[VOL-5053] - Pre-release triage build of voltha-lib-go

  o Added latest library makefile versions from repo:onf-make.
  o Remove inlined GO* macros and replaced with makefile/docker/include.mk
  o Proper handling of --it/--tty so jenkins can capture docker output in logs.

  o Bulk copyright notice end-date updates.
  o Run gofmt -s -w on all *.go sources to fix potential job problems.
  o Cosmetic edits to force a build for the release.

  o Ignore more lint targets: groovy (tool needed), jjb (not-needed)

  o echo enter/leave banners within targets to improve readability.
  o Inline set -euo pipefail within testing else tee command masks exit status.
  o Added LOCAL_FIX_PERMS= hack to adjust docker volume perms when working locally.
  o make test depends on test-go and test-go-coverage.
  o test-go: normal test run, exit with status.
  o test-go-coverage: test with code -cover but ignore errors until sources can be identified and cleaned up.
  o Split test target into
    - gen-coverage-coverprofile
    - gen-coverage-junit
    - gen-coverage-cobertura
      - Separate targets help unwrap run-on command and the need to capture exit status.
      - Logic can now migrate into a library makefile for other repos to make use of.

Change-Id: Id680c8eb626ff6b7cd27ca783988f659fa1468df
diff --git a/makefiles/docker/include.mk b/makefiles/docker/include.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd02827
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makefiles/docker/include.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# -*- makefile -*-
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright 2017-2023 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the ONF Contributors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.d
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(if $(DEBUG),$(warning ENTER))
+# Per-repository
+include $(ONF_MAKEDIR)/docker/config/$(--repo-name--).mk
+# ------------------- ##
+# ---]  GLOBALS  [--- ##
+# ------------------- ##
+# ---------------------------------
+# Induce error for misconfiguration
+# ---------------------------------
+go-cobertura-docker-mount ?= $(error go-cobertura-docker-mount= is required)
+protoc-sh-docker-mount    ?= $(error protoc-sh-docker-mount= is required)
+# ---------------------------
+# Macros: command refactoring
+# ---------------------------
+docker-iam     ?= --user $$(id -u):$$(id -g)#          # override for local use
+docker-run     = docker run --rm $(docker-iam)#        # Docker command stem
+docker-run-is  = $(docker-run) $(is-stdin)#            # Attach streams when interactive
+docker-run-app = $(docker-run-is) -v ${CURDIR}:/app#   # w/filesystem mount
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# --interactive: Attach streams when stdout (fh==0) defined
+# --tty        : Always create a pseudo-tty else jenkins:docker is silent
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+is-stdin       = $(shell test -t 0 && { echo '--interactive'; })
+is-stdin       += --tty
+# Docker volume mounts: container:/app/release <=> localhost:{pwd}/release
+vee-golang     = -v gocache-${VOLTHA_TOOLS_VERSION}:/go/pkg
+vee-citools    = voltha/voltha-ci-tools:${VOLTHA_TOOLS_VERSION}
+# ---------------
+# Tool Containers
+# ---------------
+docker-go-stem = $(docker-run-app) -v gocache:/.cache $(vee-golang) $(vee-citools)-golang
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Usage: GO := $(call get-cmd-docker-go)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+get-cmd-docker-go = $(docker-go-stem) go
+GO                ?= $(call get-cmd-docker-go)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Usage: GO_SH := $(call get-docker-go-sh,./my.env.temp)
+#    - populate my.env.temp with shell content to pass in
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+get-cmd-docker-go-sh = $(docker-go-stem) $(if $(1),--env-file $(1)) sh -c
+GO_SH                ?= $(call get-cmd-docker-go-sh,./my.env.temp)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Usage: PROTOC := $(call get-cmd-docker-protoc)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+get-cmd-docker-protoc = $(docker-run-app) $(vee-citools)-protoc protoc
+PROTOC                ?= $(call get-cmd-docker-protoc)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Usage: PROTOC_SH := $(call get-cmd-docker-protoc-sh)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+get-cmd-docker-protoc-sh =\
+  $(strip \
+	$(docker-run-is) \
+	  $(if $(protc-sh-docker-mount),               \
+		-v ${CURDIR}:$(protoc-sh-docker-mount) \
+		--workdir=$(protoc-sh-docker-mount)    \
+	  ) \
+	  $(vee-citools)-protoc \
+	  sh -c \
+  )
+PROTOC_SH ?= $(call get-cmd-docker-protoc-sh)
+# get-docker-protoc-sh = $(strip )
+#PROTOC_SH = $(docker-run-is)
+#ifdef protc-sh-docker-mount
+#   PROTOC_SH += -v ${CURDIR}:$(protoc-sh-docker-mount)
+#   PROTOC_SH += --workdir=$(protoc-sh-docker-mount)
+#endif # protoc-sh-docker-mount
+#PROTOC_SH += $(vee-citools)-protoc sh -c
+# Usage: GO_JUNIT_REPORT := $(call get-docker-go-junit-repo)
+# get-docker-go-junit-repo = $(docker-run-app) $(vee-citools)-go-junit-report go-junit-report
+# GO_JUNIT_REPORT   ?= $(call get-docker-go-junit-repo)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# get-docker-gocover-cobertura = $(docker-run-app)/src/github.com/opencord/voltha-openolt-adapter $(vee-citools)-gocover-cobertura gocover-cobertura
+# GOCOVER_COBERTURA ?= $(call get-docker-gocover-cobertura)
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Coverage report: junit
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Usage: GO_JUNIT_REPORT ?= $(call get-go-junit-report-cmd)
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+get-go-junit-report-cmd =\
+  $(strip \
+	$(docker-run) \
+	  -v ${CURDIR}:/app \
+	  -i $(vee-citools)-go-junit-report go-junit-report \
+  )
+GO_JUNIT_REPORT ?= $(call get-go-junit-report-cmd)
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Coverage report: cobertura
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Usage: GOCOVER_COBERTURA ?= $(call get-docker-gocover-cobertura-cmd)
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+get-docker-go-cobertura-cmd =\
+  $(strip \
+	$(docker-run)\
+	  -v ${CURDIR}:$(go-cobertura-docker-mount)\
+	  -i $(vee-citools)-gocover-cobertura gocover-cobertura\
+  )
+GOCOVER_COBERTURA ?= $(call get-docker-go-cobertura-cmd)
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+get-cmd-docker-golangci-lint =\
+  $(strip \
+	$(docker-run-app) \
+	  -v gocache:/.cache \
+	  $(vee-golang)\
+	  $(vee-citools)-golangci-lint\
+	  golangci-lint\
+  )
+GOLANGCI_LINT ?= $(call get-cmd-docker-golangci-lint)
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+get-docker-hadolint =\
+  $(strip \
+	$(docker-run-app)         \
+	  $(vee-citools)-hadolint \
+	  hadolint                \
+  )
+HADOLINT ?= $(call get-docker-hadolint)
+$(if $(DEBUG),$(warning LEAVE))
+# [EOF]