VOL-4154: Changes to techprofile module for etcd storage improvements.
- using protobuf definitions of techprofile template and instance
- store smaller footprint resource instance on the kv store
- store techprofile instance in cache
- reconcile techprofile instance from resource instance on adapter restart
- retry etcd get/put/delete on failure
- remove dealing of onu-gem-info data from PONResourceManager module
  as adapter has to deal with this.

Change-Id: I741181e3f0dc5c4a419ffbed577eb4d21b73c4d6
diff --git a/pkg/adapters/common/request_handler.go b/pkg/adapters/common/request_handler.go
index b6cf1c0..90f575b 100644
--- a/pkg/adapters/common/request_handler.go
+++ b/pkg/adapters/common/request_handler.go
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
-	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v4/pkg/adapters"
-	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v4/pkg/adapters/adapterif"
-	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v4/pkg/kafka"
-	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v4/pkg/log"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v5/pkg/adapters"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v5/pkg/adapters/adapterif"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v5/pkg/kafka"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v5/pkg/log"
 	ic "github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v4/go/inter_container"
@@ -559,6 +559,37 @@
 	return new(empty.Empty), nil
+func (rhp *RequestHandlerProxy) Process_tech_profile_instance_request(ctx context.Context, args []*ic.Argument) (*ic.InterAdapterTechProfileDownloadMessage, error) {
+	if len(args) < 2 {
+		logger.Warn(ctx, "invalid-number-of-args", log.Fields{"args": args})
+		err := errors.New("invalid-number-of-args")
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	iaTpReqMsg := &ic.InterAdapterTechProfileInstanceRequestMessage{}
+	transactionID := &ic.StrType{}
+	for _, arg := range args {
+		switch arg.Key {
+		case "msg":
+			if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(arg.Value, iaTpReqMsg); err != nil {
+				logger.Warnw(ctx, "cannot-unmarshal-device", log.Fields{"error": err})
+				return nil, err
+			}
+		case kafka.TransactionKey:
+			if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(arg.Value, transactionID); err != nil {
+				logger.Warnw(ctx, "cannot-unmarshal-transaction-ID", log.Fields{"error": err})
+				return nil, err
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "Process_tech_profile_instance_request", log.Fields{"tpPath": iaTpReqMsg.TpInstancePath})
+	//Invoke the tech profile instance request
+	tpInst := rhp.adapter.Process_tech_profile_instance_request(ctx, iaTpReqMsg)
+	return tpInst, nil
 func (rhp *RequestHandlerProxy) Download_image(ctx context.Context, args []*ic.Argument) (*voltha.ImageDownload, error) {
 	device, image, err := unMarshalImageDowload(args, ctx)
 	if err != nil {