[VOL-4673] Update libyang version to support schema-mount, build dependencies from source
Change-Id: I1a4be6a89f35a104bef01e2c8b276150fb68bca8
diff --git a/build/package/Dockerfile.bbf-adapter b/build/package/Dockerfile.bbf-adapter
index eccf3fa..72a4661 100644
--- a/build/package/Dockerfile.bbf-adapter
+++ b/build/package/Dockerfile.bbf-adapter
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
ARG org_opencord_vcs_dirty=unknown
# Build
-SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]
+SHELL ["/bin/ash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]
CGO_ENABLED=$CGO_PARAMETER go build $EXTRA_GO_BUILD_TAGS -mod=vendor -o /app/bbf-adapter \
-ldflags \
@@ -52,40 +52,64 @@
# -------------
# Image creation stage
-FROM ubuntu:hirsute-20220113 AS prod
+FROM alpine:3.13 AS prod
-SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]
-RUN \
- apt-get update && \
- apt-get install -y \
- wget=1.21-1ubuntu3 ca-certificates=20210119ubuntu0.21.04.1 \
- libpcre2-8-0=10.36-2ubuntu5 \
- libcrypt1=1:4.4.17-1ubuntu3 \
- libssh-4=0.9.5-1ubuntu0.1 \
- --no-install-recommends && \
- rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+SHELL ["/bin/ash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]
-# Download and install library packages
-RUN \
- wget https://github.com/CESNET/libyang/releases/download/v2.0.112/libyang2_2.0.112.1-1_amd64.deb -O libyang2.deb && \
- wget https://github.com/sysrepo/sysrepo/releases/download/v2.0.53/libsysrepo6_2.0.53.1-1_amd64.deb -O libsysrepo6.deb && \
- wget https://github.com/sysrepo/sysrepo/releases/download/v2.0.53/sysrepo-tools_2.0.53.1-1_amd64.deb -O sysrepo-tools.deb && \
- wget https://github.com/CESNET/libnetconf2/releases/download/v2.0.24/libnetconf2-2_2.0.24.1-1_amd64.deb -O libnetconf2-2.deb && \
- wget https://github.com/CESNET/netopeer2/releases/download/v2.0.35/netopeer2_2.0.35.2-1_amd64.deb -O netopeer2_2.deb
+RUN apk add --no-cache build-base=0.5-r2 pcre2-dev=10.36-r0 git=2.30.2-r0 cmake=3.18.4-r1 libssh-dev=0.9.5-r0 openssl-dev=1.1.1n-r0 openssl=1.1.1n-r0 bash=5.1.16-r0
-RUN dpkg -i libyang2.deb libsysrepo6.deb sysrepo-tools.deb libnetconf2-2.deb netopeer2_2.deb
+RUN rm -r /usr/local/lib && ln -s /usr/local/lib64 /usr/local/lib
-RUN rm libyang2.deb libsysrepo6.deb sysrepo-tools.deb libnetconf2-2.deb netopeer2_2.deb
+COPY --from=dev /libyang /libyang
+COPY --from=dev /sysrepo /sysrepo
+#Build libyang
+WORKDIR /libyang/build
+RUN make install && \
+ rm -rf libyang
+#Build sysrepo
+WORKDIR /sysrepo/build
+RUN make install && \
+ rm -rf sysrepo
+#Build libnetconf2
+RUN git clone https://github.com/CESNET/libnetconf2.git
+WORKDIR /libnetconf2
+RUN git checkout $LIBNETCONF2_VERSION && mkdir build
+WORKDIR /libnetconf2/build
+RUN cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String="Release" .. && \
+ make && \
+ make install && \
+ rm -rf libnetconf2
+#Build netopeer2
+RUN git clone https://github.com/CESNET/netopeer2.git
+WORKDIR /netopeer2
+RUN git checkout $NETOPEER2_VERSION && mkdir build
+WORKDIR /netopeer2/build
+RUN cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String="Release" .. && \
+ make && \
+ make install && \
+ rm -rf netopeer2
# Copy yang files and install them to sysrepo
COPY ./build/yang-files /yang
-RUN for f in /yang/*.yang; do sysrepoctl -a -i "$f" -s /yang -p 664 -v3; done
+RUN for f in /yang/*.yang; do sysrepoctl -i "$f" -s /yang -p 664 -v3; done
# Add user for connecting to netopeer2-server through ssh
-RUN useradd -rm -g netconf -u 1001 $NETCONF_USER
+RUN addgroup -S netconf
+RUN adduser $NETCONF_USER --uid 1001 -G netconf --disabled-password
# Set the working directory
diff --git a/build/tools/Dockerfile.builder b/build/tools/Dockerfile.builder
index 7e7f710..1fe22ad 100644
--- a/build/tools/Dockerfile.builder
+++ b/build/tools/Dockerfile.builder
@@ -15,27 +15,38 @@
# Dockerfile with golang and the sysrepo dependencies for voltha-northbound-bff-adapter
# This image is used for testing, static code analysis and building
-FROM --platform=linux/amd64 golang:1.16.3-buster AS dev
+FROM --platform=linux/amd64 golang:1.16.3-alpine3.13 AS dev
RUN mkdir -m 777 /.cache /go/pkg
+RUN apk add --no-cache build-base=0.5-r2 pcre2-dev=10.36-r0 git=2.30.2-r0 cmake=3.18.4-r1
#Install golangci-lint
RUN go install github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@v1.44.2
-RUN \
- apt-get update && apt-get install -y libpcre2-dev=10.32-5 --no-install-recommends && \
- rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-# Download and install library packages
-RUN \
- wget https://github.com/CESNET/libyang/releases/download/v2.0.112/libyang2_2.0.112.1-1_amd64.deb -O libyang2.deb && \
- wget https://github.com/CESNET/libyang/releases/download/v2.0.112/libyang2-dev_2.0.112.1-1_amd64.deb -O libyang2-dev.deb && \
- wget https://github.com/sysrepo/sysrepo/releases/download/v2.0.53/libsysrepo6_2.0.53.1-1_amd64.deb -O libsysrepo6.deb && \
- wget https://github.com/sysrepo/sysrepo/releases/download/v2.0.53/libsysrepo-dev_2.0.53.1-1_amd64.deb -O libsysrepo-dev.deb
-RUN dpkg -i libyang2.deb libyang2-dev.deb libsysrepo6.deb libsysrepo-dev.deb
+#Build libyang
+RUN git clone https://github.com/CESNET/libyang.git
+WORKDIR /libyang
+RUN git checkout $LIBYANG_VERSION && mkdir build
+WORKDIR /libyang/build
+RUN cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String="Release" .. && \
+ make && \
+ make install
-RUN rm libyang2.deb libyang2-dev.deb libsysrepo6.deb libsysrepo-dev.deb
+#Build sysrepo
+RUN git clone https://github.com/sysrepo/sysrepo.git
+WORKDIR /sysrepo
+RUN git checkout $SYSREPO_VERSION && mkdir build
+WORKDIR /sysrepo/build
+RUN cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String="Release" .. && \
+ make && \
+ make install