VOL-1558 Implementation of openolt adapter with dep for dependency management
Also updated the build system to take this into account.

Currently dep ensure fails due to missing libraries in voltha-go, but the vendor folder has been updated otherwise.
This can be worked around in development using the LOCAL_VOLTHAGO variable described in the readme
This does not build currrently, but that is due to missing code in voltha-go master.

This pattern is consistent with how voltha-go does things, but does not leave you dependent on it to build.

See the readme for how to use dep.

The resourcemanager file is no longer hidden.

Change-Id: I25b8472dbc517b193970597c9f43ddff18c2d89f
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/coverage.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/coverage.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..101fd23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/coverage.go
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package language
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"sort"
+// The Coverage interface is used to define the level of coverage of an
+// internationalization service. Note that not all types are supported by all
+// services. As lists may be generated on the fly, it is recommended that users
+// of a Coverage cache the results.
+type Coverage interface {
+	// Tags returns the list of supported tags.
+	Tags() []Tag
+	// BaseLanguages returns the list of supported base languages.
+	BaseLanguages() []Base
+	// Scripts returns the list of supported scripts.
+	Scripts() []Script
+	// Regions returns the list of supported regions.
+	Regions() []Region
+var (
+	// Supported defines a Coverage that lists all supported subtags. Tags
+	// always returns nil.
+	Supported Coverage = allSubtags{}
+// TODO:
+// - Support Variants, numbering systems.
+// - CLDR coverage levels.
+// - Set of common tags defined in this package.
+type allSubtags struct{}
+// Regions returns the list of supported regions. As all regions are in a
+// consecutive range, it simply returns a slice of numbers in increasing order.
+// The "undefined" region is not returned.
+func (s allSubtags) Regions() []Region {
+	reg := make([]Region, numRegions)
+	for i := range reg {
+		reg[i] = Region{regionID(i + 1)}
+	}
+	return reg
+// Scripts returns the list of supported scripts. As all scripts are in a
+// consecutive range, it simply returns a slice of numbers in increasing order.
+// The "undefined" script is not returned.
+func (s allSubtags) Scripts() []Script {
+	scr := make([]Script, numScripts)
+	for i := range scr {
+		scr[i] = Script{scriptID(i + 1)}
+	}
+	return scr
+// BaseLanguages returns the list of all supported base languages. It generates
+// the list by traversing the internal structures.
+func (s allSubtags) BaseLanguages() []Base {
+	base := make([]Base, 0, numLanguages)
+	for i := 0; i < langNoIndexOffset; i++ {
+		// We included "und" already for the value 0.
+		if i != nonCanonicalUnd {
+			base = append(base, Base{langID(i)})
+		}
+	}
+	i := langNoIndexOffset
+	for _, v := range langNoIndex {
+		for k := 0; k < 8; k++ {
+			if v&1 == 1 {
+				base = append(base, Base{langID(i)})
+			}
+			v >>= 1
+			i++
+		}
+	}
+	return base
+// Tags always returns nil.
+func (s allSubtags) Tags() []Tag {
+	return nil
+// coverage is used used by NewCoverage which is used as a convenient way for
+// creating Coverage implementations for partially defined data. Very often a
+// package will only need to define a subset of slices. coverage provides a
+// convenient way to do this. Moreover, packages using NewCoverage, instead of
+// their own implementation, will not break if later new slice types are added.
+type coverage struct {
+	tags    func() []Tag
+	bases   func() []Base
+	scripts func() []Script
+	regions func() []Region
+func (s *coverage) Tags() []Tag {
+	if s.tags == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	return s.tags()
+// bases implements sort.Interface and is used to sort base languages.
+type bases []Base
+func (b bases) Len() int {
+	return len(b)
+func (b bases) Swap(i, j int) {
+	b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i]
+func (b bases) Less(i, j int) bool {
+	return b[i].langID < b[j].langID
+// BaseLanguages returns the result from calling s.bases if it is specified or
+// otherwise derives the set of supported base languages from tags.
+func (s *coverage) BaseLanguages() []Base {
+	if s.bases == nil {
+		tags := s.Tags()
+		if len(tags) == 0 {
+			return nil
+		}
+		a := make([]Base, len(tags))
+		for i, t := range tags {
+			a[i] = Base{langID(t.lang)}
+		}
+		sort.Sort(bases(a))
+		k := 0
+		for i := 1; i < len(a); i++ {
+			if a[k] != a[i] {
+				k++
+				a[k] = a[i]
+			}
+		}
+		return a[:k+1]
+	}
+	return s.bases()
+func (s *coverage) Scripts() []Script {
+	if s.scripts == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	return s.scripts()
+func (s *coverage) Regions() []Region {
+	if s.regions == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	return s.regions()
+// NewCoverage returns a Coverage for the given lists. It is typically used by
+// packages providing internationalization services to define their level of
+// coverage. A list may be of type []T or func() []T, where T is either Tag,
+// Base, Script or Region. The returned Coverage derives the value for Bases
+// from Tags if no func or slice for []Base is specified. For other unspecified
+// types the returned Coverage will return nil for the respective methods.
+func NewCoverage(list ...interface{}) Coverage {
+	s := &coverage{}
+	for _, x := range list {
+		switch v := x.(type) {
+		case func() []Base:
+			s.bases = v
+		case func() []Script:
+			s.scripts = v
+		case func() []Region:
+			s.regions = v
+		case func() []Tag:
+			s.tags = v
+		case []Base:
+			s.bases = func() []Base { return v }
+		case []Script:
+			s.scripts = func() []Script { return v }
+		case []Region:
+			s.regions = func() []Region { return v }
+		case []Tag:
+			s.tags = func() []Tag { return v }
+		default:
+			panic(fmt.Sprintf("language: unsupported set type %T", v))
+		}
+	}
+	return s