VOL-1489: Uni in tunnel id. Push onu/uni flows only if onu id exists

Push onu flows only if there is an onu id. Otherwise BAL
does not know what to do and errors on parameters. Future
refactor required to push NNI only flows outside of
divide_and_add_flow with its onu/uni/intf id requirements.

Also make use of uni port id in flow tunnel id provided
by decomposer to find in or out port. This allows
resource mgr and ultimately BAL to assign resources
as needed by UNI id.

Change-Id: I8cf86ba0fc36168cd66557098ddd9cc0c3b93c20
diff --git a/python/adapters/openolt/openolt_flow_mgr.py b/python/adapters/openolt/openolt_flow_mgr.py
index 264056a..7dc00c8 100644
--- a/python/adapters/openolt/openolt_flow_mgr.py
+++ b/python/adapters/openolt/openolt_flow_mgr.py
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
 IPV4_DST = 'ipv4_dst'
 IPV4_SRC = 'ipv4_src'
 METADATA = 'metadata'
+TUNNEL_ID = 'tunnel_id'
 OUTPUT = 'output'
 # Action
 POP_VLAN = 'pop_vlan'
@@ -133,6 +134,10 @@
                 classifier_info[METADATA] = field.table_metadata
+            elif field.type == fd.TUNNEL_ID:
+                classifier_info[TUNNEL_ID] = field.tunnel_id
+                self.log.debug('field-type-tunnel-id',
+                               tunnel_id=classifier_info[TUNNEL_ID])
                 raise NotImplementedError('field.type={}'.format(
@@ -144,9 +149,6 @@
             elif action.type == fd.POP_VLAN:
-                if fd.get_goto_table_id(flow) is None:
-                    self.log.debug('being taken care of by ONU', flow=flow)
-                    return
                 action_info[POP_VLAN] = True
@@ -176,25 +178,54 @@
                                action_type=action.type, in_port=classifier_info[IN_PORT])
-        if fd.get_goto_table_id(flow) is not None and POP_VLAN not in action_info:
-            self.log.debug('being taken care of by ONU', flow=flow)
-            return
-        if OUTPUT not in action_info and METADATA in classifier_info:
-            # find flow in the next table
-            next_flow = self.find_next_flow(flow)
-            if next_flow is None:
+        # controller bound trap flows.
+        if self.platform.is_controller(action_info[OUTPUT]):
+            # trap from pon port.  figure out uni port from tunnel id and set as in port
+            if self.platform.intf_id_to_port_type_name(classifier_info[IN_PORT]) == Port.PON_OLT:
+                if fd.get_child_port_from_tunnelid(flow) is not None:
+                    classifier_info[IN_PORT] = fd.get_child_port_from_tunnelid(flow)
+                    self.log.debug('pon-to-controller-flow-port-in-tunnelid', new_in_port=classifier_info[IN_PORT])
+                else:
+                    self.log.debug('pon-to-controller-flow-NO-PORT-in-tunnelid', in_port=classifier_info[IN_PORT],
+                                   out_port=action_info[OUTPUT])
+            # TODO NEW CORE: trap from nni port.
+            else:
+                self.log.warn('nni-to-controller-trap-unsupported', flow=flow)
+        else:
+            # do not operate on the private decomposer vlan. neither onu nor agg switch adds it.
+            # cannot do anything with this flow
+            if VLAN_VID in classifier_info and classifier_info[VLAN_VID] == 4000:
+                self.log.debug('skipping-private-vlan', in_port=classifier_info[IN_PORT],
+                               out_port=action_info[OUTPUT])
-            action_info[OUTPUT] = fd.get_out_port(next_flow)
-            for field in fd.get_ofb_fields(next_flow):
-                if field.type == fd.VLAN_VID:
-                    classifier_info[METADATA] = field.vlan_vid & 0xfff
+            # downstream nni port to pon port.  figure out uni port from tunnel id and set as out port
+            if self.platform.intf_id_to_port_type_name(action_info[OUTPUT]) == Port.PON_OLT:
+                if fd.get_child_port_from_tunnelid(flow) is not None:
+                    action_info[OUTPUT] = fd.get_child_port_from_tunnelid(flow)
+                    self.log.debug('downstream-pon-port-flow-port-in-tunnelid', new_out_port=action_info[OUTPUT])
+                else:
+                    self.log.debug('downstream-pon-port-flow-NO-PORT-in-tunnelid', in_port=classifier_info[IN_PORT],
+                                   out_port=action_info[OUTPUT])
+                    return
+            # upstream pon port to nni port.  figure out uni port from tunnel id and set as in port
+            if self.platform.intf_id_to_port_type_name(classifier_info[IN_PORT]) == Port.PON_OLT:
+                if fd.get_child_port_from_tunnelid(flow) is not None:
+                    classifier_info[IN_PORT] = fd.get_child_port_from_tunnelid(flow)
+                    self.log.debug('upstream-pon-port-flow-port-in-tunnelid', new_in_port=classifier_info[IN_PORT])
+                else:
+                    self.log.debug('upstream-pon-port-flow-NO-PORT-in-tunnelid', in_port=classifier_info[IN_PORT],
+                                   out_port=action_info[OUTPUT])
+                    return
         self.log.debug('flow-ports', classifier_inport=classifier_info[IN_PORT], action_output=action_info[OUTPUT])
         (port_no, intf_id, onu_id, uni_id) = self.platform.extract_access_from_flow(
             classifier_info[IN_PORT], action_info[OUTPUT])
         self.log.debug('extracted-flow-ports', port_no=port_no, intf_id=intf_id, onu_id=onu_id, uni_id=uni_id)
+        # TODO NEW CORE: this needs to be broken into onu type flows that need these ID, and NNI flows that do not
         self.divide_and_add_flow(intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, port_no, classifier_info,
                                             action_info, flow)
@@ -307,16 +338,21 @@
         uni = self.get_uni_port_path(intf_id, onu_id, uni_id)
-        alloc_id, gem_ports = self.create_tcont_gemport(intf_id, onu_id, uni_id,
-                                                        uni, port_no, flow.table_id)
-        if alloc_id is None or gem_ports is None:
-            self.log.error("alloc-id-gem-ports-unavailable", alloc_id=alloc_id,
-                           gem_ports=gem_ports)
-            return
+        # TODO: if there is no onu_id then the flows pushed are NNI based and belows flow pushes need to be refactored
+        if (onu_id > 0):
+            alloc_id, gem_ports = self.create_tcont_gemport(intf_id, onu_id, uni_id,
+                                                            uni, port_no, flow.table_id)
+            if alloc_id is None or gem_ports is None:
+                self.log.error("alloc-id-gem-ports-unavailable", alloc_id=alloc_id, gem_ports=gem_ports)
+                return
-        self.log.debug('Generated required alloc and gemport ids',
-                       alloc_id=alloc_id, gemports=gem_ports)
+            self.log.debug('Generated required alloc and gemport ids', alloc_id=alloc_id, gemports=gem_ports)
+        else:
+            alloc_id = -1
+            gem_ports = []
+            self.log.error('cannot-generate-alloc-gem-id-for-flow', intf_id=intf_id, onu_id=onu_id, uni_id=uni_id)
+        # TODO: if there are no usable onu, uni, alloc, or gem id, then the below flows are erroneous. this needs a refactor
         # Flows can't be added specific to gemport unless p-bits are received.
         # Hence adding flows for all gemports
         for gemport_id in gem_ports: