Deployment of the BBF adapter

Similarly to other components of the VOLTHA stack, the BBF adapter is deployed with a helm chart.


BBF adapter requires a working deployment of the voltha-infra and voltha-stack helm charts for a successful installation. Please refer to to learn how to set them up.

Install the voltha-northbound-bbf-adapter helm chart

The adapter's chart can be installed with the following command, assuming the voltha-infra and voltha-stack charts have been deployed with suggested names from

helm upgrade --install --create-namespace -n voltha bbf \
            onf/voltha-northbound-bbf-adapter --devel \
            --set global.voltha_infra_name=voltha-infra \
            --set global.voltha_infra_namespace=infra \
            --set global.voltha_stack_name=voltha \
            --set global.voltha_stack_namespace=voltha \
            --set global.log_level=INFO \
            --set images.voltha_northbound_bbf_adapter.tag=master

The SSH port on which netopeer2 is listening can be exposed on localhost by running:

kubectl -n voltha port-forward svc/bbf-voltha-northbound-bbf-adapter-netopeer2 50830

The logs of the adapter can be followed in a separate terminal:

kubectl -n voltha logs --follow $(kubectl -n voltha get pods -l app=bbf-adapter -o name)

Make NETCONF requests

After a succesful installation, a NETCONF client can be used to perform requests to the adapter's netopeer2 instance. For this example, we will use netopeer2-cli.

docker run --rm --net=host -it erap320/netopeer2-cli

Running the following instruction will connect to the adapter's netopeer2 instance as the default voltha user.

connect --ssh --host localhost --port 50830 --login voltha

Note: The host networking does not work with Docker-for-Desktop software used on Mac. The localhost is treated as localhost within the docker. So replace localhost with host.docker.internal that gives the Mac host IP. Use below command on MacOS

connect --ssh --host  host.docker.internal --port 50830 --login voltha

When presented with the server's fingerprint, confirm by entering yes, and then log in with password onf.

After a successful login, a request can be performed:

get-data --datastore operational --filter-xpath /bbf-device-aggregation:*

Stop the BBF adapter

helm delete -n voltha bbf