VOL-4251: Delete device immediately after (without any delay)
volt-remove-subscriber access leaves stale resources on the OLT device

The delete device cleans up everything for the device including the
TpInstance even before volt-remove-subscriber-access has completed
the processing. The volt-remove-subscriber cleans up scheduler
and queues at the end of removing all the flows. But it needs the
tp-instance reference to clean up the schedulers and queues, but
it has already been deleted. So, it aborts the scheduler/queue
cleanup on the OLT and this causes issues when configuring the
scheduler again on the OLT during a fresh setup as there are some
stale entries on the ONU.

The fix here is to force cleanup the resources on the OLT when the
ONU device is being deleted on the OLT.

Change-Id: I54cd3ef0d5bd41cd901f3bb8917927336b84ea27
diff --git a/internal/pkg/core/openolt_flowmgr_test.go b/internal/pkg/core/openolt_flowmgr_test.go
index 0d966d3..b985b4e 100644
--- a/internal/pkg/core/openolt_flowmgr_test.go
+++ b/internal/pkg/core/openolt_flowmgr_test.go
@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@
 			go func(i uint32, j uint32) {
 				// TODO: actually verify success
-				_ = flowMgr[i].UpdateOnuInfo(ctx, i, i, fmt.Sprintf("onu-%d", i))
+				_ = flowMgr[i].AddOnuInfoToFlowMgrCacheAndKvStore(ctx, i, i, fmt.Sprintf("onu-%d", i))
 			}(uint32(i), uint32(j))
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@
 	for i := 0; i < intfNum; i++ {
 		for o := 1; o <= onuNum; o++ {
 			// TODO: actually verify success
-			_ = flowMgr[i].UpdateOnuInfo(ctx, uint32(i), uint32(o), fmt.Sprintf("i%do%d", i, o-1))
+			_ = flowMgr[i].AddOnuInfoToFlowMgrCacheAndKvStore(ctx, uint32(i), uint32(o), fmt.Sprintf("i%do%d", i, o-1))
@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@
 		// Delete all gemports
 		{"DeleteGemPortFromLocalCache2", args{0, 1, []uint32{1, 2, 3, 4}, []uint32{1, 2, 3, 4}, []uint32{}, "onu1", 0}},
 		// Try to delete when there is no gem port
-		{"DeleteGemPortFromLocalCache3", args{0, 1, []uint32{}, []uint32{1, 2}, []uint32{}, "onu1", 0}},
+		{"DeleteGemPortFromLocalCache3", args{0, 1, []uint32{}, []uint32{1, 2}, nil, "onu1", 0}},
 		// Try to delete non-existent gem port
 		{"DeleteGemPortFromLocalCache4", args{0, 1, []uint32{1}, []uint32{2}, []uint32{1}, "onu1", 1}},
 		// Try to delete two of the gem ports
@@ -730,19 +730,31 @@
 	defer cancel()
 	for _, tt := range tests {
 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			// TODO: should check returned errors are as expected?
-			_ = flowMgr[tt.args.intfID].UpdateOnuInfo(ctx, tt.args.intfID, tt.args.onuID, tt.args.serialNum)
+			if err := flowMgr[tt.args.intfID].RemoveOnuInfoFromFlowMgrCacheAndKvStore(ctx, tt.args.intfID, tt.args.onuID); err != nil {
+				t.Errorf("failed to remove onu")
+			}
+			if err := flowMgr[tt.args.intfID].AddOnuInfoToFlowMgrCacheAndKvStore(ctx, tt.args.intfID, tt.args.onuID, tt.args.serialNum); err != nil {
+				t.Errorf("failed to add onu")
+			}
 			for _, gemPort := range tt.args.gemPortIDs {
 				flowMgr[tt.args.intfID].addGemPortToOnuInfoMap(ctx, tt.args.intfID, tt.args.onuID, gemPort)
 			for _, gemPortDeleted := range tt.args.gemPortIDsToBeDeleted {
 				flowMgr[tt.args.intfID].deleteGemPortFromLocalCache(ctx, tt.args.intfID, tt.args.onuID, gemPortDeleted)
-			lenofGemPorts := len(flowMgr[tt.args.intfID].onuGemInfoMap[1].GemPorts)
+			lenofGemPorts := 0
+			gP, ok := flowMgr[tt.args.intfID].onuGemInfoMap[tt.args.onuID]
+			if ok {
+				lenofGemPorts = len(gP.GemPorts)
+			}
 			if lenofGemPorts != tt.args.finalLength {
 				t.Errorf("GemPorts length is not as expected len = %d, want %d", lenofGemPorts, tt.args.finalLength)
-			gemPorts := flowMgr[tt.args.intfID].onuGemInfoMap[1].GemPorts
+			gP, ok = flowMgr[tt.args.intfID].onuGemInfoMap[tt.args.onuID]
+			var gemPorts []uint32
+			if ok {
+				gemPorts = gP.GemPorts
+			}
 			if !reflect.DeepEqual(tt.args.gemPortIDsRemaining, gemPorts) {
 				t.Errorf("GemPorts are not as expected = %v, want %v", gemPorts, tt.args.gemPortIDsRemaining)