update appVersions for all charts before release

* update and clean up appVersions for all voltha related charts to
  included latest software/application releases into next voltha release
* update voltha-stack chart to include new chart versions
* make sure all voltha-* charts have at minimal a 2.12.X version to
  point out their relation to the upcoming voltha-2.12 release and avoid
  version collision with previously developed and published chart
  versions from voltha-2.X branches
* the charts voltha-go-controller and voltha-northbound-bbf-adapter are
  currently still under development and the chart versions have
  therefore not been increased to align with the voltha 2.12 release
  naming scheme described above
* application version updates:
  * bbsim-sadis-server from 0.3.4 to 0.3.5
  * voltha-adapter-openonu from 2.7.3 to 2.11.3
  * voltha-adapter-openolt from 4.3.6 to 4.4.5
  * voltha-tracing (jaeger) from 1.18 to 1.51
  * voltha-ofagent-go from 2.1.3 to 2.1.6
  * voltha-rw-core from 3.1.8 to 3.4.8
* update some comments for appVersion in Chart.yaml files to be more
  precise about how this value is used

Change-Id: I04879ecf822b6cac5d9d55fbab6a86efc11ae55d
Signed-off-by: Jan Klare <jan.klare@bisdn.de>
diff --git a/voltha/Chart.yaml b/voltha/Chart.yaml
index 8b80f14..38aac8d 100644
--- a/voltha/Chart.yaml
+++ b/voltha/Chart.yaml
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 apiVersion: "v1"
 name: "voltha"
-version: "2.12.9"
+version: "2.12.10"
 description: "A Helm chart for Voltha based on K8S resources in Voltha project"
   - "onf"
@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@
     email: "info@opennetworking.org"
     url: "https://www.opennetworking.org"
-# app version applies to multiple components with potentially different
-# container image versions
+# app version is NOT used in this chart for application versions or image tags
+# but represents the voltha release version itself
 appVersion: "2.12"