(bs))
+	e.w.writeb(bs)
+func (e *bincEncDriver) EncodeRawExt(re *RawExt, _ *Encoder) {
+	e.encodeExtPreamble(uint8(re.Tag), len(re.Data))
+	e.w.writeb(re.Data)
+func (e *bincEncDriver) encodeExtPreamble(xtag byte, length int) {
+	e.encLen(bincVdCustomExt<<4, uint64(length))
+	e.w.writen1(xtag)
+func (e *bincEncDriver) WriteArrayStart(length int) {
+	e.encLen(bincVdArray<<4, uint64(length))
+	e.c = containerArrayStart
+func (e *bincEncDriver) WriteMapStart(length int) {
+	e.encLen(bincVdMap<<4, uint64(length))
+	e.c = containerMapStart
+func (e *bincEncDriver) EncodeString(c charEncoding, v string) {
+	if e.c == containerMapKey && c == cUTF8 && (e.h.AsSymbols == 0 || e.h.AsSymbols == 1) {
+		e.EncodeSymbol(v)
+		return
+	}
+	l := uint64(len(v))
+	e.encBytesLen(c, l)
+	if l > 0 {
+		e.w.writestr(v)
+	}
+func (e *bincEncDriver) EncodeSymbol(v string) {
+	// if WriteSymbolsNoRefs {
+	// 	e.encodeString(cUTF8, v)
+	// 	return
+	// }
+	//symbols only offer benefit when string length > 1.
+	//This is because strings with length 1 take only 2 bytes to store
+	//(bd with embedded length, and single byte for string val).
+	l := len(v)
+	if l == 0 {
+		e.encBytesLen(cUTF8, 0)
+		return
+	} else if l == 1 {
+		e.encBytesLen(cUTF8, 1)
+		e.w.writen1(v[0])
+		return
+	}
+	if e.m == nil {
+		e.m = make(map[string]uint16, 16)
+	}
+	ui, ok := e.m[v]
+	if ok {
+		if ui <= math.MaxUint8 {
+			e.w.writen2(bincVdSymbol<<4, byte(ui))
+		} else {
+			e.w.writen1(bincVdSymbol<<4 | 0x8)
+			bigenHelper{e.b[:2], e.w}.writeUint16(ui)
+		}
+	} else {
+		e.s++
+		ui = e.s
+		//ui = uint16(atomic.AddUint32(&e.s, 1))
+		e.m[v] = ui
+		var lenprec uint8
+		if l <= math.MaxUint8 {
+			// lenprec = 0
+		} else if l <= math.MaxUint16 {
+			lenprec = 1
+		} else if int64(l) <= math.MaxUint32 {
+			lenprec = 2
+		} else {
+			lenprec = 3
+		}
+		if ui <= math.MaxUint8 {
+			e.w.writen2(bincVdSymbol<<4|0x0|0x4|lenprec, byte(ui))
+		} else {
+			e.w.writen1(bincVdSymbol<<4 | 0x8 | 0x4 | lenprec)
+			bigenHelper{e.b[:2], e.w}.writeUint16(ui)
+		}
+		if lenprec == 0 {
+			e.w.writen1(byte(l))
+		} else if lenprec == 1 {
+			bigenHelper{e.b[:2], e.w}.writeUint16(uint16(l))
+		} else if lenprec == 2 {
+			bigenHelper{e.b[:4], e.w}.writeUint32(uint32(l))
+		} else {
+			bigenHelper{e.b[:8], e.w}.writeUint64(uint64(l))
+		}
+		e.w.writestr(v)
+	}
+func (e *bincEncDriver) EncodeStringBytes(c charEncoding, v []byte) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	l := uint64(len(v))
+	e.encBytesLen(c, l)
+	if l > 0 {
+		e.w.writeb(v)
+	}
+func (e *bincEncDriver) encBytesLen(c charEncoding, length uint64) {
+	//TODO: support bincUnicodeOther (for now, just use string or bytearray)
+	if c == cRAW {
+		e.encLen(bincVdByteArray<<4, length)
+	} else {
+		e.encLen(bincVdString<<4, length)
+	}
+func (e *bincEncDriver) encLen(bd byte, l uint64) {
+	if l < 12 {
+		e.w.writen1(bd | uint8(l+4))
+	} else {
+		e.encLenNumber(bd, l)
+	}
+func (e *bincEncDriver) encLenNumber(bd byte, v uint64) {
+	if v <= math.MaxUint8 {
+		e.w.writen2(bd, byte(v))
+	} else if v <= math.MaxUint16 {
+		e.w.writen1(bd | 0x01)
+		bigenHelper{e.b[:2], e.w}.writeUint16(uint16(v))
+	} else if v <= math.MaxUint32 {
+		e.w.writen1(bd | 0x02)
+		bigenHelper{e.b[:4], e.w}.writeUint32(uint32(v))
+	} else {
+		e.w.writen1(bd | 0x03)
+		bigenHelper{e.b[:8], e.w}.writeUint64(uint64(v))
+	}
+type bincDecSymbol struct {
+	s string
+	b []byte
+	i uint16
+type bincDecDriver struct {
+	decDriverNoopContainerReader
+	noBuiltInTypes
+	d      *Decoder
+	h      *BincHandle
+	r      decReader
+	br     bool // bytes reader
+	bdRead bool
+	bd     byte
+	vd     byte
+	vs     byte
+	_      [3]byte // padding
+	// linear searching on this slice is ok,
+	// because we typically expect < 32 symbols in each stream.
+	s []bincDecSymbol
+	// noStreamingCodec
+	// decNoSeparator
+	b [8 * 8]byte // scratch
+func (d *bincDecDriver) readNextBd() {
+ = d.r.readn1()
+	d.vd = >> 4
+	d.vs = & 0x0f
+	d.bdRead = true
+func (d *bincDecDriver) uncacheRead() {
+	if d.bdRead {
+		d.r.unreadn1()
+		d.bdRead = false
+	}
+func (d *bincDecDriver) ContainerType() (vt valueType) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if d.vd == bincVdSpecial && d.vs == bincSpNil {
+		return valueTypeNil
+	} else if d.vd == bincVdByteArray {
+		return valueTypeBytes
+	} else if d.vd == bincVdString {
+		return valueTypeString
+	} else if d.vd == bincVdArray {
+		return valueTypeArray
+	} else if d.vd == bincVdMap {
+		return valueTypeMap
+	}
+	// else {
+	// d.d.errorf("isContainerType: unsupported parameter: %v", vt)
+	// }
+	return valueTypeUnset
+func (d *bincDecDriver) TryDecodeAsNil() bool {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if == bincVdSpecial<<4|bincSpNil {
+		d.bdRead = false
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
+func (d *bincDecDriver) DecodeTime() (t time.Time) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if == bincVdSpecial<<4|bincSpNil {
+		d.bdRead = false
+		return
+	}
+	if d.vd != bincVdTimestamp {
+		d.d.errorf("cannot decode time - %s %x-%x/%s", msgBadDesc, d.vd, d.vs, bincdesc(d.vd, d.vs))
+		return
+	}
+	t, err := bincDecodeTime(d.r.readx(int(d.vs)))
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+func (d *bincDecDriver) decFloatPre(vs, defaultLen byte) {
+	if vs&0x8 == 0 {
+		d.r.readb(d.b[0:defaultLen])
+	} else {
+		l := d.r.readn1()
+		if l > 8 {
+			d.d.errorf("cannot read float - at most 8 bytes used to represent float - received %v bytes", l)
+			return
+		}
+		for i := l; i < 8; i++ {
+			d.b[i] = 0
+		}
+		d.r.readb(d.b[0:l])
+	}
+func (d *bincDecDriver) decFloat() (f float64) {
+	//if true { f = math.Float64frombits(bigen.Uint64(d.r.readx(8))); break; }
+	if x := d.vs & 0x7; x == bincFlBin32 {
+		d.decFloatPre(d.vs, 4)
+		f = float64(math.Float32frombits(bigen.Uint32(d.b[0:4])))
+	} else if x == bincFlBin64 {
+		d.decFloatPre(d.vs, 8)
+		f = math.Float64frombits(bigen.Uint64(d.b[0:8]))
+	} else {
+		d.d.errorf("read float - only float32 and float64 are supported - %s %x-%x/%s", msgBadDesc, d.vd, d.vs, bincdesc(d.vd, d.vs))
+		return
+	}
+	return
+func (d *bincDecDriver) decUint() (v uint64) {
+	// need to inline the code (interface conversion and type assertion expensive)
+	switch d.vs {
+	case 0:
+		v = uint64(d.r.readn1())
+	case 1:
+		d.r.readb(d.b[6:8])
+		v = uint64(bigen.Uint16(d.b[6:8]))
+	case 2:
+		d.b[4] = 0
+		d.r.readb(d.b[5:8])
+		v = uint64(bigen.Uint32(d.b[4:8]))
+	case 3:
+		d.r.readb(d.b[4:8])
+		v = uint64(bigen.Uint32(d.b[4:8]))
+	case 4, 5, 6:
+		lim := int(7 - d.vs)
+		d.r.readb(d.b[lim:8])
+		for i := 0; i < lim; i++ {
+			d.b[i] = 0
+		}
+		v = uint64(bigen.Uint64(d.b[:8]))
+	case 7:
+		d.r.readb(d.b[:8])
+		v = uint64(bigen.Uint64(d.b[:8]))
+	default:
+		d.d.errorf("unsigned integers with greater than 64 bits of precision not supported")
+		return
+	}
+	return
+func (d *bincDecDriver) decCheckInteger() (ui uint64, neg bool) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	vd, vs := d.vd, d.vs
+	if vd == bincVdPosInt {
+		ui = d.decUint()
+	} else if vd == bincVdNegInt {
+		ui = d.decUint()
+		neg = true
+	} else if vd == bincVdSmallInt {
+		ui = uint64(d.vs) + 1
+	} else if vd == bincVdSpecial {
+		if vs == bincSpZero {
+			//i = 0
+		} else if vs == bincSpNegOne {
+			neg = true
+			ui = 1
+		} else {
+			d.d.errorf("integer decode fails - invalid special value from descriptor %x-%x/%s",
+				d.vd, d.vs, bincdesc(d.vd, d.vs))
+			return
+		}
+	} else {
+		d.d.errorf("integer can only be decoded from int/uint. 0x%x, d.vd: 0x%x",, d.vd)
+		return
+	}
+	return
+func (d *bincDecDriver) DecodeInt64() (i int64) {
+	ui, neg := d.decCheckInteger()
+	i = chkOvf.SignedIntV(ui)
+	if neg {
+		i = -i
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+func (d *bincDecDriver) DecodeUint64() (ui uint64) {
+	ui, neg := d.decCheckInteger()
+	if neg {
+		d.d.errorf("assigning negative signed value to unsigned integer type")
+		return
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+func (d *bincDecDriver) DecodeFloat64() (f float64) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	vd, vs := d.vd, d.vs
+	if vd == bincVdSpecial {
+		d.bdRead = false
+		if vs == bincSpNan {
+			return math.NaN()
+		} else if vs == bincSpPosInf {
+			return math.Inf(1)
+		} else if vs == bincSpZeroFloat || vs == bincSpZero {
+			return
+		} else if vs == bincSpNegInf {
+			return math.Inf(-1)
+		} else {
+			d.d.errorf("float - invalid special value from descriptor %x-%x/%s",
+				d.vd, d.vs, bincdesc(d.vd, d.vs))
+			return
+		}
+	} else if vd == bincVdFloat {
+		f = d.decFloat()
+	} else {
+		f = float64(d.DecodeInt64())
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+// bool can be decoded from bool only (single byte).
+func (d *bincDecDriver) DecodeBool() (b bool) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if bd :=; bd == (bincVdSpecial | bincSpFalse) {
+		// b = false
+	} else if bd == (bincVdSpecial | bincSpTrue) {
+		b = true
+	} else {
+		d.d.errorf("bool - %s %x-%x/%s", msgBadDesc, d.vd, d.vs, bincdesc(d.vd, d.vs))
+		return
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+func (d *bincDecDriver) ReadMapStart() (length int) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if d.vd != bincVdMap {
+		d.d.errorf("map - %s %x-%x/%s", msgBadDesc, d.vd, d.vs, bincdesc(d.vd, d.vs))
+		return
+	}
+	length = d.decLen()
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+func (d *bincDecDriver) ReadArrayStart() (length int) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if d.vd != bincVdArray {
+		d.d.errorf("array - %s %x-%x/%s", msgBadDesc, d.vd, d.vs, bincdesc(d.vd, d.vs))
+		return
+	}
+	length = d.decLen()
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+func (d *bincDecDriver) decLen() int {
+	if d.vs > 3 {
+		return int(d.vs - 4)
+	}
+	return int(d.decLenNumber())
+func (d *bincDecDriver) decLenNumber() (v uint64) {
+	if x := d.vs; x == 0 {
+		v = uint64(d.r.readn1())
+	} else if x == 1 {
+		d.r.readb(d.b[6:8])
+		v = uint64(bigen.Uint16(d.b[6:8]))
+	} else if x == 2 {
+		d.r.readb(d.b[4:8])
+		v = uint64(bigen.Uint32(d.b[4:8]))
+	} else {
+		d.r.readb(d.b[:8])
+		v = bigen.Uint64(d.b[:8])
+	}
+	return
+func (d *bincDecDriver) decStringAndBytes(bs []byte, withString, zerocopy bool) (
+	bs2 []byte, s string) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if == bincVdSpecial<<4|bincSpNil {
+		d.bdRead = false
+		return
+	}
+	var slen = -1
+	// var ok bool
+	switch d.vd {
+	case bincVdString, bincVdByteArray:
+		slen = d.decLen()
+		if zerocopy {
+			if {
+				bs2 = d.r.readx(slen)
+			} else if len(bs) == 0 {
+				bs2 = decByteSlice(d.r, slen, d.d.h.MaxInitLen, d.b[:])
+			} else {
+				bs2 = decByteSlice(d.r, slen, d.d.h.MaxInitLen, bs)
+			}
+		} else {
+			bs2 = decByteSlice(d.r, slen, d.d.h.MaxInitLen, bs)
+		}
+		if withString {
+			s = string(bs2)
+		}
+	case bincVdSymbol:
+		// zerocopy doesn't apply for symbols,
+		// as the values must be stored in a table for later use.
+		//
+		//from vs: extract numSymbolBytes, containsStringVal, strLenPrecision,
+		//extract symbol
+		//if containsStringVal, read it and put in map
+		//else look in map for string value
+		var symbol uint16
+		vs := d.vs
+		if vs&0x8 == 0 {
+			symbol = uint16(d.r.readn1())
+		} else {
+			symbol = uint16(bigen.Uint16(d.r.readx(2)))
+		}
+		if d.s == nil {
+			d.s = make([]bincDecSymbol, 0, 16)
+		}
+		if vs&0x4 == 0 {
+			for i := range d.s {
+				j := &d.s[i]
+				if j.i == symbol {
+					bs2 = j.b
+					if withString {
+						if j.s == "" && bs2 != nil {
+							j.s = string(bs2)
+						}
+						s = j.s
+					}
+					break
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			switch vs & 0x3 {
+			case 0:
+				slen = int(d.r.readn1())
+			case 1:
+				slen = int(bigen.Uint16(d.r.readx(2)))
+			case 2:
+				slen = int(bigen.Uint32(d.r.readx(4)))
+			case 3:
+				slen = int(bigen.Uint64(d.r.readx(8)))
+			}
+			// since using symbols, do not store any part of
+			// the parameter bs in the map, as it might be a shared buffer.
+			// bs2 = decByteSlice(d.r, slen, bs)
+			bs2 = decByteSlice(d.r, slen, d.d.h.MaxInitLen, nil)
+			if withString {
+				s = string(bs2)
+			}
+			d.s = append(d.s, bincDecSymbol{i: symbol, s: s, b: bs2})
+		}
+	default:
+		d.d.errorf("string/bytes - %s %x-%x/%s", msgBadDesc, d.vd, d.vs, bincdesc(d.vd, d.vs))
+		return
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+func (d *bincDecDriver) DecodeString() (s string) {
+	// DecodeBytes does not accommodate symbols, whose impl stores string version in map.
+	// Use decStringAndBytes directly.
+	// return string(d.DecodeBytes(d.b[:], true, true))
+	_, s = d.decStringAndBytes(d.b[:], true, true)
+	return
+func (d *bincDecDriver) DecodeStringAsBytes() (s []byte) {
+	s, _ = d.decStringAndBytes(d.b[:], false, true)
+	return
+func (d *bincDecDriver) DecodeBytes(bs []byte, zerocopy bool) (bsOut []byte) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if == bincVdSpecial<<4|bincSpNil {
+		d.bdRead = false
+		return nil
+	}
+	// check if an "array" of uint8's (see ContainerType for how to infer if an array)
+	if d.vd == bincVdArray {
+		bsOut, _ = fastpathTV.DecSliceUint8V(bs, true, d.d)
+		return
+	}
+	var clen int
+	if d.vd == bincVdString || d.vd == bincVdByteArray {
+		clen = d.decLen()
+	} else {
+		d.d.errorf("bytes - %s %x-%x/%s", msgBadDesc, d.vd, d.vs, bincdesc(d.vd, d.vs))
+		return
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	if zerocopy {
+		if {
+			return d.r.readx(clen)
+		} else if len(bs) == 0 {
+			bs = d.b[:]
+		}
+	}
+	return decByteSlice(d.r, clen, d.d.h.MaxInitLen, bs)
+func (d *bincDecDriver) DecodeExt(rv interface{}, xtag uint64, ext Ext) (realxtag uint64) {
+	if xtag > 0xff {
+		d.d.errorf("ext: tag must be <= 0xff; got: %v", xtag)
+		return
+	}
+	realxtag1, xbs := d.decodeExtV(ext != nil, uint8(xtag))
+	realxtag = uint64(realxtag1)
+	if ext == nil {
+		re := rv.(*RawExt)
+		re.Tag = realxtag
+		re.Data = detachZeroCopyBytes(, re.Data, xbs)
+	} else {
+		ext.ReadExt(rv, xbs)
+	}
+	return
+func (d *bincDecDriver) decodeExtV(verifyTag bool, tag byte) (xtag byte, xbs []byte) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if d.vd == bincVdCustomExt {
+		l := d.decLen()
+		xtag = d.r.readn1()
+		if verifyTag && xtag != tag {
+			d.d.errorf("wrong extension tag - got %b, expecting: %v", xtag, tag)
+			return
+		}
+		xbs = d.r.readx(l)
+	} else if d.vd == bincVdByteArray {
+		xbs = d.DecodeBytes(nil, true)
+	} else {
+		d.d.errorf("ext - expecting extensions or byte array - %s %x-%x/%s", msgBadDesc, d.vd, d.vs, bincdesc(d.vd, d.vs))
+		return
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+func (d *bincDecDriver) DecodeNaked() {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	n := d.d.n
+	var decodeFurther bool
+	switch d.vd {
+	case bincVdSpecial:
+		switch d.vs {
+		case bincSpNil:
+			n.v = valueTypeNil
+		case bincSpFalse:
+			n.v = valueTypeBool
+			n.b = false
+		case bincSpTrue:
+			n.v = valueTypeBool
+			n.b = true
+		case bincSpNan:
+			n.v = valueTypeFloat
+			n.f = math.NaN()
+		case bincSpPosInf:
+			n.v = valueTypeFloat
+			n.f = math.Inf(1)
+		case bincSpNegInf:
+			n.v = valueTypeFloat
+			n.f = math.Inf(-1)
+		case bincSpZeroFloat:
+			n.v = valueTypeFloat
+			n.f = float64(0)
+		case bincSpZero:
+			n.v = valueTypeUint
+			n.u = uint64(0) // int8(0)
+		case bincSpNegOne:
+			n.v = valueTypeInt
+			n.i = int64(-1) // int8(-1)
+		default:
+			d.d.errorf("cannot infer value - unrecognized special value from descriptor %x-%x/%s", d.vd, d.vs, bincdesc(d.vd, d.vs))
+		}
+	case bincVdSmallInt:
+		n.v = valueTypeUint
+		n.u = uint64(int8(d.vs)) + 1 // int8(d.vs) + 1
+	case bincVdPosInt:
+		n.v = valueTypeUint
+		n.u = d.decUint()
+	case bincVdNegInt:
+		n.v = valueTypeInt
+		n.i = -(int64(d.decUint()))
+	case bincVdFloat:
+		n.v = valueTypeFloat
+		n.f = d.decFloat()
+	case bincVdSymbol:
+		n.v = valueTypeSymbol
+		n.s = d.DecodeString()
+	case bincVdString:
+		n.v = valueTypeString
+		n.s = d.DecodeString()
+	case bincVdByteArray:
+		n.v = valueTypeBytes
+		n.l = d.DecodeBytes(nil, false)
+	case bincVdTimestamp:
+		n.v = valueTypeTime
+		tt, err := bincDecodeTime(d.r.readx(int(d.vs)))
+		if err != nil {
+			panic(err)
+		}
+		n.t = tt
+	case bincVdCustomExt:
+		n.v = valueTypeExt
+		l := d.decLen()
+		n.u = uint64(d.r.readn1())
+		n.l = d.r.readx(l)
+	case bincVdArray:
+		n.v = valueTypeArray
+		decodeFurther = true
+	case bincVdMap:
+		n.v = valueTypeMap
+		decodeFurther = true
+	default:
+		d.d.errorf("cannot infer value - %s %x-%x/%s", msgBadDesc, d.vd, d.vs, bincdesc(d.vd, d.vs))
+	}
+	if !decodeFurther {
+		d.bdRead = false
+	}
+	if n.v == valueTypeUint && d.h.SignedInteger {
+		n.v = valueTypeInt
+		n.i = int64(n.u)
+	}
+	return
+//BincHandle is a Handle for the Binc Schema-Free Encoding Format
+//defined at .
+//BincHandle currently supports all Binc features with the following EXCEPTIONS:
+//  - only integers up to 64 bits of precision are supported.
+//    big integers are unsupported.
+//  - Only IEEE 754 binary32 and binary64 floats are supported (ie Go float32 and float64 types).
+//    extended precision and decimal IEEE 754 floats are unsupported.
+//  - Only UTF-8 strings supported.
+//    Unicode_Other Binc types (UTF16, UTF32) are currently unsupported.
+//Note that these EXCEPTIONS are temporary and full support is possible and may happen soon.
+type BincHandle struct {
+	BasicHandle
+	binaryEncodingType
+	noElemSeparators
+	// AsSymbols defines what should be encoded as symbols.
+	//
+	// Encoding as symbols can reduce the encoded size significantly.
+	//
+	// However, during decoding, each string to be encoded as a symbol must
+	// be checked to see if it has been seen before. Consequently, encoding time
+	// will increase if using symbols, because string comparisons has a clear cost.
+	//
+	// Values:
+	// - 0: default: library uses best judgement
+	// - 1: use symbols
+	// - 2: do not use symbols
+	AsSymbols uint8
+	// AsSymbols: may later on introduce more options ...
+	// - m: map keys
+	// - s: struct fields
+	// - n: none
+	// - a: all: same as m, s, ...
+	// _ [1]uint64 // padding
+// Name returns the name of the handle: binc
+func (h *BincHandle) Name() string { return "binc" }
+// SetBytesExt sets an extension
+func (h *BincHandle) SetBytesExt(rt reflect.Type, tag uint64, ext BytesExt) (err error) {
+	return h.SetExt(rt, tag, &extWrapper{ext, interfaceExtFailer{}})
+func (h *BincHandle) newEncDriver(e *Encoder) encDriver {
+	return &bincEncDriver{e: e, h: h, w: e.w}
+func (h *BincHandle) newDecDriver(d *Decoder) decDriver {
+	return &bincDecDriver{d: d, h: h, r: d.r, br: d.bytes}
+func (e *bincEncDriver) reset() {
+	e.w = e.e.w
+	e.s = 0
+	e.c = 0
+	e.m = nil
+func (d *bincDecDriver) reset() {
+	d.r, = d.d.r, d.d.bytes
+	d.s = nil
+, d.bdRead, d.vd, d.vs = 0, false, 0, 0
+// var timeDigits = [...]byte{'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'}
+// EncodeTime encodes a time.Time as a []byte, including
+// information on the instant in time and UTC offset.
+// Format Description
+//   A timestamp is composed of 3 components:
+//   - secs: signed integer representing seconds since unix epoch
+//   - nsces: unsigned integer representing fractional seconds as a
+//     nanosecond offset within secs, in the range 0 <= nsecs < 1e9
+//   - tz: signed integer representing timezone offset in minutes east of UTC,
+//     and a dst (daylight savings time) flag
+//   When encoding a timestamp, the first byte is the descriptor, which
+//   defines which components are encoded and how many bytes are used to
+//   encode secs and nsecs components. *If secs/nsecs is 0 or tz is UTC, it
+//   is not encoded in the byte array explicitly*.
+//       Descriptor 8 bits are of the form `A B C DDD EE`:
+//           A:   Is secs component encoded? 1 = true
+//           B:   Is nsecs component encoded? 1 = true
+//           C:   Is tz component encoded? 1 = true
+//           DDD: Number of extra bytes for secs (range 0-7).
+//                If A = 1, secs encoded in DDD+1 bytes.
+//                    If A = 0, secs is not encoded, and is assumed to be 0.
+//                    If A = 1, then we need at least 1 byte to encode secs.
+//                    DDD says the number of extra bytes beyond that 1.
+//                    E.g. if DDD=0, then secs is represented in 1 byte.
+//                         if DDD=2, then secs is represented in 3 bytes.
+//           EE:  Number of extra bytes for nsecs (range 0-3).
+//                If B = 1, nsecs encoded in EE+1 bytes (similar to secs/DDD above)
+//   Following the descriptor bytes, subsequent bytes are:
+//       secs component encoded in `DDD + 1` bytes (if A == 1)
+//       nsecs component encoded in `EE + 1` bytes (if B == 1)
+//       tz component encoded in 2 bytes (if C == 1)
+//   secs and nsecs components are integers encoded in a BigEndian
+//   2-complement encoding format.
+//   tz component is encoded as 2 bytes (16 bits). Most significant bit 15 to
+//   Least significant bit 0 are described below:
+//       Timezone offset has a range of -12:00 to +14:00 (ie -720 to +840 minutes).
+//       Bit 15 = have\_dst: set to 1 if we set the dst flag.
+//       Bit 14 = dst\_on: set to 1 if dst is in effect at the time, or 0 if not.
+//       Bits 13..0 = timezone offset in minutes. It is a signed integer in Big Endian format.
+func bincEncodeTime(t time.Time) []byte {
+	//t := rv.Interface().(time.Time)
+	tsecs, tnsecs := t.Unix(), t.Nanosecond()
+	var (
+		bd   byte
+		btmp [8]byte
+		bs   [16]byte
+		i    int = 1
+	)
+	l := t.Location()
+	if l == time.UTC {
+		l = nil
+	}
+	if tsecs != 0 {
+		bd = bd | 0x80
+		bigen.PutUint64(btmp[:], uint64(tsecs))
+		f := pruneSignExt(btmp[:], tsecs >= 0)
+		bd = bd | (byte(7-f) << 2)
+		copy(bs[i:], btmp[f:])
+		i = i + (8 - f)
+	}
+	if tnsecs != 0 {
+		bd = bd | 0x40
+		bigen.PutUint32(btmp[:4], uint32(tnsecs))
+		f := pruneSignExt(btmp[:4], true)
+		bd = bd | byte(3-f)
+		copy(bs[i:], btmp[f:4])
+		i = i + (4 - f)
+	}
+	if l != nil {
+		bd = bd | 0x20
+		// Note that Go Libs do not give access to dst flag.
+		_, zoneOffset := t.Zone()
+		//zoneName, zoneOffset := t.Zone()
+		zoneOffset /= 60
+		z := uint16(zoneOffset)
+		bigen.PutUint16(btmp[:2], z)
+		// clear dst flags
+		bs[i] = btmp[0] & 0x3f
+		bs[i+1] = btmp[1]
+		i = i + 2
+	}
+	bs[0] = bd
+	return bs[0:i]
+// bincDecodeTime decodes a []byte into a time.Time.
+func bincDecodeTime(bs []byte) (tt time.Time, err error) {
+	bd := bs[0]
+	var (
+		tsec  int64
+		tnsec uint32
+		tz    uint16
+		i     byte = 1
+		i2    byte
+		n     byte
+	)
+	if bd&(1<<7) != 0 {
+		var btmp [8]byte
+		n = ((bd >> 2) & 0x7) + 1
+		i2 = i + n
+		copy(btmp[8-n:], bs[i:i2])
+		//if first bit of bs[i] is set, then fill btmp[0..8-n] with 0xff (ie sign extend it)
+		if bs[i]&(1<<7) != 0 {
+			copy(btmp[0:8-n], bsAll0xff)
+			//for j,k := byte(0), 8-n; j < k; j++ {	btmp[j] = 0xff }
+		}
+		i = i2
+		tsec = int64(bigen.Uint64(btmp[:]))
+	}
+	if bd&(1<<6) != 0 {
+		var btmp [4]byte
+		n = (bd & 0x3) + 1
+		i2 = i + n
+		copy(btmp[4-n:], bs[i:i2])
+		i = i2
+		tnsec = bigen.Uint32(btmp[:])
+	}
+	if bd&(1<<5) == 0 {
+		tt = time.Unix(tsec, int64(tnsec)).UTC()
+		return
+	}
+	// In stdlib time.Parse, when a date is parsed without a zone name, it uses "" as zone name.
+	// However, we need name here, so it can be shown when time is printed.
+	// Zone name is in form: UTC-08:00.
+	// Note that Go Libs do not give access to dst flag, so we ignore dst bits
+	i2 = i + 2
+	tz = bigen.Uint16(bs[i:i2])
+	// i = i2
+	// sign extend sign bit into top 2 MSB (which were dst bits):
+	if tz&(1<<13) == 0 { // positive
+		tz = tz & 0x3fff //clear 2 MSBs: dst bits
+	} else { // negative
+		tz = tz | 0xc000 //set 2 MSBs: dst bits
+	}
+	tzint := int16(tz)
+	if tzint == 0 {
+		tt = time.Unix(tsec, int64(tnsec)).UTC()
+	} else {
+		// For Go Time, do not use a descriptive timezone.
+		// It's unnecessary, and makes it harder to do a reflect.DeepEqual.
+		// The Offset already tells what the offset should be, if not on UTC and unknown zone name.
+		// var zoneName = timeLocUTCName(tzint)
+		tt = time.Unix(tsec, int64(tnsec)).In(time.FixedZone("", int(tzint)*60))
+	}
+	return
+var _ decDriver = (*bincDecDriver)(nil)
+var _ encDriver = (*bincEncDriver)(nil)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7633c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,756 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+package codec
+import (
+	"math"
+	"reflect"
+	"time"
+const (
+	cborMajorUint byte = iota
+	cborMajorNegInt
+	cborMajorBytes
+	cborMajorText
+	cborMajorArray
+	cborMajorMap
+	cborMajorTag
+	cborMajorOther
+const (
+	cborBdFalse byte = 0xf4 + iota
+	cborBdTrue
+	cborBdNil
+	cborBdUndefined
+	cborBdExt
+	cborBdFloat16
+	cborBdFloat32
+	cborBdFloat64
+const (
+	cborBdIndefiniteBytes  byte = 0x5f
+	cborBdIndefiniteString      = 0x7f
+	cborBdIndefiniteArray       = 0x9f
+	cborBdIndefiniteMap         = 0xbf
+	cborBdBreak                 = 0xff
+// These define some in-stream descriptors for
+// manual encoding e.g. when doing explicit indefinite-length
+const (
+	CborStreamBytes  byte = 0x5f
+	CborStreamString      = 0x7f
+	CborStreamArray       = 0x9f
+	CborStreamMap         = 0xbf
+	CborStreamBreak       = 0xff
+const (
+	cborBaseUint   byte = 0x00
+	cborBaseNegInt      = 0x20
+	cborBaseBytes       = 0x40
+	cborBaseString      = 0x60
+	cborBaseArray       = 0x80
+	cborBaseMap         = 0xa0
+	cborBaseTag         = 0xc0
+	cborBaseSimple      = 0xe0
+func cbordesc(bd byte) string {
+	switch bd {
+	case cborBdNil:
+		return "nil"
+	case cborBdFalse:
+		return "false"
+	case cborBdTrue:
+		return "true"
+	case cborBdFloat16, cborBdFloat32, cborBdFloat64:
+		return "float"
+	case cborBdIndefiniteBytes:
+		return "bytes*"
+	case cborBdIndefiniteString:
+		return "string*"
+	case cborBdIndefiniteArray:
+		return "array*"
+	case cborBdIndefiniteMap:
+		return "map*"
+	default:
+		switch {
+		case bd >= cborBaseUint && bd < cborBaseNegInt:
+			return "(u)int"
+		case bd >= cborBaseNegInt && bd < cborBaseBytes:
+			return "int"
+		case bd >= cborBaseBytes && bd < cborBaseString:
+			return "bytes"
+		case bd >= cborBaseString && bd < cborBaseArray:
+			return "string"
+		case bd >= cborBaseArray && bd < cborBaseMap:
+			return "array"
+		case bd >= cborBaseMap && bd < cborBaseTag:
+			return "map"
+		case bd >= cborBaseTag && bd < cborBaseSimple:
+			return "ext"
+		default:
+			return "unknown"
+		}
+	}
+// -------------------
+type cborEncDriver struct {
+	noBuiltInTypes
+	encDriverNoopContainerWriter
+	// encNoSeparator
+	e *Encoder
+	w encWriter
+	h *CborHandle
+	x [8]byte
+	_ [3]uint64 // padding
+func (e *cborEncDriver) EncodeNil() {
+	e.w.writen1(cborBdNil)
+func (e *cborEncDriver) EncodeBool(b bool) {
+	if b {
+		e.w.writen1(cborBdTrue)
+	} else {
+		e.w.writen1(cborBdFalse)
+	}
+func (e *cborEncDriver) EncodeFloat32(f float32) {
+	e.w.writen1(cborBdFloat32)
+	bigenHelper{e.x[:4], e.w}.writeUint32(math.Float32bits(f))
+func (e *cborEncDriver) EncodeFloat64(f float64) {
+	e.w.writen1(cborBdFloat64)
+	bigenHelper{e.x[:8], e.w}.writeUint64(math.Float64bits(f))
+func (e *cborEncDriver) encUint(v uint64, bd byte) {
+	if v <= 0x17 {
+		e.w.writen1(byte(v) + bd)
+	} else if v <= math.MaxUint8 {
+		e.w.writen2(bd+0x18, uint8(v))
+	} else if v <= math.MaxUint16 {
+		e.w.writen1(bd + 0x19)
+		bigenHelper{e.x[:2], e.w}.writeUint16(uint16(v))
+	} else if v <= math.MaxUint32 {
+		e.w.writen1(bd + 0x1a)
+		bigenHelper{e.x[:4], e.w}.writeUint32(uint32(v))
+	} else { // if v <= math.MaxUint64 {
+		e.w.writen1(bd + 0x1b)
+		bigenHelper{e.x[:8], e.w}.writeUint64(v)
+	}
+func (e *cborEncDriver) EncodeInt(v int64) {
+	if v < 0 {
+		e.encUint(uint64(-1-v), cborBaseNegInt)
+	} else {
+		e.encUint(uint64(v), cborBaseUint)
+	}
+func (e *cborEncDriver) EncodeUint(v uint64) {
+	e.encUint(v, cborBaseUint)
+func (e *cborEncDriver) encLen(bd byte, length int) {
+	e.encUint(uint64(length), bd)
+func (e *cborEncDriver) EncodeTime(t time.Time) {
+	if t.IsZero() {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+	} else if e.h.TimeRFC3339 {
+		e.encUint(0, cborBaseTag)
+		e.EncodeString(cUTF8, t.Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
+	} else {
+		e.encUint(1, cborBaseTag)
+		t = t.UTC().Round(time.Microsecond)
+		sec, nsec := t.Unix(), uint64(t.Nanosecond())
+		if nsec == 0 {
+			e.EncodeInt(sec)
+		} else {
+			e.EncodeFloat64(float64(sec) + float64(nsec)/1e9)
+		}
+	}
+func (e *cborEncDriver) EncodeExt(rv interface{}, xtag uint64, ext Ext, en *Encoder) {
+	e.encUint(uint64(xtag), cborBaseTag)
+	if v := ext.ConvertExt(rv); v == nil {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+	} else {
+		en.encode(v)
+	}
+func (e *cborEncDriver) EncodeRawExt(re *RawExt, en *Encoder) {
+	e.encUint(uint64(re.Tag), cborBaseTag)
+	if false && re.Data != nil {
+		en.encode(re.Data)
+	} else if re.Value != nil {
+		en.encode(re.Value)
+	} else {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+	}
+func (e *cborEncDriver) WriteArrayStart(length int) {
+	if e.h.IndefiniteLength {
+		e.w.writen1(cborBdIndefiniteArray)
+	} else {
+		e.encLen(cborBaseArray, length)
+	}
+func (e *cborEncDriver) WriteMapStart(length int) {
+	if e.h.IndefiniteLength {
+		e.w.writen1(cborBdIndefiniteMap)
+	} else {
+		e.encLen(cborBaseMap, length)
+	}
+func (e *cborEncDriver) WriteMapEnd() {
+	if e.h.IndefiniteLength {
+		e.w.writen1(cborBdBreak)
+	}
+func (e *cborEncDriver) WriteArrayEnd() {
+	if e.h.IndefiniteLength {
+		e.w.writen1(cborBdBreak)
+	}
+func (e *cborEncDriver) EncodeString(c charEncoding, v string) {
+	e.encStringBytesS(cborBaseString, v)
+func (e *cborEncDriver) EncodeStringBytes(c charEncoding, v []byte) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+	} else if c == cRAW {
+		e.encStringBytesS(cborBaseBytes, stringView(v))
+	} else {
+		e.encStringBytesS(cborBaseString, stringView(v))
+	}
+func (e *cborEncDriver) encStringBytesS(bb byte, v string) {
+	if e.h.IndefiniteLength {
+		if bb == cborBaseBytes {
+			e.w.writen1(cborBdIndefiniteBytes)
+		} else {
+			e.w.writen1(cborBdIndefiniteString)
+		}
+		blen := len(v) / 4
+		if blen == 0 {
+			blen = 64
+		} else if blen > 1024 {
+			blen = 1024
+		}
+		for i := 0; i < len(v); {
+			var v2 string
+			i2 := i + blen
+			if i2 < len(v) {
+				v2 = v[i:i2]
+			} else {
+				v2 = v[i:]
+			}
+			e.encLen(bb, len(v2))
+			e.w.writestr(v2)
+			i = i2
+		}
+		e.w.writen1(cborBdBreak)
+	} else {
+		e.encLen(bb, len(v))
+		e.w.writestr(v)
+	}
+// ----------------------
+type cborDecDriver struct {
+	d *Decoder
+	h *CborHandle
+	r decReader
+	// b      [scratchByteArrayLen]byte
+	br     bool // bytes reader
+	bdRead bool
+	bd     byte
+	noBuiltInTypes
+	// decNoSeparator
+	decDriverNoopContainerReader
+	_ [3]uint64 // padding
+func (d *cborDecDriver) readNextBd() {
+ = d.r.readn1()
+	d.bdRead = true
+func (d *cborDecDriver) uncacheRead() {
+	if d.bdRead {
+		d.r.unreadn1()
+		d.bdRead = false
+	}
+func (d *cborDecDriver) ContainerType() (vt valueType) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if == cborBdNil {
+		return valueTypeNil
+	} else if == cborBdIndefiniteBytes || ( >= cborBaseBytes && < cborBaseString) {
+		return valueTypeBytes
+	} else if == cborBdIndefiniteString || ( >= cborBaseString && < cborBaseArray) {
+		return valueTypeString
+	} else if == cborBdIndefiniteArray || ( >= cborBaseArray && < cborBaseMap) {
+		return valueTypeArray
+	} else if == cborBdIndefiniteMap || ( >= cborBaseMap && < cborBaseTag) {
+		return valueTypeMap
+	}
+	// else {
+	// d.d.errorf("isContainerType: unsupported parameter: %v", vt)
+	// }
+	return valueTypeUnset
+func (d *cborDecDriver) TryDecodeAsNil() bool {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	// treat Nil and Undefined as nil values
+	if == cborBdNil || == cborBdUndefined {
+		d.bdRead = false
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
+func (d *cborDecDriver) CheckBreak() bool {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if == cborBdBreak {
+		d.bdRead = false
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
+func (d *cborDecDriver) decUint() (ui uint64) {
+	v := & 0x1f
+	if v <= 0x17 {
+		ui = uint64(v)
+	} else {
+		if v == 0x18 {
+			ui = uint64(d.r.readn1())
+		} else if v == 0x19 {
+			ui = uint64(bigen.Uint16(d.r.readx(2)))
+		} else if v == 0x1a {
+			ui = uint64(bigen.Uint32(d.r.readx(4)))
+		} else if v == 0x1b {
+			ui = uint64(bigen.Uint64(d.r.readx(8)))
+		} else {
+			d.d.errorf("invalid descriptor decoding uint: %x/%s",, cbordesc(
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func (d *cborDecDriver) decCheckInteger() (neg bool) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	major := >> 5
+	if major == cborMajorUint {
+	} else if major == cborMajorNegInt {
+		neg = true
+	} else {
+		d.d.errorf("not an integer - invalid major %v from descriptor %x/%s", major,, cbordesc(
+		return
+	}
+	return
+func (d *cborDecDriver) DecodeInt64() (i int64) {
+	neg := d.decCheckInteger()
+	ui := d.decUint()
+	// check if this number can be converted to an int without overflow
+	if neg {
+		i = -(chkOvf.SignedIntV(ui + 1))
+	} else {
+		i = chkOvf.SignedIntV(ui)
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+func (d *cborDecDriver) DecodeUint64() (ui uint64) {
+	if d.decCheckInteger() {
+		d.d.errorf("assigning negative signed value to unsigned type")
+		return
+	}
+	ui = d.decUint()
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+func (d *cborDecDriver) DecodeFloat64() (f float64) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if bd :=; bd == cborBdFloat16 {
+		f = float64(math.Float32frombits(halfFloatToFloatBits(bigen.Uint16(d.r.readx(2)))))
+	} else if bd == cborBdFloat32 {
+		f = float64(math.Float32frombits(bigen.Uint32(d.r.readx(4))))
+	} else if bd == cborBdFloat64 {
+		f = math.Float64frombits(bigen.Uint64(d.r.readx(8)))
+	} else if bd >= cborBaseUint && bd < cborBaseBytes {
+		f = float64(d.DecodeInt64())
+	} else {
+		d.d.errorf("float only valid from float16/32/64 - invalid descriptor %x/%s", bd, cbordesc(bd))
+		return
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+// bool can be decoded from bool only (single byte).
+func (d *cborDecDriver) DecodeBool() (b bool) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if bd :=; bd == cborBdTrue {
+		b = true
+	} else if bd == cborBdFalse {
+	} else {
+		d.d.errorf("not bool - %s %x/%s", msgBadDesc,, cbordesc(
+		return
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+func (d *cborDecDriver) ReadMapStart() (length int) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	if == cborBdIndefiniteMap {
+		return -1
+	}
+	return d.decLen()
+func (d *cborDecDriver) ReadArrayStart() (length int) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	if == cborBdIndefiniteArray {
+		return -1
+	}
+	return d.decLen()
+func (d *cborDecDriver) decLen() int {
+	return int(d.decUint())
+func (d *cborDecDriver) decAppendIndefiniteBytes(bs []byte) []byte {
+	d.bdRead = false
+	for {
+		if d.CheckBreak() {
+			break
+		}
+		if major := >> 5; major != cborMajorBytes && major != cborMajorText {
+			d.d.errorf("expect bytes/string major type in indefinite string/bytes;"+
+				" got major %v from descriptor %x/%x", major,, cbordesc(
+			return nil
+		}
+		n := d.decLen()
+		oldLen := len(bs)
+		newLen := oldLen + n
+		if newLen > cap(bs) {
+			bs2 := make([]byte, newLen, 2*cap(bs)+n)
+			copy(bs2, bs)
+			bs = bs2
+		} else {
+			bs = bs[:newLen]
+		}
+		d.r.readb(bs[oldLen:newLen])
+		// bs = append(bs, d.r.readn()...)
+		d.bdRead = false
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return bs
+func (d *cborDecDriver) DecodeBytes(bs []byte, zerocopy bool) (bsOut []byte) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if == cborBdNil || == cborBdUndefined {
+		d.bdRead = false
+		return nil
+	}
+	if == cborBdIndefiniteBytes || == cborBdIndefiniteString {
+		d.bdRead = false
+		if bs == nil {
+			if zerocopy {
+				return d.decAppendIndefiniteBytes(d.d.b[:0])
+			}
+			return d.decAppendIndefiniteBytes(zeroByteSlice)
+		}
+		return d.decAppendIndefiniteBytes(bs[:0])
+	}
+	// check if an "array" of uint8's (see ContainerType for how to infer if an array)
+	if == cborBdIndefiniteArray || ( >= cborBaseArray && < cborBaseMap) {
+		bsOut, _ = fastpathTV.DecSliceUint8V(bs, true, d.d)
+		return
+	}
+	clen := d.decLen()
+	d.bdRead = false
+	if zerocopy {
+		if {
+			return d.r.readx(clen)
+		} else if len(bs) == 0 {
+			bs = d.d.b[:]
+		}
+	}
+	return decByteSlice(d.r, clen, d.h.MaxInitLen, bs)
+func (d *cborDecDriver) DecodeString() (s string) {
+	return string(d.DecodeBytes(d.d.b[:], true))
+func (d *cborDecDriver) DecodeStringAsBytes() (s []byte) {
+	return d.DecodeBytes(d.d.b[:], true)
+func (d *cborDecDriver) DecodeTime() (t time.Time) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if == cborBdNil || == cborBdUndefined {
+		d.bdRead = false
+		return
+	}
+	xtag := d.decUint()
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return d.decodeTime(xtag)
+func (d *cborDecDriver) decodeTime(xtag uint64) (t time.Time) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	switch xtag {
+	case 0:
+		var err error
+		if t, err = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, stringView(d.DecodeStringAsBytes())); err != nil {
+			d.d.errorv(err)
+		}
+	case 1:
+		// decode an int64 or a float, and infer time.Time from there.
+		// for floats, round to microseconds, as that is what is guaranteed to fit well.
+		switch {
+		case == cborBdFloat16, == cborBdFloat32:
+			f1, f2 := math.Modf(d.DecodeFloat64())
+			t = time.Unix(int64(f1), int64(f2*1e9))
+		case == cborBdFloat64:
+			f1, f2 := math.Modf(d.DecodeFloat64())
+			t = time.Unix(int64(f1), int64(f2*1e9))
+		case >= cborBaseUint && < cborBaseNegInt,
+ >= cborBaseNegInt && < cborBaseBytes:
+			t = time.Unix(d.DecodeInt64(), 0)
+		default:
+			d.d.errorf("time.Time can only be decoded from a number (or RFC3339 string)")
+		}
+	default:
+		d.d.errorf("invalid tag for time.Time - expecting 0 or 1, got 0x%x", xtag)
+	}
+	t = t.UTC().Round(time.Microsecond)
+	return
+func (d *cborDecDriver) DecodeExt(rv interface{}, xtag uint64, ext Ext) (realxtag uint64) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	u := d.decUint()
+	d.bdRead = false
+	realxtag = u
+	if ext == nil {
+		re := rv.(*RawExt)
+		re.Tag = realxtag
+		d.d.decode(&re.Value)
+	} else if xtag != realxtag {
+		d.d.errorf("Wrong extension tag. Got %b. Expecting: %v", realxtag, xtag)
+		return
+	} else {
+		var v interface{}
+		d.d.decode(&v)
+		ext.UpdateExt(rv, v)
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+func (d *cborDecDriver) DecodeNaked() {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	n := d.d.n
+	var decodeFurther bool
+	switch {
+	case cborBdNil:
+		n.v = valueTypeNil
+	case cborBdFalse:
+		n.v = valueTypeBool
+		n.b = false
+	case cborBdTrue:
+		n.v = valueTypeBool
+		n.b = true
+	case cborBdFloat16, cborBdFloat32, cborBdFloat64:
+		n.v = valueTypeFloat
+		n.f = d.DecodeFloat64()
+	case cborBdIndefiniteBytes:
+		n.v = valueTypeBytes
+		n.l = d.DecodeBytes(nil, false)
+	case cborBdIndefiniteString:
+		n.v = valueTypeString
+		n.s = d.DecodeString()
+	case cborBdIndefiniteArray:
+		n.v = valueTypeArray
+		decodeFurther = true
+	case cborBdIndefiniteMap:
+		n.v = valueTypeMap
+		decodeFurther = true
+	default:
+		switch {
+		case >= cborBaseUint && < cborBaseNegInt:
+			if d.h.SignedInteger {
+				n.v = valueTypeInt
+				n.i = d.DecodeInt64()
+			} else {
+				n.v = valueTypeUint
+				n.u = d.DecodeUint64()
+			}
+		case >= cborBaseNegInt && < cborBaseBytes:
+			n.v = valueTypeInt
+			n.i = d.DecodeInt64()
+		case >= cborBaseBytes && < cborBaseString:
+			n.v = valueTypeBytes
+			n.l = d.DecodeBytes(nil, false)
+		case >= cborBaseString && < cborBaseArray:
+			n.v = valueTypeString
+			n.s = d.DecodeString()
+		case >= cborBaseArray && < cborBaseMap:
+			n.v = valueTypeArray
+			decodeFurther = true
+		case >= cborBaseMap && < cborBaseTag:
+			n.v = valueTypeMap
+			decodeFurther = true
+		case >= cborBaseTag && < cborBaseSimple:
+			n.v = valueTypeExt
+			n.u = d.decUint()
+			n.l = nil
+			if n.u == 0 || n.u == 1 {
+				d.bdRead = false
+				n.v = valueTypeTime
+				n.t = d.decodeTime(n.u)
+			}
+			// d.bdRead = false
+			// d.d.decode(&re.Value) // handled by decode itself.
+			// decodeFurther = true
+		default:
+			d.d.errorf("decodeNaked: Unrecognized 0x%x",
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	if !decodeFurther {
+		d.bdRead = false
+	}
+	return
+// -------------------------
+// CborHandle is a Handle for the CBOR encoding format,
+// defined at and documented further at .
+// CBOR is comprehensively supported, including support for:
+//   - indefinite-length arrays/maps/bytes/strings
+//   - (extension) tags in range 0..0xffff (0 .. 65535)
+//   - half, single and double-precision floats
+//   - all numbers (1, 2, 4 and 8-byte signed and unsigned integers)
+//   - nil, true, false, ...
+//   - arrays and maps, bytes and text strings
+// None of the optional extensions (with tags) defined in the spec are supported out-of-the-box.
+// Users can implement them as needed (using SetExt), including spec-documented ones:
+//   - timestamp, BigNum, BigFloat, Decimals,
+//   - Encoded Text (e.g. URL, regexp, base64, MIME Message), etc.
+type CborHandle struct {
+	binaryEncodingType
+	noElemSeparators
+	BasicHandle
+	// IndefiniteLength=true, means that we encode using indefinitelength
+	IndefiniteLength bool
+	// TimeRFC3339 says to encode time.Time using RFC3339 format.
+	// If unset, we encode time.Time using seconds past epoch.
+	TimeRFC3339 bool
+	// _ [1]uint64 // padding
+// Name returns the name of the handle: cbor
+func (h *CborHandle) Name() string { return "cbor" }
+// SetInterfaceExt sets an extension
+func (h *CborHandle) SetInterfaceExt(rt reflect.Type, tag uint64, ext InterfaceExt) (err error) {
+	return h.SetExt(rt, tag, &extWrapper{bytesExtFailer{}, ext})
+func (h *CborHandle) newEncDriver(e *Encoder) encDriver {
+	return &cborEncDriver{e: e, w: e.w, h: h}
+func (h *CborHandle) newDecDriver(d *Decoder) decDriver {
+	return &cborDecDriver{d: d, h: h, r: d.r, br: d.bytes}
+func (e *cborEncDriver) reset() {
+	e.w = e.e.w
+func (d *cborDecDriver) reset() {
+	d.r, = d.d.r, d.d.bytes
+, d.bdRead = 0, false
+var _ decDriver = (*cborDecDriver)(nil)
+var _ encDriver = (*cborEncDriver)(nil)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c0817a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,2552 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+package codec
+import (
+	"encoding"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"reflect"
+	"strconv"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+// Some tagging information for error messages.
+const (
+	msgBadDesc            = "unrecognized descriptor byte"
+	msgDecCannotExpandArr = "cannot expand go array from %v to stream length: %v"
+const decDefSliceCap = 8
+const decDefChanCap = 64 // should be large, as cap cannot be expanded
+const decScratchByteArrayLen = cacheLineSize - 8
+var (
+	errstrOnlyMapOrArrayCanDecodeIntoStruct = "only encoded map or array can be decoded into a struct"
+	errstrCannotDecodeIntoNil               = "cannot decode into nil"
+	errmsgExpandSliceOverflow     = "expand slice: slice overflow"
+	errmsgExpandSliceCannotChange = "expand slice: cannot change"
+	errDecoderNotInitialized = errors.New("Decoder not initialized")
+	errDecUnreadByteNothingToRead   = errors.New("cannot unread - nothing has been read")
+	errDecUnreadByteLastByteNotRead = errors.New("cannot unread - last byte has not been read")
+	errDecUnreadByteUnknown         = errors.New("cannot unread - reason unknown")
+// decReader abstracts the reading source, allowing implementations that can
+// read from an io.Reader or directly off a byte slice with zero-copying.
+type decReader interface {
+	unreadn1()
+	// readx will use the implementation scratch buffer if possible i.e. n < len(scratchbuf), OR
+	// just return a view of the []byte being decoded from.
+	// Ensure you call detachZeroCopyBytes later if this needs to be sent outside codec control.
+	readx(n int) []byte
+	readb([]byte)
+	readn1() uint8
+	numread() int // number of bytes read
+	track()
+	stopTrack() []byte
+	// skip will skip any byte that matches, and return the first non-matching byte
+	skip(accept *bitset256) (token byte)
+	// readTo will read any byte that matches, stopping once no-longer matching.
+	readTo(in []byte, accept *bitset256) (out []byte)
+	// readUntil will read, only stopping once it matches the 'stop' byte.
+	readUntil(in []byte, stop byte) (out []byte)
+type decDriver interface {
+	// this will check if the next token is a break.
+	CheckBreak() bool
+	// Note: TryDecodeAsNil should be careful not to share any temporary []byte with
+	// the rest of the decDriver. This is because sometimes, we optimize by holding onto
+	// a transient []byte, and ensuring the only other call we make to the decDriver
+	// during that time is maybe a TryDecodeAsNil() call.
+	TryDecodeAsNil() bool
+	// vt is one of: Bytes, String, Nil, Slice or Map. Return unSet if not known.
+	ContainerType() (vt valueType)
+	// IsBuiltinType(rt uintptr) bool
+	// DecodeNaked will decode primitives (number, bool, string, []byte) and RawExt.
+	// For maps and arrays, it will not do the decoding in-band, but will signal
+	// the decoder, so that is done later, by setting the decNaked.valueType field.
+	//
+	// Note: Numbers are decoded as int64, uint64, float64 only (no smaller sized number types).
+	// for extensions, DecodeNaked must read the tag and the []byte if it exists.
+	// if the []byte is not read, then kInterfaceNaked will treat it as a Handle
+	// that stores the subsequent value in-band, and complete reading the RawExt.
+	//
+	// extensions should also use readx to decode them, for efficiency.
+	// kInterface will extract the detached byte slice if it has to pass it outside its realm.
+	DecodeNaked()
+	// Deprecated: use DecodeInt64 and DecodeUint64 instead
+	// DecodeInt(bitsize uint8) (i int64)
+	// DecodeUint(bitsize uint8) (ui uint64)
+	DecodeInt64() (i int64)
+	DecodeUint64() (ui uint64)
+	DecodeFloat64() (f float64)
+	DecodeBool() (b bool)
+	// DecodeString can also decode symbols.
+	// It looks redundant as DecodeBytes is available.
+	// However, some codecs (e.g. binc) support symbols and can
+	// return a pre-stored string value, meaning that it can bypass
+	// the cost of []byte->string conversion.
+	DecodeString() (s string)
+	DecodeStringAsBytes() (v []byte)
+	// DecodeBytes may be called directly, without going through reflection.
+	// Consequently, it must be designed to handle possible nil.
+	DecodeBytes(bs []byte, zerocopy bool) (bsOut []byte)
+	// DecodeBytes(bs []byte, isstring, zerocopy bool) (bsOut []byte)
+	// decodeExt will decode into a *RawExt or into an extension.
+	DecodeExt(v interface{}, xtag uint64, ext Ext) (realxtag uint64)
+	// decodeExt(verifyTag bool, tag byte) (xtag byte, xbs []byte)
+	DecodeTime() (t time.Time)
+	ReadArrayStart() int
+	ReadArrayElem()
+	ReadArrayEnd()
+	ReadMapStart() int
+	ReadMapElemKey()
+	ReadMapElemValue()
+	ReadMapEnd()
+	reset()
+	uncacheRead()
+type decDriverNoopContainerReader struct{}
+func (x decDriverNoopContainerReader) ReadArrayStart() (v int) { return }
+func (x decDriverNoopContainerReader) ReadArrayElem()          {}
+func (x decDriverNoopContainerReader) ReadArrayEnd()           {}
+func (x decDriverNoopContainerReader) ReadMapStart() (v int)   { return }
+func (x decDriverNoopContainerReader) ReadMapElemKey()         {}
+func (x decDriverNoopContainerReader) ReadMapElemValue()       {}
+func (x decDriverNoopContainerReader) ReadMapEnd()             {}
+func (x decDriverNoopContainerReader) CheckBreak() (v bool)    { return }
+// func (x decNoSeparator) uncacheRead() {}
+// DecodeOptions captures configuration options during decode.
+type DecodeOptions struct {
+	// MapType specifies type to use during schema-less decoding of a map in the stream.
+	// If nil (unset), we default to map[string]interface{} iff json handle and MapStringAsKey=true,
+	// else map[interface{}]interface{}.
+	MapType reflect.Type
+	// SliceType specifies type to use during schema-less decoding of an array in the stream.
+	// If nil (unset), we default to []interface{} for all formats.
+	SliceType reflect.Type
+	// MaxInitLen defines the maxinum initial length that we "make" a collection
+	// (string, slice, map, chan). If 0 or negative, we default to a sensible value
+	// based on the size of an element in the collection.
+	//
+	// For example, when decoding, a stream may say that it has 2^64 elements.
+	// We should not auto-matically provision a slice of that size, to prevent Out-Of-Memory crash.
+	// Instead, we provision up to MaxInitLen, fill that up, and start appending after that.
+	MaxInitLen int
+	// ReaderBufferSize is the size of the buffer used when reading.
+	//
+	// if > 0, we use a smart buffer internally for performance purposes.
+	ReaderBufferSize int
+	// If ErrorIfNoField, return an error when decoding a map
+	// from a codec stream into a struct, and no matching struct field is found.
+	ErrorIfNoField bool
+	// If ErrorIfNoArrayExpand, return an error when decoding a slice/array that cannot be expanded.
+	// For example, the stream contains an array of 8 items, but you are decoding into a [4]T array,
+	// or you are decoding into a slice of length 4 which is non-addressable (and so cannot be set).
+	ErrorIfNoArrayExpand bool
+	// If SignedInteger, use the int64 during schema-less decoding of unsigned values (not uint64).
+	SignedInteger bool
+	// MapValueReset controls how we decode into a map value.
+	//
+	// By default, we MAY retrieve the mapping for a key, and then decode into that.
+	// However, especially with big maps, that retrieval may be expensive and unnecessary
+	// if the stream already contains all that is necessary to recreate the value.
+	//
+	// If true, we will never retrieve the previous mapping,
+	// but rather decode into a new value and set that in the map.
+	//
+	// If false, we will retrieve the previous mapping if necessary e.g.
+	// the previous mapping is a pointer, or is a struct or array with pre-set state,
+	// or is an interface.
+	MapValueReset bool
+	// SliceElementReset: on decoding a slice, reset the element to a zero value first.
+	//
+	// concern: if the slice already contained some garbage, we will decode into that garbage.
+	SliceElementReset bool
+	// InterfaceReset controls how we decode into an interface.
+	//
+	// By default, when we see a field that is an interface{...},
+	// or a map with interface{...} value, we will attempt decoding into the
+	// "contained" value.
+	//
+	// However, this prevents us from reading a string into an interface{}
+	// that formerly contained a number.
+	//
+	// If true, we will decode into a new "blank" value, and set that in the interface.
+	// If false, we will decode into whatever is contained in the interface.
+	InterfaceReset bool
+	// InternString controls interning of strings during decoding.
+	//
+	// Some handles, e.g. json, typically will read map keys as strings.
+	// If the set of keys are finite, it may help reduce allocation to
+	// look them up from a map (than to allocate them afresh).
+	//
+	// Note: Handles will be smart when using the intern functionality.
+	// Every string should not be interned.
+	// An excellent use-case for interning is struct field names,
+	// or map keys where key type is string.
+	InternString bool
+	// PreferArrayOverSlice controls whether to decode to an array or a slice.
+	//
+	// This only impacts decoding into a nil interface{}.
+	// Consequently, it has no effect on codecgen.
+	//
+	// *Note*: This only applies if using go1.5 and above,
+	// as it requires reflect.ArrayOf support which was absent before go1.5.
+	PreferArrayOverSlice bool
+	// DeleteOnNilMapValue controls how to decode a nil value in the stream.
+	//
+	// If true, we will delete the mapping of the key.
+	// Else, just set the mapping to the zero value of the type.
+	DeleteOnNilMapValue bool
+// ------------------------------------
+type bufioDecReader struct {
+	buf []byte
+	r   io.Reader
+	c   int // cursor
+	n   int // num read
+	err error
+	tr  []byte
+	trb bool
+	b   [4]byte
+func (z *bufioDecReader) reset(r io.Reader) {
+	z.r, z.c, z.n, z.err, z.trb = r, 0, 0, nil, false
+	if != nil {
+ =[:0]
+	}
+func (z *bufioDecReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+	if z.err != nil {
+		return 0, z.err
+	}
+	p0 := p
+	n = copy(p, z.buf[z.c:])
+	z.c += n
+	if z.c == len(z.buf) {
+		z.c = 0
+	}
+	z.n += n
+	if len(p) == n {
+		if z.c == 0 {
+			z.buf = z.buf[:1]
+			z.buf[0] = p[len(p)-1]
+			z.c = 1
+		}
+		if z.trb {
+ = append(, p0[:n]...)
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	p = p[n:]
+	var n2 int
+	// if we are here, then z.buf is all read
+	if len(p) > len(z.buf) {
+		n2, err = decReadFull(z.r, p)
+		n += n2
+		z.n += n2
+		z.err = err
+		// don't return EOF if some bytes were read. keep for next time.
+		if n > 0 && err == io.EOF {
+			err = nil
+		}
+		// always keep last byte in z.buf
+		z.buf = z.buf[:1]
+		z.buf[0] = p[len(p)-1]
+		z.c = 1
+		if z.trb {
+ = append(, p0[:n]...)
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	// z.c is now 0, and len(p) <= len(z.buf)
+	for len(p) > 0 && z.err == nil {
+		// println("len(p) loop starting ... ")
+		z.c = 0
+		z.buf = z.buf[0:cap(z.buf)]
+		n2, err = z.r.Read(z.buf)
+		if n2 > 0 {
+			if err == io.EOF {
+				err = nil
+			}
+			z.buf = z.buf[:n2]
+			n2 = copy(p, z.buf)
+			z.c = n2
+			n += n2
+			z.n += n2
+			p = p[n2:]
+		}
+		z.err = err
+		// println("... len(p) loop done")
+	}
+	if z.c == 0 {
+		z.buf = z.buf[:1]
+		z.buf[0] = p[len(p)-1]
+		z.c = 1
+	}
+	if z.trb {
+ = append(, p0[:n]...)
+	}
+	return
+func (z *bufioDecReader) ReadByte() (b byte, err error) {
+	z.b[0] = 0
+	_, err = z.Read(z.b[:1])
+	b = z.b[0]
+	return
+func (z *bufioDecReader) UnreadByte() (err error) {
+	if z.err != nil {
+		return z.err
+	}
+	if z.c > 0 {
+		z.c--
+		z.n--
+		if z.trb {
+ =[:len(]
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	return errDecUnreadByteNothingToRead
+func (z *bufioDecReader) numread() int {
+	return z.n
+func (z *bufioDecReader) readx(n int) (bs []byte) {
+	if n <= 0 || z.err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	if z.c+n <= len(z.buf) {
+		bs = z.buf[z.c : z.c+n]
+		z.n += n
+		z.c += n
+		if z.trb {
+ = append(, bs...)
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	bs = make([]byte, n)
+	_, err := z.Read(bs)
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	return
+func (z *bufioDecReader) readb(bs []byte) {
+	_, err := z.Read(bs)
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+// func (z *bufioDecReader) readn1eof() (b uint8, eof bool) {
+// 	b, err := z.ReadByte()
+// 	if err != nil {
+// 		if err == io.EOF {
+// 			eof = true
+// 		} else {
+// 			panic(err)
+// 		}
+// 	}
+// 	return
+// }
+func (z *bufioDecReader) readn1() (b uint8) {
+	b, err := z.ReadByte()
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	return
+func (z *bufioDecReader) search(in []byte, accept *bitset256, stop, flag uint8) (token byte, out []byte) {
+	// flag: 1 (skip), 2 (readTo), 4 (readUntil)
+	if flag == 4 {
+		for i := z.c; i < len(z.buf); i++ {
+			if z.buf[i] == stop {
+				token = z.buf[i]
+				z.n = z.n + (i - z.c) - 1
+				i++
+				out = z.buf[z.c:i]
+				if z.trb {
+ = append(, z.buf[z.c:i]...)
+				}
+				z.c = i
+				return
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		for i := z.c; i < len(z.buf); i++ {
+			if !accept.isset(z.buf[i]) {
+				token = z.buf[i]
+				z.n = z.n + (i - z.c) - 1
+				if flag == 1 {
+					i++
+				} else {
+					out = z.buf[z.c:i]
+				}
+				if z.trb {
+ = append(, z.buf[z.c:i]...)
+				}
+				z.c = i
+				return
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	z.n += len(z.buf) - z.c
+	if flag != 1 {
+		out = append(in, z.buf[z.c:]...)
+	}
+	if z.trb {
+ = append(, z.buf[z.c:]...)
+	}
+	var n2 int
+	if z.err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	for {
+		z.c = 0
+		z.buf = z.buf[0:cap(z.buf)]
+		n2, z.err = z.r.Read(z.buf)
+		if n2 > 0 && z.err != nil {
+			z.err = nil
+		}
+		z.buf = z.buf[:n2]
+		if flag == 4 {
+			for i := 0; i < n2; i++ {
+				if z.buf[i] == stop {
+					token = z.buf[i]
+					z.n += i - 1
+					i++
+					out = append(out, z.buf[z.c:i]...)
+					if z.trb {
+ = append(, z.buf[z.c:i]...)
+					}
+					z.c = i
+					return
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			for i := 0; i < n2; i++ {
+				if !accept.isset(z.buf[i]) {
+					token = z.buf[i]
+					z.n += i - 1
+					if flag == 1 {
+						i++
+					}
+					if flag != 1 {
+						out = append(out, z.buf[z.c:i]...)
+					}
+					if z.trb {
+ = append(, z.buf[z.c:i]...)
+					}
+					z.c = i
+					return
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if flag != 1 {
+			out = append(out, z.buf[:n2]...)
+		}
+		z.n += n2
+		if z.err != nil {
+			return
+		}
+		if z.trb {
+ = append(, z.buf[:n2]...)
+		}
+	}
+func (z *bufioDecReader) skip(accept *bitset256) (token byte) {
+	token, _ =, accept, 0, 1)
+	return
+func (z *bufioDecReader) readTo(in []byte, accept *bitset256) (out []byte) {
+	_, out =, accept, 0, 2)
+	return
+func (z *bufioDecReader) readUntil(in []byte, stop byte) (out []byte) {
+	_, out =, nil, stop, 4)
+	return
+func (z *bufioDecReader) unreadn1() {
+	err := z.UnreadByte()
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+func (z *bufioDecReader) track() {
+	if != nil {
+ =[:0]
+	}
+	z.trb = true
+func (z *bufioDecReader) stopTrack() (bs []byte) {
+	z.trb = false
+	return
+// ioDecReader is a decReader that reads off an io.Reader.
+// It also has a fallback implementation of ByteScanner if needed.
+type ioDecReader struct {
+	r io.Reader // the reader passed in
+	rr io.Reader
+	br io.ByteScanner
+	l   byte // last byte
+	ls  byte // last byte status. 0: init-canDoNothing, 1: canRead, 2: canUnread
+	trb bool // tracking bytes turned on
+	_   bool
+	b   [4]byte // tiny buffer for reading single bytes
+	x  [scratchByteArrayLen]byte // for: get struct field name, swallow valueTypeBytes, etc
+	n  int                       // num read
+	tr []byte                    // tracking bytes read
+func (z *ioDecReader) reset(r io.Reader) {
+	z.r = r
+	z.rr = r
+	z.l,, z.n, z.trb = 0, 0, 0, false
+	if != nil {
+ =[:0]
+	}
+	var ok bool
+	if, ok = r.(io.ByteScanner); !ok {
+ = z
+		z.rr = z
+	}
+func (z *ioDecReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+	if len(p) == 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	var firstByte bool
+	if == 1 {
+ = 2
+		p[0] = z.l
+		if len(p) == 1 {
+			n = 1
+			return
+		}
+		firstByte = true
+		p = p[1:]
+	}
+	n, err = z.r.Read(p)
+	if n > 0 {
+		if err == io.EOF && n == len(p) {
+			err = nil // read was successful, so postpone EOF (till next time)
+		}
+		z.l = p[n-1]
+ = 2
+	}
+	if firstByte {
+		n++
+	}
+	return
+func (z *ioDecReader) ReadByte() (c byte, err error) {
+	n, err := z.Read(z.b[:1])
+	if n == 1 {
+		c = z.b[0]
+		if err == io.EOF {
+			err = nil // read was successful, so postpone EOF (till next time)
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func (z *ioDecReader) UnreadByte() (err error) {
+	switch {
+	case 2:
+ = 1
+	case 0:
+		err = errDecUnreadByteNothingToRead
+	case 1:
+		err = errDecUnreadByteLastByteNotRead
+	default:
+		err = errDecUnreadByteUnknown
+	}
+	return
+func (z *ioDecReader) numread() int {
+	return z.n
+func (z *ioDecReader) readx(n int) (bs []byte) {
+	if n <= 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	if n < len(z.x) {
+		bs = z.x[:n]
+	} else {
+		bs = make([]byte, n)
+	}
+	if _, err := decReadFull(z.rr, bs); err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	z.n += len(bs)
+	if z.trb {
+ = append(, bs...)
+	}
+	return
+func (z *ioDecReader) readb(bs []byte) {
+	// if len(bs) == 0 {
+	// 	return
+	// }
+	if _, err := decReadFull(z.rr, bs); err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	z.n += len(bs)
+	if z.trb {
+ = append(, bs...)
+	}
+func (z *ioDecReader) readn1eof() (b uint8, eof bool) {
+	b, err :=
+	if err == nil {
+		z.n++
+		if z.trb {
+ = append(, b)
+		}
+	} else if err == io.EOF {
+		eof = true
+	} else {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	return
+func (z *ioDecReader) readn1() (b uint8) {
+	var err error
+	if b, err =; err == nil {
+		z.n++
+		if z.trb {
+ = append(, b)
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	panic(err)
+func (z *ioDecReader) skip(accept *bitset256) (token byte) {
+	for {
+		var eof bool
+		token, eof = z.readn1eof()
+		if eof {
+			return
+		}
+		if accept.isset(token) {
+			continue
+		}
+		return
+	}
+func (z *ioDecReader) readTo(in []byte, accept *bitset256) (out []byte) {
+	out = in
+	for {
+		token, eof := z.readn1eof()
+		if eof {
+			return
+		}
+		if accept.isset(token) {
+			out = append(out, token)
+		} else {
+			z.unreadn1()
+			return
+		}
+	}
+func (z *ioDecReader) readUntil(in []byte, stop byte) (out []byte) {
+	out = in
+	for {
+		token, eof := z.readn1eof()
+		if eof {
+			panic(io.EOF)
+		}
+		out = append(out, token)
+		if token == stop {
+			return
+		}
+	}
+func (z *ioDecReader) unreadn1() {
+	err :=
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	z.n--
+	if z.trb {
+		if l := len( - 1; l >= 0 {
+ =[:l]
+		}
+	}
+func (z *ioDecReader) track() {
+	if != nil {
+ =[:0]
+	}
+	z.trb = true
+func (z *ioDecReader) stopTrack() (bs []byte) {
+	z.trb = false
+	return
+// ------------------------------------
+var errBytesDecReaderCannotUnread = errors.New("cannot unread last byte read")
+// bytesDecReader is a decReader that reads off a byte slice with zero copying
+type bytesDecReader struct {
+	b []byte // data
+	c int    // cursor
+	a int    // available
+	t int    // track start
+func (z *bytesDecReader) reset(in []byte) {
+	z.b = in
+	z.a = len(in)
+	z.c = 0
+	z.t = 0
+func (z *bytesDecReader) numread() int {
+	return z.c
+func (z *bytesDecReader) unreadn1() {
+	if z.c == 0 || len(z.b) == 0 {
+		panic(errBytesDecReaderCannotUnread)
+	}
+	z.c--
+	z.a++
+	return
+func (z *bytesDecReader) readx(n int) (bs []byte) {
+	// slicing from a non-constant start position is more expensive,
+	// as more computation is required to decipher the pointer start position.
+	// However, we do it only once, and it's better than reslicing both z.b and return value.
+	if n <= 0 {
+	} else if z.a == 0 {
+		panic(io.EOF)
+	} else if n > z.a {
+		panic(io.ErrUnexpectedEOF)
+	} else {
+		c0 := z.c
+		z.c = c0 + n
+		z.a = z.a - n
+		bs = z.b[c0:z.c]
+	}
+	return
+func (z *bytesDecReader) readb(bs []byte) {
+	copy(bs, z.readx(len(bs)))
+func (z *bytesDecReader) readn1() (v uint8) {
+	if z.a == 0 {
+		panic(io.EOF)
+	}
+	v = z.b[z.c]
+	z.c++
+	z.a--
+	return
+// func (z *bytesDecReader) readn1eof() (v uint8, eof bool) {
+// 	if z.a == 0 {
+// 		eof = true
+// 		return
+// 	}
+// 	v = z.b[z.c]
+// 	z.c++
+// 	z.a--
+// 	return
+// }
+func (z *bytesDecReader) skip(accept *bitset256) (token byte) {
+	if z.a == 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	blen := len(z.b)
+	for i := z.c; i < blen; i++ {
+		if !accept.isset(z.b[i]) {
+			token = z.b[i]
+			i++
+			z.a -= (i - z.c)
+			z.c = i
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	z.a, z.c = 0, blen
+	return
+func (z *bytesDecReader) readTo(_ []byte, accept *bitset256) (out []byte) {
+	if z.a == 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	blen := len(z.b)
+	for i := z.c; i < blen; i++ {
+		if !accept.isset(z.b[i]) {
+			out = z.b[z.c:i]
+			z.a -= (i - z.c)
+			z.c = i
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	out = z.b[z.c:]
+	z.a, z.c = 0, blen
+	return
+func (z *bytesDecReader) readUntil(_ []byte, stop byte) (out []byte) {
+	if z.a == 0 {
+		panic(io.EOF)
+	}
+	blen := len(z.b)
+	for i := z.c; i < blen; i++ {
+		if z.b[i] == stop {
+			i++
+			out = z.b[z.c:i]
+			z.a -= (i - z.c)
+			z.c = i
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	z.a, z.c = 0, blen
+	panic(io.EOF)
+func (z *bytesDecReader) track() {
+	z.t = z.c
+func (z *bytesDecReader) stopTrack() (bs []byte) {
+	return z.b[z.t:z.c]
+// ----------------------------------------
+// func (d *Decoder) builtin(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+// 	d.d.DecodeBuiltin(f.ti.rtid, rv2i(rv))
+// }
+func (d *Decoder) rawExt(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	d.d.DecodeExt(rv2i(rv), 0, nil)
+func (d *Decoder) ext(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	d.d.DecodeExt(rv2i(rv), f.xfTag, f.xfFn)
+func (d *Decoder) selferUnmarshal(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	rv2i(rv).(Selfer).CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+func (d *Decoder) binaryUnmarshal(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	bm := rv2i(rv).(encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler)
+	xbs := d.d.DecodeBytes(nil, true)
+	if fnerr := bm.UnmarshalBinary(xbs); fnerr != nil {
+		panic(fnerr)
+	}
+func (d *Decoder) textUnmarshal(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	tm := rv2i(rv).(encoding.TextUnmarshaler)
+	fnerr := tm.UnmarshalText(d.d.DecodeStringAsBytes())
+	if fnerr != nil {
+		panic(fnerr)
+	}
+func (d *Decoder) jsonUnmarshal(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	tm := rv2i(rv).(jsonUnmarshaler)
+	// bs := d.d.DecodeBytes(d.b[:], true, true)
+	// grab the bytes to be read, as UnmarshalJSON needs the full JSON so as to unmarshal it itself.
+	fnerr := tm.UnmarshalJSON(d.nextValueBytes())
+	if fnerr != nil {
+		panic(fnerr)
+	}
+func (d *Decoder) kErr(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	d.errorf("no decoding function defined for kind %v", rv.Kind())
+// var kIntfCtr uint64
+func (d *Decoder) kInterfaceNaked(f *codecFnInfo) (rvn reflect.Value) {
+	// nil interface:
+	// use some hieristics to decode it appropriately
+	// based on the detected next value in the stream.
+	n := d.naked()
+	d.d.DecodeNaked()
+	if n.v == valueTypeNil {
+		return
+	}
+	// We cannot decode non-nil stream value into nil interface with methods (e.g. io.Reader).
+	if f.ti.numMeth > 0 {
+		d.errorf("cannot decode non-nil codec value into nil %v (%v methods)", f.ti.rt, f.ti.numMeth)
+		return
+	}
+	// var useRvn bool
+	switch n.v {
+	case valueTypeMap:
+		// if json, default to a map type with string keys
+		mtid := d.mtid
+		if mtid == 0 {
+			if d.jsms {
+				mtid = mapStrIntfTypId
+			} else {
+				mtid = mapIntfIntfTypId
+			}
+		}
+		if mtid == mapIntfIntfTypId {
+			n.initContainers()
+			if n.lm < arrayCacheLen {
+[n.lm] = nil
+				rvn = n.rma[n.lm]
+				n.lm++
+				d.decode(&[n.lm-1])
+				n.lm--
+			} else {
+				var v2 map[interface{}]interface{}
+				d.decode(&v2)
+				rvn = reflect.ValueOf(&v2).Elem()
+			}
+		} else if mtid == mapStrIntfTypId { // for json performance
+			n.initContainers()
+			if n.ln < arrayCacheLen {
+[n.ln] = nil
+				rvn = n.rna[n.ln]
+				n.ln++
+				d.decode(&[n.ln-1])
+				n.ln--
+			} else {
+				var v2 map[string]interface{}
+				d.decode(&v2)
+				rvn = reflect.ValueOf(&v2).Elem()
+			}
+		} else {
+			if {
+				rvn = reflect.New(d.h.MapType)
+				d.decode(rv2i(rvn))
+				rvn = rvn.Elem()
+			} else {
+				rvn = reflect.New(d.h.MapType).Elem()
+				d.decodeValue(rvn, nil, true)
+			}
+		}
+	case valueTypeArray:
+		if d.stid == 0 || d.stid == intfSliceTypId {
+			n.initContainers()
+			if < arrayCacheLen {
+[] = nil
+				rvn = n.rsa[]
+				d.decode(&[])
+			} else {
+				var v2 []interface{}
+				d.decode(&v2)
+				rvn = reflect.ValueOf(&v2).Elem()
+			}
+			if reflectArrayOfSupported && d.stid == 0 && d.h.PreferArrayOverSlice {
+				rvn2 := reflect.New(reflectArrayOf(rvn.Len(), intfTyp)).Elem()
+				reflect.Copy(rvn2, rvn)
+				rvn = rvn2
+			}
+		} else {
+			if d.str {
+				rvn = reflect.New(d.h.SliceType)
+				d.decode(rv2i(rvn))
+				rvn = rvn.Elem()
+			} else {
+				rvn = reflect.New(d.h.SliceType).Elem()
+				d.decodeValue(rvn, nil, true)
+			}
+		}
+	case valueTypeExt:
+		var v interface{}
+		tag, bytes := n.u, n.l // calling decode below might taint the values
+		if bytes == nil {
+			n.initContainers()
+			if < arrayCacheLen {
+				n.ia[] = nil
+				d.decode(&n.ia[])
+				// v = *(&n.ia[l])
+				v = n.ia[]
+				n.ia[] = nil
+			} else {
+				d.decode(&v)
+			}
+		}
+		bfn := d.h.getExtForTag(tag)
+		if bfn == nil {
+			var re RawExt
+			re.Tag = tag
+			re.Data = detachZeroCopyBytes(d.bytes, nil, bytes)
+			re.Value = v
+			rvn = reflect.ValueOf(&re).Elem()
+		} else {
+			rvnA := reflect.New(bfn.rt)
+			if bytes != nil {
+				bfn.ext.ReadExt(rv2i(rvnA), bytes)
+			} else {
+				bfn.ext.UpdateExt(rv2i(rvnA), v)
+			}
+			rvn = rvnA.Elem()
+		}
+	case valueTypeNil:
+		// no-op
+	case valueTypeInt:
+		rvn = n.ri
+	case valueTypeUint:
+		rvn =
+	case valueTypeFloat:
+		rvn = n.rf
+	case valueTypeBool:
+		rvn = n.rb
+	case valueTypeString, valueTypeSymbol:
+		rvn =
+	case valueTypeBytes:
+		rvn = n.rl
+	case valueTypeTime:
+		rvn = n.rt
+	default:
+		panicv.errorf("kInterfaceNaked: unexpected valueType: %d", n.v)
+	}
+	return
+func (d *Decoder) kInterface(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	// Note:
+	// A consequence of how kInterface works, is that
+	// if an interface already contains something, we try
+	// to decode into what was there before.
+	// We do not replace with a generic value (as got from decodeNaked).
+	// every interface passed here MUST be settable.
+	var rvn reflect.Value
+	if rv.IsNil() || d.h.InterfaceReset {
+		// check if mapping to a type: if so, initialize it and move on
+		rvn = d.h.intf2impl(f.ti.rtid)
+		if rvn.IsValid() {
+			rv.Set(rvn)
+		} else {
+			rvn = d.kInterfaceNaked(f)
+			if rvn.IsValid() {
+				rv.Set(rvn)
+			} else if d.h.InterfaceReset {
+				// reset to zero value based on current type in there.
+				rv.Set(reflect.Zero(rv.Elem().Type()))
+			}
+			return
+		}
+	} else {
+		// now we have a non-nil interface value, meaning it contains a type
+		rvn = rv.Elem()
+	}
+	if d.d.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+		rv.Set(reflect.Zero(rvn.Type()))
+		return
+	}
+	// Note: interface{} is settable, but underlying type may not be.
+	// Consequently, we MAY have to create a decodable value out of the underlying value,
+	// decode into it, and reset the interface itself.
+	// fmt.Printf(">>>> kInterface: rvn type: %v, rv type: %v\n", rvn.Type(), rv.Type())
+	rvn2, canDecode := isDecodeable(rvn)
+	if canDecode {
+		d.decodeValue(rvn2, nil, true)
+		return
+	}
+	rvn2 = reflect.New(rvn.Type()).Elem()
+	rvn2.Set(rvn)
+	d.decodeValue(rvn2, nil, true)
+	rv.Set(rvn2)
+func decStructFieldKey(dd decDriver, keyType valueType, b *[decScratchByteArrayLen]byte) (rvkencname []byte) {
+	// use if-else-if, not switch (which compiles to binary-search)
+	// since keyType is typically valueTypeString, branch prediction is pretty good.
+	if keyType == valueTypeString {
+		rvkencname = dd.DecodeStringAsBytes()
+	} else if keyType == valueTypeInt {
+		rvkencname = strconv.AppendInt(b[:0], dd.DecodeInt64(), 10)
+	} else if keyType == valueTypeUint {
+		rvkencname = strconv.AppendUint(b[:0], dd.DecodeUint64(), 10)
+	} else if keyType == valueTypeFloat {
+		rvkencname = strconv.AppendFloat(b[:0], dd.DecodeFloat64(), 'f', -1, 64)
+	} else {
+		rvkencname = dd.DecodeStringAsBytes()
+	}
+	return rvkencname
+func (d *Decoder) kStruct(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fti := f.ti
+	dd := d.d
+	elemsep := d.esep
+	sfn := structFieldNode{v: rv, update: true}
+	ctyp := dd.ContainerType()
+	if ctyp == valueTypeMap {
+		containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+		if containerLen == 0 {
+			dd.ReadMapEnd()
+			return
+		}
+		tisfi := fti.sfiSort
+		hasLen := containerLen >= 0
+		var rvkencname []byte
+		for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+			if elemsep {
+				dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+			}
+			rvkencname = decStructFieldKey(dd, fti.keyType, &d.b)
+			if elemsep {
+				dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+			}
+			if k := fti.indexForEncName(rvkencname); k > -1 {
+				si := tisfi[k]
+				if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+					si.setToZeroValue(rv)
+				} else {
+					d.decodeValue(sfn.field(si), nil, true)
+				}
+			} else {
+				d.structFieldNotFound(-1, stringView(rvkencname))
+			}
+			// keepAlive4StringView(rvkencnameB) // not needed, as reference is outside loop
+		}
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	} else if ctyp == valueTypeArray {
+		containerLen := dd.ReadArrayStart()
+		if containerLen == 0 {
+			dd.ReadArrayEnd()
+			return
+		}
+		// Not much gain from doing it two ways for array.
+		// Arrays are not used as much for structs.
+		hasLen := containerLen >= 0
+		for j, si := range fti.sfiSrc {
+			if (hasLen && j == containerLen) || (!hasLen && dd.CheckBreak()) {
+				break
+			}
+			if elemsep {
+				dd.ReadArrayElem()
+			}
+			if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+				si.setToZeroValue(rv)
+			} else {
+				d.decodeValue(sfn.field(si), nil, true)
+			}
+		}
+		if containerLen > len(fti.sfiSrc) {
+			// read remaining values and throw away
+			for j := len(fti.sfiSrc); j < containerLen; j++ {
+				if elemsep {
+					dd.ReadArrayElem()
+				}
+				d.structFieldNotFound(j, "")
+			}
+		}
+		dd.ReadArrayEnd()
+	} else {
+		d.errorstr(errstrOnlyMapOrArrayCanDecodeIntoStruct)
+		return
+	}
+func (d *Decoder) kSlice(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	// A slice can be set from a map or array in stream.
+	// This way, the order can be kept (as order is lost with map).
+	ti := f.ti
+	if f.seq == seqTypeChan && ti.chandir&uint8(reflect.SendDir) == 0 {
+		d.errorf("receive-only channel cannot be decoded")
+	}
+	dd := d.d
+	rtelem0 := ti.elem
+	ctyp := dd.ContainerType()
+	if ctyp == valueTypeBytes || ctyp == valueTypeString {
+		// you can only decode bytes or string in the stream into a slice or array of bytes
+		if !(ti.rtid == uint8SliceTypId || rtelem0.Kind() == reflect.Uint8) {
+			d.errorf("bytes/string in stream must decode into slice/array of bytes, not %v", ti.rt)
+		}
+		if f.seq == seqTypeChan {
+			bs2 := dd.DecodeBytes(nil, true)
+			irv := rv2i(rv)
+			ch, ok := irv.(chan<- byte)
+			if !ok {
+				ch = irv.(chan byte)
+			}
+			for _, b := range bs2 {
+				ch <- b
+			}
+		} else {
+			rvbs := rv.Bytes()
+			bs2 := dd.DecodeBytes(rvbs, false)
+			// if rvbs == nil && bs2 != nil || rvbs != nil && bs2 == nil || len(bs2) != len(rvbs) {
+			if !(len(bs2) > 0 && len(bs2) == len(rvbs) && &bs2[0] == &rvbs[0]) {
+				if rv.CanSet() {
+					rv.SetBytes(bs2)
+				} else if len(rvbs) > 0 && len(bs2) > 0 {
+					copy(rvbs, bs2)
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	// array := f.seq == seqTypeChan
+	slh, containerLenS := d.decSliceHelperStart() // only expects valueType(Array|Map)
+	// an array can never return a nil slice. so no need to check f.array here.
+	if containerLenS == 0 {
+		if rv.CanSet() {
+			if f.seq == seqTypeSlice {
+				if rv.IsNil() {
+					rv.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(ti.rt, 0, 0))
+				} else {
+					rv.SetLen(0)
+				}
+			} else if f.seq == seqTypeChan {
+				if rv.IsNil() {
+					rv.Set(reflect.MakeChan(ti.rt, 0))
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		slh.End()
+		return
+	}
+	rtelem0Size := int(rtelem0.Size())
+	rtElem0Kind := rtelem0.Kind()
+	rtelem0Mut := !isImmutableKind(rtElem0Kind)
+	rtelem := rtelem0
+	rtelemkind := rtelem.Kind()
+	for rtelemkind == reflect.Ptr {
+		rtelem = rtelem.Elem()
+		rtelemkind = rtelem.Kind()
+	}
+	var fn *codecFn
+	var rvCanset = rv.CanSet()
+	var rvChanged bool
+	var rv0 = rv
+	var rv9 reflect.Value
+	rvlen := rv.Len()
+	rvcap := rv.Cap()
+	hasLen := containerLenS > 0
+	if hasLen && f.seq == seqTypeSlice {
+		if containerLenS > rvcap {
+			oldRvlenGtZero := rvlen > 0
+			rvlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, int(rtelem0.Size()))
+			if rvlen <= rvcap {
+				if rvCanset {
+					rv.SetLen(rvlen)
+				}
+			} else if rvCanset {
+				rv = reflect.MakeSlice(ti.rt, rvlen, rvlen)
+				rvcap = rvlen
+				rvChanged = true
+			} else {
+				d.errorf("cannot decode into non-settable slice")
+			}
+			if rvChanged && oldRvlenGtZero && !isImmutableKind(rtelem0.Kind()) {
+				reflect.Copy(rv, rv0) // only copy up to length NOT cap i.e. rv0.Slice(0, rvcap)
+			}
+		} else if containerLenS != rvlen {
+			rvlen = containerLenS
+			if rvCanset {
+				rv.SetLen(rvlen)
+			}
+			// else {
+			// rv = rv.Slice(0, rvlen)
+			// rvChanged = true
+			// d.errorf("cannot decode into non-settable slice")
+			// }
+		}
+	}
+	// consider creating new element once, and just decoding into it.
+	var rtelem0Zero reflect.Value
+	var rtelem0ZeroValid bool
+	var decodeAsNil bool
+	var j int
+	d.cfer()
+	for ; (hasLen && j < containerLenS) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if j == 0 && (f.seq == seqTypeSlice || f.seq == seqTypeChan) && rv.IsNil() {
+			if hasLen {
+				rvlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, rtelem0Size)
+			} else if f.seq == seqTypeSlice {
+				rvlen = decDefSliceCap
+			} else {
+				rvlen = decDefChanCap
+			}
+			if rvCanset {
+				if f.seq == seqTypeSlice {
+					rv = reflect.MakeSlice(ti.rt, rvlen, rvlen)
+					rvChanged = true
+				} else { // chan
+					// xdebugf(">>>>>> haslen = %v, make chan of type '%v' with length: %v", hasLen, ti.rt, rvlen)
+					rv = reflect.MakeChan(ti.rt, rvlen)
+					rvChanged = true
+				}
+			} else {
+				d.errorf("cannot decode into non-settable slice")
+			}
+		}
+		slh.ElemContainerState(j)
+		decodeAsNil = dd.TryDecodeAsNil()
+		if f.seq == seqTypeChan {
+			if decodeAsNil {
+				rv.Send(reflect.Zero(rtelem0))
+				continue
+			}
+			if rtelem0Mut || !rv9.IsValid() { // || (rtElem0Kind == reflect.Ptr && rv9.IsNil()) {
+				rv9 = reflect.New(rtelem0).Elem()
+			}
+			if fn == nil {
+				fn =, true, true)
+			}
+			d.decodeValue(rv9, fn, true)
+			// xdebugf(">>>> rv9 sent on %v during decode: %v, with len=%v, cap=%v", rv.Type(), rv9, rv.Len(), rv.Cap())
+			rv.Send(rv9)
+		} else {
+			// if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary
+			var decodeIntoBlank bool
+			if j >= rvlen {
+				if f.seq == seqTypeArray {
+					d.arrayCannotExpand(rvlen, j+1)
+					decodeIntoBlank = true
+				} else { // if f.seq == seqTypeSlice
+					// rv = reflect.Append(rv, reflect.Zero(rtelem0)) // append logic + varargs
+					var rvcap2 int
+					var rvErrmsg2 string
+					rv9, rvcap2, rvChanged, rvErrmsg2 =
+						expandSliceRV(rv, ti.rt, rvCanset, rtelem0Size, 1, rvlen, rvcap)
+					if rvErrmsg2 != "" {
+						d.errorf(rvErrmsg2)
+					}
+					rvlen++
+					if rvChanged {
+						rv = rv9
+						rvcap = rvcap2
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if decodeIntoBlank {
+				if !decodeAsNil {
+					d.swallow()
+				}
+			} else {
+				rv9 = rv.Index(j)
+				if d.h.SliceElementReset || decodeAsNil {
+					if !rtelem0ZeroValid {
+						rtelem0ZeroValid = true
+						rtelem0Zero = reflect.Zero(rtelem0)
+					}
+					rv9.Set(rtelem0Zero)
+				}
+				if decodeAsNil {
+					continue
+				}
+				if fn == nil {
+					fn =, true, true)
+				}
+				d.decodeValue(rv9, fn, true)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if f.seq == seqTypeSlice {
+		if j < rvlen {
+			if rv.CanSet() {
+				rv.SetLen(j)
+			} else if rvCanset {
+				rv = rv.Slice(0, j)
+				rvChanged = true
+			} // else { d.errorf("kSlice: cannot change non-settable slice") }
+			rvlen = j
+		} else if j == 0 && rv.IsNil() {
+			if rvCanset {
+				rv = reflect.MakeSlice(ti.rt, 0, 0)
+				rvChanged = true
+			} // else { d.errorf("kSlice: cannot change non-settable slice") }
+		}
+	}
+	slh.End()
+	if rvChanged { // infers rvCanset=true, so it can be reset
+		rv0.Set(rv)
+	}
+// func (d *Decoder) kArray(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+// 	// d.decodeValueFn(rv.Slice(0, rv.Len()))
+// 	f.kSlice(rv.Slice(0, rv.Len()))
+// }
+func (d *Decoder) kMap(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	dd := d.d
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	elemsep := d.esep
+	ti := f.ti
+	if rv.IsNil() {
+		rv.Set(makeMapReflect(ti.rt, containerLen))
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	ktype, vtype := ti.key, ti.elem
+	ktypeId := rt2id(ktype)
+	vtypeKind := vtype.Kind()
+	var keyFn, valFn *codecFn
+	var ktypeLo, vtypeLo reflect.Type
+	for ktypeLo = ktype; ktypeLo.Kind() == reflect.Ptr; ktypeLo = ktypeLo.Elem() {
+	}
+	for vtypeLo = vtype; vtypeLo.Kind() == reflect.Ptr; vtypeLo = vtypeLo.Elem() {
+	}
+	var mapGet, mapSet bool
+	rvvImmut := isImmutableKind(vtypeKind)
+	if !d.h.MapValueReset {
+		// if pointer, mapGet = true
+		// if interface, mapGet = true if !DecodeNakedAlways (else false)
+		// if builtin, mapGet = false
+		// else mapGet = true
+		if vtypeKind == reflect.Ptr {
+			mapGet = true
+		} else if vtypeKind == reflect.Interface {
+			if !d.h.InterfaceReset {
+				mapGet = true
+			}
+		} else if !rvvImmut {
+			mapGet = true
+		}
+	}
+	var rvk, rvkp, rvv, rvz reflect.Value
+	rvkMut := !isImmutableKind(ktype.Kind()) // if ktype is immutable, then re-use the same rvk.
+	ktypeIsString := ktypeId == stringTypId
+	ktypeIsIntf := ktypeId == intfTypId
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	var kstrbs []byte
+	d.cfer()
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if rvkMut || !rvkp.IsValid() {
+			rvkp = reflect.New(ktype)
+			rvk = rvkp.Elem()
+		}
+		if elemsep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		if false && dd.TryDecodeAsNil() { // nil cannot be a map key, so disregard this block
+			// Previously, if a nil key, we just ignored the mapped value and continued.
+			// However, that makes the result of encoding and then decoding map[intf]intf{nil:nil}
+			// to be an empty map.
+			// Instead, we treat a nil key as the zero value of the type.
+			rvk.Set(reflect.Zero(ktype))
+		} else if ktypeIsString {
+			kstrbs = dd.DecodeStringAsBytes()
+			rvk.SetString(stringView(kstrbs))
+			// NOTE: if doing an insert, you MUST use a real string (not stringview)
+		} else {
+			if keyFn == nil {
+				keyFn =, true, true)
+			}
+			d.decodeValue(rvk, keyFn, true)
+		}
+		// special case if a byte array.
+		if ktypeIsIntf {
+			if rvk2 := rvk.Elem(); rvk2.IsValid() {
+				if rvk2.Type() == uint8SliceTyp {
+					rvk = reflect.ValueOf(d.string(rvk2.Bytes()))
+				} else {
+					rvk = rvk2
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if elemsep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		// Brittle, but OK per TryDecodeAsNil() contract.
+		// i.e. TryDecodeAsNil never shares slices with other decDriver procedures
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if ktypeIsString {
+				rvk.SetString(d.string(kstrbs))
+			}
+			if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				rv.SetMapIndex(rvk, reflect.Value{})
+			} else {
+				rv.SetMapIndex(rvk, reflect.Zero(vtype))
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mapSet = true // set to false if u do a get, and its a non-nil pointer
+		if mapGet {
+			// mapGet true only in case where kind=Ptr|Interface or kind is otherwise mutable.
+			rvv = rv.MapIndex(rvk)
+			if !rvv.IsValid() {
+				rvv = reflect.New(vtype).Elem()
+			} else if vtypeKind == reflect.Ptr {
+				if rvv.IsNil() {
+					rvv = reflect.New(vtype).Elem()
+				} else {
+					mapSet = false
+				}
+			} else if vtypeKind == reflect.Interface {
+				// not addressable, and thus not settable.
+				// e MUST create a settable/addressable variant
+				rvv2 := reflect.New(rvv.Type()).Elem()
+				if !rvv.IsNil() {
+					rvv2.Set(rvv)
+				}
+				rvv = rvv2
+			}
+			// else it is ~mutable, and we can just decode into it directly
+		} else if rvvImmut {
+			if !rvz.IsValid() {
+				rvz = reflect.New(vtype).Elem()
+			}
+			rvv = rvz
+		} else {
+			rvv = reflect.New(vtype).Elem()
+		}
+		// We MUST be done with the stringview of the key, before decoding the value
+		// so that we don't bastardize the reused byte array.
+		if mapSet && ktypeIsString {
+			rvk.SetString(d.string(kstrbs))
+		}
+		if valFn == nil {
+			valFn =, true, true)
+		}
+		d.decodeValue(rvv, valFn, true)
+		// d.decodeValueFn(rvv, valFn)
+		if mapSet {
+			rv.SetMapIndex(rvk, rvv)
+		}
+		// if ktypeIsString {
+		// 	// keepAlive4StringView(kstrbs) // not needed, as reference is outside loop
+		// }
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+// decNaked is used to keep track of the primitives decoded.
+// Without it, we would have to decode each primitive and wrap it
+// in an interface{}, causing an allocation.
+// In this model, the primitives are decoded in a "pseudo-atomic" fashion,
+// so we can rest assured that no other decoding happens while these
+// primitives are being decoded.
+// maps and arrays are not handled by this mechanism.
+// However, RawExt is, and we accommodate for extensions that decode
+// RawExt from DecodeNaked, but need to decode the value subsequently.
+// kInterfaceNaked and swallow, which call DecodeNaked, handle this caveat.
+// However, decNaked also keeps some arrays of default maps and slices
+// used in DecodeNaked. This way, we can get a pointer to it
+// without causing a new heap allocation.
+// kInterfaceNaked will ensure that there is no allocation for the common
+// uses.
+type decNakedContainers struct {
+	// array/stacks for reducing allocation
+	// keep arrays at the bottom? Chance is that they are not used much.
+	ia [arrayCacheLen]interface{}
+	ma [arrayCacheLen]map[interface{}]interface{}
+	na [arrayCacheLen]map[string]interface{}
+	sa [arrayCacheLen][]interface{}
+	// ria [arrayCacheLen]reflect.Value // not needed, as we decode directly into &ia[n]
+	rma, rna, rsa [arrayCacheLen]reflect.Value // reflect.Value mapping to above
+func (n *decNakedContainers) init() {
+	for i := 0; i < arrayCacheLen; i++ {
+		// n.ria[i] = reflect.ValueOf(&(n.ia[i])).Elem()
+		n.rma[i] = reflect.ValueOf(&([i])).Elem()
+		n.rna[i] = reflect.ValueOf(&([i])).Elem()
+		n.rsa[i] = reflect.ValueOf(&([i])).Elem()
+	}
+type decNaked struct {
+	// r RawExt // used for RawExt, uint, []byte.
+	// primitives below
+	u uint64
+	i int64
+	f float64
+	l []byte
+	s string
+	// ---- cpu cache line boundary?
+	t time.Time
+	b bool
+	// state
+	v              valueType
+	li, lm, ln, ls int8
+	inited         bool
+	*decNakedContainers
+	ru, ri, rf, rl, rs, rb, rt reflect.Value // mapping to the primitives above
+	// _ [6]uint64 // padding // no padding - rt goes into next cache line
+func (n *decNaked) init() {
+	if n.inited {
+		return
+	}
+ = reflect.ValueOf(&n.u).Elem()
+	n.ri = reflect.ValueOf(&n.i).Elem()
+	n.rf = reflect.ValueOf(&n.f).Elem()
+	n.rl = reflect.ValueOf(&n.l).Elem()
+ = reflect.ValueOf(&n.s).Elem()
+	n.rt = reflect.ValueOf(&n.t).Elem()
+	n.rb = reflect.ValueOf(&n.b).Elem()
+	n.inited = true
+	// n.rr[] = reflect.ValueOf(&n.)
+func (n *decNaked) initContainers() {
+	if n.decNakedContainers == nil {
+		n.decNakedContainers = new(decNakedContainers)
+		n.decNakedContainers.init()
+	}
+func (n *decNaked) reset() {
+	if n == nil {
+		return
+	}
+, n.lm, n.ln, = 0, 0, 0, 0
+type rtid2rv struct {
+	rtid uintptr
+	rv   reflect.Value
+// --------------
+type decReaderSwitch struct {
+	rb bytesDecReader
+	// ---- cpu cache line boundary?
+	ri       *ioDecReader
+	mtr, str bool // whether maptype or slicetype are known types
+	be    bool // is binary encoding
+	bytes bool // is bytes reader
+	js    bool // is json handle
+	jsms  bool // is json handle, and MapKeyAsString
+	esep  bool // has elem separators
+// TODO: Uncomment after mid-stack inlining enabled in go 1.11
+// func (z *decReaderSwitch) unreadn1() {
+// 	if z.bytes {
+// 		z.rb.unreadn1()
+// 	} else {
+// 		z.ri.unreadn1()
+// 	}
+// }
+// func (z *decReaderSwitch) readx(n int) []byte {
+// 	if z.bytes {
+// 		return z.rb.readx(n)
+// 	}
+// 	return z.ri.readx(n)
+// }
+// func (z *decReaderSwitch) readb(s []byte) {
+// 	if z.bytes {
+// 		z.rb.readb(s)
+// 	} else {
+// 		z.ri.readb(s)
+// 	}
+// }
+// func (z *decReaderSwitch) readn1() uint8 {
+// 	if z.bytes {
+// 		return z.rb.readn1()
+// 	}
+// 	return z.ri.readn1()
+// }
+// func (z *decReaderSwitch) numread() int {
+// 	if z.bytes {
+// 		return z.rb.numread()
+// 	}
+// 	return z.ri.numread()
+// }
+// func (z *decReaderSwitch) track() {
+// 	if z.bytes {
+// 		z.rb.track()
+// 	} else {
+// 		z.ri.track()
+// 	}
+// }
+// func (z *decReaderSwitch) stopTrack() []byte {
+// 	if z.bytes {
+// 		return z.rb.stopTrack()
+// 	}
+// 	return z.ri.stopTrack()
+// }
+// func (z *decReaderSwitch) skip(accept *bitset256) (token byte) {
+// 	if z.bytes {
+// 		return z.rb.skip(accept)
+// 	}
+// 	return z.ri.skip(accept)
+// }
+// func (z *decReaderSwitch) readTo(in []byte, accept *bitset256) (out []byte) {
+// 	if z.bytes {
+// 		return z.rb.readTo(in, accept)
+// 	}
+// 	return z.ri.readTo(in, accept)
+// }
+// func (z *decReaderSwitch) readUntil(in []byte, stop byte) (out []byte) {
+// 	if z.bytes {
+// 		return z.rb.readUntil(in, stop)
+// 	}
+// 	return z.ri.readUntil(in, stop)
+// }
+// A Decoder reads and decodes an object from an input stream in the codec format.
+type Decoder struct {
+	panicHdl
+	// hopefully, reduce derefencing cost by laying the decReader inside the Decoder.
+	// Try to put things that go together to fit within a cache line (8 words).
+	d decDriver
+	// NOTE: Decoder shouldn't call it's read methods,
+	// as the handler MAY need to do some coordination.
+	r  decReader
+	h  *BasicHandle
+	bi *bufioDecReader
+	// cache the mapTypeId and sliceTypeId for faster comparisons
+	mtid uintptr
+	stid uintptr
+	// ---- cpu cache line boundary?
+	decReaderSwitch
+	// ---- cpu cache line boundary?
+	codecFnPooler
+	// cr containerStateRecv
+	n   *decNaked
+	nsp *sync.Pool
+	err error
+	// ---- cpu cache line boundary?
+	b  [decScratchByteArrayLen]byte // scratch buffer, used by Decoder and xxxEncDrivers
+	is map[string]string            // used for interning strings
+	// padding - false sharing help // modify 232 if Decoder struct changes.
+	// _ [cacheLineSize - 232%cacheLineSize]byte
+// NewDecoder returns a Decoder for decoding a stream of bytes from an io.Reader.
+// For efficiency, Users are encouraged to pass in a memory buffered reader
+// (eg bufio.Reader, bytes.Buffer).
+func NewDecoder(r io.Reader, h Handle) *Decoder {
+	d := newDecoder(h)
+	d.Reset(r)
+	return d
+// NewDecoderBytes returns a Decoder which efficiently decodes directly
+// from a byte slice with zero copying.
+func NewDecoderBytes(in []byte, h Handle) *Decoder {
+	d := newDecoder(h)
+	d.ResetBytes(in)
+	return d
+var defaultDecNaked decNaked
+func newDecoder(h Handle) *Decoder {
+	d := &Decoder{h: h.getBasicHandle(), err: errDecoderNotInitialized}
+	d.hh = h
+ = h.isBinary()
+	// NOTE: do not initialize d.n here. It is lazily initialized in d.naked()
+	var jh *JsonHandle
+	jh, d.js = h.(*JsonHandle)
+	if d.js {
+		d.jsms = jh.MapKeyAsString
+	}
+	d.esep = d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	if d.h.InternString {
+ = make(map[string]string, 32)
+	}
+	d.d = h.newDecDriver(d)
+	//, _ = d.d.(containerStateRecv)
+	return d
+func (d *Decoder) resetCommon() {
+	d.n.reset()
+	d.d.reset()
+	d.err = nil
+	// reset all things which were cached from the Handle, but could change
+	d.mtid, d.stid = 0, 0
+, d.str = false, false
+	if d.h.MapType != nil {
+		d.mtid = rt2id(d.h.MapType)
+ = fastpathAV.index(d.mtid) != -1
+	}
+	if d.h.SliceType != nil {
+		d.stid = rt2id(d.h.SliceType)
+		d.str = fastpathAV.index(d.stid) != -1
+	}
+// Reset the Decoder with a new Reader to decode from,
+// clearing all state from last run(s).
+func (d *Decoder) Reset(r io.Reader) {
+	if r == nil {
+		return
+	}
+	if == nil {
+ = new(bufioDecReader)
+	}
+	d.bytes = false
+	if d.h.ReaderBufferSize > 0 {
+ = make([]byte, 0, d.h.ReaderBufferSize)
+		d.r =
+	} else {
+		// d.ri.x = &d.b
+		// d.s =[:0]
+		if d.ri == nil {
+			d.ri = new(ioDecReader)
+		}
+		d.ri.reset(r)
+		d.r = d.ri
+	}
+	d.resetCommon()
+// ResetBytes resets the Decoder with a new []byte to decode from,
+// clearing all state from last run(s).
+func (d *Decoder) ResetBytes(in []byte) {
+	if in == nil {
+		return
+	}
+	d.bytes = true
+	d.rb.reset(in)
+	d.r = &d.rb
+	d.resetCommon()
+// naked must be called before each call to .DecodeNaked,
+// as they will use it.
+func (d *Decoder) naked() *decNaked {
+	if d.n == nil {
+		// consider one of:
+		//   - get from sync.Pool  (if GC is frequent, there's no value here)
+		//   - new alloc           (safest. only init'ed if it a naked decode will be done)
+		//   - field in Decoder    (makes the Decoder struct very big)
+		// To support using a decoder where a DecodeNaked is not needed,
+		// we prefer #1 or #2.
+		// d.n = new(decNaked) // &d.nv // new(decNaked) // grab from a sync.Pool
+		// d.n.init()
+		var v interface{}
+		d.nsp, v = pool.decNaked()
+		d.n = v.(*decNaked)
+	}
+	return d.n
+// Decode decodes the stream from reader and stores the result in the
+// value pointed to by v. v cannot be a nil pointer. v can also be
+// a reflect.Value of a pointer.
+// Note that a pointer to a nil interface is not a nil pointer.
+// If you do not know what type of stream it is, pass in a pointer to a nil interface.
+// We will decode and store a value in that nil interface.
+// Sample usages:
+//   // Decoding into a non-nil typed value
+//   var f float32
+//   err = codec.NewDecoder(r, handle).Decode(&f)
+//   // Decoding into nil interface
+//   var v interface{}
+//   dec := codec.NewDecoder(r, handle)
+//   err = dec.Decode(&v)
+// When decoding into a nil interface{}, we will decode into an appropriate value based
+// on the contents of the stream:
+//   - Numbers are decoded as float64, int64 or uint64.
+//   - Other values are decoded appropriately depending on the type:
+//     bool, string, []byte, time.Time, etc
+//   - Extensions are decoded as RawExt (if no ext function registered for the tag)
+// Configurations exist on the Handle to override defaults
+// (e.g. for MapType, SliceType and how to decode raw bytes).
+// When decoding into a non-nil interface{} value, the mode of encoding is based on the
+// type of the value. When a value is seen:
+//   - If an extension is registered for it, call that extension function
+//   - If it implements BinaryUnmarshaler, call its UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error
+//   - Else decode it based on its reflect.Kind
+// There are some special rules when decoding into containers (slice/array/map/struct).
+// Decode will typically use the stream contents to UPDATE the container.
+//   - A map can be decoded from a stream map, by updating matching keys.
+//   - A slice can be decoded from a stream array,
+//     by updating the first n elements, where n is length of the stream.
+//   - A slice can be decoded from a stream map, by decoding as if
+//     it contains a sequence of key-value pairs.
+//   - A struct can be decoded from a stream map, by updating matching fields.
+//   - A struct can be decoded from a stream array,
+//     by updating fields as they occur in the struct (by index).
+// When decoding a stream map or array with length of 0 into a nil map or slice,
+// we reset the destination map or slice to a zero-length value.
+// However, when decoding a stream nil, we reset the destination container
+// to its "zero" value (e.g. nil for slice/map, etc).
+// Note: we allow nil values in the stream anywhere except for map keys.
+// A nil value in the encoded stream where a map key is expected is treated as an error.
+func (d *Decoder) Decode(v interface{}) (err error) {
+	defer d.deferred(&err)
+	d.MustDecode(v)
+	return
+// MustDecode is like Decode, but panics if unable to Decode.
+// This provides insight to the code location that triggered the error.
+func (d *Decoder) MustDecode(v interface{}) {
+	// TODO: Top-level: ensure that v is a pointer and not nil.
+	if d.err != nil {
+		panic(d.err)
+	}
+	if d.d.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+		setZero(v)
+	} else {
+		d.decode(v)
+	}
+	d.alwaysAtEnd()
+	// xprintf(">>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> num decFns: %v\n",
+func (d *Decoder) deferred(err1 *error) {
+	d.alwaysAtEnd()
+	if recoverPanicToErr {
+		if x := recover(); x != nil {
+			panicValToErr(d, x, err1)
+			panicValToErr(d, x, &d.err)
+		}
+	}
+func (d *Decoder) alwaysAtEnd() {
+	if d.n != nil {
+		// if n != nil, then nsp != nil (they are always set together)
+		d.nsp.Put(d.n)
+		d.n, d.nsp = nil, nil
+	}
+	d.codecFnPooler.alwaysAtEnd()
+// // this is not a smart swallow, as it allocates objects and does unnecessary work.
+// func (d *Decoder) swallowViaHammer() {
+// 	var blank interface{}
+// 	d.decodeValueNoFn(reflect.ValueOf(&blank).Elem())
+// }
+func (d *Decoder) swallow() {
+	// smarter decode that just swallows the content
+	dd := d.d
+	if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+		return
+	}
+	elemsep := d.esep
+	switch dd.ContainerType() {
+	case valueTypeMap:
+		containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+		hasLen := containerLen >= 0
+		for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+			// if clenGtEqualZero {if j >= containerLen {break} } else if dd.CheckBreak() {break}
+			if elemsep {
+				dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+			}
+			d.swallow()
+			if elemsep {
+				dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+			}
+			d.swallow()
+		}
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	case valueTypeArray:
+		containerLen := dd.ReadArrayStart()
+		hasLen := containerLen >= 0
+		for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+			if elemsep {
+				dd.ReadArrayElem()
+			}
+			d.swallow()
+		}
+		dd.ReadArrayEnd()
+	case valueTypeBytes:
+		dd.DecodeBytes(d.b[:], true)
+	case valueTypeString:
+		dd.DecodeStringAsBytes()
+	default:
+		// these are all primitives, which we can get from decodeNaked
+		// if RawExt using Value, complete the processing.
+		n := d.naked()
+		dd.DecodeNaked()
+		if n.v == valueTypeExt && n.l == nil {
+			n.initContainers()
+			if < arrayCacheLen {
+				n.ia[] = nil
+				d.decode(&n.ia[])
+				n.ia[] = nil
+			} else {
+				var v2 interface{}
+				d.decode(&v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+func setZero(iv interface{}) {
+	if iv == nil || definitelyNil(iv) {
+		return
+	}
+	var canDecode bool
+	switch v := iv.(type) {
+	case *string:
+		*v = ""
+	case *bool:
+		*v = false
+	case *int:
+		*v = 0
+	case *int8:
+		*v = 0
+	case *int16:
+		*v = 0
+	case *int32:
+		*v = 0
+	case *int64:
+		*v = 0
+	case *uint:
+		*v = 0
+	case *uint8:
+		*v = 0
+	case *uint16:
+		*v = 0
+	case *uint32:
+		*v = 0
+	case *uint64:
+		*v = 0
+	case *float32:
+		*v = 0
+	case *float64:
+		*v = 0
+	case *[]uint8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *Raw:
+		*v = nil
+	case *time.Time:
+		*v = time.Time{}
+	case reflect.Value:
+		if v, canDecode = isDecodeable(v); canDecode && v.CanSet() {
+			v.Set(reflect.Zero(v.Type()))
+		} // TODO: else drain if chan, clear if map, set all to nil if slice???
+	default:
+		if !fastpathDecodeSetZeroTypeSwitch(iv) {
+			v := reflect.ValueOf(iv)
+			if v, canDecode = isDecodeable(v); canDecode && v.CanSet() {
+				v.Set(reflect.Zero(v.Type()))
+			} // TODO: else drain if chan, clear if map, set all to nil if slice???
+		}
+	}
+func (d *Decoder) decode(iv interface{}) {
+	// check nil and interfaces explicitly,
+	// so that type switches just have a run of constant non-interface types.
+	if iv == nil {
+		d.errorstr(errstrCannotDecodeIntoNil)
+		return
+	}
+	if v, ok := iv.(Selfer); ok {
+		v.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+		return
+	}
+	switch v := iv.(type) {
+	// case nil:
+	// case Selfer:
+	case reflect.Value:
+		v = d.ensureDecodeable(v)
+		d.decodeValue(v, nil, true)
+	case *string:
+		*v = d.d.DecodeString()
+	case *bool:
+		*v = d.d.DecodeBool()
+	case *int:
+		*v = int(chkOvf.IntV(d.d.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+	case *int8:
+		*v = int8(chkOvf.IntV(d.d.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+	case *int16:
+		*v = int16(chkOvf.IntV(d.d.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+	case *int32:
+		*v = int32(chkOvf.IntV(d.d.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+	case *int64:
+		*v = d.d.DecodeInt64()
+	case *uint:
+		*v = uint(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+	case *uint8:
+		*v = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+	case *uint16:
+		*v = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+	case *uint32:
+		*v = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+	case *uint64:
+		*v = d.d.DecodeUint64()
+	case *float32:
+		f64 := d.d.DecodeFloat64()
+		if chkOvf.Float32(f64) {
+			d.errorf("float32 overflow: %v", f64)
+		}
+		*v = float32(f64)
+	case *float64:
+		*v = d.d.DecodeFloat64()
+	case *[]uint8:
+		*v = d.d.DecodeBytes(*v, false)
+	case []uint8:
+		b := d.d.DecodeBytes(v, false)
+		if !(len(b) > 0 && len(b) == len(v) && &b[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, b)
+		}
+	case *time.Time:
+		*v = d.d.DecodeTime()
+	case *Raw:
+		*v = d.rawBytes()
+	case *interface{}:
+		d.decodeValue(reflect.ValueOf(iv).Elem(), nil, true)
+		// d.decodeValueNotNil(reflect.ValueOf(iv).Elem())
+	default:
+		if !fastpathDecodeTypeSwitch(iv, d) {
+			v := reflect.ValueOf(iv)
+			v = d.ensureDecodeable(v)
+			d.decodeValue(v, nil, false)
+			// d.decodeValueFallback(v)
+		}
+	}
+func (d *Decoder) decodeValue(rv reflect.Value, fn *codecFn, chkAll bool) {
+	// If stream is not containing a nil value, then we can deref to the base
+	// non-pointer value, and decode into that.
+	var rvp reflect.Value
+	var rvpValid bool
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		rvpValid = true
+		for {
+			if rv.IsNil() {
+				rv.Set(reflect.New(rv.Type().Elem()))
+			}
+			rvp = rv
+			rv = rv.Elem()
+			if rv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
+				break
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if fn == nil {
+		// always pass checkCodecSelfer=true, in case T or ****T is passed, where *T is a Selfer
+		fn = d.cfer().get(rv.Type(), chkAll, true) // chkAll, chkAll)
+	}
+	if fn.i.addrD {
+		if rvpValid {
+			fn.fd(d, &fn.i, rvp)
+		} else if rv.CanAddr() {
+			fn.fd(d, &fn.i, rv.Addr())
+		} else if !fn.i.addrF {
+			fn.fd(d, &fn.i, rv)
+		} else {
+			d.errorf("cannot decode into a non-pointer value")
+		}
+	} else {
+		fn.fd(d, &fn.i, rv)
+	}
+	// return rv
+func (d *Decoder) structFieldNotFound(index int, rvkencname string) {
+	// NOTE: rvkencname may be a stringView, so don't pass it to another function.
+	if d.h.ErrorIfNoField {
+		if index >= 0 {
+			d.errorf("no matching struct field found when decoding stream array at index %v", index)
+			return
+		} else if rvkencname != "" {
+			d.errorf("no matching struct field found when decoding stream map with key " + rvkencname)
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	d.swallow()
+func (d *Decoder) arrayCannotExpand(sliceLen, streamLen int) {
+	if d.h.ErrorIfNoArrayExpand {
+		d.errorf("cannot expand array len during decode from %v to %v", sliceLen, streamLen)
+	}
+func isDecodeable(rv reflect.Value) (rv2 reflect.Value, canDecode bool) {
+	switch rv.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Array:
+		return rv, true
+	case reflect.Ptr:
+		if !rv.IsNil() {
+			return rv.Elem(), true
+		}
+	case reflect.Slice, reflect.Chan, reflect.Map:
+		if !rv.IsNil() {
+			return rv, true
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func (d *Decoder) ensureDecodeable(rv reflect.Value) (rv2 reflect.Value) {
+	// decode can take any reflect.Value that is a inherently addressable i.e.
+	//   - array
+	//   - non-nil chan    (we will SEND to it)
+	//   - non-nil slice   (we will set its elements)
+	//   - non-nil map     (we will put into it)
+	//   - non-nil pointer (we can "update" it)
+	rv2, canDecode := isDecodeable(rv)
+	if canDecode {
+		return
+	}
+	if !rv.IsValid() {
+		d.errorstr(errstrCannotDecodeIntoNil)
+		return
+	}
+	if !rv.CanInterface() {
+		d.errorf("cannot decode into a value without an interface: %v", rv)
+		return
+	}
+	rvi := rv2i(rv)
+	rvk := rv.Kind()
+	d.errorf("cannot decode into value of kind: %v, type: %T, %v", rvk, rvi, rvi)
+	return
+// Possibly get an interned version of a string
+// This should mostly be used for map keys, where the key type is string.
+// This is because keys of a map/struct are typically reused across many objects.
+func (d *Decoder) string(v []byte) (s string) {
+	if == nil {
+		return string(v) // don't return stringView, as we need a real string here.
+	}
+	s, ok :=[string(v)] // no allocation here, per go implementation
+	if !ok {
+		s = string(v) // new allocation here
+[s] = s
+	}
+	return s
+// nextValueBytes returns the next value in the stream as a set of bytes.
+func (d *Decoder) nextValueBytes() (bs []byte) {
+	d.d.uncacheRead()
+	d.r.track()
+	d.swallow()
+	bs = d.r.stopTrack()
+	return
+func (d *Decoder) rawBytes() []byte {
+	// ensure that this is not a view into the bytes
+	// i.e. make new copy always.
+	bs := d.nextValueBytes()
+	bs2 := make([]byte, len(bs))
+	copy(bs2, bs)
+	return bs2
+func (d *Decoder) wrapErrstr(v interface{}, err *error) {
+	*err = fmt.Errorf("%s decode error [pos %d]: %v", d.hh.Name(), d.r.numread(), v)
+// --------------------------------------------------
+// decSliceHelper assists when decoding into a slice, from a map or an array in the stream.
+// A slice can be set from a map or array in stream. This supports the MapBySlice interface.
+type decSliceHelper struct {
+	d *Decoder
+	// ct valueType
+	array bool
+func (d *Decoder) decSliceHelperStart() (x decSliceHelper, clen int) {
+	dd := d.d
+	ctyp := dd.ContainerType()
+	switch ctyp {
+	case valueTypeArray:
+		x.array = true
+		clen = dd.ReadArrayStart()
+	case valueTypeMap:
+		clen = dd.ReadMapStart() * 2
+	default:
+		d.errorf("only encoded map or array can be decoded into a slice (%d)", ctyp)
+	}
+	// x.ct = ctyp
+	x.d = d
+	return
+func (x decSliceHelper) End() {
+	if x.array {
+		x.d.d.ReadArrayEnd()
+	} else {
+		x.d.d.ReadMapEnd()
+	}
+func (x decSliceHelper) ElemContainerState(index int) {
+	if x.array {
+		x.d.d.ReadArrayElem()
+	} else if index%2 == 0 {
+		x.d.d.ReadMapElemKey()
+	} else {
+		x.d.d.ReadMapElemValue()
+	}
+func decByteSlice(r decReader, clen, maxInitLen int, bs []byte) (bsOut []byte) {
+	if clen == 0 {
+		return zeroByteSlice
+	}
+	if len(bs) == clen {
+		bsOut = bs
+		r.readb(bsOut)
+	} else if cap(bs) >= clen {
+		bsOut = bs[:clen]
+		r.readb(bsOut)
+	} else {
+		// bsOut = make([]byte, clen)
+		len2 := decInferLen(clen, maxInitLen, 1)
+		bsOut = make([]byte, len2)
+		r.readb(bsOut)
+		for len2 < clen {
+			len3 := decInferLen(clen-len2, maxInitLen, 1)
+			bs3 := bsOut
+			bsOut = make([]byte, len2+len3)
+			copy(bsOut, bs3)
+			r.readb(bsOut[len2:])
+			len2 += len3
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func detachZeroCopyBytes(isBytesReader bool, dest []byte, in []byte) (out []byte) {
+	if xlen := len(in); xlen > 0 {
+		if isBytesReader || xlen <= scratchByteArrayLen {
+			if cap(dest) >= xlen {
+				out = dest[:xlen]
+			} else {
+				out = make([]byte, xlen)
+			}
+			copy(out, in)
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	return in
+// decInferLen will infer a sensible length, given the following:
+//    - clen: length wanted.
+//    - maxlen: max length to be returned.
+//      if <= 0, it is unset, and we infer it based on the unit size
+//    - unit: number of bytes for each element of the collection
+func decInferLen(clen, maxlen, unit int) (rvlen int) {
+	// handle when maxlen is not set i.e. <= 0
+	if clen <= 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	if unit == 0 {
+		return clen
+	}
+	if maxlen <= 0 {
+		// no maxlen defined. Use maximum of 256K memory, with a floor of 4K items.
+		// maxlen = 256 * 1024 / unit
+		// if maxlen < (4 * 1024) {
+		// 	maxlen = 4 * 1024
+		// }
+		if unit < (256 / 4) {
+			maxlen = 256 * 1024 / unit
+		} else {
+			maxlen = 4 * 1024
+		}
+	}
+	if clen > maxlen {
+		rvlen = maxlen
+	} else {
+		rvlen = clen
+	}
+	return
+func expandSliceRV(s reflect.Value, st reflect.Type, canChange bool, stElemSize, num, slen, scap int) (
+	s2 reflect.Value, scap2 int, changed bool, err string) {
+	l1 := slen + num // new slice length
+	if l1 < slen {
+		err = errmsgExpandSliceOverflow
+		return
+	}
+	if l1 <= scap {
+		if s.CanSet() {
+			s.SetLen(l1)
+		} else if canChange {
+			s2 = s.Slice(0, l1)
+			scap2 = scap
+			changed = true
+		} else {
+			err = errmsgExpandSliceCannotChange
+			return
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	if !canChange {
+		err = errmsgExpandSliceCannotChange
+		return
+	}
+	scap2 = growCap(scap, stElemSize, num)
+	s2 = reflect.MakeSlice(st, l1, scap2)
+	changed = true
+	reflect.Copy(s2, s)
+	return
+func decReadFull(r io.Reader, bs []byte) (n int, err error) {
+	var nn int
+	for n < len(bs) && err == nil {
+		nn, err = r.Read(bs[n:])
+		if nn > 0 {
+			if err == io.EOF {
+				// leave EOF for next time
+				err = nil
+			}
+			n += nn
+		}
+	}
+	// do not do this - it serves no purpose
+	// if n != len(bs) && err == io.EOF { err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF }
+	return
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef46529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,1375 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+package codec
+import (
+	"bufio"
+	"encoding"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"reflect"
+	"sort"
+	"strconv"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+const defEncByteBufSize = 1 << 6 // 4:16, 6:64, 8:256, 10:1024
+var errEncoderNotInitialized = errors.New("Encoder not initialized")
+// encWriter abstracts writing to a byte array or to an io.Writer.
+type encWriter interface {
+	writeb([]byte)
+	writestr(string)
+	writen1(byte)
+	writen2(byte, byte)
+	atEndOfEncode()
+// encDriver abstracts the actual codec (binc vs msgpack, etc)
+type encDriver interface {
+	EncodeNil()
+	EncodeInt(i int64)
+	EncodeUint(i uint64)
+	EncodeBool(b bool)
+	EncodeFloat32(f float32)
+	EncodeFloat64(f float64)
+	// encodeExtPreamble(xtag byte, length int)
+	EncodeRawExt(re *RawExt, e *Encoder)
+	EncodeExt(v interface{}, xtag uint64, ext Ext, e *Encoder)
+	EncodeString(c charEncoding, v string)
+	// EncodeSymbol(v string)
+	EncodeStringBytes(c charEncoding, v []byte)
+	EncodeTime(time.Time)
+	//encBignum(f *big.Int)
+	//encStringRunes(c charEncoding, v []rune)
+	WriteArrayStart(length int)
+	WriteArrayElem()
+	WriteArrayEnd()
+	WriteMapStart(length int)
+	WriteMapElemKey()
+	WriteMapElemValue()
+	WriteMapEnd()
+	reset()
+	atEndOfEncode()
+type ioEncStringWriter interface {
+	WriteString(s string) (n int, err error)
+type encDriverAsis interface {
+	EncodeAsis(v []byte)
+type encDriverNoopContainerWriter struct{}
+func (encDriverNoopContainerWriter) WriteArrayStart(length int) {}
+func (encDriverNoopContainerWriter) WriteArrayElem()            {}
+func (encDriverNoopContainerWriter) WriteArrayEnd()             {}
+func (encDriverNoopContainerWriter) WriteMapStart(length int)   {}
+func (encDriverNoopContainerWriter) WriteMapElemKey()           {}
+func (encDriverNoopContainerWriter) WriteMapElemValue()         {}
+func (encDriverNoopContainerWriter) WriteMapEnd()               {}
+func (encDriverNoopContainerWriter) atEndOfEncode()             {}
+type encDriverTrackContainerWriter struct {
+	c containerState
+func (e *encDriverTrackContainerWriter) WriteArrayStart(length int) { e.c = containerArrayStart }
+func (e *encDriverTrackContainerWriter) WriteArrayElem()            { e.c = containerArrayElem }
+func (e *encDriverTrackContainerWriter) WriteArrayEnd()             { e.c = containerArrayEnd }
+func (e *encDriverTrackContainerWriter) WriteMapStart(length int)   { e.c = containerMapStart }
+func (e *encDriverTrackContainerWriter) WriteMapElemKey()           { e.c = containerMapKey }
+func (e *encDriverTrackContainerWriter) WriteMapElemValue()         { e.c = containerMapValue }
+func (e *encDriverTrackContainerWriter) WriteMapEnd()               { e.c = containerMapEnd }
+func (e *encDriverTrackContainerWriter) atEndOfEncode()             {}
+// type ioEncWriterWriter interface {
+// 	WriteByte(c byte) error
+// 	WriteString(s string) (n int, err error)
+// 	Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)
+// }
+// EncodeOptions captures configuration options during encode.
+type EncodeOptions struct {
+	// WriterBufferSize is the size of the buffer used when writing.
+	//
+	// if > 0, we use a smart buffer internally for performance purposes.
+	WriterBufferSize int
+	// ChanRecvTimeout is the timeout used when selecting from a chan.
+	//
+	// Configuring this controls how we receive from a chan during the encoding process.
+	//   - If ==0, we only consume the elements currently available in the chan.
+	//   - if  <0, we consume until the chan is closed.
+	//   - If  >0, we consume until this timeout.
+	ChanRecvTimeout time.Duration
+	// StructToArray specifies to encode a struct as an array, and not as a map
+	StructToArray bool
+	// Canonical representation means that encoding a value will always result in the same
+	// sequence of bytes.
+	//
+	// This only affects maps, as the iteration order for maps is random.
+	//
+	// The implementation MAY use the natural sort order for the map keys if possible:
+	//
+	//     - If there is a natural sort order (ie for number, bool, string or []byte keys),
+	//       then the map keys are first sorted in natural order and then written
+	//       with corresponding map values to the strema.
+	//     - If there is no natural sort order, then the map keys will first be
+	//       encoded into []byte, and then sorted,
+	//       before writing the sorted keys and the corresponding map values to the stream.
+	//
+	Canonical bool
+	// CheckCircularRef controls whether we check for circular references
+	// and error fast during an encode.
+	//
+	// If enabled, an error is received if a pointer to a struct
+	// references itself either directly or through one of its fields (iteratively).
+	//
+	// This is opt-in, as there may be a performance hit to checking circular references.
+	CheckCircularRef bool
+	// RecursiveEmptyCheck controls whether we descend into interfaces, structs and pointers
+	// when checking if a value is empty.
+	//
+	// Note that this may make OmitEmpty more expensive, as it incurs a lot more reflect calls.
+	RecursiveEmptyCheck bool
+	// Raw controls whether we encode Raw values.
+	// This is a "dangerous" option and must be explicitly set.
+	// If set, we blindly encode Raw values as-is, without checking
+	// if they are a correct representation of a value in that format.
+	// If unset, we error out.
+	Raw bool
+	// // AsSymbols defines what should be encoded as symbols.
+	// //
+	// // Encoding as symbols can reduce the encoded size significantly.
+	// //
+	// // However, during decoding, each string to be encoded as a symbol must
+	// // be checked to see if it has been seen before. Consequently, encoding time
+	// // will increase if using symbols, because string comparisons has a clear cost.
+	// //
+	// // Sample values:
+	// //   AsSymbolNone
+	// //   AsSymbolAll
+	// //   AsSymbolMapStringKeys
+	// //   AsSymbolMapStringKeysFlag | AsSymbolStructFieldNameFlag
+	// AsSymbols AsSymbolFlag
+// ---------------------------------------------
+// ioEncWriter implements encWriter and can write to an io.Writer implementation
+type ioEncWriter struct {
+	w  io.Writer
+	ww io.Writer
+	bw io.ByteWriter
+	sw ioEncStringWriter
+	fw ioFlusher
+	b  [8]byte
+func (z *ioEncWriter) WriteByte(b byte) (err error) {
+	z.b[0] = b
+	_, err = z.w.Write(z.b[:1])
+	return
+func (z *ioEncWriter) WriteString(s string) (n int, err error) {
+	return z.w.Write(bytesView(s))
+func (z *ioEncWriter) writeb(bs []byte) {
+	if _, err := z.ww.Write(bs); err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+func (z *ioEncWriter) writestr(s string) {
+	if _, err := z.sw.WriteString(s); err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+func (z *ioEncWriter) writen1(b byte) {
+	if err :=; err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+func (z *ioEncWriter) writen2(b1, b2 byte) {
+	var err error
+	if err =; err == nil {
+		if err =; err == nil {
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	panic(err)
+// func (z *ioEncWriter) writen5(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 byte) {
+// 	z.b[0], z.b[1], z.b[2], z.b[3], z.b[4] = b1, b2, b3, b4, b5
+// 	if _, err := z.ww.Write(z.b[:5]); err != nil {
+// 		panic(err)
+// 	}
+// }
+func (z *ioEncWriter) atEndOfEncode() {
+	if z.fw != nil {
+		if err := z.fw.Flush(); err != nil {
+			panic(err)
+		}
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------
+// bytesEncAppender implements encWriter and can write to an byte slice.
+type bytesEncAppender struct {
+	b   []byte
+	out *[]byte
+func (z *bytesEncAppender) writeb(s []byte) {
+	z.b = append(z.b, s...)
+func (z *bytesEncAppender) writestr(s string) {
+	z.b = append(z.b, s...)
+func (z *bytesEncAppender) writen1(b1 byte) {
+	z.b = append(z.b, b1)
+func (z *bytesEncAppender) writen2(b1, b2 byte) {
+	z.b = append(z.b, b1, b2)
+func (z *bytesEncAppender) atEndOfEncode() {
+	*(z.out) = z.b
+func (z *bytesEncAppender) reset(in []byte, out *[]byte) {
+	z.b = in[:0]
+	z.out = out
+// ---------------------------------------------
+func (e *Encoder) rawExt(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.e.EncodeRawExt(rv2i(rv).(*RawExt), e)
+func (e *Encoder) ext(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.e.EncodeExt(rv2i(rv), f.xfTag, f.xfFn, e)
+func (e *Encoder) selferMarshal(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	rv2i(rv).(Selfer).CodecEncodeSelf(e)
+func (e *Encoder) binaryMarshal(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	bs, fnerr := rv2i(rv).(encoding.BinaryMarshaler).MarshalBinary()
+	e.marshal(bs, fnerr, false, cRAW)
+func (e *Encoder) textMarshal(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	bs, fnerr := rv2i(rv).(encoding.TextMarshaler).MarshalText()
+	e.marshal(bs, fnerr, false, cUTF8)
+func (e *Encoder) jsonMarshal(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	bs, fnerr := rv2i(rv).(jsonMarshaler).MarshalJSON()
+	e.marshal(bs, fnerr, true, cUTF8)
+func (e *Encoder) raw(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.rawBytes(rv2i(rv).(Raw))
+func (e *Encoder) kInvalid(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.e.EncodeNil()
+func (e *Encoder) kErr(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.errorf("unsupported kind %s, for %#v", rv.Kind(), rv)
+func (e *Encoder) kSlice(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	ti := f.ti
+	ee := e.e
+	// array may be non-addressable, so we have to manage with care
+	//   (don't call rv.Bytes, rv.Slice, etc).
+	// E.g. type struct S{B [2]byte};
+	//   Encode(S{}) will bomb on "panic: slice of unaddressable array".
+	if f.seq != seqTypeArray {
+		if rv.IsNil() {
+			ee.EncodeNil()
+			return
+		}
+		// If in this method, then there was no extension function defined.
+		// So it's okay to treat as []byte.
+		if ti.rtid == uint8SliceTypId {
+			ee.EncodeStringBytes(cRAW, rv.Bytes())
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	if f.seq == seqTypeChan && ti.chandir&uint8(reflect.RecvDir) == 0 {
+		e.errorf("send-only channel cannot be encoded")
+	}
+	elemsep := e.esep
+	rtelem := ti.elem
+	rtelemIsByte := uint8TypId == rt2id(rtelem) // NOT rtelem.Kind() == reflect.Uint8
+	var l int
+	// if a slice, array or chan of bytes, treat specially
+	if rtelemIsByte {
+		switch f.seq {
+		case seqTypeSlice:
+			ee.EncodeStringBytes(cRAW, rv.Bytes())
+		case seqTypeArray:
+			l = rv.Len()
+			if rv.CanAddr() {
+				ee.EncodeStringBytes(cRAW, rv.Slice(0, l).Bytes())
+			} else {
+				var bs []byte
+				if l <= cap(e.b) {
+					bs = e.b[:l]
+				} else {
+					bs = make([]byte, l)
+				}
+				reflect.Copy(reflect.ValueOf(bs), rv)
+				ee.EncodeStringBytes(cRAW, bs)
+			}
+		case seqTypeChan:
+			// do not use range, so that the number of elements encoded
+			// does not change, and encoding does not hang waiting on someone to close chan.
+			// for b := range rv2i(rv).(<-chan byte) { bs = append(bs, b) }
+			// ch := rv2i(rv).(<-chan byte) // fix error - that this is a chan byte, not a <-chan byte.
+			if rv.IsNil() {
+				ee.EncodeNil()
+				break
+			}
+			bs := e.b[:0]
+			irv := rv2i(rv)
+			ch, ok := irv.(<-chan byte)
+			if !ok {
+				ch = irv.(chan byte)
+			}
+		L1:
+			switch timeout := e.h.ChanRecvTimeout; {
+			case timeout == 0: // only consume available
+				for {
+					select {
+					case b := <-ch:
+						bs = append(bs, b)
+					default:
+						break L1
+					}
+				}
+			case timeout > 0: // consume until timeout
+				tt := time.NewTimer(timeout)
+				for {
+					select {
+					case b := <-ch:
+						bs = append(bs, b)
+					case <-tt.C:
+						// close(tt.C)
+						break L1
+					}
+				}
+			default: // consume until close
+				for b := range ch {
+					bs = append(bs, b)
+				}
+			}
+			ee.EncodeStringBytes(cRAW, bs)
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	// if chan, consume chan into a slice, and work off that slice.
+	var rvcs reflect.Value
+	if f.seq == seqTypeChan {
+		rvcs = reflect.Zero(reflect.SliceOf(rtelem))
+		timeout := e.h.ChanRecvTimeout
+		if timeout < 0 { // consume until close
+			for {
+				recv, recvOk := rv.Recv()
+				if !recvOk {
+					break
+				}
+				rvcs = reflect.Append(rvcs, recv)
+			}
+		} else {
+			cases := make([]reflect.SelectCase, 2)
+			cases[0] = reflect.SelectCase{Dir: reflect.SelectRecv, Chan: rv}
+			if timeout == 0 {
+				cases[1] = reflect.SelectCase{Dir: reflect.SelectDefault}
+			} else {
+				tt := time.NewTimer(timeout)
+				cases[1] = reflect.SelectCase{Dir: reflect.SelectRecv, Chan: reflect.ValueOf(tt.C)}
+			}
+			for {
+				chosen, recv, recvOk := reflect.Select(cases)
+				if chosen == 1 || !recvOk {
+					break
+				}
+				rvcs = reflect.Append(rvcs, recv)
+			}
+		}
+		rv = rvcs // TODO: ensure this doesn't mess up anywhere that rv of kind chan is expected
+	}
+	l = rv.Len()
+	if ti.mbs {
+		if l%2 == 1 {
+			e.errorf("mapBySlice requires even slice length, but got %v", l)
+			return
+		}
+		ee.WriteMapStart(l / 2)
+	} else {
+		ee.WriteArrayStart(l)
+	}
+	if l > 0 {
+		var fn *codecFn
+		for rtelem.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+			rtelem = rtelem.Elem()
+		}
+		// if kind is reflect.Interface, do not pre-determine the
+		// encoding type, because preEncodeValue may break it down to
+		// a concrete type and kInterface will bomb.
+		if rtelem.Kind() != reflect.Interface {
+			fn = e.cfer().get(rtelem, true, true)
+		}
+		for j := 0; j < l; j++ {
+			if elemsep {
+				if ti.mbs {
+					if j%2 == 0 {
+						ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+					} else {
+						ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+					}
+				} else {
+					ee.WriteArrayElem()
+				}
+			}
+			e.encodeValue(rv.Index(j), fn, true)
+		}
+	}
+	if ti.mbs {
+		ee.WriteMapEnd()
+	} else {
+		ee.WriteArrayEnd()
+	}
+func (e *Encoder) kStructNoOmitempty(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fti := f.ti
+	elemsep := e.esep
+	tisfi := fti.sfiSrc
+	toMap := !(fti.toArray || e.h.StructToArray)
+	if toMap {
+		tisfi = fti.sfiSort
+	}
+	ee := e.e
+	sfn := structFieldNode{v: rv, update: false}
+	if toMap {
+		ee.WriteMapStart(len(tisfi))
+		if elemsep {
+			for _, si := range tisfi {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				// ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, si.encName)
+				encStructFieldKey(ee, fti.keyType, si.encName)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encodeValue(sfn.field(si), nil, true)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, si := range tisfi {
+				// ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, si.encName)
+				encStructFieldKey(ee, fti.keyType, si.encName)
+				e.encodeValue(sfn.field(si), nil, true)
+			}
+		}
+		ee.WriteMapEnd()
+	} else {
+		ee.WriteArrayStart(len(tisfi))
+		if elemsep {
+			for _, si := range tisfi {
+				ee.WriteArrayElem()
+				e.encodeValue(sfn.field(si), nil, true)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, si := range tisfi {
+				e.encodeValue(sfn.field(si), nil, true)
+			}
+		}
+		ee.WriteArrayEnd()
+	}
+func encStructFieldKey(ee encDriver, keyType valueType, s string) {
+	var m must
+	// use if-else-if, not switch (which compiles to binary-search)
+	// since keyType is typically valueTypeString, branch prediction is pretty good.
+	if keyType == valueTypeString {
+		ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, s)
+	} else if keyType == valueTypeInt {
+		ee.EncodeInt(m.Int(strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 64)))
+	} else if keyType == valueTypeUint {
+		ee.EncodeUint(m.Uint(strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 64)))
+	} else if keyType == valueTypeFloat {
+		ee.EncodeFloat64(m.Float(strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)))
+	} else {
+		ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, s)
+	}
+func (e *Encoder) kStruct(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fti := f.ti
+	elemsep := e.esep
+	tisfi := fti.sfiSrc
+	toMap := !(fti.toArray || e.h.StructToArray)
+	// if toMap, use the sorted array. If toArray, use unsorted array (to match sequence in struct)
+	if toMap {
+		tisfi = fti.sfiSort
+	}
+	newlen := len(fti.sfiSort)
+	ee := e.e
+	// Use sync.Pool to reduce allocating slices unnecessarily.
+	// The cost of sync.Pool is less than the cost of new allocation.
+	//
+	// Each element of the array pools one of encStructPool(8|16|32|64).
+	// It allows the re-use of slices up to 64 in length.
+	// A performance cost of encoding structs was collecting
+	// which values were empty and should be omitted.
+	// We needed slices of reflect.Value and string to collect them.
+	// This shared pool reduces the amount of unnecessary creation we do.
+	// The cost is that of locking sometimes, but sync.Pool is efficient
+	// enough to reduce thread contention.
+	var spool *sync.Pool
+	var poolv interface{}
+	var fkvs []stringRv
+	// fmt.Printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>> encode.kStruct: newlen: %d\n", newlen)
+	if newlen <= 8 {
+		spool, poolv = pool.stringRv8()
+		fkvs = poolv.(*[8]stringRv)[:newlen]
+	} else if newlen <= 16 {
+		spool, poolv = pool.stringRv16()
+		fkvs = poolv.(*[16]stringRv)[:newlen]
+	} else if newlen <= 32 {
+		spool, poolv = pool.stringRv32()
+		fkvs = poolv.(*[32]stringRv)[:newlen]
+	} else if newlen <= 64 {
+		spool, poolv = pool.stringRv64()
+		fkvs = poolv.(*[64]stringRv)[:newlen]
+	} else if newlen <= 128 {
+		spool, poolv = pool.stringRv128()
+		fkvs = poolv.(*[128]stringRv)[:newlen]
+	} else {
+		fkvs = make([]stringRv, newlen)
+	}
+	newlen = 0
+	var kv stringRv
+	recur := e.h.RecursiveEmptyCheck
+	sfn := structFieldNode{v: rv, update: false}
+	for _, si := range tisfi {
+		// kv.r = si.field(rv, false)
+		kv.r = sfn.field(si)
+		if toMap {
+			if si.omitEmpty() && isEmptyValue(kv.r, e.h.TypeInfos, recur, recur) {
+				continue
+			}
+			kv.v = si.encName
+		} else {
+			// use the zero value.
+			// if a reference or struct, set to nil (so you do not output too much)
+			if si.omitEmpty() && isEmptyValue(kv.r, e.h.TypeInfos, recur, recur) {
+				switch kv.r.Kind() {
+				case reflect.Struct, reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Array, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice:
+					kv.r = reflect.Value{} //encode as nil
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		fkvs[newlen] = kv
+		newlen++
+	}
+	if toMap {
+		ee.WriteMapStart(newlen)
+		if elemsep {
+			for j := 0; j < newlen; j++ {
+				kv = fkvs[j]
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				// ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, kv.v)
+				encStructFieldKey(ee, fti.keyType, kv.v)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encodeValue(kv.r, nil, true)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for j := 0; j < newlen; j++ {
+				kv = fkvs[j]
+				// ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, kv.v)
+				encStructFieldKey(ee, fti.keyType, kv.v)
+				e.encodeValue(kv.r, nil, true)
+			}
+		}
+		ee.WriteMapEnd()
+	} else {
+		ee.WriteArrayStart(newlen)
+		if elemsep {
+			for j := 0; j < newlen; j++ {
+				ee.WriteArrayElem()
+				e.encodeValue(fkvs[j].r, nil, true)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for j := 0; j < newlen; j++ {
+				e.encodeValue(fkvs[j].r, nil, true)
+			}
+		}
+		ee.WriteArrayEnd()
+	}
+	// do not use defer. Instead, use explicit pool return at end of function.
+	// defer has a cost we are trying to avoid.
+	// If there is a panic and these slices are not returned, it is ok.
+	if spool != nil {
+		spool.Put(poolv)
+	}
+func (e *Encoder) kMap(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	ee := e.e
+	if rv.IsNil() {
+		ee.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	l := rv.Len()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(l)
+	elemsep := e.esep
+	if l == 0 {
+		ee.WriteMapEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	// var asSymbols bool
+	// determine the underlying key and val encFn's for the map.
+	// This eliminates some work which is done for each loop iteration i.e.
+	// rv.Type(), ref.ValueOf(rt).Pointer(), then check map/list for fn.
+	//
+	// However, if kind is reflect.Interface, do not pre-determine the
+	// encoding type, because preEncodeValue may break it down to
+	// a concrete type and kInterface will bomb.
+	var keyFn, valFn *codecFn
+	ti := f.ti
+	rtkey0 := ti.key
+	rtkey := rtkey0
+	rtval0 := ti.elem
+	rtval := rtval0
+	// rtkeyid := rt2id(rtkey0)
+	for rtval.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		rtval = rtval.Elem()
+	}
+	if rtval.Kind() != reflect.Interface {
+		valFn = e.cfer().get(rtval, true, true)
+	}
+	mks := rv.MapKeys()
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		e.kMapCanonical(rtkey, rv, mks, valFn)
+		ee.WriteMapEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	var keyTypeIsString = stringTypId == rt2id(rtkey0) // rtkeyid
+	if !keyTypeIsString {
+		for rtkey.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+			rtkey = rtkey.Elem()
+		}
+		if rtkey.Kind() != reflect.Interface {
+			// rtkeyid = rt2id(rtkey)
+			keyFn = e.cfer().get(rtkey, true, true)
+		}
+	}
+	// for j, lmks := 0, len(mks); j < lmks; j++ {
+	for j := range mks {
+		if elemsep {
+			ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+		}
+		if keyTypeIsString {
+			ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, mks[j].String())
+		} else {
+			e.encodeValue(mks[j], keyFn, true)
+		}
+		if elemsep {
+			ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+		}
+		e.encodeValue(rv.MapIndex(mks[j]), valFn, true)
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) kMapCanonical(rtkey reflect.Type, rv reflect.Value, mks []reflect.Value, valFn *codecFn) {
+	ee := e.e
+	elemsep := e.esep
+	// we previously did out-of-band if an extension was registered.
+	// This is not necessary, as the natural kind is sufficient for ordering.
+	switch rtkey.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		mksv := make([]boolRv, len(mks))
+		for i, k := range mks {
+			v := &mksv[i]
+			v.r = k
+			v.v = k.Bool()
+		}
+		sort.Sort(boolRvSlice(mksv))
+		for i := range mksv {
+			if elemsep {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			}
+			ee.EncodeBool(mksv[i].v)
+			if elemsep {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			e.encodeValue(rv.MapIndex(mksv[i].r), valFn, true)
+		}
+	case reflect.String:
+		mksv := make([]stringRv, len(mks))
+		for i, k := range mks {
+			v := &mksv[i]
+			v.r = k
+			v.v = k.String()
+		}
+		sort.Sort(stringRvSlice(mksv))
+		for i := range mksv {
+			if elemsep {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			}
+			ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, mksv[i].v)
+			if elemsep {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			e.encodeValue(rv.MapIndex(mksv[i].r), valFn, true)
+		}
+	case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uintptr:
+		mksv := make([]uintRv, len(mks))
+		for i, k := range mks {
+			v := &mksv[i]
+			v.r = k
+			v.v = k.Uint()
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintRvSlice(mksv))
+		for i := range mksv {
+			if elemsep {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			}
+			ee.EncodeUint(mksv[i].v)
+			if elemsep {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			e.encodeValue(rv.MapIndex(mksv[i].r), valFn, true)
+		}
+	case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Int:
+		mksv := make([]intRv, len(mks))
+		for i, k := range mks {
+			v := &mksv[i]
+			v.r = k
+			v.v = k.Int()
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intRvSlice(mksv))
+		for i := range mksv {
+			if elemsep {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			}
+			ee.EncodeInt(mksv[i].v)
+			if elemsep {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			e.encodeValue(rv.MapIndex(mksv[i].r), valFn, true)
+		}
+	case reflect.Float32:
+		mksv := make([]floatRv, len(mks))
+		for i, k := range mks {
+			v := &mksv[i]
+			v.r = k
+			v.v = k.Float()
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatRvSlice(mksv))
+		for i := range mksv {
+			if elemsep {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			}
+			ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(mksv[i].v))
+			if elemsep {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			e.encodeValue(rv.MapIndex(mksv[i].r), valFn, true)
+		}
+	case reflect.Float64:
+		mksv := make([]floatRv, len(mks))
+		for i, k := range mks {
+			v := &mksv[i]
+			v.r = k
+			v.v = k.Float()
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatRvSlice(mksv))
+		for i := range mksv {
+			if elemsep {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			}
+			ee.EncodeFloat64(mksv[i].v)
+			if elemsep {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			e.encodeValue(rv.MapIndex(mksv[i].r), valFn, true)
+		}
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		if rv.Type() == timeTyp {
+			mksv := make([]timeRv, len(mks))
+			for i, k := range mks {
+				v := &mksv[i]
+				v.r = k
+				v.v = rv2i(k).(time.Time)
+			}
+			sort.Sort(timeRvSlice(mksv))
+			for i := range mksv {
+				if elemsep {
+					ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				}
+				ee.EncodeTime(mksv[i].v)
+				if elemsep {
+					ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				}
+				e.encodeValue(rv.MapIndex(mksv[i].r), valFn, true)
+			}
+			break
+		}
+		fallthrough
+	default:
+		// out-of-band
+		// first encode each key to a []byte first, then sort them, then record
+		var mksv []byte = make([]byte, 0, len(mks)*16) // temporary byte slice for the encoding
+		e2 := NewEncoderBytes(&mksv, e.hh)
+		mksbv := make([]bytesRv, len(mks))
+		for i, k := range mks {
+			v := &mksbv[i]
+			l := len(mksv)
+			e2.MustEncode(k)
+			v.r = k
+			v.v = mksv[l:]
+		}
+		sort.Sort(bytesRvSlice(mksbv))
+		for j := range mksbv {
+			if elemsep {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			}
+			e.asis(mksbv[j].v)
+			if elemsep {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			e.encodeValue(rv.MapIndex(mksbv[j].r), valFn, true)
+		}
+	}
+// // --------------------------------------------------
+type encWriterSwitch struct {
+	wi *ioEncWriter
+	// wb bytesEncWriter
+	wb   bytesEncAppender
+	wx   bool // if bytes, wx=true
+	esep bool // whether it has elem separators
+	isas bool // whether != nil
+// // TODO: Uncomment after mid-stack inlining enabled in go 1.11
+// func (z *encWriterSwitch) writeb(s []byte) {
+// 	if z.wx {
+// 		z.wb.writeb(s)
+// 	} else {
+// 		z.wi.writeb(s)
+// 	}
+// }
+// func (z *encWriterSwitch) writestr(s string) {
+// 	if z.wx {
+// 		z.wb.writestr(s)
+// 	} else {
+// 		z.wi.writestr(s)
+// 	}
+// }
+// func (z *encWriterSwitch) writen1(b1 byte) {
+// 	if z.wx {
+// 		z.wb.writen1(b1)
+// 	} else {
+// 		z.wi.writen1(b1)
+// 	}
+// }
+// func (z *encWriterSwitch) writen2(b1, b2 byte) {
+// 	if z.wx {
+// 		z.wb.writen2(b1, b2)
+// 	} else {
+// 		z.wi.writen2(b1, b2)
+// 	}
+// }
+// An Encoder writes an object to an output stream in the codec format.
+type Encoder struct {
+	panicHdl
+	// hopefully, reduce derefencing cost by laying the encWriter inside the Encoder
+	e encDriver
+	// NOTE: Encoder shouldn't call it's write methods,
+	// as the handler MAY need to do some coordination.
+	w encWriter
+	h  *BasicHandle
+	bw *bufio.Writer
+	as encDriverAsis
+	// ---- cpu cache line boundary?
+	// ---- cpu cache line boundary?
+	encWriterSwitch
+	err error
+	// ---- cpu cache line boundary?
+	codecFnPooler
+	ci set
+	js bool    // here, so that no need to piggy back on *codecFner for this
+	be bool    // here, so that no need to piggy back on *codecFner for this
+	_  [6]byte // padding
+	// ---- writable fields during execution --- *try* to keep in sep cache line
+	// ---- cpu cache line boundary?
+	// b [scratchByteArrayLen]byte
+	// _ [cacheLineSize - scratchByteArrayLen]byte // padding
+	b [cacheLineSize - 0]byte // used for encoding a chan or (non-addressable) array of bytes
+// NewEncoder returns an Encoder for encoding into an io.Writer.
+// For efficiency, Users are encouraged to pass in a memory buffered writer
+// (eg bufio.Writer, bytes.Buffer).
+func NewEncoder(w io.Writer, h Handle) *Encoder {
+	e := newEncoder(h)
+	e.Reset(w)
+	return e
+// NewEncoderBytes returns an encoder for encoding directly and efficiently
+// into a byte slice, using zero-copying to temporary slices.
+// It will potentially replace the output byte slice pointed to.
+// After encoding, the out parameter contains the encoded contents.
+func NewEncoderBytes(out *[]byte, h Handle) *Encoder {
+	e := newEncoder(h)
+	e.ResetBytes(out)
+	return e
+func newEncoder(h Handle) *Encoder {
+	e := &Encoder{h: h.getBasicHandle(), err: errEncoderNotInitialized}
+	e.hh = h
+	e.esep = h.hasElemSeparators()
+	return e
+func (e *Encoder) resetCommon() {
+	if e.e == nil || e.hh.recreateEncDriver(e.e) {
+		e.e = e.hh.newEncDriver(e)
+, e.isas = e.e.(encDriverAsis)
+		//, _ = e.e.(containerStateRecv)
+	}
+ = e.hh.isBinary()
+	_, e.js = e.hh.(*JsonHandle)
+	e.e.reset()
+	e.err = nil
+// Reset resets the Encoder with a new output stream.
+// This accommodates using the state of the Encoder,
+// where it has "cached" information about sub-engines.
+func (e *Encoder) Reset(w io.Writer) {
+	if w == nil {
+		return
+	}
+	if e.wi == nil {
+		e.wi = new(ioEncWriter)
+	}
+	var ok bool
+	e.wx = false
+	e.wi.w = w
+	if e.h.WriterBufferSize > 0 {
+ = bufio.NewWriterSize(w, e.h.WriterBufferSize)
+ =
+		e.wi.sw =
+		e.wi.fw =
+		e.wi.ww =
+	} else {
+		if, ok = w.(io.ByteWriter); !ok {
+ = e.wi
+		}
+		if e.wi.sw, ok = w.(ioEncStringWriter); !ok {
+			e.wi.sw = e.wi
+		}
+		e.wi.fw, _ = w.(ioFlusher)
+		e.wi.ww = w
+	}
+	e.w = e.wi
+	e.resetCommon()
+// ResetBytes resets the Encoder with a new destination output []byte.
+func (e *Encoder) ResetBytes(out *[]byte) {
+	if out == nil {
+		return
+	}
+	var in []byte
+	if out != nil {
+		in = *out
+	}
+	if in == nil {
+		in = make([]byte, defEncByteBufSize)
+	}
+	e.wx = true
+	e.wb.reset(in, out)
+	e.w = &e.wb
+	e.resetCommon()
+// Encode writes an object into a stream.
+// Encoding can be configured via the struct tag for the fields.
+// The key (in the struct tags) that we look at is configurable.
+// By default, we look up the "codec" key in the struct field's tags,
+// and fall bak to the "json" key if "codec" is absent.
+// That key in struct field's tag value is the key name,
+// followed by an optional comma and options.
+// To set an option on all fields (e.g. omitempty on all fields), you
+// can create a field called _struct, and set flags on it. The options
+// which can be set on _struct are:
+//    - omitempty: so all fields are omitted if empty
+//    - toarray: so struct is encoded as an array
+//    - int: so struct key names are encoded as signed integers (instead of strings)
+//    - uint: so struct key names are encoded as unsigned integers (instead of strings)
+//    - float: so struct key names are encoded as floats (instead of strings)
+// More details on these below.
+// Struct values "usually" encode as maps. Each exported struct field is encoded unless:
+//    - the field's tag is "-", OR
+//    - the field is empty (empty or the zero value) and its tag specifies the "omitempty" option.
+// When encoding as a map, the first string in the tag (before the comma)
+// is the map key string to use when encoding.
+// ...
+// This key is typically encoded as a string.
+// However, there are instances where the encoded stream has mapping keys encoded as numbers.
+// For example, some cbor streams have keys as integer codes in the stream, but they should map
+// to fields in a structured object. Consequently, a struct is the natural representation in code.
+// For these, configure the struct to encode/decode the keys as numbers (instead of string).
+// This is done with the int,uint or float option on the _struct field (see above).
+// However, struct values may encode as arrays. This happens when:
+//    - StructToArray Encode option is set, OR
+//    - the tag on the _struct field sets the "toarray" option
+// Note that omitempty is ignored when encoding struct values as arrays,
+// as an entry must be encoded for each field, to maintain its position.
+// Values with types that implement MapBySlice are encoded as stream maps.
+// The empty values (for omitempty option) are false, 0, any nil pointer
+// or interface value, and any array, slice, map, or string of length zero.
+// Anonymous fields are encoded inline except:
+//    - the struct tag specifies a replacement name (first value)
+//    - the field is of an interface type
+// Examples:
+//      // NOTE: 'json:' can be used as struct tag key, in place 'codec:' below.
+//      type MyStruct struct {
+//          _struct bool    `codec:",omitempty"`   //set omitempty for every field
+//          Field1 string   `codec:"-"`            //skip this field
+//          Field2 int      `codec:"myName"`       //Use key "myName" in encode stream
+//          Field3 int32    `codec:",omitempty"`   //use key "Field3". Omit if empty.
+//          Field4 bool     `codec:"f4,omitempty"` //use key "f4". Omit if empty.
+//          io.Reader                              //use key "Reader".
+//          MyStruct        `codec:"my1"           //use key "my1".
+//          MyStruct                               //inline it
+//          ...
+//      }
+//      type MyStruct struct {
+//          _struct bool    `codec:",toarray"`     //encode struct as an array
+//      }
+//      type MyStruct struct {
+//          _struct bool    `codec:",uint"`        //encode struct with "unsigned integer" keys
+//          Field1 string   `codec:"1"`            //encode Field1 key using: EncodeInt(1)
+//          Field2 string   `codec:"2"`            //encode Field2 key using: EncodeInt(2)
+//      }
+// The mode of encoding is based on the type of the value. When a value is seen:
+//   - If a Selfer, call its CodecEncodeSelf method
+//   - If an extension is registered for it, call that extension function
+//   - If implements encoding.(Binary|Text|JSON)Marshaler, call Marshal(Binary|Text|JSON) method
+//   - Else encode it based on its reflect.Kind
+// Note that struct field names and keys in map[string]XXX will be treated as symbols.
+// Some formats support symbols (e.g. binc) and will properly encode the string
+// only once in the stream, and use a tag to refer to it thereafter.
+func (e *Encoder) Encode(v interface{}) (err error) {
+	defer e.deferred(&err)
+	e.MustEncode(v)
+	return
+// MustEncode is like Encode, but panics if unable to Encode.
+// This provides insight to the code location that triggered the error.
+func (e *Encoder) MustEncode(v interface{}) {
+	if e.err != nil {
+		panic(e.err)
+	}
+	e.encode(v)
+	e.e.atEndOfEncode()
+	e.w.atEndOfEncode()
+	e.alwaysAtEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) deferred(err1 *error) {
+	e.alwaysAtEnd()
+	if recoverPanicToErr {
+		if x := recover(); x != nil {
+			panicValToErr(e, x, err1)
+			panicValToErr(e, x, &e.err)
+		}
+	}
+// func (e *Encoder) alwaysAtEnd() {
+// 	e.codecFnPooler.alwaysAtEnd()
+// }
+func (e *Encoder) encode(iv interface{}) {
+	if iv == nil || definitelyNil(iv) {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	if v, ok := iv.(Selfer); ok {
+		v.CodecEncodeSelf(e)
+		return
+	}
+	// a switch with only concrete types can be optimized.
+	// consequently, we deal with nil and interfaces outside.
+	switch v := iv.(type) {
+	case Raw:
+		e.rawBytes(v)
+	case reflect.Value:
+		e.encodeValue(v, nil, true)
+	case string:
+		e.e.EncodeString(cUTF8, v)
+	case bool:
+		e.e.EncodeBool(v)
+	case int:
+		e.e.EncodeInt(int64(v))
+	case int8:
+		e.e.EncodeInt(int64(v))
+	case int16:
+		e.e.EncodeInt(int64(v))
+	case int32:
+		e.e.EncodeInt(int64(v))
+	case int64:
+		e.e.EncodeInt(v)
+	case uint:
+		e.e.EncodeUint(uint64(v))
+	case uint8:
+		e.e.EncodeUint(uint64(v))
+	case uint16:
+		e.e.EncodeUint(uint64(v))
+	case uint32:
+		e.e.EncodeUint(uint64(v))
+	case uint64:
+		e.e.EncodeUint(v)
+	case uintptr:
+		e.e.EncodeUint(uint64(v))
+	case float32:
+		e.e.EncodeFloat32(v)
+	case float64:
+		e.e.EncodeFloat64(v)
+	case time.Time:
+		e.e.EncodeTime(v)
+	case []uint8:
+		e.e.EncodeStringBytes(cRAW, v)
+	case *Raw:
+		e.rawBytes(*v)
+	case *string:
+		e.e.EncodeString(cUTF8, *v)
+	case *bool:
+		e.e.EncodeBool(*v)
+	case *int:
+		e.e.EncodeInt(int64(*v))
+	case *int8:
+		e.e.EncodeInt(int64(*v))
+	case *int16:
+		e.e.EncodeInt(int64(*v))
+	case *int32:
+		e.e.EncodeInt(int64(*v))
+	case *int64:
+		e.e.EncodeInt(*v)
+	case *uint:
+		e.e.EncodeUint(uint64(*v))
+	case *uint8:
+		e.e.EncodeUint(uint64(*v))
+	case *uint16:
+		e.e.EncodeUint(uint64(*v))
+	case *uint32:
+		e.e.EncodeUint(uint64(*v))
+	case *uint64:
+		e.e.EncodeUint(*v)
+	case *uintptr:
+		e.e.EncodeUint(uint64(*v))
+	case *float32:
+		e.e.EncodeFloat32(*v)
+	case *float64:
+		e.e.EncodeFloat64(*v)
+	case *time.Time:
+		e.e.EncodeTime(*v)
+	case *[]uint8:
+		e.e.EncodeStringBytes(cRAW, *v)
+	default:
+		if !fastpathEncodeTypeSwitch(iv, e) {
+			// checkfastpath=true (not false), as underlying slice/map type may be fast-path
+			e.encodeValue(reflect.ValueOf(iv), nil, true)
+		}
+	}
+func (e *Encoder) encodeValue(rv reflect.Value, fn *codecFn, checkFastpath bool) {
+	// if a valid fn is passed, it MUST BE for the dereferenced type of rv
+	var sptr uintptr
+	var rvp reflect.Value
+	var rvpValid bool
+	switch rv.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Ptr:
+		if rv.IsNil() {
+			e.e.EncodeNil()
+			return
+		}
+		rvpValid = true
+		rvp = rv
+		rv = rv.Elem()
+		if e.h.CheckCircularRef && rv.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
+			// TODO: Movable pointers will be an issue here. Future problem.
+			sptr = rv.UnsafeAddr()
+			break TOP
+		}
+		goto TOP
+	case reflect.Interface:
+		if rv.IsNil() {
+			e.e.EncodeNil()
+			return
+		}
+		rv = rv.Elem()
+		goto TOP
+	case reflect.Slice, reflect.Map:
+		if rv.IsNil() {
+			e.e.EncodeNil()
+			return
+		}
+	case reflect.Invalid, reflect.Func:
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	if sptr != 0 && (& {
+		e.errorf("circular reference found: # %d", sptr)
+	}
+	if fn == nil {
+		rt := rv.Type()
+		// always pass checkCodecSelfer=true, in case T or ****T is passed, where *T is a Selfer
+		fn = e.cfer().get(rt, checkFastpath, true)
+	}
+	if fn.i.addrE {
+		if rvpValid {
+			fn.fe(e, &fn.i, rvp)
+		} else if rv.CanAddr() {
+			fn.fe(e, &fn.i, rv.Addr())
+		} else {
+			rv2 := reflect.New(rv.Type())
+			rv2.Elem().Set(rv)
+			fn.fe(e, &fn.i, rv2)
+		}
+	} else {
+		fn.fe(e, &fn.i, rv)
+	}
+	if sptr != 0 {
+		(&
+	}
+func (e *Encoder) marshal(bs []byte, fnerr error, asis bool, c charEncoding) {
+	if fnerr != nil {
+		panic(fnerr)
+	}
+	if bs == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+	} else if asis {
+		e.asis(bs)
+	} else {
+		e.e.EncodeStringBytes(c, bs)
+	}
+func (e *Encoder) asis(v []byte) {
+	if e.isas {
+	} else {
+		e.w.writeb(v)
+	}
+func (e *Encoder) rawBytes(vv Raw) {
+	v := []byte(vv)
+	if !e.h.Raw {
+		e.errorf("Raw values cannot be encoded: %v", v)
+	}
+	e.asis(v)
+func (e *Encoder) wrapErrstr(v interface{}, err *error) {
+	*err = fmt.Errorf("%s encode error: %v", e.hh.Name(), v)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87f2562
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,34522 @@
+// +build !notfastpath
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+// Code generated from fast-path.go.tmpl - DO NOT EDIT.
+package codec
+// Fast path functions try to create a fast path encode or decode implementation
+// for common maps and slices.
+// We define the functions and register then in this single file
+// so as not to pollute the encode.go and decode.go, and create a dependency in there.
+// This file can be omitted without causing a build failure.
+// The advantage of fast paths is:
+//	  - Many calls bypass reflection altogether
+// Currently support
+//	  - slice of all builtin types,
+//	  - map of all builtin types to string or interface value
+//	  - symmetrical maps of all builtin types (e.g. str-str, uint8-uint8)
+// This should provide adequate "typical" implementations.
+// Note that fast track decode functions must handle values for which an address cannot be obtained.
+// For example:
+//	 m2 := map[string]int{}
+//	 p2 := []interface{}{m2}
+//	 // decoding into p2 will bomb if fast track functions do not treat like unaddressable.
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"sort"
+const fastpathEnabled = true
+type fastpathT struct{}
+var fastpathTV fastpathT
+type fastpathE struct {
+	rtid  uintptr
+	rt    reflect.Type
+	encfn func(*Encoder, *codecFnInfo, reflect.Value)
+	decfn func(*Decoder, *codecFnInfo, reflect.Value)
+type fastpathA [271]fastpathE
+func (x *fastpathA) index(rtid uintptr) int {
+	// use binary search to grab the index (adapted from sort/search.go)
+	h, i, j := 0, 0, 271 // len(x)
+	for i < j {
+		h = i + (j-i)/2
+		if x[h].rtid < rtid {
+			i = h + 1
+		} else {
+			j = h
+		}
+	}
+	if i < 271 && x[i].rtid == rtid {
+		return i
+	}
+	return -1
+type fastpathAslice []fastpathE
+func (x fastpathAslice) Len() int           { return len(x) }
+func (x fastpathAslice) Less(i, j int) bool { return x[i].rtid < x[j].rtid }
+func (x fastpathAslice) Swap(i, j int)      { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
+var fastpathAV fastpathA
+// due to possible initialization loop error, make fastpath in an init()
+func init() {
+	i := 0
+	fn := func(v interface{},
+		fe func(*Encoder, *codecFnInfo, reflect.Value),
+		fd func(*Decoder, *codecFnInfo, reflect.Value)) (f fastpathE) {
+		xrt := reflect.TypeOf(v)
+		xptr := rt2id(xrt)
+		fastpathAV[i] = fastpathE{xptr, xrt, fe, fd}
+		i++
+		return
+	}
+	fn([]interface{}(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncSliceIntfR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecSliceIntfR)
+	fn([]string(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncSliceStringR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecSliceStringR)
+	fn([]float32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncSliceFloat32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecSliceFloat32R)
+	fn([]float64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncSliceFloat64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecSliceFloat64R)
+	fn([]uint(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncSliceUintR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecSliceUintR)
+	fn([]uint16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncSliceUint16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecSliceUint16R)
+	fn([]uint32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncSliceUint32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecSliceUint32R)
+	fn([]uint64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncSliceUint64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecSliceUint64R)
+	fn([]uintptr(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncSliceUintptrR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecSliceUintptrR)
+	fn([]int(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncSliceIntR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecSliceIntR)
+	fn([]int8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncSliceInt8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecSliceInt8R)
+	fn([]int16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncSliceInt16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecSliceInt16R)
+	fn([]int32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncSliceInt32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecSliceInt32R)
+	fn([]int64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncSliceInt64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecSliceInt64R)
+	fn([]bool(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncSliceBoolR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecSliceBoolR)
+	fn(map[interface{}]interface{}(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntfIntfR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntfIntfR)
+	fn(map[interface{}]string(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntfStringR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntfStringR)
+	fn(map[interface{}]uint(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntfUintR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntfUintR)
+	fn(map[interface{}]uint8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntfUint8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntfUint8R)
+	fn(map[interface{}]uint16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntfUint16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntfUint16R)
+	fn(map[interface{}]uint32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntfUint32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntfUint32R)
+	fn(map[interface{}]uint64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntfUint64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntfUint64R)
+	fn(map[interface{}]uintptr(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntfUintptrR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntfUintptrR)
+	fn(map[interface{}]int(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntfIntR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntfIntR)
+	fn(map[interface{}]int8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntfInt8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntfInt8R)
+	fn(map[interface{}]int16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntfInt16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntfInt16R)
+	fn(map[interface{}]int32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntfInt32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntfInt32R)
+	fn(map[interface{}]int64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntfInt64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntfInt64R)
+	fn(map[interface{}]float32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntfFloat32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntfFloat32R)
+	fn(map[interface{}]float64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntfFloat64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntfFloat64R)
+	fn(map[interface{}]bool(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntfBoolR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntfBoolR)
+	fn(map[string]interface{}(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapStringIntfR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapStringIntfR)
+	fn(map[string]string(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapStringStringR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapStringStringR)
+	fn(map[string]uint(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapStringUintR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapStringUintR)
+	fn(map[string]uint8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapStringUint8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapStringUint8R)
+	fn(map[string]uint16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapStringUint16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapStringUint16R)
+	fn(map[string]uint32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapStringUint32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapStringUint32R)
+	fn(map[string]uint64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapStringUint64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapStringUint64R)
+	fn(map[string]uintptr(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapStringUintptrR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapStringUintptrR)
+	fn(map[string]int(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapStringIntR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapStringIntR)
+	fn(map[string]int8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapStringInt8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapStringInt8R)
+	fn(map[string]int16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapStringInt16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapStringInt16R)
+	fn(map[string]int32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapStringInt32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapStringInt32R)
+	fn(map[string]int64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapStringInt64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapStringInt64R)
+	fn(map[string]float32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapStringFloat32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapStringFloat32R)
+	fn(map[string]float64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapStringFloat64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapStringFloat64R)
+	fn(map[string]bool(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapStringBoolR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapStringBoolR)
+	fn(map[float32]interface{}(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat32IntfR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat32IntfR)
+	fn(map[float32]string(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat32StringR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat32StringR)
+	fn(map[float32]uint(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat32UintR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat32UintR)
+	fn(map[float32]uint8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat32Uint8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat32Uint8R)
+	fn(map[float32]uint16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat32Uint16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat32Uint16R)
+	fn(map[float32]uint32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat32Uint32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat32Uint32R)
+	fn(map[float32]uint64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat32Uint64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat32Uint64R)
+	fn(map[float32]uintptr(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat32UintptrR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat32UintptrR)
+	fn(map[float32]int(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat32IntR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat32IntR)
+	fn(map[float32]int8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat32Int8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat32Int8R)
+	fn(map[float32]int16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat32Int16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat32Int16R)
+	fn(map[float32]int32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat32Int32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat32Int32R)
+	fn(map[float32]int64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat32Int64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat32Int64R)
+	fn(map[float32]float32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat32Float32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat32Float32R)
+	fn(map[float32]float64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat32Float64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat32Float64R)
+	fn(map[float32]bool(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat32BoolR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat32BoolR)
+	fn(map[float64]interface{}(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat64IntfR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat64IntfR)
+	fn(map[float64]string(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat64StringR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat64StringR)
+	fn(map[float64]uint(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat64UintR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat64UintR)
+	fn(map[float64]uint8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat64Uint8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat64Uint8R)
+	fn(map[float64]uint16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat64Uint16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat64Uint16R)
+	fn(map[float64]uint32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat64Uint32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat64Uint32R)
+	fn(map[float64]uint64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat64Uint64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat64Uint64R)
+	fn(map[float64]uintptr(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat64UintptrR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat64UintptrR)
+	fn(map[float64]int(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat64IntR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat64IntR)
+	fn(map[float64]int8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat64Int8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat64Int8R)
+	fn(map[float64]int16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat64Int16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat64Int16R)
+	fn(map[float64]int32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat64Int32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat64Int32R)
+	fn(map[float64]int64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat64Int64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat64Int64R)
+	fn(map[float64]float32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat64Float32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat64Float32R)
+	fn(map[float64]float64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat64Float64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat64Float64R)
+	fn(map[float64]bool(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapFloat64BoolR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapFloat64BoolR)
+	fn(map[uint]interface{}(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintIntfR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintIntfR)
+	fn(map[uint]string(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintStringR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintStringR)
+	fn(map[uint]uint(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintUintR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintUintR)
+	fn(map[uint]uint8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintUint8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintUint8R)
+	fn(map[uint]uint16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintUint16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintUint16R)
+	fn(map[uint]uint32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintUint32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintUint32R)
+	fn(map[uint]uint64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintUint64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintUint64R)
+	fn(map[uint]uintptr(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintUintptrR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintUintptrR)
+	fn(map[uint]int(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintIntR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintIntR)
+	fn(map[uint]int8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintInt8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintInt8R)
+	fn(map[uint]int16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintInt16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintInt16R)
+	fn(map[uint]int32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintInt32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintInt32R)
+	fn(map[uint]int64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintInt64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintInt64R)
+	fn(map[uint]float32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintFloat32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintFloat32R)
+	fn(map[uint]float64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintFloat64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintFloat64R)
+	fn(map[uint]bool(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintBoolR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintBoolR)
+	fn(map[uint8]interface{}(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint8IntfR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint8IntfR)
+	fn(map[uint8]string(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint8StringR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint8StringR)
+	fn(map[uint8]uint(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint8UintR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint8UintR)
+	fn(map[uint8]uint8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint8Uint8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint8Uint8R)
+	fn(map[uint8]uint16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint8Uint16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint8Uint16R)
+	fn(map[uint8]uint32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint8Uint32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint8Uint32R)
+	fn(map[uint8]uint64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint8Uint64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint8Uint64R)
+	fn(map[uint8]uintptr(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint8UintptrR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint8UintptrR)
+	fn(map[uint8]int(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint8IntR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint8IntR)
+	fn(map[uint8]int8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint8Int8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint8Int8R)
+	fn(map[uint8]int16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint8Int16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint8Int16R)
+	fn(map[uint8]int32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint8Int32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint8Int32R)
+	fn(map[uint8]int64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint8Int64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint8Int64R)
+	fn(map[uint8]float32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint8Float32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint8Float32R)
+	fn(map[uint8]float64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint8Float64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint8Float64R)
+	fn(map[uint8]bool(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint8BoolR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint8BoolR)
+	fn(map[uint16]interface{}(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint16IntfR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint16IntfR)
+	fn(map[uint16]string(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint16StringR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint16StringR)
+	fn(map[uint16]uint(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint16UintR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint16UintR)
+	fn(map[uint16]uint8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint16Uint8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint16Uint8R)
+	fn(map[uint16]uint16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint16Uint16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint16Uint16R)
+	fn(map[uint16]uint32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint16Uint32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint16Uint32R)
+	fn(map[uint16]uint64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint16Uint64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint16Uint64R)
+	fn(map[uint16]uintptr(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint16UintptrR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint16UintptrR)
+	fn(map[uint16]int(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint16IntR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint16IntR)
+	fn(map[uint16]int8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint16Int8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint16Int8R)
+	fn(map[uint16]int16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint16Int16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint16Int16R)
+	fn(map[uint16]int32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint16Int32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint16Int32R)
+	fn(map[uint16]int64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint16Int64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint16Int64R)
+	fn(map[uint16]float32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint16Float32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint16Float32R)
+	fn(map[uint16]float64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint16Float64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint16Float64R)
+	fn(map[uint16]bool(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint16BoolR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint16BoolR)
+	fn(map[uint32]interface{}(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint32IntfR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint32IntfR)
+	fn(map[uint32]string(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint32StringR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint32StringR)
+	fn(map[uint32]uint(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint32UintR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint32UintR)
+	fn(map[uint32]uint8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint32Uint8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint32Uint8R)
+	fn(map[uint32]uint16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint32Uint16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint32Uint16R)
+	fn(map[uint32]uint32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint32Uint32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint32Uint32R)
+	fn(map[uint32]uint64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint32Uint64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint32Uint64R)
+	fn(map[uint32]uintptr(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint32UintptrR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint32UintptrR)
+	fn(map[uint32]int(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint32IntR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint32IntR)
+	fn(map[uint32]int8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint32Int8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint32Int8R)
+	fn(map[uint32]int16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint32Int16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint32Int16R)
+	fn(map[uint32]int32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint32Int32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint32Int32R)
+	fn(map[uint32]int64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint32Int64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint32Int64R)
+	fn(map[uint32]float32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint32Float32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint32Float32R)
+	fn(map[uint32]float64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint32Float64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint32Float64R)
+	fn(map[uint32]bool(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint32BoolR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint32BoolR)
+	fn(map[uint64]interface{}(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint64IntfR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint64IntfR)
+	fn(map[uint64]string(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint64StringR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint64StringR)
+	fn(map[uint64]uint(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint64UintR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint64UintR)
+	fn(map[uint64]uint8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint64Uint8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint64Uint8R)
+	fn(map[uint64]uint16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint64Uint16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint64Uint16R)
+	fn(map[uint64]uint32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint64Uint32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint64Uint32R)
+	fn(map[uint64]uint64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint64Uint64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint64Uint64R)
+	fn(map[uint64]uintptr(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint64UintptrR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint64UintptrR)
+	fn(map[uint64]int(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint64IntR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint64IntR)
+	fn(map[uint64]int8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint64Int8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint64Int8R)
+	fn(map[uint64]int16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint64Int16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint64Int16R)
+	fn(map[uint64]int32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint64Int32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint64Int32R)
+	fn(map[uint64]int64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint64Int64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint64Int64R)
+	fn(map[uint64]float32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint64Float32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint64Float32R)
+	fn(map[uint64]float64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint64Float64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint64Float64R)
+	fn(map[uint64]bool(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUint64BoolR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUint64BoolR)
+	fn(map[uintptr]interface{}(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintptrIntfR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintptrIntfR)
+	fn(map[uintptr]string(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintptrStringR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintptrStringR)
+	fn(map[uintptr]uint(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintptrUintR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintptrUintR)
+	fn(map[uintptr]uint8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintptrUint8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintptrUint8R)
+	fn(map[uintptr]uint16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintptrUint16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintptrUint16R)
+	fn(map[uintptr]uint32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintptrUint32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintptrUint32R)
+	fn(map[uintptr]uint64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintptrUint64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintptrUint64R)
+	fn(map[uintptr]uintptr(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintptrUintptrR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintptrUintptrR)
+	fn(map[uintptr]int(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintptrIntR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintptrIntR)
+	fn(map[uintptr]int8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintptrInt8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintptrInt8R)
+	fn(map[uintptr]int16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintptrInt16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintptrInt16R)
+	fn(map[uintptr]int32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintptrInt32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintptrInt32R)
+	fn(map[uintptr]int64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintptrInt64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintptrInt64R)
+	fn(map[uintptr]float32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintptrFloat32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintptrFloat32R)
+	fn(map[uintptr]float64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintptrFloat64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintptrFloat64R)
+	fn(map[uintptr]bool(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapUintptrBoolR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapUintptrBoolR)
+	fn(map[int]interface{}(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntIntfR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntIntfR)
+	fn(map[int]string(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntStringR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntStringR)
+	fn(map[int]uint(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntUintR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntUintR)
+	fn(map[int]uint8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntUint8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntUint8R)
+	fn(map[int]uint16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntUint16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntUint16R)
+	fn(map[int]uint32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntUint32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntUint32R)
+	fn(map[int]uint64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntUint64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntUint64R)
+	fn(map[int]uintptr(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntUintptrR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntUintptrR)
+	fn(map[int]int(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntIntR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntIntR)
+	fn(map[int]int8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntInt8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntInt8R)
+	fn(map[int]int16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntInt16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntInt16R)
+	fn(map[int]int32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntInt32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntInt32R)
+	fn(map[int]int64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntInt64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntInt64R)
+	fn(map[int]float32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntFloat32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntFloat32R)
+	fn(map[int]float64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntFloat64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntFloat64R)
+	fn(map[int]bool(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapIntBoolR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapIntBoolR)
+	fn(map[int8]interface{}(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt8IntfR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt8IntfR)
+	fn(map[int8]string(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt8StringR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt8StringR)
+	fn(map[int8]uint(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt8UintR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt8UintR)
+	fn(map[int8]uint8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt8Uint8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt8Uint8R)
+	fn(map[int8]uint16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt8Uint16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt8Uint16R)
+	fn(map[int8]uint32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt8Uint32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt8Uint32R)
+	fn(map[int8]uint64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt8Uint64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt8Uint64R)
+	fn(map[int8]uintptr(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt8UintptrR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt8UintptrR)
+	fn(map[int8]int(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt8IntR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt8IntR)
+	fn(map[int8]int8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt8Int8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt8Int8R)
+	fn(map[int8]int16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt8Int16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt8Int16R)
+	fn(map[int8]int32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt8Int32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt8Int32R)
+	fn(map[int8]int64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt8Int64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt8Int64R)
+	fn(map[int8]float32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt8Float32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt8Float32R)
+	fn(map[int8]float64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt8Float64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt8Float64R)
+	fn(map[int8]bool(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt8BoolR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt8BoolR)
+	fn(map[int16]interface{}(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt16IntfR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt16IntfR)
+	fn(map[int16]string(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt16StringR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt16StringR)
+	fn(map[int16]uint(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt16UintR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt16UintR)
+	fn(map[int16]uint8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt16Uint8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt16Uint8R)
+	fn(map[int16]uint16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt16Uint16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt16Uint16R)
+	fn(map[int16]uint32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt16Uint32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt16Uint32R)
+	fn(map[int16]uint64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt16Uint64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt16Uint64R)
+	fn(map[int16]uintptr(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt16UintptrR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt16UintptrR)
+	fn(map[int16]int(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt16IntR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt16IntR)
+	fn(map[int16]int8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt16Int8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt16Int8R)
+	fn(map[int16]int16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt16Int16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt16Int16R)
+	fn(map[int16]int32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt16Int32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt16Int32R)
+	fn(map[int16]int64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt16Int64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt16Int64R)
+	fn(map[int16]float32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt16Float32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt16Float32R)
+	fn(map[int16]float64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt16Float64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt16Float64R)
+	fn(map[int16]bool(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt16BoolR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt16BoolR)
+	fn(map[int32]interface{}(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt32IntfR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt32IntfR)
+	fn(map[int32]string(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt32StringR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt32StringR)
+	fn(map[int32]uint(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt32UintR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt32UintR)
+	fn(map[int32]uint8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt32Uint8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt32Uint8R)
+	fn(map[int32]uint16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt32Uint16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt32Uint16R)
+	fn(map[int32]uint32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt32Uint32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt32Uint32R)
+	fn(map[int32]uint64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt32Uint64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt32Uint64R)
+	fn(map[int32]uintptr(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt32UintptrR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt32UintptrR)
+	fn(map[int32]int(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt32IntR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt32IntR)
+	fn(map[int32]int8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt32Int8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt32Int8R)
+	fn(map[int32]int16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt32Int16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt32Int16R)
+	fn(map[int32]int32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt32Int32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt32Int32R)
+	fn(map[int32]int64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt32Int64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt32Int64R)
+	fn(map[int32]float32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt32Float32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt32Float32R)
+	fn(map[int32]float64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt32Float64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt32Float64R)
+	fn(map[int32]bool(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt32BoolR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt32BoolR)
+	fn(map[int64]interface{}(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt64IntfR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt64IntfR)
+	fn(map[int64]string(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt64StringR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt64StringR)
+	fn(map[int64]uint(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt64UintR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt64UintR)
+	fn(map[int64]uint8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt64Uint8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt64Uint8R)
+	fn(map[int64]uint16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt64Uint16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt64Uint16R)
+	fn(map[int64]uint32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt64Uint32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt64Uint32R)
+	fn(map[int64]uint64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt64Uint64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt64Uint64R)
+	fn(map[int64]uintptr(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt64UintptrR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt64UintptrR)
+	fn(map[int64]int(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt64IntR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt64IntR)
+	fn(map[int64]int8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt64Int8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt64Int8R)
+	fn(map[int64]int16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt64Int16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt64Int16R)
+	fn(map[int64]int32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt64Int32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt64Int32R)
+	fn(map[int64]int64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt64Int64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt64Int64R)
+	fn(map[int64]float32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt64Float32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt64Float32R)
+	fn(map[int64]float64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt64Float64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt64Float64R)
+	fn(map[int64]bool(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapInt64BoolR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapInt64BoolR)
+	fn(map[bool]interface{}(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapBoolIntfR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapBoolIntfR)
+	fn(map[bool]string(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapBoolStringR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapBoolStringR)
+	fn(map[bool]uint(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapBoolUintR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapBoolUintR)
+	fn(map[bool]uint8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapBoolUint8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapBoolUint8R)
+	fn(map[bool]uint16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapBoolUint16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapBoolUint16R)
+	fn(map[bool]uint32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapBoolUint32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapBoolUint32R)
+	fn(map[bool]uint64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapBoolUint64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapBoolUint64R)
+	fn(map[bool]uintptr(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapBoolUintptrR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapBoolUintptrR)
+	fn(map[bool]int(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapBoolIntR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapBoolIntR)
+	fn(map[bool]int8(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapBoolInt8R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapBoolInt8R)
+	fn(map[bool]int16(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapBoolInt16R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapBoolInt16R)
+	fn(map[bool]int32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapBoolInt32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapBoolInt32R)
+	fn(map[bool]int64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapBoolInt64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapBoolInt64R)
+	fn(map[bool]float32(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapBoolFloat32R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapBoolFloat32R)
+	fn(map[bool]float64(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapBoolFloat64R, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapBoolFloat64R)
+	fn(map[bool]bool(nil), (*Encoder).fastpathEncMapBoolBoolR, (*Decoder).fastpathDecMapBoolBoolR)
+	sort.Sort(fastpathAslice(fastpathAV[:]))
+// -- encode
+// -- -- fast path type switch
+func fastpathEncodeTypeSwitch(iv interface{}, e *Encoder) bool {
+	switch v := iv.(type) {
+	case []interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceIntfV(v, e)
+	case *[]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceIntfV(*v, e)
+	case []string:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceStringV(v, e)
+	case *[]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceStringV(*v, e)
+	case []float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceFloat32V(v, e)
+	case *[]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceFloat32V(*v, e)
+	case []float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceFloat64V(v, e)
+	case *[]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceFloat64V(*v, e)
+	case []uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceUintV(v, e)
+	case *[]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceUintV(*v, e)
+	case []uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceUint16V(v, e)
+	case *[]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceUint16V(*v, e)
+	case []uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceUint32V(v, e)
+	case *[]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceUint32V(*v, e)
+	case []uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceUint64V(v, e)
+	case *[]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceUint64V(*v, e)
+	case []uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceUintptrV(v, e)
+	case *[]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceUintptrV(*v, e)
+	case []int:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceIntV(v, e)
+	case *[]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceIntV(*v, e)
+	case []int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceInt8V(v, e)
+	case *[]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceInt8V(*v, e)
+	case []int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceInt16V(v, e)
+	case *[]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceInt16V(*v, e)
+	case []int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceInt32V(v, e)
+	case *[]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceInt32V(*v, e)
+	case []int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceInt64V(v, e)
+	case *[]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceInt64V(*v, e)
+	case []bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceBoolV(v, e)
+	case *[]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceBoolV(*v, e)
+	case map[interface{}]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfIntfV(v, e)
+	case *map[interface{}]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfIntfV(*v, e)
+	case map[interface{}]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfStringV(v, e)
+	case *map[interface{}]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfStringV(*v, e)
+	case map[interface{}]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfUintV(v, e)
+	case *map[interface{}]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfUintV(*v, e)
+	case map[interface{}]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfUint8V(v, e)
+	case *map[interface{}]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfUint8V(*v, e)
+	case map[interface{}]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfUint16V(v, e)
+	case *map[interface{}]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfUint16V(*v, e)
+	case map[interface{}]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfUint32V(v, e)
+	case *map[interface{}]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfUint32V(*v, e)
+	case map[interface{}]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfUint64V(v, e)
+	case *map[interface{}]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfUint64V(*v, e)
+	case map[interface{}]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfUintptrV(v, e)
+	case *map[interface{}]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfUintptrV(*v, e)
+	case map[interface{}]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfIntV(v, e)
+	case *map[interface{}]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfIntV(*v, e)
+	case map[interface{}]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfInt8V(v, e)
+	case *map[interface{}]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfInt8V(*v, e)
+	case map[interface{}]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfInt16V(v, e)
+	case *map[interface{}]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfInt16V(*v, e)
+	case map[interface{}]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfInt32V(v, e)
+	case *map[interface{}]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfInt32V(*v, e)
+	case map[interface{}]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfInt64V(v, e)
+	case *map[interface{}]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfInt64V(*v, e)
+	case map[interface{}]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfFloat32V(v, e)
+	case *map[interface{}]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfFloat32V(*v, e)
+	case map[interface{}]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfFloat64V(v, e)
+	case *map[interface{}]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfFloat64V(*v, e)
+	case map[interface{}]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfBoolV(v, e)
+	case *map[interface{}]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntfBoolV(*v, e)
+	case map[string]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringIntfV(v, e)
+	case *map[string]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringIntfV(*v, e)
+	case map[string]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringStringV(v, e)
+	case *map[string]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringStringV(*v, e)
+	case map[string]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringUintV(v, e)
+	case *map[string]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringUintV(*v, e)
+	case map[string]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringUint8V(v, e)
+	case *map[string]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringUint8V(*v, e)
+	case map[string]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringUint16V(v, e)
+	case *map[string]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringUint16V(*v, e)
+	case map[string]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringUint32V(v, e)
+	case *map[string]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringUint32V(*v, e)
+	case map[string]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringUint64V(v, e)
+	case *map[string]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringUint64V(*v, e)
+	case map[string]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringUintptrV(v, e)
+	case *map[string]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringUintptrV(*v, e)
+	case map[string]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringIntV(v, e)
+	case *map[string]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringIntV(*v, e)
+	case map[string]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringInt8V(v, e)
+	case *map[string]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringInt8V(*v, e)
+	case map[string]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringInt16V(v, e)
+	case *map[string]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringInt16V(*v, e)
+	case map[string]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringInt32V(v, e)
+	case *map[string]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringInt32V(*v, e)
+	case map[string]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringInt64V(v, e)
+	case *map[string]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringInt64V(*v, e)
+	case map[string]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringFloat32V(v, e)
+	case *map[string]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringFloat32V(*v, e)
+	case map[string]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringFloat64V(v, e)
+	case *map[string]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringFloat64V(*v, e)
+	case map[string]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringBoolV(v, e)
+	case *map[string]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapStringBoolV(*v, e)
+	case map[float32]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32IntfV(v, e)
+	case *map[float32]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32IntfV(*v, e)
+	case map[float32]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32StringV(v, e)
+	case *map[float32]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32StringV(*v, e)
+	case map[float32]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32UintV(v, e)
+	case *map[float32]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32UintV(*v, e)
+	case map[float32]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Uint8V(v, e)
+	case *map[float32]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Uint8V(*v, e)
+	case map[float32]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Uint16V(v, e)
+	case *map[float32]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Uint16V(*v, e)
+	case map[float32]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Uint32V(v, e)
+	case *map[float32]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Uint32V(*v, e)
+	case map[float32]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Uint64V(v, e)
+	case *map[float32]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Uint64V(*v, e)
+	case map[float32]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32UintptrV(v, e)
+	case *map[float32]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32UintptrV(*v, e)
+	case map[float32]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32IntV(v, e)
+	case *map[float32]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32IntV(*v, e)
+	case map[float32]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Int8V(v, e)
+	case *map[float32]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Int8V(*v, e)
+	case map[float32]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Int16V(v, e)
+	case *map[float32]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Int16V(*v, e)
+	case map[float32]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Int32V(v, e)
+	case *map[float32]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Int32V(*v, e)
+	case map[float32]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Int64V(v, e)
+	case *map[float32]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Int64V(*v, e)
+	case map[float32]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Float32V(v, e)
+	case *map[float32]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Float32V(*v, e)
+	case map[float32]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Float64V(v, e)
+	case *map[float32]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Float64V(*v, e)
+	case map[float32]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32BoolV(v, e)
+	case *map[float32]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32BoolV(*v, e)
+	case map[float64]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64IntfV(v, e)
+	case *map[float64]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64IntfV(*v, e)
+	case map[float64]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64StringV(v, e)
+	case *map[float64]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64StringV(*v, e)
+	case map[float64]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64UintV(v, e)
+	case *map[float64]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64UintV(*v, e)
+	case map[float64]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Uint8V(v, e)
+	case *map[float64]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Uint8V(*v, e)
+	case map[float64]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Uint16V(v, e)
+	case *map[float64]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Uint16V(*v, e)
+	case map[float64]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Uint32V(v, e)
+	case *map[float64]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Uint32V(*v, e)
+	case map[float64]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Uint64V(v, e)
+	case *map[float64]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Uint64V(*v, e)
+	case map[float64]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64UintptrV(v, e)
+	case *map[float64]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64UintptrV(*v, e)
+	case map[float64]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64IntV(v, e)
+	case *map[float64]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64IntV(*v, e)
+	case map[float64]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Int8V(v, e)
+	case *map[float64]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Int8V(*v, e)
+	case map[float64]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Int16V(v, e)
+	case *map[float64]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Int16V(*v, e)
+	case map[float64]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Int32V(v, e)
+	case *map[float64]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Int32V(*v, e)
+	case map[float64]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Int64V(v, e)
+	case *map[float64]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Int64V(*v, e)
+	case map[float64]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Float32V(v, e)
+	case *map[float64]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Float32V(*v, e)
+	case map[float64]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Float64V(v, e)
+	case *map[float64]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Float64V(*v, e)
+	case map[float64]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64BoolV(v, e)
+	case *map[float64]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64BoolV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintIntfV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintIntfV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintStringV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintStringV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintUintV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintUintV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintUint8V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintUint8V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintUint16V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintUint16V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintUint32V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintUint32V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintUint64V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintUint64V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintUintptrV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintUintptrV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintIntV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintIntV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintInt8V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintInt8V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintInt16V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintInt16V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintInt32V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintInt32V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintInt64V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintInt64V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintFloat32V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintFloat32V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintFloat64V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintFloat64V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintBoolV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintBoolV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint8]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8IntfV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint8]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8IntfV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint8]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8StringV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint8]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8StringV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint8]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8UintV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint8]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8UintV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint8]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Uint8V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint8]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Uint8V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint8]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Uint16V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint8]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Uint16V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint8]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Uint32V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint8]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Uint32V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint8]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Uint64V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint8]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Uint64V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint8]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8UintptrV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint8]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8UintptrV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint8]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8IntV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint8]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8IntV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint8]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Int8V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint8]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Int8V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint8]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Int16V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint8]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Int16V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint8]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Int32V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint8]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Int32V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint8]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Int64V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint8]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Int64V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint8]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Float32V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint8]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Float32V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint8]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Float64V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint8]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Float64V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint8]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8BoolV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint8]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint8BoolV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint16]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16IntfV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint16]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16IntfV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint16]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16StringV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint16]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16StringV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint16]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16UintV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint16]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16UintV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint16]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Uint8V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint16]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Uint8V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint16]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Uint16V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint16]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Uint16V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint16]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Uint32V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint16]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Uint32V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint16]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Uint64V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint16]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Uint64V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint16]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16UintptrV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint16]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16UintptrV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint16]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16IntV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint16]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16IntV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint16]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Int8V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint16]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Int8V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint16]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Int16V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint16]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Int16V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint16]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Int32V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint16]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Int32V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint16]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Int64V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint16]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Int64V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint16]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Float32V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint16]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Float32V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint16]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Float64V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint16]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Float64V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint16]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16BoolV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint16]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint16BoolV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint32]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32IntfV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint32]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32IntfV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint32]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32StringV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint32]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32StringV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint32]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32UintV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint32]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32UintV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint32]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Uint8V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint32]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Uint8V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint32]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Uint16V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint32]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Uint16V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint32]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Uint32V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint32]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Uint32V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint32]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Uint64V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint32]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Uint64V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint32]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32UintptrV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint32]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32UintptrV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint32]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32IntV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint32]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32IntV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint32]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Int8V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint32]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Int8V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint32]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Int16V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint32]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Int16V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint32]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Int32V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint32]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Int32V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint32]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Int64V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint32]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Int64V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint32]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Float32V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint32]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Float32V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint32]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Float64V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint32]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Float64V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint32]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32BoolV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint32]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint32BoolV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint64]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64IntfV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint64]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64IntfV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint64]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64StringV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint64]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64StringV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint64]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64UintV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint64]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64UintV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint64]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Uint8V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint64]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Uint8V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint64]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Uint16V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint64]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Uint16V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint64]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Uint32V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint64]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Uint32V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint64]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Uint64V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint64]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Uint64V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint64]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64UintptrV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint64]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64UintptrV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint64]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64IntV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint64]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64IntV(*v, e)
+	case map[uint64]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Int8V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint64]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Int8V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint64]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Int16V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint64]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Int16V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint64]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Int32V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint64]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Int32V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint64]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Int64V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint64]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Int64V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint64]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Float32V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint64]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Float32V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint64]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Float64V(v, e)
+	case *map[uint64]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Float64V(*v, e)
+	case map[uint64]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64BoolV(v, e)
+	case *map[uint64]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUint64BoolV(*v, e)
+	case map[uintptr]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrIntfV(v, e)
+	case *map[uintptr]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrIntfV(*v, e)
+	case map[uintptr]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrStringV(v, e)
+	case *map[uintptr]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrStringV(*v, e)
+	case map[uintptr]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrUintV(v, e)
+	case *map[uintptr]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrUintV(*v, e)
+	case map[uintptr]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrUint8V(v, e)
+	case *map[uintptr]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrUint8V(*v, e)
+	case map[uintptr]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrUint16V(v, e)
+	case *map[uintptr]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrUint16V(*v, e)
+	case map[uintptr]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrUint32V(v, e)
+	case *map[uintptr]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrUint32V(*v, e)
+	case map[uintptr]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrUint64V(v, e)
+	case *map[uintptr]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrUint64V(*v, e)
+	case map[uintptr]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrUintptrV(v, e)
+	case *map[uintptr]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrUintptrV(*v, e)
+	case map[uintptr]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrIntV(v, e)
+	case *map[uintptr]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrIntV(*v, e)
+	case map[uintptr]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrInt8V(v, e)
+	case *map[uintptr]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrInt8V(*v, e)
+	case map[uintptr]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrInt16V(v, e)
+	case *map[uintptr]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrInt16V(*v, e)
+	case map[uintptr]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrInt32V(v, e)
+	case *map[uintptr]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrInt32V(*v, e)
+	case map[uintptr]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrInt64V(v, e)
+	case *map[uintptr]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrInt64V(*v, e)
+	case map[uintptr]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrFloat32V(v, e)
+	case *map[uintptr]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrFloat32V(*v, e)
+	case map[uintptr]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrFloat64V(v, e)
+	case *map[uintptr]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrFloat64V(*v, e)
+	case map[uintptr]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrBoolV(v, e)
+	case *map[uintptr]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrBoolV(*v, e)
+	case map[int]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntIntfV(v, e)
+	case *map[int]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntIntfV(*v, e)
+	case map[int]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntStringV(v, e)
+	case *map[int]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntStringV(*v, e)
+	case map[int]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntUintV(v, e)
+	case *map[int]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntUintV(*v, e)
+	case map[int]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntUint8V(v, e)
+	case *map[int]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntUint8V(*v, e)
+	case map[int]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntUint16V(v, e)
+	case *map[int]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntUint16V(*v, e)
+	case map[int]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntUint32V(v, e)
+	case *map[int]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntUint32V(*v, e)
+	case map[int]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntUint64V(v, e)
+	case *map[int]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntUint64V(*v, e)
+	case map[int]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntUintptrV(v, e)
+	case *map[int]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntUintptrV(*v, e)
+	case map[int]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntIntV(v, e)
+	case *map[int]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntIntV(*v, e)
+	case map[int]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntInt8V(v, e)
+	case *map[int]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntInt8V(*v, e)
+	case map[int]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntInt16V(v, e)
+	case *map[int]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntInt16V(*v, e)
+	case map[int]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntInt32V(v, e)
+	case *map[int]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntInt32V(*v, e)
+	case map[int]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntInt64V(v, e)
+	case *map[int]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntInt64V(*v, e)
+	case map[int]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntFloat32V(v, e)
+	case *map[int]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntFloat32V(*v, e)
+	case map[int]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntFloat64V(v, e)
+	case *map[int]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntFloat64V(*v, e)
+	case map[int]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntBoolV(v, e)
+	case *map[int]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapIntBoolV(*v, e)
+	case map[int8]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8IntfV(v, e)
+	case *map[int8]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8IntfV(*v, e)
+	case map[int8]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8StringV(v, e)
+	case *map[int8]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8StringV(*v, e)
+	case map[int8]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8UintV(v, e)
+	case *map[int8]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8UintV(*v, e)
+	case map[int8]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Uint8V(v, e)
+	case *map[int8]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Uint8V(*v, e)
+	case map[int8]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Uint16V(v, e)
+	case *map[int8]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Uint16V(*v, e)
+	case map[int8]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Uint32V(v, e)
+	case *map[int8]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Uint32V(*v, e)
+	case map[int8]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Uint64V(v, e)
+	case *map[int8]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Uint64V(*v, e)
+	case map[int8]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8UintptrV(v, e)
+	case *map[int8]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8UintptrV(*v, e)
+	case map[int8]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8IntV(v, e)
+	case *map[int8]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8IntV(*v, e)
+	case map[int8]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Int8V(v, e)
+	case *map[int8]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Int8V(*v, e)
+	case map[int8]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Int16V(v, e)
+	case *map[int8]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Int16V(*v, e)
+	case map[int8]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Int32V(v, e)
+	case *map[int8]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Int32V(*v, e)
+	case map[int8]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Int64V(v, e)
+	case *map[int8]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Int64V(*v, e)
+	case map[int8]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Float32V(v, e)
+	case *map[int8]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Float32V(*v, e)
+	case map[int8]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Float64V(v, e)
+	case *map[int8]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Float64V(*v, e)
+	case map[int8]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8BoolV(v, e)
+	case *map[int8]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt8BoolV(*v, e)
+	case map[int16]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16IntfV(v, e)
+	case *map[int16]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16IntfV(*v, e)
+	case map[int16]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16StringV(v, e)
+	case *map[int16]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16StringV(*v, e)
+	case map[int16]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16UintV(v, e)
+	case *map[int16]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16UintV(*v, e)
+	case map[int16]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Uint8V(v, e)
+	case *map[int16]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Uint8V(*v, e)
+	case map[int16]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Uint16V(v, e)
+	case *map[int16]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Uint16V(*v, e)
+	case map[int16]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Uint32V(v, e)
+	case *map[int16]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Uint32V(*v, e)
+	case map[int16]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Uint64V(v, e)
+	case *map[int16]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Uint64V(*v, e)
+	case map[int16]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16UintptrV(v, e)
+	case *map[int16]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16UintptrV(*v, e)
+	case map[int16]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16IntV(v, e)
+	case *map[int16]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16IntV(*v, e)
+	case map[int16]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Int8V(v, e)
+	case *map[int16]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Int8V(*v, e)
+	case map[int16]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Int16V(v, e)
+	case *map[int16]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Int16V(*v, e)
+	case map[int16]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Int32V(v, e)
+	case *map[int16]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Int32V(*v, e)
+	case map[int16]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Int64V(v, e)
+	case *map[int16]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Int64V(*v, e)
+	case map[int16]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Float32V(v, e)
+	case *map[int16]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Float32V(*v, e)
+	case map[int16]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Float64V(v, e)
+	case *map[int16]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Float64V(*v, e)
+	case map[int16]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16BoolV(v, e)
+	case *map[int16]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt16BoolV(*v, e)
+	case map[int32]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32IntfV(v, e)
+	case *map[int32]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32IntfV(*v, e)
+	case map[int32]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32StringV(v, e)
+	case *map[int32]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32StringV(*v, e)
+	case map[int32]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32UintV(v, e)
+	case *map[int32]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32UintV(*v, e)
+	case map[int32]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Uint8V(v, e)
+	case *map[int32]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Uint8V(*v, e)
+	case map[int32]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Uint16V(v, e)
+	case *map[int32]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Uint16V(*v, e)
+	case map[int32]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Uint32V(v, e)
+	case *map[int32]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Uint32V(*v, e)
+	case map[int32]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Uint64V(v, e)
+	case *map[int32]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Uint64V(*v, e)
+	case map[int32]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32UintptrV(v, e)
+	case *map[int32]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32UintptrV(*v, e)
+	case map[int32]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32IntV(v, e)
+	case *map[int32]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32IntV(*v, e)
+	case map[int32]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Int8V(v, e)
+	case *map[int32]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Int8V(*v, e)
+	case map[int32]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Int16V(v, e)
+	case *map[int32]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Int16V(*v, e)
+	case map[int32]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Int32V(v, e)
+	case *map[int32]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Int32V(*v, e)
+	case map[int32]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Int64V(v, e)
+	case *map[int32]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Int64V(*v, e)
+	case map[int32]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Float32V(v, e)
+	case *map[int32]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Float32V(*v, e)
+	case map[int32]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Float64V(v, e)
+	case *map[int32]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Float64V(*v, e)
+	case map[int32]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32BoolV(v, e)
+	case *map[int32]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt32BoolV(*v, e)
+	case map[int64]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64IntfV(v, e)
+	case *map[int64]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64IntfV(*v, e)
+	case map[int64]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64StringV(v, e)
+	case *map[int64]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64StringV(*v, e)
+	case map[int64]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64UintV(v, e)
+	case *map[int64]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64UintV(*v, e)
+	case map[int64]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Uint8V(v, e)
+	case *map[int64]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Uint8V(*v, e)
+	case map[int64]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Uint16V(v, e)
+	case *map[int64]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Uint16V(*v, e)
+	case map[int64]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Uint32V(v, e)
+	case *map[int64]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Uint32V(*v, e)
+	case map[int64]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Uint64V(v, e)
+	case *map[int64]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Uint64V(*v, e)
+	case map[int64]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64UintptrV(v, e)
+	case *map[int64]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64UintptrV(*v, e)
+	case map[int64]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64IntV(v, e)
+	case *map[int64]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64IntV(*v, e)
+	case map[int64]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Int8V(v, e)
+	case *map[int64]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Int8V(*v, e)
+	case map[int64]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Int16V(v, e)
+	case *map[int64]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Int16V(*v, e)
+	case map[int64]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Int32V(v, e)
+	case *map[int64]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Int32V(*v, e)
+	case map[int64]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Int64V(v, e)
+	case *map[int64]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Int64V(*v, e)
+	case map[int64]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Float32V(v, e)
+	case *map[int64]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Float32V(*v, e)
+	case map[int64]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Float64V(v, e)
+	case *map[int64]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Float64V(*v, e)
+	case map[int64]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64BoolV(v, e)
+	case *map[int64]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapInt64BoolV(*v, e)
+	case map[bool]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolIntfV(v, e)
+	case *map[bool]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolIntfV(*v, e)
+	case map[bool]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolStringV(v, e)
+	case *map[bool]string:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolStringV(*v, e)
+	case map[bool]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolUintV(v, e)
+	case *map[bool]uint:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolUintV(*v, e)
+	case map[bool]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolUint8V(v, e)
+	case *map[bool]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolUint8V(*v, e)
+	case map[bool]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolUint16V(v, e)
+	case *map[bool]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolUint16V(*v, e)
+	case map[bool]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolUint32V(v, e)
+	case *map[bool]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolUint32V(*v, e)
+	case map[bool]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolUint64V(v, e)
+	case *map[bool]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolUint64V(*v, e)
+	case map[bool]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolUintptrV(v, e)
+	case *map[bool]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolUintptrV(*v, e)
+	case map[bool]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolIntV(v, e)
+	case *map[bool]int:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolIntV(*v, e)
+	case map[bool]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolInt8V(v, e)
+	case *map[bool]int8:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolInt8V(*v, e)
+	case map[bool]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolInt16V(v, e)
+	case *map[bool]int16:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolInt16V(*v, e)
+	case map[bool]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolInt32V(v, e)
+	case *map[bool]int32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolInt32V(*v, e)
+	case map[bool]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolInt64V(v, e)
+	case *map[bool]int64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolInt64V(*v, e)
+	case map[bool]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolFloat32V(v, e)
+	case *map[bool]float32:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolFloat32V(*v, e)
+	case map[bool]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolFloat64V(v, e)
+	case *map[bool]float64:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolFloat64V(*v, e)
+	case map[bool]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolBoolV(v, e)
+	case *map[bool]bool:
+		fastpathTV.EncMapBoolBoolV(*v, e)
+	default:
+		_ = v // workaround seen in go1.4
+		return false
+	}
+	return true
+// -- -- fast path functions
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncSliceIntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if f.ti.mbs {
+		fastpathTV.EncAsMapSliceIntfV(rv2i(rv).([]interface{}), e)
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceIntfV(rv2i(rv).([]interface{}), e)
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) EncSliceIntfV(v []interface{}, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteArrayStart(len(v))
+	if esep {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.WriteArrayElem()
+			e.encode(v2)
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			e.encode(v2)
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteArrayEnd()
+func (_ fastpathT) EncAsMapSliceIntfV(v []interface{}, e *Encoder) {
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	if len(v)%2 == 1 {
+		e.errorf("mapBySlice requires even slice length, but got %v", len(v))
+		return
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v) / 2)
+	if esep {
+		for j, v2 := range v {
+			if j%2 == 0 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			} else {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			e.encode(v2)
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			e.encode(v2)
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncSliceStringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if f.ti.mbs {
+		fastpathTV.EncAsMapSliceStringV(rv2i(rv).([]string), e)
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceStringV(rv2i(rv).([]string), e)
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) EncSliceStringV(v []string, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteArrayStart(len(v))
+	if esep {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.WriteArrayElem()
+			ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteArrayEnd()
+func (_ fastpathT) EncAsMapSliceStringV(v []string, e *Encoder) {
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	if len(v)%2 == 1 {
+		e.errorf("mapBySlice requires even slice length, but got %v", len(v))
+		return
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v) / 2)
+	if esep {
+		for j, v2 := range v {
+			if j%2 == 0 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			} else {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncSliceFloat32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if f.ti.mbs {
+		fastpathTV.EncAsMapSliceFloat32V(rv2i(rv).([]float32), e)
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceFloat32V(rv2i(rv).([]float32), e)
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) EncSliceFloat32V(v []float32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteArrayStart(len(v))
+	if esep {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.WriteArrayElem()
+			ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteArrayEnd()
+func (_ fastpathT) EncAsMapSliceFloat32V(v []float32, e *Encoder) {
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	if len(v)%2 == 1 {
+		e.errorf("mapBySlice requires even slice length, but got %v", len(v))
+		return
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v) / 2)
+	if esep {
+		for j, v2 := range v {
+			if j%2 == 0 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			} else {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncSliceFloat64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if f.ti.mbs {
+		fastpathTV.EncAsMapSliceFloat64V(rv2i(rv).([]float64), e)
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceFloat64V(rv2i(rv).([]float64), e)
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) EncSliceFloat64V(v []float64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteArrayStart(len(v))
+	if esep {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.WriteArrayElem()
+			ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteArrayEnd()
+func (_ fastpathT) EncAsMapSliceFloat64V(v []float64, e *Encoder) {
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	if len(v)%2 == 1 {
+		e.errorf("mapBySlice requires even slice length, but got %v", len(v))
+		return
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v) / 2)
+	if esep {
+		for j, v2 := range v {
+			if j%2 == 0 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			} else {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncSliceUintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if f.ti.mbs {
+		fastpathTV.EncAsMapSliceUintV(rv2i(rv).([]uint), e)
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceUintV(rv2i(rv).([]uint), e)
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) EncSliceUintV(v []uint, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteArrayStart(len(v))
+	if esep {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.WriteArrayElem()
+			ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteArrayEnd()
+func (_ fastpathT) EncAsMapSliceUintV(v []uint, e *Encoder) {
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	if len(v)%2 == 1 {
+		e.errorf("mapBySlice requires even slice length, but got %v", len(v))
+		return
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v) / 2)
+	if esep {
+		for j, v2 := range v {
+			if j%2 == 0 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			} else {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncSliceUint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if f.ti.mbs {
+		fastpathTV.EncAsMapSliceUint8V(rv2i(rv).([]uint8), e)
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceUint8V(rv2i(rv).([]uint8), e)
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) EncSliceUint8V(v []uint8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteArrayStart(len(v))
+	if esep {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.WriteArrayElem()
+			ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteArrayEnd()
+func (_ fastpathT) EncAsMapSliceUint8V(v []uint8, e *Encoder) {
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	if len(v)%2 == 1 {
+		e.errorf("mapBySlice requires even slice length, but got %v", len(v))
+		return
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v) / 2)
+	if esep {
+		for j, v2 := range v {
+			if j%2 == 0 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			} else {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncSliceUint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if f.ti.mbs {
+		fastpathTV.EncAsMapSliceUint16V(rv2i(rv).([]uint16), e)
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceUint16V(rv2i(rv).([]uint16), e)
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) EncSliceUint16V(v []uint16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteArrayStart(len(v))
+	if esep {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.WriteArrayElem()
+			ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteArrayEnd()
+func (_ fastpathT) EncAsMapSliceUint16V(v []uint16, e *Encoder) {
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	if len(v)%2 == 1 {
+		e.errorf("mapBySlice requires even slice length, but got %v", len(v))
+		return
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v) / 2)
+	if esep {
+		for j, v2 := range v {
+			if j%2 == 0 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			} else {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncSliceUint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if f.ti.mbs {
+		fastpathTV.EncAsMapSliceUint32V(rv2i(rv).([]uint32), e)
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceUint32V(rv2i(rv).([]uint32), e)
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) EncSliceUint32V(v []uint32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteArrayStart(len(v))
+	if esep {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.WriteArrayElem()
+			ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteArrayEnd()
+func (_ fastpathT) EncAsMapSliceUint32V(v []uint32, e *Encoder) {
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	if len(v)%2 == 1 {
+		e.errorf("mapBySlice requires even slice length, but got %v", len(v))
+		return
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v) / 2)
+	if esep {
+		for j, v2 := range v {
+			if j%2 == 0 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			} else {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncSliceUint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if f.ti.mbs {
+		fastpathTV.EncAsMapSliceUint64V(rv2i(rv).([]uint64), e)
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceUint64V(rv2i(rv).([]uint64), e)
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) EncSliceUint64V(v []uint64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteArrayStart(len(v))
+	if esep {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.WriteArrayElem()
+			ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteArrayEnd()
+func (_ fastpathT) EncAsMapSliceUint64V(v []uint64, e *Encoder) {
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	if len(v)%2 == 1 {
+		e.errorf("mapBySlice requires even slice length, but got %v", len(v))
+		return
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v) / 2)
+	if esep {
+		for j, v2 := range v {
+			if j%2 == 0 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			} else {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncSliceUintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if f.ti.mbs {
+		fastpathTV.EncAsMapSliceUintptrV(rv2i(rv).([]uintptr), e)
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceUintptrV(rv2i(rv).([]uintptr), e)
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) EncSliceUintptrV(v []uintptr, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteArrayStart(len(v))
+	if esep {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.WriteArrayElem()
+			e.encode(v2)
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			e.encode(v2)
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteArrayEnd()
+func (_ fastpathT) EncAsMapSliceUintptrV(v []uintptr, e *Encoder) {
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	if len(v)%2 == 1 {
+		e.errorf("mapBySlice requires even slice length, but got %v", len(v))
+		return
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v) / 2)
+	if esep {
+		for j, v2 := range v {
+			if j%2 == 0 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			} else {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			e.encode(v2)
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			e.encode(v2)
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncSliceIntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if f.ti.mbs {
+		fastpathTV.EncAsMapSliceIntV(rv2i(rv).([]int), e)
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceIntV(rv2i(rv).([]int), e)
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) EncSliceIntV(v []int, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteArrayStart(len(v))
+	if esep {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.WriteArrayElem()
+			ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteArrayEnd()
+func (_ fastpathT) EncAsMapSliceIntV(v []int, e *Encoder) {
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	if len(v)%2 == 1 {
+		e.errorf("mapBySlice requires even slice length, but got %v", len(v))
+		return
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v) / 2)
+	if esep {
+		for j, v2 := range v {
+			if j%2 == 0 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			} else {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncSliceInt8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if f.ti.mbs {
+		fastpathTV.EncAsMapSliceInt8V(rv2i(rv).([]int8), e)
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceInt8V(rv2i(rv).([]int8), e)
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) EncSliceInt8V(v []int8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteArrayStart(len(v))
+	if esep {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.WriteArrayElem()
+			ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteArrayEnd()
+func (_ fastpathT) EncAsMapSliceInt8V(v []int8, e *Encoder) {
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	if len(v)%2 == 1 {
+		e.errorf("mapBySlice requires even slice length, but got %v", len(v))
+		return
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v) / 2)
+	if esep {
+		for j, v2 := range v {
+			if j%2 == 0 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			} else {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncSliceInt16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if f.ti.mbs {
+		fastpathTV.EncAsMapSliceInt16V(rv2i(rv).([]int16), e)
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceInt16V(rv2i(rv).([]int16), e)
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) EncSliceInt16V(v []int16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteArrayStart(len(v))
+	if esep {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.WriteArrayElem()
+			ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteArrayEnd()
+func (_ fastpathT) EncAsMapSliceInt16V(v []int16, e *Encoder) {
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	if len(v)%2 == 1 {
+		e.errorf("mapBySlice requires even slice length, but got %v", len(v))
+		return
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v) / 2)
+	if esep {
+		for j, v2 := range v {
+			if j%2 == 0 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			} else {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncSliceInt32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if f.ti.mbs {
+		fastpathTV.EncAsMapSliceInt32V(rv2i(rv).([]int32), e)
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceInt32V(rv2i(rv).([]int32), e)
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) EncSliceInt32V(v []int32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteArrayStart(len(v))
+	if esep {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.WriteArrayElem()
+			ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteArrayEnd()
+func (_ fastpathT) EncAsMapSliceInt32V(v []int32, e *Encoder) {
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	if len(v)%2 == 1 {
+		e.errorf("mapBySlice requires even slice length, but got %v", len(v))
+		return
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v) / 2)
+	if esep {
+		for j, v2 := range v {
+			if j%2 == 0 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			} else {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncSliceInt64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if f.ti.mbs {
+		fastpathTV.EncAsMapSliceInt64V(rv2i(rv).([]int64), e)
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceInt64V(rv2i(rv).([]int64), e)
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) EncSliceInt64V(v []int64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteArrayStart(len(v))
+	if esep {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.WriteArrayElem()
+			ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteArrayEnd()
+func (_ fastpathT) EncAsMapSliceInt64V(v []int64, e *Encoder) {
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	if len(v)%2 == 1 {
+		e.errorf("mapBySlice requires even slice length, but got %v", len(v))
+		return
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v) / 2)
+	if esep {
+		for j, v2 := range v {
+			if j%2 == 0 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			} else {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncSliceBoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if f.ti.mbs {
+		fastpathTV.EncAsMapSliceBoolV(rv2i(rv).([]bool), e)
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.EncSliceBoolV(rv2i(rv).([]bool), e)
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) EncSliceBoolV(v []bool, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteArrayStart(len(v))
+	if esep {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.WriteArrayElem()
+			ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteArrayEnd()
+func (_ fastpathT) EncAsMapSliceBoolV(v []bool, e *Encoder) {
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	if len(v)%2 == 1 {
+		e.errorf("mapBySlice requires even slice length, but got %v", len(v))
+		return
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v) / 2)
+	if esep {
+		for j, v2 := range v {
+			if j%2 == 0 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			} else {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntfIntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntfIntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]interface{}), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntfIntfV(v map[interface{}]interface{}, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		var mksv []byte = make([]byte, 0, len(v)*16) // temporary byte slice for the encoding
+		e2 := NewEncoderBytes(&mksv, e.hh)
+		v2 := make([]bytesI, len(v))
+		var i, l int
+		var vp *bytesI
+		for k2, _ := range v {
+			l = len(mksv)
+			e2.MustEncode(k2)
+			vp = &v2[i]
+			vp.v = mksv[l:]
+			vp.i = k2
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(bytesISlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntfStringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntfStringV(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]string), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntfStringV(v map[interface{}]string, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		var mksv []byte = make([]byte, 0, len(v)*16) // temporary byte slice for the encoding
+		e2 := NewEncoderBytes(&mksv, e.hh)
+		v2 := make([]bytesI, len(v))
+		var i, l int
+		var vp *bytesI
+		for k2, _ := range v {
+			l = len(mksv)
+			e2.MustEncode(k2)
+			vp = &v2[i]
+			vp.v = mksv[l:]
+			vp.i = k2
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(bytesISlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntfUintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntfUintV(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]uint), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntfUintV(v map[interface{}]uint, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		var mksv []byte = make([]byte, 0, len(v)*16) // temporary byte slice for the encoding
+		e2 := NewEncoderBytes(&mksv, e.hh)
+		v2 := make([]bytesI, len(v))
+		var i, l int
+		var vp *bytesI
+		for k2, _ := range v {
+			l = len(mksv)
+			e2.MustEncode(k2)
+			vp = &v2[i]
+			vp.v = mksv[l:]
+			vp.i = k2
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(bytesISlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntfUint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntfUint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]uint8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntfUint8V(v map[interface{}]uint8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		var mksv []byte = make([]byte, 0, len(v)*16) // temporary byte slice for the encoding
+		e2 := NewEncoderBytes(&mksv, e.hh)
+		v2 := make([]bytesI, len(v))
+		var i, l int
+		var vp *bytesI
+		for k2, _ := range v {
+			l = len(mksv)
+			e2.MustEncode(k2)
+			vp = &v2[i]
+			vp.v = mksv[l:]
+			vp.i = k2
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(bytesISlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntfUint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntfUint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]uint16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntfUint16V(v map[interface{}]uint16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		var mksv []byte = make([]byte, 0, len(v)*16) // temporary byte slice for the encoding
+		e2 := NewEncoderBytes(&mksv, e.hh)
+		v2 := make([]bytesI, len(v))
+		var i, l int
+		var vp *bytesI
+		for k2, _ := range v {
+			l = len(mksv)
+			e2.MustEncode(k2)
+			vp = &v2[i]
+			vp.v = mksv[l:]
+			vp.i = k2
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(bytesISlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntfUint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntfUint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]uint32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntfUint32V(v map[interface{}]uint32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		var mksv []byte = make([]byte, 0, len(v)*16) // temporary byte slice for the encoding
+		e2 := NewEncoderBytes(&mksv, e.hh)
+		v2 := make([]bytesI, len(v))
+		var i, l int
+		var vp *bytesI
+		for k2, _ := range v {
+			l = len(mksv)
+			e2.MustEncode(k2)
+			vp = &v2[i]
+			vp.v = mksv[l:]
+			vp.i = k2
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(bytesISlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntfUint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntfUint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]uint64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntfUint64V(v map[interface{}]uint64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		var mksv []byte = make([]byte, 0, len(v)*16) // temporary byte slice for the encoding
+		e2 := NewEncoderBytes(&mksv, e.hh)
+		v2 := make([]bytesI, len(v))
+		var i, l int
+		var vp *bytesI
+		for k2, _ := range v {
+			l = len(mksv)
+			e2.MustEncode(k2)
+			vp = &v2[i]
+			vp.v = mksv[l:]
+			vp.i = k2
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(bytesISlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntfUintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntfUintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]uintptr), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntfUintptrV(v map[interface{}]uintptr, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		var mksv []byte = make([]byte, 0, len(v)*16) // temporary byte slice for the encoding
+		e2 := NewEncoderBytes(&mksv, e.hh)
+		v2 := make([]bytesI, len(v))
+		var i, l int
+		var vp *bytesI
+		for k2, _ := range v {
+			l = len(mksv)
+			e2.MustEncode(k2)
+			vp = &v2[i]
+			vp.v = mksv[l:]
+			vp.i = k2
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(bytesISlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntfIntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntfIntV(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]int), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntfIntV(v map[interface{}]int, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		var mksv []byte = make([]byte, 0, len(v)*16) // temporary byte slice for the encoding
+		e2 := NewEncoderBytes(&mksv, e.hh)
+		v2 := make([]bytesI, len(v))
+		var i, l int
+		var vp *bytesI
+		for k2, _ := range v {
+			l = len(mksv)
+			e2.MustEncode(k2)
+			vp = &v2[i]
+			vp.v = mksv[l:]
+			vp.i = k2
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(bytesISlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntfInt8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntfInt8V(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]int8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntfInt8V(v map[interface{}]int8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		var mksv []byte = make([]byte, 0, len(v)*16) // temporary byte slice for the encoding
+		e2 := NewEncoderBytes(&mksv, e.hh)
+		v2 := make([]bytesI, len(v))
+		var i, l int
+		var vp *bytesI
+		for k2, _ := range v {
+			l = len(mksv)
+			e2.MustEncode(k2)
+			vp = &v2[i]
+			vp.v = mksv[l:]
+			vp.i = k2
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(bytesISlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntfInt16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntfInt16V(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]int16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntfInt16V(v map[interface{}]int16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		var mksv []byte = make([]byte, 0, len(v)*16) // temporary byte slice for the encoding
+		e2 := NewEncoderBytes(&mksv, e.hh)
+		v2 := make([]bytesI, len(v))
+		var i, l int
+		var vp *bytesI
+		for k2, _ := range v {
+			l = len(mksv)
+			e2.MustEncode(k2)
+			vp = &v2[i]
+			vp.v = mksv[l:]
+			vp.i = k2
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(bytesISlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntfInt32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntfInt32V(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]int32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntfInt32V(v map[interface{}]int32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		var mksv []byte = make([]byte, 0, len(v)*16) // temporary byte slice for the encoding
+		e2 := NewEncoderBytes(&mksv, e.hh)
+		v2 := make([]bytesI, len(v))
+		var i, l int
+		var vp *bytesI
+		for k2, _ := range v {
+			l = len(mksv)
+			e2.MustEncode(k2)
+			vp = &v2[i]
+			vp.v = mksv[l:]
+			vp.i = k2
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(bytesISlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntfInt64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntfInt64V(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]int64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntfInt64V(v map[interface{}]int64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		var mksv []byte = make([]byte, 0, len(v)*16) // temporary byte slice for the encoding
+		e2 := NewEncoderBytes(&mksv, e.hh)
+		v2 := make([]bytesI, len(v))
+		var i, l int
+		var vp *bytesI
+		for k2, _ := range v {
+			l = len(mksv)
+			e2.MustEncode(k2)
+			vp = &v2[i]
+			vp.v = mksv[l:]
+			vp.i = k2
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(bytesISlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntfFloat32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntfFloat32V(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]float32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntfFloat32V(v map[interface{}]float32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		var mksv []byte = make([]byte, 0, len(v)*16) // temporary byte slice for the encoding
+		e2 := NewEncoderBytes(&mksv, e.hh)
+		v2 := make([]bytesI, len(v))
+		var i, l int
+		var vp *bytesI
+		for k2, _ := range v {
+			l = len(mksv)
+			e2.MustEncode(k2)
+			vp = &v2[i]
+			vp.v = mksv[l:]
+			vp.i = k2
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(bytesISlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntfFloat64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntfFloat64V(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]float64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntfFloat64V(v map[interface{}]float64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		var mksv []byte = make([]byte, 0, len(v)*16) // temporary byte slice for the encoding
+		e2 := NewEncoderBytes(&mksv, e.hh)
+		v2 := make([]bytesI, len(v))
+		var i, l int
+		var vp *bytesI
+		for k2, _ := range v {
+			l = len(mksv)
+			e2.MustEncode(k2)
+			vp = &v2[i]
+			vp.v = mksv[l:]
+			vp.i = k2
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(bytesISlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntfBoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntfBoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]bool), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntfBoolV(v map[interface{}]bool, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		var mksv []byte = make([]byte, 0, len(v)*16) // temporary byte slice for the encoding
+		e2 := NewEncoderBytes(&mksv, e.hh)
+		v2 := make([]bytesI, len(v))
+		var i, l int
+		var vp *bytesI
+		for k2, _ := range v {
+			l = len(mksv)
+			e2.MustEncode(k2)
+			vp = &v2[i]
+			vp.v = mksv[l:]
+			vp.i = k2
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(bytesISlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapStringIntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapStringIntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[string]interface{}), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapStringIntfV(v map[string]interface{}, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]string, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = string(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(stringSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[string(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				e.encode(v[string(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapStringStringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapStringStringV(rv2i(rv).(map[string]string), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapStringStringV(v map[string]string, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]string, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = string(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(stringSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[string(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[string(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapStringUintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapStringUintV(rv2i(rv).(map[string]uint), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapStringUintV(v map[string]uint, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]string, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = string(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(stringSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[string(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[string(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapStringUint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapStringUint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[string]uint8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapStringUint8V(v map[string]uint8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]string, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = string(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(stringSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[string(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[string(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapStringUint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapStringUint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[string]uint16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapStringUint16V(v map[string]uint16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]string, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = string(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(stringSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[string(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[string(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapStringUint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapStringUint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[string]uint32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapStringUint32V(v map[string]uint32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]string, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = string(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(stringSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[string(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[string(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapStringUint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapStringUint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[string]uint64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapStringUint64V(v map[string]uint64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]string, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = string(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(stringSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[string(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[string(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapStringUintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapStringUintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[string]uintptr), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapStringUintptrV(v map[string]uintptr, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]string, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = string(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(stringSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[string(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				e.encode(v[string(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapStringIntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapStringIntV(rv2i(rv).(map[string]int), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapStringIntV(v map[string]int, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]string, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = string(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(stringSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[string(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[string(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapStringInt8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapStringInt8V(rv2i(rv).(map[string]int8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapStringInt8V(v map[string]int8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]string, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = string(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(stringSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[string(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[string(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapStringInt16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapStringInt16V(rv2i(rv).(map[string]int16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapStringInt16V(v map[string]int16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]string, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = string(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(stringSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[string(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[string(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapStringInt32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapStringInt32V(rv2i(rv).(map[string]int32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapStringInt32V(v map[string]int32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]string, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = string(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(stringSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[string(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[string(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapStringInt64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapStringInt64V(rv2i(rv).(map[string]int64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapStringInt64V(v map[string]int64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]string, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = string(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(stringSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[string(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[string(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapStringFloat32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapStringFloat32V(rv2i(rv).(map[string]float32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapStringFloat32V(v map[string]float32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]string, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = string(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(stringSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[string(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[string(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapStringFloat64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapStringFloat64V(rv2i(rv).(map[string]float64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapStringFloat64V(v map[string]float64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]string, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = string(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(stringSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[string(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[string(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapStringBoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapStringBoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[string]bool), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapStringBoolV(v map[string]bool, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]string, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = string(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(stringSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[string(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[string(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2)
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat32IntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32IntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]interface{}), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat32IntfV(v map[float32]interface{}, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[float32(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				e.encode(v[float32(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat32StringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32StringV(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]string), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat32StringV(v map[float32]string, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[float32(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[float32(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat32UintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32UintV(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]uint), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat32UintV(v map[float32]uint, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[float32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[float32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat32Uint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Uint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]uint8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat32Uint8V(v map[float32]uint8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[float32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[float32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat32Uint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Uint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]uint16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat32Uint16V(v map[float32]uint16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[float32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[float32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat32Uint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Uint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]uint32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat32Uint32V(v map[float32]uint32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[float32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[float32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat32Uint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Uint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]uint64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat32Uint64V(v map[float32]uint64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[float32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[float32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat32UintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32UintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]uintptr), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat32UintptrV(v map[float32]uintptr, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[float32(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				e.encode(v[float32(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat32IntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32IntV(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]int), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat32IntV(v map[float32]int, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[float32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[float32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat32Int8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Int8V(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]int8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat32Int8V(v map[float32]int8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[float32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[float32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat32Int16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Int16V(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]int16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat32Int16V(v map[float32]int16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[float32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[float32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat32Int32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Int32V(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]int32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat32Int32V(v map[float32]int32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[float32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[float32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat32Int64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Int64V(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]int64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat32Int64V(v map[float32]int64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[float32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[float32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat32Float32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Float32V(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]float32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat32Float32V(v map[float32]float32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[float32(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[float32(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat32Float64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32Float64V(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]float64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat32Float64V(v map[float32]float64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[float32(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[float32(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat32BoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat32BoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]bool), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat32BoolV(v map[float32]bool, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[float32(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(float32(k2))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[float32(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(k2)
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat64IntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64IntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]interface{}), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat64IntfV(v map[float64]interface{}, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[float64(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				e.encode(v[float64(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat64StringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64StringV(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]string), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat64StringV(v map[float64]string, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[float64(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[float64(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat64UintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64UintV(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]uint), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat64UintV(v map[float64]uint, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[float64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[float64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat64Uint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Uint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]uint8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat64Uint8V(v map[float64]uint8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[float64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[float64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat64Uint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Uint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]uint16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat64Uint16V(v map[float64]uint16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[float64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[float64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat64Uint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Uint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]uint32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat64Uint32V(v map[float64]uint32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[float64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[float64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat64Uint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Uint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]uint64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat64Uint64V(v map[float64]uint64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[float64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[float64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat64UintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64UintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]uintptr), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat64UintptrV(v map[float64]uintptr, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[float64(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				e.encode(v[float64(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat64IntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64IntV(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]int), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat64IntV(v map[float64]int, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[float64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[float64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat64Int8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Int8V(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]int8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat64Int8V(v map[float64]int8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[float64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[float64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat64Int16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Int16V(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]int16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat64Int16V(v map[float64]int16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[float64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[float64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat64Int32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Int32V(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]int32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat64Int32V(v map[float64]int32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[float64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[float64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat64Int64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Int64V(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]int64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat64Int64V(v map[float64]int64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[float64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[float64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat64Float32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Float32V(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]float32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat64Float32V(v map[float64]float32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[float64(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[float64(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat64Float64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64Float64V(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]float64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat64Float64V(v map[float64]float64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[float64(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[float64(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapFloat64BoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapFloat64BoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]bool), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapFloat64BoolV(v map[float64]bool, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]float64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = float64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(floatSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[float64(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(float64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[float64(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(k2)
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintIntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintIntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]interface{}), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintIntfV(v map[uint]interface{}, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[uint(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				e.encode(v[uint(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintStringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintStringV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]string), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintStringV(v map[uint]string, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[uint(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[uint(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintUintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintUintV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]uint), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintUintV(v map[uint]uint, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintUint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintUint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]uint8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintUint8V(v map[uint]uint8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintUint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintUint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]uint16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintUint16V(v map[uint]uint16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintUint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintUint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]uint32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintUint32V(v map[uint]uint32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintUint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintUint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]uint64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintUint64V(v map[uint]uint64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintUintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintUintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]uintptr), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintUintptrV(v map[uint]uintptr, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[uint(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				e.encode(v[uint(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintIntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintIntV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]int), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintIntV(v map[uint]int, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintInt8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintInt8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]int8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintInt8V(v map[uint]int8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintInt16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintInt16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]int16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintInt16V(v map[uint]int16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintInt32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintInt32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]int32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintInt32V(v map[uint]int32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintInt64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintInt64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]int64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintInt64V(v map[uint]int64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintFloat32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintFloat32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]float32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintFloat32V(v map[uint]float32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[uint(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[uint(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintFloat64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintFloat64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]float64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintFloat64V(v map[uint]float64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[uint(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[uint(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintBoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintBoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]bool), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintBoolV(v map[uint]bool, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[uint(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[uint(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint8IntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint8IntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]interface{}), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint8IntfV(v map[uint8]interface{}, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[uint8(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				e.encode(v[uint8(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint8StringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint8StringV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]string), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint8StringV(v map[uint8]string, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[uint8(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[uint8(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint8UintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint8UintV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]uint), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint8UintV(v map[uint8]uint, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint8(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint8(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint8Uint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Uint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]uint8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint8Uint8V(v map[uint8]uint8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint8(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint8(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint8Uint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Uint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]uint16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint8Uint16V(v map[uint8]uint16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint8(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint8(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint8Uint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Uint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]uint32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint8Uint32V(v map[uint8]uint32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint8(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint8(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint8Uint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Uint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]uint64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint8Uint64V(v map[uint8]uint64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint8(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint8(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint8UintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint8UintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]uintptr), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint8UintptrV(v map[uint8]uintptr, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[uint8(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				e.encode(v[uint8(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint8IntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint8IntV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]int), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint8IntV(v map[uint8]int, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint8(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint8(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint8Int8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Int8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]int8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint8Int8V(v map[uint8]int8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint8(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint8(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint8Int16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Int16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]int16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint8Int16V(v map[uint8]int16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint8(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint8(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint8Int32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Int32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]int32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint8Int32V(v map[uint8]int32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint8(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint8(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint8Int64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Int64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]int64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint8Int64V(v map[uint8]int64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint8(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint8(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint8Float32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Float32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]float32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint8Float32V(v map[uint8]float32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[uint8(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[uint8(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint8Float64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint8Float64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]float64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint8Float64V(v map[uint8]float64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[uint8(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[uint8(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint8BoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint8BoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]bool), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint8BoolV(v map[uint8]bool, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[uint8(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[uint8(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint16IntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint16IntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]interface{}), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint16IntfV(v map[uint16]interface{}, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[uint16(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				e.encode(v[uint16(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint16StringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint16StringV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]string), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint16StringV(v map[uint16]string, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[uint16(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[uint16(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint16UintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint16UintV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]uint), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint16UintV(v map[uint16]uint, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint16(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint16(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint16Uint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Uint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]uint8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint16Uint8V(v map[uint16]uint8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint16(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint16(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint16Uint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Uint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]uint16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint16Uint16V(v map[uint16]uint16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint16(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint16(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint16Uint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Uint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]uint32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint16Uint32V(v map[uint16]uint32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint16(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint16(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint16Uint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Uint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]uint64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint16Uint64V(v map[uint16]uint64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint16(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint16(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint16UintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint16UintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]uintptr), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint16UintptrV(v map[uint16]uintptr, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[uint16(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				e.encode(v[uint16(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint16IntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint16IntV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]int), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint16IntV(v map[uint16]int, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint16(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint16(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint16Int8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Int8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]int8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint16Int8V(v map[uint16]int8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint16(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint16(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint16Int16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Int16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]int16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint16Int16V(v map[uint16]int16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint16(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint16(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint16Int32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Int32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]int32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint16Int32V(v map[uint16]int32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint16(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint16(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint16Int64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Int64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]int64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint16Int64V(v map[uint16]int64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint16(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint16(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint16Float32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Float32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]float32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint16Float32V(v map[uint16]float32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[uint16(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[uint16(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint16Float64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint16Float64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]float64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint16Float64V(v map[uint16]float64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[uint16(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[uint16(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint16BoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint16BoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]bool), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint16BoolV(v map[uint16]bool, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[uint16(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[uint16(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint32IntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint32IntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]interface{}), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint32IntfV(v map[uint32]interface{}, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[uint32(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				e.encode(v[uint32(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint32StringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint32StringV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]string), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint32StringV(v map[uint32]string, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[uint32(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[uint32(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint32UintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint32UintV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]uint), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint32UintV(v map[uint32]uint, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint32Uint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Uint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]uint8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint32Uint8V(v map[uint32]uint8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint32Uint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Uint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]uint16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint32Uint16V(v map[uint32]uint16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint32Uint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Uint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]uint32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint32Uint32V(v map[uint32]uint32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint32Uint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Uint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]uint64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint32Uint64V(v map[uint32]uint64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint32UintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint32UintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]uintptr), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint32UintptrV(v map[uint32]uintptr, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[uint32(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				e.encode(v[uint32(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint32IntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint32IntV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]int), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint32IntV(v map[uint32]int, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint32Int8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Int8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]int8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint32Int8V(v map[uint32]int8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint32Int16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Int16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]int16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint32Int16V(v map[uint32]int16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint32Int32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Int32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]int32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint32Int32V(v map[uint32]int32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint32Int64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Int64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]int64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint32Int64V(v map[uint32]int64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint32Float32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Float32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]float32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint32Float32V(v map[uint32]float32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[uint32(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[uint32(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint32Float64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint32Float64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]float64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint32Float64V(v map[uint32]float64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[uint32(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[uint32(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint32BoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint32BoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]bool), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint32BoolV(v map[uint32]bool, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[uint32(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[uint32(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint64IntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint64IntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]interface{}), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint64IntfV(v map[uint64]interface{}, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[uint64(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				e.encode(v[uint64(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint64StringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint64StringV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]string), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint64StringV(v map[uint64]string, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[uint64(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[uint64(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint64UintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint64UintV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]uint), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint64UintV(v map[uint64]uint, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint64Uint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Uint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]uint8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint64Uint8V(v map[uint64]uint8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint64Uint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Uint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]uint16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint64Uint16V(v map[uint64]uint16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint64Uint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Uint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]uint32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint64Uint32V(v map[uint64]uint32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint64Uint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Uint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]uint64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint64Uint64V(v map[uint64]uint64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uint64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint64UintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint64UintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]uintptr), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint64UintptrV(v map[uint64]uintptr, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[uint64(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				e.encode(v[uint64(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint64IntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint64IntV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]int), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint64IntV(v map[uint64]int, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint64Int8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Int8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]int8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint64Int8V(v map[uint64]int8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint64Int16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Int16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]int16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint64Int16V(v map[uint64]int16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint64Int32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Int32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]int32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint64Int32V(v map[uint64]int32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint64Int64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Int64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]int64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint64Int64V(v map[uint64]int64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uint64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint64Float32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Float32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]float32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint64Float32V(v map[uint64]float32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[uint64(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[uint64(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint64Float64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint64Float64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]float64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint64Float64V(v map[uint64]float64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[uint64(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[uint64(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUint64BoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUint64BoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]bool), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUint64BoolV(v map[uint64]bool, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[uint64(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(uint64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[uint64(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintptrIntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrIntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]interface{}), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintptrIntfV(v map[uintptr]interface{}, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[uintptr(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				e.encode(v[uintptr(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintptrStringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrStringV(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]string), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintptrStringV(v map[uintptr]string, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[uintptr(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[uintptr(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintptrUintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrUintV(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]uint), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintptrUintV(v map[uintptr]uint, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uintptr(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uintptr(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintptrUint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrUint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]uint8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintptrUint8V(v map[uintptr]uint8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uintptr(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uintptr(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintptrUint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrUint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]uint16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintptrUint16V(v map[uintptr]uint16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uintptr(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uintptr(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintptrUint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrUint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]uint32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintptrUint32V(v map[uintptr]uint32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uintptr(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uintptr(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintptrUint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrUint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]uint64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintptrUint64V(v map[uintptr]uint64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uintptr(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[uintptr(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintptrUintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrUintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]uintptr), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintptrUintptrV(v map[uintptr]uintptr, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[uintptr(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				e.encode(v[uintptr(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintptrIntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrIntV(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]int), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintptrIntV(v map[uintptr]int, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uintptr(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uintptr(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintptrInt8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrInt8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]int8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintptrInt8V(v map[uintptr]int8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uintptr(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uintptr(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintptrInt16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrInt16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]int16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintptrInt16V(v map[uintptr]int16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uintptr(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uintptr(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintptrInt32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrInt32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]int32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintptrInt32V(v map[uintptr]int32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uintptr(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uintptr(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintptrInt64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrInt64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]int64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintptrInt64V(v map[uintptr]int64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uintptr(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[uintptr(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintptrFloat32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrFloat32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]float32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintptrFloat32V(v map[uintptr]float32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[uintptr(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[uintptr(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintptrFloat64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrFloat64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]float64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintptrFloat64V(v map[uintptr]float64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[uintptr(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[uintptr(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapUintptrBoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapUintptrBoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]bool), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapUintptrBoolV(v map[uintptr]bool, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]uint64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = uint64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(uintSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[uintptr(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				e.encode(uintptr(k2))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[uintptr(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				e.encode(k2)
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntIntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntIntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[int]interface{}), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntIntfV(v map[int]interface{}, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[int(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				e.encode(v[int(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntStringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntStringV(rv2i(rv).(map[int]string), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntStringV(v map[int]string, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[int(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[int(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntUintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntUintV(rv2i(rv).(map[int]uint), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntUintV(v map[int]uint, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntUint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntUint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[int]uint8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntUint8V(v map[int]uint8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntUint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntUint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[int]uint16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntUint16V(v map[int]uint16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntUint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntUint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int]uint32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntUint32V(v map[int]uint32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntUint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntUint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int]uint64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntUint64V(v map[int]uint64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntUintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntUintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[int]uintptr), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntUintptrV(v map[int]uintptr, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[int(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				e.encode(v[int(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntIntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntIntV(rv2i(rv).(map[int]int), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntIntV(v map[int]int, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntInt8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntInt8V(rv2i(rv).(map[int]int8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntInt8V(v map[int]int8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntInt16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntInt16V(rv2i(rv).(map[int]int16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntInt16V(v map[int]int16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntInt32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntInt32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int]int32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntInt32V(v map[int]int32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntInt64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntInt64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int]int64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntInt64V(v map[int]int64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntFloat32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntFloat32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int]float32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntFloat32V(v map[int]float32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[int(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[int(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntFloat64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntFloat64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int]float64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntFloat64V(v map[int]float64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[int(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[int(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapIntBoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapIntBoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[int]bool), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapIntBoolV(v map[int]bool, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[int(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[int(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt8IntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt8IntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]interface{}), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt8IntfV(v map[int8]interface{}, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[int8(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				e.encode(v[int8(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt8StringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt8StringV(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]string), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt8StringV(v map[int8]string, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[int8(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[int8(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt8UintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt8UintV(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]uint), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt8UintV(v map[int8]uint, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int8(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int8(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt8Uint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Uint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]uint8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt8Uint8V(v map[int8]uint8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int8(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int8(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt8Uint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Uint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]uint16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt8Uint16V(v map[int8]uint16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int8(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int8(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt8Uint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Uint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]uint32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt8Uint32V(v map[int8]uint32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int8(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int8(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt8Uint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Uint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]uint64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt8Uint64V(v map[int8]uint64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int8(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int8(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt8UintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt8UintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]uintptr), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt8UintptrV(v map[int8]uintptr, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[int8(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				e.encode(v[int8(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt8IntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt8IntV(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]int), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt8IntV(v map[int8]int, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int8(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int8(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt8Int8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Int8V(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]int8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt8Int8V(v map[int8]int8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int8(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int8(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt8Int16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Int16V(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]int16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt8Int16V(v map[int8]int16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int8(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int8(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt8Int32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Int32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]int32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt8Int32V(v map[int8]int32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int8(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int8(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt8Int64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Int64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]int64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt8Int64V(v map[int8]int64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int8(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int8(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt8Float32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Float32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]float32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt8Float32V(v map[int8]float32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[int8(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[int8(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt8Float64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt8Float64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]float64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt8Float64V(v map[int8]float64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[int8(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[int8(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt8BoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt8BoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]bool), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt8BoolV(v map[int8]bool, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[int8(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int8(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[int8(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt16IntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt16IntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]interface{}), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt16IntfV(v map[int16]interface{}, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[int16(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				e.encode(v[int16(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt16StringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt16StringV(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]string), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt16StringV(v map[int16]string, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[int16(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[int16(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt16UintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt16UintV(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]uint), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt16UintV(v map[int16]uint, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int16(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int16(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt16Uint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Uint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]uint8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt16Uint8V(v map[int16]uint8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int16(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int16(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt16Uint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Uint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]uint16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt16Uint16V(v map[int16]uint16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int16(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int16(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt16Uint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Uint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]uint32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt16Uint32V(v map[int16]uint32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int16(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int16(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt16Uint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Uint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]uint64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt16Uint64V(v map[int16]uint64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int16(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int16(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt16UintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt16UintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]uintptr), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt16UintptrV(v map[int16]uintptr, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[int16(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				e.encode(v[int16(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt16IntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt16IntV(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]int), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt16IntV(v map[int16]int, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int16(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int16(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt16Int8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Int8V(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]int8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt16Int8V(v map[int16]int8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int16(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int16(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt16Int16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Int16V(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]int16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt16Int16V(v map[int16]int16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int16(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int16(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt16Int32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Int32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]int32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt16Int32V(v map[int16]int32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int16(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int16(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt16Int64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Int64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]int64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt16Int64V(v map[int16]int64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int16(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int16(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt16Float32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Float32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]float32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt16Float32V(v map[int16]float32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[int16(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[int16(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt16Float64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt16Float64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]float64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt16Float64V(v map[int16]float64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[int16(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[int16(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt16BoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt16BoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]bool), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt16BoolV(v map[int16]bool, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[int16(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int16(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[int16(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt32IntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt32IntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]interface{}), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt32IntfV(v map[int32]interface{}, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[int32(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				e.encode(v[int32(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt32StringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt32StringV(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]string), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt32StringV(v map[int32]string, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[int32(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[int32(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt32UintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt32UintV(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]uint), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt32UintV(v map[int32]uint, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt32Uint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Uint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]uint8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt32Uint8V(v map[int32]uint8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt32Uint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Uint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]uint16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt32Uint16V(v map[int32]uint16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt32Uint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Uint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]uint32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt32Uint32V(v map[int32]uint32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt32Uint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Uint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]uint64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt32Uint64V(v map[int32]uint64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt32UintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt32UintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]uintptr), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt32UintptrV(v map[int32]uintptr, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[int32(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				e.encode(v[int32(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt32IntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt32IntV(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]int), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt32IntV(v map[int32]int, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt32Int8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Int8V(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]int8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt32Int8V(v map[int32]int8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt32Int16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Int16V(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]int16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt32Int16V(v map[int32]int16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt32Int32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Int32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]int32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt32Int32V(v map[int32]int32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt32Int64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Int64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]int64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt32Int64V(v map[int32]int64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int32(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int32(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt32Float32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Float32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]float32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt32Float32V(v map[int32]float32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[int32(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[int32(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt32Float64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt32Float64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]float64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt32Float64V(v map[int32]float64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[int32(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[int32(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt32BoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt32BoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]bool), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt32BoolV(v map[int32]bool, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[int32(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int32(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[int32(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt64IntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt64IntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]interface{}), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt64IntfV(v map[int64]interface{}, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[int64(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				e.encode(v[int64(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt64StringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt64StringV(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]string), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt64StringV(v map[int64]string, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[int64(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[int64(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt64UintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt64UintV(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]uint), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt64UintV(v map[int64]uint, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt64Uint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Uint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]uint8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt64Uint8V(v map[int64]uint8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt64Uint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Uint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]uint16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt64Uint16V(v map[int64]uint16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt64Uint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Uint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]uint32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt64Uint32V(v map[int64]uint32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt64Uint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Uint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]uint64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt64Uint64V(v map[int64]uint64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[int64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt64UintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt64UintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]uintptr), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt64UintptrV(v map[int64]uintptr, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[int64(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				e.encode(v[int64(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt64IntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt64IntV(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]int), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt64IntV(v map[int64]int, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt64Int8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Int8V(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]int8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt64Int8V(v map[int64]int8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt64Int16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Int16V(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]int16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt64Int16V(v map[int64]int16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt64Int32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Int32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]int32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt64Int32V(v map[int64]int32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt64Int64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Int64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]int64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt64Int64V(v map[int64]int64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int64(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[int64(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt64Float32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Float32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]float32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt64Float32V(v map[int64]float32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[int64(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[int64(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt64Float64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt64Float64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]float64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt64Float64V(v map[int64]float64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[int64(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[int64(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapInt64BoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapInt64BoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]bool), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapInt64BoolV(v map[int64]bool, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]int64, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = int64(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(intSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[int64(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(int64(k2)))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[int64(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(k2))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapBoolIntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapBoolIntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]interface{}), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapBoolIntfV(v map[bool]interface{}, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]bool, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = bool(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(boolSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[bool(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				e.encode(v[bool(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapBoolStringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapBoolStringV(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]string), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapBoolStringV(v map[bool]string, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]bool, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = bool(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(boolSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[bool(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v[bool(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapBoolUintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapBoolUintV(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]uint), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapBoolUintV(v map[bool]uint, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]bool, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = bool(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(boolSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[bool(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[bool(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapBoolUint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapBoolUint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]uint8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapBoolUint8V(v map[bool]uint8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]bool, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = bool(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(boolSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[bool(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[bool(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapBoolUint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapBoolUint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]uint16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapBoolUint16V(v map[bool]uint16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]bool, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = bool(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(boolSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[bool(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[bool(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapBoolUint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapBoolUint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]uint32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapBoolUint32V(v map[bool]uint32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]bool, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = bool(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(boolSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[bool(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[bool(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapBoolUint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapBoolUint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]uint64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapBoolUint64V(v map[bool]uint64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]bool, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = bool(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(boolSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[bool(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v[bool(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.EncodeUint(uint64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapBoolUintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapBoolUintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]uintptr), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapBoolUintptrV(v map[bool]uintptr, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]bool, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = bool(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(boolSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[bool(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				e.encode(v[bool(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				e.encode(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapBoolIntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapBoolIntV(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]int), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapBoolIntV(v map[bool]int, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]bool, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = bool(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(boolSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[bool(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[bool(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapBoolInt8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapBoolInt8V(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]int8), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapBoolInt8V(v map[bool]int8, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]bool, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = bool(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(boolSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[bool(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[bool(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapBoolInt16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapBoolInt16V(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]int16), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapBoolInt16V(v map[bool]int16, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]bool, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = bool(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(boolSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[bool(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[bool(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapBoolInt32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapBoolInt32V(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]int32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapBoolInt32V(v map[bool]int32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]bool, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = bool(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(boolSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[bool(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[bool(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapBoolInt64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapBoolInt64V(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]int64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapBoolInt64V(v map[bool]int64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]bool, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = bool(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(boolSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[bool(k2)]))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v[bool(k2)]))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.EncodeInt(int64(v2))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapBoolFloat32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapBoolFloat32V(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]float32), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapBoolFloat32V(v map[bool]float32, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]bool, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = bool(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(boolSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[bool(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v[bool(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.EncodeFloat32(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapBoolFloat64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapBoolFloat64V(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]float64), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapBoolFloat64V(v map[bool]float64, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]bool, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = bool(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(boolSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[bool(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v[bool(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.EncodeFloat64(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+func (e *Encoder) fastpathEncMapBoolBoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.EncMapBoolBoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]bool), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) EncMapBoolBoolV(v map[bool]bool, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		v2 := make([]bool, len(v))
+		var i int
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = bool(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(boolSlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[bool(k2)])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.EncodeBool(bool(k2))
+				ee.EncodeBool(v[bool(k2)])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.EncodeBool(k2)
+				ee.EncodeBool(v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+// -- decode
+// -- -- fast path type switch
+func fastpathDecodeTypeSwitch(iv interface{}, d *Decoder) bool {
+	var changed bool
+	switch v := iv.(type) {
+	case []interface{}:
+		var v2 []interface{}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceIntfV(v, false, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	case *[]interface{}:
+		var v2 []interface{}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceIntfV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case []string:
+		var v2 []string
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceStringV(v, false, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	case *[]string:
+		var v2 []string
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceStringV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case []float32:
+		var v2 []float32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceFloat32V(v, false, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	case *[]float32:
+		var v2 []float32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceFloat32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case []float64:
+		var v2 []float64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceFloat64V(v, false, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	case *[]float64:
+		var v2 []float64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceFloat64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case []uint:
+		var v2 []uint
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceUintV(v, false, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	case *[]uint:
+		var v2 []uint
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceUintV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case []uint16:
+		var v2 []uint16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceUint16V(v, false, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	case *[]uint16:
+		var v2 []uint16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceUint16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case []uint32:
+		var v2 []uint32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceUint32V(v, false, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	case *[]uint32:
+		var v2 []uint32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceUint32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case []uint64:
+		var v2 []uint64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceUint64V(v, false, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	case *[]uint64:
+		var v2 []uint64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceUint64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case []uintptr:
+		var v2 []uintptr
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceUintptrV(v, false, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	case *[]uintptr:
+		var v2 []uintptr
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceUintptrV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case []int:
+		var v2 []int
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceIntV(v, false, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	case *[]int:
+		var v2 []int
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceIntV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case []int8:
+		var v2 []int8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceInt8V(v, false, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	case *[]int8:
+		var v2 []int8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceInt8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case []int16:
+		var v2 []int16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceInt16V(v, false, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	case *[]int16:
+		var v2 []int16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceInt16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case []int32:
+		var v2 []int32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceInt32V(v, false, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	case *[]int32:
+		var v2 []int32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceInt32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case []int64:
+		var v2 []int64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceInt64V(v, false, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	case *[]int64:
+		var v2 []int64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceInt64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case []bool:
+		var v2 []bool
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceBoolV(v, false, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	case *[]bool:
+		var v2 []bool
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecSliceBoolV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[interface{}]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfIntfV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[interface{}]interface{}:
+		var v2 map[interface{}]interface{}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntfIntfV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[interface{}]string:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfStringV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[interface{}]string:
+		var v2 map[interface{}]string
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntfStringV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[interface{}]uint:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUintV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[interface{}]uint:
+		var v2 map[interface{}]uint
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUintV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[interface{}]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUint8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[interface{}]uint8:
+		var v2 map[interface{}]uint8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUint8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[interface{}]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUint16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[interface{}]uint16:
+		var v2 map[interface{}]uint16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUint16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[interface{}]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUint32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[interface{}]uint32:
+		var v2 map[interface{}]uint32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUint32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[interface{}]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUint64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[interface{}]uint64:
+		var v2 map[interface{}]uint64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUint64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[interface{}]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUintptrV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[interface{}]uintptr:
+		var v2 map[interface{}]uintptr
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUintptrV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[interface{}]int:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfIntV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[interface{}]int:
+		var v2 map[interface{}]int
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntfIntV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[interface{}]int8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfInt8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[interface{}]int8:
+		var v2 map[interface{}]int8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntfInt8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[interface{}]int16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfInt16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[interface{}]int16:
+		var v2 map[interface{}]int16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntfInt16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[interface{}]int32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfInt32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[interface{}]int32:
+		var v2 map[interface{}]int32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntfInt32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[interface{}]int64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfInt64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[interface{}]int64:
+		var v2 map[interface{}]int64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntfInt64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[interface{}]float32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfFloat32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[interface{}]float32:
+		var v2 map[interface{}]float32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntfFloat32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[interface{}]float64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfFloat64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[interface{}]float64:
+		var v2 map[interface{}]float64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntfFloat64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[interface{}]bool:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfBoolV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[interface{}]bool:
+		var v2 map[interface{}]bool
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntfBoolV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[string]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringIntfV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[string]interface{}:
+		var v2 map[string]interface{}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapStringIntfV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[string]string:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringStringV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[string]string:
+		var v2 map[string]string
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapStringStringV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[string]uint:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringUintV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[string]uint:
+		var v2 map[string]uint
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapStringUintV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[string]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringUint8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[string]uint8:
+		var v2 map[string]uint8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapStringUint8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[string]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringUint16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[string]uint16:
+		var v2 map[string]uint16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapStringUint16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[string]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringUint32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[string]uint32:
+		var v2 map[string]uint32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapStringUint32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[string]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringUint64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[string]uint64:
+		var v2 map[string]uint64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapStringUint64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[string]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringUintptrV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[string]uintptr:
+		var v2 map[string]uintptr
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapStringUintptrV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[string]int:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringIntV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[string]int:
+		var v2 map[string]int
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapStringIntV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[string]int8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringInt8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[string]int8:
+		var v2 map[string]int8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapStringInt8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[string]int16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringInt16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[string]int16:
+		var v2 map[string]int16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapStringInt16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[string]int32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringInt32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[string]int32:
+		var v2 map[string]int32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapStringInt32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[string]int64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringInt64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[string]int64:
+		var v2 map[string]int64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapStringInt64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[string]float32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringFloat32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[string]float32:
+		var v2 map[string]float32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapStringFloat32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[string]float64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringFloat64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[string]float64:
+		var v2 map[string]float64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapStringFloat64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[string]bool:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringBoolV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[string]bool:
+		var v2 map[string]bool
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapStringBoolV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float32]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32IntfV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float32]interface{}:
+		var v2 map[float32]interface{}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32IntfV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float32]string:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32StringV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float32]string:
+		var v2 map[float32]string
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32StringV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float32]uint:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32UintV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float32]uint:
+		var v2 map[float32]uint
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32UintV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float32]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Uint8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float32]uint8:
+		var v2 map[float32]uint8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Uint8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float32]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Uint16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float32]uint16:
+		var v2 map[float32]uint16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Uint16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float32]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Uint32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float32]uint32:
+		var v2 map[float32]uint32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Uint32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float32]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Uint64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float32]uint64:
+		var v2 map[float32]uint64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Uint64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float32]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32UintptrV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float32]uintptr:
+		var v2 map[float32]uintptr
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32UintptrV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float32]int:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32IntV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float32]int:
+		var v2 map[float32]int
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32IntV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float32]int8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Int8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float32]int8:
+		var v2 map[float32]int8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Int8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float32]int16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Int16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float32]int16:
+		var v2 map[float32]int16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Int16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float32]int32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Int32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float32]int32:
+		var v2 map[float32]int32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Int32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float32]int64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Int64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float32]int64:
+		var v2 map[float32]int64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Int64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float32]float32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Float32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float32]float32:
+		var v2 map[float32]float32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Float32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float32]float64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Float64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float32]float64:
+		var v2 map[float32]float64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Float64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float32]bool:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32BoolV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float32]bool:
+		var v2 map[float32]bool
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32BoolV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float64]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64IntfV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float64]interface{}:
+		var v2 map[float64]interface{}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64IntfV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float64]string:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64StringV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float64]string:
+		var v2 map[float64]string
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64StringV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float64]uint:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64UintV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float64]uint:
+		var v2 map[float64]uint
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64UintV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float64]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Uint8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float64]uint8:
+		var v2 map[float64]uint8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Uint8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float64]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Uint16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float64]uint16:
+		var v2 map[float64]uint16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Uint16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float64]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Uint32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float64]uint32:
+		var v2 map[float64]uint32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Uint32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float64]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Uint64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float64]uint64:
+		var v2 map[float64]uint64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Uint64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float64]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64UintptrV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float64]uintptr:
+		var v2 map[float64]uintptr
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64UintptrV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float64]int:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64IntV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float64]int:
+		var v2 map[float64]int
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64IntV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float64]int8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Int8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float64]int8:
+		var v2 map[float64]int8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Int8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float64]int16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Int16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float64]int16:
+		var v2 map[float64]int16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Int16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float64]int32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Int32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float64]int32:
+		var v2 map[float64]int32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Int32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float64]int64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Int64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float64]int64:
+		var v2 map[float64]int64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Int64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float64]float32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Float32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float64]float32:
+		var v2 map[float64]float32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Float32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float64]float64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Float64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float64]float64:
+		var v2 map[float64]float64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Float64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[float64]bool:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64BoolV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[float64]bool:
+		var v2 map[float64]bool
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64BoolV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintIntfV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint]interface{}:
+		var v2 map[uint]interface{}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintIntfV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint]string:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintStringV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint]string:
+		var v2 map[uint]string
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintStringV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint]uint:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintUintV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint]uint:
+		var v2 map[uint]uint
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintUintV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintUint8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint]uint8:
+		var v2 map[uint]uint8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintUint8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintUint16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint]uint16:
+		var v2 map[uint]uint16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintUint16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintUint32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint]uint32:
+		var v2 map[uint]uint32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintUint32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintUint64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint]uint64:
+		var v2 map[uint]uint64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintUint64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintUintptrV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint]uintptr:
+		var v2 map[uint]uintptr
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintUintptrV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint]int:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintIntV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint]int:
+		var v2 map[uint]int
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintIntV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint]int8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintInt8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint]int8:
+		var v2 map[uint]int8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintInt8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint]int16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintInt16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint]int16:
+		var v2 map[uint]int16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintInt16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint]int32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintInt32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint]int32:
+		var v2 map[uint]int32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintInt32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint]int64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintInt64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint]int64:
+		var v2 map[uint]int64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintInt64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint]float32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintFloat32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint]float32:
+		var v2 map[uint]float32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintFloat32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint]float64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintFloat64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint]float64:
+		var v2 map[uint]float64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintFloat64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint]bool:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintBoolV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint]bool:
+		var v2 map[uint]bool
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintBoolV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint8]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8IntfV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint8]interface{}:
+		var v2 map[uint8]interface{}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint8IntfV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint8]string:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8StringV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint8]string:
+		var v2 map[uint8]string
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint8StringV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint8]uint:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8UintV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint8]uint:
+		var v2 map[uint8]uint
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint8UintV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint8]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Uint8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint8]uint8:
+		var v2 map[uint8]uint8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Uint8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint8]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Uint16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint8]uint16:
+		var v2 map[uint8]uint16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Uint16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint8]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Uint32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint8]uint32:
+		var v2 map[uint8]uint32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Uint32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint8]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Uint64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint8]uint64:
+		var v2 map[uint8]uint64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Uint64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint8]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8UintptrV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint8]uintptr:
+		var v2 map[uint8]uintptr
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint8UintptrV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint8]int:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8IntV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint8]int:
+		var v2 map[uint8]int
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint8IntV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint8]int8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Int8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint8]int8:
+		var v2 map[uint8]int8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Int8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint8]int16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Int16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint8]int16:
+		var v2 map[uint8]int16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Int16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint8]int32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Int32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint8]int32:
+		var v2 map[uint8]int32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Int32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint8]int64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Int64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint8]int64:
+		var v2 map[uint8]int64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Int64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint8]float32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Float32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint8]float32:
+		var v2 map[uint8]float32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Float32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint8]float64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Float64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint8]float64:
+		var v2 map[uint8]float64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Float64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint8]bool:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8BoolV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint8]bool:
+		var v2 map[uint8]bool
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint8BoolV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint16]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16IntfV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint16]interface{}:
+		var v2 map[uint16]interface{}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint16IntfV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint16]string:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16StringV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint16]string:
+		var v2 map[uint16]string
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint16StringV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint16]uint:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16UintV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint16]uint:
+		var v2 map[uint16]uint
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint16UintV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint16]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Uint8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint16]uint8:
+		var v2 map[uint16]uint8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Uint8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint16]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Uint16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint16]uint16:
+		var v2 map[uint16]uint16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Uint16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint16]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Uint32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint16]uint32:
+		var v2 map[uint16]uint32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Uint32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint16]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Uint64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint16]uint64:
+		var v2 map[uint16]uint64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Uint64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint16]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16UintptrV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint16]uintptr:
+		var v2 map[uint16]uintptr
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint16UintptrV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint16]int:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16IntV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint16]int:
+		var v2 map[uint16]int
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint16IntV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint16]int8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Int8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint16]int8:
+		var v2 map[uint16]int8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Int8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint16]int16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Int16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint16]int16:
+		var v2 map[uint16]int16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Int16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint16]int32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Int32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint16]int32:
+		var v2 map[uint16]int32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Int32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint16]int64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Int64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint16]int64:
+		var v2 map[uint16]int64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Int64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint16]float32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Float32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint16]float32:
+		var v2 map[uint16]float32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Float32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint16]float64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Float64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint16]float64:
+		var v2 map[uint16]float64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Float64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint16]bool:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16BoolV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint16]bool:
+		var v2 map[uint16]bool
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint16BoolV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint32]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32IntfV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint32]interface{}:
+		var v2 map[uint32]interface{}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint32IntfV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint32]string:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32StringV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint32]string:
+		var v2 map[uint32]string
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint32StringV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint32]uint:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32UintV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint32]uint:
+		var v2 map[uint32]uint
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint32UintV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint32]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Uint8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint32]uint8:
+		var v2 map[uint32]uint8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Uint8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint32]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Uint16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint32]uint16:
+		var v2 map[uint32]uint16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Uint16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint32]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Uint32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint32]uint32:
+		var v2 map[uint32]uint32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Uint32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint32]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Uint64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint32]uint64:
+		var v2 map[uint32]uint64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Uint64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint32]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32UintptrV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint32]uintptr:
+		var v2 map[uint32]uintptr
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint32UintptrV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint32]int:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32IntV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint32]int:
+		var v2 map[uint32]int
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint32IntV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint32]int8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Int8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint32]int8:
+		var v2 map[uint32]int8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Int8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint32]int16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Int16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint32]int16:
+		var v2 map[uint32]int16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Int16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint32]int32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Int32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint32]int32:
+		var v2 map[uint32]int32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Int32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint32]int64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Int64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint32]int64:
+		var v2 map[uint32]int64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Int64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint32]float32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Float32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint32]float32:
+		var v2 map[uint32]float32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Float32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint32]float64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Float64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint32]float64:
+		var v2 map[uint32]float64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Float64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint32]bool:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32BoolV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint32]bool:
+		var v2 map[uint32]bool
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint32BoolV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint64]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64IntfV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint64]interface{}:
+		var v2 map[uint64]interface{}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint64IntfV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint64]string:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64StringV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint64]string:
+		var v2 map[uint64]string
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint64StringV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint64]uint:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64UintV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint64]uint:
+		var v2 map[uint64]uint
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint64UintV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint64]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Uint8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint64]uint8:
+		var v2 map[uint64]uint8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Uint8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint64]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Uint16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint64]uint16:
+		var v2 map[uint64]uint16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Uint16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint64]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Uint32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint64]uint32:
+		var v2 map[uint64]uint32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Uint32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint64]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Uint64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint64]uint64:
+		var v2 map[uint64]uint64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Uint64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint64]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64UintptrV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint64]uintptr:
+		var v2 map[uint64]uintptr
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint64UintptrV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint64]int:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64IntV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint64]int:
+		var v2 map[uint64]int
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint64IntV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint64]int8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Int8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint64]int8:
+		var v2 map[uint64]int8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Int8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint64]int16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Int16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint64]int16:
+		var v2 map[uint64]int16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Int16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint64]int32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Int32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint64]int32:
+		var v2 map[uint64]int32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Int32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint64]int64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Int64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint64]int64:
+		var v2 map[uint64]int64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Int64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint64]float32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Float32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint64]float32:
+		var v2 map[uint64]float32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Float32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint64]float64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Float64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint64]float64:
+		var v2 map[uint64]float64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Float64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uint64]bool:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64BoolV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uint64]bool:
+		var v2 map[uint64]bool
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUint64BoolV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uintptr]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrIntfV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uintptr]interface{}:
+		var v2 map[uintptr]interface{}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrIntfV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uintptr]string:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrStringV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uintptr]string:
+		var v2 map[uintptr]string
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrStringV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uintptr]uint:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUintV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uintptr]uint:
+		var v2 map[uintptr]uint
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUintV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uintptr]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUint8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uintptr]uint8:
+		var v2 map[uintptr]uint8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUint8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uintptr]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUint16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uintptr]uint16:
+		var v2 map[uintptr]uint16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUint16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uintptr]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUint32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uintptr]uint32:
+		var v2 map[uintptr]uint32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUint32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uintptr]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUint64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uintptr]uint64:
+		var v2 map[uintptr]uint64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUint64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uintptr]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUintptrV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uintptr]uintptr:
+		var v2 map[uintptr]uintptr
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUintptrV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uintptr]int:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrIntV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uintptr]int:
+		var v2 map[uintptr]int
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrIntV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uintptr]int8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrInt8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uintptr]int8:
+		var v2 map[uintptr]int8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrInt8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uintptr]int16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrInt16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uintptr]int16:
+		var v2 map[uintptr]int16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrInt16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uintptr]int32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrInt32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uintptr]int32:
+		var v2 map[uintptr]int32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrInt32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uintptr]int64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrInt64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uintptr]int64:
+		var v2 map[uintptr]int64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrInt64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uintptr]float32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrFloat32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uintptr]float32:
+		var v2 map[uintptr]float32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrFloat32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uintptr]float64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrFloat64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uintptr]float64:
+		var v2 map[uintptr]float64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrFloat64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[uintptr]bool:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrBoolV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[uintptr]bool:
+		var v2 map[uintptr]bool
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrBoolV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntIntfV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int]interface{}:
+		var v2 map[int]interface{}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntIntfV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int]string:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntStringV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int]string:
+		var v2 map[int]string
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntStringV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int]uint:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntUintV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int]uint:
+		var v2 map[int]uint
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntUintV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntUint8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int]uint8:
+		var v2 map[int]uint8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntUint8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntUint16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int]uint16:
+		var v2 map[int]uint16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntUint16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntUint32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int]uint32:
+		var v2 map[int]uint32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntUint32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntUint64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int]uint64:
+		var v2 map[int]uint64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntUint64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntUintptrV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int]uintptr:
+		var v2 map[int]uintptr
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntUintptrV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int]int:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntIntV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int]int:
+		var v2 map[int]int
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntIntV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int]int8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntInt8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int]int8:
+		var v2 map[int]int8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntInt8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int]int16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntInt16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int]int16:
+		var v2 map[int]int16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntInt16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int]int32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntInt32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int]int32:
+		var v2 map[int]int32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntInt32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int]int64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntInt64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int]int64:
+		var v2 map[int]int64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntInt64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int]float32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntFloat32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int]float32:
+		var v2 map[int]float32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntFloat32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int]float64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntFloat64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int]float64:
+		var v2 map[int]float64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntFloat64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int]bool:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntBoolV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int]bool:
+		var v2 map[int]bool
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapIntBoolV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int8]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8IntfV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int8]interface{}:
+		var v2 map[int8]interface{}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt8IntfV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int8]string:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8StringV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int8]string:
+		var v2 map[int8]string
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt8StringV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int8]uint:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8UintV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int8]uint:
+		var v2 map[int8]uint
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt8UintV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int8]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Uint8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int8]uint8:
+		var v2 map[int8]uint8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Uint8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int8]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Uint16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int8]uint16:
+		var v2 map[int8]uint16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Uint16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int8]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Uint32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int8]uint32:
+		var v2 map[int8]uint32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Uint32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int8]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Uint64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int8]uint64:
+		var v2 map[int8]uint64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Uint64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int8]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8UintptrV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int8]uintptr:
+		var v2 map[int8]uintptr
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt8UintptrV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int8]int:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8IntV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int8]int:
+		var v2 map[int8]int
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt8IntV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int8]int8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Int8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int8]int8:
+		var v2 map[int8]int8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Int8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int8]int16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Int16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int8]int16:
+		var v2 map[int8]int16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Int16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int8]int32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Int32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int8]int32:
+		var v2 map[int8]int32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Int32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int8]int64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Int64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int8]int64:
+		var v2 map[int8]int64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Int64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int8]float32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Float32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int8]float32:
+		var v2 map[int8]float32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Float32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int8]float64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Float64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int8]float64:
+		var v2 map[int8]float64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Float64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int8]bool:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8BoolV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int8]bool:
+		var v2 map[int8]bool
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt8BoolV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int16]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16IntfV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int16]interface{}:
+		var v2 map[int16]interface{}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt16IntfV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int16]string:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16StringV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int16]string:
+		var v2 map[int16]string
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt16StringV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int16]uint:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16UintV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int16]uint:
+		var v2 map[int16]uint
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt16UintV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int16]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Uint8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int16]uint8:
+		var v2 map[int16]uint8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Uint8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int16]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Uint16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int16]uint16:
+		var v2 map[int16]uint16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Uint16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int16]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Uint32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int16]uint32:
+		var v2 map[int16]uint32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Uint32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int16]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Uint64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int16]uint64:
+		var v2 map[int16]uint64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Uint64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int16]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16UintptrV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int16]uintptr:
+		var v2 map[int16]uintptr
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt16UintptrV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int16]int:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16IntV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int16]int:
+		var v2 map[int16]int
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt16IntV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int16]int8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Int8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int16]int8:
+		var v2 map[int16]int8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Int8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int16]int16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Int16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int16]int16:
+		var v2 map[int16]int16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Int16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int16]int32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Int32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int16]int32:
+		var v2 map[int16]int32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Int32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int16]int64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Int64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int16]int64:
+		var v2 map[int16]int64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Int64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int16]float32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Float32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int16]float32:
+		var v2 map[int16]float32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Float32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int16]float64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Float64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int16]float64:
+		var v2 map[int16]float64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Float64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int16]bool:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16BoolV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int16]bool:
+		var v2 map[int16]bool
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt16BoolV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int32]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32IntfV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int32]interface{}:
+		var v2 map[int32]interface{}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt32IntfV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int32]string:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32StringV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int32]string:
+		var v2 map[int32]string
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt32StringV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int32]uint:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32UintV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int32]uint:
+		var v2 map[int32]uint
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt32UintV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int32]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Uint8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int32]uint8:
+		var v2 map[int32]uint8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Uint8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int32]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Uint16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int32]uint16:
+		var v2 map[int32]uint16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Uint16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int32]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Uint32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int32]uint32:
+		var v2 map[int32]uint32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Uint32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int32]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Uint64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int32]uint64:
+		var v2 map[int32]uint64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Uint64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int32]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32UintptrV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int32]uintptr:
+		var v2 map[int32]uintptr
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt32UintptrV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int32]int:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32IntV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int32]int:
+		var v2 map[int32]int
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt32IntV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int32]int8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Int8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int32]int8:
+		var v2 map[int32]int8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Int8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int32]int16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Int16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int32]int16:
+		var v2 map[int32]int16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Int16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int32]int32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Int32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int32]int32:
+		var v2 map[int32]int32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Int32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int32]int64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Int64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int32]int64:
+		var v2 map[int32]int64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Int64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int32]float32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Float32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int32]float32:
+		var v2 map[int32]float32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Float32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int32]float64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Float64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int32]float64:
+		var v2 map[int32]float64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Float64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int32]bool:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32BoolV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int32]bool:
+		var v2 map[int32]bool
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt32BoolV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int64]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64IntfV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int64]interface{}:
+		var v2 map[int64]interface{}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt64IntfV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int64]string:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64StringV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int64]string:
+		var v2 map[int64]string
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt64StringV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int64]uint:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64UintV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int64]uint:
+		var v2 map[int64]uint
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt64UintV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int64]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Uint8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int64]uint8:
+		var v2 map[int64]uint8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Uint8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int64]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Uint16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int64]uint16:
+		var v2 map[int64]uint16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Uint16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int64]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Uint32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int64]uint32:
+		var v2 map[int64]uint32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Uint32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int64]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Uint64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int64]uint64:
+		var v2 map[int64]uint64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Uint64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int64]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64UintptrV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int64]uintptr:
+		var v2 map[int64]uintptr
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt64UintptrV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int64]int:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64IntV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int64]int:
+		var v2 map[int64]int
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt64IntV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int64]int8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Int8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int64]int8:
+		var v2 map[int64]int8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Int8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int64]int16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Int16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int64]int16:
+		var v2 map[int64]int16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Int16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int64]int32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Int32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int64]int32:
+		var v2 map[int64]int32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Int32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int64]int64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Int64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int64]int64:
+		var v2 map[int64]int64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Int64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int64]float32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Float32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int64]float32:
+		var v2 map[int64]float32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Float32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int64]float64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Float64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int64]float64:
+		var v2 map[int64]float64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Float64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[int64]bool:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64BoolV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[int64]bool:
+		var v2 map[int64]bool
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapInt64BoolV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[bool]interface{}:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolIntfV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[bool]interface{}:
+		var v2 map[bool]interface{}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapBoolIntfV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[bool]string:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolStringV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[bool]string:
+		var v2 map[bool]string
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapBoolStringV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[bool]uint:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUintV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[bool]uint:
+		var v2 map[bool]uint
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUintV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[bool]uint8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUint8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[bool]uint8:
+		var v2 map[bool]uint8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUint8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[bool]uint16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUint16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[bool]uint16:
+		var v2 map[bool]uint16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUint16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[bool]uint32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUint32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[bool]uint32:
+		var v2 map[bool]uint32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUint32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[bool]uint64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUint64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[bool]uint64:
+		var v2 map[bool]uint64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUint64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[bool]uintptr:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUintptrV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[bool]uintptr:
+		var v2 map[bool]uintptr
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUintptrV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[bool]int:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolIntV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[bool]int:
+		var v2 map[bool]int
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapBoolIntV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[bool]int8:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolInt8V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[bool]int8:
+		var v2 map[bool]int8
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapBoolInt8V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[bool]int16:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolInt16V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[bool]int16:
+		var v2 map[bool]int16
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapBoolInt16V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[bool]int32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolInt32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[bool]int32:
+		var v2 map[bool]int32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapBoolInt32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[bool]int64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolInt64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[bool]int64:
+		var v2 map[bool]int64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapBoolInt64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[bool]float32:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolFloat32V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[bool]float32:
+		var v2 map[bool]float32
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapBoolFloat32V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[bool]float64:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolFloat64V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[bool]float64:
+		var v2 map[bool]float64
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapBoolFloat64V(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	case map[bool]bool:
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolBoolV(v, false, d)
+	case *map[bool]bool:
+		var v2 map[bool]bool
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.DecMapBoolBoolV(*v, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*v = v2
+		}
+	default:
+		_ = v // workaround seen in go1.4
+		return false
+	}
+	return true
+func fastpathDecodeSetZeroTypeSwitch(iv interface{}) bool {
+	switch v := iv.(type) {
+	case *[]interface{}:
+		*v = nil
+	case *[]string:
+		*v = nil
+	case *[]float32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *[]float64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *[]uint:
+		*v = nil
+	case *[]uint8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *[]uint16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *[]uint32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *[]uint64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *[]uintptr:
+		*v = nil
+	case *[]int:
+		*v = nil
+	case *[]int8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *[]int16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *[]int32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *[]int64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *[]bool:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[interface{}]interface{}:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[interface{}]string:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[interface{}]uint:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[interface{}]uint8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[interface{}]uint16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[interface{}]uint32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[interface{}]uint64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[interface{}]uintptr:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[interface{}]int:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[interface{}]int8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[interface{}]int16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[interface{}]int32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[interface{}]int64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[interface{}]float32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[interface{}]float64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[interface{}]bool:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[string]interface{}:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[string]string:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[string]uint:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[string]uint8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[string]uint16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[string]uint32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[string]uint64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[string]uintptr:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[string]int:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[string]int8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[string]int16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[string]int32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[string]int64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[string]float32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[string]float64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[string]bool:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float32]interface{}:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float32]string:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float32]uint:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float32]uint8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float32]uint16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float32]uint32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float32]uint64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float32]uintptr:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float32]int:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float32]int8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float32]int16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float32]int32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float32]int64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float32]float32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float32]float64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float32]bool:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float64]interface{}:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float64]string:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float64]uint:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float64]uint8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float64]uint16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float64]uint32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float64]uint64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float64]uintptr:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float64]int:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float64]int8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float64]int16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float64]int32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float64]int64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float64]float32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float64]float64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[float64]bool:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint]interface{}:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint]string:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint]uint:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint]uint8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint]uint16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint]uint32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint]uint64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint]uintptr:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint]int:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint]int8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint]int16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint]int32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint]int64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint]float32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint]float64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint]bool:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint8]interface{}:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint8]string:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint8]uint:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint8]uint8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint8]uint16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint8]uint32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint8]uint64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint8]uintptr:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint8]int:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint8]int8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint8]int16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint8]int32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint8]int64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint8]float32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint8]float64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint8]bool:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint16]interface{}:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint16]string:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint16]uint:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint16]uint8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint16]uint16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint16]uint32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint16]uint64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint16]uintptr:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint16]int:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint16]int8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint16]int16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint16]int32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint16]int64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint16]float32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint16]float64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint16]bool:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint32]interface{}:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint32]string:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint32]uint:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint32]uint8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint32]uint16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint32]uint32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint32]uint64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint32]uintptr:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint32]int:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint32]int8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint32]int16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint32]int32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint32]int64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint32]float32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint32]float64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint32]bool:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint64]interface{}:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint64]string:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint64]uint:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint64]uint8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint64]uint16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint64]uint32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint64]uint64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint64]uintptr:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint64]int:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint64]int8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint64]int16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint64]int32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint64]int64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint64]float32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint64]float64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uint64]bool:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uintptr]interface{}:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uintptr]string:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uintptr]uint:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uintptr]uint8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uintptr]uint16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uintptr]uint32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uintptr]uint64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uintptr]uintptr:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uintptr]int:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uintptr]int8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uintptr]int16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uintptr]int32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uintptr]int64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uintptr]float32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uintptr]float64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[uintptr]bool:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int]interface{}:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int]string:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int]uint:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int]uint8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int]uint16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int]uint32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int]uint64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int]uintptr:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int]int:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int]int8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int]int16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int]int32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int]int64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int]float32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int]float64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int]bool:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int8]interface{}:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int8]string:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int8]uint:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int8]uint8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int8]uint16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int8]uint32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int8]uint64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int8]uintptr:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int8]int:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int8]int8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int8]int16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int8]int32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int8]int64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int8]float32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int8]float64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int8]bool:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int16]interface{}:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int16]string:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int16]uint:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int16]uint8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int16]uint16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int16]uint32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int16]uint64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int16]uintptr:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int16]int:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int16]int8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int16]int16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int16]int32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int16]int64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int16]float32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int16]float64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int16]bool:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int32]interface{}:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int32]string:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int32]uint:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int32]uint8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int32]uint16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int32]uint32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int32]uint64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int32]uintptr:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int32]int:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int32]int8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int32]int16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int32]int32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int32]int64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int32]float32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int32]float64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int32]bool:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int64]interface{}:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int64]string:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int64]uint:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int64]uint8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int64]uint16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int64]uint32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int64]uint64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int64]uintptr:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int64]int:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int64]int8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int64]int16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int64]int32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int64]int64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int64]float32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int64]float64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[int64]bool:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[bool]interface{}:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[bool]string:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[bool]uint:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[bool]uint8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[bool]uint16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[bool]uint32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[bool]uint64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[bool]uintptr:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[bool]int:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[bool]int8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[bool]int16:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[bool]int32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[bool]int64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[bool]float32:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[bool]float64:
+		*v = nil
+	case *map[bool]bool:
+		*v = nil
+	default:
+		_ = v // workaround seen in go1.4
+		return false
+	}
+	return true
+// -- -- fast path functions
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecSliceIntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if array := f.seq == seqTypeArray; !array && rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*[]interface{})
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceIntfV(*vp, !array, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		v := rv2i(rv).([]interface{})
+		v2, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceIntfV(v, !array, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecSliceIntfX(vp *[]interface{}, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecSliceIntfV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecSliceIntfV(v []interface{}, canChange bool, d *Decoder) (_ []interface{}, changed bool) {
+	dd := d.d
+	slh, containerLenS := d.decSliceHelperStart()
+	if containerLenS == 0 {
+		if canChange {
+			if v == nil {
+				v = []interface{}{}
+			} else if len(v) != 0 {
+				v = v[:0]
+			}
+			changed = true
+		}
+		slh.End()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	hasLen := containerLenS > 0
+	var xlen int
+	if hasLen && canChange {
+		if containerLenS > cap(v) {
+			xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+			if xlen <= cap(v) {
+				v = v[:xlen]
+			} else {
+				v = make([]interface{}, xlen)
+			}
+			changed = true
+		} else if containerLenS != len(v) {
+			v = v[:containerLenS]
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	j := 0
+	for ; (hasLen && j < containerLenS) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if j == 0 && len(v) == 0 && canChange {
+			if hasLen {
+				xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+			} else {
+				xlen = 8
+			}
+			v = make([]interface{}, xlen)
+			changed = true
+		}
+		// if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary
+		var decodeIntoBlank bool
+		if j >= len(v) {
+			if canChange {
+				v = append(v, nil)
+				changed = true
+			} else {
+				d.arrayCannotExpand(len(v), j+1)
+				decodeIntoBlank = true
+			}
+		}
+		slh.ElemContainerState(j)
+		if decodeIntoBlank {
+			d.swallow()
+		} else if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			v[j] = nil
+		} else {
+			d.decode(&v[j])
+		}
+	}
+	if canChange {
+		if j < len(v) {
+			v = v[:j]
+			changed = true
+		} else if j == 0 && v == nil {
+			v = make([]interface{}, 0)
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	slh.End()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecSliceStringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if array := f.seq == seqTypeArray; !array && rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*[]string)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceStringV(*vp, !array, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		v := rv2i(rv).([]string)
+		v2, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceStringV(v, !array, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecSliceStringX(vp *[]string, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecSliceStringV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecSliceStringV(v []string, canChange bool, d *Decoder) (_ []string, changed bool) {
+	dd := d.d
+	slh, containerLenS := d.decSliceHelperStart()
+	if containerLenS == 0 {
+		if canChange {
+			if v == nil {
+				v = []string{}
+			} else if len(v) != 0 {
+				v = v[:0]
+			}
+			changed = true
+		}
+		slh.End()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	hasLen := containerLenS > 0
+	var xlen int
+	if hasLen && canChange {
+		if containerLenS > cap(v) {
+			xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+			if xlen <= cap(v) {
+				v = v[:xlen]
+			} else {
+				v = make([]string, xlen)
+			}
+			changed = true
+		} else if containerLenS != len(v) {
+			v = v[:containerLenS]
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	j := 0
+	for ; (hasLen && j < containerLenS) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if j == 0 && len(v) == 0 && canChange {
+			if hasLen {
+				xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+			} else {
+				xlen = 8
+			}
+			v = make([]string, xlen)
+			changed = true
+		}
+		// if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary
+		var decodeIntoBlank bool
+		if j >= len(v) {
+			if canChange {
+				v = append(v, "")
+				changed = true
+			} else {
+				d.arrayCannotExpand(len(v), j+1)
+				decodeIntoBlank = true
+			}
+		}
+		slh.ElemContainerState(j)
+		if decodeIntoBlank {
+			d.swallow()
+		} else if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			v[j] = ""
+		} else {
+			v[j] = dd.DecodeString()
+		}
+	}
+	if canChange {
+		if j < len(v) {
+			v = v[:j]
+			changed = true
+		} else if j == 0 && v == nil {
+			v = make([]string, 0)
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	slh.End()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecSliceFloat32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if array := f.seq == seqTypeArray; !array && rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*[]float32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceFloat32V(*vp, !array, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		v := rv2i(rv).([]float32)
+		v2, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceFloat32V(v, !array, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecSliceFloat32X(vp *[]float32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecSliceFloat32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecSliceFloat32V(v []float32, canChange bool, d *Decoder) (_ []float32, changed bool) {
+	dd := d.d
+	slh, containerLenS := d.decSliceHelperStart()
+	if containerLenS == 0 {
+		if canChange {
+			if v == nil {
+				v = []float32{}
+			} else if len(v) != 0 {
+				v = v[:0]
+			}
+			changed = true
+		}
+		slh.End()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	hasLen := containerLenS > 0
+	var xlen int
+	if hasLen && canChange {
+		if containerLenS > cap(v) {
+			xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 4)
+			if xlen <= cap(v) {
+				v = v[:xlen]
+			} else {
+				v = make([]float32, xlen)
+			}
+			changed = true
+		} else if containerLenS != len(v) {
+			v = v[:containerLenS]
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	j := 0
+	for ; (hasLen && j < containerLenS) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if j == 0 && len(v) == 0 && canChange {
+			if hasLen {
+				xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 4)
+			} else {
+				xlen = 8
+			}
+			v = make([]float32, xlen)
+			changed = true
+		}
+		// if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary
+		var decodeIntoBlank bool
+		if j >= len(v) {
+			if canChange {
+				v = append(v, 0)
+				changed = true
+			} else {
+				d.arrayCannotExpand(len(v), j+1)
+				decodeIntoBlank = true
+			}
+		}
+		slh.ElemContainerState(j)
+		if decodeIntoBlank {
+			d.swallow()
+		} else if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			v[j] = 0
+		} else {
+			v[j] = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		}
+	}
+	if canChange {
+		if j < len(v) {
+			v = v[:j]
+			changed = true
+		} else if j == 0 && v == nil {
+			v = make([]float32, 0)
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	slh.End()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecSliceFloat64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if array := f.seq == seqTypeArray; !array && rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*[]float64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceFloat64V(*vp, !array, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		v := rv2i(rv).([]float64)
+		v2, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceFloat64V(v, !array, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecSliceFloat64X(vp *[]float64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecSliceFloat64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecSliceFloat64V(v []float64, canChange bool, d *Decoder) (_ []float64, changed bool) {
+	dd := d.d
+	slh, containerLenS := d.decSliceHelperStart()
+	if containerLenS == 0 {
+		if canChange {
+			if v == nil {
+				v = []float64{}
+			} else if len(v) != 0 {
+				v = v[:0]
+			}
+			changed = true
+		}
+		slh.End()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	hasLen := containerLenS > 0
+	var xlen int
+	if hasLen && canChange {
+		if containerLenS > cap(v) {
+			xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+			if xlen <= cap(v) {
+				v = v[:xlen]
+			} else {
+				v = make([]float64, xlen)
+			}
+			changed = true
+		} else if containerLenS != len(v) {
+			v = v[:containerLenS]
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	j := 0
+	for ; (hasLen && j < containerLenS) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if j == 0 && len(v) == 0 && canChange {
+			if hasLen {
+				xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+			} else {
+				xlen = 8
+			}
+			v = make([]float64, xlen)
+			changed = true
+		}
+		// if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary
+		var decodeIntoBlank bool
+		if j >= len(v) {
+			if canChange {
+				v = append(v, 0)
+				changed = true
+			} else {
+				d.arrayCannotExpand(len(v), j+1)
+				decodeIntoBlank = true
+			}
+		}
+		slh.ElemContainerState(j)
+		if decodeIntoBlank {
+			d.swallow()
+		} else if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			v[j] = 0
+		} else {
+			v[j] = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		}
+	}
+	if canChange {
+		if j < len(v) {
+			v = v[:j]
+			changed = true
+		} else if j == 0 && v == nil {
+			v = make([]float64, 0)
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	slh.End()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecSliceUintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if array := f.seq == seqTypeArray; !array && rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*[]uint)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceUintV(*vp, !array, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		v := rv2i(rv).([]uint)
+		v2, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceUintV(v, !array, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecSliceUintX(vp *[]uint, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecSliceUintV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecSliceUintV(v []uint, canChange bool, d *Decoder) (_ []uint, changed bool) {
+	dd := d.d
+	slh, containerLenS := d.decSliceHelperStart()
+	if containerLenS == 0 {
+		if canChange {
+			if v == nil {
+				v = []uint{}
+			} else if len(v) != 0 {
+				v = v[:0]
+			}
+			changed = true
+		}
+		slh.End()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	hasLen := containerLenS > 0
+	var xlen int
+	if hasLen && canChange {
+		if containerLenS > cap(v) {
+			xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+			if xlen <= cap(v) {
+				v = v[:xlen]
+			} else {
+				v = make([]uint, xlen)
+			}
+			changed = true
+		} else if containerLenS != len(v) {
+			v = v[:containerLenS]
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	j := 0
+	for ; (hasLen && j < containerLenS) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if j == 0 && len(v) == 0 && canChange {
+			if hasLen {
+				xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+			} else {
+				xlen = 8
+			}
+			v = make([]uint, xlen)
+			changed = true
+		}
+		// if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary
+		var decodeIntoBlank bool
+		if j >= len(v) {
+			if canChange {
+				v = append(v, 0)
+				changed = true
+			} else {
+				d.arrayCannotExpand(len(v), j+1)
+				decodeIntoBlank = true
+			}
+		}
+		slh.ElemContainerState(j)
+		if decodeIntoBlank {
+			d.swallow()
+		} else if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			v[j] = 0
+		} else {
+			v[j] = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		}
+	}
+	if canChange {
+		if j < len(v) {
+			v = v[:j]
+			changed = true
+		} else if j == 0 && v == nil {
+			v = make([]uint, 0)
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	slh.End()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecSliceUint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if array := f.seq == seqTypeArray; !array && rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*[]uint8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceUint8V(*vp, !array, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		v := rv2i(rv).([]uint8)
+		v2, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceUint8V(v, !array, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecSliceUint8X(vp *[]uint8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecSliceUint8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecSliceUint8V(v []uint8, canChange bool, d *Decoder) (_ []uint8, changed bool) {
+	dd := d.d
+	slh, containerLenS := d.decSliceHelperStart()
+	if containerLenS == 0 {
+		if canChange {
+			if v == nil {
+				v = []uint8{}
+			} else if len(v) != 0 {
+				v = v[:0]
+			}
+			changed = true
+		}
+		slh.End()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	hasLen := containerLenS > 0
+	var xlen int
+	if hasLen && canChange {
+		if containerLenS > cap(v) {
+			xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 1)
+			if xlen <= cap(v) {
+				v = v[:xlen]
+			} else {
+				v = make([]uint8, xlen)
+			}
+			changed = true
+		} else if containerLenS != len(v) {
+			v = v[:containerLenS]
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	j := 0
+	for ; (hasLen && j < containerLenS) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if j == 0 && len(v) == 0 && canChange {
+			if hasLen {
+				xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 1)
+			} else {
+				xlen = 8
+			}
+			v = make([]uint8, xlen)
+			changed = true
+		}
+		// if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary
+		var decodeIntoBlank bool
+		if j >= len(v) {
+			if canChange {
+				v = append(v, 0)
+				changed = true
+			} else {
+				d.arrayCannotExpand(len(v), j+1)
+				decodeIntoBlank = true
+			}
+		}
+		slh.ElemContainerState(j)
+		if decodeIntoBlank {
+			d.swallow()
+		} else if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			v[j] = 0
+		} else {
+			v[j] = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		}
+	}
+	if canChange {
+		if j < len(v) {
+			v = v[:j]
+			changed = true
+		} else if j == 0 && v == nil {
+			v = make([]uint8, 0)
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	slh.End()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecSliceUint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if array := f.seq == seqTypeArray; !array && rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*[]uint16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceUint16V(*vp, !array, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		v := rv2i(rv).([]uint16)
+		v2, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceUint16V(v, !array, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecSliceUint16X(vp *[]uint16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecSliceUint16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecSliceUint16V(v []uint16, canChange bool, d *Decoder) (_ []uint16, changed bool) {
+	dd := d.d
+	slh, containerLenS := d.decSliceHelperStart()
+	if containerLenS == 0 {
+		if canChange {
+			if v == nil {
+				v = []uint16{}
+			} else if len(v) != 0 {
+				v = v[:0]
+			}
+			changed = true
+		}
+		slh.End()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	hasLen := containerLenS > 0
+	var xlen int
+	if hasLen && canChange {
+		if containerLenS > cap(v) {
+			xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 2)
+			if xlen <= cap(v) {
+				v = v[:xlen]
+			} else {
+				v = make([]uint16, xlen)
+			}
+			changed = true
+		} else if containerLenS != len(v) {
+			v = v[:containerLenS]
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	j := 0
+	for ; (hasLen && j < containerLenS) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if j == 0 && len(v) == 0 && canChange {
+			if hasLen {
+				xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 2)
+			} else {
+				xlen = 8
+			}
+			v = make([]uint16, xlen)
+			changed = true
+		}
+		// if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary
+		var decodeIntoBlank bool
+		if j >= len(v) {
+			if canChange {
+				v = append(v, 0)
+				changed = true
+			} else {
+				d.arrayCannotExpand(len(v), j+1)
+				decodeIntoBlank = true
+			}
+		}
+		slh.ElemContainerState(j)
+		if decodeIntoBlank {
+			d.swallow()
+		} else if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			v[j] = 0
+		} else {
+			v[j] = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		}
+	}
+	if canChange {
+		if j < len(v) {
+			v = v[:j]
+			changed = true
+		} else if j == 0 && v == nil {
+			v = make([]uint16, 0)
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	slh.End()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecSliceUint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if array := f.seq == seqTypeArray; !array && rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*[]uint32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceUint32V(*vp, !array, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		v := rv2i(rv).([]uint32)
+		v2, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceUint32V(v, !array, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecSliceUint32X(vp *[]uint32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecSliceUint32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecSliceUint32V(v []uint32, canChange bool, d *Decoder) (_ []uint32, changed bool) {
+	dd := d.d
+	slh, containerLenS := d.decSliceHelperStart()
+	if containerLenS == 0 {
+		if canChange {
+			if v == nil {
+				v = []uint32{}
+			} else if len(v) != 0 {
+				v = v[:0]
+			}
+			changed = true
+		}
+		slh.End()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	hasLen := containerLenS > 0
+	var xlen int
+	if hasLen && canChange {
+		if containerLenS > cap(v) {
+			xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 4)
+			if xlen <= cap(v) {
+				v = v[:xlen]
+			} else {
+				v = make([]uint32, xlen)
+			}
+			changed = true
+		} else if containerLenS != len(v) {
+			v = v[:containerLenS]
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	j := 0
+	for ; (hasLen && j < containerLenS) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if j == 0 && len(v) == 0 && canChange {
+			if hasLen {
+				xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 4)
+			} else {
+				xlen = 8
+			}
+			v = make([]uint32, xlen)
+			changed = true
+		}
+		// if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary
+		var decodeIntoBlank bool
+		if j >= len(v) {
+			if canChange {
+				v = append(v, 0)
+				changed = true
+			} else {
+				d.arrayCannotExpand(len(v), j+1)
+				decodeIntoBlank = true
+			}
+		}
+		slh.ElemContainerState(j)
+		if decodeIntoBlank {
+			d.swallow()
+		} else if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			v[j] = 0
+		} else {
+			v[j] = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		}
+	}
+	if canChange {
+		if j < len(v) {
+			v = v[:j]
+			changed = true
+		} else if j == 0 && v == nil {
+			v = make([]uint32, 0)
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	slh.End()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecSliceUint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if array := f.seq == seqTypeArray; !array && rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*[]uint64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceUint64V(*vp, !array, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		v := rv2i(rv).([]uint64)
+		v2, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceUint64V(v, !array, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecSliceUint64X(vp *[]uint64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecSliceUint64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecSliceUint64V(v []uint64, canChange bool, d *Decoder) (_ []uint64, changed bool) {
+	dd := d.d
+	slh, containerLenS := d.decSliceHelperStart()
+	if containerLenS == 0 {
+		if canChange {
+			if v == nil {
+				v = []uint64{}
+			} else if len(v) != 0 {
+				v = v[:0]
+			}
+			changed = true
+		}
+		slh.End()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	hasLen := containerLenS > 0
+	var xlen int
+	if hasLen && canChange {
+		if containerLenS > cap(v) {
+			xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+			if xlen <= cap(v) {
+				v = v[:xlen]
+			} else {
+				v = make([]uint64, xlen)
+			}
+			changed = true
+		} else if containerLenS != len(v) {
+			v = v[:containerLenS]
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	j := 0
+	for ; (hasLen && j < containerLenS) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if j == 0 && len(v) == 0 && canChange {
+			if hasLen {
+				xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+			} else {
+				xlen = 8
+			}
+			v = make([]uint64, xlen)
+			changed = true
+		}
+		// if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary
+		var decodeIntoBlank bool
+		if j >= len(v) {
+			if canChange {
+				v = append(v, 0)
+				changed = true
+			} else {
+				d.arrayCannotExpand(len(v), j+1)
+				decodeIntoBlank = true
+			}
+		}
+		slh.ElemContainerState(j)
+		if decodeIntoBlank {
+			d.swallow()
+		} else if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			v[j] = 0
+		} else {
+			v[j] = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		}
+	}
+	if canChange {
+		if j < len(v) {
+			v = v[:j]
+			changed = true
+		} else if j == 0 && v == nil {
+			v = make([]uint64, 0)
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	slh.End()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecSliceUintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if array := f.seq == seqTypeArray; !array && rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*[]uintptr)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceUintptrV(*vp, !array, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		v := rv2i(rv).([]uintptr)
+		v2, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceUintptrV(v, !array, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecSliceUintptrX(vp *[]uintptr, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecSliceUintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecSliceUintptrV(v []uintptr, canChange bool, d *Decoder) (_ []uintptr, changed bool) {
+	dd := d.d
+	slh, containerLenS := d.decSliceHelperStart()
+	if containerLenS == 0 {
+		if canChange {
+			if v == nil {
+				v = []uintptr{}
+			} else if len(v) != 0 {
+				v = v[:0]
+			}
+			changed = true
+		}
+		slh.End()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	hasLen := containerLenS > 0
+	var xlen int
+	if hasLen && canChange {
+		if containerLenS > cap(v) {
+			xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+			if xlen <= cap(v) {
+				v = v[:xlen]
+			} else {
+				v = make([]uintptr, xlen)
+			}
+			changed = true
+		} else if containerLenS != len(v) {
+			v = v[:containerLenS]
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	j := 0
+	for ; (hasLen && j < containerLenS) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if j == 0 && len(v) == 0 && canChange {
+			if hasLen {
+				xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+			} else {
+				xlen = 8
+			}
+			v = make([]uintptr, xlen)
+			changed = true
+		}
+		// if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary
+		var decodeIntoBlank bool
+		if j >= len(v) {
+			if canChange {
+				v = append(v, 0)
+				changed = true
+			} else {
+				d.arrayCannotExpand(len(v), j+1)
+				decodeIntoBlank = true
+			}
+		}
+		slh.ElemContainerState(j)
+		if decodeIntoBlank {
+			d.swallow()
+		} else if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			v[j] = 0
+		} else {
+			v[j] = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		}
+	}
+	if canChange {
+		if j < len(v) {
+			v = v[:j]
+			changed = true
+		} else if j == 0 && v == nil {
+			v = make([]uintptr, 0)
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	slh.End()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecSliceIntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if array := f.seq == seqTypeArray; !array && rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*[]int)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceIntV(*vp, !array, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		v := rv2i(rv).([]int)
+		v2, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceIntV(v, !array, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecSliceIntX(vp *[]int, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecSliceIntV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecSliceIntV(v []int, canChange bool, d *Decoder) (_ []int, changed bool) {
+	dd := d.d
+	slh, containerLenS := d.decSliceHelperStart()
+	if containerLenS == 0 {
+		if canChange {
+			if v == nil {
+				v = []int{}
+			} else if len(v) != 0 {
+				v = v[:0]
+			}
+			changed = true
+		}
+		slh.End()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	hasLen := containerLenS > 0
+	var xlen int
+	if hasLen && canChange {
+		if containerLenS > cap(v) {
+			xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+			if xlen <= cap(v) {
+				v = v[:xlen]
+			} else {
+				v = make([]int, xlen)
+			}
+			changed = true
+		} else if containerLenS != len(v) {
+			v = v[:containerLenS]
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	j := 0
+	for ; (hasLen && j < containerLenS) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if j == 0 && len(v) == 0 && canChange {
+			if hasLen {
+				xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+			} else {
+				xlen = 8
+			}
+			v = make([]int, xlen)
+			changed = true
+		}
+		// if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary
+		var decodeIntoBlank bool
+		if j >= len(v) {
+			if canChange {
+				v = append(v, 0)
+				changed = true
+			} else {
+				d.arrayCannotExpand(len(v), j+1)
+				decodeIntoBlank = true
+			}
+		}
+		slh.ElemContainerState(j)
+		if decodeIntoBlank {
+			d.swallow()
+		} else if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			v[j] = 0
+		} else {
+			v[j] = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		}
+	}
+	if canChange {
+		if j < len(v) {
+			v = v[:j]
+			changed = true
+		} else if j == 0 && v == nil {
+			v = make([]int, 0)
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	slh.End()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecSliceInt8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if array := f.seq == seqTypeArray; !array && rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*[]int8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceInt8V(*vp, !array, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		v := rv2i(rv).([]int8)
+		v2, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceInt8V(v, !array, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecSliceInt8X(vp *[]int8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecSliceInt8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecSliceInt8V(v []int8, canChange bool, d *Decoder) (_ []int8, changed bool) {
+	dd := d.d
+	slh, containerLenS := d.decSliceHelperStart()
+	if containerLenS == 0 {
+		if canChange {
+			if v == nil {
+				v = []int8{}
+			} else if len(v) != 0 {
+				v = v[:0]
+			}
+			changed = true
+		}
+		slh.End()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	hasLen := containerLenS > 0
+	var xlen int
+	if hasLen && canChange {
+		if containerLenS > cap(v) {
+			xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 1)
+			if xlen <= cap(v) {
+				v = v[:xlen]
+			} else {
+				v = make([]int8, xlen)
+			}
+			changed = true
+		} else if containerLenS != len(v) {
+			v = v[:containerLenS]
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	j := 0
+	for ; (hasLen && j < containerLenS) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if j == 0 && len(v) == 0 && canChange {
+			if hasLen {
+				xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 1)
+			} else {
+				xlen = 8
+			}
+			v = make([]int8, xlen)
+			changed = true
+		}
+		// if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary
+		var decodeIntoBlank bool
+		if j >= len(v) {
+			if canChange {
+				v = append(v, 0)
+				changed = true
+			} else {
+				d.arrayCannotExpand(len(v), j+1)
+				decodeIntoBlank = true
+			}
+		}
+		slh.ElemContainerState(j)
+		if decodeIntoBlank {
+			d.swallow()
+		} else if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			v[j] = 0
+		} else {
+			v[j] = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		}
+	}
+	if canChange {
+		if j < len(v) {
+			v = v[:j]
+			changed = true
+		} else if j == 0 && v == nil {
+			v = make([]int8, 0)
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	slh.End()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecSliceInt16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if array := f.seq == seqTypeArray; !array && rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*[]int16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceInt16V(*vp, !array, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		v := rv2i(rv).([]int16)
+		v2, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceInt16V(v, !array, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecSliceInt16X(vp *[]int16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecSliceInt16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecSliceInt16V(v []int16, canChange bool, d *Decoder) (_ []int16, changed bool) {
+	dd := d.d
+	slh, containerLenS := d.decSliceHelperStart()
+	if containerLenS == 0 {
+		if canChange {
+			if v == nil {
+				v = []int16{}
+			} else if len(v) != 0 {
+				v = v[:0]
+			}
+			changed = true
+		}
+		slh.End()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	hasLen := containerLenS > 0
+	var xlen int
+	if hasLen && canChange {
+		if containerLenS > cap(v) {
+			xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 2)
+			if xlen <= cap(v) {
+				v = v[:xlen]
+			} else {
+				v = make([]int16, xlen)
+			}
+			changed = true
+		} else if containerLenS != len(v) {
+			v = v[:containerLenS]
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	j := 0
+	for ; (hasLen && j < containerLenS) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if j == 0 && len(v) == 0 && canChange {
+			if hasLen {
+				xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 2)
+			} else {
+				xlen = 8
+			}
+			v = make([]int16, xlen)
+			changed = true
+		}
+		// if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary
+		var decodeIntoBlank bool
+		if j >= len(v) {
+			if canChange {
+				v = append(v, 0)
+				changed = true
+			} else {
+				d.arrayCannotExpand(len(v), j+1)
+				decodeIntoBlank = true
+			}
+		}
+		slh.ElemContainerState(j)
+		if decodeIntoBlank {
+			d.swallow()
+		} else if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			v[j] = 0
+		} else {
+			v[j] = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		}
+	}
+	if canChange {
+		if j < len(v) {
+			v = v[:j]
+			changed = true
+		} else if j == 0 && v == nil {
+			v = make([]int16, 0)
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	slh.End()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecSliceInt32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if array := f.seq == seqTypeArray; !array && rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*[]int32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceInt32V(*vp, !array, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		v := rv2i(rv).([]int32)
+		v2, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceInt32V(v, !array, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecSliceInt32X(vp *[]int32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecSliceInt32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecSliceInt32V(v []int32, canChange bool, d *Decoder) (_ []int32, changed bool) {
+	dd := d.d
+	slh, containerLenS := d.decSliceHelperStart()
+	if containerLenS == 0 {
+		if canChange {
+			if v == nil {
+				v = []int32{}
+			} else if len(v) != 0 {
+				v = v[:0]
+			}
+			changed = true
+		}
+		slh.End()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	hasLen := containerLenS > 0
+	var xlen int
+	if hasLen && canChange {
+		if containerLenS > cap(v) {
+			xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 4)
+			if xlen <= cap(v) {
+				v = v[:xlen]
+			} else {
+				v = make([]int32, xlen)
+			}
+			changed = true
+		} else if containerLenS != len(v) {
+			v = v[:containerLenS]
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	j := 0
+	for ; (hasLen && j < containerLenS) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if j == 0 && len(v) == 0 && canChange {
+			if hasLen {
+				xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 4)
+			} else {
+				xlen = 8
+			}
+			v = make([]int32, xlen)
+			changed = true
+		}
+		// if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary
+		var decodeIntoBlank bool
+		if j >= len(v) {
+			if canChange {
+				v = append(v, 0)
+				changed = true
+			} else {
+				d.arrayCannotExpand(len(v), j+1)
+				decodeIntoBlank = true
+			}
+		}
+		slh.ElemContainerState(j)
+		if decodeIntoBlank {
+			d.swallow()
+		} else if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			v[j] = 0
+		} else {
+			v[j] = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		}
+	}
+	if canChange {
+		if j < len(v) {
+			v = v[:j]
+			changed = true
+		} else if j == 0 && v == nil {
+			v = make([]int32, 0)
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	slh.End()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecSliceInt64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if array := f.seq == seqTypeArray; !array && rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*[]int64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceInt64V(*vp, !array, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		v := rv2i(rv).([]int64)
+		v2, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceInt64V(v, !array, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecSliceInt64X(vp *[]int64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecSliceInt64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecSliceInt64V(v []int64, canChange bool, d *Decoder) (_ []int64, changed bool) {
+	dd := d.d
+	slh, containerLenS := d.decSliceHelperStart()
+	if containerLenS == 0 {
+		if canChange {
+			if v == nil {
+				v = []int64{}
+			} else if len(v) != 0 {
+				v = v[:0]
+			}
+			changed = true
+		}
+		slh.End()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	hasLen := containerLenS > 0
+	var xlen int
+	if hasLen && canChange {
+		if containerLenS > cap(v) {
+			xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+			if xlen <= cap(v) {
+				v = v[:xlen]
+			} else {
+				v = make([]int64, xlen)
+			}
+			changed = true
+		} else if containerLenS != len(v) {
+			v = v[:containerLenS]
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	j := 0
+	for ; (hasLen && j < containerLenS) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if j == 0 && len(v) == 0 && canChange {
+			if hasLen {
+				xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+			} else {
+				xlen = 8
+			}
+			v = make([]int64, xlen)
+			changed = true
+		}
+		// if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary
+		var decodeIntoBlank bool
+		if j >= len(v) {
+			if canChange {
+				v = append(v, 0)
+				changed = true
+			} else {
+				d.arrayCannotExpand(len(v), j+1)
+				decodeIntoBlank = true
+			}
+		}
+		slh.ElemContainerState(j)
+		if decodeIntoBlank {
+			d.swallow()
+		} else if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			v[j] = 0
+		} else {
+			v[j] = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		}
+	}
+	if canChange {
+		if j < len(v) {
+			v = v[:j]
+			changed = true
+		} else if j == 0 && v == nil {
+			v = make([]int64, 0)
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	slh.End()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecSliceBoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if array := f.seq == seqTypeArray; !array && rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*[]bool)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceBoolV(*vp, !array, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		v := rv2i(rv).([]bool)
+		v2, changed := fastpathTV.DecSliceBoolV(v, !array, d)
+		if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecSliceBoolX(vp *[]bool, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecSliceBoolV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecSliceBoolV(v []bool, canChange bool, d *Decoder) (_ []bool, changed bool) {
+	dd := d.d
+	slh, containerLenS := d.decSliceHelperStart()
+	if containerLenS == 0 {
+		if canChange {
+			if v == nil {
+				v = []bool{}
+			} else if len(v) != 0 {
+				v = v[:0]
+			}
+			changed = true
+		}
+		slh.End()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	hasLen := containerLenS > 0
+	var xlen int
+	if hasLen && canChange {
+		if containerLenS > cap(v) {
+			xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 1)
+			if xlen <= cap(v) {
+				v = v[:xlen]
+			} else {
+				v = make([]bool, xlen)
+			}
+			changed = true
+		} else if containerLenS != len(v) {
+			v = v[:containerLenS]
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	j := 0
+	for ; (hasLen && j < containerLenS) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if j == 0 && len(v) == 0 && canChange {
+			if hasLen {
+				xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, 1)
+			} else {
+				xlen = 8
+			}
+			v = make([]bool, xlen)
+			changed = true
+		}
+		// if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary
+		var decodeIntoBlank bool
+		if j >= len(v) {
+			if canChange {
+				v = append(v, false)
+				changed = true
+			} else {
+				d.arrayCannotExpand(len(v), j+1)
+				decodeIntoBlank = true
+			}
+		}
+		slh.ElemContainerState(j)
+		if decodeIntoBlank {
+			d.swallow()
+		} else if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			v[j] = false
+		} else {
+			v[j] = dd.DecodeBool()
+		}
+	}
+	if canChange {
+		if j < len(v) {
+			v = v[:j]
+			changed = true
+		} else if j == 0 && v == nil {
+			v = make([]bool, 0)
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	slh.End()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntfIntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[interface{}]interface{})
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntfIntfV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfIntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]interface{}), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntfIntfX(vp *map[interface{}]interface{}, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntfIntfV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntfIntfV(v map[interface{}]interface{}, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[interface{}]interface{}, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 32)
+		v = make(map[interface{}]interface{}, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	mapGet := v != nil && !d.h.MapValueReset && !d.h.InterfaceReset
+	var mk interface{}
+	var mv interface{}
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = nil
+		d.decode(&mk)
+		if bv, bok := mk.([]byte); bok {
+			mk = d.string(bv)
+		}
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = nil
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if mapGet {
+			mv = v[mk]
+		} else {
+			mv = nil
+		}
+		d.decode(&mv)
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntfStringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[interface{}]string)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntfStringV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfStringV(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]string), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntfStringX(vp *map[interface{}]string, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntfStringV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntfStringV(v map[interface{}]string, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[interface{}]string, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 32)
+		v = make(map[interface{}]string, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk interface{}
+	var mv string
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = nil
+		d.decode(&mk)
+		if bv, bok := mk.([]byte); bok {
+			mk = d.string(bv)
+		}
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = ""
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeString()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntfUintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[interface{}]uint)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUintV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUintV(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]uint), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntfUintX(vp *map[interface{}]uint, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntfUintV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntfUintV(v map[interface{}]uint, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[interface{}]uint, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[interface{}]uint, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk interface{}
+	var mv uint
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = nil
+		d.decode(&mk)
+		if bv, bok := mk.([]byte); bok {
+			mk = d.string(bv)
+		}
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntfUint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[interface{}]uint8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUint8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]uint8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntfUint8X(vp *map[interface{}]uint8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntfUint8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntfUint8V(v map[interface{}]uint8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[interface{}]uint8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 17)
+		v = make(map[interface{}]uint8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk interface{}
+	var mv uint8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = nil
+		d.decode(&mk)
+		if bv, bok := mk.([]byte); bok {
+			mk = d.string(bv)
+		}
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntfUint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[interface{}]uint16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUint16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]uint16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntfUint16X(vp *map[interface{}]uint16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntfUint16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntfUint16V(v map[interface{}]uint16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[interface{}]uint16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 18)
+		v = make(map[interface{}]uint16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk interface{}
+	var mv uint16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = nil
+		d.decode(&mk)
+		if bv, bok := mk.([]byte); bok {
+			mk = d.string(bv)
+		}
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntfUint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[interface{}]uint32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUint32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]uint32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntfUint32X(vp *map[interface{}]uint32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntfUint32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntfUint32V(v map[interface{}]uint32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[interface{}]uint32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 20)
+		v = make(map[interface{}]uint32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk interface{}
+	var mv uint32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = nil
+		d.decode(&mk)
+		if bv, bok := mk.([]byte); bok {
+			mk = d.string(bv)
+		}
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntfUint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[interface{}]uint64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUint64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]uint64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntfUint64X(vp *map[interface{}]uint64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntfUint64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntfUint64V(v map[interface{}]uint64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[interface{}]uint64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[interface{}]uint64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk interface{}
+	var mv uint64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = nil
+		d.decode(&mk)
+		if bv, bok := mk.([]byte); bok {
+			mk = d.string(bv)
+		}
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntfUintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[interface{}]uintptr)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfUintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]uintptr), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntfUintptrX(vp *map[interface{}]uintptr, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntfUintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntfUintptrV(v map[interface{}]uintptr, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[interface{}]uintptr, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[interface{}]uintptr, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk interface{}
+	var mv uintptr
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = nil
+		d.decode(&mk)
+		if bv, bok := mk.([]byte); bok {
+			mk = d.string(bv)
+		}
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntfIntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[interface{}]int)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntfIntV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfIntV(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]int), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntfIntX(vp *map[interface{}]int, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntfIntV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntfIntV(v map[interface{}]int, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[interface{}]int, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[interface{}]int, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk interface{}
+	var mv int
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = nil
+		d.decode(&mk)
+		if bv, bok := mk.([]byte); bok {
+			mk = d.string(bv)
+		}
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntfInt8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[interface{}]int8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntfInt8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfInt8V(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]int8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntfInt8X(vp *map[interface{}]int8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntfInt8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntfInt8V(v map[interface{}]int8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[interface{}]int8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 17)
+		v = make(map[interface{}]int8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk interface{}
+	var mv int8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = nil
+		d.decode(&mk)
+		if bv, bok := mk.([]byte); bok {
+			mk = d.string(bv)
+		}
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntfInt16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[interface{}]int16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntfInt16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfInt16V(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]int16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntfInt16X(vp *map[interface{}]int16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntfInt16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntfInt16V(v map[interface{}]int16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[interface{}]int16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 18)
+		v = make(map[interface{}]int16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk interface{}
+	var mv int16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = nil
+		d.decode(&mk)
+		if bv, bok := mk.([]byte); bok {
+			mk = d.string(bv)
+		}
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntfInt32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[interface{}]int32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntfInt32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfInt32V(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]int32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntfInt32X(vp *map[interface{}]int32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntfInt32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntfInt32V(v map[interface{}]int32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[interface{}]int32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 20)
+		v = make(map[interface{}]int32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk interface{}
+	var mv int32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = nil
+		d.decode(&mk)
+		if bv, bok := mk.([]byte); bok {
+			mk = d.string(bv)
+		}
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntfInt64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[interface{}]int64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntfInt64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfInt64V(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]int64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntfInt64X(vp *map[interface{}]int64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntfInt64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntfInt64V(v map[interface{}]int64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[interface{}]int64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[interface{}]int64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk interface{}
+	var mv int64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = nil
+		d.decode(&mk)
+		if bv, bok := mk.([]byte); bok {
+			mk = d.string(bv)
+		}
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntfFloat32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[interface{}]float32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntfFloat32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfFloat32V(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]float32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntfFloat32X(vp *map[interface{}]float32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntfFloat32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntfFloat32V(v map[interface{}]float32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[interface{}]float32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 20)
+		v = make(map[interface{}]float32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk interface{}
+	var mv float32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = nil
+		d.decode(&mk)
+		if bv, bok := mk.([]byte); bok {
+			mk = d.string(bv)
+		}
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntfFloat64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[interface{}]float64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntfFloat64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfFloat64V(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]float64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntfFloat64X(vp *map[interface{}]float64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntfFloat64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntfFloat64V(v map[interface{}]float64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[interface{}]float64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[interface{}]float64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk interface{}
+	var mv float64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = nil
+		d.decode(&mk)
+		if bv, bok := mk.([]byte); bok {
+			mk = d.string(bv)
+		}
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntfBoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[interface{}]bool)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntfBoolV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntfBoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[interface{}]bool), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntfBoolX(vp *map[interface{}]bool, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntfBoolV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntfBoolV(v map[interface{}]bool, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[interface{}]bool, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 17)
+		v = make(map[interface{}]bool, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk interface{}
+	var mv bool
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = nil
+		d.decode(&mk)
+		if bv, bok := mk.([]byte); bok {
+			mk = d.string(bv)
+		}
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = false
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapStringIntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[string]interface{})
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapStringIntfV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringIntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[string]interface{}), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapStringIntfX(vp *map[string]interface{}, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapStringIntfV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapStringIntfV(v map[string]interface{}, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[string]interface{}, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 32)
+		v = make(map[string]interface{}, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	mapGet := v != nil && !d.h.MapValueReset && !d.h.InterfaceReset
+	var mk string
+	var mv interface{}
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeString()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = nil
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if mapGet {
+			mv = v[mk]
+		} else {
+			mv = nil
+		}
+		d.decode(&mv)
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapStringStringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[string]string)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapStringStringV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringStringV(rv2i(rv).(map[string]string), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapStringStringX(vp *map[string]string, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapStringStringV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapStringStringV(v map[string]string, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[string]string, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 32)
+		v = make(map[string]string, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk string
+	var mv string
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeString()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = ""
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeString()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapStringUintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[string]uint)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapStringUintV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringUintV(rv2i(rv).(map[string]uint), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapStringUintX(vp *map[string]uint, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapStringUintV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapStringUintV(v map[string]uint, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[string]uint, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[string]uint, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk string
+	var mv uint
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeString()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapStringUint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[string]uint8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapStringUint8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringUint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[string]uint8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapStringUint8X(vp *map[string]uint8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapStringUint8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapStringUint8V(v map[string]uint8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[string]uint8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 17)
+		v = make(map[string]uint8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk string
+	var mv uint8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeString()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapStringUint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[string]uint16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapStringUint16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringUint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[string]uint16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapStringUint16X(vp *map[string]uint16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapStringUint16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapStringUint16V(v map[string]uint16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[string]uint16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 18)
+		v = make(map[string]uint16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk string
+	var mv uint16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeString()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapStringUint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[string]uint32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapStringUint32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringUint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[string]uint32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapStringUint32X(vp *map[string]uint32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapStringUint32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapStringUint32V(v map[string]uint32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[string]uint32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 20)
+		v = make(map[string]uint32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk string
+	var mv uint32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeString()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapStringUint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[string]uint64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapStringUint64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringUint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[string]uint64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapStringUint64X(vp *map[string]uint64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapStringUint64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapStringUint64V(v map[string]uint64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[string]uint64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[string]uint64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk string
+	var mv uint64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeString()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapStringUintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[string]uintptr)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapStringUintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringUintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[string]uintptr), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapStringUintptrX(vp *map[string]uintptr, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapStringUintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapStringUintptrV(v map[string]uintptr, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[string]uintptr, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[string]uintptr, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk string
+	var mv uintptr
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeString()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapStringIntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[string]int)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapStringIntV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringIntV(rv2i(rv).(map[string]int), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapStringIntX(vp *map[string]int, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapStringIntV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapStringIntV(v map[string]int, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[string]int, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[string]int, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk string
+	var mv int
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeString()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapStringInt8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[string]int8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapStringInt8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringInt8V(rv2i(rv).(map[string]int8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapStringInt8X(vp *map[string]int8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapStringInt8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapStringInt8V(v map[string]int8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[string]int8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 17)
+		v = make(map[string]int8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk string
+	var mv int8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeString()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapStringInt16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[string]int16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapStringInt16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringInt16V(rv2i(rv).(map[string]int16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapStringInt16X(vp *map[string]int16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapStringInt16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapStringInt16V(v map[string]int16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[string]int16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 18)
+		v = make(map[string]int16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk string
+	var mv int16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeString()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapStringInt32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[string]int32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapStringInt32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringInt32V(rv2i(rv).(map[string]int32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapStringInt32X(vp *map[string]int32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapStringInt32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapStringInt32V(v map[string]int32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[string]int32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 20)
+		v = make(map[string]int32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk string
+	var mv int32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeString()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapStringInt64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[string]int64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapStringInt64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringInt64V(rv2i(rv).(map[string]int64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapStringInt64X(vp *map[string]int64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapStringInt64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapStringInt64V(v map[string]int64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[string]int64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[string]int64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk string
+	var mv int64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeString()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapStringFloat32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[string]float32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapStringFloat32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringFloat32V(rv2i(rv).(map[string]float32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapStringFloat32X(vp *map[string]float32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapStringFloat32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapStringFloat32V(v map[string]float32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[string]float32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 20)
+		v = make(map[string]float32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk string
+	var mv float32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeString()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapStringFloat64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[string]float64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapStringFloat64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringFloat64V(rv2i(rv).(map[string]float64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapStringFloat64X(vp *map[string]float64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapStringFloat64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapStringFloat64V(v map[string]float64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[string]float64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[string]float64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk string
+	var mv float64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeString()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapStringBoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[string]bool)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapStringBoolV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapStringBoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[string]bool), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapStringBoolX(vp *map[string]bool, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapStringBoolV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapStringBoolV(v map[string]bool, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[string]bool, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 17)
+		v = make(map[string]bool, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk string
+	var mv bool
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeString()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = false
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat32IntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float32]interface{})
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32IntfV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32IntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]interface{}), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat32IntfX(vp *map[float32]interface{}, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat32IntfV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat32IntfV(v map[float32]interface{}, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float32]interface{}, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 20)
+		v = make(map[float32]interface{}, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	mapGet := v != nil && !d.h.MapValueReset && !d.h.InterfaceReset
+	var mk float32
+	var mv interface{}
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = nil
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if mapGet {
+			mv = v[mk]
+		} else {
+			mv = nil
+		}
+		d.decode(&mv)
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat32StringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float32]string)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32StringV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32StringV(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]string), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat32StringX(vp *map[float32]string, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat32StringV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat32StringV(v map[float32]string, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float32]string, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 20)
+		v = make(map[float32]string, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float32
+	var mv string
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = ""
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeString()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat32UintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float32]uint)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32UintV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32UintV(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]uint), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat32UintX(vp *map[float32]uint, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat32UintV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat32UintV(v map[float32]uint, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float32]uint, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[float32]uint, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float32
+	var mv uint
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat32Uint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float32]uint8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Uint8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Uint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]uint8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat32Uint8X(vp *map[float32]uint8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat32Uint8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat32Uint8V(v map[float32]uint8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float32]uint8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 5)
+		v = make(map[float32]uint8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float32
+	var mv uint8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat32Uint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float32]uint16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Uint16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Uint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]uint16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat32Uint16X(vp *map[float32]uint16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat32Uint16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat32Uint16V(v map[float32]uint16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float32]uint16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 6)
+		v = make(map[float32]uint16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float32
+	var mv uint16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat32Uint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float32]uint32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Uint32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Uint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]uint32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat32Uint32X(vp *map[float32]uint32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat32Uint32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat32Uint32V(v map[float32]uint32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float32]uint32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+		v = make(map[float32]uint32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float32
+	var mv uint32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat32Uint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float32]uint64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Uint64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Uint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]uint64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat32Uint64X(vp *map[float32]uint64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat32Uint64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat32Uint64V(v map[float32]uint64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float32]uint64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[float32]uint64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float32
+	var mv uint64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat32UintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float32]uintptr)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32UintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32UintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]uintptr), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat32UintptrX(vp *map[float32]uintptr, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat32UintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat32UintptrV(v map[float32]uintptr, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float32]uintptr, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[float32]uintptr, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float32
+	var mv uintptr
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat32IntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float32]int)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32IntV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32IntV(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]int), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat32IntX(vp *map[float32]int, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat32IntV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat32IntV(v map[float32]int, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float32]int, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[float32]int, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float32
+	var mv int
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat32Int8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float32]int8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Int8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Int8V(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]int8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat32Int8X(vp *map[float32]int8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat32Int8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat32Int8V(v map[float32]int8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float32]int8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 5)
+		v = make(map[float32]int8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float32
+	var mv int8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat32Int16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float32]int16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Int16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Int16V(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]int16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat32Int16X(vp *map[float32]int16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat32Int16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat32Int16V(v map[float32]int16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float32]int16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 6)
+		v = make(map[float32]int16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float32
+	var mv int16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat32Int32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float32]int32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Int32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Int32V(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]int32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat32Int32X(vp *map[float32]int32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat32Int32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat32Int32V(v map[float32]int32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float32]int32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+		v = make(map[float32]int32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float32
+	var mv int32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat32Int64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float32]int64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Int64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Int64V(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]int64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat32Int64X(vp *map[float32]int64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat32Int64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat32Int64V(v map[float32]int64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float32]int64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[float32]int64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float32
+	var mv int64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat32Float32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float32]float32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Float32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Float32V(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]float32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat32Float32X(vp *map[float32]float32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat32Float32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat32Float32V(v map[float32]float32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float32]float32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+		v = make(map[float32]float32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float32
+	var mv float32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat32Float64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float32]float64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Float64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32Float64V(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]float64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat32Float64X(vp *map[float32]float64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat32Float64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat32Float64V(v map[float32]float64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float32]float64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[float32]float64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float32
+	var mv float64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat32BoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float32]bool)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32BoolV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat32BoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[float32]bool), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat32BoolX(vp *map[float32]bool, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat32BoolV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat32BoolV(v map[float32]bool, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float32]bool, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 5)
+		v = make(map[float32]bool, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float32
+	var mv bool
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = false
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat64IntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float64]interface{})
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64IntfV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64IntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]interface{}), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat64IntfX(vp *map[float64]interface{}, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat64IntfV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat64IntfV(v map[float64]interface{}, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float64]interface{}, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[float64]interface{}, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	mapGet := v != nil && !d.h.MapValueReset && !d.h.InterfaceReset
+	var mk float64
+	var mv interface{}
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = nil
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if mapGet {
+			mv = v[mk]
+		} else {
+			mv = nil
+		}
+		d.decode(&mv)
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat64StringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float64]string)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64StringV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64StringV(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]string), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat64StringX(vp *map[float64]string, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat64StringV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat64StringV(v map[float64]string, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float64]string, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[float64]string, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float64
+	var mv string
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = ""
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeString()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat64UintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float64]uint)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64UintV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64UintV(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]uint), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat64UintX(vp *map[float64]uint, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat64UintV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat64UintV(v map[float64]uint, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float64]uint, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[float64]uint, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float64
+	var mv uint
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat64Uint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float64]uint8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Uint8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Uint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]uint8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat64Uint8X(vp *map[float64]uint8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat64Uint8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat64Uint8V(v map[float64]uint8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float64]uint8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[float64]uint8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float64
+	var mv uint8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat64Uint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float64]uint16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Uint16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Uint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]uint16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat64Uint16X(vp *map[float64]uint16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat64Uint16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat64Uint16V(v map[float64]uint16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float64]uint16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[float64]uint16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float64
+	var mv uint16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat64Uint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float64]uint32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Uint32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Uint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]uint32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat64Uint32X(vp *map[float64]uint32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat64Uint32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat64Uint32V(v map[float64]uint32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float64]uint32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[float64]uint32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float64
+	var mv uint32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat64Uint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float64]uint64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Uint64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Uint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]uint64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat64Uint64X(vp *map[float64]uint64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat64Uint64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat64Uint64V(v map[float64]uint64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float64]uint64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[float64]uint64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float64
+	var mv uint64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat64UintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float64]uintptr)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64UintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64UintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]uintptr), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat64UintptrX(vp *map[float64]uintptr, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat64UintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat64UintptrV(v map[float64]uintptr, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float64]uintptr, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[float64]uintptr, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float64
+	var mv uintptr
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat64IntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float64]int)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64IntV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64IntV(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]int), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat64IntX(vp *map[float64]int, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat64IntV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat64IntV(v map[float64]int, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float64]int, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[float64]int, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float64
+	var mv int
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat64Int8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float64]int8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Int8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Int8V(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]int8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat64Int8X(vp *map[float64]int8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat64Int8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat64Int8V(v map[float64]int8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float64]int8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[float64]int8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float64
+	var mv int8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat64Int16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float64]int16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Int16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Int16V(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]int16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat64Int16X(vp *map[float64]int16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat64Int16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat64Int16V(v map[float64]int16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float64]int16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[float64]int16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float64
+	var mv int16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat64Int32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float64]int32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Int32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Int32V(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]int32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat64Int32X(vp *map[float64]int32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat64Int32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat64Int32V(v map[float64]int32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float64]int32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[float64]int32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float64
+	var mv int32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat64Int64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float64]int64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Int64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Int64V(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]int64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat64Int64X(vp *map[float64]int64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat64Int64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat64Int64V(v map[float64]int64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float64]int64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[float64]int64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float64
+	var mv int64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat64Float32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float64]float32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Float32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Float32V(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]float32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat64Float32X(vp *map[float64]float32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat64Float32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat64Float32V(v map[float64]float32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float64]float32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[float64]float32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float64
+	var mv float32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat64Float64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float64]float64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Float64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64Float64V(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]float64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat64Float64X(vp *map[float64]float64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat64Float64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat64Float64V(v map[float64]float64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float64]float64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[float64]float64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float64
+	var mv float64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapFloat64BoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[float64]bool)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64BoolV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapFloat64BoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[float64]bool), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapFloat64BoolX(vp *map[float64]bool, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapFloat64BoolV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapFloat64BoolV(v map[float64]bool, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[float64]bool, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[float64]bool, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk float64
+	var mv bool
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = false
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintIntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint]interface{})
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintIntfV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintIntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]interface{}), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintIntfX(vp *map[uint]interface{}, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintIntfV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintIntfV(v map[uint]interface{}, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint]interface{}, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[uint]interface{}, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	mapGet := v != nil && !d.h.MapValueReset && !d.h.InterfaceReset
+	var mk uint
+	var mv interface{}
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = nil
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if mapGet {
+			mv = v[mk]
+		} else {
+			mv = nil
+		}
+		d.decode(&mv)
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintStringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint]string)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintStringV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintStringV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]string), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintStringX(vp *map[uint]string, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintStringV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintStringV(v map[uint]string, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint]string, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[uint]string, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint
+	var mv string
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = ""
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeString()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintUintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint]uint)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintUintV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintUintV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]uint), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintUintX(vp *map[uint]uint, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintUintV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintUintV(v map[uint]uint, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint]uint, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[uint]uint, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint
+	var mv uint
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintUint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint]uint8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintUint8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintUint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]uint8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintUint8X(vp *map[uint]uint8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintUint8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintUint8V(v map[uint]uint8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint]uint8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[uint]uint8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint
+	var mv uint8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintUint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint]uint16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintUint16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintUint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]uint16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintUint16X(vp *map[uint]uint16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintUint16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintUint16V(v map[uint]uint16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint]uint16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[uint]uint16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint
+	var mv uint16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintUint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint]uint32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintUint32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintUint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]uint32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintUint32X(vp *map[uint]uint32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintUint32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintUint32V(v map[uint]uint32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint]uint32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[uint]uint32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint
+	var mv uint32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintUint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint]uint64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintUint64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintUint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]uint64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintUint64X(vp *map[uint]uint64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintUint64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintUint64V(v map[uint]uint64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint]uint64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[uint]uint64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint
+	var mv uint64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintUintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint]uintptr)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintUintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintUintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]uintptr), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintUintptrX(vp *map[uint]uintptr, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintUintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintUintptrV(v map[uint]uintptr, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint]uintptr, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[uint]uintptr, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint
+	var mv uintptr
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintIntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint]int)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintIntV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintIntV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]int), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintIntX(vp *map[uint]int, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintIntV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintIntV(v map[uint]int, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint]int, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[uint]int, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint
+	var mv int
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintInt8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint]int8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintInt8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintInt8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]int8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintInt8X(vp *map[uint]int8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintInt8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintInt8V(v map[uint]int8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint]int8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[uint]int8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint
+	var mv int8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintInt16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint]int16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintInt16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintInt16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]int16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintInt16X(vp *map[uint]int16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintInt16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintInt16V(v map[uint]int16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint]int16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[uint]int16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint
+	var mv int16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintInt32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint]int32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintInt32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintInt32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]int32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintInt32X(vp *map[uint]int32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintInt32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintInt32V(v map[uint]int32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint]int32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[uint]int32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint
+	var mv int32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintInt64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint]int64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintInt64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintInt64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]int64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintInt64X(vp *map[uint]int64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintInt64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintInt64V(v map[uint]int64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint]int64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[uint]int64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint
+	var mv int64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintFloat32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint]float32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintFloat32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintFloat32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]float32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintFloat32X(vp *map[uint]float32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintFloat32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintFloat32V(v map[uint]float32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint]float32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[uint]float32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint
+	var mv float32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintFloat64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint]float64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintFloat64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintFloat64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]float64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintFloat64X(vp *map[uint]float64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintFloat64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintFloat64V(v map[uint]float64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint]float64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[uint]float64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint
+	var mv float64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintBoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint]bool)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintBoolV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintBoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint]bool), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintBoolX(vp *map[uint]bool, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintBoolV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintBoolV(v map[uint]bool, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint]bool, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[uint]bool, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint
+	var mv bool
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = false
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint8IntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint8]interface{})
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint8IntfV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8IntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]interface{}), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint8IntfX(vp *map[uint8]interface{}, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint8IntfV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint8IntfV(v map[uint8]interface{}, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint8]interface{}, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 17)
+		v = make(map[uint8]interface{}, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	mapGet := v != nil && !d.h.MapValueReset && !d.h.InterfaceReset
+	var mk uint8
+	var mv interface{}
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = nil
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if mapGet {
+			mv = v[mk]
+		} else {
+			mv = nil
+		}
+		d.decode(&mv)
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint8StringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint8]string)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint8StringV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8StringV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]string), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint8StringX(vp *map[uint8]string, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint8StringV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint8StringV(v map[uint8]string, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint8]string, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 17)
+		v = make(map[uint8]string, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint8
+	var mv string
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = ""
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeString()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint8UintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint8]uint)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint8UintV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8UintV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]uint), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint8UintX(vp *map[uint8]uint, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint8UintV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint8UintV(v map[uint8]uint, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint8]uint, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[uint8]uint, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint8
+	var mv uint
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint8Uint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint8]uint8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Uint8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Uint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]uint8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint8Uint8X(vp *map[uint8]uint8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint8Uint8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint8Uint8V(v map[uint8]uint8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint8]uint8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 2)
+		v = make(map[uint8]uint8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint8
+	var mv uint8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint8Uint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint8]uint16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Uint16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Uint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]uint16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint8Uint16X(vp *map[uint8]uint16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint8Uint16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint8Uint16V(v map[uint8]uint16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint8]uint16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 3)
+		v = make(map[uint8]uint16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint8
+	var mv uint16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint8Uint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint8]uint32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Uint32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Uint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]uint32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint8Uint32X(vp *map[uint8]uint32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint8Uint32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint8Uint32V(v map[uint8]uint32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint8]uint32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 5)
+		v = make(map[uint8]uint32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint8
+	var mv uint32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint8Uint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint8]uint64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Uint64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Uint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]uint64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint8Uint64X(vp *map[uint8]uint64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint8Uint64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint8Uint64V(v map[uint8]uint64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint8]uint64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[uint8]uint64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint8
+	var mv uint64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint8UintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint8]uintptr)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint8UintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8UintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]uintptr), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint8UintptrX(vp *map[uint8]uintptr, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint8UintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint8UintptrV(v map[uint8]uintptr, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint8]uintptr, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[uint8]uintptr, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint8
+	var mv uintptr
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint8IntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint8]int)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint8IntV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8IntV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]int), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint8IntX(vp *map[uint8]int, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint8IntV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint8IntV(v map[uint8]int, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint8]int, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[uint8]int, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint8
+	var mv int
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint8Int8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint8]int8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Int8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Int8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]int8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint8Int8X(vp *map[uint8]int8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint8Int8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint8Int8V(v map[uint8]int8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint8]int8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 2)
+		v = make(map[uint8]int8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint8
+	var mv int8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint8Int16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint8]int16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Int16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Int16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]int16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint8Int16X(vp *map[uint8]int16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint8Int16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint8Int16V(v map[uint8]int16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint8]int16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 3)
+		v = make(map[uint8]int16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint8
+	var mv int16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint8Int32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint8]int32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Int32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Int32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]int32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint8Int32X(vp *map[uint8]int32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint8Int32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint8Int32V(v map[uint8]int32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint8]int32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 5)
+		v = make(map[uint8]int32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint8
+	var mv int32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint8Int64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint8]int64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Int64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Int64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]int64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint8Int64X(vp *map[uint8]int64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint8Int64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint8Int64V(v map[uint8]int64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint8]int64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[uint8]int64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint8
+	var mv int64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint8Float32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint8]float32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Float32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Float32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]float32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint8Float32X(vp *map[uint8]float32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint8Float32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint8Float32V(v map[uint8]float32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint8]float32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 5)
+		v = make(map[uint8]float32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint8
+	var mv float32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint8Float64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint8]float64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Float64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8Float64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]float64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint8Float64X(vp *map[uint8]float64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint8Float64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint8Float64V(v map[uint8]float64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint8]float64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[uint8]float64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint8
+	var mv float64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint8BoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint8]bool)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint8BoolV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint8BoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint8]bool), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint8BoolX(vp *map[uint8]bool, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint8BoolV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint8BoolV(v map[uint8]bool, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint8]bool, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 2)
+		v = make(map[uint8]bool, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint8
+	var mv bool
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = false
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint16IntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint16]interface{})
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint16IntfV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16IntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]interface{}), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint16IntfX(vp *map[uint16]interface{}, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint16IntfV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint16IntfV(v map[uint16]interface{}, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint16]interface{}, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 18)
+		v = make(map[uint16]interface{}, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	mapGet := v != nil && !d.h.MapValueReset && !d.h.InterfaceReset
+	var mk uint16
+	var mv interface{}
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = nil
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if mapGet {
+			mv = v[mk]
+		} else {
+			mv = nil
+		}
+		d.decode(&mv)
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint16StringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint16]string)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint16StringV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16StringV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]string), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint16StringX(vp *map[uint16]string, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint16StringV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint16StringV(v map[uint16]string, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint16]string, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 18)
+		v = make(map[uint16]string, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint16
+	var mv string
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = ""
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeString()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint16UintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint16]uint)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint16UintV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16UintV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]uint), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint16UintX(vp *map[uint16]uint, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint16UintV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint16UintV(v map[uint16]uint, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint16]uint, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[uint16]uint, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint16
+	var mv uint
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint16Uint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint16]uint8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Uint8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Uint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]uint8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint16Uint8X(vp *map[uint16]uint8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint16Uint8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint16Uint8V(v map[uint16]uint8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint16]uint8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 3)
+		v = make(map[uint16]uint8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint16
+	var mv uint8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint16Uint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint16]uint16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Uint16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Uint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]uint16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint16Uint16X(vp *map[uint16]uint16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint16Uint16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint16Uint16V(v map[uint16]uint16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint16]uint16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 4)
+		v = make(map[uint16]uint16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint16
+	var mv uint16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint16Uint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint16]uint32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Uint32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Uint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]uint32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint16Uint32X(vp *map[uint16]uint32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint16Uint32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint16Uint32V(v map[uint16]uint32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint16]uint32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 6)
+		v = make(map[uint16]uint32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint16
+	var mv uint32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint16Uint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint16]uint64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Uint64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Uint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]uint64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint16Uint64X(vp *map[uint16]uint64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint16Uint64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint16Uint64V(v map[uint16]uint64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint16]uint64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[uint16]uint64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint16
+	var mv uint64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint16UintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint16]uintptr)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint16UintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16UintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]uintptr), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint16UintptrX(vp *map[uint16]uintptr, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint16UintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint16UintptrV(v map[uint16]uintptr, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint16]uintptr, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[uint16]uintptr, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint16
+	var mv uintptr
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint16IntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint16]int)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint16IntV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16IntV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]int), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint16IntX(vp *map[uint16]int, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint16IntV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint16IntV(v map[uint16]int, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint16]int, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[uint16]int, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint16
+	var mv int
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint16Int8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint16]int8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Int8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Int8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]int8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint16Int8X(vp *map[uint16]int8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint16Int8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint16Int8V(v map[uint16]int8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint16]int8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 3)
+		v = make(map[uint16]int8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint16
+	var mv int8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint16Int16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint16]int16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Int16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Int16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]int16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint16Int16X(vp *map[uint16]int16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint16Int16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint16Int16V(v map[uint16]int16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint16]int16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 4)
+		v = make(map[uint16]int16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint16
+	var mv int16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint16Int32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint16]int32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Int32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Int32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]int32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint16Int32X(vp *map[uint16]int32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint16Int32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint16Int32V(v map[uint16]int32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint16]int32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 6)
+		v = make(map[uint16]int32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint16
+	var mv int32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint16Int64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint16]int64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Int64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Int64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]int64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint16Int64X(vp *map[uint16]int64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint16Int64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint16Int64V(v map[uint16]int64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint16]int64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[uint16]int64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint16
+	var mv int64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint16Float32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint16]float32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Float32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Float32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]float32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint16Float32X(vp *map[uint16]float32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint16Float32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint16Float32V(v map[uint16]float32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint16]float32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 6)
+		v = make(map[uint16]float32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint16
+	var mv float32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint16Float64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint16]float64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Float64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16Float64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]float64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint16Float64X(vp *map[uint16]float64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint16Float64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint16Float64V(v map[uint16]float64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint16]float64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[uint16]float64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint16
+	var mv float64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint16BoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint16]bool)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint16BoolV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint16BoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint16]bool), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint16BoolX(vp *map[uint16]bool, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint16BoolV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint16BoolV(v map[uint16]bool, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint16]bool, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 3)
+		v = make(map[uint16]bool, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint16
+	var mv bool
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = false
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint32IntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint32]interface{})
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint32IntfV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32IntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]interface{}), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint32IntfX(vp *map[uint32]interface{}, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint32IntfV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint32IntfV(v map[uint32]interface{}, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint32]interface{}, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 20)
+		v = make(map[uint32]interface{}, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	mapGet := v != nil && !d.h.MapValueReset && !d.h.InterfaceReset
+	var mk uint32
+	var mv interface{}
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = nil
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if mapGet {
+			mv = v[mk]
+		} else {
+			mv = nil
+		}
+		d.decode(&mv)
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint32StringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint32]string)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint32StringV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32StringV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]string), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint32StringX(vp *map[uint32]string, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint32StringV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint32StringV(v map[uint32]string, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint32]string, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 20)
+		v = make(map[uint32]string, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint32
+	var mv string
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = ""
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeString()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint32UintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint32]uint)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint32UintV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32UintV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]uint), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint32UintX(vp *map[uint32]uint, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint32UintV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint32UintV(v map[uint32]uint, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint32]uint, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[uint32]uint, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint32
+	var mv uint
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint32Uint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint32]uint8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Uint8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Uint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]uint8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint32Uint8X(vp *map[uint32]uint8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint32Uint8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint32Uint8V(v map[uint32]uint8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint32]uint8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 5)
+		v = make(map[uint32]uint8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint32
+	var mv uint8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint32Uint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint32]uint16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Uint16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Uint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]uint16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint32Uint16X(vp *map[uint32]uint16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint32Uint16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint32Uint16V(v map[uint32]uint16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint32]uint16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 6)
+		v = make(map[uint32]uint16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint32
+	var mv uint16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint32Uint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint32]uint32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Uint32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Uint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]uint32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint32Uint32X(vp *map[uint32]uint32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint32Uint32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint32Uint32V(v map[uint32]uint32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint32]uint32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+		v = make(map[uint32]uint32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint32
+	var mv uint32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint32Uint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint32]uint64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Uint64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Uint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]uint64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint32Uint64X(vp *map[uint32]uint64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint32Uint64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint32Uint64V(v map[uint32]uint64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint32]uint64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[uint32]uint64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint32
+	var mv uint64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint32UintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint32]uintptr)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint32UintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32UintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]uintptr), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint32UintptrX(vp *map[uint32]uintptr, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint32UintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint32UintptrV(v map[uint32]uintptr, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint32]uintptr, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[uint32]uintptr, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint32
+	var mv uintptr
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint32IntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint32]int)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint32IntV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32IntV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]int), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint32IntX(vp *map[uint32]int, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint32IntV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint32IntV(v map[uint32]int, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint32]int, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[uint32]int, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint32
+	var mv int
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint32Int8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint32]int8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Int8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Int8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]int8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint32Int8X(vp *map[uint32]int8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint32Int8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint32Int8V(v map[uint32]int8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint32]int8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 5)
+		v = make(map[uint32]int8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint32
+	var mv int8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint32Int16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint32]int16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Int16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Int16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]int16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint32Int16X(vp *map[uint32]int16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint32Int16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint32Int16V(v map[uint32]int16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint32]int16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 6)
+		v = make(map[uint32]int16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint32
+	var mv int16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint32Int32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint32]int32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Int32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Int32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]int32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint32Int32X(vp *map[uint32]int32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint32Int32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint32Int32V(v map[uint32]int32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint32]int32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+		v = make(map[uint32]int32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint32
+	var mv int32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint32Int64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint32]int64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Int64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Int64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]int64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint32Int64X(vp *map[uint32]int64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint32Int64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint32Int64V(v map[uint32]int64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint32]int64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[uint32]int64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint32
+	var mv int64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint32Float32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint32]float32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Float32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Float32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]float32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint32Float32X(vp *map[uint32]float32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint32Float32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint32Float32V(v map[uint32]float32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint32]float32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+		v = make(map[uint32]float32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint32
+	var mv float32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint32Float64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint32]float64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Float64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32Float64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]float64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint32Float64X(vp *map[uint32]float64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint32Float64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint32Float64V(v map[uint32]float64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint32]float64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[uint32]float64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint32
+	var mv float64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint32BoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint32]bool)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint32BoolV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint32BoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint32]bool), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint32BoolX(vp *map[uint32]bool, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint32BoolV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint32BoolV(v map[uint32]bool, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint32]bool, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 5)
+		v = make(map[uint32]bool, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint32
+	var mv bool
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = false
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint64IntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint64]interface{})
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint64IntfV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64IntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]interface{}), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint64IntfX(vp *map[uint64]interface{}, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint64IntfV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint64IntfV(v map[uint64]interface{}, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint64]interface{}, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[uint64]interface{}, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	mapGet := v != nil && !d.h.MapValueReset && !d.h.InterfaceReset
+	var mk uint64
+	var mv interface{}
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = nil
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if mapGet {
+			mv = v[mk]
+		} else {
+			mv = nil
+		}
+		d.decode(&mv)
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint64StringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint64]string)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint64StringV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64StringV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]string), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint64StringX(vp *map[uint64]string, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint64StringV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint64StringV(v map[uint64]string, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint64]string, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[uint64]string, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint64
+	var mv string
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = ""
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeString()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint64UintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint64]uint)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint64UintV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64UintV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]uint), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint64UintX(vp *map[uint64]uint, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint64UintV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint64UintV(v map[uint64]uint, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint64]uint, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[uint64]uint, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint64
+	var mv uint
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint64Uint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint64]uint8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Uint8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Uint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]uint8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint64Uint8X(vp *map[uint64]uint8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint64Uint8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint64Uint8V(v map[uint64]uint8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint64]uint8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[uint64]uint8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint64
+	var mv uint8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint64Uint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint64]uint16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Uint16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Uint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]uint16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint64Uint16X(vp *map[uint64]uint16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint64Uint16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint64Uint16V(v map[uint64]uint16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint64]uint16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[uint64]uint16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint64
+	var mv uint16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint64Uint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint64]uint32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Uint32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Uint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]uint32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint64Uint32X(vp *map[uint64]uint32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint64Uint32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint64Uint32V(v map[uint64]uint32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint64]uint32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[uint64]uint32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint64
+	var mv uint32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint64Uint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint64]uint64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Uint64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Uint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]uint64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint64Uint64X(vp *map[uint64]uint64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint64Uint64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint64Uint64V(v map[uint64]uint64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint64]uint64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[uint64]uint64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint64
+	var mv uint64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint64UintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint64]uintptr)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint64UintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64UintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]uintptr), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint64UintptrX(vp *map[uint64]uintptr, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint64UintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint64UintptrV(v map[uint64]uintptr, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint64]uintptr, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[uint64]uintptr, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint64
+	var mv uintptr
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint64IntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint64]int)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint64IntV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64IntV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]int), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint64IntX(vp *map[uint64]int, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint64IntV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint64IntV(v map[uint64]int, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint64]int, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[uint64]int, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint64
+	var mv int
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint64Int8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint64]int8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Int8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Int8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]int8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint64Int8X(vp *map[uint64]int8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint64Int8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint64Int8V(v map[uint64]int8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint64]int8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[uint64]int8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint64
+	var mv int8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint64Int16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint64]int16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Int16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Int16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]int16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint64Int16X(vp *map[uint64]int16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint64Int16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint64Int16V(v map[uint64]int16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint64]int16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[uint64]int16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint64
+	var mv int16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint64Int32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint64]int32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Int32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Int32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]int32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint64Int32X(vp *map[uint64]int32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint64Int32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint64Int32V(v map[uint64]int32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint64]int32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[uint64]int32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint64
+	var mv int32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint64Int64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint64]int64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Int64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Int64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]int64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint64Int64X(vp *map[uint64]int64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint64Int64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint64Int64V(v map[uint64]int64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint64]int64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[uint64]int64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint64
+	var mv int64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint64Float32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint64]float32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Float32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Float32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]float32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint64Float32X(vp *map[uint64]float32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint64Float32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint64Float32V(v map[uint64]float32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint64]float32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[uint64]float32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint64
+	var mv float32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint64Float64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint64]float64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Float64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64Float64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]float64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint64Float64X(vp *map[uint64]float64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint64Float64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint64Float64V(v map[uint64]float64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint64]float64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[uint64]float64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint64
+	var mv float64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUint64BoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uint64]bool)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUint64BoolV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUint64BoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[uint64]bool), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUint64BoolX(vp *map[uint64]bool, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUint64BoolV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUint64BoolV(v map[uint64]bool, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uint64]bool, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[uint64]bool, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uint64
+	var mv bool
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = false
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintptrIntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uintptr]interface{})
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrIntfV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrIntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]interface{}), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintptrIntfX(vp *map[uintptr]interface{}, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintptrIntfV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintptrIntfV(v map[uintptr]interface{}, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uintptr]interface{}, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[uintptr]interface{}, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	mapGet := v != nil && !d.h.MapValueReset && !d.h.InterfaceReset
+	var mk uintptr
+	var mv interface{}
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = nil
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if mapGet {
+			mv = v[mk]
+		} else {
+			mv = nil
+		}
+		d.decode(&mv)
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintptrStringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uintptr]string)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrStringV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrStringV(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]string), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintptrStringX(vp *map[uintptr]string, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintptrStringV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintptrStringV(v map[uintptr]string, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uintptr]string, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[uintptr]string, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uintptr
+	var mv string
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = ""
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeString()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintptrUintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uintptr]uint)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUintV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUintV(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]uint), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintptrUintX(vp *map[uintptr]uint, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintptrUintV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintptrUintV(v map[uintptr]uint, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uintptr]uint, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[uintptr]uint, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uintptr
+	var mv uint
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintptrUint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uintptr]uint8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUint8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]uint8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintptrUint8X(vp *map[uintptr]uint8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintptrUint8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintptrUint8V(v map[uintptr]uint8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uintptr]uint8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[uintptr]uint8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uintptr
+	var mv uint8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintptrUint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uintptr]uint16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUint16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]uint16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintptrUint16X(vp *map[uintptr]uint16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintptrUint16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintptrUint16V(v map[uintptr]uint16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uintptr]uint16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[uintptr]uint16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uintptr
+	var mv uint16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintptrUint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uintptr]uint32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUint32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]uint32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintptrUint32X(vp *map[uintptr]uint32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintptrUint32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintptrUint32V(v map[uintptr]uint32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uintptr]uint32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[uintptr]uint32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uintptr
+	var mv uint32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintptrUint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uintptr]uint64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUint64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]uint64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintptrUint64X(vp *map[uintptr]uint64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintptrUint64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintptrUint64V(v map[uintptr]uint64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uintptr]uint64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[uintptr]uint64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uintptr
+	var mv uint64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintptrUintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uintptr]uintptr)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrUintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]uintptr), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintptrUintptrX(vp *map[uintptr]uintptr, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintptrUintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintptrUintptrV(v map[uintptr]uintptr, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uintptr]uintptr, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[uintptr]uintptr, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uintptr
+	var mv uintptr
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintptrIntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uintptr]int)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrIntV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrIntV(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]int), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintptrIntX(vp *map[uintptr]int, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintptrIntV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintptrIntV(v map[uintptr]int, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uintptr]int, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[uintptr]int, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uintptr
+	var mv int
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintptrInt8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uintptr]int8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrInt8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrInt8V(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]int8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintptrInt8X(vp *map[uintptr]int8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintptrInt8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintptrInt8V(v map[uintptr]int8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uintptr]int8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[uintptr]int8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uintptr
+	var mv int8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintptrInt16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uintptr]int16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrInt16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrInt16V(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]int16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintptrInt16X(vp *map[uintptr]int16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintptrInt16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintptrInt16V(v map[uintptr]int16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uintptr]int16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[uintptr]int16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uintptr
+	var mv int16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintptrInt32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uintptr]int32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrInt32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrInt32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]int32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintptrInt32X(vp *map[uintptr]int32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintptrInt32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintptrInt32V(v map[uintptr]int32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uintptr]int32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[uintptr]int32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uintptr
+	var mv int32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintptrInt64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uintptr]int64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrInt64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrInt64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]int64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintptrInt64X(vp *map[uintptr]int64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintptrInt64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintptrInt64V(v map[uintptr]int64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uintptr]int64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[uintptr]int64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uintptr
+	var mv int64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintptrFloat32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uintptr]float32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrFloat32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrFloat32V(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]float32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintptrFloat32X(vp *map[uintptr]float32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintptrFloat32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintptrFloat32V(v map[uintptr]float32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uintptr]float32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[uintptr]float32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uintptr
+	var mv float32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintptrFloat64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uintptr]float64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrFloat64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrFloat64V(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]float64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintptrFloat64X(vp *map[uintptr]float64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintptrFloat64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintptrFloat64V(v map[uintptr]float64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uintptr]float64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[uintptr]float64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uintptr
+	var mv float64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapUintptrBoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[uintptr]bool)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrBoolV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapUintptrBoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[uintptr]bool), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapUintptrBoolX(vp *map[uintptr]bool, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapUintptrBoolV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapUintptrBoolV(v map[uintptr]bool, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[uintptr]bool, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[uintptr]bool, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk uintptr
+	var mv bool
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = false
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntIntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int]interface{})
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntIntfV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntIntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[int]interface{}), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntIntfX(vp *map[int]interface{}, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntIntfV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntIntfV(v map[int]interface{}, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int]interface{}, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[int]interface{}, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	mapGet := v != nil && !d.h.MapValueReset && !d.h.InterfaceReset
+	var mk int
+	var mv interface{}
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = nil
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if mapGet {
+			mv = v[mk]
+		} else {
+			mv = nil
+		}
+		d.decode(&mv)
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntStringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int]string)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntStringV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntStringV(rv2i(rv).(map[int]string), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntStringX(vp *map[int]string, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntStringV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntStringV(v map[int]string, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int]string, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[int]string, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int
+	var mv string
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = ""
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeString()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntUintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int]uint)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntUintV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntUintV(rv2i(rv).(map[int]uint), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntUintX(vp *map[int]uint, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntUintV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntUintV(v map[int]uint, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int]uint, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[int]uint, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int
+	var mv uint
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntUint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int]uint8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntUint8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntUint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[int]uint8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntUint8X(vp *map[int]uint8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntUint8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntUint8V(v map[int]uint8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int]uint8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[int]uint8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int
+	var mv uint8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntUint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int]uint16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntUint16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntUint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[int]uint16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntUint16X(vp *map[int]uint16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntUint16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntUint16V(v map[int]uint16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int]uint16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[int]uint16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int
+	var mv uint16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntUint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int]uint32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntUint32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntUint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int]uint32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntUint32X(vp *map[int]uint32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntUint32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntUint32V(v map[int]uint32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int]uint32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[int]uint32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int
+	var mv uint32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntUint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int]uint64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntUint64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntUint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int]uint64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntUint64X(vp *map[int]uint64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntUint64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntUint64V(v map[int]uint64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int]uint64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[int]uint64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int
+	var mv uint64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntUintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int]uintptr)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntUintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntUintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[int]uintptr), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntUintptrX(vp *map[int]uintptr, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntUintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntUintptrV(v map[int]uintptr, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int]uintptr, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[int]uintptr, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int
+	var mv uintptr
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntIntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int]int)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntIntV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntIntV(rv2i(rv).(map[int]int), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntIntX(vp *map[int]int, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntIntV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntIntV(v map[int]int, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int]int, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[int]int, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int
+	var mv int
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntInt8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int]int8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntInt8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntInt8V(rv2i(rv).(map[int]int8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntInt8X(vp *map[int]int8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntInt8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntInt8V(v map[int]int8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int]int8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[int]int8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int
+	var mv int8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntInt16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int]int16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntInt16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntInt16V(rv2i(rv).(map[int]int16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntInt16X(vp *map[int]int16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntInt16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntInt16V(v map[int]int16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int]int16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[int]int16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int
+	var mv int16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntInt32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int]int32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntInt32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntInt32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int]int32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntInt32X(vp *map[int]int32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntInt32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntInt32V(v map[int]int32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int]int32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[int]int32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int
+	var mv int32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntInt64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int]int64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntInt64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntInt64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int]int64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntInt64X(vp *map[int]int64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntInt64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntInt64V(v map[int]int64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int]int64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[int]int64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int
+	var mv int64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntFloat32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int]float32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntFloat32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntFloat32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int]float32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntFloat32X(vp *map[int]float32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntFloat32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntFloat32V(v map[int]float32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int]float32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[int]float32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int
+	var mv float32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntFloat64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int]float64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntFloat64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntFloat64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int]float64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntFloat64X(vp *map[int]float64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntFloat64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntFloat64V(v map[int]float64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int]float64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[int]float64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int
+	var mv float64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapIntBoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int]bool)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapIntBoolV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapIntBoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[int]bool), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapIntBoolX(vp *map[int]bool, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapIntBoolV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapIntBoolV(v map[int]bool, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int]bool, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[int]bool, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int
+	var mv bool
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = false
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt8IntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int8]interface{})
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt8IntfV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8IntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]interface{}), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt8IntfX(vp *map[int8]interface{}, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt8IntfV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt8IntfV(v map[int8]interface{}, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int8]interface{}, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 17)
+		v = make(map[int8]interface{}, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	mapGet := v != nil && !d.h.MapValueReset && !d.h.InterfaceReset
+	var mk int8
+	var mv interface{}
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = nil
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if mapGet {
+			mv = v[mk]
+		} else {
+			mv = nil
+		}
+		d.decode(&mv)
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt8StringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int8]string)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt8StringV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8StringV(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]string), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt8StringX(vp *map[int8]string, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt8StringV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt8StringV(v map[int8]string, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int8]string, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 17)
+		v = make(map[int8]string, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int8
+	var mv string
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = ""
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeString()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt8UintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int8]uint)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt8UintV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8UintV(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]uint), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt8UintX(vp *map[int8]uint, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt8UintV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt8UintV(v map[int8]uint, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int8]uint, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[int8]uint, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int8
+	var mv uint
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt8Uint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int8]uint8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Uint8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Uint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]uint8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt8Uint8X(vp *map[int8]uint8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt8Uint8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt8Uint8V(v map[int8]uint8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int8]uint8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 2)
+		v = make(map[int8]uint8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int8
+	var mv uint8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt8Uint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int8]uint16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Uint16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Uint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]uint16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt8Uint16X(vp *map[int8]uint16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt8Uint16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt8Uint16V(v map[int8]uint16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int8]uint16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 3)
+		v = make(map[int8]uint16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int8
+	var mv uint16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt8Uint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int8]uint32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Uint32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Uint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]uint32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt8Uint32X(vp *map[int8]uint32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt8Uint32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt8Uint32V(v map[int8]uint32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int8]uint32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 5)
+		v = make(map[int8]uint32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int8
+	var mv uint32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt8Uint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int8]uint64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Uint64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Uint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]uint64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt8Uint64X(vp *map[int8]uint64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt8Uint64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt8Uint64V(v map[int8]uint64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int8]uint64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[int8]uint64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int8
+	var mv uint64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt8UintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int8]uintptr)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt8UintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8UintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]uintptr), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt8UintptrX(vp *map[int8]uintptr, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt8UintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt8UintptrV(v map[int8]uintptr, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int8]uintptr, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[int8]uintptr, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int8
+	var mv uintptr
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt8IntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int8]int)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt8IntV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8IntV(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]int), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt8IntX(vp *map[int8]int, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt8IntV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt8IntV(v map[int8]int, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int8]int, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[int8]int, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int8
+	var mv int
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt8Int8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int8]int8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Int8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Int8V(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]int8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt8Int8X(vp *map[int8]int8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt8Int8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt8Int8V(v map[int8]int8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int8]int8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 2)
+		v = make(map[int8]int8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int8
+	var mv int8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt8Int16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int8]int16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Int16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Int16V(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]int16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt8Int16X(vp *map[int8]int16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt8Int16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt8Int16V(v map[int8]int16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int8]int16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 3)
+		v = make(map[int8]int16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int8
+	var mv int16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt8Int32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int8]int32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Int32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Int32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]int32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt8Int32X(vp *map[int8]int32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt8Int32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt8Int32V(v map[int8]int32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int8]int32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 5)
+		v = make(map[int8]int32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int8
+	var mv int32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt8Int64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int8]int64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Int64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Int64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]int64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt8Int64X(vp *map[int8]int64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt8Int64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt8Int64V(v map[int8]int64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int8]int64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[int8]int64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int8
+	var mv int64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt8Float32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int8]float32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Float32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Float32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]float32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt8Float32X(vp *map[int8]float32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt8Float32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt8Float32V(v map[int8]float32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int8]float32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 5)
+		v = make(map[int8]float32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int8
+	var mv float32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt8Float64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int8]float64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Float64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8Float64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]float64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt8Float64X(vp *map[int8]float64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt8Float64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt8Float64V(v map[int8]float64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int8]float64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[int8]float64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int8
+	var mv float64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt8BoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int8]bool)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt8BoolV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt8BoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[int8]bool), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt8BoolX(vp *map[int8]bool, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt8BoolV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt8BoolV(v map[int8]bool, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int8]bool, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 2)
+		v = make(map[int8]bool, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int8
+	var mv bool
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = false
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt16IntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int16]interface{})
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt16IntfV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16IntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]interface{}), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt16IntfX(vp *map[int16]interface{}, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt16IntfV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt16IntfV(v map[int16]interface{}, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int16]interface{}, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 18)
+		v = make(map[int16]interface{}, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	mapGet := v != nil && !d.h.MapValueReset && !d.h.InterfaceReset
+	var mk int16
+	var mv interface{}
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = nil
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if mapGet {
+			mv = v[mk]
+		} else {
+			mv = nil
+		}
+		d.decode(&mv)
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt16StringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int16]string)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt16StringV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16StringV(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]string), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt16StringX(vp *map[int16]string, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt16StringV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt16StringV(v map[int16]string, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int16]string, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 18)
+		v = make(map[int16]string, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int16
+	var mv string
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = ""
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeString()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt16UintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int16]uint)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt16UintV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16UintV(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]uint), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt16UintX(vp *map[int16]uint, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt16UintV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt16UintV(v map[int16]uint, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int16]uint, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[int16]uint, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int16
+	var mv uint
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt16Uint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int16]uint8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Uint8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Uint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]uint8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt16Uint8X(vp *map[int16]uint8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt16Uint8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt16Uint8V(v map[int16]uint8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int16]uint8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 3)
+		v = make(map[int16]uint8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int16
+	var mv uint8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt16Uint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int16]uint16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Uint16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Uint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]uint16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt16Uint16X(vp *map[int16]uint16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt16Uint16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt16Uint16V(v map[int16]uint16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int16]uint16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 4)
+		v = make(map[int16]uint16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int16
+	var mv uint16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt16Uint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int16]uint32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Uint32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Uint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]uint32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt16Uint32X(vp *map[int16]uint32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt16Uint32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt16Uint32V(v map[int16]uint32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int16]uint32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 6)
+		v = make(map[int16]uint32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int16
+	var mv uint32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt16Uint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int16]uint64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Uint64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Uint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]uint64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt16Uint64X(vp *map[int16]uint64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt16Uint64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt16Uint64V(v map[int16]uint64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int16]uint64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[int16]uint64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int16
+	var mv uint64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt16UintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int16]uintptr)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt16UintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16UintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]uintptr), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt16UintptrX(vp *map[int16]uintptr, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt16UintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt16UintptrV(v map[int16]uintptr, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int16]uintptr, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[int16]uintptr, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int16
+	var mv uintptr
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt16IntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int16]int)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt16IntV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16IntV(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]int), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt16IntX(vp *map[int16]int, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt16IntV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt16IntV(v map[int16]int, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int16]int, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[int16]int, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int16
+	var mv int
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt16Int8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int16]int8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Int8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Int8V(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]int8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt16Int8X(vp *map[int16]int8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt16Int8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt16Int8V(v map[int16]int8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int16]int8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 3)
+		v = make(map[int16]int8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int16
+	var mv int8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt16Int16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int16]int16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Int16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Int16V(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]int16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt16Int16X(vp *map[int16]int16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt16Int16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt16Int16V(v map[int16]int16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int16]int16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 4)
+		v = make(map[int16]int16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int16
+	var mv int16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt16Int32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int16]int32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Int32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Int32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]int32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt16Int32X(vp *map[int16]int32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt16Int32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt16Int32V(v map[int16]int32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int16]int32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 6)
+		v = make(map[int16]int32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int16
+	var mv int32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt16Int64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int16]int64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Int64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Int64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]int64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt16Int64X(vp *map[int16]int64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt16Int64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt16Int64V(v map[int16]int64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int16]int64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[int16]int64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int16
+	var mv int64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt16Float32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int16]float32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Float32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Float32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]float32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt16Float32X(vp *map[int16]float32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt16Float32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt16Float32V(v map[int16]float32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int16]float32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 6)
+		v = make(map[int16]float32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int16
+	var mv float32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt16Float64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int16]float64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Float64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16Float64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]float64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt16Float64X(vp *map[int16]float64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt16Float64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt16Float64V(v map[int16]float64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int16]float64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[int16]float64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int16
+	var mv float64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt16BoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int16]bool)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt16BoolV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt16BoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[int16]bool), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt16BoolX(vp *map[int16]bool, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt16BoolV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt16BoolV(v map[int16]bool, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int16]bool, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 3)
+		v = make(map[int16]bool, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int16
+	var mv bool
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = false
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt32IntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int32]interface{})
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt32IntfV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32IntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]interface{}), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt32IntfX(vp *map[int32]interface{}, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt32IntfV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt32IntfV(v map[int32]interface{}, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int32]interface{}, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 20)
+		v = make(map[int32]interface{}, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	mapGet := v != nil && !d.h.MapValueReset && !d.h.InterfaceReset
+	var mk int32
+	var mv interface{}
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = nil
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if mapGet {
+			mv = v[mk]
+		} else {
+			mv = nil
+		}
+		d.decode(&mv)
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt32StringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int32]string)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt32StringV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32StringV(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]string), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt32StringX(vp *map[int32]string, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt32StringV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt32StringV(v map[int32]string, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int32]string, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 20)
+		v = make(map[int32]string, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int32
+	var mv string
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = ""
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeString()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt32UintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int32]uint)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt32UintV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32UintV(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]uint), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt32UintX(vp *map[int32]uint, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt32UintV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt32UintV(v map[int32]uint, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int32]uint, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[int32]uint, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int32
+	var mv uint
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt32Uint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int32]uint8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Uint8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Uint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]uint8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt32Uint8X(vp *map[int32]uint8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt32Uint8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt32Uint8V(v map[int32]uint8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int32]uint8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 5)
+		v = make(map[int32]uint8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int32
+	var mv uint8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt32Uint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int32]uint16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Uint16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Uint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]uint16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt32Uint16X(vp *map[int32]uint16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt32Uint16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt32Uint16V(v map[int32]uint16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int32]uint16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 6)
+		v = make(map[int32]uint16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int32
+	var mv uint16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt32Uint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int32]uint32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Uint32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Uint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]uint32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt32Uint32X(vp *map[int32]uint32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt32Uint32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt32Uint32V(v map[int32]uint32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int32]uint32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+		v = make(map[int32]uint32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int32
+	var mv uint32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt32Uint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int32]uint64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Uint64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Uint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]uint64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt32Uint64X(vp *map[int32]uint64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt32Uint64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt32Uint64V(v map[int32]uint64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int32]uint64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[int32]uint64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int32
+	var mv uint64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt32UintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int32]uintptr)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt32UintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32UintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]uintptr), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt32UintptrX(vp *map[int32]uintptr, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt32UintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt32UintptrV(v map[int32]uintptr, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int32]uintptr, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[int32]uintptr, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int32
+	var mv uintptr
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt32IntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int32]int)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt32IntV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32IntV(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]int), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt32IntX(vp *map[int32]int, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt32IntV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt32IntV(v map[int32]int, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int32]int, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[int32]int, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int32
+	var mv int
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt32Int8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int32]int8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Int8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Int8V(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]int8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt32Int8X(vp *map[int32]int8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt32Int8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt32Int8V(v map[int32]int8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int32]int8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 5)
+		v = make(map[int32]int8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int32
+	var mv int8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt32Int16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int32]int16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Int16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Int16V(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]int16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt32Int16X(vp *map[int32]int16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt32Int16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt32Int16V(v map[int32]int16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int32]int16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 6)
+		v = make(map[int32]int16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int32
+	var mv int16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt32Int32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int32]int32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Int32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Int32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]int32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt32Int32X(vp *map[int32]int32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt32Int32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt32Int32V(v map[int32]int32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int32]int32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+		v = make(map[int32]int32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int32
+	var mv int32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt32Int64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int32]int64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Int64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Int64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]int64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt32Int64X(vp *map[int32]int64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt32Int64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt32Int64V(v map[int32]int64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int32]int64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[int32]int64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int32
+	var mv int64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt32Float32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int32]float32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Float32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Float32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]float32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt32Float32X(vp *map[int32]float32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt32Float32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt32Float32V(v map[int32]float32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int32]float32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 8)
+		v = make(map[int32]float32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int32
+	var mv float32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt32Float64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int32]float64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Float64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32Float64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]float64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt32Float64X(vp *map[int32]float64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt32Float64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt32Float64V(v map[int32]float64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int32]float64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[int32]float64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int32
+	var mv float64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt32BoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int32]bool)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt32BoolV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt32BoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[int32]bool), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt32BoolX(vp *map[int32]bool, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt32BoolV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt32BoolV(v map[int32]bool, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int32]bool, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 5)
+		v = make(map[int32]bool, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int32
+	var mv bool
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = false
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt64IntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int64]interface{})
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt64IntfV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64IntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]interface{}), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt64IntfX(vp *map[int64]interface{}, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt64IntfV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt64IntfV(v map[int64]interface{}, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int64]interface{}, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[int64]interface{}, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	mapGet := v != nil && !d.h.MapValueReset && !d.h.InterfaceReset
+	var mk int64
+	var mv interface{}
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = nil
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if mapGet {
+			mv = v[mk]
+		} else {
+			mv = nil
+		}
+		d.decode(&mv)
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt64StringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int64]string)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt64StringV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64StringV(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]string), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt64StringX(vp *map[int64]string, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt64StringV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt64StringV(v map[int64]string, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int64]string, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 24)
+		v = make(map[int64]string, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int64
+	var mv string
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = ""
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeString()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt64UintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int64]uint)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt64UintV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64UintV(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]uint), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt64UintX(vp *map[int64]uint, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt64UintV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt64UintV(v map[int64]uint, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int64]uint, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[int64]uint, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int64
+	var mv uint
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt64Uint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int64]uint8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Uint8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Uint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]uint8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt64Uint8X(vp *map[int64]uint8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt64Uint8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt64Uint8V(v map[int64]uint8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int64]uint8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[int64]uint8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int64
+	var mv uint8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt64Uint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int64]uint16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Uint16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Uint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]uint16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt64Uint16X(vp *map[int64]uint16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt64Uint16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt64Uint16V(v map[int64]uint16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int64]uint16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[int64]uint16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int64
+	var mv uint16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt64Uint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int64]uint32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Uint32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Uint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]uint32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt64Uint32X(vp *map[int64]uint32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt64Uint32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt64Uint32V(v map[int64]uint32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int64]uint32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[int64]uint32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int64
+	var mv uint32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt64Uint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int64]uint64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Uint64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Uint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]uint64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt64Uint64X(vp *map[int64]uint64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt64Uint64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt64Uint64V(v map[int64]uint64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int64]uint64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[int64]uint64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int64
+	var mv uint64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt64UintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int64]uintptr)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt64UintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64UintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]uintptr), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt64UintptrX(vp *map[int64]uintptr, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt64UintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt64UintptrV(v map[int64]uintptr, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int64]uintptr, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[int64]uintptr, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int64
+	var mv uintptr
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt64IntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int64]int)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt64IntV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64IntV(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]int), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt64IntX(vp *map[int64]int, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt64IntV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt64IntV(v map[int64]int, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int64]int, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[int64]int, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int64
+	var mv int
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt64Int8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int64]int8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Int8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Int8V(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]int8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt64Int8X(vp *map[int64]int8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt64Int8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt64Int8V(v map[int64]int8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int64]int8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[int64]int8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int64
+	var mv int8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt64Int16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int64]int16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Int16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Int16V(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]int16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt64Int16X(vp *map[int64]int16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt64Int16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt64Int16V(v map[int64]int16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int64]int16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 10)
+		v = make(map[int64]int16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int64
+	var mv int16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt64Int32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int64]int32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Int32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Int32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]int32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt64Int32X(vp *map[int64]int32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt64Int32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt64Int32V(v map[int64]int32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int64]int32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[int64]int32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int64
+	var mv int32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt64Int64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int64]int64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Int64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Int64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]int64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt64Int64X(vp *map[int64]int64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt64Int64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt64Int64V(v map[int64]int64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int64]int64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[int64]int64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int64
+	var mv int64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt64Float32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int64]float32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Float32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Float32V(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]float32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt64Float32X(vp *map[int64]float32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt64Float32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt64Float32V(v map[int64]float32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int64]float32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 12)
+		v = make(map[int64]float32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int64
+	var mv float32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt64Float64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int64]float64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Float64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64Float64V(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]float64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt64Float64X(vp *map[int64]float64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt64Float64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt64Float64V(v map[int64]float64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int64]float64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 16)
+		v = make(map[int64]float64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int64
+	var mv float64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapInt64BoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[int64]bool)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapInt64BoolV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapInt64BoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[int64]bool), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapInt64BoolX(vp *map[int64]bool, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapInt64BoolV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapInt64BoolV(v map[int64]bool, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[int64]bool, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[int64]bool, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk int64
+	var mv bool
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = false
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapBoolIntfR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[bool]interface{})
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapBoolIntfV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolIntfV(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]interface{}), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapBoolIntfX(vp *map[bool]interface{}, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapBoolIntfV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapBoolIntfV(v map[bool]interface{}, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[bool]interface{}, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 17)
+		v = make(map[bool]interface{}, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	mapGet := v != nil && !d.h.MapValueReset && !d.h.InterfaceReset
+	var mk bool
+	var mv interface{}
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = nil
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if mapGet {
+			mv = v[mk]
+		} else {
+			mv = nil
+		}
+		d.decode(&mv)
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapBoolStringR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[bool]string)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapBoolStringV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolStringV(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]string), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapBoolStringX(vp *map[bool]string, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapBoolStringV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapBoolStringV(v map[bool]string, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[bool]string, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 17)
+		v = make(map[bool]string, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk bool
+	var mv string
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = ""
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeString()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapBoolUintR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[bool]uint)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUintV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUintV(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]uint), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapBoolUintX(vp *map[bool]uint, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapBoolUintV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapBoolUintV(v map[bool]uint, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[bool]uint, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[bool]uint, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk bool
+	var mv uint
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapBoolUint8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[bool]uint8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUint8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUint8V(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]uint8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapBoolUint8X(vp *map[bool]uint8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapBoolUint8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapBoolUint8V(v map[bool]uint8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[bool]uint8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 2)
+		v = make(map[bool]uint8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk bool
+	var mv uint8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapBoolUint16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[bool]uint16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUint16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUint16V(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]uint16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapBoolUint16X(vp *map[bool]uint16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapBoolUint16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapBoolUint16V(v map[bool]uint16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[bool]uint16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 3)
+		v = make(map[bool]uint16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk bool
+	var mv uint16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapBoolUint32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[bool]uint32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUint32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUint32V(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]uint32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapBoolUint32X(vp *map[bool]uint32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapBoolUint32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapBoolUint32V(v map[bool]uint32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[bool]uint32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 5)
+		v = make(map[bool]uint32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk bool
+	var mv uint32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapBoolUint64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[bool]uint64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUint64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUint64V(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]uint64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapBoolUint64X(vp *map[bool]uint64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapBoolUint64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapBoolUint64V(v map[bool]uint64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[bool]uint64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[bool]uint64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk bool
+	var mv uint64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeUint64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapBoolUintptrR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[bool]uintptr)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolUintptrV(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]uintptr), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapBoolUintptrX(vp *map[bool]uintptr, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapBoolUintptrV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapBoolUintptrV(v map[bool]uintptr, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[bool]uintptr, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[bool]uintptr, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk bool
+	var mv uintptr
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapBoolIntR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[bool]int)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapBoolIntV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolIntV(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]int), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapBoolIntX(vp *map[bool]int, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapBoolIntV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapBoolIntV(v map[bool]int, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[bool]int, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[bool]int, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk bool
+	var mv int
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapBoolInt8R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[bool]int8)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapBoolInt8V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolInt8V(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]int8), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapBoolInt8X(vp *map[bool]int8, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapBoolInt8V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapBoolInt8V(v map[bool]int8, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[bool]int8, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 2)
+		v = make(map[bool]int8, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk bool
+	var mv int8
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapBoolInt16R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[bool]int16)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapBoolInt16V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolInt16V(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]int16), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapBoolInt16X(vp *map[bool]int16, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapBoolInt16V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapBoolInt16V(v map[bool]int16, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[bool]int16, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 3)
+		v = make(map[bool]int16, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk bool
+	var mv int16
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapBoolInt32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[bool]int32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapBoolInt32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolInt32V(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]int32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapBoolInt32X(vp *map[bool]int32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapBoolInt32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapBoolInt32V(v map[bool]int32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[bool]int32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 5)
+		v = make(map[bool]int32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk bool
+	var mv int32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapBoolInt64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[bool]int64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapBoolInt64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolInt64V(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]int64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapBoolInt64X(vp *map[bool]int64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapBoolInt64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapBoolInt64V(v map[bool]int64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[bool]int64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[bool]int64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk bool
+	var mv int64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeInt64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapBoolFloat32R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[bool]float32)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapBoolFloat32V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolFloat32V(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]float32), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapBoolFloat32X(vp *map[bool]float32, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapBoolFloat32V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapBoolFloat32V(v map[bool]float32, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[bool]float32, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 5)
+		v = make(map[bool]float32, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk bool
+	var mv float32
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapBoolFloat64R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[bool]float64)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapBoolFloat64V(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolFloat64V(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]float64), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapBoolFloat64X(vp *map[bool]float64, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapBoolFloat64V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapBoolFloat64V(v map[bool]float64, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[bool]float64, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 9)
+		v = make(map[bool]float64, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk bool
+	var mv float64
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = 0
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeFloat64()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
+func (d *Decoder) fastpathDecMapBoolBoolR(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[bool]bool)
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.DecMapBoolBoolV(*vp, true, d)
+		if changed {
+			*vp = v
+		}
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.DecMapBoolBoolV(rv2i(rv).(map[bool]bool), false, d)
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) DecMapBoolBoolX(vp *map[bool]bool, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.DecMapBoolBoolV(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed {
+		*vp = v
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) DecMapBoolBoolV(v map[bool]bool, canChange bool,
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[bool]bool, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, 2)
+		v = make(map[bool]bool, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	var mk bool
+	var mv bool
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		mk = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if esep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {
+			} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				delete(v, mk)
+			} else {
+				v[mk] = false
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mv = dd.DecodeBool()
+		if v != nil {
+			v[mk] = mv
+		}
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2023e05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
+// +build !notfastpath
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+// Code generated from fast-path.go.tmpl - DO NOT EDIT.
+package codec
+// Fast path functions try to create a fast path encode or decode implementation
+// for common maps and slices.
+// We define the functions and register then in this single file
+// so as not to pollute the encode.go and decode.go, and create a dependency in there.
+// This file can be omitted without causing a build failure.
+// The advantage of fast paths is:
+//	  - Many calls bypass reflection altogether
+// Currently support
+//	  - slice of all builtin types,
+//	  - map of all builtin types to string or interface value
+//	  - symmetrical maps of all builtin types (e.g. str-str, uint8-uint8)
+// This should provide adequate "typical" implementations.
+// Note that fast track decode functions must handle values for which an address cannot be obtained.
+// For example: 
+//	 m2 := map[string]int{}
+//	 p2 := []interface{}{m2}
+//	 // decoding into p2 will bomb if fast track functions do not treat like unaddressable.
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"sort"
+const fastpathEnabled = true
+type fastpathT struct {}
+var fastpathTV fastpathT
+type fastpathE struct {
+	rtid uintptr
+	rt reflect.Type 
+	encfn func(*Encoder, *codecFnInfo, reflect.Value)
+	decfn func(*Decoder, *codecFnInfo, reflect.Value)
+type fastpathA [{{ .FastpathLen }}]fastpathE
+func (x *fastpathA) index(rtid uintptr) int {
+	// use binary search to grab the index (adapted from sort/search.go)
+	h, i, j := 0, 0, {{ .FastpathLen }} // len(x)
+	for i < j {
+		h = i + (j-i)/2
+		if x[h].rtid < rtid {
+			i = h + 1
+		} else {
+			j = h
+		}
+	}
+	if i < {{ .FastpathLen }} && x[i].rtid == rtid {
+		return i
+	}
+	return -1
+type fastpathAslice []fastpathE
+func (x fastpathAslice) Len() int { return len(x) }
+func (x fastpathAslice) Less(i, j int) bool { return x[i].rtid < x[j].rtid }
+func (x fastpathAslice) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
+var fastpathAV fastpathA
+// due to possible initialization loop error, make fastpath in an init()
+func init() {
+	i := 0
+	fn := func(v interface{},
+		fe func(*Encoder, *codecFnInfo, reflect.Value),
+		fd func(*Decoder, *codecFnInfo, reflect.Value)) (f fastpathE) {
+		xrt := reflect.TypeOf(v)
+		xptr := rt2id(xrt)
+		fastpathAV[i] = fastpathE{xptr, xrt, fe, fd}
+		i++
+		return
+	}
+	{{/* do not register []uint8 in fast-path */}}
+	{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if not .MapKey }}{{if ne .Elem "uint8"}}
+	fn([]{{ .Elem }}(nil), (*Encoder).{{ .MethodNamePfx "fastpathEnc" false }}R, (*Decoder).{{ .MethodNamePfx "fastpathDec" false }}R){{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}
+	{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if .MapKey }}
+	fn(map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}(nil), (*Encoder).{{ .MethodNamePfx "fastpathEnc" false }}R, (*Decoder).{{ .MethodNamePfx "fastpathDec" false }}R){{end}}{{end}}{{end}}
+	sort.Sort(fastpathAslice(fastpathAV[:]))
+// -- encode
+// -- -- fast path type switch
+func fastpathEncodeTypeSwitch(iv interface{}, e *Encoder) bool {
+	switch v := iv.(type) {
+{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if not .MapKey }}{{if ne .Elem "uint8"}}
+	case []{{ .Elem }}:
+		fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(v, e)
+	case *[]{{ .Elem }}:
+		fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(*v, e){{/*
+{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if .MapKey }}
+	case map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}:
+		fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(v, e)
+	case *map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}:
+		fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(*v, e){{/*
+	default:
+        _ = v // workaround seen in go1.4
+		return false
+	}
+	return true
+**** removing this block, as they are never called directly ****
+**** removing this block, as they are never called directly ****
+func fastpathEncodeTypeSwitchSlice(iv interface{}, e *Encoder) bool {
+	switch v := iv.(type) {
+{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if not .MapKey }}
+	case []{{ .Elem }}:
+		fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(v, e)
+	case *[]{{ .Elem }}:
+		fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(*v, e)
+	default:
+        _ = v // workaround seen in go1.4
+		return false
+	}
+	return true
+func fastpathEncodeTypeSwitchMap(iv interface{}, e *Encoder) bool {
+	switch v := iv.(type) {
+{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if .MapKey }}
+	case map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}:
+		fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(v, e)
+	case *map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}:
+		fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(*v, e)
+	default:
+        _ = v // workaround seen in go1.4
+		return false
+	}
+	return true
+**** removing this block, as they are never called directly ****
+**** removing this block, as they are never called directly ****
+// -- -- fast path functions
+{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if not .MapKey }} 
+func (e *Encoder) {{ .MethodNamePfx "fastpathEnc" false }}R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if f.ti.mbs {
+		fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "EncAsMap" false }}V(rv2i(rv).([]{{ .Elem }}), e)
+	} else {
+		fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(rv2i(rv).([]{{ .Elem }}), e)
+	}
+func (_ fastpathT) {{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(v []{{ .Elem }}, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil { e.e.EncodeNil(); return }
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	ee.WriteArrayStart(len(v))
+	if esep {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			ee.WriteArrayElem()
+			{{ encmd .Elem "v2"}}
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			{{ encmd .Elem "v2"}}
+		}
+	} {{/*
+	for _, v2 := range v {
+		if esep { ee.WriteArrayElem() }
+		{{ encmd .Elem "v2"}}
+	} */}}
+	ee.WriteArrayEnd()
+func (_ fastpathT) {{ .MethodNamePfx "EncAsMap" false }}V(v []{{ .Elem }}, e *Encoder) {
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	if len(v)%2 == 1 {
+		e.errorf("mapBySlice requires even slice length, but got %v", len(v))
+		return
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v) / 2)
+	if esep {
+		for j, v2 := range v {
+			if j%2 == 0 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			} else {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+			{{ encmd .Elem "v2"}}
+		}
+	} else {
+		for _, v2 := range v {
+			{{ encmd .Elem "v2"}}
+		}
+	} {{/*
+	for j, v2 := range v {
+		if esep {
+			if j%2 == 0 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+			} else {
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+			}
+		}
+		{{ encmd .Elem "v2"}}
+	} */}}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if .MapKey }}
+func (e *Encoder) {{ .MethodNamePfx "fastpathEnc" false }}R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(rv2i(rv).(map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}), e)
+func (_ fastpathT) {{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(v map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}, e *Encoder) {
+	if v == nil { e.e.EncodeNil(); return }
+	ee, esep := e.e, e.hh.hasElemSeparators() 
+	ee.WriteMapStart(len(v))
+	if e.h.Canonical {
+		{{if eq .MapKey "interface{}"}}{{/* out of band 
+		*/}}var mksv []byte = make([]byte, 0, len(v)*16) // temporary byte slice for the encoding
+		e2 := NewEncoderBytes(&mksv, e.hh)
+		v2 := make([]bytesI, len(v))
+		var i, l int
+		var vp *bytesI {{/* put loop variables outside. seems currently needed for better perf */}}
+		for k2, _ := range v {
+			l = len(mksv)
+			e2.MustEncode(k2)
+			vp = &v2[i]
+			vp.v = mksv[l:]
+			vp.i = k2 
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort(bytesISlice(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		} else {
+			for j := range v2 {
+				e.asis(v2[j].v)
+				e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+			}
+		} {{/*
+		for j := range v2 {
+			if esep { ee.WriteMapElemKey() }
+			e.asis(v2[j].v)
+			if esep { ee.WriteMapElemValue() }
+			e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
+		} */}} {{else}}{{ $x := sorttype .MapKey true}}v2 := make([]{{ $x }}, len(v))
+		var i int 
+		for k, _ := range v {
+			v2[i] = {{ $x }}(k)
+			i++
+		}
+		sort.Sort({{ sorttype .MapKey false}}(v2))
+		if esep {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				{{if eq .MapKey "string"}}ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2){{else}}{{ $y := printf "%s(k2)" .MapKey }}{{ encmd .MapKey $y }}{{end}}
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				{{ $y := printf "v[%s(k2)]" .MapKey }}{{ encmd .Elem $y }}
+			} 
+		} else {
+			for _, k2 := range v2 {
+				{{if eq .MapKey "string"}}ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2){{else}}{{ $y := printf "%s(k2)" .MapKey }}{{ encmd .MapKey $y }}{{end}}
+				{{ $y := printf "v[%s(k2)]" .MapKey }}{{ encmd .Elem $y }}
+			} 
+		} {{/*
+		for _, k2 := range v2 {
+			if esep { ee.WriteMapElemKey() }
+			{{if eq .MapKey "string"}}ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2){{else}}{{ $y := printf "%s(k2)" .MapKey }}{{ encmd .MapKey $y }}{{end}}
+			if esep { ee.WriteMapElemValue() }
+			{{ $y := printf "v[%s(k2)]" .MapKey }}{{ encmd .Elem $y }}
+		} */}} {{end}}
+	} else {
+		if esep {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				ee.WriteMapElemKey()
+				{{if eq .MapKey "string"}}ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2){{else}}{{ encmd .MapKey "k2"}}{{end}}
+				ee.WriteMapElemValue()
+				{{ encmd .Elem "v2"}}
+			}
+		} else {
+			for k2, v2 := range v {
+				{{if eq .MapKey "string"}}ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2){{else}}{{ encmd .MapKey "k2"}}{{end}}
+				{{ encmd .Elem "v2"}}
+			}
+		} {{/*
+		for k2, v2 := range v {
+			if esep { ee.WriteMapElemKey() }
+			{{if eq .MapKey "string"}}ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, k2){{else}}{{ encmd .MapKey "k2"}}{{end}}
+			if esep { ee.WriteMapElemValue() }
+			{{ encmd .Elem "v2"}}
+		} */}}
+	}
+	ee.WriteMapEnd()
+// -- decode
+// -- -- fast path type switch
+func fastpathDecodeTypeSwitch(iv interface{}, d *Decoder) bool {
+     var changed bool
+	switch v := iv.(type) {
+{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if not .MapKey }}{{if ne .Elem "uint8"}}
+	case []{{ .Elem }}:
+        var v2 []{{ .Elem }}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(v, false, d)
+        if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, v2)
+		}
+	case *[]{{ .Elem }}:
+        var v2 []{{ .Elem }}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(*v, true, d)
+        if changed {
+			*v = v2 
+		}{{/*
+{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if .MapKey }}{{/*
+// maps only change if nil, and in that case, there's no point copying
+	case map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}:
+		fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(v, false, d)
+	case *map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}:
+         var v2 map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}
+		v2, changed = fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(*v, true, d)
+        if changed {
+			*v = v2 
+		}{{/*
+	default:
+        _ = v // workaround seen in go1.4
+		return false
+	}
+	return true
+func fastpathDecodeSetZeroTypeSwitch(iv interface{}) bool {
+	switch v := iv.(type) {
+{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if not .MapKey }}
+	case *[]{{ .Elem }}: 
+		*v = nil {{/*
+{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if .MapKey }}
+	case *map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}: 
+		*v = nil {{/*
+	default:
+        _ = v // workaround seen in go1.4
+		return false
+	}
+	return true
+// -- -- fast path functions
+{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if not .MapKey }}
+Slices can change if they 
+- did not come from an array
+- are addressable (from a ptr)
+- are settable (e.g. contained in an interface{})
+func (d *Decoder) {{ .MethodNamePfx "fastpathDec" false }}R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if array := f.seq == seqTypeArray; !array && rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*[]{{ .Elem }})
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(*vp, !array, d)
+        if changed { *vp = v }
+	} else {
+		v := rv2i(rv).([]{{ .Elem }})
+        v2, changed := fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(v, !array, d)
+        if changed && len(v) > 0 && len(v2) > 0 && !(len(v2) == len(v) && &v2[0] == &v[0]) {
+           copy(v, v2)
+        }
+	}
+func (f fastpathT) {{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}X(vp *[]{{ .Elem }}, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(*vp, true, d)
+    if changed { *vp = v }
+func (_ fastpathT) {{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(v []{{ .Elem }}, canChange bool, d *Decoder) (_ []{{ .Elem }}, changed bool) {
+	dd := d.d{{/*
+	    // if dd.isContainerType(valueTypeNil) { dd.TryDecodeAsNil()
+    */}}
+	slh, containerLenS := d.decSliceHelperStart()
+	if containerLenS == 0 {
+		if canChange {
+			if v == nil { v = []{{ .Elem }}{} } else if len(v) != 0 { v = v[:0] }
+			changed = true
+		}
+		slh.End()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	hasLen := containerLenS > 0
+	var xlen int 
+	if hasLen && canChange {
+		if containerLenS > cap(v) {
+			xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, {{ .Size }})
+			if xlen <= cap(v) {
+				v = v[:xlen]
+			} else {
+				v = make([]{{ .Elem }}, xlen)
+			}
+			changed = true 
+		} else if containerLenS != len(v) {
+			v = v[:containerLenS]
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	j := 0
+	for ; (hasLen && j < containerLenS) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if j == 0 && len(v) == 0 && canChange {
+			if hasLen {
+				xlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, {{ .Size }})
+			} else {
+				xlen = 8
+			}
+			v = make([]{{ .Elem }}, xlen)
+			changed = true 
+		}
+		// if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary
+		var decodeIntoBlank bool
+		if j >= len(v) {
+			if canChange {
+				v = append(v, {{ zerocmd .Elem }})
+				changed = true
+			} else {
+				d.arrayCannotExpand(len(v), j+1)
+				decodeIntoBlank = true
+			}
+		} 
+		slh.ElemContainerState(j)
+		if decodeIntoBlank {
+			d.swallow()
+		} else if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			v[j] = {{ zerocmd .Elem }}
+		} else {
+			{{ if eq .Elem "interface{}" }}d.decode(&v[j]){{ else }}v[j] = {{ decmd .Elem }}{{ end }}
+		}
+	}
+	if canChange {
+		if j < len(v) {
+			v = v[:j]
+			changed = true
+		} else if j == 0 && v == nil {
+			v = make([]{{ .Elem }}, 0)
+			changed = true
+		}
+	}
+	slh.End()
+	return v, changed 
+{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if .MapKey }}
+Maps can change if they are
+- addressable (from a ptr)
+- settable (e.g. contained in an interface{})
+func (d *Decoder) {{ .MethodNamePfx "fastpathDec" false }}R(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		vp := rv2i(rv).(*map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }})
+		v, changed := fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(*vp, true, d);
+		if changed { *vp = v }
+	} else {
+	    fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(rv2i(rv).(map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}), false, d)
+    }
+func (f fastpathT) {{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}X(vp *map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}, d *Decoder) {
+	v, changed := f.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(*vp, true, d)
+	if changed { *vp = v }
+func (_ fastpathT) {{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(v map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}, canChange bool, 
+	d *Decoder) (_ map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}, changed bool) {
+	dd, esep := d.d, d.hh.hasElemSeparators(){{/*
+	    // if dd.isContainerType(valueTypeNil) {dd.TryDecodeAsNil()
+    */}}
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	if canChange && v == nil {
+		xlen := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, {{ .Size }})
+		v = make(map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}, xlen)
+		changed = true
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return v, changed
+	}
+	{{ if eq .Elem "interface{}" }}mapGet := v != nil && !d.h.MapValueReset && !d.h.InterfaceReset
+    {{end}}var mk {{ .MapKey }}
+	var mv {{ .Elem }}
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if esep { dd.ReadMapElemKey() }
+		{{ if eq .MapKey "interface{}" }}mk = nil 
+		d.decode(&mk)
+		if bv, bok := mk.([]byte); bok {
+			mk = d.string(bv) {{/* // maps cannot have []byte as key. switch to string. */}}
+		}{{ else }}mk = {{ decmd .MapKey }}{{ end }}
+		if esep { dd.ReadMapElemValue() }
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if v == nil {} else if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue { delete(v, mk) } else { v[mk] = {{ zerocmd .Elem }} }
+			continue 
+		}
+		{{ if eq .Elem "interface{}" }}if mapGet { mv = v[mk] } else { mv = nil }
+		d.decode(&mv){{ else }}mv = {{ decmd .Elem }}{{ end }}
+		if v != nil { v[mk] = mv }
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	return v, changed
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f11b467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build notfastpath
+package codec
+import "reflect"
+const fastpathEnabled = false
+// The generated fast-path code is very large, and adds a few seconds to the build time.
+// This causes test execution, execution of small tools which use codec, etc
+// to take a long time.
+// To mitigate, we now support the notfastpath tag.
+// This tag disables fastpath during build, allowing for faster build, test execution,
+// short-program runs, etc.
+func fastpathDecodeTypeSwitch(iv interface{}, d *Decoder) bool      { return false }
+func fastpathEncodeTypeSwitch(iv interface{}, e *Encoder) bool      { return false }
+func fastpathEncodeTypeSwitchSlice(iv interface{}, e *Encoder) bool { return false }
+func fastpathEncodeTypeSwitchMap(iv interface{}, e *Encoder) bool   { return false }
+func fastpathDecodeSetZeroTypeSwitch(iv interface{}) bool           { return false }
+type fastpathT struct{}
+type fastpathE struct {
+	rtid  uintptr
+	rt    reflect.Type
+	encfn func(*Encoder, *codecFnInfo, reflect.Value)
+	decfn func(*Decoder, *codecFnInfo, reflect.Value)
+type fastpathA [0]fastpathE
+func (x fastpathA) index(rtid uintptr) int { return -1 }
+func (_ fastpathT) DecSliceUint8V(v []uint8, canChange bool, d *Decoder) (_ []uint8, changed bool) {
+	fn := d.cfer().get(uint8SliceTyp, true, true)
+	d.kSlice(&fn.i, reflect.ValueOf(&v).Elem())
+	return v, true
+var fastpathAV fastpathA
+var fastpathTV fastpathT
+// ----
+type TestMammoth2Wrapper struct{} // to allow testMammoth work in notfastpath mode
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59c5983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+{{var "v"}} := {{if not isArray}}*{{end}}{{ .Varname }}
+{{var "h"}}, {{var "l"}} := z.DecSliceHelperStart() {{/* // helper, containerLenS */}}{{if not isArray}}
+var {{var "c"}} bool {{/* // changed */}}
+_ = {{var "c"}}{{end}}
+if {{var "l"}} == 0 {
+	{{if isSlice }}if {{var "v"}} == nil {
+		{{var "v"}} = []{{ .Typ }}{}
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	} else if len({{var "v"}}) != 0 {
+		{{var "v"}} = {{var "v"}}[:0]
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	} {{else if isChan }}if {{var "v"}} == nil {
+		{{var "v"}} = make({{ .CTyp }}, 0)
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	} {{end}}
+} else {
+	{{var "hl"}} := {{var "l"}} > 0
+	var {{var "rl"}} int
+	_ =  {{var "rl"}}
+	{{if isSlice }} if {{var "hl"}} {
+	if {{var "l"}} > cap({{var "v"}}) {
+		{{var "rl"}} = z.DecInferLen({{var "l"}}, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, {{ .Size }})
+		if {{var "rl"}} <= cap({{var "v"}}) {
+			{{var "v"}} = {{var "v"}}[:{{var "rl"}}]
+		} else {
+			{{var "v"}} = make([]{{ .Typ }}, {{var "rl"}})
+		}
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	} else if {{var "l"}} != len({{var "v"}}) {
+		{{var "v"}} = {{var "v"}}[:{{var "l"}}]
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	}
+	} {{end}}
+	var {{var "j"}} int 
+    // var {{var "dn"}} bool 
+	for ; ({{var "hl"}} && {{var "j"}} < {{var "l"}}) || !({{var "hl"}} || r.CheckBreak()); {{var "j"}}++ {
+		{{if not isArray}} if {{var "j"}} == 0 && {{var "v"}} == nil {
+			if {{var "hl"}} {
+				{{var "rl"}} = z.DecInferLen({{var "l"}}, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, {{ .Size }})
+			} else {
+				{{var "rl"}} = {{if isSlice}}8{{else if isChan}}64{{end}}
+			}
+			{{var "v"}} = make({{if isSlice}}[]{{ .Typ }}{{else if isChan}}{{.CTyp}}{{end}}, {{var "rl"}})
+			{{var "c"}} = true 
+		}{{end}}
+		{{var "h"}}.ElemContainerState({{var "j"}})
+        {{/* {{var "dn"}} = r.TryDecodeAsNil() */}}{{/* commented out, as decLineVar handles this already each time */}}
+        {{if isChan}}{{ $x := printf "%[1]vvcx%[2]v" .TempVar .Rand }}var {{$x}} {{ .Typ }}
+		{{ decLineVar $x }}
+		{{var "v"}} <- {{ $x }}
+        // println(">>>> sending ", {{ $x }}, " into ", {{var "v"}}) // TODO: remove this
+        {{else}}{{/* // if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary */}}
+		var {{var "db"}} bool
+		if {{var "j"}} >= len({{var "v"}}) {
+			{{if isSlice }} {{var "v"}} = append({{var "v"}}, {{ zero }})
+			{{var "c"}} = true
+			{{else}} z.DecArrayCannotExpand(len(v), {{var "j"}}+1); {{var "db"}} = true
+			{{end}}
+		}
+		if {{var "db"}} {
+			z.DecSwallow()
+		} else {
+			{{ $x := printf "%[1]vv%[2]v[%[1]vj%[2]v]" .TempVar .Rand }}{{ decLineVar $x }}
+		}
+        {{end}}
+	}
+	{{if isSlice}} if {{var "j"}} < len({{var "v"}}) {
+		{{var "v"}} = {{var "v"}}[:{{var "j"}}]
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	} else if {{var "j"}} == 0 && {{var "v"}} == nil {
+		{{var "v"}} = make([]{{ .Typ }}, 0)
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	} {{end}}
+{{var "h"}}.End()
+{{if not isArray }}if {{var "c"}} { 
+	*{{ .Varname }} = {{var "v"}}
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8323b54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+{{var "v"}} := *{{ .Varname }}
+{{var "l"}} := r.ReadMapStart()
+{{var "bh"}} := z.DecBasicHandle()
+if {{var "v"}} == nil {
+	{{var "rl"}} := z.DecInferLen({{var "l"}}, {{var "bh"}}.MaxInitLen, {{ .Size }})
+	{{var "v"}} = make(map[{{ .KTyp }}]{{ .Typ }}, {{var "rl"}})
+	*{{ .Varname }} = {{var "v"}}
+var {{var "mk"}} {{ .KTyp }}
+var {{var "mv"}} {{ .Typ }}
+var {{var "mg"}}, {{var "mdn"}} {{if decElemKindPtr}}, {{var "ms"}}, {{var "mok"}}{{end}} bool
+if {{var "bh"}}.MapValueReset {
+	{{if decElemKindPtr}}{{var "mg"}} = true
+	{{else if decElemKindIntf}}if !{{var "bh"}}.InterfaceReset { {{var "mg"}} = true }
+	{{else if not decElemKindImmutable}}{{var "mg"}} = true
+	{{end}} }
+if {{var "l"}} != 0 {
+{{var "hl"}} := {{var "l"}} > 0 
+	for {{var "j"}} := 0; ({{var "hl"}} && {{var "j"}} < {{var "l"}}) || !({{var "hl"}} || r.CheckBreak()); {{var "j"}}++ {
+	r.ReadMapElemKey() {{/* z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey{{ .Sfx }}) */}}
+	{{ $x := printf "%vmk%v" .TempVar .Rand }}{{ decLineVarK $x }}
+{{ if eq .KTyp "interface{}" }}{{/* // special case if a byte array. */}}if {{var "bv"}}, {{var "bok"}} := {{var "mk"}}.([]byte); {{var "bok"}} {
+		{{var "mk"}} = string({{var "bv"}})
+	}{{ end }}{{if decElemKindPtr}}
+	{{var "ms"}} = true{{end}}
+	if {{var "mg"}} {
+		{{if decElemKindPtr}}{{var "mv"}}, {{var "mok"}} = {{var "v"}}[{{var "mk"}}] 
+		if {{var "mok"}} {
+			{{var "ms"}} = false
+		} {{else}}{{var "mv"}} = {{var "v"}}[{{var "mk"}}] {{end}}
+	} {{if not decElemKindImmutable}}else { {{var "mv"}} = {{decElemZero}} }{{end}}
+	r.ReadMapElemValue() {{/* z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue{{ .Sfx }}) */}}
+	{{var "mdn"}} = false
+	{{ $x := printf "%vmv%v" .TempVar .Rand }}{{ $y := printf "%vmdn%v" .TempVar .Rand }}{{ decLineVar $x $y }}
+	if {{var "mdn"}} {
+		if {{ var "bh" }}.DeleteOnNilMapValue { delete({{var "v"}}, {{var "mk"}}) } else { {{var "v"}}[{{var "mk"}}] = {{decElemZero}} }
+	} else if {{if decElemKindPtr}} {{var "ms"}} && {{end}} {{var "v"}} != nil {
+		{{var "v"}}[{{var "mk"}}] = {{var "mv"}}
+	}
+} // else len==0: TODO: Should we clear map entries?
+r.ReadMapEnd() {{/* z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd{{ .Sfx }}) */}}
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4249588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+switch timeout{{.Sfx}} :=  z.EncBasicHandle().ChanRecvTimeout; {
+case timeout{{.Sfx}} == 0: // only consume available
+	for {
+		select {
+		case b{{.Sfx}} := <-{{.Chan}}:
+			{{ .Slice }} = append({{.Slice}}, b{{.Sfx}})
+		default:
+			break {{.Label}}
+		}
+	}
+case timeout{{.Sfx}} > 0: // consume until timeout
+	tt{{.Sfx}} := time.NewTimer(timeout{{.Sfx}})
+	for {
+		select {
+		case b{{.Sfx}} := <-{{.Chan}}:
+			{{.Slice}} = append({{.Slice}}, b{{.Sfx}})
+		case <-tt{{.Sfx}}.C:
+			// close(tt.C)
+			break {{.Label}}
+		}
+	}
+default: // consume until close
+	for b{{.Sfx}} := range {{.Chan}} {
+		{{.Slice}} = append({{.Slice}}, b{{.Sfx}})
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..917d282
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+/* // +build ignore */
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+// Code generated from gen-helper.go.tmpl - DO NOT EDIT.
+package codec
+import (
+	"encoding"
+	"reflect"
+// GenVersion is the current version of codecgen.
+const GenVersion = 8
+// This file is used to generate helper code for codecgen.
+// The values here i.e. genHelper(En|De)coder are not to be used directly by
+// library users. They WILL change continuously and without notice.
+// To help enforce this, we create an unexported type with exported members.
+// The only way to get the type is via the one exported type that we control (somewhat).
+// When static codecs are created for types, they will use this value
+// to perform encoding or decoding of primitives or known slice or map types.
+// GenHelperEncoder is exported so that it can be used externally by codecgen.
+func GenHelperEncoder(e *Encoder) (ge genHelperEncoder, ee genHelperEncDriver) {
+	ge = genHelperEncoder{e: e}
+	ee = genHelperEncDriver{encDriver: e.e}
+	return
+// GenHelperDecoder is exported so that it can be used externally by codecgen.
+func GenHelperDecoder(d *Decoder) (gd genHelperDecoder, dd genHelperDecDriver) {
+	gd = genHelperDecoder{d: d}
+	dd = genHelperDecDriver{decDriver: d.d}
+	return
+type genHelperEncDriver struct {
+	encDriver
+func (x genHelperEncDriver) EncodeBuiltin(rt uintptr, v interface{}) {}
+func (x genHelperEncDriver) EncStructFieldKey(keyType valueType, s string) {
+	encStructFieldKey(x.encDriver, keyType, s)
+func (x genHelperEncDriver) EncodeSymbol(s string) {
+	x.encDriver.EncodeString(cUTF8, s)
+type genHelperDecDriver struct {
+	decDriver
+	C checkOverflow
+func (x genHelperDecDriver) DecodeBuiltin(rt uintptr, v interface{}) {}
+func (x genHelperDecDriver) DecStructFieldKey(keyType valueType, buf *[decScratchByteArrayLen]byte) []byte {
+	return decStructFieldKey(x.decDriver, keyType, buf)
+func (x genHelperDecDriver) DecodeInt(bitsize uint8) (i int64) {
+	return x.C.IntV(x.decDriver.DecodeInt64(), bitsize)
+func (x genHelperDecDriver) DecodeUint(bitsize uint8) (ui uint64) {
+	return x.C.UintV(x.decDriver.DecodeUint64(), bitsize)
+func (x genHelperDecDriver) DecodeFloat(chkOverflow32 bool) (f float64) {
+	f = x.DecodeFloat64()
+	if chkOverflow32 && chkOvf.Float32(f) {
+		panicv.errorf("float32 overflow: %v", f)
+	}
+	return
+func (x genHelperDecDriver) DecodeFloat32As64() (f float64) {
+	f = x.DecodeFloat64()
+	if chkOvf.Float32(f) {
+		panicv.errorf("float32 overflow: %v", f)
+	}
+	return
+type genHelperEncoder struct {
+	M must
+	e *Encoder
+	F fastpathT
+type genHelperDecoder struct {
+	C checkOverflow
+	d *Decoder
+	F fastpathT
+func (f genHelperEncoder) EncBasicHandle() *BasicHandle {
+	return f.e.h
+func (f genHelperEncoder) EncBinary() bool {
+	return // f.e.hh.isBinaryEncoding()
+func (f genHelperEncoder) IsJSONHandle() bool {
+	return f.e.js
+func (f genHelperEncoder) EncFallback(iv interface{}) {
+	// println(">>>>>>>>> EncFallback")
+	// f.e.encodeI(iv, false, false)
+	f.e.encodeValue(reflect.ValueOf(iv), nil, false)
+func (f genHelperEncoder) EncTextMarshal(iv encoding.TextMarshaler) {
+	bs, fnerr := iv.MarshalText()
+	f.e.marshal(bs, fnerr, false, cUTF8)
+func (f genHelperEncoder) EncJSONMarshal(iv jsonMarshaler) {
+	bs, fnerr := iv.MarshalJSON()
+	f.e.marshal(bs, fnerr, true, cUTF8)
+func (f genHelperEncoder) EncBinaryMarshal(iv encoding.BinaryMarshaler) {
+	bs, fnerr := iv.MarshalBinary()
+	f.e.marshal(bs, fnerr, false, cRAW)
+func (f genHelperEncoder) EncRaw(iv Raw) { f.e.rawBytes(iv) }
+// Deprecated: builtin no longer supported - so we make this method a no-op,
+// but leave in-place so that old generated files continue to work without regeneration.
+func (f genHelperEncoder) TimeRtidIfBinc() (v uintptr) { return }
+// func (f genHelperEncoder) TimeRtidIfBinc() uintptr {
+// 	if _, ok := f.e.hh.(*BincHandle); ok {
+// 		return timeTypId
+// 	}
+// }
+func (f genHelperEncoder) I2Rtid(v interface{}) uintptr {
+	return i2rtid(v)
+func (f genHelperEncoder) Extension(rtid uintptr) (xfn *extTypeTagFn) {
+	return f.e.h.getExt(rtid)
+func (f genHelperEncoder) EncExtension(v interface{}, xfFn *extTypeTagFn) {
+	f.e.e.EncodeExt(v, xfFn.tag, xfFn.ext, f.e)
+// Deprecated: No longer used,
+// but leave in-place so that old generated files continue to work without regeneration.
+func (f genHelperEncoder) HasExtensions() bool {
+	return len(f.e.h.extHandle) != 0
+// Deprecated: No longer used,
+// but leave in-place so that old generated files continue to work without regeneration.
+func (f genHelperEncoder) EncExt(v interface{}) (r bool) {
+	if xfFn := f.e.h.getExt(i2rtid(v)); xfFn != nil {
+		f.e.e.EncodeExt(v, xfFn.tag, xfFn.ext, f.e)
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
+// ---------------- DECODER FOLLOWS -----------------
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecBasicHandle() *BasicHandle {
+	return f.d.h
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecBinary() bool {
+	return // f.d.hh.isBinaryEncoding()
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecSwallow() { f.d.swallow() }
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecScratchBuffer() []byte {
+	return f.d.b[:]
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecScratchArrayBuffer() *[decScratchByteArrayLen]byte {
+	return &f.d.b
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecFallback(iv interface{}, chkPtr bool) {
+	// println(">>>>>>>>> DecFallback")
+	rv := reflect.ValueOf(iv)
+	if chkPtr {
+		rv = f.d.ensureDecodeable(rv)
+	}
+	f.d.decodeValue(rv, nil, false)
+	// f.d.decodeValueFallback(rv)
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecSliceHelperStart() (decSliceHelper, int) {
+	return f.d.decSliceHelperStart()
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecStructFieldNotFound(index int, name string) {
+	f.d.structFieldNotFound(index, name)
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecArrayCannotExpand(sliceLen, streamLen int) {
+	f.d.arrayCannotExpand(sliceLen, streamLen)
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecTextUnmarshal(tm encoding.TextUnmarshaler) {
+	fnerr := tm.UnmarshalText(f.d.d.DecodeStringAsBytes())
+	if fnerr != nil {
+		panic(fnerr)
+	}
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecJSONUnmarshal(tm jsonUnmarshaler) {
+	// bs := f.dd.DecodeStringAsBytes()
+	// grab the bytes to be read, as UnmarshalJSON needs the full JSON so as to unmarshal it itself.
+	fnerr := tm.UnmarshalJSON(f.d.nextValueBytes())
+	if fnerr != nil {
+		panic(fnerr)
+	}
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecBinaryUnmarshal(bm encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler) {
+	fnerr := bm.UnmarshalBinary(f.d.d.DecodeBytes(nil, true))
+	if fnerr != nil {
+		panic(fnerr)
+	}
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecRaw() []byte { return f.d.rawBytes() }
+// Deprecated: builtin no longer supported - so we make this method a no-op,
+// but leave in-place so that old generated files continue to work without regeneration.
+func (f genHelperDecoder) TimeRtidIfBinc() (v uintptr) { return }
+// func (f genHelperDecoder) TimeRtidIfBinc() uintptr {
+// 	// Note: builtin is no longer supported - so make this a no-op
+// 	if _, ok := f.d.hh.(*BincHandle); ok {
+// 		return timeTypId
+// 	}
+// 	return 0
+// }
+func (f genHelperDecoder) IsJSONHandle() bool {
+	return f.d.js
+func (f genHelperDecoder) I2Rtid(v interface{}) uintptr {
+	return i2rtid(v)
+func (f genHelperDecoder) Extension(rtid uintptr) (xfn *extTypeTagFn) {
+	return f.d.h.getExt(rtid)
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecExtension(v interface{}, xfFn *extTypeTagFn) {
+	f.d.d.DecodeExt(v, xfFn.tag, xfFn.ext)
+// Deprecated: No longer used,
+// but leave in-place so that old generated files continue to work without regeneration.
+func (f genHelperDecoder) HasExtensions() bool {
+	return len(f.d.h.extHandle) != 0
+// Deprecated: No longer used,
+// but leave in-place so that old generated files continue to work without regeneration.
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecExt(v interface{}) (r bool) {
+	if xfFn := f.d.h.getExt(i2rtid(v)); xfFn != nil {
+		f.d.d.DecodeExt(v, xfFn.tag, xfFn.ext)
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecInferLen(clen, maxlen, unit int) (rvlen int) {
+	return decInferLen(clen, maxlen, unit)
+// Deprecated: no longer used,
+// but leave in-place so that old generated files continue to work without regeneration.
+func (f genHelperDecoder) StringView(v []byte) string { return stringView(v) }
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6aeb856
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+/* // +build ignore */
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+// Code generated from gen-helper.go.tmpl - DO NOT EDIT.
+package codec
+import (
+	"encoding"
+	"reflect"
+// GenVersion is the current version of codecgen.
+const GenVersion = {{ .Version }} 
+// This file is used to generate helper code for codecgen. 
+// The values here i.e. genHelper(En|De)coder are not to be used directly by 
+// library users. They WILL change continuously and without notice.
+// To help enforce this, we create an unexported type with exported members.
+// The only way to get the type is via the one exported type that we control (somewhat).
+// When static codecs are created for types, they will use this value
+// to perform encoding or decoding of primitives or known slice or map types.
+// GenHelperEncoder is exported so that it can be used externally by codecgen.
+func GenHelperEncoder(e *Encoder) (ge genHelperEncoder, ee genHelperEncDriver) {
+	ge = genHelperEncoder{e: e}
+	ee = genHelperEncDriver{encDriver: e.e}
+	return 
+// GenHelperDecoder is exported so that it can be used externally by codecgen.
+func GenHelperDecoder(d *Decoder) (gd genHelperDecoder, dd genHelperDecDriver) {
+	gd = genHelperDecoder{d: d}
+	dd = genHelperDecDriver{decDriver: d.d}
+	return
+type genHelperEncDriver struct {
+	encDriver
+func (x genHelperEncDriver) EncodeBuiltin(rt uintptr, v interface{}) {}
+func (x genHelperEncDriver) EncStructFieldKey(keyType valueType, s string) {
+	encStructFieldKey(x.encDriver, keyType, s)
+func (x genHelperEncDriver) EncodeSymbol(s string) {
+	x.encDriver.EncodeString(cUTF8, s)
+type genHelperDecDriver struct {
+	decDriver
+	C checkOverflow
+func (x genHelperDecDriver) DecodeBuiltin(rt uintptr, v interface{}) {}
+func (x genHelperDecDriver) DecStructFieldKey(keyType valueType, buf *[decScratchByteArrayLen]byte) []byte {
+	return decStructFieldKey(x.decDriver, keyType, buf)
+func (x genHelperDecDriver) DecodeInt(bitsize uint8) (i int64) {
+	return x.C.IntV(x.decDriver.DecodeInt64(), bitsize)
+func (x genHelperDecDriver) DecodeUint(bitsize uint8) (ui uint64) {
+	return x.C.UintV(x.decDriver.DecodeUint64(), bitsize)
+func (x genHelperDecDriver) DecodeFloat(chkOverflow32 bool) (f float64) {
+	f = x.DecodeFloat64()
+	if chkOverflow32 && chkOvf.Float32(f) {
+		panicv.errorf("float32 overflow: %v", f)
+	}
+	return
+func (x genHelperDecDriver) DecodeFloat32As64() (f float64) {
+	f = x.DecodeFloat64()
+	if chkOvf.Float32(f) {
+		panicv.errorf("float32 overflow: %v", f)
+	}
+	return
+type genHelperEncoder struct {
+	M must
+	e *Encoder
+	F fastpathT 
+type genHelperDecoder struct {
+	C checkOverflow
+	d *Decoder
+	F fastpathT 
+func (f genHelperEncoder) EncBasicHandle() *BasicHandle {
+	return f.e.h
+func (f genHelperEncoder) EncBinary() bool {
+	return // f.e.hh.isBinaryEncoding()
+func (f genHelperEncoder) IsJSONHandle() bool {
+	return f.e.js
+func (f genHelperEncoder) EncFallback(iv interface{}) {
+	// println(">>>>>>>>> EncFallback")
+	// f.e.encodeI(iv, false, false)
+	f.e.encodeValue(reflect.ValueOf(iv), nil, false)
+func (f genHelperEncoder) EncTextMarshal(iv encoding.TextMarshaler) {
+	bs, fnerr := iv.MarshalText()
+	f.e.marshal(bs, fnerr, false, cUTF8)
+func (f genHelperEncoder) EncJSONMarshal(iv jsonMarshaler) {
+	bs, fnerr := iv.MarshalJSON()
+	f.e.marshal(bs, fnerr, true, cUTF8)
+func (f genHelperEncoder) EncBinaryMarshal(iv encoding.BinaryMarshaler) {
+	bs, fnerr := iv.MarshalBinary()
+	f.e.marshal(bs, fnerr, false, cRAW)
+func (f genHelperEncoder) EncRaw(iv Raw) { f.e.rawBytes(iv) }
+// Deprecated: builtin no longer supported - so we make this method a no-op, 
+// but leave in-place so that old generated files continue to work without regeneration.
+func (f genHelperEncoder) TimeRtidIfBinc() (v uintptr) { return }
+// func (f genHelperEncoder) TimeRtidIfBinc() uintptr {
+// 	if _, ok := f.e.hh.(*BincHandle); ok {
+// 		return timeTypId
+// 	}
+// }
+func (f genHelperEncoder) I2Rtid(v interface{}) uintptr {
+	return i2rtid(v)
+func (f genHelperEncoder) Extension(rtid uintptr) (xfn *extTypeTagFn) {
+	return f.e.h.getExt(rtid)
+func (f genHelperEncoder) EncExtension(v interface{}, xfFn *extTypeTagFn) {
+	f.e.e.EncodeExt(v, xfFn.tag, xfFn.ext, f.e)
+// Deprecated: No longer used,
+// but leave in-place so that old generated files continue to work without regeneration.
+func (f genHelperEncoder) HasExtensions() bool {
+	return len(f.e.h.extHandle) != 0
+// Deprecated: No longer used,
+// but leave in-place so that old generated files continue to work without regeneration.
+func (f genHelperEncoder) EncExt(v interface{}) (r bool) {
+	if xfFn := f.e.h.getExt(i2rtid(v)); xfFn != nil {
+		f.e.e.EncodeExt(v, xfFn.tag, xfFn.ext, f.e)
+		return true
+	}
+	return false 
+// ---------------- DECODER FOLLOWS -----------------
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecBasicHandle() *BasicHandle {
+	return f.d.h
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecBinary() bool {
+     return // f.d.hh.isBinaryEncoding()
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecSwallow() { f.d.swallow() }
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecScratchBuffer() []byte {
+	return f.d.b[:]
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecScratchArrayBuffer() *[decScratchByteArrayLen]byte {
+	return &f.d.b
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecFallback(iv interface{}, chkPtr bool) {
+	// println(">>>>>>>>> DecFallback")
+	rv := reflect.ValueOf(iv)
+	if chkPtr {
+		rv = f.d.ensureDecodeable(rv)
+	}
+	f.d.decodeValue(rv, nil, false)
+	// f.d.decodeValueFallback(rv)
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecSliceHelperStart() (decSliceHelper, int) {
+	return f.d.decSliceHelperStart()
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecStructFieldNotFound(index int, name string) {
+	f.d.structFieldNotFound(index, name)
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecArrayCannotExpand(sliceLen, streamLen int) {
+	f.d.arrayCannotExpand(sliceLen, streamLen)
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecTextUnmarshal(tm encoding.TextUnmarshaler) {
+	fnerr := tm.UnmarshalText(f.d.d.DecodeStringAsBytes())
+	if fnerr != nil {
+		panic(fnerr)
+	}
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecJSONUnmarshal(tm jsonUnmarshaler) {
+	// bs := f.dd.DecodeStringAsBytes()
+	// grab the bytes to be read, as UnmarshalJSON needs the full JSON so as to unmarshal it itself.
+	fnerr := tm.UnmarshalJSON(f.d.nextValueBytes())
+	if fnerr != nil {
+		panic(fnerr)
+	}
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecBinaryUnmarshal(bm encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler) {
+	fnerr := bm.UnmarshalBinary(f.d.d.DecodeBytes(nil, true))
+	if fnerr != nil {
+		panic(fnerr)
+	}
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecRaw() []byte {	return f.d.rawBytes() }
+// Deprecated: builtin no longer supported - so we make this method a no-op, 
+// but leave in-place so that old generated files continue to work without regeneration.
+func (f genHelperDecoder) TimeRtidIfBinc() (v uintptr) { return }
+// func (f genHelperDecoder) TimeRtidIfBinc() uintptr {
+// 	// Note: builtin is no longer supported - so make this a no-op
+// 	if _, ok := f.d.hh.(*BincHandle); ok {
+// 		return timeTypId
+// 	}
+// 	return 0
+// }
+func (f genHelperDecoder) IsJSONHandle() bool {
+	return f.d.js 
+func (f genHelperDecoder) I2Rtid(v interface{}) uintptr {
+	return i2rtid(v)
+func (f genHelperDecoder) Extension(rtid uintptr) (xfn *extTypeTagFn) {
+	return f.d.h.getExt(rtid)
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecExtension(v interface{}, xfFn *extTypeTagFn) {
+	f.d.d.DecodeExt(v, xfFn.tag, xfFn.ext)
+// Deprecated: No longer used,
+// but leave in-place so that old generated files continue to work without regeneration.
+func (f genHelperDecoder) HasExtensions() bool {
+	return len(f.d.h.extHandle) != 0
+// Deprecated: No longer used,
+// but leave in-place so that old generated files continue to work without regeneration.
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecExt(v interface{}) (r bool) {
+	if xfFn := f.d.h.getExt(i2rtid(v)); xfFn != nil {
+		f.d.d.DecodeExt(v, xfFn.tag, xfFn.ext)
+		return true
+	}
+	return false 
+func (f genHelperDecoder) DecInferLen(clen, maxlen, unit int) (rvlen int) {
+	return decInferLen(clen, maxlen, unit)
+// Deprecated: no longer used, 
+// but leave in-place so that old generated files continue to work without regeneration.
+func (f genHelperDecoder) StringView(v []byte) string { return stringView(v) }
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..240ba9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+// +build codecgen.exec
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+package codec
+// DO NOT EDIT. THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED FROM gen-dec-(map|array).go.tmpl
+const genDecMapTmpl = `
+{{var "v"}} := *{{ .Varname }}
+{{var "l"}} := r.ReadMapStart()
+{{var "bh"}} := z.DecBasicHandle()
+if {{var "v"}} == nil {
+	{{var "rl"}} := z.DecInferLen({{var "l"}}, {{var "bh"}}.MaxInitLen, {{ .Size }})
+	{{var "v"}} = make(map[{{ .KTyp }}]{{ .Typ }}, {{var "rl"}})
+	*{{ .Varname }} = {{var "v"}}
+var {{var "mk"}} {{ .KTyp }}
+var {{var "mv"}} {{ .Typ }}
+var {{var "mg"}}, {{var "mdn"}} {{if decElemKindPtr}}, {{var "ms"}}, {{var "mok"}}{{end}} bool
+if {{var "bh"}}.MapValueReset {
+	{{if decElemKindPtr}}{{var "mg"}} = true
+	{{else if decElemKindIntf}}if !{{var "bh"}}.InterfaceReset { {{var "mg"}} = true }
+	{{else if not decElemKindImmutable}}{{var "mg"}} = true
+	{{end}} }
+if {{var "l"}} != 0 {
+{{var "hl"}} := {{var "l"}} > 0 
+	for {{var "j"}} := 0; ({{var "hl"}} && {{var "j"}} < {{var "l"}}) || !({{var "hl"}} || r.CheckBreak()); {{var "j"}}++ {
+	r.ReadMapElemKey() {{/* z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey{{ .Sfx }}) */}}
+	{{ $x := printf "%vmk%v" .TempVar .Rand }}{{ decLineVarK $x }}
+{{ if eq .KTyp "interface{}" }}{{/* // special case if a byte array. */}}if {{var "bv"}}, {{var "bok"}} := {{var "mk"}}.([]byte); {{var "bok"}} {
+		{{var "mk"}} = string({{var "bv"}})
+	}{{ end }}{{if decElemKindPtr}}
+	{{var "ms"}} = true{{end}}
+	if {{var "mg"}} {
+		{{if decElemKindPtr}}{{var "mv"}}, {{var "mok"}} = {{var "v"}}[{{var "mk"}}] 
+		if {{var "mok"}} {
+			{{var "ms"}} = false
+		} {{else}}{{var "mv"}} = {{var "v"}}[{{var "mk"}}] {{end}}
+	} {{if not decElemKindImmutable}}else { {{var "mv"}} = {{decElemZero}} }{{end}}
+	r.ReadMapElemValue() {{/* z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue{{ .Sfx }}) */}}
+	{{var "mdn"}} = false
+	{{ $x := printf "%vmv%v" .TempVar .Rand }}{{ $y := printf "%vmdn%v" .TempVar .Rand }}{{ decLineVar $x $y }}
+	if {{var "mdn"}} {
+		if {{ var "bh" }}.DeleteOnNilMapValue { delete({{var "v"}}, {{var "mk"}}) } else { {{var "v"}}[{{var "mk"}}] = {{decElemZero}} }
+	} else if {{if decElemKindPtr}} {{var "ms"}} && {{end}} {{var "v"}} != nil {
+		{{var "v"}}[{{var "mk"}}] = {{var "mv"}}
+	}
+} // else len==0: TODO: Should we clear map entries?
+r.ReadMapEnd() {{/* z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd{{ .Sfx }}) */}}
+const genDecListTmpl = `
+{{var "v"}} := {{if not isArray}}*{{end}}{{ .Varname }}
+{{var "h"}}, {{var "l"}} := z.DecSliceHelperStart() {{/* // helper, containerLenS */}}{{if not isArray}}
+var {{var "c"}} bool {{/* // changed */}}
+_ = {{var "c"}}{{end}}
+if {{var "l"}} == 0 {
+	{{if isSlice }}if {{var "v"}} == nil {
+		{{var "v"}} = []{{ .Typ }}{}
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	} else if len({{var "v"}}) != 0 {
+		{{var "v"}} = {{var "v"}}[:0]
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	} {{else if isChan }}if {{var "v"}} == nil {
+		{{var "v"}} = make({{ .CTyp }}, 0)
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	} {{end}}
+} else {
+	{{var "hl"}} := {{var "l"}} > 0
+	var {{var "rl"}} int
+	_ =  {{var "rl"}}
+	{{if isSlice }} if {{var "hl"}} {
+	if {{var "l"}} > cap({{var "v"}}) {
+		{{var "rl"}} = z.DecInferLen({{var "l"}}, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, {{ .Size }})
+		if {{var "rl"}} <= cap({{var "v"}}) {
+			{{var "v"}} = {{var "v"}}[:{{var "rl"}}]
+		} else {
+			{{var "v"}} = make([]{{ .Typ }}, {{var "rl"}})
+		}
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	} else if {{var "l"}} != len({{var "v"}}) {
+		{{var "v"}} = {{var "v"}}[:{{var "l"}}]
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	}
+	} {{end}}
+	var {{var "j"}} int 
+    // var {{var "dn"}} bool 
+	for ; ({{var "hl"}} && {{var "j"}} < {{var "l"}}) || !({{var "hl"}} || r.CheckBreak()); {{var "j"}}++ {
+		{{if not isArray}} if {{var "j"}} == 0 && {{var "v"}} == nil {
+			if {{var "hl"}} {
+				{{var "rl"}} = z.DecInferLen({{var "l"}}, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, {{ .Size }})
+			} else {
+				{{var "rl"}} = {{if isSlice}}8{{else if isChan}}64{{end}}
+			}
+			{{var "v"}} = make({{if isSlice}}[]{{ .Typ }}{{else if isChan}}{{.CTyp}}{{end}}, {{var "rl"}})
+			{{var "c"}} = true 
+		}{{end}}
+		{{var "h"}}.ElemContainerState({{var "j"}})
+        {{/* {{var "dn"}} = r.TryDecodeAsNil() */}}{{/* commented out, as decLineVar handles this already each time */}}
+        {{if isChan}}{{ $x := printf "%[1]vvcx%[2]v" .TempVar .Rand }}var {{$x}} {{ .Typ }}
+		{{ decLineVar $x }}
+		{{var "v"}} <- {{ $x }}
+        // println(">>>> sending ", {{ $x }}, " into ", {{var "v"}}) // TODO: remove this
+        {{else}}{{/* // if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary */}}
+		var {{var "db"}} bool
+		if {{var "j"}} >= len({{var "v"}}) {
+			{{if isSlice }} {{var "v"}} = append({{var "v"}}, {{ zero }})
+			{{var "c"}} = true
+			{{else}} z.DecArrayCannotExpand(len(v), {{var "j"}}+1); {{var "db"}} = true
+			{{end}}
+		}
+		if {{var "db"}} {
+			z.DecSwallow()
+		} else {
+			{{ $x := printf "%[1]vv%[2]v[%[1]vj%[2]v]" .TempVar .Rand }}{{ decLineVar $x }}
+		}
+        {{end}}
+	}
+	{{if isSlice}} if {{var "j"}} < len({{var "v"}}) {
+		{{var "v"}} = {{var "v"}}[:{{var "j"}}]
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	} else if {{var "j"}} == 0 && {{var "v"}} == nil {
+		{{var "v"}} = make([]{{ .Typ }}, 0)
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	} {{end}}
+{{var "h"}}.End()
+{{if not isArray }}if {{var "c"}} { 
+	*{{ .Varname }} = {{var "v"}}
+const genEncChanTmpl = `
+switch timeout{{.Sfx}} :=  z.EncBasicHandle().ChanRecvTimeout; {
+case timeout{{.Sfx}} == 0: // only consume available
+	for {
+		select {
+		case b{{.Sfx}} := <-{{.Chan}}:
+			{{ .Slice }} = append({{.Slice}}, b{{.Sfx}})
+		default:
+			break {{.Label}}
+		}
+	}
+case timeout{{.Sfx}} > 0: // consume until timeout
+	tt{{.Sfx}} := time.NewTimer(timeout{{.Sfx}})
+	for {
+		select {
+		case b{{.Sfx}} := <-{{.Chan}}:
+			{{.Slice}} = append({{.Slice}}, b{{.Sfx}})
+		case <-tt{{.Sfx}}.C:
+			// close(tt.C)
+			break {{.Label}}
+		}
+	}
+default: // consume until close
+	for b{{.Sfx}} := range {{.Chan}} {
+		{{.Slice}} = append({{.Slice}}, b{{.Sfx}})
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4c4031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,2139 @@
+// +build codecgen.exec
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+package codec
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"encoding/base64"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"go/format"
+	"io"
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"math/rand"
+	"reflect"
+	"regexp"
+	"sort"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"sync"
+	"text/template"
+	"time"
+	"unicode"
+	"unicode/utf8"
+// ---------------------------------------------------
+// codecgen supports the full cycle of reflection-based codec:
+//    - RawExt
+//    - Raw
+//    - Extensions
+//    - (Binary|Text|JSON)(Unm|M)arshal
+//    - generic by-kind
+// This means that, for dynamic things, we MUST use reflection to at least get the reflect.Type.
+// In those areas, we try to only do reflection or interface-conversion when NECESSARY:
+//    - Extensions, only if Extensions are configured.
+// However, codecgen doesn't support the following:
+//   - Canonical option. (codecgen IGNORES it currently)
+//     This is just because it has not been implemented.
+// During encode/decode, Selfer takes precedence.
+// A type implementing Selfer will know how to encode/decode itself statically.
+// The following field types are supported:
+//     array: [n]T
+//     slice: []T
+//     map: map[K]V
+//     primitive: [u]int[n], float(32|64), bool, string
+//     struct
+// ---------------------------------------------------
+// Note that a Selfer cannot call (e|d).(En|De)code on itself,
+// as this will cause a circular reference, as (En|De)code will call Selfer methods.
+// Any type that implements Selfer must implement completely and not fallback to (En|De)code.
+// In addition, code in this file manages the generation of fast-path implementations of
+// encode/decode of slices/maps of primitive keys/values.
+// Users MUST re-generate their implementations whenever the code shape changes.
+// The generated code will panic if it was generated with a version older than the supporting library.
+// ---------------------------------------------------
+// codec framework is very feature rich.
+// When encoding or decoding into an interface, it depends on the runtime type of the interface.
+// The type of the interface may be a named type, an extension, etc.
+// Consequently, we fallback to runtime codec for encoding/decoding interfaces.
+// In addition, we fallback for any value which cannot be guaranteed at runtime.
+// This allows us support ANY value, including any named types, specifically those which
+// do not implement our interfaces (e.g. Selfer).
+// This explains some slowness compared to other code generation codecs (e.g. msgp).
+// This reduction in speed is only seen when your refers to interfaces,
+// e.g. type T struct { A interface{}; B []interface{}; C map[string]interface{} }
+// codecgen will panic if the file was generated with an old version of the library in use.
+// Note:
+//   It was a conscious decision to have gen.go always explicitly call EncodeNil or TryDecodeAsNil.
+//   This way, there isn't a function call overhead just to see that we should not enter a block of code.
+// Note:
+//   codecgen-generated code depends on the variables defined by fast-path.generated.go.
+//   consequently, you cannot run with tags "codecgen notfastpath".
+// GenVersion is the current version of codecgen.
+// NOTE: Increment this value each time codecgen changes fundamentally.
+// Fundamental changes are:
+//   - helper methods change (signature change, new ones added, some removed, etc)
+//   - codecgen command line changes
+// v1: Initial Version
+// v2:
+// v3: Changes for Kubernetes:
+//     changes in signature of some unpublished helper methods and codecgen cmdline arguments.
+// v4: Removed separator support from (en|de)cDriver, and refactored codec(gen)
+// v5: changes to support faster json decoding. Let encoder/decoder maintain state of collections.
+// v6: removed unsafe from gen, and now uses codecgen.exec tag
+// v7:
+// v8: current - we now maintain compatibility with old generated code.
+const genVersion = 8
+const (
+	genCodecPkg        = "codec1978"
+	genTempVarPfx      = "yy"
+	genTopLevelVarName = "x"
+	// ignore canBeNil parameter, and always set to true.
+	// This is because nil can appear anywhere, so we should always check.
+	genAnythingCanBeNil = true
+	// if genUseOneFunctionForDecStructMap, make a single codecDecodeSelferFromMap function;
+	// else make codecDecodeSelferFromMap{LenPrefix,CheckBreak} so that conditionals
+	// are not executed a lot.
+	//
+	// From testing, it didn't make much difference in runtime, so keep as true (one function only)
+	genUseOneFunctionForDecStructMap = true
+type genStructMapStyle uint8
+const (
+	genStructMapStyleConsolidated genStructMapStyle = iota
+	genStructMapStyleLenPrefix
+	genStructMapStyleCheckBreak
+var (
+	errGenAllTypesSamePkg  = errors.New("All types must be in the same package")
+	errGenExpectArrayOrMap = errors.New("unexpected type. Expecting array/map/slice")
+	genBase64enc  = base64.NewEncoding("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789__")
+	genQNameRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`[A-Za-z_.]+`)
+type genBuf struct {
+	buf []byte
+func (x *genBuf) s(s string) *genBuf              { x.buf = append(x.buf, s...); return x }
+func (x *genBuf) b(s []byte) *genBuf              { x.buf = append(x.buf, s...); return x }
+func (x *genBuf) v() string                       { return string(x.buf) }
+func (x *genBuf) f(s string, args ...interface{}) { x.s(fmt.Sprintf(s, args...)) }
+func (x *genBuf) reset() {
+	if x.buf != nil {
+		x.buf = x.buf[:0]
+	}
+// genRunner holds some state used during a Gen run.
+type genRunner struct {
+	w io.Writer      // output
+	c uint64         // counter used for generating varsfx
+	t []reflect.Type // list of types to run selfer on
+	tc reflect.Type     // currently running selfer on this type
+	te map[uintptr]bool // types for which the encoder has been created
+	td map[uintptr]bool // types for which the decoder has been created
+	cp string           // codec import path
+	im  map[string]reflect.Type // imports to add
+	imn map[string]string       // package names of imports to add
+	imc uint64                  // counter for import numbers
+	is map[reflect.Type]struct{} // types seen during import search
+	bp string                    // base PkgPath, for which we are generating for
+	cpfx string // codec package prefix
+	tm map[reflect.Type]struct{} // types for which enc/dec must be generated
+	ts []reflect.Type            // types for which enc/dec must be generated
+	xs string // top level variable/constant suffix
+	hn string // fn helper type name
+	ti *TypeInfos
+	// rr *rand.Rand // random generator for file-specific types
+	nx bool // no extensions
+// Gen will write a complete go file containing Selfer implementations for each
+// type passed. All the types must be in the same package.
+func Gen(w io.Writer, buildTags, pkgName, uid string, noExtensions bool,
+	ti *TypeInfos, typ ...reflect.Type) {
+	// All types passed to this method do not have a codec.Selfer method implemented directly.
+	// codecgen already checks the AST and skips any types that define the codec.Selfer methods.
+	// Consequently, there's no need to check and trim them if they implement codec.Selfer
+	if len(typ) == 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	x := genRunner{
+		w:   w,
+		t:   typ,
+		te:  make(map[uintptr]bool),
+		td:  make(map[uintptr]bool),
+		im:  make(map[string]reflect.Type),
+		imn: make(map[string]string),
+		is:  make(map[reflect.Type]struct{}),
+		tm:  make(map[reflect.Type]struct{}),
+		ts:  []reflect.Type{},
+		bp:  genImportPath(typ[0]),
+		xs:  uid,
+		ti:  ti,
+		nx:  noExtensions,
+	}
+	if x.ti == nil {
+		x.ti = defTypeInfos
+	}
+	if x.xs == "" {
+		rr := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
+		x.xs = strconv.FormatInt(rr.Int63n(9999), 10)
+	}
+	// gather imports first:
+	x.cp = genImportPath(reflect.TypeOf(x))
+	x.imn[x.cp] = genCodecPkg
+	for _, t := range typ {
+		// fmt.Printf("###########: PkgPath: '%v', Name: '%s'\n", genImportPath(t), t.Name())
+		if genImportPath(t) != x.bp {
+			panic(errGenAllTypesSamePkg)
+		}
+		x.genRefPkgs(t)
+	}
+	if buildTags != "" {
+		x.line("// +build " + buildTags)
+		x.line("")
+	}
+	x.line(`
+// Code generated by codecgen - DO NOT EDIT.
+	x.line("package " + pkgName)
+	x.line("")
+	x.line("import (")
+	if x.cp != x.bp {
+		x.cpfx = genCodecPkg + "."
+		x.linef("%s \"%s\"", genCodecPkg, x.cp)
+	}
+	// use a sorted set of im keys, so that we can get consistent output
+	imKeys := make([]string, 0, len(
+	for k := range {
+		imKeys = append(imKeys, k)
+	}
+	sort.Strings(imKeys)
+	for _, k := range imKeys { // for k, _ := range {
+		if k == x.imn[k] {
+			x.linef("\"%s\"", k)
+		} else {
+			x.linef("%s \"%s\"", x.imn[k], k)
+		}
+	}
+	// add required packages
+	for _, k := range [...]string{"runtime", "errors", "strconv"} { // "reflect", "fmt"
+		if _, ok :=[k]; !ok {
+			x.line("\"" + k + "\"")
+		}
+	}
+	x.line(")")
+	x.line("")
+	x.line("const (")
+	x.linef("// ----- content types ----")
+	x.linef("codecSelferCcUTF8%s = %v", x.xs, int64(cUTF8))
+	x.linef("codecSelferCcRAW%s = %v", x.xs, int64(cRAW))
+	x.linef("// ----- value types used ----")
+	for _, vt := range [...]valueType{
+		valueTypeArray, valueTypeMap, valueTypeString,
+		valueTypeInt, valueTypeUint, valueTypeFloat} {
+		x.linef("codecSelferValueType%s%s = %v", vt.String(), x.xs, int64(vt))
+	}
+	x.linef("codecSelferBitsize%s = uint8(32 << (^uint(0) >> 63))", x.xs)
+	x.line(")")
+	x.line("var (")
+	x.line("errCodecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStruct" + x.xs + " = errors.New(`only encoded map or array can be decoded into a struct`)")
+	x.line(")")
+	x.line("")
+ = "codecSelfer" + x.xs
+	x.line("type " + + " struct{}")
+	x.line("")
+	x.varsfxreset()
+	x.line("func init() {")
+	x.linef("if %sGenVersion != %v {", x.cpfx, genVersion)
+	x.line("_, file, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)")
+	x.outf(`panic("codecgen version mismatch: current: %v, need " + strconv.FormatInt(int64(%sGenVersion), 10) + ". Re-generate file: " + file)`, genVersion, x.cpfx)
+	// x.out(`panic(fmt.Errorf("codecgen version mismatch: current: %v, need %v. Re-generate file: %v", `)
+	// x.linef(`%v, %sGenVersion, file))`, genVersion, x.cpfx)
+	x.linef("}")
+	x.line("if false { // reference the types, but skip this branch at build/run time")
+	// x.line("_ = strconv.ParseInt")
+	var n int
+	// for k, t := range {
+	for _, k := range imKeys {
+		t :=[k]
+		x.linef("var v%v %s.%s", n, x.imn[k], t.Name())
+		n++
+	}
+	if n > 0 {
+		x.out("_")
+		for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
+			x.out(", _")
+		}
+		x.out(" = v0")
+		for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
+			x.outf(", v%v", i)
+		}
+	}
+	x.line("} ") // close if false
+	x.line("}")  // close init
+	x.line("")
+	// generate rest of type info
+	for _, t := range typ {
+ = t
+		x.selfer(true)
+		x.selfer(false)
+	}
+	for _, t := range x.ts {
+		rtid := rt2id(t)
+		// generate enc functions for all these slice/map types.
+		x.varsfxreset()
+		x.linef("func (x %s) enc%s(v %s%s, e *%sEncoder) {",, x.genMethodNameT(t), x.arr2str(t, "*"), x.genTypeName(t), x.cpfx)
+		x.genRequiredMethodVars(true)
+		switch t.Kind() {
+		case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice, reflect.Chan:
+			x.encListFallback("v", t)
+		case reflect.Map:
+			x.encMapFallback("v", t)
+		default:
+			panic(errGenExpectArrayOrMap)
+		}
+		x.line("}")
+		x.line("")
+		// generate dec functions for all these slice/map types.
+		x.varsfxreset()
+		x.linef("func (x %s) dec%s(v *%s, d *%sDecoder) {",, x.genMethodNameT(t), x.genTypeName(t), x.cpfx)
+		x.genRequiredMethodVars(false)
+		switch t.Kind() {
+		case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice, reflect.Chan:
+			x.decListFallback("v", rtid, t)
+		case reflect.Map:
+			x.decMapFallback("v", rtid, t)
+		default:
+			panic(errGenExpectArrayOrMap)
+		}
+		x.line("}")
+		x.line("")
+	}
+	x.line("")
+func (x *genRunner) checkForSelfer(t reflect.Type, varname string) bool {
+	// return varname != genTopLevelVarName && t !=
+	// the only time we checkForSelfer is if we are not at the TOP of the generated code.
+	return varname != genTopLevelVarName
+func (x *genRunner) arr2str(t reflect.Type, s string) string {
+	if t.Kind() == reflect.Array {
+		return s
+	}
+	return ""
+func (x *genRunner) genRequiredMethodVars(encode bool) {
+	x.line("var h " +
+	if encode {
+		x.line("z, r := " + x.cpfx + "GenHelperEncoder(e)")
+	} else {
+		x.line("z, r := " + x.cpfx + "GenHelperDecoder(d)")
+	}
+	x.line("_, _, _ = h, z, r")
+func (x *genRunner) genRefPkgs(t reflect.Type) {
+	if _, ok :=[t]; ok {
+		return
+	}
+[t] = struct{}{}
+	tpkg, tname := genImportPath(t), t.Name()
+	if tpkg != "" && tpkg != x.bp && tpkg != x.cp && tname != "" && tname[0] >= 'A' && tname[0] <= 'Z' {
+		if _, ok :=[tpkg]; !ok {
+[tpkg] = t
+			if idx := strings.LastIndex(tpkg, "/"); idx < 0 {
+				x.imn[tpkg] = tpkg
+			} else {
+				x.imc++
+				x.imn[tpkg] = "pkg" + strconv.FormatUint(x.imc, 10) + "_" + genGoIdentifier(tpkg[idx+1:], false)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	switch t.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Chan:
+		x.genRefPkgs(t.Elem())
+	case reflect.Map:
+		x.genRefPkgs(t.Elem())
+		x.genRefPkgs(t.Key())
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
+			if fname := t.Field(i).Name; fname != "" && fname[0] >= 'A' && fname[0] <= 'Z' {
+				x.genRefPkgs(t.Field(i).Type)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+func (x *genRunner) varsfx() string {
+	x.c++
+	return strconv.FormatUint(x.c, 10)
+func (x *genRunner) varsfxreset() {
+	x.c = 0
+func (x *genRunner) out(s string) {
+	_, err := io.WriteString(x.w, s)
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+func (x *genRunner) outf(s string, params ...interface{}) {
+	_, err := fmt.Fprintf(x.w, s, params...)
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+func (x *genRunner) line(s string) {
+	x.out(s)
+	if len(s) == 0 || s[len(s)-1] != '\n' {
+		x.out("\n")
+	}
+func (x *genRunner) linef(s string, params ...interface{}) {
+	x.outf(s, params...)
+	if len(s) == 0 || s[len(s)-1] != '\n' {
+		x.out("\n")
+	}
+func (x *genRunner) genTypeName(t reflect.Type) (n string) {
+	// defer func() { fmt.Printf(">>>> ####: genTypeName: t: %v, name: '%s'\n", t, n) }()
+	// if the type has a PkgPath, which doesn't match the current package,
+	// then include it.
+	// We cannot depend on t.String() because it includes current package,
+	// or t.PkgPath because it includes full import path,
+	//
+	var ptrPfx string
+	for t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		ptrPfx += "*"
+		t = t.Elem()
+	}
+	if tn := t.Name(); tn != "" {
+		return ptrPfx + x.genTypeNamePrim(t)
+	}
+	switch t.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Map:
+		return ptrPfx + "map[" + x.genTypeName(t.Key()) + "]" + x.genTypeName(t.Elem())
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		return ptrPfx + "[]" + x.genTypeName(t.Elem())
+	case reflect.Array:
+		return ptrPfx + "[" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(t.Len()), 10) + "]" + x.genTypeName(t.Elem())
+	case reflect.Chan:
+		return ptrPfx + t.ChanDir().String() + " " + x.genTypeName(t.Elem())
+	default:
+		if t == intfTyp {
+			return ptrPfx + "interface{}"
+		} else {
+			return ptrPfx + x.genTypeNamePrim(t)
+		}
+	}
+func (x *genRunner) genTypeNamePrim(t reflect.Type) (n string) {
+	if t.Name() == "" {
+		return t.String()
+	} else if genImportPath(t) == "" || genImportPath(t) == genImportPath( {
+		return t.Name()
+	} else {
+		return x.imn[genImportPath(t)] + "." + t.Name()
+		// return t.String() // best way to get the package name inclusive
+	}
+func (x *genRunner) genZeroValueR(t reflect.Type) string {
+	// if t is a named type, w
+	switch t.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface, reflect.Chan, reflect.Func,
+		reflect.Slice, reflect.Map, reflect.Invalid:
+		return "nil"
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		return "false"
+	case reflect.String:
+		return `""`
+	case reflect.Struct, reflect.Array:
+		return x.genTypeName(t) + "{}"
+	default: // all numbers
+		return "0"
+	}
+func (x *genRunner) genMethodNameT(t reflect.Type) (s string) {
+	return genMethodNameT(t,
+func (x *genRunner) selfer(encode bool) {
+	t :=
+	t0 := t
+	// always make decode use a pointer receiver,
+	// and structs/arrays always use a ptr receiver (encode|decode)
+	isptr := !encode || t.Kind() == reflect.Array || (t.Kind() == reflect.Struct && t != timeTyp)
+	x.varsfxreset()
+	fnSigPfx := "func (" + genTopLevelVarName + " "
+	if isptr {
+		fnSigPfx += "*"
+	}
+	fnSigPfx += x.genTypeName(t)
+	x.out(fnSigPfx)
+	if isptr {
+		t = reflect.PtrTo(t)
+	}
+	if encode {
+		x.line(") CodecEncodeSelf(e *" + x.cpfx + "Encoder) {")
+		x.genRequiredMethodVars(true)
+		x.encVar(genTopLevelVarName, t)
+	} else {
+		x.line(") CodecDecodeSelf(d *" + x.cpfx + "Decoder) {")
+		x.genRequiredMethodVars(false)
+		// do not use decVar, as there is no need to check TryDecodeAsNil
+		// or way to elegantly handle that, and also setting it to a
+		// non-nil value doesn't affect the pointer passed.
+		// x.decVar(genTopLevelVarName, t, false)
+		x.dec(genTopLevelVarName, t0, true)
+	}
+	x.line("}")
+	x.line("")
+	if encode || t0.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
+		return
+	}
+	// write is containerMap
+	if genUseOneFunctionForDecStructMap {
+		x.out(fnSigPfx)
+		x.line(") codecDecodeSelfFromMap(l int, d *" + x.cpfx + "Decoder) {")
+		x.genRequiredMethodVars(false)
+		x.decStructMap(genTopLevelVarName, "l", rt2id(t0), t0, genStructMapStyleConsolidated)
+		x.line("}")
+		x.line("")
+	} else {
+		x.out(fnSigPfx)
+		x.line(") codecDecodeSelfFromMapLenPrefix(l int, d *" + x.cpfx + "Decoder) {")
+		x.genRequiredMethodVars(false)
+		x.decStructMap(genTopLevelVarName, "l", rt2id(t0), t0, genStructMapStyleLenPrefix)
+		x.line("}")
+		x.line("")
+		x.out(fnSigPfx)
+		x.line(") codecDecodeSelfFromMapCheckBreak(l int, d *" + x.cpfx + "Decoder) {")
+		x.genRequiredMethodVars(false)
+		x.decStructMap(genTopLevelVarName, "l", rt2id(t0), t0, genStructMapStyleCheckBreak)
+		x.line("}")
+		x.line("")
+	}
+	// write containerArray
+	x.out(fnSigPfx)
+	x.line(") codecDecodeSelfFromArray(l int, d *" + x.cpfx + "Decoder) {")
+	x.genRequiredMethodVars(false)
+	x.decStructArray(genTopLevelVarName, "l", "return", rt2id(t0), t0)
+	x.line("}")
+	x.line("")
+// used for chan, array, slice, map
+func (x *genRunner) xtraSM(varname string, t reflect.Type, encode, isptr bool) {
+	var ptrPfx, addrPfx string
+	if isptr {
+		ptrPfx = "*"
+	} else {
+		addrPfx = "&"
+	}
+	if encode {
+		x.linef("h.enc%s((%s%s)(%s), e)", x.genMethodNameT(t), ptrPfx, x.genTypeName(t), varname)
+	} else {
+		x.linef("h.dec%s((*%s)(%s%s), d)", x.genMethodNameT(t), x.genTypeName(t), addrPfx, varname)
+	}
+	x.registerXtraT(t)
+func (x *genRunner) registerXtraT(t reflect.Type) {
+	// recursively register the types
+	if _, ok :=[t]; ok {
+		return
+	}
+	var tkey reflect.Type
+	switch t.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Chan, reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
+	case reflect.Map:
+		tkey = t.Key()
+	default:
+		return
+	}
+[t] = struct{}{}
+	x.ts = append(x.ts, t)
+	// check if this refers to any xtra types eg. a slice of array: add the array
+	x.registerXtraT(t.Elem())
+	if tkey != nil {
+		x.registerXtraT(tkey)
+	}
+// encVar will encode a variable.
+// The parameter, t, is the reflect.Type of the variable itself
+func (x *genRunner) encVar(varname string, t reflect.Type) {
+	// fmt.Printf(">>>>>> varname: %s, t: %v\n", varname, t)
+	var checkNil bool
+	switch t.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface, reflect.Slice, reflect.Map, reflect.Chan:
+		checkNil = true
+	}
+	if checkNil {
+		x.linef("if %s == nil { r.EncodeNil() } else { ", varname)
+	}
+	switch t.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Ptr:
+		telem := t.Elem()
+		tek := telem.Kind()
+		if tek == reflect.Array || (tek == reflect.Struct && telem != timeTyp) {
+			x.enc(varname, genNonPtr(t))
+			break
+		}
+		i := x.varsfx()
+		x.line(genTempVarPfx + i + " := *" + varname)
+		x.enc(genTempVarPfx+i, genNonPtr(t))
+	case reflect.Struct, reflect.Array:
+		if t == timeTyp {
+			x.enc(varname, t)
+			break
+		}
+		i := x.varsfx()
+		x.line(genTempVarPfx + i + " := &" + varname)
+		x.enc(genTempVarPfx+i, t)
+	default:
+		x.enc(varname, t)
+	}
+	if checkNil {
+		x.line("}")
+	}
+// enc will encode a variable (varname) of type t, where t represents T.
+// if t is !time.Time and t is of kind reflect.Struct or reflect.Array, varname is of type *T
+// (to prevent copying),
+// else t is of type T
+func (x *genRunner) enc(varname string, t reflect.Type) {
+	rtid := rt2id(t)
+	ti2 := x.ti.get(rtid, t)
+	// We call CodecEncodeSelf if one of the following are honored:
+	//   - the type already implements Selfer, call that
+	//   - the type has a Selfer implementation just created, use that
+	//   - the type is in the list of the ones we will generate for, but it is not currently being generated
+	mi := x.varsfx()
+	// tptr := reflect.PtrTo(t)
+	tk := t.Kind()
+	if x.checkForSelfer(t, varname) {
+		if tk == reflect.Array || (tk == reflect.Struct && rtid != timeTypId) { // varname is of type *T
+			// if tptr.Implements(selferTyp) || t.Implements(selferTyp) {
+			if ti2.isFlag(typeInfoFlagIsZeroerPtr) || ti2.isFlag(typeInfoFlagIsZeroer) {
+				x.line(varname + ".CodecEncodeSelf(e)")
+				return
+			}
+		} else { // varname is of type T
+			if ti2.cs { // t.Implements(selferTyp) {
+				x.line(varname + ".CodecEncodeSelf(e)")
+				return
+			} else if ti2.csp { // tptr.Implements(selferTyp) {
+				x.linef("%ssf%s := &%s", genTempVarPfx, mi, varname)
+				x.linef("%ssf%s.CodecEncodeSelf(e)", genTempVarPfx, mi)
+				return
+			}
+		}
+		if _, ok := x.te[rtid]; ok {
+			x.line(varname + ".CodecEncodeSelf(e)")
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	inlist := false
+	for _, t0 := range x.t {
+		if t == t0 {
+			inlist = true
+			if x.checkForSelfer(t, varname) {
+				x.line(varname + ".CodecEncodeSelf(e)")
+				return
+			}
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	var rtidAdded bool
+	if t == {
+		x.te[rtid] = true
+		rtidAdded = true
+	}
+	// check if
+	//   - type is time.Time, RawExt, Raw
+	//   - the type implements (Text|JSON|Binary)(Unm|M)arshal
+	x.line("if false {")           //start if block
+	defer func() { x.line("}") }() //end if block
+	if t == timeTyp {
+		x.linef("} else { r.EncodeTime(%s)", varname)
+		return
+	}
+	if t == rawTyp {
+		x.linef("} else { z.EncRaw(%s)", varname)
+		return
+	}
+	if t == rawExtTyp {
+		x.linef("} else { r.EncodeRawExt(%s, e)", varname)
+		return
+	}
+	// only check for extensions if the type is named, and has a packagePath.
+	var arrayOrStruct = tk == reflect.Array || tk == reflect.Struct // meaning varname if of type *T
+	if !x.nx && genImportPath(t) != "" && t.Name() != "" {
+		yy := fmt.Sprintf("%sxt%s", genTempVarPfx, mi)
+		x.linef("} else if %s := z.Extension(z.I2Rtid(%s)); %s != nil { z.EncExtension(%s, %s) ", yy, varname, yy, varname, yy)
+	}
+	if arrayOrStruct { // varname is of type *T
+		if || ti2.bmp { // t.Implements(binaryMarshalerTyp) || tptr.Implements(binaryMarshalerTyp) {
+			x.linef("} else if z.EncBinary() { z.EncBinaryMarshal(%v) ", varname)
+		}
+		if || { // t.Implements(jsonMarshalerTyp) || tptr.Implements(jsonMarshalerTyp) {
+			x.linef("} else if !z.EncBinary() && z.IsJSONHandle() { z.EncJSONMarshal(%v) ", varname)
+		} else if || ti2.tmp { // t.Implements(textMarshalerTyp) || tptr.Implements(textMarshalerTyp) {
+			x.linef("} else if !z.EncBinary() { z.EncTextMarshal(%v) ", varname)
+		}
+	} else { // varname is of type T
+		if { // t.Implements(binaryMarshalerTyp) {
+			x.linef("} else if z.EncBinary() { z.EncBinaryMarshal(%v) ", varname)
+		} else if ti2.bmp { // tptr.Implements(binaryMarshalerTyp) {
+			x.linef("} else if z.EncBinary() { z.EncBinaryMarshal(&%v) ", varname)
+		}
+		if { // t.Implements(jsonMarshalerTyp) {
+			x.linef("} else if !z.EncBinary() && z.IsJSONHandle() { z.EncJSONMarshal(%v) ", varname)
+		} else if { // tptr.Implements(jsonMarshalerTyp) {
+			x.linef("} else if !z.EncBinary() && z.IsJSONHandle() { z.EncJSONMarshal(&%v) ", varname)
+		} else if { // t.Implements(textMarshalerTyp) {
+			x.linef("} else if !z.EncBinary() { z.EncTextMarshal(%v) ", varname)
+		} else if ti2.tmp { // tptr.Implements(textMarshalerTyp) {
+			x.linef("} else if !z.EncBinary() { z.EncTextMarshal(&%v) ", varname)
+		}
+	}
+	x.line("} else {")
+	switch t.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
+		x.line("r.EncodeInt(int64(" + varname + "))")
+	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
+		x.line("r.EncodeUint(uint64(" + varname + "))")
+	case reflect.Float32:
+		x.line("r.EncodeFloat32(float32(" + varname + "))")
+	case reflect.Float64:
+		x.line("r.EncodeFloat64(float64(" + varname + "))")
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		x.line("r.EncodeBool(bool(" + varname + "))")
+	case reflect.String:
+		x.line("r.EncodeString(codecSelferCcUTF8" + x.xs + ", string(" + varname + "))")
+	case reflect.Chan:
+		x.xtraSM(varname, t, true, false)
+		// x.encListFallback(varname, rtid, t)
+	case reflect.Array:
+		x.xtraSM(varname, t, true, true)
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		// if nil, call dedicated function
+		// if a []uint8, call dedicated function
+		// if a known fastpath slice, call dedicated function
+		// else write encode function in-line.
+		// - if elements are primitives or Selfers, call dedicated function on each member.
+		// - else call Encoder.encode(XXX) on it.
+		if rtid == uint8SliceTypId {
+			x.line("r.EncodeStringBytes(codecSelferCcRAW" + x.xs + ", []byte(" + varname + "))")
+		} else if fastpathAV.index(rtid) != -1 {
+			g := x.newGenV(t)
+			x.line("z.F." + g.MethodNamePfx("Enc", false) + "V(" + varname + ", e)")
+		} else {
+			x.xtraSM(varname, t, true, false)
+			// x.encListFallback(varname, rtid, t)
+		}
+	case reflect.Map:
+		// if nil, call dedicated function
+		// if a known fastpath map, call dedicated function
+		// else write encode function in-line.
+		// - if elements are primitives or Selfers, call dedicated function on each member.
+		// - else call Encoder.encode(XXX) on it.
+		// x.line("if " + varname + " == nil { \nr.EncodeNil()\n } else { ")
+		if fastpathAV.index(rtid) != -1 {
+			g := x.newGenV(t)
+			x.line("z.F." + g.MethodNamePfx("Enc", false) + "V(" + varname + ", e)")
+		} else {
+			x.xtraSM(varname, t, true, false)
+			// x.encMapFallback(varname, rtid, t)
+		}
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		if !inlist {
+			delete(x.te, rtid)
+			x.line("z.EncFallback(" + varname + ")")
+			break
+		}
+		x.encStruct(varname, rtid, t)
+	default:
+		if rtidAdded {
+			delete(x.te, rtid)
+		}
+		x.line("z.EncFallback(" + varname + ")")
+	}
+func (x *genRunner) encZero(t reflect.Type) {
+	switch t.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
+		x.line("r.EncodeInt(0)")
+	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
+		x.line("r.EncodeUint(0)")
+	case reflect.Float32:
+		x.line("r.EncodeFloat32(0)")
+	case reflect.Float64:
+		x.line("r.EncodeFloat64(0)")
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		x.line("r.EncodeBool(false)")
+	case reflect.String:
+		x.line("r.EncodeString(codecSelferCcUTF8" + x.xs + `, "")`)
+	default:
+		x.line("r.EncodeNil()")
+	}
+func (x *genRunner) encOmitEmptyLine(t2 reflect.StructField, varname string, buf *genBuf) {
+	// smartly check omitEmpty on a struct type, as it may contain uncomparable map/slice/etc.
+	// also, for maps/slices/arrays, check if len ! 0 (not if == zero value)
+	varname2 := varname + "." + t2.Name
+	switch t2.Type.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		rtid2 := rt2id(t2.Type)
+		ti2 := x.ti.get(rtid2, t2.Type)
+		// fmt.Printf(">>>> structfield: omitempty: type: %s, field: %s\n", t2.Type.Name(), t2.Name)
+		if ti2.rtid == timeTypId {
+			buf.s("!(").s(varname2).s(".IsZero())")
+			break
+		}
+		if ti2.isFlag(typeInfoFlagIsZeroerPtr) || ti2.isFlag(typeInfoFlagIsZeroer) {
+			buf.s("!(").s(varname2).s(".IsZero())")
+			break
+		}
+		if ti2.isFlag(typeInfoFlagComparable) {
+			buf.s(varname2).s(" != ").s(x.genZeroValueR(t2.Type))
+			break
+		}
+		// buf.s("(")
+		buf.s("false")
+		for i, n := 0, t2.Type.NumField(); i < n; i++ {
+			f := t2.Type.Field(i)
+			if f.PkgPath != "" { // unexported
+				continue
+			}
+			buf.s(" || ")
+			x.encOmitEmptyLine(f, varname2, buf)
+		}
+		//buf.s(")")
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		buf.s(varname2)
+	case reflect.Map, reflect.Slice, reflect.Array, reflect.Chan:
+		buf.s("len(").s(varname2).s(") != 0")
+	default:
+		buf.s(varname2).s(" != ").s(x.genZeroValueR(t2.Type))
+	}
+func (x *genRunner) encStruct(varname string, rtid uintptr, t reflect.Type) {
+	// Use knowledge from structfieldinfo (mbs, encodable fields. Ignore omitempty. )
+	// replicate code in kStruct i.e. for each field, deref type to non-pointer, and call x.enc on it
+	// if t === type currently running selfer on, do for all
+	ti := x.ti.get(rtid, t)
+	i := x.varsfx()
+	sepVarname := genTempVarPfx + "sep" + i
+	numfieldsvar := genTempVarPfx + "q" + i
+	ti2arrayvar := genTempVarPfx + "r" + i
+	struct2arrvar := genTempVarPfx + "2arr" + i
+	x.line(sepVarname + " := !z.EncBinary()")
+	x.linef("%s := z.EncBasicHandle().StructToArray", struct2arrvar)
+	x.linef("_, _ = %s, %s", sepVarname, struct2arrvar)
+	x.linef("const %s bool = %v // struct tag has 'toArray'", ti2arrayvar, ti.toArray)
+	tisfi := ti.sfiSrc // always use sequence from file. decStruct expects same thing.
+	// var nn int
+	// due to omitEmpty, we need to calculate the
+	// number of non-empty things we write out first.
+	// This is required as we need to pre-determine the size of the container,
+	// to support length-prefixing.
+	if ti.anyOmitEmpty {
+		x.linef("var %s = [%v]bool{ // should field at this index be written?", numfieldsvar, len(tisfi))
+		for j, si := range tisfi {
+			_ = j
+			if !si.omitEmpty() {
+				// x.linef("%s[%v] = true // %s", numfieldsvar, j, si.fieldName)
+				x.linef("true, // %s", si.fieldName)
+				// nn++
+				continue
+			}
+			var t2 reflect.StructField
+			var omitline genBuf
+			{
+				t2typ := t
+				varname3 := varname
+				// go through the loop, record the t2 field explicitly,
+				// and gather the omit line if embedded in pointers.
+				for ij, ix := range {
+					if uint8(ij) == si.nis {
+						break
+					}
+					for t2typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+						t2typ = t2typ.Elem()
+					}
+					t2 = t2typ.Field(int(ix))
+					t2typ = t2.Type
+					varname3 = varname3 + "." + t2.Name
+					// do not include actual field in the omit line.
+					// that is done subsequently (right after - below).
+					if uint8(ij+1) < si.nis && t2typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+						omitline.s(varname3).s(" != nil && ")
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			x.encOmitEmptyLine(t2, varname, &omitline)
+			x.linef("%s, // %s", omitline.v(), si.fieldName)
+		}
+		x.line("}")
+		x.linef("_ = %s", numfieldsvar)
+	}
+	// x.linef("var %snn%s int", genTempVarPfx, i)
+	x.linef("if %s || %s {", ti2arrayvar, struct2arrvar) // if ti.toArray {
+	x.linef("r.WriteArrayStart(%d)", len(tisfi))
+	x.linef("} else {") // if not ti.toArray
+	if ti.anyOmitEmpty {
+		// nn = 0
+		// x.linef("var %snn%s = %v", genTempVarPfx, i, nn)
+		x.linef("var %snn%s int", genTempVarPfx, i)
+		x.linef("for _, b := range %s { if b { %snn%s++ } }", numfieldsvar, genTempVarPfx, i)
+		x.linef("r.WriteMapStart(%snn%s)", genTempVarPfx, i)
+		x.linef("%snn%s = %v", genTempVarPfx, i, 0)
+	} else {
+		x.linef("r.WriteMapStart(%d)", len(tisfi))
+	}
+	x.line("}") // close if not StructToArray
+	for j, si := range tisfi {
+		i := x.varsfx()
+		isNilVarName := genTempVarPfx + "n" + i
+		var labelUsed bool
+		var t2 reflect.StructField
+		{
+			t2typ := t
+			varname3 := varname
+			for ij, ix := range {
+				if uint8(ij) == si.nis {
+					break
+				}
+				for t2typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+					t2typ = t2typ.Elem()
+				}
+				t2 = t2typ.Field(int(ix))
+				t2typ = t2.Type
+				varname3 = varname3 + "." + t2.Name
+				if t2typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+					if !labelUsed {
+						x.line("var " + isNilVarName + " bool")
+					}
+					x.line("if " + varname3 + " == nil { " + isNilVarName + " = true ")
+					x.line("goto LABEL" + i)
+					x.line("}")
+					labelUsed = true
+					// "varname3 = new(" + x.genTypeName(t3.Elem()) + ") }")
+				}
+			}
+			// t2 = t.FieldByIndex(
+		}
+		if labelUsed {
+			x.line("LABEL" + i + ":")
+		}
+		// if the type of the field is a Selfer, or one of the ones
+		x.linef("if %s || %s {", ti2arrayvar, struct2arrvar) // if ti.toArray
+		if labelUsed {
+			x.linef("if %s { r.WriteArrayElem(); r.EncodeNil() } else { ", isNilVarName)
+		}
+		x.line("r.WriteArrayElem()")
+		if si.omitEmpty() {
+			x.linef("if %s[%v] {", numfieldsvar, j)
+		}
+		x.encVar(varname+"."+t2.Name, t2.Type)
+		if si.omitEmpty() {
+			x.linef("} else {")
+			x.encZero(t2.Type)
+			x.linef("}")
+		}
+		if labelUsed {
+			x.line("}")
+		}
+		x.linef("} else {") // if not ti.toArray
+		if si.omitEmpty() {
+			x.linef("if %s[%v] {", numfieldsvar, j)
+		}
+		x.line("r.WriteMapElemKey()")
+		// x.line("r.EncodeString(codecSelferCcUTF8" + x.xs + ", `" + si.encName + "`)")
+		// emulate EncStructFieldKey
+		switch ti.keyType {
+		case valueTypeInt:
+			x.linef("r.EncodeInt(z.M.Int(strconv.ParseInt(`%s`, 10, 64)))", si.encName)
+		case valueTypeUint:
+			x.linef("r.EncodeUint(z.M.Uint(strconv.ParseUint(`%s`, 10, 64)))", si.encName)
+		case valueTypeFloat:
+			x.linef("r.EncodeFloat64(z.M.Float(strconv.ParseFloat(`%s`, 64)))", si.encName)
+		default: // string
+			x.linef("r.EncodeString(codecSelferCcUTF8%s, `%s`)", x.xs, si.encName)
+		}
+		// x.linef("r.EncStructFieldKey(codecSelferValueType%s%s, `%s`)", ti.keyType.String(), x.xs, si.encName)
+		x.line("r.WriteMapElemValue()")
+		if labelUsed {
+			x.line("if " + isNilVarName + " { r.EncodeNil() } else { ")
+			x.encVar(varname+"."+t2.Name, t2.Type)
+			x.line("}")
+		} else {
+			x.encVar(varname+"."+t2.Name, t2.Type)
+		}
+		if si.omitEmpty() {
+			x.line("}")
+		}
+		x.linef("} ") // end if/else ti.toArray
+	}
+	x.linef("if %s || %s {", ti2arrayvar, struct2arrvar) // if ti.toArray {
+	x.line("r.WriteArrayEnd()")
+	x.line("} else {")
+	x.line("r.WriteMapEnd()")
+	x.line("}")
+func (x *genRunner) encListFallback(varname string, t reflect.Type) {
+	elemBytes := t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8
+	if t.AssignableTo(uint8SliceTyp) {
+		x.linef("r.EncodeStringBytes(codecSelferCcRAW%s, []byte(%s))", x.xs, varname)
+		return
+	}
+	if t.Kind() == reflect.Array && elemBytes {
+		x.linef("r.EncodeStringBytes(codecSelferCcRAW%s, ((*[%d]byte)(%s))[:])", x.xs, t.Len(), varname)
+		return
+	}
+	i := x.varsfx()
+	if t.Kind() == reflect.Chan {
+		type ts struct {
+			Label, Chan, Slice, Sfx string
+		}
+		tm, err := template.New("").Parse(genEncChanTmpl)
+		if err != nil {
+			panic(err)
+		}
+		x.linef("if %s == nil { r.EncodeNil() } else { ", varname)
+		x.linef("var sch%s []%s", i, x.genTypeName(t.Elem()))
+		err = tm.Execute(x.w, &ts{"Lsch" + i, varname, "sch" + i, i})
+		if err != nil {
+			panic(err)
+		}
+		// x.linef("%s = sch%s", varname, i)
+		if elemBytes {
+			x.linef("r.EncodeStringBytes(codecSelferCcRAW%s, []byte(%s))", x.xs, "sch"+i)
+			x.line("}")
+			return
+		}
+		varname = "sch" + i
+	}
+	x.line("r.WriteArrayStart(len(" + varname + "))")
+	x.linef("for _, %sv%s := range %s {", genTempVarPfx, i, varname)
+	x.line("r.WriteArrayElem()")
+	x.encVar(genTempVarPfx+"v"+i, t.Elem())
+	x.line("}")
+	x.line("r.WriteArrayEnd()")
+	if t.Kind() == reflect.Chan {
+		x.line("}")
+	}
+func (x *genRunner) encMapFallback(varname string, t reflect.Type) {
+	// TODO: expand this to handle canonical.
+	i := x.varsfx()
+	x.line("r.WriteMapStart(len(" + varname + "))")
+	x.linef("for %sk%s, %sv%s := range %s {", genTempVarPfx, i, genTempVarPfx, i, varname)
+	x.line("r.WriteMapElemKey()")
+	x.encVar(genTempVarPfx+"k"+i, t.Key())
+	x.line("r.WriteMapElemValue()")
+	x.encVar(genTempVarPfx+"v"+i, t.Elem())
+	x.line("}")
+	x.line("r.WriteMapEnd()")
+func (x *genRunner) decVarInitPtr(varname, nilvar string, t reflect.Type, si *structFieldInfo,
+	newbuf, nilbuf *genBuf) (t2 reflect.StructField) {
+	//we must accommodate anonymous fields, where the embedded field is a nil pointer in the value.
+	// t2 = t.FieldByIndex(
+	t2typ := t
+	varname3 := varname
+	t2kind := t2typ.Kind()
+	var nilbufed bool
+	if si != nil {
+		for ij, ix := range {
+			if uint8(ij) == si.nis {
+				break
+			}
+			for t2typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+				t2typ = t2typ.Elem()
+			}
+			t2 = t2typ.Field(int(ix))
+			t2typ = t2.Type
+			varname3 = varname3 + "." + t2.Name
+			t2kind = t2typ.Kind()
+			if t2kind != reflect.Ptr {
+				continue
+			}
+			if newbuf != nil {
+				newbuf.f("if %s == nil { %s = new(%s) }\n", varname3, varname3, x.genTypeName(t2typ.Elem()))
+			}
+			if nilbuf != nil {
+				if !nilbufed {
+					nilbuf.s("if true")
+					nilbufed = true
+				}
+				nilbuf.s(" && ").s(varname3).s(" != nil")
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// if t2typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+	// 	varname3 = varname3 + t2.Name
+	// }
+	if nilbuf != nil {
+		if nilbufed {
+			nilbuf.s(" { ")
+		}
+		if nilvar != "" {
+			nilbuf.s(nilvar).s(" = true")
+		} else if tk := t2typ.Kind(); tk == reflect.Ptr {
+			if strings.IndexByte(varname3, '.') != -1 || strings.IndexByte(varname3, '[') != -1 {
+				nilbuf.s(varname3).s(" = nil")
+			} else {
+				nilbuf.s("*").s(varname3).s(" = ").s(x.genZeroValueR(t2typ.Elem()))
+			}
+		} else {
+			nilbuf.s(varname3).s(" = ").s(x.genZeroValueR(t2typ))
+		}
+		if nilbufed {
+			nilbuf.s("}")
+		}
+	}
+	return t2
+// decVar takes a variable called varname, of type t
+func (x *genRunner) decVarMain(varname, rand string, t reflect.Type, checkNotNil bool) {
+	// We only encode as nil if a nillable value.
+	// This removes some of the wasted checks for TryDecodeAsNil.
+	// We need to think about this more, to see what happens if omitempty, etc
+	// cause a nil value to be stored when something is expected.
+	// This could happen when decoding from a struct encoded as an array.
+	// For that, decVar should be called with canNil=true, to force true as its value.
+	var varname2 string
+	if t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
+		if t.PkgPath() != "" || !x.decTryAssignPrimitive(varname, t, false) {
+			x.dec(varname, t, false)
+		}
+	} else {
+		if checkNotNil {
+			x.linef("if %s == nil { %s = new(%s) }", varname, varname, x.genTypeName(t.Elem()))
+		}
+		// Ensure we set underlying ptr to a non-nil value (so we can deref to it later).
+		// There's a chance of a **T in here which is nil.
+		var ptrPfx string
+		for t = t.Elem(); t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr; t = t.Elem() {
+			ptrPfx += "*"
+			if checkNotNil {
+				x.linef("if %s%s == nil { %s%s = new(%s)}",
+					ptrPfx, varname, ptrPfx, varname, x.genTypeName(t))
+			}
+		}
+		// Should we create temp var if a slice/map indexing? No. dec(...) can now handle it.
+		if ptrPfx == "" {
+			x.dec(varname, t, true)
+		} else {
+			varname2 = genTempVarPfx + "z" + rand
+			x.line(varname2 + " := " + ptrPfx + varname)
+			x.dec(varname2, t, true)
+		}
+	}
+// decVar takes a variable called varname, of type t
+func (x *genRunner) decVar(varname, nilvar string, t reflect.Type, canBeNil, checkNotNil bool) {
+	i := x.varsfx()
+	// We only encode as nil if a nillable value.
+	// This removes some of the wasted checks for TryDecodeAsNil.
+	// We need to think about this more, to see what happens if omitempty, etc
+	// cause a nil value to be stored when something is expected.
+	// This could happen when decoding from a struct encoded as an array.
+	// For that, decVar should be called with canNil=true, to force true as its value.
+	if !canBeNil {
+		canBeNil = genAnythingCanBeNil || !genIsImmutable(t)
+	}
+	if canBeNil {
+		var buf genBuf
+		x.decVarInitPtr(varname, nilvar, t, nil, nil, &buf)
+		x.linef("if r.TryDecodeAsNil() { %s } else {", buf.buf)
+	} else {
+		x.line("// cannot be nil")
+	}
+	x.decVarMain(varname, i, t, checkNotNil)
+	if canBeNil {
+		x.line("} ")
+	}
+// dec will decode a variable (varname) of type t or ptrTo(t) if isptr==true.
+// t is always a basetype (i.e. not of kind reflect.Ptr).
+func (x *genRunner) dec(varname string, t reflect.Type, isptr bool) {
+	// assumptions:
+	//   - the varname is to a pointer already. No need to take address of it
+	//   - t is always a baseType T (not a *T, etc).
+	rtid := rt2id(t)
+	ti2 := x.ti.get(rtid, t)
+	// tptr := reflect.PtrTo(t)
+	if x.checkForSelfer(t, varname) {
+		if ti2.cs || ti2.csp { // t.Implements(selferTyp) || tptr.Implements(selferTyp) {
+			x.line(varname + ".CodecDecodeSelf(d)")
+			return
+		}
+		if _, ok :=[rtid]; ok {
+			x.line(varname + ".CodecDecodeSelf(d)")
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	inlist := false
+	for _, t0 := range x.t {
+		if t == t0 {
+			inlist = true
+			if x.checkForSelfer(t, varname) {
+				x.line(varname + ".CodecDecodeSelf(d)")
+				return
+			}
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	var rtidAdded bool
+	if t == {
+[rtid] = true
+		rtidAdded = true
+	}
+	// check if
+	//   - type is time.Time, Raw, RawExt
+	//   - the type implements (Text|JSON|Binary)(Unm|M)arshal
+	mi := x.varsfx()
+	// x.linef("%sm%s := z.DecBinary()", genTempVarPfx, mi)
+	// x.linef("_ = %sm%s", genTempVarPfx, mi)
+	x.line("if false {")           //start if block
+	defer func() { x.line("}") }() //end if block
+	var ptrPfx, addrPfx string
+	if isptr {
+		ptrPfx = "*"
+	} else {
+		addrPfx = "&"
+	}
+	if t == timeTyp {
+		x.linef("} else { %s%v = r.DecodeTime()", ptrPfx, varname)
+		return
+	}
+	if t == rawTyp {
+		x.linef("} else { %s%v = z.DecRaw()", ptrPfx, varname)
+		return
+	}
+	if t == rawExtTyp {
+		x.linef("} else { r.DecodeExt(%s%v, 0, nil)", addrPfx, varname)
+		return
+	}
+	// only check for extensions if the type is named, and has a packagePath.
+	if !x.nx && genImportPath(t) != "" && t.Name() != "" {
+		// first check if extensions are configued, before doing the interface conversion
+		// x.linef("} else if z.HasExtensions() && z.DecExt(%s) {", varname)
+		yy := fmt.Sprintf("%sxt%s", genTempVarPfx, mi)
+		x.linef("} else if %s := z.Extension(z.I2Rtid(%s)); %s != nil { z.DecExtension(%s, %s) ", yy, varname, yy, varname, yy)
+	}
+	if ti2.bu || ti2.bup { // t.Implements(binaryUnmarshalerTyp) || tptr.Implements(binaryUnmarshalerTyp) {
+		x.linef("} else if z.DecBinary() { z.DecBinaryUnmarshal(%s%v) ", addrPfx, varname)
+	}
+	if ti2.ju || ti2.jup { // t.Implements(jsonUnmarshalerTyp) || tptr.Implements(jsonUnmarshalerTyp) {
+		x.linef("} else if !z.DecBinary() && z.IsJSONHandle() { z.DecJSONUnmarshal(%s%v)", addrPfx, varname)
+	} else if ti2.tu || ti2.tup { // t.Implements(textUnmarshalerTyp) || tptr.Implements(textUnmarshalerTyp) {
+		x.linef("} else if !z.DecBinary() { z.DecTextUnmarshal(%s%v)", addrPfx, varname)
+	}
+	x.line("} else {")
+	if x.decTryAssignPrimitive(varname, t, isptr) {
+		return
+	}
+	switch t.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Array, reflect.Chan:
+		x.xtraSM(varname, t, false, isptr)
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		// if a []uint8, call dedicated function
+		// if a known fastpath slice, call dedicated function
+		// else write encode function in-line.
+		// - if elements are primitives or Selfers, call dedicated function on each member.
+		// - else call Encoder.encode(XXX) on it.
+		if rtid == uint8SliceTypId {
+			x.linef("%s%s = r.DecodeBytes(%s(%s[]byte)(%s), false)",
+				ptrPfx, varname, ptrPfx, ptrPfx, varname)
+		} else if fastpathAV.index(rtid) != -1 {
+			g := x.newGenV(t)
+			x.linef("z.F.%sX(%s%s, d)", g.MethodNamePfx("Dec", false), addrPfx, varname)
+		} else {
+			x.xtraSM(varname, t, false, isptr)
+			// x.decListFallback(varname, rtid, false, t)
+		}
+	case reflect.Map:
+		// if a known fastpath map, call dedicated function
+		// else write encode function in-line.
+		// - if elements are primitives or Selfers, call dedicated function on each member.
+		// - else call Encoder.encode(XXX) on it.
+		if fastpathAV.index(rtid) != -1 {
+			g := x.newGenV(t)
+			x.linef("z.F.%sX(%s%s, d)", g.MethodNamePfx("Dec", false), addrPfx, varname)
+		} else {
+			x.xtraSM(varname, t, false, isptr)
+			// x.decMapFallback(varname, rtid, t)
+		}
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		if inlist {
+			// no need to create temp variable if isptr, or x.F or x[F]
+			if isptr || strings.IndexByte(varname, '.') != -1 || strings.IndexByte(varname, '[') != -1 {
+				x.decStruct(varname, rtid, t)
+			} else {
+				varname2 := genTempVarPfx + "j" + mi
+				x.line(varname2 + " := &" + varname)
+				x.decStruct(varname2, rtid, t)
+			}
+		} else {
+			// delete(, rtid)
+			x.line("z.DecFallback(" + addrPfx + varname + ", false)")
+		}
+	default:
+		if rtidAdded {
+			delete(x.te, rtid)
+		}
+		x.line("z.DecFallback(" + addrPfx + varname + ", true)")
+	}
+func (x *genRunner) decTryAssignPrimitive(varname string, t reflect.Type, isptr bool) (done bool) {
+	// This should only be used for exact primitives (ie un-named types).
+	// Named types may be implementations of Selfer, Unmarshaler, etc.
+	// They should be handled by dec(...)
+	var ptr string
+	if isptr {
+		ptr = "*"
+	}
+	switch t.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Int:
+		x.linef("%s%s = (%s)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), codecSelferBitsize%s))", ptr, varname, x.genTypeName(t), x.xs)
+	case reflect.Int8:
+		x.linef("%s%s = (%s)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), 8))", ptr, varname, x.genTypeName(t))
+	case reflect.Int16:
+		x.linef("%s%s = (%s)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), 16))", ptr, varname, x.genTypeName(t))
+	case reflect.Int32:
+		x.linef("%s%s = (%s)(z.C.IntV(r.DecodeInt64(), 32))", ptr, varname, x.genTypeName(t))
+	case reflect.Int64:
+		x.linef("%s%s = (%s)(r.DecodeInt64())", ptr, varname, x.genTypeName(t))
+	case reflect.Uint:
+		x.linef("%s%s = (%s)(z.C.UintV(r.DecodeUint64(), codecSelferBitsize%s))", ptr, varname, x.genTypeName(t), x.xs)
+	case reflect.Uint8:
+		x.linef("%s%s = (%s)(z.C.UintV(r.DecodeUint64(), 8))", ptr, varname, x.genTypeName(t))
+	case reflect.Uint16:
+		x.linef("%s%s = (%s)(z.C.UintV(r.DecodeUint64(), 16))", ptr, varname, x.genTypeName(t))
+	case reflect.Uint32:
+		x.linef("%s%s = (%s)(z.C.UintV(r.DecodeUint64(), 32))", ptr, varname, x.genTypeName(t))
+	case reflect.Uint64:
+		x.linef("%s%s = (%s)(r.DecodeUint64())", ptr, varname, x.genTypeName(t))
+	case reflect.Uintptr:
+		x.linef("%s%s = (%s)(z.C.UintV(r.DecodeUint64(), codecSelferBitsize%s))", ptr, varname, x.genTypeName(t), x.xs)
+	case reflect.Float32:
+		x.linef("%s%s = (%s)(r.DecodeFloat32As64())", ptr, varname, x.genTypeName(t))
+	case reflect.Float64:
+		x.linef("%s%s = (%s)(r.DecodeFloat64())", ptr, varname, x.genTypeName(t))
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		x.linef("%s%s = (%s)(r.DecodeBool())", ptr, varname, x.genTypeName(t))
+	case reflect.String:
+		x.linef("%s%s = (%s)(r.DecodeString())", ptr, varname, x.genTypeName(t))
+	default:
+		return false
+	}
+	return true
+func (x *genRunner) decListFallback(varname string, rtid uintptr, t reflect.Type) {
+	if t.AssignableTo(uint8SliceTyp) {
+		x.line("*" + varname + " = r.DecodeBytes(*((*[]byte)(" + varname + ")), false)")
+		return
+	}
+	if t.Kind() == reflect.Array && t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
+		x.linef("r.DecodeBytes( ((*[%d]byte)(%s))[:], true)", t.Len(), varname)
+		return
+	}
+	type tstruc struct {
+		TempVar   string
+		Rand      string
+		Varname   string
+		CTyp      string
+		Typ       string
+		Immutable bool
+		Size      int
+	}
+	telem := t.Elem()
+	ts := tstruc{genTempVarPfx, x.varsfx(), varname, x.genTypeName(t), x.genTypeName(telem), genIsImmutable(telem), int(telem.Size())}
+	funcs := make(template.FuncMap)
+	funcs["decLineVar"] = func(varname string) string {
+		x.decVar(varname, "", telem, false, true)
+		return ""
+	}
+	funcs["var"] = func(s string) string {
+		return ts.TempVar + s + ts.Rand
+	}
+	funcs["zero"] = func() string {
+		return x.genZeroValueR(telem)
+	}
+	funcs["isArray"] = func() bool {
+		return t.Kind() == reflect.Array
+	}
+	funcs["isSlice"] = func() bool {
+		return t.Kind() == reflect.Slice
+	}
+	funcs["isChan"] = func() bool {
+		return t.Kind() == reflect.Chan
+	}
+	tm, err := template.New("").Funcs(funcs).Parse(genDecListTmpl)
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	if err = tm.Execute(x.w, &ts); err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+func (x *genRunner) decMapFallback(varname string, rtid uintptr, t reflect.Type) {
+	type tstruc struct {
+		TempVar string
+		Sfx     string
+		Rand    string
+		Varname string
+		KTyp    string
+		Typ     string
+		Size    int
+	}
+	telem := t.Elem()
+	tkey := t.Key()
+	ts := tstruc{
+		genTempVarPfx, x.xs, x.varsfx(), varname, x.genTypeName(tkey),
+		x.genTypeName(telem), int(telem.Size() + tkey.Size()),
+	}
+	funcs := make(template.FuncMap)
+	funcs["decElemZero"] = func() string {
+		return x.genZeroValueR(telem)
+	}
+	funcs["decElemKindImmutable"] = func() bool {
+		return genIsImmutable(telem)
+	}
+	funcs["decElemKindPtr"] = func() bool {
+		return telem.Kind() == reflect.Ptr
+	}
+	funcs["decElemKindIntf"] = func() bool {
+		return telem.Kind() == reflect.Interface
+	}
+	funcs["decLineVarK"] = func(varname string) string {
+		x.decVar(varname, "", tkey, false, true)
+		return ""
+	}
+	funcs["decLineVar"] = func(varname, decodedNilVarname string) string {
+		x.decVar(varname, decodedNilVarname, telem, false, true)
+		return ""
+	}
+	funcs["var"] = func(s string) string {
+		return ts.TempVar + s + ts.Rand
+	}
+	tm, err := template.New("").Funcs(funcs).Parse(genDecMapTmpl)
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	if err = tm.Execute(x.w, &ts); err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+func (x *genRunner) decStructMapSwitch(kName string, varname string, rtid uintptr, t reflect.Type) {
+	ti := x.ti.get(rtid, t)
+	tisfi := ti.sfiSrc // always use sequence from file. decStruct expects same thing.
+	x.line("switch (" + kName + ") {")
+	var newbuf, nilbuf genBuf
+	for _, si := range tisfi {
+		x.line("case \"" + si.encName + "\":")
+		newbuf.reset()
+		nilbuf.reset()
+		t2 := x.decVarInitPtr(varname, "", t, si, &newbuf, &nilbuf)
+		x.linef("if r.TryDecodeAsNil() { %s } else { %s", nilbuf.buf, newbuf.buf)
+		x.decVarMain(varname+"."+t2.Name, x.varsfx(), t2.Type, false)
+		x.line("}")
+	}
+	x.line("default:")
+	// pass the slice here, so that the string will not escape, and maybe save allocation
+	x.line("z.DecStructFieldNotFound(-1, " + kName + ")")
+	x.line("} // end switch " + kName)
+func (x *genRunner) decStructMap(varname, lenvarname string, rtid uintptr, t reflect.Type, style genStructMapStyle) {
+	tpfx := genTempVarPfx
+	ti := x.ti.get(rtid, t)
+	i := x.varsfx()
+	kName := tpfx + "s" + i
+	switch style {
+	case genStructMapStyleLenPrefix:
+		x.linef("for %sj%s := 0; %sj%s < %s; %sj%s++ {", tpfx, i, tpfx, i, lenvarname, tpfx, i)
+	case genStructMapStyleCheckBreak:
+		x.linef("for %sj%s := 0; !r.CheckBreak(); %sj%s++ {", tpfx, i, tpfx, i)
+	default: // 0, otherwise.
+		x.linef("var %shl%s bool = %s >= 0", tpfx, i, lenvarname) // has length
+		x.linef("for %sj%s := 0; ; %sj%s++ {", tpfx, i, tpfx, i)
+		x.linef("if %shl%s { if %sj%s >= %s { break }", tpfx, i, tpfx, i, lenvarname)
+		x.line("} else { if r.CheckBreak() { break }; }")
+	}
+	x.line("r.ReadMapElemKey()")
+	// emulate decstructfieldkey
+	switch ti.keyType {
+	case valueTypeInt:
+		x.linef("%s := z.StringView(strconv.AppendInt(z.DecScratchArrayBuffer()[:0], r.DecodeInt64(), 10))", kName)
+	case valueTypeUint:
+		x.linef("%s := z.StringView(strconv.AppendUint(z.DecScratchArrayBuffer()[:0], r.DecodeUint64(), 10))", kName)
+	case valueTypeFloat:
+		x.linef("%s := z.StringView(strconv.AppendFloat(z.DecScratchArrayBuffer()[:0], r.DecodeFloat64(), 'f', -1, 64))", kName)
+	default: // string
+		x.linef("%s := z.StringView(r.DecodeStringAsBytes())", kName)
+	}
+	// x.linef("%s := z.StringView(r.DecStructFieldKey(codecSelferValueType%s%s, z.DecScratchArrayBuffer()))", kName, ti.keyType.String(), x.xs)
+	x.line("r.ReadMapElemValue()")
+	x.decStructMapSwitch(kName, varname, rtid, t)
+	x.line("} // end for " + tpfx + "j" + i)
+	x.line("r.ReadMapEnd()")
+func (x *genRunner) decStructArray(varname, lenvarname, breakString string, rtid uintptr, t reflect.Type) {
+	tpfx := genTempVarPfx
+	i := x.varsfx()
+	ti := x.ti.get(rtid, t)
+	tisfi := ti.sfiSrc // always use sequence from file. decStruct expects same thing.
+	x.linef("var %sj%s int", tpfx, i)
+	x.linef("var %sb%s bool", tpfx, i)                        // break
+	x.linef("var %shl%s bool = %s >= 0", tpfx, i, lenvarname) // has length
+	var newbuf, nilbuf genBuf
+	for _, si := range tisfi {
+		x.linef("%sj%s++; if %shl%s { %sb%s = %sj%s > %s } else { %sb%s = r.CheckBreak() }",
+			tpfx, i, tpfx, i, tpfx, i,
+			tpfx, i, lenvarname, tpfx, i)
+		x.linef("if %sb%s { r.ReadArrayEnd(); %s }", tpfx, i, breakString)
+		x.line("r.ReadArrayElem()")
+		newbuf.reset()
+		nilbuf.reset()
+		t2 := x.decVarInitPtr(varname, "", t, si, &newbuf, &nilbuf)
+		x.linef("if r.TryDecodeAsNil() { %s } else { %s", nilbuf.buf, newbuf.buf)
+		x.decVarMain(varname+"."+t2.Name, x.varsfx(), t2.Type, false)
+		x.line("}")
+	}
+	// read remaining values and throw away.
+	x.line("for {")
+	x.linef("%sj%s++; if %shl%s { %sb%s = %sj%s > %s } else { %sb%s = r.CheckBreak() }",
+		tpfx, i, tpfx, i, tpfx, i,
+		tpfx, i, lenvarname, tpfx, i)
+	x.linef("if %sb%s { break }", tpfx, i)
+	x.line("r.ReadArrayElem()")
+	x.linef(`z.DecStructFieldNotFound(%sj%s - 1, "")`, tpfx, i)
+	x.line("}")
+	x.line("r.ReadArrayEnd()")
+func (x *genRunner) decStruct(varname string, rtid uintptr, t reflect.Type) {
+	// varname MUST be a ptr, or a struct field or a slice element.
+	i := x.varsfx()
+	x.linef("%sct%s := r.ContainerType()", genTempVarPfx, i)
+	x.linef("if %sct%s == codecSelferValueTypeMap%s {", genTempVarPfx, i, x.xs)
+	x.line(genTempVarPfx + "l" + i + " := r.ReadMapStart()")
+	x.linef("if %sl%s == 0 {", genTempVarPfx, i)
+	x.line("r.ReadMapEnd()")
+	if genUseOneFunctionForDecStructMap {
+		x.line("} else { ")
+		x.linef("%s.codecDecodeSelfFromMap(%sl%s, d)", varname, genTempVarPfx, i)
+	} else {
+		x.line("} else if " + genTempVarPfx + "l" + i + " > 0 { ")
+		x.line(varname + ".codecDecodeSelfFromMapLenPrefix(" + genTempVarPfx + "l" + i + ", d)")
+		x.line("} else {")
+		x.line(varname + ".codecDecodeSelfFromMapCheckBreak(" + genTempVarPfx + "l" + i + ", d)")
+	}
+	x.line("}")
+	// else if container is array
+	x.linef("} else if %sct%s == codecSelferValueTypeArray%s {", genTempVarPfx, i, x.xs)
+	x.line(genTempVarPfx + "l" + i + " := r.ReadArrayStart()")
+	x.linef("if %sl%s == 0 {", genTempVarPfx, i)
+	x.line("r.ReadArrayEnd()")
+	x.line("} else { ")
+	x.linef("%s.codecDecodeSelfFromArray(%sl%s, d)", varname, genTempVarPfx, i)
+	x.line("}")
+	// else panic
+	x.line("} else { ")
+	x.line("panic(errCodecSelferOnlyMapOrArrayEncodeToStruct" + x.xs + ")")
+	x.line("} ")
+// --------
+type genV struct {
+	// genV is either a primitive (Primitive != "") or a map (MapKey != "") or a slice
+	MapKey    string
+	Elem      string
+	Primitive string
+	Size      int
+func (x *genRunner) newGenV(t reflect.Type) (v genV) {
+	switch t.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
+		te := t.Elem()
+		v.Elem = x.genTypeName(te)
+		v.Size = int(te.Size())
+	case reflect.Map:
+		te, tk := t.Elem(), t.Key()
+		v.Elem = x.genTypeName(te)
+		v.MapKey = x.genTypeName(tk)
+		v.Size = int(te.Size() + tk.Size())
+	default:
+		panic("unexpected type for newGenV. Requires map or slice type")
+	}
+	return
+func (x *genV) MethodNamePfx(prefix string, prim bool) string {
+	var name []byte
+	if prefix != "" {
+		name = append(name, prefix...)
+	}
+	if prim {
+		name = append(name, genTitleCaseName(x.Primitive)...)
+	} else {
+		if x.MapKey == "" {
+			name = append(name, "Slice"...)
+		} else {
+			name = append(name, "Map"...)
+			name = append(name, genTitleCaseName(x.MapKey)...)
+		}
+		name = append(name, genTitleCaseName(x.Elem)...)
+	}
+	return string(name)
+// genImportPath returns import path of a non-predeclared named typed, or an empty string otherwise.
+// This handles the misbehaviour that occurs when 1.5-style vendoring is enabled,
+// where PkgPath returns the full path, including the vendoring pre-fix that should have been stripped.
+// We strip it here.
+func genImportPath(t reflect.Type) (s string) {
+	s = t.PkgPath()
+	if genCheckVendor {
+		// HACK: always handle vendoring. It should be typically on in go 1.6, 1.7
+		s = genStripVendor(s)
+	}
+	return
+// A go identifier is (letter|_)[letter|number|_]*
+func genGoIdentifier(s string, checkFirstChar bool) string {
+	b := make([]byte, 0, len(s))
+	t := make([]byte, 4)
+	var n int
+	for i, r := range s {
+		if checkFirstChar && i == 0 && !unicode.IsLetter(r) {
+			b = append(b, '_')
+		}
+		// r must be unicode_letter, unicode_digit or _
+		if unicode.IsLetter(r) || unicode.IsDigit(r) {
+			n = utf8.EncodeRune(t, r)
+			b = append(b, t[:n]...)
+		} else {
+			b = append(b, '_')
+		}
+	}
+	return string(b)
+func genNonPtr(t reflect.Type) reflect.Type {
+	for t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		t = t.Elem()
+	}
+	return t
+func genTitleCaseName(s string) string {
+	switch s {
+	case "interface{}", "interface {}":
+		return "Intf"
+	default:
+		return strings.ToUpper(s[0:1]) + s[1:]
+	}
+func genMethodNameT(t reflect.Type, tRef reflect.Type) (n string) {
+	var ptrPfx string
+	for t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		ptrPfx += "Ptrto"
+		t = t.Elem()
+	}
+	tstr := t.String()
+	if tn := t.Name(); tn != "" {
+		if tRef != nil && genImportPath(t) == genImportPath(tRef) {
+			return ptrPfx + tn
+		} else {
+			if genQNameRegex.MatchString(tstr) {
+				return ptrPfx + strings.Replace(tstr, ".", "_", 1000)
+			} else {
+				return ptrPfx + genCustomTypeName(tstr)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	switch t.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Map:
+		return ptrPfx + "Map" + genMethodNameT(t.Key(), tRef) + genMethodNameT(t.Elem(), tRef)
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		return ptrPfx + "Slice" + genMethodNameT(t.Elem(), tRef)
+	case reflect.Array:
+		return ptrPfx + "Array" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(t.Len()), 10) + genMethodNameT(t.Elem(), tRef)
+	case reflect.Chan:
+		var cx string
+		switch t.ChanDir() {
+		case reflect.SendDir:
+			cx = "ChanSend"
+		case reflect.RecvDir:
+			cx = "ChanRecv"
+		default:
+			cx = "Chan"
+		}
+		return ptrPfx + cx + genMethodNameT(t.Elem(), tRef)
+	default:
+		if t == intfTyp {
+			return ptrPfx + "Interface"
+		} else {
+			if tRef != nil && genImportPath(t) == genImportPath(tRef) {
+				if t.Name() != "" {
+					return ptrPfx + t.Name()
+				} else {
+					return ptrPfx + genCustomTypeName(tstr)
+				}
+			} else {
+				// best way to get the package name inclusive
+				// return ptrPfx + strings.Replace(tstr, ".", "_", 1000)
+				// return ptrPfx + genBase64enc.EncodeToString([]byte(tstr))
+				if t.Name() != "" && genQNameRegex.MatchString(tstr) {
+					return ptrPfx + strings.Replace(tstr, ".", "_", 1000)
+				} else {
+					return ptrPfx + genCustomTypeName(tstr)
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+// genCustomNameForType base64encodes the t.String() value in such a way
+// that it can be used within a function name.
+func genCustomTypeName(tstr string) string {
+	len2 := genBase64enc.EncodedLen(len(tstr))
+	bufx := make([]byte, len2)
+	genBase64enc.Encode(bufx, []byte(tstr))
+	for i := len2 - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+		if bufx[i] == '=' {
+			len2--
+		} else {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	return string(bufx[:len2])
+func genIsImmutable(t reflect.Type) (v bool) {
+	return isImmutableKind(t.Kind())
+type genInternal struct {
+	Version int
+	Values  []genV
+func (x genInternal) FastpathLen() (l int) {
+	for _, v := range x.Values {
+		if v.Primitive == "" && !(v.MapKey == "" && v.Elem == "uint8") {
+			l++
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func genInternalZeroValue(s string) string {
+	switch s {
+	case "interface{}", "interface {}":
+		return "nil"
+	case "bool":
+		return "false"
+	case "string":
+		return `""`
+	default:
+		return "0"
+	}
+var genInternalNonZeroValueIdx [5]uint64
+var genInternalNonZeroValueStrs = [2][5]string{
+	{`"string-is-an-interface"`, "true", `"some-string"`, "11.1", "33"},
+	{`"string-is-an-interface-2"`, "true", `"some-string-2"`, "22.2", "44"},
+func genInternalNonZeroValue(s string) string {
+	switch s {
+	case "interface{}", "interface {}":
+		genInternalNonZeroValueIdx[0]++
+		return genInternalNonZeroValueStrs[genInternalNonZeroValueIdx[0]%2][0] // return string, to remove ambiguity
+	case "bool":
+		genInternalNonZeroValueIdx[1]++
+		return genInternalNonZeroValueStrs[genInternalNonZeroValueIdx[1]%2][1]
+	case "string":
+		genInternalNonZeroValueIdx[2]++
+		return genInternalNonZeroValueStrs[genInternalNonZeroValueIdx[2]%2][2]
+	case "float32", "float64", "float", "double":
+		genInternalNonZeroValueIdx[3]++
+		return genInternalNonZeroValueStrs[genInternalNonZeroValueIdx[3]%2][3]
+	default:
+		genInternalNonZeroValueIdx[4]++
+		return genInternalNonZeroValueStrs[genInternalNonZeroValueIdx[4]%2][4]
+	}
+func genInternalEncCommandAsString(s string, vname string) string {
+	switch s {
+	case "uint", "uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64":
+		return "ee.EncodeUint(uint64(" + vname + "))"
+	case "int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64":
+		return "ee.EncodeInt(int64(" + vname + "))"
+	case "string":
+		return "ee.EncodeString(cUTF8, " + vname + ")"
+	case "float32":
+		return "ee.EncodeFloat32(" + vname + ")"
+	case "float64":
+		return "ee.EncodeFloat64(" + vname + ")"
+	case "bool":
+		return "ee.EncodeBool(" + vname + ")"
+	// case "symbol":
+	// 	return "ee.EncodeSymbol(" + vname + ")"
+	default:
+		return "e.encode(" + vname + ")"
+	}
+func genInternalDecCommandAsString(s string) string {
+	switch s {
+	case "uint":
+		return "uint(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))"
+	case "uint8":
+		return "uint8(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 8))"
+	case "uint16":
+		return "uint16(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 16))"
+	case "uint32":
+		return "uint32(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), 32))"
+	case "uint64":
+		return "dd.DecodeUint64()"
+	case "uintptr":
+		return "uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(dd.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))"
+	case "int":
+		return "int(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))"
+	case "int8":
+		return "int8(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 8))"
+	case "int16":
+		return "int16(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 16))"
+	case "int32":
+		return "int32(chkOvf.IntV(dd.DecodeInt64(), 32))"
+	case "int64":
+		return "dd.DecodeInt64()"
+	case "string":
+		return "dd.DecodeString()"
+	case "float32":
+		return "float32(chkOvf.Float32V(dd.DecodeFloat64()))"
+	case "float64":
+		return "dd.DecodeFloat64()"
+	case "bool":
+		return "dd.DecodeBool()"
+	default:
+		panic(errors.New("gen internal: unknown type for decode: " + s))
+	}
+func genInternalSortType(s string, elem bool) string {
+	for _, v := range [...]string{"int", "uint", "float", "bool", "string"} {
+		if strings.HasPrefix(s, v) {
+			if elem {
+				if v == "int" || v == "uint" || v == "float" {
+					return v + "64"
+				} else {
+					return v
+				}
+			}
+			return v + "Slice"
+		}
+	}
+	panic("sorttype: unexpected type: " + s)
+func genStripVendor(s string) string {
+	// HACK: Misbehaviour occurs in go 1.5. May have to re-visit this later.
+	// if s contains /vendor/ OR startsWith vendor/, then return everything after it.
+	const vendorStart = "vendor/"
+	const vendorInline = "/vendor/"
+	if i := strings.LastIndex(s, vendorInline); i >= 0 {
+		s = s[i+len(vendorInline):]
+	} else if strings.HasPrefix(s, vendorStart) {
+		s = s[len(vendorStart):]
+	}
+	return s
+// var genInternalMu sync.Mutex
+var genInternalV = genInternal{Version: genVersion}
+var genInternalTmplFuncs template.FuncMap
+var genInternalOnce sync.Once
+func genInternalInit() {
+	types := [...]string{
+		"interface{}",
+		"string",
+		"float32",
+		"float64",
+		"uint",
+		"uint8",
+		"uint16",
+		"uint32",
+		"uint64",
+		"uintptr",
+		"int",
+		"int8",
+		"int16",
+		"int32",
+		"int64",
+		"bool",
+	}
+	// keep as slice, so it is in specific iteration order.
+	// Initial order was uint64, string, interface{}, int, int64
+	mapvaltypes := [...]string{
+		"interface{}",
+		"string",
+		"uint",
+		"uint8",
+		"uint16",
+		"uint32",
+		"uint64",
+		"uintptr",
+		"int",
+		"int8",
+		"int16",
+		"int32",
+		"int64",
+		"float32",
+		"float64",
+		"bool",
+	}
+	wordSizeBytes := int(intBitsize) / 8
+	mapvaltypes2 := map[string]int{
+		"interface{}": 2 * wordSizeBytes,
+		"string":      2 * wordSizeBytes,
+		"uint":        1 * wordSizeBytes,
+		"uint8":       1,
+		"uint16":      2,
+		"uint32":      4,
+		"uint64":      8,
+		"uintptr":     1 * wordSizeBytes,
+		"int":         1 * wordSizeBytes,
+		"int8":        1,
+		"int16":       2,
+		"int32":       4,
+		"int64":       8,
+		"float32":     4,
+		"float64":     8,
+		"bool":        1,
+	}
+	var gt = genInternal{Version: genVersion}
+	// For each slice or map type, there must be a (symmetrical) Encode and Decode fast-path function
+	for _, s := range types {
+		gt.Values = append(gt.Values, genV{Primitive: s, Size: mapvaltypes2[s]})
+		// if s != "uint8" { // do not generate fast path for slice of bytes. Treat specially already.
+		// 	gt.Values = append(gt.Values, genV{Elem: s, Size: mapvaltypes2[s]})
+		// }
+		gt.Values = append(gt.Values, genV{Elem: s, Size: mapvaltypes2[s]})
+		if _, ok := mapvaltypes2[s]; !ok {
+			gt.Values = append(gt.Values, genV{MapKey: s, Elem: s, Size: 2 * mapvaltypes2[s]})
+		}
+		for _, ms := range mapvaltypes {
+			gt.Values = append(gt.Values, genV{MapKey: s, Elem: ms, Size: mapvaltypes2[s] + mapvaltypes2[ms]})
+		}
+	}
+	funcs := make(template.FuncMap)
+	// funcs["haspfx"] = strings.HasPrefix
+	funcs["encmd"] = genInternalEncCommandAsString
+	funcs["decmd"] = genInternalDecCommandAsString
+	funcs["zerocmd"] = genInternalZeroValue
+	funcs["nonzerocmd"] = genInternalNonZeroValue
+	funcs["hasprefix"] = strings.HasPrefix
+	funcs["sorttype"] = genInternalSortType
+	genInternalV = gt
+	genInternalTmplFuncs = funcs
+// genInternalGoFile is used to generate source files from templates.
+// It is run by the program author alone.
+// Unfortunately, it has to be exported so that it can be called from a command line tool.
+// *** DO NOT USE ***
+func genInternalGoFile(r io.Reader, w io.Writer) (err error) {
+	genInternalOnce.Do(genInternalInit)
+	gt := genInternalV
+	t := template.New("").Funcs(genInternalTmplFuncs)
+	tmplstr, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	if t, err = t.Parse(string(tmplstr)); err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	var out bytes.Buffer
+	err = t.Execute(&out, gt)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	bout, err := format.Source(out.Bytes())
+	if err != nil {
+		w.Write(out.Bytes()) // write out if error, so we can still see.
+		// w.Write(bout) // write out if error, as much as possible, so we can still see.
+		return
+	}
+	w.Write(bout)
+	return
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ddbe20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build go1.5
+package codec
+import "reflect"
+const reflectArrayOfSupported = true
+func reflectArrayOf(count int, elem reflect.Type) reflect.Type {
+	return reflect.ArrayOf(count, elem)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5fcd66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build !go1.5
+package codec
+import "reflect"
+const reflectArrayOfSupported = false
+func reflectArrayOf(count int, elem reflect.Type) reflect.Type {
+	panic("codec: reflect.ArrayOf unsupported in this go version")
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc39d6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build go1.9
+package codec
+import "reflect"
+func makeMapReflect(t reflect.Type, size int) reflect.Value {
+	if size < 0 {
+		return reflect.MakeMapWithSize(t, 4)
+	}
+	return reflect.MakeMapWithSize(t, size)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cde4cd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build !go1.9
+package codec
+import "reflect"
+func makeMapReflect(t reflect.Type, size int) reflect.Value {
+	return reflect.MakeMap(t)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..794133a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build go1.10
+package codec
+const allowSetUnexportedEmbeddedPtr = false
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd92ede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build !go1.10
+package codec
+const allowSetUnexportedEmbeddedPtr = true
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8debfa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build !go1.4
+package codec
+// This codec package will only work for go1.4 and above.
+// This is for the following reasons:
+//   - go 1.4 was released in 2014
+//   - go runtime is written fully in go
+//   - interface only holds pointers
+//   - reflect.Value is stabilized as 3 words
+func init() {
+	panic("codec: go 1.3 and below are not supported")
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f1bb01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build go1.5,!go1.6
+package codec
+import "os"
+var genCheckVendor = os.Getenv("GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT") == "1"
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fb4b05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build go1.6,!go1.7
+package codec
+import "os"
+var genCheckVendor = os.Getenv("GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT") != "0"
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5b8155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build go1.7
+package codec
+const genCheckVendor = true
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..837cf24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build !go1.5
+package codec
+var genCheckVendor = false
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd29895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,2414 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+package codec
+// Contains code shared by both encode and decode.
+// Some shared ideas around encoding/decoding
+// ------------------------------------------
+// If an interface{} is passed, we first do a type assertion to see if it is
+// a primitive type or a map/slice of primitive types, and use a fastpath to handle it.
+// If we start with a reflect.Value, we are already in reflect.Value land and
+// will try to grab the function for the underlying Type and directly call that function.
+// This is more performant than calling reflect.Value.Interface().
+// This still helps us bypass many layers of reflection, and give best performance.
+// Containers
+// ------------
+// Containers in the stream are either associative arrays (key-value pairs) or
+// regular arrays (indexed by incrementing integers).
+// Some streams support indefinite-length containers, and use a breaking
+// byte-sequence to denote that the container has come to an end.
+// Some streams also are text-based, and use explicit separators to denote the
+// end/beginning of different values.
+// During encode, we use a high-level condition to determine how to iterate through
+// the container. That decision is based on whether the container is text-based (with
+// separators) or binary (without separators). If binary, we do not even call the
+// encoding of separators.
+// During decode, we use a different high-level condition to determine how to iterate
+// through the containers. That decision is based on whether the stream contained
+// a length prefix, or if it used explicit breaks. If length-prefixed, we assume that
+// it has to be binary, and we do not even try to read separators.
+// Philosophy
+// ------------
+// On decode, this codec will update containers appropriately:
+//    - If struct, update fields from stream into fields of struct.
+//      If field in stream not found in struct, handle appropriately (based on option).
+//      If a struct field has no corresponding value in the stream, leave it AS IS.
+//      If nil in stream, set value to nil/zero value.
+//    - If map, update map from stream.
+//      If the stream value is NIL, set the map to nil.
+//    - if slice, try to update up to length of array in stream.
+//      if container len is less than stream array length,
+//      and container cannot be expanded, handled (based on option).
+//      This means you can decode 4-element stream array into 1-element array.
+// ------------------------------------
+// On encode, user can specify omitEmpty. This means that the value will be omitted
+// if the zero value. The problem may occur during decode, where omitted values do not affect
+// the value being decoded into. This means that if decoding into a struct with an
+// int field with current value=5, and the field is omitted in the stream, then after
+// decoding, the value will still be 5 (not 0).
+// omitEmpty only works if you guarantee that you always decode into zero-values.
+// ------------------------------------
+// We could have truncated a map to remove keys not available in the stream,
+// or set values in the struct which are not in the stream to their zero values.
+// We decided against it because there is no efficient way to do it.
+// We may introduce it as an option later.
+// However, that will require enabling it for both runtime and code generation modes.
+// To support truncate, we need to do 2 passes over the container:
+//   map
+//   - first collect all keys (e.g. in k1)
+//   - for each key in stream, mark k1 that the key should not be removed
+//   - after updating map, do second pass and call delete for all keys in k1 which are not marked
+//   struct:
+//   - for each field, track the *typeInfo s1
+//   - iterate through all s1, and for each one not marked, set value to zero
+//   - this involves checking the possible anonymous fields which are nil ptrs.
+//     too much work.
+// ------------------------------------------
+// Error Handling is done within the library using panic.
+// This way, the code doesn't have to keep checking if an error has happened,
+// and we don't have to keep sending the error value along with each call
+// or storing it in the En|Decoder and checking it constantly along the way.
+// The disadvantage is that small functions which use panics cannot be inlined.
+// The code accounts for that by only using panics behind an interface;
+// since interface calls cannot be inlined, this is irrelevant.
+// We considered storing the error is En|Decoder.
+//   - once it has its err field set, it cannot be used again.
+//   - panicing will be optional, controlled by const flag.
+//   - code should always check error first and return early.
+// We eventually decided against it as it makes the code clumsier to always
+// check for these error conditions.
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"encoding"
+	"encoding/binary"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"math"
+	"reflect"
+	"sort"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+const (
+	scratchByteArrayLen = 32
+	// initCollectionCap   = 16 // 32 is defensive. 16 is preferred.
+	// Support encoding.(Binary|Text)(Unm|M)arshaler.
+	// This constant flag will enable or disable it.
+	supportMarshalInterfaces = true
+	// for debugging, set this to false, to catch panic traces.
+	// Note that this will always cause rpc tests to fail, since they need io.EOF sent via panic.
+	recoverPanicToErr = true
+	// arrayCacheLen is the length of the cache used in encoder or decoder for
+	// allowing zero-alloc initialization.
+	arrayCacheLen = 8
+	// size of the cacheline: defaulting to value for archs: amd64, arm64, 386
+	// should use "runtime/internal/sys".CacheLineSize, but that is not exposed.
+	cacheLineSize = 64
+	wordSizeBits = 32 << (^uint(0) >> 63) // strconv.IntSize
+	wordSize     = wordSizeBits / 8
+	maxLevelsEmbedding = 15 // use this, so structFieldInfo fits into 8 bytes
+var (
+	oneByteArr    = [1]byte{0}
+	zeroByteSlice = oneByteArr[:0:0]
+var refBitset bitset32
+var pool pooler
+var panicv panicHdl
+func init() {
+	pool.init()
+	refBitset.set(byte(reflect.Map))
+	refBitset.set(byte(reflect.Ptr))
+	refBitset.set(byte(reflect.Func))
+	refBitset.set(byte(reflect.Chan))
+type charEncoding uint8
+const (
+	cRAW charEncoding = iota
+	cUTF8
+	cUTF16LE
+	cUTF16BE
+	cUTF32LE
+	cUTF32BE
+// valueType is the stream type
+type valueType uint8
+const (
+	valueTypeUnset valueType = iota
+	valueTypeNil
+	valueTypeInt
+	valueTypeUint
+	valueTypeFloat
+	valueTypeBool
+	valueTypeString
+	valueTypeSymbol
+	valueTypeBytes
+	valueTypeMap
+	valueTypeArray
+	valueTypeTime
+	valueTypeExt
+	// valueTypeInvalid = 0xff
+var valueTypeStrings = [...]string{
+	"Unset",
+	"Nil",
+	"Int",
+	"Uint",
+	"Float",
+	"Bool",
+	"String",
+	"Symbol",
+	"Bytes",
+	"Map",
+	"Array",
+	"Timestamp",
+	"Ext",
+func (x valueType) String() string {
+	if int(x) < len(valueTypeStrings) {
+		return valueTypeStrings[x]
+	}
+	return strconv.FormatInt(int64(x), 10)
+type seqType uint8
+const (
+	_ seqType = iota
+	seqTypeArray
+	seqTypeSlice
+	seqTypeChan
+// note that containerMapStart and containerArraySend are not sent.
+// This is because the ReadXXXStart and EncodeXXXStart already does these.
+type containerState uint8
+const (
+	_ containerState = iota
+	containerMapStart // slot left open, since Driver method already covers it
+	containerMapKey
+	containerMapValue
+	containerMapEnd
+	containerArrayStart // slot left open, since Driver methods already cover it
+	containerArrayElem
+	containerArrayEnd
+// // sfiIdx used for tracking where a (field/enc)Name is seen in a []*structFieldInfo
+// type sfiIdx struct {
+// 	name  string
+// 	index int
+// }
+// do not recurse if a containing type refers to an embedded type
+// which refers back to its containing type (via a pointer).
+// The second time this back-reference happens, break out,
+// so as not to cause an infinite loop.
+const rgetMaxRecursion = 2
+// Anecdotally, we believe most types have <= 12 fields.
+// - even Java's PMD rules set TooManyFields threshold to 15.
+// However, go has embedded fields, which should be regarded as
+// top level, allowing structs to possibly double or triple.
+// In addition, we don't want to keep creating transient arrays,
+// especially for the sfi index tracking, and the evtypes tracking.
+// So - try to keep typeInfoLoadArray within 2K bytes
+const (
+	typeInfoLoadArraySfisLen   = 16
+	typeInfoLoadArraySfiidxLen = 8 * 112
+	typeInfoLoadArrayEtypesLen = 12
+	typeInfoLoadArrayBLen      = 8 * 4
+type typeInfoLoad struct {
+	// fNames   []string
+	// encNames []string
+	etypes []uintptr
+	sfis   []structFieldInfo
+type typeInfoLoadArray struct {
+	// fNames   [typeInfoLoadArrayLen]string
+	// encNames [typeInfoLoadArrayLen]string
+	sfis   [typeInfoLoadArraySfisLen]structFieldInfo
+	sfiidx [typeInfoLoadArraySfiidxLen]byte
+	etypes [typeInfoLoadArrayEtypesLen]uintptr
+	b      [typeInfoLoadArrayBLen]byte // scratch - used for struct field names
+// mirror json.Marshaler and json.Unmarshaler here,
+// so we don't import the encoding/json package
+type jsonMarshaler interface {
+	MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
+type jsonUnmarshaler interface {
+	UnmarshalJSON([]byte) error
+type isZeroer interface {
+	IsZero() bool
+// type byteAccepter func(byte) bool
+var (
+	bigen               = binary.BigEndian
+	structInfoFieldName = "_struct"
+	mapStrIntfTyp  = reflect.TypeOf(map[string]interface{}(nil))
+	mapIntfIntfTyp = reflect.TypeOf(map[interface{}]interface{}(nil))
+	intfSliceTyp   = reflect.TypeOf([]interface{}(nil))
+	intfTyp        = intfSliceTyp.Elem()
+	reflectValTyp = reflect.TypeOf((*reflect.Value)(nil)).Elem()
+	stringTyp     = reflect.TypeOf("")
+	timeTyp       = reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{})
+	rawExtTyp     = reflect.TypeOf(RawExt{})
+	rawTyp        = reflect.TypeOf(Raw{})
+	uintptrTyp    = reflect.TypeOf(uintptr(0))
+	uint8Typ      = reflect.TypeOf(uint8(0))
+	uint8SliceTyp = reflect.TypeOf([]uint8(nil))
+	uintTyp       = reflect.TypeOf(uint(0))
+	intTyp        = reflect.TypeOf(int(0))
+	mapBySliceTyp = reflect.TypeOf((*MapBySlice)(nil)).Elem()
+	binaryMarshalerTyp   = reflect.TypeOf((*encoding.BinaryMarshaler)(nil)).Elem()
+	binaryUnmarshalerTyp = reflect.TypeOf((*encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler)(nil)).Elem()
+	textMarshalerTyp   = reflect.TypeOf((*encoding.TextMarshaler)(nil)).Elem()
+	textUnmarshalerTyp = reflect.TypeOf((*encoding.TextUnmarshaler)(nil)).Elem()
+	jsonMarshalerTyp   = reflect.TypeOf((*jsonMarshaler)(nil)).Elem()
+	jsonUnmarshalerTyp = reflect.TypeOf((*jsonUnmarshaler)(nil)).Elem()
+	selferTyp = reflect.TypeOf((*Selfer)(nil)).Elem()
+	iszeroTyp = reflect.TypeOf((*isZeroer)(nil)).Elem()
+	uint8TypId      = rt2id(uint8Typ)
+	uint8SliceTypId = rt2id(uint8SliceTyp)
+	rawExtTypId     = rt2id(rawExtTyp)
+	rawTypId        = rt2id(rawTyp)
+	intfTypId       = rt2id(intfTyp)
+	timeTypId       = rt2id(timeTyp)
+	stringTypId     = rt2id(stringTyp)
+	mapStrIntfTypId  = rt2id(mapStrIntfTyp)
+	mapIntfIntfTypId = rt2id(mapIntfIntfTyp)
+	intfSliceTypId   = rt2id(intfSliceTyp)
+	// mapBySliceTypId  = rt2id(mapBySliceTyp)
+	intBitsize  = uint8(intTyp.Bits())
+	uintBitsize = uint8(uintTyp.Bits())
+	bsAll0x00 = []byte{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
+	bsAll0xff = []byte{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}
+	chkOvf checkOverflow
+	errNoFieldNameToStructFieldInfo = errors.New("no field name passed to parseStructFieldInfo")
+var defTypeInfos = NewTypeInfos([]string{"codec", "json"})
+var immutableKindsSet = [32]bool{
+	// reflect.Invalid:  ,
+	reflect.Bool:       true,
+	reflect.Int:        true,
+	reflect.Int8:       true,
+	reflect.Int16:      true,
+	reflect.Int32:      true,
+	reflect.Int64:      true,
+	reflect.Uint:       true,
+	reflect.Uint8:      true,
+	reflect.Uint16:     true,
+	reflect.Uint32:     true,
+	reflect.Uint64:     true,
+	reflect.Uintptr:    true,
+	reflect.Float32:    true,
+	reflect.Float64:    true,
+	reflect.Complex64:  true,
+	reflect.Complex128: true,
+	// reflect.Array
+	// reflect.Chan
+	// reflect.Func: true,
+	// reflect.Interface
+	// reflect.Map
+	// reflect.Ptr
+	// reflect.Slice
+	reflect.String: true,
+	// reflect.Struct
+	// reflect.UnsafePointer
+// Selfer defines methods by which a value can encode or decode itself.
+// Any type which implements Selfer will be able to encode or decode itself.
+// Consequently, during (en|de)code, this takes precedence over
+// (text|binary)(M|Unm)arshal or extension support.
+// Note: *the first set of bytes of any value MUST NOT represent nil in the format*.
+// This is because, during each decode, we first check the the next set of bytes
+// represent nil, and if so, we just set the value to nil.
+type Selfer interface {
+	CodecEncodeSelf(*Encoder)
+	CodecDecodeSelf(*Decoder)
+// MapBySlice is a tag interface that denotes wrapped slice should encode as a map in the stream.
+// The slice contains a sequence of key-value pairs.
+// This affords storing a map in a specific sequence in the stream.
+// Example usage:
+//    type T1 []string         // or []int or []Point or any other "slice" type
+//    func (_ T1) MapBySlice{} // T1 now implements MapBySlice, and will be encoded as a map
+//    type T2 struct { KeyValues T1 }
+//    var kvs = []string{"one", "1", "two", "2", "three", "3"}
+//    var v2 = T2{ KeyValues: T1(kvs) }
+//    // v2 will be encoded like the map: {"KeyValues": {"one": "1", "two": "2", "three": "3"} }
+// The support of MapBySlice affords the following:
+//   - A slice type which implements MapBySlice will be encoded as a map
+//   - A slice can be decoded from a map in the stream
+//   - It MUST be a slice type (not a pointer receiver) that implements MapBySlice
+type MapBySlice interface {
+	MapBySlice()
+// BasicHandle encapsulates the common options and extension functions.
+type BasicHandle struct {
+	// BasicHandle is always a part of a different type.
+	// It doesn't have to fit into it own cache lines.
+	// TypeInfos is used to get the type info for any type.
+	//
+	// If not configured, the default TypeInfos is used, which uses struct tag keys: codec, json
+	TypeInfos *TypeInfos
+	// Note: BasicHandle is not comparable, due to these slices here (extHandle, intf2impls).
+	// If *[]T is used instead, this becomes comparable, at the cost of extra indirection.
+	// Thses slices are used all the time, so keep as slices (not pointers).
+	extHandle
+	intf2impls
+	RPCOptions
+	// ---- cache line
+	DecodeOptions
+	// ---- cache line
+	EncodeOptions
+	// noBuiltInTypeChecker
+func (x *BasicHandle) getBasicHandle() *BasicHandle {
+	return x
+func (x *BasicHandle) getTypeInfo(rtid uintptr, rt reflect.Type) (pti *typeInfo) {
+	if x.TypeInfos == nil {
+		return defTypeInfos.get(rtid, rt)
+	}
+	return x.TypeInfos.get(rtid, rt)
+// Handle is the interface for a specific encoding format.
+// Typically, a Handle is pre-configured before first time use,
+// and not modified while in use. Such a pre-configured Handle
+// is safe for concurrent access.
+type Handle interface {
+	Name() string
+	getBasicHandle() *BasicHandle
+	recreateEncDriver(encDriver) bool
+	newEncDriver(w *Encoder) encDriver
+	newDecDriver(r *Decoder) decDriver
+	isBinary() bool
+	hasElemSeparators() bool
+	// IsBuiltinType(rtid uintptr) bool
+// Raw represents raw formatted bytes.
+// We "blindly" store it during encode and retrieve the raw bytes during decode.
+// Note: it is dangerous during encode, so we may gate the behaviour
+// behind an Encode flag which must be explicitly set.
+type Raw []byte
+// RawExt represents raw unprocessed extension data.
+// Some codecs will decode extension data as a *RawExt
+// if there is no registered extension for the tag.
+// Only one of Data or Value is nil.
+// If Data is nil, then the content of the RawExt is in the Value.
+type RawExt struct {
+	Tag uint64
+	// Data is the []byte which represents the raw ext. If nil, ext is exposed in Value.
+	// Data is used by codecs (e.g. binc, msgpack, simple) which do custom serialization of types
+	Data []byte
+	// Value represents the extension, if Data is nil.
+	// Value is used by codecs (e.g. cbor, json) which leverage the format to do
+	// custom serialization of the types.
+	Value interface{}
+// BytesExt handles custom (de)serialization of types to/from []byte.
+// It is used by codecs (e.g. binc, msgpack, simple) which do custom serialization of the types.
+type BytesExt interface {
+	// WriteExt converts a value to a []byte.
+	//
+	// Note: v is a pointer iff the registered extension type is a struct or array kind.
+	WriteExt(v interface{}) []byte
+	// ReadExt updates a value from a []byte.
+	//
+	// Note: dst is always a pointer kind to the registered extension type.
+	ReadExt(dst interface{}, src []byte)
+// InterfaceExt handles custom (de)serialization of types to/from another interface{} value.
+// The Encoder or Decoder will then handle the further (de)serialization of that known type.
+// It is used by codecs (e.g. cbor, json) which use the format to do custom serialization of types.
+type InterfaceExt interface {
+	// ConvertExt converts a value into a simpler interface for easy encoding
+	// e.g. convert time.Time to int64.
+	//
+	// Note: v is a pointer iff the registered extension type is a struct or array kind.
+	ConvertExt(v interface{}) interface{}
+	// UpdateExt updates a value from a simpler interface for easy decoding
+	// e.g. convert int64 to time.Time.
+	//
+	// Note: dst is always a pointer kind to the registered extension type.
+	UpdateExt(dst interface{}, src interface{})
+// Ext handles custom (de)serialization of custom types / extensions.
+type Ext interface {
+	BytesExt
+	InterfaceExt
+// addExtWrapper is a wrapper implementation to support former AddExt exported method.
+type addExtWrapper struct {
+	encFn func(reflect.Value) ([]byte, error)
+	decFn func(reflect.Value, []byte) error
+func (x addExtWrapper) WriteExt(v interface{}) []byte {
+	bs, err := x.encFn(reflect.ValueOf(v))
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	return bs
+func (x addExtWrapper) ReadExt(v interface{}, bs []byte) {
+	if err := x.decFn(reflect.ValueOf(v), bs); err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+func (x addExtWrapper) ConvertExt(v interface{}) interface{} {
+	return x.WriteExt(v)
+func (x addExtWrapper) UpdateExt(dest interface{}, v interface{}) {
+	x.ReadExt(dest, v.([]byte))
+type extWrapper struct {
+	BytesExt
+	InterfaceExt
+type bytesExtFailer struct{}
+func (bytesExtFailer) WriteExt(v interface{}) []byte {
+	panicv.errorstr("BytesExt.WriteExt is not supported")
+	return nil
+func (bytesExtFailer) ReadExt(v interface{}, bs []byte) {
+	panicv.errorstr("BytesExt.ReadExt is not supported")
+type interfaceExtFailer struct{}
+func (interfaceExtFailer) ConvertExt(v interface{}) interface{} {
+	panicv.errorstr("InterfaceExt.ConvertExt is not supported")
+	return nil
+func (interfaceExtFailer) UpdateExt(dest interface{}, v interface{}) {
+	panicv.errorstr("InterfaceExt.UpdateExt is not supported")
+type binaryEncodingType struct{}
+func (binaryEncodingType) isBinary() bool { return true }
+type textEncodingType struct{}
+func (textEncodingType) isBinary() bool { return false }
+// noBuiltInTypes is embedded into many types which do not support builtins
+// e.g. msgpack, simple, cbor.
+// type noBuiltInTypeChecker struct{}
+// func (noBuiltInTypeChecker) IsBuiltinType(rt uintptr) bool { return false }
+// type noBuiltInTypes struct{ noBuiltInTypeChecker }
+type noBuiltInTypes struct{}
+func (noBuiltInTypes) EncodeBuiltin(rt uintptr, v interface{}) {}
+func (noBuiltInTypes) DecodeBuiltin(rt uintptr, v interface{}) {}
+// type noStreamingCodec struct{}
+// func (noStreamingCodec) CheckBreak() bool { return false }
+// func (noStreamingCodec) hasElemSeparators() bool { return false }
+type noElemSeparators struct{}
+func (noElemSeparators) hasElemSeparators() (v bool)            { return }
+func (noElemSeparators) recreateEncDriver(e encDriver) (v bool) { return }
+// bigenHelper.
+// Users must already slice the x completely, because we will not reslice.
+type bigenHelper struct {
+	x []byte // must be correctly sliced to appropriate len. slicing is a cost.
+	w encWriter
+func (z bigenHelper) writeUint16(v uint16) {
+	bigen.PutUint16(z.x, v)
+	z.w.writeb(z.x)
+func (z bigenHelper) writeUint32(v uint32) {
+	bigen.PutUint32(z.x, v)
+	z.w.writeb(z.x)
+func (z bigenHelper) writeUint64(v uint64) {
+	bigen.PutUint64(z.x, v)
+	z.w.writeb(z.x)
+type extTypeTagFn struct {
+	rtid    uintptr
+	rtidptr uintptr
+	rt      reflect.Type
+	tag     uint64
+	ext     Ext
+	_       [1]uint64 // padding
+type extHandle []extTypeTagFn
+// AddExt registes an encode and decode function for a reflect.Type.
+// To deregister an Ext, call AddExt with nil encfn and/or nil decfn.
+// Deprecated: Use SetBytesExt or SetInterfaceExt on the Handle instead.
+func (o *extHandle) AddExt(rt reflect.Type, tag byte,
+	encfn func(reflect.Value) ([]byte, error),
+	decfn func(reflect.Value, []byte) error) (err error) {
+	if encfn == nil || decfn == nil {
+		return o.SetExt(rt, uint64(tag), nil)
+	}
+	return o.SetExt(rt, uint64(tag), addExtWrapper{encfn, decfn})
+// SetExt will set the extension for a tag and reflect.Type.
+// Note that the type must be a named type, and specifically not a pointer or Interface.
+// An error is returned if that is not honored.
+// To Deregister an ext, call SetExt with nil Ext.
+// Deprecated: Use SetBytesExt or SetInterfaceExt on the Handle instead.
+func (o *extHandle) SetExt(rt reflect.Type, tag uint64, ext Ext) (err error) {
+	// o is a pointer, because we may need to initialize it
+	rk := rt.Kind()
+	for rk == reflect.Ptr {
+		rt = rt.Elem()
+		rk = rt.Kind()
+	}
+	if rt.PkgPath() == "" || rk == reflect.Interface { // || rk == reflect.Ptr {
+		return fmt.Errorf("codec.Handle.SetExt: Takes named type, not a pointer or interface: %v", rt)
+	}
+	rtid := rt2id(rt)
+	switch rtid {
+	case timeTypId, rawTypId, rawExtTypId:
+		// all natively supported type, so cannot have an extension
+		return // TODO: should we silently ignore, or return an error???
+	}
+	// if o == nil {
+	// 	return errors.New("codec.Handle.SetExt: extHandle not initialized")
+	// }
+	o2 := *o
+	// if o2 == nil {
+	// 	return errors.New("codec.Handle.SetExt: extHandle not initialized")
+	// }
+	for i := range o2 {
+		v := &o2[i]
+		if v.rtid == rtid {
+			v.tag, v.ext = tag, ext
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	rtidptr := rt2id(reflect.PtrTo(rt))
+	*o = append(o2, extTypeTagFn{rtid, rtidptr, rt, tag, ext, [1]uint64{}})
+	return
+func (o extHandle) getExt(rtid uintptr) (v *extTypeTagFn) {
+	for i := range o {
+		v = &o[i]
+		if v.rtid == rtid || v.rtidptr == rtid {
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func (o extHandle) getExtForTag(tag uint64) (v *extTypeTagFn) {
+	for i := range o {
+		v = &o[i]
+		if v.tag == tag {
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+type intf2impl struct {
+	rtid uintptr // for intf
+	impl reflect.Type
+	// _    [1]uint64 // padding // not-needed, as *intf2impl is never returned.
+type intf2impls []intf2impl
+// Intf2Impl maps an interface to an implementing type.
+// This allows us support infering the concrete type
+// and populating it when passed an interface.
+// e.g. var v io.Reader can be decoded as a bytes.Buffer, etc.
+// Passing a nil impl will clear the mapping.
+func (o *intf2impls) Intf2Impl(intf, impl reflect.Type) (err error) {
+	if impl != nil && !impl.Implements(intf) {
+		return fmt.Errorf("Intf2Impl: %v does not implement %v", impl, intf)
+	}
+	rtid := rt2id(intf)
+	o2 := *o
+	for i := range o2 {
+		v := &o2[i]
+		if v.rtid == rtid {
+			v.impl = impl
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	*o = append(o2, intf2impl{rtid, impl})
+	return
+func (o intf2impls) intf2impl(rtid uintptr) (rv reflect.Value) {
+	for i := range o {
+		v := &o[i]
+		if v.rtid == rtid {
+			if v.impl == nil {
+				return
+			}
+			if v.impl.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+				return reflect.New(v.impl.Elem())
+			}
+			return reflect.New(v.impl).Elem()
+		}
+	}
+	return
+type structFieldInfoFlag uint8
+const (
+	_ structFieldInfoFlag = 1 << iota
+	structFieldInfoFlagReady
+	structFieldInfoFlagOmitEmpty
+func (x *structFieldInfoFlag) flagSet(f structFieldInfoFlag) {
+	*x = *x | f
+func (x *structFieldInfoFlag) flagClr(f structFieldInfoFlag) {
+	*x = *x &^ f
+func (x structFieldInfoFlag) flagGet(f structFieldInfoFlag) bool {
+	return x&f != 0
+func (x structFieldInfoFlag) omitEmpty() bool {
+	return x.flagGet(structFieldInfoFlagOmitEmpty)
+func (x structFieldInfoFlag) ready() bool {
+	return x.flagGet(structFieldInfoFlagReady)
+type structFieldInfo struct {
+	encName   string // encode name
+	fieldName string // field name
+	is  [maxLevelsEmbedding]uint16 // (recursive/embedded) field index in struct
+	nis uint8                      // num levels of embedding. if 1, then it's not embedded.
+	structFieldInfoFlag
+func (si *structFieldInfo) setToZeroValue(v reflect.Value) {
+	if v, valid := si.field(v, false); valid {
+		v.Set(reflect.Zero(v.Type()))
+	}
+// rv returns the field of the struct.
+// If anonymous, it returns an Invalid
+func (si *structFieldInfo) field(v reflect.Value, update bool) (rv2 reflect.Value, valid bool) {
+	// replicate FieldByIndex
+	for i, x := range {
+		if uint8(i) == si.nis {
+			break
+		}
+		if v, valid = baseStructRv(v, update); !valid {
+			return
+		}
+		v = v.Field(int(x))
+	}
+	return v, true
+// func (si *structFieldInfo) fieldval(v reflect.Value, update bool) reflect.Value {
+// 	v, _ = si.field(v, update)
+// 	return v
+// }
+func parseStructInfo(stag string) (toArray, omitEmpty bool, keytype valueType) {
+	keytype = valueTypeString // default
+	if stag == "" {
+		return
+	}
+	for i, s := range strings.Split(stag, ",") {
+		if i == 0 {
+		} else {
+			switch s {
+			case "omitempty":
+				omitEmpty = true
+			case "toarray":
+				toArray = true
+			case "int":
+				keytype = valueTypeInt
+			case "uint":
+				keytype = valueTypeUint
+			case "float":
+				keytype = valueTypeFloat
+				// case "bool":
+				// 	keytype = valueTypeBool
+			case "string":
+				keytype = valueTypeString
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func (si *structFieldInfo) parseTag(stag string) {
+	// if fname == "" {
+	// 	panic(errNoFieldNameToStructFieldInfo)
+	// }
+	if stag == "" {
+		return
+	}
+	for i, s := range strings.Split(stag, ",") {
+		if i == 0 {
+			if s != "" {
+				si.encName = s
+			}
+		} else {
+			switch s {
+			case "omitempty":
+				si.flagSet(structFieldInfoFlagOmitEmpty)
+				// si.omitEmpty = true
+				// case "toarray":
+				// 	si.toArray = true
+			}
+		}
+	}
+type sfiSortedByEncName []*structFieldInfo
+func (p sfiSortedByEncName) Len() int {
+	return len(p)
+func (p sfiSortedByEncName) Less(i, j int) bool {
+	return p[i].encName < p[j].encName
+func (p sfiSortedByEncName) Swap(i, j int) {
+	p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i]
+const structFieldNodeNumToCache = 4
+type structFieldNodeCache struct {
+	rv  [structFieldNodeNumToCache]reflect.Value
+	idx [structFieldNodeNumToCache]uint32
+	num uint8
+func (x *structFieldNodeCache) get(key uint32) (fv reflect.Value, valid bool) {
+	for i, k := range &x.idx {
+		if uint8(i) == x.num {
+			return // break
+		}
+		if key == k {
+			return x.rv[i], true
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func (x *structFieldNodeCache) tryAdd(fv reflect.Value, key uint32) {
+	if x.num < structFieldNodeNumToCache {
+		x.rv[x.num] = fv
+		x.idx[x.num] = key
+		x.num++
+		return
+	}
+type structFieldNode struct {
+	v      reflect.Value
+	cache2 structFieldNodeCache
+	cache3 structFieldNodeCache
+	update bool
+func (x *structFieldNode) field(si *structFieldInfo) (fv reflect.Value) {
+	// return si.fieldval(x.v, x.update)
+	// Note: we only cache if nis=2 or nis=3 i.e. up to 2 levels of embedding
+	// This mostly saves us time on the repeated calls to v.Elem, v.Field, etc.
+	var valid bool
+	switch si.nis {
+	case 1:
+		fv = x.v.Field(int([0]))
+	case 2:
+		if fv, valid = x.cache2.get(uint32([0])); valid {
+			fv = fv.Field(int([1]))
+			return
+		}
+		fv = x.v.Field(int([0]))
+		if fv, valid = baseStructRv(fv, x.update); !valid {
+			return
+		}
+		x.cache2.tryAdd(fv, uint32([0]))
+		fv = fv.Field(int([1]))
+	case 3:
+		var key uint32 = uint32([0])<<16 | uint32([1])
+		if fv, valid = x.cache3.get(key); valid {
+			fv = fv.Field(int([2]))
+			return
+		}
+		fv = x.v.Field(int([0]))
+		if fv, valid = baseStructRv(fv, x.update); !valid {
+			return
+		}
+		fv = fv.Field(int([1]))
+		if fv, valid = baseStructRv(fv, x.update); !valid {
+			return
+		}
+		x.cache3.tryAdd(fv, key)
+		fv = fv.Field(int([2]))
+	default:
+		fv, _ = si.field(x.v, x.update)
+	}
+	return
+func baseStructRv(v reflect.Value, update bool) (v2 reflect.Value, valid bool) {
+	for v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		if v.IsNil() {
+			if !update {
+				return
+			}
+			v.Set(reflect.New(v.Type().Elem()))
+		}
+		v = v.Elem()
+	}
+	return v, true
+type typeInfoFlag uint8
+const (
+	typeInfoFlagComparable = 1 << iota
+	typeInfoFlagIsZeroer
+	typeInfoFlagIsZeroerPtr
+// typeInfo keeps information about each (non-ptr) type referenced in the encode/decode sequence.
+// During an encode/decode sequence, we work as below:
+//   - If base is a built in type, en/decode base value
+//   - If base is registered as an extension, en/decode base value
+//   - If type is binary(M/Unm)arshaler, call Binary(M/Unm)arshal method
+//   - If type is text(M/Unm)arshaler, call Text(M/Unm)arshal method
+//   - Else decode appropriately based on the reflect.Kind
+type typeInfo struct {
+	rt      reflect.Type
+	elem    reflect.Type
+	pkgpath string
+	rtid uintptr
+	// rv0  reflect.Value // saved zero value, used if immutableKind
+	numMeth uint16 // number of methods
+	kind    uint8
+	chandir uint8
+	anyOmitEmpty bool      // true if a struct, and any of the fields are tagged "omitempty"
+	toArray      bool      // whether this (struct) type should be encoded as an array
+	keyType      valueType // if struct, how is the field name stored in a stream? default is string
+	mbs          bool      // base type (T or *T) is a MapBySlice
+	// ---- cpu cache line boundary?
+	sfiSort []*structFieldInfo // sorted. Used when enc/dec struct to map.
+	sfiSrc  []*structFieldInfo // unsorted. Used when enc/dec struct to array.
+	key reflect.Type
+	// ---- cpu cache line boundary?
+	// sfis         []structFieldInfo // all sfi, in src order, as created.
+	sfiNamesSort []byte // all names, with indexes into the sfiSort
+	// format of marshal type fields below: [btj][mu]p? OR csp?
+	bm  bool // T is a binaryMarshaler
+	bmp bool // *T is a binaryMarshaler
+	bu  bool // T is a binaryUnmarshaler
+	bup bool // *T is a binaryUnmarshaler
+	tm  bool // T is a textMarshaler
+	tmp bool // *T is a textMarshaler
+	tu  bool // T is a textUnmarshaler
+	tup bool // *T is a textUnmarshaler
+	jm  bool // T is a jsonMarshaler
+	jmp bool // *T is a jsonMarshaler
+	ju  bool // T is a jsonUnmarshaler
+	jup bool // *T is a jsonUnmarshaler
+	cs  bool // T is a Selfer
+	csp bool // *T is a Selfer
+	// other flags, with individual bits representing if set.
+	flags typeInfoFlag
+	// _ [2]byte   // padding
+	_ [3]uint64 // padding
+func (ti *typeInfo) isFlag(f typeInfoFlag) bool {
+	return ti.flags&f != 0
+func (ti *typeInfo) indexForEncName(name []byte) (index int16) {
+	var sn []byte
+	if len(name)+2 <= 32 {
+		var buf [32]byte // should not escape
+		sn = buf[:len(name)+2]
+	} else {
+		sn = make([]byte, len(name)+2)
+	}
+	copy(sn[1:], name)
+	sn[0], sn[len(sn)-1] = tiSep2(name), 0xff
+	j := bytes.Index(ti.sfiNamesSort, sn)
+	if j < 0 {
+		return -1
+	}
+	index = int16(uint16(ti.sfiNamesSort[j+len(sn)+1]) | uint16(ti.sfiNamesSort[j+len(sn)])<<8)
+	return
+type rtid2ti struct {
+	rtid uintptr
+	ti   *typeInfo
+// TypeInfos caches typeInfo for each type on first inspection.
+// It is configured with a set of tag keys, which are used to get
+// configuration for the type.
+type TypeInfos struct {
+	// infos: formerly map[uintptr]*typeInfo, now *[]rtid2ti, 2 words expected
+	infos atomicTypeInfoSlice
+	mu    sync.Mutex
+	tags  []string
+	_     [2]uint64 // padding
+// NewTypeInfos creates a TypeInfos given a set of struct tags keys.
+// This allows users customize the struct tag keys which contain configuration
+// of their types.
+func NewTypeInfos(tags []string) *TypeInfos {
+	return &TypeInfos{tags: tags}
+func (x *TypeInfos) structTag(t reflect.StructTag) (s string) {
+	// check for tags: codec, json, in that order.
+	// this allows seamless support for many configured structs.
+	for _, x := range x.tags {
+		s = t.Get(x)
+		if s != "" {
+			return s
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func (x *TypeInfos) find(s []rtid2ti, rtid uintptr) (idx int, ti *typeInfo) {
+	// binary search. adapted from sort/search.go.
+	// if sp == nil {
+	// 	return -1, nil
+	// }
+	// s := *sp
+	h, i, j := 0, 0, len(s)
+	for i < j {
+		h = i + (j-i)/2
+		if s[h].rtid < rtid {
+			i = h + 1
+		} else {
+			j = h
+		}
+	}
+	if i < len(s) && s[i].rtid == rtid {
+		return i, s[i].ti
+	}
+	return i, nil
+func (x *TypeInfos) get(rtid uintptr, rt reflect.Type) (pti *typeInfo) {
+	sp := x.infos.load()
+	var idx int
+	if sp != nil {
+		idx, pti = x.find(sp, rtid)
+		if pti != nil {
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	rk := rt.Kind()
+	if rk == reflect.Ptr { // || (rk == reflect.Interface && rtid != intfTypId) {
+		panicv.errorf("invalid kind passed to TypeInfos.get: %v - %v", rk, rt)
+	}
+	// do not hold lock while computing this.
+	// it may lead to duplication, but that's ok.
+	ti := typeInfo{rt: rt, rtid: rtid, kind: uint8(rk), pkgpath: rt.PkgPath()}
+	// ti.rv0 = reflect.Zero(rt)
+	// ti.comparable = rt.Comparable()
+	ti.numMeth = uint16(rt.NumMethod())
+, ti.bmp = implIntf(rt, binaryMarshalerTyp)
+	ti.bu, ti.bup = implIntf(rt, binaryUnmarshalerTyp)
+, ti.tmp = implIntf(rt, textMarshalerTyp)
+	ti.tu, ti.tup = implIntf(rt, textUnmarshalerTyp)
+, = implIntf(rt, jsonMarshalerTyp)
+	ti.ju, ti.jup = implIntf(rt, jsonUnmarshalerTyp)
+	ti.cs, ti.csp = implIntf(rt, selferTyp)
+	b1, b2 := implIntf(rt, iszeroTyp)
+	if b1 {
+		ti.flags |= typeInfoFlagIsZeroer
+	}
+	if b2 {
+		ti.flags |= typeInfoFlagIsZeroerPtr
+	}
+	if rt.Comparable() {
+		ti.flags |= typeInfoFlagComparable
+	}
+	switch rk {
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		var omitEmpty bool
+		if f, ok := rt.FieldByName(structInfoFieldName); ok {
+			ti.toArray, omitEmpty, ti.keyType = parseStructInfo(x.structTag(f.Tag))
+		} else {
+			ti.keyType = valueTypeString
+		}
+		pp, pi := pool.tiLoad()
+		pv := pi.(*typeInfoLoadArray)
+		pv.etypes[0] = ti.rtid
+		// vv := typeInfoLoad{pv.fNames[:0], pv.encNames[:0], pv.etypes[:1], pv.sfis[:0]}
+		vv := typeInfoLoad{pv.etypes[:1], pv.sfis[:0]}
+		x.rget(rt, rtid, omitEmpty, nil, &vv)
+		// ti.sfis = vv.sfis
+		ti.sfiSrc, ti.sfiSort, ti.sfiNamesSort, ti.anyOmitEmpty = rgetResolveSFI(rt, vv.sfis, pv)
+		pp.Put(pi)
+	case reflect.Map:
+		ti.elem = rt.Elem()
+		ti.key = rt.Key()
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		ti.mbs, _ = implIntf(rt, mapBySliceTyp)
+		ti.elem = rt.Elem()
+	case reflect.Chan:
+		ti.elem = rt.Elem()
+		ti.chandir = uint8(rt.ChanDir())
+	case reflect.Array, reflect.Ptr:
+		ti.elem = rt.Elem()
+	}
+	// sfi = sfiSrc
+	sp = x.infos.load()
+	if sp == nil {
+		pti = &ti
+		vs := []rtid2ti{{rtid, pti}}
+	} else {
+		idx, pti = x.find(sp, rtid)
+		if pti == nil {
+			pti = &ti
+			vs := make([]rtid2ti, len(sp)+1)
+			copy(vs, sp[:idx])
+			copy(vs[idx+1:], sp[idx:])
+			vs[idx] = rtid2ti{rtid, pti}
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func (x *TypeInfos) rget(rt reflect.Type, rtid uintptr, omitEmpty bool,
+	indexstack []uint16, pv *typeInfoLoad) {
+	// Read up fields and store how to access the value.
+	//
+	// It uses go's rules for message selectors,
+	// which say that the field with the shallowest depth is selected.
+	//
+	// Note: we consciously use slices, not a map, to simulate a set.
+	//       Typically, types have < 16 fields,
+	//       and iteration using equals is faster than maps there
+	flen := rt.NumField()
+	if flen > (1<<maxLevelsEmbedding - 1) {
+		panicv.errorf("codec: types with > %v fields are not supported - has %v fields",
+			(1<<maxLevelsEmbedding - 1), flen)
+	}
+	// pv.sfis = make([]structFieldInfo, flen)
+	for j, jlen := uint16(0), uint16(flen); j < jlen; j++ {
+		f := rt.Field(int(j))
+		fkind := f.Type.Kind()
+		// skip if a func type, or is unexported, or structTag value == "-"
+		switch fkind {
+		case reflect.Func, reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128, reflect.UnsafePointer:
+			continue LOOP
+		}
+		isUnexported := f.PkgPath != ""
+		if isUnexported && !f.Anonymous {
+			continue
+		}
+		stag := x.structTag(f.Tag)
+		if stag == "-" {
+			continue
+		}
+		var si structFieldInfo
+		var parsed bool
+		// if anonymous and no struct tag (or it's blank),
+		// and a struct (or pointer to struct), inline it.
+		if f.Anonymous && fkind != reflect.Interface {
+			// ^^ redundant but ok: per go spec, an embedded pointer type cannot be to an interface
+			ft := f.Type
+			isPtr := ft.Kind() == reflect.Ptr
+			for ft.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+				ft = ft.Elem()
+			}
+			isStruct := ft.Kind() == reflect.Struct
+			// Ignore embedded fields of unexported non-struct types.
+			// Also, from go1.10, ignore pointers to unexported struct types
+			// because unmarshal cannot assign a new struct to an unexported field.
+			// See
+			if (isUnexported && !isStruct) || (!allowSetUnexportedEmbeddedPtr && isUnexported && isPtr) {
+				continue
+			}
+			doInline := stag == ""
+			if !doInline {
+				si.parseTag(stag)
+				parsed = true
+				doInline = si.encName == ""
+				// doInline = si.isZero()
+			}
+			if doInline && isStruct {
+				// if etypes contains this, don't call rget again (as fields are already seen here)
+				ftid := rt2id(ft)
+				// We cannot recurse forever, but we need to track other field depths.
+				// So - we break if we see a type twice (not the first time).
+				// This should be sufficient to handle an embedded type that refers to its
+				// owning type, which then refers to its embedded type.
+				processIt := true
+				numk := 0
+				for _, k := range pv.etypes {
+					if k == ftid {
+						numk++
+						if numk == rgetMaxRecursion {
+							processIt = false
+							break
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if processIt {
+					pv.etypes = append(pv.etypes, ftid)
+					indexstack2 := make([]uint16, len(indexstack)+1)
+					copy(indexstack2, indexstack)
+					indexstack2[len(indexstack)] = j
+					// indexstack2 := append(append(make([]int, 0, len(indexstack)+4), indexstack...), j)
+					x.rget(ft, ftid, omitEmpty, indexstack2, pv)
+				}
+				continue
+			}
+		}
+		// after the anonymous dance: if an unexported field, skip
+		if isUnexported {
+			continue
+		}
+		if f.Name == "" {
+			panic(errNoFieldNameToStructFieldInfo)
+		}
+		// pv.fNames = append(pv.fNames, f.Name)
+		// if si.encName == "" {
+		if !parsed {
+			si.encName = f.Name
+			si.parseTag(stag)
+			parsed = true
+		} else if si.encName == "" {
+			si.encName = f.Name
+		}
+		si.fieldName = f.Name
+		si.flagSet(structFieldInfoFlagReady)
+		// pv.encNames = append(pv.encNames, si.encName)
+		// si.ikind = int(f.Type.Kind())
+		if len(indexstack) > maxLevelsEmbedding-1 {
+			panicv.errorf("codec: only supports up to %v depth of embedding - type has %v depth",
+				maxLevelsEmbedding-1, len(indexstack))
+		}
+		si.nis = uint8(len(indexstack)) + 1
+		copy([:], indexstack)
+[len(indexstack)] = j
+		if omitEmpty {
+			si.flagSet(structFieldInfoFlagOmitEmpty)
+		}
+		pv.sfis = append(pv.sfis, si)
+	}
+func tiSep(name string) uint8 {
+	// (xn[0]%64) // (between 192-255 - outside ascii BMP)
+	// return 0xfe - (name[0] & 63)
+	// return 0xfe - (name[0] & 63) - uint8(len(name))
+	// return 0xfe - (name[0] & 63) - uint8(len(name)&63)
+	// return ((0xfe - (name[0] & 63)) & 0xf8) | (uint8(len(name) & 0x07))
+	return 0xfe - (name[0] & 63) - uint8(len(name)&63)
+func tiSep2(name []byte) uint8 {
+	return 0xfe - (name[0] & 63) - uint8(len(name)&63)
+// resolves the struct field info got from a call to rget.
+// Returns a trimmed, unsorted and sorted []*structFieldInfo.
+func rgetResolveSFI(rt reflect.Type, x []structFieldInfo, pv *typeInfoLoadArray) (
+	y, z []*structFieldInfo, ss []byte, anyOmitEmpty bool) {
+	sa := pv.sfiidx[:0]
+	sn := pv.b[:]
+	n := len(x)
+	var xn string
+	var ui uint16
+	var sep byte
+	for i := range x {
+		ui = uint16(i)
+		xn = x[i].encName // fieldName or encName? use encName for now.
+		if len(xn)+2 > cap(pv.b) {
+			sn = make([]byte, len(xn)+2)
+		} else {
+			sn = sn[:len(xn)+2]
+		}
+		// use a custom sep, so that misses are less frequent,
+		// since the sep (first char in search) is as unique as first char in field name.
+		sep = tiSep(xn)
+		sn[0], sn[len(sn)-1] = sep, 0xff
+		copy(sn[1:], xn)
+		j := bytes.Index(sa, sn)
+		if j == -1 {
+			sa = append(sa, sep)
+			sa = append(sa, xn...)
+			sa = append(sa, 0xff, byte(ui>>8), byte(ui))
+		} else {
+			index := uint16(sa[j+len(sn)+1]) | uint16(sa[j+len(sn)])<<8
+			// one of them must be reset to nil,
+			// and the index updated appropriately to the other one
+			if x[i].nis == x[index].nis {
+			} else if x[i].nis < x[index].nis {
+				sa[j+len(sn)], sa[j+len(sn)+1] = byte(ui>>8), byte(ui)
+				if x[index].ready() {
+					x[index].flagClr(structFieldInfoFlagReady)
+					n--
+				}
+			} else {
+				if x[i].ready() {
+					x[i].flagClr(structFieldInfoFlagReady)
+					n--
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	var w []structFieldInfo
+	sharingArray := len(x) <= typeInfoLoadArraySfisLen // sharing array with typeInfoLoadArray
+	if sharingArray {
+		w = make([]structFieldInfo, n)
+	}
+	// remove all the nils (non-ready)
+	y = make([]*structFieldInfo, n)
+	n = 0
+	var sslen int
+	for i := range x {
+		if !x[i].ready() {
+			continue
+		}
+		if !anyOmitEmpty && x[i].omitEmpty() {
+			anyOmitEmpty = true
+		}
+		if sharingArray {
+			w[n] = x[i]
+			y[n] = &w[n]
+		} else {
+			y[n] = &x[i]
+		}
+		sslen = sslen + len(x[i].encName) + 4
+		n++
+	}
+	if n != len(y) {
+		panicv.errorf("failure reading struct %v - expecting %d of %d valid fields, got %d",
+			rt, len(y), len(x), n)
+	}
+	z = make([]*structFieldInfo, len(y))
+	copy(z, y)
+	sort.Sort(sfiSortedByEncName(z))
+	sharingArray = len(sa) <= typeInfoLoadArraySfiidxLen
+	if sharingArray {
+		ss = make([]byte, 0, sslen)
+	} else {
+		ss = sa[:0] // reuse the newly made sa array if necessary
+	}
+	for i := range z {
+		xn = z[i].encName
+		sep = tiSep(xn)
+		ui = uint16(i)
+		ss = append(ss, sep)
+		ss = append(ss, xn...)
+		ss = append(ss, 0xff, byte(ui>>8), byte(ui))
+	}
+	return
+func implIntf(rt, iTyp reflect.Type) (base bool, indir bool) {
+	return rt.Implements(iTyp), reflect.PtrTo(rt).Implements(iTyp)
+// isEmptyStruct is only called from isEmptyValue, and checks if a struct is empty:
+//    - does it implement IsZero() bool
+//    - is it comparable, and can i compare directly using ==
+//    - if checkStruct, then walk through the encodable fields
+//      and check if they are empty or not.
+func isEmptyStruct(v reflect.Value, tinfos *TypeInfos, deref, checkStruct bool) bool {
+	// v is a struct kind - no need to check again.
+	// We only check isZero on a struct kind, to reduce the amount of times
+	// that we lookup the rtid and typeInfo for each type as we walk the tree.
+	vt := v.Type()
+	rtid := rt2id(vt)
+	if tinfos == nil {
+		tinfos = defTypeInfos
+	}
+	ti := tinfos.get(rtid, vt)
+	if ti.rtid == timeTypId {
+		return rv2i(v).(time.Time).IsZero()
+	}
+	if ti.isFlag(typeInfoFlagIsZeroerPtr) && v.CanAddr() {
+		return rv2i(v.Addr()).(isZeroer).IsZero()
+	}
+	if ti.isFlag(typeInfoFlagIsZeroer) {
+		return rv2i(v).(isZeroer).IsZero()
+	}
+	if ti.isFlag(typeInfoFlagComparable) {
+		return rv2i(v) == rv2i(reflect.Zero(vt))
+	}
+	if !checkStruct {
+		return false
+	}
+	// We only care about what we can encode/decode,
+	// so that is what we use to check omitEmpty.
+	for _, si := range ti.sfiSrc {
+		sfv, valid := si.field(v, false)
+		if valid && !isEmptyValue(sfv, tinfos, deref, checkStruct) {
+			return false
+		}
+	}
+	return true
+// func roundFloat(x float64) float64 {
+// 	t := math.Trunc(x)
+// 	if math.Abs(x-t) >= 0.5 {
+// 		return t + math.Copysign(1, x)
+// 	}
+// 	return t
+// }
+func panicToErr(h errstrDecorator, err *error) {
+	// Note: This method MUST be called directly from defer i.e. defer panicToErr ...
+	// else it seems the recover is not fully handled
+	if recoverPanicToErr {
+		if x := recover(); x != nil {
+			// fmt.Printf("panic'ing with: %v\n", x)
+			// debug.PrintStack()
+			panicValToErr(h, x, err)
+		}
+	}
+func panicValToErr(h errstrDecorator, v interface{}, err *error) {
+	switch xerr := v.(type) {
+	case nil:
+	case error:
+		switch xerr {
+		case nil:
+		case io.EOF, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF, errEncoderNotInitialized, errDecoderNotInitialized:
+			// treat as special (bubble up)
+			*err = xerr
+		default:
+			h.wrapErrstr(xerr.Error(), err)
+		}
+	case string:
+		if xerr != "" {
+			h.wrapErrstr(xerr, err)
+		}
+	case fmt.Stringer:
+		if xerr != nil {
+			h.wrapErrstr(xerr.String(), err)
+		}
+	default:
+		h.wrapErrstr(v, err)
+	}
+func isImmutableKind(k reflect.Kind) (v bool) {
+	return immutableKindsSet[k]
+// ----
+type codecFnInfo struct {
+	ti    *typeInfo
+	xfFn  Ext
+	xfTag uint64
+	seq   seqType
+	addrD bool
+	addrF bool // if addrD, this says whether decode function can take a value or a ptr
+	addrE bool
+	ready bool // ready to use
+// codecFn encapsulates the captured variables and the encode function.
+// This way, we only do some calculations one times, and pass to the
+// code block that should be called (encapsulated in a function)
+// instead of executing the checks every time.
+type codecFn struct {
+	i  codecFnInfo
+	fe func(*Encoder, *codecFnInfo, reflect.Value)
+	fd func(*Decoder, *codecFnInfo, reflect.Value)
+	_  [1]uint64 // padding
+type codecRtidFn struct {
+	rtid uintptr
+	fn   *codecFn
+type codecFner struct {
+	// hh Handle
+	h  *BasicHandle
+	s  []codecRtidFn
+	be bool
+	js bool
+	_  [6]byte   // padding
+	_  [3]uint64 // padding
+func (c *codecFner) reset(hh Handle) {
+	bh := hh.getBasicHandle()
+	// only reset iff extensions changed or *TypeInfos changed
+	var hhSame = true &&
+		c.h == bh && c.h.TypeInfos == bh.TypeInfos &&
+		len(c.h.extHandle) == len(bh.extHandle) &&
+		(len(c.h.extHandle) == 0 || &c.h.extHandle[0] == &bh.extHandle[0])
+	if !hhSame {
+		// c.hh = hh
+		c.h, bh = bh, c.h // swap both
+		_, c.js = hh.(*JsonHandle)
+ = hh.isBinary()
+		for i := range c.s {
+			c.s[i].fn.i.ready = false
+		}
+	}
+func (c *codecFner) get(rt reflect.Type, checkFastpath, checkCodecSelfer bool) (fn *codecFn) {
+	rtid := rt2id(rt)
+	for _, x := range c.s {
+		if x.rtid == rtid {
+			// if rtid exists, then there's a *codenFn attached (non-nil)
+			fn = x.fn
+			if fn.i.ready {
+				return
+			}
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	var ti *typeInfo
+	if fn == nil {
+		fn = new(codecFn)
+		if c.s == nil {
+			c.s = make([]codecRtidFn, 0, 8)
+		}
+		c.s = append(c.s, codecRtidFn{rtid, fn})
+	} else {
+		ti = fn.i.ti
+		*fn = codecFn{}
+		fn.i.ti = ti
+		// fn.fe, fn.fd = nil, nil
+	}
+	fi := &(fn.i)
+	fi.ready = true
+	if ti == nil {
+		ti = c.h.getTypeInfo(rtid, rt)
+		fi.ti = ti
+	}
+	rk := reflect.Kind(ti.kind)
+	if checkCodecSelfer && (ti.cs || ti.csp) {
+		fn.fe = (*Encoder).selferMarshal
+		fn.fd = (*Decoder).selferUnmarshal
+		fi.addrF = true
+		fi.addrD = ti.csp
+		fi.addrE = ti.csp
+	} else if rtid == timeTypId {
+		fn.fe = (*Encoder).kTime
+		fn.fd = (*Decoder).kTime
+	} else if rtid == rawTypId {
+		fn.fe = (*Encoder).raw
+		fn.fd = (*Decoder).raw
+	} else if rtid == rawExtTypId {
+		fn.fe = (*Encoder).rawExt
+		fn.fd = (*Decoder).rawExt
+		fi.addrF = true
+		fi.addrD = true
+		fi.addrE = true
+	} else if xfFn := c.h.getExt(rtid); xfFn != nil {
+		fi.xfTag, fi.xfFn = xfFn.tag, xfFn.ext
+		fn.fe = (*Encoder).ext
+		fn.fd = (*Decoder).ext
+		fi.addrF = true
+		fi.addrD = true
+		if rk == reflect.Struct || rk == reflect.Array {
+			fi.addrE = true
+		}
+	} else if supportMarshalInterfaces && && ( || ti.bmp) && (ti.bu || ti.bup) {
+		fn.fe = (*Encoder).binaryMarshal
+		fn.fd = (*Decoder).binaryUnmarshal
+		fi.addrF = true
+		fi.addrD = ti.bup
+		fi.addrE = ti.bmp
+	} else if supportMarshalInterfaces && ! && c.js && ( || && (ti.ju || ti.jup) {
+		//If JSON, we should check JSONMarshal before textMarshal
+		fn.fe = (*Encoder).jsonMarshal
+		fn.fd = (*Decoder).jsonUnmarshal
+		fi.addrF = true
+		fi.addrD = ti.jup
+		fi.addrE =
+	} else if supportMarshalInterfaces && ! && ( || ti.tmp) && (ti.tu || ti.tup) {
+		fn.fe = (*Encoder).textMarshal
+		fn.fd = (*Decoder).textUnmarshal
+		fi.addrF = true
+		fi.addrD = ti.tup
+		fi.addrE = ti.tmp
+	} else {
+		if fastpathEnabled && checkFastpath && (rk == reflect.Map || rk == reflect.Slice) {
+			if ti.pkgpath == "" { // un-named slice or map
+				if idx := fastpathAV.index(rtid); idx != -1 {
+					fn.fe = fastpathAV[idx].encfn
+					fn.fd = fastpathAV[idx].decfn
+					fi.addrD = true
+					fi.addrF = false
+				}
+			} else {
+				// use mapping for underlying type if there
+				var rtu reflect.Type
+				if rk == reflect.Map {
+					rtu = reflect.MapOf(ti.key, ti.elem)
+				} else {
+					rtu = reflect.SliceOf(ti.elem)
+				}
+				rtuid := rt2id(rtu)
+				if idx := fastpathAV.index(rtuid); idx != -1 {
+					xfnf := fastpathAV[idx].encfn
+					xrt := fastpathAV[idx].rt
+					fn.fe = func(e *Encoder, xf *codecFnInfo, xrv reflect.Value) {
+						xfnf(e, xf, xrv.Convert(xrt))
+					}
+					fi.addrD = true
+					fi.addrF = false // meaning it can be an address(ptr) or a value
+					xfnf2 := fastpathAV[idx].decfn
+					fn.fd = func(d *Decoder, xf *codecFnInfo, xrv reflect.Value) {
+						if xrv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+							xfnf2(d, xf, xrv.Convert(reflect.PtrTo(xrt)))
+						} else {
+							xfnf2(d, xf, xrv.Convert(xrt))
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if fn.fe == nil && fn.fd == nil {
+			switch rk {
+			case reflect.Bool:
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kBool
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kBool
+			case reflect.String:
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kString
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kString
+			case reflect.Int:
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kInt
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kInt
+			case reflect.Int8:
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kInt8
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kInt8
+			case reflect.Int16:
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kInt16
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kInt16
+			case reflect.Int32:
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kInt32
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kInt32
+			case reflect.Int64:
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kInt64
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kInt64
+			case reflect.Uint:
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kUint
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kUint
+			case reflect.Uint8:
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kUint8
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kUint8
+			case reflect.Uint16:
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kUint16
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kUint16
+			case reflect.Uint32:
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kUint32
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kUint32
+			case reflect.Uint64:
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kUint64
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kUint64
+			case reflect.Uintptr:
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kUintptr
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kUintptr
+			case reflect.Float32:
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kFloat32
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kFloat32
+			case reflect.Float64:
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kFloat64
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kFloat64
+			case reflect.Invalid:
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kInvalid
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kErr
+			case reflect.Chan:
+				fi.seq = seqTypeChan
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kSlice
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kSlice
+			case reflect.Slice:
+				fi.seq = seqTypeSlice
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kSlice
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kSlice
+			case reflect.Array:
+				fi.seq = seqTypeArray
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kSlice
+				fi.addrF = false
+				fi.addrD = false
+				rt2 := reflect.SliceOf(ti.elem)
+				fn.fd = func(d *Decoder, xf *codecFnInfo, xrv reflect.Value) {
+					d.cfer().get(rt2, true, false).fd(d, xf, xrv.Slice(0, xrv.Len()))
+				}
+				// fn.fd = (*Decoder).kArray
+			case reflect.Struct:
+				if ti.anyOmitEmpty {
+					fn.fe = (*Encoder).kStruct
+				} else {
+					fn.fe = (*Encoder).kStructNoOmitempty
+				}
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kStruct
+			case reflect.Map:
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kMap
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kMap
+			case reflect.Interface:
+				// encode: reflect.Interface are handled already by preEncodeValue
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kInterface
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kErr
+			default:
+				// reflect.Ptr and reflect.Interface are handled already by preEncodeValue
+				fn.fe = (*Encoder).kErr
+				fn.fd = (*Decoder).kErr
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return
+type codecFnPooler struct {
+	cf  *codecFner
+	cfp *sync.Pool
+	hh  Handle
+func (d *codecFnPooler) cfer() *codecFner {
+	if == nil {
+		var v interface{}
+		d.cfp, v = pool.codecFner()
+ = v.(*codecFner)
+	}
+	return
+func (d *codecFnPooler) alwaysAtEnd() {
+	if != nil {
+		d.cfp.Put(
+, d.cfp = nil, nil
+	}
+// ----
+// these "checkOverflow" functions must be inlinable, and not call anybody.
+// Overflow means that the value cannot be represented without wrapping/overflow.
+// Overflow=false does not mean that the value can be represented without losing precision
+// (especially for floating point).
+type checkOverflow struct{}
+// func (checkOverflow) Float16(f float64) (overflow bool) {
+// 	panicv.errorf("unimplemented")
+// 	if f < 0 {
+// 		f = -f
+// 	}
+// 	return math.MaxFloat32 < f && f <= math.MaxFloat64
+// }
+func (checkOverflow) Float32(v float64) (overflow bool) {
+	if v < 0 {
+		v = -v
+	}
+	return math.MaxFloat32 < v && v <= math.MaxFloat64
+func (checkOverflow) Uint(v uint64, bitsize uint8) (overflow bool) {
+	if bitsize == 0 || bitsize >= 64 || v == 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	if trunc := (v << (64 - bitsize)) >> (64 - bitsize); v != trunc {
+		overflow = true
+	}
+	return
+func (checkOverflow) Int(v int64, bitsize uint8) (overflow bool) {
+	if bitsize == 0 || bitsize >= 64 || v == 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	if trunc := (v << (64 - bitsize)) >> (64 - bitsize); v != trunc {
+		overflow = true
+	}
+	return
+func (checkOverflow) SignedInt(v uint64) (overflow bool) {
+	//e.g. -127 to 128 for int8
+	pos := (v >> 63) == 0
+	ui2 := v & 0x7fffffffffffffff
+	if pos {
+		if ui2 > math.MaxInt64 {
+			overflow = true
+		}
+	} else {
+		if ui2 > math.MaxInt64-1 {
+			overflow = true
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func (x checkOverflow) Float32V(v float64) float64 {
+	if x.Float32(v) {
+		panicv.errorf("float32 overflow: %v", v)
+	}
+	return v
+func (x checkOverflow) UintV(v uint64, bitsize uint8) uint64 {
+	if x.Uint(v, bitsize) {
+		panicv.errorf("uint64 overflow: %v", v)
+	}
+	return v
+func (x checkOverflow) IntV(v int64, bitsize uint8) int64 {
+	if x.Int(v, bitsize) {
+		panicv.errorf("int64 overflow: %v", v)
+	}
+	return v
+func (x checkOverflow) SignedIntV(v uint64) int64 {
+	if x.SignedInt(v) {
+		panicv.errorf("uint64 to int64 overflow: %v", v)
+	}
+	return int64(v)
+// ------------------ SORT -----------------
+func isNaN(f float64) bool { return f != f }
+// -----------------------
+type ioFlusher interface {
+	Flush() error
+type ioPeeker interface {
+	Peek(int) ([]byte, error)
+type ioBuffered interface {
+	Buffered() int
+// -----------------------
+type intSlice []int64
+type uintSlice []uint64
+// type uintptrSlice []uintptr
+type floatSlice []float64
+type boolSlice []bool
+type stringSlice []string
+// type bytesSlice [][]byte
+func (p intSlice) Len() int           { return len(p) }
+func (p intSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] }
+func (p intSlice) Swap(i, j int)      { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
+func (p uintSlice) Len() int           { return len(p) }
+func (p uintSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] }
+func (p uintSlice) Swap(i, j int)      { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
+// func (p uintptrSlice) Len() int           { return len(p) }
+// func (p uintptrSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] }
+// func (p uintptrSlice) Swap(i, j int)      { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
+func (p floatSlice) Len() int { return len(p) }
+func (p floatSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
+	return p[i] < p[j] || isNaN(p[i]) && !isNaN(p[j])
+func (p floatSlice) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
+func (p stringSlice) Len() int           { return len(p) }
+func (p stringSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] }
+func (p stringSlice) Swap(i, j int)      { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
+// func (p bytesSlice) Len() int           { return len(p) }
+// func (p bytesSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return bytes.Compare(p[i], p[j]) == -1 }
+// func (p bytesSlice) Swap(i, j int)      { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
+func (p boolSlice) Len() int           { return len(p) }
+func (p boolSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return !p[i] && p[j] }
+func (p boolSlice) Swap(i, j int)      { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
+// ---------------------
+type intRv struct {
+	v int64
+	r reflect.Value
+type intRvSlice []intRv
+type uintRv struct {
+	v uint64
+	r reflect.Value
+type uintRvSlice []uintRv
+type floatRv struct {
+	v float64
+	r reflect.Value
+type floatRvSlice []floatRv
+type boolRv struct {
+	v bool
+	r reflect.Value
+type boolRvSlice []boolRv
+type stringRv struct {
+	v string
+	r reflect.Value
+type stringRvSlice []stringRv
+type bytesRv struct {
+	v []byte
+	r reflect.Value
+type bytesRvSlice []bytesRv
+type timeRv struct {
+	v time.Time
+	r reflect.Value
+type timeRvSlice []timeRv
+func (p intRvSlice) Len() int           { return len(p) }
+func (p intRvSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i].v < p[j].v }
+func (p intRvSlice) Swap(i, j int)      { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
+func (p uintRvSlice) Len() int           { return len(p) }
+func (p uintRvSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i].v < p[j].v }
+func (p uintRvSlice) Swap(i, j int)      { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
+func (p floatRvSlice) Len() int { return len(p) }
+func (p floatRvSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
+	return p[i].v < p[j].v || isNaN(p[i].v) && !isNaN(p[j].v)
+func (p floatRvSlice) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
+func (p stringRvSlice) Len() int           { return len(p) }
+func (p stringRvSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i].v < p[j].v }
+func (p stringRvSlice) Swap(i, j int)      { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
+func (p bytesRvSlice) Len() int           { return len(p) }
+func (p bytesRvSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return bytes.Compare(p[i].v, p[j].v) == -1 }
+func (p bytesRvSlice) Swap(i, j int)      { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
+func (p boolRvSlice) Len() int           { return len(p) }
+func (p boolRvSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return !p[i].v && p[j].v }
+func (p boolRvSlice) Swap(i, j int)      { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
+func (p timeRvSlice) Len() int           { return len(p) }
+func (p timeRvSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i].v.Before(p[j].v) }
+func (p timeRvSlice) Swap(i, j int)      { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
+// -----------------
+type bytesI struct {
+	v []byte
+	i interface{}
+type bytesISlice []bytesI
+func (p bytesISlice) Len() int           { return len(p) }
+func (p bytesISlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return bytes.Compare(p[i].v, p[j].v) == -1 }
+func (p bytesISlice) Swap(i, j int)      { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
+// -----------------
+type set []uintptr
+func (s *set) add(v uintptr) (exists bool) {
+	// is always nil, or len >= 1
+	x := *s
+	if x == nil {
+		x = make([]uintptr, 1, 8)
+		x[0] = v
+		*s = x
+		return
+	}
+	// typically, length will be 1. make this perform.
+	if len(x) == 1 {
+		if j := x[0]; j == 0 {
+			x[0] = v
+		} else if j == v {
+			exists = true
+		} else {
+			x = append(x, v)
+			*s = x
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	// check if it exists
+	for _, j := range x {
+		if j == v {
+			exists = true
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	// try to replace a "deleted" slot
+	for i, j := range x {
+		if j == 0 {
+			x[i] = v
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	// if unable to replace deleted slot, just append it.
+	x = append(x, v)
+	*s = x
+	return
+func (s *set) remove(v uintptr) (exists bool) {
+	x := *s
+	if len(x) == 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	if len(x) == 1 {
+		if x[0] == v {
+			x[0] = 0
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	for i, j := range x {
+		if j == v {
+			exists = true
+			x[i] = 0 // set it to 0, as way to delete it.
+			// copy(x[i:], x[i+1:])
+			// x = x[:len(x)-1]
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	return
+// ------
+// bitset types are better than [256]bool, because they permit the whole
+// bitset array being on a single cache line and use less memory.
+// given x > 0 and n > 0 and x is exactly 2^n, then pos/x === pos>>n AND pos%x === pos&(x-1).
+// consequently, pos/32 === pos>>5, pos/16 === pos>>4, pos/8 === pos>>3, pos%8 == pos&7
+type bitset256 [32]byte
+func (x *bitset256) isset(pos byte) bool {
+	return x[pos>>3]&(1<<(pos&7)) != 0
+func (x *bitset256) issetv(pos byte) byte {
+	return x[pos>>3] & (1 << (pos & 7))
+func (x *bitset256) set(pos byte) {
+	x[pos>>3] |= (1 << (pos & 7))
+// func (x *bitset256) unset(pos byte) {
+// 	x[pos>>3] &^= (1 << (pos & 7))
+// }
+type bitset128 [16]byte
+func (x *bitset128) isset(pos byte) bool {
+	return x[pos>>3]&(1<<(pos&7)) != 0
+func (x *bitset128) set(pos byte) {
+	x[pos>>3] |= (1 << (pos & 7))
+// func (x *bitset128) unset(pos byte) {
+// 	x[pos>>3] &^= (1 << (pos & 7))
+// }
+type bitset32 [4]byte
+func (x *bitset32) isset(pos byte) bool {
+	return x[pos>>3]&(1<<(pos&7)) != 0
+func (x *bitset32) set(pos byte) {
+	x[pos>>3] |= (1 << (pos & 7))
+// func (x *bitset32) unset(pos byte) {
+// 	x[pos>>3] &^= (1 << (pos & 7))
+// }
+// type bit2set256 [64]byte
+// func (x *bit2set256) set(pos byte, v1, v2 bool) {
+// 	var pos2 uint8 = (pos & 3) << 1 // returning 0, 2, 4 or 6
+// 	if v1 {
+// 		x[pos>>2] |= 1 << (pos2 + 1)
+// 	}
+// 	if v2 {
+// 		x[pos>>2] |= 1 << pos2
+// 	}
+// }
+// func (x *bit2set256) get(pos byte) uint8 {
+// 	var pos2 uint8 = (pos & 3) << 1     // returning 0, 2, 4 or 6
+// 	return x[pos>>2] << (6 - pos2) >> 6 // 11000000 -> 00000011
+// }
+// ------------
+type pooler struct {
+	dn                                          sync.Pool // for decNaked
+	cfn                                         sync.Pool // for codecFner
+	tiload                                      sync.Pool
+	strRv8, strRv16, strRv32, strRv64, strRv128 sync.Pool // for stringRV
+func (p *pooler) init() {
+	p.strRv8.New = func() interface{} { return new([8]stringRv) }
+	p.strRv16.New = func() interface{} { return new([16]stringRv) }
+	p.strRv32.New = func() interface{} { return new([32]stringRv) }
+	p.strRv64.New = func() interface{} { return new([64]stringRv) }
+	p.strRv128.New = func() interface{} { return new([128]stringRv) }
+	p.dn.New = func() interface{} { x := new(decNaked); x.init(); return x }
+	p.tiload.New = func() interface{} { return new(typeInfoLoadArray) }
+	p.cfn.New = func() interface{} { return new(codecFner) }
+func (p *pooler) stringRv8() (sp *sync.Pool, v interface{}) {
+	return &p.strRv8, p.strRv8.Get()
+func (p *pooler) stringRv16() (sp *sync.Pool, v interface{}) {
+	return &p.strRv16, p.strRv16.Get()
+func (p *pooler) stringRv32() (sp *sync.Pool, v interface{}) {
+	return &p.strRv32, p.strRv32.Get()
+func (p *pooler) stringRv64() (sp *sync.Pool, v interface{}) {
+	return &p.strRv64, p.strRv64.Get()
+func (p *pooler) stringRv128() (sp *sync.Pool, v interface{}) {
+	return &p.strRv128, p.strRv128.Get()
+func (p *pooler) decNaked() (sp *sync.Pool, v interface{}) {
+	return &p.dn, p.dn.Get()
+func (p *pooler) codecFner() (sp *sync.Pool, v interface{}) {
+	return &p.cfn, p.cfn.Get()
+func (p *pooler) tiLoad() (sp *sync.Pool, v interface{}) {
+	return &p.tiload, p.tiload.Get()
+// func (p *pooler) decNaked() (v *decNaked, f func(*decNaked) ) {
+// 	sp := &(p.dn)
+// 	vv := sp.Get()
+// 	return vv.(*decNaked), func(x *decNaked) { sp.Put(vv) }
+// }
+// func (p *pooler) decNakedGet() (v interface{}) {
+// 	return p.dn.Get()
+// }
+// func (p *pooler) codecFnerGet() (v interface{}) {
+// 	return p.cfn.Get()
+// }
+// func (p *pooler) tiLoadGet() (v interface{}) {
+// 	return p.tiload.Get()
+// }
+// func (p *pooler) decNakedPut(v interface{}) {
+// 	p.dn.Put(v)
+// }
+// func (p *pooler) codecFnerPut(v interface{}) {
+// 	p.cfn.Put(v)
+// }
+// func (p *pooler) tiLoadPut(v interface{}) {
+// 	p.tiload.Put(v)
+// }
+type panicHdl struct{}
+func (panicHdl) errorv(err error) {
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+func (panicHdl) errorstr(message string) {
+	if message != "" {
+		panic(message)
+	}
+func (panicHdl) errorf(format string, params ...interface{}) {
+	if format != "" {
+		if len(params) == 0 {
+			panic(format)
+		} else {
+			panic(fmt.Sprintf(format, params...))
+		}
+	}
+type errstrDecorator interface {
+	wrapErrstr(interface{}, *error)
+type errstrDecoratorDef struct{}
+func (errstrDecoratorDef) wrapErrstr(v interface{}, e *error) { *e = fmt.Errorf("%v", v) }
+type must struct{}
+func (must) String(s string, err error) string {
+	if err != nil {
+		panicv.errorv(err)
+	}
+	return s
+func (must) Int(s int64, err error) int64 {
+	if err != nil {
+		panicv.errorv(err)
+	}
+	return s
+func (must) Uint(s uint64, err error) uint64 {
+	if err != nil {
+		panicv.errorv(err)
+	}
+	return s
+func (must) Float(s float64, err error) float64 {
+	if err != nil {
+		panicv.errorv(err)
+	}
+	return s
+// xdebugf prints the message in red on the terminal.
+// Use it in place of fmt.Printf (which it calls internally)
+func xdebugf(pattern string, args ...interface{}) {
+	var delim string
+	if len(pattern) > 0 && pattern[len(pattern)-1] != '\n' {
+		delim = "\n"
+	}
+	fmt.Printf("\033[1;31m"+pattern+delim+"\033[0m", args...)
+// func isImmutableKind(k reflect.Kind) (v bool) {
+// 	return false ||
+// 		k == reflect.Int ||
+// 		k == reflect.Int8 ||
+// 		k == reflect.Int16 ||
+// 		k == reflect.Int32 ||
+// 		k == reflect.Int64 ||
+// 		k == reflect.Uint ||
+// 		k == reflect.Uint8 ||
+// 		k == reflect.Uint16 ||
+// 		k == reflect.Uint32 ||
+// 		k == reflect.Uint64 ||
+// 		k == reflect.Uintptr ||
+// 		k == reflect.Float32 ||
+// 		k == reflect.Float64 ||
+// 		k == reflect.Bool ||
+// 		k == reflect.String
+// }
+// func timeLocUTCName(tzint int16) string {
+// 	if tzint == 0 {
+// 		return "UTC"
+// 	}
+// 	var tzname = []byte("UTC+00:00")
+// 	//tzname := fmt.Sprintf("UTC%s%02d:%02d", tzsign, tz/60, tz%60) //perf issue using Sprintf. inline below.
+// 	//tzhr, tzmin := tz/60, tz%60 //faster if u convert to int first
+// 	var tzhr, tzmin int16
+// 	if tzint < 0 {
+// 		tzname[3] = '-' // (TODO: verify. this works here)
+// 		tzhr, tzmin = -tzint/60, (-tzint)%60
+// 	} else {
+// 		tzhr, tzmin = tzint/60, tzint%60
+// 	}
+// 	tzname[4] = timeDigits[tzhr/10]
+// 	tzname[5] = timeDigits[tzhr%10]
+// 	tzname[7] = timeDigits[tzmin/10]
+// 	tzname[8] = timeDigits[tzmin%10]
+// 	return string(tzname)
+// 	//return time.FixedZone(string(tzname), int(tzint)*60)
+// }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cbd665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+package codec
+// All non-std package dependencies live in this file,
+// so porting to different environment is easy (just update functions).
+func pruneSignExt(v []byte, pos bool) (n int) {
+	if len(v) < 2 {
+	} else if pos && v[0] == 0 {
+		for ; v[n] == 0 && n+1 < len(v) && (v[n+1]&(1<<7) == 0); n++ {
+		}
+	} else if !pos && v[0] == 0xff {
+		for ; v[n] == 0xff && n+1 < len(v) && (v[n+1]&(1<<7) != 0); n++ {
+		}
+	}
+	return
+// validate that this function is correct ...
+// culled from OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
+// function: halfToFloatI (
+func halfFloatToFloatBits(yy uint16) (d uint32) {
+	y := uint32(yy)
+	s := (y >> 15) & 0x01
+	e := (y >> 10) & 0x1f
+	m := y & 0x03ff
+	if e == 0 {
+		if m == 0 { // plu or minus 0
+			return s << 31
+		}
+		// Denormalized number -- renormalize it
+		for (m & 0x00000400) == 0 {
+			m <<= 1
+			e -= 1
+		}
+		e += 1
+		const zz uint32 = 0x0400
+		m &= ^zz
+	} else if e == 31 {
+		if m == 0 { // Inf
+			return (s << 31) | 0x7f800000
+		}
+		return (s << 31) | 0x7f800000 | (m << 13) // NaN
+	}
+	e = e + (127 - 15)
+	m = m << 13
+	return (s << 31) | (e << 23) | m
+// GrowCap will return a new capacity for a slice, given the following:
+//   - oldCap: current capacity
+//   - unit: in-memory size of an element
+//   - num: number of elements to add
+func growCap(oldCap, unit, num int) (newCap int) {
+	// appendslice logic (if cap < 1024, *2, else *1.25):
+	//   leads to many copy calls, especially when copying bytes.
+	//   bytes.Buffer model (2*cap + n): much better for bytes.
+	// smarter way is to take the byte-size of the appended element(type) into account
+	// maintain 3 thresholds:
+	// t1: if cap <= t1, newcap = 2x
+	// t2: if cap <= t2, newcap = 1.75x
+	// t3: if cap <= t3, newcap = 1.5x
+	//     else          newcap = 1.25x
+	//
+	// t1, t2, t3 >= 1024 always.
+	// i.e. if unit size >= 16, then always do 2x or 1.25x (ie t1, t2, t3 are all same)
+	//
+	// With this, appending for bytes increase by:
+	//    100% up to 4K
+	//     75% up to 8K
+	//     50% up to 16K
+	//     25% beyond that
+	// unit can be 0 e.g. for struct{}{}; handle that appropriately
+	var t1, t2, t3 int // thresholds
+	if unit <= 1 {
+		t1, t2, t3 = 4*1024, 8*1024, 16*1024
+	} else if unit < 16 {
+		t3 = 16 / unit * 1024
+		t1 = t3 * 1 / 4
+		t2 = t3 * 2 / 4
+	} else {
+		t1, t2, t3 = 1024, 1024, 1024
+	}
+	var x int // temporary variable
+	// x is multiplier here: one of 5, 6, 7 or 8; incr of 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% respectively
+	if oldCap <= t1 { // [0,t1]
+		x = 8
+	} else if oldCap > t3 { // (t3,infinity]
+		x = 5
+	} else if oldCap <= t2 { // (t1,t2]
+		x = 7
+	} else { // (t2,t3]
+		x = 6
+	}
+	newCap = x * oldCap / 4
+	if num > 0 {
+		newCap += num
+	}
+	// ensure newCap is a multiple of 64 (if it is > 64) or 16.
+	if newCap > 64 {
+		if x = newCap % 64; x != 0 {
+			x = newCap / 64
+			newCap = 64 * (x + 1)
+		}
+	} else {
+		if x = newCap % 16; x != 0 {
+			x = newCap / 16
+			newCap = 16 * (x + 1)
+		}
+	}
+	return
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd52690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+// +build !go1.7 safe appengine
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+package codec
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"sync/atomic"
+	"time"
+const safeMode = true
+// stringView returns a view of the []byte as a string.
+// In unsafe mode, it doesn't incur allocation and copying caused by conversion.
+// In regular safe mode, it is an allocation and copy.
+// Usage: Always maintain a reference to v while result of this call is in use,
+//        and call keepAlive4BytesView(v) at point where done with view.
+func stringView(v []byte) string {
+	return string(v)
+// bytesView returns a view of the string as a []byte.
+// In unsafe mode, it doesn't incur allocation and copying caused by conversion.
+// In regular safe mode, it is an allocation and copy.
+// Usage: Always maintain a reference to v while result of this call is in use,
+//        and call keepAlive4BytesView(v) at point where done with view.
+func bytesView(v string) []byte {
+	return []byte(v)
+func definitelyNil(v interface{}) bool {
+	// this is a best-effort option.
+	// We just return false, so we don't unnecessarily incur the cost of reflection this early.
+	return false
+func rv2i(rv reflect.Value) interface{} {
+	return rv.Interface()
+func rt2id(rt reflect.Type) uintptr {
+	return reflect.ValueOf(rt).Pointer()
+func rv2rtid(rv reflect.Value) uintptr {
+	return reflect.ValueOf(rv.Type()).Pointer()
+func i2rtid(i interface{}) uintptr {
+	return reflect.ValueOf(reflect.TypeOf(i)).Pointer()
+// --------------------------
+func isEmptyValue(v reflect.Value, tinfos *TypeInfos, deref, checkStruct bool) bool {
+	switch v.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Invalid:
+		return true
+	case reflect.Array, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice, reflect.String:
+		return v.Len() == 0
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		return !v.Bool()
+	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
+		return v.Int() == 0
+	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
+		return v.Uint() == 0
+	case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
+		return v.Float() == 0
+	case reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr:
+		if deref {
+			if v.IsNil() {
+				return true
+			}
+			return isEmptyValue(v.Elem(), tinfos, deref, checkStruct)
+		}
+		return v.IsNil()
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		return isEmptyStruct(v, tinfos, deref, checkStruct)
+	}
+	return false
+// --------------------------
+// type ptrToRvMap struct{}
+// func (*ptrToRvMap) init() {}
+// func (*ptrToRvMap) get(i interface{}) reflect.Value {
+// 	return reflect.ValueOf(i).Elem()
+// }
+// --------------------------
+type atomicTypeInfoSlice struct { // expected to be 2 words
+	v atomic.Value
+func (x *atomicTypeInfoSlice) load() []rtid2ti {
+	i := x.v.Load()
+	if i == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	return i.([]rtid2ti)
+func (x *atomicTypeInfoSlice) store(p []rtid2ti) {
+	x.v.Store(p)
+// --------------------------
+func (d *Decoder) raw(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	rv.SetBytes(d.rawBytes())
+func (d *Decoder) kString(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	rv.SetString(d.d.DecodeString())
+func (d *Decoder) kBool(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	rv.SetBool(d.d.DecodeBool())
+func (d *Decoder) kTime(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	rv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(d.d.DecodeTime()))
+func (d *Decoder) kFloat32(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fv := d.d.DecodeFloat64()
+	if chkOvf.Float32(fv) {
+		d.errorf("float32 overflow: %v", fv)
+	}
+	rv.SetFloat(fv)
+func (d *Decoder) kFloat64(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	rv.SetFloat(d.d.DecodeFloat64())
+func (d *Decoder) kInt(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	rv.SetInt(chkOvf.IntV(d.d.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+func (d *Decoder) kInt8(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	rv.SetInt(chkOvf.IntV(d.d.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+func (d *Decoder) kInt16(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	rv.SetInt(chkOvf.IntV(d.d.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+func (d *Decoder) kInt32(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	rv.SetInt(chkOvf.IntV(d.d.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+func (d *Decoder) kInt64(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	rv.SetInt(d.d.DecodeInt64())
+func (d *Decoder) kUint(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	rv.SetUint(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+func (d *Decoder) kUintptr(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	rv.SetUint(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+func (d *Decoder) kUint8(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	rv.SetUint(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+func (d *Decoder) kUint16(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	rv.SetUint(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+func (d *Decoder) kUint32(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	rv.SetUint(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+func (d *Decoder) kUint64(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	rv.SetUint(d.d.DecodeUint64())
+// ----------------
+func (e *Encoder) kBool(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.e.EncodeBool(rv.Bool())
+func (e *Encoder) kTime(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.e.EncodeTime(rv2i(rv).(time.Time))
+func (e *Encoder) kString(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.e.EncodeString(cUTF8, rv.String())
+func (e *Encoder) kFloat64(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.e.EncodeFloat64(rv.Float())
+func (e *Encoder) kFloat32(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.e.EncodeFloat32(float32(rv.Float()))
+func (e *Encoder) kInt(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.e.EncodeInt(rv.Int())
+func (e *Encoder) kInt8(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.e.EncodeInt(rv.Int())
+func (e *Encoder) kInt16(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.e.EncodeInt(rv.Int())
+func (e *Encoder) kInt32(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.e.EncodeInt(rv.Int())
+func (e *Encoder) kInt64(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.e.EncodeInt(rv.Int())
+func (e *Encoder) kUint(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.e.EncodeUint(rv.Uint())
+func (e *Encoder) kUint8(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.e.EncodeUint(rv.Uint())
+func (e *Encoder) kUint16(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.e.EncodeUint(rv.Uint())
+func (e *Encoder) kUint32(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.e.EncodeUint(rv.Uint())
+func (e *Encoder) kUint64(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.e.EncodeUint(rv.Uint())
+func (e *Encoder) kUintptr(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	e.e.EncodeUint(rv.Uint())
+// // keepAlive4BytesView maintains a reference to the input parameter for bytesView.
+// //
+// // Usage: call this at point where done with the bytes view.
+// func keepAlive4BytesView(v string) {}
+// // keepAlive4BytesView maintains a reference to the input parameter for stringView.
+// //
+// // Usage: call this at point where done with the string view.
+// func keepAlive4StringView(v []byte) {}
+// func definitelyNil(v interface{}) bool {
+// 	rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
+// 	switch rv.Kind() {
+// 	case reflect.Invalid:
+// 		return true
+// 	case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface, reflect.Chan, reflect.Slice, reflect.Map, reflect.Func:
+// 		return rv.IsNil()
+// 	default:
+// 		return false
+// 	}
+// }
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3df60a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+// +build !safe
+// +build !appengine
+// +build go1.7
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+package codec
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"sync/atomic"
+	"time"
+	"unsafe"
+// This file has unsafe variants of some helper methods.
+// NOTE: See helper_not_unsafe.go for the usage information.
+// var zeroRTv [4]uintptr
+const safeMode = false
+const unsafeFlagIndir = 1 << 7 // keep in sync with GO_ROOT/src/reflect/value.go
+type unsafeString struct {
+	Data unsafe.Pointer
+	Len  int
+type unsafeSlice struct {
+	Data unsafe.Pointer
+	Len  int
+	Cap  int
+type unsafeIntf struct {
+	typ  unsafe.Pointer
+	word unsafe.Pointer
+type unsafeReflectValue struct {
+	typ  unsafe.Pointer
+	ptr  unsafe.Pointer
+	flag uintptr
+func stringView(v []byte) string {
+	if len(v) == 0 {
+		return ""
+	}
+	bx := (*unsafeSlice)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))
+	return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&unsafeString{bx.Data, bx.Len}))
+func bytesView(v string) []byte {
+	if len(v) == 0 {
+		return zeroByteSlice
+	}
+	sx := (*unsafeString)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))
+	return *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&unsafeSlice{sx.Data, sx.Len, sx.Len}))
+func definitelyNil(v interface{}) bool {
+	// There is no global way of checking if an interface is nil.
+	// For true references (map, ptr, func, chan), you can just look
+	// at the word of the interface. However, for slices, you have to dereference
+	// the word, and get a pointer to the 3-word interface value.
+	//
+	// However, the following are cheap calls
+	// - TypeOf(interface): cheap 2-line call.
+	// - ValueOf(interface{}): expensive
+	// - type.Kind: cheap call through an interface
+	// - Value.Type(): cheap call
+	//                 except it's a method value (e.g. r.Read, which implies that it is a Func)
+	return ((*unsafeIntf)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))).word == nil
+func rv2i(rv reflect.Value) interface{} {
+	// TODO: consider a more generally-known optimization for reflect.Value ==> Interface
+	//
+	// Currently, we use this fragile method that taps into implememtation details from
+	// the source go stdlib reflect/value.go, and trims the implementation.
+	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	// true references (map, func, chan, ptr - NOT slice) may be double-referenced as flagIndir
+	var ptr unsafe.Pointer
+	if refBitset.isset(byte(urv.flag&(1<<5-1))) && urv.flag&unsafeFlagIndir != 0 {
+		ptr = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(urv.ptr)
+	} else {
+		ptr = urv.ptr
+	}
+	return *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&unsafeIntf{typ: urv.typ, word: ptr}))
+func rt2id(rt reflect.Type) uintptr {
+	return uintptr(((*unsafeIntf)(unsafe.Pointer(&rt))).word)
+func rv2rtid(rv reflect.Value) uintptr {
+	return uintptr((*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv)).typ)
+func i2rtid(i interface{}) uintptr {
+	return uintptr(((*unsafeIntf)(unsafe.Pointer(&i))).typ)
+// --------------------------
+func isEmptyValue(v reflect.Value, tinfos *TypeInfos, deref, checkStruct bool) bool {
+	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))
+	if urv.flag == 0 {
+		return true
+	}
+	switch v.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Invalid:
+		return true
+	case reflect.String:
+		return (*unsafeString)(urv.ptr).Len == 0
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		return (*unsafeSlice)(urv.ptr).Len == 0
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		return !*(*bool)(urv.ptr)
+	case reflect.Int:
+		return *(*int)(urv.ptr) == 0
+	case reflect.Int8:
+		return *(*int8)(urv.ptr) == 0
+	case reflect.Int16:
+		return *(*int16)(urv.ptr) == 0
+	case reflect.Int32:
+		return *(*int32)(urv.ptr) == 0
+	case reflect.Int64:
+		return *(*int64)(urv.ptr) == 0
+	case reflect.Uint:
+		return *(*uint)(urv.ptr) == 0
+	case reflect.Uint8:
+		return *(*uint8)(urv.ptr) == 0
+	case reflect.Uint16:
+		return *(*uint16)(urv.ptr) == 0
+	case reflect.Uint32:
+		return *(*uint32)(urv.ptr) == 0
+	case reflect.Uint64:
+		return *(*uint64)(urv.ptr) == 0
+	case reflect.Uintptr:
+		return *(*uintptr)(urv.ptr) == 0
+	case reflect.Float32:
+		return *(*float32)(urv.ptr) == 0
+	case reflect.Float64:
+		return *(*float64)(urv.ptr) == 0
+	case reflect.Interface:
+		isnil := urv.ptr == nil || *(*unsafe.Pointer)(urv.ptr) == nil
+		if deref {
+			if isnil {
+				return true
+			}
+			return isEmptyValue(v.Elem(), tinfos, deref, checkStruct)
+		}
+		return isnil
+	case reflect.Ptr:
+		// isnil := urv.ptr == nil (not sufficient, as a pointer value encodes the type)
+		isnil := urv.ptr == nil || *(*unsafe.Pointer)(urv.ptr) == nil
+		if deref {
+			if isnil {
+				return true
+			}
+			return isEmptyValue(v.Elem(), tinfos, deref, checkStruct)
+		}
+		return isnil
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		return isEmptyStruct(v, tinfos, deref, checkStruct)
+	case reflect.Map, reflect.Array, reflect.Chan:
+		return v.Len() == 0
+	}
+	return false
+// --------------------------
+// atomicTypeInfoSlice contains length and pointer to the array for a slice.
+// It is expected to be 2 words.
+// Previously, we atomically loaded and stored the length and array pointer separately,
+// which could lead to some races.
+// We now just atomically store and load the pointer to the value directly.
+type atomicTypeInfoSlice struct { // expected to be 2 words
+	l int            // length of the data array (must be first in struct, for 64-bit alignment necessary for 386)
+	v unsafe.Pointer // data array - Pointer (not uintptr) to maintain GC reference
+func (x *atomicTypeInfoSlice) load() []rtid2ti {
+	xp := unsafe.Pointer(x)
+	x2 := *(*atomicTypeInfoSlice)(atomic.LoadPointer(&xp))
+	if x2.l == 0 {
+		return nil
+	}
+	return *(*[]rtid2ti)(unsafe.Pointer(&unsafeSlice{Data: x2.v, Len: x2.l, Cap: x2.l}))
+func (x *atomicTypeInfoSlice) store(p []rtid2ti) {
+	s := (*unsafeSlice)(unsafe.Pointer(&p))
+	xp := unsafe.Pointer(x)
+	atomic.StorePointer(&xp, unsafe.Pointer(&atomicTypeInfoSlice{l: s.Len, v: s.Data}))
+// --------------------------
+func (d *Decoder) raw(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	*(*[]byte)(urv.ptr) = d.rawBytes()
+func (d *Decoder) kString(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	*(*string)(urv.ptr) = d.d.DecodeString()
+func (d *Decoder) kBool(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	*(*bool)(urv.ptr) = d.d.DecodeBool()
+func (d *Decoder) kTime(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	*(*time.Time)(urv.ptr) = d.d.DecodeTime()
+func (d *Decoder) kFloat32(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fv := d.d.DecodeFloat64()
+	if chkOvf.Float32(fv) {
+		d.errorf("float32 overflow: %v", fv)
+	}
+	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	*(*float32)(urv.ptr) = float32(fv)
+func (d *Decoder) kFloat64(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	*(*float64)(urv.ptr) = d.d.DecodeFloat64()
+func (d *Decoder) kInt(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	*(*int)(urv.ptr) = int(chkOvf.IntV(d.d.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+func (d *Decoder) kInt8(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	*(*int8)(urv.ptr) = int8(chkOvf.IntV(d.d.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+func (d *Decoder) kInt16(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	*(*int16)(urv.ptr) = int16(chkOvf.IntV(d.d.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+func (d *Decoder) kInt32(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	*(*int32)(urv.ptr) = int32(chkOvf.IntV(d.d.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+func (d *Decoder) kInt64(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	*(*int64)(urv.ptr) = d.d.DecodeInt64()
+func (d *Decoder) kUint(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	*(*uint)(urv.ptr) = uint(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+func (d *Decoder) kUintptr(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	*(*uintptr)(urv.ptr) = uintptr(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+func (d *Decoder) kUint8(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	*(*uint8)(urv.ptr) = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+func (d *Decoder) kUint16(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	*(*uint16)(urv.ptr) = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+func (d *Decoder) kUint32(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	*(*uint32)(urv.ptr) = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+func (d *Decoder) kUint64(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	*(*uint64)(urv.ptr) = d.d.DecodeUint64()
+// ------------
+func (e *Encoder) kBool(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	v := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	e.e.EncodeBool(*(*bool)(v.ptr))
+func (e *Encoder) kTime(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	v := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	e.e.EncodeTime(*(*time.Time)(v.ptr))
+func (e *Encoder) kString(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	v := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	e.e.EncodeString(cUTF8, *(*string)(v.ptr))
+func (e *Encoder) kFloat64(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	v := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	e.e.EncodeFloat64(*(*float64)(v.ptr))
+func (e *Encoder) kFloat32(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	v := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	e.e.EncodeFloat32(*(*float32)(v.ptr))
+func (e *Encoder) kInt(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	v := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	e.e.EncodeInt(int64(*(*int)(v.ptr)))
+func (e *Encoder) kInt8(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	v := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	e.e.EncodeInt(int64(*(*int8)(v.ptr)))
+func (e *Encoder) kInt16(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	v := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	e.e.EncodeInt(int64(*(*int16)(v.ptr)))
+func (e *Encoder) kInt32(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	v := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	e.e.EncodeInt(int64(*(*int32)(v.ptr)))
+func (e *Encoder) kInt64(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	v := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	e.e.EncodeInt(int64(*(*int64)(v.ptr)))
+func (e *Encoder) kUint(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	v := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	e.e.EncodeUint(uint64(*(*uint)(v.ptr)))
+func (e *Encoder) kUint8(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	v := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	e.e.EncodeUint(uint64(*(*uint8)(v.ptr)))
+func (e *Encoder) kUint16(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	v := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	e.e.EncodeUint(uint64(*(*uint16)(v.ptr)))
+func (e *Encoder) kUint32(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	v := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	e.e.EncodeUint(uint64(*(*uint32)(v.ptr)))
+func (e *Encoder) kUint64(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	v := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	e.e.EncodeUint(uint64(*(*uint64)(v.ptr)))
+func (e *Encoder) kUintptr(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	v := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+	e.e.EncodeUint(uint64(*(*uintptr)(v.ptr)))
+// ------------
+// func (d *Decoder) raw(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+// 	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+// 	// if urv.flag&unsafeFlagIndir != 0 {
+// 	// 	urv.ptr = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(urv.ptr)
+// 	// }
+// 	*(*[]byte)(urv.ptr) = d.rawBytes()
+// }
+// func rv0t(rt reflect.Type) reflect.Value {
+// 	ut := (*unsafeIntf)(unsafe.Pointer(&rt))
+// 	// we need to determine whether ifaceIndir, and then whether to just pass 0 as the ptr
+// 	uv := unsafeReflectValue{ut.word, &zeroRTv, flag(rt.Kind())}
+// 	return *(*reflect.Value)(unsafe.Pointer(&uv})
+// }
+// func rv2i(rv reflect.Value) interface{} {
+// 	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+// 	// true references (map, func, chan, ptr - NOT slice) may be double-referenced as flagIndir
+// 	var ptr unsafe.Pointer
+// 	// kk := reflect.Kind(urv.flag & (1<<5 - 1))
+// 	// if (kk == reflect.Map || kk == reflect.Ptr || kk == reflect.Chan || kk == reflect.Func) && urv.flag&unsafeFlagIndir != 0 {
+// 	if refBitset.isset(byte(urv.flag&(1<<5-1))) && urv.flag&unsafeFlagIndir != 0 {
+// 		ptr = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(urv.ptr)
+// 	} else {
+// 		ptr = urv.ptr
+// 	}
+// 	return *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&unsafeIntf{typ: urv.typ, word: ptr}))
+// 	// return *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&unsafeIntf{word: *(*unsafe.Pointer)(urv.ptr), typ: urv.typ}))
+// 	// return *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&unsafeIntf{word: urv.ptr, typ: urv.typ}))
+// }
+// func definitelyNil(v interface{}) bool {
+// 	var ui *unsafeIntf = (*unsafeIntf)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))
+// 	if ui.word == nil {
+// 		return true
+// 	}
+// 	var tk = reflect.TypeOf(v).Kind()
+// 	return (tk == reflect.Interface || tk == reflect.Slice) && *(*unsafe.Pointer)(ui.word) == nil
+// 	fmt.Printf(">>>> definitely nil: isnil: %v, TYPE: \t%T, word: %v, *word: %v, type: %v, nil: %v\n",
+// 	v == nil, v, word, *((*unsafe.Pointer)(word)), ui.typ, nil)
+// }
+// func keepAlive4BytesView(v string) {
+// 	runtime.KeepAlive(v)
+// }
+// func keepAlive4StringView(v []byte) {
+// 	runtime.KeepAlive(v)
+// }
+// func rt2id(rt reflect.Type) uintptr {
+// 	return uintptr(((*unsafeIntf)(unsafe.Pointer(&rt))).word)
+// 	// var i interface{} = rt
+// 	// // ui := (*unsafeIntf)(unsafe.Pointer(&i))
+// 	// return ((*unsafeIntf)(unsafe.Pointer(&i))).word
+// }
+// func rv2i(rv reflect.Value) interface{} {
+// 	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+// 	// non-reference type: already indir
+// 	// reference type: depend on flagIndir property ('cos maybe was double-referenced)
+// 	// const (unsafeRvFlagKindMask    = 1<<5 - 1 , unsafeRvFlagIndir       = 1 << 7 )
+// 	// rvk := reflect.Kind(urv.flag & (1<<5 - 1))
+// 	// if (rvk == reflect.Chan ||
+// 	// 	rvk == reflect.Func ||
+// 	// 	rvk == reflect.Interface ||
+// 	// 	rvk == reflect.Map ||
+// 	// 	rvk == reflect.Ptr ||
+// 	// 	rvk == reflect.UnsafePointer) && urv.flag&(1<<8) != 0 {
+// 	// 	fmt.Printf(">>>>> ---- double indirect reference: %v, %v\n", rvk, rv.Type())
+// 	// 	return *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&unsafeIntf{word: *(*unsafe.Pointer)(urv.ptr), typ: urv.typ}))
+// 	// }
+// 	if urv.flag&(1<<5-1) == uintptr(reflect.Map) && urv.flag&(1<<7) != 0 {
+// 		// fmt.Printf(">>>>> ---- double indirect reference: %v, %v\n", rvk, rv.Type())
+// 		return *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&unsafeIntf{word: *(*unsafe.Pointer)(urv.ptr), typ: urv.typ}))
+// 	}
+// 	// fmt.Printf(">>>>> ++++ direct reference: %v, %v\n", rvk, rv.Type())
+// 	return *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&unsafeIntf{word: urv.ptr, typ: urv.typ}))
+// }
+// const (
+// 	unsafeRvFlagKindMask    = 1<<5 - 1
+// 	unsafeRvKindDirectIface = 1 << 5
+// 	unsafeRvFlagIndir       = 1 << 7
+// 	unsafeRvFlagAddr        = 1 << 8
+// 	unsafeRvFlagMethod      = 1 << 9
+// 	_USE_RV_INTERFACE bool = false
+// 	_UNSAFE_RV_DEBUG       = true
+// )
+// type unsafeRtype struct {
+// 	_    [2]uintptr
+// 	_    uint32
+// 	_    uint8
+// 	_    uint8
+// 	_    uint8
+// 	kind uint8
+// 	_    [2]uintptr
+// 	_    int32
+// }
+// func _rv2i(rv reflect.Value) interface{} {
+// 	// Note: From use,
+// 	//   - it's never an interface
+// 	//   - the only calls here are for ifaceIndir types.
+// 	//     (though that conditional is wrong)
+// 	//     To know for sure, we need the value of t.kind (which is not exposed).
+// 	//
+// 	// Need to validate the path: type is indirect ==> only value is indirect ==> default (value is direct)
+// 	//    - Type indirect, Value indirect: ==> numbers, boolean, slice, struct, array, string
+// 	//    - Type Direct,   Value indirect: ==> map???
+// 	//    - Type Direct,   Value direct:   ==> pointers, unsafe.Pointer, func, chan, map
+// 	//
+// 	//    if typeIndirect { } else if valueIndirect { } else { }
+// 	//
+// 	// Since we don't deal with funcs, then "flagNethod" is unset, and can be ignored.
+// 		return rv.Interface()
+// 	}
+// 	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+// 	// if urv.flag&unsafeRvFlagMethod != 0 || urv.flag&unsafeRvFlagKindMask == uintptr(reflect.Interface) {
+// 	// 	println("***** IS flag method or interface: delegating to rv.Interface()")
+// 	// 	return rv.Interface()
+// 	// }
+// 	// if urv.flag&unsafeRvFlagKindMask == uintptr(reflect.Interface) {
+// 	// 	println("***** IS Interface: delegate to rv.Interface")
+// 	// 	return rv.Interface()
+// 	// }
+// 	// if urv.flag&unsafeRvFlagKindMask&unsafeRvKindDirectIface == 0 {
+// 	// 	if urv.flag&unsafeRvFlagAddr == 0 {
+// 	// 		println("***** IS ifaceIndir typ")
+// 	// 		// ui := unsafeIntf{word: urv.ptr, typ: urv.typ}
+// 	// 		// return *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&ui))
+// 	// 		// return *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&unsafeIntf{word: urv.ptr, typ: urv.typ}))
+// 	// 	}
+// 	// } else if urv.flag&unsafeRvFlagIndir != 0 {
+// 	// 	println("***** IS flagindir")
+// 	// 	// return *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&unsafeIntf{word: *(*unsafe.Pointer)(urv.ptr), typ: urv.typ}))
+// 	// } else {
+// 	// 	println("***** NOT flagindir")
+// 	// 	return *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&unsafeIntf{word: urv.ptr, typ: urv.typ}))
+// 	// }
+// 	// println("***** default: delegate to rv.Interface")
+// 	urt := (*unsafeRtype)(unsafe.Pointer(urv.typ))
+// 	if _UNSAFE_RV_DEBUG {
+// 		fmt.Printf(">>>> start: %v: ", rv.Type())
+// 		fmt.Printf("%v - %v\n", *urv, *urt)
+// 	}
+// 	if urt.kind&unsafeRvKindDirectIface == 0 {
+// 		if _UNSAFE_RV_DEBUG {
+// 			fmt.Printf("**** +ifaceIndir type: %v\n", rv.Type())
+// 		}
+// 		// println("***** IS ifaceIndir typ")
+// 		// if true || urv.flag&unsafeRvFlagAddr == 0 {
+// 		// 	// println("    ***** IS NOT addr")
+// 		return *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&unsafeIntf{word: urv.ptr, typ: urv.typ}))
+// 		// }
+// 	} else if urv.flag&unsafeRvFlagIndir != 0 {
+// 		if _UNSAFE_RV_DEBUG {
+// 			fmt.Printf("**** +flagIndir type: %v\n", rv.Type())
+// 		}
+// 		// println("***** IS flagindir")
+// 		return *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&unsafeIntf{word: *(*unsafe.Pointer)(urv.ptr), typ: urv.typ}))
+// 	} else {
+// 		if _UNSAFE_RV_DEBUG {
+// 			fmt.Printf("**** -flagIndir type: %v\n", rv.Type())
+// 		}
+// 		// println("***** NOT flagindir")
+// 		return *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&unsafeIntf{word: urv.ptr, typ: urv.typ}))
+// 	}
+// 	// println("***** default: delegating to rv.Interface()")
+// 	// return rv.Interface()
+// }
+// var staticM0 = make(map[string]uint64)
+// var staticI0 = (int32)(-5)
+// func staticRv2iTest() {
+// 	i0 := (int32)(-5)
+// 	m0 := make(map[string]uint16)
+// 	m0["1"] = 1
+// 	for _, i := range []interface{}{
+// 		(int)(7),
+// 		(uint)(8),
+// 		(int16)(-9),
+// 		(uint16)(19),
+// 		(uintptr)(77),
+// 		(bool)(true),
+// 		float32(-32.7),
+// 		float64(64.9),
+// 		complex(float32(19), 5),
+// 		complex(float64(-32), 7),
+// 		[4]uint64{1, 2, 3, 4},
+// 		(chan<- int)(nil), // chan,
+// 		rv2i,              // func
+// 		io.Writer(ioutil.Discard),
+// 		make(map[string]uint),
+// 		(map[string]uint)(nil),
+// 		staticM0,
+// 		m0,
+// 		&m0,
+// 		i0,
+// 		&i0,
+// 		&staticI0,
+// 		&staticM0,
+// 		[]uint32{6, 7, 8},
+// 		"abc",
+// 		Raw{},
+// 		RawExt{},
+// 		&Raw{},
+// 		&RawExt{},
+// 		unsafe.Pointer(&i0),
+// 	} {
+// 		i2 := rv2i(reflect.ValueOf(i))
+// 		eq := reflect.DeepEqual(i, i2)
+// 		fmt.Printf(">>>> %v == %v? %v\n", i, i2, eq)
+// 	}
+// 	// os.Exit(0)
+// }
+// func init() {
+// 	staticRv2iTest()
+// }
+// func rv2i(rv reflect.Value) interface{} {
+// 	if _USE_RV_INTERFACE || rv.Kind() == reflect.Interface || rv.CanAddr() {
+// 		return rv.Interface()
+// 	}
+// 	// var i interface{}
+// 	// ui := (*unsafeIntf)(unsafe.Pointer(&i))
+// 	var ui unsafeIntf
+// 	urv := (*unsafeReflectValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&rv))
+// 	// fmt.Printf("urv: flag: %b, typ: %b, ptr: %b\n", urv.flag, uintptr(urv.typ), uintptr(urv.ptr))
+// 	if (urv.flag&unsafeRvFlagKindMask)&unsafeRvKindDirectIface == 0 {
+// 		if urv.flag&unsafeRvFlagAddr != 0 {
+// 			println("***** indirect and addressable! Needs typed move - delegate to rv.Interface()")
+// 			return rv.Interface()
+// 		}
+// 		println("****** indirect type/kind")
+// 		ui.word = urv.ptr
+// 	} else if urv.flag&unsafeRvFlagIndir != 0 {
+// 		println("****** unsafe rv flag indir")
+// 		ui.word = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(urv.ptr)
+// 	} else {
+// 		println("****** default: assign prt to word directly")
+// 		ui.word = urv.ptr
+// 	}
+// 	// ui.word = urv.ptr
+// 	ui.typ = urv.typ
+// 	// fmt.Printf("(pointers) ui.typ: %p, word: %p\n", ui.typ, ui.word)
+// 	// fmt.Printf("(binary)   ui.typ: %b, word: %b\n", uintptr(ui.typ), uintptr(ui.word))
+// 	return *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&ui))
+// 	// return i
+// }
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdd1996
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,1423 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+package codec
+// By default, this json support uses base64 encoding for bytes, because you cannot
+// store and read any arbitrary string in json (only unicode).
+// However, the user can configre how to encode/decode bytes.
+// This library specifically supports UTF-8 for encoding and decoding only.
+// Note that the library will happily encode/decode things which are not valid
+// json e.g. a map[int64]string. We do it for consistency. With valid json,
+// we will encode and decode appropriately.
+// Users can specify their map type if necessary to force it.
+// Note:
+//   - we cannot use strconv.Quote and strconv.Unquote because json quotes/unquotes differently.
+//     We implement it here.
+// Top-level methods of json(End|Dec)Driver (which are implementations of (en|de)cDriver
+// MUST not call one-another.
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"encoding/base64"
+	"math"
+	"reflect"
+	"strconv"
+	"time"
+	"unicode"
+	"unicode/utf16"
+	"unicode/utf8"
+var jsonLiterals = [...]byte{
+	'"', 't', 'r', 'u', 'e', '"',
+	'"', 'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e', '"',
+	'"', 'n', 'u', 'l', 'l', '"',
+const (
+	jsonLitTrueQ  = 0
+	jsonLitTrue   = 1
+	jsonLitFalseQ = 6
+	jsonLitFalse  = 7
+	jsonLitNullQ  = 13
+	jsonLitNull   = 14
+const (
+	jsonU4Chk2 = '0'
+	jsonU4Chk1 = 'a' - 10
+	jsonU4Chk0 = 'A' - 10
+	jsonScratchArrayLen = 64
+const (
+	// If !jsonValidateSymbols, decoding will be faster, by skipping some checks:
+	//   - If we see first character of null, false or true,
+	//     do not validate subsequent characters.
+	//   - e.g. if we see a n, assume null and skip next 3 characters,
+	//     and do not validate they are ull.
+	// P.S. Do not expect a significant decoding boost from this.
+	jsonValidateSymbols = true
+	jsonSpacesOrTabsLen = 128
+	jsonAlwaysReturnInternString = false
+var (
+	// jsonTabs and jsonSpaces are used as caches for indents
+	jsonTabs, jsonSpaces [jsonSpacesOrTabsLen]byte
+	jsonCharHtmlSafeSet   bitset128
+	jsonCharSafeSet       bitset128
+	jsonCharWhitespaceSet bitset256
+	jsonNumSet            bitset256
+func init() {
+	for i := 0; i < jsonSpacesOrTabsLen; i++ {
+		jsonSpaces[i] = ' '
+		jsonTabs[i] = '\t'
+	}
+	// populate the safe values as true: note: ASCII control characters are (0-31)
+	// jsonCharSafeSet:     all true except (0-31) " \
+	// jsonCharHtmlSafeSet: all true except (0-31) " \ < > &
+	var i byte
+	for i = 32; i < utf8.RuneSelf; i++ {
+		switch i {
+		case '"', '\\':
+		case '<', '>', '&':
+			jsonCharSafeSet.set(i) // = true
+		default:
+			jsonCharSafeSet.set(i)
+			jsonCharHtmlSafeSet.set(i)
+		}
+	}
+	for i = 0; i <= utf8.RuneSelf; i++ {
+		switch i {
+		case ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n':
+			jsonCharWhitespaceSet.set(i)
+		case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'e', 'E', '.', '+', '-':
+			jsonNumSet.set(i)
+		}
+	}
+// ----------------
+type jsonEncDriverTypical struct {
+	w encWriter
+	// w  *encWriterSwitch
+	b  *[jsonScratchArrayLen]byte
+	tw bool // term white space
+	c  containerState
+func (e *jsonEncDriverTypical) typical() {}
+func (e *jsonEncDriverTypical) reset(ee *jsonEncDriver) {
+	e.w = ee.ew
+	// e.w = &ee.e.encWriterSwitch
+	e.b = &ee.b
+ = ee.h.TermWhitespace
+	e.c = 0
+func (e *jsonEncDriverTypical) WriteArrayStart(length int) {
+	e.w.writen1('[')
+	e.c = containerArrayStart
+func (e *jsonEncDriverTypical) WriteArrayElem() {
+	if e.c != containerArrayStart {
+		e.w.writen1(',')
+	}
+	e.c = containerArrayElem
+func (e *jsonEncDriverTypical) WriteArrayEnd() {
+	e.w.writen1(']')
+	e.c = containerArrayEnd
+func (e *jsonEncDriverTypical) WriteMapStart(length int) {
+	e.w.writen1('{')
+	e.c = containerMapStart
+func (e *jsonEncDriverTypical) WriteMapElemKey() {
+	if e.c != containerMapStart {
+		e.w.writen1(',')
+	}
+	e.c = containerMapKey
+func (e *jsonEncDriverTypical) WriteMapElemValue() {
+	e.w.writen1(':')
+	e.c = containerMapValue
+func (e *jsonEncDriverTypical) WriteMapEnd() {
+	e.w.writen1('}')
+	e.c = containerMapEnd
+func (e *jsonEncDriverTypical) EncodeBool(b bool) {
+	if b {
+		e.w.writeb(jsonLiterals[jsonLitTrue : jsonLitTrue+4])
+	} else {
+		e.w.writeb(jsonLiterals[jsonLitFalse : jsonLitFalse+5])
+	}
+func (e *jsonEncDriverTypical) EncodeFloat64(f float64) {
+	fmt, prec := jsonFloatStrconvFmtPrec(f)
+	e.w.writeb(strconv.AppendFloat(e.b[:0], f, fmt, prec, 64))
+func (e *jsonEncDriverTypical) EncodeInt(v int64) {
+	e.w.writeb(strconv.AppendInt(e.b[:0], v, 10))
+func (e *jsonEncDriverTypical) EncodeUint(v uint64) {
+	e.w.writeb(strconv.AppendUint(e.b[:0], v, 10))
+func (e *jsonEncDriverTypical) EncodeFloat32(f float32) {
+	e.EncodeFloat64(float64(f))
+func (e *jsonEncDriverTypical) atEndOfEncode() {
+	if {
+		e.w.writen1(' ')
+	}
+// ----------------
+type jsonEncDriverGeneric struct {
+	w encWriter // encWriter // *encWriterSwitch
+	b *[jsonScratchArrayLen]byte
+	c containerState
+	// ds string // indent string
+	di int8    // indent per
+	d  bool    // indenting?
+	dt bool    // indent using tabs
+	dl uint16  // indent level
+	ks bool    // map key as string
+	is byte    // integer as string
+	tw bool    // term white space
+	_  [7]byte // padding
+// indent is done as below:
+//   - newline and indent are added before each mapKey or arrayElem
+//   - newline and indent are added before each ending,
+//     except there was no entry (so we can have {} or [])
+func (e *jsonEncDriverGeneric) reset(ee *jsonEncDriver) {
+	e.w = ee.ew
+	e.b = &ee.b
+ = ee.h.TermWhitespace
+	e.c = 0
+	e.d, e.dt, e.dl, e.di = false, false, 0, 0
+	h := ee.h
+	if h.Indent > 0 {
+		e.d = true
+		e.di = int8(h.Indent)
+	} else if h.Indent < 0 {
+		e.d = true
+		e.dt = true
+		e.di = int8(-h.Indent)
+	}
+	e.ks = h.MapKeyAsString
+ = h.IntegerAsString
+func (e *jsonEncDriverGeneric) WriteArrayStart(length int) {
+	if e.d {
+		e.dl++
+	}
+	e.w.writen1('[')
+	e.c = containerArrayStart
+func (e *jsonEncDriverGeneric) WriteArrayElem() {
+	if e.c != containerArrayStart {
+		e.w.writen1(',')
+	}
+	if e.d {
+		e.writeIndent()
+	}
+	e.c = containerArrayElem
+func (e *jsonEncDriverGeneric) WriteArrayEnd() {
+	if e.d {
+		e.dl--
+		if e.c != containerArrayStart {
+			e.writeIndent()
+		}
+	}
+	e.w.writen1(']')
+	e.c = containerArrayEnd
+func (e *jsonEncDriverGeneric) WriteMapStart(length int) {
+	if e.d {
+		e.dl++
+	}
+	e.w.writen1('{')
+	e.c = containerMapStart
+func (e *jsonEncDriverGeneric) WriteMapElemKey() {
+	if e.c != containerMapStart {
+		e.w.writen1(',')
+	}
+	if e.d {
+		e.writeIndent()
+	}
+	e.c = containerMapKey
+func (e *jsonEncDriverGeneric) WriteMapElemValue() {
+	if e.d {
+		e.w.writen2(':', ' ')
+	} else {
+		e.w.writen1(':')
+	}
+	e.c = containerMapValue
+func (e *jsonEncDriverGeneric) WriteMapEnd() {
+	if e.d {
+		e.dl--
+		if e.c != containerMapStart {
+			e.writeIndent()
+		}
+	}
+	e.w.writen1('}')
+	e.c = containerMapEnd
+func (e *jsonEncDriverGeneric) writeIndent() {
+	e.w.writen1('\n')
+	x := int(e.di) * int(e.dl)
+	if e.dt {
+		for x > jsonSpacesOrTabsLen {
+			e.w.writeb(jsonTabs[:])
+			x -= jsonSpacesOrTabsLen
+		}
+		e.w.writeb(jsonTabs[:x])
+	} else {
+		for x > jsonSpacesOrTabsLen {
+			e.w.writeb(jsonSpaces[:])
+			x -= jsonSpacesOrTabsLen
+		}
+		e.w.writeb(jsonSpaces[:x])
+	}
+func (e *jsonEncDriverGeneric) EncodeBool(b bool) {
+	if e.ks && e.c == containerMapKey {
+		if b {
+			e.w.writeb(jsonLiterals[jsonLitTrueQ : jsonLitTrueQ+6])
+		} else {
+			e.w.writeb(jsonLiterals[jsonLitFalseQ : jsonLitFalseQ+7])
+		}
+	} else {
+		if b {
+			e.w.writeb(jsonLiterals[jsonLitTrue : jsonLitTrue+4])
+		} else {
+			e.w.writeb(jsonLiterals[jsonLitFalse : jsonLitFalse+5])
+		}
+	}
+func (e *jsonEncDriverGeneric) EncodeFloat64(f float64) {
+	// instead of using 'g', specify whether to use 'e' or 'f'
+	fmt, prec := jsonFloatStrconvFmtPrec(f)
+	var blen int
+	if e.ks && e.c == containerMapKey {
+		blen = 2 + len(strconv.AppendFloat(e.b[1:1], f, fmt, prec, 64))
+		e.b[0] = '"'
+		e.b[blen-1] = '"'
+	} else {
+		blen = len(strconv.AppendFloat(e.b[:0], f, fmt, prec, 64))
+	}
+	e.w.writeb(e.b[:blen])
+func (e *jsonEncDriverGeneric) EncodeInt(v int64) {
+	x :=
+	if x == 'A' || x == 'L' && (v > 1<<53 || v < -(1<<53)) || (e.ks && e.c == containerMapKey) {
+		blen := 2 + len(strconv.AppendInt(e.b[1:1], v, 10))
+		e.b[0] = '"'
+		e.b[blen-1] = '"'
+		e.w.writeb(e.b[:blen])
+		return
+	}
+	e.w.writeb(strconv.AppendInt(e.b[:0], v, 10))
+func (e *jsonEncDriverGeneric) EncodeUint(v uint64) {
+	x :=
+	if x == 'A' || x == 'L' && v > 1<<53 || (e.ks && e.c == containerMapKey) {
+		blen := 2 + len(strconv.AppendUint(e.b[1:1], v, 10))
+		e.b[0] = '"'
+		e.b[blen-1] = '"'
+		e.w.writeb(e.b[:blen])
+		return
+	}
+	e.w.writeb(strconv.AppendUint(e.b[:0], v, 10))
+func (e *jsonEncDriverGeneric) EncodeFloat32(f float32) {
+	// e.encodeFloat(float64(f), 32)
+	// always encode all floats as IEEE 64-bit floating point.
+	// It also ensures that we can decode in full precision even if into a float32,
+	// as what is written is always to float64 precision.
+	e.EncodeFloat64(float64(f))
+func (e *jsonEncDriverGeneric) atEndOfEncode() {
+	if {
+		if e.d {
+			e.w.writen1('\n')
+		} else {
+			e.w.writen1(' ')
+		}
+	}
+// --------------------
+type jsonEncDriver struct {
+	noBuiltInTypes
+	e  *Encoder
+	h  *JsonHandle
+	ew encWriter // encWriter // *encWriterSwitch
+	se extWrapper
+	// ---- cpu cache line boundary?
+	bs []byte // scratch
+	// ---- cpu cache line boundary?
+	b [jsonScratchArrayLen]byte // scratch (encode time,
+func (e *jsonEncDriver) EncodeNil() {
+	// We always encode nil as just null (never in quotes)
+	// This allows us to easily decode if a nil in the json stream
+	// ie if initial token is n.
+	e.ew.writeb(jsonLiterals[jsonLitNull : jsonLitNull+4])
+	// if e.h.MapKeyAsString && e.c == containerMapKey {
+	// 	e.ew.writeb(jsonLiterals[jsonLitNullQ : jsonLitNullQ+6])
+	// } else {
+	// 	e.ew.writeb(jsonLiterals[jsonLitNull : jsonLitNull+4])
+	// }
+func (e *jsonEncDriver) EncodeTime(t time.Time) {
+	// Do NOT use MarshalJSON, as it allocates internally.
+	// instead, we call AppendFormat directly, using our scratch buffer (e.b)
+	if t.IsZero() {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+	} else {
+		e.b[0] = '"'
+		b := t.AppendFormat(e.b[1:1], time.RFC3339Nano)
+		e.b[len(b)+1] = '"'
+		e.ew.writeb(e.b[:len(b)+2])
+	}
+	// v, err := t.MarshalJSON(); if err != nil { e.e.error(err) } e.ew.writeb(v)
+func (e *jsonEncDriver) EncodeExt(rv interface{}, xtag uint64, ext Ext, en *Encoder) {
+	if v := ext.ConvertExt(rv); v == nil {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+	} else {
+		en.encode(v)
+	}
+func (e *jsonEncDriver) EncodeRawExt(re *RawExt, en *Encoder) {
+	// only encodes re.Value (never re.Data)
+	if re.Value == nil {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+	} else {
+		en.encode(re.Value)
+	}
+func (e *jsonEncDriver) EncodeString(c charEncoding, v string) {
+	e.quoteStr(v)
+func (e *jsonEncDriver) EncodeStringBytes(c charEncoding, v []byte) {
+	// if encoding raw bytes and RawBytesExt is configured, use it to encode
+	if v == nil {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	if c == cRAW {
+		if != nil {
+			e.EncodeExt(v, 0, &, e.e)
+			return
+		}
+		slen := base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(v))
+		if cap( >= slen+2 {
+ =[:slen+2]
+		} else {
+ = make([]byte, slen+2)
+		}
+[0] = '"'
+		base64.StdEncoding.Encode([1:], v)
+[slen+1] = '"'
+		e.ew.writeb(
+	} else {
+		e.quoteStr(stringView(v))
+	}
+func (e *jsonEncDriver) EncodeAsis(v []byte) {
+	e.ew.writeb(v)
+func (e *jsonEncDriver) quoteStr(s string) {
+	// adapted from std pkg encoding/json
+	const hex = "0123456789abcdef"
+	w := e.ew
+	htmlasis := e.h.HTMLCharsAsIs
+	w.writen1('"')
+	var start int
+	for i, slen := 0, len(s); i < slen; {
+		// encode all bytes < 0x20 (except \r, \n).
+		// also encode < > & to prevent security holes when served to some browsers.
+		if b := s[i]; b < utf8.RuneSelf {
+			// if 0x20 <= b && b != '\\' && b != '"' && b != '<' && b != '>' && b != '&' {
+			// if (htmlasis && jsonCharSafeSet.isset(b)) || jsonCharHtmlSafeSet.isset(b) {
+			if jsonCharHtmlSafeSet.isset(b) || (htmlasis && jsonCharSafeSet.isset(b)) {
+				i++
+				continue
+			}
+			if start < i {
+				w.writestr(s[start:i])
+			}
+			switch b {
+			case '\\', '"':
+				w.writen2('\\', b)
+			case '\n':
+				w.writen2('\\', 'n')
+			case '\r':
+				w.writen2('\\', 'r')
+			case '\b':
+				w.writen2('\\', 'b')
+			case '\f':
+				w.writen2('\\', 'f')
+			case '\t':
+				w.writen2('\\', 't')
+			default:
+				w.writestr(`\u00`)
+				w.writen2(hex[b>>4], hex[b&0xF])
+			}
+			i++
+			start = i
+			continue
+		}
+		c, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:])
+		if c == utf8.RuneError && size == 1 {
+			if start < i {
+				w.writestr(s[start:i])
+			}
+			w.writestr(`\ufffd`)
+			i += size
+			start = i
+			continue
+		}
+		// Both technically valid JSON, but bomb on JSONP, so fix here unconditionally.
+		if c == '\u2028' || c == '\u2029' {
+			if start < i {
+				w.writestr(s[start:i])
+			}
+			w.writestr(`\u202`)
+			w.writen1(hex[c&0xF])
+			i += size
+			start = i
+			continue
+		}
+		i += size
+	}
+	if start < len(s) {
+		w.writestr(s[start:])
+	}
+	w.writen1('"')
+type jsonDecDriver struct {
+	noBuiltInTypes
+	d  *Decoder
+	h  *JsonHandle
+	r  decReader // *decReaderSwitch // decReader
+	se extWrapper
+	// ---- writable fields during execution --- *try* to keep in sep cache line
+	c containerState
+	// tok is used to store the token read right after skipWhiteSpace.
+	tok   uint8
+	fnull bool    // found null from appendStringAsBytes
+	bs    []byte  // scratch. Initialized from b. Used for parsing strings or numbers.
+	bstr  [8]byte // scratch used for string \UXXX parsing
+	// ---- cpu cache line boundary?
+	b  [jsonScratchArrayLen]byte // scratch 1, used for parsing strings or numbers or time.Time
+	b2 [jsonScratchArrayLen]byte // scratch 2, used only for readUntil, decNumBytes
+	_ [3]uint64 // padding
+	// n jsonNum
+// func jsonIsWS(b byte) bool {
+// 	// return b == ' ' || b == '\t' || b == '\r' || b == '\n'
+// 	return jsonCharWhitespaceSet.isset(b)
+// }
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) uncacheRead() {
+	if d.tok != 0 {
+		d.r.unreadn1()
+		d.tok = 0
+	}
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) ReadMapStart() int {
+	if d.tok == 0 {
+		d.tok = d.r.skip(&jsonCharWhitespaceSet)
+	}
+	const xc uint8 = '{'
+	if d.tok != xc {
+		d.d.errorf("read map - expect char '%c' but got char '%c'", xc, d.tok)
+	}
+	d.tok = 0
+	d.c = containerMapStart
+	return -1
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) ReadArrayStart() int {
+	if d.tok == 0 {
+		d.tok = d.r.skip(&jsonCharWhitespaceSet)
+	}
+	const xc uint8 = '['
+	if d.tok != xc {
+		d.d.errorf("read array - expect char '%c' but got char '%c'", xc, d.tok)
+	}
+	d.tok = 0
+	d.c = containerArrayStart
+	return -1
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) CheckBreak() bool {
+	if d.tok == 0 {
+		d.tok = d.r.skip(&jsonCharWhitespaceSet)
+	}
+	return d.tok == '}' || d.tok == ']'
+// For the ReadXXX methods below, we could just delegate to helper functions
+// readContainerState(c containerState, xc uint8, check bool)
+// - ReadArrayElem would become:
+//   readContainerState(containerArrayElem, ',', d.c != containerArrayStart)
+// However, until mid-stack inlining comes in go1.11 which supports inlining of
+// one-liners, we explicitly write them all 5 out to elide the extra func call.
+// TODO: For Go 1.11, if inlined, consider consolidating these.
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) ReadArrayElem() {
+	const xc uint8 = ','
+	if d.tok == 0 {
+		d.tok = d.r.skip(&jsonCharWhitespaceSet)
+	}
+	if d.c != containerArrayStart {
+		if d.tok != xc {
+			d.d.errorf("read array element - expect char '%c' but got char '%c'", xc, d.tok)
+		}
+		d.tok = 0
+	}
+	d.c = containerArrayElem
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) ReadArrayEnd() {
+	const xc uint8 = ']'
+	if d.tok == 0 {
+		d.tok = d.r.skip(&jsonCharWhitespaceSet)
+	}
+	if d.tok != xc {
+		d.d.errorf("read array end - expect char '%c' but got char '%c'", xc, d.tok)
+	}
+	d.tok = 0
+	d.c = containerArrayEnd
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) ReadMapElemKey() {
+	const xc uint8 = ','
+	if d.tok == 0 {
+		d.tok = d.r.skip(&jsonCharWhitespaceSet)
+	}
+	if d.c != containerMapStart {
+		if d.tok != xc {
+			d.d.errorf("read map key - expect char '%c' but got char '%c'", xc, d.tok)
+		}
+		d.tok = 0
+	}
+	d.c = containerMapKey
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) ReadMapElemValue() {
+	const xc uint8 = ':'
+	if d.tok == 0 {
+		d.tok = d.r.skip(&jsonCharWhitespaceSet)
+	}
+	if d.tok != xc {
+		d.d.errorf("read map value - expect char '%c' but got char '%c'", xc, d.tok)
+	}
+	d.tok = 0
+	d.c = containerMapValue
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) ReadMapEnd() {
+	const xc uint8 = '}'
+	if d.tok == 0 {
+		d.tok = d.r.skip(&jsonCharWhitespaceSet)
+	}
+	if d.tok != xc {
+		d.d.errorf("read map end - expect char '%c' but got char '%c'", xc, d.tok)
+	}
+	d.tok = 0
+	d.c = containerMapEnd
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) readLit(length, fromIdx uint8) {
+	bs := d.r.readx(int(length))
+	d.tok = 0
+	if jsonValidateSymbols && !bytes.Equal(bs, jsonLiterals[fromIdx:fromIdx+length]) {
+		d.d.errorf("expecting %s: got %s", jsonLiterals[fromIdx:fromIdx+length], bs)
+		return
+	}
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) TryDecodeAsNil() bool {
+	if d.tok == 0 {
+		d.tok = d.r.skip(&jsonCharWhitespaceSet)
+	}
+	// we shouldn't try to see if "null" was here, right?
+	// only the plain string: `null` denotes a nil (ie not quotes)
+	if d.tok == 'n' {
+		d.readLit(3, jsonLitNull+1) // (n)ull
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) DecodeBool() (v bool) {
+	if d.tok == 0 {
+		d.tok = d.r.skip(&jsonCharWhitespaceSet)
+	}
+	fquot := d.c == containerMapKey && d.tok == '"'
+	if fquot {
+		d.tok = d.r.readn1()
+	}
+	switch d.tok {
+	case 'f':
+		d.readLit(4, jsonLitFalse+1) // (f)alse
+		// v = false
+	case 't':
+		d.readLit(3, jsonLitTrue+1) // (t)rue
+		v = true
+	default:
+		d.d.errorf("decode bool: got first char %c", d.tok)
+		// v = false // "unreachable"
+	}
+	if fquot {
+		d.r.readn1()
+	}
+	return
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) DecodeTime() (t time.Time) {
+	// read string, and pass the string into json.unmarshal
+	d.appendStringAsBytes()
+	if d.fnull {
+		return
+	}
+	t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, stringView(
+	if err != nil {
+		d.d.errorv(err)
+	}
+	return
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) ContainerType() (vt valueType) {
+	// check container type by checking the first char
+	if d.tok == 0 {
+		d.tok = d.r.skip(&jsonCharWhitespaceSet)
+	}
+	// optimize this, so we don't do 4 checks but do one computation.
+	// return jsonContainerSet[d.tok]
+	// ContainerType is mostly called for Map and Array,
+	// so this conditional is good enough (max 2 checks typically)
+	if b := d.tok; b == '{' {
+		return valueTypeMap
+	} else if b == '[' {
+		return valueTypeArray
+	} else if b == 'n' {
+		return valueTypeNil
+	} else if b == '"' {
+		return valueTypeString
+	}
+	return valueTypeUnset
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) decNumBytes() (bs []byte) {
+	// stores num bytes in
+	if d.tok == 0 {
+		d.tok = d.r.skip(&jsonCharWhitespaceSet)
+	}
+	if d.tok == '"' {
+		bs = d.r.readUntil(d.b2[:0], '"')
+		bs = bs[:len(bs)-1]
+	} else {
+		d.r.unreadn1()
+		bs = d.r.readTo([:0], &jsonNumSet)
+	}
+	d.tok = 0
+	return bs
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) DecodeUint64() (u uint64) {
+	bs := d.decNumBytes()
+	n, neg, badsyntax, overflow := jsonParseInteger(bs)
+	if overflow {
+		d.d.errorf("overflow parsing unsigned integer: %s", bs)
+	} else if neg {
+		d.d.errorf("minus found parsing unsigned integer: %s", bs)
+	} else if badsyntax {
+		// fallback: try to decode as float, and cast
+		n = d.decUint64ViaFloat(stringView(bs))
+	}
+	return n
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) DecodeInt64() (i int64) {
+	const cutoff = uint64(1 << uint(64-1))
+	bs := d.decNumBytes()
+	n, neg, badsyntax, overflow := jsonParseInteger(bs)
+	if overflow {
+		d.d.errorf("overflow parsing integer: %s", bs)
+	} else if badsyntax {
+		// d.d.errorf("invalid syntax for integer: %s", bs)
+		// fallback: try to decode as float, and cast
+		if neg {
+			n = d.decUint64ViaFloat(stringView(bs[1:]))
+		} else {
+			n = d.decUint64ViaFloat(stringView(bs))
+		}
+	}
+	if neg {
+		if n > cutoff {
+			d.d.errorf("overflow parsing integer: %s", bs)
+		}
+		i = -(int64(n))
+	} else {
+		if n >= cutoff {
+			d.d.errorf("overflow parsing integer: %s", bs)
+		}
+		i = int64(n)
+	}
+	return
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) decUint64ViaFloat(s string) (u uint64) {
+	f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
+	if err != nil {
+		d.d.errorf("invalid syntax for integer: %s", s)
+		// d.d.errorv(err)
+	}
+	fi, ff := math.Modf(f)
+	if ff > 0 {
+		d.d.errorf("fractional part found parsing integer: %s", s)
+	} else if fi > float64(math.MaxUint64) {
+		d.d.errorf("overflow parsing integer: %s", s)
+	}
+	return uint64(fi)
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) DecodeFloat64() (f float64) {
+	bs := d.decNumBytes()
+	f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(stringView(bs), 64)
+	if err != nil {
+		d.d.errorv(err)
+	}
+	return
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) DecodeExt(rv interface{}, xtag uint64, ext Ext) (realxtag uint64) {
+	if ext == nil {
+		re := rv.(*RawExt)
+		re.Tag = xtag
+		d.d.decode(&re.Value)
+	} else {
+		var v interface{}
+		d.d.decode(&v)
+		ext.UpdateExt(rv, v)
+	}
+	return
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) DecodeBytes(bs []byte, zerocopy bool) (bsOut []byte) {
+	// if decoding into raw bytes, and the RawBytesExt is configured, use it to decode.
+	if != nil {
+		bsOut = bs
+		d.DecodeExt(&bsOut, 0, &
+		return
+	}
+	if d.tok == 0 {
+		d.tok = d.r.skip(&jsonCharWhitespaceSet)
+	}
+	// check if an "array" of uint8's (see ContainerType for how to infer if an array)
+	if d.tok == '[' {
+		bsOut, _ = fastpathTV.DecSliceUint8V(bs, true, d.d)
+		return
+	}
+	d.appendStringAsBytes()
+	// base64 encodes []byte{} as "", and we encode nil []byte as null.
+	// Consequently, base64 should decode null as a nil []byte, and "" as an empty []byte{}.
+	// appendStringAsBytes returns a zero-len slice for both, so as not to reset
+	// However, it sets a fnull field to true, so we can check if a null was found.
+	if len( == 0 {
+		if d.fnull {
+			return nil
+		}
+		return []byte{}
+	}
+	bs0 :=
+	slen := base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(bs0))
+	if slen <= cap(bs) {
+		bsOut = bs[:slen]
+	} else if zerocopy && slen <= cap(d.b2) {
+		bsOut = d.b2[:slen]
+	} else {
+		bsOut = make([]byte, slen)
+	}
+	slen2, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(bsOut, bs0)
+	if err != nil {
+		d.d.errorf("error decoding base64 binary '%s': %v", bs0, err)
+		return nil
+	}
+	if slen != slen2 {
+		bsOut = bsOut[:slen2]
+	}
+	return
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) DecodeString() (s string) {
+	d.appendStringAsBytes()
+	return d.bsToString()
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) DecodeStringAsBytes() (s []byte) {
+	d.appendStringAsBytes()
+	return
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) appendStringAsBytes() {
+	if d.tok == 0 {
+		d.tok = d.r.skip(&jsonCharWhitespaceSet)
+	}
+	d.fnull = false
+	if d.tok != '"' {
+		// d.d.errorf("expect char '%c' but got char '%c'", '"', d.tok)
+		// handle non-string scalar: null, true, false or a number
+		switch d.tok {
+		case 'n':
+			d.readLit(3, jsonLitNull+1) // (n)ull
+ =[:0]
+			d.fnull = true
+		case 'f':
+			d.readLit(4, jsonLitFalse+1) // (f)alse
+ =[:5]
+			copy(, "false")
+		case 't':
+			d.readLit(3, jsonLitTrue+1) // (t)rue
+ =[:4]
+			copy(, "true")
+		default:
+			// try to parse a valid number
+			bs := d.decNumBytes()
+			if len(bs) <= cap( {
+ =[:len(bs)]
+			} else {
+ = make([]byte, len(bs))
+			}
+			copy(, bs)
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	d.tok = 0
+	r := d.r
+	var cs = r.readUntil(d.b2[:0], '"')
+	var cslen = len(cs)
+	var c uint8
+	v :=[:0]
+	// append on each byte seen can be expensive, so we just
+	// keep track of where we last read a contiguous set of
+	// non-special bytes (using cursor variable),
+	// and when we see a special byte
+	// e.g. end-of-slice, " or \,
+	// we will append the full range into the v slice before proceeding
+	for i, cursor := 0, 0; ; {
+		if i == cslen {
+			v = append(v, cs[cursor:]...)
+			cs = r.readUntil(d.b2[:0], '"')
+			cslen = len(cs)
+			i, cursor = 0, 0
+		}
+		c = cs[i]
+		if c == '"' {
+			v = append(v, cs[cursor:i]...)
+			break
+		}
+		if c != '\\' {
+			i++
+			continue
+		}
+		v = append(v, cs[cursor:i]...)
+		i++
+		c = cs[i]
+		switch c {
+		case '"', '\\', '/', '\'':
+			v = append(v, c)
+		case 'b':
+			v = append(v, '\b')
+		case 'f':
+			v = append(v, '\f')
+		case 'n':
+			v = append(v, '\n')
+		case 'r':
+			v = append(v, '\r')
+		case 't':
+			v = append(v, '\t')
+		case 'u':
+			var r rune
+			var rr uint32
+			if len(cs) < i+4 { // may help reduce bounds-checking
+				d.d.errorf("need at least 4 more bytes for unicode sequence")
+			}
+			// c = cs[i+4] // may help reduce bounds-checking
+			for j := 1; j < 5; j++ {
+				// best to use explicit if-else
+				// - not a table, etc which involve memory loads, array lookup with bounds checks, etc
+				c = cs[i+j]
+				if c >= '0' && c <= '9' {
+					rr = rr*16 + uint32(c-jsonU4Chk2)
+				} else if c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' {
+					rr = rr*16 + uint32(c-jsonU4Chk1)
+				} else if c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' {
+					rr = rr*16 + uint32(c-jsonU4Chk0)
+				} else {
+					r = unicode.ReplacementChar
+					i += 4
+					goto encode_rune
+				}
+			}
+			r = rune(rr)
+			i += 4
+			if utf16.IsSurrogate(r) {
+				if len(cs) >= i+6 && cs[i+2] == 'u' && cs[i+1] == '\\' {
+					i += 2
+					// c = cs[i+4] // may help reduce bounds-checking
+					var rr1 uint32
+					for j := 1; j < 5; j++ {
+						c = cs[i+j]
+						if c >= '0' && c <= '9' {
+							rr = rr*16 + uint32(c-jsonU4Chk2)
+						} else if c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' {
+							rr = rr*16 + uint32(c-jsonU4Chk1)
+						} else if c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' {
+							rr = rr*16 + uint32(c-jsonU4Chk0)
+						} else {
+							r = unicode.ReplacementChar
+							i += 4
+							goto encode_rune
+						}
+					}
+					r = utf16.DecodeRune(r, rune(rr1))
+					i += 4
+				} else {
+					r = unicode.ReplacementChar
+					goto encode_rune
+				}
+			}
+		encode_rune:
+			w2 := utf8.EncodeRune(d.bstr[:], r)
+			v = append(v, d.bstr[:w2]...)
+		default:
+			d.d.errorf("unsupported escaped value: %c", c)
+		}
+		i++
+		cursor = i
+	}
+ = v
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) nakedNum(z *decNaked, bs []byte) (err error) {
+	const cutoff = uint64(1 << uint(64-1))
+	var n uint64
+	var neg, badsyntax, overflow bool
+	if d.h.PreferFloat {
+		goto F
+	}
+	n, neg, badsyntax, overflow = jsonParseInteger(bs)
+	if badsyntax || overflow {
+		goto F
+	}
+	if neg {
+		if n > cutoff {
+			goto F
+		}
+		z.v = valueTypeInt
+		z.i = -(int64(n))
+	} else if d.h.SignedInteger {
+		if n >= cutoff {
+			goto F
+		}
+		z.v = valueTypeInt
+		z.i = int64(n)
+	} else {
+		z.v = valueTypeUint
+		z.u = n
+	}
+	return
+	z.v = valueTypeFloat
+	z.f, err = strconv.ParseFloat(stringView(bs), 64)
+	return
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) bsToString() string {
+	// if x :=; x != nil && && == '}' { // map key
+	if jsonAlwaysReturnInternString || d.c == containerMapKey {
+		return d.d.string(
+	}
+	return string(
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) DecodeNaked() {
+	z := d.d.n
+	// var decodeFurther bool
+	if d.tok == 0 {
+		d.tok = d.r.skip(&jsonCharWhitespaceSet)
+	}
+	switch d.tok {
+	case 'n':
+		d.readLit(3, jsonLitNull+1) // (n)ull
+		z.v = valueTypeNil
+	case 'f':
+		d.readLit(4, jsonLitFalse+1) // (f)alse
+		z.v = valueTypeBool
+		z.b = false
+	case 't':
+		d.readLit(3, jsonLitTrue+1) // (t)rue
+		z.v = valueTypeBool
+		z.b = true
+	case '{':
+		z.v = valueTypeMap // don't consume. kInterfaceNaked will call ReadMapStart
+	case '[':
+		z.v = valueTypeArray // don't consume. kInterfaceNaked will call ReadArrayStart
+	case '"':
+		// if a string, and MapKeyAsString, then try to decode it as a nil, bool or number first
+		d.appendStringAsBytes()
+		if len( > 0 && d.c == containerMapKey && d.h.MapKeyAsString {
+			switch stringView( {
+			case "null":
+				z.v = valueTypeNil
+			case "true":
+				z.v = valueTypeBool
+				z.b = true
+			case "false":
+				z.v = valueTypeBool
+				z.b = false
+			default:
+				// check if a number: float, int or uint
+				if err := d.nakedNum(z,; err != nil {
+					z.v = valueTypeString
+					z.s = d.bsToString()
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			z.v = valueTypeString
+			z.s = d.bsToString()
+		}
+	default: // number
+		bs := d.decNumBytes()
+		if len(bs) == 0 {
+			d.d.errorf("decode number from empty string")
+			return
+		}
+		if err := d.nakedNum(z, bs); err != nil {
+			d.d.errorf("decode number from %s: %v", bs, err)
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	// if decodeFurther {
+	//
+	// }
+	return
+// JsonHandle is a handle for JSON encoding format.
+// Json is comprehensively supported:
+//    - decodes numbers into interface{} as int, uint or float64
+//      based on how the number looks and some config parameters e.g. PreferFloat, SignedInt, etc.
+//    - decode integers from float formatted numbers e.g. 1.27e+8
+//    - decode any json value (numbers, bool, etc) from quoted strings
+//    - configurable way to encode/decode []byte .
+//      by default, encodes and decodes []byte using base64 Std Encoding
+//    - UTF-8 support for encoding and decoding
+// It has better performance than the json library in the standard library,
+// by leveraging the performance improvements of the codec library.
+// In addition, it doesn't read more bytes than necessary during a decode, which allows
+// reading multiple values from a stream containing json and non-json content.
+// For example, a user can read a json value, then a cbor value, then a msgpack value,
+// all from the same stream in sequence.
+// Note that, when decoding quoted strings, invalid UTF-8 or invalid UTF-16 surrogate pairs are
+// not treated as an error. Instead, they are replaced by the Unicode replacement character U+FFFD.
+type JsonHandle struct {
+	textEncodingType
+	BasicHandle
+	// Indent indicates how a value is encoded.
+	//   - If positive, indent by that number of spaces.
+	//   - If negative, indent by that number of tabs.
+	Indent int8
+	// IntegerAsString controls how integers (signed and unsigned) are encoded.
+	//
+	// Per the JSON Spec, JSON numbers are 64-bit floating point numbers.
+	// Consequently, integers > 2^53 cannot be represented as a JSON number without losing precision.
+	// This can be mitigated by configuring how to encode integers.
+	//
+	// IntegerAsString interpretes the following values:
+	//   - if 'L', then encode integers > 2^53 as a json string.
+	//   - if 'A', then encode all integers as a json string
+	//             containing the exact integer representation as a decimal.
+	//   - else    encode all integers as a json number (default)
+	IntegerAsString byte
+	// HTMLCharsAsIs controls how to encode some special characters to html: < > &
+	//
+	// By default, we encode them as \uXXX
+	// to prevent security holes when served from some browsers.
+	HTMLCharsAsIs bool
+	// PreferFloat says that we will default to decoding a number as a float.
+	// If not set, we will examine the characters of the number and decode as an
+	// integer type if it doesn't have any of the characters [.eE].
+	PreferFloat bool
+	// TermWhitespace says that we add a whitespace character
+	// at the end of an encoding.
+	//
+	// The whitespace is important, especially if using numbers in a context
+	// where multiple items are written to a stream.
+	TermWhitespace bool
+	// MapKeyAsString says to encode all map keys as strings.
+	//
+	// Use this to enforce strict json output.
+	// The only caveat is that nil value is ALWAYS written as null (never as "null")
+	MapKeyAsString bool
+	// _ [2]byte // padding
+	// Note: below, we store hardly-used items e.g. RawBytesExt is cached in the (en|de)cDriver.
+	// RawBytesExt, if configured, is used to encode and decode raw bytes in a custom way.
+	// If not configured, raw bytes are encoded to/from base64 text.
+	RawBytesExt InterfaceExt
+	_ [2]uint64 // padding
+// Name returns the name of the handle: json
+func (h *JsonHandle) Name() string            { return "json" }
+func (h *JsonHandle) hasElemSeparators() bool { return true }
+func (h *JsonHandle) typical() bool {
+	return h.Indent == 0 && !h.MapKeyAsString && h.IntegerAsString != 'A' && h.IntegerAsString != 'L'
+type jsonTypical interface {
+	typical()
+func (h *JsonHandle) recreateEncDriver(ed encDriver) (v bool) {
+	_, v = ed.(jsonTypical)
+	return v != h.typical()
+// SetInterfaceExt sets an extension
+func (h *JsonHandle) SetInterfaceExt(rt reflect.Type, tag uint64, ext InterfaceExt) (err error) {
+	return h.SetExt(rt, tag, &extWrapper{bytesExtFailer{}, ext})
+type jsonEncDriverTypicalImpl struct {
+	jsonEncDriver
+	jsonEncDriverTypical
+	_ [1]uint64 // padding
+func (x *jsonEncDriverTypicalImpl) reset() {
+	x.jsonEncDriver.reset()
+	x.jsonEncDriverTypical.reset(&x.jsonEncDriver)
+type jsonEncDriverGenericImpl struct {
+	jsonEncDriver
+	jsonEncDriverGeneric
+func (x *jsonEncDriverGenericImpl) reset() {
+	x.jsonEncDriver.reset()
+	x.jsonEncDriverGeneric.reset(&x.jsonEncDriver)
+func (h *JsonHandle) newEncDriver(e *Encoder) (ee encDriver) {
+	var hd *jsonEncDriver
+	if h.typical() {
+		var v jsonEncDriverTypicalImpl
+		ee = &v
+		hd = &v.jsonEncDriver
+	} else {
+		var v jsonEncDriverGenericImpl
+		ee = &v
+		hd = &v.jsonEncDriver
+	}
+	hd.e, hd.h, = e, h, hd.b[:0]
+ = bytesExtFailer{}
+	ee.reset()
+	return
+func (h *JsonHandle) newDecDriver(d *Decoder) decDriver {
+	// d := jsonDecDriver{r: r.(*bytesDecReader), h: h}
+	hd := jsonDecDriver{d: d, h: h}
+ = bytesExtFailer{}
+ = hd.b[:0]
+	hd.reset()
+	return &hd
+func (e *jsonEncDriver) reset() {
+	e.ew = e.e.w // e.e.w // &e.e.encWriterSwitch
+ = e.h.RawBytesExt
+	if != nil {
+ =[:0]
+	}
+func (d *jsonDecDriver) reset() {
+	d.r = d.d.r // &d.d.decReaderSwitch // d.d.r
+ = d.h.RawBytesExt
+	if != nil {
+ =[:0]
+	}
+	d.c, d.tok = 0, 0
+	// d.n.reset()
+func jsonFloatStrconvFmtPrec(f float64) (fmt byte, prec int) {
+	prec = -1
+	var abs = math.Abs(f)
+	if abs != 0 && (abs < 1e-6 || abs >= 1e21) {
+		fmt = 'e'
+	} else {
+		fmt = 'f'
+		// set prec to 1 iff mod is 0.
+		//     better than using jsonIsFloatBytesB2 to check if a . or E in the float bytes.
+		// this ensures that every float has an e or .0 in it.
+		if abs <= 1 {
+			if abs == 0 || abs == 1 {
+				prec = 1
+			}
+		} else if _, mod := math.Modf(abs); mod == 0 {
+			prec = 1
+		}
+	}
+	return
+// custom-fitted version of strconv.Parse(Ui|I)nt.
+// Also ensures we don't have to search for .eE to determine if a float or not.
+func jsonParseInteger(s []byte) (n uint64, neg, badSyntax, overflow bool) {
+	const maxUint64 = (1<<64 - 1)
+	const cutoff = maxUint64/10 + 1
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		badSyntax = true
+		return
+	}
+	switch s[0] {
+	case '+':
+		s = s[1:]
+	case '-':
+		s = s[1:]
+		neg = true
+	}
+	for _, c := range s {
+		if c < '0' || c > '9' {
+			badSyntax = true
+			return
+		}
+		// unsigned integers don't overflow well on multiplication, so check cutoff here
+		// e.g. (maxUint64-5)*10 doesn't overflow well ...
+		if n >= cutoff {
+			overflow = true
+			return
+		}
+		n *= 10
+		n1 := n + uint64(c-'0')
+		if n1 < n || n1 > maxUint64 {
+			overflow = true
+			return
+		}
+		n = n1
+	}
+	return
+var _ decDriver = (*jsonDecDriver)(nil)
+var _ encDriver = (*jsonEncDriverGenericImpl)(nil)
+var _ encDriver = (*jsonEncDriverTypicalImpl)(nil)
+var _ jsonTypical = (*jsonEncDriverTypical)(nil)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90d758c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+// Code generated from mammoth-test.go.tmpl - DO NOT EDIT.
+package codec
+import "testing"
+import "fmt"
+import "reflect"
+// TestMammoth has all the different paths optimized in fast-path
+// It has all the primitives, slices and maps.
+// For each of those types, it has a pointer and a non-pointer field.
+func init() { _ = fmt.Printf } // so we can include fmt as needed
+type TestMammoth struct {
+{{range .Values }}{{if .Primitive }}{{/*
+*/}}{{ .MethodNamePfx "F" true }} {{ .Primitive }}
+{{ .MethodNamePfx "Fptr" true }} *{{ .Primitive }}
+{{range .Values }}{{if not .Primitive }}{{if not .MapKey }}{{/*
+*/}}{{ .MethodNamePfx "F" false }} []{{ .Elem }}
+{{ .MethodNamePfx "Fptr" false }} *[]{{ .Elem }}
+{{range .Values }}{{if not .Primitive }}{{if .MapKey }}{{/*
+*/}}{{ .MethodNamePfx "F" false }} map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}
+{{ .MethodNamePfx "Fptr" false }} *map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}
+{{range .Values }}{{if not .Primitive }}{{if not .MapKey }}{{/*
+*/}} type {{ .MethodNamePfx "typMbs" false }} []{{ .Elem }}
+func (_ {{ .MethodNamePfx "typMbs" false }}) MapBySlice() { }
+{{range .Values }}{{if not .Primitive }}{{if .MapKey }}{{/*
+*/}} type {{ .MethodNamePfx "typMap" false }} map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}
+func doTestMammothSlices(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
+{{range $i, $e := .Values }}{{if not .Primitive }}{{if not .MapKey }}{{/*
+    var v{{$i}}va [8]{{ .Elem }}
+    for _, v := range [][]{{ .Elem }}{ nil, {}, { {{ nonzerocmd .Elem }}, {{ zerocmd .Elem }}, {{ zerocmd .Elem }}, {{ nonzerocmd .Elem }} } } { {{/*
+    // fmt.Printf(">>>> running mammoth slice v{{$i}}: %v\n", v)
+    //   - encode value to some []byte
+    //   - decode into a length-wise-equal []byte
+    //   - check if equal to initial slice
+    //   - encode ptr to the value
+    //   - check if encode bytes are same
+    //   - decode into ptrs to: nil, then 1-elem slice, equal-length, then large len slice
+    //   - decode into non-addressable slice of equal length, then larger len 
+    //   - for each decode, compare elem-by-elem to the original slice
+    //   - 
+    //   - rinse and repeat for a MapBySlice version
+    //   - 
+    */}}
+    var v{{$i}}v1, v{{$i}}v2 []{{ .Elem }}
+	v{{$i}}v1 = v
+	bs{{$i}} := testMarshalErr(v{{$i}}v1, h, t, "enc-slice-v{{$i}}")
+	if v == nil { v{{$i}}v2 = nil } else { v{{$i}}v2 = make([]{{ .Elem }}, len(v)) }
+	testUnmarshalErr(v{{$i}}v2, bs{{$i}}, h, t, "dec-slice-v{{$i}}")
+	testDeepEqualErr(v{{$i}}v1, v{{$i}}v2, t, "equal-slice-v{{$i}}")
+	if v == nil { v{{$i}}v2 = nil } else { v{{$i}}v2 = make([]{{ .Elem }}, len(v)) }
+	testUnmarshalErr(reflect.ValueOf(v{{$i}}v2), bs{{$i}}, h, t, "dec-slice-v{{$i}}-noaddr") // non-addressable value
+	testDeepEqualErr(v{{$i}}v1, v{{$i}}v2, t, "equal-slice-v{{$i}}-noaddr")
+	// ...
+	bs{{$i}} = testMarshalErr(&v{{$i}}v1, h, t, "enc-slice-v{{$i}}-p")
+	v{{$i}}v2 = nil
+	testUnmarshalErr(&v{{$i}}v2, bs{{$i}}, h, t, "dec-slice-v{{$i}}-p")
+	testDeepEqualErr(v{{$i}}v1, v{{$i}}v2, t, "equal-slice-v{{$i}}-p")
+	v{{$i}}va = [8]{{ .Elem }}{} // clear the array
+	v{{$i}}v2 = v{{$i}}va[:1:1]
+	testUnmarshalErr(&v{{$i}}v2, bs{{$i}}, h, t, "dec-slice-v{{$i}}-p-1")
+	testDeepEqualErr(v{{$i}}v1, v{{$i}}v2, t, "equal-slice-v{{$i}}-p-1")
+	v{{$i}}va = [8]{{ .Elem }}{} // clear the array
+	v{{$i}}v2 = v{{$i}}va[:len(v{{$i}}v1):len(v{{$i}}v1)]
+	testUnmarshalErr(&v{{$i}}v2, bs{{$i}}, h, t, "dec-slice-v{{$i}}-p-len")
+	testDeepEqualErr(v{{$i}}v1, v{{$i}}v2, t, "equal-slice-v{{$i}}-p-len")
+	v{{$i}}va = [8]{{ .Elem }}{} // clear the array
+	v{{$i}}v2 = v{{$i}}va[:]
+	testUnmarshalErr(&v{{$i}}v2, bs{{$i}}, h, t, "dec-slice-v{{$i}}-p-cap")
+	testDeepEqualErr(v{{$i}}v1, v{{$i}}v2, t, "equal-slice-v{{$i}}-p-cap")
+	if len(v{{$i}}v1) > 1 {
+	v{{$i}}va = [8]{{ .Elem }}{} // clear the array
+	testUnmarshalErr((&v{{$i}}va)[:len(v{{$i}}v1)], bs{{$i}}, h, t, "dec-slice-v{{$i}}-p-len-noaddr")
+	testDeepEqualErr(v{{$i}}v1, v{{$i}}va[:len(v{{$i}}v1)], t, "equal-slice-v{{$i}}-p-len-noaddr")
+	v{{$i}}va = [8]{{ .Elem }}{} // clear the array
+	testUnmarshalErr((&v{{$i}}va)[:], bs{{$i}}, h, t, "dec-slice-v{{$i}}-p-cap-noaddr")
+	testDeepEqualErr(v{{$i}}v1, v{{$i}}va[:len(v{{$i}}v1)], t, "equal-slice-v{{$i}}-p-cap-noaddr")
+    }
+    // ...
+    var v{{$i}}v3, v{{$i}}v4 {{ .MethodNamePfx "typMbs" false }}
+	v{{$i}}v2 = nil
+    if v != nil { v{{$i}}v2 = make([]{{ .Elem }}, len(v)) }
+    v{{$i}}v3 = {{ .MethodNamePfx "typMbs" false }}(v{{$i}}v1)
+    v{{$i}}v4 = {{ .MethodNamePfx "typMbs" false }}(v{{$i}}v2)
+    bs{{$i}} = testMarshalErr(v{{$i}}v3, h, t, "enc-slice-v{{$i}}-custom")
+    testUnmarshalErr(v{{$i}}v4, bs{{$i}}, h, t, "dec-slice-v{{$i}}-custom")
+    testDeepEqualErr(v{{$i}}v3, v{{$i}}v4, t, "equal-slice-v{{$i}}-custom")
+    bs{{$i}} = testMarshalErr(&v{{$i}}v3, h, t, "enc-slice-v{{$i}}-custom-p")
+    v{{$i}}v2 = nil
+    v{{$i}}v4 = {{ .MethodNamePfx "typMbs" false }}(v{{$i}}v2)
+    testUnmarshalErr(&v{{$i}}v4, bs{{$i}}, h, t, "dec-slice-v{{$i}}-custom-p")
+    testDeepEqualErr(v{{$i}}v3, v{{$i}}v4, t, "equal-slice-v{{$i}}-custom-p")
+    }
+func doTestMammothMaps(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
+{{range $i, $e := .Values }}{{if not .Primitive }}{{if .MapKey }}{{/*
+    for _, v := range []map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}{ nil, {}, { {{ nonzerocmd .MapKey }}:{{ zerocmd .Elem }} {{if ne "bool" .MapKey}}, {{ nonzerocmd .MapKey }}:{{ nonzerocmd .Elem }} {{end}} } } {
+    // fmt.Printf(">>>> running mammoth map v{{$i}}: %v\n", v)
+    var v{{$i}}v1, v{{$i}}v2 map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}
+	v{{$i}}v1 = v
+	bs{{$i}} := testMarshalErr(v{{$i}}v1, h, t, "enc-map-v{{$i}}")
+	if v == nil { v{{$i}}v2 = nil } else { v{{$i}}v2 = make(map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}, len(v)) } // reset map
+	testUnmarshalErr(v{{$i}}v2, bs{{$i}}, h, t, "dec-map-v{{$i}}")
+	testDeepEqualErr(v{{$i}}v1, v{{$i}}v2, t, "equal-map-v{{$i}}")
+	if v == nil { v{{$i}}v2 = nil } else { v{{$i}}v2 = make(map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}, len(v)) } // reset map
+	testUnmarshalErr(reflect.ValueOf(v{{$i}}v2), bs{{$i}}, h, t, "dec-map-v{{$i}}-noaddr") // decode into non-addressable map value
+	testDeepEqualErr(v{{$i}}v1, v{{$i}}v2, t, "equal-map-v{{$i}}-noaddr")
+	if v == nil { v{{$i}}v2 = nil } else { v{{$i}}v2 = make(map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}, len(v)) } // reset map
+	testUnmarshalErr(&v{{$i}}v2, bs{{$i}}, h, t, "dec-map-v{{$i}}-p-len")
+	testDeepEqualErr(v{{$i}}v1, v{{$i}}v2, t, "equal-map-v{{$i}}-p-len")
+	bs{{$i}} = testMarshalErr(&v{{$i}}v1, h, t, "enc-map-v{{$i}}-p")
+	v{{$i}}v2 = nil
+	testUnmarshalErr(&v{{$i}}v2, bs{{$i}}, h, t, "dec-map-v{{$i}}-p-nil")
+	testDeepEqualErr(v{{$i}}v1, v{{$i}}v2, t, "equal-map-v{{$i}}-p-nil")
+    // ...
+	if v == nil { v{{$i}}v2 = nil } else { v{{$i}}v2 = make(map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}, len(v)) } // reset map
+    var v{{$i}}v3, v{{$i}}v4 {{ .MethodNamePfx "typMap" false }}
+	v{{$i}}v3 = {{ .MethodNamePfx "typMap" false }}(v{{$i}}v1)
+	v{{$i}}v4 = {{ .MethodNamePfx "typMap" false }}(v{{$i}}v2)
+    bs{{$i}} = testMarshalErr(v{{$i}}v3, h, t, "enc-map-v{{$i}}-custom")
+	testUnmarshalErr(v{{$i}}v4, bs{{$i}}, h, t, "dec-map-v{{$i}}-p-len")
+	testDeepEqualErr(v{{$i}}v3, v{{$i}}v4, t, "equal-map-v{{$i}}-p-len")
+    }
+func doTestMammothMapsAndSlices(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
+     doTestMammothSlices(t, h)
+     doTestMammothMaps(t, h)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cdf8f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// +build !notfastpath
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+// Code generated from mammoth2-test.go.tmpl - DO NOT EDIT.
+package codec
+// Increase codecoverage by covering all the codecgen paths, in fast-path and gen-helper.go....
+// Add:
+// - test file for creating a mammoth generated file as _mammoth_generated.go
+//   - generate a second mammoth files in a different file: mammoth2_generated_test.go
+//     - mammoth-test.go.tmpl will do this
+//   - run codecgen on it, into mammoth2_codecgen_generated_test.go (no build tags)
+//   - as part of TestMammoth, run it also
+//   - this will cover all the codecgen, gen-helper, etc in one full run
+//   - check in mammoth* files into github also
+// - then
+// Now, add some types:
+//  - some that implement BinaryMarshal, TextMarshal, JSONMarshal, and one that implements none of it
+//  - create a wrapper type that includes TestMammoth2, with it in slices, and maps, and the custom types
+//  - this wrapper object is what we work encode/decode (so that the codecgen methods are called)
+// import "encoding/binary"
+import "fmt"
+type TestMammoth2 struct {
+{{range .Values }}{{if .Primitive }}{{/*
+*/}}{{ .MethodNamePfx "F" true }} {{ .Primitive }}
+{{ .MethodNamePfx "Fptr" true }} *{{ .Primitive }}
+{{range .Values }}{{if not .Primitive }}{{if not .MapKey }}{{/*
+*/}}{{ .MethodNamePfx "F" false }} []{{ .Elem }}
+{{ .MethodNamePfx "Fptr" false }} *[]{{ .Elem }}
+{{range .Values }}{{if not .Primitive }}{{if .MapKey }}{{/*
+*/}}{{ .MethodNamePfx "F" false }} map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}
+{{ .MethodNamePfx "Fptr" false }} *map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}
+// -----------
+type testMammoth2Binary uint64
+func (x testMammoth2Binary) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
+data = make([]byte, 8)
+bigen.PutUint64(data, uint64(x))
+func (x *testMammoth2Binary) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error) {
+*x = testMammoth2Binary(bigen.Uint64(data))
+type testMammoth2Text uint64
+func (x testMammoth2Text) MarshalText() (data []byte, err error) {
+data = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%b", uint64(x)))
+func (x *testMammoth2Text) UnmarshalText(data []byte) (err error) {
+_, err = fmt.Sscanf(string(data), "%b", (*uint64)(x))
+type testMammoth2Json uint64
+func (x testMammoth2Json) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error) {
+data = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%v", uint64(x)))
+func (x *testMammoth2Json) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error) {
+_, err = fmt.Sscanf(string(data), "%v", (*uint64)(x))
+type testMammoth2Basic [4]uint64
+type TestMammoth2Wrapper struct {
+  V TestMammoth2
+  T testMammoth2Text
+  B testMammoth2Binary
+  J testMammoth2Json
+  C testMammoth2Basic
+  M map[testMammoth2Basic]TestMammoth2
+  L []TestMammoth2
+  A [4]int64
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3271579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,1092 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+Msgpack-c implementation powers the c, c++, python, ruby, etc libraries.
+We need to maintain compatibility with it and how it encodes integer values
+without caring about the type.
+For compatibility with behaviour of msgpack-c reference implementation:
+  - Go intX (>0) and uintX
+    msgpack +ve fixnum, unsigned
+  - Go intX (<0)
+    msgpack -ve fixnum, signed
+package codec
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"math"
+	"net/rpc"
+	"reflect"
+	"time"
+const (
+	mpPosFixNumMin byte = 0x00
+	mpPosFixNumMax      = 0x7f
+	mpFixMapMin         = 0x80
+	mpFixMapMax         = 0x8f
+	mpFixArrayMin       = 0x90
+	mpFixArrayMax       = 0x9f
+	mpFixStrMin         = 0xa0
+	mpFixStrMax         = 0xbf
+	mpNil               = 0xc0
+	_                   = 0xc1
+	mpFalse             = 0xc2
+	mpTrue              = 0xc3
+	mpFloat             = 0xca
+	mpDouble            = 0xcb
+	mpUint8             = 0xcc
+	mpUint16            = 0xcd
+	mpUint32            = 0xce
+	mpUint64            = 0xcf
+	mpInt8              = 0xd0
+	mpInt16             = 0xd1
+	mpInt32             = 0xd2
+	mpInt64             = 0xd3
+	// extensions below
+	mpBin8     = 0xc4
+	mpBin16    = 0xc5
+	mpBin32    = 0xc6
+	mpExt8     = 0xc7
+	mpExt16    = 0xc8
+	mpExt32    = 0xc9
+	mpFixExt1  = 0xd4
+	mpFixExt2  = 0xd5
+	mpFixExt4  = 0xd6
+	mpFixExt8  = 0xd7
+	mpFixExt16 = 0xd8
+	mpStr8  = 0xd9 // new
+	mpStr16 = 0xda
+	mpStr32 = 0xdb
+	mpArray16 = 0xdc
+	mpArray32 = 0xdd
+	mpMap16 = 0xde
+	mpMap32 = 0xdf
+	mpNegFixNumMin = 0xe0
+	mpNegFixNumMax = 0xff
+var mpTimeExtTag int8 = -1
+var mpTimeExtTagU = uint8(mpTimeExtTag)
+// var mpdesc = map[byte]string{
+// 	mpPosFixNumMin: "PosFixNumMin",
+// 	mpPosFixNumMax: "PosFixNumMax",
+// 	mpFixMapMin:    "FixMapMin",
+// 	mpFixMapMax:    "FixMapMax",
+// 	mpFixArrayMin:  "FixArrayMin",
+// 	mpFixArrayMax:  "FixArrayMax",
+// 	mpFixStrMin:    "FixStrMin",
+// 	mpFixStrMax:    "FixStrMax",
+// 	mpNil:          "Nil",
+// 	mpFalse:        "False",
+// 	mpTrue:         "True",
+// 	mpFloat:        "Float",
+// 	mpDouble:       "Double",
+// 	mpUint8:        "Uint8",
+// 	mpUint16:       "Uint16",
+// 	mpUint32:       "Uint32",
+// 	mpUint64:       "Uint64",
+// 	mpInt8:         "Int8",
+// 	mpInt16:        "Int16",
+// 	mpInt32:        "Int32",
+// 	mpInt64:        "Int64",
+// 	mpBin8:         "Bin8",
+// 	mpBin16:        "Bin16",
+// 	mpBin32:        "Bin32",
+// 	mpExt8:         "Ext8",
+// 	mpExt16:        "Ext16",
+// 	mpExt32:        "Ext32",
+// 	mpFixExt1:      "FixExt1",
+// 	mpFixExt2:      "FixExt2",
+// 	mpFixExt4:      "FixExt4",
+// 	mpFixExt8:      "FixExt8",
+// 	mpFixExt16:     "FixExt16",
+// 	mpStr8:         "Str8",
+// 	mpStr16:        "Str16",
+// 	mpStr32:        "Str32",
+// 	mpArray16:      "Array16",
+// 	mpArray32:      "Array32",
+// 	mpMap16:        "Map16",
+// 	mpMap32:        "Map32",
+// 	mpNegFixNumMin: "NegFixNumMin",
+// 	mpNegFixNumMax: "NegFixNumMax",
+// }
+func mpdesc(bd byte) string {
+	switch bd {
+	case mpNil:
+		return "nil"
+	case mpFalse:
+		return "false"
+	case mpTrue:
+		return "true"
+	case mpFloat, mpDouble:
+		return "float"
+	case mpUint8, mpUint16, mpUint32, mpUint64:
+		return "uint"
+	case mpInt8, mpInt16, mpInt32, mpInt64:
+		return "int"
+	default:
+		switch {
+		case bd >= mpPosFixNumMin && bd <= mpPosFixNumMax:
+			return "int"
+		case bd >= mpNegFixNumMin && bd <= mpNegFixNumMax:
+			return "int"
+		case bd == mpStr8, bd == mpStr16, bd == mpStr32, bd >= mpFixStrMin && bd <= mpFixStrMax:
+			return "string|bytes"
+		case bd == mpBin8, bd == mpBin16, bd == mpBin32:
+			return "bytes"
+		case bd == mpArray16, bd == mpArray32, bd >= mpFixArrayMin && bd <= mpFixArrayMax:
+			return "array"
+		case bd == mpMap16, bd == mpMap32, bd >= mpFixMapMin && bd <= mpFixMapMax:
+			return "map"
+		case bd >= mpFixExt1 && bd <= mpFixExt16, bd >= mpExt8 && bd <= mpExt32:
+			return "ext"
+		default:
+			return "unknown"
+		}
+	}
+// MsgpackSpecRpcMultiArgs is a special type which signifies to the MsgpackSpecRpcCodec
+// that the backend RPC service takes multiple arguments, which have been arranged
+// in sequence in the slice.
+// The Codec then passes it AS-IS to the rpc service (without wrapping it in an
+// array of 1 element).
+type MsgpackSpecRpcMultiArgs []interface{}
+// A MsgpackContainer type specifies the different types of msgpackContainers.
+type msgpackContainerType struct {
+	fixCutoff                   int
+	bFixMin, b8, b16, b32       byte
+	hasFixMin, has8, has8Always bool
+var (
+	msgpackContainerStr = msgpackContainerType{
+		32, mpFixStrMin, mpStr8, mpStr16, mpStr32, true, true, false,
+	}
+	msgpackContainerBin = msgpackContainerType{
+		0, 0, mpBin8, mpBin16, mpBin32, false, true, true,
+	}
+	msgpackContainerList = msgpackContainerType{
+		16, mpFixArrayMin, 0, mpArray16, mpArray32, true, false, false,
+	}
+	msgpackContainerMap = msgpackContainerType{
+		16, mpFixMapMin, 0, mpMap16, mpMap32, true, false, false,
+	}
+type msgpackEncDriver struct {
+	noBuiltInTypes
+	encDriverNoopContainerWriter
+	// encNoSeparator
+	e *Encoder
+	w encWriter
+	h *MsgpackHandle
+	x [8]byte
+	_ [3]uint64 // padding
+func (e *msgpackEncDriver) EncodeNil() {
+	e.w.writen1(mpNil)
+func (e *msgpackEncDriver) EncodeInt(i int64) {
+	// if i >= 0 {
+	// 	e.EncodeUint(uint64(i))
+	// } else if false &&
+	if i > math.MaxInt8 {
+		if i <= math.MaxInt16 {
+			e.w.writen1(mpInt16)
+			bigenHelper{e.x[:2], e.w}.writeUint16(uint16(i))
+		} else if i <= math.MaxInt32 {
+			e.w.writen1(mpInt32)
+			bigenHelper{e.x[:4], e.w}.writeUint32(uint32(i))
+		} else {
+			e.w.writen1(mpInt64)
+			bigenHelper{e.x[:8], e.w}.writeUint64(uint64(i))
+		}
+	} else if i >= -32 {
+		if e.h.NoFixedNum {
+			e.w.writen2(mpInt8, byte(i))
+		} else {
+			e.w.writen1(byte(i))
+		}
+	} else if i >= math.MinInt8 {
+		e.w.writen2(mpInt8, byte(i))
+	} else if i >= math.MinInt16 {
+		e.w.writen1(mpInt16)
+		bigenHelper{e.x[:2], e.w}.writeUint16(uint16(i))
+	} else if i >= math.MinInt32 {
+		e.w.writen1(mpInt32)
+		bigenHelper{e.x[:4], e.w}.writeUint32(uint32(i))
+	} else {
+		e.w.writen1(mpInt64)
+		bigenHelper{e.x[:8], e.w}.writeUint64(uint64(i))
+	}
+func (e *msgpackEncDriver) EncodeUint(i uint64) {
+	if i <= math.MaxInt8 {
+		if e.h.NoFixedNum {
+			e.w.writen2(mpUint8, byte(i))
+		} else {
+			e.w.writen1(byte(i))
+		}
+	} else if i <= math.MaxUint8 {
+		e.w.writen2(mpUint8, byte(i))
+	} else if i <= math.MaxUint16 {
+		e.w.writen1(mpUint16)
+		bigenHelper{e.x[:2], e.w}.writeUint16(uint16(i))
+	} else if i <= math.MaxUint32 {
+		e.w.writen1(mpUint32)
+		bigenHelper{e.x[:4], e.w}.writeUint32(uint32(i))
+	} else {
+		e.w.writen1(mpUint64)
+		bigenHelper{e.x[:8], e.w}.writeUint64(uint64(i))
+	}
+func (e *msgpackEncDriver) EncodeBool(b bool) {
+	if b {
+		e.w.writen1(mpTrue)
+	} else {
+		e.w.writen1(mpFalse)
+	}
+func (e *msgpackEncDriver) EncodeFloat32(f float32) {
+	e.w.writen1(mpFloat)
+	bigenHelper{e.x[:4], e.w}.writeUint32(math.Float32bits(f))
+func (e *msgpackEncDriver) EncodeFloat64(f float64) {
+	e.w.writen1(mpDouble)
+	bigenHelper{e.x[:8], e.w}.writeUint64(math.Float64bits(f))
+func (e *msgpackEncDriver) EncodeTime(t time.Time) {
+	if t.IsZero() {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	t = t.UTC()
+	sec, nsec := t.Unix(), uint64(t.Nanosecond())
+	var data64 uint64
+	var l = 4
+	if sec >= 0 && sec>>34 == 0 {
+		data64 = (nsec << 34) | uint64(sec)
+		if data64&0xffffffff00000000 != 0 {
+			l = 8
+		}
+	} else {
+		l = 12
+	}
+	if e.h.WriteExt {
+		e.encodeExtPreamble(mpTimeExtTagU, l)
+	} else {
+		e.writeContainerLen(msgpackContainerStr, l)
+	}
+	switch l {
+	case 4:
+		bigenHelper{e.x[:4], e.w}.writeUint32(uint32(data64))
+	case 8:
+		bigenHelper{e.x[:8], e.w}.writeUint64(data64)
+	case 12:
+		bigenHelper{e.x[:4], e.w}.writeUint32(uint32(nsec))
+		bigenHelper{e.x[:8], e.w}.writeUint64(uint64(sec))
+	}
+func (e *msgpackEncDriver) EncodeExt(v interface{}, xtag uint64, ext Ext, _ *Encoder) {
+	bs := ext.WriteExt(v)
+	if bs == nil {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	if e.h.WriteExt {
+		e.encodeExtPreamble(uint8(xtag), len(bs))
+		e.w.writeb(bs)
+	} else {
+		e.EncodeStringBytes(cRAW, bs)
+	}
+func (e *msgpackEncDriver) EncodeRawExt(re *RawExt, _ *Encoder) {
+	e.encodeExtPreamble(uint8(re.Tag), len(re.Data))
+	e.w.writeb(re.Data)
+func (e *msgpackEncDriver) encodeExtPreamble(xtag byte, l int) {
+	if l == 1 {
+		e.w.writen2(mpFixExt1, xtag)
+	} else if l == 2 {
+		e.w.writen2(mpFixExt2, xtag)
+	} else if l == 4 {
+		e.w.writen2(mpFixExt4, xtag)
+	} else if l == 8 {
+		e.w.writen2(mpFixExt8, xtag)
+	} else if l == 16 {
+		e.w.writen2(mpFixExt16, xtag)
+	} else if l < 256 {
+		e.w.writen2(mpExt8, byte(l))
+		e.w.writen1(xtag)
+	} else if l < 65536 {
+		e.w.writen1(mpExt16)
+		bigenHelper{e.x[:2], e.w}.writeUint16(uint16(l))
+		e.w.writen1(xtag)
+	} else {
+		e.w.writen1(mpExt32)
+		bigenHelper{e.x[:4], e.w}.writeUint32(uint32(l))
+		e.w.writen1(xtag)
+	}
+func (e *msgpackEncDriver) WriteArrayStart(length int) {
+	e.writeContainerLen(msgpackContainerList, length)
+func (e *msgpackEncDriver) WriteMapStart(length int) {
+	e.writeContainerLen(msgpackContainerMap, length)
+func (e *msgpackEncDriver) EncodeString(c charEncoding, s string) {
+	slen := len(s)
+	if c == cRAW && e.h.WriteExt {
+		e.writeContainerLen(msgpackContainerBin, slen)
+	} else {
+		e.writeContainerLen(msgpackContainerStr, slen)
+	}
+	if slen > 0 {
+		e.w.writestr(s)
+	}
+func (e *msgpackEncDriver) EncodeStringBytes(c charEncoding, bs []byte) {
+	if bs == nil {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	slen := len(bs)
+	if c == cRAW && e.h.WriteExt {
+		e.writeContainerLen(msgpackContainerBin, slen)
+	} else {
+		e.writeContainerLen(msgpackContainerStr, slen)
+	}
+	if slen > 0 {
+		e.w.writeb(bs)
+	}
+func (e *msgpackEncDriver) writeContainerLen(ct msgpackContainerType, l int) {
+	if ct.hasFixMin && l < ct.fixCutoff {
+		e.w.writen1(ct.bFixMin | byte(l))
+	} else if ct.has8 && l < 256 && (ct.has8Always || e.h.WriteExt) {
+		e.w.writen2(ct.b8, uint8(l))
+	} else if l < 65536 {
+		e.w.writen1(ct.b16)
+		bigenHelper{e.x[:2], e.w}.writeUint16(uint16(l))
+	} else {
+		e.w.writen1(ct.b32)
+		bigenHelper{e.x[:4], e.w}.writeUint32(uint32(l))
+	}
+type msgpackDecDriver struct {
+	d *Decoder
+	r decReader // *Decoder decReader decReaderT
+	h *MsgpackHandle
+	// b      [scratchByteArrayLen]byte
+	bd     byte
+	bdRead bool
+	br     bool // bytes reader
+	noBuiltInTypes
+	// noStreamingCodec
+	// decNoSeparator
+	decDriverNoopContainerReader
+	_ [3]uint64 // padding
+// Note: This returns either a primitive (int, bool, etc) for non-containers,
+// or a containerType, or a specific type denoting nil or extension.
+// It is called when a nil interface{} is passed, leaving it up to the DecDriver
+// to introspect the stream and decide how best to decode.
+// It deciphers the value by looking at the stream first.
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) DecodeNaked() {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	bd :=
+	n := d.d.n
+	var decodeFurther bool
+	switch bd {
+	case mpNil:
+		n.v = valueTypeNil
+		d.bdRead = false
+	case mpFalse:
+		n.v = valueTypeBool
+		n.b = false
+	case mpTrue:
+		n.v = valueTypeBool
+		n.b = true
+	case mpFloat:
+		n.v = valueTypeFloat
+		n.f = float64(math.Float32frombits(bigen.Uint32(d.r.readx(4))))
+	case mpDouble:
+		n.v = valueTypeFloat
+		n.f = math.Float64frombits(bigen.Uint64(d.r.readx(8)))
+	case mpUint8:
+		n.v = valueTypeUint
+		n.u = uint64(d.r.readn1())
+	case mpUint16:
+		n.v = valueTypeUint
+		n.u = uint64(bigen.Uint16(d.r.readx(2)))
+	case mpUint32:
+		n.v = valueTypeUint
+		n.u = uint64(bigen.Uint32(d.r.readx(4)))
+	case mpUint64:
+		n.v = valueTypeUint
+		n.u = uint64(bigen.Uint64(d.r.readx(8)))
+	case mpInt8:
+		n.v = valueTypeInt
+		n.i = int64(int8(d.r.readn1()))
+	case mpInt16:
+		n.v = valueTypeInt
+		n.i = int64(int16(bigen.Uint16(d.r.readx(2))))
+	case mpInt32:
+		n.v = valueTypeInt
+		n.i = int64(int32(bigen.Uint32(d.r.readx(4))))
+	case mpInt64:
+		n.v = valueTypeInt
+		n.i = int64(int64(bigen.Uint64(d.r.readx(8))))
+	default:
+		switch {
+		case bd >= mpPosFixNumMin && bd <= mpPosFixNumMax:
+			// positive fixnum (always signed)
+			n.v = valueTypeInt
+			n.i = int64(int8(bd))
+		case bd >= mpNegFixNumMin && bd <= mpNegFixNumMax:
+			// negative fixnum
+			n.v = valueTypeInt
+			n.i = int64(int8(bd))
+		case bd == mpStr8, bd == mpStr16, bd == mpStr32, bd >= mpFixStrMin && bd <= mpFixStrMax:
+			if d.h.RawToString {
+				n.v = valueTypeString
+				n.s = d.DecodeString()
+			} else {
+				n.v = valueTypeBytes
+				n.l = d.DecodeBytes(nil, false)
+			}
+		case bd == mpBin8, bd == mpBin16, bd == mpBin32:
+			n.v = valueTypeBytes
+			n.l = d.DecodeBytes(nil, false)
+		case bd == mpArray16, bd == mpArray32, bd >= mpFixArrayMin && bd <= mpFixArrayMax:
+			n.v = valueTypeArray
+			decodeFurther = true
+		case bd == mpMap16, bd == mpMap32, bd >= mpFixMapMin && bd <= mpFixMapMax:
+			n.v = valueTypeMap
+			decodeFurther = true
+		case bd >= mpFixExt1 && bd <= mpFixExt16, bd >= mpExt8 && bd <= mpExt32:
+			n.v = valueTypeExt
+			clen := d.readExtLen()
+			n.u = uint64(d.r.readn1())
+			if n.u == uint64(mpTimeExtTagU) {
+				n.v = valueTypeTime
+				n.t = d.decodeTime(clen)
+			} else {
+				n.l = d.r.readx(clen)
+			}
+		default:
+			d.d.errorf("cannot infer value: %s: Ox%x/%d/%s", msgBadDesc, bd, bd, mpdesc(bd))
+		}
+	}
+	if !decodeFurther {
+		d.bdRead = false
+	}
+	if n.v == valueTypeUint && d.h.SignedInteger {
+		n.v = valueTypeInt
+		n.i = int64(n.u)
+	}
+	return
+// int can be decoded from msgpack type: intXXX or uintXXX
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) DecodeInt64() (i int64) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	switch {
+	case mpUint8:
+		i = int64(uint64(d.r.readn1()))
+	case mpUint16:
+		i = int64(uint64(bigen.Uint16(d.r.readx(2))))
+	case mpUint32:
+		i = int64(uint64(bigen.Uint32(d.r.readx(4))))
+	case mpUint64:
+		i = int64(bigen.Uint64(d.r.readx(8)))
+	case mpInt8:
+		i = int64(int8(d.r.readn1()))
+	case mpInt16:
+		i = int64(int16(bigen.Uint16(d.r.readx(2))))
+	case mpInt32:
+		i = int64(int32(bigen.Uint32(d.r.readx(4))))
+	case mpInt64:
+		i = int64(bigen.Uint64(d.r.readx(8)))
+	default:
+		switch {
+		case >= mpPosFixNumMin && <= mpPosFixNumMax:
+			i = int64(int8(
+		case >= mpNegFixNumMin && <= mpNegFixNumMax:
+			i = int64(int8(
+		default:
+			d.d.errorf("cannot decode signed integer: %s: %x/%s", msgBadDesc,, mpdesc(
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+// uint can be decoded from msgpack type: intXXX or uintXXX
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) DecodeUint64() (ui uint64) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	switch {
+	case mpUint8:
+		ui = uint64(d.r.readn1())
+	case mpUint16:
+		ui = uint64(bigen.Uint16(d.r.readx(2)))
+	case mpUint32:
+		ui = uint64(bigen.Uint32(d.r.readx(4)))
+	case mpUint64:
+		ui = bigen.Uint64(d.r.readx(8))
+	case mpInt8:
+		if i := int64(int8(d.r.readn1())); i >= 0 {
+			ui = uint64(i)
+		} else {
+			d.d.errorf("assigning negative signed value: %v, to unsigned type", i)
+			return
+		}
+	case mpInt16:
+		if i := int64(int16(bigen.Uint16(d.r.readx(2)))); i >= 0 {
+			ui = uint64(i)
+		} else {
+			d.d.errorf("assigning negative signed value: %v, to unsigned type", i)
+			return
+		}
+	case mpInt32:
+		if i := int64(int32(bigen.Uint32(d.r.readx(4)))); i >= 0 {
+			ui = uint64(i)
+		} else {
+			d.d.errorf("assigning negative signed value: %v, to unsigned type", i)
+			return
+		}
+	case mpInt64:
+		if i := int64(bigen.Uint64(d.r.readx(8))); i >= 0 {
+			ui = uint64(i)
+		} else {
+			d.d.errorf("assigning negative signed value: %v, to unsigned type", i)
+			return
+		}
+	default:
+		switch {
+		case >= mpPosFixNumMin && <= mpPosFixNumMax:
+			ui = uint64(
+		case >= mpNegFixNumMin && <= mpNegFixNumMax:
+			d.d.errorf("assigning negative signed value: %v, to unsigned type", int(
+			return
+		default:
+			d.d.errorf("cannot decode unsigned integer: %s: %x/%s", msgBadDesc,, mpdesc(
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+// float can either be decoded from msgpack type: float, double or intX
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) DecodeFloat64() (f float64) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if == mpFloat {
+		f = float64(math.Float32frombits(bigen.Uint32(d.r.readx(4))))
+	} else if == mpDouble {
+		f = math.Float64frombits(bigen.Uint64(d.r.readx(8)))
+	} else {
+		f = float64(d.DecodeInt64())
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+// bool can be decoded from bool, fixnum 0 or 1.
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) DecodeBool() (b bool) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if == mpFalse || == 0 {
+		// b = false
+	} else if == mpTrue || == 1 {
+		b = true
+	} else {
+		d.d.errorf("cannot decode bool: %s: %x/%s", msgBadDesc,, mpdesc(
+		return
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) DecodeBytes(bs []byte, zerocopy bool) (bsOut []byte) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	// check if an "array" of uint8's (see ContainerType for how to infer if an array)
+	bd :=
+	// DecodeBytes could be from: bin str fixstr fixarray array ...
+	var clen int
+	vt := d.ContainerType()
+	switch vt {
+	case valueTypeBytes:
+		// valueTypeBytes may be a mpBin or an mpStr container
+		if bd == mpBin8 || bd == mpBin16 || bd == mpBin32 {
+			clen = d.readContainerLen(msgpackContainerBin)
+		} else {
+			clen = d.readContainerLen(msgpackContainerStr)
+		}
+	case valueTypeString:
+		clen = d.readContainerLen(msgpackContainerStr)
+	case valueTypeArray:
+		if zerocopy && len(bs) == 0 {
+			bs = d.d.b[:]
+		}
+		bsOut, _ = fastpathTV.DecSliceUint8V(bs, true, d.d)
+		return
+	default:
+		d.d.errorf("invalid container type: expecting bin|str|array, got: 0x%x", uint8(vt))
+		return
+	}
+	// these are (bin|str)(8|16|32)
+	d.bdRead = false
+	// bytes may be nil, so handle it. if nil, clen=-1.
+	if clen < 0 {
+		return nil
+	}
+	if zerocopy {
+		if {
+			return d.r.readx(clen)
+		} else if len(bs) == 0 {
+			bs = d.d.b[:]
+		}
+	}
+	return decByteSlice(d.r, clen, d.h.MaxInitLen, bs)
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) DecodeString() (s string) {
+	return string(d.DecodeBytes(d.d.b[:], true))
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) DecodeStringAsBytes() (s []byte) {
+	return d.DecodeBytes(d.d.b[:], true)
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) readNextBd() {
+ = d.r.readn1()
+	d.bdRead = true
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) uncacheRead() {
+	if d.bdRead {
+		d.r.unreadn1()
+		d.bdRead = false
+	}
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) ContainerType() (vt valueType) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	bd :=
+	if bd == mpNil {
+		return valueTypeNil
+	} else if bd == mpBin8 || bd == mpBin16 || bd == mpBin32 ||
+		(!d.h.RawToString &&
+			(bd == mpStr8 || bd == mpStr16 || bd == mpStr32 || (bd >= mpFixStrMin && bd <= mpFixStrMax))) {
+		return valueTypeBytes
+	} else if d.h.RawToString &&
+		(bd == mpStr8 || bd == mpStr16 || bd == mpStr32 || (bd >= mpFixStrMin && bd <= mpFixStrMax)) {
+		return valueTypeString
+	} else if bd == mpArray16 || bd == mpArray32 || (bd >= mpFixArrayMin && bd <= mpFixArrayMax) {
+		return valueTypeArray
+	} else if bd == mpMap16 || bd == mpMap32 || (bd >= mpFixMapMin && bd <= mpFixMapMax) {
+		return valueTypeMap
+	}
+	// else {
+	// d.d.errorf("isContainerType: unsupported parameter: %v", vt)
+	// }
+	return valueTypeUnset
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) TryDecodeAsNil() (v bool) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if == mpNil {
+		d.bdRead = false
+		return true
+	}
+	return
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) readContainerLen(ct msgpackContainerType) (clen int) {
+	bd :=
+	if bd == mpNil {
+		clen = -1 // to represent nil
+	} else if bd == ct.b8 {
+		clen = int(d.r.readn1())
+	} else if bd == ct.b16 {
+		clen = int(bigen.Uint16(d.r.readx(2)))
+	} else if bd == ct.b32 {
+		clen = int(bigen.Uint32(d.r.readx(4)))
+	} else if (ct.bFixMin & bd) == ct.bFixMin {
+		clen = int(ct.bFixMin ^ bd)
+	} else {
+		d.d.errorf("cannot read container length: %s: hex: %x, decimal: %d", msgBadDesc, bd, bd)
+		return
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) ReadMapStart() int {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	return d.readContainerLen(msgpackContainerMap)
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) ReadArrayStart() int {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	return d.readContainerLen(msgpackContainerList)
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) readExtLen() (clen int) {
+	switch {
+	case mpNil:
+		clen = -1 // to represent nil
+	case mpFixExt1:
+		clen = 1
+	case mpFixExt2:
+		clen = 2
+	case mpFixExt4:
+		clen = 4
+	case mpFixExt8:
+		clen = 8
+	case mpFixExt16:
+		clen = 16
+	case mpExt8:
+		clen = int(d.r.readn1())
+	case mpExt16:
+		clen = int(bigen.Uint16(d.r.readx(2)))
+	case mpExt32:
+		clen = int(bigen.Uint32(d.r.readx(4)))
+	default:
+		d.d.errorf("decoding ext bytes: found unexpected byte: %x",
+		return
+	}
+	return
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) DecodeTime() (t time.Time) {
+	// decode time from string bytes or ext
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if == mpNil {
+		d.bdRead = false
+		return
+	}
+	var clen int
+	switch d.ContainerType() {
+	case valueTypeBytes, valueTypeString:
+		clen = d.readContainerLen(msgpackContainerStr)
+	default:
+		// expect to see mpFixExt4,-1 OR mpFixExt8,-1 OR mpExt8,12,-1
+		d.bdRead = false
+		b2 := d.r.readn1()
+		if == mpFixExt4 && b2 == mpTimeExtTagU {
+			clen = 4
+		} else if == mpFixExt8 && b2 == mpTimeExtTagU {
+			clen = 8
+		} else if == mpExt8 && b2 == 12 && d.r.readn1() == mpTimeExtTagU {
+			clen = 12
+		} else {
+			d.d.errorf("invalid bytes for decoding time as extension: got 0x%x, 0x%x",, b2)
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	return d.decodeTime(clen)
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) decodeTime(clen int) (t time.Time) {
+	// bs = d.r.readx(clen)
+	d.bdRead = false
+	switch clen {
+	case 4:
+		t = time.Unix(int64(bigen.Uint32(d.r.readx(4))), 0).UTC()
+	case 8:
+		tv := bigen.Uint64(d.r.readx(8))
+		t = time.Unix(int64(tv&0x00000003ffffffff), int64(tv>>34)).UTC()
+	case 12:
+		nsec := bigen.Uint32(d.r.readx(4))
+		sec := bigen.Uint64(d.r.readx(8))
+		t = time.Unix(int64(sec), int64(nsec)).UTC()
+	default:
+		d.d.errorf("invalid length of bytes for decoding time - expecting 4 or 8 or 12, got %d", clen)
+		return
+	}
+	return
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) DecodeExt(rv interface{}, xtag uint64, ext Ext) (realxtag uint64) {
+	if xtag > 0xff {
+		d.d.errorf("ext: tag must be <= 0xff; got: %v", xtag)
+		return
+	}
+	realxtag1, xbs := d.decodeExtV(ext != nil, uint8(xtag))
+	realxtag = uint64(realxtag1)
+	if ext == nil {
+		re := rv.(*RawExt)
+		re.Tag = realxtag
+		re.Data = detachZeroCopyBytes(, re.Data, xbs)
+	} else {
+		ext.ReadExt(rv, xbs)
+	}
+	return
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) decodeExtV(verifyTag bool, tag byte) (xtag byte, xbs []byte) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	xbd :=
+	if xbd == mpBin8 || xbd == mpBin16 || xbd == mpBin32 {
+		xbs = d.DecodeBytes(nil, true)
+	} else if xbd == mpStr8 || xbd == mpStr16 || xbd == mpStr32 ||
+		(xbd >= mpFixStrMin && xbd <= mpFixStrMax) {
+		xbs = d.DecodeStringAsBytes()
+	} else {
+		clen := d.readExtLen()
+		xtag = d.r.readn1()
+		if verifyTag && xtag != tag {
+			d.d.errorf("wrong extension tag - got %b, expecting %v", xtag, tag)
+			return
+		}
+		xbs = d.r.readx(clen)
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+//MsgpackHandle is a Handle for the Msgpack Schema-Free Encoding Format.
+type MsgpackHandle struct {
+	BasicHandle
+	// RawToString controls how raw bytes are decoded into a nil interface{}.
+	RawToString bool
+	// NoFixedNum says to output all signed integers as 2-bytes, never as 1-byte fixednum.
+	NoFixedNum bool
+	// WriteExt flag supports encoding configured extensions with extension tags.
+	// It also controls whether other elements of the new spec are encoded (ie Str8).
+	//
+	// With WriteExt=false, configured extensions are serialized as raw bytes
+	// and Str8 is not encoded.
+	//
+	// A stream can still be decoded into a typed value, provided an appropriate value
+	// is provided, but the type cannot be inferred from the stream. If no appropriate
+	// type is provided (e.g. decoding into a nil interface{}), you get back
+	// a []byte or string based on the setting of RawToString.
+	WriteExt bool
+	binaryEncodingType
+	noElemSeparators
+	// _ [1]uint64 // padding
+// Name returns the name of the handle: msgpack
+func (h *MsgpackHandle) Name() string { return "msgpack" }
+// SetBytesExt sets an extension
+func (h *MsgpackHandle) SetBytesExt(rt reflect.Type, tag uint64, ext BytesExt) (err error) {
+	return h.SetExt(rt, tag, &extWrapper{ext, interfaceExtFailer{}})
+func (h *MsgpackHandle) newEncDriver(e *Encoder) encDriver {
+	return &msgpackEncDriver{e: e, w: e.w, h: h}
+func (h *MsgpackHandle) newDecDriver(d *Decoder) decDriver {
+	return &msgpackDecDriver{d: d, h: h, r: d.r, br: d.bytes}
+func (e *msgpackEncDriver) reset() {
+	e.w = e.e.w
+func (d *msgpackDecDriver) reset() {
+	d.r, = d.d.r, d.d.bytes
+, d.bdRead = 0, false
+type msgpackSpecRpcCodec struct {
+	rpcCodec
+// /////////////// Spec RPC Codec ///////////////////
+func (c *msgpackSpecRpcCodec) WriteRequest(r *rpc.Request, body interface{}) error {
+	// WriteRequest can write to both a Go service, and other services that do
+	// not abide by the 1 argument rule of a Go service.
+	// We discriminate based on if the body is a MsgpackSpecRpcMultiArgs
+	var bodyArr []interface{}
+	if m, ok := body.(MsgpackSpecRpcMultiArgs); ok {
+		bodyArr = ([]interface{})(m)
+	} else {
+		bodyArr = []interface{}{body}
+	}
+	r2 := []interface{}{0, uint32(r.Seq), r.ServiceMethod, bodyArr}
+	return c.write(r2, nil, false)
+func (c *msgpackSpecRpcCodec) WriteResponse(r *rpc.Response, body interface{}) error {
+	var moe interface{}
+	if r.Error != "" {
+		moe = r.Error
+	}
+	if moe != nil && body != nil {
+		body = nil
+	}
+	r2 := []interface{}{1, uint32(r.Seq), moe, body}
+	return c.write(r2, nil, false)
+func (c *msgpackSpecRpcCodec) ReadResponseHeader(r *rpc.Response) error {
+	return c.parseCustomHeader(1, &r.Seq, &r.Error)
+func (c *msgpackSpecRpcCodec) ReadRequestHeader(r *rpc.Request) error {
+	return c.parseCustomHeader(0, &r.Seq, &r.ServiceMethod)
+func (c *msgpackSpecRpcCodec) ReadRequestBody(body interface{}) error {
+	if body == nil { // read and discard
+		return
+	}
+	bodyArr := []interface{}{body}
+	return
+func (c *msgpackSpecRpcCodec) parseCustomHeader(expectTypeByte byte, msgid *uint64, methodOrError *string) (err error) {
+	if c.isClosed() {
+		return io.EOF
+	}
+	// We read the response header by hand
+	// so that the body can be decoded on its own from the stream at a later time.
+	const fia byte = 0x94 //four item array descriptor value
+	// Not sure why the panic of EOF is swallowed above.
+	// if bs1 := c.dec.r.readn1(); bs1 != fia {
+	// 	err = fmt.Errorf("Unexpected value for array descriptor: Expecting %v. Received %v", fia, bs1)
+	// 	return
+	// }
+	var ba [1]byte
+	var n int
+	for {
+		n, err = c.r.Read(ba[:])
+		if err != nil {
+			return
+		}
+		if n == 1 {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	var b = ba[0]
+	if b != fia {
+		err = fmt.Errorf("not array - %s %x/%s", msgBadDesc, b, mpdesc(b))
+	} else {
+		err =
+		if err == nil {
+			if b != expectTypeByte {
+				err = fmt.Errorf("%s - expecting %v but got %x/%s",
+					msgBadDesc, expectTypeByte, b, mpdesc(b))
+			} else {
+				err =
+				if err == nil {
+					err =
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return
+// msgpackSpecRpc is the implementation of Rpc that uses custom communication protocol
+// as defined in the msgpack spec at
+type msgpackSpecRpc struct{}
+// MsgpackSpecRpc implements Rpc using the communication protocol defined in
+// the msgpack spec at .
+// See GoRpc documentation, for information on buffering for better performance.
+var MsgpackSpecRpc msgpackSpecRpc
+func (x msgpackSpecRpc) ServerCodec(conn io.ReadWriteCloser, h Handle) rpc.ServerCodec {
+	return &msgpackSpecRpcCodec{newRPCCodec(conn, h)}
+func (x msgpackSpecRpc) ClientCodec(conn io.ReadWriteCloser, h Handle) rpc.ClientCodec {
+	return &msgpackSpecRpcCodec{newRPCCodec(conn, h)}
+var _ decDriver = (*msgpackDecDriver)(nil)
+var _ encDriver = (*msgpackEncDriver)(nil)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fb3c01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+package codec
+import (
+	"bufio"
+	"errors"
+	"io"
+	"net/rpc"
+	"sync"
+// Rpc provides a rpc Server or Client Codec for rpc communication.
+type Rpc interface {
+	ServerCodec(conn io.ReadWriteCloser, h Handle) rpc.ServerCodec
+	ClientCodec(conn io.ReadWriteCloser, h Handle) rpc.ClientCodec
+// RPCOptions holds options specific to rpc functionality
+type RPCOptions struct {
+	// RPCNoBuffer configures whether we attempt to buffer reads and writes during RPC calls.
+	//
+	// Set RPCNoBuffer=true to turn buffering off.
+	// Buffering can still be done if buffered connections are passed in, or
+	// buffering is configured on the handle.
+	RPCNoBuffer bool
+// rpcCodec defines the struct members and common methods.
+type rpcCodec struct {
+	c io.Closer
+	r io.Reader
+	w io.Writer
+	f ioFlusher
+	dec *Decoder
+	enc *Encoder
+	// bw  *bufio.Writer
+	// br  *bufio.Reader
+	mu sync.Mutex
+	h  Handle
+	cls    bool
+	clsmu  sync.RWMutex
+	clsErr error
+func newRPCCodec(conn io.ReadWriteCloser, h Handle) rpcCodec {
+	// return newRPCCodec2(bufio.NewReader(conn), bufio.NewWriter(conn), conn, h)
+	return newRPCCodec2(conn, conn, conn, h)
+func newRPCCodec2(r io.Reader, w io.Writer, c io.Closer, h Handle) rpcCodec {
+	// defensive: ensure that jsonH has TermWhitespace turned on.
+	if jsonH, ok := h.(*JsonHandle); ok && !jsonH.TermWhitespace {
+		panic(errors.New("rpc requires a JsonHandle with TermWhitespace set to true"))
+	}
+	// always ensure that we use a flusher, and always flush what was written to the connection.
+	// we lose nothing by using a buffered writer internally.
+	f, ok := w.(ioFlusher)
+	bh := h.getBasicHandle()
+	if !bh.RPCNoBuffer {
+		if bh.WriterBufferSize <= 0 {
+			if !ok {
+				bw := bufio.NewWriter(w)
+				f, w = bw, bw
+			}
+		}
+		if bh.ReaderBufferSize <= 0 {
+			if _, ok = w.(ioPeeker); !ok {
+				if _, ok = w.(ioBuffered); !ok {
+					br := bufio.NewReader(r)
+					r = br
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return rpcCodec{
+		c:   c,
+		w:   w,
+		r:   r,
+		f:   f,
+		h:   h,
+		enc: NewEncoder(w, h),
+		dec: NewDecoder(r, h),
+	}
+func (c *rpcCodec) write(obj1, obj2 interface{}, writeObj2 bool) (err error) {
+	if c.isClosed() {
+		return c.clsErr
+	}
+	err = c.enc.Encode(obj1)
+	if err == nil {
+		if writeObj2 {
+			err = c.enc.Encode(obj2)
+		}
+		// if err == nil && c.f != nil {
+		// 	err = c.f.Flush()
+		// }
+	}
+	if c.f != nil {
+		if err == nil {
+			err = c.f.Flush()
+		} else {
+			_ = c.f.Flush() // swallow flush error, so we maintain prior error on write
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func (c *rpcCodec) swallow(err *error) {
+	defer panicToErr(c.dec, err)
+	c.dec.swallow()
+func (c *rpcCodec) read(obj interface{}) (err error) {
+	if c.isClosed() {
+		return c.clsErr
+	}
+	//If nil is passed in, we should read and discard
+	if obj == nil {
+		// var obj2 interface{}
+		// return c.dec.Decode(&obj2)
+		c.swallow(&err)
+		return
+	}
+	return c.dec.Decode(obj)
+func (c *rpcCodec) isClosed() (b bool) {
+	if c.c != nil {
+		c.clsmu.RLock()
+		b = c.cls
+		c.clsmu.RUnlock()
+	}
+	return
+func (c *rpcCodec) Close() error {
+	if c.c == nil || c.isClosed() {
+		return c.clsErr
+	}
+	c.clsmu.Lock()
+	c.cls = true
+	c.clsErr = c.c.Close()
+	c.clsmu.Unlock()
+	return c.clsErr
+func (c *rpcCodec) ReadResponseBody(body interface{}) error {
+	return
+// -------------------------------------
+type goRpcCodec struct {
+	rpcCodec
+func (c *goRpcCodec) WriteRequest(r *rpc.Request, body interface{}) error {
+	// Must protect for concurrent access as per API
+	defer
+	return c.write(r, body, true)
+func (c *goRpcCodec) WriteResponse(r *rpc.Response, body interface{}) error {
+	defer
+	return c.write(r, body, true)
+func (c *goRpcCodec) ReadResponseHeader(r *rpc.Response) error {
+	return
+func (c *goRpcCodec) ReadRequestHeader(r *rpc.Request) error {
+	return
+func (c *goRpcCodec) ReadRequestBody(body interface{}) error {
+	return
+// -------------------------------------
+// goRpc is the implementation of Rpc that uses the communication protocol
+// as defined in net/rpc package.
+type goRpc struct{}
+// GoRpc implements Rpc using the communication protocol defined in net/rpc package.
+// Note: network connection (from net.Dial, of type io.ReadWriteCloser) is not buffered.
+// For performance, you should configure WriterBufferSize and ReaderBufferSize on the handle.
+// This ensures we use an adequate buffer during reading and writing.
+// If not configured, we will internally initialize and use a buffer during reads and writes.
+// This can be turned off via the RPCNoBuffer option on the Handle.
+//   var handle codec.JsonHandle
+//   handle.RPCNoBuffer = true // turns off attempt by rpc module to initialize a buffer
+// Example 1: one way of configuring buffering explicitly:
+//   var handle codec.JsonHandle // codec handle
+//   handle.ReaderBufferSize = 1024
+//   handle.WriterBufferSize = 1024
+//   var conn io.ReadWriteCloser // connection got from a socket
+//   var serverCodec = GoRpc.ServerCodec(conn, handle)
+//   var clientCodec = GoRpc.ClientCodec(conn, handle)
+// Example 2: you can also explicitly create a buffered connection yourself,
+// and not worry about configuring the buffer sizes in the Handle.
+//   var handle codec.Handle     // codec handle
+//   var conn io.ReadWriteCloser // connection got from a socket
+//   var bufconn = struct {      // bufconn here is a buffered io.ReadWriteCloser
+//       io.Closer
+//       *bufio.Reader
+//       *bufio.Writer
+//   }{conn, bufio.NewReader(conn), bufio.NewWriter(conn)}
+//   var serverCodec = GoRpc.ServerCodec(bufconn, handle)
+//   var clientCodec = GoRpc.ClientCodec(bufconn, handle)
+var GoRpc goRpc
+func (x goRpc) ServerCodec(conn io.ReadWriteCloser, h Handle) rpc.ServerCodec {
+	return &goRpcCodec{newRPCCodec(conn, h)}
+func (x goRpc) ClientCodec(conn io.ReadWriteCloser, h Handle) rpc.ClientCodec {
+	return &goRpcCodec{newRPCCodec(conn, h)}
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1e181e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+package codec
+import (
+	"math"
+	"reflect"
+	"time"
+const (
+	_               uint8 = iota
+	simpleVdNil           = 1
+	simpleVdFalse         = 2
+	simpleVdTrue          = 3
+	simpleVdFloat32       = 4
+	simpleVdFloat64       = 5
+	// each lasts for 4 (ie n, n+1, n+2, n+3)
+	simpleVdPosInt = 8
+	simpleVdNegInt = 12
+	simpleVdTime = 24
+	// containers: each lasts for 4 (ie n, n+1, n+2, ... n+7)
+	simpleVdString    = 216
+	simpleVdByteArray = 224
+	simpleVdArray     = 232
+	simpleVdMap       = 240
+	simpleVdExt       = 248
+type simpleEncDriver struct {
+	noBuiltInTypes
+	// encNoSeparator
+	e *Encoder
+	h *SimpleHandle
+	w encWriter
+	b [8]byte
+	// c containerState
+	encDriverTrackContainerWriter
+	// encDriverNoopContainerWriter
+	_ [2]uint64 // padding
+func (e *simpleEncDriver) EncodeNil() {
+	e.w.writen1(simpleVdNil)
+func (e *simpleEncDriver) EncodeBool(b bool) {
+	if e.h.EncZeroValuesAsNil && e.c != containerMapKey && !b {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	if b {
+		e.w.writen1(simpleVdTrue)
+	} else {
+		e.w.writen1(simpleVdFalse)
+	}
+func (e *simpleEncDriver) EncodeFloat32(f float32) {
+	if e.h.EncZeroValuesAsNil && e.c != containerMapKey && f == 0.0 {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	e.w.writen1(simpleVdFloat32)
+	bigenHelper{e.b[:4], e.w}.writeUint32(math.Float32bits(f))
+func (e *simpleEncDriver) EncodeFloat64(f float64) {
+	if e.h.EncZeroValuesAsNil && e.c != containerMapKey && f == 0.0 {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	e.w.writen1(simpleVdFloat64)
+	bigenHelper{e.b[:8], e.w}.writeUint64(math.Float64bits(f))
+func (e *simpleEncDriver) EncodeInt(v int64) {
+	if v < 0 {
+		e.encUint(uint64(-v), simpleVdNegInt)
+	} else {
+		e.encUint(uint64(v), simpleVdPosInt)
+	}
+func (e *simpleEncDriver) EncodeUint(v uint64) {
+	e.encUint(v, simpleVdPosInt)
+func (e *simpleEncDriver) encUint(v uint64, bd uint8) {
+	if e.h.EncZeroValuesAsNil && e.c != containerMapKey && v == 0 {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	if v <= math.MaxUint8 {
+		e.w.writen2(bd, uint8(v))
+	} else if v <= math.MaxUint16 {
+		e.w.writen1(bd + 1)
+		bigenHelper{e.b[:2], e.w}.writeUint16(uint16(v))
+	} else if v <= math.MaxUint32 {
+		e.w.writen1(bd + 2)
+		bigenHelper{e.b[:4], e.w}.writeUint32(uint32(v))
+	} else { // if v <= math.MaxUint64 {
+		e.w.writen1(bd + 3)
+		bigenHelper{e.b[:8], e.w}.writeUint64(v)
+	}
+func (e *simpleEncDriver) encLen(bd byte, length int) {
+	if length == 0 {
+		e.w.writen1(bd)
+	} else if length <= math.MaxUint8 {
+		e.w.writen1(bd + 1)
+		e.w.writen1(uint8(length))
+	} else if length <= math.MaxUint16 {
+		e.w.writen1(bd + 2)
+		bigenHelper{e.b[:2], e.w}.writeUint16(uint16(length))
+	} else if int64(length) <= math.MaxUint32 {
+		e.w.writen1(bd + 3)
+		bigenHelper{e.b[:4], e.w}.writeUint32(uint32(length))
+	} else {
+		e.w.writen1(bd + 4)
+		bigenHelper{e.b[:8], e.w}.writeUint64(uint64(length))
+	}
+func (e *simpleEncDriver) EncodeExt(rv interface{}, xtag uint64, ext Ext, _ *Encoder) {
+	bs := ext.WriteExt(rv)
+	if bs == nil {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	e.encodeExtPreamble(uint8(xtag), len(bs))
+	e.w.writeb(bs)
+func (e *simpleEncDriver) EncodeRawExt(re *RawExt, _ *Encoder) {
+	e.encodeExtPreamble(uint8(re.Tag), len(re.Data))
+	e.w.writeb(re.Data)
+func (e *simpleEncDriver) encodeExtPreamble(xtag byte, length int) {
+	e.encLen(simpleVdExt, length)
+	e.w.writen1(xtag)
+func (e *simpleEncDriver) WriteArrayStart(length int) {
+	e.c = containerArrayStart
+	e.encLen(simpleVdArray, length)
+func (e *simpleEncDriver) WriteMapStart(length int) {
+	e.c = containerMapStart
+	e.encLen(simpleVdMap, length)
+func (e *simpleEncDriver) EncodeString(c charEncoding, v string) {
+	if false && e.h.EncZeroValuesAsNil && e.c != containerMapKey && v == "" {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	e.encLen(simpleVdString, len(v))
+	e.w.writestr(v)
+// func (e *simpleEncDriver) EncodeSymbol(v string) {
+// 	e.EncodeString(cUTF8, v)
+// }
+func (e *simpleEncDriver) EncodeStringBytes(c charEncoding, v []byte) {
+	// if e.h.EncZeroValuesAsNil && e.c != containerMapKey && v == nil {
+	if v == nil {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	e.encLen(simpleVdByteArray, len(v))
+	e.w.writeb(v)
+func (e *simpleEncDriver) EncodeTime(t time.Time) {
+	// if e.h.EncZeroValuesAsNil && e.c != containerMapKey && t.IsZero() {
+	if t.IsZero() {
+		e.EncodeNil()
+		return
+	}
+	v, err := t.MarshalBinary()
+	if err != nil {
+		e.e.errorv(err)
+		return
+	}
+	// time.Time marshalbinary takes about 14 bytes.
+	e.w.writen2(simpleVdTime, uint8(len(v)))
+	e.w.writeb(v)
+type simpleDecDriver struct {
+	d      *Decoder
+	h      *SimpleHandle
+	r      decReader
+	bdRead bool
+	bd     byte
+	br     bool // a bytes reader?
+	c      containerState
+	// b      [scratchByteArrayLen]byte
+	noBuiltInTypes
+	// noStreamingCodec
+	decDriverNoopContainerReader
+	_ [3]uint64 // padding
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) readNextBd() {
+ = d.r.readn1()
+	d.bdRead = true
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) uncacheRead() {
+	if d.bdRead {
+		d.r.unreadn1()
+		d.bdRead = false
+	}
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) ContainerType() (vt valueType) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	switch {
+	case simpleVdNil:
+		return valueTypeNil
+	case simpleVdByteArray, simpleVdByteArray + 1,
+		simpleVdByteArray + 2, simpleVdByteArray + 3, simpleVdByteArray + 4:
+		return valueTypeBytes
+	case simpleVdString, simpleVdString + 1,
+		simpleVdString + 2, simpleVdString + 3, simpleVdString + 4:
+		return valueTypeString
+	case simpleVdArray, simpleVdArray + 1,
+		simpleVdArray + 2, simpleVdArray + 3, simpleVdArray + 4:
+		return valueTypeArray
+	case simpleVdMap, simpleVdMap + 1,
+		simpleVdMap + 2, simpleVdMap + 3, simpleVdMap + 4:
+		return valueTypeMap
+		// case simpleVdTime:
+		// 	return valueTypeTime
+	}
+	// else {
+	// d.d.errorf("isContainerType: unsupported parameter: %v", vt)
+	// }
+	return valueTypeUnset
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) TryDecodeAsNil() bool {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if == simpleVdNil {
+		d.bdRead = false
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) decCheckInteger() (ui uint64, neg bool) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	switch {
+	case simpleVdPosInt:
+		ui = uint64(d.r.readn1())
+	case simpleVdPosInt + 1:
+		ui = uint64(bigen.Uint16(d.r.readx(2)))
+	case simpleVdPosInt + 2:
+		ui = uint64(bigen.Uint32(d.r.readx(4)))
+	case simpleVdPosInt + 3:
+		ui = uint64(bigen.Uint64(d.r.readx(8)))
+	case simpleVdNegInt:
+		ui = uint64(d.r.readn1())
+		neg = true
+	case simpleVdNegInt + 1:
+		ui = uint64(bigen.Uint16(d.r.readx(2)))
+		neg = true
+	case simpleVdNegInt + 2:
+		ui = uint64(bigen.Uint32(d.r.readx(4)))
+		neg = true
+	case simpleVdNegInt + 3:
+		ui = uint64(bigen.Uint64(d.r.readx(8)))
+		neg = true
+	default:
+		d.d.errorf("integer only valid from pos/neg integer1..8. Invalid descriptor: %v",
+		return
+	}
+	// don't do this check, because callers may only want the unsigned value.
+	// if ui > math.MaxInt64 {
+	// 	d.d.errorf("decIntAny: Integer out of range for signed int64: %v", ui)
+	//		return
+	// }
+	return
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) DecodeInt64() (i int64) {
+	ui, neg := d.decCheckInteger()
+	i = chkOvf.SignedIntV(ui)
+	if neg {
+		i = -i
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) DecodeUint64() (ui uint64) {
+	ui, neg := d.decCheckInteger()
+	if neg {
+		d.d.errorf("assigning negative signed value to unsigned type")
+		return
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) DecodeFloat64() (f float64) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if == simpleVdFloat32 {
+		f = float64(math.Float32frombits(bigen.Uint32(d.r.readx(4))))
+	} else if == simpleVdFloat64 {
+		f = math.Float64frombits(bigen.Uint64(d.r.readx(8)))
+	} else {
+		if >= simpleVdPosInt && <= simpleVdNegInt+3 {
+			f = float64(d.DecodeInt64())
+		} else {
+			d.d.errorf("float only valid from float32/64: Invalid descriptor: %v",
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+// bool can be decoded from bool only (single byte).
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) DecodeBool() (b bool) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if == simpleVdTrue {
+		b = true
+	} else if == simpleVdFalse {
+	} else {
+		d.d.errorf("cannot decode bool - %s: %x", msgBadDesc,
+		return
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) ReadMapStart() (length int) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	d.c = containerMapStart
+	return d.decLen()
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) ReadArrayStart() (length int) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	d.c = containerArrayStart
+	return d.decLen()
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) ReadArrayElem() {
+	d.c = containerArrayElem
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) ReadArrayEnd() {
+	d.c = containerArrayEnd
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) ReadMapElemKey() {
+	d.c = containerMapKey
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) ReadMapElemValue() {
+	d.c = containerMapValue
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) ReadMapEnd() {
+	d.c = containerMapEnd
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) decLen() int {
+	switch % 8 {
+	case 0:
+		return 0
+	case 1:
+		return int(d.r.readn1())
+	case 2:
+		return int(bigen.Uint16(d.r.readx(2)))
+	case 3:
+		ui := uint64(bigen.Uint32(d.r.readx(4)))
+		if chkOvf.Uint(ui, intBitsize) {
+			d.d.errorf("overflow integer: %v", ui)
+			return 0
+		}
+		return int(ui)
+	case 4:
+		ui := bigen.Uint64(d.r.readx(8))
+		if chkOvf.Uint(ui, intBitsize) {
+			d.d.errorf("overflow integer: %v", ui)
+			return 0
+		}
+		return int(ui)
+	}
+	d.d.errorf("cannot read length: bd%%8 must be in range 0..4. Got: %d",
+	return -1
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) DecodeString() (s string) {
+	return string(d.DecodeBytes(d.d.b[:], true))
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) DecodeStringAsBytes() (s []byte) {
+	return d.DecodeBytes(d.d.b[:], true)
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) DecodeBytes(bs []byte, zerocopy bool) (bsOut []byte) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if == simpleVdNil {
+		d.bdRead = false
+		return
+	}
+	// check if an "array" of uint8's (see ContainerType for how to infer if an array)
+	if >= simpleVdArray && <= simpleVdMap+4 {
+		if len(bs) == 0 && zerocopy {
+			bs = d.d.b[:]
+		}
+		bsOut, _ = fastpathTV.DecSliceUint8V(bs, true, d.d)
+		return
+	}
+	clen := d.decLen()
+	d.bdRead = false
+	if zerocopy {
+		if {
+			return d.r.readx(clen)
+		} else if len(bs) == 0 {
+			bs = d.d.b[:]
+		}
+	}
+	return decByteSlice(d.r, clen, d.d.h.MaxInitLen, bs)
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) DecodeTime() (t time.Time) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	if == simpleVdNil {
+		d.bdRead = false
+		return
+	}
+	if != simpleVdTime {
+		d.d.errorf("invalid descriptor for time.Time - expect 0x%x, received 0x%x", simpleVdTime,
+		return
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	clen := int(d.r.readn1())
+	b := d.r.readx(clen)
+	if err := (&t).UnmarshalBinary(b); err != nil {
+		d.d.errorv(err)
+	}
+	return
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) DecodeExt(rv interface{}, xtag uint64, ext Ext) (realxtag uint64) {
+	if xtag > 0xff {
+		d.d.errorf("ext: tag must be <= 0xff; got: %v", xtag)
+		return
+	}
+	realxtag1, xbs := d.decodeExtV(ext != nil, uint8(xtag))
+	realxtag = uint64(realxtag1)
+	if ext == nil {
+		re := rv.(*RawExt)
+		re.Tag = realxtag
+		re.Data = detachZeroCopyBytes(, re.Data, xbs)
+	} else {
+		ext.ReadExt(rv, xbs)
+	}
+	return
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) decodeExtV(verifyTag bool, tag byte) (xtag byte, xbs []byte) {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	switch {
+	case simpleVdExt, simpleVdExt + 1, simpleVdExt + 2, simpleVdExt + 3, simpleVdExt + 4:
+		l := d.decLen()
+		xtag = d.r.readn1()
+		if verifyTag && xtag != tag {
+			d.d.errorf("wrong extension tag. Got %b. Expecting: %v", xtag, tag)
+			return
+		}
+		xbs = d.r.readx(l)
+	case simpleVdByteArray, simpleVdByteArray + 1,
+		simpleVdByteArray + 2, simpleVdByteArray + 3, simpleVdByteArray + 4:
+		xbs = d.DecodeBytes(nil, true)
+	default:
+		d.d.errorf("ext - %s - expecting extensions/bytearray, got: 0x%x", msgBadDesc,
+		return
+	}
+	d.bdRead = false
+	return
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) DecodeNaked() {
+	if !d.bdRead {
+		d.readNextBd()
+	}
+	n := d.d.n
+	var decodeFurther bool
+	switch {
+	case simpleVdNil:
+		n.v = valueTypeNil
+	case simpleVdFalse:
+		n.v = valueTypeBool
+		n.b = false
+	case simpleVdTrue:
+		n.v = valueTypeBool
+		n.b = true
+	case simpleVdPosInt, simpleVdPosInt + 1, simpleVdPosInt + 2, simpleVdPosInt + 3:
+		if d.h.SignedInteger {
+			n.v = valueTypeInt
+			n.i = d.DecodeInt64()
+		} else {
+			n.v = valueTypeUint
+			n.u = d.DecodeUint64()
+		}
+	case simpleVdNegInt, simpleVdNegInt + 1, simpleVdNegInt + 2, simpleVdNegInt + 3:
+		n.v = valueTypeInt
+		n.i = d.DecodeInt64()
+	case simpleVdFloat32:
+		n.v = valueTypeFloat
+		n.f = d.DecodeFloat64()
+	case simpleVdFloat64:
+		n.v = valueTypeFloat
+		n.f = d.DecodeFloat64()
+	case simpleVdTime:
+		n.v = valueTypeTime
+		n.t = d.DecodeTime()
+	case simpleVdString, simpleVdString + 1,
+		simpleVdString + 2, simpleVdString + 3, simpleVdString + 4:
+		n.v = valueTypeString
+		n.s = d.DecodeString()
+	case simpleVdByteArray, simpleVdByteArray + 1,
+		simpleVdByteArray + 2, simpleVdByteArray + 3, simpleVdByteArray + 4:
+		n.v = valueTypeBytes
+		n.l = d.DecodeBytes(nil, false)
+	case simpleVdExt, simpleVdExt + 1, simpleVdExt + 2, simpleVdExt + 3, simpleVdExt + 4:
+		n.v = valueTypeExt
+		l := d.decLen()
+		n.u = uint64(d.r.readn1())
+		n.l = d.r.readx(l)
+	case simpleVdArray, simpleVdArray + 1, simpleVdArray + 2,
+		simpleVdArray + 3, simpleVdArray + 4:
+		n.v = valueTypeArray
+		decodeFurther = true
+	case simpleVdMap, simpleVdMap + 1, simpleVdMap + 2, simpleVdMap + 3, simpleVdMap + 4:
+		n.v = valueTypeMap
+		decodeFurther = true
+	default:
+		d.d.errorf("cannot infer value - %s 0x%x", msgBadDesc,
+	}
+	if !decodeFurther {
+		d.bdRead = false
+	}
+	return
+// SimpleHandle is a Handle for a very simple encoding format.
+// simple is a simplistic codec similar to binc, but not as compact.
+//   - Encoding of a value is always preceded by the descriptor byte (bd)
+//   - True, false, nil are encoded fully in 1 byte (the descriptor)
+//   - Integers (intXXX, uintXXX) are encoded in 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes (plus a descriptor byte).
+//     There are positive (uintXXX and intXXX >= 0) and negative (intXXX < 0) integers.
+//   - Floats are encoded in 4 or 8 bytes (plus a descriptor byte)
+//   - Length of containers (strings, bytes, array, map, extensions)
+//     are encoded in 0, 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes.
+//     Zero-length containers have no length encoded.
+//     For others, the number of bytes is given by pow(2, bd%3)
+//   - maps are encoded as [bd] [length] [[key][value]]...
+//   - arrays are encoded as [bd] [length] [value]...
+//   - extensions are encoded as [bd] [length] [tag] [byte]...
+//   - strings/bytearrays are encoded as [bd] [length] [byte]...
+//   - time.Time are encoded as [bd] [length] [byte]...
+// The full spec will be published soon.
+type SimpleHandle struct {
+	BasicHandle
+	binaryEncodingType
+	noElemSeparators
+	// EncZeroValuesAsNil says to encode zero values for numbers, bool, string, etc as nil
+	EncZeroValuesAsNil bool
+	// _ [1]uint64 // padding
+// Name returns the name of the handle: simple
+func (h *SimpleHandle) Name() string { return "simple" }
+// SetBytesExt sets an extension
+func (h *SimpleHandle) SetBytesExt(rt reflect.Type, tag uint64, ext BytesExt) (err error) {
+	return h.SetExt(rt, tag, &extWrapper{ext, interfaceExtFailer{}})
+func (h *SimpleHandle) hasElemSeparators() bool { return true } // as it implements Write(Map|Array)XXX
+func (h *SimpleHandle) newEncDriver(e *Encoder) encDriver {
+	return &simpleEncDriver{e: e, w: e.w, h: h}
+func (h *SimpleHandle) newDecDriver(d *Decoder) decDriver {
+	return &simpleDecDriver{d: d, h: h, r: d.r, br: d.bytes}
+func (e *simpleEncDriver) reset() {
+	e.c = 0
+	e.w = e.e.w
+func (d *simpleDecDriver) reset() {
+	d.c = 0
+	d.r, = d.d.r, d.d.bytes
+, d.bdRead = 0, false
+var _ decDriver = (*simpleDecDriver)(nil)
+var _ encDriver = (*simpleEncDriver)(nil)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
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+  {
+    "cbor": "YWE=",
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+  {
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+  {
+    "cbor": "Y+awtA==",
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+  {
+    "cbor": "ZPCQhZE=",
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+  {
+    "cbor": "gA==",
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+    "cbor": "nwECAwQFBgcICQoLDA0ODxAREhMUFRYXGBgYGf8=",
+    "hex": "9f0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718181819ff",
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+      12,
+      13,
+      14,
+      15,
+      16,
+      17,
+      18,
+      19,
+      20,
+      21,
+      22,
+      23,
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+  },
+  {
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+      {
+        "b": "c"
+      }
+    ]
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+  {
+    "cbor": "v2NGdW71Y0FtdCH/",
+    "hex": "bf6346756ef563416d7421ff",
+    "roundtrip": false,
+    "decoded": {
+      "Fun": true,
+      "Amt": -2
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..800376f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This will create golden files in a directory passed to it.
+# A Test calls this internally to create the golden files
+# So it can process them (so we don't have to checkin the files).
+# Ensure msgpack-python and cbor are installed first, using:
+#   sudo apt-get install python-dev
+#   sudo apt-get install python-pip
+#   pip install --user msgpack-python msgpack-rpc-python cbor
+# Ensure all "string" keys are utf strings (else encoded as bytes)
+import cbor, msgpack, msgpackrpc, sys, os, threading
+def get_test_data_list():
+    # get list with all primitive types, and a combo type
+    l0 = [ 
+        -8,
+         -1616,
+         -32323232,
+         -6464646464646464,
+         192,
+         1616,
+         32323232,
+         6464646464646464,
+         192,
+         -3232.0,
+         -6464646464.0,
+         3232.0,
+         6464.0,
+         6464646464.0,
+         False,
+         True,
+         u"null",
+         None,
+         u"some&day>some<day",
+         1328176922000002000,
+         u"",
+         -2206187877999998000,
+         u"bytestring",
+         270,
+         u"none",
+        -2013855847999995777,
+         #-6795364578871345152,
+         ]
+    l1 = [
+        { "true": True,
+          "false": False },
+        { "true": u"True",
+          "false": False,
+          "uint16(1616)": 1616 },
+        { "list": [1616, 32323232, True, -3232.0, {"TRUE":True, "FALSE":False}, [True, False] ],
+          "int32":32323232, "bool": True, 
+          "LONG STRING": u"123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
+          "SHORT STRING": u"1234567890" },
+        { True: "true", 138: False, "false": 200 }
+        ]
+    l = []
+    l.extend(l0)
+    l.append(l0)
+    l.append(1)
+    l.extend(l1)
+    return l
+def build_test_data(destdir):
+    l = get_test_data_list()
+    for i in range(len(l)):
+        # packer = msgpack.Packer()
+        serialized = msgpack.dumps(l[i])
+        f = open(os.path.join(destdir, str(i) + '.msgpack.golden'), 'wb')
+        f.write(serialized)
+        f.close()
+        serialized = cbor.dumps(l[i])
+        f = open(os.path.join(destdir, str(i) + '.cbor.golden'), 'wb')
+        f.write(serialized)
+        f.close()
+def doRpcServer(port, stopTimeSec):
+    class EchoHandler(object):
+        def Echo123(self, msg1, msg2, msg3):
+            return ("1:%s 2:%s 3:%s" % (msg1, msg2, msg3))
+        def EchoStruct(self, msg):
+            return ("%s" % msg)
+    addr = msgpackrpc.Address('', port)
+    server = msgpackrpc.Server(EchoHandler())
+    server.listen(addr)
+    # run thread to stop it after stopTimeSec seconds if > 0
+    if stopTimeSec > 0:
+        def myStopRpcServer():
+            server.stop()
+        t = threading.Timer(stopTimeSec, myStopRpcServer)
+        t.start()
+    server.start()
+def doRpcClientToPythonSvc(port):
+    address = msgpackrpc.Address('', port)
+    client = msgpackrpc.Client(address, unpack_encoding='utf-8')
+    print"Echo123", "A1", "B2", "C3")
+    print"EchoStruct", {"A" :"Aa", "B":"Bb", "C":"Cc"})
+def doRpcClientToGoSvc(port):
+    # print ">>>> port: ", port, " <<<<<"
+    address = msgpackrpc.Address('', port)
+    client = msgpackrpc.Client(address, unpack_encoding='utf-8')
+    print"TestRpcInt.Echo123", ["A1", "B2", "C3"])
+    print"TestRpcInt.EchoStruct", {"A" :"Aa", "B":"Bb", "C":"Cc"})
+def doMain(args):
+    if len(args) == 2 and args[0] == "testdata":
+        build_test_data(args[1])
+    elif len(args) == 3 and args[0] == "rpc-server":
+        doRpcServer(int(args[1]), int(args[2]))
+    elif len(args) == 2 and args[0] == "rpc-client-python-service":
+        doRpcClientToPythonSvc(int(args[1]))
+    elif len(args) == 2 and args[0] == "rpc-client-go-service":
+        doRpcClientToGoSvc(int(args[1]))
+    else:
+        print("Usage: " + 
+              "[testdata|rpc-server|rpc-client-python-service|rpc-client-go-service] ...")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    doMain(sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19fc36c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build ignore
+package codec
+import "reflect"
+A strict Non-validating namespace-aware XML 1.0 parser and (en|de)coder.
+We are attempting this due to perceived issues with encoding/xml:
+  - Complicated. It tried to do too much, and is not as simple to use as json.
+  - Due to over-engineering, reflection is over-used AND performance suffers:
+    java is 6X faster:
+    even PYTHON performs better:
+codec framework will offer the following benefits
+  - VASTLY improved performance (when using reflection-mode or codecgen)
+  - simplicity and consistency: with the rest of the supported formats
+  - all other benefits of codec framework (streaming, codegeneration, etc)
+codec is not a drop-in replacement for encoding/xml.
+It is a replacement, based on the simplicity and performance of codec.
+Look at it like JAXB for Go.
+  - Need to output XML preamble, with all namespaces at the right location in the output.
+  - Each "end" block is dynamic, so we need to maintain a context-aware stack
+  - How to decide when to use an attribute VS an element
+  - How to handle chardata, attr, comment EXPLICITLY.
+  - Should it output fragments?
+    e.g. encoding a bool should just output true OR false, which is not well-formed XML.
+Extend the struct tag. See representative example:
+  type X struct {
+    ID uint8 `codec:" xid id,omitempty,toarray,attr,cdata"`
+    // format: [namespace-uri ][namespace-prefix ]local-name, ...
+  }
+Based on this, we encode
+  - fields as elements, BUT
+    encode as attributes if struct tag contains ",attr" and is a scalar (bool, number or string)
+  - text as entity-escaped text, BUT encode as CDATA if struct tag contains ",cdata".
+To handle namespaces:
+  - XMLHandle is denoted as being namespace-aware.
+    Consequently, we WILL use the ns:name pair to encode and decode if defined, else use the plain name.
+  - *Encoder and *Decoder know whether the Handle "prefers" namespaces.
+  - add *Encoder.getEncName(*structFieldInfo).
+    No one calls *structFieldInfo.indexForEncName directly anymore
+  - OR better yet: indexForEncName is namespace-aware, and helper.go is all namespace-aware
+    indexForEncName takes a parameter of the form namespace:local-name OR local-name
+  - add *Decoder.getStructFieldInfo(encName string) // encName here is either like abc, or h1:nsabc
+    by being a method on *Decoder, or maybe a method on the Handle itself.
+    No one accesses .encName anymore
+  - let encode.go and decode.go use these (for consistency)
+  - only problem exists for gen.go, where we create a big switch on encName.
+    Now, we also have to add a switch on strings.endsWith(kName, encNsName)
+    - gen.go will need to have many more methods, and then double-on the 2 switch loops like:
+      switch k {
+        case "abc" :
+        case "def" : x.def()
+        default {
+          switch {
+            case !nsAware: panic(...)
+            case strings.endsWith(":abc"):
+            case strings.endsWith(":def"): x.def()
+            default: panic(...)
+          }
+        }
+     }
+The structure below accommodates this:
+  type typeInfo struct {
+    sfi []*structFieldInfo // sorted by encName
+    sfins // sorted by namespace
+    sfia  // sorted, to have those with attributes at the top. Needed to write XML appropriately.
+    sfip  // unsorted
+  }
+  type structFieldInfo struct {
+    encName
+    nsEncName
+    ns string
+    attr bool
+    cdata bool
+  }
+indexForEncName is now an internal helper function that takes a sorted array
+(one of ti.sfins or ti.sfi). It is only used by *Encoder.getStructFieldInfo(...)
+There will be a separate parser from the builder.
+The parser will have a method: next() xmlToken method. It has lookahead support,
+so you can pop multiple tokens, make a determination, and push them back in the order popped.
+This will be needed to determine whether we are "nakedly" decoding a container or not.
+The stack will be implemented using a slice and push/pop happens at the [0] element.
+xmlToken has fields:
+  - type uint8: 0 | ElementStart | ElementEnd | AttrKey | AttrVal | Text
+  - value string
+  - ns string
+The following are skipped when parsing:
+  - External Entities (from external file)
+  - Notation Declaration e.g. <!NOTATION GIF87A SYSTEM "GIF">
+  - Entity Declarations & References
+  - XML Declaration (assume UTF-8)
+  - XML Directive i.e. <! ... >
+  - Other Declarations: Notation, etc.
+  - Comment
+  - Processing Instruction
+  - schema / DTD for validation:
+    We are not a VALIDATING parser. Validation is done elsewhere.
+    However, some parts of the DTD internal subset are used (SEE BELOW).
+    For Attribute List Declarations e.g.
+    <!ATTLIST foo:oldjoke name ID #REQUIRED label CDATA #IMPLIED status ( funny | notfunny ) 'funny' >
+    We considered using the ATTLIST to get "default" value, but not to validate the contents. (VETOED)
+The following XML features are supported
+  - Namespace
+  - Element
+  - Attribute
+  - cdata
+  - Unicode escape
+The following DTD (when as an internal sub-set) features are supported:
+  - Internal Entities e.g.
+    <!ELEMENT burns "ugorji is cool" > AND entities for the set: [<>&"']
+  - Parameter entities e.g.
+    <!ENTITY % personcontent "ugorji is cool"> <!ELEMENT burns (%personcontent;)*>
+At decode time, a structure containing the following is kept
+  - namespace mapping
+  - default attribute values
+  - all internal entities (<>&"' and others written in the document)
+When decode starts, it parses XML namespace declarations and creates a map in the
+xmlDecDriver. While parsing, that map continuously gets updated.
+The only problem happens when a namespace declaration happens on the node that it defines.
+e.g. <hn:name xmlns:hn="" >
+To handle this, each Element must be fully parsed at a time,
+even if it amounts to multiple tokens which are returned one at a time on request.
+xmlns is a special attribute name.
+  - It is used to define namespaces, including the default
+  - It is never returned as an AttrKey or AttrVal.
+  *We may decide later to allow user to use it e.g. you want to parse the xmlns mappings into a field.*
+Number, bool, null, mapKey, etc can all be decoded from any xmlToken.
+This accommodates map[int]string for example.
+It should be possible to create a schema from the types,
+or vice versa (generate types from schema with appropriate tags).
+This is however out-of-scope from this parsing project.
+We should write all namespace information at the first point that it is referenced in the tree,
+and use the mapping for all child nodes and attributes. This means that state is maintained
+at a point in the tree. This also means that calls to Decode or MustDecode will reset some state.
+When decoding, it is important to keep track of entity references and default attribute values.
+It seems these can only be stored in the DTD components. We should honor them when decoding.
+Configuration for XMLHandle will look like this:
+  XMLHandle
+    DefaultNS string
+    // Encoding:
+    NS map[string]string // ns URI to key, used for encoding
+    // Decoding: in case ENTITY declared in external schema or dtd, store info needed here
+    Entities map[string]string // map of entity rep to character
+During encode, if a namespace mapping is not defined for a namespace found on a struct,
+then we create a mapping for it using nsN (where N is 1..1000000, and doesn't conflict
+with any other namespace mapping).
+Note that different fields in a struct can have different namespaces.
+However, all fields will default to the namespace on the _struct field (if defined).
+An XML document is a name, a map of attributes and a list of children.
+Consequently, we cannot "DecodeNaked" into a map[string]interface{} (for example).
+We have to "DecodeNaked" into something that resembles XML data.
+To support DecodeNaked (decode into nil interface{}), we have to define some "supporting" types:
+    type Name struct { // Preferred. Less allocations due to conversions.
+      Local string
+      Space string
+    }
+    type Element struct {
+      Name Name
+      Attrs map[Name]string
+      Children []interface{} // each child is either *Element or string
+    }
+Only two "supporting" types are exposed for XML: Name and Element.
+// ------------------
+We considered 'type Name string' where Name is like "Space Local" (space-separated).
+We decided against it, because each creation of a name would lead to
+double allocation (first convert []byte to string, then concatenate them into a string).
+The benefit is that it is faster to read Attrs from a map. But given that Element is a value
+object, we want to eschew methods and have public exposed variables.
+We also considered the following, where xml types were not value objects, and we used
+intelligent accessor methods to extract information and for performance.
+    type Attr struct {
+      Name Name
+      Value string
+    }
+    // Element is a ValueObject: There are no accessor methods.
+    // Make element self-contained.
+    type Element struct {
+      Name Name
+      attrsMap map[string]string // where key is "Space Local"
+      attrs []Attr
+      childrenT []string
+      childrenE []Element
+      childrenI []int // each child is a index into T or E.
+    }
+    func (x *Element) child(i) interface{} // returns string or *Element
+// ------------------
+Per XML spec and our default handling, white space is always treated as
+insignificant between elements, except in a text node. The xml:space='preserve'
+attribute is ignored.
+**Note: there is no xml: namespace. The xml: attributes were defined before namespaces.**
+**So treat them as just "directives" that should be interpreted to mean something**.
+On encoding, we support indenting aka prettifying markup in the same way we support it for json.
+A document or element can only be encoded/decoded from/to a struct. In this mode:
+  - struct name maps to element name (or tag-info from _struct field)
+  - fields are mapped to child elements or attributes
+A map is either encoded as attributes on current element, or as a set of child elements.
+Maps are encoded as attributes iff their keys and values are primitives (number, bool, string).
+A list is encoded as a set of child elements.
+Primitives (number, bool, string) are encoded as an element, attribute or text
+depending on the context.
+Extensions must encode themselves as a text string.
+Encoding is tough, specifically when encoding mappings, because we need to encode
+as either attribute or element. To do this, we need to default to encoding as attributes,
+and then let Encoder inform the Handle when to start encoding as nodes.
+i.e. Encoder does something like:
+    h.EncodeMapStart()
+    h.Encode(), h.Encode(), ...
+    h.EncodeMapNotAttrSignal() // this is not a bool, because it's a signal
+    h.Encode(), h.Encode(), ...
+    h.EncodeEnd()
+Only XMLHandle understands this, and will set itself to start encoding as elements.
+This support extends to maps. For example, if a struct field is a map, and it has
+the struct tag signifying it should be attr, then all its fields are encoded as attributes.
+    type X struct {
+       M map[string]int `codec:"m,attr"` // encode keys as attributes named
+    }
+  - if encoding a map, what if map keys have spaces in them???
+    Then they cannot be attributes or child elements. Error.
+Options to consider adding later:
+  - For attribute values, normalize by trimming beginning and ending white space,
+    and converting every white space sequence to a single space.
+  - ATTLIST restrictions are enforced.
+    e.g. default value of xml:space, skipping xml:XYZ style attributes, etc.
+  - Consider supporting NON-STRICT mode (e.g. to handle HTML parsing).
+    Some elements e.g. br, hr, etc need not close and should be auto-closed
+    ... (see
+    An expansive set of entities are pre-defined.
+  - Have easy way to create a HTML parser:
+    add a HTML() method to XMLHandle, that will set Strict=false, specify AutoClose,
+    and add HTML Entities to the list.
+  - Support validating element/attribute XMLName before writing it.
+    Keep this behind a flag, which is set to false by default (for performance).
+    type XMLHandle struct {
+      CheckName bool
+    }
+ROADMAP (1 weeks):
+  - build encoder (1 day)
+  - build decoder (based off xmlParser) (1 day)
+  - implement xmlParser (2 days).
+    Look at encoding/xml for inspiration.
+  - integrate and TEST (1 days)
+  - write article and post it (1 day)
+// ---------- MORE NOTES FROM 2017-11-30 ------------
+when parsing
+- parse the attributes first
+- then parse the nodes
+- if encoding a field: we use the field name for the wrapper
+- if encoding a non-field, then just use the element type name
+  map[string]string ==> <map><key>abc</key><value>val</value></map>... or
+                        <map key="abc">val</map>... OR
+                        <key1>val1</key1><key2>val2</key2>...                <- PREFERED
+  []string  ==> <string>v1</string><string>v2</string>...
+  string v1 ==> <string>v1</string>
+  bool true ==> <bool>true</bool>
+  float 1.0 ==> <float>1.0</float>
+  ...
+  F1 map[string]string ==> <F1><key>abc</key><value>val</value></F1>... OR
+                           <F1 key="abc">val</F1>... OR
+                           <F1><abc>val</abc>...</F1>                        <- PREFERED
+  F2 []string          ==> <F2>v1</F2><F2>v2</F2>...
+  F3 bool              ==> <F3>true</F3>
+  ...
+- a scalar is encoded as:
+  (value) of type T  ==> <T><value/></T>
+  (value) of field F ==> <F><value/></F>
+- A kv-pair is encoded as:
+  (key,value) ==> <map><key><value/></key></map> OR <map key="value">
+  (key,value) of field F ==> <F><key><value/></key></F> OR <F key="value">
+- A map or struct is just a list of kv-pairs
+- A list is encoded as sequences of same node e.g.
+  <F1 key1="value11">
+  <F1 key2="value12">
+  <F2>value21</F2>
+  <F2>value22</F2>
+- we may have to singularize the field name, when entering into xml,
+  and pluralize them when encoding.
+- bi-directional encode->decode->encode is not a MUST.
+  even encoding/xml cannot decode correctly what was encoded:
+  see
+  func main() {
+	fmt.Println("Hello, playground")
+	v := []interface{}{"hello", 1, true, nil, time.Now()}
+	s, err := xml.Marshal(v)
+	fmt.Printf("err: %v, \ns: %s\n", err, s)
+	var v2 []interface{}
+	err = xml.Unmarshal(s, &v2)
+	fmt.Printf("err: %v, \nv2: %v\n", err, v2)
+	type T struct {
+	    V []interface{}
+	}
+	v3 := T{V: v}
+	s, err = xml.Marshal(v3)
+	fmt.Printf("err: %v, \ns: %s\n", err, s)
+	var v4 T
+	err = xml.Unmarshal(s, &v4)
+	fmt.Printf("err: %v, \nv4: %v\n", err, v4)
+  }
+  Output:
+    err: <nil>,
+    s: <string>hello</string><int>1</int><bool>true</bool><Time>2009-11-10T23:00:00Z</Time>
+    err: <nil>,
+    v2: [<nil>]
+    err: <nil>,
+    s: <T><V>hello</V><V>1</V><V>true</V><V>2009-11-10T23:00:00Z</V></T>
+    err: <nil>,
+    v4: {[<nil> <nil> <nil> <nil>]}
+// ----------- PARSER  -------------------
+type xmlTokenType uint8
+const (
+	_ xmlTokenType = iota << 1
+	xmlTokenElemStart
+	xmlTokenElemEnd
+	xmlTokenAttrKey
+	xmlTokenAttrVal
+	xmlTokenText
+type xmlToken struct {
+	Type      xmlTokenType
+	Value     string
+	Namespace string // blank for AttrVal and Text
+type xmlParser struct {
+	r    decReader
+	toks []xmlToken // list of tokens.
+	ptr  int        // ptr into the toks slice
+	done bool       // nothing else to parse. r now returns EOF.
+func (x *xmlParser) next() (t *xmlToken) {
+	// once x.done, or x.ptr == len(x.toks) == 0, then return nil (to signify finish)
+	if !x.done && len(x.toks) == 0 {
+		x.nextTag()
+	}
+	// parses one element at a time (into possible many tokens)
+	if x.ptr < len(x.toks) {
+		t = &(x.toks[x.ptr])
+		x.ptr++
+		if x.ptr == len(x.toks) {
+			x.ptr = 0
+			x.toks = x.toks[:0]
+		}
+	}
+	return
+// nextTag will parses the next element and fill up toks.
+// It set done flag if/once EOF is reached.
+func (x *xmlParser) nextTag() {
+	// TODO: implement.
+// ----------- ENCODER -------------------
+type xmlEncDriver struct {
+	e  *Encoder
+	w  encWriter
+	h  *XMLHandle
+	b  [64]byte // scratch
+	bs []byte   // scratch
+	// s  jsonStack
+	noBuiltInTypes
+// ----------- DECODER -------------------
+type xmlDecDriver struct {
+	d    *Decoder
+	h    *XMLHandle
+	r    decReader // *bytesDecReader decReader
+	ct   valueType // container type. one of unset, array or map.
+	bstr [8]byte   // scratch used for string \UXXX parsing
+	b    [64]byte  // scratch
+	// wsSkipped bool // whitespace skipped
+	// s jsonStack
+	noBuiltInTypes
+// DecodeNaked will decode into an XMLNode
+// XMLName is a value object representing a namespace-aware NAME
+type XMLName struct {
+	Local string
+	Space string
+// XMLNode represents a "union" of the different types of XML Nodes.
+// Only one of fields (Text or *Element) is set.
+type XMLNode struct {
+	Element *Element
+	Text    string
+// XMLElement is a value object representing an fully-parsed XML element.
+type XMLElement struct {
+	Name  Name
+	Attrs map[XMLName]string
+	// Children is a list of child nodes, each being a *XMLElement or string
+	Children []XMLNode
+// ----------- HANDLE  -------------------
+type XMLHandle struct {
+	BasicHandle
+	textEncodingType
+	DefaultNS string
+	NS        map[string]string // ns URI to key, for encoding
+	Entities  map[string]string // entity representation to string, for encoding.
+func (h *XMLHandle) newEncDriver(e *Encoder) encDriver {
+	return &xmlEncDriver{e: e, w: e.w, h: h}
+func (h *XMLHandle) newDecDriver(d *Decoder) decDriver {
+	// d := xmlDecDriver{r: r.(*bytesDecReader), h: h}
+	hd := xmlDecDriver{d: d, r: d.r, h: h}
+	hd.n.bytes = d.b[:]
+	return &hd
+func (h *XMLHandle) SetInterfaceExt(rt reflect.Type, tag uint64, ext InterfaceExt) (err error) {
+	return h.SetExt(rt, tag, &extWrapper{bytesExtFailer{}, ext})
+var _ decDriver = (*xmlDecDriver)(nil)
+var _ encDriver = (*xmlEncDriver)(nil)