VOL-1558 Implementation of openolt adapter with dep for dependency management
Also updated the build system to take this into account.

Currently dep ensure fails due to missing libraries in voltha-go, but the vendor folder has been updated otherwise.
This can be worked around in development using the LOCAL_VOLTHAGO variable described in the readme
This does not build currrently, but that is due to missing code in voltha-go master.

This pattern is consistent with how voltha-go does things, but does not leave you dependent on it to build.

See the readme for how to use dep.

The resourcemanager file is no longer hidden.

Change-Id: I25b8472dbc517b193970597c9f43ddff18c2d89f
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/base.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/base.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63cdc16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/base.go
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package cldr
+import (
+	"encoding/xml"
+	"regexp"
+	"strconv"
+// Elem is implemented by every XML element.
+type Elem interface {
+	setEnclosing(Elem)
+	setName(string)
+	enclosing() Elem
+	GetCommon() *Common
+type hidden struct {
+	CharData string `xml:",chardata"`
+	Alias    *struct {
+		Common
+		Source string `xml:"source,attr"`
+		Path   string `xml:"path,attr"`
+	} `xml:"alias"`
+	Def *struct {
+		Common
+		Choice string `xml:"choice,attr,omitempty"`
+		Type   string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
+	} `xml:"default"`
+// Common holds several of the most common attributes and sub elements
+// of an XML element.
+type Common struct {
+	XMLName         xml.Name
+	name            string
+	enclElem        Elem
+	Type            string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
+	Reference       string `xml:"reference,attr,omitempty"`
+	Alt             string `xml:"alt,attr,omitempty"`
+	ValidSubLocales string `xml:"validSubLocales,attr,omitempty"`
+	Draft           string `xml:"draft,attr,omitempty"`
+	hidden
+// Default returns the default type to select from the enclosed list
+// or "" if no default value is specified.
+func (e *Common) Default() string {
+	if e.Def == nil {
+		return ""
+	}
+	if e.Def.Choice != "" {
+		return e.Def.Choice
+	} else if e.Def.Type != "" {
+		// Type is still used by the default element in collation.
+		return e.Def.Type
+	}
+	return ""
+// Element returns the XML element name.
+func (e *Common) Element() string {
+	return e.name
+// GetCommon returns e. It is provided such that Common implements Elem.
+func (e *Common) GetCommon() *Common {
+	return e
+// Data returns the character data accumulated for this element.
+func (e *Common) Data() string {
+	e.CharData = charRe.ReplaceAllStringFunc(e.CharData, replaceUnicode)
+	return e.CharData
+func (e *Common) setName(s string) {
+	e.name = s
+func (e *Common) enclosing() Elem {
+	return e.enclElem
+func (e *Common) setEnclosing(en Elem) {
+	e.enclElem = en
+// Escape characters that can be escaped without further escaping the string.
+var charRe = regexp.MustCompile(`&#x[0-9a-fA-F]*;|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|\\U[0-9a-fA-F]{8}|\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|\\[0-7]{3}|\\[abtnvfr]`)
+// replaceUnicode converts hexadecimal Unicode codepoint notations to a one-rune string.
+// It assumes the input string is correctly formatted.
+func replaceUnicode(s string) string {
+	if s[1] == '#' {
+		r, _ := strconv.ParseInt(s[3:len(s)-1], 16, 32)
+		return string(r)
+	}
+	r, _, _, _ := strconv.UnquoteChar(s, 0)
+	return string(r)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/cldr.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/cldr.go
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index 0000000..2197f8a
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+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/cldr.go
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+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+//go:generate go run makexml.go -output xml.go
+// Package cldr provides a parser for LDML and related XML formats.
+// This package is intended to be used by the table generation tools
+// for the various internationalization-related packages.
+// As the XML types are generated from the CLDR DTD, and as the CLDR standard
+// is periodically amended, this package may change considerably over time.
+// This mostly means that data may appear and disappear between versions.
+// That is, old code should keep compiling for newer versions, but data
+// may have moved or changed.
+// CLDR version 22 is the first version supported by this package.
+// Older versions may not work.
+package cldr // import "golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr"
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"sort"
+// CLDR provides access to parsed data of the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository.
+type CLDR struct {
+	parent   map[string][]string
+	locale   map[string]*LDML
+	resolved map[string]*LDML
+	bcp47    *LDMLBCP47
+	supp     *SupplementalData
+func makeCLDR() *CLDR {
+	return &CLDR{
+		parent:   make(map[string][]string),
+		locale:   make(map[string]*LDML),
+		resolved: make(map[string]*LDML),
+		bcp47:    &LDMLBCP47{},
+		supp:     &SupplementalData{},
+	}
+// BCP47 returns the parsed BCP47 LDML data. If no such data was parsed, nil is returned.
+func (cldr *CLDR) BCP47() *LDMLBCP47 {
+	return nil
+// Draft indicates the draft level of an element.
+type Draft int
+const (
+	Approved Draft = iota
+	Contributed
+	Provisional
+	Unconfirmed
+var drafts = []string{"unconfirmed", "provisional", "contributed", "approved", ""}
+// ParseDraft returns the Draft value corresponding to the given string. The
+// empty string corresponds to Approved.
+func ParseDraft(level string) (Draft, error) {
+	if level == "" {
+		return Approved, nil
+	}
+	for i, s := range drafts {
+		if level == s {
+			return Unconfirmed - Draft(i), nil
+		}
+	}
+	return Approved, fmt.Errorf("cldr: unknown draft level %q", level)
+func (d Draft) String() string {
+	return drafts[len(drafts)-1-int(d)]
+// SetDraftLevel sets which draft levels to include in the evaluated LDML.
+// Any draft element for which the draft level is higher than lev will be excluded.
+// If multiple draft levels are available for a single element, the one with the
+// lowest draft level will be selected, unless preferDraft is true, in which case
+// the highest draft will be chosen.
+// It is assumed that the underlying LDML is canonicalized.
+func (cldr *CLDR) SetDraftLevel(lev Draft, preferDraft bool) {
+	// TODO: implement
+	cldr.resolved = make(map[string]*LDML)
+// RawLDML returns the LDML XML for id in unresolved form.
+// id must be one of the strings returned by Locales.
+func (cldr *CLDR) RawLDML(loc string) *LDML {
+	return cldr.locale[loc]
+// LDML returns the fully resolved LDML XML for loc, which must be one of
+// the strings returned by Locales.
+func (cldr *CLDR) LDML(loc string) (*LDML, error) {
+	return cldr.resolve(loc)
+// Supplemental returns the parsed supplemental data. If no such data was parsed,
+// nil is returned.
+func (cldr *CLDR) Supplemental() *SupplementalData {
+	return cldr.supp
+// Locales returns the locales for which there exist files.
+// Valid sublocales for which there is no file are not included.
+// The root locale is always sorted first.
+func (cldr *CLDR) Locales() []string {
+	loc := []string{"root"}
+	hasRoot := false
+	for l, _ := range cldr.locale {
+		if l == "root" {
+			hasRoot = true
+			continue
+		}
+		loc = append(loc, l)
+	}
+	sort.Strings(loc[1:])
+	if !hasRoot {
+		return loc[1:]
+	}
+	return loc
+// Get fills in the fields of x based on the XPath path.
+func Get(e Elem, path string) (res Elem, err error) {
+	return walkXPath(e, path)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/collate.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/collate.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80ee28d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/collate.go
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package cldr
+import (
+	"bufio"
+	"encoding/xml"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"unicode"
+	"unicode/utf8"
+// RuleProcessor can be passed to Collator's Process method, which
+// parses the rules and calls the respective method for each rule found.
+type RuleProcessor interface {
+	Reset(anchor string, before int) error
+	Insert(level int, str, context, extend string) error
+	Index(id string)
+const (
+	// cldrIndex is a Unicode-reserved sentinel value used to mark the start
+	// of a grouping within an index.
+	// We ignore any rule that starts with this rune.
+	// See http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Collation_Elements for details.
+	cldrIndex = "\uFDD0"
+	// specialAnchor is the format in which to represent logical reset positions,
+	// such as "first tertiary ignorable".
+	specialAnchor = "<%s/>"
+// Process parses the rules for the tailorings of this collation
+// and calls the respective methods of p for each rule found.
+func (c Collation) Process(p RuleProcessor) (err error) {
+	if len(c.Cr) > 0 {
+		if len(c.Cr) > 1 {
+			return fmt.Errorf("multiple cr elements, want 0 or 1")
+		}
+		return processRules(p, c.Cr[0].Data())
+	}
+	if c.Rules.Any != nil {
+		return c.processXML(p)
+	}
+	return errors.New("no tailoring data")
+// processRules parses rules in the Collation Rule Syntax defined in
+// http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-collation.html#Collation_Tailorings.
+func processRules(p RuleProcessor, s string) (err error) {
+	chk := func(s string, e error) string {
+		if err == nil {
+			err = e
+		}
+		return s
+	}
+	i := 0 // Save the line number for use after the loop.
+	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(s))
+	for ; scanner.Scan() && err == nil; i++ {
+		for s := skipSpace(scanner.Text()); s != "" && s[0] != '#'; s = skipSpace(s) {
+			level := 5
+			var ch byte
+			switch ch, s = s[0], s[1:]; ch {
+			case '&': // followed by <anchor> or '[' <key> ']'
+				if s = skipSpace(s); consume(&s, '[') {
+					s = chk(parseSpecialAnchor(p, s))
+				} else {
+					s = chk(parseAnchor(p, 0, s))
+				}
+			case '<': // sort relation '<'{1,4}, optionally followed by '*'.
+				for level = 1; consume(&s, '<'); level++ {
+				}
+				if level > 4 {
+					err = fmt.Errorf("level %d > 4", level)
+				}
+				fallthrough
+			case '=': // identity relation, optionally followed by *.
+				if consume(&s, '*') {
+					s = chk(parseSequence(p, level, s))
+				} else {
+					s = chk(parseOrder(p, level, s))
+				}
+			default:
+				chk("", fmt.Errorf("illegal operator %q", ch))
+				break
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if chk("", scanner.Err()); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("%d: %v", i, err)
+	}
+	return nil
+// parseSpecialAnchor parses the anchor syntax which is either of the form
+//    ['before' <level>] <anchor>
+// or
+//    [<label>]
+// The starting should already be consumed.
+func parseSpecialAnchor(p RuleProcessor, s string) (tail string, err error) {
+	i := strings.IndexByte(s, ']')
+	if i == -1 {
+		return "", errors.New("unmatched bracket")
+	}
+	a := strings.TrimSpace(s[:i])
+	s = s[i+1:]
+	if strings.HasPrefix(a, "before ") {
+		l, err := strconv.ParseUint(skipSpace(a[len("before "):]), 10, 3)
+		if err != nil {
+			return s, err
+		}
+		return parseAnchor(p, int(l), s)
+	}
+	return s, p.Reset(fmt.Sprintf(specialAnchor, a), 0)
+func parseAnchor(p RuleProcessor, level int, s string) (tail string, err error) {
+	anchor, s, err := scanString(s)
+	if err != nil {
+		return s, err
+	}
+	return s, p.Reset(anchor, level)
+func parseOrder(p RuleProcessor, level int, s string) (tail string, err error) {
+	var value, context, extend string
+	if value, s, err = scanString(s); err != nil {
+		return s, err
+	}
+	if strings.HasPrefix(value, cldrIndex) {
+		p.Index(value[len(cldrIndex):])
+		return
+	}
+	if consume(&s, '|') {
+		if context, s, err = scanString(s); err != nil {
+			return s, errors.New("missing string after context")
+		}
+	}
+	if consume(&s, '/') {
+		if extend, s, err = scanString(s); err != nil {
+			return s, errors.New("missing string after extension")
+		}
+	}
+	return s, p.Insert(level, value, context, extend)
+// scanString scans a single input string.
+func scanString(s string) (str, tail string, err error) {
+	if s = skipSpace(s); s == "" {
+		return s, s, errors.New("missing string")
+	}
+	buf := [16]byte{} // small but enough to hold most cases.
+	value := buf[:0]
+	for s != "" {
+		if consume(&s, '\'') {
+			i := strings.IndexByte(s, '\'')
+			if i == -1 {
+				return "", "", errors.New(`unmatched single quote`)
+			}
+			if i == 0 {
+				value = append(value, '\'')
+			} else {
+				value = append(value, s[:i]...)
+			}
+			s = s[i+1:]
+			continue
+		}
+		r, sz := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
+		if unicode.IsSpace(r) || strings.ContainsRune("&<=#", r) {
+			break
+		}
+		value = append(value, s[:sz]...)
+		s = s[sz:]
+	}
+	return string(value), skipSpace(s), nil
+func parseSequence(p RuleProcessor, level int, s string) (tail string, err error) {
+	if s = skipSpace(s); s == "" {
+		return s, errors.New("empty sequence")
+	}
+	last := rune(0)
+	for s != "" {
+		r, sz := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
+		s = s[sz:]
+		if r == '-' {
+			// We have a range. The first element was already written.
+			if last == 0 {
+				return s, errors.New("range without starter value")
+			}
+			r, sz = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
+			s = s[sz:]
+			if r == utf8.RuneError || r < last {
+				return s, fmt.Errorf("invalid range %q-%q", last, r)
+			}
+			for i := last + 1; i <= r; i++ {
+				if err := p.Insert(level, string(i), "", ""); err != nil {
+					return s, err
+				}
+			}
+			last = 0
+			continue
+		}
+		if unicode.IsSpace(r) || unicode.IsPunct(r) {
+			break
+		}
+		// normal case
+		if err := p.Insert(level, string(r), "", ""); err != nil {
+			return s, err
+		}
+		last = r
+	}
+	return s, nil
+func skipSpace(s string) string {
+	return strings.TrimLeftFunc(s, unicode.IsSpace)
+// consumes returns whether the next byte is ch. If so, it gobbles it by
+// updating s.
+func consume(s *string, ch byte) (ok bool) {
+	if *s == "" || (*s)[0] != ch {
+		return false
+	}
+	*s = (*s)[1:]
+	return true
+// The following code parses Collation rules of CLDR version 24 and before.
+var lmap = map[byte]int{
+	'p': 1,
+	's': 2,
+	't': 3,
+	'i': 5,
+type rulesElem struct {
+	Rules struct {
+		Common
+		Any []*struct {
+			XMLName xml.Name
+			rule
+		} `xml:",any"`
+	} `xml:"rules"`
+type rule struct {
+	Value  string `xml:",chardata"`
+	Before string `xml:"before,attr"`
+	Any    []*struct {
+		XMLName xml.Name
+		rule
+	} `xml:",any"`
+var emptyValueError = errors.New("cldr: empty rule value")
+func (r *rule) value() (string, error) {
+	// Convert hexadecimal Unicode codepoint notation to a string.
+	s := charRe.ReplaceAllStringFunc(r.Value, replaceUnicode)
+	r.Value = s
+	if s == "" {
+		if len(r.Any) != 1 {
+			return "", emptyValueError
+		}
+		r.Value = fmt.Sprintf(specialAnchor, r.Any[0].XMLName.Local)
+		r.Any = nil
+	} else if len(r.Any) != 0 {
+		return "", fmt.Errorf("cldr: XML elements found in collation rule: %v", r.Any)
+	}
+	return r.Value, nil
+func (r rule) process(p RuleProcessor, name, context, extend string) error {
+	v, err := r.value()
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	switch name {
+	case "p", "s", "t", "i":
+		if strings.HasPrefix(v, cldrIndex) {
+			p.Index(v[len(cldrIndex):])
+			return nil
+		}
+		if err := p.Insert(lmap[name[0]], v, context, extend); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	case "pc", "sc", "tc", "ic":
+		level := lmap[name[0]]
+		for _, s := range v {
+			if err := p.Insert(level, string(s), context, extend); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+	default:
+		return fmt.Errorf("cldr: unsupported tag: %q", name)
+	}
+	return nil
+// processXML parses the format of CLDR versions 24 and older.
+func (c Collation) processXML(p RuleProcessor) (err error) {
+	// Collation is generated and defined in xml.go.
+	var v string
+	for _, r := range c.Rules.Any {
+		switch r.XMLName.Local {
+		case "reset":
+			level := 0
+			switch r.Before {
+			case "primary", "1":
+				level = 1
+			case "secondary", "2":
+				level = 2
+			case "tertiary", "3":
+				level = 3
+			case "":
+			default:
+				return fmt.Errorf("cldr: unknown level %q", r.Before)
+			}
+			v, err = r.value()
+			if err == nil {
+				err = p.Reset(v, level)
+			}
+		case "x":
+			var context, extend string
+			for _, r1 := range r.Any {
+				v, err = r1.value()
+				switch r1.XMLName.Local {
+				case "context":
+					context = v
+				case "extend":
+					extend = v
+				}
+			}
+			for _, r1 := range r.Any {
+				if t := r1.XMLName.Local; t == "context" || t == "extend" {
+					continue
+				}
+				r1.rule.process(p, r1.XMLName.Local, context, extend)
+			}
+		default:
+			err = r.rule.process(p, r.XMLName.Local, "", "")
+		}
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/decode.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/decode.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..094d431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/decode.go
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package cldr
+import (
+	"archive/zip"
+	"bytes"
+	"encoding/xml"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"log"
+	"os"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"regexp"
+// A Decoder loads an archive of CLDR data.
+type Decoder struct {
+	dirFilter     []string
+	sectionFilter []string
+	loader        Loader
+	cldr          *CLDR
+	curLocale     string
+// SetSectionFilter takes a list top-level LDML element names to which
+// evaluation of LDML should be limited.  It automatically calls SetDirFilter.
+func (d *Decoder) SetSectionFilter(filter ...string) {
+	d.sectionFilter = filter
+	// TODO: automatically set dir filter
+// SetDirFilter limits the loading of LDML XML files of the specied directories.
+// Note that sections may be split across directories differently for different CLDR versions.
+// For more robust code, use SetSectionFilter.
+func (d *Decoder) SetDirFilter(dir ...string) {
+	d.dirFilter = dir
+// A Loader provides access to the files of a CLDR archive.
+type Loader interface {
+	Len() int
+	Path(i int) string
+	Reader(i int) (io.ReadCloser, error)
+var fileRe = regexp.MustCompile(`.*[/\\](.*)[/\\](.*)\.xml`)
+// Decode loads and decodes the files represented by l.
+func (d *Decoder) Decode(l Loader) (cldr *CLDR, err error) {
+	d.cldr = makeCLDR()
+	for i := 0; i < l.Len(); i++ {
+		fname := l.Path(i)
+		if m := fileRe.FindStringSubmatch(fname); m != nil {
+			if len(d.dirFilter) > 0 && !in(d.dirFilter, m[1]) {
+				continue
+			}
+			var r io.Reader
+			if r, err = l.Reader(i); err == nil {
+				err = d.decode(m[1], m[2], r)
+			}
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, err
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	d.cldr.finalize(d.sectionFilter)
+	return d.cldr, nil
+func (d *Decoder) decode(dir, id string, r io.Reader) error {
+	var v interface{}
+	var l *LDML
+	cldr := d.cldr
+	switch {
+	case dir == "supplemental":
+		v = cldr.supp
+	case dir == "transforms":
+		return nil
+	case dir == "bcp47":
+		v = cldr.bcp47
+	case dir == "validity":
+		return nil
+	default:
+		ok := false
+		if v, ok = cldr.locale[id]; !ok {
+			l = &LDML{}
+			v, cldr.locale[id] = l, l
+		}
+	}
+	x := xml.NewDecoder(r)
+	if err := x.Decode(v); err != nil {
+		log.Printf("%s/%s: %v", dir, id, err)
+		return err
+	}
+	if l != nil {
+		if l.Identity == nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("%s/%s: missing identity element", dir, id)
+		}
+		// TODO: verify when CLDR bug http://unicode.org/cldr/trac/ticket/8970
+		// is resolved.
+		// path := strings.Split(id, "_")
+		// if lang := l.Identity.Language.Type; lang != path[0] {
+		// 	return fmt.Errorf("%s/%s: language was %s; want %s", dir, id, lang, path[0])
+		// }
+	}
+	return nil
+type pathLoader []string
+func makePathLoader(path string) (pl pathLoader, err error) {
+	err = filepath.Walk(path, func(path string, _ os.FileInfo, err error) error {
+		pl = append(pl, path)
+		return err
+	})
+	return pl, err
+func (pl pathLoader) Len() int {
+	return len(pl)
+func (pl pathLoader) Path(i int) string {
+	return pl[i]
+func (pl pathLoader) Reader(i int) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
+	return os.Open(pl[i])
+// DecodePath loads CLDR data from the given path.
+func (d *Decoder) DecodePath(path string) (cldr *CLDR, err error) {
+	loader, err := makePathLoader(path)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return d.Decode(loader)
+type zipLoader struct {
+	r *zip.Reader
+func (zl zipLoader) Len() int {
+	return len(zl.r.File)
+func (zl zipLoader) Path(i int) string {
+	return zl.r.File[i].Name
+func (zl zipLoader) Reader(i int) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
+	return zl.r.File[i].Open()
+// DecodeZip loads CLDR data from the zip archive for which r is the source.
+func (d *Decoder) DecodeZip(r io.Reader) (cldr *CLDR, err error) {
+	buffer, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	archive, err := zip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(buffer), int64(len(buffer)))
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return d.Decode(zipLoader{archive})
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/makexml.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/makexml.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6114d01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/makexml.go
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build ignore
+// This tool generates types for the various XML formats of CLDR.
+package main
+import (
+	"archive/zip"
+	"bytes"
+	"encoding/xml"
+	"flag"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"log"
+	"os"
+	"regexp"
+	"strings"
+	"golang.org/x/text/internal/gen"
+var outputFile = flag.String("output", "xml.go", "output file name")
+func main() {
+	flag.Parse()
+	r := gen.OpenCLDRCoreZip()
+	buffer, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Fatal("Could not read zip file")
+	}
+	r.Close()
+	z, err := zip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(buffer), int64(len(buffer)))
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Fatalf("Could not read zip archive: %v", err)
+	}
+	var buf bytes.Buffer
+	version := gen.CLDRVersion()
+	for _, dtd := range files {
+		for _, f := range z.File {
+			if strings.HasSuffix(f.Name, dtd.file+".dtd") {
+				r, err := f.Open()
+				failOnError(err)
+				b := makeBuilder(&buf, dtd)
+				b.parseDTD(r)
+				b.resolve(b.index[dtd.top[0]])
+				b.write()
+				if b.version != "" && version != b.version {
+					println(f.Name)
+					log.Fatalf("main: inconsistent versions: found %s; want %s", b.version, version)
+				}
+				break
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "// Version is the version of CLDR from which the XML definitions are generated.")
+	fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "const Version = %q\n", version)
+	gen.WriteGoFile(*outputFile, "cldr", buf.Bytes())
+func failOnError(err error) {
+	if err != nil {
+		log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.Lshortfile).Output(2, err.Error())
+		os.Exit(1)
+	}
+// configuration data per DTD type
+type dtd struct {
+	file string   // base file name
+	root string   // Go name of the root XML element
+	top  []string // create a different type for this section
+	skipElem    []string // hard-coded or deprecated elements
+	skipAttr    []string // attributes to exclude
+	predefined  []string // hard-coded elements exist of the form <name>Elem
+	forceRepeat []string // elements to make slices despite DTD
+var files = []dtd{
+	{
+		file: "ldmlBCP47",
+		root: "LDMLBCP47",
+		top:  []string{"ldmlBCP47"},
+		skipElem: []string{
+			"cldrVersion", // deprecated, not used
+		},
+	},
+	{
+		file: "ldmlSupplemental",
+		root: "SupplementalData",
+		top:  []string{"supplementalData"},
+		skipElem: []string{
+			"cldrVersion", // deprecated, not used
+		},
+		forceRepeat: []string{
+			"plurals", // data defined in plurals.xml and ordinals.xml
+		},
+	},
+	{
+		file: "ldml",
+		root: "LDML",
+		top: []string{
+			"ldml", "collation", "calendar", "timeZoneNames", "localeDisplayNames", "numbers",
+		},
+		skipElem: []string{
+			"cp",       // not used anywhere
+			"special",  // not used anywhere
+			"fallback", // deprecated, not used
+			"alias",    // in Common
+			"default",  // in Common
+		},
+		skipAttr: []string{
+			"hiraganaQuarternary", // typo in DTD, correct version included as well
+		},
+		predefined: []string{"rules"},
+	},
+var comments = map[string]string{
+	"ldmlBCP47": `
+// LDMLBCP47 holds information on allowable values for various variables in LDML.
+	"supplementalData": `
+// SupplementalData holds information relevant for internationalization
+// and proper use of CLDR, but that is not contained in the locale hierarchy.
+	"ldml": `
+// LDML is the top-level type for locale-specific data.
+	"collation": `
+// Collation contains rules that specify a certain sort-order,
+// as a tailoring of the root order. 
+// The parsed rules are obtained by passing a RuleProcessor to Collation's
+// Process method.
+	"calendar": `
+// Calendar specifies the fields used for formatting and parsing dates and times.
+// The month and quarter names are identified numerically, starting at 1.
+// The day (of the week) names are identified with short strings, since there is
+// no universally-accepted numeric designation.
+	"dates": `
+// Dates contains information regarding the format and parsing of dates and times.
+	"localeDisplayNames": `
+// LocaleDisplayNames specifies localized display names for for scripts, languages,
+// countries, currencies, and variants.
+	"numbers": `
+// Numbers supplies information for formatting and parsing numbers and currencies.
+type element struct {
+	name      string // XML element name
+	category  string // elements contained by this element
+	signature string // category + attrKey*
+	attr []*attribute // attributes supported by this element.
+	sub  []struct {   // parsed and evaluated sub elements of this element.
+		e      *element
+		repeat bool // true if the element needs to be a slice
+	}
+	resolved bool // prevent multiple resolutions of this element.
+type attribute struct {
+	name string
+	key  string
+	list []string
+	tag string // Go tag
+var (
+	reHead  = regexp.MustCompile(` *(\w+) +([\w\-]+)`)
+	reAttr  = regexp.MustCompile(` *(\w+) *(?:(\w+)|\(([\w\- \|]+)\)) *(?:#([A-Z]*) *(?:\"([\.\d+])\")?)? *("[\w\-:]*")?`)
+	reElem  = regexp.MustCompile(`^ *(EMPTY|ANY|\(.*\)[\*\+\?]?) *$`)
+	reToken = regexp.MustCompile(`\w\-`)
+// builder is used to read in the DTD files from CLDR and generate Go code
+// to be used with the encoding/xml package.
+type builder struct {
+	w       io.Writer
+	index   map[string]*element
+	elem    []*element
+	info    dtd
+	version string
+func makeBuilder(w io.Writer, d dtd) builder {
+	return builder{
+		w:     w,
+		index: make(map[string]*element),
+		elem:  []*element{},
+		info:  d,
+	}
+// parseDTD parses a DTD file.
+func (b *builder) parseDTD(r io.Reader) {
+	for d := xml.NewDecoder(r); ; {
+		t, err := d.Token()
+		if t == nil {
+			break
+		}
+		failOnError(err)
+		dir, ok := t.(xml.Directive)
+		if !ok {
+			continue
+		}
+		m := reHead.FindSubmatch(dir)
+		dir = dir[len(m[0]):]
+		ename := string(m[2])
+		el, elementFound := b.index[ename]
+		switch string(m[1]) {
+		case "ELEMENT":
+			if elementFound {
+				log.Fatal("parseDTD: duplicate entry for element %q", ename)
+			}
+			m := reElem.FindSubmatch(dir)
+			if m == nil {
+				log.Fatalf("parseDTD: invalid element %q", string(dir))
+			}
+			if len(m[0]) != len(dir) {
+				log.Fatal("parseDTD: invalid element %q", string(dir), len(dir), len(m[0]), string(m[0]))
+			}
+			s := string(m[1])
+			el = &element{
+				name:     ename,
+				category: s,
+			}
+			b.index[ename] = el
+		case "ATTLIST":
+			if !elementFound {
+				log.Fatalf("parseDTD: unknown element %q", ename)
+			}
+			s := string(dir)
+			m := reAttr.FindStringSubmatch(s)
+			if m == nil {
+				log.Fatal(fmt.Errorf("parseDTD: invalid attribute %q", string(dir)))
+			}
+			if m[4] == "FIXED" {
+				b.version = m[5]
+			} else {
+				switch m[1] {
+				case "draft", "references", "alt", "validSubLocales", "standard" /* in Common */ :
+				case "type", "choice":
+				default:
+					el.attr = append(el.attr, &attribute{
+						name: m[1],
+						key:  s,
+						list: reToken.FindAllString(m[3], -1),
+					})
+					el.signature = fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s+%s", el.signature, m[1], m[2])
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+var reCat = regexp.MustCompile(`[ ,\|]*(?:(\(|\)|\#?[\w_-]+)([\*\+\?]?))?`)
+// resolve takes a parsed element and converts it into structured data
+// that can be used to generate the XML code.
+func (b *builder) resolve(e *element) {
+	if e.resolved {
+		return
+	}
+	b.elem = append(b.elem, e)
+	e.resolved = true
+	s := e.category
+	found := make(map[string]bool)
+	sequenceStart := []int{}
+	for len(s) > 0 {
+		m := reCat.FindStringSubmatch(s)
+		if m == nil {
+			log.Fatalf("%s: invalid category string %q", e.name, s)
+		}
+		repeat := m[2] == "*" || m[2] == "+" || in(b.info.forceRepeat, m[1])
+		switch m[1] {
+		case "":
+		case "(":
+			sequenceStart = append(sequenceStart, len(e.sub))
+		case ")":
+			if len(sequenceStart) == 0 {
+				log.Fatalf("%s: unmatched closing parenthesis", e.name)
+			}
+			for i := sequenceStart[len(sequenceStart)-1]; i < len(e.sub); i++ {
+				e.sub[i].repeat = e.sub[i].repeat || repeat
+			}
+			sequenceStart = sequenceStart[:len(sequenceStart)-1]
+		default:
+			if in(b.info.skipElem, m[1]) {
+			} else if sub, ok := b.index[m[1]]; ok {
+				if !found[sub.name] {
+					e.sub = append(e.sub, struct {
+						e      *element
+						repeat bool
+					}{sub, repeat})
+					found[sub.name] = true
+					b.resolve(sub)
+				}
+			} else if m[1] == "#PCDATA" || m[1] == "ANY" {
+			} else if m[1] != "EMPTY" {
+				log.Fatalf("resolve:%s: element %q not found", e.name, m[1])
+			}
+		}
+		s = s[len(m[0]):]
+	}
+// return true if s is contained in set.
+func in(set []string, s string) bool {
+	for _, v := range set {
+		if v == s {
+			return true
+		}
+	}
+	return false
+var repl = strings.NewReplacer("-", " ", "_", " ")
+// title puts the first character or each character following '_' in title case and
+// removes all occurrences of '_'.
+func title(s string) string {
+	return strings.Replace(strings.Title(repl.Replace(s)), " ", "", -1)
+// writeElem generates Go code for a single element, recursively.
+func (b *builder) writeElem(tab int, e *element) {
+	p := func(f string, x ...interface{}) {
+		f = strings.Replace(f, "\n", "\n"+strings.Repeat("\t", tab), -1)
+		fmt.Fprintf(b.w, f, x...)
+	}
+	if len(e.sub) == 0 && len(e.attr) == 0 {
+		p("Common")
+		return
+	}
+	p("struct {")
+	tab++
+	p("\nCommon")
+	for _, attr := range e.attr {
+		if !in(b.info.skipAttr, attr.name) {
+			p("\n%s string `xml:\"%s,attr\"`", title(attr.name), attr.name)
+		}
+	}
+	for _, sub := range e.sub {
+		if in(b.info.predefined, sub.e.name) {
+			p("\n%sElem", sub.e.name)
+			continue
+		}
+		if in(b.info.skipElem, sub.e.name) {
+			continue
+		}
+		p("\n%s ", title(sub.e.name))
+		if sub.repeat {
+			p("[]")
+		}
+		p("*")
+		if in(b.info.top, sub.e.name) {
+			p(title(sub.e.name))
+		} else {
+			b.writeElem(tab, sub.e)
+		}
+		p(" `xml:\"%s\"`", sub.e.name)
+	}
+	tab--
+	p("\n}")
+// write generates the Go XML code.
+func (b *builder) write() {
+	for i, name := range b.info.top {
+		e := b.index[name]
+		if e != nil {
+			fmt.Fprintf(b.w, comments[name])
+			name := title(e.name)
+			if i == 0 {
+				name = b.info.root
+			}
+			fmt.Fprintf(b.w, "type %s ", name)
+			b.writeElem(0, e)
+			fmt.Fprint(b.w, "\n")
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/resolve.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/resolve.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..691b590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/resolve.go
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package cldr
+// This file implements the various inheritance constructs defined by LDML.
+// See http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Inheritance_and_Validity
+// for more details.
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"log"
+	"reflect"
+	"regexp"
+	"sort"
+	"strings"
+// fieldIter iterates over fields in a struct. It includes
+// fields of embedded structs.
+type fieldIter struct {
+	v        reflect.Value
+	index, n []int
+func iter(v reflect.Value) fieldIter {
+	if v.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
+		log.Panicf("value %v must be a struct", v)
+	}
+	i := fieldIter{
+		v:     v,
+		index: []int{0},
+		n:     []int{v.NumField()},
+	}
+	i.descent()
+	return i
+func (i *fieldIter) descent() {
+	for f := i.field(); f.Anonymous && f.Type.NumField() > 0; f = i.field() {
+		i.index = append(i.index, 0)
+		i.n = append(i.n, f.Type.NumField())
+	}
+func (i *fieldIter) done() bool {
+	return len(i.index) == 1 && i.index[0] >= i.n[0]
+func skip(f reflect.StructField) bool {
+	return !f.Anonymous && (f.Name[0] < 'A' || f.Name[0] > 'Z')
+func (i *fieldIter) next() {
+	for {
+		k := len(i.index) - 1
+		i.index[k]++
+		if i.index[k] < i.n[k] {
+			if !skip(i.field()) {
+				break
+			}
+		} else {
+			if k == 0 {
+				return
+			}
+			i.index = i.index[:k]
+			i.n = i.n[:k]
+		}
+	}
+	i.descent()
+func (i *fieldIter) value() reflect.Value {
+	return i.v.FieldByIndex(i.index)
+func (i *fieldIter) field() reflect.StructField {
+	return i.v.Type().FieldByIndex(i.index)
+type visitor func(v reflect.Value) error
+var stopDescent = fmt.Errorf("do not recurse")
+func (f visitor) visit(x interface{}) error {
+	return f.visitRec(reflect.ValueOf(x))
+// visit recursively calls f on all nodes in v.
+func (f visitor) visitRec(v reflect.Value) error {
+	if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		if v.IsNil() {
+			return nil
+		}
+		return f.visitRec(v.Elem())
+	}
+	if err := f(v); err != nil {
+		if err == stopDescent {
+			return nil
+		}
+		return err
+	}
+	switch v.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		for i := iter(v); !i.done(); i.next() {
+			if err := f.visitRec(i.value()); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
+			if err := f.visitRec(v.Index(i)); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+// getPath is used for error reporting purposes only.
+func getPath(e Elem) string {
+	if e == nil {
+		return "<nil>"
+	}
+	if e.enclosing() == nil {
+		return e.GetCommon().name
+	}
+	if e.GetCommon().Type == "" {
+		return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", getPath(e.enclosing()), e.GetCommon().name)
+	}
+	return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s[type=%s]", getPath(e.enclosing()), e.GetCommon().name, e.GetCommon().Type)
+// xmlName returns the xml name of the element or attribute
+func xmlName(f reflect.StructField) (name string, attr bool) {
+	tags := strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("xml"), ",")
+	for _, s := range tags {
+		attr = attr || s == "attr"
+	}
+	return tags[0], attr
+func findField(v reflect.Value, key string) (reflect.Value, error) {
+	v = reflect.Indirect(v)
+	for i := iter(v); !i.done(); i.next() {
+		if n, _ := xmlName(i.field()); n == key {
+			return i.value(), nil
+		}
+	}
+	return reflect.Value{}, fmt.Errorf("cldr: no field %q in element %#v", key, v.Interface())
+var xpathPart = regexp.MustCompile(`(\pL+)(?:\[@(\pL+)='([\w-]+)'\])?`)
+func walkXPath(e Elem, path string) (res Elem, err error) {
+	for _, c := range strings.Split(path, "/") {
+		if c == ".." {
+			if e = e.enclosing(); e == nil {
+				panic("path ..")
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf(`cldr: ".." moves past root in path %q`, path)
+			}
+			continue
+		} else if c == "" {
+			continue
+		}
+		m := xpathPart.FindStringSubmatch(c)
+		if len(m) == 0 || len(m[0]) != len(c) {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cldr: syntax error in path component %q", c)
+		}
+		v, err := findField(reflect.ValueOf(e), m[1])
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		switch v.Kind() {
+		case reflect.Slice:
+			i := 0
+			if m[2] != "" || v.Len() > 1 {
+				if m[2] == "" {
+					m[2] = "type"
+					if m[3] = e.GetCommon().Default(); m[3] == "" {
+						return nil, fmt.Errorf("cldr: type selector or default value needed for element %s", m[1])
+					}
+				}
+				for ; i < v.Len(); i++ {
+					vi := v.Index(i)
+					key, err := findField(vi.Elem(), m[2])
+					if err != nil {
+						return nil, err
+					}
+					key = reflect.Indirect(key)
+					if key.Kind() == reflect.String && key.String() == m[3] {
+						break
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if i == v.Len() || v.Index(i).IsNil() {
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("no %s found with %s==%s", m[1], m[2], m[3])
+			}
+			e = v.Index(i).Interface().(Elem)
+		case reflect.Ptr:
+			if v.IsNil() {
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cldr: element %q not found within element %q", m[1], e.GetCommon().name)
+			}
+			var ok bool
+			if e, ok = v.Interface().(Elem); !ok {
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cldr: %q is not an XML element", m[1])
+			} else if m[2] != "" || m[3] != "" {
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cldr: no type selector allowed for element %s", m[1])
+			}
+		default:
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cldr: %q is not an XML element", m[1])
+		}
+	}
+	return e, nil
+const absPrefix = "//ldml/"
+func (cldr *CLDR) resolveAlias(e Elem, src, path string) (res Elem, err error) {
+	if src != "locale" {
+		if !strings.HasPrefix(path, absPrefix) {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cldr: expected absolute path, found %q", path)
+		}
+		path = path[len(absPrefix):]
+		if e, err = cldr.resolve(src); err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+	}
+	return walkXPath(e, path)
+func (cldr *CLDR) resolveAndMergeAlias(e Elem) error {
+	alias := e.GetCommon().Alias
+	if alias == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	a, err := cldr.resolveAlias(e, alias.Source, alias.Path)
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("%v: error evaluating path %q: %v", getPath(e), alias.Path, err)
+	}
+	// Ensure alias node was already evaluated. TODO: avoid double evaluation.
+	err = cldr.resolveAndMergeAlias(a)
+	v := reflect.ValueOf(e).Elem()
+	for i := iter(reflect.ValueOf(a).Elem()); !i.done(); i.next() {
+		if vv := i.value(); vv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || !vv.IsNil() {
+			if _, attr := xmlName(i.field()); !attr {
+				v.FieldByIndex(i.index).Set(vv)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return err
+func (cldr *CLDR) aliasResolver() visitor {
+	return func(v reflect.Value) (err error) {
+		if e, ok := v.Addr().Interface().(Elem); ok {
+			err = cldr.resolveAndMergeAlias(e)
+			if err == nil && blocking[e.GetCommon().name] {
+				return stopDescent
+			}
+		}
+		return err
+	}
+// elements within blocking elements do not inherit.
+// Taken from CLDR's supplementalMetaData.xml.
+var blocking = map[string]bool{
+	"identity":         true,
+	"supplementalData": true,
+	"cldrTest":         true,
+	"collation":        true,
+	"transform":        true,
+// Distinguishing attributes affect inheritance; two elements with different
+// distinguishing attributes are treated as different for purposes of inheritance,
+// except when such attributes occur in the indicated elements.
+// Taken from CLDR's supplementalMetaData.xml.
+var distinguishing = map[string][]string{
+	"key":        nil,
+	"request_id": nil,
+	"id":         nil,
+	"registry":   nil,
+	"alt":        nil,
+	"iso4217":    nil,
+	"iso3166":    nil,
+	"mzone":      nil,
+	"from":       nil,
+	"to":         nil,
+	"type": []string{
+		"abbreviationFallback",
+		"default",
+		"mapping",
+		"measurementSystem",
+		"preferenceOrdering",
+	},
+	"numberSystem": nil,
+func in(set []string, s string) bool {
+	for _, v := range set {
+		if v == s {
+			return true
+		}
+	}
+	return false
+// attrKey computes a key based on the distinguishable attributes of
+// an element and it's values.
+func attrKey(v reflect.Value, exclude ...string) string {
+	parts := []string{}
+	ename := v.Interface().(Elem).GetCommon().name
+	v = v.Elem()
+	for i := iter(v); !i.done(); i.next() {
+		if name, attr := xmlName(i.field()); attr {
+			if except, ok := distinguishing[name]; ok && !in(exclude, name) && !in(except, ename) {
+				v := i.value()
+				if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+					v = v.Elem()
+				}
+				if v.IsValid() {
+					parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", name, v.String()))
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	sort.Strings(parts)
+	return strings.Join(parts, ";")
+// Key returns a key for e derived from all distinguishing attributes
+// except those specified by exclude.
+func Key(e Elem, exclude ...string) string {
+	return attrKey(reflect.ValueOf(e), exclude...)
+// linkEnclosing sets the enclosing element as well as the name
+// for all sub-elements of child, recursively.
+func linkEnclosing(parent, child Elem) {
+	child.setEnclosing(parent)
+	v := reflect.ValueOf(child).Elem()
+	for i := iter(v); !i.done(); i.next() {
+		vf := i.value()
+		if vf.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
+			for j := 0; j < vf.Len(); j++ {
+				linkEnclosing(child, vf.Index(j).Interface().(Elem))
+			}
+		} else if vf.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !vf.IsNil() && vf.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
+			linkEnclosing(child, vf.Interface().(Elem))
+		}
+	}
+func setNames(e Elem, name string) {
+	e.setName(name)
+	v := reflect.ValueOf(e).Elem()
+	for i := iter(v); !i.done(); i.next() {
+		vf := i.value()
+		name, _ = xmlName(i.field())
+		if vf.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
+			for j := 0; j < vf.Len(); j++ {
+				setNames(vf.Index(j).Interface().(Elem), name)
+			}
+		} else if vf.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !vf.IsNil() && vf.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
+			setNames(vf.Interface().(Elem), name)
+		}
+	}
+// deepCopy copies elements of v recursively.  All elements of v that may
+// be modified by inheritance are explicitly copied.
+func deepCopy(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
+	switch v.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Ptr:
+		if v.IsNil() || v.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct {
+			return v
+		}
+		nv := reflect.New(v.Elem().Type())
+		nv.Elem().Set(v.Elem())
+		deepCopyRec(nv.Elem(), v.Elem())
+		return nv
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		nv := reflect.MakeSlice(v.Type(), v.Len(), v.Len())
+		for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
+			deepCopyRec(nv.Index(i), v.Index(i))
+		}
+		return nv
+	}
+	panic("deepCopy: must be called with pointer or slice")
+// deepCopyRec is only called by deepCopy.
+func deepCopyRec(nv, v reflect.Value) {
+	if v.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
+		t := v.Type()
+		for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
+			if name, attr := xmlName(t.Field(i)); name != "" && !attr {
+				deepCopyRec(nv.Field(i), v.Field(i))
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		nv.Set(deepCopy(v))
+	}
+// newNode is used to insert a missing node during inheritance.
+func (cldr *CLDR) newNode(v, enc reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
+	n := reflect.New(v.Type())
+	for i := iter(v); !i.done(); i.next() {
+		if name, attr := xmlName(i.field()); name == "" || attr {
+			n.Elem().FieldByIndex(i.index).Set(i.value())
+		}
+	}
+	n.Interface().(Elem).GetCommon().setEnclosing(enc.Addr().Interface().(Elem))
+	return n
+// v, parent must be pointers to struct
+func (cldr *CLDR) inheritFields(v, parent reflect.Value) (res reflect.Value, err error) {
+	t := v.Type()
+	nv := reflect.New(t)
+	nv.Elem().Set(v)
+	for i := iter(v); !i.done(); i.next() {
+		vf := i.value()
+		f := i.field()
+		name, attr := xmlName(f)
+		if name == "" || attr {
+			continue
+		}
+		pf := parent.FieldByIndex(i.index)
+		if blocking[name] {
+			if vf.IsNil() {
+				vf = pf
+			}
+			nv.Elem().FieldByIndex(i.index).Set(deepCopy(vf))
+			continue
+		}
+		switch f.Type.Kind() {
+		case reflect.Ptr:
+			if f.Type.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
+				if !vf.IsNil() {
+					if vf, err = cldr.inheritStructPtr(vf, pf); err != nil {
+						return reflect.Value{}, err
+					}
+					vf.Interface().(Elem).setEnclosing(nv.Interface().(Elem))
+					nv.Elem().FieldByIndex(i.index).Set(vf)
+				} else if !pf.IsNil() {
+					n := cldr.newNode(pf.Elem(), v)
+					if vf, err = cldr.inheritStructPtr(n, pf); err != nil {
+						return reflect.Value{}, err
+					}
+					vf.Interface().(Elem).setEnclosing(nv.Interface().(Elem))
+					nv.Elem().FieldByIndex(i.index).Set(vf)
+				}
+			}
+		case reflect.Slice:
+			vf, err := cldr.inheritSlice(nv.Elem(), vf, pf)
+			if err != nil {
+				return reflect.Zero(t), err
+			}
+			nv.Elem().FieldByIndex(i.index).Set(vf)
+		}
+	}
+	return nv, nil
+func root(e Elem) *LDML {
+	for ; e.enclosing() != nil; e = e.enclosing() {
+	}
+	return e.(*LDML)
+// inheritStructPtr first merges possible aliases in with v and then inherits
+// any underspecified elements from parent.
+func (cldr *CLDR) inheritStructPtr(v, parent reflect.Value) (r reflect.Value, err error) {
+	if !v.IsNil() {
+		e := v.Interface().(Elem).GetCommon()
+		alias := e.Alias
+		if alias == nil && !parent.IsNil() {
+			alias = parent.Interface().(Elem).GetCommon().Alias
+		}
+		if alias != nil {
+			a, err := cldr.resolveAlias(v.Interface().(Elem), alias.Source, alias.Path)
+			if a != nil {
+				if v, err = cldr.inheritFields(v.Elem(), reflect.ValueOf(a).Elem()); err != nil {
+					return reflect.Value{}, err
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if !parent.IsNil() {
+			return cldr.inheritFields(v.Elem(), parent.Elem())
+		}
+	} else if parent.IsNil() {
+		panic("should not reach here")
+	}
+	return v, nil
+// Must be slice of struct pointers.
+func (cldr *CLDR) inheritSlice(enc, v, parent reflect.Value) (res reflect.Value, err error) {
+	t := v.Type()
+	index := make(map[string]reflect.Value)
+	if !v.IsNil() {
+		for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
+			vi := v.Index(i)
+			key := attrKey(vi)
+			index[key] = vi
+		}
+	}
+	if !parent.IsNil() {
+		for i := 0; i < parent.Len(); i++ {
+			vi := parent.Index(i)
+			key := attrKey(vi)
+			if w, ok := index[key]; ok {
+				index[key], err = cldr.inheritStructPtr(w, vi)
+			} else {
+				n := cldr.newNode(vi.Elem(), enc)
+				index[key], err = cldr.inheritStructPtr(n, vi)
+			}
+			index[key].Interface().(Elem).setEnclosing(enc.Addr().Interface().(Elem))
+			if err != nil {
+				return v, err
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	keys := make([]string, 0, len(index))
+	for k, _ := range index {
+		keys = append(keys, k)
+	}
+	sort.Strings(keys)
+	sl := reflect.MakeSlice(t, len(index), len(index))
+	for i, k := range keys {
+		sl.Index(i).Set(index[k])
+	}
+	return sl, nil
+func parentLocale(loc string) string {
+	parts := strings.Split(loc, "_")
+	if len(parts) == 1 {
+		return "root"
+	}
+	parts = parts[:len(parts)-1]
+	key := strings.Join(parts, "_")
+	return key
+func (cldr *CLDR) resolve(loc string) (res *LDML, err error) {
+	if r := cldr.resolved[loc]; r != nil {
+		return r, nil
+	}
+	x := cldr.RawLDML(loc)
+	if x == nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cldr: unknown locale %q", loc)
+	}
+	var v reflect.Value
+	if loc == "root" {
+		x = deepCopy(reflect.ValueOf(x)).Interface().(*LDML)
+		linkEnclosing(nil, x)
+		err = cldr.aliasResolver().visit(x)
+	} else {
+		key := parentLocale(loc)
+		var parent *LDML
+		for ; cldr.locale[key] == nil; key = parentLocale(key) {
+		}
+		if parent, err = cldr.resolve(key); err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		v, err = cldr.inheritFields(reflect.ValueOf(x).Elem(), reflect.ValueOf(parent).Elem())
+		x = v.Interface().(*LDML)
+		linkEnclosing(nil, x)
+	}
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cldr.resolved[loc] = x
+	return x, err
+// finalize finalizes the initialization of the raw LDML structs.  It also
+// removed unwanted fields, as specified by filter, so that they will not
+// be unnecessarily evaluated.
+func (cldr *CLDR) finalize(filter []string) {
+	for _, x := range cldr.locale {
+		if filter != nil {
+			v := reflect.ValueOf(x).Elem()
+			t := v.Type()
+			for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
+				f := t.Field(i)
+				name, _ := xmlName(f)
+				if name != "" && name != "identity" && !in(filter, name) {
+					v.Field(i).Set(reflect.Zero(f.Type))
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		linkEnclosing(nil, x) // for resolving aliases and paths
+		setNames(x, "ldml")
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/slice.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/slice.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..388c983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/slice.go
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package cldr
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"reflect"
+	"sort"
+// Slice provides utilities for modifying slices of elements.
+// It can be wrapped around any slice of which the element type implements
+// interface Elem.
+type Slice struct {
+	ptr reflect.Value
+	typ reflect.Type
+// Value returns the reflect.Value of the underlying slice.
+func (s *Slice) Value() reflect.Value {
+	return s.ptr.Elem()
+// MakeSlice wraps a pointer to a slice of Elems.
+// It replaces the array pointed to by the slice so that subsequent modifications
+// do not alter the data in a CLDR type.
+// It panics if an incorrect type is passed.
+func MakeSlice(slicePtr interface{}) Slice {
+	ptr := reflect.ValueOf(slicePtr)
+	if ptr.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("MakeSlice: argument must be pointer to slice, found %v", ptr.Type()))
+	}
+	sl := ptr.Elem()
+	if sl.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("MakeSlice: argument must point to a slice, found %v", sl.Type()))
+	}
+	intf := reflect.TypeOf((*Elem)(nil)).Elem()
+	if !sl.Type().Elem().Implements(intf) {
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("MakeSlice: element type of slice (%v) does not implement Elem", sl.Type().Elem()))
+	}
+	nsl := reflect.MakeSlice(sl.Type(), sl.Len(), sl.Len())
+	reflect.Copy(nsl, sl)
+	sl.Set(nsl)
+	return Slice{
+		ptr: ptr,
+		typ: sl.Type().Elem().Elem(),
+	}
+func (s Slice) indexForAttr(a string) []int {
+	for i := iter(reflect.Zero(s.typ)); !i.done(); i.next() {
+		if n, _ := xmlName(i.field()); n == a {
+			return i.index
+		}
+	}
+	panic(fmt.Sprintf("MakeSlice: no attribute %q for type %v", a, s.typ))
+// Filter filters s to only include elements for which fn returns true.
+func (s Slice) Filter(fn func(e Elem) bool) {
+	k := 0
+	sl := s.Value()
+	for i := 0; i < sl.Len(); i++ {
+		vi := sl.Index(i)
+		if fn(vi.Interface().(Elem)) {
+			sl.Index(k).Set(vi)
+			k++
+		}
+	}
+	sl.Set(sl.Slice(0, k))
+// Group finds elements in s for which fn returns the same value and groups
+// them in a new Slice.
+func (s Slice) Group(fn func(e Elem) string) []Slice {
+	m := make(map[string][]reflect.Value)
+	sl := s.Value()
+	for i := 0; i < sl.Len(); i++ {
+		vi := sl.Index(i)
+		key := fn(vi.Interface().(Elem))
+		m[key] = append(m[key], vi)
+	}
+	keys := []string{}
+	for k, _ := range m {
+		keys = append(keys, k)
+	}
+	sort.Strings(keys)
+	res := []Slice{}
+	for _, k := range keys {
+		nsl := reflect.New(sl.Type())
+		nsl.Elem().Set(reflect.Append(nsl.Elem(), m[k]...))
+		res = append(res, MakeSlice(nsl.Interface()))
+	}
+	return res
+// SelectAnyOf filters s to contain only elements for which attr matches
+// any of the values.
+func (s Slice) SelectAnyOf(attr string, values ...string) {
+	index := s.indexForAttr(attr)
+	s.Filter(func(e Elem) bool {
+		vf := reflect.ValueOf(e).Elem().FieldByIndex(index)
+		return in(values, vf.String())
+	})
+// SelectOnePerGroup filters s to include at most one element e per group of
+// elements matching Key(attr), where e has an attribute a that matches any
+// the values in v.
+// If more than one element in a group matches a value in v preference
+// is given to the element that matches the first value in v.
+func (s Slice) SelectOnePerGroup(a string, v []string) {
+	index := s.indexForAttr(a)
+	grouped := s.Group(func(e Elem) string { return Key(e, a) })
+	sl := s.Value()
+	sl.Set(sl.Slice(0, 0))
+	for _, g := range grouped {
+		e := reflect.Value{}
+		found := len(v)
+		gsl := g.Value()
+		for i := 0; i < gsl.Len(); i++ {
+			vi := gsl.Index(i).Elem().FieldByIndex(index)
+			j := 0
+			for ; j < len(v) && v[j] != vi.String(); j++ {
+			}
+			if j < found {
+				found = j
+				e = gsl.Index(i)
+			}
+		}
+		if found < len(v) {
+			sl.Set(reflect.Append(sl, e))
+		}
+	}
+// SelectDraft drops all elements from the list with a draft level smaller than d
+// and selects the highest draft level of the remaining.
+// This method assumes that the input CLDR is canonicalized.
+func (s Slice) SelectDraft(d Draft) {
+	s.SelectOnePerGroup("draft", drafts[len(drafts)-2-int(d):])
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/xml.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/xml.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f847663
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr/xml.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1494 @@
+// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT.
+package cldr
+// LDMLBCP47 holds information on allowable values for various variables in LDML.
+type LDMLBCP47 struct {
+	Common
+	Version *struct {
+		Common
+		Number string `xml:"number,attr"`
+	} `xml:"version"`
+	Generation *struct {
+		Common
+		Date string `xml:"date,attr"`
+	} `xml:"generation"`
+	Keyword []*struct {
+		Common
+		Key []*struct {
+			Common
+			Extension   string `xml:"extension,attr"`
+			Name        string `xml:"name,attr"`
+			Description string `xml:"description,attr"`
+			Deprecated  string `xml:"deprecated,attr"`
+			Preferred   string `xml:"preferred,attr"`
+			Alias       string `xml:"alias,attr"`
+			ValueType   string `xml:"valueType,attr"`
+			Since       string `xml:"since,attr"`
+			Type        []*struct {
+				Common
+				Name        string `xml:"name,attr"`
+				Description string `xml:"description,attr"`
+				Deprecated  string `xml:"deprecated,attr"`
+				Preferred   string `xml:"preferred,attr"`
+				Alias       string `xml:"alias,attr"`
+				Since       string `xml:"since,attr"`
+			} `xml:"type"`
+		} `xml:"key"`
+	} `xml:"keyword"`
+	Attribute []*struct {
+		Common
+		Name        string `xml:"name,attr"`
+		Description string `xml:"description,attr"`
+		Deprecated  string `xml:"deprecated,attr"`
+		Preferred   string `xml:"preferred,attr"`
+		Since       string `xml:"since,attr"`
+	} `xml:"attribute"`
+// SupplementalData holds information relevant for internationalization
+// and proper use of CLDR, but that is not contained in the locale hierarchy.
+type SupplementalData struct {
+	Common
+	Version *struct {
+		Common
+		Number string `xml:"number,attr"`
+	} `xml:"version"`
+	Generation *struct {
+		Common
+		Date string `xml:"date,attr"`
+	} `xml:"generation"`
+	CurrencyData *struct {
+		Common
+		Fractions []*struct {
+			Common
+			Info []*struct {
+				Common
+				Iso4217      string `xml:"iso4217,attr"`
+				Digits       string `xml:"digits,attr"`
+				Rounding     string `xml:"rounding,attr"`
+				CashDigits   string `xml:"cashDigits,attr"`
+				CashRounding string `xml:"cashRounding,attr"`
+			} `xml:"info"`
+		} `xml:"fractions"`
+		Region []*struct {
+			Common
+			Iso3166  string `xml:"iso3166,attr"`
+			Currency []*struct {
+				Common
+				Before       string `xml:"before,attr"`
+				From         string `xml:"from,attr"`
+				To           string `xml:"to,attr"`
+				Iso4217      string `xml:"iso4217,attr"`
+				Digits       string `xml:"digits,attr"`
+				Rounding     string `xml:"rounding,attr"`
+				CashRounding string `xml:"cashRounding,attr"`
+				Tender       string `xml:"tender,attr"`
+				Alternate    []*struct {
+					Common
+					Iso4217 string `xml:"iso4217,attr"`
+				} `xml:"alternate"`
+			} `xml:"currency"`
+		} `xml:"region"`
+	} `xml:"currencyData"`
+	TerritoryContainment *struct {
+		Common
+		Group []*struct {
+			Common
+			Contains string `xml:"contains,attr"`
+			Grouping string `xml:"grouping,attr"`
+			Status   string `xml:"status,attr"`
+		} `xml:"group"`
+	} `xml:"territoryContainment"`
+	SubdivisionContainment *struct {
+		Common
+		Subgroup []*struct {
+			Common
+			Subtype  string `xml:"subtype,attr"`
+			Contains string `xml:"contains,attr"`
+		} `xml:"subgroup"`
+	} `xml:"subdivisionContainment"`
+	LanguageData *struct {
+		Common
+		Language []*struct {
+			Common
+			Scripts     string `xml:"scripts,attr"`
+			Territories string `xml:"territories,attr"`
+			Variants    string `xml:"variants,attr"`
+		} `xml:"language"`
+	} `xml:"languageData"`
+	TerritoryInfo *struct {
+		Common
+		Territory []*struct {
+			Common
+			Gdp                string `xml:"gdp,attr"`
+			LiteracyPercent    string `xml:"literacyPercent,attr"`
+			Population         string `xml:"population,attr"`
+			LanguagePopulation []*struct {
+				Common
+				LiteracyPercent   string `xml:"literacyPercent,attr"`
+				WritingPercent    string `xml:"writingPercent,attr"`
+				PopulationPercent string `xml:"populationPercent,attr"`
+				OfficialStatus    string `xml:"officialStatus,attr"`
+			} `xml:"languagePopulation"`
+		} `xml:"territory"`
+	} `xml:"territoryInfo"`
+	PostalCodeData *struct {
+		Common
+		PostCodeRegex []*struct {
+			Common
+			TerritoryId string `xml:"territoryId,attr"`
+		} `xml:"postCodeRegex"`
+	} `xml:"postalCodeData"`
+	CalendarData *struct {
+		Common
+		Calendar []*struct {
+			Common
+			Territories    string  `xml:"territories,attr"`
+			CalendarSystem *Common `xml:"calendarSystem"`
+			Eras           *struct {
+				Common
+				Era []*struct {
+					Common
+					Start string `xml:"start,attr"`
+					End   string `xml:"end,attr"`
+				} `xml:"era"`
+			} `xml:"eras"`
+		} `xml:"calendar"`
+	} `xml:"calendarData"`
+	CalendarPreferenceData *struct {
+		Common
+		CalendarPreference []*struct {
+			Common
+			Territories string `xml:"territories,attr"`
+			Ordering    string `xml:"ordering,attr"`
+		} `xml:"calendarPreference"`
+	} `xml:"calendarPreferenceData"`
+	WeekData *struct {
+		Common
+		MinDays []*struct {
+			Common
+			Count       string `xml:"count,attr"`
+			Territories string `xml:"territories,attr"`
+		} `xml:"minDays"`
+		FirstDay []*struct {
+			Common
+			Day         string `xml:"day,attr"`
+			Territories string `xml:"territories,attr"`
+		} `xml:"firstDay"`
+		WeekendStart []*struct {
+			Common
+			Day         string `xml:"day,attr"`
+			Territories string `xml:"territories,attr"`
+		} `xml:"weekendStart"`
+		WeekendEnd []*struct {
+			Common
+			Day         string `xml:"day,attr"`
+			Territories string `xml:"territories,attr"`
+		} `xml:"weekendEnd"`
+		WeekOfPreference []*struct {
+			Common
+			Locales  string `xml:"locales,attr"`
+			Ordering string `xml:"ordering,attr"`
+		} `xml:"weekOfPreference"`
+	} `xml:"weekData"`
+	TimeData *struct {
+		Common
+		Hours []*struct {
+			Common
+			Allowed   string `xml:"allowed,attr"`
+			Preferred string `xml:"preferred,attr"`
+			Regions   string `xml:"regions,attr"`
+		} `xml:"hours"`
+	} `xml:"timeData"`
+	MeasurementData *struct {
+		Common
+		MeasurementSystem []*struct {
+			Common
+			Category    string `xml:"category,attr"`
+			Territories string `xml:"territories,attr"`
+		} `xml:"measurementSystem"`
+		PaperSize []*struct {
+			Common
+			Territories string `xml:"territories,attr"`
+		} `xml:"paperSize"`
+	} `xml:"measurementData"`
+	UnitPreferenceData *struct {
+		Common
+		UnitPreferences []*struct {
+			Common
+			Category       string `xml:"category,attr"`
+			Usage          string `xml:"usage,attr"`
+			Scope          string `xml:"scope,attr"`
+			UnitPreference []*struct {
+				Common
+				Regions string `xml:"regions,attr"`
+			} `xml:"unitPreference"`
+		} `xml:"unitPreferences"`
+	} `xml:"unitPreferenceData"`
+	TimezoneData *struct {
+		Common
+		MapTimezones []*struct {
+			Common
+			OtherVersion string `xml:"otherVersion,attr"`
+			TypeVersion  string `xml:"typeVersion,attr"`
+			MapZone      []*struct {
+				Common
+				Other     string `xml:"other,attr"`
+				Territory string `xml:"territory,attr"`
+			} `xml:"mapZone"`
+		} `xml:"mapTimezones"`
+		ZoneFormatting []*struct {
+			Common
+			Multizone   string `xml:"multizone,attr"`
+			TzidVersion string `xml:"tzidVersion,attr"`
+			ZoneItem    []*struct {
+				Common
+				Territory string `xml:"territory,attr"`
+				Aliases   string `xml:"aliases,attr"`
+			} `xml:"zoneItem"`
+		} `xml:"zoneFormatting"`
+	} `xml:"timezoneData"`
+	Characters *struct {
+		Common
+		CharacterFallback []*struct {
+			Common
+			Character []*struct {
+				Common
+				Value      string    `xml:"value,attr"`
+				Substitute []*Common `xml:"substitute"`
+			} `xml:"character"`
+		} `xml:"character-fallback"`
+	} `xml:"characters"`
+	Transforms *struct {
+		Common
+		Transform []*struct {
+			Common
+			Source        string    `xml:"source,attr"`
+			Target        string    `xml:"target,attr"`
+			Variant       string    `xml:"variant,attr"`
+			Direction     string    `xml:"direction,attr"`
+			Alias         string    `xml:"alias,attr"`
+			BackwardAlias string    `xml:"backwardAlias,attr"`
+			Visibility    string    `xml:"visibility,attr"`
+			Comment       []*Common `xml:"comment"`
+			TRule         []*Common `xml:"tRule"`
+		} `xml:"transform"`
+	} `xml:"transforms"`
+	Metadata *struct {
+		Common
+		AttributeOrder *Common `xml:"attributeOrder"`
+		ElementOrder   *Common `xml:"elementOrder"`
+		SerialElements *Common `xml:"serialElements"`
+		Suppress       *struct {
+			Common
+			Attributes []*struct {
+				Common
+				Element        string `xml:"element,attr"`
+				Attribute      string `xml:"attribute,attr"`
+				AttributeValue string `xml:"attributeValue,attr"`
+			} `xml:"attributes"`
+		} `xml:"suppress"`
+		Validity *struct {
+			Common
+			Variable []*struct {
+				Common
+				Id string `xml:"id,attr"`
+			} `xml:"variable"`
+			AttributeValues []*struct {
+				Common
+				Dtds       string `xml:"dtds,attr"`
+				Elements   string `xml:"elements,attr"`
+				Attributes string `xml:"attributes,attr"`
+				Order      string `xml:"order,attr"`
+			} `xml:"attributeValues"`
+		} `xml:"validity"`
+		Alias *struct {
+			Common
+			LanguageAlias []*struct {
+				Common
+				Replacement string `xml:"replacement,attr"`
+				Reason      string `xml:"reason,attr"`
+			} `xml:"languageAlias"`
+			ScriptAlias []*struct {
+				Common
+				Replacement string `xml:"replacement,attr"`
+				Reason      string `xml:"reason,attr"`
+			} `xml:"scriptAlias"`
+			TerritoryAlias []*struct {
+				Common
+				Replacement string `xml:"replacement,attr"`
+				Reason      string `xml:"reason,attr"`
+			} `xml:"territoryAlias"`
+			SubdivisionAlias []*struct {
+				Common
+				Replacement string `xml:"replacement,attr"`
+				Reason      string `xml:"reason,attr"`
+			} `xml:"subdivisionAlias"`
+			VariantAlias []*struct {
+				Common
+				Replacement string `xml:"replacement,attr"`
+				Reason      string `xml:"reason,attr"`
+			} `xml:"variantAlias"`
+			ZoneAlias []*struct {
+				Common
+				Replacement string `xml:"replacement,attr"`
+				Reason      string `xml:"reason,attr"`
+			} `xml:"zoneAlias"`
+		} `xml:"alias"`
+		Deprecated *struct {
+			Common
+			DeprecatedItems []*struct {
+				Common
+				Elements   string `xml:"elements,attr"`
+				Attributes string `xml:"attributes,attr"`
+				Values     string `xml:"values,attr"`
+			} `xml:"deprecatedItems"`
+		} `xml:"deprecated"`
+		Distinguishing *struct {
+			Common
+			DistinguishingItems []*struct {
+				Common
+				Exclude    string `xml:"exclude,attr"`
+				Elements   string `xml:"elements,attr"`
+				Attributes string `xml:"attributes,attr"`
+			} `xml:"distinguishingItems"`
+		} `xml:"distinguishing"`
+		Blocking *struct {
+			Common
+			BlockingItems []*struct {
+				Common
+				Elements string `xml:"elements,attr"`
+			} `xml:"blockingItems"`
+		} `xml:"blocking"`
+		CoverageAdditions *struct {
+			Common
+			LanguageCoverage []*struct {
+				Common
+				Values string `xml:"values,attr"`
+			} `xml:"languageCoverage"`
+			ScriptCoverage []*struct {
+				Common
+				Values string `xml:"values,attr"`
+			} `xml:"scriptCoverage"`
+			TerritoryCoverage []*struct {
+				Common
+				Values string `xml:"values,attr"`
+			} `xml:"territoryCoverage"`
+			CurrencyCoverage []*struct {
+				Common
+				Values string `xml:"values,attr"`
+			} `xml:"currencyCoverage"`
+			TimezoneCoverage []*struct {
+				Common
+				Values string `xml:"values,attr"`
+			} `xml:"timezoneCoverage"`
+		} `xml:"coverageAdditions"`
+		SkipDefaultLocale *struct {
+			Common
+			Services string `xml:"services,attr"`
+		} `xml:"skipDefaultLocale"`
+		DefaultContent *struct {
+			Common
+			Locales string `xml:"locales,attr"`
+		} `xml:"defaultContent"`
+	} `xml:"metadata"`
+	CodeMappings *struct {
+		Common
+		LanguageCodes []*struct {
+			Common
+			Alpha3 string `xml:"alpha3,attr"`
+		} `xml:"languageCodes"`
+		TerritoryCodes []*struct {
+			Common
+			Numeric  string `xml:"numeric,attr"`
+			Alpha3   string `xml:"alpha3,attr"`
+			Fips10   string `xml:"fips10,attr"`
+			Internet string `xml:"internet,attr"`
+		} `xml:"territoryCodes"`
+		CurrencyCodes []*struct {
+			Common
+			Numeric string `xml:"numeric,attr"`
+		} `xml:"currencyCodes"`
+	} `xml:"codeMappings"`
+	ParentLocales *struct {
+		Common
+		ParentLocale []*struct {
+			Common
+			Parent  string `xml:"parent,attr"`
+			Locales string `xml:"locales,attr"`
+		} `xml:"parentLocale"`
+	} `xml:"parentLocales"`
+	LikelySubtags *struct {
+		Common
+		LikelySubtag []*struct {
+			Common
+			From string `xml:"from,attr"`
+			To   string `xml:"to,attr"`
+		} `xml:"likelySubtag"`
+	} `xml:"likelySubtags"`
+	MetazoneInfo *struct {
+		Common
+		Timezone []*struct {
+			Common
+			UsesMetazone []*struct {
+				Common
+				From  string `xml:"from,attr"`
+				To    string `xml:"to,attr"`
+				Mzone string `xml:"mzone,attr"`
+			} `xml:"usesMetazone"`
+		} `xml:"timezone"`
+	} `xml:"metazoneInfo"`
+	Plurals []*struct {
+		Common
+		PluralRules []*struct {
+			Common
+			Locales    string `xml:"locales,attr"`
+			PluralRule []*struct {
+				Common
+				Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
+			} `xml:"pluralRule"`
+		} `xml:"pluralRules"`
+		PluralRanges []*struct {
+			Common
+			Locales     string `xml:"locales,attr"`
+			PluralRange []*struct {
+				Common
+				Start  string `xml:"start,attr"`
+				End    string `xml:"end,attr"`
+				Result string `xml:"result,attr"`
+			} `xml:"pluralRange"`
+		} `xml:"pluralRanges"`
+	} `xml:"plurals"`
+	TelephoneCodeData *struct {
+		Common
+		CodesByTerritory []*struct {
+			Common
+			Territory            string `xml:"territory,attr"`
+			TelephoneCountryCode []*struct {
+				Common
+				Code string `xml:"code,attr"`
+				From string `xml:"from,attr"`
+				To   string `xml:"to,attr"`
+			} `xml:"telephoneCountryCode"`
+		} `xml:"codesByTerritory"`
+	} `xml:"telephoneCodeData"`
+	NumberingSystems *struct {
+		Common
+		NumberingSystem []*struct {
+			Common
+			Id     string `xml:"id,attr"`
+			Radix  string `xml:"radix,attr"`
+			Digits string `xml:"digits,attr"`
+			Rules  string `xml:"rules,attr"`
+		} `xml:"numberingSystem"`
+	} `xml:"numberingSystems"`
+	Bcp47KeywordMappings *struct {
+		Common
+		MapKeys *struct {
+			Common
+			KeyMap []*struct {
+				Common
+				Bcp47 string `xml:"bcp47,attr"`
+			} `xml:"keyMap"`
+		} `xml:"mapKeys"`
+		MapTypes []*struct {
+			Common
+			TypeMap []*struct {
+				Common
+				Bcp47 string `xml:"bcp47,attr"`
+			} `xml:"typeMap"`
+		} `xml:"mapTypes"`
+	} `xml:"bcp47KeywordMappings"`
+	Gender *struct {
+		Common
+		PersonList []*struct {
+			Common
+			Locales string `xml:"locales,attr"`
+		} `xml:"personList"`
+	} `xml:"gender"`
+	References *struct {
+		Common
+		Reference []*struct {
+			Common
+			Uri string `xml:"uri,attr"`
+		} `xml:"reference"`
+	} `xml:"references"`
+	LanguageMatching *struct {
+		Common
+		LanguageMatches []*struct {
+			Common
+			ParadigmLocales []*struct {
+				Common
+				Locales string `xml:"locales,attr"`
+			} `xml:"paradigmLocales"`
+			MatchVariable []*struct {
+				Common
+				Id    string `xml:"id,attr"`
+				Value string `xml:"value,attr"`
+			} `xml:"matchVariable"`
+			LanguageMatch []*struct {
+				Common
+				Desired   string `xml:"desired,attr"`
+				Supported string `xml:"supported,attr"`
+				Percent   string `xml:"percent,attr"`
+				Distance  string `xml:"distance,attr"`
+				Oneway    string `xml:"oneway,attr"`
+			} `xml:"languageMatch"`
+		} `xml:"languageMatches"`
+	} `xml:"languageMatching"`
+	DayPeriodRuleSet []*struct {
+		Common
+		DayPeriodRules []*struct {
+			Common
+			Locales       string `xml:"locales,attr"`
+			DayPeriodRule []*struct {
+				Common
+				At     string `xml:"at,attr"`
+				After  string `xml:"after,attr"`
+				Before string `xml:"before,attr"`
+				From   string `xml:"from,attr"`
+				To     string `xml:"to,attr"`
+			} `xml:"dayPeriodRule"`
+		} `xml:"dayPeriodRules"`
+	} `xml:"dayPeriodRuleSet"`
+	MetaZones *struct {
+		Common
+		MetazoneInfo *struct {
+			Common
+			Timezone []*struct {
+				Common
+				UsesMetazone []*struct {
+					Common
+					From  string `xml:"from,attr"`
+					To    string `xml:"to,attr"`
+					Mzone string `xml:"mzone,attr"`
+				} `xml:"usesMetazone"`
+			} `xml:"timezone"`
+		} `xml:"metazoneInfo"`
+		MapTimezones *struct {
+			Common
+			OtherVersion string `xml:"otherVersion,attr"`
+			TypeVersion  string `xml:"typeVersion,attr"`
+			MapZone      []*struct {
+				Common
+				Other     string `xml:"other,attr"`
+				Territory string `xml:"territory,attr"`
+			} `xml:"mapZone"`
+		} `xml:"mapTimezones"`
+	} `xml:"metaZones"`
+	PrimaryZones *struct {
+		Common
+		PrimaryZone []*struct {
+			Common
+			Iso3166 string `xml:"iso3166,attr"`
+		} `xml:"primaryZone"`
+	} `xml:"primaryZones"`
+	WindowsZones *struct {
+		Common
+		MapTimezones *struct {
+			Common
+			OtherVersion string `xml:"otherVersion,attr"`
+			TypeVersion  string `xml:"typeVersion,attr"`
+			MapZone      []*struct {
+				Common
+				Other     string `xml:"other,attr"`
+				Territory string `xml:"territory,attr"`
+			} `xml:"mapZone"`
+		} `xml:"mapTimezones"`
+	} `xml:"windowsZones"`
+	CoverageLevels *struct {
+		Common
+		ApprovalRequirements *struct {
+			Common
+			ApprovalRequirement []*struct {
+				Common
+				Votes   string `xml:"votes,attr"`
+				Locales string `xml:"locales,attr"`
+				Paths   string `xml:"paths,attr"`
+			} `xml:"approvalRequirement"`
+		} `xml:"approvalRequirements"`
+		CoverageVariable []*struct {
+			Common
+			Key   string `xml:"key,attr"`
+			Value string `xml:"value,attr"`
+		} `xml:"coverageVariable"`
+		CoverageLevel []*struct {
+			Common
+			InLanguage  string `xml:"inLanguage,attr"`
+			InScript    string `xml:"inScript,attr"`
+			InTerritory string `xml:"inTerritory,attr"`
+			Value       string `xml:"value,attr"`
+			Match       string `xml:"match,attr"`
+		} `xml:"coverageLevel"`
+	} `xml:"coverageLevels"`
+	IdValidity *struct {
+		Common
+		Id []*struct {
+			Common
+			IdStatus string `xml:"idStatus,attr"`
+		} `xml:"id"`
+	} `xml:"idValidity"`
+	RgScope *struct {
+		Common
+		RgPath []*struct {
+			Common
+			Path string `xml:"path,attr"`
+		} `xml:"rgPath"`
+	} `xml:"rgScope"`
+	LanguageGroups *struct {
+		Common
+		LanguageGroup []*struct {
+			Common
+			Parent string `xml:"parent,attr"`
+		} `xml:"languageGroup"`
+	} `xml:"languageGroups"`
+// LDML is the top-level type for locale-specific data.
+type LDML struct {
+	Common
+	Version  string `xml:"version,attr"`
+	Identity *struct {
+		Common
+		Version *struct {
+			Common
+			Number string `xml:"number,attr"`
+		} `xml:"version"`
+		Generation *struct {
+			Common
+			Date string `xml:"date,attr"`
+		} `xml:"generation"`
+		Language  *Common `xml:"language"`
+		Script    *Common `xml:"script"`
+		Territory *Common `xml:"territory"`
+		Variant   *Common `xml:"variant"`
+	} `xml:"identity"`
+	LocaleDisplayNames *LocaleDisplayNames `xml:"localeDisplayNames"`
+	Layout             *struct {
+		Common
+		Orientation []*struct {
+			Common
+			Characters     string    `xml:"characters,attr"`
+			Lines          string    `xml:"lines,attr"`
+			CharacterOrder []*Common `xml:"characterOrder"`
+			LineOrder      []*Common `xml:"lineOrder"`
+		} `xml:"orientation"`
+		InList []*struct {
+			Common
+			Casing string `xml:"casing,attr"`
+		} `xml:"inList"`
+		InText []*Common `xml:"inText"`
+	} `xml:"layout"`
+	ContextTransforms *struct {
+		Common
+		ContextTransformUsage []*struct {
+			Common
+			ContextTransform []*Common `xml:"contextTransform"`
+		} `xml:"contextTransformUsage"`
+	} `xml:"contextTransforms"`
+	Characters *struct {
+		Common
+		ExemplarCharacters []*Common `xml:"exemplarCharacters"`
+		Ellipsis           []*Common `xml:"ellipsis"`
+		MoreInformation    []*Common `xml:"moreInformation"`
+		Stopwords          []*struct {
+			Common
+			StopwordList []*Common `xml:"stopwordList"`
+		} `xml:"stopwords"`
+		IndexLabels []*struct {
+			Common
+			IndexSeparator           []*Common `xml:"indexSeparator"`
+			CompressedIndexSeparator []*Common `xml:"compressedIndexSeparator"`
+			IndexRangePattern        []*Common `xml:"indexRangePattern"`
+			IndexLabelBefore         []*Common `xml:"indexLabelBefore"`
+			IndexLabelAfter          []*Common `xml:"indexLabelAfter"`
+			IndexLabel               []*struct {
+				Common
+				IndexSource string `xml:"indexSource,attr"`
+				Priority    string `xml:"priority,attr"`
+			} `xml:"indexLabel"`
+		} `xml:"indexLabels"`
+		Mapping []*struct {
+			Common
+			Registry string `xml:"registry,attr"`
+		} `xml:"mapping"`
+		ParseLenients []*struct {
+			Common
+			Scope        string `xml:"scope,attr"`
+			Level        string `xml:"level,attr"`
+			ParseLenient []*struct {
+				Common
+				Sample string `xml:"sample,attr"`
+			} `xml:"parseLenient"`
+		} `xml:"parseLenients"`
+	} `xml:"characters"`
+	Delimiters *struct {
+		Common
+		QuotationStart          []*Common `xml:"quotationStart"`
+		QuotationEnd            []*Common `xml:"quotationEnd"`
+		AlternateQuotationStart []*Common `xml:"alternateQuotationStart"`
+		AlternateQuotationEnd   []*Common `xml:"alternateQuotationEnd"`
+	} `xml:"delimiters"`
+	Measurement *struct {
+		Common
+		MeasurementSystem []*Common `xml:"measurementSystem"`
+		PaperSize         []*struct {
+			Common
+			Height []*Common `xml:"height"`
+			Width  []*Common `xml:"width"`
+		} `xml:"paperSize"`
+	} `xml:"measurement"`
+	Dates *struct {
+		Common
+		LocalizedPatternChars []*Common `xml:"localizedPatternChars"`
+		DateRangePattern      []*Common `xml:"dateRangePattern"`
+		Calendars             *struct {
+			Common
+			Calendar []*Calendar `xml:"calendar"`
+		} `xml:"calendars"`
+		Fields *struct {
+			Common
+			Field []*struct {
+				Common
+				DisplayName []*struct {
+					Common
+					Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
+				} `xml:"displayName"`
+				Relative     []*Common `xml:"relative"`
+				RelativeTime []*struct {
+					Common
+					RelativeTimePattern []*struct {
+						Common
+						Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
+					} `xml:"relativeTimePattern"`
+				} `xml:"relativeTime"`
+				RelativePeriod []*Common `xml:"relativePeriod"`
+			} `xml:"field"`
+		} `xml:"fields"`
+		TimeZoneNames *TimeZoneNames `xml:"timeZoneNames"`
+	} `xml:"dates"`
+	Numbers *Numbers `xml:"numbers"`
+	Units   *struct {
+		Common
+		Unit []*struct {
+			Common
+			DisplayName []*struct {
+				Common
+				Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
+			} `xml:"displayName"`
+			UnitPattern []*struct {
+				Common
+				Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
+			} `xml:"unitPattern"`
+			PerUnitPattern []*Common `xml:"perUnitPattern"`
+		} `xml:"unit"`
+		UnitLength []*struct {
+			Common
+			CompoundUnit []*struct {
+				Common
+				CompoundUnitPattern []*Common `xml:"compoundUnitPattern"`
+			} `xml:"compoundUnit"`
+			Unit []*struct {
+				Common
+				DisplayName []*struct {
+					Common
+					Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
+				} `xml:"displayName"`
+				UnitPattern []*struct {
+					Common
+					Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
+				} `xml:"unitPattern"`
+				PerUnitPattern []*Common `xml:"perUnitPattern"`
+			} `xml:"unit"`
+			CoordinateUnit []*struct {
+				Common
+				CoordinateUnitPattern []*Common `xml:"coordinateUnitPattern"`
+			} `xml:"coordinateUnit"`
+		} `xml:"unitLength"`
+		DurationUnit []*struct {
+			Common
+			DurationUnitPattern []*Common `xml:"durationUnitPattern"`
+		} `xml:"durationUnit"`
+	} `xml:"units"`
+	ListPatterns *struct {
+		Common
+		ListPattern []*struct {
+			Common
+			ListPatternPart []*Common `xml:"listPatternPart"`
+		} `xml:"listPattern"`
+	} `xml:"listPatterns"`
+	Collations *struct {
+		Common
+		Version          string       `xml:"version,attr"`
+		DefaultCollation *Common      `xml:"defaultCollation"`
+		Collation        []*Collation `xml:"collation"`
+	} `xml:"collations"`
+	Posix *struct {
+		Common
+		Messages []*struct {
+			Common
+			Yesstr  []*Common `xml:"yesstr"`
+			Nostr   []*Common `xml:"nostr"`
+			Yesexpr []*Common `xml:"yesexpr"`
+			Noexpr  []*Common `xml:"noexpr"`
+		} `xml:"messages"`
+	} `xml:"posix"`
+	CharacterLabels *struct {
+		Common
+		CharacterLabelPattern []*struct {
+			Common
+			Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
+		} `xml:"characterLabelPattern"`
+		CharacterLabel []*Common `xml:"characterLabel"`
+	} `xml:"characterLabels"`
+	Segmentations *struct {
+		Common
+		Segmentation []*struct {
+			Common
+			Variables *struct {
+				Common
+				Variable []*struct {
+					Common
+					Id string `xml:"id,attr"`
+				} `xml:"variable"`
+			} `xml:"variables"`
+			SegmentRules *struct {
+				Common
+				Rule []*struct {
+					Common
+					Id string `xml:"id,attr"`
+				} `xml:"rule"`
+			} `xml:"segmentRules"`
+			Exceptions *struct {
+				Common
+				Exception []*Common `xml:"exception"`
+			} `xml:"exceptions"`
+			Suppressions *struct {
+				Common
+				Suppression []*Common `xml:"suppression"`
+			} `xml:"suppressions"`
+		} `xml:"segmentation"`
+	} `xml:"segmentations"`
+	Rbnf *struct {
+		Common
+		RulesetGrouping []*struct {
+			Common
+			Ruleset []*struct {
+				Common
+				Access        string `xml:"access,attr"`
+				AllowsParsing string `xml:"allowsParsing,attr"`
+				Rbnfrule      []*struct {
+					Common
+					Value  string `xml:"value,attr"`
+					Radix  string `xml:"radix,attr"`
+					Decexp string `xml:"decexp,attr"`
+				} `xml:"rbnfrule"`
+			} `xml:"ruleset"`
+		} `xml:"rulesetGrouping"`
+	} `xml:"rbnf"`
+	Annotations *struct {
+		Common
+		Annotation []*struct {
+			Common
+			Cp  string `xml:"cp,attr"`
+			Tts string `xml:"tts,attr"`
+		} `xml:"annotation"`
+	} `xml:"annotations"`
+	Metadata *struct {
+		Common
+		CasingData *struct {
+			Common
+			CasingItem []*struct {
+				Common
+				Override   string `xml:"override,attr"`
+				ForceError string `xml:"forceError,attr"`
+			} `xml:"casingItem"`
+		} `xml:"casingData"`
+	} `xml:"metadata"`
+	References *struct {
+		Common
+		Reference []*struct {
+			Common
+			Uri string `xml:"uri,attr"`
+		} `xml:"reference"`
+	} `xml:"references"`
+// Collation contains rules that specify a certain sort-order,
+// as a tailoring of the root order.
+// The parsed rules are obtained by passing a RuleProcessor to Collation's
+// Process method.
+type Collation struct {
+	Common
+	Visibility string  `xml:"visibility,attr"`
+	Base       *Common `xml:"base"`
+	Import     []*struct {
+		Common
+		Source string `xml:"source,attr"`
+	} `xml:"import"`
+	Settings *struct {
+		Common
+		Strength           string `xml:"strength,attr"`
+		Alternate          string `xml:"alternate,attr"`
+		Backwards          string `xml:"backwards,attr"`
+		Normalization      string `xml:"normalization,attr"`
+		CaseLevel          string `xml:"caseLevel,attr"`
+		CaseFirst          string `xml:"caseFirst,attr"`
+		HiraganaQuaternary string `xml:"hiraganaQuaternary,attr"`
+		MaxVariable        string `xml:"maxVariable,attr"`
+		Numeric            string `xml:"numeric,attr"`
+		Private            string `xml:"private,attr"`
+		VariableTop        string `xml:"variableTop,attr"`
+		Reorder            string `xml:"reorder,attr"`
+	} `xml:"settings"`
+	SuppressContractions *Common   `xml:"suppress_contractions"`
+	Optimize             *Common   `xml:"optimize"`
+	Cr                   []*Common `xml:"cr"`
+	rulesElem
+// Calendar specifies the fields used for formatting and parsing dates and times.
+// The month and quarter names are identified numerically, starting at 1.
+// The day (of the week) names are identified with short strings, since there is
+// no universally-accepted numeric designation.
+type Calendar struct {
+	Common
+	Months *struct {
+		Common
+		MonthContext []*struct {
+			Common
+			MonthWidth []*struct {
+				Common
+				Month []*struct {
+					Common
+					Yeartype string `xml:"yeartype,attr"`
+				} `xml:"month"`
+			} `xml:"monthWidth"`
+		} `xml:"monthContext"`
+	} `xml:"months"`
+	MonthNames *struct {
+		Common
+		Month []*struct {
+			Common
+			Yeartype string `xml:"yeartype,attr"`
+		} `xml:"month"`
+	} `xml:"monthNames"`
+	MonthAbbr *struct {
+		Common
+		Month []*struct {
+			Common
+			Yeartype string `xml:"yeartype,attr"`
+		} `xml:"month"`
+	} `xml:"monthAbbr"`
+	MonthPatterns *struct {
+		Common
+		MonthPatternContext []*struct {
+			Common
+			MonthPatternWidth []*struct {
+				Common
+				MonthPattern []*Common `xml:"monthPattern"`
+			} `xml:"monthPatternWidth"`
+		} `xml:"monthPatternContext"`
+	} `xml:"monthPatterns"`
+	Days *struct {
+		Common
+		DayContext []*struct {
+			Common
+			DayWidth []*struct {
+				Common
+				Day []*Common `xml:"day"`
+			} `xml:"dayWidth"`
+		} `xml:"dayContext"`
+	} `xml:"days"`
+	DayNames *struct {
+		Common
+		Day []*Common `xml:"day"`
+	} `xml:"dayNames"`
+	DayAbbr *struct {
+		Common
+		Day []*Common `xml:"day"`
+	} `xml:"dayAbbr"`
+	Quarters *struct {
+		Common
+		QuarterContext []*struct {
+			Common
+			QuarterWidth []*struct {
+				Common
+				Quarter []*Common `xml:"quarter"`
+			} `xml:"quarterWidth"`
+		} `xml:"quarterContext"`
+	} `xml:"quarters"`
+	Week *struct {
+		Common
+		MinDays []*struct {
+			Common
+			Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
+		} `xml:"minDays"`
+		FirstDay []*struct {
+			Common
+			Day string `xml:"day,attr"`
+		} `xml:"firstDay"`
+		WeekendStart []*struct {
+			Common
+			Day  string `xml:"day,attr"`
+			Time string `xml:"time,attr"`
+		} `xml:"weekendStart"`
+		WeekendEnd []*struct {
+			Common
+			Day  string `xml:"day,attr"`
+			Time string `xml:"time,attr"`
+		} `xml:"weekendEnd"`
+	} `xml:"week"`
+	Am         []*Common `xml:"am"`
+	Pm         []*Common `xml:"pm"`
+	DayPeriods *struct {
+		Common
+		DayPeriodContext []*struct {
+			Common
+			DayPeriodWidth []*struct {
+				Common
+				DayPeriod []*Common `xml:"dayPeriod"`
+			} `xml:"dayPeriodWidth"`
+		} `xml:"dayPeriodContext"`
+	} `xml:"dayPeriods"`
+	Eras *struct {
+		Common
+		EraNames *struct {
+			Common
+			Era []*Common `xml:"era"`
+		} `xml:"eraNames"`
+		EraAbbr *struct {
+			Common
+			Era []*Common `xml:"era"`
+		} `xml:"eraAbbr"`
+		EraNarrow *struct {
+			Common
+			Era []*Common `xml:"era"`
+		} `xml:"eraNarrow"`
+	} `xml:"eras"`
+	CyclicNameSets *struct {
+		Common
+		CyclicNameSet []*struct {
+			Common
+			CyclicNameContext []*struct {
+				Common
+				CyclicNameWidth []*struct {
+					Common
+					CyclicName []*Common `xml:"cyclicName"`
+				} `xml:"cyclicNameWidth"`
+			} `xml:"cyclicNameContext"`
+		} `xml:"cyclicNameSet"`
+	} `xml:"cyclicNameSets"`
+	DateFormats *struct {
+		Common
+		DateFormatLength []*struct {
+			Common
+			DateFormat []*struct {
+				Common
+				Pattern []*struct {
+					Common
+					Numbers string `xml:"numbers,attr"`
+					Count   string `xml:"count,attr"`
+				} `xml:"pattern"`
+				DisplayName []*struct {
+					Common
+					Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
+				} `xml:"displayName"`
+			} `xml:"dateFormat"`
+		} `xml:"dateFormatLength"`
+	} `xml:"dateFormats"`
+	TimeFormats *struct {
+		Common
+		TimeFormatLength []*struct {
+			Common
+			TimeFormat []*struct {
+				Common
+				Pattern []*struct {
+					Common
+					Numbers string `xml:"numbers,attr"`
+					Count   string `xml:"count,attr"`
+				} `xml:"pattern"`
+				DisplayName []*struct {
+					Common
+					Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
+				} `xml:"displayName"`
+			} `xml:"timeFormat"`
+		} `xml:"timeFormatLength"`
+	} `xml:"timeFormats"`
+	DateTimeFormats *struct {
+		Common
+		DateTimeFormatLength []*struct {
+			Common
+			DateTimeFormat []*struct {
+				Common
+				Pattern []*struct {
+					Common
+					Numbers string `xml:"numbers,attr"`
+					Count   string `xml:"count,attr"`
+				} `xml:"pattern"`
+				DisplayName []*struct {
+					Common
+					Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
+				} `xml:"displayName"`
+			} `xml:"dateTimeFormat"`
+		} `xml:"dateTimeFormatLength"`
+		AvailableFormats []*struct {
+			Common
+			DateFormatItem []*struct {
+				Common
+				Id    string `xml:"id,attr"`
+				Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
+			} `xml:"dateFormatItem"`
+		} `xml:"availableFormats"`
+		AppendItems []*struct {
+			Common
+			AppendItem []*struct {
+				Common
+				Request string `xml:"request,attr"`
+			} `xml:"appendItem"`
+		} `xml:"appendItems"`
+		IntervalFormats []*struct {
+			Common
+			IntervalFormatFallback []*Common `xml:"intervalFormatFallback"`
+			IntervalFormatItem     []*struct {
+				Common
+				Id                 string `xml:"id,attr"`
+				GreatestDifference []*struct {
+					Common
+					Id string `xml:"id,attr"`
+				} `xml:"greatestDifference"`
+			} `xml:"intervalFormatItem"`
+		} `xml:"intervalFormats"`
+	} `xml:"dateTimeFormats"`
+	Fields []*struct {
+		Common
+		Field []*struct {
+			Common
+			DisplayName []*struct {
+				Common
+				Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
+			} `xml:"displayName"`
+			Relative     []*Common `xml:"relative"`
+			RelativeTime []*struct {
+				Common
+				RelativeTimePattern []*struct {
+					Common
+					Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
+				} `xml:"relativeTimePattern"`
+			} `xml:"relativeTime"`
+			RelativePeriod []*Common `xml:"relativePeriod"`
+		} `xml:"field"`
+	} `xml:"fields"`
+type TimeZoneNames struct {
+	Common
+	HourFormat           []*Common `xml:"hourFormat"`
+	HoursFormat          []*Common `xml:"hoursFormat"`
+	GmtFormat            []*Common `xml:"gmtFormat"`
+	GmtZeroFormat        []*Common `xml:"gmtZeroFormat"`
+	RegionFormat         []*Common `xml:"regionFormat"`
+	FallbackFormat       []*Common `xml:"fallbackFormat"`
+	FallbackRegionFormat []*Common `xml:"fallbackRegionFormat"`
+	AbbreviationFallback []*Common `xml:"abbreviationFallback"`
+	PreferenceOrdering   []*Common `xml:"preferenceOrdering"`
+	SingleCountries      []*struct {
+		Common
+		List string `xml:"list,attr"`
+	} `xml:"singleCountries"`
+	Zone []*struct {
+		Common
+		Long []*struct {
+			Common
+			Generic  []*Common `xml:"generic"`
+			Standard []*Common `xml:"standard"`
+			Daylight []*Common `xml:"daylight"`
+		} `xml:"long"`
+		Short []*struct {
+			Common
+			Generic  []*Common `xml:"generic"`
+			Standard []*Common `xml:"standard"`
+			Daylight []*Common `xml:"daylight"`
+		} `xml:"short"`
+		CommonlyUsed []*struct {
+			Common
+			Used string `xml:"used,attr"`
+		} `xml:"commonlyUsed"`
+		ExemplarCity []*Common `xml:"exemplarCity"`
+	} `xml:"zone"`
+	Metazone []*struct {
+		Common
+		Long []*struct {
+			Common
+			Generic  []*Common `xml:"generic"`
+			Standard []*Common `xml:"standard"`
+			Daylight []*Common `xml:"daylight"`
+		} `xml:"long"`
+		Short []*struct {
+			Common
+			Generic  []*Common `xml:"generic"`
+			Standard []*Common `xml:"standard"`
+			Daylight []*Common `xml:"daylight"`
+		} `xml:"short"`
+		CommonlyUsed []*struct {
+			Common
+			Used string `xml:"used,attr"`
+		} `xml:"commonlyUsed"`
+	} `xml:"metazone"`
+// LocaleDisplayNames specifies localized display names for for scripts, languages,
+// countries, currencies, and variants.
+type LocaleDisplayNames struct {
+	Common
+	LocaleDisplayPattern *struct {
+		Common
+		LocalePattern        []*Common `xml:"localePattern"`
+		LocaleSeparator      []*Common `xml:"localeSeparator"`
+		LocaleKeyTypePattern []*Common `xml:"localeKeyTypePattern"`
+	} `xml:"localeDisplayPattern"`
+	Languages *struct {
+		Common
+		Language []*Common `xml:"language"`
+	} `xml:"languages"`
+	Scripts *struct {
+		Common
+		Script []*Common `xml:"script"`
+	} `xml:"scripts"`
+	Territories *struct {
+		Common
+		Territory []*Common `xml:"territory"`
+	} `xml:"territories"`
+	Subdivisions *struct {
+		Common
+		Subdivision []*Common `xml:"subdivision"`
+	} `xml:"subdivisions"`
+	Variants *struct {
+		Common
+		Variant []*Common `xml:"variant"`
+	} `xml:"variants"`
+	Keys *struct {
+		Common
+		Key []*Common `xml:"key"`
+	} `xml:"keys"`
+	Types *struct {
+		Common
+		Type []*struct {
+			Common
+			Key string `xml:"key,attr"`
+		} `xml:"type"`
+	} `xml:"types"`
+	TransformNames *struct {
+		Common
+		TransformName []*Common `xml:"transformName"`
+	} `xml:"transformNames"`
+	MeasurementSystemNames *struct {
+		Common
+		MeasurementSystemName []*Common `xml:"measurementSystemName"`
+	} `xml:"measurementSystemNames"`
+	CodePatterns *struct {
+		Common
+		CodePattern []*Common `xml:"codePattern"`
+	} `xml:"codePatterns"`
+// Numbers supplies information for formatting and parsing numbers and currencies.
+type Numbers struct {
+	Common
+	DefaultNumberingSystem []*Common `xml:"defaultNumberingSystem"`
+	OtherNumberingSystems  []*struct {
+		Common
+		Native      []*Common `xml:"native"`
+		Traditional []*Common `xml:"traditional"`
+		Finance     []*Common `xml:"finance"`
+	} `xml:"otherNumberingSystems"`
+	MinimumGroupingDigits []*Common `xml:"minimumGroupingDigits"`
+	Symbols               []*struct {
+		Common
+		NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+		Decimal      []*struct {
+			Common
+			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+		} `xml:"decimal"`
+		Group []*struct {
+			Common
+			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+		} `xml:"group"`
+		List []*struct {
+			Common
+			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+		} `xml:"list"`
+		PercentSign []*struct {
+			Common
+			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+		} `xml:"percentSign"`
+		NativeZeroDigit []*struct {
+			Common
+			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+		} `xml:"nativeZeroDigit"`
+		PatternDigit []*struct {
+			Common
+			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+		} `xml:"patternDigit"`
+		PlusSign []*struct {
+			Common
+			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+		} `xml:"plusSign"`
+		MinusSign []*struct {
+			Common
+			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+		} `xml:"minusSign"`
+		Exponential []*struct {
+			Common
+			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+		} `xml:"exponential"`
+		SuperscriptingExponent []*Common `xml:"superscriptingExponent"`
+		PerMille               []*struct {
+			Common
+			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+		} `xml:"perMille"`
+		Infinity []*struct {
+			Common
+			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+		} `xml:"infinity"`
+		Nan []*struct {
+			Common
+			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+		} `xml:"nan"`
+		CurrencyDecimal []*struct {
+			Common
+			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+		} `xml:"currencyDecimal"`
+		CurrencyGroup []*struct {
+			Common
+			NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+		} `xml:"currencyGroup"`
+		TimeSeparator []*Common `xml:"timeSeparator"`
+	} `xml:"symbols"`
+	DecimalFormats []*struct {
+		Common
+		NumberSystem        string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+		DecimalFormatLength []*struct {
+			Common
+			DecimalFormat []*struct {
+				Common
+				Pattern []*struct {
+					Common
+					Numbers string `xml:"numbers,attr"`
+					Count   string `xml:"count,attr"`
+				} `xml:"pattern"`
+			} `xml:"decimalFormat"`
+		} `xml:"decimalFormatLength"`
+	} `xml:"decimalFormats"`
+	ScientificFormats []*struct {
+		Common
+		NumberSystem           string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+		ScientificFormatLength []*struct {
+			Common
+			ScientificFormat []*struct {
+				Common
+				Pattern []*struct {
+					Common
+					Numbers string `xml:"numbers,attr"`
+					Count   string `xml:"count,attr"`
+				} `xml:"pattern"`
+			} `xml:"scientificFormat"`
+		} `xml:"scientificFormatLength"`
+	} `xml:"scientificFormats"`
+	PercentFormats []*struct {
+		Common
+		NumberSystem        string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+		PercentFormatLength []*struct {
+			Common
+			PercentFormat []*struct {
+				Common
+				Pattern []*struct {
+					Common
+					Numbers string `xml:"numbers,attr"`
+					Count   string `xml:"count,attr"`
+				} `xml:"pattern"`
+			} `xml:"percentFormat"`
+		} `xml:"percentFormatLength"`
+	} `xml:"percentFormats"`
+	CurrencyFormats []*struct {
+		Common
+		NumberSystem    string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+		CurrencySpacing []*struct {
+			Common
+			BeforeCurrency []*struct {
+				Common
+				CurrencyMatch    []*Common `xml:"currencyMatch"`
+				SurroundingMatch []*Common `xml:"surroundingMatch"`
+				InsertBetween    []*Common `xml:"insertBetween"`
+			} `xml:"beforeCurrency"`
+			AfterCurrency []*struct {
+				Common
+				CurrencyMatch    []*Common `xml:"currencyMatch"`
+				SurroundingMatch []*Common `xml:"surroundingMatch"`
+				InsertBetween    []*Common `xml:"insertBetween"`
+			} `xml:"afterCurrency"`
+		} `xml:"currencySpacing"`
+		CurrencyFormatLength []*struct {
+			Common
+			CurrencyFormat []*struct {
+				Common
+				Pattern []*struct {
+					Common
+					Numbers string `xml:"numbers,attr"`
+					Count   string `xml:"count,attr"`
+				} `xml:"pattern"`
+			} `xml:"currencyFormat"`
+		} `xml:"currencyFormatLength"`
+		UnitPattern []*struct {
+			Common
+			Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
+		} `xml:"unitPattern"`
+	} `xml:"currencyFormats"`
+	Currencies *struct {
+		Common
+		Currency []*struct {
+			Common
+			Pattern []*struct {
+				Common
+				Numbers string `xml:"numbers,attr"`
+				Count   string `xml:"count,attr"`
+			} `xml:"pattern"`
+			DisplayName []*struct {
+				Common
+				Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
+			} `xml:"displayName"`
+			Symbol  []*Common `xml:"symbol"`
+			Decimal []*struct {
+				Common
+				NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+			} `xml:"decimal"`
+			Group []*struct {
+				Common
+				NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+			} `xml:"group"`
+		} `xml:"currency"`
+	} `xml:"currencies"`
+	MiscPatterns []*struct {
+		Common
+		NumberSystem string `xml:"numberSystem,attr"`
+		Pattern      []*struct {
+			Common
+			Numbers string `xml:"numbers,attr"`
+			Count   string `xml:"count,attr"`
+		} `xml:"pattern"`
+	} `xml:"miscPatterns"`
+	MinimalPairs []*struct {
+		Common
+		PluralMinimalPairs []*struct {
+			Common
+			Count string `xml:"count,attr"`
+		} `xml:"pluralMinimalPairs"`
+		OrdinalMinimalPairs []*struct {
+			Common
+			Ordinal string `xml:"ordinal,attr"`
+		} `xml:"ordinalMinimalPairs"`
+	} `xml:"minimalPairs"`
+// Version is the version of CLDR from which the XML definitions are generated.
+const Version = "32"