Deployment of the BBF adapter

Similarly to other components of the VOLTHA stack, the BBF adapter is deployed with a helm chart.


BBF adapter requires a working deployment of the voltha-infra and voltha-stack helm charts for a successful installation. Please refer to to learn how to set them up.

Install the voltha-northbound-bbf-adapter helm chart

The adapter's chart can be installed with the following command, assuming the voltha-infra and voltha-stack charts have been deployed with suggested names from

helm upgrade --install --create-namespace -n voltha bbf \
            onf/voltha-northbound-bbf-adapter/ --devel \
            --set global.voltha_infra_name=voltha-infra \
            --set global.voltha_infra_namespace=infra \
            --set global.voltha_stack_name=voltha \
            --set global.voltha_stack_namespace=voltha \
            --set global.log_level=INFO \
            --set images.voltha_northbound_bbf_adapter.tag=master

The SSH port on which netopeer2 is listening can be exposed on localhost by running:

kubectl -n voltha port-forward svc/bbf-voltha-northbound-bbf-adapter-netopeer2 50830

The logs of the adapter can be followed in a separate terminal:

kubectl -n voltha logs --follow $(kubectl -n voltha get pods -l app=bbf-adapter -o name)

Make NETCONF requests

After a succesful installation, a NETCONF client can be used to perform requests to the adapter's netopeer2 instance. For this example, we will use netopeer2-cli.

docker run --rm --net=host -it erap320/netopeer2-cli

Running the following instruction will connect to the adapter's netopeer2 instance as the default voltha user.

connect --ssh --host localhost --port 50830 --login voltha

When presented with the server's fingerprint, confirm by entering yes, and then log in with password onf.

After a successful login, a request can be performed:

get-data --datastore operational --filter-xpath /bbf-device-aggregation:devices

The adapter doesn't perform request translations yet, but the success of the operation can be inferred by looking at the container's logs, which will show a >>>>>>>RECEIVED REQUEST FROM SYSREPO<<<<<<< message.

Stop the BBF adapter

helm delete -n voltha bbf