VOL-4053: Fix Reenable of OLT following disable OLT and adapter restart.

- Allow event DeviceDownInd in state deviceStateConnected.
  When the device is disabled it is in state deviceStateDown. When the
  adapter is restarted in this state, the adapter comes back from restart
  and establishes connection to OLT device and moves to deviceStateConnected.
  However given the device was disabled prior to adapter going for
  restart, it triggers a disable again for the device. The OLT
  is already disabled, but acknowledges the disable command with
  an down indication which translates to DeviceDownInd event
  in the device FSM at adapter. Now this event should be allowed
  in the FSM.

Change-Id: I0cbe81f6d393ab6ceca5fa9f847fa4a4acb5f198
diff --git a/internal/pkg/core/olt_state_transitions.go b/internal/pkg/core/olt_state_transitions.go
index cad7d65..e67bd43 100644
--- a/internal/pkg/core/olt_state_transitions.go
+++ b/internal/pkg/core/olt_state_transitions.go
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
 	// If olt DOWN indication comes then do sate down
 	transitionMap.transitions[DeviceDownInd] =
-			previousState: []DeviceState{deviceStateUp},
+			previousState: []DeviceState{deviceStateUp, deviceStateConnected},
 			currentState:  deviceStateDown,
 			before:        []TransitionHandler{dh.doStateDown}}