VOL-1558 Implementation of openolt adapter with dep for dependency management
Also updated the build system to take this into account.

Currently dep ensure fails due to missing libraries in voltha-go, but the vendor folder has been updated otherwise.
This can be worked around in development using the LOCAL_VOLTHAGO variable described in the readme
This does not build currrently, but that is due to missing code in voltha-go master.

This pattern is consistent with how voltha-go does things, but does not leave you dependent on it to build.

See the readme for how to use dep.

The resourcemanager file is no longer hidden.

Change-Id: I25b8472dbc517b193970597c9f43ddff18c2d89f
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/simplelru/lru_interface.go b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/simplelru/lru_interface.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74c7077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/simplelru/lru_interface.go
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package simplelru
+// LRUCache is the interface for simple LRU cache.
+type LRUCache interface {
+	// Adds a value to the cache, returns true if an eviction occurred and
+	// updates the "recently used"-ness of the key.
+	Add(key, value interface{}) bool
+	// Returns key's value from the cache and
+	// updates the "recently used"-ness of the key. #value, isFound
+	Get(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool)
+	// Check if a key exsists in cache without updating the recent-ness.
+	Contains(key interface{}) (ok bool)
+	// Returns key's value without updating the "recently used"-ness of the key.
+	Peek(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool)
+	// Removes a key from the cache.
+	Remove(key interface{}) bool
+	// Removes the oldest entry from cache.
+	RemoveOldest() (interface{}, interface{}, bool)
+	// Returns the oldest entry from the cache. #key, value, isFound
+	GetOldest() (interface{}, interface{}, bool)
+	// Returns a slice of the keys in the cache, from oldest to newest.
+	Keys() []interface{}
+	// Returns the number of items in the cache.
+	Len() int
+	// Clear all cache entries
+	Purge()