VOL-1797 - fix helm lint issues

Change-Id: I74ccff1f7f431e05fc3963d0707382f478a010f0
16 files changed
tree: b7d48e75c67745efb6ec8b299df65a8493c60290
  1. .gitignore
  2. .gitreview
  4. README.md
  6. voltha-adapter-openolt/
  7. voltha-adapter-openonu/
  8. voltha-adapter-simulated/
  9. voltha-etcd-cluster/
  10. voltha/

Helm Charts to Deploy VOLTHA 2.x

This repository defines Kubernetes Helm charts that can be used to deploy a VOLTHA instance.

Installing charts

To deploy VOLTHA a Kubernetes environment is required. There are many mechanisms to deploy a Kubernetes environment and how to do so is out of scope for this project. A Simple search on the Internet will lead to the many possibilities.

In addition to a base Kubernetes in order to pass traffic to an OLT additional services that are external to VOLTHA are required, such as an OpenFlow Controller with applications to support authentication (EAPOL) and IP address allocation (DHCP) as examplified by the SEBA Project.

Example deployment

The VOLTHA Access Edge Repository is one example of deploying a Kubernetes environment as well deploying external component required to perform authentication and IP address allocation. It was build around deploying VOLTHA 1.x, but by skipping some steps and using the charts in this repository it can be used to deploy VOLTHA 2.x.

Deploying Kubernetes and OpenFlow Controller

Follow the directions in the README.md file to deploy a Kubernetes cluster on top of a set of Vagrant virtual machines connected using an instance of the Trellis spine - leaf networking fabric on top of a Mininet virtual network.

DO NOT deploy VOLTHA following those directions, so STOP after the Initialize Helm step.

Once helm is initialized deploy the ONOS OpenFlow Controller using the make helm-onos command.

Prerequite Helm Chart Repositories

To use the charts for VOLTHA the following two Helm repositories should be added to your helm environment:

helm repo add incubator https://kubernetes-charts-incubator.storage.googleapis.com/
helm repo add stable https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com
helm repo update


Clone the VOLTHA Helm Chart repository and build the chart dependencies as follows:

git clone https://github.com/ciena/voltha-helm-charts
cd voltha-helm-charts
helm dependency build ./voltha
Deploy ETCD Operator

ETCD Operator defines Kubernetes resources types that allow you define ETCD clusters using standard Kubernetes manifests. As the VOLTHA helm charts use these resources types the ETCD operator must be installed before the VOLTHA helm chart.

helm install --namespace voltha --name voltha-etcd-operator stable/etcd-operator
Deploy VOLTHA Core Components

At this point the VOLTHA Helm charts can be used to deploy the VOLTHA core components:

helm install --namespace voltha --name voltha ./voltha

Deploying Adapters

Deploying adapters is optional an you need only deploy those adapters which are required for a given deployment

Adapters for Simulated OLT/ONU

After that is complete the adapters for the simulated devices can be deployed. Deploying the adapters for the simulated olt/onu is optional as it deploying any adapter. But by deploying the simulated olt/onu adapters it is possible to create devices in VOLTHA and enable them without having access to hardware.

helm install --namespace voltha --name voltha-adapter-simulated ./voltha-adapter-simulated
Adapters for OpenOLT and OpenONU

The adapters for the OpenOLT and OpenONU are in separate helm charts. There are currently two versions of the OpenOLT adapter, one implemented in Python and one implemented in Go. The same chart is used to deploy either the Python or Go implementation and which one is used is determined by a value setting.

To install the Python implementation of the OpenOLT adapter use:

helm install --namespace voltha --name voltha-adapter-openolt ./voltha-adapter-openolt

To install the Go implementation of the OpenOLT adapter use:

helm install --set use_go=true --namespace voltha --name voltha-adapter-openolt ./voltha-adapter-openolt

NOTE: The Python and Go implementations are exclusive and should not be started in the same cluster.

To install the OpenONU adapter use:

helm install --namespace voltha --name voltha-adapter-openonu ./voltha-adapter-openonu

Kafka and Etcd

VOLTHA relies on Kafka for inter-component communication and Etcd for persistent storage. By default the VOLTHA Helm charts will deploy private instances of both Kafka and Etcd in the same namespace into which VOLTHA is deployed. The settings that control if private instances of these services are deployed can be overridden using the --set or the --values options to the helm install. The relevant property keys are:

  • private_etcd_cluster - if true an instance of etcd-operator and an etcd-cluster will be deployed, else neither will be deployed
  • private_kafka_cluster - if true an instance of Kafka will be deployed, else it won't be deployed

Using alternate Kafka and Etcd instances

If using alternate instance of Kafka or Etcd values MUST be overridden when deploying VOLTHA so that the VOLTHA components can locate the required services. These values MUST be overridden when installing both the voltha and the voltha-adapter-simulated chart. The relevant property keys are:

      service: voltha-kafka.voltha.svc.cluster.local
      port: 9092
      service: voltha-kafka.voltha.svc.cluster.local
      port: 9092

    service: voltha-etcd-cluster-client.voltha.svc.cluster.local
    port: 2379

    service: onos-openflow.default.svc.cluster.local
    port: 6653

Configuring the number of Read-Only and Read-Write VOLTAH cores

By default the charts will create one R/O core and two R/W cores. This can be configured by overriding two values:

  • replicas.ro_core specifies the number of R/O core replicas
  • replicas.rw_core specifies the number of pairs of R/W cores, so a value of one (1) gets you one (1) pair which is two (2) instances. A value of two (2) gets you two (2) pairs which is four (4) instances.

Delete VOLTHA charts

To remove the VOLTHA and Simulated Adapter deployments standard Helm commands can be utilized:

helm delete --purge voltha voltha-adapter-simulated voltha-adapter-openolt voltha-adapter-openonu voltha-etcd-operator

Installing and Configuring voltctl

voltctl is a replacement for the voltha-cli container in VOLTHA that provides access to the VOLTHA CLI when a user connects to the container via SSH. voltctl provides a use model similar to docker, etcdctl, or kubectl for VOLTHA.

As voltctl is a binary executable as opposed to a Docker container it must be installed separately onto the machine(s) on which it is to be run. The Release Page for voltctl maintains of pre-built binaries that can be installed. The following is an example of how, in the example environment, voltctl can be installed with bash completion and configured:

sudo wget https://github.com/ciena/voltctl/releases/download/0.0.0-dev/voltctl-0.0.0-dev-linux-x86_64 -O /usr/bin/voltctl
source <(voltctl completion bash | sudo tee /etc/bash_completion.d/voltctl)
mkdir $HOME/.volt
voltctl -a v2 -s voltha-api.voltha.svc.cluster.local:55555 config > $HOME/.volt/config

If you are using voltctl and do not wish to deploy the voltha-cli container, then you can disable deployment of this container by adding the --set replicas.cli=0 option when installing the voltha chart.


Restart voltha-api-server (f.n.a. afrouter)

If you are getting an error similar to the following:

$ voltctl version
rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Unable to route method 'GetVoltha'
panic: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Unable to route method 'GetVoltha'

goroutine 1 [running]:
    /home/ubuntu/voltha-access-edge/voltctl/src/github.com/ciena/voltctl/cmd/voltctl.go:48 +0x56d

Then you can restart the API server by scaling it to 0 and then back to 1

kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment -n voltha voltha-api-server
kubectl scale --replicas=1 deployment -n voltha voltha-api-server

Before scaling back to 1 be sure the current instance is gone using kubectl get -n voltha pods

Known issues

Known VOLTHA issues are tracked in JIRA. Issues that may specifically be observed, or at the very least were discovered, in this environment can be found in JIRA via a JIRA Issue Search.

Small Kubernetes Deployments

Kubernetes affinity is used to ensure the distribution of read-write core pods across the Kubernetes nodes in support of optimum high availability. While this seems to work for production sized Kubernetes clusters (2n+1 nodes, where n >= 1) on smaller Kubernetes deployments it may mean that members of a r/w core pair are scheduled on the same node, which may mean that on a smaller Kubnernetes deployment true high availability is not achieved.

Pre-patchset submission Checks

On patchset submission, jobs are run in Jenkins that validate the correctness of the helm charts.

The code for these jobs can be found in helm-repo-tools

The two scripts that should be run to test are:

  • helmlint.sh
  • chart_version_check.sh