[VOL-4290] Voltha go library updates for gRPC migration

Change-Id: I1aa2774beb6b7ed7419bc45aeb53fcae8a8ecda0
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/coreos/etcd/store/store.go b/vendor/github.com/coreos/etcd/store/store.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edf7f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/coreos/etcd/store/store.go
@@ -0,0 +1,791 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The etcd Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package store
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"fmt"
+	"path"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+	etcdErr "github.com/coreos/etcd/error"
+	"github.com/coreos/etcd/pkg/types"
+	"github.com/jonboulle/clockwork"
+// The default version to set when the store is first initialized.
+const defaultVersion = 2
+var minExpireTime time.Time
+func init() {
+	minExpireTime, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2000-01-01T00:00:00Z")
+type Store interface {
+	Version() int
+	Index() uint64
+	Get(nodePath string, recursive, sorted bool) (*Event, error)
+	Set(nodePath string, dir bool, value string, expireOpts TTLOptionSet) (*Event, error)
+	Update(nodePath string, newValue string, expireOpts TTLOptionSet) (*Event, error)
+	Create(nodePath string, dir bool, value string, unique bool,
+		expireOpts TTLOptionSet) (*Event, error)
+	CompareAndSwap(nodePath string, prevValue string, prevIndex uint64,
+		value string, expireOpts TTLOptionSet) (*Event, error)
+	Delete(nodePath string, dir, recursive bool) (*Event, error)
+	CompareAndDelete(nodePath string, prevValue string, prevIndex uint64) (*Event, error)
+	Watch(prefix string, recursive, stream bool, sinceIndex uint64) (Watcher, error)
+	Save() ([]byte, error)
+	Recovery(state []byte) error
+	Clone() Store
+	SaveNoCopy() ([]byte, error)
+	JsonStats() []byte
+	DeleteExpiredKeys(cutoff time.Time)
+	HasTTLKeys() bool
+type TTLOptionSet struct {
+	ExpireTime time.Time
+	Refresh    bool
+type store struct {
+	Root           *node
+	WatcherHub     *watcherHub
+	CurrentIndex   uint64
+	Stats          *Stats
+	CurrentVersion int
+	ttlKeyHeap     *ttlKeyHeap  // need to recovery manually
+	worldLock      sync.RWMutex // stop the world lock
+	clock          clockwork.Clock
+	readonlySet    types.Set
+// New creates a store where the given namespaces will be created as initial directories.
+func New(namespaces ...string) Store {
+	s := newStore(namespaces...)
+	s.clock = clockwork.NewRealClock()
+	return s
+func newStore(namespaces ...string) *store {
+	s := new(store)
+	s.CurrentVersion = defaultVersion
+	s.Root = newDir(s, "/", s.CurrentIndex, nil, Permanent)
+	for _, namespace := range namespaces {
+		s.Root.Add(newDir(s, namespace, s.CurrentIndex, s.Root, Permanent))
+	}
+	s.Stats = newStats()
+	s.WatcherHub = newWatchHub(1000)
+	s.ttlKeyHeap = newTtlKeyHeap()
+	s.readonlySet = types.NewUnsafeSet(append(namespaces, "/")...)
+	return s
+// Version retrieves current version of the store.
+func (s *store) Version() int {
+	return s.CurrentVersion
+// Index retrieves the current index of the store.
+func (s *store) Index() uint64 {
+	s.worldLock.RLock()
+	defer s.worldLock.RUnlock()
+	return s.CurrentIndex
+// Get returns a get event.
+// If recursive is true, it will return all the content under the node path.
+// If sorted is true, it will sort the content by keys.
+func (s *store) Get(nodePath string, recursive, sorted bool) (*Event, error) {
+	var err *etcdErr.Error
+	s.worldLock.RLock()
+	defer s.worldLock.RUnlock()
+	defer func() {
+		if err == nil {
+			s.Stats.Inc(GetSuccess)
+			if recursive {
+				reportReadSuccess(GetRecursive)
+			} else {
+				reportReadSuccess(Get)
+			}
+			return
+		}
+		s.Stats.Inc(GetFail)
+		if recursive {
+			reportReadFailure(GetRecursive)
+		} else {
+			reportReadFailure(Get)
+		}
+	}()
+	n, err := s.internalGet(nodePath)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	e := newEvent(Get, nodePath, n.ModifiedIndex, n.CreatedIndex)
+	e.EtcdIndex = s.CurrentIndex
+	e.Node.loadInternalNode(n, recursive, sorted, s.clock)
+	return e, nil
+// Create creates the node at nodePath. Create will help to create intermediate directories with no ttl.
+// If the node has already existed, create will fail.
+// If any node on the path is a file, create will fail.
+func (s *store) Create(nodePath string, dir bool, value string, unique bool, expireOpts TTLOptionSet) (*Event, error) {
+	var err *etcdErr.Error
+	s.worldLock.Lock()
+	defer s.worldLock.Unlock()
+	defer func() {
+		if err == nil {
+			s.Stats.Inc(CreateSuccess)
+			reportWriteSuccess(Create)
+			return
+		}
+		s.Stats.Inc(CreateFail)
+		reportWriteFailure(Create)
+	}()
+	e, err := s.internalCreate(nodePath, dir, value, unique, false, expireOpts.ExpireTime, Create)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	e.EtcdIndex = s.CurrentIndex
+	s.WatcherHub.notify(e)
+	return e, nil
+// Set creates or replace the node at nodePath.
+func (s *store) Set(nodePath string, dir bool, value string, expireOpts TTLOptionSet) (*Event, error) {
+	var err *etcdErr.Error
+	s.worldLock.Lock()
+	defer s.worldLock.Unlock()
+	defer func() {
+		if err == nil {
+			s.Stats.Inc(SetSuccess)
+			reportWriteSuccess(Set)
+			return
+		}
+		s.Stats.Inc(SetFail)
+		reportWriteFailure(Set)
+	}()
+	// Get prevNode value
+	n, getErr := s.internalGet(nodePath)
+	if getErr != nil && getErr.ErrorCode != etcdErr.EcodeKeyNotFound {
+		err = getErr
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	if expireOpts.Refresh {
+		if getErr != nil {
+			err = getErr
+			return nil, err
+		} else {
+			value = n.Value
+		}
+	}
+	// Set new value
+	e, err := s.internalCreate(nodePath, dir, value, false, true, expireOpts.ExpireTime, Set)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	e.EtcdIndex = s.CurrentIndex
+	// Put prevNode into event
+	if getErr == nil {
+		prev := newEvent(Get, nodePath, n.ModifiedIndex, n.CreatedIndex)
+		prev.Node.loadInternalNode(n, false, false, s.clock)
+		e.PrevNode = prev.Node
+	}
+	if !expireOpts.Refresh {
+		s.WatcherHub.notify(e)
+	} else {
+		e.SetRefresh()
+		s.WatcherHub.add(e)
+	}
+	return e, nil
+// returns user-readable cause of failed comparison
+func getCompareFailCause(n *node, which int, prevValue string, prevIndex uint64) string {
+	switch which {
+	case CompareIndexNotMatch:
+		return fmt.Sprintf("[%v != %v]", prevIndex, n.ModifiedIndex)
+	case CompareValueNotMatch:
+		return fmt.Sprintf("[%v != %v]", prevValue, n.Value)
+	default:
+		return fmt.Sprintf("[%v != %v] [%v != %v]", prevValue, n.Value, prevIndex, n.ModifiedIndex)
+	}
+func (s *store) CompareAndSwap(nodePath string, prevValue string, prevIndex uint64,
+	value string, expireOpts TTLOptionSet) (*Event, error) {
+	var err *etcdErr.Error
+	s.worldLock.Lock()
+	defer s.worldLock.Unlock()
+	defer func() {
+		if err == nil {
+			s.Stats.Inc(CompareAndSwapSuccess)
+			reportWriteSuccess(CompareAndSwap)
+			return
+		}
+		s.Stats.Inc(CompareAndSwapFail)
+		reportWriteFailure(CompareAndSwap)
+	}()
+	nodePath = path.Clean(path.Join("/", nodePath))
+	// we do not allow the user to change "/"
+	if s.readonlySet.Contains(nodePath) {
+		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeRootROnly, "/", s.CurrentIndex)
+	}
+	n, err := s.internalGet(nodePath)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	if n.IsDir() { // can only compare and swap file
+		err = etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotFile, nodePath, s.CurrentIndex)
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	// If both of the prevValue and prevIndex are given, we will test both of them.
+	// Command will be executed, only if both of the tests are successful.
+	if ok, which := n.Compare(prevValue, prevIndex); !ok {
+		cause := getCompareFailCause(n, which, prevValue, prevIndex)
+		err = etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeTestFailed, cause, s.CurrentIndex)
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	if expireOpts.Refresh {
+		value = n.Value
+	}
+	// update etcd index
+	s.CurrentIndex++
+	e := newEvent(CompareAndSwap, nodePath, s.CurrentIndex, n.CreatedIndex)
+	e.EtcdIndex = s.CurrentIndex
+	e.PrevNode = n.Repr(false, false, s.clock)
+	eNode := e.Node
+	// if test succeed, write the value
+	n.Write(value, s.CurrentIndex)
+	n.UpdateTTL(expireOpts.ExpireTime)
+	// copy the value for safety
+	valueCopy := value
+	eNode.Value = &valueCopy
+	eNode.Expiration, eNode.TTL = n.expirationAndTTL(s.clock)
+	if !expireOpts.Refresh {
+		s.WatcherHub.notify(e)
+	} else {
+		e.SetRefresh()
+		s.WatcherHub.add(e)
+	}
+	return e, nil
+// Delete deletes the node at the given path.
+// If the node is a directory, recursive must be true to delete it.
+func (s *store) Delete(nodePath string, dir, recursive bool) (*Event, error) {
+	var err *etcdErr.Error
+	s.worldLock.Lock()
+	defer s.worldLock.Unlock()
+	defer func() {
+		if err == nil {
+			s.Stats.Inc(DeleteSuccess)
+			reportWriteSuccess(Delete)
+			return
+		}
+		s.Stats.Inc(DeleteFail)
+		reportWriteFailure(Delete)
+	}()
+	nodePath = path.Clean(path.Join("/", nodePath))
+	// we do not allow the user to change "/"
+	if s.readonlySet.Contains(nodePath) {
+		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeRootROnly, "/", s.CurrentIndex)
+	}
+	// recursive implies dir
+	if recursive {
+		dir = true
+	}
+	n, err := s.internalGet(nodePath)
+	if err != nil { // if the node does not exist, return error
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	nextIndex := s.CurrentIndex + 1
+	e := newEvent(Delete, nodePath, nextIndex, n.CreatedIndex)
+	e.EtcdIndex = nextIndex
+	e.PrevNode = n.Repr(false, false, s.clock)
+	eNode := e.Node
+	if n.IsDir() {
+		eNode.Dir = true
+	}
+	callback := func(path string) { // notify function
+		// notify the watchers with deleted set true
+		s.WatcherHub.notifyWatchers(e, path, true)
+	}
+	err = n.Remove(dir, recursive, callback)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	// update etcd index
+	s.CurrentIndex++
+	s.WatcherHub.notify(e)
+	return e, nil
+func (s *store) CompareAndDelete(nodePath string, prevValue string, prevIndex uint64) (*Event, error) {
+	var err *etcdErr.Error
+	s.worldLock.Lock()
+	defer s.worldLock.Unlock()
+	defer func() {
+		if err == nil {
+			s.Stats.Inc(CompareAndDeleteSuccess)
+			reportWriteSuccess(CompareAndDelete)
+			return
+		}
+		s.Stats.Inc(CompareAndDeleteFail)
+		reportWriteFailure(CompareAndDelete)
+	}()
+	nodePath = path.Clean(path.Join("/", nodePath))
+	n, err := s.internalGet(nodePath)
+	if err != nil { // if the node does not exist, return error
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	if n.IsDir() { // can only compare and delete file
+		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotFile, nodePath, s.CurrentIndex)
+	}
+	// If both of the prevValue and prevIndex are given, we will test both of them.
+	// Command will be executed, only if both of the tests are successful.
+	if ok, which := n.Compare(prevValue, prevIndex); !ok {
+		cause := getCompareFailCause(n, which, prevValue, prevIndex)
+		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeTestFailed, cause, s.CurrentIndex)
+	}
+	// update etcd index
+	s.CurrentIndex++
+	e := newEvent(CompareAndDelete, nodePath, s.CurrentIndex, n.CreatedIndex)
+	e.EtcdIndex = s.CurrentIndex
+	e.PrevNode = n.Repr(false, false, s.clock)
+	callback := func(path string) { // notify function
+		// notify the watchers with deleted set true
+		s.WatcherHub.notifyWatchers(e, path, true)
+	}
+	err = n.Remove(false, false, callback)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	s.WatcherHub.notify(e)
+	return e, nil
+func (s *store) Watch(key string, recursive, stream bool, sinceIndex uint64) (Watcher, error) {
+	s.worldLock.RLock()
+	defer s.worldLock.RUnlock()
+	key = path.Clean(path.Join("/", key))
+	if sinceIndex == 0 {
+		sinceIndex = s.CurrentIndex + 1
+	}
+	// WatcherHub does not know about the current index, so we need to pass it in
+	w, err := s.WatcherHub.watch(key, recursive, stream, sinceIndex, s.CurrentIndex)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return w, nil
+// walk walks all the nodePath and apply the walkFunc on each directory
+func (s *store) walk(nodePath string, walkFunc func(prev *node, component string) (*node, *etcdErr.Error)) (*node, *etcdErr.Error) {
+	components := strings.Split(nodePath, "/")
+	curr := s.Root
+	var err *etcdErr.Error
+	for i := 1; i < len(components); i++ {
+		if len(components[i]) == 0 { // ignore empty string
+			return curr, nil
+		}
+		curr, err = walkFunc(curr, components[i])
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+	}
+	return curr, nil
+// Update updates the value/ttl of the node.
+// If the node is a file, the value and the ttl can be updated.
+// If the node is a directory, only the ttl can be updated.
+func (s *store) Update(nodePath string, newValue string, expireOpts TTLOptionSet) (*Event, error) {
+	var err *etcdErr.Error
+	s.worldLock.Lock()
+	defer s.worldLock.Unlock()
+	defer func() {
+		if err == nil {
+			s.Stats.Inc(UpdateSuccess)
+			reportWriteSuccess(Update)
+			return
+		}
+		s.Stats.Inc(UpdateFail)
+		reportWriteFailure(Update)
+	}()
+	nodePath = path.Clean(path.Join("/", nodePath))
+	// we do not allow the user to change "/"
+	if s.readonlySet.Contains(nodePath) {
+		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeRootROnly, "/", s.CurrentIndex)
+	}
+	currIndex, nextIndex := s.CurrentIndex, s.CurrentIndex+1
+	n, err := s.internalGet(nodePath)
+	if err != nil { // if the node does not exist, return error
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	if n.IsDir() && len(newValue) != 0 {
+		// if the node is a directory, we cannot update value to non-empty
+		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotFile, nodePath, currIndex)
+	}
+	if expireOpts.Refresh {
+		newValue = n.Value
+	}
+	e := newEvent(Update, nodePath, nextIndex, n.CreatedIndex)
+	e.EtcdIndex = nextIndex
+	e.PrevNode = n.Repr(false, false, s.clock)
+	eNode := e.Node
+	n.Write(newValue, nextIndex)
+	if n.IsDir() {
+		eNode.Dir = true
+	} else {
+		// copy the value for safety
+		newValueCopy := newValue
+		eNode.Value = &newValueCopy
+	}
+	// update ttl
+	n.UpdateTTL(expireOpts.ExpireTime)
+	eNode.Expiration, eNode.TTL = n.expirationAndTTL(s.clock)
+	if !expireOpts.Refresh {
+		s.WatcherHub.notify(e)
+	} else {
+		e.SetRefresh()
+		s.WatcherHub.add(e)
+	}
+	s.CurrentIndex = nextIndex
+	return e, nil
+func (s *store) internalCreate(nodePath string, dir bool, value string, unique, replace bool,
+	expireTime time.Time, action string) (*Event, *etcdErr.Error) {
+	currIndex, nextIndex := s.CurrentIndex, s.CurrentIndex+1
+	if unique { // append unique item under the node path
+		nodePath += "/" + fmt.Sprintf("%020s", strconv.FormatUint(nextIndex, 10))
+	}
+	nodePath = path.Clean(path.Join("/", nodePath))
+	// we do not allow the user to change "/"
+	if s.readonlySet.Contains(nodePath) {
+		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeRootROnly, "/", currIndex)
+	}
+	// Assume expire times that are way in the past are
+	// This can occur when the time is serialized to JS
+	if expireTime.Before(minExpireTime) {
+		expireTime = Permanent
+	}
+	dirName, nodeName := path.Split(nodePath)
+	// walk through the nodePath, create dirs and get the last directory node
+	d, err := s.walk(dirName, s.checkDir)
+	if err != nil {
+		s.Stats.Inc(SetFail)
+		reportWriteFailure(action)
+		err.Index = currIndex
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	e := newEvent(action, nodePath, nextIndex, nextIndex)
+	eNode := e.Node
+	n, _ := d.GetChild(nodeName)
+	// force will try to replace an existing file
+	if n != nil {
+		if replace {
+			if n.IsDir() {
+				return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotFile, nodePath, currIndex)
+			}
+			e.PrevNode = n.Repr(false, false, s.clock)
+			n.Remove(false, false, nil)
+		} else {
+			return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNodeExist, nodePath, currIndex)
+		}
+	}
+	if !dir { // create file
+		// copy the value for safety
+		valueCopy := value
+		eNode.Value = &valueCopy
+		n = newKV(s, nodePath, value, nextIndex, d, expireTime)
+	} else { // create directory
+		eNode.Dir = true
+		n = newDir(s, nodePath, nextIndex, d, expireTime)
+	}
+	// we are sure d is a directory and does not have the children with name n.Name
+	d.Add(n)
+	// node with TTL
+	if !n.IsPermanent() {
+		s.ttlKeyHeap.push(n)
+		eNode.Expiration, eNode.TTL = n.expirationAndTTL(s.clock)
+	}
+	s.CurrentIndex = nextIndex
+	return e, nil
+// InternalGet gets the node of the given nodePath.
+func (s *store) internalGet(nodePath string) (*node, *etcdErr.Error) {
+	nodePath = path.Clean(path.Join("/", nodePath))
+	walkFunc := func(parent *node, name string) (*node, *etcdErr.Error) {
+		if !parent.IsDir() {
+			err := etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotDir, parent.Path, s.CurrentIndex)
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		child, ok := parent.Children[name]
+		if ok {
+			return child, nil
+		}
+		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeKeyNotFound, path.Join(parent.Path, name), s.CurrentIndex)
+	}
+	f, err := s.walk(nodePath, walkFunc)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return f, nil
+// DeleteExpiredKeys will delete all expired keys
+func (s *store) DeleteExpiredKeys(cutoff time.Time) {
+	s.worldLock.Lock()
+	defer s.worldLock.Unlock()
+	for {
+		node := s.ttlKeyHeap.top()
+		if node == nil || node.ExpireTime.After(cutoff) {
+			break
+		}
+		s.CurrentIndex++
+		e := newEvent(Expire, node.Path, s.CurrentIndex, node.CreatedIndex)
+		e.EtcdIndex = s.CurrentIndex
+		e.PrevNode = node.Repr(false, false, s.clock)
+		if node.IsDir() {
+			e.Node.Dir = true
+		}
+		callback := func(path string) { // notify function
+			// notify the watchers with deleted set true
+			s.WatcherHub.notifyWatchers(e, path, true)
+		}
+		s.ttlKeyHeap.pop()
+		node.Remove(true, true, callback)
+		reportExpiredKey()
+		s.Stats.Inc(ExpireCount)
+		s.WatcherHub.notify(e)
+	}
+// checkDir will check whether the component is a directory under parent node.
+// If it is a directory, this function will return the pointer to that node.
+// If it does not exist, this function will create a new directory and return the pointer to that node.
+// If it is a file, this function will return error.
+func (s *store) checkDir(parent *node, dirName string) (*node, *etcdErr.Error) {
+	node, ok := parent.Children[dirName]
+	if ok {
+		if node.IsDir() {
+			return node, nil
+		}
+		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotDir, node.Path, s.CurrentIndex)
+	}
+	n := newDir(s, path.Join(parent.Path, dirName), s.CurrentIndex+1, parent, Permanent)
+	parent.Children[dirName] = n
+	return n, nil
+// Save saves the static state of the store system.
+// It will not be able to save the state of watchers.
+// It will not save the parent field of the node. Or there will
+// be cyclic dependencies issue for the json package.
+func (s *store) Save() ([]byte, error) {
+	b, err := json.Marshal(s.Clone())
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func (s *store) SaveNoCopy() ([]byte, error) {
+	b, err := json.Marshal(s)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func (s *store) Clone() Store {
+	s.worldLock.Lock()
+	clonedStore := newStore()
+	clonedStore.CurrentIndex = s.CurrentIndex
+	clonedStore.Root = s.Root.Clone()
+	clonedStore.WatcherHub = s.WatcherHub.clone()
+	clonedStore.Stats = s.Stats.clone()
+	clonedStore.CurrentVersion = s.CurrentVersion
+	s.worldLock.Unlock()
+	return clonedStore
+// Recovery recovers the store system from a static state
+// It needs to recover the parent field of the nodes.
+// It needs to delete the expired nodes since the saved time and also
+// needs to create monitoring go routines.
+func (s *store) Recovery(state []byte) error {
+	s.worldLock.Lock()
+	defer s.worldLock.Unlock()
+	err := json.Unmarshal(state, s)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	s.ttlKeyHeap = newTtlKeyHeap()
+	s.Root.recoverAndclean()
+	return nil
+func (s *store) JsonStats() []byte {
+	s.Stats.Watchers = uint64(s.WatcherHub.count)
+	return s.Stats.toJson()
+func (s *store) HasTTLKeys() bool {
+	s.worldLock.RLock()
+	defer s.worldLock.RUnlock()
+	return s.ttlKeyHeap.Len() != 0