VOL-1452: Logical Device creation changes

Add APIs to get Device and Port Info required for Logical Device
Create operation.
Some values are static for now

Change-Id: I75b1057b8f272392dc065992ae60348a3bcc0295
diff --git a/python/adapters/openolt/openolt.py b/python/adapters/openolt/openolt.py
index 34b330c..49e0d16 100644
--- a/python/adapters/openolt/openolt.py
+++ b/python/adapters/openolt/openolt.py
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
     ofp_switch_features, ofp_desc
 from voltha_protos.openflow_13_pb2 import ofp_port
+from pyvoltha.common.utils.nethelpers import mac_str_to_tuple
 #_ = third_party
 log = structlog.get_logger()
@@ -109,6 +110,7 @@
         self.interface = registry('main').get_args().interface
         self.logical_device_id_to_root_device_id = dict()
         self.num_devices = 0
+        self.ofp_port_no = None
     def start(self):
         log.info('started', interface=self.interface)
@@ -116,6 +118,52 @@
     def stop(self):
         log.info('stopped', interface=self.interface)
+    def get_ofp_device_info(self, device):
+        log.info('get_ofp_device_info', device_id=device.id)
+        return SwitchCapability(
+            desc=ofp_desc(
+                hw_desc='white box OLT',  # Hardware description
+                sw_desc='openolt',  # Software description
+                serial_num=device.serial_number,  # Serial number
+                dp_desc='n/a'  # Human readable description of datapath
+            ),
+            switch_features=ofp_switch_features(
+                n_buffers=256,  # Max packets buffered at once          # TODO fake for now
+                n_tables=2,  # Number of tables supported by datapath   # TODO fake for now
+                capabilities=( #Bitmap of support "ofp_capabilities"    # TODO fake for now
+                        OFPC_FLOW_STATS
+                        | OFPC_TABLE_STATS
+                        | OFPC_PORT_STATS
+                        | OFPC_GROUP_STATS
+                )
+            )
+        )
+    def get_ofp_port_info(self, device, port_no):
+        # Since the adapter created the device port then it has the reference of the port to
+        # return the capability.   TODO:  Do a lookup on the NNI port number and return the
+        # appropriate attributes
+        log.info('get_ofp_port_info', port_no=port_no,
+                      info=self.ofp_port_no, device_id=device.id)
+        cap = OFPPF_1GB_FD | OFPPF_FIBER
+        return PortCapability(
+            port=LogicalPort(
+                ofp_port=ofp_port(
+                    hw_addr=mac_str_to_tuple(
+                        '00:00:00:00:00:%02x' % port_no),
+                    config=0,
+                    state=OFPPS_LIVE,
+                    curr=cap,
+                    advertised=cap,
+                    peer=cap,
+                    curr_speed=OFPPF_1GB_FD,
+                    max_speed=OFPPF_1GB_FD
+                ),
+                device_id=device.id,
+                device_port_no=port_no
+            )
+        )
     def adapter_descriptor(self):
         log.debug('get descriptor', interface=self.interface)
         return self.descriptor