VOL-1452 Use a more similar version of openolt.py to existing code.

Also pass around core_proxy in the place of adapter_agent

Change-Id: If79c5dbee342bbea1aaedc80ce2606ca4ff138d6
diff --git a/python/adapters/openolt/openolt.py b/python/adapters/openolt/openolt.py
index 4c18066..fd4e6d1 100644
--- a/python/adapters/openolt/openolt.py
+++ b/python/adapters/openolt/openolt.py
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 import arrow
 import grpc
 import structlog
+from zope.interface import implementer
 from google.protobuf.empty_pb2 import Empty
 from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict
 from scapy.layers.inet import Raw
@@ -33,7 +35,7 @@
 from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
 from pyvoltha.adapters.common.frameio.frameio import BpfProgramFilter, hexify
-from pyvoltha.adapters.iadapter import OltAdapter
+from pyvoltha.adapters.iadapter import IAdapterInterface
 from pyvoltha.common.utils.asleep import asleep
 from pyvoltha.common.utils.registry import registry
 from pyvoltha.adapters.kafka.kafka_proxy import get_kafka_proxy
@@ -77,109 +79,9 @@
-class AdapterPmMetrics:
-    def __init__(self, device):
-        self.pm_names = {'tx_64_pkts', 'tx_65_127_pkts', 'tx_128_255_pkts',
-                         'tx_256_511_pkts', 'tx_512_1023_pkts',
-                         'tx_1024_1518_pkts', 'tx_1519_9k_pkts',
-                         'rx_64_pkts', 'rx_65_127_pkts',
-                         'rx_128_255_pkts', 'rx_256_511_pkts',
-                         'rx_512_1023_pkts', 'rx_1024_1518_pkts',
-                         'rx_1519_9k_pkts'}
-        self.device = device
-        self.id = device.id
-        self.name = 'ponsim_olt'
-        self.default_freq = 150
-        self.grouped = False
-        self.freq_override = False
-        self.pon_metrics_config = dict()
-        self.nni_metrics_config = dict()
-        self.lc = None
-        for m in self.pm_names:
-            self.pon_metrics_config[m] = PmConfig(name=m,
-                                                  type=PmConfig.COUNTER,
-                                                  enabled=True)
-            self.nni_metrics_config[m] = PmConfig(name=m,
-                                                  type=PmConfig.COUNTER,
-                                                  enabled=True)
-    def update(self, pm_config):
-        if self.default_freq != pm_config.default_freq:
-            # Update the callback to the new frequency.
-            self.default_freq = pm_config.default_freq
-            self.lc.stop()
-            self.lc.start(interval=self.default_freq / 10)
-        for m in pm_config.metrics:
-            self.pon_metrics_config[m.name].enabled = m.enabled
-            self.nni_metrics_config[m.name].enabled = m.enabled
-    def make_proto(self):
-        pm_config = PmConfigs(
-            id=self.id,
-            default_freq=self.default_freq,
-            grouped=False,
-            freq_override=False)
-        for m in sorted(self.pon_metrics_config):
-            pm = self.pon_metrics_config[m]  # Either will do they're the same
-            pm_config.metrics.extend([PmConfig(name=pm.name,
-                                               type=pm.type,
-                                               enabled=pm.enabled)])
-        return pm_config
-    def collect_port_metrics(self, channel):
-        rtrn_port_metrics = dict()
-        stub = ponsim_pb2.PonSimStub(channel)
-        stats = stub.GetStats(Empty())
-        rtrn_port_metrics['pon'] = self.extract_pon_metrics(stats)
-        rtrn_port_metrics['nni'] = self.extract_nni_metrics(stats)
-        return rtrn_port_metrics
-    def extract_pon_metrics(self, stats):
-        rtrn_pon_metrics = dict()
-        for m in stats.metrics:
-            if m.port_name == "pon":
-                for p in m.packets:
-                    if self.pon_metrics_config[p.name].enabled:
-                        rtrn_pon_metrics[p.name] = p.value
-                return rtrn_pon_metrics
-    def extract_nni_metrics(self, stats):
-        rtrn_pon_metrics = dict()
-        for m in stats.metrics:
-            if m.port_name == "nni":
-                for p in m.packets:
-                    if self.pon_metrics_config[p.name].enabled:
-                        rtrn_pon_metrics[p.name] = p.value
-                return rtrn_pon_metrics
-    def start_collector(self, callback):
-        log.info("starting-pm-collection", device_name=self.name,
-                 device_id=self.device.id)
-        prefix = 'voltha.{}.{}'.format(self.name, self.device.id)
-        self.lc = LoopingCall(callback, self.device.id, prefix)
-        self.lc.start(interval=self.default_freq / 10)
-    def stop_collector(self):
-        log.info("stopping-pm-collection", device_name=self.name,
-                 device_id=self.device.id)
-        self.lc.stop()
-class AdapterAlarms:
-    def __init__(self, adapter, device):
-        self.adapter = adapter
-        self.device = device
-        self.lc = None
-    # TODO: Implement code to send to kafka cluster directly instead of
-    # going through the voltha core.
-    def send_alarm(self, context_data, alarm_data):
-        log.debug("send-alarm-not-implemented")
-        return
-class OpenoltAdapter(OltAdapter):
+class OpenoltAdapter(object):
     name = 'openolt'
     supported_device_types = [
@@ -193,26 +95,16 @@
     # System Init Methods #
     def __init__(self, core_proxy, adapter_proxy, config):
-	super(OpenoltAdapter, self).__init__(core_proxy=core_proxy,
-                                               adapter_proxy=adapter_proxy,
-                                               config=config,
-                                               device_handler_class=OpenoltHandler,
-                                               name='openolt',
-                                               vendor='Voltha project',
-                                               version='0.4',
-                                               device_type='openolt',
-                                               accepts_bulk_flow_update=True,
-                                               accepts_add_remove_flow_updates=False)
         self.adapter_proxy = adapter_proxy
-        self.core_proxy = core_proxy
+        self.adapter_agent = core_proxy
         self.config = config
         self.descriptor = Adapter(
             vendor='OLT white box vendor',
-            config=config
+            config=AdapterConfig(log_level=LogLevel.INFO)
-        log.debug('openolt.__init__', adapter_proxy=adapter_proxy)
+        log.debug('openolt.__init__', adapter_agent=adapter_proxy)
         self.devices = dict()  # device_id -> OpenoltDevice()
         self.interface = registry('main').get_args().interface
         self.logical_device_id_to_root_device_id = dict()
@@ -224,8 +116,6 @@
     def stop(self):
         log.info('stopped', interface=self.interface)
-    # Info Methods #
     def adapter_descriptor(self):
         log.debug('get descriptor', interface=self.interface)
         return self.descriptor
@@ -239,47 +129,76 @@
         log.debug('get health', interface=self.interface)
         raise NotImplementedError()
-    def get_device_details(self, device):
-        log.debug('get_device_details', device=device)
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    # Device Operation Methods #
     def change_master_state(self, master):
         log.debug('change_master_state', interface=self.interface,
         raise NotImplementedError()
+    def adopt_device(self, device):
+        log.info('adopt-device', device=device)
+        kwargs = {
+            'support_classes': OpenOltDefaults['support_classes'],
+            'adapter_proxy': self.adapter_proxy,
+            'adapter_agent': self.adapter_agent,
+            'device': device,
+            'device_num': self.num_devices + 1
+        }
+        try:
+            self.devices[device.id] = OpenoltDevice(**kwargs)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.error('Failed to adopt OpenOLT device', error=e)
+            # TODO set status to ERROR so that is clear something went wrong
+            del self.devices[device.id]
+            raise
+        else:
+            self.num_devices += 1
+    def reconcile_device(self, device):
+        log.info('reconcile-device', device=device)
+        kwargs = {
+            'support_classes': OpenOltDefaults['support_classes'],
+            'adapter_agent': self.adapter_agent,
+            'device': device,
+            'device_num': self.num_devices + 1,
+            'reconciliation': True
+        }
+        try:
+            reconciled_device = OpenoltDevice(**kwargs)
+            log.debug('reconciled-device-recreated',
+                      device_id=reconciled_device.device_id)
+            self.devices[device.id] = reconciled_device
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.error('Failed to reconcile OpenOLT device', error=e,
+                      exception_type=type(e).__name__)
+            del self.devices[device.id]
+            raise
+        else:
+            self.num_devices += 1
+            # Invoke the children reconciliation which would setup the
+            # basic children data structures
+            self.adapter_agent.reconcile_child_devices(device.id)
+            return device
     def abandon_device(self, device):
         log.info('abandon-device', device=device)
         raise NotImplementedError()
+    def disable_device(self, device):
+        log.info('disable-device', device=device)
+        handler = self.devices[device.id]
+        handler.disable()
-    # Configuration Methods #
-    def update_flows_incrementally(self, device, flow_changes, group_changes):
-        log.debug('update_flows_incrementally', device=device,
-                  flow_changes=flow_changes, group_changes=group_changes)
-        log.info('This device does not allow this, therefore it is Not '
-                 'implemented')
-        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def reenable_device(self, device):
+        log.info('reenable-device', device=device)
+        handler = self.devices[device.id]
+        handler.reenable()
-    def update_pm_config(self, device, pm_configs):
-        log.info('update_pm_config - Not implemented yet', device=device,
-                 pm_configs=pm_configs)
-        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def reboot_device(self, device):
+        log.info('reboot_device', device=device)
+        handler = self.devices[device.id]
+        handler.reboot()
-    def receive_proxied_message(self, proxy_address, msg):
-        log.debug('receive_proxied_message - Not implemented',
-                  proxy_address=proxy_address,
-                  proxied_msg=msg)
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def receive_inter_adapter_message(self, msg):
-        log.info('rx_inter_adapter_msg - Not implemented')
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    # Image Operations Methods #
     def download_image(self, device, request):
         log.info('image_download - Not implemented yet', device=device,
@@ -308,8 +227,96 @@
         log.info('Not implemented yet')
         raise NotImplementedError()
+    def delete_device(self, device):
+        log.info('delete-device', device=device)
+        handler = self.devices[device.id]
+        handler.delete()
+        del self.devices[device.id]
+        del self.logical_device_id_to_root_device_id[device.parent_id]
+        return device
-    # PON Operations Methods #
+    def get_device_details(self, device):
+        log.debug('get_device_details', device=device)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_flows_bulk(self, device, flows, groups):
+        log.info('bulk-flow-update', device_id=device.id,
+                 number_of_flows=len(flows.items), number_of_groups=len(
+                     groups.items))
+        log.debug('flows and grousp details', flows=flows, groups=groups)
+        assert len(groups.items) == 0, "Cannot yet deal with groups"
+        handler = self.devices[device.id]
+        return handler.update_flow_table(flows.items)
+    def update_flows_incrementally(self, device, flow_changes, group_changes):
+        log.debug('update_flows_incrementally', device=device,
+                  flow_changes=flow_changes, group_changes=group_changes)
+        log.info('This device does not allow this, therefore it is Not '
+                 'implemented')
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_logical_flows(self, device_id, flows_to_add, flows_to_remove,
+                             groups, device_rules_map):
+        log.info('logical-flows-update', flows_to_add=len(flows_to_add),
+                 flows_to_remove=len(flows_to_remove))
+        log.debug('logical-flows-details', flows_to_add=flows_to_add,
+                  flows_to_remove=flows_to_remove)
+        assert len(groups) == 0, "Cannot yet deal with groups"
+        handler = self.devices[device_id]
+        handler.update_logical_flows(flows_to_add, flows_to_remove,
+                                     device_rules_map)
+    def update_pm_config(self, device, pm_configs):
+        log.info('update_pm_config - Not implemented yet', device=device,
+                 pm_configs=pm_configs)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def send_proxied_message(self, proxy_address, msg):
+        log.debug('send-proxied-message',
+                  proxy_address=proxy_address,
+                  proxied_msg=msg)
+        handler = self.devices[proxy_address.device_id]
+        handler.send_proxied_message(proxy_address, msg)
+    def receive_proxied_message(self, proxy_address, msg):
+        log.debug('receive_proxied_message - Not implemented',
+                  proxy_address=proxy_address,
+                  proxied_msg=msg)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def receive_packet_out(self, logical_device_id, egress_port_no, msg):
+        log.debug('packet-out', logical_device_id=logical_device_id,
+                  egress_port_no=egress_port_no, msg_len=len(msg))
+        def ldi_to_di(ldi):
+            di = self.logical_device_id_to_root_device_id.get(ldi)
+            if di is None:
+                logical_device = self.adapter_agent.get_logical_device(ldi)
+                di = logical_device.root_device_id
+                self.logical_device_id_to_root_device_id[ldi] = di
+            return di
+        try:
+            device_id = ldi_to_di(logical_device_id)
+            handler = self.devices[device_id]
+            handler.packet_out(egress_port_no, msg)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.error('packet-out:exception', e=e.message)
+    def receive_inter_adapter_message(self, msg):
+        log.info('rx_inter_adapter_msg - Not implemented')
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def suppress_alarm(self, filter):
+        log.info('suppress_alarm - Not implemented yet', filter=filter)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def unsuppress_alarm(self, filter):
+        log.info('unsuppress_alarm - Not implemented yet', filter=filter)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    # PON Mgnt APIs #
     def create_interface(self, device, data):
         log.debug('create-interface - Not implemented - We do not use this',
@@ -394,512 +401,39 @@
                  'not use this', data=data)
         raise NotImplementedError()
-    # Alarm Methods #
-    def suppress_alarm(self, filter):
-        log.info('suppress_alarm - Not implemented yet', filter=filter)
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def unsuppress_alarm(self, filter):
-        log.info('unsuppress_alarm - Not implemented yet', filter=filter)
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-class OpenoltHandler(object):
-    def __init__(self, adapter, device_id):
-        self.adapter = adapter
-        self.core_proxy = adapter.core_proxy
-        self.adapter_proxy = adapter.adapter_proxy
-        self.device_id = device_id
-        self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=device_id)
-        self.channel = None
-        self.io_port = None
-        self.logical_device_id = None
-        self.nni_port = None
-        self.ofp_port_no = None
-        self.interface = registry('main').get_args().interface
-        self.pm_metrics = None
-        self.alarms = None
-        self.frames = None
-	self.num_devices = 0
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def get_channel(self):
-        if self.channel is None:
-            try:
-                device = yield self.core_proxy.get_device(self.device_id)
-                self.log.info('device-info', device=device,
-                              host_port=device.host_and_port)
-                self.channel = grpc.insecure_channel(device.host_and_port)
-            except Exception as e:
-                log.exception("ponsim-connection-failure", e=e)
-        # returnValue(self.channel)
-    def close_channel(self):
-        if self.channel is None:
-            self.log.info('grpc-channel-already-closed')
-            return
+    def delete_child_device(self, parent_device_id, child_device):
+        log.info('delete-child_device', parent_device_id=parent_device_id,
+                 child_device=child_device)
+        handler = self.devices[parent_device_id]
+        if handler is not None:
+            handler.delete_child_device(child_device)
-            if self.frames is not None:
-                self.frames.cancel()
-                self.frames = None
-                self.log.info('cancelled-grpc-frame-stream')
+            log.error('Could not find matching handler',
+                      looking_for_device_id=parent_device_id,
+                      available_handlers=self.devices.keys())
-            self.channel.unsubscribe(lambda *args: None)
-            self.channel = None
+    # This is currently not part of the Iadapter interface
+    def collect_stats(self, device_id):
+        log.info('collect_stats', device_id=device_id)
+        handler = self.devices[device_id]
+        if handler is not None:
+            handler.trigger_statistics_collection()
+        else:
+            log.error('Could not find matching handler',
+                      looking_for_device_id=device_id,
+                      available_handlers=self.devices.keys())
-            self.log.info('grpc-channel-closed')
+    def simulate_alarm(self, device, request):
+        log.info('simulate_alarm', device=device, request=request)
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def _get_nni_port(self):
-        ports = yield self.core_proxy.get_ports(self.device_id,
-                                                Port.ETHERNET_NNI)
-        returnValue(ports)
-    def init_device(self, kwargs):
-	self.device = OpenoltDevice(**kwargs)
+        if device.id not in self.devices:
+            log.error("Device does not exist", device_id=device.id)
+            return OperationResp(code=OperationResp.OPERATION_FAILURE,
+                                 additional_info="Device %s does not exist"
+                                 % device.id)
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def activate(self, device):
-        try:
-            self.log.info('activating')
-            if not device.host_and_port:
-                device.oper_status = OperStatus.FAILED
-                device.reason = 'No host_and_port field provided'
-                self.core_proxy.device_update(device)
-                return
-	    kwargs = {
-            	'support_classes': OpenOltDefaults['support_classes'],
-                'adapter_agent': self.core_proxy,
-                'device': device,
-                'device_num': self.num_devices + 1
-            }
-            try:
-		yield self.init_device(kwargs)
-            except Exception as e:
-                log.error('Failed to adopt OpenOLT device', error=e)
-                # TODO set status to ERROR so that is clear something went wrong
-                #del self.devices[device.id]
-                raise
-            else:
-                self.num_devices += 1
+        handler = self.devices[device.id]
-	    """
-            yield self.get_channel()
-            stub = PonSimStub(self.channel)
-            info = stub.GetDeviceInfo(Empty())
-            log.info('got-info', info=info, device_id=device.id)
-            self.ofp_port_no = info.nni_port
+        handler.simulate_alarm(request)
-            device.root = True
-            device.vendor = 'ponsim'
-            device.model = 'n/a'
-            device.serial_number = device.host_and_port
-            device.mac_address = "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF"
-            yield self.core_proxy.device_update(device)
-            # Now set the initial PM configuration for this device
-            self.pm_metrics = AdapterPmMetrics(device)
-            pm_config = self.pm_metrics.make_proto()
-            log.info("initial-pm-config", pm_config=pm_config)
-            self.core_proxy.device_pm_config_update(pm_config, init=True)
-            # Setup alarm handler
-            self.alarms = AdapterAlarms(self.adapter, device)
-            nni_port = Port(
-                port_no=info.nni_port,
-                label='NNI facing Ethernet port',
-                type=Port.ETHERNET_NNI,
-                oper_status=OperStatus.ACTIVE
-            )
-            self.nni_port = nni_port
-            yield self.core_proxy.port_created(device.id, nni_port)
-            yield self.core_proxy.port_created(device.id, Port(
-                port_no=1,
-                label='PON port',
-                type=Port.PON_OLT,
-                oper_status=OperStatus.ACTIVE
-            ))
-            yield self.core_proxy.device_state_update(device.id,
-                                                      connect_status=ConnectStatus.REACHABLE,
-                                                      oper_status=OperStatus.ACTIVE)
-            # register ONUS
-            self.log.info('onu-found', onus=info.onus, len=len(info.onus))
-            for onu in info.onus:
-                vlan_id = onu.uni_port
-                yield self.core_proxy.child_device_detected(
-                    parent_device_id=device.id,
-                    parent_port_no=1,
-                    child_device_type='ponsim_onu',
-                    channel_id=vlan_id,
-                )
-            self.log.info('starting-frame-grpc-stream')
-            reactor.callInThread(self.rcv_grpc)
-            self.log.info('started-frame-grpc-stream')
-            # Start collecting stats from the device after a brief pause
-            self.start_kpi_collection(device.id)
-	    """
-        except Exception as e:
-            log.exception("Exception-activating", e=e)
-    def get_ofp_device_info(self, device):
-        return SwitchCapability(
-            desc=ofp_desc(
-                hw_desc='ponsim pon',
-                sw_desc='ponsim pon',
-                serial_num=device.serial_number,
-                dp_desc='n/a'
-            ),
-            switch_features=ofp_switch_features(
-                n_buffers=256,  # TODO fake for now
-                n_tables=2,  # TODO ditto
-                capabilities=(  # TODO and ditto
-                        OFPC_FLOW_STATS
-                        | OFPC_TABLE_STATS
-                        | OFPC_PORT_STATS
-                        | OFPC_GROUP_STATS
-                )
-            )
-        )
-    def get_ofp_port_info(self, device, port_no):
-        # Since the adapter created the device port then it has the reference of the port to
-        # return the capability.   TODO:  Do a lookup on the NNI port number and return the
-        # appropriate attributes
-        self.log.info('get_ofp_port_info', port_no=port_no,
-                      info=self.ofp_port_no, device_id=device.id)
-        cap = OFPPF_1GB_FD | OFPPF_FIBER
-        return PortCapability(
-            port=LogicalPort(
-                ofp_port=ofp_port(
-                    hw_addr=mac_str_to_tuple(
-                        'AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:%02x' % port_no),
-                    config=0,
-                    state=OFPPS_LIVE,
-                    curr=cap,
-                    advertised=cap,
-                    peer=cap,
-                    curr_speed=OFPPF_1GB_FD,
-                    max_speed=OFPPF_1GB_FD
-                ),
-                device_id=device.id,
-                device_port_no=port_no
-            )
-        )
-    # TODO - change for core 2.0
-    def reconcile(self, device):
-        self.log.info('reconciling-OLT-device')
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def _rcv_frame(self, frame):
-        pkt = Ether(frame)
-        if pkt.haslayer(Dot1Q):
-            outer_shim = pkt.getlayer(Dot1Q)
-            if isinstance(outer_shim.payload, Dot1Q):
-                inner_shim = outer_shim.payload
-                cvid = inner_shim.vlan
-                popped_frame = (
-                        Ether(src=pkt.src, dst=pkt.dst, type=inner_shim.type) /
-                        inner_shim.payload
-                )
-                self.log.info('sending-packet-in',device_id=self.device_id, port=cvid)
-                yield self.core_proxy.send_packet_in(device_id=self.device_id,
-                                               port=cvid,
-                                               packet=str(popped_frame))
-            elif pkt.haslayer(Raw):
-                raw_data = json.loads(pkt.getlayer(Raw).load)
-                self.alarms.send_alarm(self, raw_data)
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def rcv_grpc(self):
-        """
-        This call establishes a GRPC stream to receive frames.
-        """
-        yield self.get_channel()
-        stub = PonSimStub(self.channel)
-        # stub = PonSimStub(self.get_channel())
-        # Attempt to establish a grpc stream with the remote ponsim service
-        self.frames = stub.ReceiveFrames(Empty())
-        self.log.info('start-receiving-grpc-frames')
-        try:
-            for frame in self.frames:
-                self.log.info('received-grpc-frame',
-                              frame_len=len(frame.payload))
-                yield self._rcv_frame(frame.payload)
-        except _Rendezvous, e:
-            log.warn('grpc-connection-lost', message=e.message)
-        self.log.info('stopped-receiving-grpc-frames')
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def update_flow_table(self, flows):
-        yield self.get_channel()
-        stub = PonSimStub(self.channel)
-        self.log.info('pushing-olt-flow-table')
-        stub.UpdateFlowTable(FlowTable(
-            port=0,
-            flows=flows
-        ))
-        self.log.info('success')
-    def remove_from_flow_table(self, flows):
-        self.log.debug('remove-from-flow-table', flows=flows)
-        # TODO: Update PONSIM code to accept incremental flow changes
-        # Once completed, the accepts_add_remove_flow_updates for this
-        # device type can be set to True
-    def add_to_flow_table(self, flows):
-        self.log.debug('add-to-flow-table', flows=flows)
-        # TODO: Update PONSIM code to accept incremental flow changes
-        # Once completed, the accepts_add_remove_flow_updates for this
-        # device type can be set to True
-    def update_pm_config(self, device, pm_config):
-        log.info("handler-update-pm-config", device=device,
-                 pm_config=pm_config)
-        self.pm_metrics.update(pm_config)
-    def send_proxied_message(self, proxy_address, msg):
-        self.log.info('sending-proxied-message')
-        if isinstance(msg, FlowTable):
-            stub = PonSimStub(self.get_channel())
-            self.log.info('pushing-onu-flow-table', port=msg.port)
-            res = stub.UpdateFlowTable(msg)
-            self.core_proxy.receive_proxied_message(proxy_address, res)
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def process_inter_adapter_message(self, request):
-        self.log.info('process-inter-adapter-message', msg=request)
-        try:
-            if request.header.type == InterAdapterMessageType.FLOW_REQUEST:
-                f = FlowTable()
-                if request.body:
-                    request.body.Unpack(f)
-                    stub = PonSimStub(self.channel)
-                    self.log.info('pushing-onu-flow-table')
-                    res = stub.UpdateFlowTable(f)
-                    # Send response back
-                    reply = InterAdapterResponseBody()
-                    reply.status = True
-                    self.log.info('sending-response-back', reply=reply)
-                    yield self.adapter_proxy.send_inter_adapter_message(
-                        msg=reply,
-                        type=InterAdapterMessageType.FLOW_RESPONSE,
-                        from_adapter=self.adapter.name,
-                        to_adapter=request.header.from_topic,
-                        to_device_id=request.header.to_device_id,
-                        message_id=request.header.id
-                    )
-            elif request.header.type == InterAdapterMessageType.METRICS_REQUEST:
-                m = PonSimMetricsRequest()
-                if request.body:
-                    request.body.Unpack(m)
-                    stub = PonSimStub(self.channel)
-                    self.log.info('proxying onu stats request', port=m.port)
-                    res = stub.GetStats(m)
-                    # Send response back
-                    reply = InterAdapterResponseBody()
-                    reply.status = True
-                    reply.body.Pack(res)
-                    self.log.info('sending-response-back', reply=reply)
-                    yield self.adapter_proxy.send_inter_adapter_message(
-                        msg=reply,
-                        type=InterAdapterMessageType.METRICS_RESPONSE,
-                        from_adapter=self.adapter.name,
-                        to_adapter=request.header.from_topic,
-                        to_device_id=request.header.to_device_id,
-                        message_id=request.header.id
-                    )
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.log.exception("error-processing-inter-adapter-message", e=e)
-    def packet_out(self, egress_port, msg):
-        self.log.info('sending-packet-out', egress_port=egress_port,
-                      msg=hexify(msg))
-        try:
-            pkt = Ether(msg)
-            out_pkt = pkt
-            if egress_port != self.nni_port.port_no:
-                # don't do the vlan manipulation for the NNI port, vlans are already correct
-                out_pkt = (
-                        Ether(src=pkt.src, dst=pkt.dst) /
-                        Dot1Q(vlan=egress_port, type=pkt.type) /
-                        pkt.payload
-                )
-            # TODO need better way of mapping logical ports to PON ports
-            out_port = self.nni_port.port_no if egress_port == self.nni_port.port_no else 1
-            # send over grpc stream
-            stub = PonSimStub(self.channel)
-            frame = PonSimFrame(id=self.device_id, payload=str(out_pkt),
-                                out_port=out_port)
-            stub.SendFrame(frame)
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.log.exception("error-processing-packet-out", e=e)
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def reboot(self):
-        self.log.info('rebooting', device_id=self.device_id)
-        yield self.core_proxy.device_state_update(self.device_id,
-                                                  connect_status=ConnectStatus.UNREACHABLE)
-        # Update the child devices connect state to UNREACHABLE
-        yield self.core_proxy.children_state_update(self.device_id,
-                                                    connect_status=ConnectStatus.UNREACHABLE)
-        # Sleep 10 secs, simulating a reboot
-        # TODO: send alert and clear alert after the reboot
-        yield asleep(10)
-        # Change the connection status back to REACHABLE.  With a
-        # real OLT the connection state must be the actual state
-        yield self.core_proxy.device_state_update(self.device_id,
-                                                  connect_status=ConnectStatus.REACHABLE)
-        # Update the child devices connect state to REACHABLE
-        yield self.core_proxy.children_state_update(self.device_id,
-                                                    connect_status=ConnectStatus.REACHABLE)
-        self.log.info('rebooted', device_id=self.device_id)
-    def self_test_device(self, device):
-        """
-        This is called to Self a device based on a NBI call.
-        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
-        :return: Will return result of self test
-        """
-        log.info('self-test-device', device=device.id)
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def disable(self):
-        self.log.info('disabling', device_id=self.device_id)
-        self.stop_kpi_collection()
-        # Update the operational status to UNKNOWN and connection status to UNREACHABLE
-        yield self.core_proxy.device_state_update(self.device_id,
-                                                  oper_status=OperStatus.UNKNOWN,
-                                                  connect_status=ConnectStatus.UNREACHABLE)
-        self.close_channel()
-        self.log.info('disabled-grpc-channel')
-        self.stop_kpi_collection()
-        # TODO:
-        # 1) Remove all flows from the device
-        # 2) Remove the device from ponsim
-        self.log.info('disabled', device_id=self.device_id)
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def reenable(self):
-        self.log.info('re-enabling', device_id=self.device_id)
-        # Set the ofp_port_no and nni_port in case we bypassed the reconcile
-        # process if the device was in DISABLED state on voltha restart
-        if not self.ofp_port_no and not self.nni_port:
-            yield self.get_channel()
-            stub = PonSimStub(self.channel)
-            info = stub.GetDeviceInfo(Empty())
-            log.info('got-info', info=info)
-            self.ofp_port_no = info.nni_port
-            ports = yield self._get_nni_port()
-            # For ponsim, we are using only 1 NNI port
-            if ports.items:
-                self.nni_port = ports.items[0]
-        # Update the state of the NNI port
-        yield self.core_proxy.port_state_update(self.device_id,
-                                                port_type=Port.ETHERNET_NNI,
-                                                port_no=self.ofp_port_no,
-                                                oper_status=OperStatus.ACTIVE)
-        # Update the state of the PON port
-        yield self.core_proxy.port_state_update(self.device_id,
-                                                port_type=Port.PON_OLT,
-                                                port_no=1,
-                                                oper_status=OperStatus.ACTIVE)
-        # Set the operational state of the device to ACTIVE and connect status to REACHABLE
-        yield self.core_proxy.device_state_update(self.device_id,
-                                                  connect_status=ConnectStatus.REACHABLE,
-                                                  oper_status=OperStatus.ACTIVE)
-        # TODO: establish frame grpc-stream
-        # yield reactor.callInThread(self.rcv_grpc)
-        self.start_kpi_collection(self.device_id)
-        self.log.info('re-enabled', device_id=self.device_id)
-    def delete(self):
-        self.log.info('deleting', device_id=self.device_id)
-        self.close_channel()
-        self.log.info('disabled-grpc-channel')
-        # TODO:
-        # 1) Remove all flows from the device
-        # 2) Remove the device from ponsim
-        self.log.info('deleted', device_id=self.device_id)
-    def start_kpi_collection(self, device_id):
-        kafka_cluster_proxy = get_kafka_proxy()
-        def _collect(device_id, prefix):
-            try:
-                # Step 1: gather metrics from device
-                port_metrics = \
-                    self.pm_metrics.collect_port_metrics(self.channel)
-                # Step 2: prepare the KpiEvent for submission
-                # we can time-stamp them here (or could use time derived from OLT
-                ts = arrow.utcnow().timestamp
-                kpi_event = KpiEvent(
-                    type=KpiEventType.slice,
-                    ts=ts,
-                    prefixes={
-                        # OLT NNI port
-                        prefix + '.nni': MetricValuePairs(
-                            metrics=port_metrics['nni']),
-                        # OLT PON port
-                        prefix + '.pon': MetricValuePairs(
-                            metrics=port_metrics['pon'])
-                    }
-                )
-                # Step 3: submit directly to the kafka bus
-                if kafka_cluster_proxy:
-                    if isinstance(kpi_event, Message):
-                        kpi_event = dumps(MessageToDict(kpi_event, True, True))
-                    kafka_cluster_proxy.send_message("voltha.kpis", kpi_event)
-            except Exception as e:
-                log.exception('failed-to-submit-kpis', e=e)
-        self.pm_metrics.start_collector(_collect)
-    def stop_kpi_collection(self):
-        self.pm_metrics.stop_collector()
+        return OperationResp(code=OperationResp.OPERATION_SUCCESS)