tree: 84cac183cdbfe0bdea6f4b862c677753b2c460e6 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .gitignore
  2. .gitreview
  7. bbsim-sadis-server/
  8. voltha-adapter-openolt/
  9. voltha-adapter-openonu/
  10. voltha-adapter-simulated/
  11. voltha-tracing/
  12. voltha/

Helm Charts to Deploy VOLTHA 2.x

This repository defines Kubernetes Helm charts that can be used to deploy a VOLTHA instance. More information and documentation can be found in the voltha docs which we recommend as the starting point.

Installing charts

To deploy VOLTHA a Kubernetes environment is required. There are many mechanisms to deploy a Kubernetes environment and how to do so is out of scope for this project. A Simple search on the Internet will lead to the many possibilities.

In addition to a base Kubernetes in order to pass traffic to an OLT additional services that are external to VOLTHA are required, such as an OpenFlow Controller with applications to support authentication (EAPOL) and IP address allocation (DHCP) as examplified by the SEBA Project.

Deploying using kind-voltha

We suggest an automated deployment of VOLTHA by using kind-volta as described in the voltha docs. Note that kind-voltha is a thin wrapper over helm chart commands, automating some commands and arguments.

Manual Example deployment

The following describes how to deploy VOLTHA manually.

Prerequisite Helm Chart Repositories

To use the charts for VOLTHA the following two Helm repositories should be added to your helm environment:

helm repo add incubator
helm repo add stable
helm repo update

ONOS Controller

To use the charts for VOLTHA the following two Helm repositories should be added to your helm environment:

helm repo add onos
helm repo update

then to install ONOS:

helm install --create-namespace --set image.pullPolicy=Always,image.repository=voltha/voltha-onos,image.tag=master,replicas=3,atomix.replicas=3 --set defaults.log_level=DEBUG --namespace default onos onos/onos-classic

Deploy VOLTHA Manually

Add the helm chart repository and build the chart dependencies as follows:

helm repo add onf
helm repo update

If you are developing and want to modify and use the charts from a local copy:

git clone
cd voltha-helm-charts
helm dependency build ./voltha

Deploy ETCD Operator

ETCD deployes an ETCD cluster using standard Kubernetes manifests. As the VOLTHA helm charts use ETCD, it must be installed before the VOLTHA helm chart.

helm install -f --create-namespace --set replicas=1 --namespace default etcd incubator/etcd

Deploy VOLTHA Core Components

At this point the VOLTHA Helm charts can be used to deploy the VOLTHA core components:

helm install -f values.yaml --create-namespace --set therecanbeonlyone=true --set services.etcd.service=etcd.default.svc --set services.etcd.port=2379 --set services.etcd.address=etcd.default.svc:2379 --set kafka_broker=kafka.default.svc:9092 --set services.kafka.adapter.service=kafka.default.svc --set services.kafka.adapter.port=9092 --set services.kafka.cluster.service=kafka.default.svc --set services.kafka.cluster.port=9092 --set services.kafka.adapter.address=kafka.default.svc:9092 --set services.kafka.cluster.address=kafka.default.svc:9092 --set 'services.controller[0].service=onos-onos-classic-0.onos-onos-classic-hs.default.svc' --set 'services.controller[0].port=6653' --set 'services.controller[0].address=onos-onos-classic-0.onos-onos-classic-hs.default.svc:6653' --namespace voltha voltha onf/voltha

An example fo the values.yaml

Adapters for OpenOLT and OpenONU

The adapters for the OpenOLT and OpenONU are in separate helm charts.

To install the OpenOLT adapter use:

helm install -f values.yaml --create-namespace --set services.etcd.service=etcd.default.svc --set services.etcd.port=2379 --set services.etcd.address=etcd.default.svc:2379 --set kafka_broker=kafka.default.svc:9092 --set services.kafka.adapter.service=kafka.default.svc --set services.kafka.adapter.port=9092 --set services.kafka.cluster.service=kafka.default.svc --set services.kafka.cluster.port=9092 --set services.kafka.adapter.address=kafka.default.svc:9092 --set services.kafka.cluster.address=kafka.default.svc:9092 --namespace voltha open-olt onf/voltha-adapter-openolt

To install the OpenONU adapter use:

helm install -f values.yaml --create-namespace --set services.etcd.service=etcd.default.svc --set services.etcd.port=2379 --set services.etcd.address=etcd.default.svc:2379 --set kafka_broker=kafka.default.svc:9092 --set services.kafka.adapter.service=kafka.default.svc --set services.kafka.adapter.port=9092 --set services.kafka.cluster.service=kafka.default.svc --set services.kafka.cluster.port=9092 --set services.kafka.adapter.address=kafka.default.svc:9092 --set services.kafka.cluster.address=kafka.default.svc:9092 --namespace voltha open-onu onf/voltha-adapter-openonu

An example fo the values.yaml

Deploying Tracing PoD

Optionally, a Jaeger tracing stack based all-in-one PoD can be deployed in voltha setup to collect and analyze execution traces generated by various Voltha containers for execution time analysis and troubleshooting. Refer to below links for more details on Open Tracing approach:

Open Tracing Jaeger Distributed Tracing Stack

To install the Voltha Tracing PoD use:

helm install --namespace voltha --name voltha-tracing ./voltha-tracing

Kafka and Etcd

VOLTHA relies on Kafka for inter-component communication and Etcd for persistent storage.

Using Kafka and Etcd instances

Kafka or Etcd values MUST be overridden when deploying VOLTHA so that the VOLTHA components can locate the required services. These values MUST be overridden when installing both the voltha and the voltha-adapter-simulated chart. The relevant property keys are:

      service: voltha-kafka.voltha.svc.cluster.local
      port: 9092
      service: voltha-kafka.voltha.svc.cluster.local
      port: 9092

    service: voltha-etcd-cluster-client.voltha.svc.cluster.local
    port: 2379

    service: onos-openflow.default.svc.cluster.local
    port: 6653

Installing and Configuring voltctl

voltctl is a replacement for the voltha-cli container in VOLTHA that provides access to the VOLTHA CLI when a user connects to the container via SSH. voltctl provides a use model similar to docker, etcdctl, or kubectl for VOLTHA.

As voltctl is a binary executable as opposed to a Docker container it must be installed separately onto the machine(s) on which it is to be run. The Release Page for voltctl maintains of pre-built binaries that can be installed. The following is an example of how, in the example environment, voltctl can be installed with bash completion and configured:

sudo wget -O /usr/bin/voltctl
source <(voltctl completion bash | sudo tee /etc/bash_completion.d/voltctl)
mkdir $HOME/.volt
voltctl -a v2 -s voltha-api.voltha.svc.cluster.local:55555 config > $HOME/.volt/config

Delete VOLTHA charts

To remove the VOLTHA and Simulated Adapter deployments standard Helm commands can be utilized:

helm delete --purge voltha voltha-adapter-simulated voltha-adapter-openolt voltha-adapter-openonu voltha-etcd-operator

Known issues

Known VOLTHA issues are tracked in JIRA. Issues that may specifically be observed, or at the very least were discovered, in this environment can be found in JIRA via a JIRA Issue Search.

Pre-patchset submission Checks

On patchset submission, jobs are run in Jenkins that validate the correctness of the helm charts.

The code for these jobs can be found in helm-repo-tools

The two scripts that should be run to test are:
